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PUP College of Law Student Council

Constitution and By-Laws Revision Committee

We, the students of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines College of
Law, in order to form a representative student government that will be the
vanguard of the Philippine Constitution and laws, establish a forum for
students, promote academic growth in the legal profession by developing
studies, novel and vital, in pursuit of contributing knowledge to the
Philippine legal system, secure the highest standard of ethical conduct for
ourselves and our profession, uphold the law, the fundamental respect for
human dignity, protection of individual rights and liberties, equality and
justice for each individual, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
Article I Organization and Membership
Section 1. The organization shall be known as the Polytechnic University
of the Philippines College of Law Students Society (hereinafter referred to
as the Society), which shall be the official student governing body of the
entire studentry of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines College of
Law (hereinafter referred to as the College).
Section 2. The Society shall be composed of all the bona fide students of
the College for the current academic year. A bona fide student is one who is
enrolled in the current semester and who has neither dropped out from all
of his or her subjects nor withdrawn his enrollment for the current
semester, or was not dismissed from the College.
Section 3. All admitted students of the College shall pay, every semester, a
membership fee of Php 300.00 or such amount as may be reasonably set
thereafter by the Student Council or the General Assembly.

Article II Rights of the Students-Members

1 Every student has a right to due process and equal protection.
2 Every student has a right to properly be informed of the programs,
rules, and regulations and policies of the PUP Law Society.
3 Every student shall have access to official records and other pertinent
documents and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions, or
decisions of the Council.
4 Every student has a right to vote and be voted upon and actively
participate in the student government.
5 Every student has a right to assemble and to freely and responsibly
express their views, opinions, and grievances.
6 The student council shall not interfere with the right of the member
to organize, establish, and join any organization or association.
Article III Duties and Responsibilities of the Students
1 Every Member is expected to obey the rules and regulations of the
University and the College.
2 Every Member shall observe and uphold this Constitution and ByLaws and the rules and regulations of the Society.
3 Every Member shall endeavor to maintain harmonious relationship
with fellow Members, the administrators, the Faculty, and other
personnel of the University and College.
4 Every Member is duty-bound to uphold and preserve the integrity of
the College and University.
5 No Member shall use the name and property of the PUP Student
Council for personal interest or gain.

6 No member shall represent the PUP Student Council, this Society, the
Bar Operations, or the Student Publication, without prior
Article IV The General Assembly
Section 1. The General Assembly, which shall be composed of all the
members of the Society, shall be the highest policy-making body of the
Section 2. The General Assembly shall have the following powers and
A. To approve or reject proposed amendments or revisions of the
Constitution and By-Laws of the Society, in accordance with the provisions
of this Constitution.
B. To impeach the Officers of the Student Council, in the manner
provided under this Constitution and By Laws.
C. To submit petitions and resolutions in matters pertaining to the
welfare of the members of the Society, in the manner provided under this
Constitution and By Laws.
D. To promulgate rules or overrule any decisions, policies, or rules
made by the Student Council. A vote of two-thirds majority of the General
Assembly may promulgate or overrule the decisions, policies, or rules
promulgated by the Student Council.
Section 3. The General Assembly shall convene at least once in every
semester at a date and time set by the Student Council, as may be
Section 4. The General Assembly may also be convened upon a signed
petition by at least one-fourth of all the members of the Society in matters
of considerable importance.

Section 5. No convention of a General Assembly will be held unless there

is a quorum, which shall be comprised of one-half plus one of all the
members of the Society.
Article V The Student Council
Section 1. There shall be a Polytechnic University of the Philippines
College of Law Student Council (herein referred to as Student Council),
which shall exercise executive and rule-making powers, except those
reserved to the General Assembly, to carry out the mandate of the Society
as provided in this Constitution and By Laws, in harmony with the rules,
regulations, and policies of the College and the University.
Section 2. The Student Council shall be composed of a President, Vice
President for Internal Affairs, Vice President for External Affairs, SecretaryGeneral, Finance Officer, Auditor, Communications Officer, and one
Representative for each Year Level.
Section 3. The Officers of the Student Council shall be elected from among
the members of the Society, by a majority of all the votes cast during
elections as provided for in this Constitution and By Laws.
Section 4. The Officers of the Student Council shall assume office fifteen
days following their proclamation and shall continue to hold such office for
at least one year or until the next elected Officers assume office in the
manner provided in this Constitution and By Laws, provided that such
Officer continues to be a bona fide student of the College, as defined under
Article I, Section 3 of this Constitution, in the semester immediately
following his election.
During summer, vacation, or semestral breaks the newly-elected officers
continues to assume such office even though he is not enrolled in the
College, provided he has not withdrawn, nor has been dismissed, from the
Section 5. An Officer who shall graduate prior to the expiration of his term
shall be deemed to have resigned and his position shall be deemed vacant.

Section 6. In the event the incumbent Officer graduates, or drops out

from all of his or her subjects, or withdraws his or her enrollment before a
Officer-elect can assume office for whatever reason, the position shall be
deemed vacant and a special election shall be held for the purpose of filling
up the vacancy. Provided, however, that should vacancy occur during the
second semester of the academic year, the Student Council, by a majority
vote, shall appoint a replacement.
Section 7. The outgoing Officers of the Student Council shall make the
proper turnover of funds and records within sixty days following the
proclamation of the newly elected Officers or within such time as may be
Section 8. The President shall be disqualified to run for a second term.
Section 9. No person shall continue to assume office as Representative
unless majority of the subjects he or she is taking is in the year level for
which he or she is representing. In the event the majority of the subjects he
or she is taking is not in the year level for which he or she is representing,
the elected Representative shall forfeited his election and the position shall
be deemed vacant.
Section 10. The powers and functions of the Student Council shall be, but
not limited to, the following:
A. Establish the General Plan of Action of the Society for the academic
year and act as its implementing body.
B. Supervise the day-to-day activities of the Society.
C. Form committees necessary to manage and operate the programs
and activities of the Society.
D. Suspend and/or dismiss any Officer for any violation which merit
such suspension and/or dismissal as may be promulgated by the Rules of
the Council, including violation of the University Rules and Regulations.
E. Appoint the editorial staff of the Official Publication of the Society.
F. Resolve issues raised before it.

G. Such other powers as may be provided herein by the Constitution

and By Laws.
H. Prepare the budget allocation for the academic year, including that
of the Council, the Office of the Bar Operations, the Commission on
Elections, the Official Publication of the Society, and any other activity of
the Society.
I. Promulgate rules and regulations in the conduct of its meetings and
other proceedings, processes, and procedures.
Section 11. Official statements issued under the name of the Student
Council must be approved by the majority of its members and upon
consultation of the Student Society.
Article VI Powers, Functions, Duties of Each Council Officers
Section 1. The President shall:
a. Be the Presiding Officer of the General Assembly and Council;
b. Have over-all supervision of all the affairs of the Society;
c. Lead the society in carrying out the objectives of the Society;
d. Prepare an annual accomplishment report, with the assistance of
other officers and committees concerned;
e. Perform any other functions assigned by the Council or the
General Assembly.
Section 2. The Vice-President for Internal Affairs shall:
a. Assist the President in the over-all supervision of all the affairs of
the Society, together with the Vice President for External Affairs.
b. Have primary responsibility in all internal matters concerning the

c. Shall takeover, the functions and duties of the President in his/her

absence, resignation, impeachment, and negligence of duty or
d. Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the President,
the Council, or the General Assembly.
Section 3. The Vice-President for External Affairs shall:
a. Assist the President in the over-all supervision of all the affairs of
the Society, together with the Vice President for External Affairs.
b. Have primary responsibility in all external affairs or activities of
the society;
c. Take over the functions and duties of the President and VicePresident for internal affairs in their absence, resignation,
impeachment or negligence of duty or incapacity.
d. Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the President,
the Council, or the General Assembly.
Section 4. The Secretary-General shall:
a. Be the custodian of all records and documents of the Society;
b. Be the Secretary of the Council and the General Assembly in their
c. Perform general administrative duties to assist the Council and the
General Assembly;
d. Record and maintain copies of the minutes of the Council and the
General Assembly;
e. Have primary responsibility of documenting all the activities of the

f. Maintain and update a directory of all the members of the Society

and their class officers, if there are any;
g. Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the President,
the Council, or the General Assembly.
Section 5. The Finance Officer shall:
a. Supervise all collections and disbursements of funds of the Society;
b. Maintain records of all financial transactions of the Society;
c. Prepare and submit financial statement on a monthly basis;
d. Prepare and submit a financial statement to the General Assembly
every end of the semester;
e. Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the President,
the Council, or the General Assembly.
Section 6. The Auditor shall:
a. Audit all activities of the Council and Society which involve
disbursement of funds;
b. Ensure all disbursement of funds comply with requirements set
c. Perform such functions to comply with any requirement of the
Office of the Internal Audit of the University.
d. Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the President,
the Council, or the General Assembly.
Section 7. The Communications Officer shall:
a. Handle all communications of the Council and the Society;

b. Have primary responsibility in all educational campaigns and

information dissemination of the Council and the Society;
c. He/she shall be in-charge in communicating with the different
University offices to address the needs of the society.
d. Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the President,
the Council, or the General Assembly
Section 8. The Year Level Representative shall:
a. Represent their respective year-level in the Council and in the
General Assembly.
b. Communicate and consult with their constituents or class officers,
if there are any, to address vital concerns and matters that may
affect their class or year-level.
c. Submit petitions, resolutions that will accrue to the needs of
his/her level representation, to the Council and/or the General
d. Present concerns and issues to the Council and/or the General
Assembly that affect their constituents.
e. Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the President,
the Council, or the General Assembly.
Article VII The Bar Operations
Section 1. There shall be an independent Office of the Bar Operations,
which shall be composed of a Director-General tasked with the
management and preparations of the Bar Operations of the College.
He or she shall be duly appointed by a Bar Operations Council composed of
the Dean, a representative of the student society and a representative of the
bar candidates from a shortlist of applicants prepared by the Student

Section 2. The Student Council shall cause the publication or announce

and accept the applications for the members of the Bar Operations Director
on the month of December. He or she shall be duly appointed on the month
of March.
Section 3. The Bar Operations Director shall have the power to
promulgate its own rules and regulations to effectively carry out its
objectives. He/she shall have the power to appoint his Committee and
create commissions to address the different task in pursuance of his
objectives. Such guidelines, appointments and creation of committees shall
be published within a reasonable time.
Section 4. Except for Auditing, the conduct of Bar Operations shall not be
subject to the control of any other authority. Nevertheless the Bar
Operations Council shall have persuasive opinions in the conduct of the Bar
Article VIII The Commission on Elections
Section 1. The Commission on Elections (COMELEC) shall be the sole
authority in charge of the conduct of elections.

Section 2. The COMELEC shall be composed of 11 members, all of which

are constituted members of the Law Society and shall be constituted every
last week of January.

Section 3. The members of the COMELEC shall be duly appointed by each

member of the Student Council.

Section 4. The Members of the COMELEC upon appointment shall vote

for their chairperson and officers.

Section 5. The COMELEC shall have the power to promulgate its own
rules and regulations to effectively carry out its objectives. Such guidelines
shall be published within a reasonable time before the elections.

Article IX The Student Publication

Section 1. A Student Journal shall be constituted to serve as the official
publication of the PUP Law Society. The Newsletter and Editorial Staff shall
be appointed by the Student Council.
Section 2. Upon creation of the Newsletter and Editorial Staff, the Student
Council shall no longer take part in any matter relevant pertaining to the
conduct of the Student Publication.
Section 3. The allocation of funds for the Student Journal shall at all times
be sufficient for the performance of their function. Such funds may be
determined by the Student Council.
Section 4. The Student Journal shall document the activities, promote the
exchange of ideas and ideals, support academic growth through publishing
studies in pursuit of contributing knowledge to the Philippine legal system
and shall embody the aspirations of the PUP Law Society.
Section 5. It shall be the policy of the Student Journal to utilize new
platforms of publication. The Student Journal shall be published at least
once every semester.

Article X Impeachment
Section 1. All elected officers may be removed from office through
Section 2. Any of the following shall constitute a ground for impeachment
A. Violation of this Constitution
B. Negligence of duty

C. Gross neglect of responsibility

D. Loss of confidence
E. Malversation of funds
G. Any form of misconduct that undermines the integrity of the
F. Failure to report or liquidate cash advances granted to Student
Council officers.
Section 3. Any student or officer may file a petition for impeachment
Provided that, should a student file a petition, it must be supported by at
least ten percent of the total population of the Student Society.
Section 4. No officer shall be impeached and removed from office unless a
vote of two thirds of all the members of the Society in a general assembly
called for the purpose.
Section 5. The rules of impeachment shall be promulgated by a majority
vote of all the members of the Student Council, excluding the officer against
whom the petition for impeachment is filed.
Article XI Amendment or Revision
Section 1. Any amendment or revision of this Constitution may be
proposed by the students through an initiative upon a vote of one half plus
one of the members of the Students or by the Student Council.
Section 2. Any amendment or revision of this Constitution shall be valid
only when ratified by a majority of all the votes cast in a plebiscite.
Section 3. No amendment or revision of this Constitution shall be
authorized within two years following the ratification of this Constitution.
Article XII Transitory Provisions
Section 1. The immediately succeeding student council elections after the
ratification of this Constitution shall be held on the first week of March of

every year. All succeeding elections thereafter shall be done in accordance

with this Constitution.
Section 2. All elected officials in the immediately succeeding election shall
serve for a full term of 11 months. The tenure of the succeeding elected
officials shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.
Section 3. The application for the Bar Oerations Director shall be held on
the month of February and its appointment, on the month of March.

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