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com An Online Dating Guide - Online Dating Guide

Getting on Track with Online Dating:

From Signing Up to Success

Brad Miller
Updated: 12/19/2012


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ABOUT THIS GUIDE ................................................................................................................................................ 5
DISCLAIMER ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
BEFORE WE BEGIN .............................................................................................................................................. 7
The First Online Dating Mistakes I Made ..............................................................................................................7
How Serious Are You About Finding a Relationship? ............................................................................................7
WHY AN ONLINE DATING GUIDE? ................................................................................................................................... 11
THE RULES .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Rule One: Grain of Salt ........................................................................................................................................13
Rule Two: Everyones Favorite ............................................................................................................................13
Rule Three: Its Hard Work ..................................................................................................................................14
ONLINE DATING SERVICES.............................................................................................................................................. 16
Open Online Dating Services ...............................................................................................................................16
Matched Online Dating Services .........................................................................................................................17
Secondary Purpose Sites .....................................................................................................................................18
Specialized Dating Sites.......................................................................................................................................19
Addition Thoughts on Dating Services ................................................................................................................19
THE NUMBERS GAME ................................................................................................................................................... 21
Better Definition ..................................................................................................................................................21
Greater Comfort ..................................................................................................................................................21
Less Stress ...........................................................................................................................................................22
Better First Impressions ......................................................................................................................................22
Improved Odds ....................................................................................................................................................22
Get Your Moneys Worth! ...................................................................................................................................23
SHARING EXPERIENCES .................................................................................................................................................. 25
THE PROFILE ............................................................................................................................................................... 26
Avoiding Elimination ...........................................................................................................................................26
Brevity .................................................................................................................................................................26
Avoid Jokes ..........................................................................................................................................................27
Stay Positive ........................................................................................................................................................27
What You Arent Looking For ..............................................................................................................................28
Be Honest ............................................................................................................................................................28
Check Your Spelling! ............................................................................................................................................28
Include a Photo ...................................................................................................................................................29
Picking a Profile Heading ....................................................................................................................................29
Final Thoughts on the Profile ..............................................................................................................................29
STEP-BY-STEP ONLINE DATING PROFILE CREATION GUIDE ................................................................................................... 30
Step 1: Get Away From Your Computer ..............................................................................................................30
Step 2: Thinking About Who You Are and What You Like ...................................................................................31
Step 3: Fine-Tune Your Personal List ...................................................................................................................31
Step 4: Making Your List into Dating Profile Text ...............................................................................................32
Step 5: What You Bring to a Relationship ...........................................................................................................33
Step 6: Thinking About Qualities You Want in The Person You Date ..................................................................33
THE RIGHT WAY TO ENCOURAGE CONTACT IN YOUR DATING PROFILE ................................................................................... 35

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A Better Way To Encourage Contact ...................................................................................................................36
DOES YOUR DATING PROFILE PHOTO SAY WHAT YOU THINK IT DOES? .................................................................................. 37
WHAT IS A GOOD USER NAME FOR ONLINE DATING SERVICES? ............................................................................................ 38
WINKS AND VIEWS ....................................................................................................................................................... 39
Responding to Winks...........................................................................................................................................40
Who Has Viewed You ..........................................................................................................................................40
FIRST CONTACT............................................................................................................................................................ 42
Sample Emails .....................................................................................................................................................43
AN ABSENCE OF RESPONSES ........................................................................................................................................... 46
Not Paying for the Service ...................................................................................................................................46
No Longer Using the Service ...............................................................................................................................46
They are Very Busy ..............................................................................................................................................46
Email Box Comparison ........................................................................................................................................47
Curiosity ..............................................................................................................................................................47
General Reluctance .............................................................................................................................................47
Other Issues.........................................................................................................................................................47
They Did Not Like Your Profile .............................................................................................................................47
Keep All the Factors in Mind ...............................................................................................................................48
THE FIRST DATE ........................................................................................................................................................... 49
When to Ask ........................................................................................................................................................49
What about the Phone? ......................................................................................................................................50
First Date Length .................................................................................................................................................50
First Date Locations.............................................................................................................................................51
THE DATE MINDSET ..................................................................................................................................................... 53
THE IMPORTANCE OF COMFORT ...................................................................................................................................... 55
Date as Many People as Possible ........................................................................................................................55
Second Dates.......................................................................................................................................................55
Initial Meeting .....................................................................................................................................................56
A Plea to Those Uncomfortable with Dating .......................................................................................................57
FIRST DATE CONVERSATIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 58
Discovery .............................................................................................................................................................58
Small-talk ............................................................................................................................................................58
Sharing ................................................................................................................................................................59
Developing a Script .............................................................................................................................................60
Throwing Out the Script ......................................................................................................................................60
Taboo Topics .......................................................................................................................................................61
FIRST DATE QUESTIONS AND CONVERSATION STARTERS ...................................................................................................... 62
First Date Conversation Topics: Learning About Your Date ................................................................................62
First Date Conversation Topics: Just For Fun .......................................................................................................63
MY DATE DOESNT ASK ME ANY QUESTIONS .................................................................................................................... 64
BEING BORING ON A DATE: HOW TO AVOID OR CORRECT IT ................................................................................................ 66
WHO SHOULD PAY ON THE FIRST DATE? .......................................................................................................................... 68
STAYING SAFE ............................................................................................................................................................. 69
THE ROMANCE SCAM ................................................................................................................................................... 70

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The Romance Scam In Practice ...........................................................................................................................70
Tips For Spotting The Romance Scam .................................................................................................................70
ADDITIONAL SCAMS...................................................................................................................................................... 72
Online Dating Scams: The 419 Scam ...................................................................................................................72
Spotting the 419 Scam ........................................................................................................................................72
Online Dating Scams: Married Men Looking to Cheat ........................................................................................72
Spotting the Married Man ..................................................................................................................................73
Email Spam Scam (or The Stolen Credit Card Scam) ...........................................................................................73
Spotting the Email Spam Scam ...........................................................................................................................74
TOOLS FOR IDENTIFYING ONLINE DATING SCAMS AND LIARS ................................................................................................ 76
GENERAL ONLINE DATING QUESTIONS AND THOUGHTS ..................................................................................... 83
SHOULD I LOSE WEIGHT BEFORE DATING ONLINE? ............................................................................................................ 84
IS EHARMONY WORTH THE PRICE?.................................................................................................................................. 86
You Might Be Spending More and Getting Less ..................................................................................................87
How Much Time Are You Getting Out of Your Method to Meet People? ............................................................87
Reasons eHarmony is a Poor Choice for Some ....................................................................................................87
OKCUPID DATING GUIDE THE BEST FREE DATING AROUND .............................................................................................. 88
MATCH.COM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ......................................................................................................................... 92
MOVING FORWARD...................................................................................................................................................... 94
Guide Review ......................................................................................................................................................94
If You Found This Guide Helpful... .......................................................................................................................95
Thoughts on this Guide .......................................................................................................................................95
APPENDIX A: ONLINE DATING SERVICES ........................................................................................................................... 96
APPENDIX B: 2013 ONLINE DATING SERVICE PRICING GUIDE............................................................................................... 99
Notes on Pricing ..................................................................................................................................................99
2013 Online Dating Pricing Guide .......................................................................................................................99
APPENDIX C: 30-POINT ONLINE DATING CHECKLIST ......................................................................................................... 101

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About this Guide

Several years ago I started researching a technology called Ruby on Rails and purchased a
domain to assist me with that. Assuming my project would be small I thought a good name. Shortly after my purchase, my company decided they were
not interested in a solution provided using this technology and I found myself not knowing
what to do with my website.
Eventually, I decided to convert this site into a blog where I could describe my online dating
experiences. Perhaps embarrassingly, I had kept notes on what was working and not working
for me when I was dating (what can I sayIm an engineer and pragmatic if nothing else). I was
already married at this point but still felt a desire to share what I had experienced. Eventually
this desire resulted in a fair number of posts on my site. This guide is a compilation of those
posts as well as some additional thoughts I have now that I look back on the process several
years later.
I started dating online in June of 2004. I hadnt dated for years, going on only a handful of dates
in the four previous years. I was reluctant to using an online dating service and was only able to
start once my loneliness outweighed my pride. I tried most of the big services:,
eHarmony, Yahoo! Personals (which is now a part of Match) and a few smaller ones.
In the beginning, I made a lot of bad decisions. I unintentionally gave women the wrong
impression about who I was. In my first seven months of online dating I only a few first dates.
Thankfully, I did begin to understand how things worked and my last five months of dating
online were the opposite: I went on dozens of dates and frequently had two or three first dates
scheduled in one week. I hated my first few months of online dating but loved my last few.
On June 9, 2005, one day short of a full year of online dating, I met the woman who would
become my wife using online dating. It wasnt long before I knew I wanted to date Kate
exclusively. Perhaps one of the strongest measures of my success was that when I made this
decision I had to contact six women and cancel plans. Thats not to brag: I dont find myself
particularly attractive or funny or anything else that would warrant this success. It really came
down to figuring out how things worked best for meafter that the success came naturally.
Kate and I were married in April of 2007 and are as in love now as we were in the beginning.
We had our first child (a boy!) in 2012. I am so grateful for the opportunity that online dating
provided an opportunity that has changed my life forever.
Most recently (2012), I decided to update my domain to something more relevant, changing it
from to Hopefully this will earn me less odd looks
when I give out my domain name! =P
I do hope that you will give online dating a chance. Maybe it will change your life too.
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My opinions are just opinions. They are based on my personal experience and while Ive seen
my advice help many people, at the end of the day its still just an opinion. I invite you to read
my thoughts and make your own decisions on them. I hope that my thoughts and experiences
can make your online dating experience more enjoyable.

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Before We Begin
If you are going to be dating online and expect to have success with my guide or any other
there is one thing you must absolutely do: you must be committed. You need to decide that you
are going to do everything within your power to find a successful relationship.

The First Online Dating Mistakes I Made

Along the lines above, my first big mistake dating online was not signing up at all. It took me a
full year of being lonely before I even signed up for a service to check things out. Even then, I
didn't subscribe! I just looked around. Eventually, I did subscribe as I began to realize that the
best way to stay single was to make no real effort at all. Thinking about dating will not solve
your problems. Mr. or Ms. Right is not going to come knocking on your door (wellnormally
they wont). You need to make yourself available!
The second mistake I made was assuming that any dating service would do. I was very stubborn
on this one. I signed up for one service and stuck with it for months, convinced that if it wasn't
working there was something wrong with me. Eventually, I abandoned that service and tried
eHarmony and it was so much better for my situation! But, I fell back into my old habits and
started thinking if eHarmony wasn't working for me then there must be something wrong with
me. Eventually I tried and it was even better for my situation. This service
eventually led me to meeting my wife. Now I'm not saying that is the best dating
service but for my personal situation it absolutely was and only by trying these different
services was I able to discover that.

How Serious Are You About Finding a Relationship?

You need to answer this question right now. In all honesty, how serious are you about finding a
great relationship? If it is important to you then I have a challenge for you which I will lay out
below. In the rest of this guide, I will be assuming you have taken these steps.
1. Make a Commitment to Yourself
Make a serious commitment right now on how long you're going to put some real effort into
dating online. It can be any length of time that you feel you would be able to complete. Online
dating takes time and patience so think about this commitment and take it seriously.
Committing to six months is a good place to start but make sure you can stick with whatever
you decide on.
2. Sign up at OKCupid
The next steps are all about getting you to stand by your commitment. First, if you don't have
one, create an account at OKCupid. The service is free and you should be taking advantage of it
even if you are using other dating services. If you are currently using Plenty of Fish and think
that they are the same, I personally prefer OKCupid but even using both would work.
OKCupid Signup
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3. Create an Account at

If you don't have a account I recommend signing up now. It is not important that
you become a subscriber; free membership is all you will need for now. It is only important that
you find out what the service has to offer and use its free features. A big problem is that many
of us sign one dating service, perhaps one that we see an advertisement for, and then stop. This
is NOT a good way to pick a dating service. You need to try different services to see what they
are all about, even if you never subscribe.
Note: Readers outside of the United States should pick a popular service in their area (which
very well may not be For example, in the U.K. you might want to try a different
service like Dating Direct. The point here isnt that everyone should try Match or that they
should avoid Match. The point is that if you are starting to date online you should check out
several of the most populated services that are available to you. These services have become
popular for a reason! Signup (there are UK and Canada versions also)
4. Create an Account at eHarmony
Another dating service?! Yes, another one. eHarmony and Match are very different in how they
work. We shop around for everything in our life and the dating service you pick shouldn't be
any different (this decision could potentially alter your life forever, after all). We often spend
more time in the McDonald's line picking our lunch than we do a decision like an online dating
service. If you've not caught on yet, I think you need to take online dating even more seriously
than you do your Big Mac.
Again, there is no need to pay for the service. The point is to get a feel for what it has to offer.
Be warned that signing up at eHarmony is something of a hassle because of the time it takes
but it will be well worth it in the end. Better to spend thirty-minutes now signing up than
finding out six months from now you wish you had been using this service all along.
Note: Again, readers outside the U.S. should be selecting an option that works for them, which
may or may not be eHarmony. eHarmony is available in many countries but if it is not popular
in your area, it may not be the best choice.
eHarmony Signup
5. Consider Other Dating Services
I would recommend you also consider looking into other dating services. I'm recommending my
favorites above but you will need to make the decision for yourself. In Appendix A at the end of
this guide I provide a list of dating services with brief details on them. Note that these are just a
small number of the services available out there! Also, if you are not interested in using Match
or eHarmony, Lavalife and Chemistry are comparable services and are fine alternatives.
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If you're already doing these things, that's great! You're ahead of the curve. Obviously, no one
has to follow this advice but as someone who made the mistakes, I can't recommend enough
that these be your first steps into the world of online dating. If you really want success, you
don't want to be miss out on meeting someone just because you were unwilling to plan on how
you were going to tackle this problem!
Finally, for any readers that are not taking this seriously: if you continue to put off the decision
to actually try a dating service, you will never have success (at least not online). All the guides in
the world won't ever do you any good unless you are willing to move the process forward.

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The Online Dating Guide

A few years back, I was at the bar with some friends from work. This was at a time well into my
online dating experience. By this point, I was sold on internet dating. Thanks to growing dating
experience with online dating services, I was becoming very comfortable meeting new people.
On this evening I had a very brief conversation with the girl sitting next to me at the bar and
asked her out as I was leaving. Based on how briefly we had spoken, I suspected I was
committing social suicide. However, since I had several dates planned for later that week, I
wasnt too concerned. To my surprise, she agreed and we went out a few days laterit was a
total disaster. I found I had nothing in common with the bar girl. The conversations were
uncomfortable and she had an unhealthy obsession with all things death (seriously).
What I discovered during the weeks after this event was that I gained an almost god-like status
among my friends and co-workers. Even when I explain how painful dating her had been, to my
new-found worshipers it didnt matter. I successfully got a number after saying six sentences to
a girl who could barely hear me over the local band success of the relationship at this point
was irrelevant according to my friends.
I found this a stark contrast to the mere mention of success with online dating which was often
met with blank stares and uncomfortable silence (although as I update this in 2012 Im happy to
say things are improving in this area!)
So heres the truth of it: you can impulsively date strangers (and discover that they are even
stranger than you expected) or you can be selective with who you date. Randomly dating
people, from my experience, gains you respect and status. You are out there. You are going
through all the hassle and pain that everyone who came before you also endured. You are
socially acceptable. If you are dating to impress your peers, wellyou should avoid online
dating at all costs. If on the slim chance you are more concerned with finding a healthy
relationship, the internet is a tool that should not be ignored.
Im not going to go into all the details of why I like online dating here. There will be plenty of
time for that. Instead I would ask this: why would a person who is looking for a relationship not
use online dating? Concerns for safety aside, every answer Ive heard has more to do with other
people and what those other people think as opposed the actual process of online dating.
People have the tendency to pick partners the same way they look for them. That is to say,
someone obsessed with status will pick a person they believe others like. Those honestly
searching for that special someone will pick the person they like. The question then becomes:
Are you trying to date someone you like or someone who will improve your status? If you are
afraid to date people from the internet because of what others will think, its best to stop
reading now. For everyone else: of course you should continue to meet people in more
traditional fashions, but why not include online dating?
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Why an Online Dating Guide?

I made my dating life very public through-out the whole online experience. I found that many of
the dates either required venting or were simply funny stories (for example, my first online date
ever featured a conversation where my date explained how she had once worked for a call-girl
I found that the single people I would tell the stories to were not only interested in what
happened but also in how it all came about. That is, they understood how regular dating
works, even if they werent particularly good at it. Online dating on the other handthey didnt
know where to start or if it was even worth the time. Some people, I think, were using my
stories as encouragement to start online dating a sort of if Im not the only one doing it then
it must be alright mentality.
Eventually, people even began to talk to me specifically for online dating advice. I had gone out
on enough online dates to have a valid opinion on most of the grey areas. While there is rarely
an answer that is always right, I could still give some direction. Who contacts who? And how
many emails before you meet? Or how long should the emails be? And exactly what belongs in
a profile? Looking back, my original ideas to every one of these questions were incorrect when I
first started online dating. I suspect Im not alone.
That said, Im not writing this to help people avoid every mistake but I would like to share what
worked well for me. This is not intended to be some kind of I went through this so you dont
have to. Youre going to have to go through some of it no matter how much you read. There is
a lot to be said for personal trial and error my trials and errors can only get another person so
Another reason I created this guide is because every dating book I have read, and there have
been several, seems over-simplified and very often written by people with Ph.D.s who, by their
own admission, havent been on a date for decades. Several of these books suggested that men
need to have nothing more than confidence and charisma for success. If things were as simple
as these books make it sound the need for these books shouldnt even exist.
For a moment, though, assume that these books are correct and all it takes to have tons of
great dates is to be confident and charismatic. Now, try to apply this to online dating.
Unfortunately, confidence in the wrong amount with online dating is going to come off as
creepy. And how in the world is an email or profile to include charisma? Sure, these books have
tons of value once youre actually on the date but getting there is half of the work. Even the
books that did mention online dating treated it as if it is exactly the same as meeting someone
from anywhere else: just keep trying (and trying and trying) and when you are finally successful
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and actually go on a date, well, then apply all these rules the book gives you. Let me be clear:
dating books have a lot of value. I just feel that the one paragraph many of these books offer
regarding an online dating leaves a lot to be desired. I am hoping to supplement the dating
books out there, not replace them.

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The Rules
Here are a few important concepts everyone should bear in mind before getting into the actual
guide (or online dating for that matter). These rules establish how I believe online dating should
be approached. Awareness of these concepts can make the whole process a little less painful.

Rule One: Grain of Salt

First, nothing I have to say is right. As a matter of fact, I believe this applies to any dating
material you might read. Everything I am presenting is what I found to work best in online
dating. Every person and situation is different so if you feel something is not applicable, stick
with your instincts. It is my opinion that all dating advice is just someones best guess. These
guesses can be enormously helpful but should never be viewed as absolutely correct.
In the year I dated online, I went on approximately thirty-five first dates, had twice that number
of semi-successful online conversations that never made it to the first date, and sent countless
emails that I never received a reply for. Of the first dates I went on, well under half resulted in a
second date or more. One more thing I should add to these statistics: almost all of my first and
second dates came within the last three or four months of my year of dating. It took me all that
time to finally understand what I was doing wrong and to fix it.

Rule Two: Everyones Favorite

Just be yourself. I think this is the one phrase I hated most while dating but the one I heard (and
read) more often than any other. One reason I despised this phrase, particularly in dating
books, is because this would be the first concept presented and then the remainder of the book
is devoted to teaching a person how to act like someone else.
For example, in one book I read it started off with the ever-present Just be yourself chapter
immediately followed by a chapter explaining how to develop a more outgoing nature. They
recommended talking to strangers in public that you were not attracted to and working your
way toward more attractive people. From what Ive seen this is very common advice.
At any rate, as a shy guy, I can either follow the rules of the first chapter or the rules of the
second. Quiet reservation is who I am and no amount of practice ever made being outgoing
less of a farce for me. I really think this is unfortunate because right now, there is a guy or girl
out there somewhere on a first date acting assertive because, according to several dating
books, it improves their chances of getting a second date. Which leads me to this question:
what if a man pretends to be assertive and this actually leads to the relationship being
successful? If so, the poor girl thinks shes dating someone with certain qualities when shes
actually dating someone who can simply act. Whats worse is the guy has bought into the idea
that he is either going to have to act like someone else for the rest of his life or be alone.

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The truth of the matter is being assertive is going to help many guys seem more attractive to
many girls Ill give the books that much but this does not make it the only solution. The
books do mean well: they are offering advice that will improve a mans odds when trying to get
Something should be done to improve the odds, but I do not believe the answer is to do so by
pretending to be something you are not. Instead, improve your odds by dating more and
accepting the fact that in many cases being yourself is going to make finding who you want
more difficult. Theres a guy out there for the aggressive girl as much as there is a girl out there
for the shy guy. This is the big reason I was drawn to online dating: I didnt have to stop being a
little shy to meet people. Just send an email and if there was no response I would just convince
myself she moved out of the country to help feed the needy in a third-world country.
Eventually, I did gain some assertiveness but it was because I was becoming more comfortable
after a few dozen first dates, not because I was working on my assertiveness. It is unfair to tell
someone to be yourself and then to tell them exactly what that person should look like. You
may have personality traits that make you less attractive but is that really so bad? Even if you
fail in the beginning just remember: you only have to be successful once. When you do find
success, it will have much greater value if you do so while being honest with yourself and the
person you are dating.
One warning on being yourself: dont feel like you need to get everything out there on the first
date to successfully be yourself. As a personal example, I didnt express my interest in
Massive Multi-Player Online Games (World of Warcraft, Everquest, etc.) when I first started
dating my wife. I didnt make attempts to hide this informationI just didnt bring it up.
This turned out to be a good decision because she had a very bad impression of video games (I
seem to remember her believing there was a close tie to devil worship or something else
equally laughable). Fortunately, when I did finally bring it up she knew me well enough to
question her beliefs, watched me play a few games, met a few of my online friends, and got
over her fears. Im afraid to think what would have happened had I felt compelled to share
every detail on our first date.
Now, everyone isnt a geek like me but we all have something we just know might damage our
second-date-chances so treat dating like a marathon, not a sprint. Being honest is one
thingrevealing every detail about yourself is quite another.

Rule Three: Its Hard Work

I know of two types of people who have had success with online dating: those who worked at it
and those who were lucky. So, if youre not lucky, dont think just because you follow some
advice that your online dating life is going improve over-night.

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You will need to accept that many of the people you try to contact will not write you back or
that fewer people are contacting you than you would like. On rare occasions, someone will be
rude when you try to talk with them.
You will have bad first dates and you will have bad second dates after thinking the first date
was great. You will realize within the first few seconds of some dates that the picture on the
profile was very old or misleading. You will meet people who come off great in emails but who
can barely speak when you meet in person. The list goes on
The point is that this is all part of the process. Getting frustrated with the people you are
meeting or being hard on yourself is the worst thing you can do. If you accept that it will not be
easy and that the process will not necessarily be quick, you will be doing yourself a great
If online dating were easy, the 6 Month Guarantee would be a 6 week guarantee.
So remember, online dating may not be easy but it is well worth the effort.

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Online Dating Services

Lets get started by considering the different types of online dating services. Anyone who tries a
single service and then decides that online dating is not for them is unaware of the vast
differences that exist from one service to the next. Ill cover the basic types of dating services
here but see Appendix A for a list of some of the more popular online dating services.
There are several different types of online dating services to consider. The following are not a
comprehensive list but rather a general grouping of different service types to simplify the
discussion: open, matched, and secondary purpose sites. Ive coined these group names myself
to make the discussion easier. By no means are these standard names. Also, there are new
services coming out all the time but these three types are the main ones you will see.

Open Online Dating Services

Example:, Lavalife, DatingDirect (U.K.) and many more
An open online dating service refers to a service where you are not limited in who you can
view or contact. You provide basic information about who you are looking for, such as location
and age, and you are provided with a list of everyone who meets your criteria. All lines of
communication are left for the daters to establish. There are no rules on who you can contact
or rules that say you must wink before you email (and no rules that say you cant do exactly
These services will provide you with a dozen or so boxes that you can choose to fill out or
ignore. You can have a very long profile or a very short one and there are no limits on how few
or how many people you can contact. This type of service can be over-whelming to someone
new to online dating because of how open-ended everything is. That said, once the initial
confusion is overcome, these services are very good for the active dater.
This service type is a great choice for someone who enjoys going on frequent first dates or who
can comfortably communicate with several people at once. There are also open online dating
sites which narrow down the participants by group or interest. For example, there are open
sites for everything from senior citizens to those looking strictly for sex (not the type of site you
want to visit if you are serious about finding a relationship).
In the case of the open online dating service, I think the greatest benefit is the number of
people available to contact. However, this benefit is at times a detriment: the person you
decided to contact may have received a dozen emails aside from yours.
Very large number of potential dates to choose from
Communication can move along quickly
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Little structure; sometimes confusing for new users
The amount of competition can cause your profile to get lost in the crowd

Matched Online Dating Services

Example:,, MatchAffinity for the UK (in some ways)
A matched online dating service pre-selects or recommends what they determine are your
best matches and only show you those profiles. This type of service normally has a strong, well
defined structure. For example, when you sign up, you will first have to take a personality test.
After this is complete, you will receive your matches and be encouraged to contact at least
one of them. Once the communication has started, you will walk through a specific set of steps
such as asking each other pre-selected questions and then emailing each other through the
service. Eventually, you can move to communication outside of the service itself.
This service is great for someone new to online dating. There is very little to be confused about
because everything is broken down into steps that everyone must follow. The draw-back to this
service is that there are two requirements to even get a match: this person must live within a
range you specify and they must be a good match for your profile. For a moment assume that
eHarmony gets the profile matching 100% correct: that still leaves the issue of available
matches in your area. Due to this, a matched online service is likely to have more success in a
more populated area and less success in smaller areas. This was a problem I ran into when I
lived in a rural area: it took 3 days after signing up to get a single match. However, I have talked
to people who live in cities and they have more matches than they know what to do with.
Aside from a low number of matches, the only other issue I had was how very slowly some of
the people I communicated with wanted to take things (i.e., meeting). Admittedly, I was the
polar-opposite of aggressive at the time but the women I talked to were practically petrified to
meet me! I think many users of these sites are the people who are brand-new to online dating.
Many times they wanted to take things a little slower. On the other hand, everyone I met was
serious about finding a meaningful relationshipsomething I cant say for the Open type
Very structured
Matching based on personality
Members tend to be more serious about their relationships
Population can affect success/usefulness
Communication can drag out at times

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Secondary Purpose Sites

Yahoo! Personals, MySpace, Facebook
A secondary purpose site is a site that is not devoted to dating. Rather, it offers many services
one of which can be dating. I have found these services the most difficult to use because most
of the participants only have a passing interest in starting a relationship. For example, Yahoo!
Personals was the first dating service I ever tried. What I discovered after about a month was
that very few people were actively dating through this service. The profiles were always the
same and profiles never disappear (so even if there was a lot of dating, there wasnt much
It appeared that many of the profiles existed simply because those people already had Yahoo!
email accounts. I imagine a common case for this is that someone sees a link for Yahoo!
Personals with the message that they can open one for free with their existing Yahoo! account.
They go through with this, look around a bit and even uploaded their pictures but eventually
get bored and stopped going back.
This is where the strength of or eHarmony shows: everyone that goes to one of
these sites went there for a specific reason. Comparing secondary purpose sites to true dating
sites is like comparing speed dating with going to the grocery store. Sure, there are people who
are single at the grocery store, but thats not the reason why they are there. The speed date
has people there for one specific purpose.
In my case, I did not have much success with secondary purpose sites compared to the pure
dating sites. I am sure Yahoo! Personals has worked for many, many, many people but if felt as
if there were too many grocery shoppers diluting the sites usefulness for me. Other
secondary dating sites, such as MySpace, are even worse and make Yahoo! Personals look like a
dating gold mine. But thats just my opinion. You can find more of my thoughts on MySpace
here and here. I occasionally hear of people having success with Facebook but Im still inclined
to believe that there will be additional hurdles to finding dating when using Facebook for
With that said, if you are looking to date casually and happen to have a Facebook account and
want to reach out to a friend of a friend, Id say go for it. Ive listed some drawbacks here but
giving it a try isnt going to hurt your chances by any means. Im sure there are happily married
people who used Facebook or MySpace to meet who would disagree with my opinion.
You may already use the service for other purposes
The users of these services can often be less interested in finding a real relationship

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Update 2011: Since I first wrote this Yahoo! Personals has closed and become a part of and MySpace seems all but forgotten in the wake of Facebook but the advice still
applies to the many non-dating specific sites out there.

Specialized Dating Sites

JDate, Christian Caf, Black Singles
A specialized dating site concentrates on a particular type of person. For example, a service may
be devoted to a particular race, religion or interest. These services often have fewer members
but that doesnt mean finding that special someone is harderin many cases it could be easier.
For example, if someone were looking to date a strongly committed Catholic, finding them on a
site like could be difficult. Many people will list Catholicism as their religion but
many will associate themselves with this religion because thats how they grew up. It may be
that few of these individuals are strongly committed to any faith. This makes finding someone
like a needle in a haystack. However, at a Catholic dating site, theres just a pile needles to pick
from. There are less users but the ones who are there should already have the desired trait.
If there is a key area that you are interested in, a specialized service may make finding a
potential partner much easier.
There are normally far fewer members but that may be argued as a pro by some.

Addition Thoughts on Dating Services

There is no best service out there. Each service offers different options that make for an
excellent choice for some and a poor choice for others. Early on, when I felt like every decision I
made was wrong, a site like Chemistry or eHarmony was a great for me. I became more
comfortable with the idea of talking to people I didnt know within their very structured system.
The lack of matches I had due to living in a low population area is really the only thing that led
me to try other services. I eventually settled on, mostly because it seemed to have
the most members. There are plenty of services out there and some of them have very unique
ways of bringing people together dont be afraid to try a new service just because it doesnt
fall into a category here.
Think about what you are looking for and how you would be most comfortable finding your
dates. If you want full control or are unconcerned about structure, an open service will fit you
well. If you are new to online dating and want structure or perhaps you want to date people
your personality test suggests you are compatible with, then a matched service will be better.
If you are brand new to this and if your pocketbook can handle it, I recommend trying several
different services. Often what people think they want and what they truly desire are not the

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same. No amount of writing here will offer as much as personally trying out a few weeks of
different services.
Finally, I would recommend whichever service you decide to give a try that you sign up for a
shorter term in the beginning. No need to sign up for a service for a year only to find out a
month later you like another service more. If youre committed to trying online dating, I think 3
months is a nice range. Six months is occasionally a good choice as wellespecially if you can
find a good deal by taking advantage of a promotion or coupon. These options will save you
money over the single month price (which is normally very high) but it wont commit you for
overly long.
See Appendix A for a list of popular and specialized dating services.

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The Numbers Game

Finding a person that you mesh well with can take time. Depending on how you date, it can
take a very long time. When I first started online dating, I had this notion that dating more than
one person simultaneously would be rude. I did my best to only talk to one girl at a time. There
were times where I would end up talking to a few girls at once but this was always accidental.
With this approach, I went on no more than one first-date every month. All of these dates were
very stressful because of the time being devoted just to get to the date. Failure on the first
date, whether because she wasnt what I was looking for or the reverse, was difficult. It felt like
starting over and was painful. Once I even continued to date a girl just to avoid starting over.
Later in my online dating experience, I gave up on my sincere method of meeting girls and
intentionally tried to meet as many girls as possible at once. For the first few weeks, things
were similar to my old method but over time my dating life changed dramatically. I moved from
one date a month to one a week and eventually was going several first-dates a week. There
were side-effects to this (aside from a busier schedule!) that make me now believe this is the
best way to approach online dating:

Better Definition
As I went on more and more dates in a short time period, I realized that what I really wanted in
a woman and what I had been willing to accept were very different. When I was only meeting
one girl a month, there were so many qualities that I didnt like that I would ignore simply
because I didnt want to have to start all over with someone else. I would continue to date
someone negative or rude or conceited and would just hope that things would just eventually
work themselves out.
All this changed when my dating schedule became very active. Breaking off communication
with someone I had nothing in common with, or at least who was missing qualities I was looking
for, became easy. Honestly, it was often a relief because there were more first dates waiting
and I would be able to remove someone from my list of potentials.
This freedom allowed me to finally be honest with myself about what I was looking for. I
stopped defending the poor qualities my dates had and started moving on. Dating in numbers
allowed me to make decisions based on what I desired, not based on how lonely I was at that

Greater Comfort
One great side-effect to dating so actively was that I became more comfortable with dating
itself. I was discovering which conversations worked better than others and was able to learn
what conversations to avoid altogether. The confusion of first-dates with someone I had just
met was disappearing.
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I actually started to have fun. I hadnt even thought that having fun could be a part of dating
but as I grew more comfortable, I had more fun. I still wasnt the most confident guy (for
example, I still wasnt regularly asking random girls out in public) but I was becoming very
comfortable on dates, which gave the appearance of confidence.

Less Stress
There was always another first date on the horizon. Failure wasnt so horrible any longer. I lost
my unreasonable desire to make every date go perfectly. When the stress lessened, I stopped
paying attention to myself and started paying attention to my date.
On one occasion when things were going very poorly, instead of stressing out, I told my date I
didnt think we were a great match but that we could still have fun over dinner. She seemed
relieved and agreed to try to enjoy the dinner. We did have a nice time that evening and then
proceeded to never speak to each other again. Failure became a part of dating, neither good
nor bad; just a part that has to be accepted.

Better First Impressions

This was a direct result of having less stress. As the stress began to lessen, I started
representing who I was much better. Early on I was always in a panic-mode: trying to make sure
everything went perfect on every date, overly concerned about the happiness of my date, and
so on.
Looking back, this only made my dates uncomfortable and left me looking either weird or
desperate a very unattractive trait. When I had multiple dates lined up, I found myself very
relaxed on each date. Once I relaxed, I felt much better about the impressions I was leaving.
Even when things didnt work out and my date was not interested in seeing me again, at least I
knew we just werent a match instead of wondering if I had only done better would she have
liked me. When I was relaxed, there was no better or worse. There was only who I am.

Improved Odds
If you believe that you can get along with anyone out there then dating infrequently could work
for you. For the rest of us, the biggest part of find that special someone is opportunity.
To put it another way: imagine there is a room with 100 people in it and in this imaginary room
there is one person who is a match to you. Using my original method for dating (one girl a
month), my odds of meeting that special someone were very low and theoretically it would
have taken a very long time to meet her (8+ years if I was particularly unlucky).
Thats not the only issue, though. The problem with saying it would take a long time is that
statement assumes that my match wont move on to something else: a new job that she
wouldnt have been taken had she been in a relationship, settling for someone just to not be
alone, etc.
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So I believe that dating many people improves your chances in two ways: you have a better
chance of meeting someone who you are looking for and you also potentially avoid missing out
on someone who may move on if you never got around to meeting in the first place.
Lets take the example above to the other extreme: imagine that after a maximum of five dates
everyone meets their special someone, guaranteed. Its just the way the world works. Some
may meet on the first date, some may meet on the third but no one ever needs to go beyond a
fifth date.
Living in this imaginary world, my question is this: how quickly would you go on your five dates?
Would you attempt to meet your special someone sooner or later? If later, why date online at
all? Youre risking meeting that special someone before the time youve appointed appropriate.
If sooner, why wait by going on few dates? It seems logical that most people would go on their
five dates as quickly as possible when desiring a relationship. I think the real world is similar,
although clearly not so simple!
You also want to improve your odds against the chance of your competition beating you to (or
scaring off) that special someone. And you do have competition out there!

Get Your Moneys Worth!

If you are using online dating, chances are you are paying something. When I was meeting one
person a month, it cost me exactly the same as when I was meeting seven a month. Why not
get your moneys worth and meet several people?

Not everyone agrees that this is the best approach to online dating but having personally taken
the effort to date in numbers, the benefits are very clear to me. However, sometimes when I
offer this advice to people it has been rejected as not for them. There seems to be a general
aversion to this kind of dating. This is why I laid out all the benefits above: many people want
some romantic, movie-like event to bring them into contact with the love of their life. It would
be great if it worked that way but for most of us some actual effort will be required.
So just give it a try. Date as many people as you possibly can. Youre dating too many people if
you begin to confuse your dates with one another. As long as youre not getting confused on
who youre talking to, I say date even more. For some of us, that might be three. Others may be
able to date a dozen and keep everything straight. I had eight first dates planned once and
found it was too much for me (fortunately none of the dates ended with me confusing one girl
for another!). In the end, I found that five worked best for me.
Sometimes you wont be able to date a lot of people at one time. There may not even be two
people youre interested in with the service you use! If this is the case, chances are you are too
picky so try to be open-minded. Take a few risks ask out a few no-picture profiles or accept a
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date from someone who contacts you that you are on the fence about. Yes, youll be living on
the edge and, yes, you may not be attracted but at least youll be out there.
If all else fails, sign up for a second service or at least check out the members on another
service. In the case where you are contacting people but getting fewer responses than you
would like, understand that it takes time. I believe it took around five weeks from when I
decided to date multiple women to when I actually was dating multiple women.
It takes a little guess work but you should be contacting people until you feel that you are at
your max for dating without confusion. When you remove someone from your list of
potentials, start contacting someone else to fill that spot. This is tricky so be careful: play your
cards wrong and you may find yourself with an empty list or a list so large you cant handle it!

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Sharing Experiences
I would really recommend that you share your online dating experiences with close friends. I
probably took this too far because I would talk to anyone who would listenbut it was one of
the biggest helps with dating that I found.
People love to hear about dates, both the good and the bad. People enjoy hearing about
others relationships (turn on the television sometime) and they love to offer advice. Be open to
listening to all advice but be slower on the advice you decide to follow. In my opinion, were all
lost to some degree when it comes to dating (this was clearest for me when girls giving me
advice were baffled by the responses I got when following their advice). Still, it was always fun
to hear what others thought would be the best move in a particular dating situation. Also, if
you are able, try to share your experiences with both male and female friends. The difference in
the advice I received was surprisingalthough perhaps it shouldnt have been! I found that
frequently the best choice was somewhere in the middle of the advice offered by the guys and
the girls.
For me, after I had been doing the multiple-dates-per-week for about a month, it was common
for several people to stop by my desk at work to see how my weekend went. More often than
not I had a funny story to tell them: either because I messed up big time and now found little
else to do but laugh about it or sometimes because I met a crazy girl which made for even
better stories.
I was also gaining confidence because I was learning that I wasnt the only person who thought
dating was extremely confusing. It became clear that some people who stopped by werent
there for a laugh or to offer advice: they were confused just like me. They were just curious to
learn how another blind man was trying to find his way.
Eventually a manager at work devoted one of her whiteboards to the girls I was dating. She
developed a ranking system for how much I liked a girl versus how much that girl seemed to like
me. She was just having fun but it made me feel very successful even though I hadnt met my
future wife yet. In your search for that someone, dont ignore all the people you already
have. They will love trying to help you make sense of all the chaos.
Finally, one wonderful side-effect of all my sharing was that I had several people setting me up
on dates! Dates with zero workyou cant beat that!

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The Profile
Every service offers you a way to present information about yourself to the public. Most often
this is referred to as your profile. Most literature Ive read regarding online dating has put
massive amounts of emphasis on the importance of the profile. I do think the profile is an
important tool in online dating but I believe even someone with a mediocre profile can still be
very successful.
For example, look at newspaper personal ads. Here is a real personal ad I found:
DWM, 49, 510, 165lbs, brown/brown, construction worker, fit, N/S, N/D, young heart, mind,
body, has kids, lives alone. Seeking fit WF to enjoy lifes ups and downs
So in a few sentences you have read this gentlemans profile. Chances are hes getting dates.
Someone using these ads must be having success because theyve been around for so long and
people continue to use them. Its the knowledge that this type of profile can work that causes
me to question the amount of information that we are instructed to put into our online
profiles. The profile is important. It is your sales pitch and it is necessary but when you go
shopping for a car, the salesman doesnt explain every type of bolt used to hold the engine
together: it is just not necessary. I think sometimes we are convinced we must share every
bolt about ourselves without realizing this can do more damage than good. The following is
what I think a good profile should strive for.

Avoiding Elimination
People look for two things when reading a profile: things that make the profile writer desirable
(either similar traits or desirable traits) and things that make the profile writer worthy of
elimination. Everyone should have a mental list of what they are looking for if they are serious
about dating. Some people, however, take this to the extreme and will eliminate anyone who
does X or likes Y regardless of how petty X or Y are.
It is my opinion that writing a very lengthy profile will improve your odds of unwarranted
elimination. This elimination-leaning quality of online dating is partially created by online dating
itself: there are 10,000 profiles to look at. If someone has a quality you dont like, just drop the
idea of talking to them and move on to the other 9,999. This is a poor way to approach dating
and I would encourage you to rarely eliminate anyone quickly for small differences.

If you read enough profiles, you will notice it is hard for an individual profile to stand out. Sure,
you might remember a profile with a pretty or handsome face attached to it but it isnt the
profile itself that has captured your attention. For the most part, profiles arent nearly as
interesting as the people writing them, no matter how good the writing skills involved may be.
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It makes sense to want to have a great profile but the truth is profiles are very forgettable. All
this is not here to discourage attempts at the perfect profile but to encourage avoiding an
overly large profile. The last thing you want your profile to do is cause people to skim it quickly.
Chances are your profile wont be the first or last profile a given person will read on any given
day. If you can express who you are and be as brief as possible at the same time, you are
improving your chances of having someone get a better understanding of you. Better to express
a few important details about yourself than lose people by explaining everything.
Many people list every single thing they love in the hopes that someone else may like it too.
This makes sense as we all want to find someone we can share our lives with and sometimes
were afraid we might be missing that special someone because we didnt mention our love of
peanut butter or the color yellow or whatever. It is a good thing to list specifics about yourself
that you hope would attract others but keep in mind you cant be everything to everyone.
There should be a limited number of interests you cover to avoid boring away potential dates.
A final note on brevity: remember that a lot of your competition may be absolutely, positively
insane. The guy that calls three times a day for a week after the first date or the girl who, on the
first date, talks about colors shed like to use in your wedding. There are crazies out there and
they affect you by causing your potential dates to be suspicious of you. Get too wordy with
your profile creation and you may be labeled as not worth the risk because of the nuts who
came before you.

Avoid Jokes
Unless you are that guy or girl that everyone describes as their funny friend, it is best to avoid
joking around in your profile. Its not that joking around is bad, its that interpretation of
meaning on the internet is often a tricky thing. As an example, most of us have written emails
that we later had to explain because our meaning was misinterpreted.
If you feel you must make jokes because thats who you are, get someone to read your profile
to make sure your meaning is easily understood. And for the love of all things pure and holy,
please avoid sarcasm. You may be the most adept wielder of sarcasm the world has ever known
but if there is anything that is easier to misunderstand on the internet than sarcasm, I havent
seen it. The problem with sarcasm is you are saying something that can lead people to believe
you feel one way when in reality you feel the exact opposite. If you want potential dates to
know that you enjoy sarcasm just say so.

Stay Positive
This is much different than joking as it pertains to the tone of your profile. Try to have positive
spins on your personal facts. Do you enjoy your job? If so, when you talk about your job
mention something you like about it. Are you close to your family? Say so and express how
great you think they are. Be honest about what makes you happy in your life.
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If positive isnt your thing, and for some of us it just isnt, thats fine. In that case, just avoid
being negative. Avoid comments such as I cant believe Im doing this or I know this makes
me look desperate or Ive failed at every other dating method, may as well try this and so
on. You will see this in other profiles occasionally but make sure all comments in your profile
are either neutral or positive.
I am not sure who is passing around the rumor that a good way to find a date is by generating
pity but it is a lie. Complaining isnt attractive. Also, some seem to believe that being hard on
themself shows a very lovable quality. It doesnt. It does not come off as humble, it comes off
as insecure. Dont do it. As the saying goes, better to say nothing at all than something bad.

What You Arent Looking For

Do not, under any circumstances, list everything you are not looking for in someone. Dont list
anything at all that you dislike unless it is an absolute deal breaker. It will annoy people who
read your profile even if they dont fall into any of your dont even bother talking to me if you
have X quality categories.
The only people who can do this and get away with it are girls who are getting a dozen emails a
day regardless what their profile says or guys who have never been turned down. This is
because while they display a horrible attitude, they are attractive enough that people dont
care. If you dont fall into this category, I think covering everything you hate is a very bad idea.

Be Honest
Yes, its important.
Better that people date you based on who you are, not how active your imagination is. I am shy
regardless of how many times I can type the word outgoing. Overweight isnt curvy so dont
try to sell it as such. If a night out for you is checking the mailbox to see if the Netflix came in, so
be it.
Better to leave facts out then to lie about them. Did I title my profile I AM SHY? No. I didnt
mention how out-going I was at all. Maybe Im not the assertive guy but that isnt what Im
selling. Always keep in mind that people use online dating services because they want to meet
someone. Chances are someone out there is looking for someone just like you, blemishes and
all. Present who you are, not who you think others want.

Check Your Spelling!

Try to present yourself in the best light: not just in what you present about yourself but how
you present it. If youre not the best speller, have a close friend review your profile. Ive
reviewed many profiles for friends and its always felt like a privilege to do so.

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As I update this in 2012, I will admit that for younger generations, proper spelling appears to be
less important. Id say if you were born before 1990, you should at least consider doing a
spellcheck. If after, 1990, I guess it depends on who you are and who youre looking for. Either
way, this advice may be less important than it once was for certain people.

Include a Photo
All the statistics suggest that without a photo, your profile will attract much less attention. Even requires that you have a photo on your profile to take advantage of their 6 month
guarantee (be warned youll really have to be on the ball to take advantage of that guarantee!).
There are even services specifically geared to provide professional photos for your online
profile. This is just an option thougha simple (and recent) photo of yourself will work great.

Picking a Profile Heading

Selecting a heading can be more difficult than it sounds! I would recommend you not get too
stressed out about this and just try to be honest. Make it personal if you can but more
importantly, always stay positive.
I dont recommend being overly specific in your heading unless you are intentionally trying to
limit those who contact you to those that have a specific quality. For example Family Oriented
Man Looking to Settle Down is a fine heading but it might cause a woman to pass on talking to
him if she is looking to date casually. If this same woman would have met and spent time with
this man, she may be more than happy to settle down with him! I would recommend this man
use this heading if he only wants to talk to women who are 100% sure that they want to settle
down. If hes open to talking to women who are on the fence Id recommend being less specific.
Finally, I think its okay to try to be funny in your heading. I realize this goes against my dont
try to be funny rule but headings get soboring. Especially after youve looked at a few
hundred of them. The heading is one area where I think being a little corny or silly is fine. No
one is going to turn down a date because of a silly heading. No one is going to go out on a date
because of a great heading alone either.

Final Thoughts on the Profile

I have talked to many people who have used online dating and never has anyone ever said that
they were drawn to someone based on how great they created their profile. Specific data in a
profile obviously excites interest, but it is not the profile in and of itself that is going to attract
people. It all comes down to this: no emotionally healthy person decides that a relationship is
going to work based off of reading a profile, no matter how well the profile is written. So dont
stress on getting your profile perfect. List what you consider important regarding who you are
and error on the side of providing too little information rather than too much. Leaving a little
mystery makes you more interesting, not less.
For a little more direction, a few sample reviews of profiles are available here and here.
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Step-by-Step Online Dating Profile Creation Guide

Here I will provide more specific steps on creating your profile. I will be using all the rules laid
out in the previous chapter.
The Profile Recap


Avoiding Elimination

Dont feel that you have to reveal every last detail about yourself.


Your profile should only take a minute or two to read. If your profile
contains screens full of text youll want to think about slimming it down.

Avoid Confusing Jokes

Dont obsess with trying being funny. Youll have plenty of time to win
them over when youre communicating. Trying to be funny hurts far
more profiles than it helps.

Stay Positive

Being negative in your profile can give people the wrong impression of
your personality. Remember: your profile is their first impression of you.

What You Arent

Looking For

Dont list everything you dont want. Profiles written like drive away
contacts. Again, be concerned with the first impression youre providing.

Be Honest

Dont use pictures that are 5 years old, dont lie about your appearance
or height or whatever. You will meet some of these people and their first
thought when they meet you if you do this will be that you lied to them.

Now that weve covered the basics of what you should be keeping in mind as you write, lets
begin looking into a simple way to create your profile.

Step 1: Get Away From Your Computer

The first step is to sit down somewhere quiet and write the ideas Ill be presenting here down
on paper. Trying to create your first dating profile or even trying to get it just right can be an
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intimidating process. So find a quiet place and grab a pencil and a piece of paper. Also, be
prepared to put some time into this. Some people will only spend a few minutes creating their
dating profile only to remain dating online for months with a sub-par profile. You should plan
on setting aside some time so you can really think your profile through.

Step 2: Thinking About Who You Are and What You Like
Here youre going to need to think at least 10 words or phrases that describe who you are and
some of the things you like. This may be more difficult than it sounds. If you have trouble
thinking of things, concentrate on how youve spent your time over the last week. What
hobbies have you pursued? Have you looked forward to watching particular shows or are you
reading any interesting books? If you didnt have any responsibilities for the next week, how
would you spend that time? Take the time to think about these things and write each item
down on your piece of paper. You should have at least 10 items here. Dont stop until you have
that many!
As an example, I would write the following items down for myself:

my dachshund

video games



The Office



the Steelers

Counting Crows


my job

Step 3: Fine-Tune Your Personal List

Look at your list. Its time to identify the areas that will best reflect who you are and remove
the ones that arent likely to help you find any dates. Review your list and underline any of the
areas that you would like to expand on. Id recommend at least two or three of the items. Be
sure to pick the items that you think are most relevant to who you are and items that you can
easily speak about. Next, cross out any of the items that you think wont help your profile
much. Dont exclude anything that makes up the core of who you are even if you think it
wouldnt help your profile! Right now were just getting rid of some of the noise that could
potentially clutter your profile (remember: brevity!).
From my list above, what I would end up having would look like the following:
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my dachshund

video games



The Office



the Steelers

Counting Crows


my job

Ive eliminated video games and computers because theyre both a part of my life but by no
means do I need them to be a part of the life of the person I meet. Additionally, neither of
these areas is likely to help me have a connection with the women reading my profile. I also
remove philosophy, not because its a bad thing but because trying to make yourself sound
smart or funny in your profile can be a turn-off and I want to avoid even giving the appearance
of this.
Ive decided that Ill talk about being a homebody (that I prefer staying in over going out)
because it is a very large part of who I am. Ill also talk about my dog and my participation in my
church because of the role they have in my life and then Ill talk about the musical group
Counting Crows for a little extra insight into who I am. Ill also include some about my job as it
will provide me a good opening to my profile.

Step 4: Making Your List into Dating Profile Text

Now Ill take each of these areas that Ive identified and Ill incorporate them into the beginning
of my profile by writing out a rough draft. Heres what I would end up with:
Hello! My name is Brad and Im a software developer in the Pittsburgh area. I work on an
application that uses statistics to catch people stealing supplies so its a very interesting job. I
have a miniature dachshund named Brownie who is a ton of fun. Im something of a Netflix
addict and really enjoy getting comfortable in the evening and watching a movie or catching
one of my favorite shows (like The Office or Modern Family!). Im also very involved at my
church and really look forward to getting together with my friends for our small group every
week. I am a quiet person and much prefer intimate settings over a loud bar or clubunless Im
going to see something like a Counting Crows concerts (who Ive seen far more times than is
reasonable). Aside from that, I really enjoy reading, blogging, browsing, and watching
the Steelers.

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In this example, Ive made an effort to expand on each of the important areas I identified in
Step 3. Also, youll notice I dont come out and say Im a homebody. I dont want to introduce
anything into my profile that might be negative but at the same time I really do enjoy a quiet
evening on the couch with someone I love over being out. Instead of bluntly stating this, I
emphasize this fact as I describe myself throughout this section of my profile.

Step 5: What You Bring to a Relationship

The next section of your profile will be where you sell yourself. You dont want to sound like
youre bragging but you do want to make the case for why youre worth that first date. Just as
before, take some time to think and then write down the things that youll bring to a
relationship that others would like. This section can be significantly shorter than the first but
thats no excuse to not put in time thinking about this! Identify a few areas of strength about
yourself and briefly describe them. Below is my list (including the second step of fine-tuning my
choices) and then the next section of my profile is created based on this:



emotionally solid



Im very loyal, especially to my friends and those I care about. I value the idea of having
standards and standing by your word, even when doing so becomes inconvenient. I believe that
Im emotionally steady and very little gets me upset or angry. Im also very caring and as a line
from one of my favorite movies says, its just as important for me to love as it is for me to be

Step 6: Thinking About Qualities You Want in The Person You Date
Just as was done with personal traits/hobbies, youre going write a list of the most important
thing you would like to find in the people you date. This list doesnt need to be as long as the
previous one but be sure to really think about what is important to you. Again, this list will be
fine-tuned by identifying which areas are most important to you and which ones can be left
out. Below will be the list of qualities I would like already fine-tuned and following that will be
my next paragraph of my profile:



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willing to compromise

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long term relationship

The woman Im looking to date is very caring; she is someone her friends and family refer to as
sweet. She is intelligent and creative and helps me see the world in a new way. Because of my
commitment to my faith, she is either a Christian or open to discussions on faith and learning
about mine. If this woman sounds like you, feel free to contact me.
Here I eliminated the qualities that I thought might be misunderstood or, if Im honest, the ones
I had trouble deciding how to describe it.

At this point, you would take each of these sections youve written out and create the full
profile on your dating site of choice. If you wanted to add any additional sections, feel free to. I
realize this profile isnt very long but I actually think the length is fine. I was able to express
whats important to me which is much more important than the length. If your profile is more
than double the length of this sample one you may want to consider shortening it some.

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The Right Way to Encourage Contact in Your Dating Profile

Ive looked at my fair share of online dating profiles and I wanted to talk about one of the bad
habits I see in many profiles: the plea for contact. There are many examples of this; some good
examples but honestly most of the time when I see someone trying to encourage
communication it isnt done in a good way. Here are some of the more common ways people
will attempt this:

If you decide to contact me, Im very flattered.

Please contact me if you would like to chat.
I hope you decide to send me an email!

There are a few reasons this approach is a bad idea.

Reason 1: You Dont Want to Appear Desperate
You might not be desperate but often your words will tell another story. Perhaps the wrong
story but they still say something. I talk about this later in the guide and on my site in Does You
Online Dating Profile Say What You Think It Does? In some cases, asking (or even begging)
people to contact you might not hurt your profile. However, remember that you are always
fighting the bad impressions the people who have come before you have created. If a woman
has had to deal with a weird guy or three, shes going to be on the lookout for anything out of
place. If a man earned himself an online stalker hes going to start taking the same precautions.
Having dated online actively, my experience has shown that there are far more normal people
than weird. That said, it only takes one bad experience to open our eyes to what could happen
on these online dates. After that point, I can guarantee youll be under the microscope.
Reason 2: People Know How Online Dating Works
You dont need to explain to people how to communicate with you. Everyone already knows.
The idea that someone looked at your profile, thought you were great and wanted to contact
you but just couldnt figure out how is not happening. But what if they are nervous about
contacting me or shy? First, simply stating that you invite emails isnt going to give nervous
person courage. Everyone is inviting contact by the virtue of having a dating profile. Second,
you cant write your profile for the minority of people at the risk of driving away the majority. In
other words, do everything you can to remove anything questionable from your profile.
Including innocent statements that someone else might see as desperation.
Reason 3: Are You Selecting or Being Selected?
A cousin of desperation is low self-esteem. When you word your plea for contact the wrong
way you might be telling your potential dates: Ill take anyone! Again, Im not saying that you
have low self-esteem by asking for contact but I would suggest that you might give that
impression. Remember: you need to see online dating as an opportunity for you to find what
youre looking for. Your goal should not be to provide someone else everything they are looking
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for. Not only that, giving the impression that youll settle for anyone in unattractive. No one
wants to be that special anyone, they want to be that special someone.
Reason 4: You Dont Need to Prove that Youre Nice
Some people want to include something nice or encouraging in their profile and see including a
statement like I hope you decide to contact me! as the way to do it. Yes, that is a nice
statement but as Ive shown above it may do more harm than good. Just as you dont need to
prove that youre funny in your profile, you also dont need to prove that youre nice.

A Better Way To Encourage Contact

I believe there are two better approaches to ending your profile. First, not saying anything at all
about contacting each other is totally fine. Thats probably the easiest approach as well. As Ive
said before, just coming off as normal can go a long way for your dating profile. Avoiding
appearances of desperation or low-self esteem will improve your odds at being contacted.
The second method is more direct and while like the examples at the beginning of this post
there is a significant difference. At the end of your profile, describe the type of man or woman
you are looking for. After that, a comment stating that a person who fits the bill should be
encouraged to contact you is fine. Heres an example:
The woman Id like to meet loves to travel. Shes excited to try something new and
appreciates my quirkiness. She loves learning and excited to share her experiences with
the man in her life. If this sounds like you, feel free to contact me.
But why would this work so much better? Is it really that much different? I think so. In this
example, there can be no confusion over desperation or low self-esteem. The point is clear: Im
looking for particulars in the person I date. If that sounds like you, we should talk. If not, I wish
you the best of luck. Theres no desperation. Theres no low self-esteem. Not only is it a strong
way to encourage contact it actually strengthens your profile as youre defining some things
youre looking for. Not only will you encourage contact, youll encourage contact from those
who fit what youre looking for.

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Does Your Dating Profile Photo Say What You Think It Does?
A study had shown that your appearance in a photo reveals a lot about you. Later I discussed
why picking the right photo for your dating profile, even without this study to prove it, is very
Newsweek covers this same study in far greater detail in an article called Making a Digital First
Impression and a part of the article covered a real-world example of this with online dating.
One of the more interesting things covered in Newsweeks article was that fact that while other
people are very good at judging us based on our photos, many times were oblivious to the
message were sending. We might think we look content or confident but other see us as angry
or shy. From the article:
Research has shown that people are often clueless about how theyre viewed on the
basis of their online profiles. A lot of the time we think we come across a certain way,
but we dont, says Simine Vazire, an assistant professor of psychology who runs
Washington Universitys Personality and Self-Knowledge Lab and an author of the study.
On the Internet, thats multiplied by a million, so we should be careful about how we
broadcast ourselves.
If thats true, its probably a good idea for everyone who dates online to step back and look at
their photos. Look at your photos as if you were looking at a stranger. What do those photos
say about you? Make sure the story your pictures are telling is the correct one!
Some interesting points from the article included:

People were able to judge others based on the photos in 9 of 10 personality traits which
included: political orientation, outgoingness, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional
stability, openness, likability, self-esteem, loneliness, and religiosity. Kind of crazy. Some of
those are fairly surprising to me, like political orientation and religion.
How you stand and how you smile (or dont) reveals the biggest clues about who you are.
Social sites such as Facebook or Myspace reveal even more about your personality. Out-going
people have more friends, post more often and so on. The article suggests this might explain
why these services are popular: were online but were still being ourselves.
Even knowing this information, its difficult to influence how people judge you. The article also
suggests that a single dating profile photo isnt going to affect all that much.

Remember, having the right profile photo isnt about lying. Its about making sure that youre
telling the truth about who you are.

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What is a Good User Name for Online Dating Services?

There are some online dating sites that will automatically assign you a user name but most of
the popular dating service (including Match and eHarmony) will require that you create your
own user name. I recently had some traffic coming to my site where the people were obviously
looking for the answer to that question so I wanted to briefly speak to this.
First, you need to keep in mind that your user name is not going to be very important in the
grand scheme of things. Because of that, please dont over-think this! No one is going to pick or
reject you based on your user id and I personally cant remember any user ids that have really
jumped out at me. Generally speaking, you should make your user id whatever you want it to
be. That said, I would say there are a few rules on what you shouldnt make your user id.
Second, you should not reveal too much about yourself with it as others will see it. As an
example, your first and last name or your home address would be bad ideas for your user
name. Not that most people are going to use their home address but some people might enter
their full namemake sure that person isnt you.
Next, I would recommend against using your standard user id such as the id you use for your
personal email account. Again, this is about protecting your identity and you would be amazed
at what you can find with just an email address or a user id. Check out Pipl to see exactly what I
mean. The amount of data we post online about ourselves these days makes taking some extra
caution worth the effort.
Finally, if youre a woman and you want to insert words like sexxxy into your user id thats
fine but be aware some men do spam women on online dating service. Im not claiming it will
happen but you might be inviting more of this type of contact with a name like this. Its a pretty
small risk and more of a minor annoyance than anything else but keep it in mind.
Aside from those issues, you shouldnt be worried about your user id. A hobby or an emotion or
a nickname all work fine, although you may need to add a random number since many user
names will already be taken. If you just cant think of anything you can use a name generator
(see the Online Handle Generator on this page). Just use good judgment! When I tested out the
name generator the first one it gave me was QuicklyBiting which probably isnt the best
profile name!

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Winks and Views

For those who are new to online dating, most online dating services, such as, offer a
quick and easy way of contacting people without writing anything. This action has different
names at different sites: when I was dating it was called a Wink at and an
Icebreaker at Yahoo! personals. For the discussion here, Ill refer to them as winks.
I always wondered why winks exist. They are normally free (this will vary by the site) so they do
provide a way for a non-paying member to alert a paying member they are interested but then
what? This scenario normally falls apart: a non-payer winks at someone, gets an email in
response but then cant communicate any further. To me, this makes winks look more like a
marketing ploy to get additional sign-ups. Personally, I preferred to write an email over a wink.
The I like your profile message that a wink offers is implied when I write an email, so why
bother? I never found a good reason to wink at a girl. Having thought about this extensively I do
believe winks serve one good purpose: they allow the internet to mimic real life. Take the
following as an example:
A young woman sitting at a bar notices a man she finds attractive. While taking a drink, she
looks his way. If hes particularly slow, she will give him a small smile. This invitation gives the
man some confidence to walk over, introduce himself, offer to buy a drink and have a
conversation with her.
This interplay simply cannot exist on the internet. I think, perhaps, winks are an attempt to
create it. So maybe the good reason for winks existence is for a girl to encourage a guy to start
a conversation. Now, we can talk political correctness and womens rights and equality until
were blue in the face but how likely is the following:
A man sitting at a bar notices a woman he finds attractive. He catches her eye and gives a small
smile. The woman approaches the man, introduces herself and offers to buy him a drink.
Believable? Happening every night at bars all across the world? Sure, it can happen but that
doesnt make it commonplace! If this seems so strange in the real world, why should a guy be
encouraged act in this way electronically? So guys: please dont wink. Man up and talk to the
girl. Send some real communication. Regardless of how many bras she burned last week, a girl
is going to expect you to drive the process if you are initiating the contact. Yes, there are
exceptions but an aggressive girl is going to email you if she likes you and will find winks
unattractive so even the exception doesnt allow for winking. Smiling seductively over your
Rum-and-Coke isnt going to work any better on the internet than it would in the real world.
Lets leave the winking to the ladies.
Ladies: wink all you want. Write emails if thats your thing too but if not, feel free to wink until
people start to think you have an odd twitching condition.
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Responding to Winks
Guys, if you get a wink, dont bring it up when you contact her. The I couldnt help noticing you
noticing me may work at the bar if shes had enough to drink but lets assume youll be dealing
with someone who is sober. Treat wink responses as if you are initiating the conversation.
When a girl smiles at a guy at the bar, he will convince himself that he is taking some great risk
approaching her. In reality, she has already decided how successful their conversation will be
before he gets within ten feet of her. So take a cue from the bar guy and make the same wrong
assumptions regarding your near-heroic levels of risk by pretending youre making the
decisions. Any other response is breaking thousands of years of tradition.
Ladies, receiving a wink from a guy may not feel like something worth responding to when
other guys are writing you full emails but try to give the winkers a chance. Shy guys can be
great guys!
Also, while it is reasonable to wonder if you get a wink because the other person is not paying,
dont try to account for this possibility in your response. In other words, dont include some line
like, Just in case you dont pay heres my contact information. I did this early on and it never
worked. I now believe that this came off as a little desperate. If they really like your profile,
theyll shell out the money to continue the conversation and if not they were wasting your time
in the first placeand do you really want to play that game? Lets be honest here, most
monthly online dating subscriptions cost far less than a single date would. Its not that much
money if they really want to have a chat.

Who Has Viewed You

Many services allow you to see who has been looking at your profile and vice-versa. Last time I
was dating online, this could also be turned off so others didnt know you viewed them
(offering some protection to those people who are already getting more email than they would
Contacting those who looked at your profile is absolutely encouraged. If you can tell if someone
has been looking at your profile repeatedly, this equivalent to a wink so I would encourage
making contact. On a personal note, I found that contacting those who were viewing my profile,
even repeatedly, wasnt any more successful than contacting those who had never viewed my
profile. I have some theories on why this iseither way it never really affected my success
much. Still, your results may vary.
One thing I liked about the Whos Viewed feature was that I would often know who I wanted
to contact next but because of a busy dating schedule, wouldnt contact them for a few weeks. I
liked the idea that they could see that I was viewing their profile and then contacting them a
semi-extended time later. Remember: some of your competition is scary and after a few bad
dates many people will be on the lookout for any clues for said nuttiness. The fact that I didnt
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contact someone for a week or so after viewing them, in my mind, gave me an appearance of
low-desperation and thus a lower potential-stalker factor. Clearly, I am an over-thinker but I still
stick by this idea.
Finally, as with winking, dont bring up the fact that you saw they were viewing your profile if
you decide to contact them. Again, were trying to avoid the creepy factor here.

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First Contact
For this discussion email refers to whatever method the service you are using allows you to
write a message to another member. I write this more towards the guys but to any assertive
ladies out there I think the advice is still valid.
This area is where I made the biggest mistakes for the longest period of time when dating
online. I would write overly long and, in my head, witty emails that very rarely received
responses. Once, I wrote no less than two pages based on a girls heading to her profile. The
HEADING! I thought I was making conversation but all I was making was a girl scared. I really did
mean well. I just didnt know what I was doing.
My rule here is very simple: keep your first email very short. Give anything longer than three
sentences a good, hard look before sending. There are several reasons I suggest short first

Your profile is what you use to sell yourself, not your first email. While I feel that your
profile should be a constant battle between brevity and substance, it should definitely
hold enough for someone to make a decision about communicating with you. If it
doesnt, dont try and fix that in your emails: go back to your profile and improve that
first. The email should be the bait to get someone to view your profile.
If they dont like your profile, long-winded emails are a waste of your time.
You have to keep your weird factor low. Never forget that you are battling the bad
impressions created by every weird person who has come before you.
For reasons beyond my comprehension, short emails can come off as confident. Worded
wrongly they can come off as cocky but even that is more acceptable than psycho.

So what do you include in this short introductory email? First, try to include something that
proves you read their profile. Many guys out there spam the same email to every girl they find
attractive; most girls catch on to this and then look for it in other emails. Second, if you find
something in a profile that you have in common with or if there is something you like about the
profile, mention that (if there are multiple things you really like, just mention one). Finally, Id
recommend asking a question. Often this can be about a common interest but any question is
better than none. If you cant think of any questions, why not ask them out on a date?
One optional approach to emailing is something I call exaggerated excitement. That is, if I had
something slightly in common with the profile I was reading, I would express more excitement
about the similarity than truly existed. I wouldnt flat-out lie but I would make a bigger deal of
things than was true. For example, I enjoy an occasional day walking around a big city. If
someone mentioned this in her profile I wouldnt say I like going to big cities, too. I would say
I love strolling through the city tooalthough some days I think I must be the only one!.
Saying that I love walking through the city is a stretch but I would want to add some strength to
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my statement. I feel that most emotion is lost in online communication (and anyone who has
used a smiley face in emails agrees with me). To avoid this, I would try to show my true level of
interest by exaggerating it. Also, I felt that making someone feel liked early on would help
them feel more comfortable and more likely to respond.

Sample Emails
Lets look at a few real profiles, albeit very short ones, and Ill write a first email that I would
send if I were interested in meeting the girl. The first profile is what I would consider a normal
email where contact is made but not much else. The next two are special cases where asking
the girl out occurs in the first email. In my online dating life, it was uncommon for me to ask a
girl out in the first email but I felt that in both the second and third example, it was the best
option based off of the profile.
Ill be changing the profiles to avoid intruding on someones life but will keep the general ideas
the same.
Profile 1:
I am a XX year old looking for a nice guy to get to know and have a wonderful time together. I
am a very outgoing person and enjoy all types of activities. My friends say Im very outgoing but
I think Im shy when first meeting people. I work full-time as a real estate agent. I am very
sociable and enjoy being around people. If you would like to get to know me, just send me a
This young lady devoted half of her profile to talking, in some fashion, about being sociable.
This seems like one of the better points of focus when writing the email:
Hi Id like to get to know you so heres your message! I love being sociable too and liked what I
was seeing in your profile. Have you ever gone swing dancing?
My approach here is to be positive but brief. I make it clear I read her profile and that Im
interested in who she is. I dont ask her out but the swing dancing reference is there to say If
you write back, I just might. I chose swing dancing because Ive done it a few times and by
mentioning it Im backing up the statement that I enjoy social activity. The goal here is to get
her interest, have her look at my profile and if she likes what she sees, move forward.
Profile 2:
I am crazy, unique and creative. Everyday boring life turns into an adventure along with me!
Born and raised in [a city] looking for someone to curl up watch a movie with or football or just
hang out. A little facial hair is a plus and someone with an awesome personality is key! Im cute
but of course not looking for a stalker so I choose to remain a mystery until you contact me!
Hope to hear from you soon.
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Now this is someone I would not likely contact but Im trying to be fair by grabbing profiles at
random, not just those I can write an email to easiest. She openly admits concern over stalkers
(enough concern that shes included no photo of herself) so not coming off as weird is very
important. However, something about her profile makes me feel like she may not respond to
many emails, perhaps due to her confidence in what she wants, so Im more willing to take a
risk. The important parts again are to not come off as a stalker and to be brief. In this case Im
going to play off her professed likes by attempting to be unique and creative when I write my
gab dnuop evif a ni nuf fo sdnuop net ekil dnuos uoY
!em ot ecap fo egnahc taerg a ekil sdnuos euqinu dna evitaerc
?keew siht retal erutnevda na otni eeffoc fo puc a gninrut tuoba leef uoy dluow who
Id title the email something like Mirror, Mirror. Would this work? Chances are no, but if it
does shes really going to enjoy it. Even in the case where she decides it is horribly corny, she
might appreciate the unique quality it had. I still keep the email short and include information
that proves Ive actually read her profile. I also ask her out in the first email because:

someone adventurous doesnt want to email for long they want to meet people
Im asking before Ive seen a picture which may improve my odds of not being stalker

Profile 3:
Hi! I am XX years old I love living life to its fullest. I travel every chance I can and love being
around those I share things in common with.
This is an example of how sometimes profiles are too short and give you no clues to who the
person is. With this type of profile, I always felt like simply asking them out on safe date in the
first email is fine. Theres not too much to work with here aside from asking travel questions
(and by looking at her profile this probably happens in every email she receives). In this case, Id
just flat out ask her out. I know this looks like nothing but Ive had success with these types of
emails (my wife being the best example):
Hello! I liked your profile would you be interested in having lunch at [someplace safe like a
local diner/bookstore/coffee shop]?
For all these examples, Ive intentionally chosen profiles that were very short to keep the
examples to a reasonable size. Most profiles should have much more information for you to
work with but the same ideas apply. Keep your emails short and positive. Also, regardless what
any book or person tells you, better to listen to your gut and break any rules (such as keeping
the email short) when you think it would work to your favor. For example, in the Profile 3,
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creating an invitation to have a drink that looked like a travel itinerary might work well if she
had mentioned enjoying creativity or if her profile was very creative. Everything else aside, just
coming off as normal goes a long way.
Finally, if you would like to see what your emails should not look like, there are plenty of them
discussed here.

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An Absence of Responses
Again, I envision more men doing the contacting than women so this is more for them. However,
this advice does apply to women: both those who are contacting men and those who feel like
they are not getting enough contacts.
There is a good chance you will want to be hard on yourself when after five or ten attempts at
contacting people youve had no responses. Before you label yourself as the Worst Profile
Creator Ever or anything else equally untrue, review all the reasons why you may not get
responses. Do not assume there is something wrong with you or your profile. Below is a list of
reasons I know occur simply from talking to the girls I dated or from talking to friends.

Not Paying for the Service

Sometimes people create profiles just to look around. These people may be at the bar every
night or having dates all the time. At some point online dating may have sounded interesting
and they created a profile but never really did anything more than upload their picture and look
around. Now they check their account occasionally to make themselves feel good based on all
the emails they are getting but they never respond to anyone. Other times, people create
profiles and dont want them anymore but simply dont know how to get rid of them! So keep
in mind that even on a dating site there are people who arent looking to date.

No Longer Using the Service

I stopped using any dating services in the summer of 2005. In the winter of 2006, I received an
email from one of the services I had used stating that such-and-such a person was interested in
my profile. Now I know I removed my profile when I closed my account but somehow someone
was still seeing it. Obviously, Im not going to sign back up to tell this woman Im married now
but what is she to assume? Shell probably assume I didnt like her profile which will be
incorrect since Ive never even seen it! Remember: dating sites are like other businesses in that
their goal is to make money. Part of this may be showing inactive profiles to encourage other
people to sign up which, while not right, may be well within their rights (that is, you create
the profile but they technically own it). Knowing what I know now, I wish I would have removed
my pictures and any text so that even if the service did try this at least there would be nothing
to see.

They are Very Busy

Thats all there is too it. Occasionally you may even get a response from someone you emailed
months ago apologizing that they hadnt been online for a while or had been very busy (this
happened to me twice). Dont assume that no response is a rejection because there is a chance
theyve not even read it yet.

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Email Box Comparison

If you know any girls who use online dating, ask them how many emails they receive regularly.
Its going to be much, much more than guys receive. One topic I found easy to talk about on my
first dates was how our experiences were going with online dating. I was initially surprised at
the number of emails many girls were receiving. Much of it was worthless spam (the same guy
sending the same email to every girl within 30 miles of him) but it still provided a lot of
communication for the lady to go through. Just remember that your email is not the only one
shes received recentlyshe may have received a dozen in the last week. Depending on how
she dates, she may love your profile but feel uncomfortable contacting you because shes
already talking to someone else.

Sometimes people sign up just to view other profiles. When I was dating, some of my friends
signed up just to view my profile (because I asked them to). Additionally, I know a few couples
who signed up for eHarmony just to take the test and see if it would match the two of them up.
In all of these cases, someone signs up with no intention of ever using the profile. Many sites do
show the last login for members which is helpful but many will not get more specific than Has
not logged in for 1 month.

General Reluctance
Never forget that while online dating is always gaining more acceptance it is still relatively new.
I have to believe that some people, especially shy people or traditionalist, have the best
intentions but once communication begins become fearful and cannot follow through.

Other Issues
A friend who uses online dating will absolutely not talk to engineers because her ex-husband is
an engineer. In most cases, being an engineer is a good thing (well paying job, stability, etc). I
know she has been matched several times with engineers on eHarmony but does not respond
to these men. I also know that if these guys had to create a list of why she did not respond to
them My well paying job would not be at the top of that list! So not receiving a response may
occur because of a quality about yourself that is, in and of itself, quite good but that the other
person does not like. There are many nonsensical issues that people make their decisions based
on that have nothing to do directly with you or your profile so make no assumptions!

They Did Not Like Your Profile

It happens and its nothing to get upset about. If you are honest in your profile and they see
some things they dont like, theyre saving both of you time by not responding.

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Now I have taken all these reasons and assigned my best guess for values for each to create A
Pie Chart of Feeling Better About Ones Self above. While this chart doesnt have research to
back it up, neither does assuming that every time you dont get a response its because you are
doing something wrong. Based on this chart, only 1 in 5 emails receive no response because
they didnt like your profile. I know there is no science behind these numbers but I also know
these numbers are more likely to be correct than the assumption that every lack of response is
your own fault. I also know I didnt think of every reason a response is not written!

Keep All the Factors in Mind

Even when youre not receiving the responses you would like, try to stay upbeat and never start
berating yourself. There are more than enough hurdles to get over in dating without beating
yourself up. If you still cant shake the feeling that you are doing something wrong, have a close
friend review your profile and a few of the emails you sent. Chances are they will think you are
doing a good job so chalk it up to bad luck and keep trying.
Finally, the type of ideas discussed here are important to keep in mind if he doesnt contact you
after the first date, ladies (or if she wont return your calls guys). Try to stay positive and dont
assume you know why things happen the way they do!

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The First Date

Actually meeting the person you are talking to is one of the most important steps to online
dating. That sounds amusing but many online daters dwell on internet communication overly
long. I made this mistake early on and now understand why a few girls, after several emails,
would ask direct questions like Is there anything else you would like me to answer?. They
didnt want to answer more questions! They wanted me to get the show on the road and they
were right to feel that way. There are times where you will feel like you are communicating
with a great catch only to realize what a mistake that was 60 seconds into the first date. I
think it important to meet early on so less time is spent talking to the wrong person and more
time is spent trying to find the right one.

When to Ask
Sooner rather than later. The first date should be planned not long after communication has
begun. It is personal preference on how long to wait but there are very few reasons to delay.
After all, contacting someone is just a pre-cursor to the first date. Its not as if you hoping to
chat with someone and end it there. You want to talk with them and if things go well meet
One common reason to delay a first date is due to an attempt to learn more about the other
person. I dont think this is a very good reason: I found the first few minutes of the first date are
worth more than dozens of emails.
Another reason to delay would be if the person you are communicating with has expressed
extreme reservations about meeting people from the internet. I once talked to a woman for
two months before we met. She was very nice and we got along well so I was willing to
communicate but let her know Id be talking to others while she gained comfort with who I was.
This reason is acceptable especially considering that women have to operate with more caution
than their male counterparts.
In general, I think an invitation to meet should come by the third email you send. By this point
you have talked back and forth twice and can measure how well you are getting along. You will
be able to judge the situation better as you communicate: sometimes youll get a date on your
first email, other times you may realize a few weeks of communication would be best.
I found that people will not be offended if you suggest a first date before they are ready. In my
experience, the other person would offer an excuse but continue communicating with me. In
this case, I suggest waiting a few days (continuing the email conversations) and then ask again.
Unless reservations were clearly expressed about meeting someone from the internet, I would
not ask more than three times. There are some people out there who are looking to make
online friends or live fantasies out in their head without any intention of actually meeting.
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Other times, people are just reluctant to meet you because they are still trying to decide if they
like you. After a while, either of these cases is a waste of your time. A grown woman (or man if
the lady is asking) can decide in a few weeks if they would like to meet someone looking for a
pen pal should do so somewhere else. Your time is valuable and should be used to
communicate with people truly interested in meeting you.
Ladies, if youre talking to a guy and things are going great but he just wont ask you out, give
him some encouragement or just go ahead and ask him. As Ive said before, there are some
really great guys out there who just struggle to make that move. If you get frustrated, dont
start to ignore him! You might be throwing something really great away. Just throw him a
simple Hey Ill be over by such-and-such tomorrow we should grab a coffee! and things
should get back on track.

What about the Phone?

I never went for phone conversations as a stepping stone from internet communication to
meeting. I tried phone conversations early on but had a few bad experiences with excessive
calling and one case where a girl took it as a personal offense every time I had to get off the
phone. This type of problem is normally just a minor annoyance but I believe it does happen
occasionally. Honestly, I have never felt comfortable talking on the phone for long periods of
time (even to close friends) so I prefer to jump straight from the internet communication to
If you enjoy talking on the phone or prefer to do so before meeting someone, treat this step
like you would the first date by asking for the phone number by the third email. If you really hit
it off on the phone (for example, did you talk for two hours without even realizing it?) ask for a
first date as soon as possible. It is far too easy to fall into a routine of talking on the phone
which, oddly enough, can make asking for that first date more difficult.
Regardless of the success of the first phone call, I still think the first date should come rapidly so
dont wait too long to move from phone conversations to a real meeting.
Update September 2009: Some new services have been released that remove much of the risks
I discuss here in regards to using the phone when online dating. I would actually recommend
using the phone if you could take advantage of one of these services or another like it

First Date Length

Plan to keep the first date short. Hint or specifically state that you can only be out until a
certain time. Most people will accept this or make a joke in an attempt to fish for more
information (Do you have another hot date after ours? was the most common for me to
hear). You can come up with a reason if you need to but most people will not press very hard to
find out why.

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Limiting the time of the first date is a safety precaution: if you end up on a nightmare of a date
youve already established an out. If on the other hand the date is going excellent, suggest to
your date that you extend it. Your date might remind you of your time constraint (But I
thought you needed to be home at 8). If so, tell the truth. People who are dating online
actively will appreciate your planning for a bad date and like the fact that you are saying to
them this is a good date. If you would rather not let them in on your planning for the worstdate-scenario, just say that youd prefer to cancel your previous plans and spend your evening
with them. Either way you approach it, they wont mind if they are having a good time. If they
insist you not break your plans you may want to evaluate how well the date is going!
On my first date with my wife, I schedule a one hour date at a diner. After the hour was over, I
explained that I only extend the good dates and since ours was a great date would she be up for
miniature golf (she was). In contrast, many of my dates ended in the first hour we had originally
planned for.
This approach is a cousin to the having-your-friend-call-you-and-faking-an-emergency act that
some people think is so slick. I think planning ahead and bowing out gracefully is a much
classier approach.

First Date Locations

The first date should be about each of you learning about the other so there should be as little
distraction as possible. Coffee shops, bookstores, restaurants, parks, and bars will all provide a
good place to meet where the object of attention is each other. A baseball game or a museum
isnt too bad but I think each makes for a better second or third date.
As always, listen to your gut. If you both establish you love ballroom dancing before meeting,
you obviously have a very good non-traditional alternative. There are no rules written in stone
but for your first date keep it simple and please make sure you go somewhere where you can
hear each other! If you can only function properly on a date after youve had a drink then the
bar is fine but try to select one where youll still be able to hear each other speak.
Movies are the worst first date idea in my opinion. I have some friends who like movies on the
first date because it gives them time where they dont have to talk. Well, I really do
understand what they mean but theyre going to have to talk to the person someday! If its not
easy from the start I find it difficult to believe that watching a movie is going to make the
conversations flow much better. Oh, sure, you can talk about the movie afterwards but that can
only last so long.
I settled on coffee shops and bookstores for most of my first dates. I found many of the other
options were hard on my bank account, especially once I started going on multiple dates a
week. I also found that women were very open to meeting for coffee (even when they didnt
drink coffee) because of how safe this type of date was.
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Ladies, it is always within your right to suggest another location to meet if the man you are
speaking to suggests something you dont feel comfortable with. While online dating isnt any
more dangerous than any other form, you should still keep your safety a priority.

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The Date Mindset

A friend of mine signed up for a dating service, worked through the profiles finding a few he
liked, contacted several girls and ended up going on a date a few weeks later. Things were
looking good with this woman during the email communication and even on their first date. For
their second date, they met at a local art gallery and things went downhill fast. My friend could
not get his date to say more than a few words in response to anything he said. He described
how uncomfortable it was to walk through the entire gallery feeling as if he were talking to a
wall. Then he said something I found interesting:
oh well, so much for that. im not sure if i was really boring or she was really boring or the
museum was really boring, but we basically ended up saying about 50 words each the entire
My friends response reflects how many of us view our dating failures: we are often inclined to
attribute any and all dating failures to ourselves. In this case, a man had made an effort to meet
a woman, selected an excellent and interesting (and safe) place to meet, discussed the art they
were looking at together and when she failed to enter any conversations, blamed (or at least
questioned) himself. My response to this is: why in the world would anyone want to date a
woman who was incapable of even the smallest talk, especially when surrounded by walls full
of conversation material. Whether she was just shy or disliked the gallery, to have a
conversation is no heroic task. Even if she disliked the date, any intelligent person would realize
that the date isnt going to go any better by not speaking. Those with some intelligence would
know that this would only drag the date out.
The big problem here wasnt the fact that my friend ended up on a bad date. That is common
enough for anyone. The big problem was that he saw himself as a possible reason for failure.
Many people look at dating from the exact opposite view that they should be. Bluntly stated,
you cannot approach dating as if you are the salesman (selling yourself) and as such think that if
the sale doesnt go through, you were the problem. Everyone should be approaching dating
as if they are the customer because when you go on a date you should be looking for something
you desire. The very phrase looking for someone is stating that there are qualities which you
are trying to find in a particular person. If people were not interested in specific qualities when
looking for a mate, they would either:
a) find anyone because it really could be anyone
b) hope to be found by someone looking for what they have to offer
Clearly, option A isnt believable. Ive never heard anyone say, Im looking for that special
anyone. Everyone has a list, at least mentally, of everything they are looking for in a significant
other: height, weight, religion, interests, intelligence, attitude, and so on. Over time, we may
change some specifics we are looking for but we are still looking for particulars. With option A
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aside, it appears that many people are taking the approach described in option B. This is a great
way to end up in a bad relationship. Temporary happiness will occur if you accept anyone who
will accept you but when the initial newness wears off, most will realize they dont even like
the person they are with. In this way, option B is as bad as option A.
This means that the only reasonable way to approach dating is by determining if your date is
what YOU are looking for. Your date should be doing the same with you but neither party
should be trying to force themselves into the mold of what the other person wants.
If any of the above sounds like you, you need to stop concentrating on yourself when dating.
Stop thinking about dating as if you were the salesman and start looking for what you desire.
Youre there to meet someone new so concentrate on him or her. Someone who measures a
successful date based on how much they believe the other person liked them is doing
themselves a disservice. How much your date liked you is only half of the equation. No one
signs up for a dating service thinking, Im going to find someone who offers nothing of what
Im looking for but, boy, are they going to like me!. It sounds silly when stated that way but
many of us approach dating like this without even realizing it.
Does any of this mean you shouldnt care about yourself at all and go on a date looking like a
slob? Of course not. It means that you should look nice but because you respect yourself, not
because you want to impress someone you may never speak to again.
Finally, once you are to the point where you are choosing to pass on certain dates (where you
are truly looking for what you want) try to accept that it is a two-way street. If you meet
someone you really like who in turn does not like you, accept it as part of the process. Dont
look at it as failure. Plain and simple, you just werent a match.
My friend should not have even come close to blaming himself. He should have said She was a
total bore. Im looking for someone who can carry intelligent and fun conversations anywhere.
If she couldnt do that in the art gallery, chances are she wouldnt have anything interesting to
say anywhere we go. This was a very important mindset for me to adopt which led to truly
successful dating.

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The Importance of Comfort

I differ from what most contemporary literature says in regards to successful dating. Much
advice I read refers to playing The Game. That is, ladies play hard to get and guys appear
uninterested. Rules like dont call for three days after meeting apply here and I know this
style of dating works (and for anyone in the know, I do love the movie Swingers). However, I
dont think its the best thing to do to improve your odds and it is a rather dishonest way to
start a relationship. If you want a long-lasting, successful relationship, is feigning disinterest
(i.e., telling a lie) really the best way to begin? I didnt believe so.
Much of this was covered in The Numbers Game but it is worth covering again. The best thing I
believe you can do to improve your odds when dating is to ensure you are as comfortable as
possible. The more comfortable you are, the more comfortable your date will be, too.
Remember: this has nothing to do with how confident a personality you might have. This is not
about changing who you are. It is about removing variables that make you uncomfortable and
about improving your skill in a particular area. So try not to give much regard to literature that
says being who you are even if that means being shy cannot succeed. There are several
ways to make sure your comfort level is high.

Date as Many People as Possible

I know a woman who will not drive on a major road near any major city. She drives on back
roads and familiar highways all the time and, for all other purposes, has a normal degree of
confidence. If she were forced to drive on a major interstate it would be a terrifying event for
her. I suspect she would drive poorly because she would be so affected by her fears. I even
suspect that no matter how often she drove on that interstate she would always have some
degree of nervousness. Yet the more she drove on the interstate, the more comfortable she
would become at doing so.
Similarly, for some people dating is uncomfortable because of how infrequently they do it. This
is how dating was for me. I was frightened I was going to mess up and it affected how I was
presenting myself. A frightened driver will often drive poorly, even though they are driving
extremely cautious. The same goes for dating. The less comfortable you are the less likely you
are going to represent yourself in the best light. The more you date, the more comfortable you
can be at doing so, the more you are likely to behave as you normally would. There are many
other good points for dating as much as possible which I covered before but if for no other
reason, it should be done to increase your comfort.

Second Dates
Unless you are already extremely comfortable dating, you should almost always try to schedule
second dateseven if you feel like it wont lead to anything beyond that. Again, this is about
getting the experience to become more comfortable.
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There are a few exceptions to this. First, if it was a horrible date, dont try going through it all
over again. Second, if you feel like your date really liked you but you felt nothing in return,
dont lead them on.
Ignoring those cases, second dates are great experience because you should be moving beyond
the introductory small talk. Youve now met your date and, seeing that he or she wasnt
scary, are more willing to have a fun date such as bowling or miniature golf or possibly a
Additionally, when I knew I had no intention of a third date, my confidence was through the
roof on the second. I was there to gain comfort and to have a nice evening with a new friend.
The great thing about this high level of comfort is that it seemed to carry over onto other first
Also, the more I dated the more refined my mental checklist for what I was looking for became.
My top list of traits desired in a woman was drastically different at the end of my dating life
than it was at the beginning thanks in large part to the number of women I truly tried to learn
One last plus to the second date: youre not the only one who is nervous. Your date may have
been so nervous on your first date that they represented themselves horribly. The second date
gives them some confidence that you accept who they are and allows them a chance to show
what they are really like. You might even find out that you like who they are on the second date
much more than the first! Oh, and looks shouldnt matter (at least not for one more date!). You
may not like them solely because there is a lack of physical attraction but youre not going to
start a serious relationship just have another night out. For me, lack of attraction was no
excuse to avoid a second date.

Be sure to select somewhere you are comfortable. Because I tend to be a quiet talker, Ive
never been comfortable at a bar. However, I tried meeting several girls at bars in my early
dating days. I thought everyone meets at bars so I have to as well or Ill come off as strange.
Well, on those dates I came off as strange anyway so I found it better to just select a location
where I could have a chance. Better to be comfortable at a diner than uncomfortable at the
nicest restaurant in town. If the only thing your date enjoys is the location, chances are youre
not going to make it far.

Initial Meeting
When you initially meet, greet in a fashion that you are comfortable with. Dont go for a hug if
you know youll go rigid as soon as you touch. Handshakes can beodd, but better a
comfortable handshake than uncomfortable and possibly insincere hug. Any discomfort caused
early on (and you dont get earlier than those first few seconds) is hard to shake off. I am not
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comfortable with contact with those Ive just met so normally if they approached me they
might get half a hug (one arm around her shoulders briefly) but more often I would just jump
right into conversation and make my first act holding a door for her.

A Plea to Those Uncomfortable with Dating

Recently, a friend expressed extreme loneliness to me and my wife. We began to talk with him
about what he was looking for and discovered that he was a dating snob. He knew exactly what
he wanted and anyone who didnt fit perfectly to his list, well, he wanted nothing to do with
them. Please do not approach dating this way.
You must date many people or be very lucky to have success online.
You must gain comfort with what you are doing. This may mean contacting people who you
suspect will not last past two dates. This may mean occasionally ignoring the suspicion that
there will be a lack of physical attraction. It may mean ignoring the fact that they smoke but
you dont. It means staying open minded and dating as frequently as your schedule allows. You
must gain comfort dating or you will never express the real you and even in success may fall
short of your potential. If you approach online dating with an attitude of, Im only going to
date those who are exactly what I want, but then when meeting this perfect person only to
display enormous discomfort, youre in a very bad position. A child does not compose a musical
piece after his first piano lesson. Do not fool yourself into thinking dating is so easy that youll
just get lucky and get it right. You should get out there and practice!

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First Date Conversations

For all my shyness, I never found it very difficult to have conversations on a first date. It isnt
that I gained confidence, I just planned ahead. First, as mentioned previously, I intentionally
kept first dates short and only extended the good ones. Second, I would memorize topics that
I could talk about. These two approaches worked very well together ensuring that (at least on
first dates) there were never any awkward pauses.
The topics you choose should not solely be there to fill in empty space. You know qualities you
are hoping to find in someone else and many of your topics should be used to discover if your
date has these qualities. At the same time, you cant put your date on trial so you need to mix
your conversations up between discovery, simple light-hearted small-talk, and sharing about
yourself. Above all, you should be listening! Hopefully that goes without saying. Ill break down
the first date conversations into three categories and discuss each. However, any good date
wont require as much thinking. This preparation is more about getting a date into that good
date zone. So just be familiar with what you want to know and what you want to share. If
there is a connection, things will fall together on their own.

This refers to parts of your conversation where you are discovering if who you have just met
has what you are looking for. This is important to mention because you are looking for
particular qualities whether youve admitted it or not. Early on, there may not be much you
care to discover; this was the case for me. However, the more I dated, the more qualities I
identified as desirable.
Be patient when trying to learn about the person you are dating. Dont turn a fun evening into
an interview. If your date balks at answering some questions, just leave them unanswered and
move on to lighter conversation. The only reason to learn everything about your date right
away is if you are assuming there is only going to be one date.

It is important to be able to have light-hearted conversations to prevent your date from
becoming too impersonal. Its up to you what you want to talk about but I would recommend
being open to discussing your online dating experiences. I found this made for excellent smalltalk and I also found that once I started, my dates had stories that they were excited to share.
There were frequently My dates have been worse than yours competitions that were both
friendly and fun. A good example of what I would use would be how on my first online date, my
date told me that she had once been a call-girl.
Just be careful not to turn fun conversation into a complaint-fest. Start doing that and your
date may be talking about YOU the next time shes discussing her worst online dates. You may
not have any interesting stories but that doesnt make discussing online dating a bad idea. I
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went so far as to share the horror stories that women shared with me on later dates. For
example, even if I didnt have a good story to share I could still counter one of their horror date
stories with one that a previous date had shared with me. Thats nothing, I would say, one
girl I met recently had been called by a guy she had just met three times before she even got
home!. No one ever took offense that I was sharing others stories: the truth is, everyone,
myself included, just loves to hear that theyre not the only ones struggling.
Also, I would ask general questions like how long she had been online dating, if she had any
success, if she gets a lot of contacts, and other non-intrusive conversations. Aside from making
excellent small-talk, these conversations also humanize you. Youre no longer some (potentially
weird) person they have just met. Youre another person trying, just like they are, and finding
things can be more difficult than anticipated.
Aside from the fun of discussing online dating, using their profile to fuel other small-talk is a
great idea. Favorite television shows, hobbies, professions and most other specifics provided in
the profile are excellent topics because, chances are, she will want to talk about these things. I
would also recommend keeping up on current events (even though I found most of my dates
werent doing the same) and finding some other light-hearted conversation material. One
example for me was a study about dating. I live in Pittsburgh and at the time my city had been
voted the worst city for singles. This conversation always resulted in good discussion on my
A final good small-talk topic I found was telling self-deprecating, but funny, stories. These types
of conversations managed to turn a few uncomfortable dates into comfortable, or at least
bearable, ones. For example, on some dates I would bring up favorite vacations and talk about
a road trip I had taken with friends. I had it in my head that I could drive to Myrtle Beach from
Pittsburgh in one shot even after a work day. While I did make it, I was so tired I parked in a
parking lot to sleep. It was raining but was also hot so for the next few hours everyone in the
car was fighting over being hot or being wet. While this isnt a laugh-out-loud story, this type of
conversation helped smooth out more than a few bumpy first-date conversations. I believe that
willingness to share potentially embarrassing can bring a conversation from formal to casual.
These stories also show that you dont take yourself too seriously (and hopefully you dont).

It is important to share with your date the things that you feel make you who you are. Anything
that you would be unwilling to change about yourself but that you worry a mate may wish to
change is a good candidate for sharing. Some topics, such as a love of travel, are very easy to
bring up. Others, like a desire to move in a few years, are more difficult to just come out and
discuss. One way I found to lead the conversation to these topics is to simply ask the question
you want to answer. Once your date has answered the question just stop controlling the
conversation that is, stop talking. Most of the time, theyll ask you what you just asked them.
Most people will see through this (I was called out on it several times) but I never met anyone
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offended by the tactic. If anything, my dates seemed amused. On a good day, your date will be
putting in effort to find out who you are, so this tactic will hopefully be rarely needed. On the
other hand, if halfway through your date you realize youve only talked about them, this may be
a red flag that your date isnt very interested in you! The one thing your date may like about
you is that you give them a chance to talk about themselves!
A good conversation should be healthy amounts of both sharing and questioning. Dont feel like
you need to explain in full detail who you are on your first date, though. It is okay to leave a
little mystery about who you are! In my experience those dates who seemed desperate to
share as much as possible on the first date shared far too much.

Developing a Script
Chances are youll never be on a date where you can plan out the conversation in any large
part. Still, its a good idea to create a mental list of topics to cover. The dreaded uncomfortable
silence that can happen on any date doesnt normally kill the date. However, if these silences
come too early or too often they can make both daters very uncomfortable. Below is an
example script pretty close to what I had mentally prepared when I was dating. These were
items I would keep in mind to keep the conversation moving if it wasnt taking on a life of its

Initial meeting and introductions

Discuss success/failures of online dating (small-talk)
Is she a family-type person? (Discovery. Sharing if she returns the question)
Work life (Discovery/Sharing)
Entertainment small-talk (usually good topics are easily identified in the profile)
Current events (Discovery disguised as small-talk. I looked for someone intelligent and
who cared about current events)
7. Vacations (Sharing I went on several road trips that made for great topics)
8. Goals (Discovery careful with this topic. Dont turn the date into an interview)
9. Profile based small-talk (Hopefully light-hearted; discuss something she enjoys)
10. End or extend date depending on how well it is going

Throwing Out the Script

For all my discussion of topic type and importance of knowing what youll talk about, most
conversation simply doesnt follow a clear cut model. On most of my dates I followed my script
for the first two steps and then the conversation simply took off. Discussing online dating jump
started many conversations to the point that there was no looking back. From there we would
jump back and forth between topics talking about things I hadnt even thought of. As you
experience this, the point of the script becomes clear: its not for most dates. The script exists
only for the dates where the conversation lags. Hopefully, youll never need it. Never try to stick
by a script simply because you created one. Mentally tossing the script aside is one sign of a
good date.
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Taboo Topics
Youll find lists everywhere about what to not talk about on a first date. Sex, politics and
religion are often at the top, although recently I saw an article that said talking about your pets
would doom any date (dont ask me I see no problem with this). Ive found that lists like this
are good general guidelines but that every situation is different.
For example, when I met my wife for the first time, a big part of why I contacted her was
because of our religious similarities. This seems like safe ground to cover to me at the time (it
was). We also discussed politics on our first date but when I sensed she didnt like that we
disagreed on some ideas I abandoned the conversation quickly.
My advice would be to trust yourself more than some list of dos or donts. If your date listed
being a member of the Rainbow and Butterfly Tree-hugging Club in their profile but youre the
president of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy Fan Club, hopefully youll have the sense to count
political discussion as being out (as long as you can accept views different from yours in your
partner). On the other hand, dont talk about something youre not comfortable with just
because some other list says you should. Personally, I never brought up sex because I would
have been uncomfortable doing so. Healthy conversation is fueled by the comfort of both you
and your date. Dont go and slow the conversation down because you think you need to cover
certain topics. Use your head and remember that one topic will be great for some dates and
horrible for others. Lists of suggested dos and donts arent bad but it is bad to adopt a
universal rule for every date.

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First Date Questions And Conversation Starters

Its good to have some ideas on first date conversations. That said, dont get so obsessed with
asking a list of specific questions that you end up putting youre dating on an interview. Allow
the conversation to have a life of its own. Also, dont assume youre the only one who should
ask questionsallow your date to ask questions as well!
Remember: these questions are just examples. If you are serious about finding a relationship
you need to decide whats important to you and base your questions, at least in part, on these

First Date Conversation Topics: Learning About Your Date

1. Do you believe in living happily ever after?
2. Do you believe in love at first site?
3. How close are you to your family?
4. How old were when you had your first girlfriend/boyfriend?
5. How do you feel about your job?
6. Do you enjoy spending time alone?
7. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
8. If you had a big problem, who would you go to for advice?
9. Would you consider yourself more logical or artistic?
10. If you were given a million dollars but couldnt spend any on yourself, how would you
use it?
11. What are some things in life that annoy you?
12. Have you ever read a book that changed your life?
13. Do you like children? Would you like to have them?
14. What do you think is the biggest problem in the world today?
15. Do you think life is more about fate or chance?
16. What is your biggest regret from when you were growing up?
17. What is your strongest quality that you bring to relationships?
18. What in life makes you the angriest?
19. If you could ask God one question, what would it be?
20. What makes you feel the most loved?
21. Have you ever stolen anything?
22. Do you rely more on facts or feelings when making decisions?
23. What goals would you like to accomplish in the next five years?
24. Do your parents still have a strong relationship?
25. What are you most passionate about in life?

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First Date Conversation Topics: Just For Fun

1. Have you enjoyed your online dating experiences?
2. If you could travel anywhere on vacation where would you go?
3. If you had a time machine but could only travel to the future or the past, which would
you pick? Would you still go if you could never come back?
4. Whats the worst date youve ever been on?
5. What would you do if you won the lottery?
6. Do you believe in aliens? Ghosts?
7. Do you enjoy exercising?
8. Do you think cheesy pick-up lines ever work?
9. What was your best birthday growing up?
10. If you could have one super power what would it be?
11. What are you most scared of?
12. If you could live in another country, which one would it be?
13. Do you stay in touch with your friends from Grade School or High School?
14. What is your earliest memory?
15. Do you have any pets?
16. Have you ever changed the oil in your car?
17. Do you sing in the shower?
18. If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be?
19. If you had to pick a nickname for yourself, what would it be?
20. Would you ever appear on a reality T.V. show if you were given the chance?
21. What do you think technology will be like 5 years from now?
22. Do you have any personal conspiracy theories?
23. Where were you born? Where did you grow up?
24. Did you have any hobbies growing up? Any hobbies today?
25. Do you think its silly to look up questions to ask on your date on the internet?
Still not sure what you should be talking about? Heres another great list of topics you can
review for some ideas.

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My Date Doesnt Ask Me Any Questions

A reader recently discussed his frustration with this: on dates he is able to get conversations
going easily but finds most of the women he meets, while willing to answer his questions, ask
no questions of their own. They often appear very interested in the conversation but are willing
to allow it remain about them. He questioned whether these women, who often seem swept
off their feet, are actually interested at all. His dates would also say things like Gee, you seem
really quiet which frustrated him even further since they were barely taking a breath when
speaking. Heres the advice I provided him which hopefully others will find useful:
Interrupting Is Allowed
Its okay to interrupt your date while theyre talking with thoughts of your own. Interrupting
each other on a first date can actually be a great sign as youre both anxious to talk to each
other. Obviously, it should be done only when you really do want to interject something. But
thats the point: if you wait for some people to allow you to talk youll be silent the entire night!
For example, if I was on a date and she started to describe a TV show I also like I might interrupt
her with: I love that show! Did you see the one where Michael ran over Meredith?!. I know
my date wouldnt mind at all.
Sometimes Youll Need to Answer Your Own Questions
Try this: ask a question, allow them to answer, and then allow them the opportunity to ask you
a question back by remaining silent. If they dont ask a question, its okay to start talking about
yourself anyway. It should be about whatever you had asked previously to make the flow of the
conversation go well. Just pretend that they asked you what you had asked them. Hopefully as
you describe yourself theyll ask you follow-up questions. If you cant get them to ask you
questions even with this effortyou might just be on a bad date.
Keeping the Conversation Going Isnt the Only Goal
Dont fall into the trap of asking questions just to make sure the conversation flows well. Ask
questions you really care about and that you would like to learn about your date. If a date starts
to feel like an interview it may mean that youre approaching the conversation like a problem
that needs solved instead of something that should grow naturally between the two of you as
the date progresses. As a side-note, a date feeling like an interview isnt a bad thing as long as
both people are asking questions.
A Second Chance is Often in Order
People get nervous. Its often a good idea to give them a second chance with a second date.
Some people lock up when theyre nervous but others cant shut up. You might find that these
poor conversationalists become better at sharing the discussion as they become more
comfortable spending time with you.

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Excitement Over a Good Date

If you show actual interest (i.e., are a good listener) and your date is attracted to you, many
times they will get excited and that will cause them to talk even more. I would say the more
attracted the woman was to me when I was dating online, the more likely she was to end up
ruling the conversation. Its not that she was trying to, its as if she temporarily lost control. If
Im honest, I had similar responses when I felt that I was on a great date, too. Thats why on the
best of the best dates, we talked over top of each other all night long. If youre concerned that
theyre not interested in you just because theyre doing all of the talking, thats not always the
case. As a matter of fact, it might just mean theyre more interested in you than you are in
them! If they are saying things like Gee, you seem really quiet, that might be another way of
saying Am I doing something wrong?. The fact that they want you to talk is a good sign (even
though they dont recognize all their talking is the reason you havent been).

My readers thoughts were that something was going wrong but I feel that he was extremely
close to having a ton of great dates based on what he described. Remember: sometimes when
someone does all the talking its not a bad sign but a good one!

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Being Boring on A Date: How to Avoid or Correct It

A post at discusses eight ways to tell whether youre being boring. While the article
wasnt written for online dating specifically, I think the article is very applicable. Some of the
tips might even be a little surprising to some, such as why interruption is actually a sign of
healthy conversation
I think the article provides very good tips on recognizing if youre being boring. And the truth is,
many times we cant see that were not being very interesting. Were excited about our topic so
make the assumption the other person must be also, never picking up on how bored they are.

Turning Around a Boring Conversation

If you keep the tips from the Slate article in mind on your future dates and realize you are
boring your datethats great! I dont mean its great that youve bored someone but it is great
that youre picking up on it. This recognition will provide you with the opportunity to turn
things around when you may have otherwise never even realized there was a problem. Here
are some tips that I would use if I felt I were boring my date:
First, who has been doing most of the talking? If its been you the first step I would take it to
simply allow your date to chime in. Sometimes the other person may become bored not
because of the topic but because they realize theyre not being given a chance to speak. The
conversation has become a monologue or, even worse, you might be preaching. Take a breath!
See if they have anything to say.
If the problem doesnt seem to stem from talking too much, you should try to think of a topic
they are interested in and see if you can get them talking about it (the more excited they are
about it, the better). Assuming youve met through an online dating service and they filled in
their profile well, you should have some idea of what they are interested in. If you are using a
service like eHarmony where the profile may contain less information, when you reach the
stage in the service where you ask each other open-ended questions, you may want ask: What
are you most passionate about in life?. This way if you do end up meeting, youll be prepared
for the worst case scenario.
If its your first date, it could be possible to confuse boredom with nervousness. If you suspect
your date might be nervous I would recommend telling a funny story about yourself, even if it is
mildly embarrassing. The goal here it to help them loosen up, to let them know that youre not
taking yourself too seriously (which will hopefully encourage them to do the same). If youve
been dating online for a while, you probably have some funny stories to share. In my
experience, these were the best stories to share as most of the women I dated also had funny
stories to share as well. Even if they were actually bored and not nervous, this approach isnt a
bad idea.
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Finally, even before you meet you should be prepared to keep the conversation moving, as Ive
already discussed in this guide.

Knowing When to Walk Away

Sometimes your date may be bore due to no fault of your own. He or she may have decided
early on that they arent interested in you. Some people lack class in this situation and will
simply lock up. These people are not worth your time. I discuss this type of situation is great
detail in my article discussing when dates go bad, but it basically comes down to the fact that
you should just end the date as quickly and as gracefully as you can. If youve put an effort in to
be cordial, kind and interested in them but they refuse to contribute to the date, its time to
end it.

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Who Should Pay on the First Date?

I was discussing online dating with a friend recently and she explained how she has twice ended
an online dating relationship with men due to the fact that they didnt even offer to pay for her
on the first date. These dates werent anything expensive either, just coffee. These men had
also established that they had well paying jobs. Im surprised that this happened to her twice in
a few months so I think this topic is worth covering.
Guys, the rule is simple: you really should offer to pay. Just as dressing nice is important on your
first date because you want to show her respect, paying for her coffee or meal sends the same
message. Many women are looking for a man who will take care of them and I know quite a few
who are more than willing to admit it. Dont have a great date with a real connection and then
blow it by not following through.
Rules For The Guys

If youve established that you are having money issues prior to the date, its fair for each
of you to pay for yourself.
If you offer and she declines, thats fine. I dont think its necessary to force the issue.
Its fine to try to convince her but dont be stubborn. Just say, Id really like to do this
for you. If she wants to pay for herself, allow her to. Remember: its about respect.
Active dating, especially online dating, can get expensive. Unfortunately for you, this
isnt an excuse to avoid paying for her. My approach when I was having several first
dates a week was to always try to make sure we did something like coffee or meeting at
a bookstore to keep the costs down. Save the dinner dates for when you suspect theres
a real connection prior to meeting.
First dates are a sensitive event. Not only are you analyzing her every word and action,
shes doing the same to you. Dont ruin a great date by sending her an unintentional
message when it comes time to pay.

Ladies, I think each date should be measured on its own merits. Just because my friend broke
things off when the men didnt pay doesnt mean everyone should. If things are going great
aside from this single fact, I would ask that you consider to give the man another chance. He
may just have temporarily lost his mind talking to you. After my first date with my wife, I forgot
to ask for her phone number. Not because I didnt want it but because I was on cloud 9 and
simply wasnt thinking. Things arent always as they appear.
I actually tried to convince my friend that she should give one of the men a second chance since
there seemed to be some connection between them. She could not be moved, though. She said
shed been down that road before and she had no interest in dealing with it again. She wanted
someone who is truly interested in her and she wanted him to be willing to show it.

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Staying Safe
Whenever dating, whether online or not, you need to keep your safety in mind. This is
especially true for the ladies out there. However, dont think that online dating is somehow
more dangerous than other forms of dating. Any time you are dating someone you dont know
very well you should exercise extra caution. This is true of blind dates, newspaper ads, speed
dating, or just meeting someone at a bar. I believe online dating gets more attention because of
how new it is but all dating like this deserves some caution.
For some good guidelines, check out the Safe Online Dating Alliance. I definitely dont agree
with every suggestion they make but they are obviously erring on the side of caution and thats
not a bad thing. Next Ill discuss some of the common scams associated with online dating so
you could spot the scammer early on.

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The Romance Scam

I would consider this the main scam with online dating. This scam involves the scammer
posing as a potential love interest with the goal of making money off of their target. Its
amazing how many people are fooled by this one but the bad guys are good at what they do
and can be very convincing.

The Romance Scam In Practice

1. Youre contacted by someone who appears genuinely interested in you. If youre a man,
shes probably very beautiful. If youre a woman, he may seem either very successful or
extremely caring. Other times, though, there may be nothing remarkable about them.
2. Time will be spent growing the relationship but there will always be something that
hinders actually meeting. Most often this will be due to their being in another country
(this fact often plays into the scam further).
3. As the relationship grows, the scammer will introduce some type of problem they are
dealing with. For example, a relative may become ill or some issue will arise with their
arrangement for staying in the country. In the beginning this will likely be treated as
nothing more than a frustration. The whole point is to prepare you as they move into
the further stages of this scam.
4. Once the scammer feels that you are both convinced of their honesty and emotionally
attached to them, they will move into the next phase of the scam. Some type of
problem will occur that will desperately require your help. The frustrating issue has now
become an emergency: the sick family member is now dying and they are in desperate
need of money or they must leave the country at the risk death but havent the money
to leave. The initial request for money may be quite small and may seem very
reasonable. They will persist in their request for money if you hesitateand they can be
very convincing.
5. You will only reach this point if youre given money in the step above. At this point, the
scammers emergency has become even worse. For example, the money you gave to
help with the operation was successful but now if they arent able to buy medication to
help with the recovery all will be lost. Whatever the emergency was, it will have only
become worse. At this point, more money will be requested in a larger amount. This
step will be repeated until you run out of money or realize youve been taken.

Tips For Spotting The Romance Scam

Did they ask for money?
This should never happen in online dating. No matter how well you think you know someone if
money ever, ever, ever comes into the conversation you need to exercise extreme caution.
Stop and think: if you were in need of help, where would you turn first? Online dating? Not
likely. The number one rule here is easy to remember that at any point in time if someone asks
for money theres a good chance youre talking to a scammer.
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Are they in another country?

Theyll normally be up-front about this because its all part of their plan. Being contacted by
someone from outside the country is strange. All foreign contact may not be a scam related but
I suspect most of it is.
Do they make sense?
Many of these scammers are flooding the same email to many people. They want to build a
large base of people to talk with as every person represents another source of potential
income. Because they could be sending hundreds of messages, their emails may seem generic
or they may not be able to stay on topic with your discussions. They may also struggle with the
English language.
Guys: does she look like a model?
Chances are the photo you are looking at is a model. Chances are the person who sent it to you
is not her. The money scam relies on getting someone to want to believe that the person that
they are talking to is the real deal. With this in mind, the scammer will find a pretty girl
somewhere on the internet and will then use this in their profile.
Ladies: did he fall in love with you amazingly quickly?
The scammers may play to mens eyes but theyll play to a womans heart. Most men are
unwilling to throw words like love and forever around quickly. Most men prefer to meet
before making a commitment (and even then we often struggle!). Im not encouraging
pessimism if youve found a man whos crazy about you before youve even met but I am
advising you that if this perfect man suddenly needs a little money chances are hes anything
but perfect.
Did a small problem turn into a catastrophe?
If so, looking back, were you prepped for this emergency? Was the topic frequently touched
Time is of no consequence
Many of these scammers are outside of the country and doing this is their job; its what they do
for a living. Theyre more than happy to put in the time. Do not assume that because youve
built a strong relationship over a month or two that they are who they say they are.

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Additional Scams
Online Dating Scams: The 419 Scam
The Romance Scam is often mentioned in relation to the 419 scam (also referred to as the
Nigerian scam). The standard 419 scam involves the scammer offering you a large sum of
money if you help them move that money out of the country they are currently in. For example,
they may want to send you a check for $50,000 and will allow you to keep $10,000 of it if you
will cash it for them. They will then create a fake check and send it to you. You deposit the
check and then wire them their portion of the money. They will request that you send their
share back to them by a wire service such as Western Union because money wires cannot be
cancelled. Once the bank realizes that the funds were fraudulently entered all of the funds will
be removed from your bank account. You will owe the total amount you deposited to your
bank, regardless of how much you wired back to the scammer.
Generally speaking, the 419 scam isnt specifically related to online dating. So why mention it?
Many times perpetrators of the Romance Scam will move from one scam to the other. For
example, they may ask you for a small sum of money for a family operation. They offer to repay
you ten-fold if you will just lend them the small amount. You send them $1,000 and good to
their word, they send you a check for $50,000 and allow you to keep $10,000 of it. You cash the
check and wire them their $40,000. A few days later, your bank informs you that you are now
in-debt to them for a sum of all $50,000 (plus youre out the original $1000 you sent).

Spotting the 419 Scam

Are they offering you money for something in return?
Dont do it. Just as discussed in the Romance Scam, your potential date should neither be
asking for nor offering money. The scammer is playing to your desire to believe that something
too good to be true really is true. Dont fall for this! If it feels too good to be true, you instincts
are trying to warn you to be careful!

Online Dating Scams: Married Men Looking to Cheat

This one is pretty self-explanatory. A married man is interested in an affair and has decided to
use online dating to find it. Its something of a mystery why men use standard dating sites to
cheat when there are many services that cater specifically to cheating (such as Ashley
Madison). It would appear that many men like to cheat without revealing they are married.

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Spotting the Married Man

Did they Post a Picture?
Someone looking to cheat needs to make sure they dont get caught and posting a crystal clear
picture of themselves on an online dating site is a big risk for them. If a friend of their wife uses
the service, which is very real possibility with the popularity of online dating, hell be ruined.
Many of the married men will not post a picture at all or if they do it will be in a large group or
it will be difficult to make him out (the picture may be very dark or very bright).
Do They Hide Strange Details?
Are they unwilling to share their last name with you or are they reluctant to reveal certain
details about themselves? Normally with online dating, revealing details about yourself is a part
of the process. If youre talking to a man who is open about some areas of his life but clams up
about others, something strange is going on. It may not even be that youre dealing with
married man but its not a good sign regardless. Proceed with caution when dealing with
anyone who seems selectively secretive.
Do They Have Strict Rules on Communicating?
Once the communication moves beyond the dating services email system, are they extremely
particular about when and how they communicate? Are they unwilling to give you their phone
number even though they have yours? Will they only meet in areas where there are very few
people? Again, they may not be married but something odd is going on and you should proceed
Married men can be hard to spot and even a man who falls into all the categories above may
not be cheating. Regardless of being married or not, someone like this is acting strangely which
is cause for extra caution regardless of the reason.

Email Spam Scam (or The Stolen Credit Card Scam)

This scam is a personal theory based on some activity I saw when I had a credit card stolen. This
scam has nothing to do with someone stealing your credit card. Rather, it deals with someone
elses credit card being stolen and that stolen credit card then being used to open an online
dating account. When my credit card number was stolen, it was used to open an account at an
online dating site. Im not alone you can see a full list of people discuss this in the comments
of my article on fraudulent charges. The thief in my case used my information for opening the
dating account and nothing more. This screams the question: why steal a credit card only to use
it for one specific purchase? A relatively small purchase at that. Why not open the account and
then go grab some McDonalds at the very least?

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If you think about this, it can be a little disturbing. Why would someone go through all the
trouble of stealing a credit card to open dating account? Many sinister ideas come to
mindwhat does this person plan to do to his date that would require he remain anonymous?
Scary. However, I do not believe that this is the real reason behind using a credit card for online
dating accounts. What is the main reason, then? My suspicion is this: spam.
The account is opened so the scammer can contact as many people as possible in an attempt to
get their personal email account. Once theyve collected a batch of personal emails, the
massive amounts of spam begin. Why do I suspect this is the goal and not something more evil?
Most credit card fraud is recognized quickly these days. This means that in most cases the
scammer only has a few days to use the account before it is closed due to the fraud being
recognized. The account which was opened using my credit card was only open for few days
before I contacted the dating service and had it closed. Also, in my case the dating service was
willing to give me details on the account that was opened: it was opened as a middle-aged
divorced woman. Seems unlikely to be the approach a scammer would take if they were looking
to trick someone into meeting them. It seems far more likely that the scammer posed as a
single woman and emailed hundreds of men with an email similar to the following:
My account at this site is running out in a few days but if you give me your personal email
account Id love to talk to you some more! Please contact me quickly, I only have a short time
Occasionally, you can even see this suspicious activity while simply browsing a site. Not long
ago while reviewing a dating service I noticed that there were a few scantily clad women shown
as some of my best matches. They stuck out in a big way because the site is geared towards
those serious about meeting someone. The profiles, especially when compared to the others
around them, were very suspicious. Not long after I noticed that both of the half-naked profiles
had been removed. Now I have no idea what actually happened here but its within the realm
of possibility that these accounts were being used to mass mail all the members of the site to
harvest personal email accounts. I realize that it seems like a lot of work just to get emails for
spam but I believe it is happening.

Spotting the Email Spam Scam

Are they extremely attractive and extremely interested in you?
Theres nothing to say that beautiful, rich, successful people wouldnt be interested in you but
be aware that when it happens you need to exercise a little extra caution. I realize that this may
be unfair to all the beautiful people out there, but Im sure they will find some way to weather
through this discrimination. Beauty is a burden they must learn to bear!
Did they ask for your email quickly?
Dont give it away when someone asks for it right away. Easy as that. Youre worth the small fee
the dating service charges if they are interested in you. If youre both paying for the service, you
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can communicate with each other fine. Using your personal email account does make
communication easier but this should occur after some period of time, not after the first email
they send.
Are they new to the service?
Most dating services flag members as being new. This is mainly to help current members
recognize the new possibilities in the dating service membership. However, this flag provides
you with some information that allows you to exercise extra caution. Someone that is both new
to the service and also wants your personal email address is a major suspect. If you find
yourself convinced that this beautiful person really does desperately want to talk to you via
your personal email, give this try: wait one week. In most cases, I suspect youll see the profile
disappear before that week is out.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where people are always looking for new ways to take
advantage of each other. These are the scams that Im aware of but dont view this as an
exhaustive list. Always exercise caution when things dont feel right (or when money is
introduced, regardless of the reason). Online dating is a great way to meet people but, just as in
the real-world, you need to take precautions to keep yourself safe.

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Tools For Identifying Online Dating Scams and Liars

As online dating grows more popular so do dating scams associated with them. There are many
good resources online describing dating scams but not very many give concrete ways to defend
or combat them. Because of this, I want to offer some actual methods to detect if youre
dealing with a dishonest person. Ill try to cover the tools in detail so you can perform your own
detective work if it is ever required.
Just a little warning before we begin: using some of the tools Im going to cover can be
considered a littlerude. All information discovered is publicly available but sometimes taking
actions like this can be viewed as distrustful (and rightfully so). However, your safety should
come first. By no means would I suggest these tools be used for every person you meet online.
In a healthy relationship, you allow your partner to reveal details about themselvesyou dont
go digging! However, if you ever have any suspicions at all that you are being scammed or lied
to or that your safety is at risk, you should be aware of these options.

Protect Your Personal Email

This step wont help you identify if youre being lied to or scammed but it could protect you
from spam or someone who is a little too interested in you. In this step, Im going to walk you
through the steps of setting up a new email account at Gmail and then setting up that account
so it will forward all email received to your main email account. This way you are protected but
can still receive communication in your preferred email account (although replying should be
done through Gmail if you want to avoid revealing your main address).
1. Browse to and click the Create an account button

2. You will now be required to fill in the standard sign-up information such as first and last
name, a login name for you email account and so one. When selecting your login, best
to select it in such a way that it doesnt reveal anything about you. Dont using
something like Sarah301Preston when your name is Sarah and you live on 301 Preston
Avenue! Hopefully this goes without saying!
3. Once all the boxes are filled in, click I accept and create my account. You may then
need to click on Take me to my account. Now youre all set up with your new email
4. Now that youre in your new email account, click on the Settings link in the upper right.

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5. Now, click on Forwarding and POP/IMAP

6. Select the radio button labeled Forward a copy of incoming mail to and then enter
your primary email address in the text box. In the example below, you would replace with your actual email.

Save the settings and thats it! Youre all set up. Now when you give out an email address when
online dating, youll give this address. Any email sent to this address will also be forwarded to
your main account so youll never miss a beat.

Gently Requesting For More Information

Technically this is not a tool but rather some advice when youre looking for more information.
If youre dealing with a scammer or a liar theyll probably find away to avoid giving you the
answers you want and this is the point where you would start using the other tools well
discuss. If youre becoming suspicious, ask specific questions and see how hard they work to
avoid answering. Changing the subject or outright ignoring the question are not good signs.
Additional methods for gaining more information aside from directly asking could include:

If you are concerned that someone is not who they say they are or if you suspect they
are lying about their appearance, suggest a webcam. Pay careful attention to how they
react. Webcams are cheap and easy to use so any excuses about the webcam being
broken or not being able to afford one should be viewed as suspect. Ladies, most men
will buy a webcam after 7 words from you: I really want to show you something. Then
when they buy the webcam show them that beautiful smile!
If they wont go for a webcam, ask for more photos. If they refuse or provide more
photos but you are still suspicious, you may want to share your concerns with them. Let
them know, in a kind way, that you want to be careful with online dating and some of
their actions are causing you concern. If they are truly interested in you they will

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understand. If they still offer convincing excuses why they cant provide you with more
information or if you are still suspicious, look into the remaining tools.

Searching the TinEye Image Database

Tineye is a service like Google but instead of searching keywords you search with images. Using
this service is actually similar to the process you go through when uploading your photo to
online dating services. The main point for using this service is when you suspect photos you are
being given are just visual lies. For this example well assume that Ive received an email from
an attractive woman who is unbelievably interested in me. Conversations with her have been
very strange and Im starting to suspect the picture that shes provided is not really her. Here
are the steps to search the Tineye database (Ill be using Firefox to describe some of these steps
but all modern browsers will support these steps):
1. Browse for the photo on your computer then click search
1. Right click the image you want to search and select Copy Image Location. You can do
this directly from your online dating service.

2. Now browse to and right-click on the search box on the right and select
paste. This will paste the location of the image into the search box. Now click search.

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Well, look at that! It looks like Megan Fox has been contacting me all this time!

Obviously Im being scammed here. Megan Fox is probably not the best example for this since
shes recognizable but you get the idea. If someone is grabbing pictures of models off of the
internet and using them as their own this process can help you identify that. Tineye may not
return any results when you do your search but in many cases thats good. However, just
because Tineye doesnt have the photo youre searching for in their database doesnt mean the
photo is legit! Tineye is still growing and only has a small portion of the images on the internet

Searching Pipl
Pipl is an extremely powerful and easy to use people search engine. You can search the
database for people by their name and city, by their email address, by their user name and also
by their phone number. The service will return information from public records, online
newspapers, social sites and other areas. Ive used this service for many different reasons and
have had success with it in most cases: searching for my aunts phone number, looking for an
old high school friend, and so on. In some ways this tool is scary (brave enough to search
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yourself?). Keep in mind that using this service is an intrusive thing to do and I would only
recommend using it if you have serious suspicions regarding your potential date. The results of
this service are self-explanatory and Ive had luck find people with all four types of searches
(including user name surprisingly enoughturns out most of us use the same user id over and

Locate Their Location By Email They Send You

To follow these steps youll need a Gmail account but if you followed the first recommendation
that shouldnt be a problem!
Once I had a woman I was dating tell me she was leaving town for Texas for a few weeks and I
was 99% sure she was lying to me. I used these steps to discover that, indeed, she was still in
town.spending her time with someone other than me! These steps can be used when you
suspect someone is lying to you about where they are located. This can be used with both 419
scams and the married man scam (since the married men are likely to claim a different location
when creating their account).
Please note that the results of this process are not an exact science and you can mess up if you
use the wrong number. Also, this will display where the persons internet service provider is,
not their address. For example, when I search myself using this process Im shown an address
about 10 miles away from my house. If I received my internet over satellite or if I sent emails
using my phone on a 3G network, the IP address could show me in any number of places that I
dont actually live in. Basically, use this process to help you research any suspicions you may
have but dont start making accusations just because things dont look perfect when you use it.
Hopefully this process will help you verify that they are telling the truth anyway!
1. Browse to your Gmail account and open an email from the person you are suspicious of.
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2. On the far right there should be a down arrow. Click this and select Show Original.

3. This will display the full header text of the email. In this text, look for the last instance of
Received: from. Next to this will be an IP address, a number separated by periods.
Write down this number. In the example below our number is Keep in
mind there may be several Received: from sections and you want to select the last
one (Ive removed most of the text from my example below to save space, yours will
contain much more information). Be aware that if you select the wrong numbers, youll
get the wrong location. If you are unsure if you are selecting the correct number you
may want to test this process by sending yourself an email from a different account.

4. Browse to and enter the IP address in the IP box. So in this case I would
enter The results would then show where that IP address is located. In
this case, it shows Pittsburgh which is correct!

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Get a Background Check Run on Them

I really do think this type of activity is excessive but there is one case where I could see it being
used. If youre about to make some huge commitment, like buying plane tickets to visit them or
give them a large sum of money (please dont do this!) then running a background check first
could actually save you a lot of money and heartache. Aside from being the ultimate in
offensiveness if things actually worked out between the two of you, background checks cost
money. Still, if youre spending $20 (or whatever it is) and end up saving $700 it would be worth
it. Intelius is a popular choice for background checks and they have contacted me a few times in
the past when Ive discussed online dating safety. My original thoughts on background checks
can be seen after they had first contacted me in the article Ideas for Safer Online Dating.

As long as people are using online dating, there will be other people looking to take advantage
of them. Knowledge of these scams will help you protect yourself but the bad guys are always
looking for new ways to trick people. If you feel like something strange is going on but it doesnt
fall into a scam category listed here, I would recommend the following:

Listen to your gut! If something feels wrong, it probably is. I would recommend ending
any relationship where you dont feel safe or you feel like youre being lied to. There are
many, many people using online dating services and your time would be better spent
talking to someone you can trust.
If youre not ready to end a relationship just because things dont feel right at the very
least take things extremely slow. Exercise extra caution and patience. Time may reveal
why your gut was telling you something wasnt right.

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General Online Dating Questions and Thoughts

The next few sections are popular articles Ive pulled from my website that cover more specific areas of
online dating which I felt would be helpful to include here.

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Should I Lose Weight Before Dating Online?

Some people think about dating online but put it off because they want to improve something
about themselves before they start. I dont have any statistics but I think its safe to assume the
number one reason for this is to attempt to lose weight. Do I believe this is a good idea? Should
a person lose weight before subjecting themselves to online dating?
In my opinion, the answer is no (with one small exception). Why is waiting a mistake?

First, going on a diet is hard work and sometimes the only thing that keeps us going is
whatever motivates us. I believe being a member of an online dating community is far
more motivating than looking from the outside in. Its a constant reminder that there
are opportunities out there.
Second, you might actually find someone who likes you regardless of your weight. You
cant expect this to happen every day but it still does happen. Sites like BBW Personals
even cater to those who are over-weight and those who dont mind dating someone
who is.
Third, the more you date the more comfortable youll become on your first dates. This is
more important than you might think.

The one exception is based on a question: how well do you handle rejection? Because youre
going to have to deal with it. Even if you were thin as a rail you would have to deal with it. For
those people out there who are hyper-sensitive to rejection, and especially those who are this
way because of their weight, you may want to lose the weight before dating. One of the worst
feelings with internet dating is not being contacted by anyone for an extended period of time. If
you think this will depress you and only drive you away from dating, then better to not put
yourself in that situation. Youre going to have to accept that online dating is often difficult and
rejection is a real part of it.
As a side note, I did take my own advice when dating online. When I first started online dating:

I was extremely thin (135 pounds at six feet tall). While women are more forgiving than
men when it comes to looks, there are plenty of women who find this look unattractive
to the point that they wouldnt date me (I had one woman explicitly state this ouch).
Many women would prefer to date a man who is over-weight than under-weight so I am
familiar with the idea of being rejected based on the frame of my body.
I had braces and looked like I was 17 even though I was 25. This was a bigger problem
than it might seem. When you want to date women your age but you look like youre
still in high school, the women are understandably hesitant.
I was pasty white.

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I suppose I was more not than hotand the number of women contacting me (or, more
correctly, not contacting me) showed that. However, I wanted to give myself every opportunity
to meet someoneso I started dating immediately. Did I have a lot of success in the beginning?
No. Did I stick with it? Absolutely. I took weight gainer, got the braces off about half-way
through my online dating life, and started tanning regularly. As I improved these areas, my
online dating success improved as well.
Its worth mentioning that my looks werent the only thing improving: my online dating skills
were as well. Had I waited to start dating until I was happy with my looks, I still would have
been lost when it came to dating online. By dating actively, even though I wasnt thrilled with
my looks, I was giving myself both opportunity and experience. I believe that this approach was
a big part of what led me to meet my wife.
I understand the desire to be your absolute best when dating online but the truth is, none of us
are truly satisfied with how we look. If youre not careful, youll always be finding a new reason
to not put yourself out there.

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Is eHarmony Worth the Price?

This is a common question and could be applied to any dating service really. However, because
the cost of eHarmony is expensive, even compared to other online dating service prices, I'll use
them as an example. My opinion is that as long as you are getting a reasonable number of
matches, eHarmony is worth the price. I think too many people look at the price tag of
eHarmony as money they dont have to spend. Many wrongly believe that the other ways they
are meeting people are costing them no money. I think this is unfortunate as these people will
continue to pursue previously unsuccessful methods of meeting people while for a relatively
small price tag they could be meeting the person who is right now waiting for them online.
The following chart shows very basic information on common ways to try to meet singles:
How People Meet and Costs Meeting This Way

Staying at Home

Est. Cost per


Odds of Getting a Date

Odds You'll Match Well


None to Low



Moderately good, depending on


Not that great but

occasionally people get

Church or
Temple or


Moderately good but lowers the longer Good odds considering

you have been attending (unless
you'll already share
frequently gaining new membership)
some core beliefs

Through Friends



Singles Group


Moderate to very good

Fairly good if you're




Very good odds

Very good odds

Going to the bar

once a week

*Assuming you are very frugal with your money

**If your friends are like mine, anyway
***Assuming you are using the 3 month plan which is a total of $119.85

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You Might Be Spending More and Getting Less

I think Im being very fair in my chart above. Whenever I go out with friends to a bar, I cant
remember a time where I spent as little as $10. Still, to try and be fair Im assuming my readers
are able to spend this small of an amount. Still, even if you were able to spend as small an
amount as eHarmony would cost you, what about how well you get along with someone? At a
bar, youre gambling with any relationship youll find. Not only that, while at eHarmony you can
know who is looking for a serious relationship, at the bar it wont be nearly so clear.
You might be saying, But what about other places aside from the bar? Having my friends set
me up is free! Thats true, it is free to have your friends match you up with someone but most
of the time that doesnt seem to work out all that well. Not only that, your friends are only
going to know so many single people they can match you up withtheyll eventually run out!

How Much Time Are You Getting Out of Your Method to Meet People?
Also, consider this: if you go to the bar to meet people, or church or even a meetup group, how
many hours a week are you able to actively try to find a relationship? Three hours? Four? At
eHarmony youll be able to be much more active in your attempts to meet people. If you live in
a well populated area, you may have the opportunity to speak to new people every day not just
a few hours one day a week. Now you could argue that you could go to the bar or a singles
group more often than once a week but now the original argument that eHarmony is too
expensive has been shot down! Youre spending more that you would at eHarmony if you go
out more than once unless someone is buying the drinks for you!

Reasons eHarmony is a Poor Choice for Some

Still, eHarmony wont work for everyone. This service will not be a good choice if you live in a
low population area. I had this happen to me when I lived in the country and after a month or
two I just wasnt getting enough matches any longer. This is when I tried and the
ability to contact whoever I wanted worked much better in my case. Again, this option was still
cheaper than going to the bar and was providing me with more opportunity to meeting other

Overall, eHarmony is actually a great choice for meeting singles and when you break the
numbers down, the price is very competitive with the normal methods used to meet people. I
recommend that anyone who is on the fence give it a try. You only live once and its painful for
me to even consider what my life would be like right now if I hadnt turned to online dating.

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OKCupid Dating Guide The Best Free Dating Around

Ive been bothered lately by Plenty of Fish. I dont mind that the site has been successful but I
do hate when I talk to someone and they say, Yeah, I tried online dating at Plenty of Fish. I
guess internet dating just isnt for me. The problems were [insert a list of issues here]. Heres
the thing: in my opinion Plenty of Fish is a far better example of successful internet marketing
than it is of online dating. If I knew someone looking to make money on the internet, I imagine
Plenty of Fish would come up in our conversation. However, if someone were looking for
finding love online this site would not be a part of the conversation, not from my end anyway. I
believe that the motivation of Plenty of Fish becomes very clear after spending a few minutes
on the site (that motivation is not providing its users with a good chance of finding love, by the
So if this service isnt good, what free dating service is? If youve read the title of this post you
already know where Im going. As youll see, I really love this OKCupid. Why? To be honest, I
didnt even look at the service seriously until a few months ago. Regrettably, when people
would ask me about a free dating site I would recommend Plenty of Fish because it was the
only one I knew of. I also assumed all the free services would basically be the same and since
Plenty of Fish had the most members, I thought I was giving good advice. After looking into
OKCupid because of their repeated release of dating statistics, I realized not all free dating
services are the same (not even close).
So what makes OKCupid so great? When using OKCupid I feel that their goal really is to help
singles meet each other (as opposed to the goal of getting advertisements in your face). The
site is well-designed and has many excellent features that even the pay sites dont have. Here
are some of the features I love:

The fact that you determine what is important to you within the matching system is brilliant.
Instead of a predefined list of questions to answer to define your personality, you answer as few
or as many from a list of thousands and you determine how important each of those questions
are in regards to providing you with matches.
The site creates a community of singles that are looking to date but are also having fun (when
using the site, see the Journals section for examples of this).
They actually give you an indication of how often people respond to emails. This is brilliant. So
many times when I was dating online I would become depressed when I didnt receive as many
responses as I thought I should. I now believe an absence of responses is just another part of
online dating and this feature helps prove that.
When viewing a profile, you will be shown similar matches but with an explanation on how they
differ from the current profile. Some examples include things like more compassionate, more
selfish, less interested in sex and so on.
The Tests help lighten the mood and encourage people to open up. Theyre fun too.
Interaction is encouraged. You can even buy a monthly subscription for other people. Im not
sure why one would want to do this but when even the subscription page includes interaction
with other people, its hard to deny their commitment to interaction.

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You can save notes about other people. This would have been a wonderful feature for me when
I was dating many women simultaneously. Fortunately, I never had one of those embarrassing
moments where I confused one woman for another but I was always paranoid I would.
You can link your OKCupid account with your Facebook account.

There are a few down-sides to the site:

They dont have as many members as other services (Plenty of Fish has more). This doesnt
matter much in my opinion. You reach a point where enough is enough. The fact that a service
has 5 million members versus another with 10 million really doesnt matter that much.
The service is only free up to a point. There are limits on the number of emails you can have in
your inbox and some of the features, such as giving other users prizes, are limited to paid
accounts. Youll also see advertisements unless you pay for the service. The good side is the
monthly service fee is $10 which is a third the price of some monthly feesand one-sixth the
price of some of the more expensive sites.

Using OKCupid Four Simple Steps

Signing up for and using OKCupid is a painless process. If youve been using one of the other
free sites or if youre just looking to give online dating a try, take the following steps. Each of
these steps will be described in greater detail below.
1. Fill in your profile which is straight-forward. Be sure to include photos. This is one of the most
important things you can do to improve your success.
2. Once you have your profile created, its time to start answering questions. The more the better!
3. After answering some questions you could now take some tests. These are more fun than
anything else and not required by any means.
4. Start contacting people!

More Details on Using OKCupid

Creating Your Profile
The profile questions are fairly standard. Some stand out such as You should message me if. A
few profiles answered this question in such a way that would have affected my decision to
contact them (were I single, obviously). Other sections are unique such as I am good at and
The six things I could never do without. The heading for the profiles is also a nice change of
pace from other dating sites. Instead of creating your own heading they have you enter three
words to describe yourself. This removes some of the pressure of trying to have a heading that
stands out (which I think is difficult to do sometimes). Again, include a photo if youre serious
about meeting people!
Answering Some OKCupid Questions
OKCupids matching system is unique and in my opinion quite good. Where services like
eHarmony and have pre-defined personality questions they use to decide who
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to match you with, at OKCupid you can choose which questions to answer and how much they
should matter when being matched to others. The basic process is as follows:
1. Youre presented with a question that you will answer via multiple choice answers.
2. You then answer the same question as you would want an ideal match to answer the question.
3. Finally, you rank how important it is to you that your matches meet your requirements for
them. You choices here range from irrelevant (how they answer wont affect your matching
score) to mandatory.

As you answer more questions, you will be provided with a score for your highest possible match. I
answered questions until I got to the high 90s. Obviously the more questions you answer the better your
matches will be. After answering 40 questions I had many women ranking in the high 90 percentages for
matching me but I think I still needed to answer more questions after viewing a few of these profiles.
Also, you should answer the questions honestly. Dont mark everything as irrelevant just because you
want to be as inclusive as possible. There are a ton of people using the service and youll do yourself a
favor if youre actually finding the people with the traits you want. After you fill in a significant number
of questions you can do a Match Search and see who youre matching well with.

You will also notice that some people will have an Enemy score for you. I didnt see any clear
definition on what raises the Enemy score but I have a pretty good guess. When you mark a
Question answer as being mandatory but they answer the question differently, your enemy
score will go up. It may only go up when you both mark the question mandatory but with
different answers. I believe this also will be the case, to a lesser degree, when your potential
match marks a particular answer to a question as having high importance but you answer
differently. When you see someone with a high Enemy score this means that there will
definitely be conflict between the two of you on some areas that you both consider important.
For example, if you want children and mark this as mandatory but they dont want children and
also mark that as mandatory, youre enemy score will go up. As you can see, having a higher
Enemy score doesnt mean you wouldnt get along but it could mean big problems once youre
in a relationship together.
Here are some sample questions I answered:

How Important is Honesty?

What has been your primary motivation in life to this point?
Do you, which adjective best describes hopeless, unrequited love?
Do you generally smile at little kids who cross your path?
If you were to die, would whoever goes through your personal belongings be shocked by what
they find?
Would you date someone if you knew they were a current drug user?

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There are over 3,000 questions to answer. If you can answer a hundred honestly I think youll
find some very strong matches. How you answer the questions defines your Personality Traits
which are another fun feature that also reveal more about you and your matches. You can see a
full list of the personality traits here. The more questions you answer, the more personality
traits youll be assigned.
OKCupid Tests
From what I can see, Tests dont help finding a match much. OKCupid is more than just a dating
siteits something of a social community. Youll find people who love taking these tests and
many of these tests can reveal things about them (even if that might be how obsessed they are
with a particular movie). Taking tests isnt very important to getting better matches but they
can help others know more about you once theyre viewing your profile.

Contacting Someone
Again, this is fairly standard. As I mentioned above, one feature I love is that as you start to
write a message youre a shown the frequency at which the person replies to emails. This is
really helpful in my opinion. The site also has winks which Ive discussed above.
Final Thoughts
I think that pay sites will always have an advantage in the clients that use them. I believe that at
a strictly pay site you will find people far more serious about a relationship. Sites like eHarmony
have a much, much higher percentage of like-minded individuals committed to finding a
relationship. As great as OKCupid is, the women there still get bombarded with Want sex wit
you? emails where men seemed convinced that the inability to use the English language and
the ability to get laid are tightly linked. These women then get de-sensitized to being contacted
which in turn hurts the men who are serious about relationships. In some ways, a free service
can never fully get away from the fact that many of its members will not take things seriously
and will adversely affect other members. Still, for the things which are in OKCupids control, I
think they do a fantastic job.

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Page 91 An Online Dating Guide Questions and Answers

My site receives quite a few questions on so Im including the most common ones
here as a FAQ for that service.
How Do I Hide My Profile on
As someone who signs up for services to review or test them, Im very familiar with this
process! To hide your profile:
1. Click on Profile at the top of the screen
2. On the left, you should see a section labeled Visibility Options. Simply click Hide Profile.
What Happens When I Hide My Profile?
There several things hiding your profile do but primarily it removes you from search results. You
can still contact people when your profile is hidden but they wont be able to look at your
profile so that sort of defeats the purpose (so remember to make yourself visible if you start
contacting people). Additionally, you will not be shown in peoples Whos Viewed Me section.
However, if you unhide your profile you will appear in this section for anyone you viewed. Keep
this in mind if for some reason youre hiding your profile in an attempt to not let people know
you were looking at them!
Can I Hide My Profile But Still Quality for Guarantee?
As I covered in my discussion of issues with the six month guarantee, you cannot hide your
profile and still qualify for the guarantee. Be sure to read all the rules as there are additional
How Do i Contact Non-Paying Members on
If you are a paying subscriber to, you can contact anyone you want regardless of
whether they pay or not. However, if you contact a non-payer then they will not be able to
contact you back. Unfortunately, doesnt reveal who is a paying member and who is
not. The only people you can be sure pay are those with a green background around their
What Does a Green Highlighted Profile on Mean?
A profile highlighted in green is someone who has signed up for the platinum package. Anyone
who is attempting to qualify for the 6-month guarantee has to sign up for this plan. This
package also allows the member to see when people open emails that they send and they
profiles are shown to new members first. Obviously its also highlighted in green.
As a side note, I had always thought that the 6-month guarantee came free with the
standard 6-month plan. I suspect this had been changed at some point but its only a dollar
more per month so I guess it isnt a huge problem.

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How Can I Tell Who the Paying Members Are?

One question had asked if a green profile meant the user was a subscriber. As I described,
green is actually the platinum account. To be clear though, I dont believe there is a way to
differentiate normal users from paying users normally.
How Much will the Six Month Guarantee Cost in Total?
The plan to get the 6-month guarantee is $17.99 a month or a total of $107.94.
Does Have Any Other Deals? has a 7-day free trial. If you use this trial you can still sign up for the 6-month
guarantee if you want to try to take advantage of both promotions.
Match also has a promotion where you can get 20% off the priceof any of their standard plans. I
believe that this would work with the 6-month guarantee but its not clear to me if it would
work with the 7-day trial. If you decide to try this be sure to follow the instructions on the sign
up screen in the link above.
How Do I Change My Primary Photo on
Changing your primary photo is pretty simple although you will have to wait up to 24 hours for
them to approve your new photo as your primary. To change your photo:
1. Click Profile at the top of the screen
2. Click on Add/Edit Photos on the next screen (it should be just below the My Profile
3. Any photo that can be set as your primary photo should have a make primary button. If
you have other photos that can be made your primary photo just click the button and the
process to change it should begin.
4. If none of your other photos are marked as make primary your current photos are not seen
as good candidates for your primary photo. This would normally be because they want your
primary photo to be a clear headshot of only you.
What Does It Mean If She Looked at My Profile but Didnt Wink?
To be honest, it doesnt mean much of anything at all. Most people look at a large number of
profile but contact very few (or sometimes none at all). Dont take it personally and if you think
shes interesting why not contact her?
What If I Get No Replies to my Emails?
As discussed in this guide, there are more reasons than you might think for this sort of thing to
happen so its best to not take this personally. For all you know the people you are contacting
arent even paying members.
What is the Number of Members at
Ive not seen any numbers on the exact count of members but I do know that as of June 2009, was getting close to 3.5 million visitors a month.
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Moving Forward
I hope you have found this guide helpful. My intention has always been to help others get
through those often elusive first online dates.
While I felt like an expert at getting dates near the end of my internet dating experience, I
never felt like an expert once I was actually on the date. Many people are quick to label
themselves dating experts but Im not sure I buy into that. I dont think there are dating
experts because, to me, dating is about understanding other people more than it is about
understanding dating.
Why do I mention this? Because as you continue on your journey you are likely to read other
dating advice. I think thats a good idea. However, many experts offer advice as if it is 100%
correct. Exercise caution when receiving advice like this in any form. I dont believe there is any
right advice for every situation. Be open but always be willing to throw out advice regardless of
who its from when your gut tells you otherwise. If dating were so black-and-white someone
would have figured it out long before now!

Guide Review
Often after reading any guide, Im overwhelmed if the document was of any significant length.
For those out there who are like me, check out Appendix C which summarizes most of this
guide into a printable checklist. Some of the areas from this checklist, and a few not on it, that I
consider most important are:

Listen to your gut before you listen to anyone elses advice on any kind of dating. Most
of us who offer advice are just better at hiding our confusion.
Be yourself! Its a clich but important anything else is a lie to yourself and your dates.
Be sure to try more than one service if the first one doesnt work out. There are enough
differences to warrant another try.
Contact and date as many people as you possibly can. In my opinion, this is the most
important advice I have to offer.
Try to be clear in your profile and as brief as you can be while still providing substance.
Include a photo. Many people wont even open a profile without one.
Guys: My experience shows that winks from you only slow things down.
Your first email/contact with someone should be short and concise. It should serve as
bait to view your profile.
Dont be hard on yourself over a small number of responses. There is a lot more going
on than you think.
Ask for that first date sooner rather than later and establish solid parameters around
how long you will be meeting just in case things getinteresting/scary.
Do not look for reasons for failed dates. They are what they are. Its better to think
about your next date than dwell on your last.

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Plan things in such a way that your comfort level is high! You want to represent yourself
as well as possible, especially early on.

Finally, picking up a book on dating in general is a great idea. I gained insight from everything I
read (even the books I wasnt thrilled with). I will continue to blog about online dating but there
are other great resources out there well worth your time.

If You Found This Guide Helpful...

By now I hope you have come to the realization that this guide really is 100% free. I know it's
hard to believe. I hate when someone tries to trick me into buying something by giving me part
of it for free or when they pull some type of bait-and-switch tactic, and I don't blame you if you
expected that to happen here. Hopefully it is clear now that I really do want to help people.
While there is no cost associated with this guide, I would ask a tiny favor. If you have found this
guide helpful and would like to help me in return, the biggest favor you could pay me would be
to share my website with others.
While I am learning more every day, my strong area is not in marketing and the biggest hurdle I
continue to face is helping other singles looking for help to find me. So, if you feel that you are
better off now having read my guide than you were when you started and if you appreciate the
time and effort I've put into providing the guide, I would ask you to find some way to share my
site. You might not just be helping me; you might be helping someone else even more!
Some ideas for sharing my site would include simply telling a friend about my site, sharing a
favorite article on my site on Facebook or Twitter, "liking" my site on FaceBook, commenting on
some posts at my site, emailing my site to a friend, submitting an article you really like to Digg,
StumbleUpon, Reddit or any other social media: all of these areas would help me. Sharing my
site is the biggest compliment you can pay me and it means more to me than putting a price tag
on my guide would.

Thoughts on this Guide

If you have some thoughts on this guide that you would like to share you can post them here.
You can always contact me directly as well.
Best of luck and I hope you find that special someone soon!

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Appendix A: Online Dating Services

There are literally thousands of online dating services out there. Here Ill discuss some of those
that I am familiar with and will try to provide a little information for each service. Please note
that the statistics shown below were found in late 2009. These numbers will begin to be less
correct over time as the dating sites continue to grow. Still, the information should give you a
rough idea of each service described.
Popular Dating Sites

The biggest of all online dating services, eHarmony provides their
users with personality matching to try to find just the right person. I
used eHarmony and liked it but eventually found the fact that I had to
wait for new matches frustrating. I lived in a low population area and
my matches kept getting further and further away. Still, those who
have had success with eHarmony swear by it. The personality test is
interesting too (although very time consuming).
I think is a great site. They have all the standard features
you would expect for an online dating service along with some more
that most other sites are missing (the phone calling feature is the first
that comes to mind). I think as the measure for what an
online dating service should provide (yes, even though eHarmony is
bigger). I suppose I'm a little partial since I met my wife using this
service. is a lot like eHarmony but less strict. By strict, I am
referring to the fact that eHarmony will reject people (i.e., won't let
them use the service) if they feel they can't match them. There are
several reasons eHarmony will reject people and Chemistry has tried
to address that by offering a matching online dating service that is
more inclusive.
In many ways, Lavalife provides exactly what you would expect from a
dating service. They do provide interesting features like online speed
dating and online parties. The site is also unique in that it has three
sections: dating, relationship and intimate. By default your profile will
show in all three sections so if you're not interested in sleeping around
be sure to remove yourself from the intimate section.
Matchmaker is the longest running dating service on the internet
(it was created in 1996). This service is intended for a more mature
audience of 35+ serious singles focused on finding long-term
relationships and those who are marriage minded. The service
matches similar to eHarmony and Chemistry.

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4,252,000 visitors
per month

3,379,000 visitors
per month

Close to 4,000,000


Millions of members
but they dont
reveal the specific

Page 96 An Online Dating Guide

United Kingdom Dating Services

Dating Direct




Dating Direct is one of the largest (the largest?) dating sites for the
U.K. The service is also popular in Europe. If you're in the U.S. I believe
you can still use the service but the number of members is rather
limited here. I get a surprising amount of traffic from the U.K. so I
would be remiss to leave them out of this list!

registered members

This is another United Kingdom based dating site. The site claims that
50% of adults who use the internet use Friends Reunited. I'm assuming
they mean 50% of adults in the United Kingdom...? Regardless, Friends
Reunited Dating is a sister site for Friends Reunited. One note though:
the service is not intended for finding old friends and then dating
them. It's intended for meeting new people. It just happens to be run
by the same people who run a service for finding old friends.
Think eHarmony but for the United Kingdom. The site claims to be #1
for those looking for serious relationships. One interesting thing about
the service is that they offer live over-the-phone dating advice to their
members for free. I know will offer profile advice but that
will cost you $30. It is interesting to see a dating site that provides free
advice along with their service.
Canadian Dating Services
Discussion (formerly is one of Canada's premier online dating
sites. They have members from all walks of life, backgrounds,
professions and ages from all across Canada.

Over 1,000,000

Also: Just about every dating site in the US has a Canadian version.
Specialized Dating Services
SugarDaddie This site is for beautiful women and rich men. It can seem shallow but
if that's your thing more power to you!
Silver Singles Apparently the most growth in online dating occurring today is for
those over the age of 40. Silver Singles aims to bring these singles
BBW Personals This service is designed for BBW and BHM (and their admirers) and
provides the standard features you would expect: profiles, chat rooms,
instant messaging, message boards and so on. The site says that they
create a community for creating relationships ranging from friendship
to marriage and everything in between.

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No Statistics Found

Statistics claims to
have thousands of
active members but
details are unclear.

Thousands of
visitors every day.
400,000+ members

1,000 new members

a day

Page 97 An Online Dating Guide

Faith Based Dating Services





Christian Cafe


Black Singles

500,000 Catholics
have used the
service since its

CatholicMatch allows those of the Catholic faith to expand their social

circle and meet other singles just like themselves. As a member, you'll
be welcomed into a community with others that share your faith and
with whom you can express your views and share your thoughts about
relationships, religion and other topics relevant to single Catholics.
JDate is the premier Jewish online dating community. JDate has been
500,000+ members
around for a long time (at least a decade) and has been building the
Jewish single community online during this time. Knowing very little of
the Jewish culture, it was interesting for me to learn that there is still a
strong traditional Jewish matchmaking process happening today. JDate
offers itself as an alternative to this traditional matchmaking.
Christian Cafe is one of the top online dating services for Christian
100,000+ members
singles. One really nice thing about this site is that they offer a 10-day
free trial. The free trial includes emailing other members and chatting.
This is nice considering most dating sites will only allow you to create
your profile and browse other profiles for free. Obviously it only lasts
10 days but that's still plenty of time to decide if the service is right for
Race Based Dating Services
Interracial Singles was founded to help form interracial couples for
Over 1,000 new
those singles wanting to date outside of their race (not too surprising
members every day
based on the name, right?). According to the site, Interracial Singles
has grown to be one of the most frequented sites for mixed dating.
The services they offer are fairly standard and include chat rooms,
instant messaging and so on.
Black Singles was founded with the idea that Black singles looking for
1,000 new members
dating opportunities should have a place that makes the search for
every day
love easier. The site offers a sophisticated matching system, searching
options, instant messaging, chat rooms, message boards, and so on.

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Appendix B: 2013 Online Dating Service Pricing Guide

Below is a chart listing online dating site prices. This table has been created to be used as a
reference and to give singles an idea of how much each dating service might cost. These prices
may change at any time so be sure to verify the actual cost before you subscribe to any service.

Notes on Pricing
Keep in mind that services that charge more often have earned the right to do so. For example,
even though eHarmony prices are some of the most expensive, it is one of the most visited
dating sites (most years the most visited). This doesnt make the cheaper services bad but it
does mean that the more expensive services are most often worth the extra price. If you decide
to use a cheaper service it may mean fewer members or less features but this isnt always a
problem. A site like CatholicMatch has fewer members but the members it does have are
exactly what its users are looking for. In this case, less is actually better.
All prices are broken down by what you would pay per month. For example, 3 months at Match
is $19.99 per month so the total for the 3 month plan ends up costing $59.97 (not using the
20% discount).

2013 Online Dating Pricing Guide

Recommended Services


1 Month

3 Months
(per mo.)

6 Months
(per mo.)

12 Mo.
(per mo.)







Free dating service






Frequent free weekends, some occasional discounts.





20% Any Plan






7 Days Free






3 Months for the Price of 1










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Specialized Dating Services


1 Month

3 Months
(per mo.)

6 Months
(per mo.)

12 Mo.
(per mo.)


Catholic Match





15% off when signing up with promo code CMDATE











10 Days Free to all new members






6 month premium plan at $21.99

BBW Personals





Prime Singles





Service for seniors

Sugar Daddie





Free month(s) given with 3, 6 and 12 month plans

UK Dating Services


1 Month

3 Months
(per mo.)

6 Months
(per mo.)

12 Mo.
(per mo.)






Dating Direct






Why Are Some Services Recommended?

The services I include in my Recommended section are those that I feel could lead to a success
(in other words, the creation of a serious relationship). I do believe that the specialized dating
services (niche sites) also lead to success but I cant recommend them universally as they are
specialized toward specific individuals.
Why List Only One Free Dating Site?
Ive thrown my hat in with OKCupid primarily because of how much I dislike Plenty of Fish. I
think that OKCupid is leaps and bounds better than this most popular free service. I promote
them because I like their service, I believe they actually enable people to find dating success
(unlike their previously mentioned competitor), and I want to see some free service become
popular enough to force Plenty of Fish to actually have to put an effort into their service. You
can seem my complaints about Plenty of Fish directly here and more indirectly here.
Promotion Codes
If you are signing up for a service in the list that has a promotion code, be sure to enter that
Copyright 2007-2013 by

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code when subscribing. If the code isnt entered, the discounted price will not be given. Also be
sure to verify that the code is actually working before finalizing your subscription.

Appendix C: 30-Point Online Dating Checklist

As You Begin


1. Mentally Prepare Yourself for Real Work

2. Try the Free Version of Several Sites
3. Be Open to Dating Many People at Once
Your Dating Profile
4. Create a Profile that is Both Concise and Informative
5. Avoid Excessive Attempts to Be Funny
6. Stay Positive
7. Include a Photo in your Dating Profile
8. Do Not Beg For Contact
9. Your Profile Heading Dont Worry About It
10. You Need to be Honest
11. Check Your Spelling
12. Get A Profile Review
13. Keep Your First Email Short
14. Use Winking Appropriately
15. Respond to Winks Appropriately
16. Accept that Responses Will, at Times, Be Lacking
17. Ask for the First Date Sooner Rather than Later
18. Seriously, Meeting Matters
The First Date
19. Keep Your Safety in Mind
20. Review Your Dates Profile Shortly Before Your Date
21. Schedule Your First Date to be Short
22. Extend Your Good Dates
23. You Need to be Comfortable
24. Prepare Your First Date Conversations Ahead of Time
25. Do Not Insist on Sticking with a Script
Continuing to Date Online
26. Be Aware of Online Dating Scams
27. Share Your Online Dating Experiences with Friends
28. Read Additional Advice

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29. Be Wary of Advice Too Good to be True
30. Commit to Your Dating Life

Again, good luck out there and stay persistent!

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