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Trump Report

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Donald Trump Report

Democratic National Committee

Submitted: 12/19/15


Page 1

Table of Contents 2
Background 7
Top Narratives ..................................................................................................................................7
Top Narratives Backup ...................................................................................................................11
Trump Is Loyal Only To Himself ................................................................................................11
Trump Is A Liar ...........................................................................................................................16
Trump Proposed Banning All Muslims ..................................................................................18
Trumps Campaign Is Defined By Offensive And Extreme Immigration Rhetoric .................22
Trump Has Repeatedly Offended Minorities With Demeaning Comments .............................26
Bad Businessman ........................................................................................................................29
Trumps Business Have Gone Into Bankruptcy Multiple Times ..............................................31
Trumps Predictions On The 2007 Downturn Were Wildly Off ................................................33
Trump Has Repeatedly Proven To Be Clueless On Key Foreign Policy Issues .......................33
Trumps Foreign Policy Could Make America An Enemy Of The World .................................35
Trumps Gun Policy: More Guns.................................................................................................39
Repeal Without A Plan On Health Care ....................................................................................41
Climate Change Denier ...............................................................................................................42
Trump Has Supported The GOPs Reckless Approach To Governing ......................................42
Trump Has Devalued And Demeaned Women Repeatedly Throughout His Career ...............44
Trump On Military Sexual Assaults .......................................................................................47
Out of Touch/Hand-Outs For The Wealthy At The Expense Of The Middle Class .................48
Trumps Ex-Wife Accused Him Of Rape.....................................................................................50
Trump Timeline 53
Trumps Career Overview 57
Early Life .........................................................................................................................................57
Family and Upbringing ...............................................................................................................57
Childhood .....................................................................................................................................58
Education .....................................................................................................................................59
Draft Deferments .........................................................................................................................60
Business Ventures...........................................................................................................................61
Employees and Contractors ........................................................................................................61
Rent-Controlled Housing ............................................................................................................63
Licensing Agreements .................................................................................................................63
Casinos .........................................................................................................................................65
Golf Courses .................................................................................................................................66
Hotels ...........................................................................................................................................68
Trump University ........................................................................................................................68
Development and Land Deals .....................................................................................................68
Beauty Pageants ..........................................................................................................................69
Business Associates .....................................................................................................................69
Bankruptcies and Debts .................................................................................................................70
Bankruptcy: A Great Deal and a Business Tool...................................................................70
Bankruptcy Filings ......................................................................................................................71
Debts ............................................................................................................................................71
Lawsuits ..........................................................................................................................................72

Page 2

Labor and Employment Issues ...................................................................................................72

Trump as Plaintiff .......................................................................................................................73
Philosophy on Leadership, Business and Management................................................................75
Loving Bad Markets and Amazing Housing Market Collapses .............................................75
Use of Eminent Domain ..............................................................................................................75
Negotiations .................................................................................................................................76
Reliance on Chinese Goods .........................................................................................................76
Trump On The Issues
Campaign Finance and Ethics .......................................................................................................78
Criminal Justice System .................................................................................................................78
Body Cameras ..............................................................................................................................78
Death Penalty ..............................................................................................................................79
Marijuana Legalization ...............................................................................................................79
Crimes Committed By Undocumented Immigrants ..................................................................80
Defense and Foreign Policy ............................................................................................................80
Advisers .....................................................................................................................................80
Hawkish Tendencies....................................................................................................................81
Defense Spending ........................................................................................................................81
Foreign Aid ..................................................................................................................................81
Military ........................................................................................................................................82
Nuclear Triad ...............................................................................................................................83
China ............................................................................................................................................85
Cuba .............................................................................................................................................86
Egypt ............................................................................................................................................87
Iran ...............................................................................................................................................88
Iraq ...............................................................................................................................................90
ISIS ...............................................................................................................................................91
Israel ............................................................................................................................................93
Kuwait ..........................................................................................................................................93
Libya .............................................................................................................................................94
Mexico ..........................................................................................................................................96
Russia ...........................................................................................................................................96
Saudi Arabia ................................................................................................................................97
South Korea .................................................................................................................................97
Syria .............................................................................................................................................98
Vietnam ........................................................................................................................................99
Economic Issues ..............................................................................................................................99
Great Recession ...........................................................................................................................99
Wall Street Reform ....................................................................................................................101
Employment and Job Creation .................................................................................................103
Government Assistance .............................................................................................................103
Debt Ceiling ...............................................................................................................................104
Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy ......................................................................................107
Federal Budget ..........................................................................................................................108

Page 3

Business Regulations ................................................................................................................109

Treasury .....................................................................................................................................110
Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records .........................................................................111
Education .......................................................................................................................................111
K-12 ............................................................................................................................................112
Higher Ed ...................................................................................................................................113
Entitlements ..................................................................................................................................113
Social Security ...........................................................................................................................114
Medicare .....................................................................................................................................115
Environment and Energy .............................................................................................................116
Energy Extraction .....................................................................................................................116
Keystone XL ...............................................................................................................................116
Energy Prices .............................................................................................................................117
Climate Change Denier .............................................................................................................118
Nuclear Energy ..........................................................................................................................118
Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) ..............................................................................................119
Wind Power ................................................................................................................................119
Gaming ..........................................................................................................................................121
Guns ...............................................................................................................................................122
Background Checks ...................................................................................................................123
Magazine Limits ........................................................................................................................124
Permits and Concealed Carry ...................................................................................................124
Assault Weapons Ban................................................................................................................125
Gun Free Zones ..........................................................................................................................125
NRA ............................................................................................................................................126
Mass Shootings ..........................................................................................................................126
Health Care ...................................................................................................................................129
Health Care Plan .......................................................................................................................129
Affordable Care Act ...................................................................................................................130
Universal Health Care ..............................................................................................................132
Homeland Security/Terrorism ......................................................................................................132
Torture .......................................................................................................................................132
Surveillance ...............................................................................................................................133
Immigration ...................................................................................................................................137
Immigration Plan Overview......................................................................................................137
Mass Deportation ......................................................................................................................138
Path to Citizenship ....................................................................................................................140
Border Security ..........................................................................................................................140
Undocumented Immigrants ......................................................................................................141
Birthright Citizenship ...............................................................................................................142
Visas ...........................................................................................................................................143
Executive Actions on Immigration ...........................................................................................145
Offensive Rhetoric Towards Hispanics And Latinos ...............................................................145
Conspiracy Theories ..................................................................................................................150
Undocumented Laborers at Trump Projects ............................................................................151
Miscellaneous Comments ..........................................................................................................153
Labor ..............................................................................................................................................154
Salaries and Wages ...................................................................................................................154

Page 4

Unions/Right-To-Work ..............................................................................................................155
Religious and Racial Minorities ...................................................................................................156
Affirmative Action And Quotas ................................................................................................156
Black Lives Matter (BLM) ........................................................................................................157
Muslim Surveillance and Database Proposal ..........................................................................157
Offensive and Insensitive Comments on Minority Groups .....................................................161
Support from White Supremacists ...........................................................................................164
Taxes ..............................................................................................................................................165
2016 Tax Plan ............................................................................................................................165
Tax Burden ................................................................................................................................168
Deductions and Incentives ........................................................................................................170
Flat Tax and Fair Tax ...............................................................................................................171
Bush Tax Cuts ...........................................................................................................................173
Net Worth Tax ...........................................................................................................................173
Corporate Taxes .........................................................................................................................174
Capital Gains and Carried Interest..........................................................................................175
Estate Tax ..................................................................................................................................176
IRS ..............................................................................................................................................176
Trade ..............................................................................................................................................178
TPP .............................................................................................................................................178
Free and Fair Trade ..................................................................................................................178
Trade Wars ................................................................................................................................179
NAFTA and WTO ......................................................................................................................179
Tariffs .........................................................................................................................................180
Trade with China and Currency Devaluation .........................................................................181
Transportation and Infrastructure ..............................................................................................184
Women and Families ....................................................................................................................184
Planned Parenthood and Womens Health Care .....................................................................185
Equal Pay ...................................................................................................................................188
Employer-Provided Child Care .................................................................................................188
Sexual Assaults .........................................................................................................................189
Offensive Comments..................................................................................................................191
Working for Trump ....................................................................................................................196
Working Families ..........................................................................................................................196
Comments on Contributors to American Society.....................................................................196
Minimum Wage .........................................................................................................................197
SNAP Benefits ...........................................................................................................................197
Free Stuff ................................................................................................................................197
Veterans .........................................................................................................................................198
Plan for the VA ..........................................................................................................................198
Trumps Politics 200
2016 ................................................................................................................................................200
GOP Loyalty Pledge ..................................................................................................................200
Campaign Finance .....................................................................................................................201
Going Negative ..........................................................................................................................204

Page 5

Staffing Problems ......................................................................................................................205

Polling ........................................................................................................................................205
Political Philosophy .......................................................................................................................206
Changing Party ID ....................................................................................................................206
Obama Administration .................................................................................................................207
Birtherism ..................................................................................................................................207
Impeachment .............................................................................................................................208
Press Corps. ...................................................................................................................................208
Endorsements ................................................................................................................................208
Trumps Personal Life
Finances .........................................................................................................................................209
Member Of The Elite .................................................................................................................209
Net Worth ..................................................................................................................................210
Inheritance .................................................................................................................................211
Dodging Personal Bankruptcy ..................................................................................................212
Personal Health.............................................................................................................................213
Marriages and Other Relationships .............................................................................................216
Ivana Trump ..............................................................................................................................216
Marla Maples .............................................................................................................................218
Melania Trump ..........................................................................................................................219
Comments on Fidelity and Pre-Nuptial Agreements ..............................................................220
Children .........................................................................................................................................221
Parents and Siblings .....................................................................................................................222
Parents .......................................................................................................................................222
Siblings .......................................................................................................................................222
Religion ..........................................................................................................................................223
Trumps Top Video Clips By Issue


Page 6


One thing is clear about Donald Trump, there is only one person he has ever looked out for and thats
himself. Whether its American workers, the Republican Party, or his wives, Trumps only fidelity has
been to himself and with that he has shown that he has no problem lying to the American people. Trump
will say anything and do anything to get what he wants without regard for those he harms.
Trum p Is Loyal Only To H im self. Trump has repeatedly proven that he is only loyal to himself.
Trump has switched his policy positions and political party affiliations multiple times over the course of
the last few decades, most often latching on to whatever set of ideas or party is in power or whichever
reactionary bandwagon he could jump on to keep his name in the headlines. And despite his rants against
outsourcing, China, and free trade deals, Trump has eagerly invested abroad and showed little loyalty to
America in allowing his clothing line to import clothes from China. Hes laid off American workers and
even complained that American wages are too high. Even in his personal life, Trump has openly
discussed his view that fidelity is the right thing to do unless a marriage is going poorly, and described
his relationship with women as a game.
Trum p Is A Liar. While Trumps campaign speeches and commentary have grabbed attention for
being outrageous and often offensive, they have also been marked by a consistent theme: dishonesty.
Trump has repeatedly used dishonesty and straight-up lies to back up his extremist rhetoric. Trump
repeatedly defended a bold-faced lie that he watched thousands of Muslims celebrating the attack on
the World Trade Center in New Jersey on 9/11. Trump falsely claimed that President Obama was not
born in the United States, and when challenged on the facts, simply resorts to polling evidence showing
the popularity of the issue among the GOP base. What is clear is that Trump will say anything no
matter how untrue and ugly it may be to advance his position in the presidential race.

Theres no nice way of saying it Donald Trump is running a campaign built on fear-mongering,
divisiveness, and racism. His major policy announcements have included banning all Muslims from
entering the U.S., and calling Mexican immigrants rapists and drug dealers while proposing a U.S.Mexico border wall. And Trumps campaign rallies have become a reflection of the hateful tone of his
campaign, with protestors being roughed up and audience members loudly calling for violence.
Trum p Proposed Banning All M uslim s From Entering The U .S. In December 2015, Donald
Trump called for a total and complete ban on all Muslims entering the United States. Trumps
spokeswoman said under his plan, even American citizens traveling abroad would be prohibited from
reentering the United States and Trump defiantly told his supporters he didnt care if his plan was
politically incorrect. Trump claimed his plan was common sense, citing two polls for support; however,
one of the polls was published by a group the Southern Poverty Law Center called an extremist think
tank and was widely discredited. The other polls publisher the highly respected, nonpartisan Pew
Research Center said it could not even determine what polls Trump was referring to. Trumps call to
ban all Muslims from entering the U.S. was widely condemned one of his rivals for the Republican
nomination likened it to Nazism, and even former Vice President Dick Cheney denounced it, saying it
goes against everything we stand for and believe in. Trumps plan was supported by some groups,


Page 7

however. White Supremacists and neo-Nazis are thrilled about Trumps call to ban all Muslims from
entering the U.S. and see it as an energizing force for their movement.
Trum ps Cam paign Is Defined By Offensive And Extrem e Im m igration Rhetoric. Trumps
campaign is fueled by extreme, xenophobic and sometimes dangerous rhetoric about immigration. Trump
doesnt just oppose comprehensive immigration reform like his fellow GOPers, he vilifies immigrants for
political gain and proposes outrageous solutions based on absurd and false information. One of the
centerpieces of Trumps campaign is his pledge to build a great wall along the U.S.-Mexico border to
keep out the druggies, drug dealers, rapists and killers coming up from Mexico. As if his promise to
rescind President Obamas executive actions on immigration, deport American citizens whose family
members lack proper documentation, and end birthright citizenship for children he proudly derides as
anchor babies werent bad enough on their own, Trumps declared he will use a deportation force to
execute the mass deportation of approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants based on the model
of Dwight Eisenhower's brutal and deadly mass deportation of the mid-1950s.
Trum p Says H e W ould Build A Border W all To Keep Druggies, Drug Dealers,
Rapists, And Killers Out Of The U .S. One of the centerpieces of Trumps campaign is his
pledge to build a great wall along the U.S.-Mexico border to keep out the druggies, drug dealers,
rapists and killers coming up from Mexico. Trump then repeatedly stood by his assertion after it
created considerable controversy.
Trum p H as Banned U nivision From Events And Kicked Its Reporters Out Of Press
Conferences. Donald Trumps disrespectful behavior towards Univision and its reporters is
unlike anything weve seen from a presidential candidate in recent memory. Trump has barred
Univision from covering his rallies, and removed a Univision reported from a press conference
after getting angry at questions regarding his broad mischaracterizations about immigrants being
Trum p H as Repeatedly Offended M inorities W ith Dem eaning Com m ents. From the start of
his campaign, and well before it, Donald Trump has repeatedly made demeaning and offensive comments
about minority groups in the U.S. In June 2015, Trump said Black youths are at a point where theyve
just about never done more poorly, theres no spirit, theres killings on an hourly basis, virtually, in places
like Baltimore and Chicago and many other places. And his comments pre-date his presidential
campaign by decades: in 1991, he was quoted as saying laziness is a trait in blacks.

Despite Trumps continual boasting about his business success, he has repeatedly run into serious
financial crises in his career and his record raises serious questions about whether he is qualified to
manage the fiscal challenges facing this country. Trumps business resume includes a long list of
troubling issues, including his companys record of forcing people from their homes to make room for
developments and outsourcing the manufacturing of his clothing line to take advantage of lower-wage
countries like China and Mexico. His insight about the marketplace has proven wrong many times,
including in the run-up to the Great Recession. And Trumps record of irresponsible and reckless
borrowing to build his empire behavior that sent his companies into bankruptcy four times is just one
indication of how out-of-touch he is with the way regular Americans behave and make a living, and it
casts doubt on whether he has the right mindset to tackle the countrys budget problems.
Trum ps Business H ave Gone Into Bankruptcy M ultiple Tim es. Donald Trump likes to brag
that he is very smart, tout his ivy league education and exaggerate his net worth, but in reality, Trump
is not the master businessman he claims to be. Donald Trumps businesses have gone bankrupt four times
and he only barely was able to avoid personal bankruptcy himself. Finally, and most ironically, Donald


Page 8

Trump and would actually have become more wealthy by simply putting his inheritance in a boring
mutual fund than he became by making deals.
Trum ps Predictions On The 2007 Downturn W ere W ildly Off. Despite his false claims later on,
Trump also failed to foresee the economic crisis, which he blamed, at least in part, on ordinary Americans
who got mortgages that eventually went underwater.


Trumps policies if you can call them that are marked by the same extreme and irresponsible thinking
that shape his campaign speeches. There is no question that Donald Trumps rhetoric is dangerous but
his actual agenda could be a catastrophe.
Trum p H as Repeatedly Proven To Be Clueless On Key Foreign Policy Issues. Over the
course of his campaign, Donald Trump has proven time and again that he lacks the knowledge and
expertise to be Americas Commander-in-Chief. During a debate in December, Trump clearly did not
understand the principle of the nuclear triad. Earlier, for example, Trump admitted during a radio
interview that he did not know the answers to many of the foreign policy questions he was asked. Trump
wasnt familiar with the commander of Irans Quds force, and then mistook Quds for Kurds during a
subsequent answer. When Trump was asked who advised him on foreign policy, he stated he gets a lot of
advice from the weekend shows.
Trum ps Foreign Policy Could M ake Am erica An Enem y Of The W orld. While everything
about a Trump presidency is frightening, the notion of Trump as commander and chief and Americas
principal geopolitical strategist might take the cake. He has repeatedly boasted about his interest in
using extreme force to solve problems around the world, and at almost every campaign rally, Trump brags
that he is the most militaristic person there is. At the same time, he has antagonized other countries on
multiple occasions while on the campaign trail.
Trum p Supports U sing W aterboarding And Other M ethods Of Torture, Because
Even If It Doesnt W ork, They Deserve It Anyway. When asked if he would approve
waterboarding, Trump boasted, You bet your ass I would. Despite evidence that waterboarding is
ineffective as an intelligence gathering method and serves as a recruitment tool for Americas
enemies, Trump insisted only a stupid person would say it doesnt work but declared even if it
doesnt work, they deserve it anyway.
Trum p H as Repeatedly Antagonized Other Countries On The Cam paign Trail.Trump
has repeatedly antagonized other countries, and proposes outrageous foreign policy plans that use
aggression to resolve differences even with allies. Trump has repeatedly and explicitly called for
starting a trade war with China, said hed bomb countries in the Middle East to take their oil and
bragged that he would force Mexico to build a wall along the U.S. border. He has said that he
views the Chinese as our enemies. At almost every campaign rally, Trump brags that he is the
most militaristic person there is.
Trum ps Strategy For ISIS: Bom b The Sh*t Out Of Them And Send 10,000
Am erican Ground Troops. Despite an utter lack of specificity or detail, Donald Trump insists
he does have a plan to combat ISIS: People are thinking like I don't have a planI would bomb
the shit out of them... I would just bomb those suckersand Ill take the oil. Trump boasted he
would employ a policy of shoot first, talk later and he supports sending 10,000 American ground
troops to Syria.


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Trum ps Gun Policy: M ore Guns. Trump doesnt just oppose gun control like most of his GOP
colleagues; he has actively pushed the idea that more guns are the answer to gun violence. Trump claims
that fewer people would be killed by guns if more people carried guns and could thus fight back if
attacked. Trump has also bragged repeatedly that he has a concealed carry license and sometimes
carries a handgun, despite his own admission that Im not such a great shot. Like he has on most issues,
Trump has positioned himself as far to the right as possible on gun control. Trump opposes nearly all gun
control measures and has frequently claimed that had the victims of recent attacks such as those in
Paris and San Bernardino, California been armed, fewer people would have died. Trump opposed
expanding background checks, opposed regulations on the number of rounds allowed in magazines, and
even opposed a ban on military-style assault weapons designed to kill people. Trump also said he would
get rid of gun-free zones in public places, because, he claims, Gun free zones are like meat to these
Repeal W ithout A Plan On H ealth Care. Like every member of the current Republican presidential
field, Trump has called for the repeal of Obamacare. He called it a total catastrophe, despite the fact
that it has provided more than 17 million Americans with quality, affordable health care. When asked
what he would do in the ACAs place, Trump said he would replace it with something terrific.
Clim ate Change Denier. Donald Trump seems to be on a mission to out-do his fellow GOP candidates
when it comes to denying the scientific reality of climate change and has repeatedly called climate change
a hoax. Like on every issue, Trump uses over-the-top language to get attention, like when he declared,
This very expensive global warming bullshit has got to stop. However, Trumps bombast doesnt stand
up to reality. Just two weeks after he told a South Carolina crowd you cant get hurt by extreme
weather, he tweeted his thoughts and prayers to the people of South Carolina after 12 people were
killed by historic flooding.
Trum p H as Supported The GOPs Reckless Approach To Governing. Trump has expressed
support for the GOPs reckless and irresponsible threats to shut down the government over politicallycharged and divisive issues. Trump has expressed support for the shutdown that occurred over
Obamacare, has said he agreed with playing chicken with the debt ceiling, and officially blessed a
strategy that would force Congress to defund Planned Parenthood or face a government shutdown.

Through both his words and actions, Trump has made clear he thinks womens primary role is to please men. Trumps derogatory and degrading comments to and about women, as well as his tumultuous
marriages, have been well publicized. And as a presidential candidate, Trump has adopted many of the
backwards GOP policies that weve come to expect from his party.
Trum p H as Devalued And Dem eaned W om en Repeatedly Throughout H is Career.Trump has
said men need support at homenot someone who is always griping and bitching, and once told Esquire
that as long as youve got a nice and young piece of ass, it didnt matter what the media wrote. Among
other things, hes called women pigs, slobs and dogs. He has frequently made disparaging comments
about womens weight. Hes complained about being asked legitimate questions during a debate by
speculating about a news anchors menstrual cycle, and once said of the high rate of sexual assaults in the
military: What did these geniuses expect when they put men and women together?
Trump On Military Sexual Assaults: What Did These Geniuses Expect When They Put Men &
Women Together? In 2013, Trump weighed in on the high rate of sexual assault and rape in the
militaryand in doing so, pinned the blame on women who volunteered to fight for their country.
Referring to the increase in the number of reported sexual assaults in the military, Trump asked
rhetorically, What did these geniuses expect when they put men and women together?


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Trumps policies clearly reflect his life as a 1-percenter. His plans would slash taxes for the rich and
corporations while shifting more of the burden to the shoulders of working families. He stands with
Republicans in opposing Wall Street reform and opposing the minimum wage. Trump clearly has no
conception of the everyday lives of middle class Americans. His description of the small $1 million loan
that his father gave him to launch his career is proof enough that his worldview is not grounded in
H and-Outs For The W ealthy At The Expense Of The M iddle Class. Trumps policies put him
and those like him ahead of hardworking American families. Like Bush and Rubio, Trump's tax plan
would give the rich a tax cut by slashing top marginal rates, the corporate tax rate, and eliminating the
estate tax. All told, Trump's tax plan will give the wealthiest 1% of Americans 34% of the benefit. He also
stands with fellow Republican presidential candidates Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz in opposing
Wall Street Reform, which was passed to help protect our economy from another Bush-like recession.
Further, Trump opposes raising the federal minimum wage, which could lift millions of American families
above the poverty line.
Trum ps Tax Plan W ould Save H im M illions Each Year. According to analyses of Donald
Trumps tax plan, his proposals would cost in the area of $12 trillion while saving him millions in
personal taxes each year. The plan would represent the lowest tax rate since World War II but would
shift more of the tax burden onto middle class families while creating windfalls for Trump and his fellow
1-percenters. The plan would dramatically lower the tax rate for the top income earners in America, lower
the capital gains rate, eliminate the estate tax, and cut the corporate tax rate to 15%.
Trum ps Ex-W ife Accused H im Of Rape. Ivana trump once accused the real-estate tycoon of
rape, although she later clarified: not in the criminal sense.Not only does the current front-runner for
the Republican presidential nomination have a history of controversial remarks about sexual assault, but
as it turns out, his ex-wife Ivana Trump once used the word rape to describe an incident between them in
1989. She later said she felt violated by the experience.Ivana Trumps assertion of rape came in a
deposition in her early 1990s divorce case. The episode was described as a violent assault.
Trum ps Organization Responded By Claim ing You Cant Rape Your W ife. Michael
Cohen, special counsel at The Trump Organization, defended Trump, saying, Youre talking about
the front-runner for the GOP, presidential candidate, as well as private individual who never
raped anybody. And, of course, understand that by the very definition, you cant rape your
spouseYou cannot rape your spouse. And theres very clear case law. Of course, that is not true,
but it is not surprising coming from the mouth of one of Donalds yes men.


Trump Is Loyal Only To Himself

Page 11

Trump Was A Registered With The Republican Party, The Independence Party,
The Democratic Party, And Was Unaffiliated. Mr. Trump registered in New York as a
Republican in 1987, switched to the Independence Party in 1999, became a Democrat in 2001,
returned to the Republican Party in 2009, gave up his party affiliation in 2011 and came back to
the GOP in 2012. [Wall Street Journal, 12/10/15]
In 2005, Trump Suggested He Was In Favor Of Marriage Equality. TRUMP: Well,
there's nothing like family. And there's nothing like a great marriage. I mean, having a great
marriage is a very important thing and a very good thing, if you find the right person. Male,
female, I don't care. I mean, having a great marriage and a great family to me is ultimately the
most important thing. [Canada AM, CTV Television, 9/7/05]
But In 2015, Trump Said He Was Against Gay Marriage Because Of Religious
Teachings. TRUMP: Ive gone to gay weddings. Ive been at gay weddings. I have been against
[gay marriage] from the standpoint of [the] Bible, from the standpoint of my teachings as
growing up and going to Sunday school and going to church and Ive been opposed to it and well
just see how it all comes out. [With All Due Respect, BloombergPolitics, 8/26/15]
Trump On Tax Policy: High-Income People Should Pay High Percentages.
TRUMP: Well, what they did is they just kept cutting the tax rates, cutting the tax rates. And
I'm not talking about for the middle income or the poor. Leave 'em. Keep 'em low. And I
shouldn't say this, but high-income people should pay high percentages, but have the ability to
spend vast amounts of money on bringing their tax rates down to nothing. If a man is in the 50
or 60 percent bracket, he's going to invest. If a man's in the 25 percent bracket or the 30 percent
bracket, which is what you have now, there's no real reason for him to invest. He'll say, 'Hey,
look, I'll pay the tax and that's it.' So what's happened. KING: So you're saying the rich are
under-taxed? TRUMP: I'm saying the rich should be taxed at a much higher rate and should
have the incentive that, if they want to spend some money by investing in housing, investing in
other things, they can get their tax rate down to nothing, if need be. [Larry King Live, CNN,
2015: Trump Proposed Lowering The Top Individual Tax Rate From 39.6% To 25%.
All other Americans will get a simpler tax code with four brackets 0%, 10%, 20% and 25%
instead of the current seven. This new tax code eliminates the marriage penalty and the
Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) while providing the lowest tax rate since before World War II.
[Trump Tax Plan, Donald J. Trump For President, Released 9/28/15]


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Trump In 1999: I'm Very Liberal When It Comes To Health Care. I Believe In
Universal Health Care. KING: Patients' Bill of Rights: You mentioned health care as one of
the social issues; you for it? TRUMP: I think you have to have it, and, again, I said I'm
conservative, generally speaking, I'm conservative, and even very conservative. But I'm quite
liberal and getting much more liberal on health care and other things. I really say: What's the
purpose of a country if you're not going to have defensive and health care? If you can't take care
of your sick in the country, forget it, it's all over. I mean, it's no good. So I'm very liberal when it
comes to health care. I believe in universal health care. I believe in whatever it takes to make
people well and better. [Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99]
Trump On Obamas 2009 Health Care Plan: I Love The Idea. VAN SUSTEREN:
What is your thought about the health care reform that is being at least proposed, at this
point? TRUMP: Well, I think it's noble, except I just don't know how a country that's in such
debt -- we are really a debtor nation right now, and I just don't know how a country in this kind
of trouble can afford it. It's very -- I love the idea, but can this country afford it? Will it destroy
the country? Will it destroy other people that have been paying into health care for years? I
mean, will that destroy other people? It's a very, very tough situation. I love it from many
standpoints, but can this country afford it? And maybe this isn't the right time. [On The Record
With Greta Van Susteren, Fox News, 6/29/09]
2015: Donald Trump Called For Obamacare To Be Repealed. Theres no question.
Obamacare is a catastrophe, and it has to be repealed and replaced. And it was only approved
because President the different provisions kick in over the next few years, individual deductibles
are going to continue to rise. People will have to get hit by a truck to be eligible for coverage
because those deductibles are going to be so high. [Trump, Crippled America, 68]
Trump: I Used To Not Be Pro-Life. I Have Become Pro-Life. O'REILLY: Ok. Real
quick, social issues. AbortionYou favor it? TRUMP: No, I'm as you know, I'm pro-life.
O'REILLY: Ok, so you're pro-life on abortion. But would you outlaw abortion? TRUMP: Well,
I'd -- I'd go a step -- I'd go a pretty strong step. Something I don't like, I used to not be pro-life. I
have become pro-life. I have seen friends that had children that they didn't want. And now they
have children and they are the apple of the eye. So I really have changed in my views over the
years but I am pro-life. I would -- I would really -- I'm forming an opinion, I'm forming a very
strong opinion but I'll let you know in about three or four weeks if I decided it. [The OReilly
Factor, Fox News, 3/30/11]
Donald Trump Played Up His Support For Nearly Unrestricted Gun Rights
Despite Having Supported The Assault Weapons Ban And Longer Background
Checks In The Past. Donald Trump said Tuesday he supports allowing Americans to legally
buy and own assault weapons. Trump has played up his support for nearly unrestricted gun
rights throughout the campaign as he has looked to bolster his conservative credentials,
especially given his past support for some gun control measures. I generally oppose gun control,
but I support the ban on assault weapons and I also support a slightly longer waiting period to
purchase a gun, Trump wrote in his 2000 book The America We Deserve. [CNN, 10/6/15]

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Trump Has Eagerly Taken Advantage Of The Global Marketplace Despite His
Rhetoric Against Outsourcing And Free Trade Deals. A Significant Percentage Of
Trumps hotels Companys Hotels And MajorDonald Trumps appeal is said to be his straight
talk. But when it comes to international trade, he sounds like a hypocrite, the classic Do what I
say, not what I do politician. While bashing companies for investing in foreign countries, Donald
Trumps own company has shown no inclination to invest and build only in America. In fact, a
significant percentage of his companys hotels and major real estate properties are located
abroad. [Forbes, 8/17/15]
Trumps Clothing Brand Imports Clothes From China. Perry notes Trump has
imported clothing from China and Mexico produced for his brand. For Trump to operate,
outsource and invest globally while criticizing companies like Ford for doing the same is the
ultimate hypocrisy. To be fair to Ford, Trump should either agree to impose a 35% tax on Trump
Collection clothing and agree to stop investing overseas, or he should stop his threats against
Ford for operating as a global carmaker. [Forbes, 8/17/15]
Donald Trump Laid Off Or Furloughed 370 Employees From His Taj Mahal Casino
Resort And Trump Shuttle Operations. Two of developer Donald Trump's operations, the
Taj Mahal Casino Resort and the Trump Shut-tle airline, announced Friday they are eliminating
a total of about 370 jobs as part of streamlining efforts. The cutbacks come amid speculation that
Trump has overextended himself with rapid expansion into the airline and Atlantic City, N.J.,
casino industries. The Taj Mahal Casino Resort said it is cutting 300 jobs, mostly in its culinary
section, less than two months after it opened. In a separate announcement, a spokesman said the
Trump Shuttle, which serves air passengers on the busy Boston-New York-Washington, D.C.
route, had furloughed about 70 of its roughly 1,000 employees. [Associated Press, 5/25/90]
9/20/90: Donald Trumps Taj Mahal Casino In Atlantic City, NJ Laid Off 500
Employees, And The Trump Plaza Hotel Laid Off Another 150. The post-summer
casino slowdown and a weak gaming market spell 500 layoffs at Donald Trump's Taj Mahal
Casino Resort, a top Trump official said in a published report. Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino
will also end up with 150 fewer workers, the official said. The casino industry traditionally lays
off employees after the busy summer months. Few casinos have been able to turn a profit or
boost gross gaming revenues this year, due largely to competition from the Taj Mahal, which
opened in April. [Newsday, 9/20/90]
Donald Trump Laid Off Nearly 200 Employees From His Trump Castle Casino
Resort In Atlantic City, New Jersey. Nearly 200 employees were laid off Monday at the
Trump Castle Casino Resort in a money-saving move. Casino president Roger Wagner, who was

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hired away from rival Claridge Casino Hotel earlier this month to cut costs at Trump Castle,
said the layoffs of 190 workers came across the board at the management and executive levels.
The layoffs leave the casino with about 3,400 employees, Wagner said. Wagner said the declining
economy and flat gaming market prompted the need to cut costs. [Associated Press, 1/29/91]
4/6/11: Trump Entertainment Resorts, Of Which Donald Trump Owned 10 Percent,
Laid Off 600 Workers. Marc Lasry, chairman and CEO of Avenue Capital Group, was given
final approval Wednesday by New Jersey casino regulators to control the Atlantic City casino
company that was founded by Donald Trump. Avenue, which specializes in distressed
investments, won the company in a bankruptcy battle last year, and is the largest shareholder at
nearly 22 percent. Trump, the real estate magnate and reality television star, owns 10 percent.
The company has been paying down debt and cutting jobs since the new owners took over last
July. The sale next month of Trump Marina Hotel Casino to a Texas firm will bring its debt to
near $300 million from its current level of $332 million, Griffin said. Trump Entertainment
Resorts has cut 600 jobs since last fall and now has a work force for their three casinos of about
8,000 employees, Griffin said. [Associated Press, 4/6/11]
Donald Trump Opposed Raising The Minimum Wage, Saying American Wages
Were Too High And That Workers, Have To Work Really Hard. The Fox Business
Republican Debate kicked off Tuesday night with a question about raising the minimum wage,
as protesters across the country call for the floor to be raised to $15-an-hour. Donald Trump was
the first candidate to answer. Taxes too high, wages too high, said Trump, arguing it would
damage the United States ability to compete internationally. Were not going to be able to
compete against the world, he said. I hate to say it, but we have to leave it the way it is. People
have to go out, they have to work really hard, and they have to get into that upper stratum. But
we cannot do this if we are going to compete with the rest of the world, we just cant do it.
[Boston Globe, 11/10/15]
Trump: I'm An Absolute Believer In Fidelity. But If A Marriage Isn't Working,
That's A Different Ball Game. WALTERS: Do you believe in fidelity in marriage?
TRUMP: Yes, absolutely I do. Absolutely. I think that there's nothing better than a good
marriage. There is nothing worse than a bad marriage. I'm absolutely a believer in marriage, I'm
an absolute believer in fidelity. But if a marriage isn't working, that's a different ball game.
[20/20, ABC News, 8/17/90]
Trump: I Think The Hunt Is Always Fun, Whether It's Deals, Whether It's
Women, Whether It's Anything. WALTERS: I want to clear something up. In your book,
the new book, you say, The fun is in the getting, not the having. Does that include women? No
kidding. TRUMP: Interesting question. I think the hunt is always fun, whether it's deals,
whether it's women, whether it's anything. I think, however, that with respect to women, there
would be nothing that would make me happier than having a great marriage. An absolutely
great marriage, and that would certainly supersede the hunt.[20/20, ABC News, 8/17/90]


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Trump Is A Liar
Drezner: Trump Will Continue To Lie As Long As It Works For Him. To sum up:
Trump has lied so many times about so many things during the past week that its difficult to
keep track of all of them. But it doesnt matter whether one focuses on Trumps attitudes about
crime or American Muslims or trade policy. He lies about all of these issues. And he will continue
to lie as long as it works for him. [Post Everything, Washington Post, 11/23/15]
USA Today: Trump Claimed That Economic Growth Has Never Been Below Zero
Until Last Quarter's Drop, Which Is Far From True. It Has Been Below Zero 42
Times Since 1946. [USA Today, 6/16/15]
USA Today: [Trump] Said There Are No Jobs To Be Had. In Fact, There Were
5.4 Million Job Openings Recorded At The End Of April, The Most In 15 Years.
[USA Today, 6/16/15]
USA Today: [Trump] Said The Real Unemployment Rate Is Anywhere From 18
To 20% And Maybe Even 21%. We See No Factual Basis For This Opinion.[USA
Today, 6/16/15]
USA Today: [Trump] Boasted He Would Have Blocked New Ford Plants In Mexico
By Threatening To Impose A 35% Tax On Vehicles And Parts Made In Mexico And
Shipped To The U.S. But Only Congress Can Impose Taxes And Such A Tax Would
Violate The North American Free Trade Agreement.[USA Today, 6/16/15]
USA Today: Trump Claimed The Five Taliban Leaders Exchanged For Sgt. Bowe
Bergdahl Are Now Back On The Battlefield Trying To Kill Us. But All Five
Remain In Qatar, Where They Continue To Be Monitored And Are Subject To A
Travel Ban, According To The State Department.[USA Today, 6/16/15]
USA Today: [Trump] Also Made The Misleading Claim That Health Care
Premium Costs Are Going Up 29, 39, 49 And Even 55%. He's Talking About Some
Proposed Rate Increases On The Individual Market That Still Need Regulatory
Approval. There Are Also Proposed Rate Decreases Or Single-Digit Increases That
Did Not Have To Be Submitted For Review. [USA Today, 6/16/15]
Trump Pushed Falsehoods About Syrian Refugees, Claiming They Were Flooding
The United States And Could Be Affiliated With ISIS. Trump said: Refugees are
pouring into our great country from Syria. We dont even know who they are. They could be ISIS.
They could be anybody In fact, the U.S. has resettled fewer than 2,000 refugees from Syria,
out of the millions of people displaced by a civil war that started more than four years ago. In a
country of 322 million people, 500 refugees a year is better described as a trickle. Trump actually
hit the daily double of falsehood in this claim that refugees are flooding into the U.S[Trump
was also on Laura Ingrahams talk show talking] about Syrian refugee resettlement. Not only
are Syrian refugees pouring into the country, according to Trump, they are also being directed
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exclusively to states with Republican governors. This one also go the pants on fire treatment
from Politifact, for several reasons. Trump also used the show to restate the 250,000 refugee
number, and the host pushed back. You know when Laura Ingraham is trying to get you to dial
back the anti-immigrant rhetoric, you may be crossing a line. [Fiscal Times, 11/24/15]
Trump Said That On 9/11, He Watched Thousands And Thousands Of People
Cheering In Jersey City As The World Trade Center Came Down. TRUMP: Hey, I
watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New
Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming
down. Thousands of people were cheering. [Campaign Rally, Trump For President, Birmingham
AL, 11/21/15]
On 9/11/01, The New Jersey Attorney General Ordered An Investigation Of
Reports That Muslims Were Dancing In The Streets Of Jersey City And Paterson
To Celebrate The Destruction Of The World Trade Center, And That Investigation
Found Those Reports To Be Bogus. How alarmed were New Jersey officials by reports of
Muslims dancing in the streets of Jersey City and Paterson on Sept. 11, 2001, to celebrate the
destruction of the World Trade Center? They feared riots would break out and were ready to
send in the National Guard and the State Police to preserve order. But John J. Farmer Jr., then
the New Jersey attorney general and the states chief law enforcement officer, said on Tuesday
that he ordered an investigation that very day and found the reports to be bogus, [just] more wild
stories born in the stricken hours after the attacks. [New York Times, 11/24/15]
Politifact Gave Donald Trump A Pants On Fire Rating For His Claim That
Thousands In New Jersey Cheered When The World Trade Center Fell On
September 11, 2001. Trump said he watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and
thousands of people were cheering as the World Trade Center collapsed. This defies basic logic.
If thousands and thousands of people were celebrating the 9/11 attacks on American soil, many
people beyond Trump would remember it. And in the 21st century, there would be video or visual
evidence. Instead, all we found were a couple of news articles that described rumors of
celebrations that were either debunked or unproven. Trumps recollection of events in New
Jersey in the hours after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks flies in the face of all the evidence
we could find. We rate this statement Pants on Fire. [Politifact, 11/22/15]
Donald Trump Told A Reporter He Was Sure He Saw Thousands In The Streets Of
Jersey City, New Jersey Celebrating The Destruction Of The World Trade Center
Because He Had The Worlds Greatest Memory. KATY TUR: Now Donald Trump will
be speaking here [in Columbus, Ohio] in just a few minutes. He called me late today to once
again defend his claims [he saw thousands of people in the streets of Jersey City, New Jersey
celebrating the destruction of the World Trade Center]. Telling me that although he doesnt
remember where exactly he saw that video, he does know that he saw it because he has, quote,
the worlds greatest memory. [NBC Nightly News, NBC, 11/23/15]


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2011: Trump Floated Idea That Obama May Be A Muslim And Mounted Campaign
To Release Long-Form Birth Certificate. Four years ago, Trump mounted a campaign to
pressure Obama to release his long-form birth certificate, even saying he would send
investigators to Hawaii to find out the truth. The effort helped fuel the so-called "birther"
conspiracy theory that held that Obama was born in Kenya -- and Trump also floated the idea
that Obama's birth documents may label him a Muslim. [CNN, 9/18/15]
Trump Said The Birther Issue Was Very Popular. TRUMP: Well, I think it's a very
popular issue, and I think that nobody has solved anything. A lot of people are calling my office.
They just did a poll, 75 percent of the Republicans think there really could be something to it and
about 30 percent of the Republicans don't think that Obama was born in this country. He hasn't
provided a birth certificate. It's a certificate of live birth, which is totally, totally different. He
hasn't -- I mean, there's so many different things that he hasn't done. He's spending a fortune in
legal fees to try and get away from the issue. [On The Record With Greta Van Susteren, Fox
News, 4/11/11]
Trump Proposed Banning All Muslims
Donald Trump Called For The United States To Bar All Muslims From Entering
The U.S. Until The Nations Leaders Could Figure Out Whats Going On. A
prohibition of Muslims an unprecedented proposal by a leading American presidential
candidate, and an idea more typically associated with hate groups reflects a progression of
mistrust that is rooted in ideology as much as politics. Saying that hatred among many
Muslims for Americans is beyond comprehension, Mr. Trump said in a statement that the
United States needed to confront where this hatred comes from and why. Until we are able to
determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be
the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in jihad, and have no sense of
reason or respect for human life, Mr. Trump said. [New York Times, 12/7/15]

Trump Called For A Total And Complete Shutdown Of Muslims Entering

The United States, Citing Polls That Showed Great Hatred Towards
Americans By Large Segments Of The Muslim Populations. Donald J. Trump
is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until
our countrys representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research,
among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim
populations. Most recently, a poll from the Center for Security Policy released data
showing 25% of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United
States is justified as a part of the global jihad and 51% of those polled, agreed that
Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to Shariah.
Shariah authorizes such atrocities as murder against non-believers who wont convert
beheadings and more unthinkable acts that pose great harm to Americans, especially

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women. [Donald J. Trump Statement on Preventing Muslim Immigration, Press Release,

Donald J. Trump For President, 12/7/15]

Trump Said Our Country Cannot Be The Victims Of Horrendous Attacks By

People That Believe Only In Jihad, And Have No Sense Of Reason Or
Respect For Human Life. Mr. Trump stated, Without looking at the various polling
data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred
comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and
understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the
victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of
reason or respect for human life. If I win the election for President, we are going to Make
America Great Again. Donald J. Trump [Donald J. Trump Statement on Preventing
Muslim Immigration, Press Release, Donald J. Trump For President, 12/7/15]

Donald Trump Said He Did Not Care If His Call To Ban All Muslims From
Entering The United States Was Politically Incorrect; We Have No Choice. We
Have. No. Choice. The billionaire developer and reality television star released a statement
Monday calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until
our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. Later Monday, Trump, 69, read
the statement out loud at a rally in Charleston, S.C., where an enthusiastic crowd greeted him
with cheers and chants of Trump! Trump! and U.S.A.! U.S.A.! We have no choice. We have. No.
Choice, Trump said, with a shake of his head. His statement may be politically incorrect, he
said, but I dont care! [Washington Post, 12/8/15]
Trump Spokeswoman Said His Call To Ban Muslims From Entering The U.S.
Applied To Everyone, Including American Muslims Who Happened To Be Abroad
At The Time His Plan Was Implemented. Trump, in a formal statement from his
campaign, urged a total and complete shutdown of all federal processes allowing followers of
Islam into the country until elected leaders can figure out what is going on. Asked by The Hill
whether that would include American Muslims currently abroad, Trump spokeswoman Hope
Hicks replied over email: Mr. Trump says, everyone. During a Tuesday morning interview with
ABC's Good Morning America, however, Trump clarified that American Muslims would still be
able to travel freely under his plan. [The Hill, 12/8/15]
Donald Trump Said His Call For Banning All Muslims From Entering In U.S. Was
A Common Sense Approach. Trump said his policy preventing Muslims from coming to
the U.S. is a common sense approach to preventing a Paris-like attack on the U.S. I have
common sense. I know what has to be done, and we don't want to have a situation like Paris. And
we don't want to have another World Trade Center, he said. We don't want that. We need
intelligence in this country. We need a certain toughness in this country or we're going to end up
like a lot of the other places and we're not going to have a country left. [CNN, 12/8/15]

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Donald Trump Cited Data From The Respected Center For Security Policy, A
Group That Believes There Is A Secret Global Campaign Against Western
Civilization, And Said They Want To Change Your Religion. Trump then cited data
from the Center for Security Policy a group that believes there is a secret global campaign
against Western civilization and that the candidate described as respected saying, 25 percent
of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a
part of the global jihad. That statistic was greeted with loud boos from Trumps supporters.
They want to change your religion, said Trump. I dont think so. I dont think so. Not going to
happen. [Politico, 12/7/15]
The President Of The Southern Poverty Law Center Said The Center For Security
Policy, Which Donald Trump Cited In His Call To Ban All Muslims From
Entering The United States, Was An Extremist Think Tank. The CSP has been
criticized across the political spectrum - by high-profile Republicans as well as Democrats - and
by organizations which monitor extremist groups. Terri Johnson, executive director of the Center
for New Community and J Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, called
it an extremist think-tank led by an anti-Muslim conspiracist. The group was heavily criticized
in 2012 after it repeatedly accused Huma Abedin, an aide to Hillary Clinton, of being a secret
member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Leading Republicans including John McCain and John
Boehner denounced the accusations. [BBC, 12/8/15]
Donald Trump Cited A Poll From The Pew Research Center To Support His Call
To Ban All Muslims From Entering The U.S. But Did Not Identify Which Pew
Report He Was Citing And Pew Was Unable To Identify Which Report He Had
Referenced. Trumps other citation has drawn more notice because it came from the Pew
Research Center, a highly-respected, nonpartisan group. According to Pew Research, among
others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population,
Trump said Monday. But Trump hasnt made clear which Pew report hes citing; he has not
linked to one in his social media missives or statements, nor did he elaborate during multiple TV
appearances Tuesday morning. And the groups research doesnt paint the dire picture Trump
says it does. The statement released by Mr. Trumps campaign does not specify a data point,
so we cant identify the report that he may be referencing, said James Bell, Pews vice president
for global strategy. [Time, 12/8/15]
People: No More Mr. Nice John Kasich. The Republican Presidential Hopeful's
Campaign Has Released An Anti-Donald Trump Web Ad That Draws On A Famous
Poem About Nazi Germany To Attack The GOP Front-Runner. [People, 11/28/15]
Vietnam Combat Veteran And POW: You Might Not Care About What Donald
Trump Says About Muslims, Hispanic Immigrants, Black Protesters, Or
Journalists, Because Youre Not One. But [If Trump] Actually Becomes President,
He Might Just Get Around To You, And You Better Hope That Theres Someone

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Left To Help You. Later in the day, Kasichs campaign held yet another media availability
with Rep. Steve Stivers, Shaker Heights Councilman James Brady, and retired Col. Tom Moe,
who the Kasich campaign noted was shot down during combat duty in Vietnam and spent the
next five years alongside U.S. Sen. John McCain. You might not care if Donald Trump says
Muslims must register with their government because youre not one. And you might not care
that Donald Trump says he's going to round up all the Hispanic immigrants because you're not
one. And you might not care that Donald Trump says its OK to rough up black protesters
because you're not one, Moe said. And you might not care if Donald Trump wants to suppress
journalists because youre not one. But think about this: If he keeps going and he actually
becomes president, he might just get around to you, and you better hope that theres someone
left to help you. [Politico, 11/23/15]
Former Vice President Dick Cheney Said Donald Trumps Call To Ban All Muslims
Goes Against Everything We Stand For And Believe In. Former Vice President Dick
Cheney shot down GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump's latest proposal to ban all
Muslims from entering the country, saying it goes against the country's principles. I think this
whole notion that we can just say, 'No more Muslims,' just ban a whole religion, goes against
everything we stand for and believe in, Cheney said Monday on Hugh Hewitt's radio show. My
ancestors got here because they were Puritans, Cheney said. [Newsmax, 12/7/15; Hugh Hewitt
Radio Show, 12/7/15]
Donald Trump Was A Boon For White Supremacists, Who Used His Candidacy As
A Tool To Expand Their Movement. The Ku Klux Klan is using Donald Trump as a
talking point in its outreach efforts. Stormfront, the most prominent American white
supremacist website, is upgrading its servers in part to cope with a Trump traffic spike. And
former Louisiana Rep. David Duke reports that the businessman has given more Americans
cover to speak out loud about white nationalism than at any time since his own political
campaigns in the 1990s. As hate group monitors at the Southern Poverty Law Center and the
Anti-Defamation League warn that Trumps rhetoric is conducive to anti-Muslim violence, white
nationalist leaders are capitalizing on his candidacy to invigorate and expand their movement.
[Politico, 12/10/15]

Politico: The Ku Klux Klan Is Using Donald Trump As A Talking Point In Its Outreach Efforts.[Politico,

Experts From The Anti-Defamation League And Southern Poverty Law Center
Said Donald Trumps Rhetoric was Likely To Inspire Violence Against Muslims.
According to experts at the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center who
monitor hate groups and anti-Muslim sentiment, Trumps call on Monday to halt the entrance of
Muslims to the United States is driving online chatter among white supremacists and is likely to
inspire violence against Muslims. When well-known public figures make these kind of
statements in the public square, they are taken as a permission-giving by criminal elements who
go out and act on their words. said Mark Potok of the SPLC. Is it energizing the groups? Yeah.
Theyre thrilled. [Politico, 12/10/15]

Page 21

Marilyn Mayo, Co-Director Of The Anti-Defamation Leagues Center On

Extremism, Said Donald Trumps Candidacy Energized Neo-Nazis And The White
Supremacist Movement. When well-known public figures make these kind of statements in
the public square, they are taken as a permission-giving by criminal elements who go out and act
on their words. said Mark Potok of the SPLC. Is it energizing the groups? Yeah. Theyre
thrilled. Marilyn Mayo, co-director of the ADLs Center on Extremism, said Trumps proposal
this week to halt the entrance of Muslims into the United States is only the latest statement to
inject vigor into the racist fringe of American politics. Since the beginning of Donald Trumps
candidacy, weve definitely seen that a segment of the white supremacist movement, from racist
intellectuals to neo-Nazis have been energized, she said. [Politico, 12/10/15]
Trumps Campaign Is Defined By Offensive And Extreme Immigration Rhetoric
New York Times: [Trump] Vowed To Build A Great Wall On The Mexican Border
To Keep Out Rapists And Other Criminals, Who He Said Were Sneaking Into The
United States In Droves. Mr. Trumps policy views can be just as provocative as his
demeanor. In the past, he has called climate change a hoax and said he has a foolproof plan to
defeat the Islamic State, which he will not reveal so as not to tip off the group. On Tuesday, he
vowed to build a great wall on the Mexican border to keep out rapists and other criminals, who
he said were sneaking into the United States in droves. [New York Times, 6/17/15]
Donald Trump Said He Would Build A Wall Along The Mexican Border With A
Big, Fat Beautiful Door Through Which Immigrants Could Enter Legally.
Presidential hopeful Donald Trump insisted Wednesday night that he has what it takes to get
Mexico to build a wall along the U.S. border. We're going to do a wall; we're going to have a big,
fat beautiful door on the wall; we're going to have people come in, but they're going to come in
legally, Trump said at the third Republican debate, hosted by CNBC. Mexico's going to pay for
the wall, he said. I love the Mexican people; I respect the Mexican leaders, but their leaders are
much sharper, much smarter and more cunning than our leader. [CNBC, 10/29/15]
Donald Trump Said The Mexican Government Would Pay For The Wall Along The
U.S.-Mexican Border Because The U.S. Has A Trade Imbalance Of $50 Billion Per
Year With Mexico. TRUMP: And Mexicos going to pay for the wall because Mexico I love
the Mexican people; I respect the Mexican leaders but the leaders are much sharper, smarter
and more cunning than our leaders. And just to finish, people say, how will you get Mexico to
pay? A politician other than the people in the states I dont want to a politician cannot get
them to pay. I can. We lose, we have a trade imbalance Excuse me, John. of $50 billion per
year. Believe me the world is peanuts by comparison. [Republican Primary Debate, Boulder,
CO, 10/28/15]
Donald Trump Radio Ad: Ill Secure Our Borders, And Yes, We Will Have A Wall.
You Cant Have A Country Without Borders. Donald Trump: Im Donald Trump and
Im running for president. Our country is in deep trouble because lets face it: politicians are all
talk, no action. Ill secure our borders, and yes, we will have a wall. You cant have a country
without borders. If the people of Iowa vote for me, youll never be disappointed. I dont
Page 22

disappoint people. I produce. Together were going to make America great again. [Make America
Great Again Radio Spot 2, Donald Trump Presidential Campaign, 11/5/15
Trump: Druggies, Drug Dealers, Rapists And Killers Are Coming Across The
Southern Border. When Will The U.S. Get Smart And Stop This Travesty?
[@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 6/19/15]
Trump On Immigrants Crossing The Border From Mexico: They Are Bringing
Drugs And They Are Bringing Crime, Theyre Rapists. When Mexico sends its people,
they are not sending their best. They are not sending you. They are not sending you. They are
sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems with us, they
are bringing drugs and they are bringing crime, theyre rapists, and some are good people, and I
speak to border guards and they tell us what we are getting. It only makes common sense. It only
makes common sense. Theyre sending us not the right people. It's coming all over south and
Latin America and it's coming probably, probably from the Middle East, but we don't know
because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don't know what is happening
and it has got to stop and it has to stop fast. [Donald Trump Presidential Campaign
Announcement, 6/16/15]
Trump Issued A Lengthy Statement Refusing To Back Off Comments Referring To
Mexican Immigrants As Criminals. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump
stood firm Monday on his description of Mexican immigrants as criminals. The businessman,
under fire from critics in and out of his party, issued a lengthy statement refusing to back off
comments he made in the speech launching his presidential bid last month. In it, he called
Mexican immigrant criminals and rapists, prompting several businesses, including NBC,
Univision and Macy's, to cut ties with Trump. [Associated Press, 7/6/15]
Trump Would Rescind Pres. Obamas Executive Actions On Immigration.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wants more than a wall to keep out
immigrants living in the country illegally. He also wants to end birthright citizenship for their
children, he said Sunday. And he would rescind Obama administration executive orders on
immigration and toughen deportation, allowing in only the good ones. [Associated Press,
Trump On Deporting Undocumented Immigrants: We're Going To Keep The
Families Together, But They Have To Go. Trump told NBC News' Meet the Press
today, We're going to keep the families together, but they have to go, referring to the illegal
immigrants he would deport. [ABC News, 8/16/15]

Donald Trump Said He Would Rescind The Dream Act Executive Order And Deport Entire Families Of
Immigrants, Even If Some Family Members Were Legally Documented. CHUCK TODD: What do you do about
the DACA order now? The Dream Act, however you want to refer to it. The executive order that is DONALD
TRUMP: The executive order gets rescinded. One good thing about One good thing about TODD: You'll


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rescind the Dream Act executive order TRUMP: You're going to have to. We have to make a whole new set of
standards. And when people come in, they have to come in legally TODD: So you're going to split up families?
You're going to deport children TRUMP: Chuck. No, no. We're going to keep the families together. We have to
keep the families together. TODD: But you're going to keep them together out TRUMP: But they have to go. But
they have to go. They have to go. Chuck, we either have a country or we don't have a country. [Meet The Press,
NBC, 8/16/15]


Trump When Told The Term Anchor Baby Was Offensive: You Mean Its Not
Politically Correct, And Yet Everybody Uses It?Ill Use The Word Anchor Baby.
Trump said he'd still use the term after a reporter asked him on Wednesday night in New
Hampshire if he was aware the term was considered offensive. You mean its not politically
correct, and yet everybody uses it? Trump asked the reporter, and then asked for an alternative
term to use. The American-born child of undocumented immigrants, the reporter suggested to
which Trump said, Ill use the word anchor baby.' [Talking Points Memo, 8/20/15; Trump Press
Conference, 8/19/15]
Washington Post: Donald Trumps Immigration Plan Calls For A Deportation
Force, To Execute An Unprecedented, Expensive Roundup Of Undocumented
Residents At Home. The Washington Post took a close look at the immigration proposals of
the five top-polling GOP candidates: Trump, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, Rubio, Cruz and
former Florida governor Jeb Bush. Trumps plan calls for a wall on the border, and a
deportation force to carry out an unprecedented, expensive roundup of undocumented residents
at home. [Washington Post, 11/15/15]
Donald Trump Praised Dwight Eisenhowers Mass Deportation Program During
The GOP Presidential Primary Debate In Milwaukee, Wisconsin. DONALD TRUMP:
Let me just tell you that Dwight Eisenhower good president, great president, people liked
him. I like Ike, right? The expression I like Ike? moved a million and a half illegal
immigrants out of this country, moved them just beyond the border. They came back. Moved
them again, beyond the border, they came back. Didn't like it. Moved them way south, they never
came back. Dwight Eisenhower. You don't get nicer, you don't get friendlier. They moved a
million and a half people out. We have no choice. We have no choice. [Republican Presidential
Candidates Debate, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Fox Business News, 11/10/15]
Donald Trump Modeled His Plan For Humane Mass Deportations On
Eisenhowers Operation Wetback. These deportation procedures, detailed by historian
Mae M. Ngai, were not anomalies. They were the essential framework of Operation Wetback a
concerted immigration law enforcement effort implemented by President Dwight D. Eisenhower
in 1954 and the deportation model that Donald Trump says he intends to follow. Trump made
his affinity for Operation Wetback clear during an interview with CBSs Scott Pelley over the
weekend. Speaking on 60 Minutes Overtime, Pelley asked Trump to explain his plans for curbing
illegal immigration. Were rounding them up in a very humane way, a very nice way, Trump
said, as he has expressed before. What does that roundup look like to you? Pelley pressed. How

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does it work? Are you going to have cops going door-to-door? Trump interjected: Did you like
Eisenhower? Did you like Dwight Eisenhower as a president at all? He did this, the presidential
candidate said. He did this in the 1950s with over a million people, and a lot of people dont
know thatand it worked. [Washington Post, 9/30/15]
Donald Trump Touted His Plan To Deport 11 Million Undocumented Immigrants
And Cited Dwight Eisenhowers Deportation Program But Failed To Mention That
Program Was Named Operation Wetback. GOP frontrunner Donald Trumps plan to
deport 11 million undocumented immigrants from the United States has been criticized, even by
some fellow immigration hawks, as highly unrealistic. But at Tuesday nights Fox Business
debate, he cited a historical precedent: Let me just tell you that Dwight Eisenhower, good
president, great president, people liked him. Moved a million and a half illegal immigrants out
of this country, moved them just beyond the border. They came back. Moved them again, beyond
the border, they came back. Didnt like it. Moved them way south. They never came back. Dwight
Eisenhower. You dont get nicer, you dont get friendlier. He did not mention the name of that
program: Operation Wetback. [Slate, 11/10/15]
Trump Banned All Univision Officers And Representatives From One Of His Golf
Courses. Donald Trump sent a letter to Univision CEO and president Randy Falco on Friday
informing him that no Univision officer or representative is allowed to use his Trump National
Doral, the resort and golf club immediately adjacent to Univision offices in Miami, the On Media
blog has learned. The move is the latest in a public dispute that started Thursday when
Univision announced it would end its business relationship with the Miss Universe
Organization, which is co-owned by Trump and NBCUniversal, based on what it described as
Trump's insulting remarks about Mexican immigrants during the launch of his presidential
campaign. Trump later announced that he would sue Univision for breach of contract and
defamation, and accused Univision of defaulting on an iron-clad $13.5 million contract, which he
said it had no right to terminate. In the letter, Trump writes to Falco, Please be advised that
under no circumstances is any officer or representative of Univision allowed to use Trump
National Doral, Miamiits golf courses or any of its facilities. Also, please immediately stop
work and close the gate which is being constructed between our respective properties. If this is
not done within one week, we will close it. [Politico, 6/26/15]
HEADLINE: Donald Trump Kicks Univision Out of Florida Rally, Campaign
Confirms. [Hollywood Reporter, 10/26/15]
Donald Trump Barred Univision From Covering His Event At The Trump National
Doral In Miami. He made no mention about Univision the Spanish-language broadcaster
whose studios are next door to Trump National Doral which wasnt allowed into the rally on
account of Trumps lawsuit against the company for canceling his Miss Universe pageant. He
dismissed the pro-immigration protesters, first with a friendly Dont hurt em to security guards
physically escorting them out of the room, and then with a more impatient, The fourth group, Ill
say, Get the hell out of here! [Miami Herald, 10/23/15]


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Donald Trump Had Univision News Anchor Jorge Ramos Ejected From His News
Conference You Havent Been Called On, Go Back To Univision. Separately, Mr
Trump had a journalist ejected from a news conference. Univision news anchor Jorge Ramos was
trying to question Mr Trump about his call to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants from
the US and build a wall the length of the Mexican border. But Mr Trump insisted that he had
not been invited to submit a question. You haven't been called, go back to Univision, Mr Trump
said, before Mr Ramos was ejected from the news conference. As security officers approached the
Mexican-American journalist, he said: I am a reporter. Don't touch me. I have a right to ask the
question. [BBC, 8/26/15]

After Ramos Was Removed From The Trump Press Conference, A Trump Supporter Yelled At Ramos To Get
Out Of My Country. Just when we thought there was no more controversy to add, Univision posted footage of
Ramos out in the hall at which time an apparent Trump supporter whether hes a staffer or security personnel was
unknown at the time of this writing clearly tells the Mexican-born (and U.S. citizen, by the way) journalist to Get out
of my country [Latino Rebels, 8/26/15; Univision Noticias/Fusion, 8/25/15]

Trump Has Repeatedly Offended Minorities With Demeaning Comments

Trump On Immigrants Crossing The Border From Mexico: They Are Bringing
Drugs And They Are Bringing Crime, Theyre Rapists. When Mexico sends its people,
they are not sending their best. They are not sending you. They are not sending you. They are
sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems with us, they
are bringing drugs and they are bringing crime, theyre rapists, and some are good people, and I
speak to border guards and they tell us what we are getting. It only makes common sense. It only
makes common sense. Theyre sending us not the right people. It's coming all over south and
Latin America and it's coming probably, probably from the Middle East, but we don't know
because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don't know what is happening
and it has got to stop and it has to stop fast. [Donald Trump Presidential Campaign
Announcement, 6/16/15]
1991: Trump: Laziness Is A Trait In Blacks. [Gawker, 7/24/15]
1991: Trump: Black Guys Counting My Money! I Hate It. The Only Kind Of
People I Want Counting My Money Are Short Guys That Wear Yarmulkes Every
Day. TRUMP: Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want
counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. [Gawker, 7/24/15]
Trump On African American Youths: We Are At A Point Where Theyve Just
About Never Done More Poorly, Theres No Spirit, Theres Killings On An Hourly
Basis, Virtually, In Places Like Baltimore And Chicago And Many Other Places.
At a June 23 Maryland Republican Party fundraiser, reporters asked GOP presidential
candidate Donald Trump about his views on race relations. Trump said Black youths are at a
point where theyve just about never done more poorly, theres no spirit, theres killings on an
hourly basis, virtually, in places like Baltimore and Chicago and many other places, according to
The Independent. The real estate magnate didnt stop there. He added, I thought that President
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Obama would be a great cheerleader for the country. And hes really become very divisive. [The
Root, 6/25/15]
Trump: And When Obama Gets 95 Percent Of The Black Vote, Is That Racist?
HANNITY: But isn't it a danger on his part, class warfare, and more importantly, the
Democratic Party has been attacking the Tea Party conservatives as racist, you know, Maxine
Waters, the consecutive Tea Party movement can go straight to hell. One congressman says that
conservatives want black people hanging from trees. They double down on insane rhetoric. The
president has wrapped his arms twice now around the Occupy Wall Street crowd? And is there a
danger. TRUMP: I think the race card is such a horrible thing. And I've been watching it more
and more lately. And I think it's disgraceful. And when Obama gets 95 percent of the black vote,
is that racist? I mean, you know, does anybody have ever mention that? He gets 95 percent of the
vote. And I see your compatriots, your announcers saying yes, he got 95 percent of the black vote
but this wasn't a racial thing. They like his policy. That's a lot of crap. But he's creating a racial
divide and I think he's doing it on purpose and I think it's a very unfair thing and it's a very bad
thing. [Hannity, Fox News, 10/18/11]
When Asked If He Was Perpetuating African- American Stereotypes, Trump Said
I Don't Know What You Mean By Stereotypes. TRUMP: Well, I really have to go, but I
want to tell you I am the least racist. I am a wonderful person as far as you would be concerned
as to race. And I think everybody that knows me knows that. LEMON: Are you aware of the
stereotypes about African-Americans? Are you? TRUMP: Well, I don't know what you mean by
stereotypes. Why don't you define that a little bit in greater detail? LEMON: The stereotypes
that take place in America about African- Americans, one is that they are not as smart as whites.
And when you talk about someone like the President and you challenge whether or not he has an
education or deserve to go to Ivy League schools, you're talking -- you're bringing up, you're
promoting one of those stereotypes about African-Americans. [Newsroom, CNN, 5/1/11]

Trump Called Accusations That He Was Racist Ridiculous. LEMON: The

stereotypes that take place in America about African- Americans, one is that they are not as
smart as whites. And when you talk about someone like the President and you challenge
whether or not he has an education or deserve to go to Ivy League schools, you're talking -you're bringing up, you're promoting one of those stereotypes about African-Americans. And
as someone running for president of the country, which means everyone, then wouldn't you be
sensitive to those issues in the culture? TRUMP: It certainly does mean everyone, and it
means everyone to me. As far as I'm concerned, the President is a very smart man. And I
think a comment about racism is ridiculous as it applies to me. And people that know me
laugh at it. They think it is so stupid. I mean it is a ridiculous statement and is certainly
ridiculous as it applies to me. [Newsroom, CNN, 5/1/11]

Trump Often Used The Phrase Silent Majority Which Historically Was Seen As
A Racial Dog Whistle. In a press conference after a rally in South Carolina on Thursday,
Donald Trump insisted that there is a silent majority [who] wants this country to have victories
again. It's not the first time Trump has used that phrase -- silent majority. As far back as
July, Trump was using the phrase. The country is fed up with what's going on, he said at the
time. You know, in the old days they used the term 'silent majority.' We have the silent majority
back, folks. Trump's use of that term is 1) 100 percent on purpose and 2) decidedly controversial.
For many, the silent majority is a not-so-subtle reference to white people who need/want to take

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their culture and country back. And, the argument goes, they would be taking it back from those
who aren't white. [Washington Post, 8/27/15]
Donald Trump Was Criticized For Retweeting In Response To A Twitter Thread
About His Support From White Supremacists A Graphic Containing Statistics
Purporting To Show That The Vast Majority Of Murdered Black People Are Killed
By Other Black People. Donald Trump is taking heat on social media for a Sunday
afternoon tweet of statistics purporting to show that the vast majority of murdered black people
in the U.S. are killed by other black people. The tweet was apparently Trumps response to a
Twitter thread about support from white supremacists for the GOP front-runner. The image
Trump posted includes a list of USA Crime Statistics ~ 2015. The two that are highlighted are
Blacks Killed by Police ~~ 1% and Blacks Killed by Blacks ~~ 97%. A drawing of a black man
wielding a sideways pistol and wearing army pants, military boots and a bandana and mask
accompanies the statistics, which are sourced to the Crime Statistics Bureau in San Francisco.
Indeed, an initial search to confirm the numbers couldnt turn up a Crime Statistic Bureau in
San Francisco. [The Hill, 11/22/15]
Donald Trump Said That The Black Lives Matter Protester Who Interrupted His
Rally Was So Obnoxious And So Loud That Maybe He Should Have Been
Roughed Up. Donald Trump said Sunday that the protester who interrupted his rally at a
convention center here on Saturday morning was so obnoxious and so loud that maybe he
should have been roughed up. Mercutio Southall Jr. a well-known local activist who has been
repeatedly arrested while fighting what he says is unfair treatment of blacks interrupted
Trumps rally and could be heard shouting, Black lives matter! Get him the hell out of here,
will you, please? Trump said on Saturday morning. Get him out of here. Throw him out!
[Washington Post, 11/22/15]
Donald Trump Did Not Find The Washington Redskins Team Name Offensive,
And Said He Knew Indians That Are Extremely Proud Of That Name. After
months of name-calling, Jeb Bush and Donald J. Trump have finally found a name that they can
agree on: the Washington Redskins. But in this case, Mr. Trump says he thinks that Mr. Bush
is right. Honestly, I dont think they should change the name, unless the owner wanted to, Mr.
Trump said in an interview. Mr. Trump. who has made bluntness a hallmark of his presidential
bid, said that the Redskins moniker was yet another issue of unnecessary political correctness.
The name has been that way for years, he said, and not everyone considers it to be a slur. I know
Indians that are extremely proud of that name, he said. They think its a positive. [New York
Times, 10/5/15]

The Oneida Indian Nation Criticized Donald Trump For His Opposition To
Changing The Name Of The Washington Redskins. The Oneida Indian Nation on
Monday blasted Donald Trump after the GOP presidential candidate said he knows Indians
who are proud of the Washington Redskins football team name, and he sees no reason to
change it.It is hardly surprising that a candidate who labeled Mexican immigrants rapists
and calls women 'pigs' now says he wants the NFL to continue slurring Native Americans,
the statement said. Donald Trump joins some of the NFL's ignoble fraternity of billionaires

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who sit in their office suites and owner's boxes happily spending their fortunes denigrating
people of color. [Syracuse Post-Standard, 10/5/15]
Trump On Indian Casinos: You Have To Check And See Whether Or Not They're
The Real Indians. KING: Because they have gambling casinos in which they don't have to
pay tax, right? Indian's property? TRUMP: They have gambling casinos where they're paying
no tax and every politician knows it's not appropriate or not right, but they haven't done
anything about it yet. KING: But don't you think we owe them something? TRUMP: I think
we do. I think to a certain extent, we do, if they're real Indians. I mean, you have to check and
see whether or not they're the real Indians. You know, you have-- KING: You're questioning
that, Donald? TRUMP: No, no, you have to see who's running the casinos. And you know, I
made a statement, they don't look like Indians to me. And everyone said, oh, what a terrible
statement. I said, what's wrong? They don't. If you take a look at these folks, they don't like
Indians to me. And then, actually, a number of shows did a story that my statement was 100
percent correct. I never liked to apologize and there's no reason to apologize. But I think the
Indian casinos are -- you know, they're being looked at very seriously. [Larry King Live, CNN,
Trump Assumed A Young Asian Man At A Campaign Event Was From South
Korea, When He Was Really An American-Born Citizen. Finally, a young Asian man
attempted to correct Trump on his incorrect claim that South Korea takes advantage of the
United States in defense spending. Are you from South Korea? Trump asked. Im not. I was
born in Texas, raised in Colorado, the man responded as Trump literally shrugged. I just want
to say that no matter where Im from, I like to get my facts straight and I want to tell you that
thats not true. South Korea paid $861 million Then, Trump interrupts him permanently and
says the phrase, Its peanuts around ten times. [The Slot Blog, Jezebel, 10/12/15]
Bad Businessman
Trump Forced A Widow To Sell Him Her House So He Could Expand The
Limousine Parking Lot Outside One Of His Casinos. JOHN STOSSELL: When Donald
Trump wanted a bigger parking lot for limousines outside one of his casinos, he tried to get this
widow to sell him her house for $1 million. She said no. So Trump then got his allies in
government to condemn her house and force her to sell it for a quarter of his original offer.
WIDOW, FEMALE: He doesn't have no heart, that man. STOSSELL: You're bullying these
people out because TRUMP: I'm not, excuse me, that's wrong. For you to use the word bully,
John, is very unfair. STOSSELL: Well, that's not what's happening here? TRUMP: No,
absolutely not. Not at all. And I think it's a pretty sick assumption. STOSSELL: In the old
days, big developers came in with thugs with clubs. Now you use lawyers, you go to court, and
you force people out. TRUMP: Excuse me. Other people maybe use thugs today, okay? I don't.
[20/20, ABC News, 3/29/04]
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Trumps Clothing Brand Imports Clothes From China. Perry notes Trump has
imported clothing from China and Mexico produced for his brand. For Trump to operate,
outsource and invest globally while criticizing companies like Ford for doing the same is the
ultimate hypocrisy. To be fair to Ford, Trump should either agree to impose a 35% tax on Trump
Collection clothing and agree to stop investing overseas, or he should stop his threats against
Ford for operating as a global carmaker. [Forbes, 8/17/15]
Donald Trump Used Mexican Workers To Produce Is Donald J. Trump Signature
Collection Menswear Line. Not much gets past the Internet. Donald Trump is currently
embroiled in a steaming pot of controversy after making derogatory comments about Latin
American immigrants, claiming criminals and rapists are coming to the United States from
Mexico and advocating for "a great wall" at the border to keep people out. However, he seemed to
forget that he uses Mexican workers to produce his Donald J. Trump Signature Collection
menswear line. Adrian Carrasquillo, a political reporter and editor of Latino coverage at
BuzzFeed, decided to remind him. [Huffington Post, 7/2/15]
Headline: People Are Really Enjoying This Image Showing Donald Trumps
Clothing Made In Mexico. [BuzzFeed, 7/2/15; IMAGES]
3/19/07: Donald Trump Said The 2007 Real Estate Collapse Would Be Very
Minor And That He Was Poised To Take Advantage Of Falling Real Estate
Values. Donald Trump almost lost his shirt 15 years ago when the North American real estate
bubble burst. The 2007 version of that disaster will be much more benign, the real estate
magnate predicts, although there is softness in some urban markets, such as Toronto and San
Francisco. We're talking very minor [problems] compared with the depression of the early
1990s, Mr. Trump said yesterday in a phone interview from Los Angeles. Mr. Trump said he is
poised to invest in depressed property as the downturn moves through individual cities. People
have been talking about the end of the cycle for 12 years, and I'm excited if it is, he said. I've
always made more money in bad markets than in good markets. [Globe and Mail, 3/20/07]
Since 1991, Trump-Related Companies Have Filed For Corporate Bankruptcy Four
Separate Times. But just once for good measure: Donald Trump, personally, never declared
bankruptcy. Still, since 1991, Trump-related companies have filed for corporate bankruptcy
four separate times. Filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy allows a corporationwhich is legally
distinct of its shareholders, owners, board, and stay in business while it re-structures
and attempts to reduce its debt. So, while hes been able to keep his personal finances in order,
the businesses that so proudly trumpet his billion-dollar name are something of a different
story. [Vanity Fair, 6/29/15]
10/29/15: MSNBC: Donald Trumps Claim That He Never Filed For Bankruptcy
Was A Little Misleading Four Of His Businesses Have Declared Bankruptcy.

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As NBC News points out, Trump has never personally filed for bankruptcy. But its a little
misleading, as four of his businesses have. That includes the Trump Taj Mahal in 1991, Trump
Plaza Hotel in 1992, Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004 and Trump Entertainment
Resorts in 2009. [MSNBC, 10/29/15]
Donald Trump Would Have Made More Money By Simply Investing His Money In
A Mutual Fund Indexed To The Stock Market Than He Made Through His Real
Estate And Other Business Ventures. As really rich as Donald Trump is today, he might
have been even richer if, instead of dabbling in skyscrapers and casinos, hed simply taken his
eight-figure inheritance decades ago and sunk it into the stock market. Had the celebrity
businessman and Republican presidential candidate invested his eventual share of fathers real
estate company into a mutual fund of S&P 500 stocks in 1974, it would be worth nearly $3 billion
today, thanks to the markets performance over the past four decades. If hed invested the $200
million that Forbes magazine determined he was worth in 1982 into that index fund, it would
have grown to more than $8 billion today. [National Journal, 9/2/15]


Since 1991, Trump-Related Companies Have Filed For Corporate Bankruptcy Four
Separate Times. But just once for good measure: Donald Trump, personally, never declared
bankruptcy. Still, since 1991, Trump-related companies have filed for corporate bankruptcy
four separate times. Filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy allows a corporationwhich is legally
distinct of its shareholders, owners, board, and stay in business while it re-structures
and attempts to reduce its debt. So, while hes been able to keep his personal finances in order,
the businesses that so proudly trumpet his billion-dollar name are something of a different
story. [Vanity Fair, 6/29/15]
10/29/15: MSNBC: Donald Trumps Claim That He Never Filed For Bankruptcy
Was A Little Misleading Four Of His Businesses Have Declared Bankruptcy.
As NBC News points out, Trump has never personally filed for bankruptcy. But its a little
misleading, as four of his businesses have. That includes the Trump Taj Mahal in 1991, Trump
Plaza Hotel in 1992, Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts in 2004 and Trump Entertainment
Resorts in 2009. [MSNBC, 10/29/15]
Donald Trumps Creditors Could Have Forced Him Into Bankruptcy But Chose Not
To Because They Were Reluctant To Face Him In Bankruptcy Court. After a decade
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of profligate borrowing, Trump lacked the cash to make his loan payments. Although he owned
hotels, skyscrapers, casinos and an airline, his debts exceeded the value of his properties by
hundreds of millions of dollars. Trump's lenders could have forced him into personal bankruptcy
and stripped him of almost every-thing. But that didn't happen. Instead, the bankers and
investors to whom Trump owed money made a series of deals that left him wealthy. They let him
keep some properties and took control of others, and they reduced Trump's personal debt by
about $ 750 million, more than four-fifths of the total. They didn't do it out of charity. Rather, the
lenders were reluctant to confront Trump in bankruptcy court, where they would face years of
delay and massive legal expenses. In the end, lenders said, they feared they would recover less
money in bankruptcy than they could get by striking compromises with Trump. [Washington
Post, 11/29/92]
Donald Trump Was On The Brink Of Bankruptcy Following The 1990 Real Estate
Collapse But Was Able To Avoid Personal Bankruptcy By Selling Off Some Of His
Cherished Possessions. ZAHN: If the 1980s were the greed is good era, then Donald Trump
was the decade's poster boy. But by 1990, the real estate mogul nearly lost it all due to a
collapsing real estate market. He was on the brink of bankruptcy. To make matters worse,
Trump was going through a personal crisis. His marriage was falling apart. With a failed
marriage behind him, Trump now focused on trying to rebuild his business. He was able to avoid
bankruptcy by selling off some of his cherished possessions. [CNN People In The News, CNN,
Donald Trump Appeared Upbeat During Negotiations With His Creditors But Was
Personally Worried About Avoiding Bankruptcy. Donald managed to weather the slings
and arrows of doubters during these lean years and hunkered down with his bankers and with
his debts. As the negotiations progressed, Donald's bankers looked for every alternative they
could find to bankruptcy, because none of the banks wanted to contend with the mess that would
ensue if the talks collapsed. And the Trumpster kept singing a happy tune. He was always
upbeat, recalled Harvey Miller, a lawyer representing Citibank. One thing I'll say about Donald,
he was never depressed. Unbeknownst to his creditors, Donald was just as worried about a
bankruptcy as they were. He later told me that he wanted to avoid bankruptcy at all costs
because he felt that it would permanently taint him as a failure or a quitter. [New York Times,
Donald Trump Took Two Of The Trump Casinos Public In 1995 And 1996,
Enabling Him To Unload Personal Debt Onto The New Company. In a tribute to the
sucker-born-every-minute theorem, Donald managed to take two of the Trump casinos public in
1995 and 1996, at a time when he was unable to make his bank payments and was heading
toward personal bankruptcy. The stock sales allowed Donald to buy the casinos back from the
banks and to unload huge amounts of debt. The offering also yanked Donald out of the financial
graveyard and left him with a 25 percent stake in a company he once owned entirely. Trump
Hotels and Casino Resorts traded at $14 a share initially and, along with a fresh bond offering,
the new company raised about $295 million. [New York Times, 10/23/05]
Trump Called Bankruptcy A Great Deal. TRUMP: I'm going to be selling a piece of my
stake for a tremendous infusion of cash that comes into the company. You know, it's been a

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great company to me over the years, but it's a very small portion of my net worth, less than 2
percent. MASON: And you don't mind having the word 'bankruptcy' attached to your name?
TRUMP: Well, I don't love it, but I feel that this is a great deal. [CBS Evening News, CBS,
Trump Bragged About Taking Personal Advantage Of The Bankruptcy Laws.
Washington Post on the first 2015 GOP debate: That appeared to be the case on Thursday.
Trump committed no major mistakes. If he was overbearing at times, well, that has been part of
his appeal. If he was impolitic at other times bragging about buying access to politicians or
taking personal advantage of the bankruptcy laws he has done that before [Washington Post,
Donald Trump Bragged About Taking Companies With Bad Records, Chaptering
Them, And Ending Up With A Nice Little Asset. Ive inherited a lot of bad contracts
over the years, you know, where I buy a company cheap. Because the poor guy didnt know what
he was doing and he made a bad deal. So you buy it cheap, you throw it into a chapter, you beat
up everybody, and you have a nice little asset. Right. You know. You do it. I do it professionally.
Theres always a clause. [Donald Trump Rally, Sparks, NV, 10/29/15]
Trumps Predictions On The 2007 Downturn Were Wildly Off
3/19/07: Donald Trump Said The 2007 Real Estate Collapse Would Be Very
Minor And That He Was Poised To Take Advantage Of Falling Real Estate
Values. Donald Trump almost lost his shirt 15 years ago when the North American real estate
bubble burst. The 2007 version of that disaster will be much more benign, the real estate
magnate predicts, although there is softness in some urban markets, such as Toronto and San
Francisco. We're talking very minor [problems] compared with the depression of the early
1990s, Mr. Trump said yesterday in a phone interview from Los Angeles. Mr. Trump said he is
poised to invest in depressed property as the downturn moves through individual cities. People
have been talking about the end of the cycle for 12 years, and I'm excited if it is, he said. I've
always made more money in bad markets than in good markets. [Globe and Mail, 3/20/07]
3/19/07: Donald Trump Advised Investors To Purchase Subprime Mortgages And
Repossessed Houses At Low Prices. Mr. Trump shrugged off concerns that a crisis in U.S.
subprime mortgage lending, which caters to poor credit risks, would spread to the wider property
market, including Mr. Trump's luxury buildings. "I don't see the subprime problems affecting
the higher-end stuff," he said. In fact, he is advising investors that there are now great deals in
buying subprime mortgages at a discount and repossessed houses at low prices. [Globe and
Mail, 3/20/07]



Page 33

12/16/15: Donald Trump Appeared No Not Understand The Concept Of Americas

Nuclear Weapons Triad But Said, For Me, Nuclear The Power, The
Devastation Is Very Important To Me.When Donald Trump could not answer Hugh
Hewitts question on the nuclear triad during the fifth GOP debate Tuesday night, Sen. Marco
Rubio (R., Fla.) was kind enough to take the time to explain what the nuclear triad was to him
and any other Americans who may not have known. Trump was asked to offer his opinion on
which leg of the nuclear triad, decried by many as outdated, he believed was most crucial to
update. The Republican frontrunner did not appear to understand the topic. In his original
answer, Trump said it was important to have a strong leader with sound judgment during
perilous times. He then trailed off to talking about opposing the Iraq War and how important
limiting nuclear proliferation is. The response did not touch on Hewitts question, so he asked
again. I think for me nuclear the power, the devastation is very important to me, Trump said
in his second attempt. [Free Beacon, 12/15/15]
Trump Did Not Answer What His Priority Was Among The Nuclear Triad. HEWITT:
Dr. Carson just referenced the single most important job of the president, the command, the
control and the care of our nuclear forces. And he mentioned the triad. The B-52s are older than I
am. The missiles are old. The submarines are aging out. Its an executive order. Its a
commander-in-chief decision. Whats your priority among our nuclear triad? TRUMP: Well,
first of all, I think we need somebody absolutely that we can trust, who is totally responsible;
who really knows what he or she is doing. That is so powerful and so important. And one of the
things that Im frankly most proud of is that in 2003, 2004, I was totally against going into Iraq
because youre going to destabilize the Middle East. I called it. I called it very strongly. And it
was very important. [Republican Presidential Debate, Las Vegas NV, 12/15/15]
Trump Admitted He Didnt Know The Answers To Several Questions During
Foreign Policy Interview. Among other things, the Republican presidential front-runner
suggested it was not yet important for him to know the difference between Hezbollah and
Hamas, the Islamic militant groups based in Lebanon and Palestine. [Business Insider, 9/3/15]
Donald Trump Appeared To The Quds Force, An Iranian Military Group, For The
Kurds, A Middle Eastern People In An Interview With Hugh Hewitt. Donald J.
Trump revealed gaps in his mastery of international affairs during a radio interview on
Thursday, appearing to mistake the Quds Force, an Iranian military group, for the Kurds, a
Middle Eastern people, and growing testy over questions about foreign leaders. At one point,
according to the interviews transcript, Mr. [Hugh] Hewitt asked Mr. Trump if he was familiar
with Gen. Qassim Suleimani, the shadowy commander of Irans paramilitary Quds Force. Yes,
but go ahead, give me a little, go ahead, tell me, Mr. Trump replied. He runs the Quds Forces,
Mr. Hewitt said. Yes, O.K., right, Mr. Trump said. But Mr. Trump seemed to think Mr. Hewitt
was referring to the Kurds, a group with its own language and culture. Mr. Trump asserted that
the Kurds, by the way, have been horribly mistreated. Mr. Hewitt interrupted. No, not the
Kurds, the Quds Forces, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Quds Forces. Mr. Trump tried to

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recover from the live, on-air tutorial. Yes, yes, he said. He added, Oh, I thought you said Kurds,
Kurds. [New York Times, 9/3/15]
Donald Trump Appeared To Not Know The Difference Between The Iranian Quds
Forces And The Kurds. HUGH HEWITT: Are you familiar with General Soleimani?
DONALD TRUMP: Yes, but go ahead, give me a little, go ahead, tell me. HUGH HEWITT: He
runs the Quds Forces. DONALD TRUMP: Yes, okay, right. HUGH HEWITT: Do you expect
his behavior DONALD TRUMP: The Kurds, by the way, have been horribly mistreated by
HUGH HEWITT: No, not the Kurds, the Quds Forces, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Quds
Forces. DONALD TRUMP: Yes, yes. HUGH HEWITT: is the bad guys. DONALD TRUMP:
Right. HUGH HEWITT: Do you expect his behavior to change as a result DONALD
TRUMP: Oh, I thought you said Kurds, Kurds. HUGH HEWITT: No, Quds. DONALD
TRUMP: Oh, Im sorry, I thought you said Kurds, because I think the Kurds have been poorly
treated by us, Hugh. Go ahead. HUGH HEWITT: Agreed. So Soleimani runs the Quds Forces.
Do you expect his behavior is going to change as a result of this deal with Iran? DONALD
TRUMP: I think that Iran right now is in the drivers seat to do whatever they want to do. I
think whats happening with Iran is, I think its one of the, and I covered it very well. I assume
you saw the news conference. I think Iran is, its one of the great deals ever made for them. I
think its one of the most incompetent contracts Ive even seen. Im not just talking about
defense. Im not talking about a contract with another country. Ive never seen more of a onesided deal, I think, in my life, absolutely. HUGH HEWITT: Well, Soleimani is to terrorism sort
of what Trump is to real estate. DONALD TRUMP: Okay. HUGH HEWITT: Many people
would say hes the most dangerous man in the world, and he runs the Quds Forces, which is
their Navy SEALs. DONALD TRUMP: Is he the gentleman that was going back and forth with
Russia and meeting with Putin? I read something, and that seems to be also where hes at.
HUGH HEWITT: Thats the guy. DONALD TRUMP: Hes going back and forth meeting with
other countries, etc., etc. HUGH HEWITT: Thats the guy. DONALD TRUMP: Not good.
HUGH HEWITT: And so do you think DONALD TRUMP: Not good for us. And what it
shows is a total lack of respect, I mean, that the other countries would even be entertaining him,
and theyre entertaining him big league, big league. [Hugh Hewitt Radio Show, 9/3/15]
Donald Trump Said He Got Military Advice From The Shows. CHUCK TODD: Who
do you talk to for military advice right now? DONALD TRUMP: Well, I watch the shows. I
mean, I really see a lot of great -- you know, when you watch your show and all of the other
shows and you have the generals. [Washington Post, 8/17/15; Meet The Press, NBC News,
Trumps Foreign Policy Could Make America An Enemy Of The World

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Donald Trump: Im The Most Militaristic Person Here, But You Have To Know
When To Use The Military. [Donald Trump Presidential Campaign Rally, Norfolk, VA,
Donald Trump: I Am The Most Militaristic Person Have You Ever Had On Your
Show, Believe Me, OK? [Fox Business News, 11/6/15]
Donald Trump: I'm The Most Military-Based And The Most Militaristic Person
On Your Show. [Face The Nation, CBS News, 10/11/15]
Donald Trump: Look. I Am The Most Militaristic Person. I Will Make Our
Military So Strong And So Powerful, Nobody's Going To Mess With Us. [20/20, ABC
News, 11/20/15]
Donald Trump: I Mean, There's Something Going On. I'm Most Militaristic
Person On The Stage But You Have To Know Who To Attack And When. [OReilly
Factor, Fox News, 11/25/15]
Donald Trump Said France Was "The Worst Partner That This Country Has Ever
Had" And Would Sell A Nuclear Weapon To Anybody Giving Them 10 Cents More
Than The Next Guy. Mr. Trump used his appearance on Fox to criticize a number of U.S.
allies and trading partners. He denounced France as the worst partner that this country has
ever had. They'll sell a nuclear weapon to anybody giving them 10 cents more than the next
guy, he said. They are a very disloyal group in terms of their government, and I think they have
to be taught respect, Mr. Trump said. [Washington Times, 11/1/99]

10/31/99: Donald Trump: France Has To Be The Worst Partner That This
Country Has Ever Had. They Have Been A Very Disloyal Partner To The
United States And Virtually Anybody Else They Deal With. If you look
throughout the world, France has to be the worst partner that this country has ever had.
They'll sell a nuclear weapon to anybody giving them 10 cents more to the next guy. It's
terrible. I think France just doesn't respect this country. France is a terrible partner.
They've been a terrible partner over the years. They are a very disloyal group in terms of
their government, and I think they have to be taught respect. I'm not saying what I'm doing
to them, I just think France and I think one thing I'm doing I'm exposing them, because I've
never heard this before. But anybody that knows anything about government, knows that
France has been a very disloyal partner to the United States and virtually anybody else they
deal with. [Fox News Sunday, Fox News, 10/31/99]

Donald Trump Accused Germany Of Wanting To Take Over The World

Economically. Mr. Trump used his appearance on Fox to criticize a number of U.S. allies and
trading partners. He accused Germany of wanting to take over the world economically, even
though they failed militarily. [Washington Times, 11/1/99]
Trump Wanted Saudi Arabia To Pay The U.S. For Their Support. Trump, who has
repeatedly portrayed Mexico, Japan, and China as ripping us off, shifted his focus to Saudi

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Arabia in an interview that aired Sunday on NBC's Meet the Press. They should pay us, Trump
said of the oil rich nation. Like it or dont like it, people have backed Saudi Arabia. What I really
mind, though, is we back it at tremendous expense. We get nothing for it. Trump portrayed the
U.S. financial relationship with Saudi Arabia as outdated. The primary reason we're with Saudi
Arabia is because we need the oil, Trump said. Now we don't need the oil so much, and if we let
our people really go, we wouldn't need the oil at all and we could let everybody else fight it out.
The U.S. currently imports more than one million barrels of Saudi Arabian oil each day,
according to the U.S. State Department's website.Saudi Arabia, if it werent for us, they
wouldnt be here, Trump said. They wouldnt exist. [Bloomberg, 8/16/15]
Trump Said That The Chinese Were Enemies. MORGAN: There are towns in China that
sell 95 percent of the world's duvets. You know, they manufacture 85 percent of the world's
buttons. Now I don't think that's the enemy. I think it's a potential business friend. Isn't it? Can't
we work with them? TRUMP: I don't think they're friends. I think they're enemies. I deal with
Chinese. I just sold an apartment to a Chinese person for $33 million a short while ago -- a
couple of months ago. I mean I'm supposed to like the Chinese but I understand the Chinese and
I deal with them all the time. Now this is before they thought I might run for president. They
consider our leaders extremely stupid people. They cannot believe what they get away with.
Whether it's the Olympics where they put people under age and they say, no, no, no, and then we
find out it was true and they say, oh, we just didn't know. Or whether they have the beautiful
girl singing the national anthem, their national anthem, but it wasn't her singing. So many
different things. I mean the Chinese are looking to put us under and believe me they are not our
friends. I'm surprised at you because you're not somebody that's easily misled or misguided
They are not our friend. [Piers Morgan Tonight, Fox News, 2/9/11]
In Response To China Devaluing Their Currency, Trump Said He Would Put A
Tariff On Chinese Products And Claimed We Have To Have A Trade War With
China. Challenged by host Bill O'Reilly, the celebrity real estate tycoon doubled down on what
has become a main issue in his campaign, criticizing the U.S. government for allowing China to
devalue its currency. Trump said he would put a tariff on Chinese products, saying you have to
have a trade war. Their leaders are intelligent, ours aren't, Trump said Monday. [The Hill,
8/25/15; The OReilly Factor, Fox News, 8/24/15]

Trump Said He Would Start A Trade War With China, Stating You Have To Do That ... You Have No Choice.
Trump, who has made a similar call with Mexico, said Monday that he would initiate a trade war with China, saying
you have to do that ... you have no choice.: [CNN, 8/25/15; The OReilly Factor, Fox News, 8/24/15]

CNN Money: Trump Massive Tariffs Would Start An Immediate Trade War That Would Likely Hurt American
Jobs And Exports. Trump's big claim is that he will bring back American jobs -- from China, from Mexico, from
Japan, from so many places. If you listen closely, Trump has proposed doing this two ways: slapping tariffs on foreign
goods and negotiating better trade deals. In his campaign announcement speech, he threatened a 35% tax on Ford
(F) vehicles made in Mexico that are brought back to the U.S. to be sold, and in 2011, he has made headlines for
suggesting a 25% tariff on goods coming from China to the U.S. At face value, what Trump has proposed would start
an immediate trade war that would likely hurt American jobs and exports. [CNN Money, 7/28/15]

Trump: I Will Build The Best Wall, The Biggest, The Strongest, Not Penetrable.
They Wont Be Crawling Over It Like Give It A Little Jump And They Are Over
The Wall Because Theyre Australians And Ill Have Mexico Pay For That Wall.
[Donald Trump at Tuscan Kitchen restaurant, 4/27/15]

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HEADLINE: Donald Trump On Waterboarding: If It Doesnt Work, They Deserve
It Anyway. [Washington Post, 11/23/15]
Donald Trump Said He Would Absolutely Bring Back Waterboarding As An
Accepted Form Of Interrogation. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said
Sunday he would allow U.S. interrogators to waterboard suspected terrorists in the wake of the
recent attacks in Paris. I would bring it back, yes, Trump said on ABCs This Week. I would
bring it back, Trump said. I think waterboarding is peanuts compared to what theyd do to us,
what theyre doing to us, what they did to James Foley when they chopped off his head. Thats a
whole different level, and I would absolutely bring back interrogation and strong interrogation.
[Politico, 11/22/15]
Donald Trump Said You Bet Your Ass He Would Approve Waterboarding In A
Heartbeat, And If It Doesnt Work, They Deserve It Anyway For What Theyre
Doing. Would I approve waterboarding? You bet your ass I would in a heartbeat, Trump
said to loud cheers during a rally at a convention center here Monday night that attracted
thousands. And I would approve more than that. Don't kid yourself, folks. It works, okay? It
works. Only a stupid person would say it doesn't work. It works, Trump said over and over
again. Believe me, it works. And you know what? If it doesn't work, they deserve it anyway, for
what they're doing. It works. [Washington Post, 11/23/15]
Donald Trump Said Osama Bin Laden Would Not Have Been Killed If U.S. Had
Not Used Waterboarding, Despite A 2014 Senate Intelligence Committee Reports
Determinations To The Contrary. Trump said bin Laden ultimately would not have been
killed in 2011 if the United States did not use waterboarding, the controversial interrogation
technique that the Obama administration considers torture and no longer uses. An exhaustive
2014 Senate Intelligence Committee report deemed that harsh interrogation measures like
waterboarding do not work and did not produce breakthrough intelligence in the hunt for bin
Laden, assertions that the CIA and former officers vehemently dispute. Trump has said he would
resume waterboarding and approve even more aggressive techniques. [Washington Post,
Donald Trump Said He Knew More About ISIS Than The Generals Do, And That
He Would Bomb The Shit Out Of Them. I know more about ISIS than the generals do,
Trump said. Believe me. Trump said he would go after the oil fields in Iraq and Syria that he
says nets the terrorist group millions of dollars a week. I would bomb the s--- out of them, he
said to raucous applause. I would just bomb those suckers. And that's right: I'd blow up the
pipes, I'd blow up the refineries. I would blow up every single inch. There would be nothing left.
[Washington Post, 11/13/15; Donald Trump Campaign Rally, Fort Dodge Iowa, 11/12/15]
Trump Supported Putting 10,000 Ground Troops In Syria To Defeat ISIS.
SCARBOROUGH: Right. But you need ground troops to do that? TRUMP: Yes, you'll need
some ground troops. Yeah. You'll need ground troops. SCARBOROUGH: What do you think?

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10,000, 20,000? Do you have a number?... So -- I want to get specific with you like I will with Ted
Cruz and everybody else because I think people need to start giving us specifics on how we get
there. TRUMP: Well, I've been specific. SCARBOROUGH: So 10,000 troops?... I'm talking
specifically about ground troops So would you support taking it, say, ten thousand ground
troops as part of an international force?... Would you support 10,000 ground troops? TRUMP: I
would. Yes, I would. [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 12/8/15]
Trumps Gun Policy: More Guns
Trump Said If He Were At The Paris Or San Bernardino Shooting, And If I Had A
Gun, I'm -- We're Going Down Shooting. We're Going To Knock Them Out, OK,
One Way Or The Other. TRUMP: What's too far? What's too far? They're killing people,
whether it's what we just saw in California or in Paris. They're killing people, innocent people,
people without guns. You look at Paris, no guns, nothing. You look at California, no guns. I can
tell you one thing. If I'm in there and if I had a gun, I'm -- we're going down shooting. We're going
to knock them out, OK, one way or the other. And if a couple of guns are in that room, you talk
about Second Amendment, which I'm a big believer in the Second Amendment. In Paris, they
had no guns. In California, they had no guns. Only the bad guys had the guns. So, they were like
sitting ducks, every one of them. [Face The Nation, CBS, 12/6/15]
1/7/15: Donald Trump Tweeted About French Gun Control Laws After The
Shootings At The French Satirical Newspaper Charlie Hebdo. As such, it was no
surprise that after shootings at the satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris this
week, some Americans began to wonder about gun control laws. Isn't it interesting that the
tragedy in Paris took place in one of the toughest gun control countries in the world? American
reality television star Donald Trump wrote on Twitter shortly after the news broke. The tweet
prompted both praise (over a thousand retweets) and scorn (Trump was labelled a moron and an
idiot by other tweeters). [Washington Post, 1/9/15]

1/7/15: Donald Trump: Isnt It Interesting That The Tragedy In Paris Took Place In One Of The Toughest Gun
Control Countries In The World? [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 1/7/15]

11/18/15: Donald Trump Said, If You Had A Guy Like You Or Me, Or Some Other
Guys In That Room That Had Guns, The Terrorist Attacks In Paris Would Have
Been Mitigated. Donald Trump said on Wednesday that, if he or somebody else with a gun
had been present during last Fridays attacks in Paris, things would have gone differently. So
they were just shooting people: Next! Next! the former reality TV star told Boston radio host
Jeff Kuhner. Just people were totally defenseless. If you had a guy like you or me, or some other
guys in that room that had guns, it wouldnt have been that way, Jeff. You know. It wouldnt
have been that way. Trump made the comments after saying that, because of French gun laws,
nobody had a gun to shoot the attackers, adding that the only ones that had the guns are the
bad guys. [Buzzfeed, 11/18/15]

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Donald Trump Said He Carries A Gun On Occasion Because I Like Tobe

Unpredictable. Donald Trump said he carries a firearm on occasion but not always,
because he likes to keep people guessing. Trump said hed feel more comfortable if employees at
his company were armed, but he noted that having a permit is very unusual in New York.
I do carry on occasion, sometimes a lot, he said. But I like to be unpredictable. Trump said his
carrying decisions are in contrast to the country's military policy, which he said is totally
predictable. [Politico, 10/28/15]
12/11/15: Donald Trump: Im A Member Of The NRA, But Im Not Such A Great
Shot. [Donald Trump Presidential Campaign Rally, Des Moines, Iowa, 12/11/15]
Donald Trump Played Up His Support For Nearly Unrestricted Gun Rights
Despite Having Supported The Assault Weapons Ban And Longer Background
Checks In The Past. Donald Trump said Tuesday he supports allowing Americans to legally
buy and own assault weapons. Trump has played up his support for nearly unrestricted gun
rights throughout the campaign as he has looked to bolster his conservative credentials,
especially given his past support for some gun control measures. I generally oppose gun control,
but I support the ban on assault weapons and I also support a slightly longer waiting period to
purchase a gun, Trump wrote in his 2000 book The America We Deserve. [CNN, 10/6/15]

2015: Donald Trump Supported Allowing Americans To Buy And Own Assault
Weapons And Called For An End To Gun-Free Zones. Donald Trump said Tuesday
he supports allowing Americans to legally buy and own assault weapons. You have to be
because the bad guys are going to have them anyway, Trump told CNN's Chris Cuomo on
New Day. What happens when the bad guys have the assault weapons and you don't in a
confrontation? Trump suggested overturning gun-free zones and said civilians with guns
could have stopped the mass shooting at a community college last week in Oregon. [CNN,

2000: Donald Trump Supported The Assault Weapons Ban And Longer Waiting
Periods. I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I
also support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun, Trump wrote in his 2000
book The America We Deserve." [CNN, 10/6/15]

Trump Opposed Regulations On The Number Of Rounds Allowed In Gun

Magazines. TRUMP: Gun magazine limits do not make common sense. I have long opposed
such limits. For instance, I fought the SAFE Act in New York, which I call the Unsafe Act. I
also spoke at a rally in Albany championing gun rights and protesting the Unsafe Act. The law
limited capacity to seven rounds, as if criminals were going to take rounds out of their magazines
before committing a crime. It was later changed to a limit of ten rounds, but the entire episode
was a complete disaster. [Ammoland, 7/7/15]
Donald Trump Criticized Gun-Free Zones And Said Its Going To Be A Lot Safer
If You Carry A Gun. DICKERSON: Should people carry? TRUMP: If they want to, they

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should be able to, because it's going to be lot safer. Look at what's going on. We're going into
these gun-free areas. How about the school few months ago? Gun-free school, gun-free area, and
you look at what happened. It was a disgrace. If people had guns, how about the -- how about the
soldiers that were killed, six soldiers killed, champion marksmen on a military base? They're not
allowed to carry their guns. [Face The Nation, CBS, 12/6/15]
Repeal Without A Plan On Health Care
Trump Called The Affordable Care Act A Total Catastrophe. Trump presented
himself as a conservative, very conservative and as a Republican, but admitted that he is very
disappointed with Republican politicians. The crowd shared the sentiment and gave The
Donald a huge round of applause. Trump says the GOP has let the president get away with
absolute murder. He pointed to Obamacare as a total catastrophe. [Breitbart, 1/24/15]
In Crippled America, Donald Trump Laid Out His Plan To Replace The
Affordable Care Act: Ill Hire Smart People And Theyll Come Up With Something.
My approach is completely different. I approach complicated problems such as how to provide
health care for most Americans at a price we can afford the same way I solve the toughest
business problems. We should hire the most knowledgeable people in the world on this subject
and lock them in a roomand not unlock the door until theyve agreed on the steps we need to
take. A lot of times when I speak, people say I dont provide specific policies that some pollster
has determined are what people want to hear. I know thats not the way the professional
politicians do itthey seem to poll and focus-group every word. But theres nobody like me.
[Trump, Crippled America, 70, 11/3/15]

Donald Trump: Obamacares Going To Be Repealed And Replaced, And I Am Going To Take Care Of
Everybody And The Governments Gonna Pay For It. TRUMP: Obamacare's going to be repealed and
replaced. Obamacare is a disaster if you look at what's going on with premiums where they're up 45, 50, 55 percent.
Everybody's got to be covered. I am going to take care of everybody. I don't care if it costs me votes or not.
[The uninsured are] going to be taken care of. The government's gonna pay for it. But we're going to save so much
money on the other side. But for the most it's going to be a private plan and people are going to be able to go out and
negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with lots of competitors with great companies and they can
have their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything. [60 Minutes, CBS, 9/27/15]

Donald Trump Said He Would Repeal The Affordable Care Act And Replace It
With Something Terrific. Trump once supported the liberal plan to create a national,
single-payer health care system similar to the one in Canada, a position he explained in his 2000
book The America We Deserve. But as a Republican presidential candidate, Trump's plan is
now simpler: Repeal Obamacare. And then? Replace with something terrific, Trump said,
explaining that the terrific would be handled by private companies competing in the private
market. But Trump suggested an alternative system for lower-income individuals -- describing
what, in the broad strokes, appears to sound similar to Medicaid. [CNN, 7/30/15]

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Climate Change Denier

In 2015, Trump Called Climate Change A Hoax. Mr. Trumps policy views can be just
as provocative as his demeanor. In the past, he has called climate change a hoax and said he
has a foolproof plan to defeat the Islamic State, which he will not reveal so as not to tip off the
group. On Tuesday, he vowed to build a great wall on the Mexican border to keep out rapists
and other criminals, who he said were sneaking into the United States in droves. [New York
Times, 6/17/15]
Trump: This Very Expensive GLOBAL WARMING Bullshit Has Got To Stop. Our
Planet Is Freezing, Record Low Temps,And Our GW Scientists Are Stuck In Ice
[@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 1/1/14]
Trump Argued That The Environment Would Be Fine Without Protection.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Sunday that he would cut government
agencies if he were elected President. Among them? The Department of Education and the
Environmental Protection Agency, Trump told Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace. Would
you cut serve -- would you cut departments? Wallace asked Trump. No, I'm not cutting services,
but I'm cutting spending. But I may cut Department of Education. I believe Common Core is a
very bad thing, Trump said. I believe that we should be you know, educating our children
from Iowa, from New Hampshire, from South Carolina, from California, from New York. I think
that it should be local education. So the Department of Education is one, he continued.
Environmental Protection, what they do is a disgrace. Every week they come out with new
regulations. They're making it impossible Wallace interjected, Who's going to protect the
environment? They we'll be fine with the environment, Trump replied. We can leave a little
bit, but you can't destroy businesses. [Talking Points Memo, 10/18/15]
Donald Trump Declared, You Cant Get Hurt By Extreme Weather, Then
Tweeted His Support For The More Than 12 People Killed By Flooding In South
Carolina. Donald Trump sent out prayers to those affected by the deadly flooding in South
Carolina on Monday, just weeks after telling voters people aren't hurt from extreme weather. As
of Monday night, there have been a total of 13 storm related deaths in South Carolina and North
Carolina combined. Thoughts and prayers for those in the floods affecting the great people of
South Carolina, Trump tweeted Monday in the wake of the floods. But two weeks ago in Dallas,
Trump told supporters you can't get hurt with extreme weather, as he dismissed President
Barack Obama's argument that extreme weather as a result of climate change poses a threat to
America. [CNN, 10/5/15]
Trump Has Supported The GOPs Reckless Approach To Governing

Page 42

Donald Trump Said He Would Support Republicans Sticking Together To Shut

Down The Government Over Obamacare. Real estate mogul Donald Trump said he
supports shutting down the government over legislation to defund Planned Parenthood, adding
that the Republican Party could have done the same thing with Obamacare. I would [support a
government shutdown], and I was also in support if the Republicans stuck together you could
have done it with Obamacare also, but the Republicans decided not to stick together and they
left a few people out there like Ted Cruz, Trump said on the Hugh Hewitt Show on Monday.
[Politico, 8/4/15]
Donald Trump Said It Was Worth The Fight To Use The Debt Ceiling As
Leverage To Get Spending Cuts Because If You Had The Right People There You
Could Cut It And You Would Have No Problem Whatsoever. HALPERIN: So do you
think it's worth playing a game of chicken with President Obama, and not raising the debt
ceiling and dealing with the market (INAUDIBLE)? TRUMP: I would say that it's worth the
fight, because honestly, there is so much fat in Washington that if you had the right people there
you could cut it and you would have no problem whatsoever. And you wouldn't miss a thing.
[Interview CNBC/Dow Jones Business Video, 8/26/15]
Donald Trump Said Congress Should Use The Debt Limit As A Strong
Negotiating Tactic. TRUMP: Congress should negotiate the debt limit. They should
negotiate and use it as a strong negotiating tactic, because theyre not doing that. I heard last
night, speaker Boehner: We will never violate the debt limit. Now its one thing if you believe
that, but you dont say that because the other side now knows that youre not going to do
anything with the debt limit and you have given up such leverage by saying that, and I just dont
understand why would he say that. You have given up such leverage to the Obama side, to the
Democrats, because he said We will not violate, and Im saying to myself, Boy, thats why so
many people are so angry. So many Republicans, on the other side, the smaller group, but a
tough group, theyre not happy about it. So I would use the debt limit to negotiate a great deal. I
just dont know if theyre going to do that. How can you do that when youve already announced
that youre not going to violate the debt? [Capital Download, USA Today, 10/22/15; VIDEO]
2013: Donald Trump Thought Republicans Had Cards To Play In Avoiding A
Government Shutdown, But They Needed To Hurry Up, And Ultimately It Was Up
To President Obama To Lead. Real Estate mogul Donald Trump offered some of his expert
deal-making advice to Congress on Monday as the clock was ticking on avoiding a government
shutdown: Hurry up. I think actually the Republicans have a lot of cards. But if they're going to
play those cards, they better play them now, said The Art of the Deal author. You have the
debt ceiling coming up. It's going to be another time. But you can't play it twice as easily.
Ultimately, Trump said it's up to President Barack Obama to lead. [Politico, 9/30/13]
Trump Supported Shutting Down The Government To Defund Planned Parenthood.
Real estate mogul Donald Trump said he supports shutting down the government over
legislation to defund Planned Parenthood, adding that the Republican Party could have done the

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same thing with Obamacare. I would [support a government shutdown], and I was also in
support if the Republicans stuck together you could have done it with Obamacare also, but the
Republicans decided not to stick together and they left a few people out there like Ted Cruz,
Trump said on the Hugh Hewitt Show on Monday. [Politico, 8/4/15]
Trump Has Devalued And Demeaned Women Repeatedly Throughout His Career


Megyn Kelly Questioned Trump For Calling Women 'Fat Pigs,' 'Dogs,' Slobs, And
Disgusting Animals. Real-estate magnate Donald Trump was confronted by Fox News
moderator Megyn Kelly during the first Republican presidential debate on Thursday, accusing
him of being insensitive toward women. You've called women you don't like, 'fat pigs,' 'dogs,'
slobs, and disgusting animals, Kelly opened a question to Trump. Only Rosie O'Donnell, Trump
quipped. No it wasn't. For the record, it was well beyond Rosie O'Donnell. Your Twitter account
has several disparaging comments about women's looks. You once told a contestant on 'Celebrity
Apprentice' it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. Does that sound to you like the
temperament of a man we should elect as president? Kelly asked Trump. Trump went on to say
he thinks a major problem with America is its trend toward being politically correct. And he told
Kelly if she didn't like it, I'm sorry. I think the big problem this country has being politically
correct. I've been challenged by so many people and I don't frankly have time for total political
correctness, he said. [Business Insider, 8/6/15]
Trump Hit Megyn Kelly For The Questions She Asked During The First Debate
And Claimed You Could See There Was Blood Coming Out Of Her Eyes, Blood
Coming Out Of Her Wherever. During Thursday's presidential debate, Kelly pressed
Trump about misogynistic, sexist comments he made in the past, such as calling some women
fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals. Trump slammed Kelly, saying her questions were
ridiculous and off-base. You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, Trump told
CNN's Don Lemon on Friday night. Blood coming out of her wherever. [CNN, 8/8/15; Don
Lemon, CNN, 8/7/15]
2011: Trump Called A Lawyer Who Requested A Break From A Deposition To
Pump Breast Milk Disgusting, Before Ending His Testimony And Leaving The
Room. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump once called a lawyer who requested a
break from a 2011 deposition to pump breast milk disgusting before ending his testimony and
leaving the room. He got up, his face got red, he shook his finger at me and he screamed, 'You're
disgusting, you're disgusting,' and he ran out of there, Beck told CNN's Alisyn Camerota on
Wednesday morning, calling it an absolute meltdown. The incident was described in a letter
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from Jared Beck, Elizabeth's co-counsel and husband, obtained by CNN and first reported
Tuesday by the New York Times. Trump's attorney Allen Garten, who was present for the
deposition, does not dispute that Trump called Beck disgusting. Trump slammed Beck's
interview in a tweet to CNN Politics on Wednesday morning: Lawyer Elizabeth Beck did a
terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her,she was easy, he
tweeted. [CNN, 7/29/15]

Alan Garten, Executive Vice President And General Counsel At The Trump
Organization, Did Not Dispute Trumps Remarks And Said That The Lawyer
Was Disgusting. Alan Garten, executive vice president and general counsel at The
Trump Organization, did not dispute the remark, but said Trump called Beck disgusting
because she was about to use her breast pump in the middle of the deposition room. She was
disgusting, Garten said in a phone interview with CNN. She was attempting to breast feed -to pump in the middle of a deposition, in a deposition room with five lawyers and was not
excusing herself. [CNN, 7/29/15]


Trump On What He Would Do If His Wife Gained 40 Or 50 Pounds: I'd Say, 'Start
Working Out.' COOPER: What happens if Marla gained this kind of weight? Would you drop
her? TRUMP: Well, I'd probably do the same thing with her. I'd say, 'Start working out.' No, I
wouldn't. COOPER: OK. You're sure? TRUMP: It's a very interesting question. [This
Morning, CBS, 1/29/97]
Trump On Miss Universe Pageant Winner: She Weighed 118 Pounds, Or 117
Pounds, And She Went Up To 160 Or 170. So This Is Somebody That Likes To
Eat. COOPER: Enter the man Alisa calls her new boss. You got it, The Donald. Trump and
his wife, Marla, purchased the Miss Universe pageant earlier this month. And Trump decided
this investment needed a little extra attention. TRUMP: She weighed 118 pounds, or 117
pounds, and she went up to 160 or 170. So this is somebody that likes to eat. COOPER: Now
instead of steaks and French fries, it's medicine balls and jump ropes for Alisa; that is, when
there's room enough to exercise. [This Morning, CBS, 1/29/97]
Donald Trump Said Wearing Burkas Makes It Easier For Women To Look
Beautiful Because They Dont Have To Put On Make-Up. Trump extended his bluntforce brand of diplomacy and non-interventionist stance to women's rights, saying that America
should stop meddling in Middle Eastern affairs because women there don't want freedom, as
evidenced by their desire to wear burqas or niqabs, which cover their faces. With the women
over there, they don't have to wear the you-know-what, Trump said referring to the veils worn
by some Muslim women. And then I said, 'Oh well that makes sense. That's nice.' Then, I saw
women interviewed. They said, 'We want to wear them. We've worn them for a thousand years.
Why would anyone tell us?' They want to. What the hell are we getting involved for? The fact is
it's easier. You don't have to put on make-up. Look how beautiful everyone looks. Wouldn't it be
easier if mwah (kissing sound)? Right? Wouldn't that be easy? I tell you if I was a woman mwah - I'm ready darling. Let's go. [CBS News, 10/26/15]


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Trump: Doesnt Matter What Media Say About You As Long As Youve Got A
Young And Beautiful Piece Of Ass. In 1991, Trump told Esquire, "You know, it doesn't
really matter what (the media) write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass.
[Des Moines Register, 9/13/15]
Trump On His Daughter: She Does Have A Very Nice Figure ... If [She] Werent
My Daughter, Perhaps Id Be Dating Her. She was replaced by Trumps eldest
daughter, Ivanka, of whom Trump once said, She does have a very nice figure ... if [she] werent
my daughter, perhaps Id be dating her. [Anna Holmes, Washington Post, 4/30/11]
Trump: I Think The Hunt Is Always Fun, Whether It's Deals, Whether It's
Women, Whether It's Anything. WALTERS: I want to clear something up. In your book,
the new book, you say, The fun is in the getting, not the having. Does that include women? No
kidding. TRUMP: Interesting question. I think the hunt is always fun, whether it's deals,
whether it's women, whether it's anything. I think, however, that with respect to women, there
would be nothing that would make me happier than having a great marriage. An absolutely
great marriage, and that would certainly supersede the hunt.[20/20, ABC News, 8/17/90]
Trump On Not Having A First Lady: We Could Have One In 24 Hours If
Necessary. KING: We will not have a first lady. Who will be? I'm thinking ahead. Who's in
charge of social affairs? TRUMP: Well, we could have one in 24 hours. We actually -- it would
be very interesting. KING: There's a line out there? TRUMP: But we could have one quickly.
KING: Are you telling us something? TRUMP: No, not all. But I'm saying, if there was a, you
know, prerequisite, 24 hours, it's done. [Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99]
Trump: I Don't Want To Sound Too Much Like A Chauvinist, But When I Come
Home And Dinner's Not Ready, I'll Go Through The Roof.NANCY COLLINS: Well,
you now are married to a woman, and you- who would like to continue her career. Marla says she
does want to have a career.You have said you don't want Marla to work. TRUMP: I think
I'm probably mixed. I have days where I think it's great and then I have days where if I come
home and- you know, I don't want to sound too much like a chauvinist, but when I come home
and dinner's not ready, I'll go through the roof, okay?[Primetime Live, ABC News, 3/10/94]
Trump: Men Need Support At HomeNot Someone Who Is Always Griping and
Bitching. "Often, I will tell friends whose wives are constantly nagging them about this or that
that they're better off leaving and cutting their losses. I'm not a great believer in always trying to
work things out, because it just doesn't happen that way. For a man to be successful he needs
support at home, just like my father had from my mother, not someone who is always griping
and bitching." [Des Moines Register, 9/13/15]
Trump: It Is Rare That Women Are Both Very Beautiful And Have High IQs.
ZAHN: Let's go back to the women for a moment. Because TIME magazine calls them, either

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the hottest women in your office hot to super model hot, and they say that there is more leg and
naval flashed in most staff meetings outside of Hooters. TRUMP: And they know how to use
their looks. Many of the women are very beautiful, super model beautiful but they have 200 IQs,
which is rather rare. [Paula Zahn Now, 1/7/04]
Trump Said That Women Using Sexuality To Get Ahead Is Part Of Life. KING:
Do you think that some complaining about women use their gender to advantage in this, or is
that also part of life? TRUMP: Women? I mean, do women use sex? Absolutely not. You've
never known a woman to use sex, right? On my show, I get criticized when they use sex. The
rest of the world, nobody gets criticized. You know, amazingly, these people were chosen. They're
young people, and they were chosen for their brain, but they happen to be attractive. I mean, the
women, some of the women, happen to be very attractive. And they have used their sexuality to
win certain tasks, as we call them. And hey, that's part of life, I guess. In real life, that
happens, too. I've known it. I've seen it happen. It's actually happened to me a couple of times,
Larry. [Larry King Live, CNN, 2/27/04]
Trump On His Marriages: I've Really Given A Lot Of Women Great Opportunity.
Unfortunately, After They're A Star, The Fun Is Over For Me. It's Like A Creation
Process. NANCY COLLINS: You know what's interesting, Donald, is you take these women,
these two particular women in your life, and you help them become very well-known. And then,
when they want to act on that appeal, you seem to get upset about it. TRUMP: I create stars. I
love creating stars. And, to a certain extent, I've done that with Ivana. To a certain extent, I've
done that with Marla. And I like that. I mean, I've really given a lot of women great opportunity.
Unfortunately, after they're a star, the fun is over for me. It's like a creation process. It's almost
like creating a building. It's pretty sad.[Primetime Live, ABC News, 3/10/94]
Trump On His Divorce From Ivana: When A Man Leaves A Woman, Especially
When It Was Perceived That He Has Left For A Piece Of Ass--A Good One-- There
Are 50 Percent Of The Population Who Will Love The Woman Who Was Left.
WALTERS: The author, Marie Brenner, quotes you as saying to her, When a man leaves a
woman, especially when it was perceived that he has left for a piece of ass- a good one- there are
50 percent of the population who will love the woman who was left. TRUMP: I do remember
saying that. I don't remember having used those words. That's possible. But I believe that if a
man leaves a woman for almost any reason, that that particular person, the man, is going to be
at a major disadvantage in terms of the public eye, there's no question about it.[20/20, ABC
News, 8/17/90]
Trump On Military Sexual Assaults


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Trump: 26,000 Unreported Sexual [Assaults] In The MilitaryOnly 238

Convictions. What Did These Geniuses Expect When They Put Men & Women
Together? Two years ago, Trump weighed in on the alarming rate of sexual assault and rape
in the militaryand in doing so, pinned the blame on the presence of women. 26,000 unreported
sexual [assaults] in the militaryonly 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when
they put men & women together? he tweeted in 2013. The Generals and top military brass
never wanted a mixer but were forced to do it by very dumb politicians who wanted to be
politically [correct]! he continued. [Daily Beast, 7/27/15]
Trump: The Generals And Top Military Brass Never Wanted A Mixer But Were
Forced To Do It By Very Dumb Politicians Who Wanted To Be Politically
[Correct]! Two years ago, Trump weighed in on the alarming rate of sexual assault and rape
in the militaryand in doing so, pinned the blame on the presence of women. 26,000 unreported
sexual [assaults] in the militaryonly 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when
they put men & women together? he tweeted in 2013. The Generals and top military brass
never wanted a mixer but were forced to do it by very dumb politicians who wanted to be
politically [correct]! he continued. [Daily Beast, 7/27/15]
Donald Trump: 26,000 Unreported Sexual Assults In The Military-Only 238
Convictions. What Did These Geniuses Expect When They Put Men & Women
Together? [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 5/7/13]
Donald Trump: "The Generals And Top Military Brass Never Wanted A Mixer But
Were Forced To Do It By Very Dumb Politicians Who Wanted To Be Politically C!
[@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 5/7/13]
Out of Touch/Hand-Outs For The Wealthy At The Expense Of The Middle Class
Vox: Donald Trumps Tax Plan Substantially Helps Households Making Six
Figures Per Year, But Forty Percent Of Households That Currently Pay No Income
Taxes Wont Get Anything Out Of His Proposal. While everyone who pays income tax
would benefit from the bigger initial exemption in Trump's plan, the elimination of the 28, 33,
35, and 39.6 percent tax brackets only helps households making six figures a year, and it helps
them substantially. Those households also benefit from the higher kick-in of the 10 percent, 15
percent, and 25 percent brackets. Given that Trump doesn't call for expansions of the Earned
Income Tax Credit or the Child Tax Credit, the 40.4 percent of households already not paying
any income tax won't get anything out of his proposal. [Vox, 9/28/15]
Trump Proposed Lowering The Top Individual Tax Rate From 39.6% To 25%. All
other Americans will get a simpler tax code with four brackets 0%, 10%, 20% and 25%
instead of the current seven. This new tax code eliminates the marriage penalty and the
Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) while providing the lowest tax rate since before World War II.
[Trump Tax Plan, Donald J. Trump For President, Released 9/28/15]


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Donald Trumps Tax Plan Would Eliminate The Estate Tax. No family will have to
pay the death tax. You earned and saved that money for your family, not the government. You
paid taxes on it when you earned it.... The death tax punishes families for achieving the
American dream. Therefore, the Trump plan eliminates the death tax. [Donald J. Trump For
President, Tax Reform That Will Make America Great Again, 9/28/15]
Donald Trumps Tax Plan Would Cut The Corporate Tax Rate To 15%. No business
of any size, from a Fortune 500 to a mom and pop shop to a freelancer living job to job, will pay
more than 15% of their business income in taxes. Under the Trump plan, America will compete
with the world and win by cutting the corporate tax rate to 15%, taking our rate from one of the
worst to one of the best. [Donald J. Trump For President, Tax Reform That Will Make America
Great Again, 9/28/15]
Donald Trumps Tax Plan Would Cut Taxes On Capital Gains. The top capital gains
rate would be cut to 20 percent from 23.8 percent, through the elimination of Obamacare's 3.8
percent surtax. The first 15 percent capital gains rate would kick in at $100,000 for couples, not
the current $74,900. But the 20 percent rate would kick in a little earlier: $300,000, not
$464,850. [Vox, 9/28/15]
Citizens For Tax Justice: The Top 1% Wealthiest Americans Would Get 34 Percent
Of Trumps Tax Cuts. Now, there are three things to know about Trump's tax plan. The
second is, well, did I mention it would help the rich the most? The liberal Citizens for Tax Justice
calculates that the top 1 percent would get 34 percent of Trump's total tax cut. That is actually
what passes for egalitarian among RepublicansJeb would give 53 percent of his tax cuts to our
country's most exclusive centilebut it's still a bigger giveaway than anybody else's because
Trump's tax cuts are bigger too. [Wonkblog, Washington Post, 10/2/15]
Politicos Danny Vinik: Who Would Be The Winners Of The Trump Tax Plan? The
Rich. Who would be the winners of the Trump tax plan? The rich. The top tax rate falling
from 39.6 percent to 25 percent will give them a huge windfall, as will eliminating the AMT, the
estate tax for their heirs, and the Obamacare surtax on capital gains and dividends. The huge
cut in the corporate income tax will also benefit the well-off. [Danny Vinik, Politico, 9/28/15]
Headline: Trumps Tax Plan Could Cost $12 Trillion, And Save Him Millions In
Taxes Each Year. [Time, 9/29/15]
Citizens For Tax Justice: The Top 1% Wealthiest Americans Would Get 34 Percent
Of Trumps Tax Cuts. Now, there are three things to know about Trump's tax plan. The
second is, well, did I mention it would help the rich the most? The liberal Citizens for Tax Justice
calculates that the top 1 percent would get 34 percent of Trump's total tax cut. That is actually
what passes for egalitarian among RepublicansJeb would give 53 percent of his tax cuts to our
country's most exclusive centilebut it's still a bigger giveaway than anybody else's because
Trump's tax cuts are bigger too. [Wonkblog, Washington Post, 10/2/15]
Politicos Danny Vinik: Under Trumps Tax Plan, The Weather Get A Huge
Windfall. Who would be the winners of the Trump tax plan? The rich. The top tax rate

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falling from 39.6 percent to 25 percent will give them a huge windfall, as will eliminating the
AMT, the estate tax for their heirs, and the Obamacare surtax on capital gains and dividends.
The huge cut in the corporate income tax will also benefit the well-off. [Danny Vinik, Politico,
Trump Opposed Wall Street Reform And Claimed The Reforms Created A Very
Bad Situation. TRUMP: Well, I have to speak two ways. Selfishly, as a developer, I love
cheap money, and I have always loved cheap money, and who wouldn't. Now, I'm not speaking as
somebody that is a great citizen of this country -- and I hope I am and I love this country very
dearly -- but as a developer, I love cheap money. They're giving me cheap money. They -- I will
say this, that the only people that get money are people like me that don't need it. If I don't -- if I
want to make a deal on buying something, I get very, very inexpensive money. If somebody
wants to put together a deal that does -- that is very qualified, and very good, but doesn't have a
lot of money, it's impossible for that person to borrow, even at higher rates, because the
regulators -- you mentioned Dodd-Frank just a minute ago. The regulators under Dodd-Frank
have made it virtually impossible for the banks to lend money to those people, which is a very
bad situation to be in. [Your World with Neil Cavuto, Fox News, 9/19/13]
Trump Claimed Wall Street Reforms Were Very Bad For The Country. TRUMP:
The legislation that has been passed over the past years Dodd- Frank has been very bad for the
country. [On The Record with Greta Van Susteren, Fox News, 11/24/11]

Trump Did Not Support An Increase In The Minimum Wage. Trump is one of the few
Republicans in the 2016 field who isn't skeptical of the usefulness of a federal minimum wage,
but he doesn't think it should be increased from the current rate of $7.25 an hour. Wages are a
hot issue for many Americans. While the country has been adding jobs in the recovery, wages
have barely moved. Trump argues that raising the minimum wage would make U.S. employees
less competitive with foreign workers and thus make it harder to keep jobs in America. [CNN
Money, 7/28/15]
Trump Said He Would Not Increase The Minimum Wage. Trump said he would not
increase the minimum wage, adding that the U.S. needs to bring back jobs from places like
Mexico, China and India. [Politico, 6/18/15]
Trump: I Dont Want To Raise The Minimum Wage. He wouldnt go into specifics, but
promised he would create jobs if elected president. I dont want to raise the minimum wage. I
want to create jobs so people can get much more than that, so they can get five times what the
minimum wage is, said Trump. [The Hill, 7/23/15]
Trumps Ex-Wife Accused Him Of Rape

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HEADLINE: Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel Violated During Sex [Daily
Beast, 7/27/15]

SUBHEADLINE: Ivana Trump Once Accused The Real-Estate Tycoon Of

Rape, Although She Later Clarified: Not In The Criminal Sense. [Daily Beast,

Trumps Ex-Wife Wife Ivana Trump Accused Trump Of Raping Her In 1989. It was
an unfortunate turn of phrase for Trumpin more ways than one. Not only does the current
front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination have a history of controversial remarks
about sexual assault, but as it turns out, his ex-wife Ivana Trump once used rape to describe an
incident between them in 1989. She later said she felt violated by the experience. [Daily Beast,
Ivana Trumps Rape Assertion Originally Appeared In A Deposition As A Part Of
The Early 1990s Divorce Case Between The Trumps And Was Described As A
Violent Assault In The 1993 Book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J.
Trump. Ivana Trumps assertion of rape came in a depositionpart of the early 90s divorce
case between the Trumps, and revealed in the 1993 book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald
J. Trump. The book, by former Texas Monthly and Newsweek reporter Harry Hurt III, described
a harrowing scene. After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump
confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon. Your fucking doctor
has ruined me! Trump cried. What followed was a violent assault, according to Lost Tycoon.
[Daily Beast, 7/27/15]
Michael Cohen, Special Counsel At The Trump Organization: Understand That
By The Very Definition, You Cant Rape Your Spouse. Michael Cohen, special counsel
at The Trump Organization, defended his boss, saying, Youre talking about the front-runner for
the GOP, presidential candidate, as well as private individual who never raped anybody. And, of
course, understand that by the very definition, you cant rape your spouse. It is true, Cohen
added. You cannot rape your spouse. And theres very clear case law. Ivana Trumps assertion of
rape came in a depositionpart of the early 90s divorce case between the Trumps, and revealed
in the 1993 book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump.That is not true. In New
York, there used to be a so-called marital rape exemption to the law. It was struck down in
1984. [Daily Beast, 7/27/15]
Trump Special Counsel: So Im Warning You, Tread Very Fucking Lightly,
Because What Im Going To Do To You Is Going To Be Fucking Disgusting. You
Write A Story That Has Mr. Trumps Name In It, With The Word Rape, And Im
Going To Mess Your Life Up. Trumps lawyer then changed tactics, lobbing insults and
threatening a lawsuit if a story was published. I will make sure that you and I meet one day
while were in the courthouse. And I will take you for every penny you still dont have. And I will
come after your Daily Beast and everybody else that you possibly know, Cohen said. So Im
warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what Im going to do to you is going to be

Page 51

fucking disgusting. You understand me? You write a story that has Mr. Trumps name in it,
with the word rape, and Im going to mess your life upfor as long as youre on this frickin
planetyoure going to have judgments against you, so much money, youll never know how to
get out from underneath it, he added. [Daily Beast, 7/27/15]
Michael Cohen, Special Counsel To Trump, Apologized For Saying You Cannot
Rape Your Spouse. Michael Cohen, special counsel to Trump. Cohen has been a long-time
aide to Trump, but he found himself facing the national media glare last month when he
defended his boss to a Daily Beast reporter in a story about rebuffed allegations of sexual
misconduct against Trump. Cohen has since publicly apologized for telling the Daily Beast that
you cannot rape your spouse and has repeatedly said that he does not believe that statement.
As an attorney, husband and father there are many injustices that offend me but nothing more
than charges of rape or racism. They hit me at my core, Cohen said in an apology statement to
CNN. Cohen has served as a media liaison to Trump, helping to coordinate interviews. And he
has also appeared on television defending Trump's campaign, but his public appearances have
dwindled following the controversy. The Hill, 8/14/15]


Page 52

Donald Trump was born to Fred and Mary Trump on June 14, 1946 in Queens, New York.

Trump was the second of five siblings, including an older brother Fred Jr., two younger sisters Elizabeth and
Maryanne, and a younger brother Robert. His father was a New York City real estate developer and his mother was
originally from Scotland.

Trumps sister Maryanne Trump Barry is a senior United States Circuit Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
Third Circuit. She was nominated and confirmed in September 1999.

Trump lived with his family from 1946 to 1959 in Jamaica Estates in Queens, New York where
his family owned a mock Tudor-style home on Wareham Place.

The neighborhood Trump grew up in was predominantly inhabited by Caucasian, upper-middle class individuals and

Trumps father was chauffeured to work every day in a blue Cadillac limousine.

Trump as a child was poorly-behavedhe was expelled from Kew Forest School in second grade
for punching his music teacherand in 1959 his parents sent him to New York Military
In 1964, Trump graduated from New York Military Academy and began attending Fordham
University in the Bronx, New York during which he received the first of four educational
deferments from the draft.
In 1968, Trump graduated from Wharton School of Finance at University of Pennsylvania and
joined his fathers development projects in Brooklyn and Queens.

Prior to enrolling at University of Pennsylvania Trump had aspirations to attend USC School of Cinema in order to
pursue a career as a movie producer, but decided instead after graduation to follow his father into real estate as it was
the more stable option.

In 1971, Trump moved to Manhattan to pursue real estate ventures there and was given control
of his fathers real estate company.
On October 15, 1973, the U.S. Department of Justice sued the Trump Management Corporation
for frequently violating the Fair Housing Act by discriminating against potential AfricanAmerican buyers in Brooklyn, Queens and on Staten Island.

Two years later, on June 11, 1975 Trump reached a settlement with the Department of Justice agreeing not to
discriminate against minorities and send a list of apartment vacancies to a civil rights group for which applicants would
be given priority.

On April 4, 1977, Trump married his first wife, Ivana Zelnickova Winklmayr, a model from

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On December 31, 1977, Donald and Ivanas first son, Donald John Trump Jr. was born.

On October 30, 1981, Donald and Ivanas second child, but first daughter, Ivanka Marie Trump was born.

On January 1, 1984, Donald and Ivanas second son, Eric Frederic Trump was born.

In 1980, Trump finished renovating the Commodore Hotel near Grand Central Station, which he
bought in 1975 after obtaining a 40-year tax abatement. He reopened it with a new name, the
Grand Hyatt New York.
In 1981, Trumps brother, Fred Trump, Jr., died as a result of alcoholism. Trump frequently
refers to his brothers death as his reason for abstaining from alcohol and tobacco.
In 1985, Trump bought the Mar-A-Lago Estate, a luxury resort in Palm Beach, Florida

The Mar-A-Lago Club has sought to bring in the most foreign workers on temporary H-2B visas than any of Trumps
other businesses.

For its inaugural season in 1983, Trump bought the New Jersey Generals United States Football
League team, only to sell them in the same year to J. Walter Duncan and then repurchase the
team in 1984.

Trump attempted to recruit the NFL Dolphins coach Don Shula with a five-year, one-million dollar contract to coach
the New Jersey Generals, but was unsuccessful.

On July 29, 1986, the United States Football League won nominal damages equaling $3.76 (including interest) in an
antitrust lawsuit against the NFL and subsequently folded.

In 1986, Trump was asked to take over renovations of the Wollman Ice Rink in Central Park,
which was $12 million over budget. He finished renovations within two-months and $750,000
under the $2.2 million budget given to him by the city of New York.

During renovations, Mayor Edward Kochs office did not require Trump to adhere to Executive Order 50, which
mandated city-funded construction projects to include a certain number of minorities and women in their workforce.
Though a firm spokesman at the time stated the company was unaware of the exemption.

On November 1, 1987, Trump published The Art of the Deal, which stayed on the New York
Times bestseller list for 51 weeks.
On May 27, 1988, Ivana Trump became a naturalized citizen of the United States.
In 1988, through a transaction with Merv Griffin, Trump acquired the Taj Mahal Casino and the
company Resorts International. Trump also purchased the Plaza Hotel in New York City.
Trump first appeared on the cover of TIME Magazine in January 1989, the same year Trump:
The Game was released.
In 1989, Trump purchased the Northeast Shuttle form Eastern Airlines claiming he could
increase its market share percentage from 55 to 75 percent and renaming it the Trump Shuttle.

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The union that represented Eastern Airlines employees fought the sale of the Northeast Shuttle to Trump because
they believed it would precipitate the downfall of Eastern Airlines.

In 1990, Trump missed a $1.1 million loan payment on the shuttle and asked bankers to defer $245 million of future
loan payments.

In 1992, Trump defaulted on his loans and the Trump Shuttle was turned over to creditors.

In 1990, Marvin Roffman, a securities analyst, published an unfavorable analysis of Trumps Taj
Mahal Casino for which Trump demanded he be fired. Roffman later filed a $2 million
defamation lawsuit against Trump for allegedly prompting his job loss.
Trumps financial troubles prompted Forbes Magazine to remove him from its Forbes 400 List
in 1990. The same year Trump separated from Ivana amidst reports of an affair with former
beauty queen Maria Maples. After two years of rancorous litigation and tabloid intrigue, Donald
and Ivana finalized their divorce with Ivana reportedly receiving $20 million in the divorce
In 1991, the Taj Mahal Casino filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This is the first of Trumps
corporate bankruptcies. Trump was $50 million behind in contract obligations and laid off 500
casino employees before filing for bankruptcy. It emerged on October 5, 1991 after Trump ceded
50 percent of ownership to bondholders.
On March 9, 1992, The Trump Castle and The Trump Plaza filed for bankruptcy, but were able
to avoid a lengthy and costly endeavor in a bankruptcy court through a pre-packaged debt
restructuring deal that was approved by the court and a majority of the casinos bondholders.
This was the second of Trumps corporate bankruptcies.
On October 13, 1993, Trump and Marla Maples had their first daughter Tiffany, Trumps second
daughter and fourth child. Three months later Trump married Marla on December 20, 1993.

Only four years later, in 1997, Trump filed for divorce from Marla. They were officially divorced in 1999.

In 1995, Trump formed Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts, Inc. and took it public. Trump converted
the residence at Mar-a-Lago into the Mar-a-Lago Club, a social club with $100,000 membership
fees. Trump also purchased 40 Wall Street in 1995, which he renamed The Trump Building.
Between 1996 and 1997, Trump bought the Miss Universe Organization and opened the Trump
International Hotel and Tower at One Central Park West.
In 1999, Trump began construction the 90-story Trump World Tower next to the United Nations
and won a lawsuit in 2000 that was filed by the towers neighbors over potential lost property
values due to obscured views and sightlines.

The building was completed in 2001 and named the Trump World Tower.


Page 55

In 1999, Trump also founded Trump Model Management, which in conjunction with Trump
Management Group, LLC has sought temporary visas for approximately 250 foreign fashion
models since 2000
In 1999, Trumps father passed away.
On October 7, 1999, Trump formed an Exploratory Committee to consider seeking the Reform
Partys presidential nomination.

In 1990, Trump was affiliated with the Republican Party despite voting for democratic Governor Mario Cuomo, but
switched his affiliation to the Reform Party in 1999 saying he had conservative inclinations, but disliked being

Beginning in 1999, Trump returned to Forbes Magazines List of 400 Wealthiest Americans
ranking 145th, then 167th in 2000, 110th in 2001 and 74th in 2004.
On January 8, 2004, the first season of Trumps reality show The Apprentice aired.
On October 21, 2004, Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
His casino properties were nearly $2 billion in debt before filing for bankruptcy. This was
Trumps third corporate bankruptcy.

As a result, Trump was forced to resign as CEO, but remained in his role as Chairman of the Board.

In 2005, Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts, renamed Trump Entertainment Resorts and Holdings
emerged from bankruptcy.
In 2005, Trump opened Trump University and purchased the former headquarters of the
Chicago Sun Times in order to demolish the building and build Trump International Tower

On January 1, 2008, Trump opened Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago.

On January 22, 2005, Trump married his third wife, the 35-year-old Melania Knauss.

On March 20, 2006, Donald and Melanias first son, Trumps third son and fifth child, Barron Trump was born.

On October 3, 2006, Trump raised a 20 foot by 30 foot American flag on an 80 feet tall flagpole at
Mar-a-Lago, which caused a six-month zoning dispute with the town.

Since 2006, Trump attempted to bring in 787 foreign workers on temporary visas to work on the resort rather than hire
local workers.

Between 2006 and 2012, Trump licensed his name to a number of endeavors including
TrumpMortgage, an online travel website called GoTrump, Trump Vodka, Trump Magazine, and
Trump Steaks and Steakhouse, which was shut down in 2012 for 51 health code violations.


Page 56

On February 13, 2009, Trump resigned from the board of Trump Entertainment Resorts, and on
February 17, 2009 Trump Entertainment Resorts filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
This was Trumps fourth corporate bankruptcy.
In 2010, Trump University changed its name to The Trump Entrepreneur Initiative.

On August 24, 2013, New York State filed a $40 million lawsuit against The Trump Entrepreneur Initiative

On October 15, 2014, Trump was held personally liable for The Trump Entrepreneur Initiatives violations of New York
state education laws.

On April 30, 2011, Trump attended the White House Correspondents Dinner where he was
repeatedly skewered by both President Barack Obama and comedian Seth Meyers on multiple
topics including especially Trumps calls for President Obama to release his long-form birth
On January 16, 2013, Trump endorsed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a
television ad.
In 2014 Trump purchased the Turnberry hotel and golf resort in Ayrshire, Scotland, and on
February 11, he purchased the Doonbeg Golf Club in Ireland.

Trumps ambitions to build a luxury golf resort off the coast of Aberdeenshire, Scotland were previously blocked by a
local council in 2007 after a Scottish fisherman refused to sell him his land.

On August 5, 2014, Trump sued Trump Entertainment Resorts in an attempt to remove his
name from Trump Plaza and Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, and then Trump Entertainment
Resorts filed for bankruptcy for a second time on September 9, the fourth time one of Trumps
companies filed for bankruptcy.
On June 16, 2015, Trump announced his bid he was seeking the Republican Party nomination
for President of the United States.
On June 29, 2015, NBC cut all business ties with Trump over his controversial statements on
immigration issues.




Page 57

Trumps Father Was One Of The Richest Men In America With $200 In Assets.
His father was, with $200 million in assets, one of the richest men in America. I don't think that
Donald had to struggle that much. [Who Is Donald Trump?, A&E, 12/16/15]
Donald Trumps Boyhood Was An Exclusive And Nearly All White Place. While
his detractors charge that his language on the campaign trail is infected with an Archie Bunkerera nativism, Mr. Trump points in his defense to his formative years in one of the most diverse
counties in the country. But the Jamaica Estates of Mr. Trumps boyhood was an exclusive and
nearly all white place, resistant to outsiders and largely impenetrable to minorities. [New York
Times, 9/22/15]

Residents Of Donald Trumps Old Boyhood Neighborhood Were Disgusted By Trumps Capitalization Of
Fear Among White Voters. But some residents of his old neighborhood, and the more diverse areas that
surround it, do not think he understands what the city, and the country, are all about. Hispanics, Trinidadians, Haitians
and South Asians who walked in front of fried chicken joints, halal butchers and roti shops on Hillside Avenue, down
the road from Mr. Trumps old house this month, expressed disgust with his blunt vision of an America besieged by
rapist immigrants who are in the country illegally and black activists who he has said are looking for trouble. They
considered him a camera-hungry candidate who is capitalizing on the fear among white voters that the America they
grew up in is fading. [New York Times, 9/22/15]

Trumps Boyhood Neighbor: Trump Grew Up In White America. I think hes spot
on, said Fred Quint, Mr. Trumps 52-year-old former next-door neighbor. He recalled watching
Mr. Trumps father, Fred, leave for work every day in his chauffeured blue Cadillac limousine
and seeing Donald return home for visits in a red convertible with his first wife, Ivana. He
explained that racially speaking, both he and Mr. Trump grew up in white America. Today, he
added, its a much more racially mixed neighborhood, much more diverse, with people who are
Hindu, Muslim and Chinese. Its the way of the world; white America is a thing of the past, he
said with a shrug. The white mans gone. [New York Times, 9/22/15]
Trump Threatened To Tell His Father And Call The Police When A Neighbors
Ball Bounced Into The Trumps Yard. Young Donald treated his home as a fortress. Laura
Manuelidis, who lived behind Mr. Trump on Wareham Place, recalled that when a ball bounced
into the Trumps grassy yard, he would not throw the ball back but instead would yell, Im going
to tell my dad; Im going to call the police. [New York Times, 9/22/15]

Trump Admitted He Wasnt The Most Well-Behaved Person Growing Up, And
Was Sent To A Military Academy.TRUMP: I really grew up pretty normal. I mean, I lived
in an upper middle-income area. And it was -- it was nice. ZAHN: But Trump was an
aggressive and rebellious child. He was almost expelled from Kew-Forest school in the second
grade for punching his music teacher. Trump had said, I didn't think he knew anything about
music. TRUMP: I wasn't the most well-behaved person in the world. And my parents had no
idea what to do with me. And they heard about this school that was a tough place. They sent me

Page 58

up to New York Military Academy and it was really a great experience for me.[CNN People In
The News, CNN, 5/21/05]
Trump Said That He Wanted To Be A Filmmaker When He Was Younger. TRUMP:
When I was young, younger, or whatever, I wanted to go to USC, the school of cinema. And I
applied and was accepted, and I ventured into- I was going to make movies. I mean, I really
wanted to be filmmaker. At 18 and 19, and even before that, I wanted to make movies. Then, I
started seeing that it wasn't that good of a business. It's a very risky business and, in theory,
compared to real estate, it wasn't a good business. Now, my father was in real estate in the
boroughs outside of Manhattan, and it was convenient for me. It wasn't the kind of the real
estate I wanted to do, but it was convenient for me to do it, and I knew it well, because I grew up
with a teacher, a great teacher and a friend, who was my father, and I watched and I learned
and I listened, maybe just through osmosis, and I really did learn a lot, and it was very second
nature to me. But I actually wanted to, at the age of 17, 18, I wanted to be a motion picture
producer.[Larry King Live, CNN, 7/27/90]
Trump Applied To The USC School Of Cinema To Be A Movie Producer. TRUMP: I
was going to be a movie producer. In fact, I applied at one point, I remember, to the USC School
of Cinema. But then I decided that the movie business wasn't as good as the real estate
business. ZAHN: So Trump enrolled in the prestigious Wharton School of Business in
Philadelphia. He graduated in 1968 and joined his father, working on developments in Brooklyn
and in Queens. But Donald was daydreaming of a future on the other side of the East
River.[CNN People In The News, CNN, 5/21/05]

Trump Attended The New York Military Academy.TRUMP: I really grew up pretty
normal. I mean, I lived in an upper middle-income area. And it was -- it was nice. ZAHN: But
Trump was an aggressive and rebellious child. He was almost expelled from Kew-Forest school
in the second grade for punching his music teacher. Trump had said, I didn't think he knew
anything about music. TRUMP: I wasn't the most well-behaved person in the world. And my
parents had no idea what to do with me. And they heard about this school that was a tough
place. They sent me up to New York Military Academy and it was really a great experience for
me.[CNN People In The News, CNN, 5/21/05]
Donald Trump Attended Fordham University In The Bronx For Two Years Before
Transferring To, And Graduating From, The University Of Pennsylvania. [Donald
Trump] did well [at the New York Military Academy], and then went to Fordham University, a
Jesuit school in the Bronx, for two years, before transferring to the University of Pennsylvania

Page 59

and studied economics for two years, graduating in 1968 with a bachelors degree. [Washington
Post, 7/17/15]
Donald Trump Attended The University Of Pennsylvania, An Ivy League School.
[Donald Trump] did well [at the New York Military Academy], and then went to Fordham
University, a Jesuit school in the Bronx, for two years, before transferring to the University of
Pennsylvania and studied economics for two years, graduating in 1968 with a bachelors degree.
The University of Pennsylvania is one of the eight private colleges and universities in the
vaunted Ivy League, known for accepting unusually smart students, great test takers, legacies,
and the sons and daughters of famous and/or very wealthy people. [Washington Post, 7/17/15]

Donald Trump: I Went To The Wharton School Of Business. Im, Like, A Really Smart Person. [The
Economist, 9/5/15]

Donald Trump Took Undergraduate Classes At The Wharton School Of Business

But Was Not Enrolled In Its MBA Program. He took undergraduate classes at Penns
famed Wharton School of Business. Though he was not enrolled in Whartons prestigious MBA
program, the Spring 2007 Wharton Alumni Magazine featured Trump, with this headline, The
Best Brand Name in Real Estate. [Washington Post, 7/17/15]

Trump Received Four Student Deferments From Military Service Between 1964
And 1968 And One Medical Deferment. Trump received four student deferments from
military service between 1964 and 1968. In Ames, he told reporters another medical deferment
he received after graduating was for a bone spur in his foot. When asked which foot, Trump told
reporters to look up the records. [Politico, 7/18/15]
Trump On Not Being Drafted: I Was Fortunate, In A Sense, Because I Was Not A
Believer In The Vietnam War. That Was Another War That Was A Disaster For
This Country. Trump said he had student deferments during the Vietnam War, as well as a
minor medical deferment for a bone spur of the foot. I was then entered into the draft because if
I would have gotten a different number, I could have been drafted, he said. I was fortunate, in a
sense, because I was not a believer in the Vietnam War. That was another war that was a
disaster for this country. Lives and money and its disgraceful what happened with the Vietnam
War. I was not a fan of the Vietnam War. But I was entered into the draft and I got a very, very
high draft number. [The Hill, 7/19/15]

Donald Trump Said He Always Felt A Little Guilty For Not Serving In The Vietnam War. Donald Trump got
personal with New Hampshire voters Tuesday night, telling them of the guilt he sometimes feels for not serving in the
Vietnam War and advising young people to stay away from drugs and alcohol. I always felt a little guilty, frankly, like
other people who didn't serve, Trump said. I had friends that served, and they're very proud and some are no longer
with us because of the fact that they served. [WMUR, 12/1/15]

Donald Trump Said He Received Numerous Deferments During The Vietnam

War Because He Was In College And Also Had A Foot Thing That Prevented Him
From Serving. What makes you just love this country in the way that you do? the man asked.
Page 60

The Republican front-runner started to explain: I love the country, he said. I have seen what it
can do. But Trump quickly acknowledged that he never served in the military. During the
Vietnam War he received numerous deferments because he was enrolled in college and had a
disqualifying foot thing. Meanwhile, Trump said some of his friends did serve and some died. I
always felt a little guilty, Trump said. [Washington Post, 12/2/15]
While Trump Received A Medical Deferment From The Draft Due To A Bone Spur
In His Foot, He Could Not Recall Which Foot Had The Problem. Asked about his own
military draft status, Mr. Trump, 69, said that he received medical deferments from the Vietnam
War because of a bone spur in his foot. Mr. Trump could not recall which foot was afflicted. Yet
Mr. Trumps awkward and ill-suited remarks about religion and marriage here may have done
more damage to his candidacy, at least with Christian conservatives. [New York Times, 7/19/15]

NOTE: The business research is being handled by an outside consultant. The following is only
representative of some of the business-related research that the DNC has come across naturally
in monitoring Trumps campaign.


Companies Owned By Trump Sought To Import At Least 1,100 Foreign Workers
On Temporary Visas Since 2000. A Reuters analysis of U.S. government data reveals that
this is business as usual in the New York property magnate's empire. Trump owns companies
that have sought to import at least 1,100 foreign workers on temporary visas since 2000,
according to U.S. Department of Labor data reviewed by Reuters. Most of the applications were
approved, the data show. Nine companies majority-owned by Trump have sought to bring in
foreign waitresses, cooks, vineyard workers and other laborers on temporary work-visa programs
administered by the Labor Department. The candidate's foreign talent hunt included
applications for an assistant golf-course superintendent, an assistant hotel manager and a
banquet manager. Two of his companies, Trump Model Management and Trump Management
Group LLC, have sought visas for nearly 250 foreign fashion models, the records show. Trumps
presidential campaign and a lawyer for the businessman declined to comment. The Mar-a-Lago
Club could not be reached for comment. [Reuters, 7/31/15]

Trumps Mar-A-Lago Resort Tried To Bring In 787 Workers Foreign Workers Since 2006. The Mar-a-Lago, a
luxury resort in Palm Beach, Florida, has sought the most foreign workers of the nine Trump businesses: 787 workers
since 2006, according to the data. [Reuters, 7/31/15]

Due To Trumps Casinos 2009 Bankruptcy, Unsecured Creditors Low-Level

Investors, Contractors, Small-Time Vendors Got Less Than A Penny On The
Dollar For Their Claims. And it wasnt just faceless bankers who got burned in the
bankruptcies. In the 2009 case, unsecured creditors low-level investors, contractors, smallConfidential

Page 61

time vendors got less than a penny on the dollar for their claims against Trump
Entertainment Resorts (Trump resigned as chairman four days before the bankruptcy filing).
[Press of Atlantic City, 8/10/15]
Building Contractors Claimed Trump Was Notorious For Stringing People Out
And Not Paying. Contractors, who often bear the brunt of corporate bankruptcy, regarded
Trump as a jerk and a bum, said Dave Farragut, president of United States Roofing Corp., a
large roofing firm based in Norristown, Pennsylvania. Trump was a chronic haggler notorious
for stringing people out and not paying, according to Farragut, who said he experienced that
firsthand on a $600,000 roofing job at Trump Taj Mahal. It was a joke among all the subs that
youd tack on an extra 10 percent onto your bids to hedge against delayed payments, he said. He
was slow pay, everybody knew. [Press of Atlantic City, 8/10/15]
Women Who Worked For Donald Trump Said That While He Could Be Boorish,
They Appreciated How Trump Provided Them With Opportunities For Career
Advancement In A Male-Dominated Industry. In the five months that the billionaire
businessman has spent on the presidential campaign trail, his inflammatory missiles toward
women have prompted charges of sexism, even misogyny. But many women who have worked
closely with Trump say he was a corporate executive ahead of his time in providing career
advancement for women. While some say he could be boorish, his companies nurtured and
promoted women in an otherwise male-dominated industry. Several women said they
appreciated how Trump granted them entry to a new playing field. [Washington Post, 11/24/15]
Several Women, Including The Woman Trump Put In Charge Of Constructing
Trump Tower, Who Are Longtime Trump Employees And Supporters Do Not
Support His Presidential Campaign. But several women who are longtime Trump
supporters say the provocative outbursts that served Trump well in business and entertainment
dont belong in politics. I dont like the fact the worlds are merging, said [former Apprentice
contestant] Ereka Vetrini, a TV host and lifestyle expert. Fiorina and Kelly? she said. I cant
disregard those comments. Nor can [Barbara] Res [who Trump put in charge of the construction
of Trump Tower], who also disagrees with her former bosss political stance: From his anti-choice
position to his opposition to the Affordable Care Act, his policies, the things he says he believes
in, are very anti-women. Im voting for Hillary, Res said. [Washington Post, 11/24/15]
Two Former Contestants On The Apprentice Claimed Trump Often Made
Inappropriate Remarks About The Women Contestants. Two contestants recently axed
from The Apprentice television show are complaining that host Donald Trump frequently makes
inappropriate remarks about the reality-shows women contestants saying his boorish
behavior has no place in a corporate boardroom. Mahsa Saeidi-Azcuy, a former Brooklyn
assistant district attorney who was fired from NBCs business game show last Thursday after
first being forced out of her day job for not disclosing her stint on the NBC program charged
that Trump lavishes attention on the women contestants he finds attractive, makes sexist
remarks, and asks the male contestants to rate the women. [New York Post, 11/2/10]


Page 62

Donald Trump Attempted To Evict Tenants From Rent-Controlled Housing."Donald
Trump is an extremely charming man. He has the ability to turn on the charm, says New York
lawyer Richard S. Fischbein, who fought off Mr. Trump's attempt to evict tenants living in rentcontrolled suites on Central Park South. But if you talk about ultimately liking him, well, I
wouldn't like my children to be spoiled brats, and the only way we could really describe Donald,
he falls into that category. And when he loses, he throws a tantrum. If my son had that kind of
tantrum, I'd whack him on the rear end." [Washington Times, 7/24/89]

Donald Trump: I Put My Own Name On My Buildings And On My Products, And I
Stand Behind Them. Ive successfully built one of the most respected brands in the world by
representing it in everything that I do. I realized a long time ago that if Im not proud of what
Im selling, then there is no reason for anybody else to feel that pride. I put my own name on my
buildings and on my products, and I stand behind them. People have come to expect top quality
from anything that carries my name. [Trump, Crippled America, 11/3/15]
Politico: Amid Mounting Public Pressure, NBCUniversal Announced Monday That
It Will Cut Business Ties With Donald Trump Due To Recent Derogatory
Statements The Republican Presidential Hopeful Made Regarding Mexican
Immigrants. Amid mounting public pressure, NBCUniversal announced Monday that it will
cut business ties with Donald Trump due to recent derogatory statements the Republican
presidential hopeful made regarding Mexican immigrants. At NBC, respect and dignity for all
people are cornerstones of our values, the network's statement reads. Due to the recent
derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants, NBCUniversal is ending its
business relationship with Mr. Trump. To that end, the annual Miss USA and Miss Universe
Pageants, which are part of a joint venture between NBC and Trump, will no longer air on NBC,
the statement continues. In addition, as Mr. Trump has already indicated, he will not be
participating in 'The Apprentice' on NBC.[Politico, 6/29/15]
A Television Company Controlled By Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim Canceled A
Project With Donald Trump After His Comments Insulting Mexicans. A television
company controlled by Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim has canceled a project with real estate
developer and TV personality Donald Trump after his comments insulting Mexicans, Slim's
spokesman said on Monday. This is the third company to cut ties with Trump, who is seeking the
Republican nomination for the November 2016 presidential election. NBC said earlier on
Monday that it would no longer air the Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants due to his

Page 63

comments. Spanish-language broadcaster Univision [UVN.UL] also said on Thursday it would

not air the Miss USA pageant. [Reuters, 6/29/15]
Macys: In Light Of Statements Made By Donald Trump, Which Are Inconsistent
With Macy's Values, We Have Decided To Discontinue Our Business Relationship
With Mr. Trump And Will Phase-Out The Trump Menswear Collection, Which Has
Been Sold At Macy's Since 2004. Macy's is pulling Donald Trump-branded merchandise
from its stores following the public outcry over his comments on immigrants. The department
store said in a statement to the news outlet that it was disappointed and distressed over the
2016 presidential contender's remarks, describing them as disparaging characterizations. In
light of statements made by Donald Trump, which are inconsistent with Macy's values, we have
decided to discontinue our business relationship with Mr. Trump and will phase-out the Trump
menswear collection, which has been sold at Macy's since 2004, they said, according to CNN.
[The Hill, 7/1/15]
Chef Jose Andres Backed Out Of Trumps Washington DC Hotel Due To His
Immigration Comments. Jose Andres, the D.C.-based super-chef with a growing national
brand, is backing out of a deal to open the flagship restaurant in Donald Trumps forthcoming
Washington hotel the latest on a growing list of high-profile partners to sever ties with the
presidential candidate over his anti-immigrant comments. [Washington Post, 7/8/15]
The PGA Moved A Grand Slam Event Away From The Trump National Golf Club
In Los Angeles After Trumps Comments About Immigrants. The Professional Golf
Association and Donald Trump have reached an agreement to move a Grand Slam event away
from the Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles. In separate statements, Trump and the PGA
on Tuesday said the decision was mutual. Due to the controversy surrounding statements made
by Mr. Trump having to do with illegal immigrants pouring into the United States from Mexico
and other parts of the world, Mr. Trump does not want his friends at the PGA of America to
suffer any consequences or backlash with respect to the Grand Slam of Golf, a statement from
Trumps political team said. The PGA is the latest business to part ways with Trump following
the remarks he made last month about undocumented immigrants being criminals and rapists.
[The Hill, 7/7/15]
Trumps Deals With Developers In The Philippines, Turkey, Panama, Canada,
India, And Uruguay That Pay Trump Millions In Licensing Fees To Put His Name
On Buildings, Were Unaffected By His Immigration Comments. Developers in the
Philippines, Turkey, Panama, Canada, India, and Uruguay pay Trump millions in licensing fees
to put his name on buildings he neither built nor owns, with an aim to sell condominiums and
hotel rooms at higher prices. These deals provide nearly risk-less revenue streams for Trump,
which, along with income from properties he owns, helps pay down existing debts and fund new
projects. Mr. Trump is successful and wealthy and one of the great things about the empire hes
built is that its diverseboth geographically and across numerous business lines, said Alan
Garten, general counsel for Trump. It can withstand situations like this. n the United States,
Trump's presidential campaign has so far prompted a stampede of disassociation: ESPN,
NBCUniversal, NASCAR, Univision Holdings Inc. and Serta Inc. have cut ties with Trump after
he described Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists. A television company controlled by
Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, the worlds second richest man, announced Monday it would
cancel a project with Trump. Chef Jos Andrs said Wednesday that hed be backing out of a deal

Page 64

to open the flagship restaurant at an upcoming Trump hotel in Washington. And even the
Federal Aviation Administration got in on the act, announcing Thursday that its renaming three
aerial navigation posts that had Trump-related monickers. That Trumps remarks arent
registering outside of North America doesnt surprise Nick Andrews, a London-based senior
partner and crisis management expert at public relations firm Fleishman-Hillard Inc.
[Bloomberg, 7/10/15]

Press Of Atlantic City: Trumps Atlantic City Record Was Marked By
Questionable Casino Management And Episodic Corporate Bankruptcy. But as
voters examine his Atlantic City tenure to decide whether he has the economic chops to be
president, theyll find a record marked by questionable casino management and episodic
corporate bankruptcy the legacy of a fractious know-it-all who brought publicity, tax dollars
and thousands of decent jobs to South Jersey, but whose manic and myopic dealmaking
ultimately yielded a moribund casino empire, mined into exhaustion and left to wither. [Press of
Atlantic City, 8/10/15]
Trumps Casinos Went Into Bankruptcy So Regularly That Fitch Ratings Called
Them Serial Filers. Trump, the man, never did go bankrupt. But the Trump casinos did,
cyclically, and with disturbing regularity. Serial filers, Fitch Ratings called them. [Press of
Atlantic City, 8/10/15]

All Of Donald Trumps Atlantic City Casinos Had Filed For Bankruptcy Before, In 1992, When They Were More
Than $1 Billion In Debt. This will be the second time the Trump casinos have filed for bankruptcy. In 1992, the
three casinos he then owned, the Taj Mahal, Castle, and Plaza, all in Atlantic City, ended up in Chapter 11, burdened
by more than $1 billion in debt.At the time, Trump himself was at brink of bankruptcy, but later regained control of the
casinos and wrote a book about his experience in 1997 called Trump: The Art of the Comeback. [Wolf Blitzer
Reports, CNN, 8/10/04]

Press Of Atlantic City: Trumps Bankruptcies Were Less Displays Of Cool

Resourcefulness Than Frantic Episodes Of Trump Scrambling To Bail On Bank
Debt And Keep His Perennially Overleveraged Casinos From Going Belly Up. But
the bankruptcies starting with Trump Taj Mahal, which bankrupted about a year after Trump
opened it using $675 million in patently unsustainable junk bonds were less displays of cool
resourcefulness than frantic episodes of Trump scrambling to bail on bank debt and keep his
perennially overleveraged casinos from going belly up. The project was dangerous in the
beginning, said Bryant Simon, a historian and Temple University professor who authored
Boardwalk of Dreams: Atlantic City and the Fate of Urban America. A lot of people got stuck
holding the bag, and he didnt. So people resented him for that and felt serious financial pain.
[Press of Atlantic City, 8/10/15]
Due To Trumps Casinos 2009 Bankruptcy, Unsecured Creditors Low-Level
Investors, Contractors, Small-Time Vendors Got Less Than A Penny On The
Dollar For Their Claims. And it wasnt just faceless bankers who got burned in the
bankruptcies. In the 2009 case, unsecured creditors low-level investors, contractors, smalltime vendors got less than a penny on the dollar for their claims against Trump

Page 65

Entertainment Resorts (Trump resigned as chairman four days before the bankruptcy filing).
[Press of Atlantic City, 8/10/15]
Trump Did Not Think That Being In The Casino Business Would Be A Liability To
His 2000 Presidential Run. KING: Do you think being in gaming could hurt you? TRUMP:
No, I own casinos. I'm the largest, by far the largest person in Atlantic City, which is actually
doing more business now than the entire Las Vegas strip, which surprises people when they here
it. We are actually doing more business. And I have a big percentage of that market.KING:
But do you think the term gaming, which is gambling, will hurt you? TRUMP: No, I don't
think so at all. And certainly, my business, again, in New York I'm very large, to put it mildly,
and in Atlantic City I'm very large. And I'd obviously have to do something with a trust where I
put my businesses into a trust at least during this term.[Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99]

In 2009, Donald Trump Bought A Golf Club On Lowes Island In Virginia Where He Chopped Down Over 400 Trees
And Renamed The Club After Himself. When Donald J. Trump bought a fixer-upper golf club on Lowes Island here for
$13 million in 2009, he poured millions more into reconfiguring its two courses. He angered conservationists by chopping
down more than 400 trees to open up views of the Potomac River. And he shocked no one by renaming the club after
himself. [New York Times, 11/24/15]
Donald Trump Installed A Plaque On His Golf Course Denoting The Purported Location Of The River Of Blood
WhereMany Great American Soldiers, Both Of The North And South, Died During The Civil War, But Civil War
Historians Said Trumps Description Of The Locations Historical Significance Was Wrong. Between the 14th hole
and the 15th tee of one of the clubs two courses, Mr. Trump installed a flagpole on a stone pedestal overlooking the
Potomac, to which he affixed a plaque purportedly designating The River of Blood.Many great American soldiers, both of
the North and South, died at this spot, the inscription reads. The casualties were so great that the water would turn red
and thus became known as The River of Blood. No. Uh-uh. No way. Nothing like that ever happened there, said
Richard Gillespie, the executive director of the Mosby Heritage Area Association, a historical preservation and education
group devoted to an 1,800-square-mile section of the Northern Virginia Piedmont, including the Lowes Island site. The
only thing that was remotely close to that, Mr. Gillespie said, was 11 miles up the river at the Battle of Balls Bluff in 1861,
a rout of Union forces in which several hundred were killed. The River of Blood? he added. Nope, not there. Mr.
Gillespies contradiction of the plaques account was seconded by Alana Blumenthal, the curator of the Loudoun Museum
in nearby Leesburg. (A third local expert, who said he had written to Mr. Trumps company about the inscriptions
falsehoods and offered to provide historically valid replacement text, insisted on anonymity because he did not want to
cross the Trump Organization by disclosing a private exchange.) [New York Times, 11/24/15]

Donald Trump Disputed Historians Contentions That A Plaque He Placed On His Golf Course Contained
Factually Inaccurate Claims About Civil War Events At That Location How Would They Know That?
Were They There? In a phone interview, Mr. Trump called himself asa big history fan but deflected, played down
and then simply disputed the local historians assertions of historical fact. That was a prime site for river crossings,
Mr. Trump said. So, if people are crossing the river, and you happen to be in a civil war, I would say that people were
shot a lot of them. How would they know that? Mr. Trump asked when told that local historians had called his
plaque a fiction. Were they there? Mr. Trump repeatedly said that numerous historians had told him that the golf


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club site was known as the River of Blood. But he said he did not remember their names. Write your story the way
you want to write it, Mr. Trump said finally, when pressed unsuccessfully for anything that could corroborate his claim.
You dont have to talk to anybody. It doesnt make any difference. But many people were shot. It makes sense.[New
York Times, 11/24/15]


Trump Opposed The Offshore Wind Farms Off The Coast Of Scotland. Donald
Trump swept defiantly into Scotland today vowing to continue his fight against an offshore
windfarm development in Aberdeenshire and accusing Alex Salmond of destroying the country.
The billionaire, who widely expected to announce his intention to run for US president later this
month, said the former first minister had done a tremendous disservice to the nations
landscape by approving windfarms, and reiterated his warning that he could pull out of his
resort near Balmedie if the latest contentious scheme goes ahead. In a characteristic show of
swagger, the businessman could not resist taking aim at his old sparring partner as he officially
opened the revamped clubhouse of his newest golfing resort, Trump Turnberry. He told The
Scotsman that he had done Scotland a big, fat favour through his investments and contrasted
the approach of authorities in Aberdeenshire to those in South Ayrshire, who he hailed as
fantastic. [The Scotsman, 6/8/15]
The Fixs Philip Bump: Donald Trump Abandoned His Previous Opposition To
Wind Energy Subsidies Because He Was In A Room With An Iowa Voter Worried
About The Loss Of Those Subsidies Harming Her Husbands Job Donald
Trump, Straight Shooter. A few years ago, Donald Trump wanted to build a golf course in
Scotland. There was just one problem: The Scottish government had licensed an off-shore wind
farm near the course, which Trump worried would ruin the views. [Trump tweeted,] Ugly
industrial wind turbines are ruining the beauty of parts of the country--and have inefficient
unreliable energy to boot. [and] By continuing to give massive subsidies to Scotlands ugly wind
turbines, @David_Cameron is playing right into @AlexSalmonds hands. What changed?
Donald Trump wasn't in the room with an Iowa voter who was apparently worried about the loss
of subsidies harming her husband's job. Donald Trump, straight shooter. [Philip Bump, The Fix,
Washington Post, 11/19/15]

The Fixs Philip Bump: Donald Trumps Support Of The Wind Industry Was A
Stunning Bit Of Pandering, Given How Trump Went To War Against Wind
Farms In Scotland When He Wanted To Build A Golf Course Near A Proposed
Offshore Wind Farm Location. Fine. Trump supports subsidies for the wind industry.
For anyone familiar with Trump's history, though, even that is a stunning bit of pandering.
Trump, in fact, does know a lot about wind. A few years ago, Donald Trump wanted to build a
golf course in Scotland. There was just one problem: The Scottish government had licensed an
off-shore wind farm near the course, which Trump worried would ruin the views. He went to
war, using all of the tools at his disposal: money, lawyers, and Twitter. He sued to block the
wind farm, pushing legal challenges all the way to the Scottish Supreme Court. He attacked
then-Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond, saying that Salmond was a man whose obsession
with obsolete wind technology will destroy the magnificence and beauty of Scotland. [Philip
Bump, The Fix, Washington Post, 11/19/15]

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Trumps Line Of Luxury Hotels May Have Been The Victim Of A Credit Card Data
Breach. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trumps line of luxury hotels may be the
latest victim of a credit card data breach, security news journalist Brian Krebs reported on
Wednesday. Banks have spotted a trend of fraudulent charges tied to credit and debit cards that
have all been used at Trump hotels, according to Krebs. Trump Hotel Collection has not yet
confirmed the breach, but financial industry sources told Krebs they have little doubt a breach
has occurred. There is speculation that the compromise spans back to at least February of this
year. Like virtually every other company these days, we have been alerted to potential
suspicious credit card activity and are in the midst of a thorough investigation to determine
whether it involves any of our properties, Eric Trump, executive vice president of development
and acquisitions at the Trump Organization, said in a statement. We are committed to
safeguarding all guests personal information. The hack could put tens of thousands of peoples
payment card data at risk. Trump has hotel properties in a number of U.S. cities, including
Chicago, Honolulu, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York and Washington, D.C. [The Hill,

Trump University Charged $35,000 For Seminars And Was Sued By Some Of Its
Students. ISIKOFF: Then there's Trump University--no actual campus or degrees--but
students, some of whom are now suing, plunked down up to $35,000 for seminars. TRUMP:
Ninety-seven percent approval rating from the people that went there. ISIKOFF: But last year
New York state regulators demanded Trump stop calling it a university, and he did. And the
Texas attorney general's office opened an investigation into possible deceptive trade practices,
which was dropped after the school stopped doing business in the state. Why did you call it a
university? TRUMP: Because we didn't know there was any rules or regulations about using
the name university.[Nightly News, NBC, 4/19/11]


Trump Bragged That He Screwed Qaddafi On A Land Lease In New Jersey.
TRUMP: I've been interacting with leaders of countries and leaders of business all over the
world, all of my life. And I think you guys know that probably better than anybody. I think I
probably have more experience than anybody, whether I sell them real estate for tremendous
amounts of money -- I mean, I've dealt with everybody. I dealt with Qaddafi. DOOCY: You
buried the lead. What did you do? TRUMP: Excuse me. I rented him a piece of land. He paid
me more for one night than the land was worth but the whole year, for two years, and then I
didn't let him use the land. That's what we should be doing. DOOCY: Was that over in New
Jersey? TRUMP: I don't want to use the word screw but I screwed him. That's what we should
be doing. I rented him a piece of land in Bedford, New York. I rented him a piece of land. He
paid me a fortune and then I didn't let him use the land.[Fox & Friends, Fox News, 3/21/11]

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Trump Said He Got Into The Pageant Business Because He Really Had Nothing
Else To Do. McEWEN: Why did you get into the pageant business? How did you get into the
pageant business? TRUMP: Well, I really had nothing else to do. I mean, you know, it's one of
those things. We--we just had this opportunity. ITT was selling the pageant. I guess I was
somebody that was interested in it. I watched Marla perform so nicely at the Miss Universe
Pageant and I said, 'This is a great event.' And this could really be a great event, so I bought it
and then I made a deal with CBS. And they are terrific people. Peter Lund and--and Les
Moonves who's--who's incredible and doing an incredible job. And so we made the deal, and I
have a fantastic partner and we're really happy about it. [This Morning, CBS, 1/28/97]
Trump On Miss Universe Pageant Winner: She Weighed 118 Pounds, Or 117
Pounds, And She Went Up To 160 Or 170. So This Is Somebody That Likes To
Eat. COOPER: Enter the man Alisa calls her new boss. You got it, The Donald. Trumpand his
wife, Marla, purchased the Miss Universe pageant earlier this month. And Trump decided this
investment needed a little extra attention. TRUMP: She weighed 118 pounds, or 117 pounds,
and she went up to 160 or 170. So this is somebody that likes to eat. COOPER: Now instead of
steaks and French fries, it's medicine balls and jump ropes for Alisa; that is, when there's room
enough to exercise. [This Morning, CBS, 1/29/97]
Trump: I Happen To Have Very Good Taste When It Comes To Beauty, And I Do
Pick People. ANDERSON: In her book, Donald, she says, and I quote, It became clear that
the point of the whole exercise was for him to divide the room between the girls he personally
found attractive and those he did not. Is that true? TRUMP: Its all very simple. First of all, it
is not factual, but its all very simple. I happen to have very good taste when it comes to beauty,
and I do pick people. However, with all of that being said, I shake hands with the girls. Im nice
to them. Im nice to everybody. [Showbiz Tonight, CNN, 11/12/09]

Donald Trump Stated, Under Oath, That He Did Not Know Felix Sater, A TwiceConvicted Felon With Ties To The Mafia, But Trump Named Sater A Senior
Business Adviser In 2010 And Appeared In Numerous Photos With Him. A newlyrevealed video deposition shows real-estate mogul Donald Trump confused when asked under
oath about his relationship to a twice-convicted felon with ties to the Mafia. Trump has long
faced allegations of connections to the mob, but his relationship with Felix Sater who pleaded
guilty in 1998 to racketeering in a fraud scheme involving the Genovese and Bonanno crime
families represents a more direct link between the presidential candidate and organized
crime. If he were sitting in the room right now, I really wouldn't know what he looked like,
Trump testified in the video deposition, which was obtained by ABC News. But Trump
reportedly named Sater as a senior business adviser in 2010. The Russian migr carried a
Trump Organization business card with the title Senior Advisor to Donald Trump and appeared
in numerous photos with Trump. [New York Daily News, 12/10/15]

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Trump Called Bankruptcy A Great Deal. TRUMP: I'm going to be selling a piece of my
stake for a tremendous infusion of cash that comes into the company. You know, it's been a
great company to me over the years, but it's a very small portion of my net worth, less than 2
percent. MASON: And you don't mind having the word 'bankruptcy' attached to your name?
TRUMP: Well, I don't love it, but I feel that this is a great deal. [CBS Evening News, CBS,
Trump On His Four Bankruptcies: Every Once In A WhileAgain, You Take
Advantage Of The System. ROBERTS: Some of them have gone bankrupt. Four of them.
TRUMP: Well, I have 70 some-odd companies. Every once in a while--again, you take
advantage of the system. It's called the system. And in order to take advantage of the system
that we're in, sometimes, on occasion--seldom, in my case--but you take a company, and you do-in my case, I did a couple of (unintelligible). It worked out great for me, because that's what I'm
supposed to do, I'm supposed to make money. But I could be making money for the American
people as opposed to letting us get ripped off like we have by other nations. And they're ripping
us. And they're ripping us big league, Cokie, and you know it.[This Week, ABC, 12/5/99]
Trump Bragged About Taking Personal Advantage Of The Bankruptcy Laws.
Washington Post on the first 2015 GOP debate: That appeared to be the case on Thursday.
Trump committed no major mistakes. If he was overbearing at times, well, that has been part of
his appeal. If he was impolitic at other times bragging about buying access to politicians or
taking personal advantage of the bankruptcy laws he has done that before [Washington Post,
When Asked About His Bankruptcies, Trump Claimed He Has Taken Advantage
Of The Laws Of This Country. Trump on his business bankruptcies Out of hundreds of
deals that Ive done, on four occasions Ive taken advantage of the laws of this countryVirtually
every person that you read about on the front page of the business section [takes advantage of
them]. The difference is that when other people use the laws you dont read about it. [Politico,
8/6/15; Republican Primary Debate, Cleveland OH, 8/6/15]
Trump On Bankruptcy Laws: I Used It Four Or Five Times Over The Years To
Make Great Deals. Because I Took Advantage Of Whats There. And Thats A
Great Thing. [Donald Trump speech at New England College, 4/27/15]
Trump: Stop Saying I Went Bankrupt. I Never Went Bankrupt But Like Many
Great Business People Have Used The Laws To Corporate AdvantageSmart!
[@realDOnaldTrump, twitter, 6/19/15]
Trump: People Buy Deals & Immediately Put Them Into Bankruptcy In Order To
Make Better Deals. Its A Very Effective & Commonly Used Business Tool.
[@realDOnaldTrump, twitter, 6/19/15]

Page 70

Trump: Almost Every Major Dealmaker Has Used The Bankruptcy Laws As A
Business Tool. Icahn, Black, ZellBut Nobody Says They Went Bankrupt!
[@realDOnaldTrump, twitter, 6/19/15]
Trump: Out Of Hundreds Of Deals & Transactions, I Have Used The Bankruptcy
Laws A Few Times To Make Deals Better. Nothing Personal, Just Business.
[@realDOnaldTrump, twitter, 6/19/15]
Donald Trump Bragged About Taking Companies With Bad Companies,
Chaptering Them, And Ending Up With A Nice Little Asset. Ive inherited a lot of
bad contracts over the years, you know, where I buy a company cheap. Because the poor guy
didnt know what he was doing and he made a bad deal. So you buy it cheap, you throw it into a
chapter, you beat up everybody, and you have a nice little asset. Right. You know. You do it. I do
it professionally. Theres always a clause. [Donald Trump Rally, Sparks, NV, 10/29/15]
Donald Trump Bragged About An Instance In Which He Bought A Company And
Immediately Threw It Into A Chapter And Beat The Hell Out Of The Banks
Thats Called Good Business. TRUMP: I've used the laws of the country to make good
deals for myself and also, I've had hundreds and hundreds of companies. Three or four
sometimes I've restructured so people could keep their jobs among other things. ... I did one deal
where I bought the accompany, it was a terrible accompany, the guy made a terrible deal, and
I bought it, immediately threw it into a chapter and beat the hell out of the banks, the poor
banks and made a good deal out of it. That's called good business, now Im a different world, but
thats called good business. And you do those things. You use the laws of the country, the laws of
the land and I did. So have ,and I could go one, two, three, name the top ten business people you
know, I can tell you most of them have done the same thing. [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 11/11/15]

All Of Donald Trumps Atlantic City Casinos Had Filed For Bankruptcy Before, In
1992, When They Were More Than $1 Billion In Debt. This will be the second time the
Trump casinos have filed for bankruptcy. In 1992, the three casinos he then owned, the Taj
Mahal, Castle, and Plaza, all in Atlantic City, ended up in Chapter 11, burdened by more than
$1 billion in debt.At the time, Trump himself was at brink of bankruptcy, but later regained
control of the casinos and wrote a book about his experience in 1997 called Trump: The Art of
the Comeback. [Wolf Blitzer Reports, CNN, 8/10/04]

Trump On His Debt: I Wish It Were Only $900 Million. I Actually Had Many
Billions Of Dollars Of Debt, And Actually $975 Million Was Personally
Guaranteed.QUESTION: Donald Trump, most Americans are having trouble getting rid of
couple thousand dollars of credit card debt, you got rid of $900 million of debt. How in the world
did you do that? TRUMP: Well I wish it were only $900 million. I actually had many billions of
dollars of debt, and actually $975 million was personally guaranteed. So it was more
catastrophic than even your beautiful introduction, which I appreciate very much.I really went

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back to work and focused. I have great assets. And as you know the banking industry was a
disaster, the credit crunch wasunbelievable. The beginning of the '90s were absolutely total
disaster in every way. And I guess I had a choice. I could take a nice and easy way out, which I
sort of did toward the end of the 80s. I though everything came -- everything really came sort of
easy for me. Everything just seemed to be a homerun or a grand slam homerun.What happened,
I went back to work, I focused. Probably never worked as hard as I did. And now the company is
doing better than it ever did before by far. Nothing -- I mean, it's not even a comparison with
how well I did in the '80's. [Evans & Novak, CNN, 12/27/97]

Trump Was Sued By Local 95 Of The House Wreckers Union Because They
Claimed Trump Conspired To Cheat The House Wreckers Out Of Pension And
Welfare Contributions By Hiring Non-Union Laborers. The lawsuit involving literal
demolitionCase 83CIV6346 in Manhattan Federal Courtwas brought by Harry Diduck, a
now deceased dissident member of Local 95 of the House Wreckers Union. His lawyer, Wendy
Sloan, says he was one of a group of like-minded workers who simply wanted a real union.
They had stood to gain nothing at all for themselves as they sought to prove that Trump and his
partner, along with the general contractor, conspired to cheat the House Wreckers out of pension
and welfare contributions by hiring these non-union laborers. Judge Stewart initially tossed out
the complaint against Trump and his partner on the grounds that the contractor was the
responsible party regarding the workers. The plaintiffs appealed, and the U.S. Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit reinstated the complaint, returning the case to Judge Stewart. [Daily
Beast, 7/8/15]
A Federal Judge Found That 200 Workers Who Cleared The Land For Trump
Tower Were Undocumented And Worked Off The Books And That No Records
Were Kept, No Social Security Or Other Taxes Were Withheld. The 200 demolition
workersnicknamed the Polish Brigade because of their home countryworked 12-hour shifts,
seven days a week with no overtime to knock down the old Bonwit Teller building and make
room for Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. According to testimony in a protracted
civil suit in federal court, the laborers were paid $5 an hour or less when they were paid at all.
Some went unpaid after the contractor had financial troubles. A few never received even the
paltry sum that was owed them for their dirty and hazardous efforts preceding the construction
of Trumps monument to his own wealth. They were undocumented and worked off the books,
Manhattan federal Judge Charles Stewart said of the workers after they became the subject of a
1983 lawsuit. No records were kept, no Social Security or other taxes were withheld. The
lawsuit involving literal demolitionCase 83CIV6346 in Manhattan Federal Courtwas
brought by Harry Diduck, a now deceased dissident member of Local 95 of the House Wreckers
Union. [Daily Beast, 7/8/15]

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Polish Workers Testified Against Trump Claiming They Approached Him About The Issues And Were
Threatened With Deportation By His Underlings. During the 16-day non-jury trial, a number of the Polish workers
testified that Trump underlings had threatened them with deportation if they caused trouble. They walked in to the job
from Brooklyn when a transit strike hit the city. Some of them slept at the site. Two workers further testified that they
had approached Trump in person to demand overdue wages. [Daily Beast, 7/8/15]

The Lawyer Representing The Undocumented Immigrants Was Threatened By Somebody Claiming To Be
Named John Baron, A Pseudonym Trump Admitted To Using. The lawyer representing the Polish Brigade had
reported receiving a call from someone who identified himself as John Baron and said Trump was ready to hit the
lawyer with a $100 million lawsuit if he kept causing trouble. Trump now acknowledged on the stand that he had used
the pseudonym John Baron, as had one of his assistants. But Trump insisted that his use of it was only long after the
completion of the Fifth Avenue tower, which became the first of many properties on which he so rapturously bestowed
his real surname. [Daily Beast, 7/8/15]

A New Jersey Judge Dismissed Donald Trumps $5 Billion Libel Lawsuit Against
Author Timothy OBrien For His Estimation That Trumps Net Worth Was Only
Between $150 Million And $250 Million. A New Jersey judge said Donald Trump failed
to convince her an author's estimate of his net worth at under $250 million was done out of
malice. Author Timothy O'Brien's book, Trump Nation: The Art of Being Donald, estimated
Trump was worth between $150 million and $250 million, The New York Times reported
Thursday. Trump sued, asking for $5 billion in damages. Publicly, Trump has claimed his is
worth a far greater than a quarter of a billion dollars. Superior Court Judge Michele Fox in
Camden, N.J., dismissed the case, saying Trump did not present clear and convincing evidence
to establish malice. Trump complained that the libel laws in this country have never been fair.
We proved our case 100 percent. He said he would appeal. [UPI, 7/16/09]

New York Times Timothy OBrien In 2005: Three People With Direct Knowledge Of Trumps Finances
Estimate His Net Worth At Somewhere Between $150 Million And $250 Million. Three people with direct
knowledge of Donald's finances, people who had worked closely with him for years, told me that they thought his net
worth was somewhere between $150 million and $250 million. (Donald's casino holdings have recently rebounded in
value, perhaps adding as much as $135 million to these estimates.) By anyone's standards, this still qualified Donald
as comfortably wealthy, but none of these people thought that he was remotely close to being a billionaire. [Timothy
OBrien, Business Day, New York Times, 10/23/05]

New York Times Timothy OBrien: Donald Trump Hyper-Inflated The Values Of His Golf Course Deals.
Donald's recent golf course ventures have produced some sterling new properties, but the values he assigns those
deals appear to be hyper-inflated. Donald's Palm Beach course, for example, has about 285 members who paid
$250,000 for memberships, for a total of $71.25 million. Donald borrowed about $47 million to build the course and a
new clubhouse. So he banked about $24 million on the deal, before other costs. He leases the land beneath the
course from Palm Beach County; he doesn't own it. But Donald carries the course on his books as an asset worth
$200 million. [Timothy OBrien, Business Day, New York Times, 10/23/05]

New York Times Timothy OBrien: Donald Trump Dismissed Claims He Was Worth Less Than $250 Million As
Naysaying By Guys Who Have 400-Pound Wives At Home Who Are Jealous Of Me. Three people with direct
knowledge of Donald's finances, people who had worked closely with him for years, told me that they thought his net
worth was somewhere between $150 million and $250 million. Donald dismissed this as naysaying. You can go
ahead and speak to guys who have 400-pound wives at home who are jealous of me, but the guys who really know
me know I'm a great builder, he told me. [Timothy OBrien, Business Day, New York Times, 10/23/05]


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Trump Threatened To Sue ABC If Its Biopicture Of Him Contained Inaccuracies.
KING: ABC has a Trump biopicture coming, called Trump Unauthorized, scheduled May 24th.
You said you'll sue if there are inaccuracies. TRUMP: Correct, yeah, I'll sue. I mean, if it's
inaccurate... I'm not worried. Hey, look, it's going to go on, it's going to go off, nobody is going to
remember it. Who cares. But I'm going to -- you know, I let them know, I'm very honored that
they're doing it. It's a great honor. You know, they're doing a two-hour movie on me on national
network television. And so I'm honored in one way. In another way, I want it to be accurate. So if
it's not accurate, I will sue.[Larry King Live, CNN, 5/17/05]
Trump Filed A $25 Million Suit Against Palm Beach For Fining Him For Putting
Up A Large American Flag Without A Permit. TRUMP: Well, to me, that's a very
interesting one because the town of Palm Beach, which is the richest town in the United States,
they want me to rip down the American flag. They want me to take it down. They want me to
disrespect the country and the flag by taking it down. I put the flag. They say I put it up without
permits. They want me to put up a little tiny flag that wouldn't look -- this is a huge property,
the largest estate in Palm Beach by far. It's bigger than the White House, as an example, and we
have a flag that's perfectly proportioned for the size of the estate, done by total professionals at
flag-making and flagpoles. And they want me to rip down the American flag, and I say I'm not
going to do it. They fined me $1,200 a day, $1,250 a day, to be exact. And what I did, Greta, is I
filed a $25 million suit against the town of Palm Beach with all -- any and all winnings from the
suit to go to the returning Iraqi American soldiers that are injured. And I hope there's going to
be a lot of money that they can divvy up. I get nothing. But any money that is gotten by me goes
to the returning injured soldiers.[On The Record With Greta Van Susteren, Fox News, 2/5/07]
After Economic Downturn, Trump Filed A Lawsuit To Avoid Paying On A $40
Million Construction Loan, But Said The Same Principle Did Not Apply To His
Condo Buyers. CHETRY: Let me ask about some headlines of your own that you made. A
lawsuit you filed to avoid paying on a $40 million construction loan to Deutsche Bank, claiming
that the severe downturn in the economy is akin to an act of God And he asked you if
remorseful condominium buyers in a similar position could sort of walk away and you said no.
Why didn't it apply to them? TRUMP: First of all it's a great building and we're closing units
literally as we speak. We're closing units by the dozens and it's doing very nicely. It's a great,
great building. The condo market is not very good and certainly the condo market in Chicago
isn't. But it will change. But the difference is that they don't have a clause and the other
difference is that most of them want to close. I mean they are not even approaching us about it.
We're closing tens of millions dollars worth of units every month.[American Morning, CNN,

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Trump: I Always Made A Lot Of Money In Bad Markets. I Love Bad Markets.
TRUMP: The real estate markets in 1990 crashed. I had billions and billions of dollars in debt.
I had many friends that went bankrupt. BLITZER: You were going down? TRUMP: Well, I
was, but I worked hard. And my company today is a much bigger, stronger company than it ever
was in the 1980s or 1990s even. But I was in trouble if I didn't get really back on the stick and
start working. The real estate markets crashed. Now, I don't want to blame the real estate
markets, because I always made a lot of money in bad markets. I love bad markets. You can do
very well in a bad market.[Wolf Blitzer Reports, CNN, 3/19/04]
Trump On The Recession: This Is A Time For Smart People. This Is A Time For
Entrepreneurial People. And This Is A Time For People Like Me. TRUMP: They're
great times, as an entrepreneur. I don't think I've ever seen better times as an entrepreneur. But
the world is a mess and the country is a mess Well, I don't think I've ever seen a time where
there's been this kind of play, where you have assets that you can buy for dollars. I've never seen
a time like it, Larry. KING: So you -- this is the time for smart people to make money, is what
you're saying? TRUMP: Well, this is a time for smart people. This is a time for entrepreneurial
people. And this is a time for people like me. [Larry King Live, CNN, 4/15/09]
Trump On Housing Market Collapse: Its An Amazing Situation. KING: Real estate
market, what's going on? TRUMP: It's an amazing situation. There are tremendous
opportunities. You know what's interesting, I was begging people not to buy real estate two years
ago. And everybody was interested in buying. And now they are less interested, and this is the
time they should be going out -- not buying, negotiating to buy. This is the time. [Larry King
Live, CNN, 10/15/07]


Trump Wanted The Government To Bulldoze A Womans Ugly House So The
Property Could Be Developed. JOHN STOSSEL: Trump now says he wants Coking's house
demolished because it's ugly. TRUMP: Everybody coming into Atlantic City sees that property,
and it's not fair to Atlantic City and the people. They're staring at this terrible house instead of
staring at beautiful fountains and beautiful other things that would be good. GLENN ZEITZ,
VERA COKING'S ATTORNEY: You're looking at somebody who is supposedly the epitome of
the free enterprise system. And the free enterprise system was based on the premise that you
don't go out and sick the government on somebody's property.[20/20, ABC News, 6/1/98]
Daily Beast: Donald Trump Tried To Force An Elderly Atlantic City Widow Out Of Her Home So He Could Build A
Parking Lot For Limousines. Around the same time [early 1990s], Trump attempted to force elderly widow Vera Coking


Page 75

out of her Atlantic City rooming house to make way for a Trump Plaza Hotel parking lot and limo waiting area. She refused
to sell, even when the magnate offered her $1 million, and Trump spent several years working with local government to
pry away the property. In 1998, he lost when a court threw out the case. Sixteen years later, the hotel permanently closed
its doors. [The Daily Beast, 10/8/15]

The Daily Beast: Donald Trump Sought Help From The State Of Connecticut To
Condemn Five Private Bridgeport Businesses So That He Could Build An
Amusement Park. In the early 90s, Trump sought the help of the state of Connecticut to
condemn five private Bridgeport-area businesses so that he could build a $350 million complex
that included an amusement park (with the worlds biggest roller coaster, of course), a shipping
terminal, a seaport village, and an office complex. Its going to be a great thing, Trump promised
during a press event that, according to The Hartford Courant, included repeated references to
the world class nature of the proposal. It eventually fell through. [The Daily Beast, 10/8/15]
Club For Growth: Trumps Support Of Eminent Domain Is Proof That Trump Is
Not A Conservative. At least theres a crucial issue that Trump hasnt flip-flopped on, said
Doug Sachtleben, spokesman for the Club for Growth, the conservative group Trump has been
warring with for months. Trump hasnt wavered in his support of the terrible Kelo decision, and
he still applauds the idea of developers getting rich while private property owners are forced out
of their homes and businesses. Its just continued proof that Trump is not a conservative. [The
Atlantic, 10/7/15]

Trump: I Don't Bill Myself As A Top Negotiator. TRUMP: Well, first of all, I don't bill
myself as a top negotiator. You're calling me, I don't call you, you know what I mean? I don't
know if I'm a good negotiator or not, but I never billed myself as a great negotiator. I don't like to
talk that way. [Newsroom, CNN, 8/1/11]


HEADLINE: Donald Trump Sells Chinese Goods Despite Accusing China of
Stealing US Jobs. [ABC News, 6/17/15]

ABC News: In His Campaign Kickoff On Tuesday, Donald Trump Blasted Cheap Chinese Goods But He
Has No Problem Putting His Name On Them And Selling Them. In his campaign kickoff on Tuesday, Donald
Trump blasted cheap Chinese goods but he has no problem putting his name on them and selling them. The day
after his tirade, the Trump Store inside the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York boasted an array of imported
goods, including teddy bears and T-shirts from China alongside products from Haiti, Nicaragua and Lesotho. Trump
mentioned China two-dozen times in the opener to his 2016 presidential bid, accusing that country and Mexico of
putting Americans out of work. They cant get jobs, because there are no jobs, because China has our jobs and
Mexico has our jobs, Trump said. [ABC News, 6/17/15]



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Trump Said That He Buys Chinese Products Because They Are Cheaper.KING: Do
you know your wife sells a jewelry line on QVC? TRUMP: That's true. And you know what else
-- can I give you-- KING: Do you know every piece of jewelry -- every piece of jewelry is made in
China? TRUMP: Can I tell you what else? I build my buildings, unfortunately, because
companies can't compete because they manipulate their currency. So China makes jewelry and
they make curtain walls and they make lots of other things and it shouldn't be that way, John.
We should be making it.KING: People will ask, is this guy a hypocrite? He's out there beating
up on the Chinese and his wife is making money selling products made in China. TRUMP:
Because of the fact that China manipulates their currency. And they really manipulate it big
league. And our people aren't smart enough to know what's going on. When I order curtain walls
for a big beautiful building, when I order other things, you know what happened with the
sheetrock, because the good news is we make better products than they make in China. But
when I order -- can I talk? When I order various elements for building a big building, many of
them come from China. Many other industries, the same thing. These -- it comes from China.
You know why? Because they manipulate the hell out of their currency. [John King USA, CNN,

Trump Said He Often Cant Buy American Products Because No One Makes Them In The U.S. TRUMP: When I
order curtain walls, when I order other things -- I order thousands of television sets for a building, thousands. I said,
Let's buy it from the United States. I want America. I want United States. There's no place that makes them. We don't
have television companies in this country. I mean, of any consequence. So, I end up getting LGs made in South
Korea, thousands of them. Now, why -- excuse me, why aren't we -- why aren't we making them in this country?
Why? [John King USA, CNN, 4/27/11]


Donald Trump Affirmed His Support For The Renewable Fuel Standard After
Touring The POET Biorefining Plant In Gowrie, Iowa Which Produced Ethanol.
Before attending the rally in Fort Dodge, Trump stopped at the POET Biorefining plant in
Gowrie to tour the plant and discuss the renewable fuel standard with plant leadership and the
co-chairs of Americas Renewable Energy. Iowa is the nations leading ethanol producer, and the
Gowrie plant is designed to produce 69 million gallons of ethanol annually, according to its
website. That meeting was closed to the public, but afterward, Trump took two questions from a
group of about 35 people who had been invited to a closed event. There, Trump affirmed his
support of the renewable fuel standard. I just want to tell you, you have my support, he said.
Im with you. [Des Moines Register, 12/13/15]
Donald Trump Said Ted Cruzs Opposition To Ethanol Subsidies Was Anti-Iowa
Sand Said, I Understand It, Oil Pays Him A Lot Of Money. He's Got To Be For
Oil, Right?" [Donald Trump] spent more time on Friday poking Cruz for opposing ethanol
subsidies, which are widely popular there. Independent groups there are beginning to spend
money against Cruz for his position, which Trump told a questioner was anti-Iowa. Cruz says
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the subsidies are an example of government interference in the free market. With the ethanol,
really, he's got to come a long way, 'cause right now he's for the oil, Trump said at the beginning
of his remarks, unprompted. But then he gave him an out: But I understand it, oil pays him a lot
of money. He's got to be for oil, right? But I'm with you, he added. I'm self-funding. I have no oil
company. I have no special interest. [CNN, 12/11/15; Donald Trump Campaign Rally, Des
Moines, Iowa, 12/11/15]


Trump: Nobody Knows More About Campaign Finance That I Do, Because I'm The
Biggest Contributor. KING: How about campaign-finance reform? TRUMP: I think
nobody knows more about campaign finance that I do, because I'm the biggest contributor.
KING: OK, but what about reform? Does it need reform? You're the Reform Party? TRUMP:
Well, it's a very complex -- you know what? It's a very complex thing. As an example, I'm
allowed to give $1,000 to every senator, right? [Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99]
Trump Opposed Campaign Contribution Limits But Supported Disclosure
Requirements. TRUMP: Well, it's a very complex -- you know what? It's a very complex
thing. As an example, I'm allowed to give $1,000 to every senator, right?... Do you know how
little that is, and this was 20 years ago, $1000. Now, I love it, because, you know, I'm capped out
at a $1,000 per senator and they all love me for it. You know, I give them $1,000, it's great.
KING: But you can reform where you have soft money, hard money, PAC money. TRUMP:
Well, no, you have other ways. But the one thing I feel strongly about -- you know, I have heard
Bradley and others talking about the government should pay for the elections, and I totally
disagree. If you like a candidate, you should be able to contribute to that candidate. Now, they
should let it be known that you're contributing, but you should be able to contribute and help
that candidate. Otherwise, you're taking away the whole American system. [Larry King Live,
CNN, 10/7/99]


Donald Trump Said Police Body Cameras Can Solve A Lot Of Problems, And
That The Federal Government Should Help Cities That Want Police Body Cameras
But Lack Funding. In an exclusive interview with the Guardian, the Republican presidential
frontrunner [Donald Trump] said there could be federal funding directed to those local law
enforcement agencies that wanted to buy the cameras and could not afford the technology
without financial aid. Some of these departments have plenty of money, and some of them dont.
And if they like the idea of the cameras, they need federal funding, Trump told the Guardian on
Monday. It can solve a lot of problems for police. It can also solve a lot of problems period.
However, Trump did not support making the officer-worn video cameras mandatory across the

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country, as the Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton has done, noting different police
departments feel different ways. [The Guardian, 10/13/15]

1989: Donald Trump Took Out Full Page Ads In Four New York Newspapers
Titled: ''Bring Back The Death Penalty. Bring Back Our Police!'' The full-page
advertisements placed in four New York newspapers today by Donald J. Trump calling for
reinstatement of the death penalty grew out of the real-estate developer's deep-seated feeling
that what's happening in society today has to be stopped, Mr. Trump said in a telephone
interview Saturday. The $85,000 worth of ads, in The New York Times, The Daily News, The
New York Post and New York Newsday, refer to the attack by a gang of youths on a woman
jogger and others in Central Park on April 19. The 600-word appeal, signed Donald J. Trump, is
titled Bring Back the Death Penalty. Bring Back Our Police! The advertisement appears today
on page A13 of The Times. I want to hate these muggers and murderers, Mr. Trump wrote.
They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes.
[New York Times, 5/1/89]

April 1990: Donald Trump Said You Have To Legalize Drugs To Win The War On
Drugs. Trump who says he doesn't drink or smoke tobacco, let alone experiment with drugs
has taken a variety of stances on drug control. In April 1990, Trump said at a luncheon in
Florida that the United States should legalize drugs and use the money collected to educate the
public on the dangers of drug use. We're losing badly the war on drugs, Trump said at the time,
according to an article in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. You have to legalize drugs to win that
war. You have to take the profit away from these drug czars. [Washington Post, 10/29/15]
10/29/15: Donald Trump Said States Should Be Allowed To Legalize Marijuana If
They Choose To Do So, But Said That Colorados Experience Has Not Been
Exactly Trouble-Free. So I Really Think That We Should Study Colorado, See
What's Happening." Donald Trump softened his tone on marijuana legalization on Thursday,
saying at a political rally that states should be allowed to legalize marijuana if they chose to do
so. Trump reaffirmed that he supports making medical marijuana available to patients who are
very sick. In terms of marijuana and legalization, I think that should be a state issue, state-bystate, Trump said while taking a handful of questions during a political rally at a casino outside
Reno on Thursday afternoon. And of course you have Colorado, Trump said. And I love
Colorado and the people are great, but there's a question as to how it's all working out there, you
know? That's not going exactly trouble-free. So I really think that we should study Colorado, see
what's happening. [Washington Post, 10/29/15]

June 2015: At CPAC, Donald Trump Said Colorados Legalization Of Marijuana

Was Bad, And I Feel Strongly About It. More recently, Trump has supported
allowing medical marijuana but firmly opposed legalization. During the CPAC conference in
June, Trump was asked about Colorado's legalization and responded: I say it's bad. Medical
marijuana is another thing, but I think it's bad, and I feel strongly about it. Sean Hannity,

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who was moderating the forum, then asked Trump if legalization is a states' rights issue or
not. If they vote for it, they vote for it, Trump said. But, you know, they have got a lot of
problems going on right now in Colorado. Some big problems. [Washington Post, 10/29/15]


Trump Claimed That A Killer Was Protected Since He Was An Undocumented
Immigrant And If He Were A Citizen, Theyd Put Him In Jail For Life. TRUMP: I
respect the people in the Republican Party, but this is a very important issue and it cant be
toned down. Its an issue that wants to be silenced. Remember I told you the story about the guy
they were going after, that killer, and when they heard he was he was an illegal immigrant it
was like he was protected? If he were a citizen, theyd put him in jail for life. [Washington Post,

Trump On The Immigrant Who Killed The Woman In San Francisco: Look At That Guy, Look At What He Did,
Killing That Beautiful Girl. [Expletive] Animal. When a picture of the Mexican laborer accused of killing a San
Francisco woman is put on screen, Trump said: Look at that guy, look at what he did, killing that beautiful girl.
[Expletive] animal. He returned several minutes later to continue the interview.] [Washington Post, 7/12/15]


Col. Jack Jacobs, Who Trump Claimed Was A Go-To Advisers Had Never
Actually Discussed National Security Policy With Trump. The retired Army colonel
who Donald Trump listed as one of his go-to advisers has never actually discussed national
security policy with him, according to a report in Mother Jones on Wednesday. Over the
weekend, the billionaire and GOP presidential candidate told NBC News that Col. Jack Jacobs, a
military analyst who was awarded the Medal of Honor for his service during the Vietnam war,
was one of the two men he listed as someone he talk[s] to for military advice right now. Col.
Jack Jacobs is a good guy, he said on Meet the Press. And I see him on occasion.
Trump also mentioned that he turned to former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton for
advice, as well as the shows. [The Hill, 8/19/15]
Trump Said He Learned Military Strategy By Watching Current And Retired
Generals Talk On TV. Getting military strategy by watching current and retired generals
talk on TV isn't just OK with Trump -- he says it's better than any team he could assemble to
personally advise him. The mogul made the comment on NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday -earning derision from one of those frequent TV pundits, retired Gen. Michael Hayden. But
Trump defended his comments in an interview Wednesday with CNN's Chris Cuomo, saying it
allows him to get a lot of advice quickly. I watch your show. And I watch other shows. And you
have the best generals, the best everything ... frankly probably better than I could get, Trump
said. What do I know? I'm a man that made a great fortune. I'm gonna make our country rich
and I'm gonna make our country great. Trump said he watches shows as well as reading The
New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and other newspapers and magazines, which allows
him to get a lot of information in a very short time. [CNN, 8/19/15]

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Trump Would Tap American Businessmen Carl Icahn And Henry Kravis As Top
International Negotiators. Trump says his administration would tap American
businessmen Carl Icahn and Henry Kravis as top international negotiators -- pledging they could
do a better job than the diplomats currently in office. He also predicted he would be the greatest
jobs president that God ever created, and get tough on countries like China, Mexico and Japan.
[CNN, 8/19/15]

Trump: I'm The Worst Hawk In The World. TRUMP: Now, I'm the worst hawk in the
world, OK? I am a total hawk And yet, we shouldn't have gone into Iraq. And the minute we
leave, you know, they say we're out. We have 50,000, 60,000 soldiers there right now. We're out?
I don't think 60,000 soldiers -- the other thing is, if you look at what countries like China are
doing to this country, they are eating our lunch. We're building China. We are really building
China because everything we make is made in China or other countries. [The Situation Room,
CNN, 9/22/10]
Donald Trump Criticized President Obama For Tipping Off The Enemy Before
Attacking, Instead You Shoot First, You Talk About It Later. Trump got his biggest
cheers -- and the crowd began chanting Trump! Trump! Trump! -- when he said of ISIS: I'm
going to bomb the s--- out of them. At another point during his hour-long stemwinder, Trump
pointed his fingers like a gun and began mock shooting. You know the movies. Shoot first, talk
later. Right? Right? Right? You shoot first, you talk about it later. Trump said Obama does too
much talking and continually tips off the enemy before he shoots. The Tennessee crowd went
wild. [The Hill, 11/16/15; Donald Trump Campaign Rally, Knoxville, Tennessee, 11/16/15]

Donald Trump: If We Are Going To Continue To Be Stupid And Go Into Syria (Watch Russia), As They Say In
The Movies, SHOOT FIRST AND TALK LATER! [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 8/29/15]

2011: Trump Said He Wanted To Increase Defense Spending. TRUMP: I've never
been a fan because, look, I am the most militant person there is. I'm a big war guy in terms of I
want total defense. I want perhaps an increase in defense spending, OK? But you don't attack
the wrong country. Iraq did not knock down the World Trade Center. As it turned out he did
attack the wrong country and frankly they used to kill terrorists in Iraq. You could not be a
terrorist and last a day in Iraq. Now it's the Harvard -- it's the breeding ground for terrorists. I
mean everybody that wants to be a terrorist they go to Iraq, they go to Afghanistan, they go to
the places where we are.[Piers Morgan Tonight, Fox News, 2/9/11]

Trump Said He Would Cut Off Aid To Egypt And Pakistan. CAVUTO: But would you
stop all aid to the region? We have given hundreds of billions over these many decades dating
back to Mubarak Would you stop that as president? TRUMP: I would certainly stop a lot of

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it and I would certainly stop it if they are not our friends. I mean, look at Pakistan. We give
them $150 billion. We give them so much money, nobody even has any idea what is happening
to it, and they don't give us Osama bin Laden? And he is, according to all sources, in Pakistan,
and you don't think the leaders of that country know where he is? Of course they do.[Your
World With Neil Cavuto, Fox News, 3/7/11]

Trump: 26,000 Unreported Sexual [Assaults] In The MilitaryOnly 238
Convictions. What Did These Geniuses Expect When They Put Men & Women
Together? Two years ago, Trump weighed in on the alarming rate of sexual assault and rape
in the militaryand in doing so, pinned the blame on the presence of women. 26,000 unreported
sexual [assaults] in the militaryonly 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when
they put men & women together? he tweeted in 2013. The Generals and top military brass
never wanted a mixer but were forced to do it by very dumb politicians who wanted to be
politically [correct]! he continued. [Daily Beast, 7/27/15]

Donald Trump: 26,000 Unreported Sexual Assults In The Military-Only 238 Convictions. What Did These
Geniuses Expect When They Put Men & Women Together? [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 5/7/13]

Trump: The Generals And Top Military Brass Never Wanted A Mixer But Were
Forced To Do It By Very Dumb Politicians Who Wanted To Be Politically
[Correct]! Two years ago, Trump weighed in on the alarming rate of sexual assault and rape
in the militaryand in doing so, pinned the blame on the presence of women. 26,000 unreported
sexual [assaults] in the militaryonly 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when
they put men & women together? he tweeted in 2013. The Generals and top military brass
never wanted a mixer but were forced to do it by very dumb politicians who wanted to be
politically [correct]! he continued. [Daily Beast, 7/27/15]

Donald Trump: "The Generals And Top Military Brass Never Wanted A Mixer But Were Forced To Do It By
Very Dumb Politicians Who Wanted To Be Politically C! [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 5/7/13]


Donald Trump: Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Should Have Been Executed. Republican
presidential front-runner Donald Trump said Thursday that Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl should
have been executed for leaving his post in Afghanistan. We're tired of Sgt. Bergdahl, who's a
traitor, a no-good traitor, who should have been executed, Trump said to cheers at a rowdy rally
inside a packed Las Vegas theater at the casino-hotel Treasure Island. Thirty years ago, Trump
added, he would have been shot. [ABC News, 10/9/15]

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11/5/15: Donald Trump, Who Claims To Be The The Best In Terms Of The Military, Confused The F-35 Joint
Strike Fighter With The B-3 Long Range Strike Bomber. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who
claims to be the the best in terms of the military, confused the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program with the B-3 Long
Range Strike Bomber program. Radio host Hugh Hewitt asked Trump if America needs a strategic bomber or should
we just stick with submarines and missiles? Trump then criticized the beleaguered F-35 program. [Daily Caller,

11/5/15: Donald Trump Continued To Confuse The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter With The B-3 Long Range Strike
Bomber, Even After Hugh Hewitt Attempted To Correct Him. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump,
who claims to be the the best in terms of the military, confused the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program with the B-3
Long Range Strike Bomber program. Radio host Hugh Hewitt asked Trump if America needs a strategic bomber or
should we just stick with submarines and missiles? Trump then criticized the beleaguered F-35 program. Hewitt
asked, Last week the Pentagon announced, they gave the B-3, the strategic bomber contract to Northrop Grumman.
Do we need a strategic bomber, Donald Trump, or should we just stick with submarines and missiles? [Trump
responded,] When you talked about the bomber, heres what I dont like. I have been reading, and I read one article
in particular, where the pilots, and these are great test pilots and pilots generally. But pilots in testing it, said our old
planes are better, explained Trump. They perform better, they handle better. Every aspect, they were saying, theyre
better. So Im saying wait a minute, if theyre better, why are we ordering these unbelievably expensive planes? So I
would have some real problems because of cost, and I know I could get the cost down. But what bothers me
tremendously is the fact that I heard test pilots saying that the old planes maneuver better, work better, and they like
them better. That bothers me, insisted Trump. Hewitt responded, A lot of people like the F-18 Super Hornet more
than the F-35. But this B-3, the strategic bomber, I think we have to have a bomber. Trump responded, We do,
and its got to be reasonable. But you check this out. The pilots that were testing it did not like it as much as the old
equipment. Thats not good. And I think you would agree with that, Hugh. [Daily Caller, 11/5/15]

10/22/15: Donald Trump Said He Heard From A Test Pilot That The F-35 Doesnt Perform As Well As Our
Existing Equipment. TRUMP: Well, I do want briefings, but I do hear that its not very good. Im hearing that our
existing planes are better [than the F-35]. And one of the pilots came out of the plane, one of the test pilots, and said
this isnt as good as what we already have. And to spend billions and billions of dollars on something that maybe isnt
as good, but, and I dont know if youve heard that. Yeah, well, I mean, big problems. Theyre saying it doesnt
perform as well as our existing equipment, which is much less expensive. So when I hear that, immediately I say we
have to do something, because you know, theyre spending billions. This is a plane. Theres never been anything like
it in terms of cost. And how about, you know, were retooling with planes that arent as good as the ones we have, and
the test pilots are amazing people. They know better than anybody, okay, and I think you would accept that. [Hugh
Hewitt Radio Show, 10/22/15]

12/16/15: Donald Trump Appeared No Not Understand The Concept Of Americas
Nuclear Weapons Triad But Said, For Me, Nuclear The Power, The
Devastation Is Very Important To Me. When Donald Trump could not answer Hugh
Hewitts question on the nuclear triad during the fifth GOP debate Tuesday night, Sen. Marco
Rubio (R., Fla.) was kind enough to take the time to explain what the nuclear triad was to him
and any other Americans who may not have known. Trump was asked to offer his opinion on
which leg of the nuclear triad, decried by many as outdated, he believed was most crucial to
update. The Republican frontrunner did not appear to understand the topic. In his original
answer, Trump said it was important to have a strong leader with sound judgment during
perilous times. He then trailed off to talking about opposing the Iraq War and how important
limiting nuclear proliferation is. The response did not touch on Hewitts question, so he asked
again. I think for me nuclear the power, the devastation is very important to me, Trump said
in his second attempt. [Free Beacon, 12/15/15]
Trump Did Not Answer What His Priority Was Among The Nuclear Triad. HEWITT:
Dr. Carson just referenced the single most important job of the president, the command, the

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control and the care of our nuclear forces. And he mentioned the triad. The B-52s are older than I
am. The missiles are old. The submarines are aging out. Its an executive order. Its a
commander-in-chief decision. Whats your priority among our nuclear triad? TRUMP: Well,
first of all, I think we need somebody absolutely that we can trust, who is totally responsible;
who really knows what he or she is doing. That is so powerful and so important. And one of the
things that Im frankly most proud of is that in 2003, 2004, I was totally against going into Iraq
because youre going to destabilize the Middle East. I called it. I called it very strongly. And it
was very important. [Republican Presidential Debate, Las Vegas NV, 12/15/15]

2011: Trump Said Withdrawing From Afghanistan Was Not A Problem Because
The Taliban Was All In Pakistan. O'REILLY: Afghanistan. Do you pull out of Afghanistan
and let the Taliban take over? TRUMP: I don't know that Afghanistan is much -- as much of a
problem as Pakistan. Because everyone is telling me they're all in Pakistan. They're not in
Afghanistan.O'REILLY: But they're going to come back. TRUMP: Well, they may. I mean,
they may. That's Pakistan. If Usama bin Laden is in Pakistan, why are we paying them
hundreds of billions of dollars a year? [The OReilly Factor, Fox News, 4/1/11]
2011: Trump Called Karzai A Crook. DOOCY: Do you think Karzai -- is Karzai a crook?
TRUMP: Well, he's a crook and he's mocking us. He's laughing at us and he's -- and the
diplomat that just left was saying how horrible and how embarrassing it is. The horrible things
he says and how our soldiers react to his statements that we're an occupier.[Fox & Friends, Fox
News, 6/13/11]
10/6/15: Donald Trump Believed Entering Afghanistan Was A Mistake And
Worried About U.S. Forces Getting Stuck There. Trump told CNN's "New Day" on
October 6 that he believed entering Afghanistan was a mistake and worried about U.S. forces
getting stuck there. At some point, are they going to be there for the next 200 years? At some
point what's going on? It's going to be a long time, Trump said, when asked about Afghanistan.
We made a terrible mistake getting involved there in the first place. We had real brilliant
thinkers that didn't know what the hell they were doing. And it's a mess. It's a mess. And at this
point, you probably have to (stay) because that thing will collapse about two seconds after they
leave. Just as I said that Iraq was going to collapse after we leave." [CNN, 10/20/15]
Headline: Donald Trump Backtracks On Afghanistan War: Not A Mistake. [CNN,

10/20/15: Donald Trump: I've Never Said We Made A Mistake Going Into Afghanistan." Donald Trump said
Tuesday the U.S. was right to invade Afghanistan after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks -- a reversal of his position
earlier this month when he called the war a mistake. We made a mistake going into Iraq. I've never said we made a
mistake going into Afghanistan, Trump told CNN's Alisyn Camerota on New Day, when pressed about his comments
earlier this month. Trump told CNN's New Day on October 6 that he believed entering Afghanistan was a mistake
and worried about U.S. forces getting stuck there. [CNN, 10/20/15]


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10/20/15: Donald Trump Said It Was Important To Keep Troops In Afghanistan. But when pressed on that
answer Tuesday, Trump denied that he had characterized U.S. entry into Afghanistan as a mistake and said he had
only talked about Iraq. I never said that. OK, wouldn't matter, I never said it. Afghanistan is a different kettle.
Afghanistan is next to Pakistan, it's an entry in. You have to be careful with the nuclear weapons. It's all about the
nuclear weapons. By the way, without the nukes, it's a whole different ballgame, Trump said. Trump has long bashed
the Iraq War, saying again Tuesday that the decision to go there destabilized the Middle East and created an opening
for Iran. But he said Tuesday that the Afghanistan War was necessary and said he supported keeping a limited
number of troops there. Do I love anything about it? No. I think it's important, number one, that we keep a presence
there and ideally a presence of pretty much what they're talking about -- 5,000 soldiers, Trump said Tuesday. [CNN,

Trump Said That The Chinese Were Enemies. MORGAN: There are towns in China that
sell 95 percent of the world's duvets. You know, they manufacture 85 percent of the world's
buttons. Now I don't think that's the enemy. I think it's a potential business friend. Isn't it? Can't
we work with them? TRUMP: I don't think they're friends. I think they're enemies. I deal with
Chinese. I just sold an apartment to a Chinese person for $33 million a short while ago -- a
couple of months ago. I mean I'm supposed to like the Chinese but I understand the Chinese and
I deal with them all the time. Now this is before they thought I might run for president. They
consider our leaders extremely stupid people. They cannot believe what they get away with.
Whether it's the Olympics where they put people under age and they say, no, no, no, and then we
find out it was true and they say, oh, we just didn't know. Or whether they have the beautiful
girl singing the national anthem, their national anthem, but it wasn't her singing. So many
different things. I mean the Chinese are looking to put us under and believe me they are not our
friends. I'm surprised at you because you're not somebody that's easily misled or misguided
They are not our friend. [Piers Morgan Tonight, Fox News, 2/9/11]
Trump Said He Would Give The Chinese President A A Double Size Big Mac
Instead Of A State Dinner. Trump vowed Monday not to throw Chinese President Xi
Jinping a lavish state dinner as the Chinese leader will enjoy in September when he visits the
U.S. for meetings with President Barack Obama, a little over a year after Jinping hosted Obama
in China. I'd get him a McDonald's hamburger and I'd say we gotta get down to work, because
you can't continue to devalue (the Chinese currency), Trump said Monday night on Fox News. I
would give him a very, yeah, but I would give him a double, probably a double size Big Mac.
[CNN, 8/25/15; The OReilly Factor, Fox News, 8/24/15]
In Response To China Devaluing Their Currency, Trump Said He Would Put A
Tariff On Chinese Products And Claimed We Have To Have A Trade War With
China. Challenged by host Bill O'Reilly, the celebrity real estate tycoon doubled down on what
has become a main issue in his campaign, criticizing the U.S. government for allowing China to

Page 85

devalue its currency. Trump said he would put a tariff on Chinese products, saying you have to
have a trade war. Their leaders are intelligent, ours aren't, Trump said Monday. [The Hill,
8/25/15; The OReilly Factor, Fox News, 8/24/15]
Trump Said He Would Start A Trade War With China, Stating You Have To Do
That ... You Have No Choice. Trump, who has made a similar call with Mexico, said
Monday that he would initiate a trade war with China, saying you have to do that ... you have no
choice.: [CNN, 8/25/15; The OReilly Factor, Fox News, 8/24/15]
Trump Said He Would Impose Import Tariffs Of Up To 12 Percent On China. As for
China, Trump said he would play hardball with Beijing on trade. He accused China of devaluing
its currency and said he would hit the Chinese with import tariffs of up to 12 percent. [Public
Radio International, 9/7/15]

The Economists David Rennie: If [Donald Trump] Did One-Tenth Of What Hes Planning, He Would Trigger A
Global Trade War, Which Would Cause A Kind Of Global Recession And Cost Lots Of Jobs. The editors at
The Economist looked at the overall implications of Trumps policy ideas and were less than impressed. Americans
are waking up to the possibility that a man whose hobby is naming things after himself might conceivably be the
nominee of the party of Lincoln and Reagan. It is worth spelling out why that would be a terrible thing, they write in
the latest issue of the magazine. From an economics point-of-view, we think that if he did one-tenth of what hes
planning, he would trigger a global trade war, which would cause a kind of global recession and cost lots of jobs,
[David] Rennie [Washington bureau chief for The Economist] says. [Public Radio International, 9/7/15]


Trump Said He Would Immediately Announce A 25% Tax On Chinese Products.
TRUMP: And if you read the real economists and real people that know what's going on it's an
unfair playing field. So here's what happens. You said what would I do? I would immediately
announce a tax of 25 percent. The first thing that's going to happen is the Chinese are going to
call.[Piers Morgan Tonight, Fox News, 2/9/11]
Trump On The Reducing The Debt: Send China A Bill For Stolen Trade Secrets.
VAN SUSTEREN: But if we -- if we -- but if we do just say, OK, we're taking off our debt the cost
of what you just took from us in Pakistan, I mean, since the debt isn't -- I mean, since we're not
paying them off soon, I mean, do they -- do they even really care if we do that because there's so
much money. TRUMP: Well, I wouldn't start that way. I'd just send them a bill for the value of
the secrets that they've stolen. Now, of course, they're stealing them from Boeing and from
General Electric and from everybody else also. If you look at what they forced General Electric to
do or if you look at what they're trying to do with Boeing, it's very, very sad that the companies
are succumbing to it. [On The Record, Fox News, 8/17/11]


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Trump On Cuba Embargo: Fidel Castro Is A Murderer, He's A Killer, He's A Bad
Guy In Every Respect, And, Frankly, The Embargo Against Cuba Must Stand.
TRUMP: It goes into the pockets of Fidel Castro. He's a murderer, he's a killer, he's a bad guy in
every respect, and, frankly, the embargo against Cuba must stand if for no other reason than, if
it does stand, he will come down. He will tumble down, and it will finally happen. What a waste
of energy and time and effort if this government opens up Cuba before Castro is gone. It's going
to line his pockets, the country will become wealthy again, and it will have the same regime it's
had for so many years, and that's a regime headed by Fidel Castro. And it's inconceivable to me
when I see the weak stance taken by our current administration, inconceivable that this can
happen, especially with the spirit in this room because the spirit of the Cuban people is beyond
any spirit that I've seen by any people, and I've been watching it for a long time. Things can
change.[Donald Trump Speech, Cuban-American National Foundation, Miami FL, 11/22/99]

Trump Said That He Had Rejected Business Deals In Cuba Because The Money Would Flow To Fidel Castro.
TRUMP: I've had a lot of offers -- and sadly it's all been very recently -- to go into Cuba on deals, business deals, real
estate and other deals, and I've rejected them on the basis that I will go when Cuba is free. As you know -- and the
people in this room know better than anyone -- putting money and investing money in Cuba right now doesn't go to
the people of Cuba. It goes into the pockets of Fidel Castro. [Donald Trump Speech, Cuban-American National
Foundation, Miami FL, 11/22/99]

Trump Praised Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak And Criticized The U.S. For
Allowing Him To Be Deposed. TRUMP: I mean, if you look at what happened in Egypt -look what we did to our wonderful leader of Egypt, who really was at least outwardly -- and you
know, whether he loved Israel or not behind the scenes -- let's assume he didn't. But at least he
was somewhat of an ally to Israel. He helped Israel. Look what's going to happen with respect to
Egypt and Israel. You can already see it, the level of hatred, the level of animosity that Egypt
now has for Israel. Unbelievable. So instead of helping them to keep their power, we make it
possible for him to be overthrown. And now he's sitting in a cage in a courthouse. He'll probably
be sentenced to death. And our other allies watch that and they say, What kind of an ally is the
United States? Why should we go with the United States, when they look at what happened in
Egypt?[On The Record, Fox News, 8/31/11]

Donald Trump Said France Was "The Worst Partner That This Country Has Ever
Had" And Would Sell A Nuclear Weapon To Anybody Giving Them 10 Cents More
Than The Next Guy. Mr. Trump used his appearance on Fox to criticize a number of U.S.
allies and trading partners. He denounced France as the worst partner that this country has
ever had. They'll sell a nuclear weapon to anybody giving them 10 cents more than the next
guy, he said. They are a very disloyal group in terms of their government, and I think they have
to be taught respect, Mr. Trump said. [Washington Times, 11/1/99]

10/31/99: Donald Trump: France Has To Be The Worst Partner That This
Country Has Ever Had. They Have Been A Very Disloyal Partner To The
United States And Virtually Anybody Else They Deal With. If you look
throughout the world, France has to be the worst partner that this country has ever had.
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They'll sell a nuclear weapon to anybody giving them 10 cents more to the next guy. It's
terrible. I think France just doesn't respect this country. France is a terrible partner.
They've been a terrible partner over the years. They are a very disloyal group in terms of
their government, and I think they have to be taught respect. I'm not saying what I'm doing
to them, I just think France and I think one thing I'm doing I'm exposing them, because I've
never heard this before. But anybody that knows anything about government, knows that
France has been a very disloyal partner to the United States and virtually anybody else they
deal with. [Fox News Sunday, Fox News, 10/31/99]

Donald Trump Accused Germany Of Wanting To Take Over The World
Economically. Mr. Trump used his appearance on Fox to criticize a number of U.S. allies and
trading partners. He accused Germany of wanting to take over the world economically, even
though they failed militarily. [Washington Times, 11/1/99]

Trump On The Iran Deal: I Think The Deal Is Absolutely Horrible For Us, But
It's Really, Really Bad For Israel. GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump on
Tuesday blasted the White House for failing to include American prisoners in its deal on Irans
nuclear program. We have four people over there, prisoners that they're keeping hostages,
whatever you want to call them that's not part of the deal. Why isn't that part of the deal?
Trump asked during an interview on Fox Business Network, questioning the terms of the
agreement lifting sanctions on Tehran. Families of a Washington Post journalist, a former
Marine, a pastor and a former FBI agent have voiced a desire for U.S. negotiators to continue
pushing for their release. I think the deal is absolutely horrible for us, but it's really, really bad
for Israel, Trump said. [The Hill, 7/14/15; Fox Business, 7/14/15, VIDEO]
Donald Trump Said He Would Never Address Ayatollah Khamenei Of Iran As
Supreme Leader, And Would Instead Greet Him By Saying Hey Baby, How Ya
Doing? Donald Trump held forth on his approach to foreign policy on Monday morning in New
Hampshire, starting with what he'd call the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. It wouldn't be, he told a
boisterous audience of about 1,200, the customary Supreme Leader. I'll say, 'Hey baby, how ya
doing?' I will never call him the Supreme Leader, Trump said. And I'll get along with him
probably. And maybe not. And if he doesn't get along with me, they got problems. We don't.
[CBS News, 10/26/15]

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In 2011, Trump Supported Protecting Anti-Ahmadinejad Protesters In Iran. VAN

SUSTEREN: What about Iran? Protesters in opposition to Ahmadinejad want to protest, and
the U.S. is watching what is going on there. TRUMP: They handle it tougher. People go in the
streets and they start shooting right away. I think with Iran we have a major problem. I think
maybe this is a great time. If they protest, we should maybe and try and protect the protesters.
And by doing that, that means harsh measures. We let him know, you are going to hurt those
protesters, we are going to come after you. That way maybe they can actually protest. [On The
Record With Greta Van Susteren, Fox News, 2/14/11]
Donald Trump Appeared To The Quds Force, An Iranian Military Group, For The
Kurds, A Middle Eastern People In An Interview With Hugh Hewitt. Donald J.
Trump revealed gaps in his mastery of international affairs during a radio interview on
Thursday, appearing to mistake the Quds Force, an Iranian military group, for the Kurds, a
Middle Eastern people, and growing testy over questions about foreign leaders. At one point,
according to the interviews transcript, Mr. [Hugh] Hewitt asked Mr. Trump if he was familiar
with Gen. Qassim Suleimani, the shadowy commander of Irans paramilitary Quds Force. Yes,
but go ahead, give me a little, go ahead, tell me, Mr. Trump replied. He runs the Quds Forces,
Mr. Hewitt said. Yes, O.K., right, Mr. Trump said. But Mr. Trump seemed to think Mr. Hewitt
was referring to the Kurds, a group with its own language and culture. Mr. Trump asserted that
the Kurds, by the way, have been horribly mistreated. Mr. Hewitt interrupted. No, not the
Kurds, the Quds Forces, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Quds Forces. Mr. Trump tried to
recover from the live, on-air tutorial. Yes, yes, he said. He added, Oh, I thought you said Kurds,
Kurds. [New York Times, 9/3/15]
Donald Trump Appeared To Not Know The Difference Between The Iranian Quds
Forces And The Kurds. HUGH HEWITT: Are you familiar with General Soleimani?
DONALD TRUMP: Yes, but go ahead, give me a little, go ahead, tell me. HUGH HEWITT: He
runs the Quds Forces. DONALD TRUMP: Yes, okay, right. HUGH HEWITT: Do you expect
his behavior DONALD TRUMP: The Kurds, by the way, have been horribly mistreated by
HUGH HEWITT: No, not the Kurds, the Quds Forces, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Quds
Forces. DONALD TRUMP: Yes, yes. HUGH HEWITT: is the bad guys. DONALD TRUMP:
Right. HUGH HEWITT: Do you expect his behavior to change as a result DONALD
TRUMP: Oh, I thought you said Kurds, Kurds. HUGH HEWITT: No, Quds. DONALD
TRUMP: Oh, Im sorry, I thought you said Kurds, because I think the Kurds have been poorly
treated by us, Hugh. Go ahead. HUGH HEWITT: Agreed. So Soleimani runs the Quds Forces.
Do you expect his behavior is going to change as a result of this deal with Iran? DONALD
TRUMP: I think that Iran right now is in the drivers seat to do whatever they want to do. I
think whats happening with Iran is, I think its one of the, and I covered it very well. I assume
you saw the news conference. I think Iran is, its one of the great deals ever made for them. I
think its one of the most incompetent contracts Ive even seen. Im not just talking about
defense. Im not talking about a contract with another country. Ive never seen more of a onesided deal, I think, in my life, absolutely. HUGH HEWITT: Well, Soleimani is to terrorism sort
of what Trump is to real estate. DONALD TRUMP: Okay. HUGH HEWITT: Many people
would say hes the most dangerous man in the world, and he runs the Quds Forces, which is

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their Navy SEALs. DONALD TRUMP: Is he the gentleman that was going back and forth with
Russia and meeting with Putin? I read something, and that seems to be also where hes at.
HUGH HEWITT: Thats the guy. DONALD TRUMP: Hes going back and forth meeting with
other countries, etc., etc. HUGH HEWITT: Thats the guy. DONALD TRUMP: Not good.
HUGH HEWITT: And so do you think DONALD TRUMP: Not good for us. And what it
shows is a total lack of respect, I mean, that the other countries would even be entertaining him,
and theyre entertaining him big league, big league. [Hugh Hewitt Radio Show, 9/3/15]

2004: Trump Stated That He Wanted To Fire The Bush Administration For Its
Decision To Invade Iraq And That All Of The Reasons For The War Were
Blatantly Wrong. Billionaire Donald Trump, America's toughest employer, would like to fire
the Bush Administration for its decision to invade Iraq, according to an interview in the August
edition Esquire, due to be released on Friday. Look at the war in Iraq and the mess that we're
in. I would never have handled it that way. Does anybody really believe that Iraq is going to be a
wonderful democracy where people are going to run down to the voting box and gently put in
their ballot and the winner is happily going to step up to lead the country?, said the host of
NBC's The Apprentice, whose hallmark line is You're fired. C'mon. Two minutes after we
leave, there's going to be a revolution, and the meanest, toughest, smartest, most vicious guy will
take over. And he'll have weapons of mass destruction, which Saddam didn't have, Trump said
in excerpts of the interview released in advance to Reuters. The Apprentice was one of NBC's
biggest hits last season, making the real estate mogul a well-known entity to TV viewing
audiences. What was the purpose of the whole thing? Hundreds and hundreds of young people
killed. And what about the people coming back with no arms and no legs? Not to mention the
other side. All those Iraqi kids who've been blown to pieces. And it turns out that all of the
reasons for the war were blatantly wrong. All this for nothing!, Trump said. [Reuters, 7/14/04]
Trumps Plan For Ending The Iraq War: Declare Victory And Leave. BLITZER:
How does the United States get out of this situation? Is there a way? TRUMP: You know how
they get out? They get out. That's how they get out. Declare victory and leave, because I'll tell
you, this country is just going to get further bogged down. They're in a civil war over there, Wolf.
There's nothing that we're going to be able to do with a civil war. They are in a major civil war.
[The Situation Room, CNN, 3/16/07]
Donald Trump Said George W. Bush Was A Disaster And That The Invasion Of
Iraq Was One Of The Worst Decisions Ever Made. BAIER: Two, you stand by the
statement back in '08 and '07 that you would impeach George W. Bush for getting into the Iraq
war? TRUMP: I think he was a disaster. And I think it was one of the worst decisions ever
made. He has totally destabilized the Middle East. Had Saddam Hussein still been in charge,
you wouldn't have the problems that you have right now. I mean if you had Gadhafi, if you had
Saddam Hussein -- look at the migration. [Special Report with Bret Baier, 10/6/15]

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Donald Trump: World Would Be '100%' Better With Saddam Hussein, Moammar
Gadhafi Still In Power. Donald Trump believes the world would be much better off if
ruthless dictators like Saddam Hussein and Moammar Gadhafi were still in power. 100%,
Trump replied when asked that question in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper that aired
Sunday on State of the Union. I mean, look at Libya. Look at Iraq. Iraq used to be no
terrorists. He (Hussein) would kill the terrorists immediately, which is like now it's the Harvard
of terrorism, Trump said. If you look at Iraq from years ago, I'm not saying he was a nice guy,
he was a horrible guy, but it was a lot better than it is right now. Right now, Iraq is a training
ground for terrorists. Right now Libya, nobody even knows Libya, frankly there is no Iraq and
there is no Libya. It's all broken up. They have no control. Nobody knows what's going on.
[CNN, 10/25/15]
Donald Trump Said Human Rights Abuses In Iraq And Libya Are Worse Today
Than Under Saddam Hussein And Moammar Gadhafi. Both Gadhafi and Hussein
committed atrocities against their own people and were among the world's worst human rights
abusers. NATO decided to intervene in Libya as Gadhafi appeared poised to commit a genocidallike massacre. But Trump said human rights abuses continue to plague Libya and Iraq and
claimed, They're worse than they ever were. People are getting their heads chopped off, they're
being drowned. Right now, they are far worse than they were, ever, under Saddam Hussein or
Gadhafi, he said. [CNN, 10/25/15]
Trump Said The United States Should Take $1.5 Trillion Worth Of Oil From
Iraq To Pay For The Cost Of The War. Mr. Trump also said that the United States should
take $1.5 trillion worth of oil from Iraq to pay for the cost of the war and give $1 million to each
of the families that lost someone in the effort sparking applause from the thousands gathered
Friday for the American Conservative Unions 40th annual Conservative Political Action
Conference (CPAC). [Washington Times, 3/15/13]
Trump Wanted To Keep American Troops In Iraq To Take Their Oil And Prevent
Iran From Taking Over. TRUMP: And no, I very simply said that Iran is going to take over
Iraq and if that's going to happen, we should just stay there and take the oil. KILMEADE:
Stay. TRUMP: They want the oil and why should we? We denuded Iraq, Iran is going to walk
in, take it over, take over the second largest oil fields in the world. That's going to happen. That
would mean that all of those soldiers that have died and been wounded and everything else
would have died in vain and I don't want that to happen. I want them to be -- I want their
parents and their families to be proud. The last thing I want to see happen is for Iran to go in
and take over Iraq and the oil fields of Iraq because we weakened that country to a point where
they can just walk in. So I say, we take the oil. You know in the old days, when you won a war,
to the victor belongs the spoils. You kept it. [Fox & Friends, Fox News, 4/4/11]


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Donald Trump Refused To Commit To Sending Ground Forces To Syria And Called
The Middle East One Big, Fat Quagmire. [Donald Trump] said the Russian plane crash
that ISIS has claimed responsibility for poses a new threat to American interests. Trump
would not commit to sending group forces into Syria, calling the Middle East one big, fat
quagmire for which the U.S. should not be exclusively responsible. He said the lessons of history,
such as the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, caution against becoming entangled in the
Middle East. [The Hill, 11/8/15]
Trump Supported Putting 10,000 Ground Troops In Syria To Defeat ISIS. SCARBOROUGH: Right. But you need
ground troops to do that? TRUMP: Yes, you'll need some ground troops. Yeah. You'll need ground troops.
SCARBOROUGH: What do you think? 10,000, 20,000? Do you have a number?... So -- I want to get specific with you
like I will with Ted Cruz and everybody else because I think people need to start giving us specifics on how we get there.
TRUMP: Well, I've been specific. SCARBOROUGH: So 10,000 troops?... I'm talking specifically about ground troops
So would you support taking it, say, ten thousand ground troops as part of an international force?... Would you support
10,000 ground troops? TRUMP: I would. Yes, I would. [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 12/8/15]


Donald Trump Said He Would Kill Terrorists Families As Part Of The Fight
Against ISIS. Donald Trump said Wednesday that he would kill the families of terrorists in
order to win the fight against ISIS. "The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out
their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about
their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take
out their families," Trump said. Trump said he would "knock the hell out of" ISIS, and criticized
the U.S. for "fighting a very politically correct war." [CNN, 12/2/15]
Donald Trump Said The U.S. Was Fighting A Very Politically Correct War, And
Called For Taking Out ISIS Families. TRUMP: I would knock the hell out of ISIS, I
would hit them so hard like theyve never been before. KILMEADE: What about civilian
causalities? What about the fact that were targeting them and people are concerned about
collateral damage? TRUMP: I would do my best, absolute best. I mean one of the problems that
we have and one of the reasons that were so ineffective, is theyre trying to, theyre using them
as human shields. A horrible thing. Theyre using them as shields. But were fighting a very
politically correct war. And the other thing is with the terrorists, you have to take out their
families. When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their
[families] lives, dont kid yourself. But they say they dont care about their lives. You have to
take out their families. [Fox & Friends, Fox News, 12/2/15]
Donald Trump Said The U.S. Needed To, Take Away The Energy, The Fuel, The
Money From ISIS I Want To Take The Oil. Donald Trump says any plan to defeat
the Islamic State in Syria (ISIS) will hinge on cutting off the revenue stream that the terrorist
group takes in from oil. Im looking to take the oil. I want to take the oil. I want the oil, Trump
said on ABCs This Week on Sunday. We have to stop the source of money, and the source of
money is oil, the businessman added. You know, if you stop transportation, I mean, youre
talking about the blood the blood of the world and were going to have to be very, very strong,

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Trump said. Were going to have to take away the energy, the fuel, the money from ISIS. [The
Hill, 11/8/15]
Headline: Donald Trump Says He Would Be Open To Closing U.S. Mosques To
Fight ISIS. [New York Times, 10/22/15]
Donald Trump Would Absolutely Close Certain Mosques In Order To Fight ISIS,
But Was Unsure If Doing So Would Be Legal. This week, he [Donald Trump] has put
American Muslims on edge by suggesting that he would be open to shutting down mosques as
president. Asked on Fox Business Network if the United States should take action to close
certain mosques as part of the fight against the Islamic State, as has happened in Britain, Mr.
Trump said, I would do that, absolutely. Mr. Trump then said that he was not sure about the
legality of closing mosques, but that it was certainly something that should be looked at. It
depends if the mosque is, you know, loaded for bear, he said. [New York Times, 10/22/15]
Trump: You Know That ISIS Wants To Go In And Take Over The Vatican? You
Have Heard That. You Know, Thats A Dream Of Theirs, To Go Into Italy. The
comment came when CNNs Chris Cuomo presented Trump with a hypothetical situation during
an interview Wednesday. What if, Cuomo said, Trump met the pope, and through a translator
the pope expressed a belief that capitalism can be a real avenue to greed, it can be really toxic
and corrupt. How would Trump respond, Cuomo asked. Id say ISIS wants to get you, Trump
said. You know that ISIS wants to go in and take over the Vatican? You have heard that. You
know, thats a dream of theirs, to go into Italy. He talks to you about capitalism, you scare the
pope? Cuomo asked. Im gonna have to scare the Pope because its the only thing, Trump said.
The Pope, I hope, can only be scared by God. But the truth is you know, if you look at whats
going on they better hope that capitalism works, because its the only thing we have right
now. And its a great thing when it works properly. [Washington Post, 8/20/15]

Trump Said He Thinks President Obama Hates Israel And Vowed To Keep Israel
Safe. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Thursday he thinks President
Obama hates Israel. I heard the beautiful name of Israel Israel is safe with this one, Mr.
Trump told supporters in Nevada. Safe. Safe. So many friends in Israel. They dont know what
happened. They have a president who they actually think Obama hates Israel, he said. I
think he does. Mr. Trump slammed the recently brokered Iran nuclear deal as so bad for Israel
and so dangerous. Honestly, I think Israels in such a massive amount of trouble because of the
agreement, he said. We will save Israel. Nothing nothing bad is [going to] happen to Israel.
[Washington Times, 10/30/15]


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Trump Said That The U.S. Should Have Made Kuwait Reimburse The U.S. For
Liberating It In 1991. BLITZER: On Kuwait, so what you're saying is after the U.S.
liberated Kuwait back in 1991, we should have done what? TRUMP: We should have told them
that we want them to at least reimburse us for the cost of this liberation. What did we do? We
liberated it for some a few very wealthy people. And those wealthy people aren't investing in the
United States right now. You know, they don't even like the United States. We handed them, if
you go to the Kuwaiti fund, they're not investing big money in the United States. [The Situation
Room, CNN, 9/22/10]

Trump: Unless We Take The Oil From Libya, I Have No Interest In Libya.
TRUMP: I want to rebuild the United States. And in rebuilding the United States, you know,
Libya is -- whether it's Gadhafi, or the rebels -- they make the rebels sound like they're from
Gone With the Wind, very glamorous. I hear they're controlled by Iran. I hear they're controlled
by al Qaeda. And I would say this -- unless we take the oil from Libya, I have no interest in
Libya And Libya is only good as far I'm concerned for one thing -- this country takes the oil. If
we're not taking the oil, no interest.[Newsroom, CNN, 4/7/11]
Trump Argued That The Arab League Should Pay For The Intervention In Libya.
TRUMP: Well, I think he's been very late. I mean I thought of it as really a humanitarian thing,
let's save some of these people, and you know two, three weeks later, thousands and thousands of
people have been killed and if he would have done this two weeks ago, 2 1/2 weeks ago, you
might have stopped the whole thing and frankly, I also think they've been pretty dissipated. I
don't think they have the power to take over anymore. So something bad is going to happen. So if
you're going to do it, you really should have done it earlier. Now the other thing -- I can't say kick
out of, but I just -- I'm amazed, the Arab League wants us to do it. Why aren't they paying for it?
This is Saudi Arabia, this is -- Why aren't they paying for it? You know they say go in and do it,
go in and do it, we don't like that guy very much. You know he's not nice to us. Go in and do it.
Why aren't they paying us? [Fox & Friends, Fox News, 3/21/11]
Trump Bragged That He Screwed Qaddafi On A Land Lease In New Jersey.
TRUMP: I've been interacting with leaders of countries and leaders of business all over the
world, all of my life. And I think you guys know that probably better than anybody. I think I
probably have more experience than anybody, whether I sell them real estate for tremendous
amounts of money -- I mean, I've dealt with everybody. I dealt with Qaddafi. DOOCY: You
buried the lead. What did you do? TRUMP: Excuse me. I rented him a piece of land. He paid
me more for one night than the land was worth but the whole year, for two years, and then I
didn't let him use the land. That's what we should be doing. DOOCY: Was that over in New

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Jersey? TRUMP: I don't want to use the word screw but I screwed him. That's what we should
be doing. I rented him a piece of land in Bedford, New York. I rented him a piece of land. He
paid me a fortune and then I didn't let him use the land.[Fox & Friends, Fox News, 3/21/11]
Donald Trump: World Would Be '100%' Better With Saddam Hussein, Moammar
Gadhafi Still In Power. Donald Trump believes the world would be much better off if
ruthless dictators like Saddam Hussein and Moammar Gadhafi were still in power. 100%,
Trump replied when asked that question in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper that aired
Sunday on State of the Union. I mean, look at Libya. Look at Iraq. Iraq used to be no
terrorists. He (Hussein) would kill the terrorists immediately, which is like now it's the Harvard
of terrorism, Trump said. If you look at Iraq from years ago, I'm not saying he was a nice guy,
he was a horrible guy, but it was a lot better than it is right now. Right now, Iraq is a training
ground for terrorists. Right now Libya, nobody even knows Libya, frankly there is no Iraq and
there is no Libya. It's all broken up. They have no control. Nobody knows what's going on.
[CNN, 10/25/15]
Donald Trump Said Human Rights Abuses In Iraq And Libya Are Worse Today
Than Under Saddam Hussein And Moammar Gadhafi. Both Gadhafi and Hussein
committed atrocities against their own people and were among the world's worst human rights
abusers. NATO decided to intervene in Libya as Gadhafi appeared poised to commit a genocidallike massacre. But Trump said human rights abuses continue to plague Libya and Iraq and
claimed, They're worse than they ever were. People are getting their heads chopped off, they're
being drowned. Right now, they are far worse than they were, ever, under Saddam Hussein or
Gadhafi, he said. [CNN, 10/25/15]
Donald Trump Released A Video That Portrayed Hillary Clinton Laughing Over
Flaming Images Of The Benghazi Attack. GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump's
latest video, posted online Monday, portrays Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary
Clinton laughing over flaming images of the Benghazi attack. Hillary has been having a laugh
at our expense for years, reads text at the beginning of the video, followed immediately with a
series of video clips of the former secretary of State chuckling. Clinton's laughter can be heard
while several news clips fly across the screen highlighting several controversies, from
Whitewater to the recent federal investigation into her private email arrangement while at
State. [The Hill, 11/23/15]
Donald Trump: Hillary, There Is Nothing To Laugh About [realDonaldTrump,
Instagram, 11/23/15]
Donald Trump Said Benghazi Committees Hearing Featuring Hillary Clinton
Was Very Partisan, And It Looked Quite Partisan. Donald Trump said in an

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interview broadcast Sunday that the Benghazi committee's hearing featuring former Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton was very partisan, adding that the hatred displayed was unbelievable. It
was very partisan, and it looked quite partisan, Trump said on CNNs State of the Union. The
level of hatred between Republicans and Democrats was unbelievable. Youve never seen
anything like this. Trump said the partisanship hurts both parties and hurts the country
because it prevents the government from accomplishing anything. [The Hill, 10/25/15]

Trump Claimed Mexico Was Sending Criminals Over The Border In A More
Sophisticated Version Of When Castro Opened Up His Prisons And Sent His
Prisoners To The United States. Trump also tried to make a historical comparison,
noting, [Former Cuban leader Fidel] Castro, many years ago, opened up his prisons and sent his
prisoners to the United States, which the candidate called a disaster for the America, before
adding, In a much more sophisticated manner, Mexico is [now] doing the same thing. According
to Trump, Mexico calls the shots at Univision as well, which explains why the network canceled
their business arrangements with him. [New York Magazine, 6/12/15]
Trump On Those Protesting Him Over His Immigration Comments: They Were So
Sophisticated. I Guarantee You That The Country Of Mexico Had Those People
[Sent There]. Trump proposed that protesters and critics were being sent by the government
of Mexico to oppose him. They were so sophisticated. I guarantee you that the country of Mexico
had those people [sent there], Trump said. [Business Insider, 7/11/15]
Mexico On Trumps Immigration Plan: Anyone Who Understands The Depth Of
The U.S.-Mexico Relationship Realizes That Those Proposals Are Not Only
Prejudiced And Absurd, But Would Be Detrimental To The Well-Being Of Both
Societies. The Mexican Foreign ministry on Wednesday slammed Donald Trump for his plan
to deport the millions of undocumented immigrants living in the United States. Anyone who
understands the depth of the U.S.-Mexico relationship realizes that those proposals are not only
prejudiced and absurd, but would be detrimental to the well-being of both societies, the Mexican
Foreign Ministry said Wednesday in a statement to Reuters. The foreign ministry also slammed
the Republican presidential front-runner for his comments about undocumented immigrants who
come into the U.S. from Mexico, whom Trump called rapists and killers when he launched his
presidential bid in June. The Mexican foreign minister had previously called out Trump for those
remarks. We continue to stand by our position that these comments reflect prejudice, racism or
plain ignorance, Mexico's foreign ministry said in the statement Wednesday. [CNN, 8/20/15]


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Donald Trump Said Russian President Vladimir Putin Is Getting An A For His
Leadership. During their interview Tuesday night, OReilly pressed Trump on his recently
released tax plan and about Russian President Vladimir Putin supporting Syrian President
Bashar al Assad. I think in terms of leadership, hes getting an A and our president is not doing
so wellthey did not look good together, Trump said before adding that theres very little
downside to Putin fighting ISIS in Syria. [Politico, 9/29/15; The OReilly Factor, Fox News,
Trump Said He And Putin Would Get Along Very Well. Putin who I would get
along with very well he cant stand Obama, Trump said, commenting on his ability to get
along very well with people. [Breitbart, 8/11/15; Genesee and Saginaw Republican Party's
Lincoln Day dinner, 8/11/15]
Trump: Putin Is Doing A Great Job. TRUMP: If you look at what's happened with this
country in terms of the prestige and all of the other great things that we -- we're losing it rapidly.
Now, they're talking about China. They're talking about Russia. They're talking about India.
Look at Putin -- what he's doing with Russia -- I mean, you know, what's going on over there. I
mean this guy has done -- whether you like him or don't like him -- he's doing a great job.[Larry
King Live, CNN, 10/15/07]
Donald Trump: When Vladimir Putin Rolls In Soldiers To Cause Destruction And Shoots Down Airplanes, Well,
He Does What He Has To Do. TRUMP: [Putin] is not representing us. He is representing Russia. So, I mean, you
know, if he can make a deal because we have stupid leadership, I would say it's the right thing to do for Russia. BILL
OREILLY: But he doesnt make deals he just rolls soldiers in to cause destruction and shoots down airplanes. What did
you think when Rubio said TRUMP: Well, he does what he has to do. [The OReilly Factor, Fox News, 11/11/15]

Trump Wanted Saudi Arabia To Pay The U.S. For Their Support. Trump, who has
repeatedly portrayed Mexico, Japan, and China as ripping us off, shifted his focus to Saudi
Arabia in an interview that aired Sunday on NBC's Meet the Press. They should pay us, Trump
said of the oil rich nation. Like it or dont like it, people have backed Saudi Arabia. What I really
mind, though, is we back it at tremendous expense. We get nothing for it. Trump portrayed the
U.S. financial relationship with Saudi Arabia as outdated. The primary reason we're with Saudi
Arabia is because we need the oil, Trump said. Now we don't need the oil so much, and if we let
our people really go, we wouldn't need the oil at all and we could let everybody else fight it out.
The U.S. currently imports more than one million barrels of Saudi Arabian oil each day,
according to the U.S. State Department's website.Saudi Arabia, if it werent for us, they
wouldnt be here, Trump said. They wouldnt exist. [Bloomberg, 8/16/15]


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Trump Complained That South Korea Should Be Paying The U.S. For Security.
TRUMP: First of all, South Korea isn't even signing a trade pact with us. They make hundreds
of billions of dollars of let's call it profit on the United States. The president goes over there
recently and they embarrass him by saying we want more. You wouldn't believe me. This deal
that we're making is so bad and they won't even sign it. Then they get bombed and we send over
-- I say two things. Why aren't they paying us? They make a fortune. Why aren't they paying us
for security? Why are we doing this for nothing? We are the dumbest people. [Fox & Friends,
Fox News, 12/2/10]

In March 2011, Trump Questioned Getting Involved In Syria Saying Its A
Slippery Slope. CARLSON: So what do you think about -- Donald, what do you think about
people are saying, well, now the same situation is happening in Syria, so maybe the United
States should get involved there. Do you think it's a slippery slope and what would you do?
TRUMP: Well, it is a slippery slope and more and more, you realize that we're over there
fighting wars to open up these governments and they would have opened up themselves because
it's a mess. It's a total mess. You know it's that whole part of the world. You just wonder -should we be there at all because it is a total mess. [Fox & Friends, Fox News, 3/28/11]
Donald Trump Said The Fools Advocating More Direct Military Action In Syria
Basically Want To Start World War 3. The strife in Syria has become a staple of
Trumps stump speech and it is an area where he has begun to differentiate himself from others
in his party with a stance that sounds decidedly more cautious. In the interview, he questioned
those who are advocating more direct military intervention by the United States. They basically
want to start World War 3 over Syria, he said. If were going to have World War 3, its not going
to be over Syria. ... I wont even call them hawks. I call them the fools. [Washington Post,
Trump: We Have To Do One Thing At A Time. We Cant Be Fighting ISIS And
Fighting Assad. BLITZER: And its, you are OK with Mr. Assad staying in power, but you
are also in favor of winning. If he stays in power, Iran is winning, Hezbollah is winning. Iran is
winning in Yemen. They are winning everywhere. If they are winning how can we be winning?
TRUMP: I think Assad is a bad guy, a very bad guy, all right? Lots of people killed. I think we
are backing people we have no idea who they are. The rebels, we call them the rebels, the
patriotic rebels. We have no idea. A lot of people think, Hugh, that they are ISIS. We have to do
one thing at a time. We cant be fighting ISIS and fighting Assad. Assad is fighting ISIS. He is
fighting ISIS. Russia is fighting now ISIS. And Iran is fighting ISIS. [Republican Presidential
Debate, Las Vegas NV, 12/15/15]
Donald Trump Said He Might Have Used Military Force In Syria When Bashal
Al-Assad Used Chemical Weapons Against His Own People. I am the most militarybased and the most militaristic person on your show. I want to have a much stronger military. I
want it to be so strong that nobody's going to mess with us, Trump said when asked whether he
would only use military force if attacked. Dickerson followed up by asking whether he would
have used military force when Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons against

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his own people. The time to have done it would have been when he drew the line in the sand, he
said. I might have gone in. [CBS News, 10/11/15]
Donald Trump Said He Would Send Syrian Refugees Back To Syria If He Were
Elected. Mr. Trump also said he was skeptical of the refugees who are fleeing war-torn Syria
in droves. Now I hear we want to take in 200,000 Syrians, Mr. Trump said, to some boos in the
crowd. They could be ISIS. Mr. Trump said he would not want those refugees to remain in the
United States if they are admitted here. If I win, he said, theyre going back. [New York
Times, 9/30/15]

Trump On Not Being Drafted: I Was Fortunate, In A Sense, Because I Was Not A
Believer In The Vietnam War. That Was Another War That Was A Disaster For
This Country. Trump said he had student deferments during the Vietnam War, as well as a
minor medical deferment for a bone spur of the foot. I was then entered into the draft because if
I would have gotten a different number, I could have been drafted, he said. I was fortunate, in a
sense, because I was not a believer in the Vietnam War. That was another war that was a
disaster for this country. Lives and money and its disgraceful what happened with the Vietnam
War. I was not a fan of the Vietnam War. But I was entered into the draft and I got a very, very
high draft number. [The Hill, 7/19/15]

3/19/07: Donald Trump Said The 2007 Real Estate Collapse Would Be Very
Minor And That He Was Poised To Take Advantage Of Falling Real Estate
Values. Donald Trump almost lost his shirt 15 years ago when the North American real estate
bubble burst. The 2007 version of that disaster will be much more benign, the real estate
magnate predicts, although there is softness in some urban markets, such as Toronto and San
Francisco. We're talking very minor [problems] compared with the depression of the early
1990s, Mr. Trump said yesterday in a phone interview from Los Angeles. Mr. Trump said he is
poised to invest in depressed property as the downturn moves through individual cities. People
have been talking about the end of the cycle for 12 years, and I'm excited if it is, he said. I've
always made more money in bad markets than in good markets. [Globe and Mail, 3/20/07]
3/19/07: Donald Trump Advised Investors To Purchase Subprime Mortgages And
Repossessed Houses At Low Prices. Mr. Trump shrugged off concerns that a crisis in U.S.
subprime mortgage lending, which caters to poor credit risks, would spread to the wider property

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market, including Mr. Trump's luxury buildings. "I don't see the subprime problems affecting
the higher-end stuff," he said. In fact, he is advising investors that there are now great deals in
buying subprime mortgages at a discount and repossessed houses at low prices. [Globe and
Mail, 3/20/07]

7/24/07: New York Times: The Stock Markets Biggest Worry Was The Slumping Housing Market Because Of
Its Potential To Impact The Broader Economy And Financial System. Countrywide Financial, the nations
largest mortgage lender, said yesterday that more borrowers with good credit were falling behind on their loans and
that the housing market might not begin recovering until 2009 because of a decline in house prices that goes beyond
anything experienced in decades.The slumping housing market has become the biggest worry for the stock market,
which just four days ago set records, because of its potential impact on the broader economy and financial system.
[New York Times, 7/25/07]


3/17/09: Donald Trump Said President Obama Inherited A Mess And That He
Was Doing As Well As Could Be Expected And That Ultimately, He Will Be
Successful. LARRY KING: What's your read on how the president is doing? DONALD
TRUMP: I think he's really trying. He inherited a mess. Mr. Bush gave him a total mess. But
he's really trying hard. And I think he's doing as well as can be expected thus far. And I think,
ultimately, he will be successful.[Larry King Live, CNN, 3/17/09]
3/6/09: Donald Trump Said The U.S. Was In A Terrible, Terrible Period Of Time
Worse Than Anything Since The Great Depression, And That Unemployment
Would Reach Above 10 Percent. DONALD TRUMP: We are in a terrible, terrible period of
time, not since the Great Depression has there been anything like this. So I-- I think,
probably, it gets worse. Eventually, itll get better. The question is when. HARRY SMITH: How
high do you think unemployment might get? DONALD TRUMP: I think itll go over ten
percent, eventually. Thats very high. If you lose a half a million jobs in like a month, its
unheard of. [This Morning, CBS News, 3/6/09]
Donald Trump Said The 2008 Financial Crisis Had The Chance To Be The Worse
Period Of Time Since 1929, And That The Government Actually Made A Great
Well, I think it has the chance to be the worst period of time since 1929. This is a really
devastating period. When you look at AIG, when you look at Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley
and so many others that are potentially great companies, are great companies and they're just
down the tubes. It's an incredible period. As far as was the government right with respect to
AIG? I believe so. And in a sense, they bought 80 percent of the company for a guarantee. They
may have actually made a great deal. So I really believe they were right. [Larry King Live,
CNN, 9/21/08]
3/17/09: Donald Trump: I Was One Of The First Ones That Said Depression And
Used The Word Depression A Couple Years Ago. Well, you know, I was one of the first
ones that said depression and used the word depression a couple years ago, because I have a lot
of experience with banks and I see how incompetent some of the banks were. And I was very,
very strong on -- you know, on your show and other shows, to be honest with you. Now what's
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happened is the government really has stuffed the banks with money. The banks have taken
all of this money -- billions and billions. They don't loan 10 cents. But the fact is because of that
and some other moves, I don't believe you'll have a depression, but it could get a little bit worse
before it gets better. [Larry King Live, CNN, 3/17/09]
Trump: Regular Consumers Who Bought Houses With Unaffordable Mortgages
Share The Blame For The 2008 Financial Crisis. LARRY KING: Donald Trump is with
us, the chairman and president of the Trump Organization. Who do we blame for this, Donald?
DONALD TRUMP: Well, there's a lot of greed on Wall Street. And a lot of people are making
crazy deals and you can blame everybody, even the regular consumer that went out and bought a
house and got a mortgage that was ridiculous. You know, we call them exploding mortgages. But
you can really blame a lot of people. And I guess you can maybe just blame the times.[Larry
King Live, CNN, 9/17/08]
In September 2011, Trump Predicted There Was A 50% Chance Of A Second
Recession. TRUMP: Well, I think that we could have -- I dont think a meltdown, but I think
we could have really another recession and it could be a fairly deep recession. Nobody really
knows. It looks like it is 50/50. I think it is just sort of going along a straight line right
now.[Your World With Neil Cavuto, Fox Business, 9/26/11]
Trump In August 1990: Were Not In A Recession. Were In A Depression.
TRUMP: The deal I worked out is in the process. The deal I worked out is something that I
think is good for everybody. The economy is down the tubes. Nobody knows how bad the economy
is. I listen to the people on Wall Street, talking about the possibility of a recession. We're not in a
recession. We're in a depression. Now, when you're in a depression, you have to sort of go with
the punches. You have to go see your banks, you have to deal with people, you have to work
things out. And there are a lot of people- unfortunately, I'm the only one people write about. I
mean, they don't write about other people. [20/20, ABC News, 8/17/90]


Trump Opposed Wall Street Reform And Claimed The Reforms Created A Very
Bad Situation. TRUMP: Well, I have to speak two ways. Selfishly, as a developer, I love
cheap money, and I have always loved cheap money, and who wouldn't. Now, I'm not speaking as
somebody that is a great citizen of this country -- and I hope I am and I love this country very
dearly -- but as a developer, I love cheap money. They're giving me cheap money. They -- I will
say this, that the only people that get money are people like me that don't need it. If I don't -- if I
want to make a deal on buying something, I get very, very inexpensive money. If somebody

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wants to put together a deal that does -- that is very qualified, and very good, but doesn't have a
lot of money, it's impossible for that person to borrow, even at higher rates, because the
regulators -- you mentioned Dodd-Frank just a minute ago. The regulators under Dodd-Frank
have made it virtually impossible for the banks to lend money to those people, which is a very
bad situation to be in. [Your World with Neil Cavuto, Fox News, 9/19/13]
Trump Claimed Wall Street Reforms Were Very Bad For The Country. TRUMP:
The legislation that has been passed over the past years Dodd- Frank has been very bad for the
country. [On The Record with Greta Van Susteren, Fox News, 11/24/11]
Trump Claimed Dodd-Frank Stifles Business And Is Probably Not A Very Good
Thing. TRUMP: Well Dodd Frank is probably not a very good thing. There are aspects of it
you could leave. But generally speaking Dodd Frank stifles business. It just totally stifles
business. [TIME, 8/20/15]
Donald Trump: Regulators Are Making It Absolutely Impossible For The Banks
To Loan Money, And Generally Speaking, Dodd-Frank Stifles Business. Were in
a bubble again, okay. Its not and Ill tell you the problem with the banks, if youre really rich,
like with me, if I want to borrow money I can buy all the money I want. But if theres a young
Donald Trump that needs some money to do a couple of really good deals cant get it because the
regulators are making it absolutely impossible for the banks to loan money. Well Dodd Frank
is probably not a very good thing. There are aspects of it you could leave. But generally speaking
Dodd Frank stifles business. It just totally stifles business. [Time, 8/18/15]
Donald Trump: We Have To Get Rid Of Dodd-Frank. TRUMP: I disagree but I also
think we have to get rid of Dodd-Frank. The banks aren't loaning money to people who need it.
The banks will give me all the money I need because I don't need the money. Anybody that
doesn't need money is a great candidate today to get money. If you need money to create jobs, to
build something, whether it's buildings or a company, the banks aren't there. The regulators are
running the banks. And that's why our country -- I mean people can't borrow money today.
[Varney & Co., Fox Business News,10/20/15]
Donald Trump Hoped There Would Not Be More Regulation Of The Financial
Industry After The 2008 Crisis Theres So Much Regulations. LARRY KING: Do
we need more regulation? DONALD TRUMP: I would hope not, Larry. There's so much
regulations. If you look at Sarbanes-Oxley, I know companies that don't move because of
Sarbanes-Oxley. They can't get out of their own way. And you go to other companies and they
don't have the regulation. And we're in a tremendous disadvantage in this country. You go to
other countries and there isn't that same regulation. So, it really puts this country at a
competitive disadvantage. So hopefully, there'll be some type of minor regulation. But it's the
times and it's greed and I'm not sure you can ever do anything about pure greed.[Larry King
Live, CNN, 9/17/08]

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Trump Claimed The Real Unemployment Rate Was 42%. TRUMP:Dont forget in the
meantime we have a real unemployment rate thats probably 21%. Its not 6. Is not 5.2 and 5.5.
Our real unemployment ratein fact, I saw a chart the other day, our real unemployment
because you have ninety million people that arent working. Ninety-three million to be exact. If
you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42%. We have a lot of room. We have a lot
of people who want to work. [TIME, 8/20/15]
Trump: We Need Jobs & We Need Them Fast. I Am A Job Creator. None Of The
Pols Can Or Will. Let's Make America Great Again! [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 7/3/15]
Trump: We Need Leaders Who Understand Business. New jobs report: 432,000 left
workforce, manufacturing & durable goods go - We need leaders who
understand business. [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 7/2/15]
Trump Would Use Tariffs To Keep Companies From Moving Overseas. Pressed by
Cuomo on how exactly he'd get American companies to stop building factories overseas, where
labor is cheaper, Trump said he'd slap the companies with tariffs and communicate with them.
[CNN, 8/19/15]
Trump Joked That Ford Should Just Let The Illegals Drive The Cars And Trucks
Right Into Our Country? Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump came to the
home state of the auto industry and attacked Ford Motor Co. for building factories in Mexico.
And the Michigan faithful in attendance sided with the bombastic mogul. Ford is building a $2.5
billion plant in Mexico, he roared to a packed auditorium in Birch Run, Michigan, and 2,000
voices responded with lusty boos. Ill actually give them a good idea. Why dont we just let the
illegals drive the cars and trucks right into our country? [Bloomberg, 8/12/15; Genesee and
Saginaw Republican Party's Lincoln Day dinner, 8/11/15]

Trump: Government Should Help Business In This Country. KING: Senator Kerry
says that we should adopt some of the Japanese concepts of government helping business.
TRUMP: I think that's a great idea - great idea. Not even a question. KING: Weren't you
opposed to it once? TRUMP: No. I think government should always help business.

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Government should help business in this country. This country isn't able to compete fairly with
Japan and Korea and so many other countries. You look at West Germany. I mean, West
Germany is making mincemeat out of this country and wait till you see what happens in the
years to come. And I'm not saying that in a derogatory sense. I say it with great respect for
these countries, because they're doing the right thing. For themselves, they're doing the right
thing.[Larry King Live, CNN, 11/19/91]
Trump In 2008: The Government Should Stand Behind [The Auto Industry] 100
Percent. That answer, not ideal in Michigan, actually contrasted one of Trump's prior stances.
I think the government should stand behind them 100 percent, Trump told to Fox News Neil
Cavuto in 2008. You cannot lose the auto companies. Theyre great. They make wonderful
products. [Washington Post, 8/11/15]
Trump In 2015: You Would Have Wound Up In The Same PlaceWhether Or Not
The U.S. Stepped In To Bail Out The Auto Industry. Trump's glancing interest in local
politics made it into in a pre-speech press conference. Asked if President Obama showed
leadership in the 2008/2009 bailout of the major auto companies, Trump meandered through an
answer that left him without a position. You could have let it go, and rebuilt itself, through the
free enterprise system, said Trump. You could have let it go bankrupt, frankly, and rebuilt
itself, and a lot of people felt it should happen. Or you could have done it the way it went. I could
have done it either way. Either way would have been acceptable. I think you would have wound
up in the same place. [Washington Post, 8/11/15; Donald Trump press conference, Birch Run
MI, 8/11/15]

Trump: What Do Economists Know? Most Of Them Are Not Very Smart I Would
Not Raise The Debt Ceiling. GUTHRIE: The debt ceiling vote. Republicans are saying
they dont think the debt ceiling should be raised. Businesses have warned there could be dire
consequences. TRUMP: I dont care. I wouldnt raise it. GUTHRIE: And you know most
economists say that would send the U.S. economy back into recession. TRUMP: What do
economists know? Most of them are not very smart, and if you look at their predictions over the
last 20 years, most of them are wrong most of the time. I would not raise the debt ceiling. Ill tell
you why.[MSNBC, 4/19/11]

Trump Said He Would Not Raise The Debt Ceiling: Id Force Them To The Fire. VAN SUSTEREN: What's
your position on the debt ceiling? TRUMP: Well, unless they come up with some really good ideas and come up with
them fast, I wouldn't do it. I'd force them to the fire. I'd make sure that they come out and straighten out this mess that
we have because our country is a financial mess. And unless you're going to straighten it out, and you have to do it
quickly -- because we're going to end up being like some of the worst countries in Europe.[On The Record With
Greta Van Susteren, Fox News, 4/11/11]


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Trump Believed The Date For Hitting The Debt Ceiling Was An Artificial
Deadline Set By Tim Geithner. VAN SUSTEREN: At the risk, though, of putting us into
passing that ceiling because the Republicans and Democrats were at each other's throats,
essentially, and if there were no agreement, we would have gone past the deadline for the debt
ceiling. TRUMP: Well, that was an artificial date. That was a date -- That was a date set by
Geithner, and I think it was totally artificial. But I don't think the president would have allowed
that to happen. If they asked for a tougher deal -- you know, I heard on your show, and many
other shows, frankly, $4 trillion, $5 trillion. Well, it's nowhere those numbers. And those are the
kind of numbers you needed. [On The Record, Fox News, 8/3/11]
Donald Trump Said That Instead Of Raising The Debt Ceiling, He Would Like To
Cut Government Waste, Make Better Trade Deals, And Not Rebuild China.
TRUMP: I would like to see them [Republicans] not have to do it [raise the debt ceiling]. I think
there is so much waste, and there is so much actually scandalous waste in Washington that you
should haven't to do it. If they had people that knew how to cut and knew how to make deals
with others -- if you look at what's going on our trade deficits with all of these countries that
we're actually rebuilding, we're rebuilding the world. We're rebuilding China. You look at what's
happening there. But short-term, maybe it's going to happen [raising the debt ceiling]. I would
not be a very easy one to do it, however. [Interview CNBC/Dow Jones Business Video, 8/26/15]
Trump Said He Would Have Included Obamacare As Part Of A Debt Ceiling Deal. TRUMP: I would have done a
much different deal. First of all, I would have had Obama care as a part of it. I would have gotten rid of Obama care.
And if they didn't want to do that -- because that is going to be very destructive for our country. Obama care is a disaster.
I have people that are going to close up their businesses, friends of mine. So I would have gotten rid of that. And I would
have gotten much bigger cutting. [On The Record, Fox News, 8/3/11]

Trump Said He Would Support Fighting The President Over The Debt Ceiling
Increase. While Trump's position on taxing hedge fund managers at a higher rate is similar to
the views expressed by Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, his stance on whether
Congressional Republicans should battle President Obama over raising the nation's debt ceiling
is anything but. I would say that it's worth the fight, because honestly there's so much fat in
Washington, that if you had the right people in there you could cut it and there would be no
problem, Trump said. Still, Trump acknowledged that while he believed that Republicans should
attempt to stand their ground, the reality is that the ceiling would once again be lifted. Short
term, maybe it's going to happen, Trump said. [Bloomberg, 8/26/15; WADR, Bloomberg TV,
Donald Trump Said The Vote To Raise The Debts Ceiling Was A Tremendously
Powerful Weapon, But That Republicans Were Terrible Negotiators. TRUMP:
Well, John, if you go back and check, I have been saying this for three years. All right? That`s a
tremendously powerful weapon, if they knew how to use it. The problem is, you will have 70
percent of the Republicans saying, we`re not closing government. Now, when you say that -- you
know, I wrote The Art of the Deal. When you say that, and the other side says, well, we got 70
percent of the people say it`s not going to happen, the other 30 percent are -- essentially, they`re
rendered useless. It`s really very unfair to them, because they`re left out there hanging. So you
need somebody that can unify, can be tough and can win against the Democrats and against

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others, I mean, in all fairness, against the world, essentially. But they really do have a
tremendously powerful weapon, but they don`t use it and they don`t use it properly. They`re
terrible negotiators. [Face The Nation, CBS News, 10/11/15]
Trump: Republicans Shouldnt Agree To Raise Debt Ceiling Unless They Get 100% Of What They Want.
TRUMP: And he can't get elected. If this happens -- for instance, if this stuff is going on prior to an election, he can't get
elected. He possibly can't get elected anyway if they choose the right candidate which is a big if. The fact is, unless the
Republicans get 100 percent of what they want and that may include getting rid of Obamacare which is a total disaster,
then they should not make a deal other than a minor extension which would take you before the election which would
assure that Obama doesn't get elected which would be a great thing.[Fox & Friends, Fox News, 7/25/11]

Donald Trump Said Congress Should Use The Debt Limit As A Strong
Negotiating Tactic. TRUMP: Congress should negotiate the debt limit. They should
negotiate and use it as a strong negotiating tactic, because theyre not doing that. I heard last
night, speaker Boehner: We will never violate the debt limit. Now its one thing if you believe
that, but you dont say that because the other side now knows that youre not going to do
anything with the debt limit and you have given up such leverage by saying that, and I just dont
understand why would he say that. You have given up such leverage to the Obama side, to the
Democrats, because he said We will not violate, and Im saying to myself, Boy, thats why so
many people are so angry. So many Republicans, on the other side, the smaller group, but a
tough group, theyre not happy about it. So I would use the debt limit to negotiate a great deal. I
just dont know if theyre going to do that. How can you do that when youve already announced
that youre not going to violate the debt? [Capital Download, USA Today, 10/22/15; VIDEO]
Trump: Its Worth The Fight To Use The Debt Ceiling As Leverage To Get
Spending Cuts Because If You Had The Right People There You Could Cut It And
You Would Have No Problem Whatsoever. HALPERIN: So do you think it's worth
playing a game of chicken with President Obama, and not raising the debt ceiling and dealing
with the market (INAUDIBLE)? TRUMP: I would say that it's worth the fight, because honestly,
there is so much fat in Washington that if you had the right people there you could cut it and you
would have no problem whatsoever. And you wouldn't miss a thing. [Interview CNBC/Dow
Jones Business Video, 8/26/15]
Donald Trump Said Republicans Should Force President Obama To Compromise
On The Budget By Refusing To Raise The Debt Ceiling. HALPERIN: So, again, just to
clarify. So you agree with those Republicans who say, Don't necessarily raise the debt ceiling.
Take the risk. Make President Obama make a compromise on the budget. TRUMP: I do. I do.
[Interview CNBC/Dow Jones Business Video, 8/26/15]
Donald Trump Argued That Congressional Republicans Should Threaten To Refuse To Raise The Debt Ceiling,
Even Through Its Fairly Catastrophic If It Happens. But Some People Are Willing To Go Through That In Order
To Win.JOHN DICKERSON: But let me ask you about that question of the debt ceiling. Do you think that, if it's
breached, that that is an economic problem, leaving aside the question of negotiation? Do you -- because there's a
debate about that. DONALD TRUMP: Well, I don't want to say. And I'll tell you why. We should use it as negotiation. And
the problem we have in this country, we're so predictable, whether it's with ISIS or with Iraq or with the negotiation of a
debt limit. Boehner should not be saying we will not close, because you can't negotiate once you say that. You have given
up 95 percent of your strength when you do that. So, I'm not going to say, but I will tell you, it's an amazing tool to


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negotiate, because it is a very, very -- it's fairly catastrophic if it happens. But some people are willing to go through that in
order to win. And, by the way -- and I'm not saying they shouldn't be -- in order to win and in order to cut the kind of costs.
[Face The Nation, CBS News, 10/25/15]


Trump In 1994: What The Federal Reserve Is Doing With Interest Rates Is
Madness. TRUMP: I think what the government and what the Federal Reserve is doing with
interest rates is madness. Every time the economy starts doing well, this brilliant Federal
Reserve Board wants to raise interest rates. The economy one year ago, a little bit more than a
year ago, was ready to rocket. Everybody would have been employed. This country would have
really done a job. And they say, 'Oh. The economy is getting strong. Let's do something. Let's
raise interest rates to kill it.' It didn't kill it. 'Let's raise them again. Let's raise them again.
Let's raise-' Well, guess what? It's finally starting to have an effect. They're killing the golden
goose. They're going to kill this economy, and they're getting very close. [Pinnacle, CNN,
Donald Trump Said Fed Chair Janet Yellen Was Keeping Interest Rates Low At
The Request Of President Obama And Called Her Highly Political. Republican
White House contender Donald Trump accused the U.S. Federal Reserve on Tuesday of keeping
interest rates low at the bidding of Democratic President Barack Obama. Trump, speaking at a
news conference at his company's New York City headquarters, also called Fed Chair Janet
Yellen highly political. They are not raising them because Obama has asked them not to raise
them, Trump said, echoing similar comments he made in interviews last month. He wants to get
out of office, because we're in a bubble, and when those rates are raised, a lot of bad things are
going to happen. He added, Janet Yellen is highly political and she's not raising rates for a very
specific reason: because Obama told her not to because he wants to be out playing golf in a year
from now and he wants to be doing other things and he doesn't want to see a big bubble burst
during his administration. [Reuters, 11/3/15]
Ben Jacobs: Donald Trump Says Of The Volcker Rule, If He's Happy, I'm Happy
[@BenCJacobs, Twitter, 8/4/15]
Trump Said He Would Reappoint Alan Greenspan To Chair The Federal Reserve.
TRUMP: You know, I know the smart people. I really know the smart people. I deal with the
smart people. I know the smartest people on Wall Street. And I will say that Alan Greenspan
has done an amazing job. He's been a great -- he's been great at what he's done. KING: You

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would reappoint him? TRUMP: I would reappointment him, I think he's a terrific guy. A lot of
that is confidence. You and me have confidence in Greenspan. People had confidence in Volcker,
in all fairness. I mean, a lot of that position is confidence. When he speaks, you have confidence.
He knows what he's doing.[Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99]

Trump: You Dont Have To Raise Taxes To Reduce The Deficit. KILMEADE:
Donald, as you know, Donald Trump, they recommended to the deficit commission a rise in
taxes as well as all these cuts. Will you be open -- would you be open if you were a Republican,
you're in the House, in the Senate or in the White House, to raising taxes? TRUMP: Well, the
only thing they're not talking about is what other countries are doing. And you know my big
thing is what other countries, many other countries -- I use China as the primary example
because they're a major abuser. But what they're doing to us in terms of jobs. They're taking our
money, but they're also taking our jobs. And I think if you straighten that situation out, you
don't have to raise taxes. [Fox & Friends, Fox News, 4/4/11]
Trump: If You Impose A 50% Tariff, You Could Pay Off The Debt In A Short
Period Of Time. TRUMP: Neil, we have all the power, because if we ever say were going to
tax you 50 percent for all of the things that you sell to this country, you could pay off your
treasury bills in a short period of time. And, by the way, guess what would happen? People would
start making things in North Carolina and Alabama and Illinois and lots of other places where
theyre all unemployed. So, we have the power. And the day that happens, the Chinese stop
working and we put our people to work. Its crazy. I mean, between OPEC and China, this
country can never be great again, because OPEC just keeps lifting the price of oil as we get
better. And then, ultimately -- because I have a theory that OPEC really caused a lot of the
problem that we had a year-and-a-half ago, because the oil price went to $150. And when that
was up at $150, thats when you had -- and not enough people giving credit for the oil price
causing the problem. You know, they talk about mortgage. They say -- and Im not not blaming
those other things, but a big factor was our blood. And the blood was oil.[Your World With Neil
Cavuto, Fox News, 4/8/10]
Trump On The Reducing The Debt: Send China A Bill For Stolen Trade Secrets.
VAN SUSTEREN: But if we -- if we -- but if we do just say, OK, we're taking off our debt the cost
of what you just took from us in Pakistan, I mean, since the debt isn't -- I mean, since we're not
paying them off soon, I mean, do they -- do they even really care if we do that because there's so
much money. TRUMP: Well, I wouldn't start that way. I'd just send them a bill for the value of
the secrets that they've stolen. Now, of course, they're stealing them from Boeing and from
General Electric and from everybody else also. If you look at what they forced General Electric to
do or if you look at what they're trying to do with Boeing, it's very, very sad that the companies
are succumbing to it. [On The Record, Fox News, 8/17/11]

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Trump On Entitlements: If We Did Something With Respect To OPEC Medicare
Would Take Care Of Itself. TRUMP: So, if we took our jobs back and we made this country
strong again, and we made our own product, and we got together, not -- you don't get together -if we did something with respect to OPEC, who is ripping us off like nobody's ever ripped us off
before, Medicare would take care of itself. [The OReilly Factor, Fox News, 6/10/11]
Trumps Approach To Reducing The Deficit Would Be Getting Money From Foreign
Countries Rather Than Cutting Spending. TRUMP: Honestly, if we ran this country
right, we could get so much money from Saudi Arabia.Think of this, Kuwait, they get taken over
by Saddam Hussein. We go in, lose lives and spend billions of dollars, drive him back, and we
hand the country back to the Arab sheiks. They paid us nothing. And, you know if you go to
Kuwait today, they don't want to invest in the United States because they say Asia is growing
much faster, we don't like the return on investment. We gave them back the country. CAVUTO:
Your approach is interesting. You would not go the conventional route of cut, cut, cut. You'd first
be looking to get something? TRUMP: I would get so many I don't have to cut Medicaid, I
don't have to cut Medicare. I don't have to cut Social Security. We're a bunch of foolish people led
by either foolish or stupid people. This country needs the right kind of leader and I'll tell you
what, if we don't get the right kind of leader, this country is in big trouble. [Your World With
Neil Cavuto, Fox News, 5/30/11]

Trump: You Have To End Regulation. TRUMP: Somebody like me would know it
because I'm a builder, I build things. I understand how tough it is to get anything built, even if
you know what you are doing. And a lot of people do know what they are doing, but you can't get
permits. And it gets back to the other factor we have, regulations. But if you want to build a city
in China, you can build it quickly, literally, a city. They decide one day and two weeks later they
are building. If you want to build a city here, people would laugh at you. When was the last time
you saw a great bridge being built in this country?... You have to end regulation. You also have to
stop building Iraq, Afghanistan, we are pending of dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan and
everyplace else. In the meantime you can drive on our roads because there are potholes and our
bridges are falling and basic infrastructure.[On The Record, Fox News, 9/7/11]
Trump Opposed Deregulating The Airlines. TRUMP: I'm really a believer that they
should not have deregulated the airlines. I think the airlines are- You're going to end up, again,
with three airlines and I think you're going to have some real problems in the future. And then
they're going to be very powerful, by the way. When you have three then the prices are going to
go way up, and I think you're going to end up seeing regulation again.[Larry King Live, CNN,

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Trump Said That Alcohol Should Be Listed As A Drug, Obviously. KING: How
about allowing the Food and Drug Administration to control it, which the Supreme Court is
going to listen to? Would you list it as a drug? TRUMP: It wouldn't -- well, it should be listed
as a drug, obviously. I mean, when I have friends that are the toughest, smartest people you'll
ever meet and they can't stop smoking, they start shaking if you tell them they can't have a
cigarette. And I've had them in the house, I said, do me a favor, don't smoke in my house, and
you see these tough guys start to shake like babies. I've never seen anything like it. So, it's a
terrible drug, and it ultimately destroys your lungs and destroys your insides, and there's no
question about it. I don't -- it's inconceivable why people start smoking, but they do?[Larry King
Live, CNN, 10/7/99]

Trump Said That He Would Like Alcohol Companies To Get Sued. TRUMP: Well, I'd come down, but I'd also
come down tough on alcohol. I don't know why everyone's suing tobacco, which is terrible, and I love that they're
suing and I love that they're paying a big price, but why aren't they suing the alcohol companies, because alcohol -- I
mean, I lost a brother to alcohol. I've never had a drink in my life because of the fact that I had a brother that had a
problem with alcohol.I don't drink for that reason.They're taxed. I'd like to see them sued. You know what I don't - I hope a lot of lawyers are watching tonight. Why is it that everybody is suing the tobacco companies and nobody
sues the alcohol companies. I mean, you have the car crashes and the kids that get killed by some drunk that's, you
know, riding on the road. It's just terrible. So, I would like to see something happen with alcohol.[Larry King Live,
CNN, 10/7/99]

Donald Trump Said He Would Nominate Carl Icahn, Known As A Corporate
Raider In The 1980s, For Treasury Secretary. Now [Carl] Icahn is once again in the
spotlight, as his longtime business contact, friend and rival Donald Trump, the front-running
Republican candidate, says he will nominate Icahn for treasury secretary. Icahn, who has not
responded to requests for comment, made his name as a corporate raider in the 1980s. He was
among a group of activist investors who engaged in a practice called greenmailing -- a
portmanteau of greenback and blackmailing, in which investors would buy up a company's
stock and threaten a hostile takeover. The company would be forced to buy its stock back at a
premium to stop the takeover, enriching the investors. [Washington Post, 9/29/15]

Carl Icahn Greenmailed Companies By Threatening A Hostile Takeover And Forcing The Company To Buy
Back His Stock At A Premium. He [Carl Icahn] was among a group of activist investors who engaged in a practice
called greenmailing -- a portmanteau of greenback and blackmailing, in which investors would buy up a company's
stock and threaten a hostile takeover. The company would be forced to buy its stock back at a premium to stop the
takeover, enriching the investors. [Washington Post, 9/29/15]

1985: Carl Icahn Lead The Hostile Takeover Of TWA, Sold Off Its Top Assets, Regained His Investment, And
Saddled The Company With Debt Before It Went Bankrupt Seven Years Later. Supporters have long seen Icahn
as a force for market efficiency, willing to shake up complacent CEOs and demand that companies invest their cash in
more profitable ways. But others paint him as a predator who strips companies of their most profitable assets and
employees of their jobs. The reputation is due in part to his notoriety as the leader of now-defunct airline TWA. In
1985, he carried out a hostile takeover of TWA and pledged to make the troubled airline profitable. But over the next


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few years, he sold off some of the airline's prize assets and took it private, a decision that allowed Icahn to regain his
investment but left the company saddled with debt. By 1992, TWA filed for bankruptcy. [Washington Post, 9/29/15]

After Carl Icahn Tried To Leave The Government On The Hook For $900 Million In TWA Pensions, He Said:
"My Money Is My Army. I Need My Army Around Me." "In 1991, Congress passed legislation to try to keep Icahn
from leaving the government on the hook for up to $900 million in TWA employee pensions. The bill allowed the
government to seek unfunded pension liabilities from Icahn's other holdings, potentially bankrupting him. Stevens said
he urged Icahn to set some money aside in a separate bank account to protect himself, but Icahn refused to do so.
My money is my army. I need my army around me, Icahn said, according to [Icahns biographer Mark] Stevens.
[Washington Post, 9/29/15]


Trump: The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats Than The
Republicans.TRUMP: Well, you'd be shocked if I said that in many cases I probably identify
more as a Democrat. And I think you would probably be shocked at that. BLITZER: On social
issues? TRUMP: You know, it's interesting. I've been now around long -- I think of myself as a
young guy, but I'm not so young anymore. And I've been around for a long time. And it just
seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it
shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, it just seems that the economy does better under the
Democrats than the Republicans.[Wolf Blitzer Reports, CNN, 3/19/04]

Trump: We've Had Some Pretty Bad Disasters Under The Republicans. Including A Thing Called The
Depression.TRUMP: Oh, I know, I know. Jimmy Carter was not the same thing. But, certainly, we had some very
good economies under Democrats as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disasters under the
Republicans. Including a thing called the Depression. [Wolf Blitzer Reports, CNN, 3/19/04]

Trump Said He Would Cut The Department Of Education And Environment, And
Argued That The Environment Would Be Fine Without Protection. Republican
presidential candidate Donald Trump said Sunday that he would cut government agencies if he
were elected President. Among them? The Department of Education and the Environmental
Protection Agency, Trump told Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace. Would you cut serve -would you cut departments? Wallace asked Trump. No, I'm not cutting services, but I'm cutting
spending. But I may cut Department of Education. I believe Common Core is a very bad thing,
Trump said. I believe that we should be you know, educating our children from Iowa, from
New Hampshire, from South Carolina, from California, from New York. I think that it should be
local education. So the Department of Education is one, he continued. Environmental
Protection, what they do is a disgrace. Every week they come out with new regulations. They're
making it impossible Wallace interjected, Who's going to protect the environment? They
we'll be fine with the environment, Trump replied. We can leave a little bit, but you can't
destroy businesses. [Talking Points Memo, 10/18/15]


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Trump Called For Cutting The Department Of Education Down. Billionaire real
estate mogul Donald Trump announced his plan today to run for the Republican presidential
nomination at a speech in New York City. Here are some of his views on education:
Department of Education: You could cut that way, way, way down. [Forbes, 6/16/15]

Donald Trump Attacked Jeb Bush, And Argued Anybody In Favor Of Common
Core Should Be Defeated At The Polls Because They Have No Sense." The mention
of Bush, at one time an enormously popular Republican governor in Florida, drew loud boos from
the crowd. Anybody in favor of Common Core should be defeated at the polls because they have
no sense, Trump said. [Tampa Bay Times, 11/28/15]
Trump: Taking Away Teachers Ability To Apply Discipline Is Turning The
Teachers Into Babysitters. To be upfront, Im not a fan of the teacher unions, but I have
great admiration and respect for teachers. Most of us can name a teacher or two who had a
profound influence on our lives. But weve made teaching a tough profession. Good teachers love
to teach. They respect and honor their profession. In too many classrooms, though, weve taken
away their right to discipline disruptive kids, turning the teachers into babysitters as much as
educators. [Donald Trump, Crippled America, 2015]
Trump: We Need To Get A Lot Tougher On Troublemakers In Schools. One way of
making the profession more attractive is to put some discipline back in the school. A lot of our
schools arent safe. Putting metal detectors at the door may prevent kids from bringing in
weapons, but it still doesnt prevent them from causing problems. We need to get a lot tougher on
troublemakers. We need to stop feeling sorry for them. They are robbing other kids of time to
learn. Im not saying we should go back to the days when teachers would get physical with
students, but we need to restore rules about behavior in the classroom and hire trained security
officers who can help enforce those rules. The parents or guardians must be brought into the
process as well. Most disciplinary problems among students begin in the home. All parents
should ask themselves: What kind of example am I setting? [Donald Trump, Crippled America,
Trump Supported Merit Based Pay For Teachers. And a lot of good teachers arent paid
enough. Its an interesting choice weve made as a society. We entrust our kids to teachers for
most of the daytime, where theyll have a really big impact on how their students will grow up.
But we dont pay enough to attract the best people to the profession. Unfortunately, teachers are
not paid on merit. The standard for advancement is mostly the number of years of service
seniority. The really good and inspirational teachers burn out under the painful conditions found
in too many schools. The bad teachers tend to hang around since they have nowhere else to go.

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Thus, the paychecks tend to be bigger for the less capable. Thats exactly the opposite of what we
should be doing. [Donald Trump, Crippled America, 2015]
Donald Trump Said Teachers Would Be Better Off During School Shootings If
They Were Armed. The 2016 GOP front-runner also weighed in on whether teachers should
carry guns - his fellow presidential candidate Ben Carson said kindergarten teachers who are
properly trained should - saying: Assuming they knew how to use the weapon, which hopefully
they would, you would've been a lot better when this maniac walked into class, starting to shoot
people. [CBS News, 10/11/15]

Trump Blamed Increasing High Education Costs On College Loans And College
Presidents Salaries. Donald Trump criticized the increasing cost of college and blamed the
interest rates charged for federal student loans and the salaries paid to college presidents.
[Donald Trump] said, These colleges, theyre going through the roof. Why are they going up so
much? I think one of the reasons theyre going through the roof, very simply, is these college
loans given out by the United States. He said they need to bring interest rates down because the
kids cant afford it. Hell make sure that graduates get jobs, he said. And he said, You look at
the salaries paid to the heads of colleges, its like theyre running a business a real business, a
big business. And we have to stop, we have to stop that from happening. [Washington Post,
Trump Said The Government Should Not Be Making Money Off Of Student Loans.
Donald Trump says hes the best presidential candidate to help millennials, promising jobs for
students drowning in student debt. One of the biggest questions I get is from people in college
[about student loans], he told The Hill in a wide-ranging interview. Theyre in college theyre
doing well but theyve got student loans up to the neck. Theyre swimming in these loans. The
2016 contender said that college students swarm him at campuses where he speaks asking him
for jobs. He criticized the federal government for earning a profit from federal student loans, a
point Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) frequently raises. Thats probably one of the only things
the government shouldnt make money off I think its terrible that one of the only profit
centers we have is student loans, Trump said. [The Hill, 7/23/15]

Trump Did Not Support Cuts To Medicare Or Social Security. The real estate tycoon
told CPAC in 2013 that Republicans should not cut Social Security or Medicare because most
Americans want to keep the benefits as they stand now. His solution is unclear, but he has
indicated that general economic growth would play a role. Trump tweeted in May that he knows
where to get the money from and nobody else does. [PBS, 6/16/15]

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Donald Trump Said Rich Americans Should Voluntarily Forgo Their Social
Security Benefits. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said he and his rich
pals should voluntarily forgo their Social Security benefits to bolster the health of the retiree
entitlement system, declaring I dont need mine, by the way. At a multi-candidate presidential
forum in New Hampshire on Monday, Mr. Trump said that for the good of the country, rich
taxpayers should sacrifice the benefits from the entitlement system into which they had paid
throughout their professional lives. I have friends that are worth hundreds of millions and
billions of dollars and get Social Security. They dont even know the check comes in, said Mr.
Trump at the nonpartisan No Labels forum. [Washington Wire Blog, Wall Street Journal,
Politifact Gave A False Rating To Donald Trumps Claim That His Tax Plan
Which Included His Promise Not To Cut Social Security And Medicare Would
Not Increase The Deficit. Trump said his tax plan would not increase the deficit. Free
market-oriented and liberal groups alike say Trumps tax plan would lead to a $10 trillion
revenue loss, even if it did create economic growth. Since Trump has said he will not slash
retirement programs like Social Security and Medicare, experts doubt that any spending cuts he
made would result in a revenue-neutral tax plan. We rate Trumps claim False. [PolitiFact,
Trump Did Not Support Cuts To Medicare Or Social Security And Claimed He
Knew Where To Get The Money From While Nobody Else Did. Do not cut Social
Security or Medicare benefits. Grow the economy to save those programs. The real estate tycoon
told CPAC in 2013 that Republicans should not cut Social Security or Medicare because most
Americans want to keep the benefits as they stand now. His solution is unclear, but he has
indicated that general economic growth would play a role. Trump tweeted in May that he knows
where to get the money from and nobody else does. [PBS, 6/16/15]
Trump: Were Going To Bring Jobs Back To The United States And Make The
Country Rich Again So That We Will Be Able To Afford Social Security. TRUMP:
We're going have to bring jobs back to the country. We're going to make the country rich again
and we'll going to be able to afford the entitlements, because if you -- I don't want to do that. I'm
not cutting Social Security. You know, people have been cut Social Security, cut Medicare.
[Hannity, Fox News, 11/3/15]
Trump Said It Would Be Very Simple To Save Social Security By Making A
Really Dynamic Economy That Would Bring Back Jobs From Japan, China, And
Mexico. HARWOOD: Governor Bush, Mr. Trump says that he is capable of growing the
economy so much that Social Security and Medicare don't have to be touched. Do you want to

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explain how that is going to happen, Mr. Trump? TRUMP: Yes, it's very simple. We're going to
make a really dynamic economy from what we have right now, which is not at all dynamic.
We're going to bring jobs back from Japan, we're going to bring jobs back from China, we're going
to bring, frankly, jobs back from Mexico where, as you probably saw, Nabisco is leaving Chicago
with one of their biggest plants, and they're moving it to Mexico. We're going to bring jobs and
manufacturing back. We're going to cut costs. We're going to save Social Security, and we're
going to save Medicare. [Republican Presidential Debate, CNBC, 10/28/15]

In 2011, Trump Said That If He Decided To Run For President, He Would Have A
Plan For Medicare. MALVEAUX: And Mr. Trump, if you would, you said you thought that
Paul Ryan was really in a dangerous area looking at Medicare, actually reforming Medicare. Is
there another option? What would you do in a Trump presidency when it comes to Medicare?
Because it's going to be bankrupt in 10 years. How would you solve that? TRUMP: Well, I'm
studying that situation very, very closely. And if and when I decide to run -- and I really look
forward to making that decision, to be totally honest with you. But if and when I decide to run,
I'll have a plan. [Newsroom, CNN, 4/7/11]
Trump On Entitlements: If We Did Something With Respect To OPEC Medicare
Would Take Care Of Itself. TRUMP: So, if we took our jobs back and we made this country
strong again, and we made our own product, and we got together, not -- you don't get together -if we did something with respect to OPEC, who is ripping us off like nobody's ever ripped us off
before, Medicare would take care of itself. [The OReilly Factor, Fox News, 6/10/11]
Trump: Republicans Are Going Way, Way, Way Far Out On The Ledge By
Proposing Medicare Vouchers. MALVEAUX: You know, you mentioned the Republicans
and the long- term plan. We're talking about $6 trillion worth of cuts in the next 10 years. That's
the blueprint that they have laid out for the next budget battle. Do you agree that Medicare
should be changed fundamentally, as the Republicans have suggested, to more of a system where
the elderly would be offered vouchers for private insurance? TRUMP: I'd have to study the
plan. I will tell you, I think it's very dangerous for the Republicans to go on this ledge, because I,
for one, would have to be very, very careful. I will cherish our seniors. Our seniors are great. And
I will cherish our seniors, and I wouldn't do anything to hurt the seniors. Now, what is
happening -- and I have a lot of respect for Paul Ryan, but what is happening is the Republicans
are going way, way, way far out on the ledge. And the Democrats are saying, oh, gee, look what
they're doing. This -- whatever plans and whatever changes are going to be made, it has to be
done in a bipartisan way. I don't think the Republicans should be out on this ledge. It should be
led -- something has to be done, and it should be led by the president. So I think what Paul has

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done is very dangerous for the Republican Party and very, very dangerous for the upcoming
election. I think he's too far out.[Newsroom, CNN, 4/7/11]


Trump Said He Would Absolutely Drill On ANWR. HANNITY: You would drill on
ANWR, you drill in the 48 states. TRUMP: Absolutely. [Hannity, Fox News, 4/14/11]
Trump Criticized Environmental Restrictions That Prevented The U.S. From
Tapping Its Coal And Natural Gas Resources. TRUMP: First of all, they're also going
very heavy into coal. If you look at what China is doing, they're going heavy into coal whereas
the environmental restrictions make it almost impossible for us to do the coal thing anymore. We
are a tremendous source of coal. We are called the Saudi Arabia of coal, but it's Saudi Arabia
times 100. So, you know, we don't use our natural resources. Whether it is clean or not, the fact
is clean coal is coming along and it is a great source of energy. So many other things we're not
using, natural-gas, to the extent that we should be. You know, if you look at certain countries in
the Mideast, they are getting rid of their gas. They're selling us oil because they don't want to
use it because we're paying a lot and they're using natural gas. And we have a tremendous
natural gas reserves. So there are so many things, Eric, that we are not doing, and it is
inconceivable that they are not started. [Follow The Money, Fox Business, 6/28/11]
Trump Opposed Restrictions On Drilling For Oil. KILMEADE: Donald, do you have an
opinion on the fracking and the natural gas, who you be going at? Do you have an opinion on
drilling here at home? TRUMP: Well, I think we should just drill. I mean this is crazy. They
can't drill in the Gulf. They can't drill in Alaska. They can't drill anywhere and in the meantime,
we're being held hostage by all of these foreign nations that are ripping us. So I think we should
just open it up. I understand the environmental, I understand it probably better than any. I've
received many, many environmental awards. But they are holding this country to a level that is
impossible for us to do anything and if we're going to get back on track, we have to get oil down
to $45, $50 or $60 a barrel. And right now, it looks like it's going up to $150. So we can never
come back if oil is at these levels. [Fox & Friends, Fox News, 4/25/11]



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Trump Called For Building The Keystone Pipeline Even Though We Dont Even
Need It. Trump also discussed energy policy, where he said, The Keystone Pipeline should be
approved immediately. Not that I want it, because were bringing in oil from Canada, but you
know what, its a lot easier than Saudi Arabia and some of these other places, and Canadas been
a great neighbor, et cetera, et cetera. But they should approve it. Number one, its jobs.
Immediately, youre building it, its jobs, its good. Its not going to hurt anything in terms of
environmentally. Its hard to believe that that has not been approved. But get it approved. More
oil coming in, the more we can have where we dont have to go to foreign places, really foreign
places to get the oil. So, theres a simple one. its going to create jobs. Its overall good. But we
dont even need it, in one sense, because we have so much under our own land we can do it, but
we have to get rid of some of the restrictions. [Breitbart, 8/12/15; Hannity, Fox, 8/12/15]
Trump: If I Am Elected President I Will Immediately Approve The Keystone XL
Pipeline. No Impact On Environment & Lots Of Jobs For U.S. [@realDonaldTrump,
Twitter, 8/18/15]
Donald Trump Supported The Keystone Pipeline And Lifting The Ban On CrudeOil Exports. All of the GOP candidates for president support the Keystone pipeline and many,
including retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, businessman Donald Trump and New Jersey Gov.
Chris Christie, support lifting the ban on crude-oil exports to foreign markets. [Wall Street
Journal, 9/29/15]

Trump Said The White House Let OPEC Go Unchecked And Predicted That Gas
Prices Would Rise To $8 Per Gallon. TRUMP: Well, I think it might be -- a lot of people
would be very upset if I didn't run. I mean I've had such support, we're getting just inundated
with phone calls and, literally, thousands of letters a week, because my stance on China, my
stance on OPEC -- look at what's happening to everybody's fuel, the gasoline at the pump is just
out of control. It's at $4, it's going to $5. It will probably go to $6, $7, $8. We have nobody in the
White House that fights for the people. Nobody in the White House who's calling up OPEC which
is really the culprit. I mean they are abusing our country. And I don't know if you saw, but three
days ago, Saudi Arabia decided they're going to essentially raise the price of oil even further by
reducing supplies. [Fox, 4/21/11]
Donald Trump Supported The Keystone Pipeline And Lifting The Ban On CrudeOil Exports. All of the GOP candidates for president support the Keystone pipeline and many,
including retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, businessman Donald Trump and New Jersey Gov.

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Chris Christie, support lifting the ban on crude-oil exports to foreign markets. [Wall Street
Journal, 9/29/15]


In 2015, Trump Called Climate Change A Hoax. Mr. Trumps policy views can be just
as provocative as his demeanor. In the past, he has called climate change a hoax and said he
has a foolproof plan to defeat the Islamic State, which he will not reveal so as not to tip off the
group. On Tuesday, he vowed to build a great wall on the Mexican border to keep out rapists
and other criminals, who he said were sneaking into the United States in droves. [New York
Times, 6/17/15]
Trump: This Very Expensive GLOBAL WARMING Bullshit Has Got To Stop. Our
Planet Is Freezing, Record Low Temps,And Our GW Scientists Are Stuck In Ice
[@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 1/1/14]
Trump Argued That The Environment Would Be Fine Without Protection.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Sunday that he would cut government
agencies if he were elected President. Among them? The Department of Education and the
Environmental Protection Agency, Trump told Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace. Would
you cut serve -- would you cut departments? Wallace asked Trump. No, I'm not cutting services,
but I'm cutting spending. But I may cut Department of Education. I believe Common Core is a
very bad thing, Trump said. I believe that we should be you know, educating our children
from Iowa, from New Hampshire, from South Carolina, from California, from New York. I think
that it should be local education. So the Department of Education is one, he continued.
Environmental Protection, what they do is a disgrace. Every week they come out with new
regulations. They're making it impossible Wallace interjected, Who's going to protect the
environment? They we'll be fine with the environment, Trump replied. We can leave a little
bit, but you can't destroy businesses. [Talking Points Memo, 10/18/15]
Donald Trump Declared, You Cant Get Hurt By Extreme Weather, Then
Tweeted His Support For The More Than 12 People Killed By Flooding In South
Carolina. Donald Trump sent out prayers to those affected by the deadly flooding in South
Carolina on Monday, just weeks after telling voters people aren't hurt from extreme weather. As
of Monday night, there have been a total of 13 storm related deaths in South Carolina and North
Carolina combined. Thoughts and prayers for those in the floods affecting the great people of
South Carolina, Trump tweeted Monday in the wake of the floods. But two weeks ago in Dallas,
Trump told supporters you can't get hurt with extreme weather, as he dismissed President
Barack Obama's argument that extreme weather as a result of climate change poses a threat to
America. [CNN, 10/5/15]


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Trump Said He Would Absolutely Build Nuclear Energy Facilities. HANNITY:

You would build nuclear facilities. TRUMP: Absolutely.[Hannity, Fox News, 4/14/11]
After The Fukushima Nuclear Accident, Trump Remained Committed To Nuclear
Energy. CAVUTO: Are we overreacting, Germany sidelining nuclear reactors? EU reconsidering it. Joe Lieberman in this country saying maybe take a look at new licenses?
TRUMP: But when you see what is going on in Japan certainly you can't say overreacting. But,
you know, look, nuclear is a way that we get what we have to get which is energy. I think that
probably there is not an overreaction but we have to be very, very careful. I worry about
terrorists. I worry about other things beyond just that. We have the earthquakes. Now New York
has been fairly earthquake-free and certain other areas. But you also have them in California
and certainly that is a ground zero type site. We have to be very concerned. I'm in favor of
nuclear energy. Very strongly in favor of nuclear energy. It is sort of interesting, somebody was
explaining if a plane goes down, people keep flying. If you get into an auto crash, people keep
driving. There are problems in life, not everything is so perfect. You have to look very carefully
though at really taking care, have the best, the best people in terms of safeguards or nuclear
energy. But we do need nuclear energy. [Your World With Neil Cavuto, Fox News, 3/15/11]


Donald Trump Affirmed His Support For The Renewable Fuel Standard After
Touring The POET Biorefining Plant In Gowrie, Iowa. Before attending the rally in
Fort Dodge, Trump stopped at the POET Biorefining plant in Gowrie to tour the plant and
discuss the renewable fuel standard with plant leadership and the co-chairs of Americas
Renewable Energy. That meeting was closed to the public, but afterward, Trump took two
questions from a group of about 35 people who had been invited to a closed event. There, Trump
affirmed his support of the renewable fuel standard. I just want to tell you, you have my
support, he said. Im with you. [Des Moines Register, 12/13/15]

HEADLINE: Donald Trump Hated Wind Farms Until An Iowa Voter Asked. [Washington Post, 11/19/15]
11/19/15: In Response To A Question From An Iowa Woman Whose Husband Worked For A Local Wind Turbine
Manufacturer, Donald Trump Said He Supported Government Subsidies For The Wind Energy Industry.
Patricia Scalabrini, whose husband works for a local wind turbine manufacturer, wanted to know if Trump supports
subsidies for the industry. The company that employs her husband, TPI, moved into a factory that was abandoned
when Maytag moved its operations to Mexico. TPI employs about 800 people in Newton. It is helped by subsidies, in
the form of the production tax credit, which gives energy producers tax breaks based on how many kilowatt-hours of
electricity they generate using renewable methods. It is important to continued rapid expansion of the wind
industry, and therefore to the woman's husband's job. Trump began by saying, Well, I'm okay with it. He noted that
it can be hard for wind to be competitive in energy production particularly when prices for fossil fuels are so low, so
you need subsidies. [The Fix, Washington Post, 11/19/15]

11/19/15: Donald Trump Said He Was OK With Wind Energy Subsidies Because Otherwise [Wind Turbines]
Are Not Going To Get Built They're Very Expensive To Build And Without It I Don't Think They Work
Without Subsidy. During a voter forum in Newton, Iowa, Trump said he's OK with wind energy subsidies, mostly


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because the price of oil has plummeted during the past year. With oil costing so little, there's not much incentive to
build windmills to generate wind energy without subsidies, Trump said. It needs subsidy, otherwise they're not going
to get built, he said. They're very expensive to build and they're very expensive to maintain. Trump said there are
some problems with wind. But, it's a problem. They're very expensive to build and without it I don't think they work
without subsidy, which is a problem because when you need subsidy it's a problem. [Washington Examiner,


Trump Opposed The Offshore Wind Farms Off The Coast Of Scotland. Donald
Trump swept defiantly into Scotland today vowing to continue his fight against an offshore
windfarm development in Aberdeenshire and accusing Alex Salmond of destroying the country.
The billionaire, who widely expected to announce his intention to run for US president later this
month, said the former first minister had done a tremendous disservice to the nations
landscape by approving windfarms, and reiterated his warning that he could pull out of his
resort near Balmedie if the latest contentious scheme goes ahead. In a characteristic show of
swagger, the businessman could not resist taking aim at his old sparring partner as he officially
opened the revamped clubhouse of his newest golfing resort, Trump Turnberry. He told The
Scotsman that he had done Scotland a big, fat favour through his investments and contrasted
the approach of authorities in Aberdeenshire to those in South Ayrshire, who he hailed as
fantastic. [The Scotsman, 6/8/15]
The Fixs Philip Bump: Donald Trump Abandoned His Previous Opposition To
Wind Energy Subsidies Because He Was In A Room With An Iowa Voter Worried
About The Loss Of Those Subsidies Harming Her Husbands Job Donald
Trump, Straight Shooter. A few years ago, Donald Trump wanted to build a golf course in
Scotland. There was just one problem: The Scottish government had licensed an off-shore wind
farm near the course, which Trump worried would ruin the views. [Trump tweeted,] Ugly
industrial wind turbines are ruining the beauty of parts of the country--and have inefficient
unreliable energy to boot. [and] By continuing to give massive subsidies to Scotlands ugly wind
turbines, @David_Cameron is playing right into @AlexSalmonds hands. What changed?
Donald Trump wasn't in the room with an Iowa voter who was apparently worried about the loss
of subsidies harming her husband's job. Donald Trump, straight shooter. [Philip Bump, The Fix,
Washington Post, 11/19/15]

The Fixs Philip Bump: Donald Trumps Support Of The Wind Industry Was A
Stunning Bit Of Pandering, Given How Trump Went To War Against Wind
Farms In Scotland When He Wanted To Build A Golf Course Near A Proposed
Offshore Wind Farm Location. Fine. Trump supports subsidies for the wind industry.
For anyone familiar with Trump's history, though, even that is a stunning bit of pandering.
Trump, in fact, does know a lot about wind. A few years ago, Donald Trump wanted to build a
golf course in Scotland. There was just one problem: The Scottish government had licensed an
off-shore wind farm near the course, which Trump worried would ruin the views. He went to
war, using all of the tools at his disposal: money, lawyers, and Twitter. He sued to block the
wind farm, pushing legal challenges all the way to the Scottish Supreme Court. He attacked
then-Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond, saying that Salmond was a man whose obsession

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with obsolete wind technology will destroy the magnificence and beauty of Scotland. [Philip
Bump, The Fix, Washington Post, 11/19/15]

Trump Said That Gambling Worsens Crime And Traffic. TRUMP: Well, gambling's a
mixed bag. I mean, the casinos themselves are a mixed bag. Certain problems are solved, but
many problems are created. Crime generally tends to get worse, other things tend to get worse,
traffic and problems. But job markets, all of a sudden you can't find teachers and you can't find
firemen, because the people are working in the casinos as croupiers. The great teacher that used
to teach history is now all of a sudden a croupier because they can make much more money doing
that. And it's somewhat sad, in many respects, but it does solve certain ills. It's a quick fix. It's
not the ideal fix, but it's a quick. I mean, I think, for instance, in New Orleans, when that casino
opens it's going to totally change the character of New Orleans. New Orleans, to me, is one of my
favorite cities. I think changing the character of New Orleans is going to be a catastrophe for the
people of Louisiana. And that's- that's, I think, one of the real bad instances of a casino. But it's
going to totally change that character. [Business World, ABC News, 3/14/93]
Trump: Gambling Is Almost A Form Of Voluntary Taxation. KING: Why is
gambling so popular? TRUMP: Well, it has become very strong. In certain markets. It is
almost a form of voluntary taxation, but it in certain markets, like in the Indiana area right
outside of Chicago, it has been very strong. In some areas, it hasn't been strong. Atlantic City
has been good. Las Vegas, obviously, has been good over the years. But this Indiana location
has been phenomenal. [Larry King Live, CNN, 7/23/97]
Trump Said That The Tax Exemptions For Indian Casinos Were Unfair. TRUMP:
Well, I think it's going to have an effect, but we can be a beneficiary of that. The individual
owners. Not necessarily Atlantic City, but the people with the expertise. It's a very complex
business, and I've become the biggest in the business. I mean, literally we're the biggest.
Caesar's is second and so on. And a lot of people are coming to us looking for advice, looking for
management skills, looking for other things. And so as a company it can be a positive thing. For
Atlantic City it's probably not a positive thing. The thing I most worry about, however, is the
lack of regulation and the sucking of all the money out of a community with the roads and
everything else and not putting back. I think it's very unfair that the taxes and the other things
that other places have to pay - Vegas, Atlantic City - aren't being paid by the Indians. [Business
World, ABC News, 3/14/93]
Trump On Indian Casinos: You Have To Check And See Whether Or Not They're
The Real Indians. KING: Because they have gambling casinos in which they don't have to
pay tax, right? Indian's property? TRUMP: They have gambling casinos where they're paying
no tax and every politician knows it's not appropriate or not right, but they haven't done
anything about it yet. KING: But don't you think we owe them something? TRUMP: I think

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we do. I think to a certain extent, we do, if they're real Indians. I mean, you have to check and
see whether or not they're the real Indians. You know, you have-- KING: You're questioning
that, Donald? TRUMP: No, no, you have to see who's running the casinos. And you know, I
made a statement, they don't look like Indians to me. And everyone said, oh, what a terrible
statement. I said, what's wrong? They don't. If you take a look at these folks, they don't like
Indians to me. And then, actually, a number of shows did a story that my statement was 100
percent correct. I never liked to apologize and there's no reason to apologize. But I think the
Indian casinos are -- you know, they're being looked at very seriously.[Larry King Live, CNN,

Trump In 1999: I Hate The Concept Of Guns, I'm Not In Favor Of It, Except For
One Thing: The Bad Guys Are Going To Have Them. QUESTION: Mr. Trump, I'm an
avid outdoorsman from upstate New York where your new golf courses are going. I'm very proud
of my Second Amendment right to bear arms. If you're elected, would you uphold this right, or
do you see it as a societal ill? TRUMP: Well, I think you have to have the right to have a gun.
Now, I hate the concept of guns, I'm not in favor of it, except for one thing: the bad guys are going
to have them.[Hardball with Chris Matthews, MSNBC, 11/18/99]
Trump Pointed To Chicago As An Example Of Why Gun Control Legislation Does
Not Work. The Republican presidential candidate singled out Chicago, saying the citys gun
laws arent doing anything to stem violence. In a 24-hour span since Wednesday morning, two
men were killed and eight others, including a 14-year-old girl, were wounded in Chicago. Trump
says all gun laws do is keep the sane people from getting guns. I guarantee you there are a
couple of people that knew this man that did the killing yesterday that probably said, Wow hes
really got problems. I mean, he really should be institutionalized, Trump said. [Sun Times,
Trump Claimed That All Gun Laws Do Is Keep The Sane People From Getting
Guns. Trump says all gun laws do is keep the sane people from getting guns. I guarantee you
there are a couple of people that knew this man that did the killing yesterday that probably said,
Wow hes really got problems. I mean, he really should be institutionalized, Trump said. [Sun
Times, 8/27/15]
Trump: Gun Control Does Not Reduce Crime. It Has Consistently Failed To Stop
Violence. TRUMP: Gun control does not reduce crime. It has consistently failed to stop
violence. Americans are entitled to protect their families, their property and themselves. In fact,
in right-to-carry states the violent crime rate is 24% lower than the rest of the United States and
the murder rate is 28% lower. This should not be up for debate. [Ammoland, 7/7/15]

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Trump Said He Stood By His Opposition To Gun Control When It Comes To

Taking Guns From Law-Abiding Citizens. TRUMP: I certainly stand by my opposition
to Gun Control when it comes to taking guns from law-abiding citizens. You mention that the
media describes the AR-15 as an assault rifle, which is one example of the many distortions
they use to sell their agenda. However, the AR-15 does not fall under this category. Gunbanners are unfortunately preoccupied with the AR-15, magazine capacity, grips, and other
aesthetics, precisely because of its popularity. [Ammoland, 7/7/15]
Donald Trump Played Up His Support For Nearly Unrestricted Gun Rights
Despite Having Supported The Assault Weapons Ban And Longer Background
Checks In The Past. Donald Trump said Tuesday he supports allowing Americans to legally
buy and own assault weapons. Trump has played up his support for nearly unrestricted gun
rights throughout the campaign as he has looked to bolster his conservative credentials,
especially given his past support for some gun control measures. I generally oppose gun control,
but I support the ban on assault weapons and I also support a slightly longer waiting period to
purchase a gun, Trump wrote in his 2000 book The America We Deserve. [CNN, 10/6/15]

1999: Trump Favored Background Checks For Gun Purchases. KING: Do you favor
long checks and how people get the guns? You don't favor easy access? TRUMP: Yes, yes, no, I
favor -- I favor you have to go through a process, but the fact is that the bad ones already have
one, and they're not going to go through a process either; they're not going to go through any
process. Look, there's nothing I like better than nobody has them, but that's not going to happen,
Larry. So, as long as that's not going to happen, I say you have to be allowed to have a
gun.[Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99]
2000: Donald Trump Said He Wished Nobody Had Guns And Supported Longer
Background Checks And The Assault Weapons Ban. The Donalds sudden and loud
embrace of the Second Amendment might come as a surprise to people who followed his first
flirtation with running for the presidency in 2000 as a member of the Reform Party. Then The
Donald, ever the populist, said while he generally opposed gun control, he slammed Republicans
for not wanting registrations on guns and said he wished nobody had guns. Similarly, Trump
said he supported longer background checks and the ban on assault weapons. [Buzzfeed,
Trump: I Do Not Support Expanding Background Checks. The Current
Background Checks Do Not Work. TRUMP: I do not support expanding background
checks. The current background checks do not workThey make it more difficult for law abiding
citizens to acquire firearms while consistently failing to stop criminals from getting guns. We

Page 123

should re-examine our policy to make sure that these prohibitions do not impede law abiding
citizens from exercising their Second Amendment rights. [Ammoland, 7/7/15]
Donald Trump Said If Somebody Is On A Watch List And An Enemy Of State
They Should Be Prohibited From Buying A Gun. Trump also said those on terror watch
lists should be restricted from purchasing guns if they are a known enemy of state. Currently,
someone one a terror watch list can legally purchase a gun in the U.S. If somebody is on a watch
list and an enemy of state and we know it's an enemy of state, I would keep them away,
absolutely, Trump said, while emphasizing that he is a strong supporter of the Second
Amendment's right to bear arms. If we have an enemy of state, I don't want to give him
anything, Trump said. I want to have him in jail -- that's what I want. I want to have him in
jail. [ABC News, 11/22/15]

Trump Opposed Regulations On The Number Of Rounds Allowed In Gun
Magazines. TRUMP: Gun magazine limits do not make common sense. I have long opposed
such limits. For instance, I fought the SAFE Act in New York, which I call the Unsafe Act. I
also spoke at a rally in Albany championing gun rights and protesting the Unsafe Act. The law
limited capacity to seven rounds, as if criminals were going to take rounds out of their magazines
before committing a crime. It was later changed to a limit of ten rounds, but the entire episode
was a complete disaster. [Ammoland, 7/7/15]


Donald Trump Said He Carries A Gun On Occasion Because I Like To Be
Unpredictable. Donald Trump said he carries a firearm on occasion but not always,
because he likes to keep people guessing. Trump said hed feel more comfortable if employees at
his company were armed, but he noted that having a permit is very unusual in New York.I do
carry on occasion, sometimes a lot, he said. But I like to be unpredictable. Trump said his
carrying decisions are in contrast to the country's military policy, which he said is totally
predictable. [Politico, 10/28/15]
Donald Trump Said People With A Permit To Carry A Firearm Have An Obligation
To Carry A Gun, When Feasible And Appropriate, So As To Raise Serious Doubts

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In The Minds Of Those Who Might Be Considering Violence In America. The

concept of concealed carry is as much intended to deter criminal activity as it is to provide direct
defense of those who have those permits. Not all concealed carry permit holders carry all the
time. Thus, the deterrent value is that those who might contemplate criminal behavior will think
twice when that doubt exists. Carrying a weapon is not always feasible or appropriate. However,
given the increased tensions that are the result of continued, escalating terrorism around the
world, more legitimately armed individuals on the streets is a positive outcome. Each permit
holder must make the decision to carry or not carry. I will carry more often than I have in the
past, and I am sure other concealed permit holders will do the same. Do we have an obligation to
carry? The answer is yes, but we must do it in such a way as to raise serious doubts in the
minds of those who might be considering violence in America. Deterring violence is far better
than dealing with the aftermath of an act of terror. Less blood, more security. That is what will
make America great again. [Breitbart, 11/18/15]


2015: Donald Trump Supported Allowing Americans To Buy And Own Assault
Weapons And Called For An End To Gun-Free Zones. Donald Trump said Tuesday he
supports allowing Americans to legally buy and own assault weapons. You have to be because
the bad guys are going to have them anyway, Trump told CNN's Chris Cuomo on New Day.
What happens when the bad guys have the assault weapons and you don't in a confrontation?
Trump suggested overturning gun-free zones and said civilians with guns could have stopped the
mass shooting at a community college last week in Oregon. [CNN, 10/6/15]

2000: Donald Trump Supported The Assault Weapons Ban And Longer Waiting
Periods. I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I
also support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun, Trump wrote in his 2000
book The America We Deserve." [CNN, 10/6/15]


Trump: Get Rid Of Gun Free Zones. The Four Great Marines Who Were Just Shot
Never Had A Chance. They Were Highly Trained But Helpless Without Guns.
[@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 7/17/15]
Wonkblog: Little Data Supports Donald Trumps Claim That Gun-Free Zones Are
Target Practice For The Sickos And For The Mentally Ill. I feel that the gun-free
zones and, you know, when you say that, that's target practice for the sickos and for the mentally
ill, he told moderator Carl Quintanilla. That's target [practice]. They look around for gun-free
zones. But little data supports this claim. For starters, if you probe the reasons why shooters
target particular places, you typically find that gunmen have a grievance attached to a particular
location. A Mother Jones analysis of mass shootings between 1982 and 2015 found not one single

Page 125

instance where the gunman appeared to be motivated by the knowledge that a place was gunfree. [Wonkblog, Washington Post, 10/30/15]
Trump: As Commander-In-Chief, I Would Mandate That Soldiers Remain Armed
And On Alert At Our Military Bases. TRUMP: [gun free zones] No, not optional. As
Commander-in-Chief, I would mandate that soldiers remain armed and on alert at our military
bases. President Clinton never should have passed a ban on soldiers being able to protect
themselves on bases. Americas Armed Forces will be armed. They will be able to defend
themselves against terrorists. Our brave soldiers should not be at risk because of policy created
by civilian leadership. Political correctness has no place in this debate. [Ammoland, 7/7/15]

Trump In 1999: I Dont Agree Entirely With The NRA. KING: You agree with the
NRA? TRUMP: I don't agree entirely, but I do agree that you should have the power to have a
weapon, because other people do and other people are not necessarily the nicest people in the
world.[Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99]
2000: Donald Trump Criticized Republicans Who Walk The NRA Line And Refuse
Even Limited Restrictions. The Donalds sudden and loud embrace of the Second
Amendment might come as a surprise to people who followed his first flirtation with running for
the presidency in 2000 as a member of the Reform Party. Then The Donald, ever the populist,
said while he generally opposed gun control, he slammed Republicans for not wanting
registrations on guns and said he wished nobody had guns. The Republicans walk the NRA
line and refuse even limited restrictions. I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on
assault weapons and I also support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun. With
todays internet technology we should be able to tell within 72 hours if a potential gun owner has
a record. [Buzzfeed, 10/5/15]

2015: Donald Trump Said That If More People Had Guns During The Mass
Shooting At An Oregon Community College, You Would Have Been A Hell Of A
Lot Better Off. Donald Trump is a big supporter of gun rights. The Donald has made that
clear in the days since the mass shooting at a community college in Oregon. I can make the case
that if there were guns in that room other than the shooters, fewer people would have died.
Fewer people would have been so horribly injured, Trump said on NBCs Meet the Press on
Sunday. It was a gun-free zone, Trump said earlier at a campaign event in Franklin, Tennessee.

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Let me tell you, if you had a couple teachers with guns in that room, you would have been a hell
of a lot better off. [Buzzfeed, 10/5/15]

2000: Donald Trump Said He Wished Nobody Had Guns And Supported Longer
Background Checks And The Assault Weapons Ban. The Donalds sudden and loud
embrace of the Second Amendment might come as a surprise to people who followed his first
flirtation with running for the presidency in 2000 as a member of the Reform Party. Then The
Donald, ever the populist, said while he generally opposed gun control, he slammed
Republicans for not wanting registrations on guns and said he wished nobody had guns.
Similarly, Trump said he supported longer background checks and the ban on assault
weapons. [Buzzfeed, 10/5/15]

2000: Donald Trump Criticized Republicans Who Walk The NRA Line And
Refuse Even Limited Restrictions. The Donalds sudden and loud embrace of the
Second Amendment might come as a surprise to people who followed his first flirtation with
running for the presidency in 2000 as a member of the Reform Party. Then The Donald, ever
the populist, said while he generally opposed gun control, he slammed Republicans for not
wanting registrations on guns and said he wished nobody had guns. The Republicans walk
the NRA line and refuse even limited restrictions. I generally oppose gun control, but I
support the ban on assault weapons and I also support a slightly longer waiting period to
purchase a gun. With todays internet technology we should be able to tell within 72 hours if a
potential gun owner has a record. [Buzzfeed, 10/5/15]

11/14/15: Donald Trump Said That If The Victims Of The Paris Terrorist Attack
Would Have Had Guns, It Would Have Been A Much, Much Different Situation.
When you look at Paris, toughest gun laws in the world, nobody had guns but the bad guys, the
Republican presidential candidate said during an appearance in Texas, in remarks broadcast by
CNN. Nobody had guns. And they were just shooting them one by one, and then they broke in
and had a big shootout and ultimately killed the terrorists. At least 129 people died in the
attacks, for which ISIS has taken credit. And I will tell you whatyou can say what you want, if
they had guns, if our people had guns, if they were allowed to carry, it would have been a much,
much different situation, Trump added. [Time, 11/14/15; Donald Trump Campaign Rally,
Beaumont, Texas, 11/14/15]

1/7/15: Donald Trump Tweeted About French Gun Control Laws After The
Shootings At The French Satirical Newspaper Charlie Hebdo. As such, it was no
surprise that after shootings at the satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris this
week, some Americans began to wonder about gun control laws. Isn't it interesting that the
tragedy in Paris took place in one of the toughest gun control countries in the world?
American reality television star Donald Trump wrote on Twitter shortly after the news broke.
The tweet prompted both praise (over a thousand retweets) and scorn (Trump was labelled a
moron and an idiot by other tweeters). [Washington Post, 1/9/15]

1/7/15: Donald Trump: Isnt It Interesting That The Tragedy In Paris Took
Place In One Of The Toughest Gun Control Countries In The World?
[@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 1/7/15]


Page 127

11/16/15: Donald Trump Repeated His Claim That The Terrorist Attacks In Paris
Were Exacerbated By Tough Gun Control Laws, And That Some Guys With A
Gun Could Have Whacked The Terrorists. After being relatively quiet over the
weekend, Trump hit the talk shows on Monday morning [11/16/15] to speak about the attacks,
saying the U.S. needs stronger intelligence and also linking the high death toll to what he views
as excessive gun controls. Had there been some guys with a gun, there would have been a
shootout and probably the primary people that would have got whacked would have been the
killers, Trump said on CNBC's Squawk Box. You cant any tougher than Paris, and you cant
get any tougher than France on gun control, he continued. They just said, come here, boom,
come here, boomshot these people at will. [Politico, 11/16/15]
11/18/15: Donald Trump Said, If You Had A Guy Like You Or Me, Or Some Other
Guys In That Room That Had Guns, The Terrorist Attacks In Paris Would Have
Been Mitigated. Donald Trump said on Wednesday that, if he or somebody else with a gun
had been present during last Fridays attacks in Paris, things would have gone differently. So
they were just shooting people: Next! Next! the former reality TV star told Boston radio host
Jeff Kuhner. Just people were totally defenseless. If you had a guy like you or me, or some other
guys in that room that had guns, it wouldnt have been that way, Jeff. You know. It wouldnt
have been that way. Trump made the comments after saying that, because of French gun laws,
nobody had a gun to shoot the attackers, adding that the only ones that had the guns are the
bad guys. [Buzzfeed, 11/18/15]
Donald Trump Said That School Shootings Were Essentially Inevitable Because
We Have Millions And Millions Of Sick People All Over The World But This Is
Sort Of Unique To This Country, The School Shootings. And Youre Going To Have
Difficulty No Matter What. Regardless of what the United States does to enforce its gun
laws or improve mental health care, people are always going to slip through the cracks, Donald
Trump said Friday, a day after a gunman killed nine and injured seven at Umpqua Community
College in Roseburg, Oregon. First of all, you have very strong laws on the books, but you're
always going to have problems. We have millions and millions of people, we have millions and
millions of sick people all over the world. It can happen all over the world and it does happen all
over the world, by the way. But this is sort of unique to this country, the school shootings. And
you're going to have difficulty no matter what, Trump said in a telephone interview on MSNBC's
Morning Joe. [Politico, 10/2/15]
Donald Trump Said Teachers Would Be Better Off During School Shootings If
They Were Armed. The 2016 GOP front-runner also weighed in on whether teachers should
carry guns - his fellow presidential candidate Ben Carson said kindergarten teachers who are
properly trained should - saying: Assuming they knew how to use the weapon, which hopefully
they would, you would've been a lot better when this maniac walked into class, starting to shoot
people. [CBS News, 10/11/15]


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12/3/15: Donald Trump Retweeted A Claim That His Poll Numbers Jump Every
Time Instances Like This Occur The Morning After A Mass Shooting Killed 14
And Injured 17 In San Bernardino, California. Donald Trump's retweeting habits leave
something to be desired. Early Thursday morning, Trump did it again. This time, he
retweeted a supporter who pretty clearly appeared to suggest that the shootings in San
Bernardino, Calif., on Wednesday shootings that killed 14 and injured 17 would help
Trump's poll numbers. @DLake66675: @ChateauEmissary @trumpettes16 @realDonaldTrump
his poll numbers jump every time instances like this occur. The tweet is a pretty clear reference
to the San Bernardino shootings, [and] The man Trump retweeted made his feelings on the
connection between the shootings and Trump's poll numbers even clearer in a previous tweet.
[The Fix, Washington Post, 12/3/15; @realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 12/3/15]

Donald Trump Said His Health Care Plan Would Allow Consumers To Purchase
Health Insurance Across State Lines. Specifically, he said his plan would break down
inter-state barriers that prevent people from going across state lines to purchase healthcare
plans, a plan championed by many other conservatives. But his opponents have seized on his
seemingly evolving position about the exact role he thinks government should play in the
healthcare system, as well as how he intends to pay for expanded coverage beyond ObamaCare.
Trump says much of his plan will come out of the pockets of insurance companies, which he says
are thriving under ObamaCare. [The Hill, 10/14/15]

Trump: I Like The Concept Of Private Enterprise Coming In-- You Have To Get
Rid Of The Artificial Lines Drawn Around Every State. Trump, who has been a
vocal opponent of Obamacare, also discussed his plan for a new health care system if
Obamacare is repealed. Trump said hes against single payer health care, though it does work
in Scotland. I like the concept of private enterprise coming in you have to get rid of the
artificial lines drawn around every state, Trump said. [Politico, 8/4/15]

Trump Said His Health Care Program Would Allow People To Buy Health
Insurance Across State Lines. O'REILLY: So there will be Trump care then. TRUMP:
Well, it would be a form of much better. As an example, I have a big company. When I buy
health insurance I can't go across state lines to buy it. You know why?... And I can make a
better deal in New Jersey than I can in New York with a better company. Yet, I can't go.
Number one, anywhere in the United States has to be a strong company. But we should be
able to go out and price it privately. I believe in the private. But I don't want to be stuck with
one or two companies in New York. I should be able to go to Wisconsin. I should be able to go

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to Iowa. If I want to buy health care for my people, as long as it's a strong company, I should
be able to bid it out. [The OReilly Factor, Fox News, 3/30/11]
Trump Supported The Use Of Health Savings Accounts And Allowing Insurers To
Sell Health Insurance Across State Lines. Trump's proposal: People will have health
savings accounts. It costs the country and people very little. It's an amazing system. Prompted by
Hannity, Trump adds that he'll cover catastrophic coverage and pre-existing conditions. We
also need to get rid of state-line coverage boundaries established by insurance companies, and
every American could choose from all the competitors. So that companies don't go out of business,
the government will give a point to the insurers. [Washington Post, 8/11/15; Hannity, Fox,
Trump Said His Health Care Plan Would Make Insurance Companies Foot Most Of
The Bill. Trump says much of his plan will come out of the pockets of insurance companies,
which he says are thriving under ObamaCare. [The Hill, 10/14/15]
Trump Advocated For Providing Health Care For People That Dont Have Money.
TRUMP: No. Its just one of the things. Its not only immigration. Its about trade. They go hand
in hand. Immigration is one of the things you have to do. Im also a moralist. You heard what I
said today about health care. I said, Im sorry, folks, but we have to take care people that dont
have money. I know its not the conservative thing to say, but I got a standing ovation and
these were very conservative people. We cant let people down when they cant get any medical
care, when theyre sick and dont have money to go to a doctor. You help them. [Washington
Post, 7/12/15]


Trump On Obamas 2009 Health Care Plan: I Love The Idea. VAN SUSTEREN:
What is your thought about the health care reform that is being at least proposed, at this
point? TRUMP: Well, I think it's noble, except I just don't know how a country that's in such
debt -- we are really a debtor nation right now, and I just don't know how a country in this kind
of trouble can afford it. It's very -- I love the idea, but can this country afford it? Will it destroy
the country? Will it destroy other people that have been paying into health care for years? I
mean, will that destroy other people? It's a very, very tough situation. I love it from many
standpoints, but can this country afford it? And maybe this isn't the right time. [On The Record
With Greta Van Susteren, Fox News, 6/29/09]
During His Presidential Campaign Announcement Trump Stated That We Have
To Repeal The ACA. Trump took the stage and promised to be a different type of candidate.
While other presidential candidates have provided rhetoric, he promised to implement policies.

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If Im elected president, he announced, we will make America great again. To begin with, we
have to repeal Obamacare, he said, adding that Obamacares biggest effects wont begin until
President Obama is safely out of office and, Trump says, on the golf course. That said, he also
noted he owns several golf courses, and he invited President Obama to feel free to retire early
and play them instead of finishing out his term. [Breitbart, 1/16/15]
Trump Called The Affordable Care Act A Total Catastrophe. Trump presented
himself as a conservative, very conservative and as a Republican, but admitted that he is very
disappointed with Republican politicians. The crowd shared the sentiment and gave The
Donald a huge round of applause. Trump says the GOP has let the president get away with
absolute murder. He pointed to Obamacare as a total catastrophe. [Breitbart, 1/24/15]
Trump: Obamacare Will Continue To Stop Entrepreneurship, Slow Growth And
Halt Research & Development. Defund, Repeal & Replace! [@realDonaldTrump,
Twitter, 11/18/14]
Donald Trump: Obamacares Going To Be Repealed And Replaced, And I Am
Going To Take Care Of Everybody And The Governments Gonna Pay For It.
TRUMP: Obamacare's going to be repealed and replaced. Obamacare is a disaster if you look at
what's going on with premiums where they're up 45, 50, 55 percent. Everybody's got to be
covered. I am going to take care of everybody. I don't care if it costs me votes or not. [The
uninsured are] going to be taken care of. The government's gonna pay for it. But we're going to
save so much money on the other side. But for the most it's going to be a private plan and people
are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with
lots of competitors with great companies and they can have their doctors, they can have plans,
they can have everything. [60 Minutes, CBS, 9/27/15]
Huffington Post: Trump Credited Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) For Leading Efforts To
Defund The Affordable Care Act In 2013, Arguing That If Republicans Had Stuck
Together They Would Have Won That Battle. [Huffington Post, 8/4/15]
Trump Said That ACA Would Cause Insurance Deductibles To Become So High
That You Would Have To Be Hit By A Tractor, Literally, A Tractor, To Use It.
Nothing in Donald Trump's funhouse-mirror presidential campaign announcement Tuesday
made sense. On Obamacare: Yesterday, it came out that costs are going for people up 29, 39,
49, and even 55 percent, and deductibles are through the roof. You have to be hit by a tractor,
literally, a tractor, to use it, because the deductibles are so high, it's virtually useless. It's
virtually useless. It is a disaster. [Washington Post, 6/19/15]
Trump: Obamacare Is A Disaster. Americans Will See Record Increases In Their
Premiums And Inferior Care Services. [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 5/1/13]


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Donald Trump On Health Care: Im Not A Conservative That Wants To Take Care
Of 60 Percent Of The People And Let The Other 40 Percent Rot In Hell. Trump
pushed back against Republicans who have attacked him for supporting a single-payer
healthcare system in the past. He said hell release formal details on his healthcare plan in the
coming weeks. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, one of Trumps 2016 rivals, released his plan on
Tuesday. People think this is not traditionally Republican, but I think it is because I dont want
to see people dying on the streets and neither do other Republicans want to see that, Trump
said. He added that policymakers cannot let people die because they dont have money. Im not
a conservative that wants to take care of 60 percent of the people and let the other 40 percent rot
in hell, Trump said. Thats not going to be me. You cant do that and I dont think most
Republicans want to do that either. [The Hill, 10/14/15]


Trump In 1999: I'm Very Liberal When It Comes To Health Care. I Believe In
Universal Health Care. KING: Patients' Bill of Rights: You mentioned health care as one of
the social issues; you for it? TRUMP: I think you have to have it, and, again, I said I'm
conservative, generally speaking, I'm conservative, and even very conservative. But I'm quite
liberal and getting much more liberal on health care and other things. I really say: What's the
purpose of a country if you're not going to have defensive and health care? If you can't take care
of your sick in the country, forget it, it's all over. I mean, it's no good. So I'm very liberal when it
comes to health care. I believe in universal health care. I believe in whatever it takes to make
people well and better. [Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99]
In 1999, Trump Agreed That Health Care Was An Entitlement Of Birth. TRUMP:
What's the purpose of a country if you're not going to have defensive and health care? If you
can't take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it's all over. I mean, it's no good. So I'm very
liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal health care. I believe in whatever it
takes to make people well and better. KING: So you believe, then, it's an entitlement of birth?
TRUMP: I think it is. It's an entitlement to this country, and too bad the world can't be, you
know, in this country. But the fact is, it's an entitlement to this country if we're going to have a
great country. [Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99]
Trump: We Must Have Universal Healthcare. Trump on Health Care We must have
universal healthcare, Trump wrote in his [2000] book, Im a conservative on most issues but a
liberal on this one. In an interview earlier this year he continued to applaud single payer health
care systems used in other countries. [Press Release, The Club For Growth, 6/16/15]


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Donald Trump Said He Would Absolutely Bring Back Waterboarding As An
Accepted Form Of Interrogation. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said
Sunday he would allow U.S. interrogators to waterboard suspected terrorists in the wake of the
recent attacks in Paris. I would bring it back, yes, Trump said on ABCs This Week. I would
bring it back, Trump said. I think waterboarding is peanuts compared to what theyd do to us,
what theyre doing to us, what they did to James Foley when they chopped off his head. Thats a
whole different level, and I would absolutely bring back interrogation and strong interrogation.
[Politico, 11/22/15]
Trump Said Waterboarding May Cause Detainees To Give False Information
Sometimes But Is Still Justified. HANNITY: According to him, would we have gotten Bin
Laden without the waterboarding, he said absolutely we would not have. Explain why you think
that is a necessary tool that we need to be using? TRUMP: Well, first of all, I think it works. I
have no doubt that it works. Maybe not in all cases and maybe they'll give false information
sometimes, but I have no doubt that it works. But the fact is that they're chopping off heads,
they're drowning people in cages, they're keeping the cage under water for a half hour and then
pulling it up with many people in there. They're doing acts that nobody has ever seen before or
even heard of before and we're worried about waterboarding. How stupid can we be? And it does
work, the waterboarding. [Hannity, Fox News, 11/25/15]
HEADLINE: Donald Trump On Waterboarding: If It Doesnt Work, They Deserve
It Anyway. [Washington Post, 11/23/15]
Donald Trump Said You Bet Your Ass He Would Approve Waterboarding In A
Heartbeat, And If It Doesnt Work, They Deserve It Anyway For What Theyre
Doing. Would I approve waterboarding? You bet your ass I would in a heartbeat, Trump
said to loud cheers during a rally at a convention center here Monday night that attracted
thousands. And I would approve more than that. Don't kid yourself, folks. It works, okay? It
works. Only a stupid person would say it doesn't work. It works, Trump said over and over
again. Believe me, it works. And you know what? If it doesn't work, they deserve it anyway, for
what they're doing. It works. [Washington Post, 11/23/15]
Donald Trump Said Osama Bin Laden Would Not Have Been Killed If U.S. Had
Not Used Waterboarding, Despite A 2014 Senate Intelligence Committee Reports
Determinations To The Contrary. Trump said bin Laden ultimately would not have been
killed in 2011 if the United States did not use waterboarding, the controversial interrogation
technique that the Obama administration considers torture and no longer uses. An exhaustive
2014 Senate Intelligence Committee report deemed that harsh interrogation measures like
waterboarding do not work and did not produce breakthrough intelligence in the hunt for bin
Laden, assertions that the CIA and former officers vehemently dispute. Trump has said he would
resume waterboarding and approve even more aggressive techniques. [Washington Post,


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Donald Trump Said Americans Should Monitor Their Neighbors Behavior And
Report Anything Suspicious. GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump said late
Tuesday that everyday Americans should monitor their neighbors for questionable behavior. The
real greatest resource is all of you, because you have all those eyes and you see whats
happening, he told listeners in Myrtle Beach, S.C. People move into a house a block down the
road, you know whos going in, Trump continued. You can see and you report them to the local
police. Youre pretty smart, right? he asked his audience. We know if theres something going
on, report them. Most likely youll be wrong, but thats OK. Thats the best way. Everybodys
their own cop in a way. Youve got to do it. Youve got to do it. [The Hill, 11/25/15]
Donald Trump Said He Would Err On The Side Of Security When Weighing Civil
Liberties Verses Security, And That Every Time I Pick Up A Phone, I Assume
People Are Listening To My Conversations. The billionaire said he would err on the
side of security during an interview on MSNBC's Morning Joe Monday, a day after new
National Security Agency (NSA) reforms went into place. Every time I pick up a phone, I assume
people are listening to my conversations, added Trump, the GOP front-runner. I dont like it,
but I have to make that assumption. I would really much err on the side of security. As a lot of
people would agree with me on that. [The Hill, 11/30/15]
NOV 17: When Asked Whether Surveillance Of American Muslims Should Include
Requiring Them To Register In A Database, Trump Said Were Going To Have To
Look At A Lot Of Things Very Closely. During a Nov. 17th interview, Yahoo News asked
Trump whether this level of tracking might require registering Muslims in a database or giving
them a form of special identification that noted their religion. He wouldnt rule it out. Were
going to have to were going to have to look at a lot of things very closely, Trump said when
presented with the idea. Were going to have to look at the mosques. Were going to have to look
very, very carefully. [Yahoo, 11/19/15]

Yahoos Transcript Made It Clear That Trump Did Not Explicitly Rule Out The Idea Of Requiring American
Muslims To Register For A Database.During a Nov. 17 interview, Trump was asked And in terms of doing this, to
pull off the kind of tracking we need, do you think we might need to register Muslims in some type of database, or note
their religion on their ID? Trump responded, Well, we're going to have to look at a lot of things very closely. We're
going to have to look at the mosques. We're going to have to look very, very carefully. We have a president that
refuses to say radical Islamic terrorism. He refuses to say it, which is the biggest shock in the world, because how can
you not say it, if you don't say it, you're not going to get to the problem. [Yahoo, 11/20/15]

Trump Said That Surveillance Of American Muslims Would Include Measures That Were Frankly Unthinkable A
Year Ago. During a Nov. 17 interview, Yahoo News asked Trump whether his push for increased surveillance of
American Muslims could include warrantless searches. He suggested he would consider a series of drastic measures.
Were going to have to do things that we never did before. And some people are going to be upset about it, but I think that
now everybody is feeling that security is going to rule, Trump said. And certain things will be done that we never thought
would happen in this country in terms of information and learning about the enemy. And so were going to have to do
certain things that were frankly unthinkable a year ago. [Yahoo, 11/19/15]

NOV 19: When Asked About A Database To Track American Muslims, Trump Said
He Would Certainly Implement That. Absolutely. HILLYARD: Should there be a

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database system that tracks Muslims here in this country? TRUMP: There should be a lot of
systems, beyond databases. I mean we should have a lot of systems. And today you can do it. But
right now we have to have a border. We have to have strength. We have to have a wall. And we
cannot let whats happening to this country happen anymore. HILLYARD: But thats
something your White House would like to implement? TRUMP: I would certainly implement
that. Absolutely. [NBC News, 11/20/15]

When Asked If American Muslims Would Be Required To Register In A Database, Donald Trump Said, They
Have To Be. They Have To Be. Donald J. Trump, who earlier in the week said he was open to requiring Muslims in
the United States to register in a database, said on Thursday night that he would certainly implement that
absolutely. Mr. Trump was asked about the issue by an NBC News reporter and pressed on whether all Muslims in
the country would be forced to register. They have to be, he said. They have to be. When asked how a system of
registering Muslims would be carried out whether, for instance, mosques would be where people could register
Mr. Trump said: Different places. You sign up at different places. But its all about management. Our country has no
management. [New York Times, 11/20/15]

When Asked To Explain How Using Databases To Track Muslims In The U.S. Would Differ From Nazi
Germany, Trump Responded Four Times, You Tell Me. What else can you compare this to except to prewar
Nazi Germany? [Ibrahim] Hooper [national spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations] asked. There's
no other comparison, and [Trump] seems to think that's perfectly OK. Trump was repeatedly asked to explain how
his idea was different. Four times, he responded: You tell me. [NBC News, 11/20/15]


NOV 20: Trumps Campaign Manager Said That Trump Was Commenting On The
Terrorist Watch List And Not A Registry Of Muslims. By Friday, though, he appeared
to pull back slightly from the idea. In a post on Twitter, Mr. Trump complained that it was a
reporter, not he, who hadfirst raised the idea of a database. And his campaign manager, Corey
Lewandowski, insisted that Mr. Trump had been asked leading questions by the NBC reporter
under blaring music and that he had in mind a terrorist watch list, not a registry of Muslims.
[New York Times, 11/21/15]
NOV 20: Trump Tweeted That He Did Not Suggest A Muslim Database. I didn't suggest a
database-a reporter did. We must defeat Islamic terrorism & have surveillance, including a watch list,
to protect America. [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 11/20/15]
NOV 22: When Asked If He Unequivocally Ruled Out A Muslim Database, Trump
Said No, Not At All. I Want A Database For The Refugees That If They Come
Into The Country. STEPHANOPOULOS: You did stir up a controversy with those
comments over the database. Lets try to clear that up. Are you unequivocally now ruling out a
database on all Muslims? TRUMP: No, not at all. I want a database for the refugees that if
they come into the country. We have no idea who these people are. When the Syrian refugees are
going to start pouring into this country, we dont know if theyre ISIS, we dont know if its a

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Trojan horse. And I definitely want a database and other checks and balances. We want to go
with watch lists. We want to go with databases. [ABC, 11/22/15]
Trump: There Is A Muslim Problem. Absolutely.O'REILLY: Is there a Muslim
problem in the world? TRUMP: Absolutely. Absolutely. I don't know notice Swedish people
knocking down the world trade center. I came out very strongly against the mosque being built
virtually-- O'REILLY: But you do believe overall there is a Muslim problem in the world.
TRUMP: Well, there is a Muslim problem. Absolutely. You just have to turn on your television
set. [The OReilly Factor, Fox News, 3/30/11]
Headline: Donald Trump Says He Would Be Open To Closing U.S. Mosques To
Fight ISIS. [New York Times, 10/22/15]
Donald Trump Would Absolutely Close Certain Mosques In Order To Fight ISIS,
But Was Unsure If Doing So Would Be Legal. This week, he [Donald Trump] has put
American Muslims on edge by suggesting that he would be open to shutting down mosques as
president. Asked on Fox Business Network if the United States should take action to close
certain mosques as part of the fight against the Islamic State, as has happened in Britain, Mr.
Trump said, I would do that, absolutely. Mr. Trump then said that he was not sure about the
legality of closing mosques, but that it was certainly something that should be looked at. It
depends if the mosque is, you know, loaded for bear, he said. [New York Times, 10/22/15]
Trump Said That He Would Strongly Consider Shutting Down Mosques As Part
Of The Effort To Fight Against ISIS. Trump first said last month that he would be open
to shutting down mosques as part of the fight against the Islamic State, and on Monday he
reiterated his view that the idea should be studied. I would hate to do it, but its something that
youre going to have to strongly consider because some of the ideas and some of the hatred, the
absolute hatred, is coming from these areas, Trump said on MSNBCs Morning Joe program.
[Boston Globe, 11/17/15]
Donald Trump Called For The Surveillance Of Mosques. Trump said later Monday on
MSNBC that it's time to start surveillance of mosques, and said the U.S. should shut some down
if they have radical leaders. Well you're going to have to watch and study the mosques, because
a lot of talk is going on at the mosques, Trump said. [CNN, 11/16/15]
Donald Trump Continued Using Loaded Rhetoric To Criticize Muslims "We
Have To Really Be Vigilant With Respect To The Muslim Population." Trump has
said his popularity has soared since the terrorist attacks in Paris earlier this month because
voters want a president who will be tough on national security issues. Trump has been highly
critical and skeptical of Muslims in recent days, and his loaded rhetoric continued at the rally on
Monday night, drawing loud cheers. We have to really be vigilant with respect to the Muslim
population, Trump said at one point, calling for heavy surveillance of mosques, among other
efforts. [Washington Post, 11/23/15]

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Trump Said That He Would Secure The Border First, Take The Bad Ones And Get
Them The Hell Out And After That Implement A Merit System To Decide Which
Undocumented Immigrants Would Be Allowed To Stay. His position on immigration -which has been a huge part of his appeal among conservative voters nationally -- grew even more
muddled Friday when he highlighted his support for a merit-based system for the 11 million
undocumented immigrants in the U.S. Though he did not explain the mechanics of the system in
any detail, it sounded similar to the calls by some moderate Republicans for a path to citizenship
for undocumented workers, which has been an anathema to hardline conservatives. On
MSNBC's Morning Joe on Friday, Trump insisted that he would secure the border first and
take the bad ones -- referring to undocumented immigrants -- and get them the hell out. We
give them back to Mexico or we make sure they stay where they came from, Trump told the
show's hosts, noting that he would secure the border first. But, he added in regard to the
millions of undocumented immigrants in this country, I'm a very big believer in (the) merit
system. I have to tell you, some of these people have been here; they've done a good job; in some
cases sadly they've been living under the shadows, Trump said in his telephone interview. We
have to do something, so whether it's merit, or whether it's whatever, but -- I'm a believer in the
merit system. Somebody's been outstanding, we (ought to) try to work something out. [CNN,

Trumps Immigration Plan Is Estimated To Cost $166 Billion Including $141 Billion For The Mass Deportation
The Plan Called For But Not The Massive Economic Hit His Plan Would Cause. Donald Trumps immigration
plan is huge in every aspect including its price tag. Think $166 billion. And thats on the low end. In January
2011, Kumar Kibble then the deputy director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement told lawmakers that it
costs about $12,500 to deport one immigrant from the United States. Multiply that by 11.3 million the size of the
undocumented population in 2014, according to the Pew Research Center and you get $141.3 billion. The $166
billion price tag from POLITICOs analysis tallied up the actual price tag for Trumps plan. But those costs dont even
begin to calculate the hit to the economy Trumps proposal would cause, pro-immigration experts say. [Politico,

Trumps Immigration Plan Repeated His Claim To Build A Wall On The Southern
U.S. Border. Trump again repeated his commitment to build a wall on the United States'
southern border. Outlining his plan, Trump's policy seeks to impound all remittance payments
derived from illegal wages; increase fees on all temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and
diplomats (and if necessary cancel them); increase fees on all border crossing cards -- of which we
issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year (a major source of visa overstays); increase
fees on all NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of overstays); and increase

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fees at ports of entry to the United States from Mexico [Tariffs and foreign aid cuts are also
options]. We will not be taken advantage of anymore, Trump added in his most specific policy
statement to date on immigration. [ABC News, 8/16/15]
New York Times: [Trump] Vowed To Build A Great Wall On The Mexican Border
To Keep Out Rapists And Other Criminals, Who He Said Were Sneaking Into The
United States In Droves. Mr. Trumps policy views can be just as provocative as his
demeanor. In the past, he has called climate change a hoax and said he has a foolproof plan to
defeat the Islamic State, which he will not reveal so as not to tip off the group. On Tuesday, he
vowed to build a great wall on the Mexican border to keep out rapists and other criminals, who
he said were sneaking into the United States in droves. [New York Times, 6/17/15]
Trump Would Rescind President Obamas Executive Actions On Immigration,
Toughen Deportation, And End Birthright Citizenship. Republican presidential
candidate Donald Trump wants more than a wall to keep out immigrants living in the country
illegally. He also wants to end birthright citizenship for their children, he said Sunday. And he
would rescind Obama administration executive orders on immigration and toughen deportation,
allowing in only the good ones. [Associated Press, 8/16/15]
Trumps Immigration Plan Sought To Impound All Remittance Payments Derived
From Illegal Wages. Trump again repeated his commitment to build a wall on the United
States' southern border. Outlining his plan, Trump's policy seeks to impound all remittance
payments derived from illegal wages; increase fees on all temporary visas issued to Mexican
CEOs and diplomats (and if necessary cancel them); increase fees on all border crossing cards -of which we issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year (a major source of visa
overstays); increase fees on all NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of
overstays); and increase fees at ports of entry to the United States from Mexico [Tariffs and
foreign aid cuts are also options]. We will not be taken advantage of anymore, Trump added in
his most specific policy statement to date on immigration. [ABC News, 8/16/15]
Trump: Applicants For Entry To The United States Should Be Required To
Certify That They Can Pay For Their Own Housing, Healthcare And Other Needs
Before Coming To The U.S. Trump also is pledging in todays report to end welfare support
for immigrants. Applicants for entry to the United States should be required to certify that they
can pay for their own housing, healthcare and other needs before coming to the U.S., the report
reads. [ABC News, 8/16/15]


Page 138


Trump Said America Should Deport All 11 Million Undocumented Immigrants. In
an interview with CNN last week, he said America should deport all 11 million undocumented
immigrants then let the good ones back in, but without an opportunity for citizenship. We got to
move em out, were going to move em back in if theyre really good people, he told Dana Brush.
Trump would not say how he would locate, round up and deport those 11 million, and wasnt
sure whether he would deport children, but said he would use efficient business methods. [Chris
Jennewein, Times of San Diego, 8/3/15]

Trump: Regardless, When People Are Illegally In The Country, They Have To Go. Now, The Good Ones
There Are Plenty Of Good Ones Will Work, So Its Expedited, We Can Expedite It Where They Come Back
In, But They Come Back Legally. Under the 14th Amendment, OReilly told Trump on The OReilly Factor, mass
deportations of so-called birthright citizens cannot happen. Trump disagreed, and said that many lawyers are saying
thats not the way it is in terms of this. What happens is, theyre in Mexico, theyre going to have a baby, they move
over here for a couple of days, they have the baby, Trump said, telling OReilly that the lawyers said, Its not going to
hold up in court, its going to have to be tested. Regardless, when people are illegally in the country, they have to go.
Now, the good ones there are plenty of good ones will work, so its expedited, we can expedite it where they
come back in, but they come back legally, Trump clarified.Trump also said that he would not pursue an amendment
to the Constitution to remedy the situation. Its a long process, and I think it would take too long. Id much rather find
out whether or not anchor babies are citizens because a lot of people dont think they are, he said. Were going to
test it out. Thats going to happen, Bill. [Politico, 8/19/15]


Donald Trump Modeled His Plan For Humane Mass Deportations On
Eisenhowers Operation Wetback. These deportation procedures, detailed by historian
Mae M. Ngai, were not anomalies. They were the essential framework of Operation Wetback a
concerted immigration law enforcement effort implemented by President Dwight D. Eisenhower
in 1954 and the deportation model that Donald Trump says he intends to follow. Trump made
his affinity for Operation Wetback clear during an interview with CBSs Scott Pelley over the
weekend. Speaking on 60 Minutes Overtime, Pelley asked Trump to explain his plans for curbing
illegal immigration. Were rounding them up in a very humane way, a very nice way, Trump
said, as he has expressed before. What does that roundup look like to you? Pelley pressed. How
does it work? Are you going to have cops going door-to-door? Trump interjected: Did you like
Eisenhower? Did you like Dwight Eisenhower as a president at all? He did this, the presidential
candidate said. He did this in the 1950s with over a million people, and a lot of people dont
know thatand it worked. [Washington Post, 9/30/15]
Washington Post: Donald Trumps Immigration Plan Calls For A Deportation
Force, To Execute An Unprecedented, Expensive Roundup Of Undocumented
Residents At Home. The Washington Post took a close look at the immigration proposals of
the five top-polling GOP candidates: Trump, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, Rubio, Cruz and
former Florida governor Jeb Bush. Trumps plan calls for a wall on the border, and a

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deportation force to carry out an unprecedented, expensive roundup of undocumented residents

at home. [Washington Post, 11/15/15]

Washington Post: Donald Trump Modeled His Plan For Mass-Deportations On

Eisenhowers, And Would Require An Enormous Amount Of Money And
Could Be Bogged Down In Immigration Courts. Trump, of course, says yes they
[undocumented residents] should be deported by force, if necessary. He wants to model his
deportation on an Eisenhower-era program, which was much smaller and ended brutally for
some immigrants: they died of heatstroke, by the dozens, when U.S. authorities left them in
desert towns in Mexico. Trumps plan would require an enormous amount of money and lawenforcement manpower and could be bogged down in the countrys already-overloaded
immigration courts. Youre going to have a deportation force, Trump said this week.
[Washington Post, 11/15/15]

Trump Claimed He Wanted A Path To Citizenship For Students Who Attend U.S.
Universities. TRUMP: But the good people I want them to come back. And I also want people
of great talent to come to this country, to Silicon Valley for engineers. If you go to Harvard and
you graduate number one in your class, and youre from China, they send you home, you cant get
back into the country. So you end up working for companies in China and fighting us. And
theyre competitors of us. Theyre trained in our schools. I want people like that to come into this
country. And if they want, I want that path to citizenship for these people. So they go to our best
schools, theyre fabulous students, they do well, theyre going to be great and we throw them out
of the country. Its ridiculous. [TIME, 8/20/15]

Trump: When Foreigners Attend Our Great Colleges & Want To Stay In The U.S., They Should Not Be
Thrown Out Of Our Country. [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 8/18/15]

Trump: I Will Build The Best Wall, The Biggest, The Strongest, Not Penetrable.
They Wont Be Crawling Over It Like Give It A Little Jump And They Are Over
The Wall Because Theyre Australians And Ill Have Mexico Pay For That Wall.
[Donald Trump at Tuscan Kitchen restaurant, 4/27/15]

New York Times: [Trump] Vowed To Build A Great Wall On The Mexican Border To Keep Out Rapists And
Other Criminals, Who He Said Were Sneaking Into The United States In Droves. Mr. Trumps policy views can
be just as provocative as his demeanor. In the past, he has called climate change a hoax and said he has a
foolproof plan to defeat the Islamic State, which he will not reveal so as not to tip off the group. On Tuesday, he
vowed to build a great wall on the Mexican border to keep out rapists and other criminals, who he said were
sneaking into the United States in droves. [New York Times, 6/17/15]


Page 140

Mexico Said It Would Not Pay For A Wall And Said Trumps Comments Suggesting
They Would Showed An Enormous Ignorance For What Mexico Represents, And
Also The Irresponsibility Of The Candidate Who's Saying It. The Mexican
government says it won't help pay for a wall along its border with the U.S., a proposal pushed by
Republican front-runner Donald Trump. Of course it's false, Eduardo Sanchez, a spokesman for
Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, told Bloomberg for a story published late Wednesday. It
reflects an enormous ignorance for what Mexico represents, and also the irresponsibility of the
candidate who's saying it, Sanchez added, referring to Trump. He added that the Mexican
government is not taking Trump's statements seriously. [The Hill, 8/13/15]
Based On Past G.A.O. Estimates For Fencing, Trumps 1,000 Mile Border Wall
Would Cost $3.5 Billion. Meanwhile, the cost of completing a wall along the 2,000-mile
border would be in the billions. The U.S. spent $2.4 billion for 670 miles of fencing between 2006
and 2009, according to a Government Accountability Office report. On Fox, Trump estimated
that completing a wall along the southern border would require enclosing about 1,000 miles
along the border. Using the previous costs as a benchmark, and without adjusting for inflation,
that would put the total price tag for completion at $3.58 billion. [Bloomberg, 8/13/15]
Trump Changed His Position On A Full Southern Border Wall, Stating In Certain
Sections, You Have To Have A Wall. On the campaign trail in recent weeks, Trump has
shed little light on his actual plans for dealing with illegal immigration beyond generalizations
that have often seemed far-fetched. Initially, he said he would build a wall and make Mexico pay
for it. On Thursday, during a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border, he seemed to reverse course under
questioning by CNN's Dana Bash. In certain sections, you have to have a wall, he said. [CNN,
Trump Called For Tripling The Number Of ICE Agents Who Secure The Border To
15,000. Trumps plan also calls for tripling the number of ICE officers who secure the border
from the current 5,000. The Republican frontrunner wants ICE officers to work with local police
departments across the country targeting gangs in order to find undocumented immigrants.
[ABC News, 8/16/15]
Trump On The U.S. Border: We Have No Protection And We Have No Competence. Theyre sending us not the
right people. It's coming all over south and Latin America and it's coming probably, probably from the Middle East, but we
don't know because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don't know what is happening and it has got
to stop and it has to stop fast. [Donald Trump Presidential Campaign Announcement, 6/16/15]


Page 141

Trump On Undocumented Immigrants: Half Of Them Are Criminals. And television personality Donald Trump
criticized Bush for saying last year that some illegal immigrants come to the United States as an act of love to provide for
their families. Remember, Trump said, in a gross mischaracterization of undocumented immigrants, half of them are
criminals. [Yahoo News, 1/24/15]

Trump Hit Bush For Claiming Undocumented Immigrants Came To The U.S. As An Act Of Love. Republican
front-runner Donald Trump gave some backhanded praise to his primary opponent, Jeb Bush, for traveling to the
border, criticizing his past remarks on immigration and for being low energy. I think it's great he's going to the border,
I think he'll ... find out it's not an act of love, Trump told Fox and Friends on Monday morning. I was down on the
border. It's rough, tough, stuff. This is not love, it's other things going on. [CNN, 8/24/15]

Trump: We Must Stop The Crime And Killing Machine That Is Illegal
Immigration. Rampant Problems Will Only Get Worse. Take Back Our Country!
[@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 8/10/15]
Trump Claimed That Public Reports Routinely State Great Amounts Of Crime
Are Being Committed By Illegal Immigrants. As of today, Donald J. Trump is no longer
affiliated with NBC. Mr. Trump stands by his statements on illegal immigration, which are
accurate. NBC is weak, and like everybody else is trying to be politically correct--- that is why
our country is in serious trouble. Mr. Trump says, We must have strong borders and not let
illegal immigrants enter the United States. As has been stated continuously in the press, people
are pouring across our borders unabated. Public reports routinely state great amounts of crime
are being committed by illegal immigrants. This must be stopped and it must be stopped now.
Long ago I told NBC that I would not being doing The Apprentice because I am running for
President in order to Make our Country Great Again. Mr. Trump continued, If NBC is so weak
and so foolish to not understand the serious illegal immigration problem in the United States,
coupled with the horrendous and unfair trade deals we are making with Mexico, then their
contract violating closure of Miss Universe/Miss USA will be determined in court. Furthermore,
they will stand behind lying Brian Williams, but wont stand behind people that tell it like it is,
as unpleasant as that may be. [Politico, 6/29/15]
Trump: They Like To Use The Word Undocumented Because It's More Political -I Don't Use That Word. They're Illegal Immigrants. They Came Over Illegally.
You know, this country is so politically correct. Nobody wants to take a stance on anything,
Trump told Cuomo. Now they like to use the word undocumented because it's more political -- I
don't use that word. They're illegal immigrants. They came over illegally. Some are wonderful
people, and they've been here for a while. They've got to go out. They've got to leave. [CNN,

Trump Claimed That The 14 th Amendment Did Not Apply To The Children Of
Illegal Immigrants. Donald Trump said Tuesday that he doesn't think people born in the

Page 142

U.S. to undocumented immigrants are American citizens. I don't think they have American
citizenship and if you speak to some very, very good lawyers -- and I know some will disagree -but many of them agree with me and you're going to find they do not have American citizenship.
We have to start a process where we take back our country. Our country is going to hell, the
Republican presidential front-runner said Tuesday night in an interview on Fox News. Trump
added he would test it out in the courts. But Trump and some other conservatives have
suggested birthright citizenship could be ended by simply passing a law through Congress that
defines the clause and subject to the jurisdiction thereof. [CNN, 8/19/15; OReilly, Fox, 8/18/15]
Trump Called For An End Of Birth Right Citizenship Claiming It Was The
Biggest Magnet For Illegal Immigration. Republican Presidential Candidate Donald
Trump has released his specific plan for immigration reform. In the 6-page report titled
Immigration Reform That Will Make America Great Again, Trump is calling for an end to
birthright citizenship, saying it remains the biggest magnet for illegal immigration. [ABC
News, 8/16/15]

While Trump Claimed That Birthright Citizenship Was The Biggest Magnet For Illegal Immigration,
Research Indicates The Biggest Draw Was Economic Opportunity. Republican Donald Trumps immigration
plan includes several statements that stray from the facts. He said birthright citizenship is the biggest magnet for
illegal immigration. Actually, research indicates the biggest draw is economic opportunity. [, 8/20/15]


HEADLINE: Trump: Deport Children Of Immigrants Living Illegally In US.
[Associated Press, 8/16/15]

Trumps Immigration Plan Called For The Deportation Of All Undocumented Immigrants. Among its details:
Making Mexico pay for a permanent border wall. Mandatory deportation of all criminal aliens. Tripling the force of
immigration officers by eliminating tax credit payments to immigrant families residing illegally in the U.S. [Associated
Press, 8/16/15]

Trump Called For An End Of Birth Right Citizenship Claiming It Was The
Biggest Magnet For Illegal Immigration. Republican Presidential Candidate Donald
Trump has released his specific plan for immigration reform. In the 6-page report titled
Immigration Reform That Will Make America Great Again, Trump is calling for an end to
birthright citizenship, saying it remains the biggest magnet for illegal immigration. [ABC
News, 8/16/15]
Trump On Deporting Undocumented Immigrants: We're Going To Keep The
Families Together, But They Have To Go. Trump told NBC News' Meet the Press
today, We're going to keep the families together, but they have to go, referring to the illegal
immigrants he would deport. [ABC News, 8/16/15]


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Trumps Immigration Plan Called For Increasing Fees On All Border Crossing Cards, Increasing Border Entry
Fees At Ports Of Entry To The United States From Mexico And A Range Of New Fees On Visas Issued To
Mexicans. Trump again repeated his commitment to build a wall on the United States' southern border. Outlining his
plan, Trump's policy seeks to impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages; increase fees on all temporary
visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats (and if necessary cancel them); increase fees on all border crossing cards -of which we issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year (a major source of visa overstays); increase fees on all
NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of overstays); and increase fees at ports of entry to the United
States from Mexico [Tariffs and foreign aid cuts are also options]. We will not be taken advantage of anymore, Trump
added in his most specific policy statement to date on immigration. [ABC News, 8/16/15]

Trump: My H-1B Reform Plan Will Transform Program So It Delivers For

Country, Not Lobbyists, & Will Have Bipartisan Support:
[@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 8/18/15]
Donald Trumps Campaign Website: Mark Zuckerbergs Personal Senator, Marco
Rubio, Has A Bill To Triple H-1Bs That Would Decimate Women And Minorities.
We graduate two times more Americans with STEM degrees each year than find STEM jobs, yet
as much as two-thirds of entry-level hiring for IT jobs is accomplished through the H-1B
program. More than half of H-1B visas are issued for the program's lowest allowable wage level,
and more than eighty percent for its bottom two. Raising the prevailing wage paid to H-1Bs will
force companies to give these coveted entry-level jobs to the existing domestic pool of unemployed
native and immigrant workers in the U.S., instead of flying in cheaper workers from overseas.
This will improve the number of black, Hispanic and female workers in Silicon Valley who have
been passed over in favor of the H-1B program. Mark Zuckerbergs personal Senator, Marco
Rubio, has a bill to triple H-1Bs that would decimate women and minorities.
[, Accessed10/29/15]

Donald Trump Said He Wanted Graduates Of Top Schools To Go To Silicon Valley, Not Throw Them Out Of
Our Country, But, We Have To Make Sure Our People Are Working First. What I do what -- very important,
because we have to have, with great talent when we have these students, number one at Harvard, number one at
Yale, number one at Princeton, number one at Stanford the best schools. They get thrown out of our country. I dont
want them out, you understand that, I want them to go to Silicon Valley, etc. etc. With the workers youre talking about
before anybody can come in because the question was asked I was talking about Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and
Stanford last night and the question was asked about the visas as, we have to make sure our people are working first.
We have to make sure. I dont mind taking people at all, but we have to make sure we need them and make sure our
people are taken care of. [Donald Trump Rally, Sparks, NV, 10/29/15]


10/28/15: During The GOP Presidential Debate, Donald Trump Appeared To
Contradict His Own Campaign Website When He Said He Was In Favor Of H-1B
Visas. Donald Trump and the other presidential candidates in Wednesday night's primary
debate have spent a fair amount of time blaming the media for misrepresenting their positions.
Trump, though, appeared to contradict his campaign's own published white paper on
immigration with his statements on visas for skilled immigrants -- the controversial H-1B
program, as its known. The document from Trump's campaign, published in August, offers

Page 144

several proposals to restrict H-1B visas. For example, if elected president, Trump would seek to
require American firms to hire American workers before applying for an H-1B visa for a foreign
worker, according to the document. On stage, though, Trump praised the H-1B program. I am
all in favor of keeping these talented people here, so they can go to work in Silicon Valley,
Trump said. [Wonkblog, Washington Post, 10/29/15]


Trump Would Rescind Pres. Obamas Executive Actions That Allowed 3.7 Million
Immigrants Living In The U.S. To Remain In The Country Because Of Their U.S.Born Relatives. The a New York businessman said he would waste little time rescinding
President Barack Obamas executive actions aimed at allowing as many as 3.7 million
immigrants living illegally in the U.S. to remain in the country because of their U.S.-born
relatives. Obamas November 2014 actions were halted by temporary injunctions ordered by
several federal courts in rulings challenging his executive powers to alter immigration policies
without Congressional approval. The cases could lead to the U.S. Supreme Court. [Associated
Press, 8/16/15]
Trump Would Rescind Pres. Obamas Executive Actions On Immigration.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wants more than a wall to keep out
immigrants living in the country illegally. He also wants to end birthright citizenship for their
children, he said Sunday. And he would rescind Obama administration executive orders on
immigration and toughen deportation, allowing in only the good ones. [Associated Press,
When Asked Whether He Would Deport Dreamers Who Came To The U.S. As
Children, Donald Trump Said That Dreamers Are A Tough Situation, But That
He Would Deport All Dreamers And All Other Undocumented Immigrants. TRUMP:
We're going to do something. I've been giving it so much thought. You know, you have, on a
humanitarian basis, you have a lot of deep thought going into this, believe me. I actually have a
big heart. Something that nobody knows. A lot of people don't understand that. But the
DREAMers, it's a tough situation. We're going to do something. And one of the things we're going
to do is expedite. When somebody is terrific, we want them back here. They have to be legally.
BASH: So they have to leave, too? TRUMP: They're with their parents. It depends. But look, it
sounds cold, and it sounds hard. We have a country. Our country is going to hell. We have to
have a system where people are legally in our country. [New Day, CNN, 7/30/15]



Page 145

Trump: Druggies, Drug Dealers, Rapists And Killers Are Coming Across The
Southern Border. When Will The U.S. Get Smart And Stop This Travesty?
[@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 6/19/15]
Trump On Immigrants Crossing The Border From Mexico: They Are Bringing
Drugs And They Are Bringing Crime, Theyre Rapists. When Mexico sends its people,
they are not sending their best. They are not sending you. They are not sending you. They are
sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems with us, they
are bringing drugs and they are bringing crime, theyre rapists, and some are good people, and I
speak to border guards and they tell us what we are getting. It only makes common sense. It only
makes common sense. Theyre sending us not the right people. It's coming all over south and
Latin America and it's coming probably, probably from the Middle East, but we don't know
because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don't know what is happening
and it has got to stop and it has to stop fast. [Donald Trump Presidential Campaign
Announcement, 6/16/15]

Washington Post: During His Presidential Announcement, [Trump] Called Immigrants From Mexico
Rapists. Washington Post on Trumps announcement: And that's editing out the part where he called immigrants
from Mexico rapists. [Washington Post, 6/16/15]

New York Times: [Trump] Vowed To Build A Great Wall On The Mexican Border To Keep Out Rapists And
Other Criminals, Who He Said Were Sneaking Into The United States In Droves. Mr. Trumps policy views can
be just as provocative as his demeanor. In the past, he has called climate change a hoax and said he has a
foolproof plan to defeat the Islamic State, which he will not reveal so as not to tip off the group. On Tuesday, he
vowed to build a great wall on the Mexican border to keep out rapists and other criminals, who he said were
sneaking into the United States in droves. [New York Times, 6/17/15]

New York Times: Mr. Trump Has Stood By His Remarks That Those Mexicans
Sneaking Across The Border Are Rapists And Criminals, Arguing That His Critics
Are Trying To Avoid The Issue Of Immigration. [New York Times, 7/1/15]
Trump: El Chapo And The Mexican Drug Cartels Use The Border Unimpeded Like
It Was A Vacuum Cleaner, Sucking Drugs And Death Right Into The U.S.
[@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 7/13/15]
PolitiFact Rated Trumps Claim That The Mexican Government ... They Send The
Bad Ones Over Pants On Fire. Trump said, The Mexican government ... they send the
bad ones over. Setting aside the question of whether Mexicans who have come to the United
States are bad or not, we found no evidence of any Mexican policy that pushes people out of
Mexico and into the United States. As has been the case for decades, a combination of economic
and family factors accounts for most of the migration from Mexico to the United States. For the
second time, we rate this claim Pants on Fire. [PolitiFact, 8/6/15]


Page 146

Trump On Immigrants Crossing The Border From Mexico: The U.S. Has Become
A Dumping Ground. When do we beat Mexico at the border? They are laughing at us, at our
stupidity. Now they are beating us economically. They are not our friend, believe me. But they
are killing us economically. The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else's
problems. Thank you. It's true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its
people, they are not sending their best. They are not sending you. They are not sending you.
They are sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems with
us, they are bringing drugs and they are bringing crime, theyre rapists, and some are good
people, and I speak to border guards and they tell us what we are getting. It only makes common
sense. It only makes common sense. [Donald Trump Presidential Campaign Announcement,

Trump: Thank You @AnnCoulter For Your Nice Words. The U.S. Is Becoming A Dumping Ground For The
World. Pols Don't Get It. Make America Great Again! [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 6/20/15]

Trump Cited An Article About Migrant Rape Victims And When CNN Host Don
Lemon Said That The Article Mostly Dealt With Victims, Trump Said, Well,
Somebody's Doing The Raping, Don! I Mean, Somebody's Doing It! Who's Doing
The Raping? Who's Doing The Raping? Trump defended his remarks in an interview
Wednesday night on CNN. If you look at the statistics of people coming, you look at the statistics
on rape, on crime, on everything coming in illegally into this country, it's mind-boggling, Trump
said. He also cited an article about migrant rape victims. When CNN host Don Lemon said that
the article mostly dealt with victims, Trump said, Well, somebody's doing the raping, Don! I
mean, somebody's doing it! Who's doing the raping? Who's doing the raping? [The Hill, 7/2/15]
Trump Issued A Statement Defending His Comments About Mexican Immigrants
And Claiming That Not Only Are Drugs Coming Across The Border With
Immigrants But Tremendous Infectious Disease Is Pouring Across The Border. I
dont see how there is any room for misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the statement I
made on June 16th during my Presidential announcement speech. Here is what I said, and yet
this statement is deliberately distorted by the mediaThe largest suppliers of heroin, cocaine
and other illicit drugs are Mexican cartels that arrange to have Mexican immigrants trying to
cross the borders and smuggle in the drugs. The Border Patrol knows this. Likewise, tremendous
infectious disease is pouring across the border. [Trump Immigration Statement, 7/6/15]
Politico: Amid Mounting Public Pressure, NBCUniversal Announced Monday That
It Will Cut Business Ties With Donald Trump Due To Recent Derogatory
Statements The Republican Presidential Hopeful Made Regarding Mexican
Immigrants. Amid mounting public pressure, NBCUniversal announced Monday that it will
cut business ties with Donald Trump due to recent derogatory statements the Republican
presidential hopeful made regarding Mexican immigrants. At NBC, respect and dignity for all

Page 147

people are cornerstones of our values, the network's statement reads. Due to the recent
derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants, NBCUniversal is ending its
business relationship with Mr. Trump. To that end, the annual Miss USA and Miss Universe
Pageants, which are part of a joint venture between NBC and Trump, will no longer air on NBC,
the statement continues. In addition, as Mr. Trump has already indicated, he will not be
participating in 'The Apprentice' on NBC.[Politico, 6/29/15]
A Television Company Controlled By Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim Canceled A
Project With Donald Trump After His Comments Insulting Mexicans. A television
company controlled by Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim has canceled a project with real estate
developer and TV personality Donald Trump after his comments insulting Mexicans, Slim's
spokesman said on Monday. This is the third company to cut ties with Trump, who is seeking the
Republican nomination for the November 2016 presidential election. NBC said earlier on
Monday that it would no longer air the Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants due to his
comments. Spanish-language broadcaster Univision [UVN.UL] also said on Thursday it would
not air the Miss USA pageant. [Reuters, 6/29/15]
Macys: In Light Of Statements Made By Donald Trump, Which Are Inconsistent
With Macy's Values, We Have Decided To Discontinue Our Business Relationship
With Mr. Trump And Will Phase-Out The Trump Menswear Collection, Which Has
Been Sold At Macy's Since 2004. Macy's is pulling Donald Trump-branded merchandise
from its stores following the public outcry over his comments on immigrants. The department
store said in a statement to the news outlet that it was disappointed and distressed over the
2016 presidential contender's remarks, describing them as disparaging characterizations. In
light of statements made by Donald Trump, which are inconsistent with Macy's values, we have
decided to discontinue our business relationship with Mr. Trump and will phase-out the Trump
menswear collection, which has been sold at Macy's since 2004, they said, according to CNN.
[The Hill, 7/1/15]
Chef Jose Andres Backed Out Of Trumps Washington DC Hotel Due To His
Immigration Comments. Jose Andres, the D.C.-based super-chef with a growing national
brand, is backing out of a deal to open the flagship restaurant in Donald Trumps forthcoming
Washington hotel the latest on a growing list of high-profile partners to sever ties with the
presidential candidate over his anti-immigrant comments. [Washington Post, 7/8/15]
The PGA Moved A Grand Slam Event Away From The Trump National Golf Club
In Los Angeles After Trumps Comments About Immigrants. The Professional Golf
Association and Donald Trump have reached an agreement to move a Grand Slam event away
from the Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles. In separate statements, Trump and the PGA
on Tuesday said the decision was mutual. Due to the controversy surrounding statements made
by Mr. Trump having to do with illegal immigrants pouring into the United States from Mexico
and other parts of the world, Mr. Trump does not want his friends at the PGA of America to
suffer any consequences or backlash with respect to the Grand Slam of Golf, a statement from
Trumps political team said. The PGA is the latest business to part ways with Trump following
the remarks he made last month about undocumented immigrants being criminals and rapists.
[The Hill, 7/7/15]


Page 148


Trump When Told The Term Anchor Baby Was Offensive: You Mean Its Not
Politically Correct, And Yet Everybody Uses It?Ill Use The Word Anchor Baby.
Trump said he'd still use the term after a reporter asked him on Wednesday night in New
Hampshire if he was aware the term was considered offensive. You mean its not politically
correct, and yet everybody uses it? Trump asked the reporter, and then asked for an alternative
term to use. The American-born child of undocumented immigrants, the reporter suggested to
which Trump said, Ill use the word anchor baby.' [Talking Points Memo, 8/20/15; Trump Press
Conference, 8/19/15]
Trump Said That He Wanted To Find Out Whether Or Not Anchor Babies Are
Citizens Because A Lot Of People Dont Think They Are. Donald J. Trump continues
to overheat the Republican Partys speech on immigration. What is his latest protest against
political correctness? Anchor babies. Explaining his logic as to why birthright citizens should be
deported from the United States, Mr. Trump told Fox News on Tuesday night that they might
not have a legal right to live in the country. Id much rather find out whether or not anchor
babies are citizens because a lot of people dont think they are, Mr. Trump said. The phrase is as
offensive as the word illegals for many immigrants who come to America. [New York Times,
Trump Joked That Ford Should Just Let The Illegals Drive The Cars And Trucks
Right Into Our Country? Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump came to the
home state of the auto industry and attacked Ford Motor Co. for building factories in Mexico.
And the Michigan faithful in attendance sided with the bombastic mogul. Ford is building a $2.5
billion plant in Mexico, he roared to a packed auditorium in Birch Run, Michigan, and 2,000
voices responded with lusty boos. Ill actually give them a good idea. Why dont we just let the
illegals drive the cars and trucks right into our country? [Bloomberg, 8/12/15; Genesee and
Saginaw Republican Party's Lincoln Day dinner, 8/11/15]
HEADLINE: Donald Trump Kicks Univision Out of Florida Rally, Campaign
Confirms. [Hollywood Reporter, 10/26/15]

Donald Trump Barred Univision From Covering His Event At The Trump National Doral In Miami. He made no
mention about Univision the Spanish-language broadcaster whose studios are next door to Trump National Doral
which wasnt allowed into the rally on account of Trumps lawsuit against the company for canceling his Miss
Universe pageant. He dismissed the pro-immigration protesters, first with a friendly Dont hurt em to security guards
physically escorting them out of the room, and then with a more impatient, The fourth group, Ill say, Get the hell out
of here! [Miami Herald, 10/23/15]


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Citing His Ongoing Lawsuit Against Univision, Donald Trump Had A Univision
TV Crew Removed From His Event. Donald Trump had a Univision crew attempting to
cover his Florida rally removed from the event on Friday, his campaign confirmed to The
Hollywood Reporter. Mr. Trump is suing Univision for $500 million and until that is resolved it
is a conflict of interest, Hope Hicks, spokeswoman for the Trump campaign said in an email. No
additional information was offered. [Hollywood Reporter, 10/26/15]
ABC: Real Estate Mogul Donald Trump Says He Plans To Sue For A Tremendous
Amount Of Money After Univision Announced It Will Not Air The Miss USA
Pageant Which Is Partly Owned By Trump Because Of The Disparaging
Comments He Made About Mexican Immigrants. [ABC, 6/26/15]
Trump: Anyone Who Wants Strong Borders And Good Trade Deals For The US
Should Boycott @Univision. [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 6/26/15]
Trump Banned All Univision Officers And Representatives From One Of His Golf
Courses. Donald Trump sent a letter to Univision CEO and president Randy Falco on Friday
informing him that no Univision officer or representative is allowed to use his Trump National
Doral, the resort and golf club immediately adjacent to Univision offices in Miami, the On Media
blog has learned. The move is the latest in a public dispute that started Thursday when
Univision announced it would end its business relationship with the Miss Universe
Organization, which is co-owned by Trump and NBCUniversal, based on what it described as
Trump's insulting remarks about Mexican immigrants during the launch of his presidential
campaign. Trump later announced that he would sue Univision for breach of contract and
defamation, and accused Univision of defaulting on an iron-clad $13.5 million contract, which he
said it had no right to terminate. In the letter, Trump writes to Falco, Please be advised that
under no circumstances is any officer or representative of Univision allowed to use Trump
National Doral, Miamiits golf courses or any of its facilities. Also, please immediately stop
work and close the gate which is being constructed between our respective properties. If this is
not done within one week, we will close it. [Politico, 6/26/15]

Trump Claimed That Orders Are Coming Down From The Top To Allow Muslims
To Immigrate To The U.S. But Not Christians. Christians cant come into this country
but Muslims can, said Trump. Whats that all about? Something has got to be coming down from
the top. People are flowing through [the southern border] like water. At what point is it going to
be too late? [The Guardian, 5//16/15]


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Trump: The Flow Of Undocumented Immigrants Is A Concerted Effort To Get
More Democratic Voters. TRUMP: And they come into the system and over a period of many
years, they become Democrats and they vote for the Democrats. But this is a concerted effort
because nobody is as incompetent as it's showing. People are flowing through Mexico. They are
flowing through like crazy. I'm hearing stories where actually the parents come through in a
different line all meet up in the United States and get plenty from the United States. It's a very
serious problem. It's a horrible problem for children. But a very, very serious problem for this
country, there's no question about it. [On The Record With Greta Van Susteren, Fox News,
Trump Called Out The Liberal Mainstream Media For What He Deemed A
Double Standard Between Comments He And President Obama Made About
Immigrants. Donald Trump called out the liberal mainstream media Wednesday for what he
deems a double standard between comments he and President Obama made. Obama said we
shouldnt be encouraging illegal immigration, calling many who come over illegally gangbangers America is trying to deport as quickly as possible. Trump took to Instagram to ask
where the media outrage at Obama was. Today at a town hall event in Nashville, Tennessee,
President Barrack [sic] Obama referred to some illegal immigrants as gang-bangers, he began.
[The Wrap, 7/2/15]

President Obama Called For The Quick Deportation Of Undocumented Immigrants Who Are Dangerous, Like
Gang-Bangers Or Criminals. OBAMA: We should not be encouraging illegal immigration. What we should be
doing is setting up a smart, legal immigration system that doesnt separate families, but does focus on making sure
that people who are dangerous, people who are gang-bangers or criminals that were deporting them as quickly as
possible. [Mediaite, 7/1/15]


HEADLINE: Trump Tower Was Built On Undocumented Immigrants Backs.
[Daily Beast, 7/8/15]
200 UndocumentedPolish Immigrants Worked 12-Hour Shifts, Seven Days A Week
With No Overtime To Knock Down The Old Bonwit Teller Building And Make
Room For Trump Tower On Fifth Avenue In Manhattan. The Donald may denounce
illegal immigrants as rapists, but his empires crown jewel was erected on land cleared by a
small army of undocumented Polish workers, a lawsuit alleged. The use of undocumented
workers on a Trump construction site such as the hotel described by The Washington Post this

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week is certainly nothing new. Thirty-five years ago, a small army of illegal immigrants was
used to clear the site for what became the crown jewel of Donald Trumps empire. The 200
demolition workersnicknamed the Polish Brigade because of their home countryworked 12hour shifts, seven days a week with no overtime to knock down the old Bonwit Teller building
and make room for Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. [Daily Beast, 7/8/15]

Daily Beast: The Tower That Is [Trumps] Crown Jewel And Symbol Of His Wealth Continues To Stand On
Ground Cleared By 200 Undocumented Workers Who Labored Off The Books, 12 Hours A Day, Seven Days A
Week, For No More Than $5 An Hour With No Overtime. [Daily Beast, 7/8/15]

A Federal Judge Found That The Workers Who Cleared The Land For Trump
Tower Were Undocumented And Worked Off The Books And That No Records
Were Kept, No Social Security Or Other Taxes Were Withheld. The 200 demolition
workersnicknamed the Polish Brigade because of their home countryworked 12-hour shifts,
seven days a week with no overtime to knock down the old Bonwit Teller building and make
room for Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. According to testimony in a protracted
civil suit in federal court, the laborers were paid $5 an hour or less when they were paid at all.
Some went unpaid after the contractor had financial troubles. A few never received even the
paltry sum that was owed them for their dirty and hazardous efforts preceding the construction
of Trumps monument to his own wealth. They were undocumented and worked off the books,
Manhattan federal Judge Charles Stewart said of the workers after they became the subject of a
1983 lawsuit. No records were kept, no Social Security or other taxes were withheld. The
lawsuit involving literal demolitionCase 83CIV6346 in Manhattan Federal Courtwas
brought by Harry Diduck, a now deceased dissident member of Local 95 of the House Wreckers
Union. [Daily Beast, 7/8/15]
The Judge Found That Trumps Man At The Scene Knew The Polish Workers Were
Working Off The Books, That They Were Doing Demolition Work, That They
Were Non-Union, That They Were Paid Substandard Wages With No Overtime
Pay, And That They Were Paid Irregularly If At All. The judge found against Trump,
his partner, and the contractor, saying they had joined in a conspiracy. Stewart found that
Trumps man on the scene, Thomas Macari, was involved in every aspect of the demolition job.
He knew the Polish workers were working off the books, that they were doing demolition work,
that they were non-union, that they were paid substandard wages with no overtime pay, and
that they were paid irregularly if at all, the judge found. Stewart suggested that it would have
been difficult for anyone not to notice the Polish Brigade. The Polish workers were obvious not
only in numbers but also in appearance, the judge found. In contrast to the union workers, the
nonunion Polish workers were distinguished by the fact that most of them did not wear hard
hats. [Daily Beast, 7/8/15]
Trump Was Sued By Local 95 Of The House Wreckers Union Because They
Claimed Trump Conspired To Cheat The House Wreckers Out Of Pension And
Welfare Contributions By Hiring Non-Union Laborers. The lawsuit involving literal
demolitionCase 83CIV6346 in Manhattan Federal Courtwas brought by Harry Diduck, a
now deceased dissident member of Local 95 of the House Wreckers Union. His lawyer, Wendy
Sloan, says he was one of a group of like-minded workers who simply wanted a real union.
They had stood to gain nothing at all for themselves as they sought to prove that Trump and his
partner, along with the general contractor, conspired to cheat the House Wreckers out of pension

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and welfare contributions by hiring these non-union laborers. Judge Stewart initially tossed out
the complaint against Trump and his partner on the grounds that the contractor was the
responsible party regarding the workers. The plaintiffs appealed, and the U.S. Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit reinstated the complaint, returning the case to Judge Stewart. [Daily
Beast, 7/8/15]
Polish Workers Testified Against Trump Claiming They Approached Him About
The Issues And Were Threatened With Deportation By His Underlings. During the
16-day non-jury trial, a number of the Polish workers testified that Trump underlings had
threatened them with deportation if they caused trouble. They walked in to the job from
Brooklyn when a transit strike hit the city. Some of them slept at the site. Two workers further
testified that they had approached Trump in person to demand overdue wages. [Daily Beast,
The Lawyer Representing The Undocumented Immigrants Was Threatened By
Somebody Claiming To Be Named John Baron, A Pseudonym Trump Admitted To
Using. The lawyer representing the Polish Brigade had reported receiving a call from someone
who identified himself as John Baron and said Trump was ready to hit the lawyer with a $100
million lawsuit if he kept causing trouble. Trump now acknowledged on the stand that he had
used the pseudonym John Baron, as had one of his assistants. But Trump insisted that his use
of it was only long after the completion of the Fifth Avenue tower, which became the first of
many properties on which he so rapturously bestowed his real surname. [Daily Beast, 7/8/15]
Washington Post Found There Were Undocumented Workers Working On The
Trump Hotel In Washington DC. But a Trump company may be relying on some
undocumented workers to finish the $200 million hotel, which will sit five blocks from the White
House on Pennsylvania Avenue, according to several who work there. A Trump spokeswoman
said the company and its contractors follow all applicable laws. But in light of Trumps
comments, some of the workers at the site said they are now worried about their jobs while
others simply expressed disgust over the opinions of the man ultimately responsible for the
creation of those jobs. Interviews with about 15 laborers helping renovate the Old Post Office
Pavilion revealed that many of them had crossed the U.S-Mexico border illegally before they
eventually settled in the Washington region to build new lives. Several of the men, who hail
mostly from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, have earned U.S. citizenship or legal status
through immigration programs targeting Central Americans fleeing civil wars or natural
disasters. Others quietly acknowledged that they remain in the country illegally. [Washington
Post, 7/6/15]

Trump: Illegal Immigration Is A Wrecking Ball Aimed At U.S. Taxpayers. Trump
was speaking with more firsthand knowledge than his readers likely imagined when he wrote in

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his 2011 book Time to Get Tough: Making America #1 Again that illegal immigration is a
wrecking ball aimed at U.S. Taxpayers. How interesting that he would choose a wrecking ball as
a metaphor. [Daily Beast, 7/8/15]
HEADLINE: CPAC 2013: Donald Trump: Immigration Reform Is A Suicide Mission For GOP [Washington Times,


Trump On The Immigrant Who Killed The Woman In San Francisco: Look At That
Guy, Look At What He Did, Killing That Beautiful Girl. [Expletive] Animal.
When a picture of the Mexican laborer accused of killing a San Francisco woman is put on
screen, Trump said: Look at that guy, look at what he did, killing that beautiful girl. [Expletive]
animal. He returned several minutes later to continue the interview.] [Washington Post,
Kate Steinles Brother Said That Donald Trump Was Inappropriately Using Her
Death Without As Much As Calling The Family To Express Condolences. The
brother of a San Francisco woman killed by an undocumented immigrant said Tuesday that
Donald Trump was inappropriately using her without as much as calling the family to express
condolences. Donald Trump talks about Kate Steinle like he knows her, Brad Steinle told CNN's
Anderson Cooper on Tuesday. I've never heard a word from his campaign manager, I've never
heard a word from him. It's disconcerting. I don't want to be affiliated with someone who doesn't
have the common courtesy to reach out and ask about Kate, and our political views and what we
want. Brad Steinle, the brother of now the now deceased Kate Steinle, the 32-year-old medical
device sales representative who was shot and killed as she walked one of the city's piers. Trump
has been using her death as an example reinforcing his comments that undocumented
immigrants crossing into the U.S. are rapists and killers. [CNN, 7/14/15]
Trump Advocated For Making Legal Immigration Easier, And Faster. I love legal
immigration. I love it, he said, before noting his wife is a legal immigrant. Trump added, We
should make it easier, and faster. [New York Magazine, 6/12/15]



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Trump: I Dont Want To Raise The Minimum Wage. He wouldnt go into specifics, but
promised he would create jobs if elected president. I dont want to raise the minimum wage. I
want to create jobs so people can get much more than that, so they can get five times what the
minimum wage is, said Trump. [The Hill, 7/23/15]

Raising The Minimum Wage To $12 By 2020 Would Directly Lift Wages For
35.1 Million Workers. Raising the minimum wage to $12 by 2020 would directly or
indirectly lift wages for 35.1 million workersmore than one in four U.S. workers.
[Economic Policy Institute, 7/14/15]

Donald Trump Said Companies Are Leaving The United States Because Salaries
Are Too High. Trump: You have to keep our country competitive. One of the reasons
companies are leaving is because salaries are too high. You look at what's going on in Vietnam
and in China and so many different places, so we have to be very, very careful with that.
[Varney & Co., Fox Business News, 10/20/15]

Trump On South Carolina As A Right-To-Work State: One Of The Advantages
You Have Is You Have The Lower Wage. QUESTION: What are your general views on
NLRB and the unions? TRUMP: Well I watched Boeing and I thought was a disgrace what
happened.I thought that was disgraceful. One of the advantages you have is you have the
lower wage. Which means you might actually make more money because you dont have to pay
all the dues that come with union representation. [Trump Rally, Aiken SC, 12/12/15]
Trump On Scott Walkers Fight With Unions: I Think What Hes Doing Is Right
For His State. LAUER: You're a good businessman, all right, but how--do--are you willing to
take a stand on some key issues? Like in Wisconsin, the governor there talking about limited
collective bargaining rights for state employees Do you--are you in favor of that? Is it
something you're for? TRUMP: I think each state is different. I think he's a tough guy. He
wants to get a balanced budget and he wants to get it quickly. And I can understand exactly
what he's doing. I think New York would be an entirely different situation, which is very, very
heavily unionized. But I think what he's doing is right for his state.[Today, NBC, 3/2/11]

Trump Said That Scott Walkers Policy On Collective Bargaining Was Right For Wisconsin. O'REILLY: Is
Walker right in Wisconsin? TRUMP: I think that he is maybe right for his state. I think it doesn't necessarily apply to
all states. You know, I have had great relationship over the years with unions. We've had collective bargaining. I have
become very wealthy. I have dealt with unions because as you know New York is largely unions. You are dealing with
them. I have great friends that are in unions and heads of unions. So I haven't had the same difficulty and problem.
But I think you have to do what's right here -- I respect him. He is tough Yes. He is unyielding and maybe


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sometimes too unyielding and maybe not too unyielding. He wants Wisconsin to come back. He wants to have a great
balanced budget. So I understand what he is doing.[The OReilly Factor, Fox News, 3/30/11]

Trump Said He Used Union Labor And Had A Great Relationship With Unions.
O'REILLY: Now, you have a situation where the unions, all right, are being attacked by some
governors because the public service unions -- tremendous perks. Ok. You use union labor.
TRUMP: I do. O'REILLY: What do you think about the unions? TRUMP: I have a great
relationship with unions. I understand what's happening, let's say in Wisconsin. I
understand.[The OReilly Factor, Fox News, 3/30/11]
Trump: Unions Are Really, Really Hurting The Auto Industry. TRUMP: The auto
industry is such a great question. And its such an interesting -- this will be studied for years. Do
you do it? Do you not do it? I have watched Gettelfinger, the union head, on television. He is one
of the greatest representatives for a group of people that I have ever seen. You sit there, and it
looks like your grandfather is just talking to you, a fireside chat, like the people are starving in
the union. And then I talk to go people and friends of mine that are in the auto business. And he
talks about two- and three-year severance. He talks about youre taken care of for the rest of
your life, no matter what happens, a disaster, a legacy that is a total disaster. I think that the
unions are really, really hurting very badly what is going on with the autos. And I also think
they make a good product. I hear so much -- the problem is that the leadership does not talk
about how good the product is. I buy American. We buy a lot of trucks and a lot of things
American. They are really good products. And nobody talks about the quality. I keep thinking
hearing about how Japan makes this great product, how other countries make -- we make a
great product. And, by the way, the union workers are fantastic, but probably they have to take a
cut. But if you listen to Gettelfinger, it is almost like the world has collapsed.[Your World With
Neil Cavuto, Fox News, 12/17/08]

2015: Trump Said He Was Against Gay Marriage Because Of Religious
Teachings.TRUMP: Ive gone to gay weddings. Ive been at gay weddings. I have been against
[gay marriage] from the standpoint of [the] Bible, from the standpoint of my teachings as
growing up and going to Sunday school and going to church and Ive been opposed to it and well
just see how it all comes out. [With All Due Respect, BloombergPolitics, 8/26/15]
2005: Trump Suggested He Was In Favor Of Marriage Equality. TRUMP: Well,
there's nothing like family. And there's nothing like a great marriage. I mean, having a great
marriage is a very important thing and a very good thing, if you find the right person. Male,
female, I don't care. I mean, having a great marriage and a great family to me is ultimately the
most important thing. [Canada AM, CTV Television, 9/7/05]



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In 1989 Trump Claimed That A Well-Educated Black Has A Tremendous

Advantage Over A Well-Educated White In Terms Of The Job Market. TRUMP: A
well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job
market. I think sometimes a black may think they dont have an advantage or this and that...
Ive said on one occasion, even about myself, if I were starting off today, I would love to be a welleducated black, because I believe they do have an actual advantage. [Gawker, 7/24/15]


HEADLINE: Trump Condones Attack On Black Lives Matter Activist. [Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 11/23/15]
Donald Trump Said That The Black Lives Matter Protester Who Interrupted His Rally Was So Obnoxious And
So Loud That Maybe He Should Have Been Roughed Up. Donald Trump said Sunday that the protester who
interrupted his rally at a convention center here on Saturday morning was so obnoxious and so loud that maybe he
should have been roughed up. Mercutio Southall Jr. a well-known local activist who has been repeatedly arrested
while fighting what he says is unfair treatment of blacks interrupted Trumps rally and could be heard shouting, Black
lives matter! Get him the hell out of here, will you, please? Trump said on Saturday morning. Get him out of here.
Throw him out! [Washington Post, 11/22/15]

Several People Attending A Donald Trump Rally In Birmingham, Alabama Used Racial Slurs And Punched,
Pushed To The Ground, And Kicked An African American Protester Yelling Black Lives Matter. Several
people taking part in a rally for Donald Trump in Birmingham, Alabama pushed down, kicked, and punched a black
protester. At least six Trump supporters shoved and tackled the protester, while one man punched the demonstrator
and a woman kicked him while he was on the ground, according to CNN. One even attempted to choke the protester
as another onlooker yelled Dont choke him! according to the Washington Posts account. It all began when a wellknown local activist began yelling, Black lives matter! As a fight began to break out around the protester, Trump
stopped his speech and made a plea: Get him the hell out of here, will you please? They said Go home, n****r, and
somebody punched me, Mercutio Southall Jr. told after security removed him from the rally. [Slate, 11/22/15]


Trump On Muslims: There's Problems In The World. And The Problems Seem To
Be Centered Around This One Group. DOOCY: On Thursday, Peter King, a congressman
from Long Island, New York, is going to start these homeland security hearings looking into why
some young people and other crazy people are being radicalized into acting out against this
country. And in the fallout, I'm sure you saw over the weekend there was some protests in Times
Square where people were going, come on, you cannot do this. You are picking on the Muslims.
What do you think? TRUMP: Well, I think as long as these hearings are fair, it's fair game. I
mean, frankly, there's problems out there. There's problems in the world. And the problems seem
to be centered around this one group. But as long as the hearings are fair, I think Peter is a very
fair guy, and as long as the hearings are fair, I think it's fine. [Fox & Friends, Fox News, 3/8/11]
Trump: Theres Obviously Something Going On With The Koran Because Every
Time You Turn On A Television, 100 People Are Killed In A Grocery Store In

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Iraq.HANNITY: So, the question is, do you think he understands the real dangers that led up
to 9/11, 3,000 people killed right here in this city? And you recently spoke about the Koran, you
said it gives you a negative vibe. And you got some criticism for it. TRUMP: Well, I didn't see
the criticism. But obviously, there is something going on. Because every time you turn on a
television, 100 people are killed in a grocery store in Iraq.[Hannity, Fox News, 4/14/11]
NOV 17: When Asked Whether Surveillance Of American Muslims Should Include
Requiring Them To Register In A Database, Trump Said Were Going To Have To
Look At A Lot Of Things Very Closely. During a Nov. 17th interview, Yahoo News asked
Trump whether this level of tracking might require registering Muslims in a database or giving
them a form of special identification that noted their religion. He wouldnt rule it out. Were
going to have to were going to have to look at a lot of things very closely, Trump said when
presented with the idea. Were going to have to look at the mosques. Were going to have to look
very, very carefully. [Yahoo, 11/19/15]

Yahoos Transcript Made It Clear That Trump Did Not Explicitly Rule Out The Idea Of Requiring American
Muslims To Register For A Database.During a Nov. 17 interview, Trump was asked And in terms of doing this, to
pull off the kind of tracking we need, do you think we might need to register Muslims in some type of database, or note
their religion on their ID? Trump responded, Well, we're going to have to look at a lot of things very closely. We're
going to have to look at the mosques. We're going to have to look very, very carefully. We have a president that
refuses to say radical Islamic terrorism. He refuses to say it, which is the biggest shock in the world, because how can
you not say it, if you don't say it, you're not going to get to the problem. [Yahoo, 11/20/15]

Trump Said That Surveillance Of American Muslims Would Include Measures That Were Frankly Unthinkable A
Year Ago. During a Nov. 17 interview, Yahoo News asked Trump whether his push for increased surveillance of
American Muslims could include warrantless searches. He suggested he would consider a series of drastic measures.
Were going to have to do things that we never did before. And some people are going to be upset about it, but I think that
now everybody is feeling that security is going to rule, Trump said. And certain things will be done that we never thought
would happen in this country in terms of information and learning about the enemy. And so were going to have to do
certain things that were frankly unthinkable a year ago. [Yahoo, 11/19/15]

NOV 19: When Asked About A Database To Track American Muslims, Trump Said
He Would Certainly Implement That. Absolutely. HILLYARD: Should there be a
database system that tracks Muslims here in this country? TRUMP: There should be a lot of
systems, beyond databases. I mean we should have a lot of systems. And today you can do it. But
right now we have to have a border. We have to have strength. We have to have a wall. And we
cannot let whats happening to this country happen anymore. HILLYARD: But thats
something your White House would like to implement? TRUMP: I would certainly implement
that. Absolutely. [NBC News, 11/20/15]

When Asked If American Muslims Would Be Required To Register In A Database, Donald Trump Said, They
Have To Be. They Have To Be. Donald J. Trump, who earlier in the week said he was open to requiring Muslims in
the United States to register in a database, said on Thursday night that he would certainly implement that
absolutely. Mr. Trump was asked about the issue by an NBC News reporter and pressed on whether all Muslims in
the country would be forced to register. They have to be, he said. They have to be. When asked how a system of
registering Muslims would be carried out whether, for instance, mosques would be where people could register
Mr. Trump said: Different places. You sign up at different places. But its all about management. Our country has no
management. [New York Times, 11/20/15]


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When Asked To Explain How Using Databases To Track Muslims In The U.S. Would Differ From Nazi
Germany, Trump Responded Four Times, You Tell Me. What else can you compare this to except to prewar
Nazi Germany? [Ibrahim] Hooper [national spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations] asked. There's
no other comparison, and [Trump] seems to think that's perfectly OK. Trump was repeatedly asked to explain how
his idea was different. Four times, he responded: You tell me. [NBC News, 11/20/15]


NOV 20: Trumps Campaign Manager Said That Trump Was Commenting On The
Terrorist Watch List And Not A Registry Of Muslims. By Friday, though, he appeared
to pull back slightly from the idea. In a post on Twitter, Mr. Trump complained that it was a
reporter, not he, who hadfirst raised the idea of a database. And his campaign manager, Corey
Lewandowski, insisted that Mr. Trump had been asked leading questions by the NBC reporter
under blaring music and that he had in mind a terrorist watch list, not a registry of Muslims.
[New York Times, 11/21/15]
NOV 20: Trump Tweeted That He Did Not Suggest A Muslim Database. I didn't suggest a
database-a reporter did. We must defeat Islamic terrorism & have surveillance, including a watch list,
to protect America. [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 11/20/15]
NOV 22: When Asked If He Unequivocally Ruled Out A Muslim Database, Trump
Said No, Not At All. I Want A Database For The Refugees That If They Come
Into The Country. STEPHANOPOULOS: You did stir up a controversy with those
comments over the database. Lets try to clear that up. Are you unequivocally now ruling out a
database on all Muslims? TRUMP: No, not at all. I want a database for the refugees that if
they come into the country. We have no idea who these people are. When the Syrian refugees are
going to start pouring into this country, we dont know if theyre ISIS, we dont know if its a
Trojan horse. And I definitely want a database and other checks and balances. We want to go
with watch lists. We want to go with databases. [ABC, 11/22/15]
Trump: There Is A Muslim Problem. Absolutely.O'REILLY: Is there a Muslim
problem in the world? TRUMP: Absolutely. Absolutely. I don't know notice Swedish people
knocking down the world trade center. I came out very strongly against the mosque being built
virtually-- O'REILLY: But you do believe overall there is a Muslim problem in the world.
TRUMP: Well, there is a Muslim problem. Absolutely. You just have to turn on your television
set. [The OReilly Factor, Fox News, 3/30/11]
Headline: Donald Trump Says He Would Be Open To Closing U.S. Mosques To
Fight ISIS. [New York Times, 10/22/15]

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Donald Trump Would Absolutely Close Certain Mosques In Order To Fight ISIS,
But Was Unsure If Doing So Would Be Legal. This week, he [Donald Trump] has put
American Muslims on edge by suggesting that he would be open to shutting down mosques as
president. Asked on Fox Business Network if the United States should take action to close
certain mosques as part of the fight against the Islamic State, as has happened in Britain, Mr.
Trump said, I would do that, absolutely. Mr. Trump then said that he was not sure about the
legality of closing mosques, but that it was certainly something that should be looked at. It
depends if the mosque is, you know, loaded for bear, he said. [New York Times, 10/22/15]
Trump Said That He Would Strongly Consider Shutting Down Mosques As Part
Of The Effort To Fight Against ISIS. Trump first said last month that he would be open
to shutting down mosques as part of the fight against the Islamic State, and on Monday he
reiterated his view that the idea should be studied. I would hate to do it, but its something that
youre going to have to strongly consider because some of the ideas and some of the hatred, the
absolute hatred, is coming from these areas, Trump said on MSNBCs Morning Joe program.
[Boston Globe, 11/17/15]
Donald Trump Called For The Surveillance Of Mosques. Trump said later Monday on
MSNBC that it's time to start surveillance of mosques, and said the U.S. should shut some down
if they have radical leaders. Well you're going to have to watch and study the mosques, because
a lot of talk is going on at the mosques, Trump said. [CNN, 11/16/15]
Donald Trump Continued Using Loaded Rhetoric To Criticize Muslims "We
Have To Really Be Vigilant With Respect To The Muslim Population." Trump has
said his popularity has soared since the terrorist attacks in Paris earlier this month because
voters want a president who will be tough on national security issues. Trump has been highly
critical and skeptical of Muslims in recent days, and his loaded rhetoric continued at the rally on
Monday night, drawing loud cheers. We have to really be vigilant with respect to the Muslim
population, Trump said at one point, calling for heavy surveillance of mosques, among other
efforts. [Washington Post, 11/23/15]
ON 9/11
Trump Said That On 9/11, He Watched Thousands Of People Cheering In Jersey
City As The World Trade Center Came Down. TRUMP: Hey, I watched when the World
Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands
and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people
were cheering. [Campaign Rally, Trump For President, Birmingham AL, 11/21/15]

Politifact Gave Donald Trump A Pants On Fire Rating For His Claim That Thousands In New Jersey Cheered
When The World Trade Center Fell On September 11, 2001. Trump said he watched in Jersey City, N.J., where
thousands and thousands of people were cheering as the World Trade Center collapsed. This defies basic logic. If
thousands and thousands of people were celebrating the 9/11 attacks on American soil, many people beyond Trump
would remember it. And in the 21st century, there would be video or visual evidence. Instead, all we found were a
couple of news articles that described rumors of celebrations that were either debunked or unproven. Trumps


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recollection of events in New Jersey in the hours after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks flies in the face of all the
evidence we could find. We rate this statement Pants on Fire. [Politifact, 11/22/15]


Trump On Immigrants Crossing The Border From Mexico: They Are Bringing Drugs And They Are Bringing
Crime, Theyre Rapists. When Mexico sends its people, they are not sending their best. They are not sending you.
They are not sending you. They are sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems with
us, they are bringing drugs and they are bringing crime, theyre rapists, and some are good people, and I speak to border
guards and they tell us what we are getting. It only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. Theyre sending
us not the right people. It's coming all over south and Latin America and it's coming probably, probably from the Middle
East, but we don't know because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don't know what is happening
and it has got to stop and it has to stop fast. [Donald Trump Presidential Campaign Announcement, 6/16/15]

1991: Trump: Laziness Is A Trait In Blacks. [Gawker, 7/24/15]
1991: Trump: Black Guys Counting My Money! I Hate It. The Only Kind Of
People I Want Counting My Money Are Short Guys That Wear Yarmulkes Every
Day. TRUMP: Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want
counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. [Gawker, 7/24/15]
Trump: And When Obama Gets 95 Percent Of The Black Vote, Is That Racist?
HANNITY: But isn't it a danger on his part, class warfare, and more importantly, the
Democratic Party has been attacking the Tea Party conservatives as racist, you know, Maxine
Waters, the consecutive Tea Party movement can go straight to hell. One congressman says that
conservatives want black people hanging from trees. They double down on insane rhetoric. The
president has wrapped his arms twice now around the Occupy Wall Street crowd? And is there a
danger. TRUMP: I think the race card is such a horrible thing. And I've been watching it more
and more lately. And I think it's disgraceful. And when Obama gets 95 percent of the black vote,
is that racist? I mean, you know, does anybody have ever mention that? He gets 95 percent of the
vote. And I see your compatriots, your announcers saying yes, he got 95 percent of the black vote
but this wasn't a racial thing. They like his policy. That's a lot of crap. But he's creating a racial
divide and I think he's doing it on purpose and I think it's a very unfair thing and it's a very bad
thing. [Hannity, Fox News, 10/18/11]
Trump Said That He Had A Good Relationship With The Blacks. LEMON: What
about the comment you said when you referred to the blacks that you had a good relationship
with the blacks, do you understand how some people will take that phrasing? TRUMP: Some
people do and some people don't. I mean I've heard it both ways. It is something that I said. And
I think I have had many people say there was absolutely nothing wrong with that comment.
[Newsroom, CNN, 5/1/11]
When Asked If He Was Perpetuating African- American Stereotypes, Trump Said
I Don't Know What You Mean By Stereotypes. TRUMP: Well, I really have to go, but I
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want to tell you I am the least racist. I am a wonderful person as far as you would be concerned
as to race. And I think everybody that knows me knows that. LEMON: Are you aware of the
stereotypes about African-Americans? Are you? TRUMP: Well, I don't know what you mean by
stereotypes. Why don't you define that a little bit in greater detail? LEMON: The stereotypes
that take place in America about African- Americans, one is that they are not as smart as whites.
And when you talk about someone like the President and you challenge whether or not he has an
education or deserve to go to Ivy League schools, you're talking -- you're bringing up, you're
promoting one of those stereotypes about African-Americans. [Newsroom, CNN, 5/1/11]

Trump Called Accusations That He Was Racist Ridiculous. LEMON: The

stereotypes that take place in America about African- Americans, one is that they are not as
smart as whites. And when you talk about someone like the President and you challenge
whether or not he has an education or deserve to go to Ivy League schools, you're talking -you're bringing up, you're promoting one of those stereotypes about African-Americans. And
as someone running for president of the country, which means everyone, then wouldn't you be
sensitive to those issues in the culture? TRUMP: It certainly does mean everyone, and it
means everyone to me. As far as I'm concerned, the President is a very smart man. And I
think a comment about racism is ridiculous as it applies to me. And people that know me
laugh at it. They think it is so stupid. I mean it is a ridiculous statement and is certainly
ridiculous as it applies to me. [Newsroom, CNN, 5/1/11]

Trump Often Used The Phrase Silent Majority Which Historically Was Seen As
A Racial Dog Whistle. In a press conference after a rally in South Carolina on Thursday,
Donald Trump insisted that there is a silent majority [who] wants this country to have victories
again. It's not the first time Trump has used that phrase -- silent majority. As far back as
July, Trump was using the phrase. The country is fed up with what's going on, he said at the
time. You know, in the old days they used the term 'silent majority.' We have the silent majority
back, folks. Trump's use of that term is 1) 100 percent on purpose and 2) decidedly controversial.
For many, the silent majority is a not-so-subtle reference to white people who need/want to take
their culture and country back. And, the argument goes, they would be taking it back from those
who aren't white. [Washington Post, 8/27/15]
Donald Trump Was Criticized For Retweeting In Response To A Twitter Thread
About His Support From White Supremacists A Graphic Containing Statistics
Purporting To Show That The Vast Majority Of Murdered Black People Are Killed
By Other Black People. Donald Trump is taking heat on social media for a Sunday
afternoon tweet of statistics purporting to show that the vast majority of murdered black people
in the U.S. are killed by other black people. The tweet was apparently Trumps response to a
Twitter thread about support from white supremacists for the GOP front-runner. The image
Trump posted includes a list of USA Crime Statistics ~ 2015. The two that are highlighted are
Blacks Killed by Police ~~ 1% and Blacks Killed by Blacks ~~ 97%. A drawing of a black man
wielding a sideways pistol and wearing army pants, military boots and a bandana and mask
accompanies the statistics, which are sourced to the Crime Statistics Bureau in San Francisco.
Indeed, an initial search to confirm the numbers couldnt turn up a Crime Statistic Bureau in
San Francisco. [The Hill, 11/22/15]
Donald Trump Did Not Believe There Was Racism On The University Of Missouri
Campus, And Said The Demands Of Student Protesters Were Crazy And

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Absolutely Over The Top. I would have handled things differently. First of all, I would
have made sure there was no discrimination or any of that and I dont think there was. But I
happened to look at the list of demands, those demands were crazy, Trump said. Many of those
demands were absolutely not all but many of those were absolutely over the top. [Yahoo
Politics, 11/19/15]
Donald Trump Interrupted A Young Asian Man Who Voiced Concern About
Trumps Position On Defense Spending In South Korea To Ask, Are You From
South Korea? To Which The Man Answered, I Was Born In Texas. Finally, a
young Asian man attempted to correct Trump on his incorrect claim that South Korea takes
advantage of the United States in defense spending. Are you from South Korea? Trump asked.
Im not. I was born in Texas, raised in Colorado, the man responded as Trump literally
shrugged. I just want to say that no matter where Im from, I like to get my facts straight and I
want to tell you that thats not true. South Korea paid $861 million Then, Trump interrupts
him permanently and says the phrase, Its peanuts around ten times. [The Slot Blog, Jezebel,
Donald Trump Did Not Find The Washington Redskins Team Name Offensive,
And Said He Knew Indians That Are Extremely Proud Of That Name. After
months of name-calling, Jeb Bush and Donald J. Trump have finally found a name that they can
agree on: the Washington Redskins. But in this case, Mr. Trump says he thinks that Mr. Bush
is right. Honestly, I dont think they should change the name, unless the owner wanted to, Mr.
Trump said in an interview. Mr. Trump. who has made bluntness a hallmark of his presidential
bid, said that the Redskins moniker was yet another issue of unnecessary political correctness.
The name has been that way for years, he said, and not everyone considers it to be a slur. I know
Indians that are extremely proud of that name, he said. They think its a positive. [New York
Times, 10/5/15]

The Oneida Indian Nation Criticized Donald Trump For His Opposition To
Changing The Name Of The Washington Redskins. The Oneida Indian Nation on
Monday blasted Donald Trump after the GOP presidential candidate said he knows Indians
who are proud of the Washington Redskins football team name, and he sees no reason to
change it.It is hardly surprising that a candidate who labeled Mexican immigrants rapists
and calls women 'pigs' now says he wants the NFL to continue slurring Native Americans,
the statement said. Donald Trump joins some of the NFL's ignoble fraternity of billionaires
who sit in their office suites and owner's boxes happily spending their fortunes denigrating
people of color. [Syracuse Post-Standard, 10/5/15]

Trump On Indian Casinos: You Have To Check And See Whether Or Not They're
The Real Indians. KING: Because they have gambling casinos in which they don't have to
pay tax, right? Indian's property? TRUMP: They have gambling casinos where they're paying
no tax and every politician knows it's not appropriate or not right, but they haven't done
anything about it yet. KING: But don't you think we owe them something? TRUMP: I think
we do. I think to a certain extent, we do, if they're real Indians. I mean, you have to check and

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see whether or not they're the real Indians. You know, you have-- KING: You're questioning
that, Donald? TRUMP: No, no, you have to see who's running the casinos. And you know, I
made a statement, they don't look like Indians to me. And everyone said, oh, what a terrible
statement. I said, what's wrong? They don't. If you take a look at these folks, they don't like
Indians to me. And then, actually, a number of shows did a story that my statement was 100
percent correct. I never liked to apologize and there's no reason to apologize. But I think the
Indian casinos are -- you know, they're being looked at very seriously.[Larry King Live, CNN,


Numerous White Supremacist Leaders And Publications Supported Donald Trump,
Including David Duke, A Former Leader Of The Ku Klux Klan. Radix, a white
nationalist website and magazine pronounced earlier this year that readers should support Mr.
Trump because we need someone who can expose the system that rules us as the malevolent and
worthless entity it is. Jared Taylor, the founder American Renaissance, another influential
extremist outlet said in a video statement that real Americans had been waiting for a politician
to make the obvious point illegal immigrants from Mexico are a low-rent bunch. Meanwhile, a
group called the White Genocide Project called for Mr. Trump to be made the head of a
department for deportation and reportedly petitioned President Barack Obama to make it
happen. The petition included the assertion that diversity is a byword for genocide. Mr. Trump
even won the endorsement of David Duke, an anti-Semitic former leader of the Ku Klux Klan.
[The Telegraph, 11/12/15]

Southern Poverty Law Center: Trump Has Won The Applause Of Virtually The
Entire White Nationalist Movement. A study by the Southern Poverty Law Centre, a
civil rights group, last month concluded that although he has not asked for its support, Mr.
Trump has won the applause of virtually the entire white nationalist movement. [The
Telegraph, 11/12/15]


HEADLINE: Trump Debate Claims On Deportation Excite America's White
Supremacists. [The Telegraph, 11/12/15]
Donald Trumps Mass-Deportation Plan Won Him A Die-Hard Constituency In
Americas White Supremacists. As Mr. Trump at the Republican debate this week
nostalgically recalled a time when the US government rounded up and forcefully deported
thousands of immigrants, the blogospheres of the extremist right sprung to action. Photographs
and glowing praise for the outlandish billionaire were uploaded to some of the most racist
corners of the Internet. At a stroke, Trump demolished the argument that deporting illegals is
not feasible, cheered an article re-posted on Daily Stormer, America's most popular neo-Nazi
news site. It may be unsolicited - and it is almost certainly unwanted - but the policy positions

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that Mr. Trump has taken have won him a die-hard constituency in Americas white
supremacists. [The Telegraph, 11/12/15]
David Duke Supported Trump For President. Donald Trump's presidential campaign
has a new supporter: former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke. Duke, a self-described
racial realist and notorious white nationalist, praised Trump during a wide-ranging tirade on
his radio program, calling the surging real estate mogul a good salesman and the best of the lot
of the large group of 2016 Republican presidential candidates. [New York Daily News, 8/25/15]
Conservative Blogger Crystal Wright: Trump Needs To Rebuke The White
Supremacists Whose Hearts Are Thumping For Trump Under The #Cuckservative
Hashtag. The New Yorker published a disturbing article about white supremacists whose
hearts are thumping for Trump. Writer Evan Osnos observed first hand their reactions to
Trumps candidacy by visiting with several I may be a Right-wing conservative but Im no
racist and will NEVER turn a blind eye to blatant racism within my party. While the Republican
candidates continue to reveal themselves to voters, Ill be waiting for Trump to rebuke this
#cuckservative nonsense and show his true colors. The Republican Party needs a nominee to
broader our tent of voters not restrict it to members of the Klu Klux Klan. [Crystal Wright,
The Telegraph, 9/25/15]
Marilyn Mayo, Co-Director Of The Anti-Defamation Leagues Center On
Extremism, Said Donald Trumps Candidacy Energized Neo-Nazis And The White
Supremacist Movement. When well-known public figures make these kind of statements in
the public square, they are taken as a permission-giving by criminal elements who go out and act
on their words. said Mark Potok of the SPLC. Is it energizing the groups? Yeah. Theyre
thrilled. Marilyn Mayo, co-director of the ADLs Center on Extremism, said Trumps proposal
this week to halt the entrance of Muslims into the United States is only the latest statement to
inject vigor into the racist fringe of American politics. Since the beginning of Donald Trumps
candidacy, weve definitely seen that a segment of the white supremacist movement, from racist
intellectuals to neo-Nazis have been energized, she said. [Politico, 12/10/15]

Headline: Trumps Tax Plan Could Cost $12 Trillion, And Save Him Millions In
Taxes Each Year. [Time, 9/29/15]

The Tax Foundation: Donald Trumps Tax Plan Could Cost $12 Trillion Over
The Next Decade, More Than Double His Republican Rivals. The Tax Foundation
also estimated that the plan would cost the federal government $10.14 trillion in tax revenue
over the next decadeassuming that the tax cuts spurred some additional economic growth.
Assuming growth doesnt change, the bill is $11.98 trillion. This cost estimatewhich places

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the cost of the tax plan at well over half of our current $16 trillion national debtfar exceeds
those made by the Tax Foundation for plans released in recent months by GOP hopefuls Jeb
Bush, Marco Rubio, and Rand Paul. They were $3.66 trillion for Bush, $4 trillion for Rubio,
and $3 trillion for Paul. [Time, 9/29/15]
Left- And Right-Leaning Groups Agreed: Donald Trumps Tax Plan Would Cost At
Least $9 Trillion Over The Next Decade. The first reviews are in and they agree on this
much: Donald Trump's tax plan carries a hefty price tag. Analysts at the left-leaning Citizens for
Tax Justice and the conservative-leaning Tax Foundation released top-line estimates on the
Republican presidential front-runner's tax plan that was unveiled Monday. According to the
Citizens for Tax Justice, Trump's tax proposal would reduce revenues by around $900 billion per
year, which would translate to about $9 trillion over a decade. The Tax Foundation is singing a
similar tune: It predicts that the billionaire's plan would reduce tax revenue by some $10 trillion
over the next 10 years (when measured alongside economic growth). [CNN, 9/29/15]
The Tax Foundation: Even After Accounting For A Potential Boost In Economic
Growth From Tax Cuts, Donald Trumps Tax Plan Would Still Cost More Than $10
Trillion Over Ten Years. Today, the conservative Tax Foundation offered an answer.
Without factoring in growth, it found that Trump's plan would actually add $11.98 trillion to the
10-year deficit. Once the boost to growth that would result from slashing taxes is factored in, it
would only cost $10.14 trillion ... more or less cratering the government's finances into fiery
rubble. [Jordan Weissmann, Slate, 9/29/15]
Poltifact: Donald Trumps False Claim That His Tax Plan Wouldnt Increase The
Deficit. [PolitiFact, 11/5/15]

Politifact Gave A False Rating To Donald Trumps Claim That His Tax Plan
Would Not Increase The Deficit. Trump said his tax plan would not increase the deficit.
Free market-oriented and liberal groups alike say Trumps tax plan would lead to a $10
trillion revenue loss, even if it did create economic growth. Since Trump has said he will not
slash retirement programs like Social Security and Medicare, experts doubt that any
spending cuts he made would result in a revenue-neutral tax plan. We rate Trumps claim
False. [PolitiFact, 11/5/15]

Politicos Danny Vinik: Even With The Most Optimistic Assumptions, There Is No
Way Donald Trumps Tax Plan Is Deficit Neutral Like He Claims. But Trump
makes one promise that sets his plan apart [from other Republican tax plans]: It will be deficitneutral. In other words, it would pay for itself, and all those tax cuts wouldnt make the federal
deficit worse. I did some back-of-the-envelope math on Trumps plan to see if thats true. The
short answer: Theres no way the plan is deficit neutral. Even with the most optimistic
assumptions, Trumps plan will still significantly reduce the total amount of money the
government takes in. That might appeal to a lot of conservatives, but it will also definitely
increase the federal deficit. [Danny Vinik, Politico, 9/28/15]

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Donald Trumps Tax Plan Would Eliminate The Estate Tax. No family will have to
pay the death tax. You earned and saved that money for your family, not the government. You
paid taxes on it when you earned it.... The death tax punishes families for achieving the
American dream. Therefore, the Trump plan eliminates the death tax. [Donald J. Trump For
President, Tax Reform That Will Make America Great Again, 9/28/15]
Donald Trumps Tax Plan Would Cut The Corporate Tax Rate To 15%. No business
of any size, from a Fortune 500 to a mom and pop shop to a freelancer living job to job, will pay
more than 15% of their business income in taxes. Under the Trump plan, America will compete
with the world and win by cutting the corporate tax rate to 15%, taking our rate from one of the
worst to one of the best. [Donald J. Trump For President, Tax Reform That Will Make America
Great Again, 9/28/15]
Vox: Donald Trumps Call To Slash The Corporate Tax Rate To 15 Percent From
35 Percent Would Overwhelmingly Help The Richest Americans. Trump's plan
would almost certainly help the rich disproportionately. The slashing of the corporate tax rate,
for one thing, would have major regressive implications. Jim Nunns of the Tax Policy Center has
found that about 20 percent of the corporate income tax is paid by workers, and the rest by
capital; he concludes that in 2015, the top 1 percent pays 52.8 percent of the corporate tax
burden, and the top 0.1 percent pays 33.4 percent. So slashing the corporate rate to 15 percent
from 35 percent would overwhelmingly help the richest Americans. [Vox, 9/28/15]
Donald Trumps Tax Plan Would Combine The Current Seven Income Tax Brackets
Into Four. The seven income tax brackets would be collapsed into brackets of zero, 10 percent,
20 percent and 25 percent, while the top tax rate on capital gains would see a slight dip, from
23.8 percent to 20 percent Under Trumps framework, single filers earning up to $25,000 and
married couples earning up to $50,000 per year would pay no income tax. [The Hill, 9/28/15]
Trumps Tax Plan Called For Four Income Tax Brackets:

[Donald J. Trump For President, Tax Reform That Will Make America Great Again, 9/28/15]
Trump Planned To Lower To The Top Individual Tax Rate From 39.6% To 25%. All
other Americans will get a simpler tax code with four brackets 0%, 10%, 20% and 25%
instead of the current seven. This new tax code eliminates the marriage penalty and the

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Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) while providing the lowest tax rate since before World War II.
[Trump Tax Plan, Donald J. Trump For President, Released 9/28/15]

Headline: Trumps Tax Plan Could Cost $12 Trillion, And Save Him Millions In Taxes Each Year. [Time,

Donald Trumps Tax Plan Would Cut Taxes On Capital Gains. The top capital gains
rate would be cut to 20 percent from 23.8 percent, through the elimination of Obamacare's 3.8
percent surtax. The first 15 percent capital gains rate would kick in at $100,000 for couples, not
the current $74,900. But the 20 percent rate would kick in a little earlier: $300,000, not
$464,850. [Vox, 9/28/15]
Headline: Donald Trump Is Hoodwinking The Media With His Tax Plan. Today
[9/28/15], after months of faking that he was going to break with GOP orthodoxy on taxes,
Donald Trump proposed a plan to cut income tax rates across the board, a structure that
necessarily delivers especially large tax cuts to the highest-income taxpayers. Yet a surprising
number of media outlets reported something close to the opposite. The Financial Times ran a
headline touting Trump's populist tax message. But while this is what Trump said, it's
pretty clearly not what his plan actually does. A quick analysis by the Center for Tax Justice
suggests that about one-third of the financial benefit of Trump's plan would flow to the richest 1
percent. [Vox, 9/28/15]
The Atlantic: Donald Trumps Amazingly Conventional And Utterly PlainVanilla Tax Plan Would Basically Do What Republican Candidates And
Lawmakers Have Been Proposing For Years. Maybe Donald Trump isnt such an
unconventional politician after all. The Republican presidential frontrunner released his tax
plan on Monday morning, and the most noteworthy thing about the proposal is how utterly
plain-vanilla it is. Yes, Trumps plan would dramatically reshape the tax code by cutting the
current seven income brackets to four, slashing rates for the rich, poor, and businesses, and
eliminating a host of loopholes and deductions. But thats basically what Republican candidates
and lawmakers have been proposing for years. Trump is hardly breaking the mold. [The
Atlantic, 9/28/15]

Trump: Half Of The People Don't Pay Any Tax And Are Not Contributing To
Society. DOOCY: When the president, Donald, talks about there has to be shared sacrifice,
you know, there are a lot of people in this country, over half, don't even pay any federal taxes. So
he's really talking about you. You're going to have to sacrifice more. TRUMP: Well, you know, I
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don't mind sacrificing for the country, to be honest with you, but you know, you do have is a
problem because half of the people don't pay any tax. And when he's talking about that, he's
talking about people that aren't also working, that are not contributing to this society, and it's a
problem. But we have 50 percent -- it just hit the 50 percent mark. Fifty percent of the people
are paying no tax.[Fox & Friends, Fox News, 7/18/11]
Trump Advocated For Increasing Taxes On The Rich While Lowering Taxes For
The Middle Class. Here's what he told Bloomberg Politics in a television interview
Wednesday: I would say that the hedge fund people make a lot of money and they pay very little
tax. I'm about the middle class. I want the middle class to be thriving again. We're losing our
middle-class. ... I would let people that are making hundreds of millions of dollars a year pay
some tax, because right now they're paying very little tax, and I think it's outrageous. I want to
lower taxes for the middle class. Asked if he was proposing to raise taxes on himself, Trump
replied: That's right. That's right. I'm okay with it, ready, willing. And you've seen my
statements. I mean I do very well. I don't mind paying some tax. The middle class is getting
clobbered in this country. The middle class built this country, not the hedge fund guys. But I
know people in hedge funds, they pay almost nothing, and it's ridiculous, okay? [Washington
Post, 8/27/15; WADR, Bloomberg TV, 8/26/15]
Trump In 1991: Frankly, Tax Rates For The Wealthy Are Too Low. TRUMP: Well,
I think they have a big solution now. I think they could put the incentive back into building and
real estate - that's the entire construction industry. Throughout the United States it's
unemployed. I mean, you look at what's happening. It's unemployed. They put the incentive
back into the industry, into my industry, and I'll tell you what - You're going to see the economy
rebound fast. Frankly, tax rates for the wealthy are too low. It used to be you'd have a 50 and 60
percent tax rate and people would invest and they'd- you know, they'd cut their tax. They'd pay
nothing, maybe. Today, it is just a catastrophe what they've done.[Larry King Live, CNN,
Trump On Tax Policy: High-Income People Should Pay High Percentages.
TRUMP: Well, what they did is they just kept cutting the tax rates, cutting the tax rates. And
I'm not talking about for the middle income or the poor. Leave 'em. Keep 'em low. And I
shouldn't say this, but high-income people should pay high percentages, but have the ability to
spend vast amounts of money on bringing their tax rates down to nothing. If a man is in the 50
or 60 percent bracket, he's going to invest. If a man's in the 25 percent bracket or the 30 percent
bracket, which is what you have now, there's no real reason for him to invest. He'll say, 'Hey,
look, I'll pay the tax and that's it.' So what's happened. KING: So you're saying the rich are
under-taxed? TRUMP: I'm saying the rich should be taxed at a much higher rate and should
have the incentive that, if they want to spend some money by investing in housing, investing in
other things, they can get their tax rate down to nothing, if need be.[Larry King Live, CNN,

Trump: Im Saying The Rich Should Be Taxed At A Much Higher Rate And Should Have The Incentive That, If
They Want To Spend Some Money By Investing In Housing, Investing In Other Things, They Can Get Their
Tax Rate Down To Nothing, If Need Be. [Larry King Live, CNN, 11/19/91]


Page 169

Institute On Taxation And Economic Policy On Trumps 2011 Tax Proposal:
[Trumps] Five-Step Plan Includes Eliminating The Estate Tax And The
Corporate Income Tax, Lowering The Tax Rate On Capital Gains And Dividends,
Enacting A 20 Percent Tariff On All Imported Goods And Creating A New, Lower
Income Tax Rate Structure. What exactly are Trumps tax plans? The most recent detailed
plan that Trump has offered is contained within his 2011 book, Time to Get Tough. His five-step
plan includes eliminating the estate tax and the corporate income tax, lowering the tax rate on
capital gains and dividends, enacting a 20 percent tariff on all imported goods and creating a
new, lower income tax rate structure. The income tax would include a tax rate structure of 1
percent for up to $30,000; 5 percent for $30,000-$100,000; 10 percent for $100,000-$1,000,000;
and 15 percent for income over $1,000,000. [Institute On Taxation And Economic Policy,

Institute On Taxation And Economic Policy: Trumps Policies On Taxes Would Likely Sharply Increase The
National Debt And Make The U.S. Tax System Substantially More Regressive By Both Cutting Taxes For The
Rich And Creating A Massive New Tax That Would Disproportionately Hurt Lower-Income Americans.
Billionaire businessman, television personality and now presidential candidate Donald Trump is the latest candidate
to jump into the race. He has made a number of tax proposals. His more recent proposals, in contrast to ones he
proposed back around the 2000 election, would likely sharply increase the national debt and make the U.S. tax
system substantially more regressive by both cutting taxes for the rich and creating a massive new tax that would
disproportionately hurt lower-income Americans. [Institute On Taxation And Economic Policy, 6/22/15]


Trump Supported The Bush Tax Cuts And Criticized President Obama More Not
Wanting To Extend The Cuts. More recently, in 2011, [Trump] criticized Obama more not
wanting to extend the Bush tax cuts, including for those earning over $250,000. [CNN Money,
Trump Said He Did Not Fully Believe In Supply-Side Economics. Trump was also
asked, Do you believe in supply-side economics in as much as, you reduce taxes on everybody,
including the wealthy, and that rising tide lifts all boats? Trump said, I dont fully believe in it,
but there is something to it. I dont fully. [Breitbart, 8/12/15; Hannity, Fox, 8/12/15]


Trump On The Tax Code: We Can Get Rid Of Deductions. After host Sean Hannity
said, I thought you liked the flat tax. Trump stated, The problem with the flat tax is its sort of
the same. I actually believe that people as they make more and more money can pay a higher
percentage. Later he added, I dont like where everybodys paying the same. If I make a billion

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dollars, and somebody else is making a hundred, and hes paying ten dollars and Im paying to
me, I dont know. I like somewhat of a graduation. What you have now is a system thats too
complicated. The easiest thing to do is make that system uncomplicated, and make it really good,
make it really good. And you know, as far as the IRS, people say Lets get rid of the IRS,
somebodys got to collect the money. Regarding simplifying the tax code, also stated, The word is
simplification. We can simplify. We can get rid of deductions. [Breitbart, 8/12/15; Hannity, Fox,
Donald Trump Wanted To Abolish Various Unspecified Tax Deductions And
Credits. Donald Trump is expected to release a tax plan in the next few weeks. He has said
he would abolish various tax deductions and credits. This would be a part of his effort to simplify
the tax code so he can, as he put it in August, put H&R Block out of business, knock them out,
put them out of business. Mr. Trump hasnt said which deductions and credits he would
eliminate, which isnt unusual for a Republican candidate for president. Mr. Romneys 2012 tax
plan emphasized extensive-but-unspecified base broadening through the elimination of
deductions and credits, and Jeb Bush said in May he would take a similar approach, in each case
as a way to pay for reductions in tax rates. [New York Times, Upshot blog, 9/2/15]
Trump Advocated Shortening Depreciation Schedules To Incentivize Investment.
TRUMP: I would put the construction industry back to work because when the construction by
creating tremendous incentives for construction, for building. KING: Give me an example.
Saying, all right-- TRUMP: All right, shortening up depreciation schedules, creating great
depreciations so that you can sell it. If a dentist is making $ 300,000 a year drilling people's
teeth and he wants to invest because he doesn't want to pay so much tax, and he wants to invest
in low-income housing, that's a great asset to the country. That's not a liability. People didn't
understand that, but that's not a liability. He should be allowed to invest to build moderateincome housing - even to build luxury housing because the man that moves into that luxury
apartment is buying radios and hi-fi's and television sets and all of this other stuff. So there
should be incentive in that industry. It affects every other industry. [Larry King Live, CNN,

In 1991, Trump Complained That Tax Laws Gave No Incentive To Build Or

Invest. KING: They were going to - and now they're not going to - cut the credit card rates.
They were going to do it by edict on bank credit cards.banks went in an uproar because,
apparently, that's where they make the most profit.What are your thoughts on that idea?
TRUMP: I don't think it's going to have an effect one way on the country. I think the biggest
effect is what I've already discussed. I mean, that's what you have to do. You have to put
incentive back into this country. There's no incentive for people to do things. There's no
incentive to build. There's no incentive to create. And again, we're like the Soviet Union,
there's no incentive to do anything any more. [Larry King Live, CNN, 11/19/91]



Page 171

2000 Election: Trump Explicitly Rejected The Idea Of A Flat Tax In His Book
The America We Deserve. The oddest thing about Trumps recent support for a flat tax is
that it represents a significant reversal from his previously stated opposition to a flat tax. During
the 2000 election Trump released a book, titled The America We Deserve, in which he explicitly
rejected the flat tax. He said that a flat tax would be unfair to the poor, who would be forced to
pay more in taxes due in part to the repeal of the earned income tax credit. He also said that it
would be unfair to allow the wealthy to get away with not paying any taxes on income from
dividends, capital gains and interest. [Institute On Taxation And Economic Policy, 6/22/15]
Trump Said He Was Against The Flat Tax Because People Who Make More Can
Afford To Pay More In Taxes. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said that
he is against a flat tax and people as they make more and more money can pay a higher
percentage in an interview broadcast on Wednesdays Hannity on the Fox News Channel.
Trump was asked, [relevant exchange beings around 3:00] You want to lower the tax, you want
to implement a flat tax. Trump objected to this characterization. After host Sean Hannity said, I
thought you liked the flat tax. Trump stated, The problem with the flat tax is its sort of the
same. I actually believe that people as they make more and more money can pay a higher
percentage. Later he added, I dont like where everybodys paying the same. If I make a billion
dollars, and somebody else is making a hundred, and hes paying ten dollars and Im paying to
me, I dont know. I like somewhat of a graduation. What you have now is a system thats too
complicated. The easiest thing to do is make that system uncomplicated, and make it really good,
make it really good. And you know, as far as the IRS, people say Lets get rid of the IRS,
somebodys got to collect the money. Regarding simplifying the tax code, also stated, The word is
simplification. We can simplify. We can get rid of deductions. [Breitbart, 8/12/15; Hannity, Fox,

Trump: The Problem With The Flat Tax Is Its Sort Of The Same. I Actually Believe That People As They Make
More And More Money Can Pay A Higher Percentage.[Breitbart, 8/12/15; Hannity, Fox, 8/12/15]

Trump: I Dont Like Where Everybodys Paying The Same. If I Make A Billion Dollars, And Somebody Else Is
Making A Hundred, And Hes Paying Ten Dollars And Im Paying To Me, I Dont Know. I Like Somewhat Of
A Graduation.[Breitbart, 8/12/15; Hannity, Fox, 8/12/15]


Trump Supported A Flat Tax And The Fair Tax. While Trump has not specified a new
tax plan in the run-up to his 2016 candidacy, he has indicated that he supports a flat tax and the
so-called Fair Tax (a national sales tax). If Trump ends up proposing a flat tax, he would not be
alone considering that other presidential candidate supporters of a flat tax include Gov. Rick
Perry, Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Rand Paul, Ben Carson, Sen. Lindsey Graham and yet to announce
candidate Gov. John Kasich, while the national sales tax is supported by both Mike Huckabee
and Sen. Cruz. If enacted in a revenue-neutral way, both the Fair Tax and a flat tax would likely
cut taxes on the wealthiest American by an average of over $200,000, while significantly
increasing taxes on the vast majority of Americans. The oddest thing about Trumps recent

Page 172

support for a flat tax is that it represents a significant reversal from his previously stated
opposition to a flat tax. [Institute On Taxation And Economic Policy, 6/22/15]
Trump On Tax Reform: We Can Leave The Tax Code The Way It Is And Simplify
It, Or You Could Go To A Form Of A Flat Tax. You Could Go To A Fair Tax.
TRUMP: And I have hedge fund guys that are making a lot of money that arent paying
anything, okay. And I dont know how his pledge relates to that. But I know a lot of bad people in
this country that are making a hell of a lot of money and not paying taxes. And the tax law is
totally screwed up. The complexity of it, the size of it. I mean I spent millions of dollars every
year on lawyers and accountants just to do a tax return. And I want to put H&R Block out of
business. I want to make it very simple. And we can leave the tax code the way it is and simplify
it, or you could go to a form of a flat tax. You could go to a fair tax. Theres a lot of things you
could do. [TIME, 8/20/15]
Wall Street Journals Washington Wire: In A Recent Fox News Interview Mr.
Trump Said He Favored A Flat Tax But Then Immediately Said Such A System
Would Be Unfair Because The Rich Would Be Taxed At The Same Rate As The
Poor. [Wall Street Journal, Washington Wire blog, 9/4/15]


Trump On Bushs Tax Plan: I Don't Think It's Aggressive Enough I Think We
Need A Bigger Tax Cut Than This Plan. ROBERTS: The other big issue that's
happened this week is George W. Bush has put out his tax plan. What do you think of it?
TRUMP: I don't think it's aggressive enough. I don't think it's going to be a plan that's going to
keep the economy going anywhere near even what it is. I think we need a bigger tax cut than
this plan. I think this plan is very timid. I was surprised. I thought--I thought that his plan
was very timid.[This Week, ABC, 12/5/99]
Trump Supported The Bush Tax Cuts And Criticized President Obama More Not
Wanting To Extend The Cuts. More recently, in 2011, [Trump] criticized Obama more not
wanting to extend the Bush tax cuts, including for those earning over $250,000. [CNN Money,




Page 173

Trump: I Would Impose A One-Time, 14.25% Tax On Individuals And Trusts With
A Net Worth Over $10 Million. Trump on Taxes I would impose a one-time, 14.25% tax
on individuals and trusts with a net worth over $10 million, Trump said. For individuals, net
worth would be calculated minus the value of their principal residence. That would raise $5.7
trillion in new revenue, which we would use to pay off the entire national debt. [The Club For
Growth press release, 6/16/15]

1999: Trump Proposed A One-Time Net Worth Tax On Individuals Worth Greater Than $10 Million.
QUESTION: Mr. Trump, can you outline your plan? TRUMP: Yes, I propose a one-time 14.25 % net worth tax
on individuals with a net worth of greater than $10 million. This would raise $5.7 trillion in revenue. I would pay off
the national debt entirely. That would save us $200 billion in annual interest payments. I would use $100 billion of
this savings for tax cuts on the middle class and put the other $100 billion in the social security trust fund every
year. That would make the social security system solvent for the next century. I would also repeal the 55%
Inheritance Tax. More importantly America would experience the greatest economic boom in our history.
[Statement, Donald J. Trump Presidential Exploratory Committee, 11/9/99]

1999: Trump Said That The Rich Could Either Borrow Money Or Liquidate Assets
To Pay 14.25% Net Worth Tax. QUESTION: How will rich people come up with a 14.25 %
payment to the government? TRUMP: The same way every taxpayer does when they owe the
IRS they can either borrow the money against their enormous assets or liquidate some assets
in order to pay their taxes it happens every April 15th. However, in the case when a wealthy
tax payer is not liquid, we could phase in their payments over time say ten years as long as
government knew they could count on the revenue. [Statement, Donald J. Trump Presidential
Exploratory Committee, 11/9/99]

Trump Said That Wealthy People Would Pay His Proposed Net Worth Tax By Selling Off Assets.
REDEKER: People who have a net worth of $ 10 million or more, including yourself, generally don't have huge
cash reserves. Where would they come up with this money? TRUMP: It's a very fair question and very good
question that's been thought of in great detail. Some people would be able to sell things off, easily pay the tax,
and ultimately get it back many fold by the booming economy. And you will have a boom like you literally have
never had before and by the saving of the inheritance tax. Well, they sell off assets, you'd sell off assets.
[Good Morning America, ABC, 11/10/99]

Trump Said That His Proposed Net Worth Tax Would Eliminate The National
Debt And Lower Taxes For The Working Class. TRUMP: Ever since I can remember,
people have been wanting to get rid of the national debt. My idea gets rid of the national debt,
and then it gets rid of high tax rates -- you bring them down. There's something very compelling
and very nice about that Taxes for the working man and woman would go down to a very low
level. The -- in terms of the rich, who are really paying for this plan -- and they should get
something for that -- the inheritance tax, which is a terrible and onerous tax, would go away in
its entirety. [Inside Politics, CNN, 11/9/99]

Donald Trumps Tax Plan Would Cut The Corporate Tax Rate To 15%. No business
of any size, from a Fortune 500 to a mom and pop shop to a freelancer living job to job, will pay
more than 15% of their business income in taxes. Under the Trump plan, America will compete
with the world and win by cutting the corporate tax rate to 15%, taking our rate from one of the

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worst to one of the best. [Donald J. Trump For President, Tax Reform That Will Make America
Great Again, 9/28/15]
Trump Supported Lowering Tax Rates In Order To Stop Corporate Inversion.
Trump also signaled he was willing to take on the issue of corporate inversion, by which
companies are re-incorporated abroad as a way to skirt costs of doing business when based in the
U.S., and said he had discussed the subject with American businessman Carl Icahn.His
solution to the problem involves lowering corporate taxes. Let the money come in, tax it at a
much lower rate, and let the money come in, Trump said, adding. This is money that could be
spent in this country, and they can't get it in. [Bloomberg, 8/26/15; WADR, Bloomberg TV,


Donald Trumps Tax Plan Would Cut Taxes On Capital Gains. The top capital gains
rate would be cut to 20 percent from 23.8 percent, through the elimination of Obamacare's 3.8
percent surtax. The first 15 percent capital gains rate would kick in at $100,000 for couples, not
the current $74,900. But the 20 percent rate would kick in a little earlier: $300,000, not
$464,850. [Vox, 9/28/15]
Trump Would Increase The Taxes On Hedge Fund Managers Even If It Increased
The Taxes He Paid. I would change it. I would simplify it, Trump told hosts Mark Halperin
and John Heilemann from the lobby of Trump Tower on New York's 5th Ave. Specifically, Trump
targeted hedge fund profits, which are currently taxed at a lower rate than regular income. I
would take carried interest out, and I would let people making hundreds of millions of dollars-ayear pay some tax, because right now they are paying very little tax and I think it's outrageous,
Trump said. I want to lower taxes for the middle class. Asked whether his proposed changes
meant he was prepared to raise taxes on himself, the billionaire framed his answer in terms of
fairness. That's right. That's right. I'm OK with it. You've seen my statements, I do very well, I
don't mind paying some taxes. The middle class is getting clobbered in this country. You know
the middle class built this country, not the hedge fund guys, but I know people in hedge funds
that pay almost nothing and it's ridiculous, OK? [Bloomberg, 8/26/15; WADR, Bloomberg TV,
Trump Said It Was Ridiculous That Hedge Fund Managers Paid So Little In Taxes. Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump blasted hedge fund managers on Sunday as mere paper pushers who he said were getting away
with murder by not paying their fair share of taxes. In a telephone interview on CBS's Face the Nation, Trump vowed to
reform the tax laws if elected and said the current system was harming middle class Americans who currently faced
higher tax rates than traders on Wall Street. The hedge fund guys didn't build this country. These are guys that shift
paper around and they get lucky, Trump said. They are energetic. They are very smart. But a lot of them - they are
paper-pushers. They make a fortune. They pay no tax. It's ridiculous, ok? [Reuters, 8/23/15]


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Trump Has Not Released A Detailed Tax Plan, But He Suggested Raising The
Capital Gains Tax And That Profits Made By Hedge Fund Managers Should Be
Taxed As Real Income. Though Trump has not released a plan detailing the specifics of his
proposed tax reforms, he has suggested raising the capital-gains tax repeatedly, claiming that
the profits that hedge fund managers make should be taxed like real income. [Business Insider,

Hedge Fund Managers Pay Taxes At A Lower Rate Through The Carried
Interest Loophole. As CBS notes, many hedge-fund managers pay taxes on capital gains
rather than income taxes, the rates of which are significantly higher for the highest earners.
This is known as the carried interest loophole in the tax code. [Business Insider, 9/9/15]


Elizabeth Warren, Paul Krugman, And Warren Buffet Praised Trumps Call To
Close The Carried Interest Loophole. Donald Trump is earning praise from an unlikely
trio of high-profile leaders for some of his proposals on taxes and the economy. In the past
several days, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts), Nobel prize-winning economist Paul
Krugman, and legendary investor Warren Buffett have praised Trump on taxes and economics.
More specifically, the left-leaning trio has said they agree with Trump's call to close the so-called
carried interest tax loophole, which allows hedge-fund managers and other wealthier Americans
to pay lower taxes on incomes through capital gains. [Business Insider, 9/9/15]

Donald Trumps Tax Plan Would Eliminate The Estate Tax. No family will have to
pay the death tax. You earned and saved that money for your family, not the government. You
paid taxes on it when you earned it.... The death tax punishes families for achieving the
American dream. Therefore, the Trump plan eliminates the death tax. [Donald J. Trump For
President, Tax Reform That Will Make America Great Again, 9/28/15]
1999: Trump Proposed Repealing The Inheritance Tax. My proposal would also allow
us to entirely repeal the 55% Federal Inheritance tax which really hurts farmers and small
businessmen and women more than anyone else.[Statement, Donald J. Trump Presidential
Exploratory Committee, 11/9/99]


Page 176


Trump Did Not Support Abolishing The IRS. After host Sean Hannity said, I thought
you liked the flat tax. Trump stated, The problem with the flat tax is its sort of the same. I
actually believe that people as they make more and more money can pay a higher percentage.
Later he added, I dont like where everybodys paying the same. If I make a billion dollars, and
somebody else is making a hundred, and hes paying ten dollars and Im paying to me, I dont
know. I like somewhat of a graduation. What you have now is a system thats too complicated.
The easiest thing to do is make that system uncomplicated, and make it really good, make it
really good. And you know, as far as the IRS, people say Lets get rid of the IRS, somebodys got
to collect the money. Regarding simplifying the tax code, also stated, The word is simplification.
We can simplify. We can get rid of deductions. [Breitbart, 8/12/15; Hannity, Fox, 8/12/15]

Trump: The 1986 Tax Law Change Was A Total Disaster. TRUMP: At the same
time, the 1986 tax law change was a total disaster. It was dumb. It was expensive. It cost the
United States billions and billions of dollars. And it was foolish. I mean you had some senators
that had no idea what they were doing when they passed that. And it shouldn't have happened.
RTC was created. Trillions of dollars in property were just thrown out, thrown out the window
and bought for very little money by some very smart people. And it should have never
happened.[Evans & Novak, CNN, 12/27/97]

Trump Said That The 1986 Tax Reform Act Destroyed The Real Estate Industry And The Savings And Loans
Institutions. TRUMP: The Government in 1986 passed the dumbest tax law ever thought of by man. They
destroyed the savings and loan institutions because of the real estate. The insurance companies and banks are
going to be next. And if they don't put incentive back into real estate you're going to have a catastrophe in this
country like you've never seen before. KING: The 'they,' though, is your party? TRUMP: Politicians. KING: The
Republican Party? TRUMP: Well, I don't say the Republicans. I mean, I guess it takes both parties to pass it, but
they destroyed the real estate industry and this is why your unemployment is so high. This is why your manufacturing
is so low. Real estate triggers everything. When you build a house - again, refrigerators, carpeting, this, this, this. It
affects so many different things and, in 1986, they destroyed the real estate industry, stupidly, and they thought they
were saving something on taxes. In the meantime, the savings and loans are going to cost trillions of dollars to
save.[Larry King Live, CNN, 11/19/91]


Trump Said That Economists Called His Tax Plan Brilliant. REDEKER: What are
economists saying about this idea? It's certainly a radical approach to try and solve a few
problems and maybe not that realistic, but what are they saying? TRUMP: I know lots of very
great and talented economists. The ones that I've spoken to and consulted with--and I'll be
announcing who they are at a later date, if I decide to run, have said that this plan is, quote,
brilliant. I don't want to take the whole credit, but they have said it. [Good Morning America,
ABC, 11/10/99]

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Trump Said He Would Immediately Announce A 25% Tax On Chinese Products.
TRUMP: And if you read the real economists and real people that know what's going on it's an
unfair playing field. So here's what happens. You said what would I do? I would immediately
announce a tax of 25 percent. The first thing that's going to happen is the Chinese are going to
call.[Piers Morgan Tonight, Fox News, 2/9/11]
In Donald Trumps Time To Get Tough, Which Was Reissued In 2015, Trump
Suggested Calculating Taxes On Imports Based On The Devaluation Of The
Countrys Currency And Setting A 25% Tax On Chinese Goods, But Trump
Suggested A 12% Tariff On Chinese Products In A September 2015 Interview. Mr.
Trumps 2011 book Time to Get Tough has just been reissued in paperback with a new subtitle
to match his campaign slogan Make America Great Again. In the book Mr. Trump suggests
calculating taxes on imports based on how much a countrys currency is devalued and setting a
25% tax on Chinese goods if they dont set a real market value on their currency. In an interview
with The Economist this week, he suggested a 12% tariff on Chinese products. [Wall Street
Journal, Washington Wire blog, 9/4/15]
The Daily Beast: Donald Trump Bragged About Dodging NYC Taxes And Getting A
Taxpayer-Funded Subsidy. The ex-reality TV stars love of cronyism extends beyond
eminent domain and into tax dodging. In his Art of the Deal memoir, Trump bragged about
obtaining a 40-year property tax abatement from the City of New York so he could build a hotel.
While an abatement sounds like innocuous tax benefits, in effect its a taxpayer-funded subsidy
similar to those sports team owners receive when they build new stadiums. [The Daily Beast,

Trump: Stop TPP New orders for manufacturing down 9/10 months Time for fair trade. Stop TPP! [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 7/2/15]


Trump: Im Not An Isolationist. KING: Are you as much of an isolationist in that area as
Buchanan is? TRUMP: I'm not an isolationist. What I am, though, is I think that you have to

Page 178

be treated fairly by other countries. If other countries are not going to treat you fairly, Larry, I
think that those countries should be -- they should suffer the consequences.[Larry King Live,
CNN, 10/7/99]
Trump: Free Trade Is A Wonderful Thing. KING: So this isn't fair trade? Free trade
isn't fair trade? TRUMP: No, free trade is a wonderful thing, and I believe in free trade, but, at
the same time, it's got to be fair trade. You look at some of these -- I mean, look what Japan does
with the cars and the subsidies and everything else, and look at Korea, with the ships and the
subsidies they get. I mean, it's very unfair to this country. What is happening throughout the
world in a business sense is very unfair. We could reduce taxes and take care of health care, and
it would be beautiful, and you would have plenty of money left over.[Larry King Live, CNN,

Trump Said He Was OK With Starting A Trade War, Saying What Difference
Does It Make. CAVUTO: You know, critics will say that invites a trade war right there.
TRUMP: Thats OK. What difference does it make? I mean, were on the losing end. What
difference does it make? We have such deficits with so many countries, were on the losing end. I
mean, you look at Mexico, you look at some of these countries, we have such incredible trade
imbalance that, what difference does it make? I would rather have no trade than the kind of
trade were doing, because we are losing our shirts with most of these countries.[Your World
With Neil Cavuto, Fox News, 8/6/10]
Trump Said It Did Not Matter If Products Cost More Because Of Chinese Trade
Policy Because His Son Already Had Enough Toy Airplanes. BURNETT: So, if we
adjust the currency, if China adjusts their currency, a couple of negative things might happen in
the U.S. Prices at Wal-Mart may go up and the U.S. is still just barely passed by China in terms
of manufacturing. So, make the case for why now, why they adjust?... Right, because it will cost a
little bit more to make them here, but that's the choice you make as Americans. TRUMP: You
know, I mean, I have a child upstairs who's got nine airplanes. So, instead of nine, he'll three
that will be made in this country, and I like that. And he wouldn't know the difference.
BURNETT: No, he wouldn't. Who needs nine airplanes, right? TRUMP: He doesn't need it.
They are stacked up in a corner. Who needs it? They will be made in this country. [Outfront,
CNN, 10/10/11]


Trump In 1999: NAFTA Is Going To Look Like A Disaster. KING: You shared Mr.
Perot and Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Nader's belief with regard to NAFTA, right? You were an
opponent of NAFTA? TRUMP: I am. And the reason NAFTA looks OK now is because the
economy is strong, but when the economy is not strong, which, unfortunately, will at some point
happen, NAFTA is going to look like a disaster.[Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99]

Page 179

Trump: Im Not A NAFTA Fan, Im Not A World Trade Organization Fan.

TRUMP: Yeah, I think certain areas do thrive. I think certain areas are not. I mean, I'm not a
NAFTA fan, I'm not a World Trade Organization fan. I'm really a big trade fan. I think we
should be trading, but we should be trading on a fair basis. We're not trading on a fair basis
right now. Look, the United States has been a sucker for many, many years on world trade.
That's why our deficits are so--you know, in China, we lose a hundred billion dollars to China,
and then we have a problem with North Korea, and China won't help us because nobody speaks
to them properly. Not tough, properly.[This Week, ABC, 12/5/99]

Club For Growth: Trump Called For A 20% Tax On Imported Goods And A
Twenty-Five Percent Tax On China, Unless They Behave. Trump on Trade Trump
has called for a 20% tax for importing goods, and a Twenty-five percent tax on China, unless
they behave. [The Club For Growth press release, 6/16/15]
USA Today: [Trump] Boasted He Would Have Blocked New Ford Plants In Mexico
By Threatening To Impose A 35% Tax On Vehicles And Parts Made In Mexico And
Shipped To The U.S. But Only Congress Can Impose Taxes And Such A Tax Would
Violate The North American Free Trade Agreement.[USA Today, 6/16/15]
Trump Would Use Tariffs To Keep Companies From Moving Overseas. Pressed by
Cuomo on how exactly he'd get American companies to stop building factories overseas, where
labor is cheaper, Trump said he'd slap the companies with tariffs and communicate with them.
[CNN, 8/19/15]

CNN Money: Trumps Massive Tariffs Would Start An Immediate Trade War That Would Likely Hurt American
Jobs And Exports. Trump's big claim is that he will bring back American jobs -- from China, from Mexico, from
Japan, from so many places. If you listen closely, Trump has proposed doing this two ways: slapping tariffs on foreign
goods and negotiating better trade deals. In his campaign announcement speech, he threatened a 35% tax on Ford
(F) vehicles made in Mexico that are brought back to the U.S. to be sold, and in 2011, he has made headlines for
suggesting a 25% tariff on goods coming from China to the U.S. At face value, what Trump has proposed would start
an immediate trade war that would likely hurt American jobs and exports. [CNN Money, 7/28/15]


Trump Advocated 15 To 20% Tariffs On All Of The Many Nations That Abuse The
United States, Especially Japan. TRUMP: The top ten banks in the world are Japanese
banks. SAWYER: But it's all right if they continue to invest at the current rate? TRUMP: I
think investment is fine, but I think we should take plenty of their money so they won't be able
to invest as much. I believe very strongly in tariffs. I believe that Japan - and I'm not just saying
Japan. I'm saying that all of the many nations that abuse the United States should pay a major
tax - like a 15 or a 20 percent tax on any product they sell in the United States. I'm using Japan
as an example. Japan is not even the worst abuser. If you look at West Germany, if you look at
Saudi Arabia, if you look at so many of the other countries, South Korea, they are absolutely
Page 180

catastrophic in what they're doing to this country. America is being ripped off. And I'll tell you
what. We're not going to have an America in 10 years if it keeps going like this. We're a debtor
nation, and we have to tax, we have to tariff, we have to protect this country. And nobody's doing
it.[Primetime Live, ABC News, 11/2/89]


In Response To China Devaluing Their Currency, Trump Said He Would Put A
Tariff On Chinese Products And Claimed We Have To Have A Trade War With
China. Challenged by host Bill O'Reilly, the celebrity real estate tycoon doubled down on what
has become a main issue in his campaign, criticizing the U.S. government for allowing China to
devalue its currency. Trump said he would put a tariff on Chinese products, saying you have to
have a trade war. Their leaders are intelligent, ours aren't, Trump said Monday. [The Hill,
8/25/15; The OReilly Factor, Fox News, 8/24/15]
Trump Said He Would Start A Trade War With China, Stating You Have To Do
That ... You Have No Choice. Trump, who has made a similar call with Mexico, said
Monday that he would initiate a trade war with China, saying you have to do that ... you have no
choice.: [CNN, 8/25/15; The OReilly Factor, Fox News, 8/24/15]
Trump Said He Would Urge A Trade War With China And Urge Americans To Stop
Buy Fewer Chinese Products. CAVUTO: I would imagine, President Trump would then
start urging Americans to buy less from China. TRUMP: Absolutely. CAVUTO: Trade war.
Trade war ensues then what? TRUMP: Oh, I'd urge that anyway. Look, this isn't free trade.
This isn't free trade. If you try and do business, I have to tell you, Nucor, a great steel company,
you ask that gentleman that's running Nucor, is it possible to do business in China? He'll tell you
it's virtually impossible. We can't do business in China. They do business with us. I've had
Chinese partners. I will tell you right now, very difficult. Want the edge all the time. And unless
we have the right people to deal with them, you got yourself a big problem in this country and we
don't have the right people as of this moment that are dealing with the Chinese.[Your World
With Neil Cavuto, Fox News, 1/18/11]
2015: Trump Said He Would Impose Import Tariffs Of Up To 12 Percent On China.
As for China, Trump said he would play hardball with Beijing on trade. He accused China of
devaluing its currency and said he would hit the Chinese with import tariffs of up to 12 percent.
[Public Radio International, 9/7/15]

The Economists David Rennie: If [Donald Trump] Did One-Tenth Of What Hes Planning, He Would Trigger A
Global Trade War, Which Would Cause A Kind Of Global Recession And Cost Lots Of Jobs. The editors at
The Economist looked at the overall implications of Trumps policy ideas and were less than impressed. Americans
are waking up to the possibility that a man whose hobby is naming things after himself might conceivably be the


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nominee of the party of Lincoln and Reagan. It is worth spelling out why that would be a terrible thing, they write in
the latest issue of the magazine. From an economics point-of-view, we think that if he did one-tenth of what hes
planning, he would trigger a global trade war, which would cause a kind of global recession and cost lots of jobs,
[David] Rennie [Washington bureau chief for The Economist] says. [Public Radio International, 9/7/15]

2011: Trump Said He Would Put A 40% Tariff On Chinese Products Without
Hesitation If China Continued To Manipulate Its Currency. SPITZER: Based on
what you just said about China and their manipulation of their currency which is estimated to be
between 30, 40 percent. Are you going to slap a 40 percent tariff on everything coming in from
China? TRUMP: If they don't change their ways I would do it without hesitation.[In The
Arena, CNN, 4/22/11]
Trump Said He Would Immediately Announce A 25% Tax On Chinese Products.
TRUMP: And if you read the real economists and real people that know what's going on it's an
unfair playing field. So here's what happens. You said what would I do? I would immediately
announce a tax of 25 percent. The first thing that's going to happen is the Chinese are going to
call.[Piers Morgan Tonight, Fox News, 2/9/11]
After The Slump In Chinas Stock Market, Trump Called For A Big Uncoupling
Of The U.S. And Chinese Economies. Trump sharpened his attacks against China on
Monday after the U.S. stock market took a dive over concerns about China's economy, leading
Trump to call for a big uncoupling of the U.S. and Chinese economies. They want our people to
starve -- they're taking our business away. They've taken our jobs away, Trump said. [CNN,
8/25/15; The OReilly Factor, Fox News, 8/24/15]
Trump Claimed A Fall In The U.S. Stock Market Was Due To U.S. Ties To China.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump lamented the global stock market turmoil
Monday morning -- when the Dow plummeted 1,000 points at open -- saying it's an example of
how the United States is too closely tied to China. As I have long stated, we are so tied in with
China and Asia that their markets are now taking the U.S. market down. Get smart U.S.A.
Trump tweeted. He added in a separate Tweet: Markets are crashing - all caused by poor
planning and allowing China and Asia to dictate the agenda. This could get very messy! Vote
Trump. [CNN, 8/24/15]
Trump Said That The U.S. Has To Take Strong Action To Deal With Chinas
Currency Devaluation. The New York Times on Donald Trump: How would he handle
China, should it keep devaluing its currency? Well, you have to take strong action, he said at a
news conference here later in the day, right before he took the stage in a hall crammed with
about 3,000 people. [New York Times, 8/11/15]


Page 182

Trump Said That Chinas Currency Manipulation Would Be Devastating For The
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday said China's devaluation of
the yuan would be devastating for the United States. They're just destroying us, the billionaire
businessman, a long-time critic of China's currency policy, said in a CNN interview. They keep
devaluing their currency until they get it right. They're doing a big cut in the yuan, and that's
going to be devastating for us. [Reuters, 8/11/15]
Trump Said That Chinas Devaluation Of Its Currency Would Suck The Blood Out
Of The United States! The speech started with a riff on China's currency devaluation,
which Trump tried to put in layman's terms: Devalue means, suck the blood out of the United
States! [Washington Post, 8/11/15; Genesee and Saginaw Republican Party's Lincoln Day
dinner, 8/11/15]
HEADLINE: Donald Trump Sells Chinese Goods Despite Accusing China of
Stealing US Jobs. [ABC News, 6/17/15]
ABC News: In His Campaign Kickoff On Tuesday, Donald Trump Blasted Cheap
Chinese Goods But He Has No Problem Putting His Name On Them And Selling
Them. In his campaign kickoff on Tuesday, Donald Trump blasted cheap Chinese goods but
he has no problem putting his name on them and selling them. The day after his tirade, the
Trump Store inside the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York boasted an array of imported
goods, including teddy bears and T-shirts from China alongside products from Haiti, Nicaragua
and Lesotho. Trump mentioned China two-dozen times in the opener to his 2016 presidential bid,
accusing that country and Mexico of putting Americans out of work. They cant get jobs, because
there are no jobs, because China has our jobs and Mexico has our jobs, Trump said. [ABC News,
Trump Said That He Buys Chinese Products Because They Are Cheaper.KING: Do
you know your wife sells a jewelry line on QVC? TRUMP: That's true. And you know what else
-- can I give you-- KING: Do you know every piece of jewelry -- every piece of jewelry is made in
China? TRUMP: Can I tell you what else? I build my buildings, unfortunately, because
companies can't compete because they manipulate their currency. So China makes jewelry and
they make curtain walls and they make lots of other things and it shouldn't be that way, John.
We should be making it.KING: People will ask, is this guy a hypocrite? He's out there beating
up on the Chinese and his wife is making money selling products made in China. TRUMP:
Because of the fact that China manipulates their currency. And they really manipulate it big
league. And our people aren't smart enough to know what's going on. When I order curtain walls
for a big beautiful building, when I order other things, you know what happened with the
sheetrock, because the good news is we make better products than they make in China. But
when I order -- can I talk? When I order various elements for building a big building, many of
them come from China. Many other industries, the same thing. These -- it comes from China.
You know why? Because they manipulate the hell out of their currency. [John King USA, CNN,

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Trump Said He Often Cant Buy American Products Because No One Makes Them In The U.S. TRUMP: When I
order curtain walls, when I order other things -- I order thousands of television sets for a building, thousands. I said,
Let's buy it from the United States. I want America. I want United States. There's no place that makes them. We don't
have television companies in this country. I mean, of any consequence. So, I end up getting LGs made in South
Korea, thousands of them. Now, why -- excuse me, why aren't we -- why aren't we making them in this country?
Why? [John King USA, CNN, 4/27/11]


Trump On U.S. Infrastructure: Were Becoming A Third World Country. But
were becoming a third world country, because of our infrastructure, our airports, our roads,
everything. [Donald Trump Presidential Campaign Announcement, 6/16/15]




Trump: I Used To Not Be Pro-Life. I Have Become Pro-Life. O'REILLY: Ok. Real
quick, social issues. AbortionYou favor it? TRUMP: No, I'm as you know, I'm pro-life.
O'REILLY: Ok, so you're pro-life on abortion. But would you outlaw abortion? TRUMP: Well,
I'd -- I'd go a step -- I'd go a pretty strong step. Something I don't like, I used to not be pro-life. I
have become pro-life. I have seen friends that had children that they didn't want. And now they
have children and they are the apple of the eye. So I really have changed in my views over the
years but I am pro-life. I would -- I would really -- I'm forming an opinion, I'm forming a very
strong opinion but I'll let you know in about three or four weeks if I decided it. [The OReilly
Factor, Fox News, 3/30/11]
Trump Supported The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, Which
Prohibited Abortion After 20 Weeks Of Pregnancy. In an exclusive to The Brody File,
Donald Trump has come out in support of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. The
bill, which will be taken up by Congress, prohibits abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Donald
Trump released his exclusive statement to The Brody File below: I support the Pain-Capable
Unborn Child Protection Act and urge Congress to pass this bill. A ban on elective abortions
after 20 weeks will protect unborn children. We should not be one of seven countries that allows
elective abortions after 20 weeks. It goes against our core values. Donald Trump [CBN,
Trump Supported Abortion Ban Exceptions In Cases Of Rape, Incest Or The
Health Of The Mother. Business mogul Donald Trump went on a media blitz Tuesday
morning, making back-to-back appearances on Fox and CNN as he sought to tamper down the
controversy over his spat with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly But he believes abortion ban
exceptions should be made in cases of rape, incest or compromised health of the mother. I am for
Page 184

the exceptions. You have the three exceptions, I am for the exceptions. I absolutely am for the
exceptions, and so was Ronald Reagan for the exceptions, by the way. Theres nothing wrong
with that, you have to do it, in my opinion, he said on CNN. [Washington Post, 8/11/15; New
Day, CNN, 8/11/15]
Trump Did Not Say Whether He Would Try To Repeal Roe V. Wade, Saying You
Need A Lot Of Supreme Court Judges. AUDIENCE MEMBER: Will you try to defund
[Planned Parenthood], and repeal Roe v. Wade? DONALD TRUMP: Well, the answer is yes,
defund. The other, you need a lot of Supreme Court justices. But were gonna be looking at that
also very, very carefully. But you need a lot of Supreme Court judges. But defund, yes, were
going to be doing that. [Donald Trump Campaign Rally, Waterville Valley NH, 12/1/15]
Trump Agreed That There Was A Right To Privacy In The Constitution. GUTHRIE:
Is there a right to privacy in the Constitution? TRUMP: I guess there is. I guess there is.
[MSNBC, 4/19/11]
Trump: Im Strong On Pro-Life. GUTHRIE: Is there a right to privacy in the
Constitution? TRUMP: I guess there is. I guess there is. I mean, why -- and why, just out of
curiosity, why do you ask that question? GUTHRIE: So how does that -- Well, Im just
wondering how that squares with your pro-life views. TRUMP: Well, thats a pretty strange of
getting to pro-life. I mean, its a very unique way of asking about pro-life. Why are you -- what
does that have to do with privacy? How are you -- how are you equating pro-life with privacy?
GUTHRIE: Well, you know about the Roe v. Wade decision. TRUMP: Yes, right, sure. Look,
Im for pro -- I am pro-life. Ive said it. Im very strong there and Im strong on pro-life. [MSNBC,


Trump Supported Defunding Planned Parenthood. Trump has also come out in support
of defunding Planned Parenthood after newly released videotapes have come out showing
Planned Parenthood doctors arranging the sale of body parts from aborted babies. [CBN,
Trump Supported Shutting Down The Government To Defund Planned Parenthood.
Real estate mogul Donald Trump said he supports shutting down the government over
legislation to defund Planned Parenthood, adding that the Republican Party could have done the
same thing with Obamacare. I would [support a government shutdown], and I was also in
support if the Republicans stuck together you could have done it with Obamacare also, but the

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Republicans decided not to stick together and they left a few people out there like Ted Cruz,
Trump said on the Hugh Hewitt Show on Monday. [Politico, 8/4/15]
Trump Issued A Statement Calling For Planned Parenthood To Receive No Federal
Funding While The Group Continues To Conduct Abortions. In response to several
folks seemingly misunderstanding what the 2016 GOP frontrunner said on CNN on Tuesday
morning about Planned Parenthood funding, Donald Trump has issued a statement to Breitbart
News exclusively that makes it crystal clear where he stands: While the organization conducts
abortions, they should receive no taxpayer dollars. That means Trump supports one of two
pathways forward for Planned Parenthood: Either they stop conducting abortions, or they lose all
their taxpayer subsidies. [Breitbart, 8/11/15]
Trump Supported Defunding Parts Of Planned Parenthood, But Not All Of It.
Business mogul Donald Trump went on a media blitz Tuesday morning, making back-to-back
appearances on Fox and CNN as he sought to tamper down the controversy over his spat with
Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly.He wants to defund parts of Planned Parenthood, but not all of
it. I would look at the good aspects of it, because Im sure they do some things properly and good
and good for women. And I would look at that, and I would look at other aspects also, he said on
CNN. But we have to take care of women. We have to absolutely take care of women. The
abortion aspect of Planned Parenthood should absolutely not be funded. [Washington Post,
8/11/15; New Day, CNN, 8/11/15]
Trump Said That Abortion Was A Small But Brutal Part Of What Planned
Parenthood Did. Trump's proposal: Abortion is a small but brutal part of what Planned
Parenthood does. They also serve women. Jeb Bush was so bad on women's health issues the
other day! We have to help women. The answer: Maybe unless they stop with the abortions, we
don't do the funding for the stuff that they want. There are many ways you can do that, Sean.
[Washington Post, 8/11/15; Hannity, Fox, 8/11/15]

Trump Defended Planned Parenthoods Non-Abortion Services And Called For The Group To Be Funded.
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump defended Planned Parenthood during an interview Tuesday
night, doubling down on his remarks that part of the group should be funded. They do good things, Trump said
during an interview with Sean Hannity that aired on Fox News. There's two Planned Parenthoods, in a way. You have
it as an abortion clinic. Now that's actually a fairly small part of what they do, but its a brutal part and I'm totally
against it, Trump said. They also, however, service women, Trump said, adding later, We have to help women. A lot
of women are helped. So we have to look at the positives for Planned Parenthood. Trump's comments immediately
drew fire from anti-abortion-rights advocates, who say that abortion represents a larger portion of what the
organization does and that it should be entirely defunded. [The Hill, 8/12/15]

Trump Called On Jeb Bush To Apologize For His Comments On Womens Health
Care. Business mogul Donald Trump went on a media blitz Tuesday morning, making back-toback appearances on Fox and CNN as he sought to tamper down the controversy over his spat
with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly.He thinks Bush is waging a war on women. I think Jeb
Bush owes women an apology because he made a terrible statement about women's health
Page 186

issues, and it was a foolish statement and perhaps a stupid statement, he said on CNN. Its a
statement that should never have come up, it should never have been made, and I think that will
prove to be his 47 percent. He's the one that has to apologize to women. [Washington Post,
8/11/15; New Day, CNN, 8/11/15]
Donald Trump Defended The Secretly Recorded Videos Of Planned Parenthood
Officials That Launched Renewed Conservative Criticism Of Planned Parenthood.
Told by host Chuck Todd that Dear had reportedly spoken of baby parts to police, the
Republican presidential front-runner defended the series of secretly recorded videos with
Planned Parenthood officials that launched a fresh wave of conservative attacks against the
organization. I will tell you there is a tremendous group of people that think it's terrible, all of
the videos that they've seen with some of these people from Planned Parenthood, talking about it
like you're selling parts to a car, Trump said. [Politico, 11/29/15]

Donald Trump Said The 11/27/15 Shooting Attack At A Planned Parenthood

Facility In Colorado Was Terrible. Its More Of The Same. And I Think It's A
Terrible Thing. And He's A Maniac! CHUCK TODD: Let me ask you about your
reaction to [the 11/27/15 shooting attack at a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado
Springs,] Colorado. DONALD TRUMP: Okay. I think it's terrible. I mean, terrible. It's more
of the same. And I think it's a terrible thing. And he's a maniac! He's a maniac. [Meet The
Press, NBC, 11/29/15]

Donald Trump Said A Tremendous Group Of People Think Planned Parenthood

Is Terrible And That He Sees A Lot Of Dislike For Planned Parenthood At His
Rallies. DONALD TRUMP: Well, I will tell you there is a tremendous group of people that
think it's terrible, all of the videos that they've seen with some of these people from Planned
Parenthood talking about it like you're selling parts to a car. I mean, there are a lot of people
that are very unhappy about that. Now, I know some of the tapes were perhaps not pertinent.
But there were many tapes that are appropriate in terms of commenting on. And there are
people that are extremely upset about it. It looks like you're talking about parts to some machine
or something. And they're not happy about it. TODD: But it does sound like you understand
why people might react this way. TRUMP: Well, there's tremendous dislike. [At rallies] I see
a lot of anxiety and I see a lot of dislike for Planned Parenthood. There's no question about that.
[Meet The Press, NBC, 11/29/15]
11/29/15: Donald Trump Argued, Despite The Planned Parenthood Shooters
Comments About Baby Parts To Officers, That No Inference Could Be Drawn
Regarding His Motive Because He Had Not Released A Statement Describing His
Motive. CHUCK TODD: Now, a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood is concerned that the
heated rhetoric around the Planned Parenthood debate could've had an adverse effect, basically,

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on this mentally disturbed individual. Do you think the rhetoric got out of hand on Planned
Parenthood? DONALD TRUMP: No. I think he's a sick person. And I think he was probably a
person ready to go. We don't even know the purpose. I mean, he hasn't come out, to the best of
my knowledge, with a statement as to why it happened to be at that location. TODD: Well, we
have reporting TRUMP: Nobody knows. He lived in a different area. TODD: We have
reporting that he was talking about baby parts and things like that from law enforcement
officials during his interview. TRUMP: Well, I will tell you there is a tremendous group of
people that think it's terrible, all of the videos that they've seen with some of these people from
Planned Parenthood talking about it like you're selling parts to a car. I mean, there are a lot of
people that are very unhappy about that. [Meet The Press, NBC, 11/29/15]

Donald Trump Denied That The Heated Rhetoric Surrounding Planned

Parenthood Could Have Had An Adverse Effect On A Mentally Disturbed
Individual. CHUCK TODD: Now, a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood is concerned
that the heated rhetoric around the Planned Parenthood debate could've had an adverse
effect, basically, on this mentally disturbed individual. Do you think the rhetoric got out of
hand on Planned Parenthood? DONALD TRUMP: No. I think he's a sick person. [Meet The
Press, NBC, 11/29/15]

In Response To A Question Asking How He Would Ensure Equal Pay For Women,
Donald Trump Said He Paid Women More Than Men, For Similar Work Because
They Are Better, But That When The Government Says Everybody Gets Equal
Pay You Get Away From The Whole American Dream, You Get Away From
Capitalism In A Sense. You can give the politically correct answer, but you have to let
people get out there. I have to tell you, I have a company where I pay women in many cases more
than men, for similar work because they are better. But when you start getting involved -[applause] no, come on, I do it. Here is the problem. If you start getting involved with
government on this one gets this pay and this one gets that pay, and you say where does it all
start? You could have a woman much better than a man, or you could have a woman thats not
as good as man, and if you sorta say everybody gets equal pay you get away from the whole
American Dream. You get away from capitalism in a sense. I can tell you, that I have women,
honestly that are just, in many cases, theyre better than men and I paid them more than men.
And to a certain extent, people have to go out and they have to fight for themselves. I don't know
if people agree with me, but once you get where everybody gets the same, I mean youre into a
socialistic society. [Donald Trump, WHO-TV Iowa Forum, Newton, Iowa, 11/19/15]


Donald Trump Said Companies Could Very Easily Provide Child Care For Their
Employees "You Need One Person Or Two People, And You Need Some Blocks
You Know, Surely, It's Not Expensive. Donald Trump doesn't understand why so few
companies provide affordable, in-house child care for their employees like he does at some of his
companies. It's not expensive for a company to do it, Trump said during a town hall at a
community college in this small town on Thursday afternoon. You need one person or two

Page 188

people, and you need some blocks and you need some swings and some toys. You know, surely,
it's not expensive. It's not an expensive thing. I do it all over, and I get great people because of
it... It's something that can be done, I think, very easily by a company. [Washington Post,
Donald Trump Said He Provides Child Care For His Employees I Do It All
Over, And I Get Great People Because Of It. Donald Trump doesn't understand why so
few companies provide affordable, in-house child care for their employees like he does at some of
his companies. It's not expensive for a company to do it, Trump said during a town hall at a
community college in this small town on Thursday afternoon. You need one person or two
people, and you need some blocks and you need some swings and some toys. You know, surely,
it's not expensive. It's not an expensive thing. I do it all over, and I get great people because of
it... It's something that can be done, I think, very easily by a company. [Washington Post,

HEADLINE: Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel Violated During Sex [Daily
Beast, 7/27/15]

SUBHEADLINE: Ivana Trump Once Accused The Real-Estate Tycoon Of Rape, Although She Later Clarified:
Not In The Criminal Sense. [Daily Beast, 7/27/15]

Trumps Ex-Wife Wife Ivana Trump Accused Trump Of Raping Her In 1989. It was
an unfortunate turn of phrase for Trumpin more ways than one. Not only does the current
front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination have a history of controversial remarks
about sexual assault, but as it turns out, his ex-wife Ivana Trump once used rape to describe an
incident between them in 1989. She later said she felt violated by the experience. [Daily Beast,
Ivana Trumps Rape Assertion Originally Appeared In A Deposition As A Part Of
The Early 1990s Divorce Case Between The Trumps And Was Described As A
Violent Assault In The 1993 Book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J.
Trump. Ivana Trumps assertion of rape came in a depositionpart of the early 90s divorce
case between the Trumps, and revealed in the 1993 book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald
J. Trump. The book, by former Texas Monthly and Newsweek reporter Harry Hurt III, described
a harrowing scene. After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump
confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon. Your fucking doctor
has ruined me! Trump cried. What followed was a violent assault, according to Lost Tycoon.
[Daily Beast, 7/27/15]

Page 189

Michael Cohen, Special Counsel At The Trump Organization: Understand That

By The Very Definition, You Cant Rape Your Spouse. Michael Cohen, special counsel
at The Trump Organization, defended his boss, saying, Youre talking about the front-runner for
the GOP, presidential candidate, as well as private individual who never raped anybody. And, of
course, understand that by the very definition, you cant rape your spouse. It is true, Cohen
added. You cannot rape your spouse. And theres very clear case law. Ivana Trumps assertion of
rape came in a depositionpart of the early 90s divorce case between the Trumps, and revealed
in the 1993 book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump.That is not true. In New
York, there used to be a so-called marital rape exemption to the law. It was struck down in
1984. [Daily Beast, 7/27/15]
Trump Special Counsel: So Im Warning You, Tread Very Fucking Lightly,
Because What Im Going To Do To You Is Going To Be Fucking Disgusting. You
Write A Story That Has Mr. Trumps Name In It, With The Word Rape, And Im
Going To Mess Your Life Up. Trumps lawyer then changed tactics, lobbing insults and
threatening a lawsuit if a story was published. I will make sure that you and I meet one day
while were in the courthouse. And I will take you for every penny you still dont have. And I will
come after your Daily Beast and everybody else that you possibly know, Cohen said. So Im
warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what Im going to do to you is going to be
fucking disgusting. You understand me? You write a story that has Mr. Trumps name in it,
with the word rape, and Im going to mess your life upfor as long as youre on this frickin
planetyoure going to have judgments against you, so much money, youll never know how to
get out from underneath it, he added. [Daily Beast, 7/27/15]
Michael Cohen, Special Counsel To Trump, Apologized For Saying You Cannot
Rape Your Spouse. Michael Cohen, special counsel to Trump. Cohen has been a long-time
aide to Trump, but he found himself facing the national media glare last month when he
defended his boss to a Daily Beast reporter in a story about rebuffed allegations of sexual
misconduct against Trump. Cohen has since publicly apologized for telling the Daily Beast that
you cannot rape your spouse and has repeatedly said that he does not believe that statement.
As an attorney, husband and father there are many injustices that offend me but nothing more
than charges of rape or racism. They hit me at my core, Cohen said in an apology statement to
CNN. Cohen has served as a media liaison to Trump, helping to coordinate interviews. And he
has also appeared on television defending Trump's campaign, but his public appearances have
dwindled following the controversy. The Hill, 8/14/15]
Donald Trump Campaigned For A Lenient Sentence With No Jail Time After Mike
Tyson Was Convicted Of Raping An 18-Year-Old Girl In 1992, Suggesting Tyson
Should Give Millions To A Rape Survivor Fund Instead. Trump campaigned for a
lenient sentence for former heavyweight boxer Mike Tyson, whom he'd advised in the past, after
Tyson was convicted of raping an 18-year-old girl in 1992. The real estate mogul proposed that
Tyson be ordered to pay millions of dollars to his victim and into a fund for other rape survivors
rather than serve a prison sentence. As everybody knows, I am very strong on the death penalty

Page 190

and for the strongest of sanctions and hardest of disciplines for anyone, Trump said in an
interview with Newsday at the time. But far more people can be helped by allowing the
tremendous sums of money from his fights to be put into funds used for rape victims. Tyson was
ultimately sentenced to 10 years in prison, but a judge suspended four years of that sentence.
[Talking Points Memo, 7/29/15]
Trump: 26,000 Unreported Sexual [Assaults] In The MilitaryOnly 238
Convictions. What Did These Geniuses Expect When They Put Men & Women
Together? Two years ago, Trump weighed in on the alarming rate of sexual assault and rape
in the militaryand in doing so, pinned the blame on the presence of women. 26,000 unreported
sexual [assaults] in the militaryonly 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when
they put men & women together? he tweeted in 2013. The Generals and top military brass
never wanted a mixer but were forced to do it by very dumb politicians who wanted to be
politically [correct]! he continued. [Daily Beast, 7/27/15]

Donald Trump: 26,000 Unreported Sexual Assults In The Military-Only 238 Convictions. What Did These
Geniuses Expect When They Put Men & Women Together? [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 5/7/13]

Trump: The Generals And Top Military Brass Never Wanted A Mixer But Were
Forced To Do It By Very Dumb Politicians Who Wanted To Be Politically
[Correct]! Two years ago, Trump weighed in on the alarming rate of sexual assault and rape
in the militaryand in doing so, pinned the blame on the presence of women. 26,000 unreported
sexual [assaults] in the militaryonly 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when
they put men & women together? he tweeted in 2013. The Generals and top military brass
never wanted a mixer but were forced to do it by very dumb politicians who wanted to be
politically [correct]! he continued. [Daily Beast, 7/27/15]

Donald Trump: "The Generals And Top Military Brass Never Wanted A Mixer But Were Forced To Do It By
Very Dumb Politicians Who Wanted To Be Politically C! [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 5/7/13]

Megyn Kelly Questioned Trump For Calling Women 'Fat Pigs,' 'Dogs,' Slobs, And
Disgusting Animals. Real-estate magnate Donald Trump was confronted by Fox News
moderator Megyn Kelly during the first Republican presidential debate on Thursday, accusing
him of being insensitive toward women. You've called women you don't like, 'fat pigs,' 'dogs,'
slobs, and disgusting animals, Kelly opened a question to Trump. Only Rosie O'Donnell, Trump
quipped. No it wasn't. For the record, it was well beyond Rosie O'Donnell. Your Twitter account
has several disparaging comments about women's looks. You once told a contestant on 'Celebrity
Apprentice' it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. Does that sound to you like the
temperament of a man we should elect as president? Kelly asked Trump. Trump went on to say
he thinks a major problem with America is its trend toward being politically correct. And he told

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Kelly if she didn't like it, I'm sorry. I think the big problem this country has being politically
correct. I've been challenged by so many people and I don't frankly have time for total political
correctness, he said. [Business Insider, 8/6/15]

Trump Attacked Rosie ODonnell, Calling Her Disgusting And Saying That He Wanted To Sue Her Because
Hed Like To Take Some Money Out Of Her Fat-Ass Pockets. When Rosie ODonnell of The View criticized
Trump for the move, he didnt pull punches. This was personal. Rosie ODonnell is disgusting, I mean both inside and
out, Trump said. Take a look at her, shes a slob. She talks like a truck driver. Her show failed when it was a
talk show, she failed on that. He added: Probably Ill sue her because it would be fun. Id like to take some money out
of her fat-ass pockets. [The Washington Post, 7/13/15]

When Trump Was Asked About Offensive Comments He Had Made Toward Women,
He Claimed Its Fun, Its Kidding. We Have A Good Time. KELLY: Your Twitter
account has several disparaging comments about womens looks. You once told a contestant on
Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. Does that sound to you
like the temperament of a man we should elect as president, and how will you answer the charge
from Hillary Clinton, who was likely to be the Democratic nominee, that you are part of the war
on women? TRUMP: And frankly, what I say, and oftentimes its fun, its kidding. We have a
good time. What I say is what I say. And honestly Megyn, if you dont like it, Im sorry. Ive been
very nice to you, although I could probably maybe not be, based on the way you have treated me.
But I wouldnt do that. [Washington Post, 8/7/15; Republican Primary Debate, Cleveland OH,
After Megyn Kelly Asked Trump If He Had The Temperament To Be President
When He Has In The Past Called Women Fat Pigs And Slobs Trumped Attacked
Her, Saying Ive Been Very Nice To You, Although I Could Probably Maybe Not
Be, Based On How Youve Treated Me. Later, Kelly asked Trump if he had the
temperament to be president when he has in the past called women fat pigs and slobs.The big
problem this country has is being politically correct, Trump shot back.What I say is what I say,
and honestly, Megyn, if you dont like it Im sorry, he continued. Ive been very nice to you,
although I could probably maybe not be, based on how youve treated me, but I wont do that.
[The Hill, 8/6/15]
Trump Said Kelly Should Apologize To Him For Asking Stupid And Unfair
Questions. Donald Trump on Monday showed no signs of slowing down or shutting up, saying
he thinks Megyn Kelly should offer him an apology for asking a stupid and unfair question.
She should really be apologizing to me, you want to know the truth. And other candidates have
said that, Trump said Monday on MSNBCs Morning Joe. [Politico, 8/10/15]
Trump Hit Megyn Kelly For The Questions She Asked During The First Debate
And Claimed You Could See There Was Blood Coming Out Of Her Eyes, Blood
Coming Out Of Her Wherever. During Thursday's presidential debate, Kelly pressed
Trump about misogynistic, sexist comments he made in the past, such as calling some women
fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals. Trump slammed Kelly, saying her questions were
ridiculous and off-base. You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, Trump told

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CNN's Don Lemon on Friday night. Blood coming out of her wherever. [CNN, 8/8/15; Don
Lemon, CNN, 8/7/15]
2011: Trump Called A Lawyer Who Requested A Break From A Deposition To
Pump Breast Milk Disgusting, Before Ending His Testimony And Leaving The
Room. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump once called a lawyer who requested a
break from a 2011 deposition to pump breast milk disgusting before ending his testimony and
leaving the room. He got up, his face got red, he shook his finger at me and he screamed, 'You're
disgusting, you're disgusting,' and he ran out of there, Beck told CNN's Alisyn Camerota on
Wednesday morning, calling it an absolute meltdown. The incident was described in a letter
from Jared Beck, Elizabeth's co-counsel and husband, obtained by CNN and first reported
Tuesday by the New York Times. Trump's attorney Allen Garten, who was present for the
deposition, does not dispute that Trump called Beck disgusting. Trump slammed Beck's
interview in a tweet to CNN Politics on Wednesday morning: Lawyer Elizabeth Beck did a
terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her,she was easy, he
tweeted. [CNN, 7/29/15]

Alan Garten, Executive Vice President And General Counsel At The Trump
Organization, Did Not Dispute Trumps Remarks And Said That The Lawyer
Was Disgusting. Alan Garten, executive vice president and general counsel at The
Trump Organization, did not dispute the remark, but said Trump called Beck disgusting
because she was about to use her breast pump in the middle of the deposition room. She was
disgusting, Garten said in a phone interview with CNN. She was attempting to breast feed -to pump in the middle of a deposition, in a deposition room with five lawyers and was not
excusing herself. [CNN, 7/29/15]


Trump On What He Would Do If His Wife Gained 40 Or 50 Pounds: I'd Say, 'Start
Working Out.' COOPER: What happens if Marla gained this kind of weight? Would you drop
her? TRUMP: Well, I'd probably do the same thing with her. I'd say, 'Start working out.' No, I
wouldn't. COOPER: OK. You're sure? TRUMP: It's a very interesting question. [This
Morning, CBS, 1/29/97]
Trump On Miss Universe Pageant Winner: She Weighed 118 Pounds, Or 117
Pounds, And She Went Up To 160 Or 170. So This Is Somebody That Likes To
Eat. COOPER: Enter the man Alisa calls her new boss. You got it, The Donald. Trump and
his wife, Marla, purchased the Miss Universe pageant earlier this month. And Trump decided
this investment needed a little extra attention. TRUMP: She weighed 118 pounds, or 117
pounds, and she went up to 160 or 170. So this is somebody that likes to eat. COOPER: Now
instead of steaks and French fries, it's medicine balls and jump ropes for Alisa; that is, when
there's room enough to exercise. [This Morning, CBS, 1/29/97]


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Donald Trump Said Wearing Burkas Makes It Easier For Women To Look
Beautiful Because They Dont Have To Put On Make-Up. Trump extended his bluntforce brand of diplomacy and non-interventionist stance to women's rights, saying that America
should stop meddling in Middle Eastern affairs because women there don't want freedom, as
evidenced by their desire to wear burqas or niqabs, which cover their faces. With the women
over there, they don't have to wear the you-know-what, Trump said referring to the veils worn
by some Muslim women. And then I said, 'Oh well that makes sense. That's nice.' Then, I saw
women interviewed. They said, 'We want to wear them. We've worn them for a thousand years.
Why would anyone tell us?' They want to. What the hell are we getting involved for? The fact is
it's easier. You don't have to put on make-up. Look how beautiful everyone looks. Wouldn't it be
easier if mwah (kissing sound)? Right? Wouldn't that be easy? I tell you if I was a woman mwah - I'm ready darling. Let's go. [CBS News, 10/26/15]
Trump: Doesnt Matter What Media Say About You As Long As Youve Got A
Young And Beautiful Piece Of Ass. In 1991, Trump told Esquire, "You know, it doesn't
really matter what (the media) write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass.
[Des Moines Register, 9/13/15]
Trump On His Daughter: She Does Have A Very Nice Figure ... If [She] Werent
My Daughter, Perhaps Id Be Dating Her. She was replaced by Trumps eldest
daughter, Ivanka, of whom Trump once said, She does have a very nice figure ... if [she] werent
my daughter, perhaps Id be dating her. [Anna Holmes, Washington Post, 4/30/11]
Trump: I Think The Hunt Is Always Fun, Whether It's Deals, Whether It's
Women, Whether It's Anything. WALTERS: I want to clear something up. In your book,
the new book, you say, The fun is in the getting, not the having. Does that include women? No
kidding. TRUMP: Interesting question. I think the hunt is always fun, whether it's deals,
whether it's women, whether it's anything. I think, however, that with respect to women, there
would be nothing that would make me happier than having a great marriage. An absolutely
great marriage, and that would certainly supersede the hunt.[20/20, ABC News, 8/17/90]
Trump On Not Having A First Lady: We Could Have One In 24 Hours If
Necessary. KING: We will not have a first lady. Who will be? I'm thinking ahead. Who's in
charge of social affairs? TRUMP: Well, we could have one in 24 hours. We actually -- it would
be very interesting. KING: There's a line out there? TRUMP: But we could have one quickly.
KING: Are you telling us something? TRUMP: No, not all. But I'm saying, if there was a, you
know, prerequisite, 24 hours, it's done. [Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99]
Trump: I Don't Want To Sound Too Much Like A Chauvinist, But When I Come
Home And Dinner's Not Ready, I'll Go Through The Roof.NANCY COLLINS: Well,
you now are married to a woman, and you- who would like to continue her career. Marla says she
does want to have a career.You have said you don't want Marla to work. TRUMP: I think
I'm probably mixed. I have days where I think it's great and then I have days where if I come

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home and- you know, I don't want to sound too much like a chauvinist, but when I come home
and dinner's not ready, I'll go through the roof, okay?[Primetime Live, ABC News, 3/10/94]
Trump: Men Need Support At HomeNot Someone Who Is Always Griping and
Bitching. "Often, I will tell friends whose wives are constantly nagging them about this or that
that they're better off leaving and cutting their losses. I'm not a great believer in always trying to
work things out, because it just doesn't happen that way. For a man to be successful he needs
support at home, just like my father had from my mother, not someone who is always griping
and bitching." [Des Moines Register, 9/13/15]
Trump: It Is Rare That Women Are Both Very Beautiful And Have High IQs.
ZAHN: Let's go back to the women for a moment. Because TIME magazine calls them, either
the hottest women in your office hot to super model hot, and they say that there is more leg and
naval flashed in most staff meetings outside of Hooters. TRUMP: And they know how to use
their looks. Many of the women are very beautiful, super model beautiful but they have 200 IQs,
which is rather rare. [Paula Zahn Now, 1/7/04]
Trump Said That Women Using Sexuality To Get Ahead Is Part Of Life. KING:
Do you think that some complaining about women use their gender to advantage in this, or is
that also part of life? TRUMP: Women? I mean, do women use sex? Absolutely not. You've
never known a woman to use sex, right? On my show, I get criticized when they use sex. The
rest of the world, nobody gets criticized. You know, amazingly, these people were chosen. They're
young people, and they were chosen for their brain, but they happen to be attractive. I mean, the
women, some of the women, happen to be very attractive. And they have used their sexuality to
win certain tasks, as we call them. And hey, that's part of life, I guess. In real life, that
happens, too. I've known it. I've seen it happen. It's actually happened to me a couple of times,
Larry. [Larry King Live, CNN, 2/27/04]
Trump On His Marriages: I've Really Given A Lot Of Women Great Opportunity.
Unfortunately, After They're A Star, The Fun Is Over For Me. It's Like A Creation
Process. NANCY COLLINS: You know what's interesting, Donald, is you take these women,
these two particular women in your life, and you help them become very well-known. And then,
when they want to act on that appeal, you seem to get upset about it. TRUMP: I create stars. I
love creating stars. And, to a certain extent, I've done that with Ivana. To a certain extent, I've
done that with Marla. And I like that. I mean, I've really given a lot of women great opportunity.
Unfortunately, after they're a star, the fun is over for me. It's like a creation process. It's almost
like creating a building. It's pretty sad.[Primetime Live, ABC News, 3/10/94]
Trump On His Divorce From Ivana: When A Man Leaves A Woman, Especially
When It Was Perceived That He Has Left For A Piece Of Ass--A Good One-- There
Are 50 Percent Of The Population Who Will Love The Woman Who Was Left.
WALTERS: The author, Marie Brenner, quotes you as saying to her, When a man leaves a
woman, especially when it was perceived that he has left for a piece of ass- a good one- there are

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50 percent of the population who will love the woman who was left. TRUMP: I do remember
saying that. I don't remember having used those words. That's possible. But I believe that if a
man leaves a woman for almost any reason, that that particular person, the man, is going to be
at a major disadvantage in terms of the public eye, there's no question about it.[20/20, ABC
News, 8/17/90]
Donald Trump: [Women] Do Want To Be Taken Care Of And They Do Want To Be
Cherished And They Do Want To Be Respected, And I Think When You Ask A
Question Like That You're Just Trying To Be Politically Correct, That's All. But
That's Okay. [GQ, 11/23/15]


Trump Was Accused Of Saying That In General Women Are Not As Good As Men,
But That A Good Woman Is Better Than Ten Men. BARBARA RES: I was just a young
woman working for a construction company, and he put me in charge of one of the greatest
buildings that's ever been built. In the 1980s, females were unheard of in the construction
business. He said in general women are not as good as men, but a good woman is better than ten
men. He said he thought that I was a killer. [Who Is Donald Trump?, A&E, 12/16/15]
Several Women, Including The Woman Trump Put In Charge Of Constructing
Trump Tower, Who Are Longtime Trump Employees And Supporters Do Not
Support His Presidential Campaign. But several women who are longtime Trump
supporters say the provocative outbursts that served Trump well in business and entertainment
dont belong in politics. I dont like the fact the worlds are merging, said [former Apprentice
contestant] Ereka Vetrini, a TV host and lifestyle expert. Fiorina and Kelly? she said. I cant
disregard those comments. Nor can [Barbara] Res [who Trump put in charge of the construction
of Trump Tower], who also disagrees with her former bosss political stance: From his anti-choice
position to his opposition to the Affordable Care Act, his policies, the things he says he believes
in, are very anti-women. Im voting for Hillary, Res said. [Washington Post, 11/24/15]
Women Who Worked For Donald Trump Said That While He Could Be Boorish,
They Appreciated How Trump Provided Them With Opportunities For Career
Advancement In A Male-Dominated Industry. In the five months that the billionaire
businessman has spent on the presidential campaign trail, his inflammatory missiles toward
women have prompted charges of sexism, even misogyny. But many women who have worked
closely with Trump say he was a corporate executive ahead of his time in providing career
advancement for women. While some say he could be boorish, his companies nurtured and
promoted women in an otherwise male-dominated industry. Several women said they
appreciated how Trump granted them entry to a new playing field. [Washington Post, 11/24/15]


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Trump: Half Of The People Don't Pay Any Tax And Are Not Contributing To
Society. DOOCY: When the president, Donald, talks about there has to be shared sacrifice,
you know, there are a lot of people in this country, over half, don't even pay any federal taxes. So
he's really talking about you. You're going to have to sacrifice more. TRUMP: Well, you know, I
don't mind sacrificing for the country, to be honest with you, but you know, you do have is a
problem because half of the people don't pay any tax. And when he's talking about that, he's
talking about people that aren't also working, that are not contributing to this society, and it's a
problem. But we have 50 percent -- it just hit the 50 percent mark. Fifty percent of the people
are paying no tax.[Fox & Friends, Fox News, 7/18/11]

Trump: I Dont Want To Raise The Minimum Wage. He wouldnt go into specifics, but
promised he would create jobs if elected president. I dont want to raise the minimum wage. I
want to create jobs so people can get much more than that, so they can get five times what the
minimum wage is, said Trump. [The Hill, 7/23/15]
Donald Trump Opposed Raising The Minimum Wage Because Wages Are Too
High. Were Not Going To Be Able To Compete Against The World. The leading
candidates for the GOP presidential nomination, arguing that they are best positioned to boost
the nations economy, said Tuesday night that the problem is that entry-level wages are too high.
Real estate tycoon Donald Trump and neurosurgeon Ben Carson used an opening question on the
minimum wage to argue that high wages are a drag on job creation. Taxes too high. Wages too
high. Were not going to be able to compete against the world. I hate to say it, but we have to
leave it the way it is, Trump said. [USA Today, 11/11/15]

Trump On A Protester: I Mention Food Stamps And That Guy Who Is Seriously
Overweight Went Crazy. A heckler was thrown out of a Donald Trump rally in Worcester,
Mass., while Trump was speaking about food stamps. Trump responded, I mention food stamps
and that guy who is seriously overweight went crazy. [Washington Post, 11/18/15]

Donald Trump Said, During A Democratic Debate, Hillary Clinton And Bernie
Sanders Couldnt Give Things Away Fast Enough. As Hillary and Bernie Sanders,

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they just couldnt give things away fast enough. I watched Hillary last night with, Were going
to give this, were going to give that, were going to give that. The poor woman, shes got to give
everything away cause this maniac that was standing on her right is giving everything away. So,
shes following. Thats whats happeningCause you got to win. Cause shes not doing so well.
[Donald Trump Campaign Rally, Richmond, VA, 10/14/15]

Trump On Sen. McCain: Hes Not A War Hero. Hes A War Hero Because He Was
Captured. I Like People Who Werent Captured. Mr. Trump upended a Republican
presidential forum here, and the race more broadly, by saying of the Arizona senator and former
prisoner of war: Hes not a war hero. Hes a war hero because he was captured. I like people who
werent captured. Mr. McCain, a naval aviator, was shot down during the Vietnam War and held
prisoner for more than five years in Hanoi, refusing early release even after being repeatedly
beaten. [New York Times, 7/19/15]
Politifact Virginia Assessed A Mostly False Rating To Donald Trumps Claim
That Over 300,000 Veterans Have Died Waiting For Care," From The Department
Of Veterans Administration. Over 300,000 veterans have died waiting for care, Trump
said in a Norfolk speech in which he promised to overhaul the VA. Trump offered the most dire
possible interpretation of a scathing report on VA record-keeping and went well beyond what the
inspector general was able to conclude. The report found that 307,173 dead people were listed
last year on a VA database as having pending status with the agency. But shabby records make
a detailed dissection of that number impossible. Investigators said that some of those people
were not veterans; not all of them were seeking health care or necessarily any VA service; and
some of them died before 1998, when the database began. No doubt, the VA is ripe for criticism.
But Trumps statement takes liberty with the facts, and we rate it Mostly False. [Politifact
Virginia, 11/9/15]


Donald Trump Said He Would Allow Veterans To Get Care From Private Doctors.
Trump told Landen as president, he would allow veterans to get health care locally by private
doctors. [CNN, 10/27/15]
Donald Trump Released A Plan For Improving The Department Of Veterans
Affairs Would Allow Veterans To Receive Treatment From Any Facility That
Accepts Medicare. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump released a plan on
Saturday aimed at overhauling the Department of Veterans Affairs and improving veterans
health care and employment services. Under Trumps plan, eligible veterans would be able to
bring their veterans identification cards to any private doctor or facility that accepts Medicare
and be able to receive immediate treatment. The change, he said, would help improve wait times
and services by adding competition. [Washington Post, 10/31/15]

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Donald Trumps Would Allow VA-Eligible Veterans To Receive Care From Any Doctor Or Care Facilities That
Accepts Medicare. The Trump plan gives veterans the freedom to choose and forces the VA to compete for their
dollars. Under a Trump Administration, all veterans eligible for VA health care can bring their veterans ID card to
any doctor or care facility that accepts Medicare to get the care they need immediately. Our veterans have earned the
freedom to choose better or more convenient care from the doctor and facility of their choice. The power to choose
will stop the wait time backlogs and force the VA to improve and compete if the department wants to keep receiving
veterans healthcare dollars. The VA will become more responsive to veterans, develop more efficient systems, and
improve the quality of care because it will have no other choice. [Veterans Administration Reforms That Will Make
America Great Again,, Campaign Website, accessed 11/2/15]

The Trump Plan To Reform The Department Of Veterans Affairs Would Increase
Funding For PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury And Suicide Prevention Services. The
Trump Plan Will: Increase funding for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain
injury and suicide prevention services to address our veterans invisible wounds. Service
members are five times more likely to develop depression than civilians. They are almost fifteen
times more likely to develop PTSD than civilians. This funding will help provide more and better
counseling and care. More funding will also support research on best practices and state of the
art treatments to keep our veterans alive, healthy and whole. With these steps, the Trump plan
will help the veteran community put the unnecessary stigma surrounding mental health behind
them and instead encourage acceptance and treatment in our greater society. [Veterans
Administration Reforms That Will Make America Great Again,, Campaign
Website, accessed 11/2/15]
The Trump Plan To Reform The Department Of Veterans Affairs Support Women
Veterans By Ensuring Every VA Hospital Will Be Fully Equipped With OBGYN
And Other Womens Health Services. The Trump Plan Will: Better support our
women veterans. The fact that many VA hospitals dont permanently staff OBGYN doctors
shows an utter lack of respect for the growing number female veterans. Under the Trump plan,
every VA hospital in the country will be fully equipped with OBGYN and other womens health
services. In addition, women veterans can always choose a different OBGYN in their community
using their veterans ID card. [Veterans Administration Reforms That Will Make America Great
Again,, Campaign Website, accessed 11/2/15]
Donald Trump: The Current State Of The Department Of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Is Absolutely Unacceptable.The current state of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
is absolutely unacceptable. Over 300,000 veterans died waiting for care. Corruption and
incompetence were excused. Politicians in Washington have done too little too slowly to fix it.
This situation can never happen again, and when Donald J. Trump is president, it will be fixed
fast. [Veterans Administration Reforms That Will Make America Great Again,, Campaign Website, accessed 11/2/15]
Donald Trump: The Guiding Principle Of The Trump Plan Is Ensuring Veterans
Have Convenient Access To The Best Quality Care.The guiding principle of the Trump
plan is ensuring veterans have convenient access to the best quality care. To further this
principle, the Trump plan will decrease wait times, improve healthcare outcomes, and facilitate a
seamless transition from service into civilian life.[Veterans Administration Reforms That Will
Make America Great Again,, Campaign Website, accessed 11/2/15]
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Donald Trump: Ensure Our Veterans Get The Care They Need Wherever And
Whenever They Need It.Trump Plan [for the Veterans Administration] Will:Ensure our
veterans get the care they need wherever and whenever they need it. No more long drives. No
more waiting for backlogs. No more excessive red tape. Just the care and support they earned
with their service to our country.[Veterans Administration Reforms That Will Make America
Great Again,, Campaign Website, accessed 11/2/15]
Donald Trump: The VA Will Support The Whole Veteran. The Trump Plan [for the
Veterans Administration] Will: Support the whole veteran, not just their physical health care,
but also by addressing their invisible wounds, investing in our service members post-active duty
success, transforming the VA to meet the needs of 21st century service members, and better
meeting the needs of our female veterans.[Veterans Administration Reforms That Will Make
America Great Again,, Campaign Website, accessed 11/2/15]
The Advocacy Group Concerned Veterans For America Criticized Donald Trumps
Plan To Reform The Department Of Veterans Affairs For Being Painfully Thin On
Specifics. A veterans advocacy group is criticizing the plan to reform the Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA) released by Donald Trump. Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) said
the plan was heavy of rhetoric, light on specifics in a statement on Saturday. While Donald
Trump rightly proposes more health care choices for veterans and long-overdue accountability
for bad VA employees, his plan is painfully thin on specifics about how he would implement
those principles, CVA CEO Pete Hegseth said in the statement. [The Hill, 11/1/15]

Trump Said He Would Have To See Who Wins Before Deciding To Support The
GOP Nominee Or Run As An Independent. If he doesn't win the Republican nomination,
Trump said on Fox he would have to see who wins before deciding to support the GOP nominee
or run as an independent. [CBS News, 7/10/15]
Trump Said The Chance That He Would Launch A Third-Party White House Run
Would Absolutely Increase If The Republican National Committee Was Unfair To
Him During The 2016 Primary Season. Donald Trump says the chances that he will
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launch a third-party White House run will absolutely increase if the Republican National
Committee is unfair to him during the 2016 primary season. The RNC has not been supportive.
They were always supportive when I was a contributor. I was their fair-haired boy, the business
mogul told The Hill in a 40-minute interview from his Manhattan office at Trump Tower on
Wednesday. The RNC has been, I think, very foolish. Pressed on whether he would run as a
third-party candidate if he fails to clinch the GOP nomination, Trump said that so many people
want me to, if I dont win. Ill have to see how Im being treated by the Republicans, Trump
said. Absolutely, if theyre not fair, that would be a factor. [The Hill, 7/23/15]
In First GOP Debate, Trump Refused To Pledge To Support The Eventual GOP
Nominee: I Cannot Say. I Have To Respect The Person If Its Not Me Who Wins.
Fireworks erupted at the outset of the first Republican debate on Thursday night, when Donald
Trump said he wouldnt pledge not to run as an independent if he doesnt win the Republican
nomination. Anchor Bret Baier asked the field of candidates to raise their hands if they were
unwilling to pledge their support to the eventual Republican nominee, and only Trump raised his
hand. I cannot say [that], Trump said. I have to respect the person if its not me who wins."
[The Hill, 8/6/15]
Trump Signed Loyalty Pledge To The GOP. Donald Trump on Thursday signed a loyalty
pledge to the Republican Party -- and, with that, the renegade candidate became a little less of a
renegade and a party establishment unsure of what to do with the bedeviling front-runner
brought him more fully into its embrace. The document the GOP presidential front-runner
signed promises that he will support the Republican nominee in next years general election,
effectively ruling out a third-party or independent run. [Washington Post, 9/3/15]

Make America Great Again, The Main Super PAC Supporting Donald Trump, Shut
Down Amidst Increasing Scrutiny Of Its Connections To Trumps Campaign. The
main super PAC backing Donald Trump is shutting down amidst increasing scrutiny of its ties to
Trumps campaign. Trump, who has made his independence from wealthy donors a cornerstone
of his anti-establishment presidential campaign, never officially blessed the Make America Great
super PAC. But Mike Ciletti, a Republican operative based in Colorado, reportedly used contact
information obtained from a top Trump aide to reach out to prospective donors. [Politico,

The Political Operative Who Launched Pro-Trump Super PAC Make America
Great Again Solicited Political Contributions Using Contact Information He
Obtained From One Of Trumps Close Aides. A super PAC backing Donald Trump
solicited a Trump business acquaintance for a political contribution using contact information
obtained from a top aide to the real estate tycoon, according to an e-mail obtained by The

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Washington Post. The donor outreach was among several new details that emerged this week
linking Trump to Make America Great Again, a super PAC backing his presidential bid. In
a Sept. 1 e-mail, Mike Ciletti, a Colorado GOP operative working for the Make America Great
Again PAC, suggested to a Trump acquaintance and longtime GOP donor that he was using
contact information he obtained from Trumps longtime assistant and gatekeeper, Rhona
Graff. I apologize for reaching you at this email address, it is the one that Rhona had on file,
Ciletti wrote to a GOP donor, who requested anonymity to avoid angering Trump.
[Washington Post, 10/20/15]
Mike Ciletti, The Republican Operative Who Launched The Pro-Trump Super PAC
Make America Great Again, Said He Was Shutting It Down Because Trump Said
He Did Not Have A Super PAC Supporting Him. But Mike Ciletti, a Republican
operative based in Colorado, reportedly used contact information obtained from a top Trump aide
to reach out to prospective donors. Ciletti told POLITICO that his decision Thursday to shut
down the organization, which he launched in July in an effort to boost Trumps candidacy, is an
attempt to erase any questions as to whether he has a super PAC. Mr. Trump has said he
doesnt have a super PAC, Ciletti continued. So to honor his wishes, Im shutting my
organization down. [Politico, 10/22/15]

Mike Ciletti, The Republican Operative Who Launched Pro-Trump Super PAC
Make America Great Again, Refused To Give More Information About How
Much Money Was Raised, Or If He Was Ordered To Shut Down The Super PAC.
But Mike Ciletti, a Republican operative based in Colorado, reportedly used contact
information obtained from a top Trump aide to reach out to prospective donors. Ciletti
declined to say how much money he was able to raise in roughly four months or whether
anyone specifically asked him to shut the organization down. He plans to refund
contributions after making sure existing contractual obligations to various vendors (mostly
related to voter targeting and advertising) are met. [Politico, 10/22/15]


Donald Trumps Campaign Manager Insisted Trump Never Worked With The Make
America Great Again Super PAC, Despite FEC Filings Showing The Campaign
Directed Funds To Colorado Companies Affiliated With The Super PACs Founder.
Corey Lewandowski, Trumps campaign manager, has insisted that Trump has never blessed or
worked with a super PAC, although recent FEC filings revealed that the campaign directed hard
dollars to two Colorado-based companies both affiliated with Ciletti. The campaign paid $33,000
to DC Connect, an Aurora-based company Ciletti founded, for telemarketing from May through
July; and it paid $56,000 to WizBang Solutions, a Commerce City-based printing company where
Ciletti is the directorboth payments first reported by the Washington Post. [Politico, 10/22/15]


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Donald Trumps Campaign Sent Letters To Nine Super PACs Supporting Him,
Stating They Were Not Authorized To Use His Name Or Likeness In Connection
With Fundraising Activities. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump wants
the super PACs supporting his race for the White House to stop supporting him. The Trump
campaign said they sent letters to the nine known super PACs supporting Trump, stating in
part, We are providing this written notice that your organization is not authorized to use Mr.
Trumps name and likeness in connection with its fundraising activities, and we are formally
disavowing such activities. Thus, given the invocation of Donald J. Trump in connection with
your activities, we ask that you refund all funds received by you in connection with any
fundraising undertaken to specifically support and/or done in the name of Donald J. Trump. ...
The campaign has never received money from your PAC, nor does the campaign want any
money, services or goods from your committee. [ABC News, 10/23/15]

Donald Trump Asked Nine Known Super PACs Supporting His Candidacy To
Refund All Contributions Solicited In Support Of His White House Bid. The
Trump campaign said they sent letters to the nine known super PACs supporting Trump,
stating in part, We are providing this written notice that your organization is not authorized
to use Mr. Trumps name and likeness in connection with its fundraising activities, and we
are formally disavowing such activities. Thus, given the invocation of Donald J. Trump in
connection with your activities, we ask that you refund all funds received by you in
connection with any fundraising undertaken to specifically support and/or done in the name
of Donald J. Trump. ... The campaign has never received money from your PAC, nor does the
campaign want any money, services or goods from your committee. [ABC News, 10/23/15]

Donald Trump Called On Other Presidential Candidates To Follow His Example

And Disavow Super PACs. Trump has received nearly $4 million in traditional campaign
donations. His campaign has received donations from more than 75,000 people with an average
amount of about $50. In a statement, the campaign said this has allowed Trump to campaign
with integrity, wholly independent of the dark money, donor class perpetuating a broken
Washington, D.C. I am self-funding my campaign and therefore I will not be controlled by the
donors, special interests and lobbyists who have corrupted our politics and politicians for far too
long, Trump said in a statement on Friday. I have disavowed all Super PAC's, requested the
return of all donations made to said PAC's, and I am calling on all presidential candidates to do
the same. The character of our country is only as strong as our leaders. [Washington Post,
Trump Called For Total Transparency When It Came To Campaign Finance.
TRUMP: Well I think this whole thing with PACs is nonsense. Because Jeb Bush puts his friend
in charge of has PAC, and they dont talk.And hes going to work hard, as is Hillary Clinton.
They all have their friends running the PACs. Now youre not supposed to talk, youre not
supposed to they go out and play golf, they get together, but they dont talk. Who believes that?
So I want transparency. I dont mind the money coming in. Let it be transparent. Let them talk,
but let there be total transparency. [TIME, 8/20/15]


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Donald Trump Criticized Idea Of Super PACs In General. Trump attributes Carson's
rise in Iowa to the super PAC operations backing Ben Carson in the state, which he attacked as
running Iowa for him. He knocked the idea of super PACs in general, saying that this whole
PAC concept is fraught with problems and I think you're going to see tremendous problems with
PACs over the years. [CBS News, 10/25/15]
Politcos Issac Arnsdorf: Donald Trumps Campaign Is Nowhere Near 100-Percent
Trump-Funded. Criticizing the campaign finance jungle, Trump said hes paying for 100
percent of his own campaign. The claim dovetails with his crowd-pleasing refrain about
rejecting special interests, lobbyists and donors. Trump has given his campaign almost $105,000
and lent another $1.8 million (which can be paid back at any time), according to FEC filings. But
the campaign raised a total of $5.83 millionmeaning $3.9 million came from people who are not
Donald Trump. And the campaign has spent $5.6 million. Since thats $3.66 million more than
Trump supplied, his campaign is nowhere near 100-percent Trump-funded. [Isaac Arnsdorf,
Politico, 10/29/15]
10/29/15: Two-Thirds Of Donald Trumps Campaign Funding Came From
Individual Contributions, Not From Trump Himself. According to the latest federal
filing, Trumps campaign has raised $5.8 million. However, the bulk of that sum 67%, or $3.9
million has come from approximately 75,000 individual contributions. Meanwhile, Trump has
poured $1.9 million of his own money into his campaign, which represents about 33% of that
total haul. [MSNBC, 10/29/15]
10/31/15: Donald Trump Bragged That He Actually Made A Profit Running For
President If I Net It Out, Im At Like A Million Bucks. Im Running for
President. I have spent less money than any other candidate running for president and Im
number one. Now think of it. No think of it. No, think of em. So Ive spent and a big part of
what Ive spend is my airplane which I get reimbursed for. So that shows here but I actually
so Ive spent even less than people think. You have to put down market value. You play,
whatever the hell it is, so they put it down there so its actually even better. But Ive spent less
money than any other candidate. Were number one. Others have spent 28 million. I think if I
net it out, Im at like a million bucks, right? So far its been a good deal. [Donald Trump
Campaign Rally, Norfolk, VA, 10/31/15]

Going Negative
Trump On The First Debate: I Don't Want To Attack Anybody. Maybe I'll Be
Attacked And Maybe Not. I'd Rather Just Discuss The Issues, But Certainly I
Don't Want To Attack. Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump said
Wednesday that he hopes the first GOP-sanctioned debate this week is about the issues and not
jabbing among those on stage. I don't want to attack anybody. Maybe I'll be attacked and maybe
Page 204

not. I'd rather just discuss the issues, but certainly I don't want to attack, Trump said on ABC's
Good Morning America.I hope we can keep it on a high level, Trump told Breitbart. If that
doesn't happen, I'm willing to go to the other route. But I will say the two people who hit me
really hard both went down in the polls. [The Hill, 8/5/15]

Trumps Campaign Falsely Claimed That Aaron Borders Had No Connection To
Trumps Campaign. Donald Trumps presidential campaign ended its relationship with an
Arizona-based politico Tuesday evening after BuzzFeed News asked about Islamophobic
Facebook posts he wrote and racially charged Facebook posts about Barack and Michelle Obama.
Asked by BuzzFeed News about Aaron Borders, who identified himself on various social media
profiles and his LinkedIn as Trumps Arizona state director, the Trump campaign originally
falsely denied that he had any connection to the campaign. But audio recordings provided by
Borders to BuzzFeed News show Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski informing
Borders of the campaigns intent to hire him. In a second recording, Lewandowski tells Borders
that he is going to fire him over the Facebook posts, and in a third recording delivers a threat to
sue your fucking ass to next year. Trump fired a longtime aide last week after Business Insider
unearthed racially charged Facebook posts. [BuzzFeed, 8/5/15]

Borders Was The Second Trump Staffer To Be Fired In A Week For Racially
Insensitive Facebook Posts. Borders is the second person associated with the Trump
campaign to be cut off this week for posts on Facebook, after Sam Nunberg, an adviser, was
fired following the unearthing of a 2007 post in which he wrote about calling Al Sharptons
daughter N-!. [BuzzFeed, 8/5/15]

Donald Trump: How Often Do You See That The Polls Are Wrong? Not Too
Often. TRUMP: Im a believer in polls. I only like them because Ive been number one for 100
days now, in a row, which is pretty good. But I am a believer in polls. I mean, how often do you
see that the polls are wrong? Not too often. You know, you go out and you see elections and
somebody is scheduled to win by four, and they win by three-and-a-half or five. But they, you
dont usually see where theyand his [Bidens] polling numbers were not great. And Im actually
happy about it because Id actually rather run against Hillary. I think beating Hillary on her
record will not be very difficult. Her record has been atrocious. [Capital Download, USA Today,
10/22/15; VIDEO]
According To PPPs Tom Jensen, A Trump Employee Placed Non-Stop Calls
Trying To Get PPP To Place Trump In Its Polls. This time, the real estate on a polling
questionnaire is precious and reserved for serious contenders. Two national pollsters said
Trumps representatives had complained to them about his exclusion from their surveys,
including PPPs Jensen, who described non-stop calls from a Trump employee. We even had a
conversation with her, and she still kept calling, he said. [Politico, 5/13/15]


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HEADLINE: Donald Trumps Spectacular, Unending, Utterly Baffling, OftenWrong Campaign Launch. [Washington Post, 6/16/15]
USA Today: Trump Claimed That Economic Growth Has Never Been Below Zero
Until Last Quarter's Drop, Which Is Far From True. It Has Been Below Zero 42
Times Since 1946. [USA Today, 6/16/15]
USA Today: [Trump] Said There Are No Jobs To Be Had. In Fact, There Were
5.4 Million Job Openings Recorded At The End Of April, The Most In 15 Years.
[USA Today, 6/16/15]
USA Today: [Trump] Said The Real Unemployment Rate Is Anywhere From 18
To 20% And Maybe Even 21%. We See No Factual Basis For This Opinion.[USA
Today, 6/16/15]
USA Today: [Trump] Boasted He Would Have Blocked New Ford Plants In Mexico
By Threatening To Impose A 35% Tax On Vehicles And Parts Made In Mexico And
Shipped To The U.S. But Only Congress Can Impose Taxes And Such A Tax Would
Violate The North American Free Trade Agreement.[USA Today, 6/16/15]
USA Today: Trump Claimed The Five Taliban Leaders Exchanged For Sgt. Bowe
Bergdahl Are Now Back On The Battlefield Trying To Kill Us. But All Five
Remain In Qatar, Where They Continue To Be Monitored And Are Subject To A
Travel Ban, According To The State Department.[USA Today, 6/16/15]
USA Today: [Trump] Also Made The Misleading Claim That Health Care
Premium Costs Are Going Up 29, 39, 49 And Even 55%. He's Talking About Some
Proposed Rate Increases On The Individual Market That Still Need Regulatory
Approval. There Are Also Proposed Rate Decreases Or Single-Digit Increases That
Did Not Have To Be Submitted For Review. [USA Today, 6/16/15]

Over The Years, Trump Was A Registered With The Republican Party, The
Independence Party, The Democratic Party, And Was Unaffiliated. Mr. Trump
registered in New York as a Republican in 1987, switched to the Independence Party in 1999,
became a Democrat in 2001, returned to the Republican Party in 2009, gave up his party
affiliation in 2011 and came back to the GOP in 2012. [Wall Street Journal, 12/10/15]
In 2004, Trump Said That He Identified More As A Democrat. BLITZER: Do you
identify more as a Democrat or a Republican? TRUMP: Well, you'd be shocked if I said that in
many cases I probably identify more as a Democrat. And I think you would probably be shocked
at that. [Wolf Blitzer Reports, CNN, 3/19/04]

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Trump In 1999: I'm Somewhat Liberal On Social Issues, Especially Health Care.
KING: Now, let's get into some things. The Reform Party, by its name, means reform. You will
be leaving, if you run this -- you believe in, what, the Republican Party I believe? TRUMP: I'm
a registered Republican. I'm a pretty conservative guy. I'm somewhat liberal on social issues,
especially health care, et cetera, but I'd be leaving another party, and I've been close to that
party. [Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99]

USA Today: Trump Was Perhaps The Most Prominent Voice Of The Birther
Movement. Trump has been an outspoken critic of President Obama and was perhaps the
most prominent voice of the birther movement, which asserted, erroneously, that Obama was
not a natural-born U.S. citizen. On Monday, he took a shot at the newest entrant to the 2016
Republican field, Jeb Bush, tweeting: Do we really need another Bush in the White House we
have had enough of them. If there's one thing Trump brings to the 2016 campaign, it's
confidence. I'm the most successful person ever to run for the presidency, by far, he told The Des
Moines Register in a recent interview. [USA Today, 6/16/15]
Trump Questioned Whether President Obama Was Actually Born In The US.
Donald Trump says hes still not convinced President Obama was born in America, but that hes
not interested in rehashing the issue. I don't know. I really don't know, the 2016 Republican
presidential candidate told CNN when asked on Thursday. I don't know why he wouldn't release
his records. [The Hill, 7/9/15]
Trump Claimed That Obamas Grandmother Said That He Was Born In
Kenya.TRUMP: I'm sure the governor really recalls him. I think the governor's taking a bullet
for the party. Look, I didn't say that. You have to be born in the country. If he was three years
old or two years old or one year old and people remember him, that's irrelevant. You have to be
born in the country. There's no birth certificate. There's only a certificate of live birth, which is a
totally different thing and a much, much lower standard. There are no hospital records. His own
family doesn't know what hospital he was born in in Hawaii. But have you no hospital records in
any of the hospitals that he was born there. There are no bills, no room numbers, no nothing.
They do that for other people, but they don't have for Obama. His grandmother in Kenya said
that he was born in Kenya. Now, he could have been born -- and she said it very strongly -- that
he was born in Kenya, she was there when he was born. And the newspapers were a week late
MALVEAUX: No, I have to interrupt here because I know what you're talking about. I know the
report you're talking about. Within that interview itself -- it has been discredited. There is an
interview that was done here, and in the interview, Obama's step grandmother says that she was
there when he was born. The interpreter realizes when the questioner again asks him if he was
born in Kenya that she was misinterpreted, that that was not correct.[Newsroom, CNN, 4/7/11]
Trump Said His Questions About Obamas Birth Certificate Had Absolutely
Nothing To Do With Race. VAN SUSTEREN: Why aren't you satisfied he was born in the

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United States? TRUMP: The fact is they asked me the question. I said I want to see his birth
certificate. It's very simple. Somebody asked today can I see your birth certificate. I had it in my
hands in less than an hour. People that are born in this country have birth certificates. So I
wanted to see his birth certificate. I mentioned that on The View Whoopi said if that were a
white man you wouldn't be asking that question. I said what does this have to do with race? It
has absolutely nothing to do with race. [On The Record With Greta Van Susteren, Fox News,
Trump Said That Obama Spent Millions Of Dollars On Lawyers Trying To Get
Out Of The Birth Certificate Issue. VAN SUSTEREN: Why aren't you satisfied he was
born in the United States? TRUMP: The fact is if you look at what has happened, with
respect to this birth certificate issue, he doesn't have it. He spent millions of dollars on lawyers
trying to get out of the issue. They get what is called a certificate of live birth which doesn't have
a signature on it and anybody can get a certificate of live birth. It has nothing to do with a birth
certificate. And they are really reeling.[On The Record With Greta Van Susteren, Fox News,

12/2/15: Donald Trump Said He Would Not Back Impeachment Hearings For
President Obama Because Doing So Would Make Obama A Martyr And Because
There Was Not Enough Time, With Obama Only In Office For Another Year.
Donald Trump wouldnt back impeachment hearings for President Barack Obama, saying such
a move would only make Obama a martyr. The best thing that we have going with Obama is
that hes got a year left, Trump said, adding that wasnt enough time to go through
impeachment hearings. So dont make him a martyr? Jones asked. In a way youll make him a
martyr, Trump said, but then pivoted away. But I don't even say that, he continued. I'm the
most disappointed in Republicans. [Politico, 12/2/15]

Trump: The Press Are Liars. They're Terrible People. The press are liars. They're
terrible people Not all of them, but many of them. Trump also bragged that he knows how to
get past the media: I have millions of people on Facebook and Twitter, which he likened to
owning the New York Times without the losses. [New York Magazine, 6/12/15]

David Duke Supported Trump For President. Donald Trump's presidential campaign
has a new supporter: former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke. Duke, a self-described
racial realist and notorious white nationalist, praised Trump during a wide-ranging tirade on
his radio program, calling the surging real estate mogul a good salesman and the best of the lot
of the large group of 2016 Republican presidential candidates. [New York Daily News, 8/25/15]
Donald Trump Was Endorsed By Rev. James David Manning, Known As The
Harlem Hate Pastor Who Has Proclaimed Obama Has Released The Homo

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Demons Of The Black Man. Undiluted affection came Trumps way via an endorsement by
Rev. James David Manning, known to many New Yorkers as The Harlem Hate Pastor. Manning
has stated that President George W. Bush and his father George H.W. Bush each had sex with
100 men. He has compared President Obama to Hitler. The sign outside his Atlah Worldwide
Church on Lenox Ave. has proclaimed: Obama has released the homo demons of the black man.
Look out black woman. A white homo may take your man. [New York Daily News, 12/2/15]


Trump: Well, [Making Money Is] A Game. I Have A Lot Of Fun With The Game.
Money Is A Little Bit Of A Scorecard. BLITZER: You've obviously made a ton of money.
When is enough enough? TRUMP: Well, it's a game. I have a lot of fun with the game. Money
is a little bit of a scorecard, but I don't do it for the money. I do it because I really enjoy it. I love
the creative process. I'm building a tremendous building in Chicago now. I just finished a
number of great buildings in New York. I'm building a few more right now. I mean, under
construction. I'm doing something in California two miles along the Pacific Ocean in Los
Angeles. I'm building a golf course that will be better than Pebble Beach. It's going to be
amazing, Trump National Golf Club. It'll open in June. I'm doing things that are just creative
things for me, and I love them. So, as long as I'm healthy, as long as I have my health, and my
imagination, and the brain is working well, I'll keep going. It's interesting, in my business, in the
real estate business, guys are very old. Guys go into their 80s and 90s, and they're still doing
deals. In a lot of businesses, they sort of retire when they're 65 or 70, and they retire. So, I think
I want to go as long as I can go. [Wolf Blitzer Reports, CNN, 3/21/04]
Headline: Trump: My Dad Gave Me A 'Small Loan' Of A Million Dollars. [Politico, 10/26/15]

Donald Trump Said The Small, One Million Dollar Loan He Received From His
Father Isnt Very Much Compared To What I Built. GOP presidential front-runner
Donald Trump said on Monday that his business success stems from a small $1 million loan his
father once gave him. I started off in Brooklyn [and] my father gave me a small loan of a million
dollars, he told host Matt Lauer on NBCs Today show. Lauer then challenged Trumps
assertion that $1 million constitutes a small business loan. Lets just put this in perspective,
Lauer said. You said this hasnt been easy for you, but my dad gave me a million-dollar loan.
That [is] probably going to seem pretty easy to a lot of people, Lauer added. Trump countered
that his fathers financial aid pales in comparison with his own current wealth. Youre right, but
a million dollars isnt very much compared to what I built, the outspoken billionaire responded.
I mean, I built one of the great organizations. [The Hill, 10/26/15]

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In 1990, Forbes Reported That Trump Had A $3.2 Billion Debt And A Net Worth
Of About $500 Million. DONALDSON: Let's take the Forbes magazine piece. It says that
you have a debt of about $3.2 billion, a net worth of about $500 million, and that you're losing
money at the rate of $40 million a year. True? TRUMP: Forbes has been after me for years,
consistently after me. They took properties and devalued the properties. They say the Plaza
Hotel's not worth what everybody knows it's worth. They say the Taj Mahal- they include the
debt of the Taj Mahal, but not the income. They said that my empire is down to a mere $500
million. I'm saying that the assets are far more valuable than they give them credit for.
[Primetime Live, ABC, 5/3/90]

In 1990, Forbes Valued Trumps Total Assets At Just Under $3.7 Billion. Maybe
not, but Forbes has made its own estimate, one that has upset Donald Trump. Trump
controls a huge financial empire, no doubt about it. In New York City, he owns luxury
apartments and condominiums, including the Trump Tower. He owns premier hotels,
including the world-famous Plaza. He owns 100 acres of prime Manhattan real estate for
development. He owns an airline, the Trump Shuttle, which flies between New York, Boston
and Washington, and a helicopter service to take gamblers to Atlantic City. There, he owns
three hotel-casinos, including his newest, the $1 billion Taj Mahal. And when one adds
personal residences, including his Florida estate, and such things as his yacht, it is all
staggering. Forbes puts Donald Trump's total assets at just under $3.7 billion. But hold on.
Trump does not own all this outright. His debt on these assets amounts to almost $3.2
billion, according to Forbes. Subtracting that produces the $500 million Forbes net worth
figure. And when Trump announced he might sell his airline, the financial sharks smelled
blood. [Primetime Live, ABC, 5/3/90]

2015: Forbes Estimated Trumps Worth At $4 Billion. It should be noted that Forbes
estimates his net worth at $4 billion; Trump once sued a reporter for libel after writing that his
net worth was closer to hundreds of millions of dollars. A New Jersey appellate judge dismissed
the case in 2011, saying Trump failed to prove actual malice. [Fox Business, 7/15/15]

Donald Trump Said He Is Worth More Than Twice As Much As Forbes

Magazines Estimate Of His Net Worth. Move over, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina and Fox
News Donald Trump has somebody else to argue with. It's Forbes magazine and its new
estimate that his net worth is just $4.5 billion, less than half Trump's claim of more than $10
billion. I'm a private company, he said in an interview at Trump Grill, the restaurant on the
lower level of Trump Tower in midtown Manhattan. I like the people at Forbes, he said, but
added: They don't really know my assets very well. [CNBC, 9/30/15]

2005: New York Timess Timothy OBrien: Three People With Direct Knowledge Of
Trumps Finances Estimate His Net Worth At Somewhere Between $150 Million
And $250 Million. Three people with direct knowledge of Donald's finances, people who had

Page 210

worked closely with him for years, told me that they thought his net worth was somewhere
between $150 million and $250 million. (Donald's casino holdings have recently rebounded in
value, perhaps adding as much as $135 million to these estimates.) By anyone's standards, this
still qualified Donald as comfortably wealthy, but none of these people thought that he was
remotely close to being a billionaire. [Timothy OBrien, Business Day, New York Times,
Trump Was Not Sure What Percent Personal Income Tax He Paid. CROWLEY: I
have two quick questions. There was an article out the other day talking about the top 400 gross
income folks. It was in Bloomberg, paying 17 percent personal income tax while those who made
less than them were paying 23 percent. What percent of your personal income do you do?
TRUMP: I'd really have to check. I'd really have to check. CROWLEY: You really don't know
where it is? TRUMP: Sure, it's substantial. But I would really have to check. [State Of The
Union, CNN, 4/17/11]

Donald Trump Borrowed $30 Million Against His Inheritance To Bolster Hiss
Faltering Properties. By 1974, Trump was president of his father's company meaning
that the status of that modest million-dollar loan was probably somewhat irrelevant by that
point; Trump was now in primary control of that sizable real estate empire. Trump apparently
did need a loan a bit later on. As the Times's Timothy O'Brien reported in a 2005 look at Trump's
net worth, Trump asked for a $10 million loan against his inheritance to bolster his faltering
properties. His siblings, who had a stake in the pool of money that would be inherited,
grudgingly agreed. A year later, he asked for $20 million more. Trump denies this account.
[New York Times, 10/26/15]

1993: Donald Trump Was Forced To Ask For A $10 Million Loan From His
Siblings, Who All Demanded He Sign A Promissory Note Guaranteeing The
Loan Against Future Distributions From His Trust Fund. By 1993, with his
casinos in hock, most of his real estate holdings either forfeited or stagnant and his father
slipping into the fog of Alzheimer's disease, Donald Trump, at the age of 47, had run out of
money. There were no funds left to keep him aloft, and as the bare-bones operation he
maintained in Manhattan started to grind to a halt, he ordered Nick Ribis, the Trump
Organization's president, to call his siblings and ask for a handout from their trusts. Donald
needed about $10 million for his living and office expenses, but he had no collateral to provide
his brother and sisters, all three of whom wanted a guarantee that he would repay them. The
Trump children's anticipated share of their father's fortune amounted to about $35 million
each, and Donald's siblings demanded that he sign a promissory note pledging future
distributions from his trust fund against the $10 million he wanted to borrow. [New York
Times, 10/23/05]

Page 211

Beyond The $1 Million Loan From His Father, Donald Trump Used His Familys
Wealth As A Backstop During Hard Financial Times, Including An Illegal $3.5
Million Loan From His Father. Wherever the truth lies, it's clear that Trump got more
than a $1 million loan (paid back with interest) from his father. He got control of his company
and, ultimately, a large inheritance (although the where, when and how much on this is murky).
And when he was in financial trouble in the early 1990s being dropped from the Forbes 400 in
1990 he had his family's wealth as a backstop. Update: So much so that, as our Glenn Kessler
pointed out, Fred Trump bought $3.5 million in Trump Castle Casino Resort chips, which he
never used to bet. (The purchase was determined to be illegal; the casino had to pay a fine.)
[New York Times, 10/26/15]
2007: During A Deposition, Donald Trump Admitted To Taking $9.6 Million From
His Fathers Estate, Which Trump Characterized As A Loan, For A Very Small
Amount Of Money. In a 2007 deposition, the Donald admitted to taking about $9.6 million
from his fathers estate, calling the sum a very small amount of money. Trump was being
deposed by the lawyer of journalist Timothy L. OBrien, who Trump sued for defamation after
the writer estimated in his 2005 book TrumpNation that Trumps net worth was a mere $150 to
$250 million, compared to Donalds own $6 billion personal valuation. Trump was asked in the
December 2007 deposition if he had ever borrowed money from the deceased Fred Trumps
estate. I think a small amount a long time ago, Donald Trump replied. I think it was like in the
$9 million range. Asked when this happened, Trump said, I dont know. Years ago. [BuzzFeed,

Donald Trump Would Have Made More Money By Simply Investing His 8-Figure Inheritance In A Mutual Fund
Indexed To The Stock Market Than He Made Through His Real Estate And Other Business Ventures. As really
rich as Donald Trump is today, he might have been even richer if, instead of dabbling in skyscrapers and casinos,
hed simply taken his eight-figure inheritance decades ago and sunk it into the stock market. Had the celebrity
businessman and Republican presidential candidate invested his eventual share of fathers real estate company into
a mutual fund of S&P 500 stocks in 1974, it would be worth nearly $3 billion today, thanks to the markets
performance over the past four decades. If hed invested the $200 million that Forbes magazine determined he was
worth in 1982 into that index fund, it would have grown to more than $8 billion today. [National Journal, 9/2/15]


Donald Trump Took Two Of The Trump Casinos Public In 1995 And 1996,
Enabling Him To Unload Personal Debt Onto The New Company. In a tribute to the
sucker-born-every-minute theorem, Donald managed to take two of the Trump casinos public in
1995 and 1996, at a time when he was unable to make his bank payments and was heading
toward personal bankruptcy. The stock sales allowed Donald to buy the casinos back from the
banks and to unload huge amounts of debt. The offering also yanked Donald out of the financial
graveyard and left him with a 25 percent stake in a company he once owned entirely. Trump
Hotels and Casino Resorts traded at $14 a share initially and, along with a fresh bond offering,
the new company raised about $295 million. [New York Times, 10/23/05]

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Donald Trumps Creditors Could Have Forced Him Into Bankruptcy But Chose Not
To Because They Were Reluctant To Face Him In Bankruptcy Court. After a decade
of profligate borrowing, Trump lacked the cash to make his loan payments. Although he owned
hotels, skyscrapers, casinos and an airline, his debts exceeded the value of his properties by
hundreds of millions of dollars. Trump's lenders could have forced him into personal bankruptcy
and stripped him of almost every-thing. But that didn't happen. Instead, the bankers and
investors to whom Trump owed money made a series of deals that left him wealthy. They let him
keep some properties and took control of others, and they reduced Trump's personal debt by
about $ 750 million, more than four-fifths of the total. They didn't do it out of charity. Rather, the
lenders were reluctant to confront Trump in bankruptcy court, where they would face years of
delay and massive legal expenses. In the end, lenders said, they feared they would recover less
money in bankruptcy than they could get by striking compromises with Trump. [Washington
Post, 11/29/92]
Donald Trump Was On The Brink Of Bankruptcy Following The 1990 Real Estate
Collapse But Was Able To Avoid Personal Bankruptcy By Selling Off Some Of His
Cherished Possessions. ZAHN: If the 1980s were the greed is good era, then Donald Trump
was the decade's poster boy. But by 1990, the real estate mogul nearly lost it all due to a
collapsing real estate market. He was on the brink of bankruptcy. To make matters worse,
Trump was going through a personal crisis. His marriage was falling apart. With a failed
marriage behind him, Trump now focused on trying to rebuild his business. He was able to avoid
bankruptcy by selling off some of his cherished possessions. [CNN People In The News, CNN,
Donald Trump Appeared Upbeat During Negotiations With His Creditors But Was
Personally Worried About Avoiding Bankruptcy. Donald managed to weather the slings
and arrows of doubters during these lean years and hunkered down with his bankers and with
his debts. As the negotiations progressed, Donald's bankers looked for every alternative they
could find to bankruptcy, because none of the banks wanted to contend with the mess that would
ensue if the talks collapsed. And the Trumpster kept singing a happy tune. He was always
upbeat, recalled Harvey Miller, a lawyer representing Citibank. One thing I'll say about Donald,
he was never depressed. Unbeknownst to his creditors, Donald was just as worried about a
bankruptcy as they were. He later told me that he wanted to avoid bankruptcy at all costs
because he felt that it would permanently taint him as a failure or a quitter. [New York Times,

Trump Said He Had Never Smoked A Cigarette Or Had A Drink Of Alcohol. ZAHN:
Trump rebounded personally as well. He married Marla Maples in 1993 and soon after she gave
birth to Donald's fourth child. The couple would divorce only four years later. Despite a life lived
out in the tabloids, Donald Trump has always worked hard and lived clean. He says he's never
smoked a cigarette. Never even had a drink. TRUMP: I've seen people that I have great respect
for and then they end up drunk one night. I could know them for five years, they end up drunk

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and you lose all of your respect for them. ZAHN: Drinking has touched Trump's personal life as
well. TRUMP: Well, alcohol has touched my family. My brother, Fred, who was a terrific guy in
every way, passed away and alcohol killed him. It was pure and simple. He died because of
alcohol. And I wished the lawyers that went after the tobacco companies would go after the
alcohol companies. [CNN People In The News, CNN, 5/21/05]

Trump Said He Never Had A Drink Of Alcohol Because His Brother Died Of Alcoholism. ZAHN: Trump
rebounded personally as well. He married Marla Maples in 1993 and soon after she gave birth to Donald's fourth
child. The couple would divorce only four years later. Despite a life lived out in the tabloids, Donald Trump has always
worked hard and lived clean. He says he's never smoked a cigarette. Never even had a drink. TRUMP: I've seen
people that I have great respect for and then they end up drunk one night. I could know them for five years, they end
up drunk and you lose all of your respect for them. ZAHN: Drinking has touched Trump's personal life as well.
TRUMP: Well, alcohol has touched my family. My brother, Fred, who was a terrific guy in every way, passed away
and alcohol killed him. It was pure and simple. He died because of alcohol. And I wished the lawyers that went after
the tobacco companies would go after the alcohol companies. [CNN People In The News, CNN, 5/21/05]

Trump: I've Never Had A Cup Of Coffee In My Life. TRUMP: I learned a lot from my
brother, who was quite a bit older than me. He said, 'Don't you ever smoke. Don't you ever--ever
have a glass of alcohol.' And I watched his life just be destroyed, and I never have had a glass of
alcohol, I've never had a cigarette. I've never had a cup of coffee in my life. I've never, you know,
'cause that's- SAWYER: Caffeine? TRUMP: Well, caffeine is caffeine. Look, I'm not knocking
coffee. I'm not putting it into the same breath, but I just have chosen not to. [Good Morning
America, ABC, 12/1/99]
1999: Donald Trump Agreed That All Candidates Owed The Public Their Medical
Reports. KING: Does -- do all candidates owe us their medical reports? TRUMP: I think so. I
think you don't want to get into a situation where you elect someone and then you find he's
terminally ill and he'll be in office for about three more months. [Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99]
Donald Trump Promised To Release A Doctors Report Of His Health
Approximately Three Hours After Politico Published An Article That Described
His Poor Diet, Lack Of Exercise, And The Fact That He Would Be The Oldest
Person Ever Elected President. [Politico, 12/3/15; @realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 12/3/15]

12/3/15: So Far In The 2016 Presidential Campaign, Donald Trump Had Not
Released His Medical Records, Despite His Age, Diet And Self-Professed Lack
Of Workout Regimen. Donald Trump once said that all presidential candidates should
release their medical records. But so far in the 2016 race, he had declined to release his, and a
campaign spokeswoman had not responded to multiple requests for comment about the
candidates health records stretching back to October. While the health of a presidential
candidate is always important, and nominees release their medical records as a matter of
course, Trumps age, diet and self-professed lack of workout regimen makes the issue more
pressing in his case. If elected, the businessman would take office at the age of 70, making
him the oldest person ever to ascend to the presidency. Over the course of his presidential

Page 214

campaign, Trump has said that he does not exercise or play sports regularly and that he eats
whatever he wants a diet heavy on bacon and steak. [Politico, 12/3/15]

Donald Trump: "As A Presidential Candidate, I Have Instructed My Long-Time

Doctor To Issue, Within Two Weeks, A Full Medical Report-It Will Show
Perfection." [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 12/3/15]


New York Times: Donald Trump Released A Letter From His Personal Physician
That Cited Few Specific Lab Results But Included A Sweeping Declaration In A
Tone Oddly Similar To How Mr. Trump Talks About Himself. Donald J. Trump has
released a letter from his personal physician attesting that his health is extraordinary. The
letter, gushing in tone and signed by Dr. Harold N. Bornstein of Lenox Hill Hospital in
Manhattan, was four paragraphs long and provided few specific laboratory test results. The
letter made a sweeping declaration in a tone oddly similar to how Mr. Trump talks about
himself. [New York Times, 12/14/15]

Donald Trump Said He Was Fortunate To Have Been Blessed With Great
Genes But Did Not Say That His Father Developed Alzheimers, The Genetics
Of Which Are Not Understood With Certainty. In a cover letter to Dr. Bornsteins
letter, Mr. Trump said: I am fortunate to have been blessed with great genes both of my
parents had very long and productive lives. He did not say his father, Fred, developed
Alzheimers disease beginning in his late 80s. The genetics of most forms of Alzheimers and
dementia are not known with certainty. [New York Times, 12/14/15]

Reporters Who Covered Trumps Campaign Thought He Had Gained Weight,

Contrary To Trumps Claims And The Letter Signed By His Doctor. A recent
complete medical examination of Mr. Trump showed only positive results, the letter [signed
by Donald Trumps physician] said. It gave few specifics about that examination but
contained a number of flamboyant descriptions. [According to the letter] Mr. Trump has
lost at least 15 pounds in the past 12 months. But his exact weight before and after the loss
was not stated. Reporters who have covered Mr. Trumps campaign said their impression was
that he had gained weight over recent months. [New York Times, 12/14/15]


Trump Said He Slept 3 To 4 Hours A Night. TRUMP: Well, I'm lucky. And I guess I got
this from my parents. But I sleep very little, 3 or 4 hours a night. And that's what I need. And I
have friends that need 12 hours' sleep. I say, 12 hours? What are you going to do? So how does
somebody that's sleeping 12 and 14 hours a day compete with somebody that's sleeping 3 or 4 ? It
doesn't work that way. So if you can -- now, part of sleeping not so much is enjoying your life. If
you don't enjoy your life, I know other people when they're doing well and things are good, they
sleep 5 hours. When things aren't going so well they're in bed all week long. But the fact is that
sleep as little -- you're going to be sleeping for a long time someday. [Larry King Live, CNN,

Page 215


Donald Trump Had Five Children From Three Wives. ANDERSON: Its Melanias first
child, and the baby is due in the spring, gender unknown. It will be the fifth child for the Donald,
who has three kids with first wife Ivana Trump, Donald Jr., 27; Ivanka, 23; and Eric, 21; and an
11-year-old, Tiffany, with second wife Marla Maples. With five kids from three wives, the Donald
is a fine example of the new American family. [Showbiz Tonight, CNN, 9/27/05]

Donald Trump Married Model Ivana Zelnachec In 1977. ZAHN: On the road to
Manhattan, Donald Trumpmet a stunning blonde Czechoslovakian named Ivana Zelnachec.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She was a model at the time. They were both driven, perfectionists.
They were both highly ambitious people. They are both gaudy people. There's a what you see is
what you get quality to both of them. And in a lot of ways, they were a match made in heaven.
ZAHN: The two were married in 1977 and went on to have three children. It was around the
same time that Trump laid the first brick in the foundation of his empire. Trump bought the
bankrupt Commodore Hotel near Grand Central Station.[CNN People In The News, CNN,

Trump On His Divorce From Ivana: When A Man Leaves A Woman, Especially When It Was Perceived That
He Has Left For A Piece Of Ass--A Good One-- There Are 50 Percent Of The Population Who Will Love The
Woman Who Was Left. WALTERS: The author, Marie Brenner, quotes you as saying to her, When a man leaves
a woman, especially when it was perceived that he has left for a piece of ass- a good one- there are 50 percent of the
population who will love the woman who was left. TRUMP: I do remember saying that. I don't remember having
used those words. That's possible. But I believe that if a man leaves a woman for almost any reason, that that
particular person, the man, is going to be at a major disadvantage in terms of the public eye, there's no question
about it. [20/20, ABC News, 8/17/90]

Trump: I Don't Know What The Legal Definition Of Marriage Is, To Be Perfectly Honest. WALTERS: There's
some confusion as to you marital state. You're still married, but you've told friends that you'll probably be divorced.
TRUMP: I am still married. I don't know what the legal definition of marriage is, to be perfectly honest. WALTERS:
You don't the legal definition of marriage? TRUMP: The legal definition of marriage in this context. I am married. I
don't know whether or not you'd consider it a separation. I can't tell you what's going to happen because I'm not even
sure I know myself. [20/20, ABC News, 8/17/90]

Ivana Trump Said That She Did Not Understand What She Was Signing In Her
Prenuptial Agreement With Donald. NANCY COLLINS: If the Trumps agreed about their
problems, they certainly disagreed about the money. Ivana had to settle for the paltry $20
million promised her in her prenuptial agreement. IVANA TRUMP: My prenuptial, I did not
understand what I was signing. I was younger and I did not speak very well English and I reallymy parents never had one. It did not exist in communistic Czechoslovakia. I really wasn't sure.
What I thought that I was signing was to give the rights to the family for their money, that I

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would not claim the money of the family, like, say, the fathers and grandfathers and all that
stuff. That's what I understood I was signing. [Primetime Live, ABC News, 4/12/95]
Trump Had An Affair With Marla Maples, Leading To A $20 Million Divorce
Settlement. ZAHN: If the 1980s were the greed is good era, then Donald Trump was the
decade's poster boy. But by 1990, the real estate mogul nearly lost it all due to a collapsing real
estate market. He was on the brink of bankruptcy. To make matters worse, Trump was going
through a personal crisis. His marriage was falling apart. And Donald was spending a lot of time
with former beauty queen Marla Maples. Their affair erupted into a full-fledged scandal. The
New York tabloids were merciless The $20 million divorce settlement hit The Donald where it
hurt. TRUMP: There's nothing great about divorce. Divorce is tough because it's personal.
ZAHN: With a failed marriage behind him, Trump know focused on trying to rebuild his
business. He was able to avoid bankruptcy by selling off some of his cherished possessions.[CNN
People In The News, CNN, 5/21/05]
HEADLINE: Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel Violated During Sex [Daily
Beast, 7/27/15]

SUBHEADLINE: Ivana Trump Once Accused The Real-Estate Tycoon Of Rape, Although She Later Clarified:
Not In The Criminal Sense. [Daily Beast, 7/27/15]

Trumps Ex-Wife Wife Ivana Trump Accused Trump Of Raping Her In 1989. It was
an unfortunate turn of phrase for Trumpin more ways than one. Not only does the current
front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination have a history of controversial remarks
about sexual assault, but as it turns out, his ex-wife Ivana Trump once used rape to describe an
incident between them in 1989. She later said she felt violated by the experience. [Daily Beast,
Ivana Trumps Rape Assertion Originally Appeared In A Deposition As A Part Of
The Early 1990s Divorce Case Between The Trumps And Was Described As A
Violent Assault In The 1993 Book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J.
Trump. Ivana Trumps assertion of rape came in a depositionpart of the early 90s divorce
case between the Trumps, and revealed in the 1993 book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald
J. Trump. The book, by former Texas Monthly and Newsweek reporter Harry Hurt III, described
a harrowing scene. After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump
confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon. Your fucking doctor
has ruined me! Trump cried. What followed was a violent assault, according to Lost Tycoon.
[Daily Beast, 7/27/15]
Michael Cohen, Special Counsel At The Trump Organization: Understand That
By The Very Definition, You Cant Rape Your Spouse. Michael Cohen, special counsel

Page 217

at The Trump Organization, defended his boss, saying, Youre talking about the front-runner for
the GOP, presidential candidate, as well as private individual who never raped anybody. And, of
course, understand that by the very definition, you cant rape your spouse. It is true, Cohen
added. You cannot rape your spouse. And theres very clear case law. Ivana Trumps assertion of
rape came in a depositionpart of the early 90s divorce case between the Trumps, and revealed
in the 1993 book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump.That is not true. In New
York, there used to be a so-called marital rape exemption to the law. It was struck down in
1984. [Daily Beast, 7/27/15]
Trump Special Counsel: So Im Warning You, Tread Very Fucking Lightly,
Because What Im Going To Do To You Is Going To Be Fucking Disgusting. You
Write A Story That Has Mr. Trumps Name In It, With The Word Rape, And Im
Going To Mess Your Life Up. Trumps lawyer then changed tactics, lobbing insults and
threatening a lawsuit if a story was published. I will make sure that you and I meet one day
while were in the courthouse. And I will take you for every penny you still dont have. And I will
come after your Daily Beast and everybody else that you possibly know, Cohen said. So Im
warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what Im going to do to you is going to be
fucking disgusting. You understand me? You write a story that has Mr. Trumps name in it,
with the word rape, and Im going to mess your life upfor as long as youre on this frickin
planetyoure going to have judgments against you, so much money, youll never know how to
get out from underneath it, he added. [Daily Beast, 7/27/15]
Michael Cohen, Special Counsel To Trump, Apologized For Saying You Cannot
Rape Your Spouse. Michael Cohen, special counsel to Trump. Cohen has been a long-time
aide to Trump, but he found himself facing the national media glare last month when he
defended his boss to a Daily Beast reporter in a story about rebuffed allegations of sexual
misconduct against Trump. Cohen has since publicly apologized for telling the Daily Beast that
you cannot rape your spouse and has repeatedly said that he does not believe that statement.
As an attorney, husband and father there are many injustices that offend me but nothing more
than charges of rape or racism. They hit me at my core, Cohen said in an apology statement to
CNN. Cohen has served as a media liaison to Trump, helping to coordinate interviews. And he
has also appeared on television defending Trump's campaign, but his public appearances have
dwindled following the controversy. The Hill, 8/14/15]

IN 1993
Trump Had An Affair With Marla Maples, Leading To A $20 Million Divorce
Settlement. ZAHN: If the 1980s were the greed is good era, then Donald Trump was the
decade's poster boy. But by 1990, the real estate mogul nearly lost it all due to a collapsing real
estate market. He was on the brink of bankruptcy. To make matters worse, Trump was going
through a personal crisis. His marriage was falling apart. And Donald was spending a lot of time
with former beauty queen Marla Maples. Their affair erupted into a full-fledged scandal. The

Page 218

New York tabloids were merciless The $20 million divorce settlement hit The Donald where it
hurt. TRUMP: There's nothing great about divorce. Divorce is tough because it's personal.
ZAHN: With a failed marriage behind him, Trump know focused on trying to rebuild his
business. He was able to avoid bankruptcy by selling off some of his cherished possessions.[CNN
People In The News, CNN, 5/21/05]
Trump Married Marla Maples In 1993, But Got Divorced Four Years Later. ZAHN:
Trump rebounded personally as well. He married Marla Maples in 1993 and soon after she gave
birth to Donald's fourth child. The couple would divorce only four years later. Despite a life lived
out in the tabloids, Donald Trumphas always worked hard and lived clean. He says he's never
smoked a cigarette. Never even had a drink.[CNN People In The News, CNN, 5/21/05]

Donald Trump Married Marla Maples On December 20, 1993. FERNANDEZ: The Donald and The Marla are finally
The Trumps. John Roberts reports on last night's nuptials in New York. ROBERTS: Celebrity guests swarmed New
York's Plaza Hotel for the big event, arriving in all modes of transportation. The crowd was the expected mix of
beautiful people, business leaders and politicians. And the hype was pervasive. [This Morning, CBS, 12/21/93]

Donald Trump And Marla Maples Were Expecting A Child In October 1993. Just
call them Mom and Pop. Donald Trumpand Marla Maples are looking forward to becoming
parents. The on-and-off love birds confirmed yesterday they are expecting in October and the
mom-to-be says it is a very happy surprise. MARLA MAPLES: I feel good because, you know,
when it happens, you know it's meant to be. You just have to really trust that. Whether it's
planned or not, you just sort of trust God's plan and do what you have to. [This Morning, CBS,
Donald And Marla Trump Announced Their Separation In May 1997. Marla and
Donald Trump-- how many years they have provided us, well, spectacle for our lives? The affair,
the tabloid pregnancy, the lavish wedding and now, were told, its over. On Friday, the Trumps
issued a joint statement saying that they are separating as friends. [Primetime Live, ABC,

Donald Trump Confirmed That His Ex-Wife Marla Would Keep Their Daughter Tiffany. DIAZ-BALART: Donald,
this is the first time you've been on--on national TV since the rumors have come out which--which you--you've talked
about a little bit about your impending separation from Marla. I know it's not something that's comfortable to talk
about. It's not, certainly, something that I enjoy asking about. How are you doing? How are you two doing?
TRUMP: We're doing really great. And she's a very great professional. She's doing the show tonight and she's
going to do a fantastic job. She's a very, very professional, very talented woman. And we're really doing great.
DIAZ-BALART: Yeah. And she's--she's going to stay with the child, I'm told? TRUMP: Oh yeah, absolutely. She's
a terrific mother. I mean, her best asset, frankly, is that she is a terrific mother. And Tiffany is--is a wonderful child.
And I'm very happy about that because Marla is such a good mother. [This Morning, CBS, 5/16/97]

At 59 Years Old, Trump Had A Baby With His New Wife Melania. TRUMP: Theyve
been asking us almost every day, is she pregnant? Is she pregnant? Is Melania pregnant?

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ANDERSON: Yes, now she is. The 59-year-old real estate and reality TV mogul is ready to spill
the beans. His 35-year-old new wife Melania is pregnant. Regis talked to the Donald just last
night. [Showbiz Tonight, CNN, 9/27/05]
Melania Trump Supported Her Husbands Efforts By Being With Their Son And
Was Not Ready To Get Political Yet. This is Melania's first major interview, conducted
in the family's lavish 66th floor penthouse, and she says she's there to support her husband's
efforts. My husband is traveling all the time, she says. Barron needs somebody as a parent, so I
am with him all the time. Reflecting on her husband's often outrageous comments, Melania says
she's not ready to get political yet, but stands by him. He is who he is, she says. Even if you
give him advice, he will maybe take it in, but then he will do it the way he wants to do it. You
cannot change a person. Let them be. Let them be the way they are. [People, 9/30/15]


Trump: I Think The Hunt Is Always Fun, Whether It's Deals, Whether It's
Women, Whether It's Anything. WALTERS: I want to clear something up. In your book,
the new book, you say, The fun is in the getting, not the having. Does that include women? No
kidding. TRUMP: Interesting question. I think the hunt is always fun, whether it's deals,
whether it's women, whether it's anything. I think, however, that with respect to women, there
would be nothing that would make me happier than having a great marriage. An absolutely
great marriage, and that would certainly supersede the hunt.[20/20, ABC News, 8/17/90]
Trump: I'm An Absolute Believer In Fidelity. But If A Marriage Isn't Working,
That's A Different Ball Game.WALTERS: Do you believe in fidelity in marriage?
TRUMP: Yes, absolutely I do. Absolutely. I think that there's nothing better than a good
marriage. There is nothing worse than a bad marriage. I'm absolutely a believer in marriage, I'm
an absolute believer in fidelity. But if a marriage isn't working, that's a different ball
game.[20/20, ABC News, 8/17/90]
Trump: And A Lot Of People Should Be Getting Divorced, A Lot Of People Should
Be Doing It. TRUMP: The thing is, I don't talk about the personal. I've never had to talk
about it before and, unfortunately, this situation - and I don't know why I say unfortunately - it
is unfortunate because I say divorce is a negative, it's a bad thing, I don't like it, I- my parents
are married for over 50 years, I don't like the concept of divorce, but sometimes, it becomes
necessary, sometimes, you just grow apart, and you do, I mean, that's the term, that you grow
apart. And a lot of people should be getting divorced, a lot of people should be doing it, but they
don't do it, because they don't make the move. I was just amazed at the inaccuracy of the
press.[Larry King Live, CNN, 7/27/90]

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Trump: Pre-Nuptial Agreements Are A Modern Day Necessity. DONALD TRUMP:
I hate the concept of a pre-nuptial agreement because it basically says, 'If and when you get
divorced, this is what you're going to get.' And there's something very bad about that. But I think
it's a modern-day necessity. [Primetime Live, ABC News, 3/10/94]
Trump: Anybody With A Certain Financial Status Has An Obligation To Get A
Prenuptial Agreement Signed. TRUMP: Prenuptial agreements are a very important thing
to have. I mean, I think anybody getting married today with a business or with certain financial
status, or whatever, has to. They have an obligation to themselves, even to their family, even to
their wife to get a prenuptial agreement signed. [Burden Of Proof, CNN, 10/15/96]
Trump On Why He Should Be Able To Keep His Wealth After A Divorce: I Built
This Empire And I Did It By Myself. Nobody Did It For Me. TRUMP: I built this
empire and I did it by myself. Nobody did it for me- not Ivana, not Marla- nobody. And I think
that because somebody marries somebody that built something huge doesn't necessarily mean
that just because they get a divorce that they should end up, you know, like the Queen of
Sheba.[Primetime Live, ABC News, 3/10/94]

Donald Trump Had Five Children From Three Wives. ANDERSON: Its Melanias first
child, and the baby is due in the spring, gender unknown. It will be the fifth child for the Donald,
who has three kids with first wife Ivana Trump, Donald Jr., 27; Ivanka, 23; and Eric, 21; and an
11-year-old, Tiffany, with second wife Marla Maples. With five kids from three wives, the Donald
is a fine example of the new American family. [Showbiz Tonight, CNN, 9/27/05]
Trump Confirmed That His Ex-Wife Marla Would Have Primary Custody Of Their
Daughter Tiffany. DIAZ-BALART: Donald, this is the first time you've been on--on national
TV since the rumors have come out which--which you--you've talked about a little bit about your
impending separation from Marla. I know it's not something that's comfortable to talk about.
It's not, certainly, something that I enjoy asking about. How are you doing? How are you two
doing? TRUMP: We're doing really great. And she's a very great professional. She's doing the
show tonight and she's going to do a fantastic job. She's a very, very professional, very talented
woman. And we're really doing great. DIAZ-BALART: Yeah. And she's--she's going to stay
with the child, I'm told? TRUMP: Oh yeah, absolutely. She's a terrific mother. I mean, her
best asset, frankly, is that she is a terrific mother. And Tiffany is--is a wonderful child. And I'm
very happy about that because Marla is such a good mother. [This Morning, CBS, 5/16/97]
Trump: Theres Always Gonna Be Nepotism Thats The Way The World Works.
WALTERS: On the outside people will say, nepotism. What do you say to that? Nepotism has
become a kind of bad word. TRUMP: You know, there's always gonna be nepotism, whether it's
a friendship nepotism or whether it's children nepotism. And, you know, that's the way the
world works. But the fact is, I love my children and I hope they do a real good job. [20/20, ABC
News, 2/6/04]

Page 221


Trump Credited His Father With Getting Him Not To Smoke Or Drink. TRUMP: So
far, my kids have been following my lead. But I drive them crazy. They say, dad, will you stop. I
had this great brother who had everything going, but he became an alcoholic. He smoked a lot.
But forget the smoking, he became an alcoholic. And ultimately he died. It was an amazing genes
that he lasted as long as he did. But he was a severe alcoholic. He was an amazing guy. And he
was, in a certain way -- my father was a great teacher, but he was one of my great teachers, if
not my best. But he got me not to smoke, not to drink. [Piers Morgan Tonight, Fox News, 2/9/11]
Beyond The $1 Million Loan From His Father, Donald Trump Used His Familys
Wealth As A Backstop During Hard Financial Times, Including An Illegal $3.5
Million Loan From His Father. Wherever the truth lies, it's clear that Trump got more
than a $1 million loan (paid back with interest) from his father. He got control of his company
and, ultimately, a large inheritance (although the where, when and how much on this is murky).
And when he was in financial trouble in the early 1990s being dropped from the Forbes 400 in
1990 he had his family's wealth as a backstop. Update: So much so that, as our Glenn Kessler
pointed out, Fred Trump bought $3.5 million in Trump Castle Casino Resort chips, which he
never used to bet. (The purchase was determined to be illegal; the casino had to pay a fine.)
[New York Times, 10/26/15]

Trump Said He Never Had A Drink Of Alcohol Because His Brother Died Of
Alcoholism. ZAHN: Trump rebounded personally as well. He married Marla Maples in 1993
and soon after she gave birth to Donald's fourth child. The couple would divorce only four years
later. Despite a life lived out in the tabloids, Donald Trump has always worked hard and lived
clean. He says he's never smoked a cigarette. Never even had a drink. TRUMP: I've seen people
that I have great respect for and then they end up drunk one night. I could know them for five
years, they end up drunk and you lose all of your respect for them. ZAHN: Drinking has
touched Trump's personal life as well. TRUMP: Well, alcohol has touched my family. My
brother, Fred, who was a terrific guy in every way, passed away and alcohol killed him. It was
pure and simple. He died because of alcohol. And I wished the lawyers that went after the
tobacco companies would go after the alcohol companies. [CNN People In The News, CNN,

Trump Said That He Would Like Alcohol Companies To Get Sued. TRUMP: Well,
I'd come down, but I'd also come down tough on alcohol. I don't know why everyone's suing
tobacco, which is terrible, and I love that they're suing and I love that they're paying a big
price, but why aren't they suing the alcohol companies, because alcohol -- I mean, I lost a
brother to alcohol. I've never had a drink in my life because of the fact that I had a brother
that had a problem with alcohol.I don't drink for that reason.They're taxed. I'd like to see
them sued. You know what I don't -- I hope a lot of lawyers are watching tonight. Why is it
Page 222

that everybody is suing the tobacco companies and nobody sues the alcohol companies. I
mean, you have the car crashes and the kids that get killed by some drunk that's, you know,
riding on the road. It's just terrible. So, I would like to see something happen with alcohol.
[Larry King Live, CNN, 10/7/99]

1989: Donald Trump Said He Did Not Believe In Reincarnation, Heaven, Or Hell.
Seven years ago, Donald Trump remembers, he gazed at his $200 million Trump Tower and
thought to himself: I'll be 36 next year and I'll have done everything I can do. . . . Sometimes, I
think it was a mistake to have raced through it all so fast. .What's the next level up? Right
now, I'm genuinely enjoying myself. I work and I don't worry. Not even about death. No. I'm
fatalistic and I protect myself as well as anybody can. I prepare for things. But ultimately we all
end up going. Heading upstairs for dinner with his children, Donald Trump looks back,
hesitating, wanting to finish: No. I don't believe in reincarnation, heaven or hell - but we go
someplace. Do you know, he says, I cannot, for the life of me, figure out where. [Chicago
Tribune, 3/12/89]
Trump: I Believe In God. I'm Religious. SAWYER: You are? Are you religious?
TRUMP: Right. No, I believe in God. I'm religious. I'm religious in my thought. And I just
hope, in fact, that we're all right in believing that there is a heaven, and perhaps in believing
that there is a hell. I mean, we have to be here for something. We have to be doing this for some
reason. There has to be a reason. And I believe that there is in fact a reason, and I believe
heaven could be that reason. [Good Morning America, ABC, 12/2/99]
Donald Trump Said He Was A Good Christian And That, If Elected, Were
Gonna Be Saying Merry Christmas At Every Store. Playing to Hawkeye State
evangelical voters, Donald Trump riffed on religious political correctness at an event here
Wednesday by vowing to always say Merry Christmas come the winter holiday season. I'm a
good Christian, the Republican presidential front-runner said. If I become president, we're
gonna be saying Merry Christmas at every store ... You can leave happy holidays at the corner.
[CNN, 10/21/15]
Donald Trump Said He Had Never Asked God For Forgiveness And Spoke Casually
About Holy Communion. Last month at the Family Leaders candidate summit in Ames,
Trump, a Presbyterian, caused unease when he said he had never asked God for forgiveness and
spoke casually about Holy Communion. When I drink my little wine which is about the only
wine I drink and have my little cracker, I guess that is a form of asking for forgiveness,
Trump said. Iowa radio host Steve Deace said he would be very surprised if Trump won here.
Whatever chance he had to get evangelicals to coalesce around him went out the window at the

Page 223

Family Leader, he said. Everyone was paying attention, especially those who are fed up with
the Republican Party, but he didnt sell them. [Washington Post, 8/13/15]


Roe v.

Trump: Im Pro-Life And I Have Been Pro-Life. [Bloomberg

Bloomberg Business,


Trump: Planned Parenthood Should Absolutely Be Defunded.

Planned Parenthood should absolutely be defunded. I mean if you look at
whats going on with that, its terrible. And many of the things should be
defunded and many things should be cut. [Fox News,
Trump Supported Shutting Down The Government To Defund
Planned Parenthood. Real estate mogul Donald Trump said he
supports shutting down the government over legislation to defund Planned
Parenthood, adding that the Republican Party could have done the same
thing with Obamacare. I would [support a government shutdown], and I
was also in support if the Republicans stuck together you could have done it
with Obamacare also, but the Republicans decided not to stick together and
they left a few people out there like Ted Cruz, Trump said on the Hugh
Hewitt Show on Monday.
[Politico,; Hugh Hewitt Radio


Page 224
ons for

Trump Supported Abortion Ban Exceptions In Cases Of Rape,

Incest Or The Health Of The Mother. Business mogul Donald Trump
went on a media blitz Tuesday morning, making back-to-back appearances
on Fox and CNN as he sought to tamper down the controversy over his spat
with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly But he believes abortion ban
exceptions should be made in cases of rape, incest or compromised health of
the mother. I am for the exceptions. You have the three exceptions, I am for
the exceptions. I absolutely am for the exceptions, and so was Ronald
Reagan for the exceptions, by the way. Theres nothing wrong with that,
you have to do it, in my opinion, he said on CNN. [Washington
Post,; New
Day, CNN,


Trump On Black Lives Matters Activists: I Dont Know If Ill

Do The Fighting Myself, Or If Other People Will. Sanders was
due to speak to a crowd of thousands at Westlake Park on Saturday
afternoon but was interrupted by protesters affiliated with the Black Lives
Matter movement shortly after taking the stage. He eventually left without
saying a word to his supporters. That will never happen with me, Trump
exclaimed, also suggesting he would get into a physical altercation with the
protesters in order to prevent a similar disruption. I dont know if Ill do the
fighting myself, or if other people will, but that was a disgrace, Trump
added. I felt badly for him, but it showed that hes weak. [The
Hill,; Donald Trump press
conference, Birch Run MI,


Page 225

Donald Trump Said That The Black Lives Matter Protester
Who Interrupted His Rally Was So Obnoxious And So Loud
That Maybe He Should Have Been Roughed Up. Donald Trump
said Sunday that the protester who interrupted his rally at a convention
center here on Saturday morning was so obnoxious and so loud that
maybe he should have been roughed up. Mercutio Southall Jr. a wellknown local activist who has been repeatedly arrested while fighting what
he says is unfair treatment of blacks interrupted Trumps rally and could
be heard shouting, Black lives matter! Get him the hell out of here, will
you, please? Trump said on Saturday morning. Get him out of here. Throw
him out! [Washington Post,; Fox and Friends Sunday, Fox News,

Trump Claimed That President Obamas Anti-Voter Id Stance

Was Wrong. He @JamesOkeefelll proves once again why
@BarackObama's anti voter ID stance is
(cont) [@realDonaldTrump,
/10/12[15] ]


Trump: I Treat Women No Differently Than I Treat The Men

Who Work For Me. On The Apprentice, I was always pointing out the
business skills of women. Talk to any of the women who worked for me and
they will all tell you the same thingI am a tough, demanding boss. I
reward success and I penalize failure. I treat women no differently than I
treat the men who work for me. I give women the responsibility they earn
with their performance, I pay them the same, promote them accordingly,
and, when they mess up, fire them the same. [Trump, Crippled America,
p.116, 11/3/15[16] ]
In Response To A Question Asking How He Would Ensure Equal
Pay For Women, Donald Trump Said He Pays Women More
Than Men, For Similar Work Because They Are Better, But
That When The Government Says Everybody Gets Equal Pay
You Get Away From The Whole American Dream, You Get Away
From Capitalism In A Sense. You can give the politically correct


Page 226

answer, but you have to let people get out there. I have to tell you, I have a
company where I pay women in many cases more than men, for similar
work because they are better. But when you start getting involved -[applause] no, come on, I do it. Here is the problem. If you start getting
involved with government on this one gets this pay and this one gets that
pay, and you say where does it all start? You could have a woman much
better than a man, or you could have a woman thats not as good as man,
and if you sorta say everybody gets equal pay you get away from the whole
American Dream. You get away from capitalism in a sense. I can tell you,
that I have women, honestly that are just, in many cases, theyre better
than men and I paid them more than men. And to a certain extent, people
have to go out and they have to fight for themselves. I don't know if people
agree with me, but once you get where everybody gets the same, I mean
youre into a socialistic society. [Donald Trump, WHO-TV Iowa Forum,
Newton, Iowa,
l Justice

Trump: I Dont Believe In Climate Change. Republican

presidential candidate Donald Trump said he doesnt believe in climate
change and that measures to fight it would imperil the companies in our
country. During a Thursday morning interview on CNNs New Day, the
New York real estate developer said that bad floods and other abnormal
weather patterns have happened in the past, and the media fixated too
much on the issue. You cant watch the news anymore. Its always
weather, said Mr. Trump. I believe in clean air. Immaculate air, Mr.
Trump said. But I dont believe in climate change. [Wall Street
Journal,; New Day, CNN,
Trump Said Pope Francis Was Getting Extremely Political On
Climate Change. If Donald Trump found himself in a private meeting
with the Pope next week, the Republican businessman would want to talk
climate change. He seems to be getting extremely political, Trump said of


Page 227

Pope Francis, who will visit the United States for a historic trip this week
and has made addressing global warming one of his pet issues. I would
actually talk to him about it to see if he's serious."
[CNN,; On The Record, Fox News,
September 2015: Trump Criticized President Obamas Concern
Over ClimateChange And Claimed, You Cant Get Hurt By
Extreme Weather. One of the things that so bothers me, Trump said
in front of 20,000 people in Dallas, Texas, is that Obama thinks the single
biggest threat in the world today is global warming. Can you believe it?
Then they changed it to climate change because the word global warming
wasnt working. Then they changed it to extreme weather you cant get
hurt with extreme weather, Trump added. Theres a tornado, theres a
little cold, theres a wind its always extreme. He says the biggest threat
we have is extreme weather, and I say in terms of global warming the
biggest threat we have is nuclear global warming because we have
incompetent politicians, Trump continued, referring to the Iran deal thats
unpopular among GOP politicians and voters. [The Daily
Caller,; Rally, Dallas, TX,
Trump Said President Obamas Comment That Climate Change
Was One Of The Greatest Threats To The U.S. Was One Of The
Dumbest Statements Ive Ever Heard In Politics. Donald Trump
said Monday that President Barack Obama's comments that climate change
poses one of the greatest threats to the U.S. is one of the dumbest things
ever said. I think one of the dumbest statements I've ever heard in
politics -- in the history of politics as I know it, which is pretty good, was
Obama's statement that our No. 1 problem is global warming, Trump said
Monday on MSNBC's Morning Joe. The mogul cited the threat of terror
and attacks on the U.S. as more concerning. I think it's one of the dumbest
things I've ever seen, or perhaps most nave, Trump said. He actually is
somewhat nave, if you want to know the truth, beyond the incompetent
part. [CNN,; Morning Joe, MSNBC,

Page 228

m Wage

Trump: We Have To Leave [The Minimum Wage] The Way It

Is.Taxes too high, wages too high, were not going to be able to
compete against the world. I hate to say it, but we have to leave
it the way it is. People have to go out, they have to work really
hard and have to get into that upper stratosphere. We cannot do
this if we are going to compete with the rest of the world. We just cant do
it. [FOX Business Republican Debate,


Trump Called For Total Transparency Of Campaign

Contributions. TRUMP: Well I think this whole thing with PACs is
nonsense. Because Jeb Bush puts his friend in charge of has PAC, and they
dont talk.And hes going to work hard, as is Hillary Clinton. They all
have their friends running the PACs. Now youre not supposed to talk,
youre not supposed to they go out and play golf, they get together, but
they dont talk. Who believes that? So I want transparency. I dont mind the
money coming in. Let it be transparent. Let them talk, but let there be total
transparency. [TIME,;


Trump Claimed Dodd-Frank Stifles Business And Is Probably


Page 229


Not A Very Good Thing. TRUMP: Well Dodd Frank is probably not a
very good thing. There are aspects of it you could leave. But generally
speaking Dodd Frank stifles business. It just totally stifles business.
[TIME,[23] ]
Donald Trump: We Have To Get Rid Of Dodd-Frank. TRUMP: I
disagree but I also think we have to get rid of Dodd-Frank. The banks
aren't loaning money to people who need it. The banks will give me all the
money I need because I don't need the money. Anybody that doesn't need
money is a great candidate today to get money. If you need money to create
jobs, to build something, whether it's buildings or a company, the banks
aren't there. The regulators are running the banks. And that's why our
country -- I mean people can't borrow money today. [Varney & Co., Fox


Trump: The Second Amendment? I Believe The Rights Of LawAbiding Gun Owners Must Be Fully Protected. [Trump, Crippled
America, 90, 11/3/15[27] ]
Trump: The Federal Background Check System Has
Accomplished Very Little. There has been a lot of speculation about
background checks, as if researching the background of everyone
attempting to legally purchase a gun will somehow keep guns out of the
hands of criminals. The national background-check system has been in
place since 1998. Every time a gun is purchased from a federally licensed
gun dealer, which is how the overwhelming majority of all gun purchases
take place, they have to go through a federal background check.
Unfortunately, as expected, bringing more government regulation into the
situation has accomplished very little. The main benefit has been to make
it difficult for a law-abiding American to buy a gun. As study after study
has proven, few criminals are stupid enough to try to pass a background
check or have their names in any kind of system. So they get their guns the
same way bad guys have always gotten their gunsby stealing them or by
buying them from an unlicensed source or getting them from family and
friends. This system is another example of federal regulation that has
turned into a complete failure. When the system was put in place, gun
owners were promised it would be instant, accurate, and fair. That isnt
what has happened at all. [Trump, Crippled America, 103, 11/3/15[28] ]


Page 230

Trump: I Do Not Support Expanding Background Checks. The

Current Background Checks Do Not Work. TRUMP: I do not
support expanding background checks. The current background checks do
not work. They make it more difficult for law abiding citizens to acquire
firearms while consistently failing to stop criminals from getting guns. We
should re-examine our policy to make sure that these prohibitions do not
impede law abiding citizens from exercising their Second Amendment
rights. [Ammoland, ixzz3fJVLQL4t7/7/15[29] ]
Trump: Some Restrictions On The Second Amendment
Obviously Make Sense. No other right in the Bill of Rights has been
attacked as often as the Second Amendment. Some of these restrictions
obviously make sense. For example, felons and mentally ill people should
not have access to guns. [Trump, Crippled America, 99[30] ]

Trump Opposed Expanded Background Checks What We

Need To Do Is Fix The System We Have And Make It Work As
Intended. What We Dont Need To Do Is Expand A Broken
System. There has been a national background check system in place
since 1998. Every time a person buys a gun from a federally licensed gun
dealer which is the overwhelming majority of all gun purchases they go
through a federal background check. Study after study has shown that very
few criminals are stupid enough to try and pass a background check they
get their guns from friends/family members or by stealing them. So the
overwhelming majority of people who go through background checks are
law-abiding gun owners. When the system was created, gun owners were
promised that it would be instant, accurate and fair. Unfortunately, that
isnt the case today. Too many states are failing to put criminal and mental
health records into the system and it should go without saying that a
systems only going to be as effective as the records that are put into it.
What we need to do is fix the system we have and make it work as
intended. What we dont need to do is expand a broken system.

e Limits

Trump Opposed Regulations On The Number Of Rounds Allowed

In Gun Magazines. TRUMP: Gun magazine limits do not make common
sense. I have long opposed such limits. For instance, I fought the SAFE Act
in New York, which I call the Unsafe Act. I also spoke at a rally in Albany
championing gun rights and protesting the Unsafe Act. The law limited
capacity to seven rounds, as if criminals were going to take rounds out of
their magazines before committing a crime. It was later changed to a limit
of ten rounds, but the entire episode was a complete disaster.


Page 231

control-assault-weapons-gun-free-zones/ - ixzz3fJVLQL4t7/7/15[35] ]
Trump: Assault Or Military-Style Weapons Are Owned By Tens
Of Millions Of Americans. So how can we protect and extend the
rights of law-abiding gun owners? We accomplish that by educating all
Americans about the facts. For example, there has been a long and
expensive campaign to find different ways to ban guns or gun hardware. In
effect, just get rid of guns. Thats the answer gun control advocates give.
This tactic is a road to nowhere. Opponents of gun rights often use a lot of
scary descriptive phrases when proposing legislative action against various
types of weapons. Ban assault weapons they say, or military-style
weapons, or high-capacity magazines. Those all do sound a little ominous,
until you understand what they are actually talking about are common,
popular semiautomatic rifles and standard magazines that are owned and
used by tens of millions of Americans. [Trump, Crippled America, 103[36] ]
Was It

2004: Trump Stated That He Wanted To Fire The Bush

Administration For Its Decision To Invade Iraq And That All
Of The Reasons For The War Were Blatantly Wrong. Billionaire
Donald Trump, America's toughest employer, would like to fire the Bush
Administration for its decision to invade Iraq, according to an interview in
the August edition Esquire, due to be released on Friday. Look at the war
in Iraq and the mess that we're in. I would never have handled it that way.
Does anybody really believe that Iraq is going to be a wonderful democracy
where people are going to run down to the voting box and gently put in
their ballot and the winner is happily going to step up to lead the country?,
said the host of NBC's The Apprentice, whose hallmark line is You're
fired. C'mon. Two minutes after we leave, there's going to be a revolution,
and the meanest, toughest, smartest, most vicious guy will take over. And
he'll have weapons of mass destruction, which Saddam didn't have, Trump
said in excerpts of the interview released in advance to Reuters. The
Apprentice was one of NBC's biggest hits last season, making the real
estate mogul a well-known entity to TV viewing audiences. What was the
purpose of the whole thing? Hundreds and hundreds of young people killed.
And what about the people coming back with no arms and no legs? Not to
mention the other side. All those Iraqi kids who've been blown to pieces.
And it turns out that all of the reasons for the war were blatantly wrong.
All this for nothing!, Trump said.
[Reuters,[39] ]
Trump Said The Invasion Of Iraq Was One Of The Worse
Decisions Ever Made And That George W. Bush Has Totally
Destabilized The Middle East. BAIER: Two, you stand by the
statement back in '08 and '07 that you would impeach George W. Bush for
getting into the Iraq war? TRUMP: I think he was a disaster. And I think
it was one of the worst decisions ever made. He has totally destabilized the


Page 232

Middle East. Had Saddam Hussein still been in charge, you wouldn't have
the problems that you have right now. I mean if you had Gadhafi, if you had
Saddam Hussein -- look at the migration. [Special Report with Bret Baier,
Fox News,

Trump Said He Would Build A Big, Beautiful Safe Zone In

Syria. Monday night at a rally in Knoxville, TN, Republican presidential
candidate Donald Trump said instead of bringing refugees to the United
States he would build a big, beautiful safe zone in Syria. Trump said,
What I like is build a safe zone in Syria. Build a big, beautiful safe zone,
and you have whatever it is so people can live, and theyll be happier. Her
added, So You keep em in Syria. You build a tremendous safe zone, itll
cost you tremendously much less, much less, and theyll be there and the
weathers the same. And the weather is the same and then when this
horrible situation that is so horrible run. We dont know what we are doing.
When its all over they move back and they go back into their cities, and
they rebuild there cities. And they start out and they start over again.
Trump Said He Would Love Not To Be Over There In Syria
But Would Bomb The S--- Out Of Them. During a speech at
Decker Auditorium in Fort Dodge, Iowa, Trump said he would go after
ISIS-controlled oil fields and bomb the s--- out of 'em, to loud applause.
ISIS is making a tremendous amount of money because they have certain
oil camps, certain areas of oil that they took awayThey have some in
Syria, some in Iraq. I would bomb the s--- out of 'em. I would just bomb
those suckers. That's right. I'd blow up the pipes. ... I'd blow up every single
inch. There would be nothing left. And you know what, you'll get Exxon to
come in there and in two months, you ever see these guys, how good they
are, the great oil companies? Theyll rebuild that sucker, brand new it'll
be beautiful. I would love not to be over there, Trump said. Thats not our
fight that's other people's fights. [Business


Trump: Obamacare Is A Catastrophe And It Has To Be Repealed

And Replaced. Theres no question. Obamacare is a catastrophe, and it
has to be repealed and replaced. And it was only approved because
President the different provisions kick in over the next few years, individual
deductibles are going to continue to rise. People will have to get hit by a


Page 233

truck to be eligible for coverage because those deductibles are going to be so

high. [Trump, Crippled America, 68, 11/3/15]
Trump: Obamacares Going To Be Repealed And ReplacedI Am
Going To Take Care Of Everybody [And] The Governments
Gonna Pay For It. TRUMP: Obamacare's going to be repealed and
replaced. Obamacare is a disaster if you look at what's going on with
premiums where they're up 45, 50, 55 percent. Everybody's got to be
covered. I am going to take care of everybody. I don't care if it costs me
votes or not. [The uninsured are] going to be taken care of. The
government's gonna pay for it. But we're going to save so much money on
the other side. But for the most it's going to be a private plan and people are
going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different
competition with lots of competitors with great companies and they can have
their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything. [60 Minutes,
CBS, 9/27/15; ! .]

Trump: I Am Going To Save Medicare And Medicaid, Carson

Wants To Abolish, And Failing Candidate Gov. John Kasich
Doesn't Have A Clue - Weak! [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 10/31/15]


Trump Said That He Would Secure The Border First And Take
The Bad Ones And Get Them The Hell Out And After That
Implement A Merit System To Decide Which Undocumented
Immigrants Would Be Allowed To Stay. His position on immigration
-- which has been a huge part of his appeal among conservative voters
nationally -- grew even more muddled Friday when he highlighted his
support for a merit-based system for the 11 million undocumented
immigrants in the U.S. Though he did not explain the mechanics of the
system in any detail, it sounded similar to the calls by some moderate
Republicans for a path to citizenship for undocumented workers, which has
been an anathema to hardline conservatives. On MSNBC's Morning Joe on
Friday, Trump insisted that he would secure the border first and take the
bad ones -- referring to undocumented immigrants -- and get them the hell
out. We give them back to Mexico or we make sure they stay where they
came from, Trump told the show's hosts, noting that he would secure the
border first. But, he added in regard to the millions of undocumented
immigrants in this country, I'm a very big believer in (the) merit system. I
have to tell you, some of these people have been here; they've done a good
job; in some cases sadly they've been living under the shadows, Trump said
in his telephone interview. We have to do something, so whether it's merit,
or whether it's whatever, but -- I'm a believer in the merit system.
Somebody's been outstanding, we (ought to) try to work something out.
[CNN, 7/24/15; Morning Joe, MSNBC, 7/24/15; !


Page 234

Path To

Trump Said America Should Deport All 11 Million

Undocumented Immigrants. In an interview with CNN last week, he
said America should deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants then
let the good ones back in, but without an opportunity for citizenship. We
got to move em out, were going to move em back in if theyre really good
people, he told Dana Brush. Trump would not say how he would locate,
round up and deport those 11 million, and wasnt sure whether he would
deport children, but said he would use efficient business methods. [Chris
Jennewein, Times of San Diego, 8/3/15; !
Trump Wanted A Path To Citizenship For Students Who Attend
U.S. Universities. TRUMP: But the good people I want them to come
back. And I also want people of great talent to come to this country, to
Silicon Valley for engineers. If you go to Harvard and you graduate number
one in your class, and youre from China, they send you home, you cant get
back into the country. So you end up working for companies in China and
fighting us. And theyre competitors of us. Theyre trained in our schools. I
want people like that to come into this country. And if they want, I want
that path to citizenship for these people. So they go to our best schools,
theyre fabulous students, they do well, theyre going to be great and we
throw them out of the country. Its ridiculous. [TIME, 8/20/15]

Deferre Trump Would Rescind Pres. Obamas Executive Actions On

d Action Immigration. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wants
more than a wall to keep out immigrants living in the country illegally. He
also wants to end birthright citizenship for their children, he said Sunday.
And he would rescind Obama administration executive orders on
immigration and toughen deportation, allowing in only the good ones.
[Associated Press, 8/16/15; Meet the Press, NBC, 8/16/15; !

Trump Said He Would Rescind The Dream Act Executive Order

And Deport Entire Families Of Immigrants, Even If Some
Family Members Were Legally Documented. CHUCK TODD: What
do you do about the DACA order now? The Dream Act, however you want to
refer to it. The executive order that is -- DONALD TRUMP: The executive
order gets rescinded. One good thing about -- CHUCK TODD: You'll rescind
that one, too? DONALD TRUMP: One good thing about -- CHUCK TODD:
You'll rescind the Dream Act executive order -- DONALD TRUMP: You're
going to have to. CHUCK TODD: DACA? DONALD TRUMP: We have to
make a whole new set of standards. And when people come in, they have to
come in legally -- CHUCK TODD: So you're going to split up families?
DONALD TRUMP: Chuck. CHUCK TODD: You're going to deport children - DONALD TRUMP: Chuck. No, no. We're going to keep the families
together. We have to keep the families together. CHUCK TODD: But you're
going to keep them together out -- DONALD TRUMP: But they have to go.
But they have to go. CHUCK TODD: What if they have no place to go?


Page 235

DONALD TRUMP: We will work with them. They have to go. Chuck, we
either have a country or we don't have a country. [Meet The Press, NBC,
8/16/15; ! .]

Trump Said He Wants To Discourage Companies From Hiring

H1B Visa Holders. Trump said he wants to require employers to pay H1B workers much more money, which he said would discourage companies
from hiring them and boost job prospects for Americans. He also wants to
have tech jobs offered to unemployed Americans before they can be filled by
workers with H-1B visas. This will improve the number of black, Hispanic
and female workers in Silicon Valley who have been passed over in favor of
the H-1B program. Mark Zuckerberg's personal Senator, Marco Rubio, has a
bill to triple H-1Bs that would decimate women and minorities, Trump
wrote in his immigration plan. Rubio is also seeking the Republican
nomination for president. [CNN


2015: Trump Said He Had Been To Gay Weddings, But Opposed

Gay Marriage From The Standpoint Of The Bible And Going To
Sunday School And Going To Church. TRUMP: Ive gone to gay
weddings. Ive been at gay weddings. I have been against [gay marriage]
from the standpoint of [the] Bible, from the standpoint of my teachings as
growing up and going to Sunday school and going to church and Ive been
opposed to it and well just see how it all comes out. [With All Due
Respect, BloombergPolitics, 8/26/15; !
2015: Trump Told The Hollywood Reporter, Anybody Thats
Making [Same-Sex Marriage] An Issue Is Doing It For Political
Reasons. [Question:]You say you would have liked the states, rather
than the Supreme Court, to decide on gay marriage. Have you been to a gay
wedding? [Trump:] Yes, I have. [Broadway theater owner] Jordan Roth. You
know Jordan, right? Great guy. [Question:] So is this a dead issue for the
GOP at this point? [Trump:] Some people have hopes of passing
amendments, but it's not going to happen. Congress can't pass simple
things, let alone that. So anybody that's making that an issue is doing it for
political reasons. The Supreme Court ruled on it. [Hollywood Reporter,


Page 236

2011: Trump Compared His Opposition To Same-Sex Marriage To

His Reluctance To Use A New Kind Of Putter. At one point, he
compared his opposition to the legalization of same-sex marriage to his
reluctance to use a new kind of putter. Its like in golf, he said. A lot of
people I dont want this to sound trivial but a lot of people are
switching to these really long putters, very unattractive, said Mr. Trump, a
Republican. Its weird. You see these great players with these really long
putters, because they cant sink three-footers anymore. And, I hate it. I am a
traditionalist. I have so many fabulous friends who happen to be gay, but I
am a traditionalist. [New York Times, 5/2/11]


Page 237

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