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The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Anaerobic Digestion As A Renewable

Energy Source

Peter Stuart
Loughborough University
Loughborough, Leics LE11 3TU

Abstract: The benefits and drawbacks of anaerobic

digestion as a waste stabilisation process and renewable
energy source are explored. The process is found to have
a broad spectrum of benefits but its inherent complexities
and high capital cost continue to inhibit uptake.



Anaerobic digestion is a process by which

environmentally hazardous organic wastes from
municipal, agricultural and industrial sources may be
stabilised. The treatment has many side benefits, most
notably the production of methane-rich biogas which can
be used to generate electricity and heat.
Anaerobic digestion is performed by a consortium of
micro-organisms. In the absence of oxygen the anaerobic
bacteria break down organic matter producing methane
and carbon dioxide. Several other methods of dealing
with organic wastes exist, including aerobic digestion,
direct application to land and combustion. These methods
either utilize the available biomass as a fertiliser or a fuel,
but not both as is the case with anaerobic digestion.
Unfortunately the use of anaerobic digestion is not as
widespread as the other options.

Sewage Waste: The UK produces an estimated

one and a half million tonnes of sludge per year
by processing sewage aerobically [2]. Anaerobic
digestion is an alternative process which creates
far less sludge.
Agricultural Waste: Every year in the UK
about 150 million wet tonnes of livestock slurry
(pig and cattle) and 3.4 million wet tonnes of
used poultry litter and excreta are produced [3].
Food production residues: It is estimated in
excess of one million tonnes of food production
residues suitable for anaerobic digestion are
produced annually [3].
Anaerobic digestion thus has the advantage of utilizing
materials which are widely available. Dealing with waste
also has the additional advantage that the material already
has a negative value of approximately 0.10 a tonne.
2.2 Useful Products
Anaerobic digestion is primarily of interest to renewable
energy technologists because it produces methane which
when combusted can be used to produce heat and power.

The primary use of anaerobic digestion is waste
stabilisation. There are however many ancillary benefits
which must be fully exploited in order to ensure the
economic viability of the process.
2.1 Available Resources
The starting material for anaerobic digestion is normally
some form of waste unless biomass has been produced
specifically for use as a feedstock. A vast amount of
waste is available for processing from a variety of
Domestic / Municipal Waste:
The UK
produces nearly 30 million tonnes of domestic
waste each year. 60% of household waste is
biodegradable of which 25% is kitchen waste
and other organics and 30-35% is paper [1].

Figure 1. Anaerobic digestion: Waste to useful products

Biogas is not the only useful product, digestion residues
are also very valuable organic alternatives to chemical
fertilisers. The economic viability of anaerobic digestion
relies of the full utilization of all of its products.
2.2.1 Gas Production
An obvious benefit of anaerobic digestion is the
production of methane rich biogas which offers a
renewable alternative to the consumption of fossil fuels.
During digestion 30-60% of the digestible solids are
converted into biogas. The overall process is described as
carbon neutral: after digestion and combustion the total
release of carbon dioxide to atmosphere is equal to that
which was absorbed to produce the biomass. The biogas

produced by anaerobic digestion does not consist entirely

of methane as it also contains carbon dioxide and smaller
amount of other gases.
Constituent Gas
Carbon Dioxide
Hydrogen Sulphide
Volatile compounds


The free energy change of the this process is 418kJ so

the thermodynamic driving-force is strong. The enthalpy
change however is only 131kJ, representing a small
exothermic loss [6]. We can also examine the follow two
very important ratios:

Mass of methane produced

Mass of glucose converted


Energy content of methane

Energy content of glucose converted


Table 1. Composition of Biogas [4]

One m3of biogas with a methane content of 70%
(2MJ/m3) is equivalent to [4]:
0.60 litres of petrol
0.58 litres of alcohol
0.90 kg of charcoal
1.70 kWh of electricity ( assuming a conversion
efficiency of 30%)
2.50 kWh of heat only (assuming a conversion
efficiency of 70%)
1.70 kWh of electricity and 2.50 kWh of heat in
a CHP system.

Eqns. 3 and 4 show that nearly all the energy from the
glucose is transferred to a simple gaseous hydrocarbon
where is resides at a higher mass density. The methane
produced can easily be separated from the aqueous
system, and if so desired from the co-product CO2.
Anaerobic digestion therefore offers the opportunity to
efficiently produce a premium hydrocarbon fuel from
waste materials of a potentially negative value.
Up to one third of the biogas is required to sustain the
reactor. The remaining two thirds can be used to generate
heat, electricity or both. Combined heat and power (CHP)
production is by far the most efficient use of the available
energy. If such a system is put in place the whole digester
heat requirement is normally recovered from the engine
and exhaust gas. Heat and electricity can be used to meet
the energy requirements of the facilities at which they are
generated (farms, sewage treatment plants etc.) or can be
sold to external consumers.
Growth Of B iogas Plants In Germany






Figure 2. Biogas powered electrical generator


The composition of the gas may be estimated with the

following formula [5].

b a
C n H a Ob ( aq ) (n ) H 2 O
2 4
n b a
n a b
( )CH 4 ( g ) ( )CO2 ( g )
2 4 8
2 8 4









Hence if the small amount of substrate that is used to

produce new cells and to provide cellular maintenance
energy is ignored, the gross stoichiometry of the
anaerobic digestion of glucose (n=6, a=12, b=6) can be
represented by:

C 6 H 12 O6 ( aq ) 3CH 4 ( g ) 3CO2 ( g )




Y ear




Figure 4. Growth of biogas plants in Germany [8]

Fig. 4 shows the growth in biogas plants in Germany
from 1992-1998. The plants have an average in-stalled
electricity capacity of 60 kWh, uptake has been aided by
favourable legislation [7].
2.1.2 Fertiliser Production
The organic fertilisers produced by anaerobic digestion
offer a considerably cheaper alternative to the chemical
fertilisers and agrochemicals used in agriculture. The use
of artificial fertilisers has a considerable impact on
overall running costs [8].

Figure 4. Environmental impact of population growth

Raw sewage and agricultural wastes represent a
considerable pollution hazard. Organic matter is polluting
because the bacteria that break it down absorb oxygen
from the water in which it is present. In extreme cases so
much oxygen is removed that aerobic life ceases and the
water becomes dead. Fish kills are an all too common
result of contamination of this type.

Figure 3. Digestate from sewage wastes

The volume of waste is substantially reduced by digestion
and hence requires less storage space. The quality of
unprocessed slurries are difficult to manage. After
anaerobic digestion the quality the residue is more
constant and hence easier to integrate into a fertiliser
programme. The residual digest can be either applied to
the land directly or separated into a liquor and a fibre. Fibre
The fibre extracted from the residue is bulky and contains
a low level of plant nutrients. It can be used to condition
the soil (in some cases as a substitute for peat) and as a
low grade fertiliser. The spreading of fibre requires far
less power and much less specialised equipment then the
spreading of unprocessed slurries. The decision may be
made to further digest the fibre aerobically, prior to use or
sale. Liquor
The liquor contains a low-level but diverse range of
nutrients. Liquor can be used as a liquid fertiliser as part
of a crop nutrient management plan with applications of
inorganic fertilisers adjusted to take account of the
nutrient content of the organic fertiliser.
2.2 Nutrient Retention
Virtually all animal wastes are spread on the land in some
form or other. Undigested material used as fertiliser
suffers from the fact that much of the is either lost
(evaporation and leaching) or is unusable by the plants.
Anaerobic digestion is able to increase the amount of
nitrogen present as ammonia and hence make the
nitrogen more available to the plants.
2.3 Pollution Control
The intensification of agriculture following rapid
population growth worldwide has lead to increased urban
and agricultural wastes.

Anaerobic digestion reduces the biological oxygen

demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) of
effluents and therefore decreases the potential dangers.
Anaerobic digestion offers a distinct advantage over
aerobic processes in terms of pollution control as it does
not require expensive oxygenation.
Another pollution concern is methane, a major
greenhouse gas if allowed to escape to the atmosphere.
An effective anaerobic digestion scheme will therefore
maximise methane generation but not allow any to escape
to the atmosphere.
2.4 Pathogen Removal
Many materials treated by anaerobic digestion may
contain certain organisms potentially pathogenic for
plants, animals and man. Bacteria such as Salmonella and
Brucella and parasites including tapeworm are potentially
present in the untreated waste. Raw sludges spread on
land may introduce pathogens causing infection in farm
animals or crops, run-off into water courses may result in
human exposure. One potential advantage of anaerobic
digestion is the removal of such organisms.
Two types of anaerobic digestion process can be

Mesophilic Digestion: The digester is heated to

30-35C and the feedstock remains in the
digester for 15-30 days. Mesophilic digestion
process tends to be more robust than the
thermophilic process but produces less biogas.
Thermophilic Digestion: The digester is heated
to 55C and the residence time is typically 1214 days. Thermophilic digestion offers higher
methane production and leads to greater
pathogen removal than mesophilic digestion.

It is evident that both these processes lead to a reduction

in pathogen populations but pasteurisation (heat treatment
at 700C for 30 minutes) is necessary to ensure complete
annihilation. Care must therefore be taken with the
process residues, with the exact precautions depending on
the nature of the initial feedstock.

Figure 4. Sewage Waste anaerobic digester

In general the long-retention times and elevated
temperatures used in anaerobic digesters
lead to
considerable pathogen reduction. Even raw slurry loses
most of its pathogens after a few weeks on land and
anaerobic digestion therefore reduces the time taken to
allow the soil to reduce the pathogens to safe levels.
2.5 Odour Reduction
A well known drawback of the spreading of raw slurries
on land is the unpleasant smell. The smells from
decomposing faecal wastes are usually created by the
release of compounds such as ammonia, volatile organic
acids, and sulphides. Anaerobic digestion can reduce
odour nuisance during land-spreading by up to 80%.
2.6 Weed Seed Elimination
Anaerobic digestion removes virtually all known weed
seeds. Digested slurry therefore provides organic
fertilisation with minimal risk of weed spread, reducing
the need for costly herbicides.
2.7 Scalable Technology
Anaerobic digestion can be performed on many scales
from small onsite agricultural projects to large municipal
waste disposal facilities. The technology has no critical
mass and therefore is more accessible to developing
countries where the production of even a relatively small
amount of biogas can benefit local communities hugely.
2.8 Developed technology
During the oil crisis of the 1970s there was a surge in
interest in anaerobic digestion as a potential renewable
energy source. Unfortunately knowledge of anaerobic
digestion was not as widespread as builders and many
projects failed. China, India and Thailand reported 50%
failure rates while US digesters had failures approaching
80% [8].
The prospects for anaerobic digestion today are
considerably better because of the large amount of
experience gained in several European countries such as
Denmark, Germany, Austria and Sweden. Anaerobic
digestion has also become more established in the
processing of municipal waste making further uptake
more viable.

An important technological advance in anaerobic

digestion has been the development of methods to
concentrate the methanogenic biomass in the reactor. This
has been achieved by two main techniques [10]:
Autoflocculation and gravity settling:
Providing conditions which enhance the natural
tendency of biomass to form aggregates (flocs)
which are large enough to be separated from
waste water by settling. This concept is realised
in the UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge
Blanket) reactor.
Immobilisation: Providing surfaces to which
bacteria can attach themselves in films. The
surfaces are retained in the reactor and hence so
are the bacteria. This is the principle behind the
anaerobic filter.
These methods reduce retention times which would
otherwise be limited by the doubling time of the slowest
growing bacteria (the methanogens). Interspecies transfer,
essential for providing favourable thermodynamics is also
aided. The methods are primarily of use in treating wastes
where the majority of the organic content is in soluble
form. They are therefore most often employed to deal
with industrial rather than municipal and agricultural
2.9 Economic Benefits
Power and heat produced using biogas substantially
reduce the energy costs of the facilities at which they are
installed. This has considerable economic benefits and
allows the digesters to in effect pay for themselves. If the
energy (electricity or heat) produced exceeds the internal
demand it can be sold off generating revenue.
Co-operative agricultural digesters can be a source of
employment contributing to rural regeneration. A 1MW
plant can create 2 to 5 jobs onsite, depending on the
process used [11].
Industry is normally charged according to the COD
content and volume of its waste. Anaerobic digestion
offers an effective method of reducing the COD content,
producing substantial economic savings.
2.10 Domestic Waste Recycling
Treatment of domestic organic wastes with anaerobic
digestion reduces the flow of material to landfills which
are in effect un-optimised anaerobic digesters. Landfill
gas containing methane is often collected at sites and
used to generate electricity. Processing of wastes with
purpose built digesters offers a much more efficient use
of the waste material, and more controlled and effective
2.11 Developing Country Applications
Anaerobic digestion has proved a very successful source
of energy for remote, off-grid, rural areas in some
developing countries. China has implemented an
extremely effective biogas scheme which has resulted in
the installation of millions of systems throughout the

country[12]. In rural areas a small digester connected

with a latrine and pigsty was recommended and
popularised. The programme initially gave financial
incentives to promote uptake, but is now sufficiently
mature to be self-sustaining and subsidies to all but the
poorest farmers have been eliminated. In isolated areas
the government continues to support loan systems to help
farmers overcome the initial capital cost.
The primary domestic uses of biogas are cooking and
lighting. Specially designed stoves must be used as
biogas has different properties from other commonly used
gases (propane, butane etc.) and is only available at low
pressure. Lighting is normally provided by means of a
gas mantle [13].
2.12 Fuel based renewable / Peak Generation
Unlike other renewables such as wind and solar,
anaerobic digestion produces energy in the form of a

Figure 5. Gas storage tank

environment in the digester is therefore essential for

successful operation.
Several parameters need to be tightly controlled in order
to achieve optimum performance:
pH: Anaerobic bacteria are strongly inhibited
unless the digester pH is maintained at neutral.
Temperature: Mesophilic / Thermophilic
temperatures must be maintained or biogas
production will be reduced.
Salts: Bacteria require minimum amounts of
salts for optimum growth. However if salts are
allowed to accumulated beyond requirements
digestion is inhibited.
Alkalinity: Acids are produced as intermediates
during the digestion process. If sufficient
alkalinity is not present this will cause an
increase in pH inhibiting digestion.
A variety of other materials can also prove toxic
to the anaerobes including heavy metals,
ammonia and antibiotics. Ammonia toxicity is a
major concern in the digestion of livestock
manure [15].
All of these contribute to the fact that anaerobic digestion
requires more stringent process controls than the more
robust aerobic treatment.
3.2 Fluctuating Loads
The COD of the waste feed must be strictly managed if
digester performance is not to be adversely affected.
Anaerobic digestion is performed by a synergistic
consortium of micro-organisms and the pH sensitivity
described in the previous section is in fact due primarily
to one member group of bacteria, the methanogens.

Therefore the option exists to store the biogas and

increase electricity production during peak demand times.
In this way the usefulness and profitability of the whole
process is maximised.

3. Disadvantages
Unfortunately implementation of the anaerobic digestion
process has substantial drawbacks, largely responsible for
its limited uptake.
3.1 Environmental Sensitivities
The anaerobic digestion process can be viewed as
inefficient in that most of the energy of the organic
material ends up in the methane contained in the biogas.
The anaerobic bacteria in comparison to their aerobic
counterparts are very bad at extracting energy from the
organic feed. Only about 5-10% of the energy transferred
from the complex organics to methane is available for the
bacteria to use for growing, compared to 50% for the
equivalent aerobic process [14]. As a result anaerobic
bacteria tend to be slower growing and more sensitive to
changes in conditions. Maintaining a suitable

Figure 6. Interdependence of anaerobes

Fig. 6 illustrates the interdependencies of the facultative

anaerobic micro-organisms. A delicate balance exists
between the different sub-groups and steady state
conditions are achieved over a period of months. The
process can easily be upset if the COD of the influent is
not carefully maintained at a constant level.

3.5 Required Expertise

The delicate nature of anaerobic digestion discussed in
Secs. 3.1-3.2 mean that the process cannot be treated as a
black-box. A thorough understanding of the subtleties of
the process is required for successful operation. In
developing regions the required expertise may simply not
be available. For applications in developed countries the
cost of employing people with the necessary skills adds
to both the initial capital and running costs.
3.6 Hydrogen Sulphide Production
The presence of sulphur in waste feeds leads to the
production of hydrogen sulphide during digestion. The
H2S will then form a component of the generated biogas.
Hydrogen sulphide is extremely corrosive and its
presence requires the purchase of more robust and
therefore expense generators.
3.8 Persistence of Heavy Metals
Another problem with anaerobic digestion occurs due to
the fact that the feedstock may contain heavy metals or
persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Heavy metals
cannot be destroyed by digestion and thus the only way
they can be controlled is to ensure that the feedstock is as
clean as possible [17].

Figure. 7 Inhibition caused by fluctuating organic load

Fig. 7 illustrates what happens is the digester is subject to
a sudden increase in organic load (shock). The slow
growing methanogens are not able to cope with the
increased acid production caused by an increase in the
organic load. The inhibition of the methanogens then in
turn adversely effects the acidogens and the acetogens.
The delicate balance has been disturbed causing a
reduction in performance (COD removal and biogas
production) and in extreme cases a complete breakdown
of the process (souring).
3.3 Comparatively Low COD Removal
Anaerobic digestion will generally achieve organic
pollution reduction in the region of 85-90% [16]. A
second (usually aerobic) step is therefore often needed to
attain satisfactory removal of COD. Local authorities will
usually charge industry according to the volume and
COD of their waste. Manufacturers may therefore decide
to forego any secondary treatment and incur the
additional charges.
3.4 Capital Investment
The high initial costs required to develop an aerobic
digester are often the biggest obstacle to their
implementation. From a large industrial project to a small
on-farm digester the relative size of the capital
expenditure is potentially prohibitive.

3.8 Economic Viability

Anaerobic digestion is not viable purely as a source of
renewable energy. All other benefits of the process
(stabilisation, optimum inorganic nutrient recycle,
savings on synthetic fertilisers, sale of liquid fertiliser and
compost) must be fully exploited in order for it to be

The advantages and disadvantages of the anaerobic
digestion have been assessed. The process is primary of
importance in terms of waste stabilisation and pollution
control but its many fringe benefits improve its viability.
The methane produced by anaerobic digestion is an
important renewable energy source but does not justify
implementation solely for this purpose. The inherent
complexities and high start-up costs of anaerobic
digestion continue to hamper its development.

I would like to thank Prof. Andrew Wheatley for all his
advice on the subject in question. I would also like to
thank Severn Trent Water Ltd. for the opportunity to visit
their biogas facility which is featured in the photographs
in this report. Great appreciation is owed to David
Longden who took the pictures.

[1] Thames Waste Management Limited web-page,
(Accessed November 2002)

[2] Sewage sludge production in the EU,
(Accessed November 2002).
[3] British Biogen, AD Good Practice Guidelines,
(Accessed 12 November 2002)
[4] T. Mahony, V. OFlaherty, E. Colleran, E. Killilea, S.
Scott, J. Curtis , Feasibility study for centralised
anaerobic digestion for treatment of various wastes and
wastewaters in sensitive catchment areas (2002),
[5] I.D. Cowley, D.A.J Wase, Anaerobic Digestion of
Farm Wastes; a Review Part 1, Process Biochemistry
Aug/Sept 1981, p 28-33.
[6] D. L. Klass, Biomass for renewable energy, fuels,
and chemicals, San Diego, Calif. ; London : Academic
Press, (1998).
[7] C. da Costa Gomez, Biogas - A Reliable Income for
[8] D.A. Stafford, Methane production from waste
organic matter, West Palm Beach, Fla : CRC
Press, (1979).
[9] Lusk, P. and Moser, M. (1996). Anaerobic Digestion
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Ninth European
Bioenergy Conference; June 24-27, 1996, Copenhagen,
Denmark. UK: Pergamon Press; pp. 284-289.
[10] I.J. Callander, J.P. Barford, Recent Advances in
Anaerobic Digestion Technology, Process Biochemistry
August 1983.
[11] AD NETT- the Anaerobic Digestion Network,, (Accessed December 2002).
[12] Intermediate Technology Development Group, IT
Consultants, IT Power and ITDG Latin America,
Sustainable Energy for Poverty Reduction: an Action
Plan, (Accessed November 2002)
[13] U. Marchaim, Biogas processes for sustainable
nts (Accessed December 2002).
[14] N.E.H. Feilden, The Theory and Practice of
Anaerobic Digestion Reactor Design, Process
Biochemistry October 1982.
[15] C. D. Fulhage, D. Sievers and J. R. Fischer,
[16] Anaerobic Digestion in Wastewater Treatment,
asteWaterTreatment.pdf (Accessed December 2002)
[17] A. Wellinger, T. Jaatinen, P. Lusk,M. Perkin, E.
Pfieffer, S. Tatdrup, P. Wheeler, Biogas and More!, (Accessed December

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