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Iwst09 Submission 13

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A Process Oriented Development Flow

for Wireless Sensor Networks

Guillaume Kremer

Jimmy Osmont

CS Dept., UBO

To ease the development for sensor networks, we propose a
two-stage top-down flow: design and simulation, then synthesis of sensor code. The flow is an alternative to a direct
design at node level.
The first operation is to describe network topologies on
a graph model using textual or interactive tools. Simulations are achieved by generating a system of processes into
an Occam program which is compiled and executed. This
program represents a distributed machine conforming to the
synchronous communication model, which is a strong reference for algorithm design.
The network simulation allows an early check of solutions to problems such as routing or dumping network data in
various deployment topologies. It provides fast exploration
of algorithm, and topology spaces, focusing on the difficult
collective behaviour rather than local level programming.

1. Introduction
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is an emerging domain
with numerous applications arising, that take benefits from
the communication and sensor technology progresses. Typical nodes for WSN are very small systems grouping a microcontroller, a wireless communication transceiver, local acquisition and control subsystem, and a power supply. Node
hardware size can be in the order of few square centimeters
with very low costs, the technology tendency being still to
decrease node sizes and power consumption by integrating
memory, logic and analogue interfaces on mixed-signal circuits[Doboli and Currie 2007].

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IWST 09 September 2009, Brest.
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Bernard Pottier

WSN organizations can vary a lot, grouping few nodes

around a controller with a star topology, or being mesh connected with thousands of nodes acting together. A recent example of very large system is the car parking network deployed at San Francisco with more than 4000 nodes [Swedberg 2007]. Another dimension of WSN is mobility. Some
networks have fixed sensing positions with mobiles crossing
these positions, others are fleets having complete mobility. A
case (curious) example is a Smart Farm, where the cattle is
equipped with wireless sensors and GPS[Wark et al. 2007].
The main stream in sensor networking is the 802.15.4
open architecture also known as ZigBee [Aggelou 2008].
ZigBee provides the possibility to connect ten of thousand of
static sensors, providing routing and medium range connections. Usually nodes receive a small operating system such
as TinyOS [Matischek 2008], and they are programmed using a C derivative such as NesC[Gay et al. 2003].
As the acceptance of WSN requires faster developments
done by application experts, it is now necessary to provide
more efficient techniques to program, at least, the simplest
applications. WASP [Bai et al. 2009] is a step forward in this
direction with a claim that applications could be developed
in very short cycles, far better than existing WSN dedicated
languages. WASP is using NesC as a back-end and thus, has
the restrictions of NesC/TinyOS.
Instead of using low level development approaches, we
are developing a two-step top-down flow allowing to build
optimized specific systems. The idea is to follow architecture development methodologies, by concentrating first on
distributed system problems, and, second, by synthesizing
optimized code for node hardware.
The main motivations to build an abstract representation
of target networks are as follow:
WSN applications can be very different in nature, with

difficult distributed problems to solve. An example is the

necessity to route security information in the presence of
failures as it would be the case for a railway sensing system deployed linearly on kilometers. Another example is

the unpredictable topology of a mobile fleet where each

node must send data or alerts to a moving gateway.
Basic problems in these situations are dedicated or adaptive routing algorithms, data collection control, self healing in the connectivity.
node architectures result from a careful study of applica-

tion criteria. This is especially a problem for the choice of

capacity of the memory used for local data and message
buffering, and for the choice of communication periodicity.
Furthermore, if emerging mixed-signal technologies are
to be used, the programming tools must use modules
merging software tasks, on chip routing, and configuration for interface blocks. C derivatives will not work in
this situation, but object oriented or process oriented design tools can still operate[Doboli and Currie 2007].
As wireless communications imply emitting and receiving according to a known schedule, the sensor network has
a synchronous behaviour. Details on how the actual network
will work are thus replaced by the abstraction of distributed
synchronous communication model.
This is a well known abstraction for distributed processes
exchanging messages periodically with their direct neighbours. The system achieves locked step progresses with the
advantage to simplify design and proofs of algorithms due to
the quasi-synchronous temporal property. Numerous algorithms and systematic approaches are known to work in this
context [Lynch 1998]: mutual exclusion, leader elections,
spanning trees, expression reductions, transactions, failure
recovery, . . . Programs for the synchronous model can be
expressed as loops over sequence of procedure calls corresponding to distributed computations that nodes agree to do.
To reach the simulation level, a design flow would start
with the specification of the sensor distribution at geometric level, from which a communication connectivity can be
automatically deduced. This provides a distributed process
system organization, on which we can add local sensor behaviours. At this point, we have an executable specification
suitable for simulation of a future real deployment. Program
development is mostly achieved during this first stage.
In a second stage, the local sensor behaviours are translated into code for the targeted node micro-controllers, or
virtual machines supported by the nodes. This is a technical
activity that can rely on compilers, libraries for local data
collection, for control, and on available distributed services.
The whole framework has models and tools for specification of a planar geographic distribution, for process system
connectivity, and for synchronous communication activity.
As we have a highly concurrent communicating system, it is
convenient to refer to an existing concurrent programming
model. The CSP programming style allows us to represent
sensor nodes as processes, with channel communications
implemented by wireless communications. Practically, the

process system is an Occam program suitable for massive

parallel simulation. Each process receives array of channels
as parameters, and executes a loop operating communication, and local processing. Models and tools are developed
in Smalltalk-80.
The paper describes the domain requirements and the
internal graph model. This model can be addressed in ways
depending on the application. Section 2 presents random
and textual input of networks organizations. In section 3 we
describe how Occam programs are produced according to
the synchronous communication model. A sample of these
programs is provided in appendix B. Section 4 presents
an algorithm conforming to the synchronous model, this
algorithm allowing to decide communication time slots for
this model (time division MAC access).

2. Requirements and solutions

2.1 Connectivity
The simplest situation is the case of sensors deployed in
a particular location: a house, a plant, a greenhouse. For
largest scale, WSN are experimented on towns, forests,
roads, railways, etc. . .
Sensors can also be moving if they are carried by animals,
cars, boats, . . .
For sake of simplicity we will ignore the dynamic evolution of the network, accepting the idea that we will be able to
manage these evolutions as a succession of phases where the
node interactions are static, or quasi-static, meaning static
with failures. The dynamic evolution will be studied as a
succession of quasi static phases.
Given a distribution of sensors, we consider that the connectivity is given by the capability of one node to send and
receive to neighbour nodes. Again, there is a large amount of
variability there, since some nodes can tune amplification to
extend or reduce the neighborhood. We suppose that sensors
emit in a zone represented by a circle, having a given radius,
in which other sensors can listen communications. This is
known to be a coarse approximation.
The connectivity is defined by a graph which vertexes are
sensors and edges are links that can carry communications
from one node to another node.
2.2 From geometry to connectivity
Deploying a WSN means planning sensor positions. The first
idea of field engineers will probably be to get a map and
point particular positions, with the purpose to devise how
sensors can connect together producing a real network.
In other situations, one can rely on random dispatching of
devices to cover a particular surface, or to observe mobiles
moving according to social or natural laws.
The key points are the needs to represent:
1. geometric distributions, in one or several dimensions
2. a network abstraction represented by a graph

3. communication capabilities to predict graph from distribution

Geometric distributions are abstract, or real. In large
scales the exact geographic position can be very important
to practically locate the sensor. In other cases, distances between position are enough to make decisions. Finally, the
engineer will be interested to get a tool showing a view on
the zone to be controlled, a scale meter, and to let tools decide what is the topology obtained by a sensor distribution.
Geometric distributions can be modelled in a small class
hierarchy allowing to describe these particular situations,
and conversions from one to another. As an example, a drawing on a view needs to be translated in a set of GPS positions
to allow sensor setups. Reciprocally, given a collection of
GPS positions collected by a WSN, we will need to draw it
on a computer screen to represent mobile positions or their

of a random distribution which process level organization

is shown figure 2.
Listing 1. Network specification
messages none d e f i n e d .
P2 { P7 , P14 } Node
P3 { P5 , P15 } Node
P4 { P17 , P20 } Node
P5 { P3 , P15 } Node
P6 { P11 , P13 , P18 } Node
P7 { P2 , P8 , P19 } Node
P8 { P7 , P19 } Node
P9 { P10 , P12 , P19 , P20 } Node
P10 { P9 , P12 , P17 } Node
P11 { P6 , P13 , P18 } Node
P12 { P9 , P10 , P19 } Node
P13 { P6 , P11 , P18 } Node
P14 { P2 } Node
P15 { P3 , P5 } Node
P17 { P4 , P10 , P20 } Node
P18 { P6 , P11 , P13 } Node
P19 { P7 , P8 , P9 , P12 } Node
P20 { P4 , P9 , P17 } Node


















Figure 1. From distribution to connectivity: node distribution is decided to obtain wireless connections. Circles represent area where other sensors can (likely) receive the center




2.3 Models and algorithms

Basically a distribution of sensors is simply a collection of
sensors. Each of the sensor has a location expressed in a class
according to the current space reference.
The network structure relies on several classes for nodes,
abstract graph and topologies. Nodes have collections for
input and output neighbours and support for naming the
program to be executed. A graph is a set of nodes, and a
topology provide more context information such as symbols
used for messages, and provision for textual expression of
networks1 . The listing below is the textual representation
1 These classes are also suitable to describe lot of other situations, in particular circuit architecture organizations.
























Figure 2. Process organization for a 20 nodes random system. Geometric space is a drawing view of 640pts, sensors
can reach neighbours at the same distance. Some nodes are

Building the network from the geometric distribution is

the following loop (simplified):

help people non intrusively. Today this vision is a reality

thanks to communication and integration technologies.
We need intermediate level representations of the real
sensor deployments with the possibility to develop and
check solutions. The situation is similar to the creation of a
virtual machine, except that the real code will be distributed
on distant elements. A system language can help.

Listing 2. From distribution to system

g r a p h : = D i c t i o n a r y new .
d i s t r i b u t i o n do : [ : eachNd |
n e i g h b o u r s : = S e t new .
d i s t r i b u t i o n do : [ : o t h e r N d |
3.1 WSN modelling using Occam
( eachNd can Reach : o t h e r N d )
i f T r u e : [ n e i g h b o u r s add : o t h e r N d ] ] . Occam is attractive because of its complete set of primitives
g r a p h add : ( eachNd > n e i g h b o u r s ) ] .
for the expression of concurrency:
Par constructs for the development of structural parallelism
The two models for distribution and networks are intercontrolled by barriers,
esting for the expression of organizations in several points
Channels as the single primitive for synchronization and
of view:
topologies can be specified for different situations, the
Alternatives specifying non-determinist behaviours
simplest ones being random distribution, or manual posiProtocols to model sequence of exchanges on channels
tioning as shown in this section.
Timers allowing to introduce clocks, delays and time-outs
Further possibilities are numerous, including the control
into programs
of distributions from simulator moving sensors according
to given laws: car traffic, walk in a mountain, tide in a
Occam has several compilers that generate native i386
bay, etc. . .
processor code, or intermediate code for virtual machines
(VM). A threaded run-time allows to simulate hundreds of
topologies can translate into graphs representing sensor
processes on shared memory multi-processors [Ritson et al.
networks, this level being reusable for lot of other ab2009], and there is documentation and free software allowstractions.
ing to build or evolve VMs.
these graphs are denoted by a syntax shown above, where
Occam and its tools appear as a serious support for modeach node as an associated program or procedure (or
elling and testing WSN behaviours. As large irregular conmethod). Graphs can be translated into process logic orcurrent programs are difficult, if not impossible, to produce
ganizations as shown figure 2. This is obtained by rewritby hand, tools described section 2 will considerably ease the
ing into the dot language for Graphviz software.
generation of complex systems from WSN behaviours.
The next section will show that a major application is
3.2 Occam program skeleton generation
rewriting to an executable concurrent program.

3. Representing WSN as concurrent

In the first stage of developments, we must concentrate on
the fundamental questions and their possible solutions. The
domain is a set of small systems, possibly in unknown number, communicating together, possibly in a changing network organization.
Our beacons are the knowledge developed in distributed
algorithms, the state of the art in sensor networking (open
systems), and mobile routing techniques explored in Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET)[Macker and Chackeres
2009]. We can also rely on system specification mechanisms
proposed by the Concurrent Sequential Processes (CSP)
paradigm, and its associated programming languages and
compilers Occam, and Occam-Pi for mobile systems[Inmos
b] [Welch and Barnes 2004].
The introduction of the domain is the fact of Mark
Weisers vision[Weiser and Brown 1996] of ubiquitous computing where lot of communicating small devices would

An Occam program is a structural description of a concurrent activity. If the language, and associated instruction set,
have relatively high level system primitives, it remains that
the process organization, and the communication channels
must be given in the program, and is checked effectively by
the compiler. In the case of sensors, we have irregular system
By analyzing the network model from section 2, we can
produce everything necessary for a translation to Occam:
channel declarations (perhaps thousands!)
grouping of channels in aliases used as process parame-

ters (perhaps hundreds)

computing process fan-in and fan-out, making buffer

space reservations
starting the WSN as a set of cooperating processes
declaring procedure skeletons for process found in the


The expression of the network as a process system is a

concurrent program showing process, procedures, channels,
that compiles and executes on empty procedure code.
The next step is to add an execution model suitable for
WSN. A credible choice is the synchronous communication
model, that will fix local sensor behaviours into automata
looping on communications, state evolution, and next message productions.
3.3 Synchronous communication model
This model is known in the domain of distributed algorithms
as a good starting point for algorithm design and proof. Each
node contributing to a computation must execute repetitively
a loop including a communication phases, and a computation
phases. During the communication phases, each node must
send messages to his neighbours, and accept messages from
his neighbours.
In this way, we produce a kind of global clock that mimics
a computer clock, and we can more easily reason on the
system behaviour.
To introduce this model in our Occam programs, we simply need to produce an infinite loop denoting communications with neighbours. The following code illustrates the local program behaviour.
Listing 3. Synchronous model
P r o c e d u r e d e f i n i t i o n s
PROC P ( [ ]CHAN OF p r o t o i n ,
[ ]CHAN OF p r o t o o u t , f o l d e d
VAL INT i d e n t i t y ) f o l d e d
m e s s a g e s d e c l a r a t i o n P
[ 4 ] BYTE i n M e s s a g e s :
[ 4 ] BYTE o u t M e s s a g e s :
Code o f p r o c e d u r e P
i n i t i a l i z e
SEQ t o u r s = 0 FOR 10
PAR i =0 FOR SIZE i n
in [ i ] ? inMessages [ i ]
PAR j =0 FOR SIZE o u t
out [ j ] ! outMessages [ j ]
l o c a l p r o c e d u r e c a l l h e r e
All process will thus execute this template. We can notice
the declaration of channel groups as parameters, and computed maximum dimension (4) for incoming and out-coming
message arrays. Here, the loop count has been fixed at the
limit of 10 synchronous steps by the generator. The communication is a parallel construct to avoid deadlock during
execution. There are placeholders for initialization and state
transition code implementing the distributed behaviour.

It is also noticeable that each process receives an identity

as an integer. Using this integer, it is possible to access a
global array, and configure the process from values produced
by the generator. The appendix B provides more details with
a sample of program structure.
3.4 Adding behaviour
Our flow has reached a stage where a complete process system skeleton can be produced automatically from a variety
of WSN deployment situations.
This system will accept to loop on empty transformations:
messages do not carry anything, and incoming information
is even ignored by our process. We have a representation of
a distributed computer of arbitrary organization, executing
repetitively a NOP instruction.
At this stage, we need to add a local behaviour. Following
propositions from Nancy Lynch model in [Lynch 1998],
we propose to fix the behaviour in a procedure called after
the communication construct. This procedure will process
parameters for:
current incoming message buffer array
next out-coming message buffer array
state a record grouping local variables
The evolution procedure has the responsibility to analyze
the new messages making decision on local variable evolutions. Then it produce next phase messages into buffers.
Such procedure can be produced manually, by synthesizing automaton programs described in a given syntax, or they
can follow a template for encoding/decoding network protocols.
The synchronous model techniques are convenient to design and check distributed algorithms. By following a regular pattern, they open the way to reuse of validated library
code, possibly manipulated by higher level languages.
3.5 A routing protocol case study
Our hypotheses is that some sensors need to send data to a
known particular destination. This can be a device with more
memory support, or a gateway providing WSN interface to
Internet, as example.
We must consider two situations:
1. a network where all nodes are in range.
2. a mesh connected network
In the first case, routing is useless since sending data
from one point to another is direct. In the second situation,
availability of a routing protocol is necessary, as example,
an algorithm based on table exchanges between cooperating
This protocol appears as a particular procedure in charge
of routing table maintenance. This procedure is called upon
receiving a table from a neighbour. Its role is to compute





Table 1. Simulation time for 100000 empty synchronous

loops. Quad Xeon multiprocessor providing 8 processors.
Observe that the execution time relates to the number of
channels (graph edges, also meaning communication operations), and not the number of processes.

the shortest path to destinations in view of further routing

As the network can be mobile or include mobiles, the
entire routing tables computation must happen regularly.
The algorithm is divided in two parts. In a first stage, each
node transmits its own table to its neighbors. In a second
stage, nodes update their table by adding missing nodes and
compute a minimum hop number toward each node. The
table update procedure is given in appendix C to illustrate
how behaviours are described. Validation is obtained by
executing a simulation with routing interleaved with random
data propagation.
3.6 A summary on system simulation
At simulation level, WSN are represented as communicating
processes with arbitrary organizations. We have presented a
method for applying abstract algorithms, and producing simulations. These simulations can be executed on concurrent
machines supporting a thread level distributed Occam kernel (table 1).

Another claim is the capability to produce tools for

distributed algorithm development by following the synchronous model methodology. WSN behaviours can now
be expressed as sequences, loops, conditional calling procedures. The programmer view is the development of algorithms operating on a set of processes, with total abstraction
of communications.
Now, we need to explain how the simulation level (similar
to VHDL) could be used to produce real processor code and
real communications (similar to real circuit layout). This is
discussed in the following section.

4. Synthesis for real systems

Sensors is a maturing technology. Recent products include
circuits with the following characteristics:
2.4Ghz transceiver with SPI serial bus for control and

data exchange. Spread Spectrum, low power, 16 byte

buffers, address decoding and optional acknowledgement
of transactions.

Reconfigurable logic/analogue circuit with 8bit micro-

controller, small RAM and flash memory, general purpose I/Os, SPI interface.
Because the controller can directly integrate analogue
signals, a couple of these circuits is enough to build a wireless sensor.
Other options include ARM system on chip, GPS receiver
on one chip etc.. ARM can be programmed using free GNU
tool chain, which is not the case for the first controller.
In each case, systems have very low memory capacity, in
particular for data and stack management.
4.1 Options for implementation
A reference for low level implementation is simply the target
processor for Occam. This processor (transputer) existed
several years ago, and still survives due to its instruction set
The Kent Retargetable Occam Compiler (KROC) proceeds in two passes producing an intermediate code suitable for Occam, then translating to i386 native code. TIS
has process level semantics with instructions for launching
processes, communicating on channels, computing barriers,
managing timers, etc. . . TIS is documented by [Inmos a],
has a simulator VM written in C, and has a portable interpreter initiative called the Transterpreter [Jacobsen and
Jadud 2004].
Writing such a VM is not very difficult due to the abundant documentation and examples available. As there is a
compiler available, a first option to cover WSN needs is to
implement a VM adapted to the sensor framework removing useless instructions, and adding new ones to support local control directed to sensing devices, and the synchronous
communication model. TIS code is very compact and perfectly suitable for spreading programs on WSN, securely and
at low cost. This can be a decisive advantage for the VM approach.
Another option for practical support is to build a synthesizer for C, if there is some chance to compile C to a controller, or native processor code in the other case.
The practical communication issue is discussed with a
proposition in the following section.
4.2 A link access model
Wireless transmissions are inherently multiple access on a
shared medium. Basic communications are always broadcast, and point to point messaging is a consensus on a channel choice and how to decide to receive a packet.
Collisions can happen, and this is more likely to arise
in some well known situations. The exposed terminal and
the hidden terminal problem are two of them. Both are well
explained in the literature [Karl and Willig].
Two nodes sending data at the same time and at the
same frequency to a third node is an example of a potential
collision situation. To reduce packet losses, the two nodes

bound concerning the reception of the answer to 4 synchronous cycles.

can send their data on different time slots, or using different

Knowing that, we can consider to use both time and
space scheduled transmissions. Here, space is the sensor
distribution space, as discussed in section 2.
Each synchronous cycle will now be divided into a silent
period and a communication period called a superframe.
Each superframe is split into time slots.
We can use the terms of Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) for time access, Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) being for frequency allocation. Spread
Spectrum technique provide channels on a shared frequency
TDMA is a communication model that provides each
node with a non ambiguous time slot for emitting. By non
ambiguous we mean, that two nodes having a same other
node in their neighborhood should not transmit at the same
time. In a similar way, FDMA will need to allocate one ore
several frequency band for each node in the system.
The problem is similar to solving a graph node coloring problem where the graph is the wireless network as discussed section 2. The graph coloring problem is solved by
assigning two different colors to two nodes linked in the network. In our cases colors represent a time slot in the TDMA
context or a frequency in the FDMA context (see figure 3)







Few observations can be made relative to sensor distribution and relative to the synchronous model applicability.
Sensor generally do not need to speak all the time, but periodically, or on-demand. One can see the general behaviour
of a sensor as a cycle, including power saving mode, then
the sensor awakes, process data and enter a communication
activity. For this to work, it is necessary to maintain a shared
clock reference.
During communication period, each sensor must speak
and listen. In a large network, there will be shared slots due
to coloring. In small, grouped networks, there can be a complete connectivity inside the network. In this situation, it is
necessary to have one slot for each node. Another interesting
question is the relation between the synchronous communication model, and TDMA.
As we have a turn allocated for each sensor, we can
implement the neighbour communication phase by sending
our messages at this turn, listening the rest of the superframe,
or only one part of the slots if the neighbour slots are known.

5. Conclusion


3. The color is validated if the asking node doesnt receive

any request four cycles after emitting a request.

Figure 3. The figure shows different networks used during

the coloring phase. First scheme is the wireless network,
two nodes are linked if they are at range. Second one is
the augmented graph, i.e. the first one with edge linking two
nodes having the same neighbor. Last network is the result
of the graph node coloring algorithm
The algorithm proposed for distributed allocation of communication channels is as follow:
1. an appearing node randomly chooses a slot number
(color), and broadcast a slot request to its neighbours.
The request is propagated at a distance of 2 around the
A special slot is used to arrange color allocation.
2. If one of the node crossed by the request uses the chosen
color, an alternative color is proposed to the requester.
By bounding the number of nodes crossed by the request
by 2, only neighbors at a distance of one or two hops
will be hit by the request. Therefore we can set an upper

We have described a top down approach for WSN programming. An associated framework is being built centered on
a graph model. This model can be addressed in different
ways such as texts, interactive maps[Kremer and Osmont
2009], or random distributions. It can be translated in different ways, and an example are Occam programs which
processes execute loops embedding communications and local processing according to the synchronous communication
model. The aim of the framework is to focus on distributed
algorithms design, use and validation, prior to sensor code
generation. Concurrent simulation of intermediate programs
can be obtained using the KROC compiler targeting multicore processors. As it is, the framework has been used to
simulate network activities such as route management, effective routing (RIP, AODV, DSDV), naming. Very large random networks have been produced to check correctness of
the solutions.
It is a known question that the time-driven simulation
achieved on the system process can be sub-optimal compared to an event driven simulation that can reduce the number of channel synchronizations. An improvement will thus
to produce a different execution sequenced by an appropriate
scheduler supporting a virtual time.
It is also known that more support could be obtained from
Occam variant (Occam-Pi) that allows to describe mobile
channels, and mobile barriers, but it appeared risky to use
this support, due to the necessity to control future sensor mo-

bility by outside considerations managed in the Smalltalk-80

As shown by the current Occam code generator and dot
file generator the framework can easily be extended to address a varietu of situations, including the need for simulation using Smalltalk-80 process networks[Goldberg and
Robson 1983].
The second stage for real code synthesis is under investigation with the creation of a virtual machine for sensors.
The current direction is to execute a subset of the Transputer
Instruction Set (TIS), replacing channel operations by call to
the local wireless communication library.

Figure 5. The first element in a couple is the set of reachable

nodes, the second element is the name of a procedure to be

A. Generation flow and data structures

Listing 4. Sample textual specification
<methods >
<c l a s s i d >
Alg o Dis . N e t w o r k T o p o l o g i e s </ c l a s s i d >
<c a t e g o r y >c o m p i l i n g </ c a t e g o r y >

Listing 5. Test method

<s t s o u r c e >
<methods >
<c l a s s i d >
Alg o Dis . N e t w o r k T o p o l o g i e s c l a s s </ c l a s s i d >
<c a t e g o r y >t e s t i n g </ c a t e g o r y >

sample network


m e s s a g e s M1
P1 { P2 , P3 ,
P2 { P1 , P3
P3 { P1 , P2
P4 { P1 , P2
</ methods >

A.1 Textual specification

b u i l d a s y n c h r o n o u s Occam p r o g r am
| net graph t e x t f i l e |
n e t : = s e l f new g r a p h 1 . p a r s e r model
g r a p h : = n e t b u i l d G r a p h . g r a p h model
t e x t : = g r a p h p r o g r am Main . Occam t e x t
f i l e : = sy n cMo d el . occ a s F i l e n a m e w r i t e S t r e a m
f i l e nextPutAll : text ; close .
</ methods >

A parser NetworkTopologies translates a textual specification into an equivalent object representation.


, M2 .
P4} Pim
} Pam
} Poum
, P3 } Poum

Synchronous program sample

The following listing shows the Occam skeleton developed

for a 4 node ring.
Listing 6. Ring executing an empty loop

A.2 Graph model

g e n e r a t e d a t J u n e 2 3 , 2009 1 0 : 1 7 : 4 3 am
g e n e r i c s y n c h r o n o u s n e t w o r k model
B e r n a r d P o t t i e r . UBO
r i n g 5

m e s s a g e s n u l l
search leader .
P0 { P1 } Node
P1 { P2 } Node
P2 { P3 } Node
P3 { P0 } Node

The sample program has been develooped as a model, figure

6 shows the data organization of the resulting graph. The
test method graphSample demonstrates the simplicity of
the specification and its development.

VAL [ 4 ] [ 2 ] BYTE N e t P r o c e s s I S [
P0 , i d : 1
P1 , i d : 2

Figure 4. Representation of the network description after

parsing is a dictionary which keys are node names and values
are couple arrays for fan-out and process binding.

PAR i =0 FOR SIZE i n
in [ i ] ? inMessages [ i ]
PAR j =0 FOR SIZE o u t
out [ j ] ! outMessages [ j ]
dummy b e h a v i o u r
SEQ i =0 FOR SIZE i n
outMessages [ i ] : = inMessages [ i ]
PROC r i n g 5 ( )

C h a n n e l d e c l a r a t i o n s
CHAN OF r i n g 5 . p r o t o P0 . P1 :
CHAN OF r i n g 5 . p r o t o P1 . P2 :
CHAN OF r i n g 5 . p r o t o P2 . P3 :
CHAN OF r i n g 5 . p r o t o P3 . P0 :
C h a n n e l t a b l e d e c l a r a t i o n f o r n o d e s
P0 . o u t I S [ P0 . P1 ] :
P0 . i n I S [ P3 . P0 ] :
P1 . o u t I S [ P1 . P2 ] :
P1 . i n I S [ P0 . P1 ] :
P2 . o u t I S [ P2 . P3 ] :
P2 . i n I S [ P1 . P2 ] :
P3 . o u t I S [ P3 . P0 ] :
P3 . i n I S [ P2 . P3 ] :

Figure 6. First column shows the graph including a set of

nodes, each node having two collections for input and output
links. On the right, the first output links has source and target

P2 , i d : 3
P3 ] :
VAL [ 4 ] [ 4 ] BYTE N e t P r o c e d u r e I S [
Node , i d : 1
Node , i d : 2
Node , i d : 3
Node ] :

PROTOCOL r i n g 5 . p r o t o I S


P r o c e d u r e d e f i n i t i o n s
PROC Node ( [ ]CHAN OF r i n g 5 . p r o t o i n ,
[ ]CHAN OF r i n g 5 . p r o t o o u t ,
VAL INT i d e n t i t y )
m e s s a g e s d e c l a r a t i o n Node
[ 1 ] BYTE i n M e s s a g e s :
[ 1 ] BYTE o u t M e s s a g e s :
[ 2 ] BYTE MyName :
Code o f p r o c e d u r e Node
SEQ i n d e x = 0 FOR SIZE MyName
MyName[ i n d e x ] : = f o l d e d
NetProcess [ i d e n t i t y ] [ index ]
SEQ t o u r s = 0 FOR 100000

Pr o g r am Body
Node ( P0 . i n , P0 . o u t , 1 )
Node ( P1 . i n , P1 . o u t , 2 )
Node ( P2 . i n , P2 . o u t , 3 )
Node ( P3 . i n , P3 . o u t , 4 )
End o f p r o g r am body

C. Code for route management

Listing 7. Route maintenance procedure
PROC U p d a t e T a b l e R o u t e ( T a b l e R o u t e tLo c , T a b l e R o u t e t R e c u e , VAL INT c a n a l )
INT t r o u v e :
Ro u te r :
SEQ i = 0 FOR t R e c u e [ d e r n i e r ]
trouve := 0
SEQ j = 0 FOR t L o c [ d e r n i e r ]
t L o c [ tab R ] [ j ] [ n e t w o r k ] = t R e c u e [ tab R ] [ i ] [ n e t w o r k ]
trouve := 1
t R e c u e [ tab R ] [ i ] [ d i s t a n c e ] < t L o c [ tab R ] [ j ] [ d i s t a n c e ]
r [ n e t w o r k ] : = t R e c u e [ tab R ] [ i ] [ n e t w o r k ]
r [ canal ] := canal
r [ d i s t a n c e ] : = ( t R e c u e [ tab R ] [ i ] [ d i s t a n c e ] ) + 1
r [ q u a l ] : = t R e c u e [ tab R ] [ i ] [ q u a l ]
r [ n e x t R o u t e u r ] : = t R e c u e [ tab R ] [ i ] [ n e t w o r k ]
g e t R o u t e r I d ( tLo c , c a n a l , r [ n e x t R o u t e u r ] )
a j o u t e r R o u t e ( t L o c [ tab R ] , j , r )
trouve = 0
r [ n e t w o r k ] : = t R e c u e [ tab R ] [ i ] [ n e t w o r k ]
r [ canal ] := canal
r [ d i s t a n c e ] : = ( t R e c u e [ tab R ] [ i ] [ d i s t a n c e ] ) + 1
r [ q u a l ] : = t R e c u e [ tab R ] [ i ] [ q u a l ]
r [ n e x t R o u t e u r ] : = t R e c u e [ tab R ] [ i ] [ n e t w o r k ]
g e t R o u t e r I d ( tLo c , c a n a l , r [ n e x t R o u t e u r ] )
a j o u t e r R o u t e ( t L o c [ tab R ] , t L o c [ d e r n i e r ] , r )
tLoc [ d e r n i e r ] := ( tLoc [ d e r n i e r ] ) + 1

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