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Scaling Relative Asymmetry in Space Syntax Analysis

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Scaling relative asymmetry in space syntax analysis

Mrio Krger

Professor of Architecture
University of Coimbra, Portugal

Andrea Pera Vieira

Faculty of Architecture
University of Porto, Portugal

Pages: 194-203

The Journal of Space Syntax

ISSN: 2044-7507


volume: 3

issue: 2

Online Publication Date: 28 December 2012



Scaling relative asymmetry in space syntax analysis

Mrio Krger

Andrea Pera Vieira

Professor of Architecture
University of Coimbra, Portugal

Faculty of Architecture
University of Porto, Portugal

This paper reports on a study of space syntax measures and focuses on the standard deviation of the
depth from an axial map. The first section of the paper is a partial review of the original study On node

and axial maps: Distance measures and related topics (Krger, 1989). The following sections present
new developments whereby a more robust statistical approach to work with integration is used, which not

Space syntax
measures, axial
map analysis, depth
standard deviation.

only considers the mean values given by Relative Asymmetry (RA), but also the corresponding standard

deviation. In other words, the proposition is to work not only with a measure of centrality (1/RA), but also
with a dispersion measure in order to obtain a more complete picture of the distribution of depth in an axial
map. The result of this study on space syntax measures takes into account the standard deviation of the

depth from an axial map, proposing a new measure of Scaled Relative Asymmetry of axial line i (SRAi),
which suggests powerful correlations with natural movement.

1. Introduction
At the social level, space affects human behaviour

The theory of space syntax aims to analyse

and has the potential to induce our actions and influ-

space and its configuration, focusing on their

ence their usages. The space syntax theory sup-

implications for social relations and pedestrian

ports the idea that space and its configuration have

movement. This method allows the study of differ-

a great influence on the socialisation processes that

ent systems of spatial relations, which characterise

occur in those occupied and used spaces.

different spaces (Hillier and Hanson, 1984; 1987).

This theory was first developed at University

Spatial systems are graphically represented by

College London in the Unit of Architectural Studies

their axial map the bi-dimensional representa-

(Hillier and Hanson, 1984) and has a particular way

tion of the main lines that connect the entire spatial

of representing space in order to systemise infor-

system, in which every line stands for a possibility

mation for the comprehension of different spatial

of flow between two spaces without physical or


visual barriers.

The space syntax studies developed at Universi-

Interpretation of space syntax measures in

ty College London have led to the natural movement

these maps is sensitive to the scale of the maps,

theory, concluding that through the combination of

since their values are dependent on the size of the

different information about the spatial patterns and

space under study. This issue is particularly relevant

observation studies, pedestrian movement tends to

when we compare measures across different urban

be associated with the morphology of the space. In

or buildings spaces, and it is therefore necessary

other words, space syntax states that some places

to place variables on a common scale obtained

are better integrated than others, usually indicated

by standardisation methods. This standardised

by a higher flow of people. This type of relationship

measure, introduced by Hillier and Hanson (1984)

does not depend only on the individual spaces, but

for expressing integration, is called Real Relative

on the configuration of those spaces as a whole

Asymmetry (RRA).

(Hillier et al., 1993).



Scaling relative
Krger, M. & Vieira, A.

Krger (1989) also indicates a standardisation

The work presented here is based on the study

procedure for RA Real Relative Asymmetry (RRA)

On node and axial maps: Distance measures and

that is presented in the next section of this paper.

related topics (Krger, 1989), and also on new

Normalisation is obtained by comparing a centrality

developments which consider a more robust statisti-

measure of a node of a graph with n nodes, with the

cal approach to work with integration that not only

centrality measure we would get if that node were

takes into account the mean values given by RA, but

the root of a standardised graph in a diamond shape

also the corresponding standard deviation. Con-

with the same number of nodes.

sequently the paper has two parts, the first being

These procedures have been shown to be

a review of the original study (ibid.) which presents

robust in practice, but nevertheless have been a

some basic space syntax measures and the deri-

matter for considerable discussion. Reflecting on

vation of the RA measure, based on mean depths

the problem of desirable integration measures that

from an axial line to all others. In the second part of

are independent of the size of the axial map of

the paper, a new measure called Scaled Relative

urban or building space, Teklenberg, Timmermans

Asymmetry (SRA) is developed which aims to take

and Wagenberg (1993) propose a new measure

into account not just mean depths, but also a meas-

and compare it with the existing measures of RRA,

ure of their variation. The proposition is therefore to

suggesting a logarithmic transformation of the total

not only take into account a measure of centrality

depth of a system. However, this method cannot

(1/RA), but also a dispersion measure in order to

produce values for all axial maps if there is a space

obtain a more complete picture of the distribution

where total depth is less than or equal to the total

of depths in an axial map. Subsequently it is sug-

number of spaces in the system. These authors sug-

gested that SRA performs better then RA, since it

gest an integration score primarily for urban plans

takes into account the form of depths distribution

or very large buildings and, in the other cases, the

and not just its mean.

distribution of integration should be calculated using

Hillier and Hansons (1984) method.
As a matter of fact, the Teklenberg, Timmermans

Axial maps usually represent different properties of

and Wagenberg (1993) approach relies on the

urban form and consist of the fewest longest straight

standardisation of mean integration but does not

lines that cover all urban public spaces, i.e. lines that

take into account the standard deviation of depths

pass through all urban public spaces configured as

values. Also Conroy-Dalton and Daltons (2007)

unified places. These axial lines have properties

work assumes a decay function for the distribution

of visibility, referring to how far one can see; and

of depth values, making an hypothesis on the form

permeability, relating to how far one can go.

that distribution, which is not necessary if we have

However, a more precise definition is needed if

mean and standard deviation of d-values to com-

we want to achieve an accurate description of these

pare two or more distributions.

maps in order to explore their properties.

Indeed, mean and standard deviation values are

An axial map (AM) consists of a finite non empty

essential for understanding the distribution of space

set L = L(A) of k lines together with a prescribed set

syntax values in axial maps because, regardless

X of m unordered pairs of lines of L.

of the mean, it makes a great deal of difference

Each pair x = {u, v} of lines in X is called a con-

whether the distribution is spread out over a broad

nection (or point) and x is said to join u and v. We

range or clustered closely around the mean.


2. General Properties of Axial Maps

The Journal of
Space Syntax


Volume 3 Issue 2

write x = uv and say that u and v are adjacent axial

lines; point x and line u are incidental to each

as are x and v.

It should be noted that the application AM (m, k)

GM (k,
is non isomorphic; i.e. while an axial
k) GM
map corresponds to just one graph, to the same

An axial map with k lines and m connections is

graph there correspond many axial maps. In short,

called a (m, k) map, the (0, 1) map being a trivial

an axial map AM (m, k) corresponds to one graph

case represented just by an axial line.

G (k, m), but the converse is not true.

For the (8, 6) axial map represented in Figure 1,

For an axial map, the maximum number of con-

the set of lines is defined as being given by L = {1,

nections for a given set of k lines is given by (Ck2 )

2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and the set of connections as being

given by X1 = {1, 2}, X 2 = {2, 3}, X3 = {3, 4}, X4 = {3,

6}, X5 = {3, 5}, X6 = {4, 6}, X7 = {4, 5} and X8 = {1, 6}.

A graph G of a (m, k) axial map consists of a

mmax =

k(k 1)


finite non-empty set V = V(G) of k vertices together

with a prescribed set X of m unordered pairs of

which is identical to the maximum number of lines

distinct vertices of V. Each vertex in G represents

thata graph G with k points can have (Harary, 1971,

a line of the (m, k) axial map and each pair y = {r,

p.16). In graph theory terminology, G is called a

s} of vertices in G represents a connection of the

complete graph since every pair of its k points is

axial map. Each pair y = {r, s} of vertices in G is an

adjacent. In a similar way we can say that an (mmax,

arc of G and y is said to join u and v. A graph G

k) axial map is a complete axial map.

with k vertices and m arcs is called a (k, m) graph.

A graph is said to be connected if every pair of

The (6, 8) graph represented in Figure 1 is de-

points can be joined by a path; i.e. by an alternating

scribed by the set of vertices V = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

sequence of points and lines, in which all points and

and by the sets of arcs Y1 = {1, 2}, Y2 = {2, 3}, Y3 =

lines are distinct and where each line is incidental

{3, 4}, Y4 = {3, 6}, Y5 = {3, 5}, Y6 = {4, 6}, Y7 = {4, 5}

and Y8 = {1, 6}.

Figure 1:
An example of an (8, 6)
axial map and its correspondent (6, 8) graph.



Scaling relative
Krger, M. & Vieira, A.

to the two points immediately preceding and follow-

In order to standardise the variation of mean

ing it. A path is considered closed if its first point is

depth between zero and one, Hillier and Hanson

identical to the last one. For a minimally connected

(1984, p.108) proposed the following measure,

axial map, the corresponding graph G is called a

known as the Relative Asymmetry (RA) of a line

tree; i.e. a connected graph with minimum number

or node i

of lines, without closed paths or cycles. In a tree

RAi =

with k vertices there must be k-1 lines; thus a lower

limit (mmin) for the number of connections in the axial

2(MDi 1)
(k 2)


map is given by k-1.

where the variables have the usual meaning.

3. Definition of Distance Measures on Axial Maps

Several distance measures have been proposed
in the literature to analyse the performance of the
graph representation of the axial map.

To obtain expression (3) we need to know the

maximum and minimum values that an axial line

can have in terms of mean depth.
The minimum value is given when node i in a

In general, we can speak of the distance dij

graph G is at minimum depth from all other ones,

the length of the shortest path joining them, if any;

that case the minimum mean depth is 1, i.e. MDmin

between two points i and j in graph G as being

otherwise dij = . In a connected graph, distance

presents metric properties, i.e. for all points i, j and

k (Harary, 1971, p.14), the following set of axioms

i.e. when it is at depth 1 from all other nodes. In

= 1. In graph theory terminology this corresponds
to the centre of a star.
The maximum value for MDi is given when node

i is the end point of a chain, i.e. of a tree with two

1. dij 0 , with dij =0 if and only if i = j,

points incidental to one line and the remaining (k-2)

2. dij = dji ,

points incidental to two lines.

3. dij + djk dik .

In axial maps the distance between line i and
j is, generally measured by the number of depth
steps, i.e. the number of axial lines located on the
shortest path joining them.
Mean depth of line i in an axial map is defined by

j =1 (k 1)

MDi =


where k represents the number of lines in the axial

map or the number of points in its graph represen-

Mean depth measures the extent to which a
given line i is segregated from the remaining lines of

each map. In that sense mean depth can be called

a global property of a specific axial line.

a) RAmax

b) RAmin

Figure 2:
a) Chain having end point with maximum RA.
b) Star having centre with minimum RA.

The Journal of
Space Syntax


Volume 3 Issue 2

Substituting the values of MD min and MD max

The total depth of an end point i in a chain is


given by the following expression

k 1

d = m,
j =1


m =1

i.e. is identical to the summation of natural numbers,

from m = 1, which corresponds to the node j at
depth 1 from i, up to k-1,which corresponds to the
deepest node j from i.

The summation of the series of natural numbers,

from 1 up to k-1, is given by

mmax =

k(k 1)

Therefore, the mean depth of an end node i in a

chain is given by


= .

MDi MDmin
MDmax MDmin

to 1 represent segregated points in relationship to

the whole graph, while values close to 0 represent
points integrated in the system.
However, as it stands, expression (3) does not
allow us to directly compare the values of RA for
points located in maps of different sizes. In fact,
as k increases, the mean depth decreases, ceteris paribus, in proportionate terms. This means
that RA measures also decrease in proportionate
it is therefore impossible to compare systems of

0 and 1, is given in its standardised form as

RAi =

gives the value of the RA of point i. Values close

terms when the number of axial lines increases;

The expression of RAi , defined to vary between

in expression (4), we obtain expression (3) which

different sizes.
The usual approach is to compare RA values
for each point with RA values of a root of a diamond


shape. The reason for adopting this procedure rests

on the assumption that, in both cases, the depths
are approximately normally distributed.


N Points











Figure 3:
D46 - Diamond
Shape with 46
points and 9 levels of depth.



Scaling relative
Krger, M. & Vieira, A.

A diamond shape, as a graph, is a special form


of justified graph. A justified graph is one in which a

The first term

point, called the root, is put at the base and then all

S1 = q(2q ) on the right hand


side of equation (5) represents the total depth of

points of depth 1 are aligned horizontally above it,

the root in relationship to those points located from

all points at depth 2 from that point above those at

depth 1, and so on until all levels of depth from that

depth 0 to depth d/2. The second term

point are accounted for (Hillier and Hanson, 1984,

S2 =

p.106). In a diamond shape there are k points at

mean depth level, k/2 at one level above and below,

S = ( d 1)(2(

with k points, and to divide the RA value found for a

specific line of the axial map by the value obtained
for Dk. This new value has been called Real Relative


S2 =

d / 21

diamond root as a function of the number of its

In a diamond shape with k nodes, the total depth

d /2

d / 21

q =0

q =0


d / 21

d(2 )

q =0

expression (6) partially cancel out, giving the following result

TDk = ( d 2 )(2d / 2 ) +

is given by the following expression

But, in general, as



The first two terms in the right hand side of

from its root TDk , in relationship with all other points,

where d represents the maximum depth from



we need to obtain an expression for the RA of the



procedures to standardise the RA of an axial map,

(d q)(2 )

d / 21

d(2. ) + q(2 ) .

TDk = S1 + S2 = q(2 q ) +

In order to compare the performance of different


in (5) gives the following result

4. Scaling Relative Asymmetry

TDk = q(2 ) +

)+ 2

Substitution of these expanded terms S1 and S2

integrated lines in the axial map, whilst values above

d +1)

For the second term, after expansion, it beco-

Asymmetry (RRA) in the literature (see ibid., p.112)

d / 21

) + 2]

in the right hand side of expression (5) becomes

the Dk i.e. the RA of the root of a diamond shape


(see Graham et al., 1989, p. 33), then the first term

cedure (see ibid., p.112-113) has been to estimate



For an axial map with k lines, the general pro-

1 indicate more segregated lines.


As, in general, q(2 ) = [(n 1)(2

1, such as those lower than 0.6, indicate strongly

up to maximum depth d from the root.

there is one point at the shallowest (the root) and

and varies above and below 1. Values well below

(d q)(2 ) represents the same in

relationship to those points situated at depth (d/2+1),

k/4 at two levels above and below, and so on until

deepest levels (ibid., p.111-112).

d / 21

d / 21

d(2 )


(a ax n+1 )
ax =

(1 x)
k =0



developing the second term in the right hand side

of expression (7), we obtain

the root and q the depth, also from the root, of the

TDk = ( 3 2 )(d2d / 2 ) d

points located on each level.


The Journal of
Space Syntax


Volume 3 Issue 2

Expression (8) gives the total depth of a root of a

If we substitute expression (12) in (3) we obtain

diamond shape as a function of d, i.e. as a function

the RA of a root of a diamond (Dk ) as a function of

of the maximum depth from that root.

the number of points k and the depth of its diameter

As in a diamond shape (see Figure 3) d/2=n,

where n in expression 2n represents the depth of the

n, i.e. by

Dk =

diameter of a diamond, i.e. of the diamonds level

with the greatest number of points, and 2n stands
for the number of points at that level, then if we
substitute this result in (8) we obtain, after algebraic
manipulation, for the total depth of a diamond

TDk = 2n(3 2(n 1) 1)

However, from expression (10) we can estimate

k + 2
n = lg 2

Expression (9) gives the total depth of a diamond

root as a function of its diameter depth.


n as a function of k, which is given by


The total number k of points in a diamond shape

2 [ k(n 1) +1]
(k 1)(k 2)


If we substitute the value of n, given by expression (14), in (13) we finally obtain the RA of a

can be given as a function of its diameter depth,

root simply as a function of the number of


i.e. as a function of n by the following expression

its k points, i.e. as


k = 2n + 2 2i

Dk =

i =0

2 [(k(lg 2 ( k+2
3 ) 1) +1)]
(k 1)(k 2)


where the first expression on the right hand side

The usual procedure in space syntax analysis

represents the number of points at diameter level

is to standardise the RA by the values given by

the second one the number of points at all

Dk regardless of the form of depths distribution

other levels.

As, in general,

i =0

(1 2 )
(1 2)

then, after

algebraic manipulation, the last equation for k could

be transformed, by substitution, into

k = 3 2 n 2


If we substitute (10) in (9) we obtain an expression for the root total depth as a function of the
of diamond points (k) as well as a function
of its diameter level (n), i.e. simply as

TDk = k n


Then the mean depth of a diamond root can

now be given by

MDk = (k n) /(k 1)

in axial maps.

If we want to compare axial maps of different

sizes then we should have the same yardstick - not
just in terms of their mean depths, but also concerning the dispersion of their values. In short, we should
account for the entire distribution of depths on maps
to be compared, not just their mean depths, as happens in the estimation of Dk which is only dependent
on the value obtained for MDk .

Therefore, we now need to obtain the standard

deviation of depth values from a root of a diamond

shape in order to convert RA values to a common
scale and be able to compare axial maps of different sizes.
The following identity provides a basis for estimating the standard deviation of variable x on an


interval scale distribution:



Scaling relative
Krger, M. & Vieira, A.

As n = lg 2 ((k + 2) /3), we can express the Dk

k (x i x )2
k x i 2

i =1
= i =1 + (k 2)( MD ) 2
k 1
k 1

just in function of its k elements, as we did it for Dk.


where k represents the number of observations,

This gives a general procedure to standardise

depth measures in order to convert them with a

certain mean and standard deviation to a common scale that is only dependent on the number

the mean of the distribution and MDk, as usual, the

of their nodes.

mean depth of a diamond root.

That transformation can be done in one step by

In order to estimate the standard deviation of

the following equation that converts values in one

depths on a diamond root ( Dk), we need to express



in context, the expression

i 1

scale directly to comparable values in another scale

by means of a linear transformation (Guilford and

; i.e. we need to

Fruchter, 1978, p.477)

develop it in a similar fashion as we did for the total

STDi = i TDk i MDk MDi (21)

depth from its root (TDk) given by expression (5).

In other words, we need to estimate the follow-

ing expression,

d /2

d / 21

q =0

q =0

x i 2 = q2 (2q ) +

(d q)2 (2q )

where the variables have the usual meaning.



MDi = dij /(k 1) ,

As the diameters depth of a diamond shape

equals half of the maximum depth from the root (n =




q2(2q ) + (d q)2(2q )


= (3 2 n 4n 8n + 3 2

n +2

Di is the standard deviation of depths for axial

line i;

and STDi represents the standardised total depth

of axial line i.

Knowing Di and TDi from a particular distribu-

12) (19).

tion of depth values in an axial map, we are now able

If we substitute expressions (12) and (19) in

STDi and therefore the Scaled Relative Asymmetry

to obtain the standardised value of its total depth

of axial line i (SRAi) given by its scaled mean depth

(16), we find the standard deviation of depths on a

(SMDi) as

diamond root ( Dk) given by

Dk =


shortest path between nodes i and j;

of a diamond shape with k elements;


sion (18), we obtain,


where dij stands for the

Dk is the standard deviation of depths for the root

Developing and factoring both terms of expres-

j =1

TDk = 2n(3.2 n 1 1) ;

d/2), then the right hand side of equation (13) could

be transformed, by substitution, into

MDk = (k n) /(k 1) ;

SRAi =

kn 2
3 2 n n 2 4n 2 8n + 3 2 n +2 12
(k 2)

k 1
k 1

SMDmax SMDmin


where SMDi = STDi /(k-1); SMDmax represents the


standard mean depth of the end point of a chain

The Journal of
Space Syntax


Volume 3 Issue 2

with k nodes, and SMDmin the standard mean depth

of the centre of a star with k nodes.

The expression (22) is equivalent to RA i for

non-standardised depth values that were defined to

vary between 0 and 1 and given by expression (4).

We now need to estimate SMDmin and SMDmax

in a similar fashion as we did for STDi using an ex-

pression, in both cases, analogous to equation (21).

However, as the centre of a star has standard
deviation equal zero, it means that the standardisation procedure given by the expression



where, STDs stands for the standardised total depth

deviations of depths for the root of a diamond shape

and of the end point of a chain with k elements;

MDk = (k n) /(k 1) ; MDc = k/2 stands for the

mean depth and for the total depth from the root
of a diamond shape with k nodes.

The only term that needs now to be estimated

is Dc. That can be done in a similar fashion as

we did to obtain the standard deviation of variable

x on an interval scale distribution

k (i k ) 2
Dc = i =1 k 1

= SMDs =
k 1

STDs = s TDk s MDk MDs

where Dk and Dc are, respectively, the standard

of the centre of a star with k nodes, Ds for standard

of a stars centre with k nodes transforms into

SMDs =

(k 1)

obtain the standardised total depth (STDc) of the end

point of a chain with k nodes and, consequently, the
SMDmax given by

SMDmax =


to calculate STDc , i.e. the standardised total depth

point of a chain with k elements given by

of the end

We now have finally all the elements to estimate

the Scaled Relative Asymmetry of axial line i (SRAi)
Scaling by this procedure assumes that the

obtained form of depth distribution for axial line i is

the same as the original one would be on a scale
of equal units.
As the diamond shape has a distribution of
depths from its root with mean depth MDk (equation
12) and standard deviation given by Dk (equation

k 1

STDc = c TDk c MDk MDc

(k 1)

by equation (22).

On the other hand, to obtain SMDmax we need

SMDMax = SMDc =


as well as all other variables already deduced, we

and the other variables have the usual meaning,

Therefore, the standardised mean depth (SMDs)

k 3 2k
12(k 1)

Substituting the values of Dc in equation (25),

deviation and MDs for the mean depth of that node,

then it becomes STDs = MDs (because Ds = 0).

20), this enables the scaling of RA by the results

given in equation (22) which, in turn takes into ac(25),

count not just the values of mean depths, but also

the variability of their distributions in axial maps.



Scaling relative
Krger, M. & Vieira, A.

About the authors:

Mrio Krger (kruger@

5. Conclusions


The first section of the paper is a partial review of

Conroy-Dalton, R. and Dalton, N. (2007), Applying depth, is full Professor at

the University of Coimbra,
was a member of the Centre
for Land Use and Built Form
Studies at the University of
Cambridge, which in 1978
awarded him a PhD in the
area of architectural and
urban morphology. He super vised more than six
dozens masters theses
and/or doctoral degrees at
the Universities of Braslia,
University College London, Cambridge, Technical
University of Lisbon and
Coimbra. With three books
in the field of architectural
theory and seven dozens
of papers published in
national and international
journals, he produced, as
co-author, a critical edition
in Portuguese of the treatise
De re aedificatoria by Leon
Battista Alberti, published
in 2011.

Krgers original paper (1989), presenting some

take into account the genus of a three-dimensional

Krger, M. (1989), On node and axial maps: distance

Andrea Pera Vieira (apviei-

surface, while novel derivations should be made

measures and related topics. In: European Confer- is Assistant
Lecturer in CAAD at Faculty
of Architecture of University
of Porto (FAUP) and is graduated in mathematics and
in architecture at the same
university. She has a Master
in urban planning by the
University of Aveiro (2007)
and is a research student
at FAUP on how learning
spaces can improve learning activities. She is also a
junior researcher in CEAU
( and
participates in research
projects on E- Learning
Caf and Spatial Representation and Communication
Center - FAUP.


space syntax measures which are used in this study.

The results obtained in this paper are the outcomes of a study that took the standard deviation of

decay functions to space syntax network graphs. In:

Proceedings of the Sixth International Space Syntax
Symposium, Istanbul: I.T.U. Faculty of Architecture,

the depth from an axial map into account. Introduc-

Hanson, J. and Hillier, B. (1987) The architecture of

ing a new measure for axial analyses, the Scaled

community: Some new proposals on the social con-

Relative Asymmetry of axial line i (SRAi), suggests

more powerful correlations with natural movement.

We propose that testing the correlation of SRAi

with natural urban movement will produce interesting results. These tests will be undertaken in a future
study of the axial comparative analyses of urban
maps representing Portuguese settlements, as well
as Architecture Faculty buildings in Portugal. In the
latter case, since two-dimensional plane axial maps
do not apply to multi-storey buildings, the diamond
shape should be mapped onto a sphere in order to

for the mean depth and the standard deviation of

these axial maps.
In short, although the derivation of the expression for RRA has been available since Krger
(1989), it is possible to work with a more robust
statistical approach which not only takes into account its the mean depth values, but also the corresponding standard deviation for each axial line
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