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Nutrients: Identification, Prevention and Treatment of Iron Deficiency During The First 1000 Days

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Nutrients 2014, 6, 4093-4114; doi:10.


ISSN 2072-6643

Identification, Prevention and Treatment of Iron Deficiency

during the First 1000 Days
Rachel M. Burke 1,*, Juan S. Leon 2 and Parminder S. Suchdev 2,3

Department of Epidemiology, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, 1518 Clifton Rd.
NE, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA
Hubert Department of Global Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University,
1518 Clifton Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA; E-Mail:
Department of Pediatrics, Emory School of Medicine, 1760 Haygood Dr., Atlanta, GA 30322,
USA; E-Mail:

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail:;

Tel.: +1-404-727-7443; Fax: +1-404-727-4590.
Received: 11 August 2014; in revised form: 9 September 2014 / Accepted: 16 September 2014 /
Published: 10 October 2014

Abstract: Iron deficiency is a global problem across the life course, but infants and their
mothers are especially vulnerable to both the development and the consequences of iron
deficiency. Maternal iron deficiency during pregnancy can predispose offspring to the
development of iron deficiency during infancy, with potentially lifelong sequelae. This
review explores iron status throughout these first 1000 days from pregnancy through two
years of age, covering the role of iron and the epidemiology of iron deficiency, as well as its
consequences, identification, interventions and remaining research gaps.
Keywords: iron deficiency; iron supplementation; pediatrics; infants; first 1000 days

1. Introduction
The importance of early life experiences to subsequent health outcomes is increasingly being
recognized and studied, with special attention often paid to nutrition and growth. Early nutritional insults
can lead to irreversible linear growth restriction (stunting), particularly in the first two years of life [1].
Together with pregnancy, this critical period of 1000 days is associated with adverse effects much
later in the life course, such as increased risk of non-communicable disease, as well as reduced cognitive

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capacity and economic productivity [2,3]. Given that iron deficiency in the first two years may also cause
irreversible deficits in cognitive development, among other potential adverse effects [4,5], we propose that
the first 1000 days framework can also be useful for the discussion of the identification, prevention
and treatment of iron deficiency. Similar to the observation that maternal stunting may lead to
intrauterine growth restriction of the fetus, progressing to a stunted infant [6], maternal iron deficiencies
may also lead to low iron status for newborns, progressing to iron deficiency in infants [5,7]. This
intergenerational cycle provides several potential points for intervention for at-risk mothers and infants.
The present review will thus focus on iron deficiency in pregnant, lactating and infant populations
(though the first two years of age), describing the role of iron, the epidemiology of iron deficiency, its
consequences, identification, interventions and remaining research gaps.
2. Iron Metabolism and Requirements
2.1. Iron Metabolism
Iron is one of the most important micronutrients for human populations, given its central role in key
biological processes. One key process is that of tissue oxygenation, which is accomplished by red blood
cells (RBCs); generation of RBCs requires hemoglobin, of which iron is a key component [8]. New
RBCs are also created to replace RBCs that are lost from normal turnover, shedding (of skin cells or
from the intestinal lining) or via hemorrhage [8]. Situations that require an increase in RBCs (such as
the increased tissue mass of a growing fetus or infant) will consequently increase iron requirements.
Absorption of iron is primarily regulated within the intestine, and once iron has been absorbed, there is
no mechanism of excretion from the kidneys or liver [9]. For this reason, iron homeostasis is tightly
regulated. After absorption, iron is either stored within ferritin, which keeps the iron in a nonreactive
state within cells, or within transferrin, which also keeps the iron in a nonreactive state, but maintains it
in aqueous circulation, so that it can be delivered to cells [9]. Within cells, stored iron (as ferritin) can
be located in the cytoplasm, nucleus or mitochondria [10]. Iron is transported across cell membranes
with the assistance of divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1; importing function) and ferroportin
(exporting function) [9]. Ferroportin can be bound by the protein hepcidin, preventing ferroportins
export function and, thus, decreasing levels of serum iron (Figure 1) [9]. Whether in serum or within
cells, most stored iron is present as ferritin [11].

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Figure 1. Simplified representation of iron metabolism. Adapted from [12]. Iron is absorbed
in the intestine, with non-heme iron being imported by divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1).
Ferrous iron is reduced to ferric iron and then exported by ferroportin. Within an aqueous
solution, iron is stored within transferrin. Transferrin-bound iron is imported with the help
of the transferrin receptor into the liver, heart and other storage areas, where it is stored
within ferritin. Hepcidin, produced by the liver, helps to regulate iron metabolism by binding
to ferroportin and, thus, inhibiting iron export. Within the bone marrow, iron is incorporated
into hemoglobin for incorporation into erythrocytes. Macrophages recycle iron from
erythrocytes, largely in the spleen. There is no mechanism for iron excretion by the kidneys
or liver, though small amounts are lost via feces. Menstruation, pregnancy and lactation
result in iron loss in women.

2.2. Requirements in Pregnant and Lactating Women

Iron is especially critical during pregnancy given the rapid cell and tissue development involved in
fetal growth. Pregnancy has a net iron cost in the range of 600800 mg [13,14]. Nearly 300 mg of iron
are needed just for the fetus, at least 25 mg for the placenta and nearly 500 mg for the increased volume
of red blood cells [15,16]. These ~800 mg of pregnancy-associated iron are a requirement over and above
the 230 mg of iron that the woman would have required even if she had not been pregnant, and the
150 mg that she may lose through blood loss at delivery [15,16]. Though this iron expenditure is offset
by the lack of menstrual blood loss during this time, the net cost is still high enough that iron
recommendations during pregnancy (27 mg per day) far exceed those for non-pregnant, non-lactating
women (18 mg per day) [13]. Further, because fetal iron requirements take precedence over maternal
needs and storage [14], adequate iron intake is important to both mother and fetus.
While iron recommendations for lactating women are much lower than those for non-pregnant,
non-lactating women (9 mg vs. 18 mg), this number is based on the assumption of lactation-induced

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amenorrhea and does not take into account that many women enter or conclude pregnancy with iron
insufficiency or deficiency [13].
2.3. Requirements in Infants of Zero to 24 Months of Age
Iron requirements for infants under the age of six months are generally not well defined, because
needs are difficult to estimate in the context of exclusive breastfeeding [17]. Furthermore, during the
first four to six months of age, most infants benefit from iron stores present at birth, most of which are
accumulated during the last 10 weeks of gestation [5,18]. Though breastfed infants do not receive large
quantities of iron through breast milk (iron concentration < 1 mg/L [1922], equivalent to < 0.5 mg per
day for a typical infant [23], they are able to absorb a large proportion of this iron [24,25]. For this reason,
iron supplementation is typically not recommended for breastfed term infants below the age of six
months [23]. However, because preterm infants and low birth weight infants are born with lower birth
iron stores, supplementation in the range of 24 mg/day is advised in order to avoid development of iron
deficiency [4,23]. Supplementation may also be advised for infants that have lower birth iron stores of
other etiology. Infant formula typically contains 1012 mg/L of iron, though this iron is much less
bioavailable [26], and evidence to support the benefits of this level of iron intake is inconclusive [23].
For older infants (over six months of age), different methods lead to different estimates of daily
requirements, with a commonly used factorial approach generating a recommendation of 11 mg/day for
712-month-olds and 7 mg/day for 13-year-olds [23]. It is worth noting that requirements likely do not
suddenly increase from ~2 mg/day (recommendations for infants <6 months) to ~11 mg/day
(recommendations infants 712 months), exactly at six months, in a stepwise fashion. This jump is
rather an artifact generated by the use of the factorial method, which calculates recommendations based
upon assumptions about the amount of iron required to accommodate growth (e.g., increased blood
volume and tissue mass) and the amount of iron lost (e.g., from skin cells, from intestinal and urinary
tracts). However, these assumptions are based on what is known about adult iron metabolism, as no data
specific to infant populations is available [17]. Nonetheless, iron requirements certainly do increase from
birth through childhood, in order to keep pace with rapid growth during this time, and other methods of
calculation (e.g., linear interpolation from breast milk content to adult requirements, extrapolation based
on energy expenditure) tend to generate similar results for iron requirements of older infants and
toddlers [17].
3. Epidemiology of Iron Deficiency
3.1. Pregnant and Lactating Women
Iron deficiency (ID) is the most common micronutrient deficiency among pregnant women, leading
to iron deficiency anemia (IDA) if uncorrected. However, ID can be difficult to measure in populations
due to the lack of availability of field-friendly iron biomarkers (Table 1). In contrast, anemia is less
time- and resource-intensive to assess, and thus, anemia is often used as an ersatz surrogate for iron
status. However, anemia is neither a sensitive nor a specific indicator of iron status: a loss of up to
20%30% of body iron would be necessary for some individuals to exhibit anemia based on hemoglobin
cut-offs [27], and only up to half of anemia can be attributed to iron deficiency in most settings [28].

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However, the prevalence of iron deficiency can be estimated at 2.5-times the prevalence of iron
deficiency anemia in many settings [29]. Anemia may affect up to 56% of pregnant women in developing
countries, implying a relatively high prevalence of IDA (up to ~25%) and, thus, an even higher
prevalence of ID [30]. In settings with endemic malaria, such as many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa,
the prevalence of anemia can be much higherup to 65% in pregnant women and 75% in
non-pregnant women of reproductive age [31]. In India, another area of high malaria endemicity, anemia
may affect >75% of pregnant women [32], with a prevalence >50%, even in areas with iron
supplementation programs [33]. Pregnant women in developed countries are also subject to ID and IDA,
with approximately 16% suffering from anemia and more likely suffering from some degree of iron
deficiency [29,30]. This is equivalent to approximately 56 million women worldwide [31]. To prevent
iron deficiency, it is generally recommended that women enter pregnancy with iron stores of at least 500
mg [5]; however, over 20% of women in developed countries enter pregnancy with extremely low iron
stores, with figures in developing countries likely even higher [15].
Although lactating women are not typically considered separately from non-pregnant and
non-lactating women in iron deficiency and anemia calculations, the prevalence of anemia among
women of reproductive age may provide a useful proxy. Anemia affects 46% of this population in
developing countries and 14% in developed countries, indicative of a high prevalence of iron
deficiency [30]. Anemia in recently postpartum women may reach 15%50% in developed country
settings and 50%80% in developing country settings [34].
3.2. Infants of Zero to 24 Months of Age
Given that a majority of young term infants are largely protected from iron deficiency by their birth
iron stores, iron deficiency is not often considered in infants less than six months of age. However, even
in the context of the exclusively breastfed, term infant, iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia may
be observed, with population estimates in the range of 0%15% (ID) and 0%4% (IDA) of six-monthold infants in different settings worldwide [35].
Older infants (612 and 1324 months of age) are typically not considered as separate populations in
global estimates of ID and IDA. Nonetheless, research indicates that these groups are at even higher risk
of ID and IDA than younger infants. In a study of Icelandic infants, Thorisdottir et al. found 9% of
infants to be iron deficient at 12 months; ID was highest (21%) among infants fed a diet of primarily
cow milk, and much lower among infants fed primarily breast milk (2.6%) or formula (1.4%) [36]. In a
German study comparing the iron status of infants that had been primarily breastfed during their early
months to infants that had been primarily formula fed, 19% of the breastfed infants were iron deficient
at seven months, with 4% diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. At 10 months, 21% suffered ID and
2% suffered IDA [37]. None of the infants who had been formula-fed developed iron deficiencies. The
2006 National Health and Nutrition Survey in Mexico found low iron stores in 32% of children
1224 months of age and tissue iron deficiency in 19% of the same group [38]. Meanwhile, a
population-based study of Indonesian children found that 54% of urban children 624 months and 57%
of their rural counterparts suffered from anemia, implying a high prevalence of iron deficiency [39].
Data from India indicates that 70%90% of children 659 months of age may be anemic, with prevalence
even higher in those under two years of age [40]. Recent demographic and health survey (DHS) data in

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other developing countries indicate even higher prevalence of anemia in these age groups, with
especially high prevalence in West Africa, an area of high malaria endemicity: in Cte dIvoire, anemia
was found in 90% of 69-month-olds, 94% of 910-month-olds and 84% of 1123-month-olds; in
Guinea, the prevalence of anemia was about 85% in each of these groups. Similar results were seen in
other areas of Sub-Saharan Africa, as well [41].
4. Risk Factors for Iron Deficiency
4.1. Pregnant and Lactating Women
Pregnant women are especially vulnerable to iron deficiency, not only because of the large quantities
of iron required for fetal and placental growth (825 mg for fetus, placenta and increased blood
volume [15,16]), but also due to the fact that so many enter pregnancy without adequate iron stores,
especially in developing countries [42]. In some of these countries, e.g., India, vegetarianism may be
more common due to religious beliefs; these women are also more vulnerable to the development of iron
deficiency, because iron is much more efficiently absorbed in heme form (found in animal products).
Iron status can also be affected by the intake of other nutrients that may inhibit (e.g., calcium, phytates)
or promote (e.g., vitamin C) iron absorption [43]. Other proximal risk factors for low iron status during
pregnancy include low intake of bioavailable iron, infections (e.g., intestinal helminthic infections,
malaria), multiple pregnancies and adolescent pregnancy, while intermediary factors include low
socioeconomic status and membership in certain ethnic groups, depending on the country of
residence [5,15,42]. Social and psychological factors may also affect development of iron deficiency
anemia, via reducing iron supplementation adherence and compliance [44]. Distal factors, such as food
security and access to healthcare, play important roles, as well; underlying determinants, such as the
existence of anemia control programs (e.g., universal supplementation), fortification policies and the
economic situation and agricultural productivity of the locale should also be considered [45]. Iron
deficiency factors for lactating women include all of the risk factors identified for pregnant women, in
addition to low iron status prior to and during pregnancy, as well as delivery induced bleeding [34].
Obesity has also been associated with iron deficiency in adult populations, with dietary deficiency,
elevated blood volume and subclinical inflammation as the suggested mechanisms [46].
4.2. Infants of Zero to 24 Months of Age
Given the potentially severe and irreversible consequences of severe iron deficiency and iron
deficiency anemia in infants, many studies have sought to assess potential risk factors in addition to
treatment and prevention strategies. Infant iron status may be affected by factors arising either prior to
the time of birth or following birth, as described below.
4.2.1. Pre- and Peri-Natal Risk Factors
In the absence of supplementation and complementary feeding, young infants are dependent upon
iron from only two sources: their birth stores and breast milk or formula. Although breast milk has highly
bioavailable iron [24,47], its iron content is not high [1922], making birth iron stores critical in the
prevention of early iron deficiency [35]. While the importance of birth iron stores is well recognized,

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determinants of infant birth iron stores remain incompletely understood [48], and the regulation of iron
transport from mother to fetus is complex [5,14].
Nonetheless, given the fact that maternal iron status is a known intervention target, multiple studies
have assessed the effect of maternal iron status on infant levels, and numerous studies have assessed
other outcomes (e.g., low birth weight). There is some suggestion that maternal iron status may affect
birth stores in the infant, and infants born to anemic mothers have been shown to be more vulnerable to
anemia during their first year of age [49]; correlations between maternal and infant measures of iron
status near the time of birth have also been demonstrated [50]. Further, a study of iron status in U.S.
infants from birth through 12 months demonstrated that infants maintained their iron ranking over time,
again supporting the hypothesis that iron status is influenced by factors that act in utero [48]. This is in
contrast to some earlier literature, such as a 1961 study by Lanzkowsky et al., which did not demonstrate
an effect of maternal anemia on infant anemia [51].
Congruent with the importance of the birth iron stores and the fact that these are generated primarily
during the last 10 weeks of gestation, preterm birth and gestational age have consistently been implicated
as risk factors for impaired iron status in young infants [5255]. Similarly, low birth weight has also
been associated with increased risk of iron deficiency in young infants [36,5658].
4.2.2. Postnatal Risk Factors
While pre- and peri-natal risk factors (e.g., low birth weight) can have large effects on infant
susceptibility to iron deficiency, infant experiences after birth can also play a large role.
Although iron deficiency is observed in normal-weight, term, exclusively breastfed infants, it is much
less common in that population than among preterm or low-birth-weight infants. Furthermore, though
breast milk is known to vary widely in exact nutritional content [59], it has generally been assumed that,
except in cases of severe maternal nutritional deficiency, breast milk is adequate to meet infant
micronutrient requirements, including iron, provided that infants are born with sufficient birth iron stores.
Therefore, few studies have studied the impact of postpartum maternal nutritional status on infant
nutritional status during the first six months of life, especially in normal birth weight, term infants.
Findings of the several studies that have been done appear to be mixed. In a longitudinal study of
Peruvian mother-infant pairs, Finkelstein et al. found that maternal postpartum hemoglobin and iron
status were significantly associated with infant hemoglobin and iron status at two and five months of
age, regardless of maternal prenatal supplementation [25]. In contrast, a recent study by Ziegler et al. in
U.S. infants found no association between maternal and infant plasma ferritin levels at one month
postpartum [48], and a randomized clinical trial (RCT) in Turkish mother-infant pairs also found no
significant effect of postpartum maternal supplementation on infant parameters of iron status at four
months, with the exception of serum iron binding capacity [60].
Once infants reach the age of 46 months, iron needs start to outpace iron intake, and stores begin to
be exhausted, making infants much more vulnerable to iron deficiency [48]. Infants that grow rapidly,
as in the case of low birth weight infants that experience catch-up growth, are also at elevated risk of
iron deficiency given their enhanced needs [61]. Further, common complementary foods, especially in
developing countries, may be low in iron [35]. Additional factors associated with lower iron intake or
absorption (and thus increased risk of iron deficiency) include lower socioeconomic status, cow milk

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intake and exclusive breastfeeding without additional iron supplementation [36,37,54,58,6266].

Frequent enteric infections (bacterial, viral or parasitic) are also associated with the development of
environmental enteropathy, an intestinal pathology that can negatively affect the absorption of nutrients,
such as iron, and cause subsequent deficiencies [67]. Social factors that have been associated with
anemia prevalence in young children include rural location [41,68], family structure [69] and sanitation
(also related to enteric infections) [45], among others.
5. Consequences of Iron Deficiency
5.1. Pregnant and Lactating Women
Iron deficiency during pregnancy can have severe consequences, not only for the mother, but also for
her infant. Low iron stores and low intake during pregnancy not only cause anemia, associated with
weakness, fatigue, reduced cognitive performance and diminished immune response, but may also
increase the risk of delivery complications and perinatal maternal mortality [42]. Maternal iron
deficiency has also been implicated as a risk factor for preterm delivery, small-for-gestational-age and
neonatal mortality [42]. Underscoring the importance of iron to fetal brain development, maternal iron
deficiency has also been associated with cognitive and behavioral deficits [42,70,71], likely mediated
through reduced birth iron stores and subsequent iron deficiency in the infant [5]. Iron deficiency during
pregnancy also increases the risk of iron deficiency anemia during lactation [13]. Among lactating
women, iron deficiency has the same effects as on non-pregnant, non-lactating women of reproductive
age: increased risk of iron deficiency anemia, reduced work and mental capacity, increased risk of
postpartum depression and other emotional disorders, as well as reduced quality of mother-child
interactions [42].
5.2. Infants Zero to 24 Months
Infants are vulnerable to the effects of low iron status, even before the first moments of birth: low
birth iron stores have been associated with both iron deficiency and with increased risk of cognitive and
psychomotor developmental deficits later in infancy [35]. Iron deficiency that develops later in infancy
and leads to iron deficiency anemia has similarly been associated with impaired cognitive, behavioral
and motor development; the effect of iron deficiency without iron deficiency anemia is less clear [61,66].
Iron deficiency in young children has also been associated with elevated blood lead levels, with some
evidence of a causative relationship, wherein iron deficiency makes children more vulnerable to higher
blood lead levels; elevated blood lead levels, like iron deficiency, can also cause cognitive
impairment [72]. The cognitive deficits of iron deficiency may be irreversible, even if iron
supplementation is begun within the critical period of zero to 24 months [4,7].
6. Screening and Measurement of Iron Deficiency
6.1. Commonly Used Indicators
Several biomarkers are used to assess iron deficiency, and each has its own advantages and
disadvantages (Table 1). While hemoglobin is commonly used to assess anemia, it is neither a sensitive

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nor a specific indicator of iron status. For instance, hemoglobin (Hb) levels may not fall below anemia
cut-offs until iron stores fall by up to one-third, and anemia can also be caused by several other
micronutrient deficiencies (e.g., B12, folate) or conditions [11,27,73]. Serum ferritin (SF), a marker of
iron storage, has the advantage of being a sensitive indicator of iron deficiency, but because it is increased
in the presence of inflammation, ferritin is not a specific indicator of iron deficiency [11,27,73]. Transferrin
saturation (Tfs), a marker of circulating iron, has also been widely used, but levels are depressed in the
presence of inflammation, decreasing its specificity [74,75]. Though less affected by inflammation than
SF or Tfs, soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) levels begin to change relatively late in iron deficiency;
further, levels can also be affected by other causes of altered rates of red blood cell generation [11,27,73].
Nonetheless, this marker may be preferred for infant populations with high levels of background
infection, as it has been shown to have good accuracy in this setting [76]. Zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) is
another indicator and can reflect a shortage of iron in the last step prior to hemoglobin formation;
however, it is not a specific indicator of iron status [11,27,73]. The ratio of TfR to SF can be a useful
marker of iron status, but is again limited by SFs response to inflammation and has also not been fully
validated in children or infants [27]. Hepcidin is a liver-produced hormone that is active in iron
homeostasis and, thus, has potential as a biomarker of iron status and function [5]. Levels of hepcidin
are decreased in conditions leading to or resulting from iron deficiency (e.g., erythropoiesis), and
increased in conditions of iron sufficiency (high iron stores) or inflammation [5,75]. However, the
relationship of hepcidin to inflammation, as well as the fact that normative levels are still ill-defined,
limits the utility of hepcidin alone in the definition of iron status [5]. Reticulocyte hemoglobin (CHr; mean
cellular hemoglobin content of reticulocytes) has also recently been recommended for the diagnosis of
iron deficiency in infant populations [23]. CHr is a measure of the iron incorporated into the hemoglobin
of red blood cells and, thus, provides a fairly direct measure of iron availability to cells; it has also been
shown to be highly accurate when compared with other biomarkers [77]. While this marker also has the
advantage of not being affected by inflammation, the required assay is not yet widely available [23].
Thus, it is most useful to assess iron status with several markers, as opposed to just one. For instance, in
CDC analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), iron deficiency is
usually defined as abnormal values on at least two of the following three indicators: ZPP, SF, sTfR [78].

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Table 1. Summary of iron indicators. Iron indicators are ranked from easiest and most economical to measure, to most expensive and most invasive.



Hemoglobin (Hb)

Easy, economical to measure (can be

assessed with handheld device)
Good screening tool for severe iron

Neither sensitive nor specific for iron

Better measure of function rather than

Red blood cell indices
(mean cell volume
(MCV), red cell
distribution width

Relatively easy to measure

Provides no additional information

above Hb
Late finding, not representative of iron

Low MCV and increased RDW

characteristic of iron deficient
Useful clinically

Serum or plasma iron

Measure of circulating iron

Serum ferritin (SF)

Sensitive indicator of iron deficiency

o Proportional to liver stores of iron
Responds well to iron interventions

Easily contaminated by iron from other

Variation by time of day, post-prandial
Does not detect iron in Hb
Increases with the acute phase response
(not specific in the presence of

Transferrin saturation

Marker of circulating iron

Levels are depressed by inflammation

Normal Range/Cut-offs
Pregnant women: anemia <11.0 g/dL (1T, 3T) or
<10.5 g/dL (2T)*
Newborns: anemia <13.0 g/dL (venous), <14.5 g/dL
Infants 624 months: anemia <11.0 g/dL
Pregnant women: anemia <33%
Infants 624 months: anemia <32%
o Pregnant and lactating women: <82 fl (Femtoliters)
o Infant reference ranges (age-dependent):
Neonates: 100112 fl
<2 months: 8598 fl
212 months: 7384 fl
1224 months: 7285 fl
o Abnormal: <11.5%, >14.5%
Adults: <4050 g/dL
Infants <24 months: <5060 g/dL

Pregnant women: <12.0 g/L (1T)

Reference range (women): 0230 g/L
Newborns: <34.0 g/L (cord blood)
Infants 624 months: <12.0 g/L
Pregnant women: <16%
Infants <24 months: <10%

Nutrients 2014, 6

Table 1. Cont.

Transferrin receptor

TfR:SF ratio

Total iron binding

Zinc protoporphyrin


hemoglobin (CHr)
Stainable bone

Less sensitive to inflammation than SF

Not very sensitive; levels change only
late in ID
o Useful in populations with high levels
of background infection
Not as specific as other measures; other
conditions may cause restriction of iron
to RBCs
Proportional to stored iron or iron deficit Vulnerable to effects of inflammation
Sensitive indicator of response to iron
on SF
Not validated in children or infants
Assay dependent (based on Ramco
assay for TfR)
More stable than other measures
Changes only with depletion of iron
Measures iron-binding sites on
Not typically used in newborns
Sensitive indicator of severe iron
Not specific as levels can be increased
deficiency, but not of moderate iron
due to lead poisoning, inflammation,
and other situations
Can be measured with very little blood
Cut-off levels not well established for
infant populations
Reflects iron homeostasis
Also increases in conditions of
May be measured in blood or in urine
Normative levels not well defined

Pregnant women: >8.5 mg/L or >4.4 mg/L

Infants <24 months: >20 mg/L

Measure of iron availability to cells

Not affected by inflammation
Gold standard for diagnosis of iron

Adults: reference range 2835 pg/L

Infants <24 months: reference range 2335 pg/L
Units: Observer assesses stained iron content according to
a semi-quantitative scale

Assay not yet widely available

Subject to observer error

Pregnant women: >500 consistent with iron deficiency or

depleted iron stores
Can be used to calculate body iron stores:
-[log (TfR/ferritin ratio) 2.8229]/0.1207
o Negative values defined as tissue iron deficit
Adults: >400 mg/dL

Pregnant women: >70 g/dL RBCs (1T)

Infants <24 months: >7080 g/dL RBCs

Pregnant and lactating women: Mean levels immediately

prior and following delivery have ranged 2.517.5 g/dL
Newborns: Mean levels in cord blood have ranged
48.569.3 g/dL

* 1T: first trimester; 2T: second trimester; 3T: third trimester. References: [5,11,23,27,28,7988].

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6.2. Impact of Inflammation on Indicators of Iron Status

Measurement of iron status is further complicated by the fact that infection and its resulting
inflammation, even at a sub-clinical level, can affect serum levels of markers commonly used to assess
iron deficiency [75]. Though this effect plays a role in the assessment of most micronutrients, it is
particularly important for the measurement of iron status. While serum iron and transferrin (which binds
iron and becomes low in the case of iron deficiency) are depressed in the presence of inflammation,
ferritin (which decreases with iron deficiency) rises in the presence of inflammation [75]. These changes
are thought to reflect an evolutionary effort to sequester iron away from pathogen use during infection
(for instance, by bacterial or parasitic agents) [89]. Other measures of iron status are also affected by
infection and inflammation.
The bodys initial inflammatory reaction (the acute phase response; APR) activates a number of
proteins (acute phase proteins; APP) and other mediators that help the body to recover from the
instigating trauma [75]. This response typically lasts nine to 10 days, with the levels of different APP
varying over this time. C-reactive protein (CRP) is one of the first to peak, reaching its maximum within
one to two days after the initial insult, and with a half-life of two days. Alpha-1-glycoprotein (AGP) is
also commonly measured, but is slower to peak than CRP (maximum reached at four to five days) and
has a longer half-life, as well (5.2 days). While ferritin is itself considered an APP, the exact biological
mechanisms of the APR-driven changes in other iron biomarkers are not as well understood. However,
given that these effects have been widely observed, it is critical to adjust for inflammation status when
assessing prevalence of iron deficiency in a population [90].
While many nutritional studies commonly use C-reactive protein (CRP) to adjust for inflammation
(e.g., by calculating correction factors based on nutrient levels in inflamed vs. non-inflamed groups),
this may not be sufficient to fully correct for the effect of inflammation on iron status, given the short
half-life of CRP and the timing of its peak relative to inflammation-induced changes in iron measures.
Transferrin and serum iron both fall relatively rapidly in the presence of inflammation, while ferritin
rises quickly, much like CRP. However, other measures of iron status (and anemia status), such as
hematocrit, hemoglobin and zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP), change much more slowly, and even ferritin
takes longer to return to normal levels than CRP does [75]. Thus, adjustment for inflammation based
solely on CRP levels may not fully account for the changes in micronutrient levels that occur as a result
of the APR. More recently, investigators have measured both CRP and AGP in order to categorize the
stage of inflammation with more precision, thus adjusting for four different inflammation groups instead
of a simple dichotomy [75,91]. While other proteins, such as alpha-1-antichymotrypsin (ACT) and
ceruloplasmin, have also been measured and used in some studies to adjust micronutrient status for
inflammation [92,93], they are not as commonly used as either AGP or CRP.
7. Interventions
7.1. Pregnant and Lactating Women
The most common and effective intervention to combat iron deficiency in pregnant women is
supplementation with iron, often combined with folic acid (given to prevent neural tube defects). As
described in previous sections, given the number of women that enter pregnancy with insufficient iron

Nutrients 2014, 6


stores, iron supplementation may need to begin prior to conception to ensure prevention of maternal iron
deficiency. Indeed, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends weekly iron-folic acid
supplementation programs in areas with a high prevalence of anemia in women of reproductive age
(WRA) [94]. Daily iron supplementation is generally recommended for pregnant women worldwide,
though in some developed country settings, universal iron supplementation is not recommended due to
uncertain benefit and adverse effects (e.g., GI upset) in iron-replete women [5,95]. The success of iron
supplementation programs is also often limited by poor adherence (as low as 50% in some settings [96]),
which can be associated with gastrointestinal side effects, as well as lack of reliable access to
supplements [97,98]. Further, these supplements often incorporate iron of lower bioavailability [98].
While fortification of foods would also help reduce iron deficiency among pregnant women, programs
are sparsely implemented in many countries and may be insufficient to meet iron needs without
additional supplementation [99]. Multiple micronutrient powders containing iron may also have good
potential to prevent iron deficiencies, but more research is needed in order to determine their level of
benefit [100,101]. The risk of postpartum iron deficiency can also be reduced by antenatal iron
supplementation, as well as by prevention of perinatal hemorrhage [102].
7.2. Infants Zero24 Months of Age
Infants, particularly preterm or low-birth-weight infants, will also benefit from iron supplementation,
regularly recommended for these high-risk populations [4]; infant iron supplementation is often provided
in liquid form and has been shown to be effective in reducing anemia [45], as well as iron deficiency [4,54].
However, these drops have several disadvantages: they frequently cause gastrointestinal side effects and
also create the potential for overdose [103]. Multiple micronutrient powders (MNPs) containing iron for
home fortification of complementary food have also been shown to be highly effective in reducing
anemia, as well as iron deficiency in infant populations 624 months of age [103]. These have the
advantage of providing not only iron, but other critical micronutrients, as well. Further, MNPs are easy
for mothers to use and incorporate into complementary feeding and carry a lower risk of overdose, as
they are packaged in single-dose packets [104].
Nonetheless, iron supplementation (in various forms) has been associated with certain risks,
particularly in iron-replete populations. Initial controversy was sparked in 2006, when an RCT of iron
supplementation of preschoolers in malaria-endemic Zanzibar was published showing an increased risk
of severe adverse events and death in the supplementation arm [105]. Though a Cochrane review has
since concluded that there is no excess risk in settings with regular malaria surveillance and control [106],
the development of an appropriate universal policy remains a topic of discussion [107]. Iron
supplementation of iron-replete infants has also been associated with reduced linear growth and
increased risk of other infections in some populations [61,103,108].
Delayed cord clamping has also been shown to have a protective effect against iron deficiency in
infants: a recent Cochrane review found that infants whose cord clamping was not delayed were over
twice as likely to later be found iron deficient as compared to infants whose cord clamping was
delayed [109]; this is likely related to the amount of blood transferred to the infant during this time, with
the delayed cord clamping allowing approximately 30% more blood to be transferred to the infant [5].

Nutrients 2014, 6


8. Research Needs
Although our understanding of iron function and metabolism and ability to assess and improve iron
status in diverse populations has vastly improved in the last decades, much progress remains to be made.
In particular, several gaps remain in the assessment of iron status, especially in resource-limited settings,
as well as in the safe and cost-effective prevention and treatment of iron deficiency.
While it is now widely recognized that inflammation affects commonly used markers of iron status,
there is still a lack of consensus on how to best adjust for these effects. There are numerous markers of
inflammation that could be measured, each with different behavior (signaling a different role or stage in
the inflammatory process), and each requiring a different assay, with some assays being more expensive
or less widely available than others. Appropriate cut-offs for each inflammatory biomarker are also not
well defined. Furthermore, the exact approach to adjust for inflammation using these markers is also still
under consideration: while correction factors are most commonly used, other mechanisms of adjustment,
such as linear regression, may also be useful [90].
Furthermore, currently available iron biomarkers have numerous other limitations apart from
sensitivity to inflammation: they are not field-friendly, must be used in concert (i.e., the use of a single
biomarker to assess iron status is not recommended) and do not correlate well to iron function or iron
exposure. Accurate measures of iron function are critical in order to be able to better understand the
impact of supplementation and the effects of deficiency. For instance, brain imaging has been explored
as a potential way to elucidate the mechanisms behind irons role in early cognitive development [110];
this and other functional biomarkers should be further researched. Additionally, biomarkers of iron
exposure would be useful during pregnancy, since pregnancy often depletes maternal iron stores in the
last trimester, when the fetus is building its birth iron store [74]. Lastly, measures of iron status also need
to be better defined and validated for specific populations, such as young infants.
In terms of prevention and treatment of iron deficiency, additional research should assess the
risk-benefit of iron supplementation and clearly communicate this to policy makers. This is particularly
important in the supplementation of young infants, given the mixed evidence as to the potential adverse
effects of supplementation on growth and vulnerability to infection. The risk-benefit calculation for
supplementation of pregnant and lactating women is less ambiguous, though more work needs to be
done on ways to improve adherence and bioavailability of supplements. Further, the potential advantages
of moving away from a supplementation-focused approach to a food-based approach (e.g., staple food
fortification, promotion of dietary diversity) should be explored. Nutrition-sensitive interventions, e.g.,
home gardens, biofortification or conditional cash transfers, could also support a whole-foods-based
approach, while simultaneously addressing social and economic determinants of iron status discussed
above; however, additional research is needed to determine the effectiveness and feasibility of such
programs for improvement of iron status [111].
9. Conclusions and Recommendations
Iron deficiency is undeniably a critical public health issue given its high prevalence and potentially
life-altering consequences. Infants are particularly vulnerable to iron deficiency due to their rapid growth,
and consequences of iron deficiency in this population can be wide-ranging and long lasting. However,

Nutrients 2014, 6


because of the links between maternal iron status and neonatal iron status, interventions on infants alone
will be insufficient to reduce levels of infant iron deficiency; the improvement of maternal iron status
(before, during and after pregnancy) is also critical. While many advances have been made, knowledge
gaps still remain, not only in the best approach to intervention, but also in the most correct approach to
screening and diagnosis of iron deficiency itself.
This review summarizes the importance, development and diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency
in maternal and infant populations. We have placed special emphasis on the influence of early and fetal
life experiences on iron deficiency and its consequences, as well as the interplay between mother and
infant before and after birth. With our treatment of iron deficiency from fetal life through the first two
years of age, we hope that we have demonstrated the first 1000 days framework to be highly useful in
considering iron status and planning interventions.
Rachel M. Burke is supported in part by a National Institutes of Health (NIH) T32 training grant in
reproductive, pediatric and perinatal epidemiology (HD052460-01). Parminder S. Suchdev receives
salary support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Work on this publication
was supported in part (to Juan S. Leon) by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of
the National Institutes of Health under Award Number K01AI087724 and the Emory+Childrens
Pediatric Center Seed Grant Program. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does
not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health or CDC.
Author Contributions
Rachel M. Burke drafted the manuscript. Parminder S. Suchdev and Juan S. Leon helped to review
the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.



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