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Law Iami Bylaws Original

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REGISTRATION No. 3774 / 93

I hereby certify that I.A.M.I. (Indian Association for Medical Informatics, Dept of Clinical
Pharmacology, Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences, Panjagutta, Hyderabad-500 482 ) is this day
registered under the Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Areas) Fasli (Act I of 1350 F)

Given Under my hand and seal at Hyderabad, this, the 18 th day of September One Thousand Nine
Hundred Ninety Three.


Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad

Signed By: Registrar of Societies




IAMI (Indian Association for


Medical Informatics)





C/o. Department of Clinical Pharmacology

Second Floor, OPD Block,
Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences,
Punjagutta, HYDERABAD 500 482.

Separate sheet attached. (These may be

amended any time with the concurrence
of majority of the members).


1. Certified that the association is formed with no profit motive and no commercial
activity is involved in its working. Its activity will be limited only to professional and
academic activities.
2. Certified that none of the Office bearers, Executive Committee Members and Advisors
are paid from the funds of the association.
3. Certified that the association would not engage in any kind of agitational activities to
ventilate grievances by any one on any other Member.

(Prof N. G. Rao), Vice President, I.A.M.I.
Hyderabad, A.P.
Dated: 18 Sept 1993.


We, the undersigned persons in the memorandum have formed an association and are
responsible to run the affairs of the association and are desirous of getting the association
registered under PUBLIC SOCIETIES REGISTRATION ACT 1350 Fasli.

Names of the Office Bearers who formed the Association, their designations,
addresses and signatures:-


1. Dr Nanduri Gajanana Rao S/o Late Dr N.R. Rao, Vice President.

Occupation: Senior Consultant, Computer-assisted Medicine,
CMC Ltd, Gachibowli, Old Bombay Road,
Residential Address: 76, AWHO Colony, Sector-A, SECUNDERABAD.
Signature: ***************

2. Shri Devulapalli Subba Rao, S/o Late DVR Murthy, Secretary.

Occupation: Manager, Computers,
Indian Hospital Corporation, Apollo Hospital,
Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad.
Tel: 247655 (off) 238049 (res)
Residential Address: Plot-60, Road No. 5, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad.
Signature: ***************

3. Shri Kovelimadhom Anantharaman Ramesh S/o KS Anantha Raman,

Joint Secretary.
Occupation: Director, Strabus Software Solutions (P) Ltd.
73, BHEL Enclave, Akbar Road, Secunderabad.
Tel: 811356 / 845651
Residential Address: 71- BHEL Enclave, Akbar Road, Secunderabad.
Signature: ***************
Sd/- 4. Shri Remella Venkata Surya Subba Avadhanulu, S/o RV Surya Narayana,
Additional Secretary,
Occupation: Head, Computer Division, NIMS, Hyderabad.
Tel: 228899
Residential Address: H-34, Madhuranagar, Hyderabad-500 038.
Tel: 221277
Signature: ***************
Sd/- 5. Dr (Ex Lt. Col) Krishna Reddy Bhaskara Reddy S/o K. Ramana Reddy,
Executive Member.
Signature: ***************


(1) Signature:
Name in block letters: Dr R.A. SASTRY
Son of :
Sri R.S. Rao
Addl Prof of Surgery, NIMS
Residential Address: 6-9-903/A/4, Somajiguda, Hyderabad

(2) Signature:
Name in block letters: Dr G. VIJAYA KUMAR
Son of :
Dr G. Somasundara Rao
Addl Prof of Surgery, NIMS
Residential Address: B-53/F-3, Vijayanagar Colony, Hyderabad-457.

All Signed on: 18 Sept 1993

Registration Number Allotted by the

Registrar: 3774 of 93


(As amended on 11 April 1997)
The following aims and objectives have been drafted for the benefit of giving guidelines while enlisting new
members in the association and for the Office Bearers, Executive Committee Members and Life Members of
the IAMI for their functioning:

To develop computer awareness in people of Medical Profession (including Dental, Nursing,

Paramedical, Pharmacy and Hospital Administration) through lectures, seminars, workshops,
exhibitions and demonstrations of medical software in all parts of the country and to stress the necessity
and benefits of various computer applications in Medicine, Health and Hospital Services.


To give necessary assistance and guidance to Healthcare Providers, Health Insurance Providers and
computer professionals who are interested in developing equipment / software for enhancement of
professional efficiency of doctors, nurses and paramedical technicians and administrative efficiency in
hospitals in order to bring in the required improvements in patient care, betterment in hospital services,
documentation and over all improvement in administrative functions in Health Services of States and
Central Government through mutual collaboration.


To help organizations, hospitals, institutions, health & hospital administrators who are life members of
IAMI to identify their health and administrative problems that can be solved through computerization and
pass them on to Information Technology Companies (both software and hardware) for solution.


To make all the required efforts to introduce computer education in all the colleges of medical sciences,
dental sciences, nursing and pharmacy in India at both UG and PG levels through MCI (Medical Council
of India) and respective University Authorities.


To make all the efforts to improve the medical, dental, nursing and pharmacy colleges in their
educational and training methodologies through computer-aided techniques and computerized library
information services.


To assist government / public / private hospitals, nursing homes & clinics and other organizations /
institutions / establishments having their own hospitals / dispensaries in planning, procurement and
installation of computer systems including computer-linked medical instruments & equipment and other
health related software through standard companies at reasonable rates.


To suggest improvements in the existing services and procedures including installed information
systems if approached by any hospital / nursing home / clinic / organization / establishment / institution /
laboratory / dispensary / pharmaceutical company and find suitable software & hardware firms to do that
job suiting international standards.


To develop collaboration links with other countries, other national and international organizations /
associations / societies / institutions and software companies for associated membership, software
development, database sharing, knowledge base creation, data mining, software exchanges, literature
(bibliographic) references etc.


To assist in the planning, development and employment of manpower for medical informatics in
hospitals / medical, dental & nursing institutes / medical organizations and pharmaceutical companies
who join IAMI as life members.

10. To help India to reach high international standards in healthcare through standardization of the hospital
procedures including patient care, medical documentation, health records, health statistics,
computerized / computer-interfaced medical instruments, patient monitors and other hospital
11. To conduct periodic professional conferences at national / international level in medical informatics and
periodic conferences / seminars / workshops at regional level to keep abreast the members of IAMI of
the technologies involving computers and information sciences in relation to medical and allied fields.
12. To bring out periodical news bulletins, publish Indian Journal of Medical Informatics and proceedings of
the conferences to encourage members of IAMI in professionalism, research, innovations, publications
and knowledge sharing.

(Dr.N.G. RAO), Vice President, I.A.M.I.

01.09.1993 and 12 .06.1997

(Rules and Regulations)
(As amended on 11 April 1997 and subsequently on 03 March 2001)



IAMI (Indian Association for Medical





Department of Clinical Pharmacology
Second Floor, OPD Block,
Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences,
Punjagutta, HYDERABAD 500 482.

A. Eligibility for Membership:

Medical doctors of any speciality, general practice and administration,
dentists of any speciality, medical, health and bio-statisticians, people of
computer profession and trade, nurses, medical technologists and
technicians, paramedical people of any category and all non-clinical and
non-medical scientists who are working or interested in working in any of
the application areas in medicine, health, hospital administration and any
allied subject and subscribing to the Aims and Objectives of this
Association are eligible to become members of IAMI provided the
membership fee is paid. Undergraduate students of medical sciences,
dental sciences, computer sciences, engineering, nursing, pharmacy,
biology, biomedical engineering, bio-statistics and bio-physics, who have
interest in medical informatics are also eligible to become student
members provided annual membership fee is paid.
B. Subscriptions:
Any Institute / Organization
/ Establishment / Hospital / Firm who are interested in the AIMS and
OBJECTIVES of the Association and paying the required membership fee of Rs
750.00 (Rupees seven hundred and fifty only) per annum and for those located in
a foreign country is US $ 60.00 (sixty only) per annum may become an
Institutional Annual Member of the Association for a period of one year from the
date of receipt of the fee. The membership amount is to be paid in lumpsum in
advance. Their membership number starts with the category initials of IA and the
year of taking annual membership for the first time followed by the serial number.
For individuals, it is limited to under graduate students only (of medical, dental,
nursing, computer science, engineering and pharmacy colleges, students of
biomedical informatics, biomedical engineering, bio-statistics and bio-physics,
etc). A certificate from the Head of the Institute is required to be attached with
the membership application form for all students. Their Personal Annual
membership number starts with the category initials of PA and the year of taking
annual membership for the first time followed by the serial number. In case of



Institutional annual membership, a maximum number of ten employees from the

Organization / Institute / Establishment / Hospital / Firm enjoy the benefits of
membership in IAMI for a period of one year . The Head of the Organization /
Institute / company submits the list of those ten members to the President, IAMI soon
after the membership is approved by the IAMI.
Persons of any of the above fields on payment of
Rs.750/- (Rupees seven hundred and fifty only) in lumpsum are enrolled as Life
Members. Persons who are aged more than 50 years, need to pay only Rs 500.00 (Rupees
five hundred only) in lumpsum. The fee for life membership for any person working /
staying in a foreign country shall be US $ 50.00 (fifty US Dollars only) in cash or
cheque). Their Personal Life Membership number starts with the category initials of PL
and the year of taking life membership or taking annual membership in case of
conversion followed by the serial number.


An Organization, Institution, Establishment, Hospital

or Firm may become an institutional member for life by paying a fee of Rs. 5,000/(Rupees Five thousands only) in lumpsum and the life membership fee for an
Organization / Institution / Establishment / Hospital / Firm located in a foreign country is
US $ 500.00 (five hundred only). A maximum number of ten employees from the
Organization / Institute / Hospital / Firm enjoy the benefits of membership in IAMI (for
one or many years). The Head of the Organization / Institute / Hospital / Firm submits the
list of those members to IAMI soon after the membership is approved by the IAMI. In
this category, the Organization is at liberty to change the list of 10 individuals at any time
they wish. Their Institutional Life Membership number starts with the category initials of
IL and the year of taking life membership or taking annual membership in case of
conversion followed by the serial number.
(iv) HONORARY MEMBERS: Any person

with outstanding qualifications and experience in

the field of medical informatics may be nominated for honorary membership without
application and membership fee. This is to be approved by the Executive Committee
supported by a consent letter from the concerned person within one month. Their tenure
is one year and extendable every year for any number of years. They do not need to pay
any fee for their membership even if they wish to continue and are allotted the
membership number starting with the category initials, PH followed by the year of
becoming honorary member and serial number. They may also be nominated as Honorary
Advisors and they advise the President and Executive Committee on various aspects
concerning IAMI. They do not enjoy voting rights in elections.
Any annual member may opt to
become a life member (both individual and institutional) at any time. If the conversion
request comes within one year of paying the annual membership fee (initial or
subsequent), they need to pay the life membership fee less one year annual membership
fee. In such cases, the membership category changes to PL in case of persons and IL in
case of Institutes / Organizations / Hospitals / Establishments / Firms etc.



The administration and control over all the matters concerning the
Association shall vest in the General Body and not any individual
member, even any one of the OfficeBearers and Executive
Committee. However, the President, Secretary, Treasurer and
selected few of the Executive Committee may make decisions in
day to day work of the association and ask for approval /
ratification for all important decisions and expenditure by the
General Body later at the earliest.


Current Members on rolls (both life and annual with exception of

honorary and student members), and Advisors (not honorary) are
entitled to participate in the General Body Meetings and elections.


General Body Meetings will be normally held when a conference /

workshop / seminar takes place or when an extraordinary General
Body Meeting is called for by the President to transact the
following business on any day preferably in the first or last 3
calendar months:(i)

To pass the expenditure statement of previous year.


To approve the report of the activities of the society.


To elect new Office Bearers.


To elect or select the Executive Committee, Advisors etc

and nominate Honorary members..


To appoint an Auditor.


To plan and schedule the activities in the coming years

including conferences, workshops and seminars and selection
of the locations and the Chairpersons for the Organizing


a. Executive Committee: The Executive Body, the Office Bearers and

the Advisors form the Executive Committee and their total number
shall not exceed 20. The Executive Body are 10 in number and the
elected / selected office Bearers i.e. President, Vice President,
Secretary, Additional Secretary / Joint Secretary, International
Representative, Treasurer etc and Advisors do not exceed ten in
number. The Advisors


do not exceed 4 in number including any Honorary if present. The

immediate past President and one of the Founder Presidents do
automatically act as Advisors until next elections and selections. The
immediate past Secretary and Treasurer form part of the Executive Body
until the next elections and selections. The members for the Executive
Body may be nominated by any member and have to be approved by the
General Body or existing Executive Committee or by the new Office
Bearers at the time of fresh elections supported by the consent letters from
the nominated persons in writing within a month. Only when the nominated
persons out number the vacancies, the names will be put before the General
Body for electing.
b. Annual List: The members of the Executive Committee shall be dutybound to attest the signatures of all the newly elected Office Bearers
and Executive Committee Members and to see that the said names and
signatures are sent in an annual list filed with the Registrar of Societies
before 15th day of the succeeding month in which elections are held.

6. Functions of the Office Bearers and Executive Body:

The following shall be the duties and responsibilities of various Office Bearers and
Executive Body of the Association and these may be amended by General Body with at
least 2/3rd of the total members in attendance:


is an elected Head of the Association. He/She may be

nominated as an HONORARY PRESIDENT in special circumstances even if he/she is
not a life member of the association. He/she shall be a person of eminence with
considerable experience in Medical Informatics. One of the members of the
Executive Committee may also be nominated by the Executive Committee to act
as the President in any circumstance, when both the President and Vice President
are absent for any period until elections are held. He/she shall be in over all
charge of the day to day work and conduct of the affairs of the Association and
shall preside over all the meetings of the Association and and its committees.
He/she has power to call for the meetings of the General Body Suo Moto or on the
requisition made by atleast one fourth of the members or half of the Executive
Committee. He/she shall take all important decisions and put them before an
Executive Committee for ratification. He/she can exercise his/her right to vote in
all the meetings and elections if he/she is an active elected President only.

shall assist the President in the discharge of his/her duties and

shall act as an Acting President for any period of his/her absence or incapacity or
on relegation of presidential duties by the President him/herself for any special
reason before an election.



shall be responsible for properly Organizing all activities of the

association, maintaining all records of it and ensuring prompt and timely
correspondence. He/she shall be responsible for all his/her duties, subject to the
over all control of the President while ensuring proper functioning of the Forum.
He/she will be the custodian of all records including accounts maintained by the
Treasurer and will maintain minutes of all meetings. He/she guides the Treasurer
in preparing budget and expenditure statement. He/she does not keep any amount
belonging to the association more than Rs 500.00 at any one time and does not
enjoy any financial decision power unless authorized in writing by the President.
He/she shall prepare the annual report of the association and present it to the
Executive Committee for its approval and dispatch to the Chairperson of the
Organizing Committee well before the biennial conference organized by the
association. The Secretary shall present his/her annual report to the audience for
familiarizing them with the developments which have taken place since its
inception and more in detail of the achievements during his/her tenure as


& Coordinator: A separate portfolio of

International Representative & Coordinator may be given to a life member
staying / working abroad and his/her duties shall be to act as a
spokesperson for IAMI abroad, to develop collaborations and cooperation
with similar associations/societies in foreign countries, work out inter
society membership or associated membership facilities with them for life
members of IAMI, to pass on information on various conferences /
seminars / workshops taking place abroad or those organized by WHO,
IMIA, any professional association / society / Institute / Organizations etc,
and all interesting matters or free software on any aspect of computer
applications in medicine, information on new products developed etc for
the benefit of IAMI and its members. He/she also shall explore the
possibilities of marketing in a foreign country, of any product (software or
hardware) designed or developed by a member of IAMI. He/she may also
probe the possibilities of awarding projects of research, design,
development etc by any foreign agency / Organization / Institution to any
life member or life institute of IAMI. He/she will also take the initiative
for exchange of software between India and other countries and make all
necessary correspondence in that regard. He/she shall make due efforts to
rise the status of IAMI to that of other well established associations and
societies in other developed countries. He/she will make efforts to enroll
nonresident Indians as foreign members in IAMI. He/she will be on the
look out and is responsible to gather up to date developments and
technological updates in Medical Informatics from other countries and
pass on the information to the Secretary or Joint Secretary (News Bulletin)
for publication. He/she is also responsible to gather International support
and aid to organize special conferences, meetings, seminars, workshops
etc. in India or abroad and to obtain financial help for the life members of
IAMI for attending international conferences / workshops / seminars etc or


for their study tours related to the field of Medical Informatics. He/she
will work out the required terms and conditions for any collaboration / cooperation with foreign professional bodies to get associated membership
to IAMI life members and to pass them on to the General Body /
Executive Committee for approval / ratification.
The International Representative shall attend the conferences / workshops
/ seminars organized by IAMI, take active participation in them through
personal attendance or by giving live presentation of a paper through
internet and exercise his / her rights in taking part in elections and voting
through email. He/she will make all efforts to rise the financial status of
IAMI through more NRI memberships, advertisement collections, finding
donors/sponsors etc. For any expenditure above the limit of $ 50.00
(fifty), he/she is required to take approval in advance from the Executive
Committee. Until the financial status of IAMI improves, no financial help
may be given to the International Representative for his/her travel,
attending conferences, telephone calls, stationary, secretarial work etc.

ADDITIONAL, JOINT / ASSISTANT SECRETARY shall perform the specific jobs and
tasks assigned to them by the Executive Committee or President and assist the
Secretary in the discharge of his/her duties in such a way as may be desired.

(vi) TREASURER: He/she shall be responsible for all the amounts received and spent on
behalf of the Forum as authorized by the Executive Committee and General
Body. He/she shall keep all the documents entrusted to him/her including the
cheque books, FDRs etc and accurate documents of all accounts and all monetary
transactions (amounts received, drawn, deposited, issued and spent) with proper
and correct vouchers. He/She shall present a statement of Income and Expenditure
in the Annual General Body Meetings. Any expenditure more than Rs 500.00 is
required to have the approval of the Executive Committee in advance. When in
urgency, such expenses can be incurred with verbal approval followed by written
approval of the President /Vice President/Secretary and have to be ratified by the
Executive Committee subsequently. In case of amounts received in excess of
Rs. 500/- shall be deposited without delay on the next working day in the IAMI
bank account without fail. Any discrepancy noticed in the accounts shall be
brought to the knowledge of the President / Vice President and Secretary and
necessary action will be taken to rectify it. He/she shall see that the FDRs are
applied for or renewed in time and minimum amount required for immediate
transactions only is kept in the SB / Current Accounts of the Association. The SB /
Current Account / FDRs are required to be operated by any two of the following
three Office Bearers:
(a) President or Vice President
(b) Secretary or Joint Secretary
(c) Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer


The Bank Manager shall be informed immediately if there are any changes in this
names for operating the Associations bank accounts and loss of any important
documents such as cheque books, cheques, FDRs etc.


He/she will assist the Treasurer in all the functions as

directed by the Executive Committee or President / Vice President.


Advisors: The Executive Committee or the General Body of the association

may recommend / appoint people of eminence in medical informatics within
IAMI members or outside as Advisors limiting to 4 in number. They shall
automatically become members of Executive Committee and enjoy voting
rights provided they are life members of IAMI. Otherwise, the Executive
Committee may confer on them Honorary Membership. They advise the
President, Office Bearers and the Executive Committee on various matters of
interest to IAMI. Their advice will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
The tenure of an Advisor is fixed for 2 years extendable any number of times
to another period of 2 years each time by the Executive Committee.




They will attend the Executive Committee Meetings whenever called for
by the President / Vice President / Secretary and will take part in all
matters of importance scheduled for discussion and decisions in those
meetings along with the other members of the Executive Committee
(Office Bearers and Advisors). An Executive Committee Member may
absent himself / herself from such meetings after due intimation to the
convener of the meeting. No proxy is allowed in the E.C. Meetings.


They will attend all the General Body Meetings without fail and take
part in the elections.

An Executive Committee Member should be a life member of the

Association (either individual or institutional).

(c) They shall work only for the enhancement of the membership and
activities of the association and no groupism or factionalism is allowed.
If there are any complaints on any of the Office Bearers or other Executive
Committee Members or the Advisors, these will be in writing and
discussed in the immediately following Executive Committee Meeting. No
member of the Executive Committee will go to press or publish in a public
news paper or professional news bulletins on any issue concerning IAMI
without discussion in an Executive Committee Meeting for any reason
what so ever.
(d) Only an E.C. Member shall be Head of any sub-committee formed by the
association for any purpose.




The ordinary tenure for Office Bearers including the President and Executive
Committee Members is 2 years or until the next elections are conducted which ever is
earlier. However, the tenure of any individual (including Advisors) may be extended
by the Executive Committee to another period of 2 years if elections/selections to the
Office Bearers are not conducted in time for any reason. At the end of 4 years, it is
mandatory to hold elections / selections for the above without fail. Only the President
may nominate other Office Bearers and Executive Committee Members when
elections are delayed or postponed for any reason and this list is required to be
discussed and ratified by the Executive Committee or majority of members in an
Extraordinary General Body Meeting at the earliest opportunity but not later than 3
months from the date of such nomination. It is also mandatory to obtain the
willingness certificates / letters from the nominated members and filed before the
meeting. Any one of them may resign at any time after submitting a letter of
resignation to the President, who shall discuss the subject in an Executive Committee
Meeting and accept or reject the request. The President shall ensure that there is
nothing outstanding against that person in cash or kind dues to the association. Any
change in the list of the Executive Committee shall be informed to the registrar of the
societies within 30 days. Any change in the IAMI bank account holders, shall be
notified to the bankers immediately along with the specimen signatures of the new.


Half of the total number of members for General Body Meetings

and th for the Executive Committee Meeting. However, on any occasion, when
minimum quorum condition is not met, that meeting may be postponed to another
time / day. In extraordinary General Body Meetings, the above minimum quorum
level may be further reduced to 1/3rd of the total members and 1/5th of the total
members of the Executive Committee.



A. Source: The main source for funds of the association is the membership
fees paid by the members of the association. The Funds and the interest
earned shall be spent only for the attainment of the objectives of the
Association and no portion there of shall be paid or transferred directly or
indirectly to any of the members through any means. For all the routine
expenses, only the interest earned is permitted to be spent and it is mandatory
for the Executive Committee to see that the principal amount accumulated
through membership in the association is not touched on any account.
However, a nominal honorarium as fixed by the Executive Committee and
approved by the General Body may be paid to the Treasurer and a part time
clerk every month out of the interest earned on the deposits or from the
principal funds for their special & pain taking services beyond their routine
office timings. When the association membership and activities grow large, a
full time clerk cum accountant may be employed and paid from the interest



B. Special Payments: The fees for the auditors as approved by the General
Body will be paid to them once a year after the accounts are audited and
passed by the General Body / Executive Committee. Any of these expenses if
they do not fit in to the amount of interest earned from the deposits of
principal amount, may be temporarily paid from the principal amount and
credited back at the earliest from the interest earned later or savings from a
conference, workshop or seminar organized by the association or any of its
branches. While organizing a conference by the association in any place, the
Executive Committee may approve a refundable loan to the Chairman or
Secretary, Organizing Committee of the conference up to a maximum
amount of Rs 50,000 from the principal funds of the Association to cover the
initial expenses and advances. This amount shall be paid back by the
Organizing Committee within 15 days of the conference. The expenses for
travel, lodging and boarding of the President, Secretary, Treasurer, one of the
Advisors, one of the Executive Committee Members, the immediate past
President and the founder President of the association to attend the
conference/workshop/seminar may be paid from the funds of IAMI or
savings of the conference/workshop/seminar if any of them requests the
President or Chairman, Organising Committee for such financial assistance.
C. Records: The amounts received by the association should be invested only
in nationalized banks in savings or current account or fixed deposits of any
duration or in any government approved chit fund organizations to earn more
interest. A proper register shall be maintained by the Treasurer on these
deposits, other investments, interest earned, various amounts received,
expenses, loans etc and keep them ready to be checked by the Executive
Committee frequently and audited once a year. All transactions shall be done
through cheques and draft only as far as possible. The cash in hand with the
Treasurer and Secretary or any of the Office Bearers should not exceed
Rs 500.00 at any time.
C. Audit of Funds: All the funds received and expended shall be the responsibility
of the Treasurer and may be inspected by any of the Executive Committee
Members at any time. Every effort should be made by all the Office Bearers and
Executive Committee Members to observe austerity measurers, conserve as much
funds as possible in the interest of the association and avoid unnecessary
expenditure. An internal audit may be ordered by the EXECUTIVE
COMMITTEE once in six months and a compulsory external audit through a
qualified person once a year as early as possible after the end of the financial year.
Audit objections if any are required to be settled as immediately as possible but
not later than six months from the audit report. The Treasurer, Secretary and vice
President or President will be responsible to keep all the affairs of the association
in order and objection free all the time throughout their tenure. Only audited
accounts and funds are transferable from the Treasurer to any new person
including a newly elected Treasurer. In special circumstances such as absence of
the Treasurer for any reason, the President may authorize any


other Office Bearer or a member of the Executive Body to take over the duties of
getting the accounts audited and handing over them to the new Treasurer on behalf of
the Treasurer. The President and Executive Body shall ensure handingover of the
accounts by the Treasurer to a new Treasurer only after settling any serious audit
objection if raised by the external auditor.
E. Additional Funds: The Office Bearers and members of Executive
Committee may probe all possible resources to get more funds for the
association. Enough care should be exercised while accepting donations so
that an unscrupulous individual / Institute / Organization / association /
society does not get any place in the list of donors. All such donations
should be entered in the Income register and placed before the external audit
yearly. An income tax auditor may be consulted as and when required by
law or when the interest earned from the funds of the Association crosses the
allowed limit for payment of income tax.
F. Financial Limits for Expenditure by Office Bearers and Organising
Committee Members: Except the President and Chairmen of the
Organizing Committees, the financial limit for the Secretary, Treasurer,
Organizing Committees Secretary and Treasurer are Rs 1000.00 (one
thousand) only for purchases at one time. No other Office Bearer and
member in the Organising Committee have any financial powers. Prior
sanction of the President or the Chairperson is required for amounts more
than the said limit. However, a verbal approval may be taken in urgency,
followed by sanction in writing at the earliest opportunity.
9. Regd Office for IAMI: The registered office should not be changed unless the
located building is declared unsafe or the host Organization / Institute forces its vacation
for any purpose. If necessity arises for its change of location, it may be shifted preferably
to an Institute / Organization / Hospital / Establishment / Firm having a life membership
status where there is no necessity to pay a rental. This decision may be taken by the
President and ratified by the Executive Committee at the earliest and approved by the
General Body Meeting later. When adequate funds are available, the Association may
hire or construct a building to locate the Regd Office in it. While keeping the Regd
Office in its original location, as registered with the registrar, a working / functional
office may be opened in any city / town in the country suitable to a newly elected
President and Secretary which should also be housed preferably in any Institute /
Organization / Hospital / Establishment / Firm having a life membership status without
the need to pay a rental. The temporary office shall be closed when the President or
Secretary change. Similarly, while keeping the main bank account in the place of Regd
Office, a functional account may be opened in any nationalized bank in any city for the
convenience of the President/ Secretary/ Treasurer if they do not stay where the main
account of IAMI exists. This should be closed when new Office Bearers are elected. The
deposits however may be kept and maintained any where in the country. A minimum
balance as per the bank regulations should be maintained in the place of Regd Office to
keep the account active.



The following procedures shall be followed in letter and spirit by the Office Bearers and
Members of Organising Committee formed for conferences, workshops and seminars to
avoid any possible irregularities by any one in the association.
Pre-conference procedures: The President asks for volunteers to organize the
next conference, workshop and seminar etc, selects the place, Chairman of the
Organising Committee, venue, dates, collaborative Organizations & Institutes and the
theme for the occasion and gets them approved by the Executive Committee. The
delegation fees, advertisement rates, stall hire charges, patrons etc, the chief guest, guests
of honour, keynote speaker, guest speakers, chair persons, members for panel discussion,
mementos, arrangements for the conference, budget for expenses, menu for lunches,
dinners etc are left to the discretion of the Organizing Committee and finalized with the
concurrence of the President. The President also requests the Secretary to prepare the
annual/biennial report of IAMI to be presented in the conference, peruses, approves and
sends it to the Chairperson, Organizing Committee well before the conference.
The Chairperson of the Organizing Committee may request the President to grant a
refundable loan amount to a maximum of Rs 50,000 (fifty thousand only) from the funds
held at IAMI head quarters. The President takes the approval of the Executive
Committee for sanctioning of the loan,, takes an undertaking from the Chairperson,
Organizing Committee for its refund within 15 days of completion of the conference or
workshop or seminar along with the savings and sends the amount by draft in the name of
conference/workshop/seminar. The Chairperson, Organizing Committee shall open one
(only one) Savings account and one (only one) Current account in any nationalized bank
in his/her place convenient and near to his/her place of work to operate the accounts of
the conference/workshop/seminar. The Chairman shall ensure that all the receipt and
expense transactions are affected through cheques only and cash transactions are limited
to the minimum and cash in hand should never exceed Rs 500.00 (five hundred only).
(b)Post-conference procedures: The Chairman, Organizing Committee shall ensure
completion of all transactions of the conference/workshop/seminar within 15 days of
completing the conference/workshop/seminar, get the transactions audited by an internal
audit team, close the bank accounts completely and transfer the balance amount along
with the loan amount received from IAMI Head Quarters and the cash in hand to the
IAMI main account through a demand draft. The Chairperson of the Organizing
Committee shall obtain a letter from the manager of the bank certifying closure of both
the Savings and Current accounts of the conference/workshop/seminar and submit to the
President, IAMI within 30 days of the conference / workshop / seminar. If an Institute or
Organization or branch of IAMI is involved in organizing the conference / workshop /
seminar, individually or in collaboration with or without another Organization/Institute,
the President may authorize the Chairperson, Organizing Committee to transfer a part of
the savings (after paying back the loan amounts taken from any one including IAMI Head
Quarters) to the bank account of that Institute / Organization to cover any extra
expenditure incurred or for any academic activity in the field of medical informatics or to
cover future expenses of the said branch of IAMI or to publish the proceedings of the

conference/workshop/seminar in the form of a book or CD after getting a formal approval
of the Executive Committee. However, this amount shall not exceed 50% of the saved
amount on any account. The internally audited accounts of the conference / workshop /
seminar shall be put for a thorough external audit along with the regular audit of the
IAMI main accounts at the Head Quarters of IAMI soon after the current financial year
ends or when a treasurer is changed. Any objections raised by the internal or external
auditor on the accounts of the conference/workshop/seminar, the Chairperson of the
Organizing Committee shall see that these objections are cleared at the earliest but not
later than 90 days from the date/s of the conference/workshop/seminar. All the concerned
should take necessary due precautions to see that none of the transactions and audit
objections lead to any undesirable legal proceedings.
Protocols for Conferences, Workshops and Seminars: The following protocols
will be observed and followed by the Chairperson of the Conference/Workshop/Seminar
while inviting and arranging seating on the dais and in the front row, while inviting on
the dais, while honoring, presenting mementos etc . It is normal to request the senior
most in position / designation to be the Chief Guest and next to him/her will be the Guest
of Honour. One of them should be from the field of Medical Informatics. Their talks or
messages may not be printed in the souvenir. Their talks however, may be Xeroxed and
distributed to the delegates. It is also normal that the messages of VIPs should be
arranged in seniority while printing in the souvenir. No message on behalf of the VIP
shall be printed if signed and sent by another person junior to him/her. Photographs of all
the VIPs who sent their messages may be printed in the souvenir along with their
messages. It is also customary not to print the message of any VIP who sent his/her
willingness to attend the event. . When an event is organized in collaboration with other
Organizations, Institutes etc, the Heads of them or their representatives are required to be
seated on the dais of the inaugural and closing functions. Speeches of none on the dais
except that of the President and the Secretary shall appear in the souvenir. The list of
Office Bearers, Executive Committee Members and Advisors along with their
photographs shall be printed in the souvenir followed by the list and photographs of the
Organising Committee
The Key Note Speaker should be a person of eminence in any field of medicine or
computer applications in medical or allied subjects. His/her talk should appear in the
souvenir and proceedings. Similarly, the Chairpersons, Co-Chairpersons and Members
in a Panel Discussion should be selected carefully from a list of persons who had
worked in the field of medical informatics or have a good knowledge of this subject.
While placing two persons from the same Organization/Institute, for chairing a session,
speaking in a session, etc, care should be taken in placing them in order of their seniority
/ designation. Any doubt in these procedures, shall be cleared well before the event
through all available sources of information. A list of all the invited persons including
VIPs should be submitted by the Chairperson of the Organising Committee to the
President for his/her approval and ratification by the Executive Committee. . No VIP
will be honoured or felicitated at the time of entertainment or dinner. If any such
felicitation is planned, it should be done in the inaugural function only. Mention should
be made about the sponsors, donors, stall hirers and all the institutional life members in
the inaugural function.


(d) Academic Credits for Postgraduate Students: The President and Chairperson of
the conference/ workshop/ seminar may correspond with the professional organizations
like IMA & MCI and any academic institute for granting credits to those delegates
attending the conferences / workshops / seminars which may help them in passing some
of the relevant examinations conducted by them.

11. Procedures for Conducting Elections: The elections for new Office Bearers and
selection of Executive Committee Members will be held during a General Body Meeting
or an extraordinary GBM after ascertaining the eligibility of the nominees by the
Executive Committee.
The following procedures will be followed for conducting elections or selections for
Office Bearers, Executive Committee Members and Advisors:The President or Vice President will convene an Executive Committee Meeting to get
their approval for conducting elections and selections and then, announce the date for
elections and selections through IAMI news letters or emails or IAMI website if
developed. These should normally coincide with an ordinary General Body Meeting held
during a conference / workshop / seminar organized by IAMI or through an extraordinary
General Body Meeting.
Names for various positions / portfolios will be called for through nomination letters
from life members along with secondment from atleast two more life members and
consent letters from the nominated members and their short resume. The Executive
Committee scans the nominations and clears the list for election if found suitable. The
suitability of the candidates for various positions is decided by the candidates
qualifications, experience, their positions, seniority in IAMI membership and the active
contributions made to IAMI in the past. The existing rules on QUORUM shall be
adhered to. Alternatively, these elections and selections may be implemented through
voting of all members through internet / website if developed or through individual
emails which would be kept confidential. The Registrar of Societies in whose office, the
association was registered will be informed of the changes in the Office Bearers and
Executive Committee Members as early as possible. The manager of the authorized
bank in which the accounts of IAMI are held, shall also be informed if there are any
changes in the account holders like President, vice President, Secretary and Treasurer
who are authorized to do any transaction with the funds and their specimen signatures




No amendment of Byelaws and rules or alteration in the objectives of the

Association shall be made for any purpose unless it is voted by at least 2/3rd
of its total members present on the roster of the association at the normal
General Body Meeting or a specially convened second meeting or an
Extraordinary General Body Meeting convened for the same purpose later
and passed by at least 3/4th of the total members present in that specially
convened meeting and also approved by at least 3/4th of the Executive
Committee Members. No proxies are allowed in any of these meeting.

13. Legal Aspects: Any legal notice or action for any purpose to be served on any one or
all the members / Office Bearers / Executive Committee Members / Advisors, shall be
limited to the judicial limit of the registered office and has to be addressed to the
registered office only. The required expenditure for the actions taken by majority of the
Executive committee may be met with by the funds of the association provided only the
interest earned from the funds of the association is utilized.



Dissolution of the association may be effected only with the approval of the
2/3rd of the total members present on the roster of the association at a
specially convened Extraordinary General Body Meeting. In case of
dissolution, the assets and funds of the Forum may be handed over to any
other Organization with similar objectives and purposes recommended by
more than of the Executive Committee Members. Quorum as mentioned is
essential for winding up and no proxies are allowed. The funds shall be
handed over only after a complete external audit approved by the Executive



Names of the Office Bearers who formed the Association, their designations,
addresses and signatures:-


1. Dr Nanduri Gajanana Rao S/o Late Dr N.R. Rao, Vice President.

Occupation: Senior Consultant, Computer-assisted Medicine,
CMC Ltd, Gachibowli, Old Bombay Road,
Residential Address: 76, AWHO Colony, Sector-A, SECUNDERABAD.
Signature: ***************

2. Shri Devulapalli Subba Rao, S/o Late DVR Murthy, Secretary.

Occupation: Manager, Computers,
Indian Hospital Corporation, Apollo Hospital,
Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad.
Tel: 247655 (off) 238049 (res)
Residential Address: Plot-60, Road No. 5, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad.
Signature: ***************

3. Shri Kovelimadhom Anantharaman Ramesh S/o KS Anantha Raman,

Joint Secretary.
Occupation: Director, Strabus Software Solutions (P) Ltd.
73, BHEL Enclave, Akbar Road, Secunderabad.
Tel: 811356 / 845651
Residential Address: 71- BHEL Enclave, Akbar Road, Secunderabad.
Signature: ***************
Sd/- 4. Shri Remella Venkata Surya Subba Avadhanulu, S/o RV Surya Narayana,
Additional Secretary,
Occupation: Head, Computer Division, NIMS, Hyderabad.
Tel: 228899
Residential Address: H-34, Madhuranagar, Hyderabad-500 038.
Tel: 221277
Signature: ***************
Sd/- 5. Dr (Ex Lt. Col) Krishna Reddy Bhaskara Reddy S/o K. Ramana Reddy,
Executive Member.
Signature: ***************




(1) Signature:
Name in block letters: Dr R.A. SASTRY
Son of :
Sri R.S. Rao
Addl Prof of Surgery, NIMS
Residential Address: 6-9-903/A/4, Somajiguda, Hyderabad

(2) Signature:
Name in block letters: Dr G. VIJAYA KUMAR
Son of :
Dr G. Somasundara Rao
Addl Prof of Surgery, NIMS
Residential Address: B-53/F-3, Vijayanagar Colony, Hyderabad-457.

All Signed on: 18 Sept 1993

Registration Number Allotted by the

Registrar: 3774 of 93

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