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GCSE Revision 101

Guide to Chemistry
AQA Specification A
Unit Chemistry C3 CHY3H

Daniel Holloway

1 Acids & Bases

2 Energy Calculations

3 Water & Solubility


4 The Development of the Periodic Table


5 Chemical Analysis


End of Unit Questions


Copyright 2009 Daniel Holloway

Significant contribution Nelson Thornes AQA Science [GCSE Chemistry]

Proton Donors & Acceptors

When an acid dissolves in water, it forms H+ ions. This is a hydrogen atom which has lost an
electron in other words, it is a proton. These produced protons become surrounded by
water molecules to keep them in solution we call it hydrated. Hydrated hydrogen ions are
shown with H+ (aq). An alkali is a base which dissolves in water, and produces OH- ions
(hydroxide ions).
Because acids act as a source of protons, we call them proton donors. The hydroxide ions
from an alkali combine with protons to form water:
OH- (aq) + H+ (aq) H2O (l)
And because alkalis behave like this, we call them proton acceptors.

Strength of Acids & Alkalis

The strength of an acid depends on the extent to which it ionises in water. A strong acid or
alkali is one which is 100% ionised in water. Hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid and nitric acid
are all strong acids. Sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide are both strong alkalis. A
weak acid or alkali is only partly ionised in water. Ethanoic acid, citric acid and carbonic acid
are all weak acids; and ammonia solution is a weak alkali.
We can detect strong and weak acids using their pH. This scale is a measure of the
concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution.

A strong acid, e.g. hydrochloric, will be completely ionised, so the concentration of

hydrogen ions is 1 mol/dm. However, a weak acid, such as citric acid is only partly ionised,
so the concentration of hydrogen ions will be much lower than 1 mol/dm

Adding an acidic solution to an alkaline solution will produce a neutralisation reaction. They
react together and neutralise each other, producing a salt in the process. When a
neutralisation reaction takes place, the quantities of each solution used must be correct,
because if a very strong acid and a very strong alkali were mixed, if there was more acid
solution, the whole alkali solution would be neutralised, but not all of the acid solution
would be so the mixture would become slightly acidic overall. We can measure precise
volumes of acids and alkalis needed to react with each other using titrations.
In the neutralisation reaction, the point at which the acid and the alkali have completely
reacted is called the end point. We can show the end point using a chemical indicator.
Indicators change colour over different pH ranges. We have to choose suitable indicators
when carrying out titrations with different combinations of acids and alkalis:
strong acid + strong alkali use any indicator
weak acid + strong alkali use phenolphthalein
strong acid + weak alkali use methyl orange

These are the steps to carry out a titration to calculate how much acid is needing to react
with an alkaline solution:
1 Measure an known volume of the alkali solution into a conical flask using a pipette
2 Add an indicator solution to the alkali in the flask
3 Now put the acidic solution into a burette. This long tube has measurements down
the side, and a tap on one end and can accurately measure the amount entering the
flask. So record the reading on the burette (i.e. starting volume)
4 Open the tap to release the acid solution. The solution from the burette is released
one drop at a time, alongside swirling of the flask to ensure the solutions are mixed
5 Keep repeating Step 4 until the indicator changes colour to let you know the acid and
the alkali have completely mixed
6 Record the amount of acid you entered by reading the measurement on the burette
Be sure to repeat the entire process two or three times at least to ensure accuracy.

Calculations Involving Titrations

When talking about concentration, we tend to describe it as the amount of the solute (in
terms of moles) dissolved in the solution (in one cubic decimetre), so the units are mol/dm
so if we know the amount of a substance dissolved in a known amount of solution we can
calculate the concentration. For example, imagine we were making a sodium hydroxide
solution in water by dissolving exactly 40g of sodium hydroxide to make 1dm of solution:
We know that the mass of one mole of NaOH is the sum of the atomic masses of
sodium, oxygen and hydrogen:
23 + 16 + 1 = 40g
Because 40g is in the solution, we know that there is exactly one mole of NaOH in the
And we know that the solution is 1dm, so the concentration is 1 mol/dm

The worked examples below are more complicated calculations involving titrations:

Energy & Reactions

An exothermic reaction releases energy. We use exothermic reactions in burning fuels as a
source of energy. However, some reactions give off more energy than others, so we can
calculate how much energy is released in a given reaction. There is apparatus available to do
this called a calorimeter. In a school lab, a simple calorimeter might be used but a more
accurate instrument is available, called a bomb calorimeter.
A bomb calorimeter works by measuring the temperature
of the water inside it because the energy produced in an
exothermic reaction increases the temperature of its
surroundings, in this case the water. The change in energy
is calculated using the temperature change and amount of
water (see later on for calculations using energy).
A simple calorimeter however involves very basic
apparatus. We dont use this to measure energy change
necessarily because it isnt very accurate but we can use it to compare energy changes
from different fuels.
When a reaction takes place, bonds are broken and new chemical bonds are made:
breaking bonds is an endothermic process, because energy has to be taken in from the
surroundings to break the bonds (remember energy is needed to break bonds)
making bonds is an exothermic process, because energy is released in the formation of
new chemical bonds

Because a reaction makes and breaks bonds, reactions are sort of both exo- and
endothermic. For this reason, it is the balance between exo- and endothermic reactions
which decides the overall reaction type; for example if more energy is released in the
making of new bonds than is taken in to break the bonds, it is overall exothermic because
the exothermic > endothermic.

Energy Level Diagrams

We can draw energy level diagrams to show energy changes in a reaction. These diagrams
show the relative amounts of energy stored in the products and reactants of a reaction,
measured in kJ/mol.

This is the energy level diagram for an exothermic

reaction. The products are at a lower energy level
than the reactants, so energy has been released
as the reactants form the products. In this release
of energy, temperature of the surroundings
increases. In such an exothermic reaction, we say
that the change in energy is negative which we
write as H -ve (see below). This is so because
energy is released so there is less energy in the
products than the reactants.
So this is the energy level diagram for an
endothermic reaction. With an endothermic
reaction, more energy is needed to break to
bonds of the reactants than is released in forming
products. Here, temperature of the surroundings
decreases. Because the change in energy this time
is positive, we say H +ve (see below).

The Greek letter delta (written as ) is often used in the sciences and maths to represent
change. In chemical energies, we use H to abbreviate energy change. So +H means
energy increases, -H means energy decreases.
The amount of energy needed to start a reaction
is called the activation energy of the reaction.
Adding a catalyst will significantly reduce this
amount of energy (see Rates of Reaction, C2).
This in turn increases the proportion of reacting
particles which will have enough energy to react.
This has many advantages, especially industrially,
as it means reactions are more efficient and the
catalysts are economical also.

Calculating Energy Changes

Looking back at the calorimeters above, when chemicals react and give off/take in energy,
we can use calculations to work out exactly how much energy has changed. There is one
vital piece of information we need to know to do this

4.2 joules of energy raises 1g of water by 1C

Hence the units involved in this energy change will be kJ/g/C (kilojoules per gram per
degree). A simple calorimeter is used to measure energy change in a reaction A + B C. So
lets calculate an example of such a reaction:
Question: 60cm of a solution containing 0.1 moles of A is mixed with 40cm of a solution
containing 0.1 moles of B. Prior to mixing, their temperature was 19,6C. After mixing, the
maximum temperature reached was 26.1C.
1 First, calculate the temperature change:
26.1C 19.6C = 6.5C
2 Since 60cm of A added to 40cm of B makes 100cm overall, we are looking at 100g
(assuming the density of the solution is the same as water density). And we know
that 4.2J raises 1g by 1C
3 So energy change = 100g x 6.5C x 4.2J/g/C = 2,730J = 2.73kJ
4 BUT dont forget the solutions are only 0.1 molar so we have to multiply our
value by 10 to find out a 1.0M solution
2.73kJ x 10 = 27.3kJ
5 So the final energy change was -27.3kJ
[We know that the temperature increased, so the reaction was exothermic - where energy
gets released. That is how we know the energy change will be negative]

Bond Energies
The energy required to break apart a bond between two particular atoms is known as bond
energy. Bond energies are measured in kJ/mol and we can use them to work out H in
energy calculations. Some of the most common bond energies are displayed below:

To calculate energy change we need to know: a) the amount of energy needed to break the
bonds between the atoms; and b) the amount of energy released in the formation of new
chemical bonds.
For example, the bond energy for an H-H bond is 436kJ/mol. This means that the bond
energy for forming a new H-H bond is -436kJ/mol.

These two energy level diagrams show H-H bonds being made and broken. The left diagram
shows an already bonded H-H bond being broken. This has a bond energy of +436kJ/mol, so
we write H = +436kJ/mol on the diagram next to the change in height arrow. The right side
is a diagram representing two separate hydrogen atoms bonding. Obviously, this is bond
making which releases energy so the energy change is -436kJ/mol, written the same way
as before, except with a minus sign.
To clarify, the left diagram is endothermic, the right is exothermic.
Making and breaking the same bond always involves the same amount of energy, just
different + and signs.

More Complicated Energy Level Diagram Calculations

Although bond making and breaking is always the same energy levels back and forward
different chemical reactions mix and match the type of bonds being made and broken. This
is why energy levels can begin to look a bit more complicated. A good example of a chemical
reaction where different bonds are involved is the Haber process. This is the making of
ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen.
Question: Ammonia is made from nitrogen and hydrogen in the Haber process. The
balanced chemical equation for this reaction is:
N2 + 3H2 2NH3
Calculate the overall energy change for this reaction.



1 Notice we need to break 1 mole of nitrogen

and 3 moles of hydrogen. Nitrogen molecules
are held together by an extremely strong triple
bond (NN) with a bond energy of 945kJ/mol.
Hydrogen molecules are held together by a
single bond with a bond energy of 436kJ/mol.
2 Since there are three moles of hydrogen, the
energy needed to break one mole nitrogen and
three hydrogen moles is:
945kJ + (3 x 436)kJ = +2253kJ
3 We can therefore draw on the first line taking
us to our 2 nitrogen atoms and 6 hydrogen
atoms, as shown
When these atoms form ammonia, NH3, 6 N-H bonds are made as 2 moles of NH3 are
formed (N-H has a bond energy of 391kJ/mol)
6 x 391kJ = 2346kJ
Because we are making bonds, energy is released, so it becomes -2346kJ
We can draw on a second arrow taking us to our two moles of NH3,
We can then calculate the difference
(+2253) 2346 = -93kJ
So the H = -93kJ


The Water Cycle

The Sun supplies rivers, lakes and oceans with energy, allowing the water there to
evaporate. The water vapour formed rises into the atmosphere, where it cools and
condenses to form droplets which clouds are made of. Eventually the water droplets fall as
rain, replenishing the water sources they originally came from. This is the water cycle.
Water covers around two thirds of the Earths surface, and is absolutely essential to all life.

We call the amount of solute which we can dissolve in a certain amount of solvent the
solubility of that substance. This is usually measured in grams (of solute) per 100g (of
solvent). The most common solvent used is water. Generally speaking, solubility of solid
solutes increases with temperature. A saturated solution is a solution in which as much
solute as possible has been dissolved. Heating the solution will allow more of the solvent to
be dissolved until it becomes saturated again. Of course, this means when the hot saturated
solution cools, some of the solute will have to come back so it crystallises back out of the
We can show the different amounts of solute which will dissolve into solution at different
temperatures using special graphs called solubility curves. These can be used to a) predict
how much solute will dissolve into a solvent at any given temperature, and b) predict how
much solute will form again when we cool down a hot solution.
The solubility curves for potassium nitrate, sodium
nitrate and sodium chloride are shown here. As you
can see, the solubility of each one increases with
temperature as the rule states but the rate of
increase differs between solutes. As you can see,
sodium chloride barely increases in solubility between
0C and 100C, whereas potassium nitrate increases
eightfold in the same period.
The thing that all of these solutes have in common is
that they are all solid solutes. The solubility of gases
works in exactly the opposite way as temperature
increases, the amount of solute which will dissolve into
solution decreases. However, pressure is another

factor affecting the solubility of gases. So gas solubility only decreases with temperature as
long as the pressure is kept constant but if temperature is kept constant solubility of
gases increases as pressure increases.
The solubility curve here (note:
solubility curves may be straight lines)
shows the solubility of oxygen in
water at 10C. Temperature has to be
kept the same here, because if
temperature is not kept constant, it
has a knock-on effect of the changing
solubility. We measure the pressure in

The Importance of Solubility

There are a large number of reasons why we need to know about the solubility of solvents.
For example, rivers, lakes and reservoirs are contaminated by chemical fertilisers on crops
which are dissolved by rainwater so the nitrate levels of the water supplied to our homes
and schools have to be carefully monitored by the companies that supply the water.
Also, dissolved oxygen in water is what keeps the animals living in water alive. Whilst power
stations which only pump hot water into rivers rather than waste are seen as
environmentally friendly, is this necessarily true? Think about it this increases temperature
of the rivers and lakes, making less oxygen able to dissolve in it, so more animals living in
the water die. We call this thermal pollution. It is especially bad for fish.

Water Hardness
Believe it or not there are different types of water coming through our taps in different
areas of the country. In certain places, when we wash with soap, the water forms a rich
lather easily, but in others it is more reluctant to this is because the water is hard. Hard
water makes it more difficult to wash, but also, more difficult to clean the bath or sink when
finished, because hard water contains dissolved substances which react with soap to form
scum. The scum floats on the water and will stick to the bath.
Generally speaking, hard water tends to contain calcium and
magnesium compounds. These get dissolved into the water
or rivers/streams when they run over rocks containing these
elements. For example, limestone which contains calcium
carbonate, gets dissolved in water droplets which even


makes the water slightly acidic. The water is then taken to reservoirs, and forwarded to our
homes. It is the dissolved substances which react with hard water to form scum.
In terms of economic factors, hard water is more expensive because more soap is required
for the same wash. The soap reacts with the magnesium and calcium ions in the water,
forming salts called stearates (the chemical name for scum). Only after all of the calcium
and magnesium have reacted can the soap begin to form a lather and this is why so much
more soap is needed per wash.
The below simple equation shows the ion exchanges in the reactions:

Scum is not the only problem hard water can potentially cause. Pipes can suffer from scale
(also limescale). Scale is also common in heating elements and other parts of our hot water
system. Pipes which have a lot of scale eventually block up and stop functioning. The same
problem occurs in kettles. When it happens to them, they tend to become less energy
efficient by being more slow and heating to lower temperatures because scale is such a
poor conductor of heat.
The simple equation below shows limescale formation chemically:

Advantages of Hard Water

There are certain attributes to hardness of water which are good. Whilst the dissolved
substances in hard water make it harder for us to wash, form scum on our baths and sinks,
and damage our pipe work, those same dissolved substances are very good for our health.
Calcium ions in drinking water are good for making stronger bones and healthy teeth. It is
also strongly probable that hard water reduces the risk of heart disease in the people who
regularly drink it.

Removing Hardness
The other type of water of course does not contain the dissolved substances that cause
scum and scale. This is soft water. We soften hard water by removing the calcium and
magnesium ions in the hard water. This benefits us in terms of washing our bodies, our


clothes and heating our water, but of course, we are advised to continue drinking hard
water for health purposes. Industry is another reason to soften water, there are a number
of manufacturing concerns related to hard water. There are two main ways to soften
The first method is to use washing soda (chemical name sodium carbonate). All we do is add
washing soda to the hard water. When added, it precipitates out calcium and magnesium
ions as insoluble carbonates (see below). Once these ions which cause the hardness are no
longer in the solution, they cannot react with soap (to form scum, etc). This means the
water has become soft.
Ca2+ (aq) + CO32- (aq) CaCO3 (s)
Method number two is to use an ion-exchange column. This also removes the calcium and
magnesium ions from the hard water. They are columns containing sodium ions which are
exchanged for the calcium and magnesium ions in hard water when it is passed through.
This is good for homes, where the columns can be fitted in certain places to ensure all hard
water used for washing ourselves, our clothes and providing showering water is softened
(also, dishwashers contain their own water-softening system similar to this the majority of
the time). Once the sodium ions have been exchanged for the calcium and magnesium ones,
the column is washed with a salt solution to exchange the dumped calcium and magnesium
ions with more sodium ions, ready for the next time. For this reason, water-softeners must
be topped up with salt (sodium chloride) every so often to keep it functioning.

Health & Water

Because of the health benefits associated with drinking hard water, it is a requirement (for
health reasons) for houses with water-softening systems to be fitted with at least one cold
tap with a supply of hard water in the kitchen.

Water Treatment
There are so many uses for water for everyone all around the world. In a developed country
such as our own, we always need to treat the water to make sure its clean and safe. A
simple way of treating water is to use a filter jug around the home. This is fitted with a filter,
so that as you pour water in, it runs through the filter, purifying it. This normally contains
activated carbon, an ion-exchange column and some silver. Firstly, the carbon in the filter
reduces the levels of chlorine, pesticides and other organic impurities. Then the ionexchange column removes the dissolved substances as described earlier, including calcium,
magnesium, lead, aluminium and copper ions. Finally, the silver (fitted in most, but not all
filters) discourages bacterial growth in the filter, keeping it clean and functioning. However,
the filter usually needs changing every few weeks.

Even after passing through a filter, water does not become pure. There are still dissolved
impurities in it. However, the water is still definitely cleaner after going through a filter
and it is always sensible to filter water you are putting into a kettle to be boiled, as it
reduces the limescale build up.


The Earlier Tables of the Elements

One of the first proper stabs at developing a table of the
elements was by John Dalton. By testing the known
elements reactions he arranged them all in order of mass.
The image shows Daltons finalised table. As different as it
looks to the modern table, it actually bears some
resemblance! John Newlands built on Daltons table using
the law of octaves, suggesting that every eight element had
similar properties (now you can see the similarity).
The problem with Newlands table was that he was too
determined to get it done and working that he made some
mistakes. What he didnt know was that there were still
many elements to be found, so he filled in octaves regardless
of their properties, and some of them ended out not being similar at all. He did this to make
everything fit in, so as a result, his ideas were not accepted.
On the bright side, a year prior to Newlands attempt, the French chemist Alexandre-Emile
Beguyer de Chancourtois had a better go at arranging the elements by ordering them by
properties (in sections of eight again). He successfully made a very clever diagram table of
the elements. Unfortunately, the diagram was missed out when his work was published!
Towards the late 1860s, things started to look better though, because the Russian scientist
Dmitri Mendeleev created a very promising table. By this time, fifty elements had been
discovered, and Mendeleev arranged them all in order of atomic mass. After that, he
arranged them into further groups based on their behaviour and properties, to arrive with a
periodic table. He is considered to be the father of the modern periodic table. A minor
problem with this table was that there had to be a few blank spaces although to be fair at
least he recognised that certain elements werent discovered by looking at his table he
didnt try to cram them all in like Newlands.

The Modern Periodic Table of the Elements

A problem faced by Mendeleev was that although arranging elements in order of atomic
mass produced groups of elements which behaved the same way, not all elements did do
this. For example (look at a modern table for help here), argon (Ar) has a higher atomic mass

than potassium (K) and so would be placed after potassium with the reactive metals but
argon is a noble gas! Therefore, argon was put before potassium, even if the argon atom
was heavier.
In the early 20th century, scientists began to look more closely at the atomic structure and
decided that the way to solve problems like the one described above was to arrange all the
elements in order of atomic number (or proton number). This put them in exactly the right
order, and they all are in their correct groups and periods. You can tell this nowadays
because of the way you know how certain elements behave based on electrons (depending
on what group they are in).
So the modern periodic table today is now a reliable model which we can use for many
functions, split into groups and periods.

Reactivity Groups
You should know that an elements placing in a group tells you something about its
reactivity, but the rules differ between the groups. The reason they all have similar
properties is because atoms in one group all share the same number of electrons in the
outer shell (energy level).
Within a group, the properties of elements are affected by the number of energy levels
beneath the outer one. As you go down a group, the size of the atoms gets bigger this is
because the number of energy levels from the nucleus has increased. Because the energy
levels are further away from the positive nucleus as you go down the group:
the larger atoms GAIN electrons LESS easily
the larger atoms LOSE electrons MORE easily

Group 1 The Alkali Metals

We call the first group (Group 1) the alkali metals. These are
lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium and francium. The
first three of those elements being reactive, you may experiment
with their reactions in class, but the last three of those elements
are extremely reactive, you wont get to play about with them in
class. Francium is even radioactive.
All of the alkali metals are reactive, though, and have to be stored
in oil to stop them reacting with oxygen in the air. Reactivity
increases as you go down the group. Lithium is therefore the least
reactive, and francium the most. This is because, as the atoms get

bigger, the single atom on the outer energy level (see the diagrams on the right) gets further
away from the nucleus and becomes less attracted to the positive nucleus. Therefore, it is
easier for that electron to be lost to another atom.
Alkali metals have quite a low density, in fact, lithium, potassium and sodium will float on
water. They are all also very soft, so can be cut with a knife. As for appearance, they are
shiny, metallic, however, when they react with oxygen, they turn a dull colour as they form
a layer of oxide.
They also melt and boil at fairly low temperatures compared to other metals. Melting and
boiling points decrease as you go down the group.
Alkali metals can only form ionic compounds. This means that they can only bond with nonmetals (see Atoms and Bonding, C2). They always react by losing their sole outer electron
and formed +1 ions.
These metals react with water, some more violently than others. Adding sodium, lithium or
potassium will cause the metal to float on the water and move around fizzing, because the
metal reacts with water to form hydrogen gas. Potassium reacts more violently than the
other two, because it is so vigorous the hydrogen actually catches fire and burns with a lilac
flame. The other three metals react insanely with water. Whenever an alkali metal reacts
with water, it also forms a metal hydroxide. These are soluble in water and give the solution
a high pH alkaline, hence the name alkali metals.

It is not just water that these alkali metals will react with. Other non-metals such as chlorine
will react with them. When they react with chlorine, chlorides are produced (white solids).
They dissolve into the solution and make a colourless solution. Again, the reactions get
more and more vigorous as they go down the group. You will already know the equation:
sodium + chlorine sodium chloride
The alkali metals react similarly with fluorine, bromine and iodine.


Group 7 The Halogens

Group seven in the periodic table contains the halogens poisonous non-metals which all have coloured vapours. They are
relatively typical non-metals, in such that they are poor
conductors of heat and electricity, and that they have low
melting and boiling points. At room temperature, fluorine is a
poisonous, yellow gas, whilst chlorine is a green poisonous gas.
All of them are reactive.
All of the halogens exist in molecules, pairs of atoms. These
molecules are made from a covalent bond (see Atoms and
Bonding, C2), and so we call the type of structure a diatomic molecule. Halogens
are the opposite to alkali metals, they dont have one spare electron they have one
missing electron. This is because their outer energy level contains seven electrons, and they
need one more to complete the shell. This means halogens do both ionic and covalent
bonding. Again, in contrast to the alkali metals electrons will be less attracted to halogens
further down the group because they are further away from the nucleus, so there is less
attraction between the negative electron and the positive nucleus. For this reason,
reactivity decreases as you go down the group. Look at the diagram on the right to see this.
Halogens all react with metals. They gain a single electron to complete their outer energy
level, so their ions are of a -1 charge. In these reactions, ionic salts (called metal halides) are
formed. Examples of these include sodium chloride, iron(III) bromide and magnesium
When halogens react with other non-metals, they have to share electrons to gain a stable
electronic configuration so this is covalent bonding. An example of a covalent compound
formed this way is hydrogen chloride (not to be confused with hydrochloric acid), HCl.
This dot cross diagram shows how the
electron on the outer shell of a hydrogen
atom shares to fill empty spaces on both
atoms. This is covalent bonding.
This dot cross diagram shows an ionic bond
between a halogen (chlorine) and an earth
metal, calcium. Calcium, being in Group 2,
has two electrons free on its outer shell,
which can be lost to other atoms to


complete their outer shell in ionic bonding. In this case, the two electrons have gone to the
chlorine one electron to each chlorine atom, because chlorine atoms only need one extra
electron each to complete their outer energy level.
The halogens melting and boiling points vary drastically. Melting and boiling points increase
as you go down the group.
We can use a more reactive halogen to displace a less reactive halogen from a solution of its
salt. For example, bromine displaces iodine from its solution because bromine is more
reactive, and chlorine will displace both iodine and bromine. Chlorine will displace bromine
if we bubble the gas through a solution of potassium bromide:
Cl2 + 2KBr 2KCl + Br2
Obviously, fluorine, the most reactive halogen, would displace all of the other halogens, but
since its reaction with water is so incredibly violent, we cannot do displacement reactions
involving fluorine.

The Transition Elements

The large block of metallic elements in the centre of the modern periodic table is what we
call the transition elements, or sometimes the transition metals.

Most of these elements have similar physical properties to each other, yet their properties
differ to other elements around the table. Their typical metallic structure explains the
majority of their properties. They have giant structures held together by metallic bonds,
with free roaming electrons (see Atoms and Bonding, C2). They are good conductors of heat
and electricity, like all metals, this is because delocalised electrons carry the current/heat
energy around the metal. They are also quite strong metals, but malleable. With the
exception of mercury (which is liquid at room temperature), they all have very high melting
and boiling points (usually ranging between 1200C and 2000C).


In the transition elements, a lower energy level (or inner shell) is filled up between Group 2
and Group 3. This partly-filled lower energy level explains why transition metals form
brightly coloured compounds and results in their use as catalysts.
These metals are far less reactive than the alkali metals (Group 1). They do not react as
readily with oxygen or water, i.e. they corrode more slowly. Having these chemical
properties combined with the physical properties described above makes the transition
metals very suitable for structural materials. They are especially useful when mixed together
with each other or other elements to make alloys (see Rocks and Metals, C1). Iron mixed
with carbon in steels is a good example of an alloy. Other useful alloys of transition
elements include brass (a combination of copper and zinc) and cupro-nickel - a very hard
alloy of copper and nickel which is used to make coins in British currency.
Many of the transition metals form coloured compounds. For example:
potassium dichromate(VI) is orange, where the orange colour is there due to the
presence of chromium ions
copper(II) sulphate is blue, from copper ions
and potassium manganate(VII) is purple, from manganese ions

The colours produced play a part in our lives. For example, the colours of rocks, minerals
and gemstones are the direct result of transition elements ions. A red-brown colour in a
rock usually means there are iron ions present. Likewise, the blue in sapphire and the green
in emerald is due to the ions in the crystal-structure.


Flame Tests
Identifying Group 1 and Group 2 metals is a piece of cake when we burn them, as they tend
to have unique flames which we can associate with the elements. We call these tests flame
tests. We perform a flame test by putting a small amount of a compound to be tested in a
platinum wire loop which has been dipped in hydrochloric acid, and then we hold the
substance over a blue Bunsen flame. The flame should show a particular colour which can
be used to identify the unknown substance.

lithium will burn a bright red flame

sodium will burn a golden yellow flame
potassium will burn a lilac flame
calcium will burn a brick red flame
barium will burn a green flame

Testing for Positive Ions

Another test for unknown substances is to test the reactions with sodium hydroxide
solution. Aluminium, calcium and magnesium ions all form a white precipitate when they
react with sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Hence adding it, if a white precipitate forms, we know
its one of those three. To find out which one, we can add more and more NaOH because
eventually aluminium ions dissolve in it. If it dissolves, its aluminium, otherwise its either
calcium or magnesium. To find out which of those two it is, we can use their flame tests
calcium burns with a brick red flame, whereas magnesium produces no special flame.
Other metal ions produce coloured precipitates when they have NaOH added to them.
Adding sodium hydroxide solution to:
a substance with copper(II) ions produces a light blue precipitate
a substance with iron(II) ions produces a dirty green precipitate
a substance with iron(III) ions produces a red-brown precipitate

As well as this, NaOH can be used to detect if ammonium ions (NH4+) are present in an
unknown substance. Ammonium ions react with NaOH to form ammonia and water:
NH4+ (aq) + OH- (aq) NH3 (aq) + H2O (l)


To test for ammonium ions, we add NaOH to a solution of an unknown substance. If

ammonium ions are present, ammonia (as well as water) forms. When we warm the
solution, ammonia is then given off as a gas. We can detect ammonia gas using damp red
litmus which should turn blue as ammonia is an alkaline gas.

Testing for Negative Ions

There are a number of different tests we can use to detect negative ions. Each type of
negative ion has its own test
Testing for carbonates: If we add a dilute acid (e.g. hydrochloric) to a carbonate, it fizzes and
produces carbon dioxide gas. We can test for carbon dioxide gas using limewater, and if it
fizzes and produces the gas, we know its a carbonate. There are two particular metal
carbonates which are giveaways, however, which makes it slightly easier to detect them. For
example, copper carbonate is a green substance which when heated decomposes to give
black copper oxide and carbon dioxide. Also, when zinc carbonate, a white substance, is
heated, it forms the lemon-yellow zinc oxide and carbon dioxide. These two reactions are
shown below:
CuCO3 (s) CuO (s) + CO2 (g)
ZnCO3 (s) ZnO (s) + CO2 (g)
Testing for halides: When we add dilute nitric acid and silver nitrate solution to an unknown
solution, the appearance of a precipitate tells us what halide ion is present. Chloride ions
give a white precipitate; bromide ions give a cream precipitate and iodide ions give a pale
yellow precipitate. The ionic equation for this is, where X- is the halide ion:
Ag+ (aq) + X- (aq) AgX (s)
Testing for sulphates: Adding hydrochloric acid followed by a barium chloride solution to
sulphate ions in solution produces a white precipitate (barium sulphate, an insoluble salt).
The ionic equation for this is shown:
Ba2+ (aq) + SO42- (aq) BaSO4 (s)
Testing for nitrates: The test for ammonia (see Testing for Positive Ions above) is used again
here. We add sodium hydroxide to a solution of the unknown substance and gently warm it.
If no ammonia is detected, we add some aluminium powder. This reduces the nitrate ions to
ammonium ions. These react with the sodium hydroxide to produce ammonia gas, which is
given off. This is detected using damp red litmus which will turn blue.


Testing for Carbon=Carbon Double Bonds

200 years ago, the Swedish scientist Jns Jakob Berzelius decided to categorise all
substances depending on their behaviour when heated. Chemicals which burned or charred
when heated came mainly from living things, so were called organic substances. Other
substances melted or vaporised when heated, and returned to their original state when
cooled these were inorganic substances. However, nowadays we refer to anything
organic as based on the element carbon.
Unsaturated hydrocarbons will react with bromine water to give a colourless compound
(see Crude Oil, C1). Unsaturated hydrocarbons contain carbon-carbon double bonds (C=C),
so this is a good test to detect them. It is the basis for detecting C=C bonds in unsaturated
oils and fats. If we want to do this, the oil is titrated against an iodine solution (iodine
solution reacts in the same way with C=C bonds as bromine water). The iodine number is
then calculated based on the number of iodine molecules needed to react with all of the
C=C bonds in one molecule of fat.

Combustion Analysis
We can work out the empirical formula (see Chemical Calculations, C2) of an organic
compound by burning it and measuring the amounts of the formed products. For example,
an organic substance A contains hydrogen and carbon. A sample of A is burnt in an excess of
oxygen, producing 1.80g of water and 3.52g of carbon dioxide. To work out the empirical
formula for A we would:
1 Firstly, calculate the moles of carbon dioxide:
The relative atomic mass of carbon dioxide is 12 + (2 x 16) = 44g
Amount of carbon dioxide = 3.52 44 = 0.08 moles
2 Then calculate the moles of water:
The relative atomic mass of water is (2 x 1) + 16 = 18g
Amount of water = 1.80 18 = 0.1 moles
3 Each molecule of carbon dioxide formed requires one carbon atom from a molecule
of A. So for every mole of carbon dioxide formed, A must contain one mole of carbon
Amount of carbon atoms in sample of A = 0.08 moles
4 Similarly, every molecule of water formed requires two hydrogen atoms from A. So
for every mole of water formed, A must contain two moles of hydrogen atoms
Amount of hydrogen atoms in sample of A = 0.1 x 2 = 0.2 moles
5 So A contains carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms in the ratio:
0.08 : 0.20 = 2:5
6 The empirical formula of A is then C2H5

Instrumental Analysis
There are a large number of reasons why instrumental analysis is a preferred method of
analysis. The ability to quickly, and still accurately, check products in industry to make sure
there are no contaminated substances or by-products in manufacturing is a particularly
beneficial advantage. The analysis of compounds is especially significant in terms of health
(e.g. kidney dialysis machines can build up dangerous levels of aluminium in the water, so
the water is often monitored to check the aluminium content is low).
The recent boom in terms of electronics and computing has aided the progression of
analysis, and new industrial methods have been developed. Instrumental methods are
preferred in general because they are highly accurate, quicker, and enable tiny quantities of
chemicals to be monitored.
However, the main disadvantages of these methods include it being very expensive, people
with special skills and a lot of training need to do it and it only gives results which can be
compared to those we already have.

Detecting Elements Using Instrumental Analysis

There are two main ways we can instrumentally detect and identify elements. The first is
atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), which is a technique used to record the
concentration of a particular metal in a liquid. The liquid is fed into a flame so it vapourises,
and light passing through the flame passes through a monochromator which chooses the
wavelength to be studied. The light then falls on a detector where an electric current is
produced, whose strength depends on the light intensity. This current is then analysed in
the systems electrical circuits and a measurement of the metals concentration in the
liquid is provided.
liquid flame vapour monochromator detector current circuit
The other main method is using a mass spectrometer, to compare the mass of different
atoms. This provides a way of determining relative atomic masses as well as identifying
particular elements in a sample. The diagram below shows how this works:


[Also see UV-visible spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy]

An example of a simple technique used to separate compounds within a mixture is
chromatography. This process determines the separate compounds based on how well they
dissolve in a particular solvent. We can tell their solubility based on how far they travel up a
piece of chromatography paper. Here are the different methods of chromatography
gas-liquid chromatography to separate compounds which are easily vapourised
high performance liquid chromatography to separate compounds in solution
gel permeation chromatography to separate compounds according to the size of their
ion-exchange chromatography to separate compounds containing differently-charged

After the substance has been tested, the results are compared to already known chemicals
to assess what they might be. If those are not available, an alternative is to use more
technical instruments to analyse the data.

Gel Electrophoresis
A technique called gel electrophoresis is used to analyse DNA. This technique is used for
commonly called DNA tests. They can be used to find out if people are related or to
identify if a suspect was at a crime scene by the police.


Chemical Analysis
Chemical analysis can be used in society for a number of reasons. One of these reasons is to
stop doping (performance-enhancing drugs being used in sport). Chemical analysis can be
done to test if any of these have been taken by athletes. Athletes are advised to ask a
doctor about any medication, no matter how normal it looks, in case it contains these
agents and may be accused of cheating.


C3-1 : Acids & Bases


Explain the term hydrated in terms of hydrogen ions

What are proton donors and proton acceptors?
Which acid is stronger: pH 6.0 or pH 3.4?
What is the point of a titration at which the acid and the alkali have completely
5 When would you use a phenolphthalein indicator?
6 When would you use a methyl orange indicator?
7 Describe the titration process, including the specialist equipment required

C3-2 : Energy Calculations


What is the function of a bomb calorimeter?

Explain the difference between an endo- and exothermic reaction
Describe the energy changes in an endo- and exothermic reaction
What is energy measured in?
What is the standard denotation for change in energy?
Define activation energy
Draw energy level diagrams to show a H-H bond breaking and making

C3-3 : Water & Solubility


Describe the processes involved in the water cycle

What are: solute, solvent, solution and solubility?
Explain what makes a solution saturated
What does a solubility curve show?
Name two factors affecting solubility
Explain how we can use solubility curves
How does the solubility of gases differ to solubility of solids
Why do we need to know about solubility?
What makes water hard?
Explain the difference between scum and scale
Describe the formation of scum and scale
Describe one advantage of drinking hard water
How can we make water soft using an ion-exchange column?

14 What can washing soda be used for?

15 Describe one method of water treatment

C3-4 : The Development of the Periodic Table


Describe Dalton, Beguyer and Mendeleevs tables

Why was Newlands table useless?
How was the table developed into the modern periodic table?
Why are Group 1 metals called the alkali metals?
Why do they have to be stored in barrels under oil?
How is reactivity affected as you go up/down the group?
Describe some of the halogens chemical properties?
What is a metal halide?
What are some of the physical properties of the transition metals?
How is mercury different to other elements in this group?
What is an alloy?
Describe brass and cupro-nickel

C3-5 : Chemical Analysis


Describe the flame tests for lithium, sodium and potassium

Explain in detail the test for ammonia
Describe the test for: carbonates, halides, sulphates and nitrates
What is an organic substance?
How would you test for C=C bonds?
Name and explain two forms of instrumental analysis
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