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(BNP Paribas) Volatility Investing Handbook

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The paper introduces various derivatives instruments that allow investors to take views on and trade volatility. It explains traditional volatility investing methods like straddles and delta hedging options before introducing variance swaps which provide pure exposure to volatility without directional market risk. It also discusses newer volatility products.

Variance swaps are derivatives that pay off based on the realized variance of an underlying asset over a specified period. They allow investors to obtain exposure only to changes in volatility without being exposed to movements in the underlying asset price. The paper explains how variance swaps can be replicated using a continuum of options and provides pricing approaches both intuitively and mathematically.

The paper suggests strategies like arbitraging implied volatility against realized volatility, dispersion trading between different volatility pairs, and hedging structured products or hedge fund strategies using variance swaps.

Equities & Derivatives Research 28 September 2005

Volatility Investing Handbook

Topic Paper Equity Derivatives Technical Study

Variance swaps and beyond

„ The development of new derivatives instruments and an
improvement in their liquidity means volatility is becoming almost as
easy to trade as stocks or bonds.
„ The goal of this research note is to explain different ways of taking
views on volatility, starting with classic straddle/strangle positions and
delta-hedging of options.
„ Given the weaknesses of these traditional volatility investing
methods, we introduce variance swaps, the first product to provide
investors with pure volatility exposure.
„ We show how variance swaps can be replicated using a continuum
of options, both intuitively and mathematically. We provide an empirical
description of variance strike prices and explain the presence of a
variance risk premium.
„ We suggest several volatility-based strategies ranging from the
arbitrage of realized vs. implied volatilities and dispersion trading to the
hedging of structured products or hedge fund strategies.
„ We finally introduce a new – or third – generation of volatility
products including forward-start variance swaps, gamma swaps,
corridor variance swaps and conditional variance swaps. Thanks to
their specific payoffs, these new products allow investors to bet on
particular aspects of the volatility curve such as the smile or term
structure and to trade dispersion efficiently.
Variance and gamma swap strike prices for the €-Stoxx 50, Nikkei 225 and
S&P 500



Nicolas Mougeot
+33 (0) 1 55 77 53 89 30%




Mar-01 Sep-01 Mar-02 Sep-02 Mar-03 Sep-03 Mar-04 Sep-04 Mar-05
€-Stoxx 50 var swap €-Stoxx 50 gamma swap S&P 500 var swap
S&P 500 gamma swap Nikkei 225 var swap Nikkei 225 gamma swap

Source – BNP Paribas This research report has been published in accordance with BNP Paribas
conflict management policy. Disclosures relating to BNP Paribas potential
conflicts of interest are available at
Equity Derivatives Technical Study 28 September 2005

Table of contents
Executive summary 3

Volatility investing: an old story with some recent innovations 4

Volatility investing: the traditional way 5

Defining volatility 5
Taking vol positions by using straddles/strangles 5
Taking vol positions by delta-hedging options 6

The emergence of variance swaps and their valuation 8

The variance swap mechanism 8
Pricing: the intuitive approach 10
Pricing: Carr and Madan’s formal approach 11
Why not volatility swaps? 13
Characteristics of volatility 14
The behavior of variance swap strike prices 15
Variance swap strike prices as a forecast of future realized volatility 16
The variance risk premium 17

Why use variance swaps? 19

Implied/realized volatility arbitrage 19
Volatility pairs and dispersion trading 20
Hedging structured products 22
Immunizing volatility risk of hedge fund strategies 23

Third-generation volatility products 24

Gamma swaps 24
Orderly dispersion trading 26
Forward-start variance swaps 26
Corridor variance swaps 27
Up and down corridor variance swaps 27
Up and down conditional variance swaps 29
Riding the smile 29
Correlation trading 31

Conclusion 34

Appendix 35
Hedging options when volatility is unknown 35
Valuing gamma swaps 36
The Derman et al. replication of variance swaps and its extension to gamma
swaps 38

Example of capped variance-swap termsheet 40

References and further reading 42

2 Equities & Derivatives Research

Equity Derivatives Technical Study 28 September 2005

Executive summary
The goal of this paper is to introduce investors to sophisticated derivatives
instruments that allow them to take views on volatility. Despite the fact that
volatility-sensitive derivatives have been traded for years if not centuries, it is
only recently that products giving pure exposure to volatility have appeared.

We start our overview by discussing the weaknesses of “traditional” methods of

volatility investing. Although buying/selling straddles is an easy way to bet on
volatility, the delta – i.e. the portfolio’s sensitivity to stock returns – ceases to be
null once the stock moves away from its initial value.

One way to circumvent this problem is to delta-hedge the positions. However,

as we shall demonstrate below, delta-hedging options does not yield pure
exposure to volatility since the trader/investor then faces a further vega risk as
well as a model/path dependency risk.

Variance swaps provide a pure view on volatility since they pay the difference
between future realized variance and a pre-defined strike price. The rapid
development of variance swaps reflects the simplicity with which they can be
valued: under certain non-restrictive assumptions, the variance swap strike
price can be shown to be equal to the value of an options portfolio that uses a
continuum of strike prices and is inversely weighted by the square of the
options’ strike prices.

Variance swaps can be used in many ways, ranging from arbitraging realized
vs. implied volatility and dispersion trading, to hedging structured products or
hedge fund strategies.

We also describe other volatility products that have been developed in recent
years. Gamma swaps are similar to variance swaps but with a notional that is a
function of the asset price. They have several advantages over variance swaps
since they do not require any caps and are a more efficient tool for dispersion
trading. Finally, we present derivatives instruments such as conditional variance
swaps or corridor variance swaps that allow investors to make asymmetric bets
on volatility and take positions on the skew and the smile.

Volatility products and their various uses

Delta-hedged Variance Gamma Conditional Corridor Correlation

option swap swap variance swap variance swap swap
Volatility bet + + ++ ++ ++ ++ -
Volatility hedging - - ++ + + ++ -
Dispersion trading + - ++ ++ - - -
Correlation trading - - + ++ - - ++
Asymetric vol bet - - - + ++ ++ -
Smile trading - - ++ + + -
Source – Don M. Chance, BNP PARIBAS Arbitrage

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Volatility investing: an old story with

some recent innovations
Investing in volatility contracts or volatility-sensitive products is nothing new. As
Don M. Chance points out, the use of options dates back to 1700 B.C., while the
first derivatives market - the Royal Stock Exchange in London - started forward
trading in 1637. However, the growth of derivatives instruments has long been
linked to the parallel development of mathematical tools for efficient pricing and
hedging. Despite the breakthroughs presented by Bachelier in his 1900 PhD
thesis, trading in equity options only began after the Black & Scholes model was
published in 1973.

Contracts based on variance, such as variance swaps were already being

mentioned in the 1990s, but they only really took off after Carr and Madan
developed an original pricing method in 2001.

While the emergence of variance swaps has allowed investors to take a pure
position on volatility without taking other risks, a third generation of volatility
products, including gamma corridor and conditional variance swaps, has
appeared. These products provide investors with tools for taking positions on
the skew/smile and efficiently trading dispersion.
Volatility products have historically
emerged through the development The goal of this paper is therefore to explain the methods of trading volatility,
of mathematical solutions for from straddles to variance swaps and third-generation products.
efficient pricing and hedging.

A short history of derivatives products since 1700 B.C.2

17OO B.C. Genesis, Chapter 41. According to Joseph’s advice, an Egyptian
Pharaoh, anticipating seven years of feast followed by seven years of
famine, executes hedge by storing corn. Joseph is put in charge of
administering the program.
580 B.C. Thales the Milesian (from Aristotle’s Politics) buys options on olive
presses and makes a killing off the bumper olive crop.
1570 The Royal Stock Exchange opens in London for forward contracting
1637 Dutch Tulip Bulb Mania; Defaults on Tulip bulb contingent forward
1690 Options begin trading on securities in London
1900 Louis Bachelier derives the first option model in his doctoral
dissertation. Commodity prices are modeled as arithmetic Brownian
1974 Black and Scholes publish their seminal article on option pricing while
Merton publishes article on rational and mathematical of option pricing.
1975 Equity options begin trading at American and Philadelphia Stock
90ies Several volatility contracts including variance swaps emerge.
2001 Carr and Madan make variance swaps pricing easier with their article
“Towards a theory of Volatility Trading”
Nowadays Issuance of 3 generation volatility products such as gamma swaps,
corridor variance swaps and conditional variance swaps
Source – Don M. Chance, BNP PARIBAS Arbitrage

See “A Chronology of Derivatives” by Don M. Chance for an extensive chronology from 1700
B.C. to 1995.

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Volatility investing: the traditional

Or how to take a position on volatility inefficiently

Defining volatility
First of all, we need to define how volatility is measured. Throughout this report,
we define volatility as the annualized standard deviation – noted σ – of the log of
the daily return of the stock (or index) price, and variance as the square of the

252 T 252 T
σ2 = ∑ (ln(S i S i−1 )) and σ = ∑ (ln(S i S i −1 ))
2 2

T i =1 T i =1
Both are good measures of stock variability. However, as we shall see below,
Volatility is usually defined as the standard deviation is a more meaningful measure of volatility, given that it is
sum of squared asset returns. measured in the same units as stock return. However, most of the volatility
products we present here are priced in terms of variance, reflecting the fact that
variance-related products are generally easier both to value and replicate (with
the help of vanilla options). We also explain why they are also more useful to

Taking vol positions by using straddles/strangles

The simplest way to obtain volatility exposure is to buy or sell straddles or
strangles. A straddle involves buying an ATM call and an ATM put, while a
strangle is a combination of one OTM call and one OTM put.

Straddle and strangle profiles

Straddle Strangle

50 60.00



10 10.00
∆C/∆S=0 -
0 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150

at maturity 3-month, vol=20% 3-month, vol=40% 3-month, vol=20% at maturity 3-month, vol=40%

Source: BNP Paribas

Investors who buy straddles are taking a bet on the stock price moving up or
down by a wide margin. Since straddles are composed of a call and a put, their

Note that standard deviation is calculated without the drift term

5 Equities & Derivatives Research

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value rises with volatility and as such, they provide a means for investors to take
positions on future realized volatility and on changes in implied volatility. Since
the two options are at-the-money, straddles are initially quite expensive. In view
of this, one way to decrease the premium paid upfront is to buy strangles since
Straddles and strangles are the they combine two cheaper out-of-the-money options. However, an investor
easiest way to invest in volatility… buying a strangle would require the stock price to move more in order to make

However, straddles and strangles do not provide pure exposure to volatility. For
example, let us assume that Stock A has an initial price of $100 and that the
investor buys a 3-month straddle. Even if the stock price moves sharply during
…but certainly not the most efficient the 3 months but ends up at $100 at maturity, the straddle will be worthless at
maturity. Of course, had the implied volatility also risen, buying the straddle
would have been profitable if it had been sold before maturity.

Furthermore, once the stock price has moved away from its initial position (here
$100) the straddle delta is no longer null, as shown by the above graph. The
straddle then becomes sensitive to price movements and the same holds true
for the strangle.

Taking vol positions by delta-hedging options

A possible remedy to this weakness lies in selling the option and delta-hedging
the position.

At time t, the investor:

„ sells an option, call or put, denoted by V (S t , T ; σ i ) , with maturity T, strike

K on the stock S and an initial implied volatility σ i

„ buys ∆ stocks in order to delta-hedge the position

„ borrows - V (S t , T ; σ i ) + ∆ S to finance the position

One step beyond: delta-hedging In order to eliminate the sensitivity to stock prices and obtain pure exposure to
options. volatility risk, the amount of stocks held, ∆, is periodically re-adjusted to ensure
the portfolio’s sensitivity to the stock price remains null. At time t, ∆ is thus equal

∆t = V (St ,0;σ )
We assume that the option is delta-hedged at a constant implied volatility σ h .
The P&L resulting from delta-hedging an option is by definition equal to the final
cost of the option minus its initial cost minus the cost of delta-hedging the
position. We show in the appendix that this P&L can be broken up into three

⎡ 1T ⎤ T
4244 3
) ( ) ( )
P & L = σ i2 − σˆ 2 Tg 0 + σˆ 2 − σ h2 T ⎢ g 0 − ∫ g t dt ⎥ + ∫ σˆ 2 − σ t2 g t dt
T 0
1 14444⎣2444 43⎦ 1 0
2 3

where gt is by definition equal to:

e r (T − t ) ∂
gt = V (St , T − t ;σ h )
2σ h ∂σ

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According to Blanc4, these three components may be described as:

I: A “Variance risk” component or a variance swap exposure for a notional

amount equal to Tg0 and a variance strike equal to the square of the option
implied volatility.

Options delta-hedging implies three II : A “Vega risk” factor, which stems from the fact that the option is hedged at
different sources of risk: the implied volatility σ h instead of at the realized volatility σˆ . This term is indeed
- Variance risk null if the trader is able to hedge at the realized – but unknown – volatility.
- Vega risk
- Volatility path dependency risk III: A “Volatility path dependency risk” or “model risk” factor that depends on the
or model risk. historical behavior of realized volatility. Under the Black & Scholes assumption,
the instantaneous volatility σ t is constant and thus equal to the realized volatility
between time t and T. However, should the volatility vary over time, (σˆ 2 − σ t2 ) will
no longer be zero. As gt is a decreasing function of time to maturity, this term
will be positive if instantaneous – or intraday – volatility rises during the life of
the option. The term also depends on the true distribution of stock returns.

Based on realistic simulations, Blanc also shows that variance risk only
represents 52% of the total P&L resulting from delta-hedging an option. As a
result, delta-hedging options does not provide pure exposure to volatility, given
that the P&L not only depends on variance risk but also on a vega risk which
itself results from the fact that risk cannot be hedged at the - unknown future -
realized volatility and that volatility may not be constant over time.

Indeed, delta-hedging options yields further risk sources not indicated above.
The above analysis was done without taking into account dividends and by
assuming a constant interest rate. In practice, traders face the risk of unknown
dividends being paid during the life of the option, while with interest rates liable
to vary over time, the option vega may change if the interest rate changes.

Furthermore, options delta-hedging is impacted by transaction costs and

liquidity issues. The above analysis does not take into account the fact that
trading stocks is costly and that certain stocks and indices may lack liquidity.

These issues paved the way for the introduction of new derivatives instruments
that enable investors to take a view on volatility without bearing any other risks.

For a discrete time version of the demonstration, see N. Blanc, Index Variance Arbitrage :
Arbitraging Component Correlation, BNP Paribas technical studies, 2004

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The emergence of variance swaps

and their valuation
Or how variance swaps help in obtaining pure volatility exposure

Variance swaps emerged in the 1990s as a means of circumventing the issues

raised by taking volatility positions through the purchase of straddles/strangles
or through delta-hedging options. Although variance swaps were initially
considered as exotic products, over recent years, they have become flow
products as a result of certain features that we will describe in greater detail in
this section. These are:

„ simple payoffs

„ simple replication via portfolios of vanilla options.

The variance swap mechanism

Variance swaps are forward contracts that pay at maturity the difference
between the realized variance of an underlying asset (stock, index…) and the
initially defined variance strike price KVar , times a notional N.

Cash-flow of a variance swap at maturity

A simple pay-off: σ *N

( )
Pay − off = σ 2 − KVar * N
Investor :
variance swap
Paribas :
buyer seller
K *N

Source – BNP Paribas

Although there is no formally defined market convention for calculating the

variance of an asset, variance is usually calculated as:

252 T

σ2 = (ln(S i S i −1 ))2
T i =1
Where Si is the closing price of the asset, T the number of days in the
observation period and ln the natural logarithm. Also, variance swaps are
usually quoted in terms of squared volatility, e.g. (20%)2 since volatility is more
economically meaningful than variance.

Note that there is no correction for dividend payment in the above formula.
Should a stock pay a dividend, the final payout will not be adjusted for the jump
implied by the dividend. However, variance swaps can be structured in such a
way as to adjust the above formula for dividends. One should also bear in mind
that variance swaps are not exempt from counterparty risks. Since the product
is OTC, both counterparties face the risk of the other going bankrupt.

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Another feature of variance swaps is that taking short positions on a variance

swap on a single stock may be risky. Whereas the total loss on short positions
is unbounded, the maximum loss on long positions is equal to the notional times
the variance strike.

Variance swap payoff with KVAR=(20%)2



unboundedd loss of a long position


Variance swap payoff




maximum loss/gain of a short position

















Re a lize d va ria nce

Source – BNP Paribas

Should the stock move sharply because of a crash, an M&A announcement or

any other event, its volatility may spike. This is important as there is no limit to
the potential loss of being short on a variance swap. As a result, variance swaps
are often capped in such a way that:
Variance swaps may be capped in
Variance swap buyer pays:
order to limit the maximum loss
faced by the trader/investor. Notional * Max [0, KVAR – Min(m2*KVAR ; (Realized Volatility)2)]

Variance swap seller pays:

Notional * Max[0, Min(m2* KVAR ; (Realized Volatility) 2) – KVAR]

m is the multiplier setting the cap. The graph below compares the payoffs from
capped and uncapped variance swaps. The maximum gain (and thus loss for
the counterparty) is limited and thereby facilitates the hedging of the instrument.
As we will demonstrate in the next section, a variance swap can in theory be
replicated by a portfolio of options with a continuum of strike prices. In practice,
however, there is no liquidity for options whose strike prices are far from ATM.
Traders are therefore unable to completely hedge variance swaps, whereas
capped variance swaps do not require a continuum of strike prices.

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Comparison of capped and uncapped variance swaps, KVAR=20%, m=2.5



Payoff (in variance terms)






0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Realized volatility

capped variance swap variance swap

Source – BNP Paribas

Pricing: the intuitive approach

Before examining variance swap pricing in detail, we shall explain the logic
behind the mathematical derivation.

Firstly, variance swap pay-off is by definition a function of the variance and is

independent of the stock price level. However, the sensitivity of an option to
variance depends on the stock price level. The sensitivity of an option to the
variance, or variance vega, is centered around the strike price and will thus
change daily according to changes in the stock price level.

As the graph below shows, the variance vega declines as the stock price moves
The strike price may be determined away from the strike price and is also an increasing function of the strike price.
by a static portfolio of options The goal is therefore to create an options portfolio with a constant variance
inversely weighted by the square of vega.
their strike price.
Variance vega of 3-month options with different strike prices

40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160

stock price

90 95 100 105 110

Source – BNP Paribas

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This can be done by investing in a portfolio of options inversely weighted by the

square of their strike prices. The following two graphs display the variance vega

1- a portfolio composed of 2 options with strike prices of 95% and 105%,

and weighted 1/(95)2 and 1/(105)2 respectively, and

2- a portfolio composed of 13 options with strike prices ranging from 70 to

130% and weighted from 1/(70)2 to 1/(130)2 .

The addition of options with strike prices away from ATM flattens variance vega
and thus makes the portfolio sensitive to variance but invariant to stock price.

Option-portfolio variance vega

Two options Combination of options with strike prices ranging from 70% to
130% inversely weighted by the square of their strike prices

40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160

95 105 110 sum 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115

120 125 sum

Source: BNP Paribas

Pricing: Carr and Madan’s formal approach

Carr and Madan suggest a formal method for pricing variance swaps that has
the advantage of requiring very few assumptions about stock price dynamics.
Instead of defining a process for the stock price, Carr and Madan only assume
that markets are complete and that trading can take place continuously. As a
Carr and Madan suggest an result, their results hold for restrictive assumptions such as those underlying the
interesting model-free method for Black & Scholes model and can also be extended to other models such as
valuing variance swaps. stochastic volatility. Although this section is rather mathematical it describes one
of the greatest results in derivatives research and one that has largely
contributed to the growth of the variance swaps market.

Firstly, Ito’s Lemma states that any smooth function f(Ft) can be rewritten as:

f (FT ) = f (F0 ) + ∫ f ' (Ft )dFt + Ft 2 f ' ' (Ft )σ t2 dt
2 ∫0
Let us consider the following function:
f (Ft ) = ln(F0 Ft ) + −1
Where Ft stands for the futures price. This function has a slope and a value
equal to zero when Ft = F0.

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Therefore, we have:
⎛ 1 1⎞
∫ σ t2 dt = ln (F0 FT ) + T − 1 − ∫ ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟dFt (2)
20 F0 0⎝ 0
F Ft ⎠

Carr and Madan further assume that a market exists for futures options of all
strikes. In this case, they show that any payoff f(FT) of the futures price FT can
be broken up into:

64444 4744444 8
[ ]
} 1

f (FT ) = f (κ ) + f ' (κ )(FT − κ ) − (κ − FT )

+ +

κ ∞ (3)
+ ∫ f ' ' (κ )(K − FT ) dK + ∫ f ' ' (κ )(FT − K ) dK
+ +

1 44424443 κ144424443
3 4

Where κ is an arbitrary number. As Carr and Madan point out, the above terms
can be interpreted as:

1- a position in f (κ ) discount bond

2- a position in f ' (κ ) calls with a strike price equal to κ minus f ' (κ ) puts
with the same strike price
3- a static position in f ' ' (κ )dK puts at all strikes less than κ
4- a static position in f ' ' (κ )dK calls at all strikes greater than κ

In the absence of arbitrage, the above breakdown must prevail for initial values.
Therefore, the initial value of the payoff is equal to:

κ ∞
V f0 = f (κ )B0 + f ' (κ )[C 0 (κ ) − P0 (κ )] + ∫ f ' ' (κ )P0 (κ )dK + ∫ f ' ' (κ )C 0 (κ )dK
0 κ
Carr and Madan thus prove that an arbitrary pay-off can be obtained from bond
and option prices without making strong assumptions about the stochastic
process driving the stock price5.

Applying equation (3) to the function f (Ft ) = ln (F0 Ft ) + (Ft F0 ) − 1 and

setting κ=F0 ,we get:

F ∞
FT 0
1 1
ln(F0 FT ) + − 1 = ∫ 2 (K − FT ) dK + ∫ 2 (FT − K ) dK
+ +

F0 0 K F0 K
Therefore, in order to receive σ 2 dt at time T, a trader should buy a continuum
∫ t 0

of puts with strike prices ranging from 0 to F0 and calls with strikes prices
ranging from F0 to infinity. The initial cost is equal to:
F0 ∞
2 2
∫0 K 2 0
P ( K )dK + ∫F K 2 C0 (K )dK (A)

The trader further needs to roll a futures position, holding at t:

⎛ 1 1⎞ (B)
− 2e − rT ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟
⎝ F0 Ft ⎠

More complete proof of the result can be found in Peter Carr and Dilip Madan, 1998,
‘Towards a Theory of Volatility Trading’, in Volatility: New Estimation Techniques for Pricing
Derivatives, pp. 417-427.

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The net payoff of (A) and (B) at maturity T is:

F0 ∞
2 2
⎛ 1 1 ⎞
∫0 K 2 ( K − FT ) +
dK + ∫F K 2 ( FT − K ) +
dK − 2 ∫0 ⎜⎜⎝ F0 − Ft ⎟⎟dFt
0 ⎠
⎛ F ⎞ T⎛ 1 1⎞
= 2⎜⎜ ln (F0 FT ) + T − 1⎟⎟ − 2∫ ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟dFt
⎝ F0 ⎠ 0⎝ 0
F Ft ⎠
= ∫ σ t2 dt

Since the initial cost of achieving this strategy is given by (A), the fair forward
value of the variance at time 0 should be equal to:

⎡ F0 1 ∞ ⎤
[ ]
V f σ 02,T =
2e rT
⎢ ∫ 2 P0 (K )dK + ∫ 2 C0 (K )dK ⎥
⎢⎣ 0 K F0
K ⎥⎦

Variance-swap strike prices may thus be replicated by a continuum of puts and

calls inversely weighted by the square of their strike price. Note that the above
valuation is model-free since we did not have to state a specific process for the
dynamic of the stock price in order to derive the formula. It is also worth
mentioning that the above formula provides a market-based estimator of future
realized volatility.

Why not volatility swaps?

Volatility, not variance, is the most commonly used risk measure. First, it is
measured in the same unit as stock returns. If returns are normally distributed,
they should fall within ± 2 standard deviations or volatility away from the mean in
95% of cases. However, variance is less meaningful despite it being the square
Volatility swaps are more difficult to of the standard-deviation.
value and less useful for option
Nevertheless, variance swaps are much more widely traded than volatility
swaps for two reasons: they are much easier to replicate and the P&L of a
delta-hedged option is a linear function of variance and not of volatility. As
shown above, variance swaps can be replicated with the help of a linear
combination of options and a dynamic position in futures. Replicating volatility is
more complex and requires a non-linear combination of derivative instruments.

Furthermore, let us recall that the P&L of a delta-hedged option is given by:

⎡ T
⎤ T
( ) ( ) 1
( )
P & L = σ i2 − σˆ 2 Tg 0 + σˆ 2 − σ h2 T ⎢ g 0 − ∫ gt dt ⎥ + ∫ σˆ 2 − σ t2 g t dt
⎣ ⎦ 0
Options traders are therefore linearly exposed to variance and are thus likely to
be more interested in variance swaps. The same reasoning holds true for an
investor wishing to hedge the volatility exposure of his options portfolio.

However, the strike price of a variance swap is often defined in terms of volatility
as it is more economically meaningful. For example, a variance swap contract
will specify that the volatility strike is equal to 20% which means that the actual
variance strike price is equal to (20%)2.

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The variance exposure of a variance swap is equal to σ 2 − K VAR and its

exposure to volatility may be expressed as:

σ − KVOL ≈
(σ 2 − KVAR )
Where KVOL is the strike price measured in terms of volatility (i.e. the square root
of the variance strike price).

Characteristics of volatility
The specific dynamics of volatility are of particular interest and these may be
summarized in the following four points:

o it jumps when markets crash

o it tends to revert back towards its long-term mean

o it experiences high and low regimes

Volatility tends to revert back
towards its long-term mean and
o it is usually negatively correlated with the underlying asset
jump when markets crash.

The following graphs display 6-week historical volatility for the VIX6 and the S&P
500. The graph on the left shows that volatility may move from around 20% to
north of 100% when the market experiences a serious downturn such as in
October 1987. Furthermore, as opposed to stock returns, volatility tends to
revert back towards its mean and usually remains within a high or a low regime
for a long period of time. S&P 500 volatility, for example, was in a low regime
between 1992 and 1996 and then moved into a high regime until 2003.

VIX and S&P 500 6-week historical volatility

Volatility jumps when markets crash Mean-reversion
160 50

140 45

80 25

60 20

0 0

























VIX S&P 500 6-week historical volatility VIX S&P 500 6-week historical volatility

Source – BNP Paribas

The other empirical characteristic of volatility is that it is usually negatively

correlated with the underlying asset return. The following graph plots the 6-week
correlation between changes in the VIX index and S&P 500 daily returns. The
correlation has been negative 98% of the time since January 1986. This

The Chicago Board Options Exchange SPX Volatility, or VIX, Index reflects a market estimate
of future volatility, based on the weighted average of the implied volatilities for a wide range of
strikes. 1st & 2nd month expirations are used until 8 days from expiration, then the 2nd and 3rd
are used.

14 Equities & Derivatives Research

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contradicts the Black & Scholes assumption of lognormal prices and highlights
the fact that the distribution of stock returns is skewed.

6-week correlation between changes in VIX and S&P 500 daily returns







Volatility is usually negatively -60%

correlated with equity returns. -80%











6-week correlation between changes in VIX and daily S&P 500 returns

Source – BNP Paribas

The behavior of variance swap strike prices

The following table shows a few statistics based on the €-Stoxx 50 and
calculated from August 2001 to August 2005. The 6-month variance swap strike
is calculated using the method suggested by Derman et al. (see appendix for
details), using option prices with strikes ranging from 40% to 160%.

First, let us compare the 6-month variance swap strike price with 6-month ATM
implied volatility for European options on the €-Stoxx 50 index. Variance swaps
would have traded an average of 1.11 volatility points above ATM implied
volatility between August 2001 and August 2005, a difference that appears to be
statistically significant.

Statistics on a 6-month variance swap on the €-Stoxx 50 from August 2001 to

August 2005

Variance swap strike prices are ATM implied Skew Var swap - Var swap -
Var swap
vol (90% - 100%) ATM implied vol realized vol
higher than realized volatility on
average. minimum 13.17% 12.43% 1.75% 0.31% -19.86%
maximum 40.04% 39.52% 3.32% 2.74% 16.39%
average 26.28% 25.17% 2.40% 1.11% 1.11%
Source – BNP Paribas

We further describe the payoff from a variance swap, calculated as the

difference between the swap’s initial strike price (in volatility terms) and the
volatility realized during the relevant period. The positive average comes from
the existence of a variance risk premium, which we highlight in the next section.

15 Equities & Derivatives Research

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Empirical analysis of a 6-month variance swap on the €-Stoxx 50

Realized volatility, payoff and strike of a 6-month variance swap on ATM volatility vs. variance swap strike (in vol terms) for the €-
the €-Stoxx 50 Stoxx 50
60% 50%


20% 25%


-20% 0%
Aug-01 Feb-02 Aug-02 Feb-03 Aug-03 Feb-04 Aug-04 Feb-05 Aug-01 Feb-02 Aug-02 Feb-03 Aug-03 Feb-04 Aug-04 Feb-05

strike realized volatility payoff Variance swap ATM implied volatility

Source – BNP Paribas

Variance swap strike prices as a forecast of future

realized volatility
By definition, the variance swap strike price should be a good proxy of future
realized volatility. If this assertion holds true, regressing the variance swap
strike price against realized volatility should yield a slope and a constant equal
to one and zero, respectively.

The following table plots the regression of the €-Stoxx 50’s 1-year historical
standard-deviation against its 1-year variance strike price (expressed in terms of
volatility) and against 1-year ATM implied volatility. Since regression β is far
from one in the case of variance swap strike prices, it does not provide an
unbiased proxy for future realized volatility. The same conclusion holds for ATM
implied volatility despite the fact that the constant and the slope are closer to
zero and one, respectively.

Regression of €-Stoxx 50 1-year realized volatility against its corresponding

var swap strike price and ATM implied volatility7

constant β T-stat (β) R-square
Variance swap strike prices are not (constant)
a good proxy for future realized var swap 0.10 5.27 0.59 8.56 8%
volatility. ATM implied volatility 0.06 3.75 0.76 11.85 13%
Source – BNP Paribas

One of the reasons why variance-swap strike prices do not provide a fair proxy
of future realized volatility is again the presence of a variance risk premium.

β is the sensitivity of the variance-swap strike price (or ATM implied volatility) to realized
volatility. The T-stat measures whether this parameter shows a statistically significant
difference from zero: it needs to be below -1.96 or above 1.96 to be significant at the 95%
confidence level. The R-square measures the overall explanatory power of the equation. An R-
square of 40% means that realized volatility explains 40% of the variability of ATM implied

16 Equities & Derivatives Research

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The variance risk premium

As already mentioned, sellers of variance swaps bear a bigger risk than buyers
as their potential loss is unlimited. They should therefore be rewarded with a
variance risk premium that is reflected in a variance strike price higher than
realized variance on average8.

To check whether a variance risk premium exists, we follow Carr and Wu’s
suggestion: in the absence of a variance risk premium, the average variance
swap strike price should be equal to the realized variance. The log ratio of the
two - ln(Var Swap/realized variance)- should thus be equal to zero.

The table below reports the t-statistics for ln(var swap/realized variance) for the
€-Stoxx 50 and its 10 largest constituents at present using data from March
2001 to September 2005. The t-stat is significant and positive both for the €-
Stoxx 50 and for 9 out of its top 10 constituents, a situation denoting the
presence of a significant variance risk premium at both the index and single
stocks levels.

Testing for variance risk premium

t-stat for the €-Stoxx 50 and its 10 biggest constituents
underlying asset t-stat
€-Stoxx 50 8.70
Total SA 11.19
Variance risk is priced into variance Sanofi-Aventis 6.62
swaps. Banco Santander Central Hispano SA 3.55
ENI SpA 8.84
Telefonica SA 59.23
Nokia OYJ (4.03)
E.ON AG 2.53
Siemens AG 5.80
BNP Paribas 2.64
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA 2.15
Source – BNP Paribas

Indeed, in a risk-neutral world, this variance risk premium should be equal to

zero. A risk-neutral investor should sell a variance swap at his expected realized
variance. In practice, however, the presence of risk aversion makes the
variance risk premium positive.

Furthermore, the skew (calculated here as the 90%-100% implied volatility

spread), indirectly measures the market’s risk aversion. As a result, one way to
test the effect of risk aversion on the variance risk premium is to check whether
the difference between the variance-swap strike price and realized variance is a
function of the skew. As shown by the following table, the higher the skew, the
higher the variance risk premium.

Carr and Wu (2005) provide a thorough analysis of variance risk premium for several US
stocks and indices. See also Driessen et al. (2005) for a comparison of variance risk premia for
single stocks and indices.

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Regression of €-Stoxx 50 1-year skew (90% - 100%) against the spread

between the 1-year var swap strike price and 1-year realized volatility

y = 13.11x - 0.30
15% R2 = 21.67%


Var swap - realized vol







1.50% 1.70% 1.90% 2.10% 2.30% 2.50% 2.70% 2.90% 3.10% 3.30% 3.50%
Skew (90% - 100%)

constant β T-stat (β) R-square
var swap - realized vol -0.30 -15.11 13.03 15.81 21.67%
Source – BNP Paribas

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Why use variance swaps?

In this section, we show how variance swaps can be used to take positions on
volatility or hedging it.

Implied/realized volatility arbitrage

The most obvious use of variance swaps is to bet on the difference between
current implied and future realized volatilities. With variance swap strike prices
defined by a combination of puts and calls, they may be viewed as a weighted
average of implied volatility across strikes.

Variance swaps can thus be used for different strategies such as:

„ Implied vs. realized volatility arbitrage

If one expects future realized volatility to be above implied volatility, as

measured by the strike price of a variance swap, investors can use a long
position in a variance swap to take this view by means of a buy-and-hold
strategy, as opposed to option delta-hedging which would require daily
monitoring of the delta position.

„ Implied volatility term-structure arbitrage

One way to play an expected rise in volatility term structure is to enter into two
different variance swaps with two different maturities. Let us assume for
Variance swaps are an efficient tool example that the variance strike price for a 1-year variance swap is currently
for investing in volatility and equal to (20%)2 , but that one expects the 6-month variance swap to be priced
arbitraging discrepancies between at (30%)2 in 6 months with the realized volatility remaining constant over the
implied and realized volatilities. next 12 months. An investor can then take advantage of this expected
steepening of volatility term structure by:

o buying a 1-year variance swap for a notional N today with a

strike price equal to KVar,0=(20%)2

o selling a 6-month variance swap for the same notional in 6

months with a strike price equal to KVar,0=(30%)2

If the investor is right, the payoff will be equal to N*(10%)2. This type of strategy
may suitably be executed via the use of forward-start variance swaps9 which we
describe in more detail in the next section.

The next section looks into forward variance swaps in greater detail.

19 Equities & Derivatives Research

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Volatility term structure in terms of variance-swap strike price










3M 6M 1Y 2Y
Today In 6 months (expected)

Source – BNP Paribas

Volatility pairs and dispersion trading

Here, we present two different single-stock volatility strategies, namely volatility
Variance swaps can be set up on
pairs and dispersion trading.
indices as well as stocks, thereby
allowing for easy implementation of „ Volatility pairs trading
volatility pairs trading.
Since the volatilities of two stocks within the same sector are usually driven by
the same factors, their spread is often mean-reverting: should one implied
volatility diverge from the other, it is likely to revert back. The following graph
shows BMW and DaimlerChrysler’s 3-month ATM implied volatilities in the past
two years. Their levels are closely related and the implied volatility spread is
reverting towards a mean around zero. As a result, the rise in DaimlerChrysler’s
implied volatility in May 2005 could have provided a trading opportunity that
could have been exploited by using variance swaps.

Our implied volatility valuation model can also provide some ideas for implied
volatility pairs trading. This model helps calculate fair values for the implied
volatility of single stocks according to their beta, 5-year CDS, size and stock

For more details on this model, see “Predicting uncertainty: A new method for valuing implied
volatility”, BNP Paribas Technical Studies, published on October 14, 2004.

20 Equities & Derivatives Research

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DaimlerChrysler and BMW’s 6-month ATM implied volatility

15 40

10 30

5 20

0 10

-5 0
Sep-03 Nov-03 Jan-04 Mar-04 May-04 Jul-04 Sep-04 Nov-04 Jan-05 Mar-05 May-05 Jul-05


Source – BNP Paribas

„ Dispersion trading

Dispersion trading consists of buying the volatility of an index and selling the
volatility of its constituents according to their index weights. It is defined as11:

Dispersiont = ∑α i ,tσ i2,t − σ I2,t
Pairs trading can be extended to
dispersion trading, i.e. arbitraging i =1
between the volatility of an index
Where α i,t is the weight of stock i in the index. By definition, it changes over
and the volatility of its constituents.
time as stock prices change and is equal to:
α i ,t = ni S i ,t I t
It thus depends on:

o the volatility of single stocks

o the correlation

As correlation tends to revert back towards its long-term mean, so does

dispersion. Dispersion trades may be executed by buying a variance swap on
the index and selling variance swaps on the constituents according to their
weight in the index.

Nowadays, dispersion is usually quoted by mentioning the level of volatility of

the index, the average weighted spread of volatility with its constituents and the
level of correlation.

Dispersion can also be expressed as the square root of the mentioned formula

21 Equities & Derivatives Research

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€-Stoxx 50 implied and realized dispersion






Sep-03 Dec-03 Mar-04 Jun-04 Sep-04 Dec-04 Mar-05 Jun-05 Sep-05
Realised dispersion Implied dispersion

Source – BNP Paribas

Hedging structured products

Given that structured products are by definition sensitive to volatility, variance
swaps are natural tools for hedging volatility exposure. To illustrate this point,
Variance swaps can be useful tools
we take a look at CPPI or Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance. A CPPI is a
for hedging the volatility risk of
dynamic strategy that can be applied to stocks or other assets. The following
complex structured products such
paragraphs describe how CPPI works.
as CPPIs.
Let us suppose that the initial investment is 100 with a 5-year time horizon. The
investor first determines a floor that is equal to the value of a 5-year bond. The
cushion C0 is equal to the initial investment I0 minus the bond floor B0. The
investor could invest C0 in risky assets while investing the floor in a risk-free 5-
year bond. In that case, the final value of his investment would be guaranteed
against a decline below its initial value. However, the CPPI allows the investor
to invest more on risky assets by an amount m*C0 where m stands for the
multiplier (and is greater than 1). The higher the multiplier, the greater the
participation in an appreciation of the risky asset.

The investment in the risky asset is dynamically adjusted in order to ensure a

return of 100 at maturity: if the risky asset declines, exposure to the risky asset
is consequently reduced. Once the total value of the portfolio reaches the bond
value, the CPPI is said to have been cashed-out and all the money is invested
in the risky bond as there is no more cushion.

CPPIs may be demonstrated to be negatively related to the volatility of the

underlying asset for the following reasons:

„ A high volatility increases the probability of cashing out

„ A high volatility is often paired with a negative return.

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On the other hand, option-based products such as ODBs, are usually positively
related to volatility. On this basis, variance swaps could help structured-product
managers to hedge their volatility risks efficiently.

Immunizing volatility risk of hedge fund strategies

Variance swaps are currently used by hedge fund managers to bet on volatility.
They can also be used to protect against volatility risk. While numerous studies
demonstrate the correlation between hedge fund strategies and equity market
The performance of hedge fund
returns, few have focused on the effect of volatility.
strategies are often affected by
changes in volatility. The following table shows that the correlation between the various hedge fund
strategies and S&P 500 and €-Stoxx 50 realized volatility is usually far from
being zero.

Convertible arbitrage, for example, benefits from a rise in volatility as higher

volatility usually creates more arbitrage opportunities. Conversely, when
volatility declines - as it has in the last two years - convertible hedge funds can
improve their performance by selling variance swaps.

Conversely, hedge funds with strategies negatively correlated with volatility,

such as event-driven arbitrage or distressed companies, could yield higher
returns in a high volatility market if they buy variance swaps.

Correlation between CSFB/Tremont hedge fund indices and S&P 500 and €-Stoxx 50 return and volatility
Convertible Dedicated Emerging Event Global Long/Short Multi-
Hedge Fund Distressed
Arbitrage Short Markets Driven Macro Equity Strategy
S&P 500 volatility -31% 21% 21% -29% -45% -41% -9% -32% -4%
€-Stoxx 50 volatility -35% 13% 17% -24% -47% -41% -3% -26% -6%
S&P 500 return 41% 7% -75% 63% 53% 44% 11% 44% 30%
€-Stoxx 50 return 45% 4% -63% 57% 49% 36% 17% 49% 28%
Source: BNP Paribas, CSFB/Tremont

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Third-generation volatility products

Or how new products can further improve volatility trading by enabling
asymmetric bets/hedges to be taken on volatility

Gamma swaps
As discussed previously, the gamma exposure of variance swaps is insensitive
to the level of the underlying asset. In the event the stock price rises or declines,
the gamma exposure depends solely on the initial value of the portfolio.
Variance swaps are thus said to have constant “cash” gamma exposure.

However, it is often more useful to have a constant “share” gamma exposure

than a “cash” one. In general, investors focus on the number of portfolio units
they manage and not on the initial cash value of their portfolio. Gamma swaps
are by definition products that answer to this need.

Gamma swaps have the following pay-off:

Gamma swaps have a constant Pay − off Gamma swap = (Gamma − K Gamma ) * N
“share” gamma exposure which
⎡ Si ⎤ ,
makes them more efficient tools for Where Gamma = 252 ∑ ⎢(ln(S i S i −1 ))
⎥ KGamma is the strike and N the
options hedging. T i =1 ⎣ S0 ⎦
notional amount. In continuous-time, the gamma swap payoff is equal to:
T ∫0
Γ0,T = σ t2 S t S 0 dt

Gamma swaps are thus equivalent to variance swaps whose nominal is

proportional to the level of the underlying asset.

„ The intuitive and formal approaches to gamma swap pricing

Pricing gamma swaps is as easy as pricing variance swaps. We have already

shown that whereas the variance swap vega should be independent of the stock
price, the gamma-swap vega should be a linear function of the stock price. The
aim is to create an options portfolio whose vega will be a linear function of the
stock price. As the following graph illustrates, an option portfolio using a
continuum of strike prices and inversely weighted by their strike prices provides
a vega that is linear with respect to the stock price.

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Option-portfolio variance vega

Two options Combination of options with strike prices ranging from 70% to
130% (5% interval) and inversely weighted by their strike prices

40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160

95 105 110 sum 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115

120 125 sum

Source: BNP Paribas

Carr and Madan’s formal approach may also be applied to gamma-swap

pricing. As shown in the appendix, the value – or the strike price – of a gamma
swap is given by:

2e 2 rT ⎡ 0 1 ⎤
F ∞
V f [Γ0,T ] =
Gamma-swap strike prices may be
⎢ ∫ P0 (K )dK + ∫ C0 (K )dK ⎥
replicated by an options portfolio TS 0 ⎣⎢ 0 K F0
K ⎦⎥
with a continuum of strike prices
The gamma-swap’s strike price may thus be replicated by a continuum of puts
inversely weighted by their strike
and calls inversely weighted by their strike prices.

„ Empirical differences between gamma swaps and variance swaps

By virtue of their payoff and insofar as squared returns (ln (S i S i −1 ))2 are
weighted by the performance of the stock S i S 0 , gamma swaps underweight big
downward index move relative to variance swaps. This means that if the
distribution of stock returns is skewed to the left, gamma swaps minimize the
effect of a crash, thereby making it easier for the trader to hedge. In this case,
hedging does not require additional caps, unlike variance swaps which need to
be capped.

6-month gamma and variance swaps’ strike prices on the €-Stoxx 50 index

50% 22%



25% 16%



0% 10%
Aug-01 Feb-02 Aug-02 Feb-03 Aug-03 Feb-04 Aug-04 Feb-05 Aug-04 Oct-04 Dec-04 Feb-05 Apr-05 Jun-05

Variance swap Gamma swap Variance swap Gamma swap

Source: BNP Paribas

25 Equities & Derivatives Research

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Gamma swap strike prices should thus be lower than variance swap strike
prices. The following graphs show the strike prices of 6-month variance and
gamma swaps on the €-Stoxx 50. The gamma swap strike price would
systematically have been slightly lower than the variance swap strike price by
1.03 volatility points on average.

The gamma swap payoff is slightly delta-positive, given that it is a function of

the performance of the stock since inception.

Orderly dispersion trading

As we pointed out before, dispersion is calculated by the difference between the
realized index volatility and the market-cap weighted sum of the realized
volatility of its constituents. The dispersion between time 0 and T is thus
described by:

Dispersiont = ∑ α i ,t σ i2,t − σ I2,t
i =1

Gamma swaps are a means to Where α i,t is the weight of stock i in the index. By definition, it changes over
optimally trade dispersion. time as stock prices change and is equal to:
α i ,t = ni S i ,t I t
If an investor trades dispersion using variance swaps weighted by the initial
weights of the stocks in the index, he faces the risk of a possible change in
weights over time until maturity of the variance swap. Gamma swaps, however,
offer a more efficient way to trade dispersion. If one sells a gamma swap on the
index and buys ni Si,0 /I0 – or α i , 0 – gamma swaps on each stock i, the payoff
at maturity should be equal to:

N ni S i , 0 1 T 2 1
P & LT = ∑ ∫ σ S
i ,t i , t S i ,0 dt − ∫ σ I2,t I t I 0 dt
i =1 I0 T 0 T 0
Rearranging the terms, it gives:

1 ⎛ N
2 ⎞ 1
P & LT = ∫ ⎜ I t I 0 ∑ α i ,t σ i ,t ⎟dt − ∫ σ I2,t I t I 0 dt
T 0⎝ i =1 ⎠ T 0
1 It
T ∫0 I 0
= Dispersiont dt

The payoff is thus equal to the average dispersion over the period [0,T]
weighted by index performance.

Forward-start variance swaps

Forward-start variance swaps are variance swaps whose variance is calculated
between two future dates T and T’. The pay-off at maturity T’ is therefore equal

σ2 = ∑ (ln(S Si −1 ))
T '−T i = T +1

26 Equities & Derivatives Research

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Or in continuous-time:

T − T ' T∫
σˆ T2,T ' = σ t2 dt
Forward-start variance swaps
enable positions to be taken in Carr and Madan again show that forward-start variance swaps may also be
variance between two future dates. priced as the difference between a variance swap maturing at T’ and a variance
swap maturing at T. The value of a forward-start variance swap maturing at T’
and starting on T is thus equal to:

⎡ F0 1 ∞ ⎤
V f σ T2,T ' = ] 2e rT '
⎢ ∫ 2 P0 (K , T ')dK + ∫ 2 C0 (K , T ')dK ⎥
⎢⎣ 0 K F0
K ⎥⎦
2e rT ⎡ 0 1 ⎤
F ∞
− ⎢∫ 2 0P ( K , T )dK + ∫ 2
C0 (K , T )dK ⎥
T ⎢⎣ 0 K F0
K ⎥⎦
As a result, forward-start variance swaps enable investors to take positions on
future volatility without having to enter two different variance swaps.

Corridor variance swaps

Corridor variance swaps are a variant of variance swaps that only take into
account daily stock variations when the stock is in a specific range.

The payoff is equal to:

Payoff Corridor = K 2 − K Corr


where K 2 is the initial strike price and K Corr

is described by:

252 T
K Corr = ∑ (ln(Si Si−1 ))21St −1∈[κ −∆;κ +∆ ]
T i =1
Hence, squared returns are counted in if the stock price lies within a pre-
specified range [κ −∆ ;κ + ∆ ] .

Corridor variance swaps therefore enable bets to be taken on the pattern of the
stock. If the stock move sideways and stays within the defined range, K Corr will
be high. If the stock moves sharply upward or downward and leaves the range
quickly, K Corr will be low.

Up and down corridor variance swaps

Financial engineering never stops producing new products and up corridor
variance swaps are an example of such innovation. Up corridor variance swaps
Up and down corridor variance are a variant of corridor variance swaps and have the following payoff:
swaps allow for betting on volatility
PayoffUp = K 2 − KUpcorr
on the upside or downside.
Where K 2 is the initial strike price and KUpcorr
is described by:

252 T
∑ (ln(S i S i−1 )) 1St −1 >B
K Upcorr =
T i =1
Hence, squared returns are counted in if and only if the stock price lies above a
predefined level denoted B. Indeed, one can also define a down corridor
variance swap whose payoff would be defined by:

27 Equities & Derivatives Research

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252 T
K downcorr = ∑ (ln(Si Si−1 ))21St −1<B
T i =1
Aggregating a down corridor variance swap and an up corridor variance swap
yields the classic variance swap. This particular payoff has several advantages:

o It enables investors to bet on volatility or to hedge a position up

to a certain level that may be defined by the overall risk
structure of a derivatives book

o It is cheaper than a variance swap as only returns associated

with a stock higher than B will be taken into account

Another reason why it is cheaper is that no purchases of expensive OTM puts

are required to replicate it. The following graphs provide a comparison of the
payoffs of 1-year variance swaps and 1-year ATM down corridor variance
swaps on the S&P 500 since 1976. The ATM down corridor variance swap has
a threshold level B equal to the initial level of the index, while only returns
associated with an index level below the threshold are counted in.

Comparison of variance swaps and down corridor variance swaps on the S&P 500 index

40 1800 30 1600

1600 1500
1200 20
20 15 1100
600 10
400 800
5 200 700

- 0 - 600

































variance swap down corridor variance swap S&P 500 index variance swap down corridor variance swap S&P 500 index

Source: BNP Paribas

The ATM down corridor variance swap systematically yields a lower payoff and
should thus be cheaper than the variance swap. Furthermore, the graph shows
that the down corridor variance swap’s payoff is negatively correlated with the
market trend. With squared returns not counted in when the market rises, the
down corridor variance swap offers a lower strike price. This is confirmed by the
statistics reported in the following table. As a result, up and down corridor
variance swaps enable a combined view to be taken on volatility, correlation
and market direction.

28 Equities & Derivatives Research

Equity Derivatives Technical Study 28 September 2005

Comparison of 1-year variance swaps with 1-year ATM up and down corridor variance swaps (in vol terms)

Variance up corridor down corridor variance - up variance - down

Swap variance swap variance swap corridor corridor
Average 14.91 10.69 8.10 4.22 6.81
Minimum 7.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Maximum 36.84 32.92 36.82 36.82 27.14
correlation with 1-year S&P 500 returns -31% 50% -69% -73% 64%
Source: BNP Paribas, CSFB/Tremont

Up and down conditional variance swaps

Up conditional variance swaps are a variant of up corridor variant swaps, whose
payoff is described by:

( )∑ 1
Payoff Upcond = K 2 − K Upcond
S i −1 > B
i =1

where K 2 is the initial strike price and KUpcond

is described by:

∑ (ln(S S i −1 )) 1S t −1 > B
K Upcond = T i

i =1
S i −1 > B
i =1

Similarly, a down conditional variance swap can be structured as:

( )∑1
Payoff Downcond = K 2 − KUpcond
Si −1 < B
i =1

where K 2 is the initial strike price and K Downcond

is described by:

∑ (ln(S S i −1 )) 1St −1 < B
K Downcond = T i

i =1
S i −1 > B
i =1

The conditional variance swap payoff is such that if the stock price never trades
above the threshold B, it will be null whereas the up corridor variance swap
payoff would be equal to K . It also enables bets to be taken on very specific
volatility behavior. Take the case of an index whose initial value is 100. If the
index stands above 100 for a few days with a high volatility, say 40%
annualized, and then drops below 100, an ATM up conditional variance swap
will yield a much higher payoff than an ATM up corridor variance swap, given
that the payoff’s floating leg is divided by the number of days the index stays
above the threshold (above 100 in this case). As a result, timing is less of an
issue for an investor who buys a conditional variance swap rather than a
corridor variance swap.

Riding the smile

One of the primary features of implied volatility is the presence of a “smile”, i.e.
the fact that implied volatilities depend on the option’s strike. The goal of this
section is not to explain why the smile exists, but how to trade it.

Optimally, one would need to buy or sell corridor variance swaps whose
range [κ −∆ ;κ + ∆ ] would be such that ∆ tends to zero. In this case, the conditional

29 Equities & Derivatives Research

Equity Derivatives Technical Study 28 September 2005

variance swap would pay when the index is around κ. Although theoretical
models exist for pricing such products, they are not traded as yet12.

Nevertheless, investors can use other methods based on existing volatility

products to take views on the smile. The first one involves buying a variance
swap and selling a gamma swap. As shown previously, variance swaps and
New derivative products provide gamma swaps can be replicated by a portfolio of options comprising a
ways to take positions on implied continuum of strike prices, inversely weighted by the square of the strike price
volatility smiles. and the strike price, respectively. This means that the spread between the
variance swap and gamma swap strike prices should be an increasing function
of the skew.

The following graph displays the smile for three different (90%-110%) skews,
but which display the same average implied volatility of 22.5%. The table plots
the prices of 1-year variance swaps and gamma swaps for the three different
skews. One can see that the spread between the two increases when the skew
rises. Indeed, variance swaps and gamma swaps yield different vega
exposures. By being long a variance swap and short a gamma swap, an
investor does not get a vega-neutral position. As a result, trading the smile by
this method further requires to delta-hedge the position in order to cancel the
vega sensitivity of the strategy. As delta-hedging necessitates an option model,
investors further face model risk.

Note that gamma swaps generally yield lower payoffs than variance swaps, but
that trading variance swaps against gamma swaps is a simple technique for
trading the smile or the skew.

See again Peter Carr and Dilip Madan, 1998, ‘Towards a Theory of Volatility Trading’, in
Volatility: New Estimation Techniques for Pricing Derivatives, pp. 417-427, for the pricing of
conditional variance swaps along a specific strike.

30 Equities & Derivatives Research

Equity Derivatives Technical Study 28 September 2005

Indicative strike prices of 1-year gamma and variance swaps as a function of

skew (90% - 110%)









40% 60% 80% 100% 120% 140% 160%

flat skew 4% skew 6% skew

variance swap gamma swap spread

flat skew 21.30% 21.44% -0.14%
4% skew 22.64% 21.81% 0.83%
6% skew 24.05% 22.63% 1.42%
Source – BNP Paribas

Another type of smile trade involves buying an ATM up-conditional variance-

swap and selling an ATM down-conditional variance-swap. If an investor
considers the smile to be relatively steep, i.e. if the skew is high, the up-
conditional variance-swap should be cheap while the down conditional variance-
swap should be expensive.

Correlation trading
Correlation measures how closely stocks move together or in opposite
directions. The correlation between two stocks is denoted by ρi,j and calculated

cov(Ri , R j ) ∑R i ,t R j ,t
ρ i, j = = t =1

σ iσ j T T

∑ Ri2,t
t =1
t =1
j ,t

Correlation is an important factor as it strongly impacts index volatility. By

definition, index volatility can be broken down as a function of the volatilities and
Correlation is easily tradeable using pairwise correlations of its constituents:
correlation swaps. n n −1 n
σ I2 = ∑ α i2σ i2 + ∑∑ α iα j σ iσ j ρ i , j
i =1 i =1 j =i

The higher the correlation the higher the index volatility, since both the index
weights α i and the stock volatilities σ i are positive. Average correlation
provides a good measure of overall correlation. Average correlation is
calculated by assuming the same pairwise correlation for all stocks:
n n −1 n
σ I2 = ∑ α i2σ i2 + ∑∑ α iα j σ iσ j ρ
i =1 i =1 j =i

31 Equities & Derivatives Research

Equity Derivatives Technical Study 28 September 2005

σ I2 − ∑ α i2σ i2
ρ= n −1 n
i =1

∑∑α α σ σ
i =1 j =i
i j i j

The same breakdown holds for both implied and realized volatilities, thus
meaning that option prices can be used to extract an average implied
correlation for a given maturity.
There are several interesting features with correlation:

„ Boundary and mean-reversion:

Although by definition, correlation ranges from -1 to 1, it is usually positive as

stocks tend to co-vary positively together. In view of this, correlation has a
tendency to revert back towards its long-term mean.

6-week implied and realized correlation for the €-Stoxx 50

Feb-03 Aug-03 Feb-04 Aug-04 Feb-05 Aug-05
Realised correlation Implied correlation

Source – BNP Paribas

„ Stock market and correlation:

The fact that stocks generally all tend to head down when the bears are out
means that correlation usually rises when markets decline.

Trading correlation can take different forms. One can approximate future
correlation using variance or gamma swaps but the replication will never be
perfect13. However, the simplest way to trade correlation is to take a position in
a correlation swap.

A correlation swap has a payoff similar to the variance swap and one which is
equal to:

Payoff correl = ( ρ realized − ρ Strike )* N

see N. Blanc, Index Variance Arbitrage: Arbitraging Component Correlation, BNP Paribas
technical studies, 2004, for a discussion regarding several methods for optimizing correlation

32 Equities & Derivatives Research

Equity Derivatives Technical Study 28 September 2005

ρ realized is the average of all correlations ρi,j. ρi,j is the correlation of the log daily
returns of the stocks prices between stock i and j:
n −1 n
ρ Re alised = ∑∑ ρ i, j where n is the number of stocks in the index
n × (n − 1) ) i =1 j =i
or basket.

33 Equities & Derivatives Research

Equity Derivatives Technical Study 28 September 2005

The combination of greater liquidity in the options market and new quantitative
tools has now made trading volatility almost as easy as trading stocks or bonds.
Variance swaps are now traded every business day on both indices and single

Financial engineering has created a wide range of new volatility products in

addition to variance swaps. Derivative products are now available for investors
to bet asymmetrically on volatility, on correlation, on the smile etc.

These financial instruments are not just arbitrage tools, but also efficient
hedging tools. As we have shown in this report, they can be used to hedge
structured product books or to hedge volatility up to a certain level.

In conclusion, every investor will probably find a volatility-based product that

answers his needs, while new volatility instruments are bound to emerge in the

34 Equities & Derivatives Research

Equity Derivatives Technical Study 28 September 2005


Hedging options when volatility is unknown

In this section, we show how to break down the P&L of hedged options. We
assume frictionless markets, no arbitrage and a constant risk-free interest rate.
We also assume that the dynamics of the stock price are defined by the
following geometric Brownian motion:

dS t
= µ t dt + σ t dWt
Where µ t is the stock return, σ t its unknown instantaneous volatility and Wt a
Brownian motion. Let us denote the initial implied volatility by σ i and assume
that the trader chooses to hedge his option position by applying the Black-
Scholes formula and using the hedge volatility σ h Under these assumptions,
Carr shows that the P&L of an option V should be equal to:

( ) S2
P & L = [V (S0 ,0; σ i ) − V (S0 ,0; σ h )]erT + ∫ er (T −t ) σ h2 − σ t2 t
V (St , t; σ h )dt
∂S 2
Let us now follow Blanc’s suggestion14 to linearize the first two terms in σ2
around σ h . The P&L can be rewritten as:

∂2 S 2 ∂2
( ) S2 ( )
P & L = Te rT σ i2 − σ h2 0
V (S 0 ,0; σ h ) + ∫ e r (T −t ) σ h2 − σ t2 t V (S t , t ; σ h )dt
∂S 2
2 ∂S 2
Let us denote the volatility over the period 0 to T by σˆ . σˆ is defined by:
T ∫0
σˆ 2 = σ t2 dt

The P&L may therefore be expressed as:

P&L =
S 02 ∂ 2
(σ i
− σˆ 2 Te rT
2 ∂S 2
V (S 0 , T ; σ h )

⎡ S 2 ∂2 T
S 2 ∂2 ⎤
( )
+ σˆ 2 − σ h2 T ⎢e rT 0
2 ∂S 2
V (S 0 , T ;σ h ) − ∫ e r (T −t ) t
T 2 ∂S 2
V (S t , T − t ;σ h )dt ⎥
⎣ 0 ⎦
S t2 ∂ 2
( )
+ ∫ σˆ 2 − σ t2 e r (T −t )
2 ∂S 2
V (S t , T − t ;σ h )dt

Defining gt as:

St2 ∂ 2 e r (T − t ) ∂
g t = e r (T − t ) V (S t , T − t ; σ h ) = V (St , T − t ;σ h )
2 ∂S 2
2σ h ∂σ
The P&L is thus equal to:

⎡ T
⎤ T
( ) ( 1
P & L = σ i2 − σˆ 2 Tg 0 + σˆ 2 − σ h2 T ⎢ g 0 − ∫ g t dt ⎥ + ∫ σˆ 2 − σ t2 g t dt
( )
⎣ ⎦ 0

See N. Blanc, Index Variance Arbitrage: Arbitraging Component Correlation, BNP Paribas
technical studies, 2004.

35 Equities & Derivatives Research

Equity Derivatives Technical Study 28 September 2005

Valuing gamma swaps

Carr and Madan’s methodology for pricing variance swaps can also be applied
to the valuation of gamma swaps. The continuous-time pay-off of a gamma
swap is by definition equal to:

Γ0,T = ∫ σ t2 S t S 0 dt

If f(Ft,,t) is a function of both Ft, and t, then Ito’s Lemma states that:

f (FT ) = f (F0 ) + ∫ f ' F (Ft )dFt + ∫ f t ' (Ft )dFt + ∫ f F ' ' (Ft )σ t2 dt
0 0 0
Let us consider the following function:

f (Ft , t ) = e rt (Ft ln (Ft F0 ) − Ft + F0 )

Applying Ito’s Lemma to f(Ft,,t) yields:

S tσ t2 dt = e rT [FT ln (FT F0 ) − FT + F0 ] − r ∫ e rt ((1 + FT ) ln (FT F0 ) − FT + F0 )dFt
2 ∫0 0

Note that Carr and Madan show that if a market exists for futures options of all
strikes, any payoff f(FT) of the futures price FT can be broken down as:

f (FT ) = f (κ ) + f ' (κ )(FT − κ ) − (κ − FT )
+ +
κ ∞ (A)
+ ∫ f ' ' (κ )(K − FT ) dK + ∫ f ' ' (κ )(FT − K ) dK
+ +

0 κ

In the absence of arbitrage, the above breakdown must prevail among initial
values. Therefore, the initial value of the payoff is equal to:

κ ∞
V f0 = f (κ )B0 + f ' (κ )[C 0 (κ ) − P0 (κ )] + ∫ f ' ' (κ )P0 (κ )dK + ∫ f ' ' (κ )C 0 (κ )dK
0 κ

Applying equation (A) to the function f (Ft , t ) = Ft ln (Ft F0 ) − Ft + F0 yields:

F0 ∞
1 1
FT ln(FT F0 ) − FT + F0 = ∫0 K (K − FT ) dK + F∫ K (FT − K ) dK
+ +

Therefore, in order to receive S σ 2 dt at time T, a trader should buy a
continuum of puts with strike prices
∫0 t ranging
from 0 to F0 and calls with strikes
ranging from F0 to infinity, with everything weighted by the price of a discount
bond erT. The initial cost is equal to:

⎡ F0 2 ∞
2 ⎤
e rT ⎢ ∫ P0 (K )dK + ∫ C0 (K )dK ⎥ (B)
⎢⎣ 0 K F0
K ⎥⎦
The trader also needs to roll a futures position, holding at t:

− 2r ((1 + Ft ) ln(Ft F0 ) − Ft + F0 ) (C)

36 Equities & Derivatives Research

Equity Derivatives Technical Study 28 September 2005

The net payoff of (B) and (C) at maturity T is:


⎛ ⎛F ⎞ ⎞
∫ K (K − F ) ∫ K (F − K ) dK − 2 ∫ re rt ⎜⎜ (1 + Ft ) ln⎜⎜ t ⎟⎟ − Ft + F0 ⎟dFt
+ +
e rT T dK + T ⎟
0 F0 0 ⎝ ⎝ F0 ⎠ ⎠
⎛ ⎛F ⎞ ⎞ T ⎛ ⎛F ⎞ ⎞
= 2e rT ⎜⎜ FT ln⎜⎜ T ⎟⎟ − FT + F0 ⎟⎟ − 2 ∫ re rt ⎜⎜ (1 + Ft ) ln⎜⎜ t ⎟⎟ − Ft + F0 ⎟dFt

⎝ ⎝ F0 ⎠ ⎠ 0 ⎝ ⎝ F0 ⎠ ⎠
= ∫ S t σ t2 dt

Since the initial cost of executing this strategy is given by (B), the fair forward
value of the gamma swap at time 0 should be equal to:

2e 2 rT ⎡ F0 1 ∞ ⎤
V f [Γ0,T ] =
⎢ ∫ P0 (K )dK + ∫ C0 (K )dK ⎥
TS0 ⎢⎣ 0 K F0
K ⎥⎦

37 Equities & Derivatives Research

Equity Derivatives Technical Study 28 September 2005

The Derman et al. replication of variance swaps

and its extension to gamma swaps
Derman et al. suggest a simple discrete approximation of variance swaps using
a fixed set of options. We previously showed that variance could be replicated
by a log contract of the form

2⎡ FT ⎤
f (FT ) = ⎢ln (F0 FT ) + − 1⎥
T⎣ F0 ⎦
plus a dynamic position on a futures contract. We also showed that the initial
value of this log contract should be equal to:
F0 ∞
2 1 1
∫K 2
P0 (K )dK + ∫ 2
C 0 (K )dK
T 0 F0 K

The issue for valuing the above continuum of options is that in practice, only a
limited number of options are available. Therefore, Derman et al. propose a
piecewise linear approximation of f() as described by the following graph.

Log payoff and its discrete approximation in the case of variance swaps

K 2P

K 2C
K 1P
K0 K 1C

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220

Source – BNP Paribas

The segment between K0 and K1C resembles the payoff of a call with strike K0
and the number of options one needs to buy is equal to the slope of the

f (K1C ) − f (K 0C )
wc (K 0 ) =
K 1C − K 0C
The segment [K1C, K2C] resembles a combination of calls with strike prices K0
and K1C , bearing in mind that we already own wc calls with strike price K0. The
number of options with strike price K1 should thus be equal to:

f (K 2 C ) − f (K 2 C )
wc (K1 ) = − wc (K 0 )
K 2C − K 1C
As a result, this method may be used to calculate all the weights for the calls
position as well as the number of puts needed to be bought in order to replicate
the left-hand side of the log payoff.

38 Equities & Derivatives Research

Equity Derivatives Technical Study 28 September 2005

Indeed, this method can be also applied to the valuation of gamma swaps, the
only difference being the function f() we use. When valuing gamma swaps, the
function f is equal to:

2e rT
f (FT ) = (FT ln(FT F0 ) − FT + F0 )

39 Equities & Derivatives Research

Equity Derivatives Technical Study 28 September 2005

Example of capped variance-swap




UNDERLYING STOCK ABC Corporation (Bloomberg Ticker: ABC <Equity>)




VARIANCE UNITS 294.1176, determined on the basis of the Approximate Vega

Notional divided by 2 times the Volatility Strike.

TRADE DATE August 11, 2005

EFFECTIVE DATE August 11, 2005

FINAL VALUATION DATE September 16, 2005

VALUATION DATES Each Exchange Business Day from and including the Effective
Date to and including the Final Valuation Date, regardless of
the occurrence of a Market Disruption Event.


VARIANCE STRIKE (34.00)2 = 1,256.00

INITIAL STOCK LEVEL (P1) Closing Level of the Stock on Trade Date

EQUITY AMOUNT Variance Swap Buyer will pay:

Variance Units * Max [0, Variance Strike –
Min((2.5*Volatility strike)2; Realized Volatility2)]
Variance Swap Seller will pay:
Variance Units * Max[0, Min((2.5* Volatility strike)2; Realized
Volatility2) – Variance Strike]

40 Equities & Derivatives Research

Equity Derivatives Technical Study 28 September 2005

⎡ ⎛ ( Pi +1) + ( Di +1) ⎞⎤
n −1

∑ ⎢ln⎜
i =1 ⎣ ⎝ Pi
100 X X Business Days Per Year
n −1

n = number of expected Valuation Dates, known as of trade

Pi = the Closing Level on the Exchange of the Stock on the

ith Exchange Business Day from and including the Effective
Date to and including the Final Valuation Date (i=n)

Pn = shall be equal to the Closing Level on the Exchange of the

Stock on the Final Valuation Date
Business Days Per Year = [252]
If there is any Dividend D(i), ex-date at date i, the value of the
observation calculated for day I should be P(i) + D(i) where
P(i) is the closing price and the observed return is (P(i) + D(i)) /
Should a Market Disruption Event occur on any Exchange
Business Day, then the Closing Price for that day will equal the
Closing Price on the first preceding Exchange Business Day on
which there was no Market Disruption Event.

CASH SETTLEMENT Three Currency Business Days following the Final Valuation

CALCULATION AGENT BNP Paribas and the Counterparty


DOCUMENTATION If the parties are not parties to an ISDA Master Agreement
covering this Transaction, the Counterparty and BNP Paribas
will enter into a master agreement together with a Credit
Support Annex and this Transaction will supplement, form a
part of, and be subject to such modifications as the parties will
agree in good faith. The Confirmation will incorporate the
2002 Equity Derivatives Definitions and 2000 ISDA

41 Equities & Derivatives Research

Equity Derivatives Technical Study 28 September 2005

References and further reading

Blanc, Nicolas, 2004, Index Variance Arbitrage: Arbitraging Component
Correlation, BNP Paribas technical studies

Carr, Peter, FAQs in Option Pricing Theory, Journal of Derivatives, forthcoming

Carr, Peter and Dilip Madan, 1998, Towards a Theory of Volatility Trading, in
Volatility: New Estimation Techniques for Pricing Derivatives, p. 417-427

Carr, Peter and Liuren Wu, 2005, Variance Risk Premia, Courant Institute
working paper

Chance, Don M., 1995, A Chronology of Derivatives, Derivative Quarterly, p. 53-


Derman, Emanuel, Michael Kamal, Joseph Zou and Kresimir Demeterfi, 1999, A
Guide to Volatility and Variance Swaps, The Journal of Derivatives, Summer

Driessen, Joost, Pascal Maenhout and Grigory Vilkov, 2005, Option-Implied

Correlations and the Price of Correlation Risk, INSEAD Working Paper

42 Equities & Derivatives Research

Equity Derivatives Technical Study 28 September 2005

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