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Redefining Rodinia

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Vol. 9, No.



October 1999

1999 Honorary Fellows, p. 16

Awards Nominations, p. 18, 20
2000 Section Meetings
North-Central, p. 27
Rocky Mountain, p. 28
Cordilleran, p. 30

A Publication of the Geological Society of America

Refining Rodinia: Geologic Evidence for the

AustraliaWestern U.S. connection in the Proterozoic
Karl E. Karlstrom,, Stephen S. Harlan*, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Michael L. Williams, Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, 01003-5820,
James McLelland, Department of Geology, Colgate University, Hamilton, NY 13346,
John W. Geissman, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131,
Karl-Inge hll, Earth Sciences Centre, Gteborg University, Box 460, SE-405 30 Gteborg, Sweden,




























1.0 - 1.3 Ga
1.3 - 1.5 Ga
1.6 - 1.8 Ga
1.8 - 2.0 Ga
2.0 - 2.3 Ga
> 2.5 Ga
Massive Sulfides
Rift Margins




Prior to the Grenvillian continentcontinent collision at about 1.0 Ga, the

southern margin of Laurentia was a
long-lived convergent margin that
extended from Greenland to southern
California. The truncation of these
1.81.0 Ga orogenic belts in southwestern and northeastern Laurentia suggests
that they once extended farther. We
propose that Australia contains the continuation of these belts to the southwest
and that Baltica was the continuation to
the northeast. The combined orogenic
system was comparable in length to the
modern American Cordilleran or
Alpine-Himalayan systems. This plate
reconstruction of the Proterozoic supercontinent Rodinia called AUSWUS
(AustraliaSouthwest U.S.) differs from
the well-known SWEAT (Southwest
U.S.East Antarctic) reconstruction in
that Australia, rather than northern
Canada, is adjacent to the southwestern
United States. The AUSWUS reconstruction is supported by a distinctive
fingerprint of geologic similarities
and tectonic histories between Australia
and the southwestern United States
from 1.8 to 0.8 Ga, and by a better
agreement between 1.45 and 1.0 Ga
paleomagnetic poles for Australia and

1000 Km

Thrust Faults

Figure 1. AUSWUS reconstruction for 1.7 to 0.8 Ga, modified from Brookfield (1993). The Tasman line
forms the eastern edge of Proterozoic Australia (Myers et al., 1996); the 87Sr/86Sr = 0.706 line marks the
west edge of Proterozoic Laurentia. Continents were rotated to this configuration about an Euler pole
located at 51.46N 106.70E, rotation angle 114.33. Both continents appear in equal-area projection in
North American coordinates. The position of Australia in the SWEAT reconstruction is shown for comparison (from Moores, 1991). Crustal age provinces inferred from Nd data. Massive sulfide deposits of Broken Hill (BH) are to similar deposits in Jerome (J) in central Arizona and Mount Isa (MI) is across from the
Carlin area of Nevada.

Many recent papers have concluded
that a supercontinent called Rodinia
existed in the Neoproterozoic between 1.0
and 0.8 Ga. There is speculation that the
breakup of Rodinia may have been related
to dramatic changes in Earth systems such
as diversification of life, multiple lowlatitude glaciations, fluctuating ocean

*Present address: P.O. Box 25046, MS 980,

Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225,

chemistry, and long-lived mantle convection patterns (Dalziel, 1997; Hoffman et

al., 1998; Evans, 1998). However, the duration and configuration, and even the existence (Piper and Zhang, 1999), of this late
Proterozoic supercontinent remain uncertain. Detailed reconstructions are hindered
by absence of a sea-floor record, lack of
sufficient geochronologic information to
show synchroneity of supercontinent
assembly and breakup, lack of highquality apparent polar wander paths
(APW) for Precambrian rocks of many

continents, and later modifications to

Precambrian plate margins during the
Phanerozoic. Thus, the implications of
possible pre-Pangean supercontinents for
the evolution of Earth systems in general
are difficult to evaluate.
One approach to supercontinent
reconstructions is to try to match rifted
margins of a given age. Reconstructions of
the Mesozoic supercontinent of Pangea
account for the shape and length of rift
Refining Rodinia continued on p. 2



Vol. 9, No. 10

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Refining Rodinia continued from p. 1

margins and also satisfy sea-floor magnetic
data from MesozoicCenozoic ocean
basins. Earlier Rodinia reconstructions
(Dalziel, 1997) have tried to match late
Precambrian rift margins that developed
during the breakup of Rodinia. Laurentia
was nearly circumscribed by late Precambrian rift margins and thus could have
had a central position within Rodinia. Sedimentary subsidence curves suggest that
rifting took place in the latest Precambrian
on many continental margins (Bond et al.,
1984). However, uncertainties regarding
timing of rifting, evidence for multiple rift
events, and the probable presence of continental fragments (e.g., South China; Li
et al., 1995) complicate the rift-budget
approach for Proterozoic supercontinents.

Another reconstruction tool is the

use of piercing points (unique points that
were adjacent before rifting) between continents. For Pangea, it has been possible to
match orogenic belts, fossil assemblages,
and glaciogenic sequences. For Rodinia,
the most widely used piercing points are
segments of the 1.0 Ga (Grenville-age)
orogenic belts that record continentcontinent collisions during assembly of
Rodinia. However, the Grenville-age
belts themselves remain poorly understood. Most have older (Paleoproterozoic
and Mesoproterozoic) and/or younger
(Pan-African) histories, such that the proposed continuity of these orogens during
assembly of Rodinia and their use as piercing points (Unrug, 1997) may be substantially oversimplified.
Refining Rodinia continued on p. 3
GSA TODAY, October 1999

In Memoriam
Charles S. Denny

New London, New Hampshire

August 21, 1999
Gabriel Dengo

Guatemala City, Guatemala

August 4, 1999
Charles D. Masters

East Hampton, Connecticut

August 19, 1999
Paul D. Proctor

Provo, Utah
June 12, 1999
Please contact the GSA Foundation for information on contributing to the Memorial Fund.

Refining Rodinia continued from p. 2

The approach in this paper is to compare the tectonic evolution of key cratons
within Rodinia. For Australia and Laurentia, we evaluate the SWEAT reconstruction
of Rodinia and propose an alternate reconstruction, AUSWUS (Fig. 1). For Laurentia
and Baltica, we support the reconstruction
of Park (1995) and hll and Gower
(1997). This approach is not global in
scope, but it has global implications. Our
proposed long-lived juxtaposition of Australia, Laurentia, and Baltica provides a set
of testable implications for the tectonic
evolution of these cratons and an alternate hypothesis for Proterozoic supercontinent reconstructions.
Studies of Proterozoic rocks of the
southwestern United States over the past
few decades have led to a clearer understanding of its tectonic history. This history involves: (1) derivation of the crust
from mantle sources from 1.8 to 1.6 Ga;
(2) magmatic and metamorphic events
from 1.5 to 1.3 Ga; (3) continent-continent collision and failed intracratonic rifting from 1.3 to 1.0; and (4) rifting and
margin subsidence from 0.8 to 0.55 Ga,
forming the early Paleozoic rift margins of
Laurentia. The southeastern edge of Laurentia grew southward from 1.8 to 1.0 Ga,
evolving as a long-lived, but episodic, convergent margin that produced a set of
northeast-striking orogenic belts. The 800m.y. orogenic history of these belts can be
used as a fingerprint to identify the
cratons that were adjacent during the

The most influential continental reconstruction for the late Precambrian has
been the SWEAT hypothesis (Moores,
1991; Hoffman, 1991; and Dalziel, 1991).
In this model, the western U.S. is matched
to Antarctica, western Canada to Australia,
and the truncated 1.0 Ga Grenville orogen
in Texas to East Antarctica.

GSA TODAY, October 1999

Recent geologic data and a reassessment of the paleomagnetic database raise

doubts about the main piercing points
used for the SWEAT reconstruction.
Moores (1991) and Dalziel (1991) suggested that the truncated Grenville front
of west Texas could be matched to the
Weddell Sea area of Antarctica. However,
Gose et al. (1997) suggested that this part
of Antarctica was within west Gondwana
(Kalahari) at 1.1 Ga, not east Gondwana,
negating this piercing point (Dalziel, 1997,
p. 33). All other proposed piercing points
are also in question. For example, lithologic and isotopic similarities between the
Shackleton Range of Antarctica and the
Yavapai province of Arizona are weakened
by isotopic data that show Archean crustal
components in the Shackleton Range
(Helper et al., 1996).
Proposed connections between Australia and northern Canada also are in
doubt. The striking lithostratigraphic similarity between Neoproterozoic sequences
of the Adelaidian rocks of Australia and
the Mackenzie-Windermere sections of
Canada (Young, 1992) do not provide
piercing points for reconstructions,
because these sequences can also be correlated southward along the Cordilleran
margin (Link et al., 1993), and perhaps
globally (Hoffman et al., 1998). Similarly,
the ca. 780 Ma mafic dikes of northwest
Canada, Montana, and Wyoming, postulated to be part of a plume-generated radiating swarm (Park et al., 1995), are
younger than the 827 Ma Australian
Gairdner mafic dikes and are probably not
part of a single event (Wingate et al.,

Proposed modifications of the SWEAT
reconstruction have placed Australia farther south relative to North America. Ross
et al. (1992) suggested that 1580 1600 Ma
detrital zircons in the Belt Supergroup
were derived from the Gawler Range volcanic rocks of South Australia and indicate
that Australia was well south of the original SWEAT position (Fig. 1). Similarly,
Borg and DePaolo (1994) speculated that
the Ross et al. (1992) reconstruction might
explain Nd isotopic provinces in Antarctica, if terranes had been translated southward as allochthonous strike-slip blocks.
However, neither these provenance nor
Nd province studies provide unique piercing points.
Brookfield (1993) placed Australia
adjacent to the western United States by
matching inferred rift-transform segments
of Proterozoic rift margins. Using a modified version of the Brookfield (1993)
reconstruction (Fig. 1), we propose that
Australia was adjacent to the southwestern
U.S. during much of the Proterozoic. To
test this hypothesis, we have rotated

proto-Australia into North American coordinates using an Euler pole at 51.46N,

106.70E (angle of rotation of 114). We
evaluate this reconstruction here for four
Proterozoic time periods.

Crust Formation and

Paleoproterozoic Assembly
The core of Laurentia consists of a
mosaic of Archean cratons stitched by
1.91.8 Ga orogenic belts (Fig. 1). This is
similar to western and northern Australia
(Myers et al., 1996) and Baltica (Gorbatschev and Bogdanova, 1993). Nd
model ages, often interpreted as the time
of derivation of the crust from the mantle,
are 2.02.3 Ga in northeastern Australia
(Ross et al., 1992; Blewett et al., 1998),
northwestern Canada, and the Mojave
province (Bennett and DePaolo, 1987) and
do not readily distinguish between the
SWEAT and AUSWUS models. However,
south of its Archean core, Laurentia is
characterized by juvenile Proterozoic
orogens, derived from the mantle at
2.01.8 Ga (Yavapai province) and 1.81.6
Ga (Mazatzal province; Karlstrom and
Bowring, 1993). These belts have potential
counterparts (based on Nd model ages) in
the Arunta and Musgrave blocks (Zhao
and McCulloch, 1995) and the Transscandinavian igneous belt and Gothian terranes of Baltica (Gorbatschev and Bogdanova, 1993). The sequence of orogens
gets progressively younger southward and,
collectively, could provide a set of piercing
Paleoproterozoic rocks in the southwestern U.S. and Australia are similar in
composition and tectonic setting. Juvenile
arc assemblages are present in both areas
(Yavapai in Laurentia and Arunta in Australia), as are quartz areniterhyolite cover
sequences (Mazatzal in Laurentia and
Reynolds-Musgrave in Australia; Dirks and
Wilson, 1990). Also, major ore-deposit districts broadly match up (Fig. 1). Proterozoic rocks in both regions record progressive heterogeneous, middle-crustal
shortening from 1.8 to 1.6 Ga, compatible
with progressive thickening and stabilization of juvenile arc terranes to form new
continental lithosphere (Karlstrom and
Williams, 1998; Collins and Shaw, 1995).
The 17801730 Ma Strangeways orogeny
in the Arunta Inlier could be broadly correlative with the 17801690 Ma accretion
of juvenile arcs in the southwestern
United States. Likewise, the 16801660
Arglke event in the Arunta Inlier could be
correlative with the 1650 Ma Mazatzal

Intracratonic A-type Magmatism

and Related Tectonism
A prominent feature of the Paleoproterozoic orogens in Laurentia-Baltica is a
suite of bimodal plutonic and volcanic
Refining Rodinia continued on p. 4






1.47 - 1.35









1.45 - 1.3




G -R 1.47

G - R 1.37

Faults and Shear Zones


Sedimentary Basins
Volcanics & Juvenile Crust
Granite & Anorthosite


1000 Km

Pre-1.6 Ga Crust

1.6 - 1.3 Ga








1.1 E




D.V. 1.1







Mafic Volcanics,
Anorthosite, Granite
Sedimentary Basins
Grenville Orogen





Normal Faults



Mafic Dikes







Figure 2. AUSWUS reconstruction for three time slices using the

reconstruction of Figure 1. A: Orogenic belts and A-type granites
and anorthosites, 1.61.3 Ga; G-R = granite rhyolite provinces;
histogram shows wide variation in ages of A-type magmatism along
the orogen in Laurentia (Hoffman, 1989). B: Grenville orogenic belts
(yellow) are shown with foliation trends; temporally-coincident
northeast intracratonic extension is recorded by mafic dikes (red)
and normal faults. Oaxaca is restored along the Mojave-Sonora
megashear. C: Extension and sedimentation prior to and synchronous with supercontinent fragmentation, 900600 Ma. The Centralian superbasin includes the Officer basin (O), Amadeus basin (A),
Georgina basin (G), and Adelaidian basin.

Pre-1.3 Ga Crust

1000 Km




1.3 - 1.0 Ga



Refining Rodinia continued from p. 3

rocks that were emplaced episodically from 1.6 to 1.2
Ga (Fig. 2A). Although their origin is enigmatic, they
form distinctive intracratonic units that allow correlation across the Atlantic Oceane.g., at 1.46 Ga (hll
and Connelly, 1998). Although traditionally termed
A-type for anorogenic, there is increasing evidence for
an orogenic linkage of Mesoproterozoic rocks in eastern
Laurentia (Rivers, 1997), Baltica, and the southwestern
United States (Nyman et al., 1994). These intracratonic
events could have echoed subduction-related and transcurrent tectonism near the plate margin, but much of
the plate margin record has been obscured by Grenville
tectonism and mid-continent Paleozoic cover
In Australia, A-type granites of the Gawler craton
are older (1.6 Ga) than, but similar in composition and
character to, those of southwestern Laurentia, and they
could be a continuation of an A-type granite belt. This
observation seems incompatible with interpretations
that the Gawler craton was assembled with northern
Australia across the Albany Fraser belt at 1.1 Ga (Myers
et al., 1996), but other models suggest Paleoproterozoic
connections between Gawler and northern Australia
(Teasdale, 1997) and invoke progressive, largely intracratonic deformation from 1.5 to 1.0 Ga in the AlbanyFraser belt.
Sedimentary basins of 1.51.3 Ga are also present in
each continent. The Belt basin of western Laurentia
accumulated tens of kilometers of sediment between
1.47 and 1.35 Ga (Aleinikoff et al., 1997). The Roper
Group, Birrindudu Basin, and Bangemall Basin of similar age form a zone parallel to the inferred transpressive
orogen in Australia (Myers et al., 1996) and could be a
sedimentary response to the 1.4 Ga orogenic event.
Inferred shortening directions in Laurentia (west-northwest; Nyman et al., 1994) and Australia (southeast;
Myers et al., 1996) are similar in the AUSWUS reconstruction, consistent with intracratonic dextral transpressive deformation in both continents

Grenville Tectonism







Super Basin


Mafic Dikes







Normal Faults
and Transforms



So jave






Neoproterozoic Basins

Pre-1.0 Ga Crust
1000 Km

900 - 600 Ma

Tectonism that took place between 1.3 and 1.0 Ga

from Labrador to Mexico (Fig. 2B) is broadly referred to
as the Grenville orogeny (e.g., Davidson, 1995). This
orogeny culminated (and ended) a nearly 1-b.y. history
of tectonism along a convergent margin in southern
Laurentia. It included early magmatism, metamorphism, and arc accretion to Laurentia (~1.31.17 Ga),
intraplate magmatism (Eastern Grenville province;
1.161.13 Ga), and finally collisions with masses outboard to the southeast (possibly Amazonia and Kalahari). Grenvillian plutonism and metamorphism are
generally imprinted on older (~1.71.45 Ga) crust corresponding to the Yavapai and Mazatzal provinces of the
southwestern United States (Davidson, 1995). Juvenile
Grenvillian crust was added as well (e.g., Rivers, 1997).
GSA TODAY, October 1999

Within Australia, orogenic events in

the Albany-Fraser and Musgrave belts
(Fig. 2B) correspond in style and age to the
~1.31.0 Grenville orogeny of Laurentia
(Clarke et al., 1995). These belts are almost
exclusively underlain by older crust (Ross
et al., 1992), generally in the range 1.91.6
Ga (Yavapai, Mazatzal). Both the AlbanyFraser and Musgrave belts show evidence
of ~1.3 Ga plutonism consistent with arcrelated settings, orogeny, and regional
high-grade metamorphism between ~1.3
and 1.2 Ga. This, in turn, was followed
(1.181.14 Ga) by enriched (intraplate)
granitic magmatism that extends northward into the Arunta block, where alkaline
intrusions also occur. Post1.15 Ga events
are well developed only in the Musgrave
belt where mafic magmatism (e.g., Giles
complex) was accompanied by bimodal
volcanism and dike swarms at ~1.08 Ga.
Subsequently, the region was overprinted
by granulite facies metamorphism at
~1.06 Ga.
In our proposed reconstruction, there
is a large gap between Grenville belts in
Laurentia and Australia. The Oaxaca terrane of Mexico (Fig. 2B) could have occupied this gap prior to Phanerozoic displacement on the Mojave-Sonora
megashear (Anderson and Silver, 1979).
The location and facing direction of the
Paleozoic miogeocline (west of Oaxaca
basement) is compatible with an original
position farther to the northwest (Ruiz et

al., 1988), where it could have been part of

a continuous rift margin that rimmed
North America (Stewart et al., 1984). This
restoration implies a continuous Grenville
orogen, consistent with cessation of convergent tectonism in both continents after
1.1 Ga.
Northwest-directed contraction in
Laurentia was accompanied by northeastdirected intraplate extension resulting in
emplacement of mafic dike swarms, sedimentation in failed rifts, and formation or
reactivation of northwest-trending extensional faults. Intracratonic deformation in
Australia at this time was similar in style.
Northwest-trending extensional faults
were active along the Torrens Hinge zone
between 1.3 and 1.0 Ga (Myers et al.,
1996). Mafic dikes, similar in age to the
Arizona 1.1 Ga diabase dikes are represented by the Stuart and Kulgera dikes of
central Australia (Camacho et al., 1991).

Rift History: Breakup

of Rodinia 800550 Ma
Conflicting lines of evidence suggest
fragmentation of Rodinia at either ca.
800700 Ma or 600550 Ma. The earlier
time of initial continental separation is
supported by geologic evidence for the
development of rift basins with immature
clastic sediments and abundant mafic
magmatism on both continents (Fig. 2C;
Centralian Superbasin; Walter and Veevers, 1997; Windermere Supergroup and

equivalents; Ross, 1991). New paleomagnetic data from the Mundine Well dikes of
Australia (Wingate and Giddings, 1999)
also suggest that rifting between the western United States and Australia began
before 755 Ma.

Paleomagnetic data provide another
way to test the competing Proterozoic
plate reconstructions. However, the scarce
Proterozoic data set with precise ages and
demonstrably primary magnetizations
does not unequivocally validate either the
SWEAT or the AUSWUS reconstruction.
Paleoproterozoic (2.51.6 Ga) data are
sparse for North America. Nevertheless,
using a reconstruction intermediate
between SWEAT and AUSWUS (Ross et al.,
1992), Idnurm and Giddings (1995) noted
a broad agreement between the Australian
and North American APW paths over the
entire interval 1.70.7 Ga. This conclusion
must be viewed with caution because of
the overall lack of well-dated primary paleomagnetic poles between 1.7 and 1.5 Ga
and 0.9 and 0.7 Ga, especially for
A comparison of Mesoproterozoic
poles from Australia and North America
qualitatively favors the AUSWUS model.
With some uncertainties, the APW path
Refining Rodinia continued on p. 6

Figure 3. Orthogonal global projections centered on 30N, 180E showing comparison of the paleomagnetic poles from Australia with those from North
America for the AUSWUS and SWEAT reconstructions. In each projection, Australia and the Australian paleomagnetic poles are rotated into present-day North
American coordinates using Euler poles discussed in Table A (see footnote 1). The thick pink lines show the overall track of the ca. 1.45 to 1.1 Ga apparent
polar wander path for North America. Solid circles and thin lines denote Paleomagnetic poles for North America and their 95% confidence limits; red squares
and red heavy lines denote Australian poles and 95% confidence limits. Blue lettering gives age limits for segments of the North American path; black lettering
gives Australian poles and ages. Pole locations for the 1.25 to 1.08 Ma part of the North American apparent polar wander path are tabulated in Harlan et al.
(1994); sources for the ca. 1450 Ma poles are from Harlan and Geissman (1998). The 780 Ma North American poles are from Park et al. (1995), as slightly
modified by Harlan et al. (1997). The 723 Ma North American pole is from the Global Paleomagnetic Online Database. Sources and rotated coordinates for the
Australian poles are in Table A (see footnote 1).

GSA TODAY, October 1999

Refining Rodinia continued from p. 5

for North America for the intervals
14501400 Ma and 11101090 Ma is well
defined. Most Australian poles for this
period (Fig. 3; Table A1), although of lower
overall quality than their North American
counterparts, match the geometry of the
North American APW path reasonably
well in the AUSWUS reconstruction (Fig.
3). In contrast, the fit of the 1.41.1 Ga
Australian poles in the SWEAT configuration is less compelling; only one Australian pole (IAR, ca. 1.16 Ga; Fig. 3) is
consistent with the North American APW
path. Older paleomagnetic poles for Australia (poles GA-1.47 Ga and GRV-1.53 Ga)
are in reasonable agreement in either configuration, but there are no high-quality
North American data older than about
1.45 Ga with which these can be compared.
Neoproterozoic (ca. 800 to 700 Ma)
paleomagnetic results from Laurentia and
Australia are less informative and do not
distinguish between the models. The
SWEAT reconstruction arguably shows better consistency of the Australian Yilgarn B
pole with available Neoproterozoic poles
from North America (780 and 730 Ma; Fig.
3). However, the Yilgarn B pole is poorly
determined and questionable in age. A
new high-quality paleomagnetic pole for
the 755 Ma Mundine Well dike swarm of
western Australia (Wingate and Giddings,
1999) is discordant with the Laurentian
Neoproterozoic poles in either the SWEAT
or AUSWUS reconstructions (Fig. 3). These
data suggest that a 50-wide ocean existed
between the two continents at 755 Ma.

We view the southern margin of Laurentia as a long-lived (1.81.0 Ga)
Cordilleran-type convergent margin
involving several orogenic events or tectonic pulses. This interpretation links a
sequence of southward-younging belts
along the evolving margin and leads to
looking for their continuations outside
present-day Laurentia. The approach of
using the integrated tectonic evolution of
an orogenic system for Precambrian plate
reconstructions is a powerful test of the
supercontinent concept. We note similar
1.80.8 Ga rocks and tectonic histories in
Australia, southern Laurentia, and Baltica.
In evaluating these three key segments of
the global supercontinent puzzle, we argue
that the AUSWUS model provides a better
explanation for the geologic and paleomagnetic data than does the SWEAT
reconstruction. In view of the uncertainty

GSA Data Repository item 8882, Table A,

Australia Paleomagnetic Poles used in
AUSWUS and SWEAT Reconstructions, is
available on request from Documents Secretary, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301
or at

regarding the configuration, timing, and

existence of the Rodinian supercontinent,
there is a continuing need to test alternate
Proterozoic plate reconstructions.

Critical reviews by Paul Hoffman, Ian
Dalziel, and Eldridge Moores helped us
improve the manuscript. We also thank
Michael Wingate and Gerry Ross for helpful reviews and discussions.

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Manuscript received November 18, 1998; accepted August 11,

GSA TODAY, October 1999

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