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Operation Rescue v. United States, 147 F.3d 68, 1st Cir. (1998)

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147 F.

3d 68


UNITED STATES of America, Defendant, Appellee.
No. 97-2290.

United States Court of Appeals,

First Circuit.
Heard March 5, 1998.
Decided July 1, 1998.

Paul F. Galvin with whom Randal C. Fritz was on brief for appellants.
John F. Daly with whom Mark B. Stern, Attorneys, Appellate Staff,
Stephen W. Preston, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Donald K. Stern,
United States Attorney, and Frank W. Hunger, Assistant Attorney
General, were on brief for appellee.
Before BOUDIN, Circuit Judge, ALDRICH and CYR, Senior Circuit
BAILEY ALDRICH, Senior Circuit Judge.

On November 15, 1993 Senator Edward M. Kennedy, in Boston, following a

campaign fund-raising luncheon, addressed a group of reporters in connection
with a bill protecting access to clinics serving women's health, including
abortions. The bill, of which he was the prime sponsor, was to be debated in the
Senate the following day. In the course of his remarks, in answer to a question
regarding this legislation, the Senator stated that organizations like Operation
Rescue National ("Operation Rescue") had a "national policy [of] firebombing
and even murder." Operation Rescue brought suit for defamation against the
Senator in the Massachusetts Superior Court. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 2679(d)
of the Federal Tort Claims Act ("FTCA"), the United States Attorney filed
therein a certification to the effect that Senator Kennedy "was acting within the
scope of his employment as an officer and employee of the United States at the
time of the conduct alleged in the complaint," and moved to remove the action

to the United States District Court. The removal was effected and the district
court thereupon granted the United States' motion for its substitution for
Senator Kennedy as a defendant immunized by the FTCA. Because the FTCA
excepts liability for defamation, see id. 2680(h), the court thereafter granted
summary judgment for the United States, leaving Operation Rescue with no
claim against either it or the Senator. See id. 2679(b)(1) (providing that an
action against the United States is the exclusive remedy); United States v.
Smith, 499 U.S. 160, 166-67, 111 S.Ct. 1180, 113 L.Ed.2d 134 (1991) (holding
that the exclusivity of remedy provision applies even if government liability is

We affirm those actions, but, before proceeding further, we review the Westfall
Act, so-called, the first step in producing this result, starting with the history
leading to its enactment.

One Erwin suffered injuries allegedly as a result of the negligence of Westfall

and others, employees of the United States executive branch, in performing
official acts--the storage of dangerous chemicals. See Westfall v. Erwin, 484
U.S. 292, 293-94, 108 S.Ct. 580, 98 L.Ed.2d 619 (1988). He brought suit
against the individual defendants in the state court, but this action was removed
to the district court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1442(a)(1). This court held, by
summary judgment, that defendants were absolutely immune because their
conduct had been in the course of their government employment. The Court of
Appeals reversed, holding that government employees were immune only for
conduct of a discretionary character. It ordered the case remanded for a
determination whether defendants' conduct was of that nature. On defendants'
obtaining certiorari, the Court agreed with the Court of Appeals. Inter alia, it
stated, "[O]fficial immunity comes at a great cost.... [A]bsolute immunity for
federal officials is justified only when 'the contributions of immunity to
effective government in particular contexts outweigh the perhaps recurring
harm to individual citizens.' " Id. at 295-96, 108 S.Ct. 580 (citation omitted).
Without laying down standards, the Court affirmed. In so doing, it remarked
that Congress was in the best position to rule on what was required for
immunity. See id. at 300, 108 S.Ct. 580.

This Congress promptly did by the Federal Employees Liability Reform and
Tort Compensation Act of 1988, Pub.L. No. 100-694, 102 Stat. 4563, the socalled Westfall Act. Beside removing the Westfall v. Erwin discretionary
requirement, it increased the scope of the FTCA by adding employees of the
judicial and legislative branches to those of the executive branch.

In a comprehensive Memorandum, Operation Rescue National v. United States,

975 F.Supp. 92 (D.Mass.1997), the district court, in addition to disposing of

other matters no longer involved,1 considered the following issues: (1)
Whether, as a result of the Westfall Act, the FTCA is to be read as including
the members of Congress; and (2) Whether, if the FTCA does include
Congressmen, its application to these facts is constitutional. We review its
resolutions in the affirmative de novo, as rulings of law. See, e.g., Inmates of
Suffolk County Jail v. Rouse, 129 F.3d 649, 653, 655 (1st Cir.1997). Beginning
with the first, we agree with the district court's result, but approach it

as Officers or Employees?

At the time of Westfall v. Erwin, the list of government employees covered by

the FTCA did not include those of the judicial and legislative branches:


As used in this chapter and sections 1346(b) and 2401(b) of this title, the term
"Federal agency" includes the executive departments, the military

"Employee of the government" includes officers or employees of any federal

agency, members of the military....

The Westfall Act added the words "the judicial and legislative branches" to
follow "the executive departments" in the first paragraph. It made no change in
the second.


In almost unlimited number, Operation Rescue has shown, from the

Constitution and widespread federal statutes, uses of the phrase, "officers,
members and employees," with "members" meaning members of Congress.
From this it would have us conclude that when Congress said "officers or
employees" here, it made a deliberate and meaningful omission. We quote its
brief, pp. 7 and 14,


Section 3 of the Westfall Act makes the FTCA applicable to "officers or

employees" of the "legislative branch[ ]". A United States Senator is neither.
Congress' historical practice, since its (sic) 1789, has been to reference the three
classes of persons found in the halls of Congress as either "Member", "officer",
or "employee". Congress chose defining, restrictive language, "officers or

employees" of the "legislative branch[ ]", when it wrote its 1988 Westfall Act.
So choosing, Congress identified a readily identified body of congressional
personnel which does not include United States Senators.



Of course the Members of the 100th Congress knew to whom they were
referring when they wrote into the Westfall Act the restrictive language,
"officers or employees" of the "legislative branch[ ]".


In writing statutes, Congress chooses its words carefully....


(Emphases added).


Aside from the final sentence, the rest is fiction. A voting Congressman who
went beyond reading "FEDERAL EMPLOYEES LIABILITY" in the Westfall
Act title would not find the claimed-to-be restrictive language even once. The
Act's expressly declared purpose was to "protect Federal employees from
personal liability for common law torts"; the phrase "Federal employee"
occurred ten times, and the word "officer" and the phrase "officers and
employees" never. See Westfall Act 2, 102 Stat. 4563-64. How many astute
legal minds who bothered to go further and read the FTCA, and saw there the
phrase "officers or employees", would have thought of Operation Rescue's
omission argument?4 We cannot think the Westfall Congress should be charged
with plaintiff's connotation.


Alternatively, Operation Rescue would say that, as a matter of law,

Congressmen are neither "officers" nor "employees" of the federal government.
The district court has compiled much detail rejecting this assertion that we need
not repeat. See, e.g., Lamar v. United States, 241 U.S. 103, 36 S.Ct. 535, 60
L.Ed. 912 (1916). Operation Rescue, incomprehensibly, persists.5


We add that even were this correct, circumstances speak louder than words. We
ask a simple question--Why would Congressmen vote to exclude themselves
from a universal grant of immunity given to all others; to all employees below
them; to all officers, up to the president, above them? The district court noted
some, concededly weak, post-Westfall Act legislative history favoring
inclusion of Congressmen. We think it more important to look to contemporary
legislative history. Here we find nothing relevant. Like the famous dog that
remained silent,6 the silence is telling. If the Westfall Act clearly and carefully
intended to exclude Congressmen from the FTCA's otherwise universal

benefits, would there not have been, at the least, some Congressmen who
would have remonstrated?

There is no such legislative history, or Operation Rescue's counsel would have

found it. If, which we consider it does not, the strict language should be read as
Operation Rescue would have it, this would be a clear case where contrary
circumstances as a whole would surely prevail. Cf. Griffin v. Oceanic
Contractors, Inc., 458 U.S. 564, 571-74, 102 S.Ct. 3245, 73 L.Ed.2d 973


Failing here, Operation Rescue would supplement with constitutional claims.

These have been well answered by the district court. We pass without comment
the contention that "Congress does not have a general power to legislate,"
except to note MCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. (4 Wheat.) 316, 406, 413, 4
L.Ed. 579 (1819), and turn to Operation Rescue's main theme, that this is an
immunity from which Congressmen are uniquely exempt. Accordingly,
Congress could grant immunity from defamation claims to other federal
officers or employees, but it could not vote such benefits for itself. Further, the
Speech or Debate Clause is a ceiling rather than a floor. For this last, the basic
contention is, by its having given Congressmen some protection not given to
others, the Constitution implicitly forbad any increase by statute, even when
giving greater protection to others. This is singular logic. We need not repeat
the district court's extensive rejections, with which we agree.


In all respects the decision below is affirmed.

E.g., plaintiff did not appeal from the finding that the Senator was acting within
the scope of his employment when he made his remarks

We use this word throughout to include members of both Houses, as well as

both sexes

28 U.S.C. 2671

We note, in passing, that when written, this phrase did not "omit" members
because the legislative branch was not then in the Act

It would even disregard common meanings given in all dictionaries. See e.g.,
Webster's New Int'l Dictionary 1690-91 (2d ed.1954) (defining "office" as "any
position or place in the employment of government, esp. one of trust or
authority" and "officer" as "one who holds an office"); cf. Black's Law

Dictionary 900 (6th ed.1990) (defining "legislative officer" as including

"members of Congress")

The Adventure of Silver Blaze, A. Conan Doyle

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