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Oedipus Rex Order

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Job Number, Production Printing & Graphics Work Order Ss e 2111 Pontiac Lake oad Se Waterford, 403202736 eras 248-209-2150 / fax 248-209-2108 Building fe VAs Seonnad seek Oakland Schools ' wysicckdandtrivus ey : Keo da patina | wang tee job Tite_(0) eimas Rox Phone Number. ¥ Sena AI- SOO Print eee pfot Collate Sided E02 ‘Sided Staple Cl oni' Cluncoliated oO Bond . Cutti i Ci card stock pinecne (1 cic Binding Color: Sizes, LJgCI = BSx 11 PASE HP ze Dasxis Vixd? Qo Folding: : NCR Paper: (eee cle Special: Copan | | f LT >, texte 3-Hole Punch O3-ren ‘ | ro Oo \ single Laminate D1 4-Part ee eeeiee i double 1 color Copies Envelops : | | \ parallel D1 no Regular gh 1 #10 window 1 #9 Regular Bi D #9 window ae = ae Padding: Seg eee 11000 per pact REESE EE EEE EE 1 other: ee Ink Color: Seeea reece eee Diack Dotter DO NOT WRITE IN THIS BOX - FOR BILLING USE ONLY cucka P0200 wien XSTA wap BPOSOO wht re : DRL a (CPO5OC wie Total Cost: CUTa, SOPHOCLES THE THREE THEBAN PLAYS ANTIGONE + OEDIPUS THE KING OEDIPUS AT COLONUS TRANSLATED BY ROBERT FAGLES. INTRODUCTIONS AND NoTES BY BERNARD KNOX a) PENGUIN BOOKS 7 ] i THE GENEALOGY OF OEDIPUS ACCORDING TO SOPHOCLES ARES = APHRODITE AGENOR [oe HARMONIA = capMus POLYDORUS SEMELE = ZEUS LABPACUS —_ MENOECEUS DIONYsus Lalus = JocdsTa — cREON = EURYDICE a orpivus = jocasta ot ETEOCLES POLYNICES ISMENE ANTIGONE HAEMON MEGAREUS sr 299) Aus ae Bunoouryapdoad Auer Aad on 300 zoe on pug 29 pynom 1 Bear op 4 oy 0 Apeas ae jun yeni ue gussp Buons ot0s g3e3} uoppns aurog £08 nos woddn sfoud rex “Sunjauy pat :0q Saye or ‘2qpo axp 10j yeads pinoys nos—Aayasip amok ‘stro6 ano, wet pjo ‘dn yeaa of 9 01 1A © Burdon sndipag wie 1 HE MOU Te NOS siodubssaur “sraipio twos p Aur ‘Suouas a aysnomp y A. PUE J9TeOpy OM 10] SOLID YEE sia H22u Butta jo ayOWs ayp.xpuar syp01 49 ARO, 90% UF panom saysueg snOK ‘au aigjoq Sutdesd “see dure Siuppnyy Zany nos aie Kym “SOPH mBDUE Jo pooyg sou “uDapM us oy snatazo atti AUI smOWY PLEO a4p 3pstu eae y 2195, Yann 24 eay 02 “9H : Peop arp 10}, ‘dood 514 fo worypuos ap saa dys pu Fay sop © of nq 2004 ‘pmuef sau snavore aH uais Saou) -uodo svop 247 saipuosy {ase 4240‘ wopuodsap Pu 4014 ‘suey dns ‘sons nsaud fo worsted y pms soy oboe » 0H fo moa 21 popuase gu surg 211 fo oippu ow poajos sarang 2245 posed sony steak dunyy ‘tous 29 fo sues 299 8 spe so ous pf yp ewe s10p sano sagsuT fo 2en0y pokos 24) SRDS ANY ani, i ————. seein sega fo stig stuopuay pu spurns) ysexof pun sndipacy fo sintySnep aNaws] “aNOOTLNY ord ayy asi wody AIONTSSIWW Y ausnaang y amos wos aaNaSSaWW V idipag fo aft “uzanb ays vasvoof, raydoud puyg 9 SVISaULL, saavay soy! pur suzy uogey fo sauong Vv isr0f fo aayio.q Nome soz fo asivig V sogau, Jo Suny snaiaag, SYaLOVAVHO 160 sorwoctes: THE THREE THEBAN PLAYS [14-30 sisal OepipUS THE KING 160 = Now we pray to you. You cannot equal the gods, tae your children know that, bending at your altar. e Oh Ord But we do rate you first of men, both in the common crises of our lives e-to-fice encounters with the god: 2 ‘You freed us from the Sphinx, you came to and cut us loose from the bloody tribute we had paid ly ones—a priest of Zeus myself—and here cut 0 ly P: 6 eee the young hope of Thebes. that harsh, brutal singer. We taught you nothing, ‘And al ce ret, your great amily gathers now, no ekill,no extra knowledge, still you triumphed thes wreathed, massing in the squares, A god was with you, so they say, and we belie ‘of queen Athena 5 ‘you lifted up our lives. xs glow and die ane 42m in, Pepanlingad var ledipus, king, we bend to you, your power— so fat ‘we implore you, all of us on our knees: find us strength, rescue! Perhaps you've heard the voice of a god or something from other men, the depths, the red waves ca Oedipus... . what do you know? is dying, A blight on the fresh crops ‘The man of expericnce—you see it every day— 55 Paprpbeiit id de, his plans will work in a crisis, his first ofall. women die in labor, oe Act now—ve beg you, best of men, raise up our city! 4s Act, defend yourself, your former glocy! Dice der Your country calls you savior now as! And black Death lnxiates for you el yo ation years ag, & ww, wailing miseries of Thebes. lever let us remember of ee eee you helped us stand, on Oh raise up our city, set w ‘The omens were good that day you brought us joy— be the same man today! 6 ‘HH Mao Kur 30 2095 ‘2qdood Aur ‘osaip 20 anon ‘ano ysadg, Sor ‘anosa1 jo prom apne ypyes 2109 UY 39] jlody pioy snatazo 1 asuf $,u091c) ~Buyensys are 06 439A0 UDEL SULT, puOA. AfoU uasarua sidoed asoqp Jo aouasord xp up yoda Kut gue oA 3p momo uo] 003 2u08 $34 aBtmop ai 8} OS pres aA,nOX req ur Jay o1 BuinpoU pure 8 Aq su08 shop ayy fou ou s.210K,ési0m s,poB ax arom sees Ng “asINOD 5 ‘snarauo oo “TPM 29 pmnom je ‘om ano uN pmnoYs & ° no} | Ypatas iagured e aay ‘WAnoK Jo sxped Auteur 3940 us0ge| “Burdosd ‘sep mousy isn! nod ‘syslU auf YBRoxD adam ancy @pod yp oy afessa —otu pauayen auoany nox idaajse ase | st Bing ok op seyes “wewssury Aun “2 30 1D at 09 S94 au Ys popes st ads Aw nf yp wosf ioa¥s sane 31] 01.How as0[9 5,344 995 UOOS ‘sn.arag0 ou %6 “song thus ay8aq we 00} ‘paumon s,o4—3u ‘uarppyp Ay, ‘snaraao tor ONMH BIE snaraao 18-85] SAVIa NVEHHL ABUL AN, :Sa190RA0S cor Very wel, tell you what I heard from the god. Apollo commands us—he was quite clear— “Drive the corr don't harbor longer don’e nurse it im your oxprpus: How can we cleanse ourselves—what rites? ‘What's the source 0} cReon: Bon the man, ot pay back blood with blood ‘Murder sets the plague-storm on the city. onpipus: Whose murder? hose fate does Apollo bring to light? creon: Our leader, my lord, was once a man named Laius, before you came and put us straight on ‘course, oeprpus d, and Apollo commands us now— he couild not be more clear, “Pay the killers back—hoever is responsible.” cee IHEBAN PLAYS [95107 us 108-21} OEDIPUS THE KING oxpirus: Where on earth are they? Where ts find it now, the trail of the ancient guile so hard to’ trace? “Here in'Thebes,” he said Whatever is sought for can be caught, you know, whatever is neglected sips away. oepirus: Bot where, in the palace, the fields or foreign soil, where did Laius meet his bloody death? crEON: He went to consult an oracle, Apollo sai and he set out and never came home again, onpius: No messenger, no fellow-traveler saw what happened? Someone to cross-examine? cREON: No, they were cone. He escaped, terrified, he could tell us nothing clearly, nothing of what he saw—ust one thing, orpieus: What's that? ‘One thing could hold the key to it 2 smal 165 ws 430 135 ‘andejd ayp doas ‘sn anes Jy Sumop au95, 20 sty ‘piovs sty quas sey offody jesunY sroauNIOA sndipacy 430) aues am ssaupury ayy sos Aut *35n “Asana span ay Aq pamon ay ‘areed 24) nme Nose9 pun sneiaa0 fej ano 20—yd NE INO 995 jLAK 908 spond ay 04, "wou sepuerg in0f da oot uy ryer 'sdays 21p) woy de, p Aus “Aryan, -snaud ay oy, “ypsduu puayap | Siyey SurSuane Aq—puey musjora sues 3¢p Yue ‘oor aur [pp 01 spio9p Seu Bury amp payfey zBAa6Uy A ‘uondnni09 siy) Jo sn pus jj, 24¥8 Wao Act 20} ‘ou ‘ues 829858 0 300 ang, ssr ‘001 uorduteyp s,ojiody pur ‘sar ye Aq soBuoae s pu aga use | 1396 fed ‘no 203 2489 03 94 9884 HOK AMON] ‘weur poispanur aya 01 ypeq YoNaHE ino HiMy Oy 1 988 OF pe 4B st ost 09 ye a Bug ,—upsBe a2is ssnaraao PoE reer pop NNEC tee peace Lon ONDT AHL snataao [os-et 99] sno 2e Avy reyiA UO axeNu2aHO> pue 08 Aaaaséun at 9} 07 st papensiod - +» aug xuugds Suyppes “Bur Nowy ain pure wor isop Buse woy nok poddors rey n ipodjg jeXos~potopances sea Bury anOK J0}qHO., snaiaao sajna sno ur en diay 01 pastadde 19920} ou eap SoHE pm angy “ype se poxsedsns oy Now ob snaia30 “uwasop sme Bury ano “papuny- ois 2ou ‘pute ajoqia e—unarp poypene sonaiy pres 951 !NomUD ee Ne-ael] SAvia Nvaau sg4HL ana sa190RA08 ‘001 a SUPHUCLES! THE THREE THEBAN PLAYS [15167 cuonus: Zeust Great welcome voice of Zeus, what do you bring? What word gold vaults of Del 170 ‘comes to brilliant Thebes? Racked with terror— terror shakes my heart and | cry your wild cries, Apollo, Healer of Delos | worship you in dread .'. what now, what is your ce? some ancient rite froun the past 7 come round again each spring? — what will you bring to bireh? of golden Hope voice that never dies! ‘Tell me, var You are the first I call, daughter of Zeus deathless Athena—tI call your sister Artemis heart of the market place enthroned in glory ‘guardian of one eatth— pollo, Archer astride the thunderheads of heaven— © triple shield against death, shine before me now! 18s Wever, once in the past, you stopped some mui launched against our wal yout hurled the flame of pain far, far from Thebes—you ods come now, come down once more! 180 168-89) Ospreys THE xiNG No, no the miseries numbecless, grief on grief, no end— too much to beat, we are all dying © iy people bes lke a great army dying and there is no sword of thought to sive us, no and the fruits of oue famous cath, they will not ripen ‘no and the women cannot scream their pangs to bi screams for the Healer, children dead and life on life goes down, you can watch them go like seabirds winging west, outracing the day's fire down the horizon, irresistibly streaking on to the shores of Evening Death so many deaths, numberless deaths on deaths, no end— ‘Thebes is dying, look, her children stripped of pity generations strewn on the ground unburied, unwept, the dead spreading death and the young wives and gray-haired mothers with them ling to the altars, railing in from all over the city— ‘Thebes, city of death, one long cortege and the suffering rises wails for metey rise and the wild hymn for the Healer blazes out lashing with our sobs our cries of mourning— O golden daughter of god, send rescue radiant as the kindness in your eyes! 169 190 195 200 205 20 a5 wu) anais Se ‘soptsoq uy 403 a2eay Au wt opraniesd du Ao] pur ‘prema swrospucy © uy aa18 jm | in yeads “autos ‘Wyos uaye wo3y wet & nS © S| opin oY smOUy Hoke JF 18 ON, ‘soomd sna -poruseyun oe 3 pion ‘ape d 2]qearoqun o« saya jE 3 —s80e4p 21p jo unig ayy ade259 os pue dd spoads way 33} ‘yswy aounoUDp asm ay 4 tioAD ‘1e9y 07 Buon “au oF prin afore ax [east 07 wily, sopuo | ‘smaepge' Jo tos a1 ‘SIME pasapinus Oya seAOU} NO‘ Jo OUD Aue j ‘uonewsezo%d sup ayer | saqoe., jo Jaye s1eoK ugar, 9a panes ‘acu og “pury uf an € i 3uny Buo} ou *Azoisktu Ou U>9q aAEy pjnom >:D" “wou: jupsard uoaq py J] 9UmD 241 02 aaSuEns & “Arovs axp 09 s08ue3s & se «sou Ino Eads LM | Sse ose “sipdap 2¢p tos} peoy anod yy pue jojas spuewiap andejd oy aya op—ui oy uoiey ‘st40% ‘siokead sitok ques ow 197 gspoll axa on Aead noK ssnaigao She “saga. Jo Any sayus ay) soups ftv “souou ap ssippe 9} apo ays wy sania snaxano ee it ONDH TRL saiag0 (e6-gie imey spo8 je 1eyp Ypeap Jo po® eq i6so}8 yrte azeige sada “Hurze|q saxpu03 teas Suyuny Ay axp pian ourory,jqoueus atp uo Aus 3 ‘SOND s,uotuiOM BupAes aNOk ote uns gay auege 2085 AMOK tpEM ste —snsfuoigy ‘240 348 sino pu aurea 10k wok oF 439 | "pjo’ Burusea/ ssasppeayy a4 Jo pos red uy wnop eo] apis —so8ps ussisea o4f1 ano Buuey SOHO se ‘ssonunyy ‘squaay juo Bunysna sn sx0}2q Suons suordurey somod Jo syeys—sorus9ua ano uo smoue ButramoYs 109 uapjo# s,moguoy an0k diya nok oq ayy xp Jo pio} ody, ote jurypou oF ypeaq, xspanip sayyeg ‘saz “Bunny 94 ‘pnopunois 219 Jo prop O "peop Jo pol stp II poe dep &q soto ay saseds 1y8hu a4 Ie mony ‘Sunysex> souio jans UeDENLE a a10yeR Ie 01 yar9p “soqrey wiowpsoU a1p 30 aneepy 3p24q 949 Jaquueyp s,usonb-vag aq9 01 ano un aseIq “UN [eG 910g 4M WON} WY 303 iq ayEEPSUO om UY SOL29 Fey ‘aur siting 24 ‘mom papjorys ou sem Jo po Budex See oe —— Sie-o61| skv14 NvGaHL BIH a ISETDONIOS SUPMULLES: THE THRER THEDAN PLAYS bess-st rejects my offer, then hear what 1 order you, every citizen of t where I hold whoever he may be—never shelter ver speak a word to him, never make hitn partner 20 your prayers, your 270 So 1 honor my obligations: | fight for the god a Now my curse on the 8 Jone man unknowr 352-75) OEDIPUS THE KING ‘These are yout orders: perform them to the las. Jcommand you, for my sake, for Apollo’s, for this country bias ranch by the angry heavens. Even if god had never urged you on to act, hhow could you leave tht cleansed $0 long? A maz so noble~your king, brought down in blood— you should have searched. But ing now, Thold the throne that he held then, possess his bed and a wife who shares our seed... why, our seed be the same, children born might have ox hy my hands on the man who shed his blood, son of Labdacus descended of Polydorus, Cadmus of old and Agenor, founder of the line: their power and mine are one. ‘Oh dear gods, iy curse on those who disobey these orderst Let no crops grow out of the eath for them— a 290 295 300 303 1Y apisur soniy yan ayy, [pod jo ueus ayp ‘so0s 2tp ‘Asef 9¢ uo wTY Bug hax yoo] ‘wy roraUOD [8 oye a40 a4p 5} 91954 nusavat hog 0 2) ‘eydoud puny ay “Setsaune sey “spon ye youty s24a0 (3K, “sapanut ve you 3,upip 941 Sagtaao see ‘ipo si wt Seer sasino sno yaa ou “Buoy suoqs fers 1.0m ay : tangy uy 3€9) Jo oben # seq UeUU OY fT nigavat “wptopanua axp puy ue9 su0 ou anq—mouy | snataao “sioppaen upenao Aq ‘hes orp ‘po seen sve rugavat ott puoas Azana tno ypueos qf zs1oumr YMA snaraao ‘SJOUNNE ssajasn *pjo amiq TumoU a4ey 9M LAY Ino stay pase af, pegava ee Sit NIH AME sagtaao, [66-062 ‘aay ust ay pastadans up “2oqana ‘s11038> 247 3498 nH ofS 994 2041 94,1 snidgo “noy ap 09 §,u0aIZ) IQ, IE wee ‘op st se9j> "ioydoad oy uno¥y 3 sep ays “Sopy Aw “pan atp soy Surpass suokwy llody paory Jo soda o4p wprea saas srsaity, pio7 > anaupeq as | aaa at kes "9209 plow uop 001 1999 pap au, snaraso Sup as0q axou 3¢p ot onuous ays 5) wou, tuaayay somod 54) sta wet ow 10 ssp asurelte be oy spo 24h 2910504 nq a at) snare ory ay aureM pynoys ay st uo 3 passand ojfody “yoieas ay a0) sy ‘no UHLY swod ioULED J IaIOpsNW 3ep OU wy se eames | Bupy Aut ‘os1n9 anos Jo dud agp up waavat ns eve] savid nvuaus gays sua suTDONIOS vit 176 __ SOPHOCLES: THE THREE THEBAN PLAYS [300-19 320-33) OEDIPUS THE KING cid orpinus: THnEstAs: © Tiresias, 0 send me home. You bear your burdens, I bear mine. I's better that way, 365 please believ the earth! the more ogpipus: city. You, my lord, HS ‘Strange response . : : unlawfil, he one savior we can find, unifiendly too to the state that bred and reared you— you withhold the word of god. We asked Apollo—perh messengers his answer back: srinsstas: tose 0 hat your own words are so we Td rather not have the same thing said of me... 370 oupreus: For the love of god, doi't tum aay, 355 if you know something. We beg you, all of us on our knees. native strength riaesias work. None of you knows— and I will never reveal my dreadful secrets, not fo say your own, ans How terriblo—to see the truth 560 oxpievs: What? You know and you won't tell? You're bent on betraying us, destroying Thebes? Td rather not cause pain for you or me So why this. . . useless interrogation? You'll get nothing from me. ipepuey- offs Bunyry op pyp nos Seka UaA8 pur—spurey] ume AMOK tpt see ‘wi Bump} Jo BOYS "594 “2078 ofp pp NOK on ees 0} our Funders nok axe 39 ‘oid a yo2ey padoq no, “pe af 295 | wou 4esou as0f‘puersigpun nod 3,uprCy Su Fang yon 9 SvISauL, Joneq a pueisiapun jj une Be at Keg cae —is10m nod. afer “seajd nok pnd sanareyan oF ssnaraz0 198 aMoh pring ‘24H NOK se OC] “aIOUL O% Kes [Lo | : “bu Jo ano a parsvay ‘ou poasoy nok ‘pap nog, svisaMLL, oe 2p BUI PF 0F punog a3,no, ZawH0D yu IEE, “2pen saaydosd sno oN zsnp 40y nok pourad oy ssaataz0 sob “DU apssur sang zamod sy We LA pan oq, “Apeaye ancy f svisaars, G9 ap winds nos—g8esino sey, enod Buyeay so8ue sry urEsI92 pO o4ay STP Yala Avae 198 wed nod UN NOR isnaiaao eAaoas e ypns dr areys 0} paqedde nok arse —ssoyouens ‘no, soe 3 ROA “yA aay Hod 3t0 atp Jo ‘snataao, aueaseun = + aadusy Aus serons9 no, SVS ue] wondnso> ayp ‘sano dyp axe nog 0k “Tesh ou ‘suazt asaip ou ‘au0 ou on rads 20) pure 2ou0 “I yptm nC) Preauo dep sip woy :uwop prey asf nok aN04 sano BuuspoONY gape I.NOA NOK sa109p aetp ct aRLUGNS “aaIp “nO aBieyp | FPuo¥s Jo aneay e aesUa p.nok “pata atp Jo umos nok Jos ae sp on “wo, jBempony svisaa ssnaiaao tr ONIN aN snaiazo [oy-05t GHEE) -savia nvaaiL aaunL aun waTDONGOS gat jpqueA—woy autes Hod axoyM eq “30I5ey ano 295 Zearte Ys eyEN “EP 30} YOO plnoys 2m—pod £q pasod SIPPH auf “2ppe30 ayp Or HoNAYOS 3804 D4, “pa90 am aeY aust pu ‘003 suMOA + + srdepag) oot wefur 1 uayods o2D48 sproas 1 5088s pinom | oF oyqerapnsty guy wo yay y>Ng jyAO.y nigavet ssnataao “nod se dieanig se pa agg woy poroos 2 tueur ON “pres 2a,)-piom Ki2A9 put “voRI)—SINSUT ILA sm Aeats MON] “2914, —punuaayret 2898 94 pu ssh Bury 524 vaes woos Aq pi “uopIN sno ye pue yasIMOK tpEN HOA fBAdT LK gmonpisad oF 40 p.nok ues amp st so Weoup J9490 P.NOK s101204 J24p10 Jo PmoID & py Boqaey [ery ayp oF auLoy 98eKoa Aasny atp “Spreur otp Uy aousByyforur war Aur Jo 24S apy ‘sey sno ow nok Bus Kp pueKH-Suppam axp ‘spug ay ww03 day ou spy junds ay poddors 7 ‘afiepieus an0K anoge ype ayp wee} nok Kup Te, “auesou ap sndipag “Aq auaes yang ‘ony gorpa uy 3peq tteaI95 3,u0M eoxaeYD i Suuynou—spol anos ‘spaig ano pue nok ox gavemoq ron 3.0% UaAeY sIpA— fom © ony g8t9 a4 02 HEE OA pct Uu00s ‘woos god 312M axaq 4 Tayord & 305 ano pou 3 yy ayp 298 uo mow aeWp S949 snk Saf0s 0} Aaq-tassed autos 404 r0U “appre seat 9HO"LT, Supnoays ssearpep "toma wt wiaop nok Suypean 904 ajdood sno 32s 0% pao & 20U “BID NaS Ay {00} AYA “Aep avo pury su WON NOX diya fa ‘bimq qpresypeap 94 adoy Ang Sumuey resp eanydg ays uoH A osino g0q 8 MOA put JaIpOUN ROK Jo se aTGHOP stp pl aaydord jjesino4 anor 4949 nod pip ayn su ‘enoge 234 Bury ap pu wpiea uy atop pep orp UI IPL ‘phe sno} nok ‘3104 aor ;poo|q pue Ysa mo AMOK Jo aBinO2s o4p sue NOK Femowjun py Zwowy nok ocy estuated 3NOK a4» oY 19 3906--ayoad um sit s09 p10 241) NOK asoMp “tr 944] OK asnHOy aMp Or “soy Bugppad aoqp-aunicy sp “34H] ano Jo wondnss09 ey 01 puyyq 23,04. om ‘spenb Surumayos sip ‘sur uo parztan siyp sas 94, ol “soko mopaud amok tay nox, 2ur Momano o} Aan o8 * + + atm asurese spears “sup nok ypu aus 27 gssaupuyg Kur you nok ets if two Pusey PEKOY Au “sms Jo |S ap ‘0g, ‘woo, ‘suO[e sip 10}-—spuey ku UFDt pry harp aug wy aut 29} yeads 02 t09%~) post 3,u0p 180s J9A3u J—aun aaeB AyD ay wMOID aip ‘ojjodyy 94338 | “annjs inod you wie | hig ‘sH2 20) asnf jnod apisu sxanY Kaus arya “001 aopaud 30 ‘ayy Jo soupeats Ape xp ut 9 ‘Aydo4 04 24813 xp :yenbo anok ure pfs Buldensane jpys ‘oxdus> pre ypjean ‘teadsor 2u0 int nq hqnop ou Bury amp axe n0, 00d SviSatL snaraao ter ‘ONDE aN snaiaao [1e=p0b Jot-opt| AVI NVGAHL 34H gH SETDONAOS zt : seve ores tne Annee THEBAN PLAYS [432-44 EE MAN PLAYS LH ‘TanEstAs: I would never have come if you hadn't called me here. oxpreus: C1 thought you would blurt out y have died waiting before I'd had you summoned, 9s rinestas: Absurd, am Il To you, not to your parents: the ones who bore you found me sane enough. oxpreus: Parents—who? Wait . .. who is my father? Tanastas: ‘This day will bring your birth and your destruction, oxoirus: Riddles—all you can say are riddles, murk and darkness. 500 inestas: ‘Ab, but aren’t you the best man alive at solving riddles? orp “Mock me for that, go on, and you'll reveal my greatness. ‘Your great good fortune, true, it was your ruin, optus Nov if I saved the eity—what do I care? sriresias Well then, I'l be going. ly attendant ‘Take me home, boy. 505 145~63} orprrus Tay kine 185 Sere ence eee Prev orpieus: ‘Yes, take him away. You're a nuisance here, Out of the way, the iritation’s gone. ng his back on vonssias, 1g toward the palace ‘rimesias: 1 will go, ‘once I have said what I came here to say, | will never shrink from the anger in your eyes— you can’t destroy me. Listen to me closely the man you've sought so long, proclaiming, cursing up and down, the murdeter of Laius— he is here. A stranger, you may think; who lives ariong you, be revealed a native Theban ss ke no joy in the revelation. ‘who now has eyes, beggar who now is tich, ll gtope his way toward a foreign soil, ‘stick tapping before him step by step. ‘ORDIPUS enters the palace iH Revealed at last, brother and father both 520 to the children he embraces, to his mother son and husband both—he sowed the his father sowed, he spilled bis father's blood! 500 Go in and reflect on that, solve that. ‘And if you find I've lied Som this day onward call the prophet 585 ‘rinesias and the boy esit tothe side ‘up 294au ‘Bury Aus apqauao | Yn s9ABRy sem ay—s00 ay) SeAb aU oes sos pow ue> WeUH austere 240, "3 WEur 30 tpdap pum ep ay sense re2uB og ‘mousy Aaip “asouy ofody put sno 9s son € anoqpua 2408 sopinur © aBuaAe 02 10W ‘snpe7 Jo asoy ayp 409 101 oo ss tp pur vsnoy poaq Pino yey pur 8 5,384 ‘S109 5, —Sune0q Fuypoqazoy wzep Jo sBura ot ig SPS puyg Super obs sts os ea-£9h] S91p J9ABU ey WOOP a4p woop dusjsus wiy punose Bayvaq sBurm yep 18] JO 14EOY o4p Jo a0 i =i 1 OYA eum Uy, Boy Arnous snsseueg jjo Buzzeq ew09 ase sey pod jo prose “4007 ody ‘rouse us pasecy —poads jo 3e0ns & 3995 sty uno3s ofp fo suOLpeAS a1p apeHHO oF ‘Ay 04 atu sey 3um pom aap 01 ep 001 au adie jo 28108 Aypor ays Jo ano Bupunosss ssounouap po8 yo aaron out HsawoH SAVI4 NVBSHL ANIL ATL HATDONIOS gat speq plot ,uOM | “moury F jp anya, smo ‘Kauaoap Jo pasys ¥ per, nOA jf PAHOA ‘SKA. OU OP NOK * ypeq 3 of uns plone sieaK axp Jo UND >XLf, Noauo “SEN sti oF paropanea ‘ays woM Wdams 9 ‘pase, ssngiaao 20P 24 pip eK Snte7 Noauo ssnaaa0 st -vanb dooy 1 9.u0p | uoyen puy “mow 3,00p | soso A0u Aysk—uoqp ats pasn22e sanatt s396 28219 yp IM snataao quouiusues eq 10) puas oF “Burpou parsacosip ‘ssin09 Jo “894 m0 pip aA 1110 sof ‘ou aanpUE HOA pic mone snaraao 008 supip ‘opm aun areSinsaaus pip nod ang oy 215 a “DOK auop an, Kes ok “snaraao anf su ang “oA yues8 | “nou Tey Nouuo Souospid Si ut sea | MOY Se 38 aADHL of “on : Henara rad otp adeaso uoip howto 2 no HNN MOK 31 ssnataso {Suu vey we Mean BUH 04 AIDE BOAD 9y pI snaieao ‘sourfEG JO ast9s HOA ISO} aA, NOK “EB v NS sig ssauuuoggiis Ssoppuyu ‘9pn9 3448 NOK 3t “YOO “parouoy se asnf pur ‘Kepon stay se pops :NOaND iNORID oven ay *kusoUe stp JOU a1,n06 aw Yan 3,u0p opnad e Aj8n soy anarys 01 asf NOBuD “PROP Mok aweM | ony isaaras0 epaystueg aur area nox, ue N04 op IEA 2! “urs 9s0f | ‘2an9fqo sy stat a4—Saous snout sty ‘quowiour & prend Kur xeayy opeq ‘asm | ‘001 AppINb sxow | 491398 uy ‘Appanb ou asutede s9qour Aurauy Aur sngiaao uoun of Ae st PUD o1 dusnf oye as0%4g, “HRISESIP PIOAE 0} staEM Ot IUOKUE 10) ‘pioy Ku ‘2o1npe poo ragavat “Aep uoys 2u0 ur ods ues nok jeuas amp ayy 01 uot én amp Bug ED aUope aUNey, RUN OF EF AMOKPEN “}fane sy UHED| ,.NOK aan ays ayR 10 4898 UWobS st pinows j gueuisury e punt aDafs ng “pod 105 peq ayp ayer 10 ‘wopues ze fjaind ‘pen 29y poo ay 242 01 sf Bos mop] | savta NVasHE aun JHA sat1DOHEOS +61 196 SOPHOCLES: THE THREE THEDAN PLAYS lave you no sense? Poor ig—why this pul Aren't you ashamed, wi to stir up private quarrel land so sick, To osows Into the palace now. And Creon, Why make such a.furor over nod go home, 's dreadful. .. Oedipus, your husband, ‘of punishments for me, if I've done you any wrong you charge me with. Jocasta: ‘Oh god, bel honor Do it for i, for the sake of all your people. [634-98 70 75 720 649-501 onpreus tHE xine 197 soe ee nes Belg RONG ease ‘The cuoaus begins to chant crionus: ns sive way, my king, I beg you! onpieus: ‘What do you want from me, concessions? cHonus Respect him—he's been no fool in the past and now be’s strong, ‘ath he swears to god. oxpiPus: You know what you're aking? conus: Ido. oepipus: ‘Then out with it! cuonus, TThe man’s your friend, your kin, he's under osth— don’t cast him out, disgraced branded oxprPus: "H AOU no’ * pee pue sup a des ssn¥ono 01 pain ok sane (qe py ot ME POOE sM0K jo soto? YA 385 HOA Saaiago Aowp oun th PU + aU 01 sutaas yf 05 30, peau poxpes os s,pury a4, jyBious ‘aseaxd“ynous, ose FDU 983K], “BuOU 0S “BuOI 93,004, “Bu08 wy soa y28—guope our nea] uot, ssnatago 10 aSoptey aze SINOK ayy sammEU saonenf napied alles ano ur yeamaq ino ste pian s208 orey Aur "S908 ay Jonaroyen “op isaaraso imo yo yp04—Aany ano on ‘sup od nok sj plo ays jo dor to sou pue soip pur a4 se Sqp ‘suayprs aun ape soipput Aq agp ur 33] "40 Pano} jo paddins ‘spol arp jo padding isuaaeey atp jo po8 3s1y ‘ang PION isn¥oHo sawono hes koup pip sey Wasvoor sh 40 sao 282p18 tnoq uo vasvoo see ‘001 Aydsap ano aopsnfin jo astds pure suopdens Sep posses pe) yuesou8"ss007, sAoHo SEY ou Yay, vasvool uy diay 304 ky 0K op Aum, sayono 661 OND AME snaiaao (o6-atg 4e-og9] SAVT4 NVEUME a3MHE ANA sseTDOHAOS 261 we 2UeHU LED! UME THRER THEBAN PLAYS — [697-706 EINE THREE THEBAN PLAYS [697-706 jocasra: 70 Glancing a the cxiones, Creon’s to blame, Creon schemes against me. Jocasra: Tell me clearly, hovr did the quarrel star? oepieus: He says murdered Laius—1 am gu jocasta: How does he know? Some secret knowledge 5 or simple hearsay? oepirus: . ‘Oh, he sent his prophet in t do his dirty work. You know Creon, CCteon keeps his ovrn lips clean 70728) O=DIPUS THE KING 201 a socasra: A prophet? Wall then, free yourself of every charge! Listen to me and learn some peace of mind: 10 the world, fhothing human can penetr Here is proof, An oracle came to L (L won't say from 785 190 wee days old and fastened his ankles, had a (on a barren, trackless mountaip ‘There, you see? ing to pass. My haby Apollo brought nether ered his than Laius suffeced-— ns his wildest feae—death at his own son’s hands, ‘That's how the seers and all cher revelations ‘mapped out the forure. Brush them from your mind, er the god needs and seeks, bring to light himself, with ease feo oEprpus: Strange, ing you just now . . . my mind wandere, ry thoughts racing back and fo yocasra: ‘What do y ‘mean? Why so anxious, startled? cscs é gerstoof ‘sump ay 38 snp fe nok pos oy, og “ep se sea “pe af 298 ued | our gotuad sry parpear 24 pepy av ‘uiny aq¥9sac] 200} 34 pp sso4—SHLE ssnaiaao sig 284 10, snaraao siyey Suykate> oer affuss © pus ‘wroup Buu presoq e “fazed ayy uy any atom 219145, 29s nos siumey rea esnedepa visvoor VESYOOL Bye *piog e ayy ‘saree eacas 22 0 Op 02 poutE|d no ane weyPH—pOR Ault “POH AWW “uoase Kavay 0 148 © quid 08 34 prc ssaataao ssnataao saqail, Jo Bury nok popey Aaxp pue pazeadde nok ueys S09 “ue | fe sosue i, ype—use y se preaze peop snyeq pouiodas 254008 ou spyes2y] ax, May visvoor svasvoo! poe Buoy mop BIA s10ur Bap au wowow & uF AOU TE ssagiaa0 “Das wea 3098 puyg amp sway argue ane | ssnanago on speorsso19 e—aqp9801 2109 “tok a Yoo] o2 soppnys 1 Burkes nok ase wey, ‘speor Sumyputaq om. araqpes ‘spoug palje> aorjd y vasvo0E rvasvoot souy auprp Aldus |—yppskur uodn ‘aspaid ag guaddey Bun sip oy asino yproup © umop poqe isa 2a yan | ‘ou om yO, snataao “ro tio patp ayusey ay ~Aaos axp seat 2 svAsvoof veinpA wrogy ay suse ng sy pe ‘sojduim sxq yeans 07 unBaq asnf pey Aes3 ou pu sop 20U speod aautp aroy veld ee WiAOP mnD sea “hapuess sea apy We] Weyp Aes nok put our | Bvasvoof snaraso for OND aL snaraao [ssache 162) SAVIa NABH SaWHI GHL :64190Na08 zoe ess fe srMUcLES: THE THREE THEBAN PLAYS 36-70 S_R TR THEE THD LAYS [756-70 Jocastas A servant who reached home, the lone survivor. ius dead and gone, as clutched my hand, pleading with ine to send brn into he'd eared that vor~and much tore 40 oxpitus: ‘Can we bring him back, quickly? asta: ly. Wi onpieus: Jam afraid, Jocasta, I have said already, ‘That man—I've got to see him. Jocasra: But even I have a righ 45 to know what's tor ld nothing back from you, now I've reached this pitch of dark foreb ‘Who means more to me than you? Tell me, ‘whom woul My father was Polybus, king of Corinth. My mother, a Dorian, Mero + Worth remarking perhaps, ‘worth the anxiety I gave it. ‘Some max at a banquet who had drunk too much ‘out—he was far gone, mi a not my father’s son, Fight Lbately resttained myself that day next l went to mother and father, ned them closely, and they were enraged at the accusation and the foo! who let it fly. And s0, ‘unknown to mother and father J set out for Delphi, and the god Apollo spurned me, sent ie aivay denied the facts I came for, but first he flashed before my eyes a future feat with pain, terror, disaster—{ can hear him cry, “You are fated to couple 8 breed of children into I those oracles come true, And as I fled T reached that very spot where the great king, you say, met his death, 80 855 as 870 os 80 06 se6 026 ayia 9q 24 3 toe 20s nok snus seyAy ZAes | pip rei, Hisvoor asi0moIp padeoss a4, ‘sino ‘rons sy reyp ano sux TOK ja pak a0. usin os Aygy guoqa sey ‘sivadde 2y s0u0 pry vasvoot Ten st 344 -proydoys axp 309 8 —adloy 38e] Au sp apy “Apex a Ute | isnaiazo doy ae1-0p ‘ss2unga 2tp oRsenb no4 youn yseoq 28 ang Way tpua sxzeay ano jy OK “PLO KY "ur2y 2p 0} poureas “wondnizo> yas yim powers assur 998 | 210)5q SEH EamotpIs ystuEA ‘NOU Jo Plroa 4p WO Sys our 327 jAep veep 998 our 29] 294s ‘sp08 aurossme pue aind nok Aeqp x0W' ‘ou YO) pes} Aut won waop stp ayfinaxq sey so4hod oBeans atn0s 1Om pue—Aes auaiuSpnl jo ueut& ahi “Aya ang ONDE aH snataso. pinoy, (it-8e9 (2 ane8 ‘our pareas oy snghjog lwmop sngay At 9 pue saypoUr dtu Yat a}dNO9 OF patuoop «ie | os “ueRe puna aaneu uo 300} 108 Yoaau ‘suaned Ate 305 s9natt 56 1OF PUL UIESt}—oREUTUOGE UE | {049 anf ut 9c Yoo gauDULION 26} HOG | >,USE/ 6 [Poo|q tpt max 9409 puEgsNY OK payEy ay spuEy Xp Byam 4p0q ANOK paysnor an, Vv ray A249 JO 30 UOALP iqnd tu 01 prom ¥ 101—a sp.0} ave 506 uueun yeyae in@uens SII puue ste] uaaeAaaq, “arrpooyg Aue st asap jt {mos soqpow Aroma pe uray poppy f Buyseads ‘uoflea ox yo ano wt J9.ano TUT yOu F puEY yi 30 s00)9 940 YLaK—j jue uy un 2yLns | ‘uoalap aup ‘apise aur Hutsapjnoys aio otp put —So10y aanaq—peos atp yo aux astuKp OF Moge Aram ue peo ayy uy auo 3qp pure paqensap 94,n0k se ysnf Powunow pur ‘uodem & Susesp s9]00 Jo 2>80q » wey *pyeroq & 998 01 ueaq | See Ut | "ESEDOL “MON fe-a0g] SKV4 NVaSULL aBuHL STL :s3190HE08 poe evan FLATS 942-02 opus: he told you So, if he sil ne can’t equal many. : refers to onte man, one alone, 935 clearly the scales come down oi 900 rst report , my lord, hhe could never make the murder of Laius truly fit the prophecy. Apol say son was doomed t0 «my son, 95 poor defenseless oepieus: ‘True, true. 950 once. But do let's go inside, isplease you, least ofall in this, 863-82) cHonus: clawing up to the heights, OEDIPUS THE KING find me filed with reverence word and deed. breeds the tyrant ride, gorging, crammed to burs is overripe and long pride stashes down the abyss—shoer doom! No fo strong— 209 985 960 965 970 2814 2124 mow} nok—gpseuy vee tp ssiP90 sar yen 1 Bayan Jon a 51 pe] pjioo nok yt soptoas f“asead sk ‘SMWOHD ays maoe olstee ee ae uo vasvo0! Buypoutiye wou A40 (8 uapIO3 s,ofjody 2>40N sor ap yo Uta ayes so}seut ano OM ‘snuery 07 aus s2[pe10 plo ap “Bussp are Ay, ssoard 01 08 passa, 2 nf 30 204d ap “23 Jo du omp uy SaBuossed ‘sn x 9 SIOEGSP JO aay sn ts sn 389 sSunqyo pure stoked pec amy ee er pate per eeet aoe eee me ‘rapuoss UW] premor iufod OF PUPAUEUE [TE 40} prod eo : ree eee dora Povo a ap g sony arp Jo vidtrk]Q) 10 wun 9 wonspiy po wo ; aeqy 3e appe10 qUs_UE s, ace deiepnnipiaes Dae e are oon *n0K 899 1 {BRDU ae NOA “ojfody “n0K o1 wm jf! 0 suet Buon “8 ey a sae panes an 01a Jo so1 2108399 4 snout 10404 a $208 a5U3}8 ypns ce te Ag tauren ee ke ND Bio aip se mony ate Sopaydaud sa, 94 35004 [fs ‘ne1odsap 08 “ueU © YH WED 2auupe 3,uoat 24 “asuDs JO meu 28g] “ssid yas poypey. osu opisog 5 sndpg, rqepnoiun sSup 4joq atp wo spiey Sunde] ‘pews —oSenno lo} jjasiny ufensex youLED ‘001 asusour pu puey uy ypuesq Auer 2884 fof ‘Apuey sagoxd sxy dos roMUeD 94 JL ‘spo8 otp Jo sopduiay 2p asta 09 “nou anf japud snouns "yoouyxe2Iq ‘spud ‘sty Aedoa “Su 0% potinaco ay ‘imjeas ayo spy] “ussop wx, 183) WOOP YBNI E94 NaS —spo8 axa Jo satay ay 20) pom wy souaiaaau ow ‘sonsnfjo 3e3y om fiacey sparen ene “soop pur sies 24 Ie UF Sees AnyGras pue yBiy “Suapans sooo wewr Aue je ang OnmH StL snatago cré-tya] SAVIN NVGAHL aauHL aHUL ‘S4TD0HAOS 212 SOPHOCLES: THE THREE THEBAN PLAYS MESSENGER: Blessing’ on you, noble queen, queen of Oedipus crowned with all your family— Biessings on you always! Jocasra id the same to you, stranger, you deserve it. . such a greeting. But what have fou come for? Have you bfought us news? MESSENGER: Wonderful news— for the house, my lady, for your husband too. jocasra, Really, what? Who sent you? Mnssence: Corinth, 11 give you the message in a moment. You'll be glad of it—how could you hel though it costs a little sorrow in the bargain socasra: What can it be, with such a double edge? MESSENGER: ‘The people there, they want to make your Oed king of Corinth, so they're saying now. jocasra, Why? Isn't old Polybus stilt power? MESSENGER: No more, Death has got the tomb, losgnee 1020 102s 1030 943-36] OrprRUs THE KING 23 FOCASTA: ‘What are you saying? Polybus, desil?—dead? MESSENGER: not, not telling the truth, strike ié:dead too. jocasra: Quickly, go to your mastey, tell him ¢ 1035 You prophecies of the gods, where ate you now? ‘This isthe man that Oedipus feared for years, hie fled'him, not to kill himm—and now he's dead, quite by chance, a normal, natural death, not murdered by his son, 1040 orpieus: Ernerging fiom the palace. Dearest, what now? Why call me‘from the palace? Jocasra: Bringing the messencen dose. ten to him, see for yourself what all those awful prophecies of god have come to, onpiPus ‘And who is he? What can he have for me? yocasta: He's from Corinth, he's come to tell you 1045 your father is no more—Polybus—he's dead! gor stor oor Syor js0ho atp 01 Aof ‘Burss24q ye948 & st sea} 3 “eM ‘peop saoipey anok ang. visvoor ‘ast | 095 want y spouwimsstas nod fe 40) 05 ‘sangy saypou ng, “Dayje 2,494 soxgoUr JF ut apensiad p,nod pure ‘spiom ancigt ‘snarago jesosiousos oui s say jt se ‘sndlpag, ary Ae 2 Supow ‘smopeys 30) sBuy ypns oye, ‘oq s,.2q20ur ty pazoys sey ‘steasp si Ul “nos aioyaq uur & Aueyy “3e5} Ou ae —srpout atiod yar aSetimeur sp 30y se pury “wes 944 189q ‘wlopuea ye aay] oF asnoqT Hep 24p Bouin SurdouB *peaye Aep e aos E> {ute to eur e aOR “s9ay smo sopna aout ‘soup fe af eakay wou e pysous sea, ae rvasvool ssqyow Aur sng isaatago -FaNDI0} purer Nod wo4y a doasis “sxOW ORY svasvoor wea] Ur sO] seas | “PIP OK Og, snaiaa9 aus aig widy no YP |p a0 svasvoot eee vgn Siz ONT am snaraz0 (9-806 ssojygurom “Bumpou 94,Koy UE MET KaHAA dagjs 01 yo waYp Hed snqéjog—paseay | sopaydord aso: ype ‘mou Int “yseap si pasned y Avs poox seuss v ur utp gor ‘Keme uny porsea at 29) BuySuo| otros sseyun —proais ox pury and zoazer y “saqauy, ut te | 2194 pue “quea aqp sapun-vappry ‘paring pue peap 5,914 “FOO [f2AN, gusoop Aur ston sey, 24oqp pip “s9tpey Aur Jo sopanen aip om ‘wo aut pau AaUy gspeay mo saoge weDIDs ye4p1 sor sparq atp uros yy zanna axp Jo sony xp neay Saaqdosg 247 01 YOO] AYA “hija “eIsEOf snataso ‘mo paanseatn pay 262K jo se, noo Buoy 243 pus Tumop thy 21076 3¢ “ue s00d—uotp SsOUN}>KS ssnaraao 801 0 saz0q pjo ind ueD sopeos axp jo dp a3 y BUgONaSsaW sor UY] pap eye reya—gssouypys ztopanes— ory 81030 ‘2408 pur. peap st snqdjog ‘sxeequr ou 3: sf ay S294 UDMp "asuy UE NOK VENA 8, Aa mwaoNassaw ‘sdy nod toy y aney ot 327 aot ‘wzonassany ay uo Baypoyag ssnaiazo ee 21-486] savta NvaattE a94HL aML isaT90Ma0s tre 2116 SOPHOCLES: THE THREE THEDAN PLAYS [988-1000 s001=12 ORDIPUS THE KING 217 orpipus: orpirus: Great, know My fiher, old man— s0 [wouldn't kill my father. MESSENGER: Wait, who is this woman, makes you so affaid? MBSSENGER: So that’s Sisiste Well then, seeing I came with such good will, my king, Merope, old man. The wife of Polybus. 1085 why don’t I rid you of that old worry now? 1100 MESSENGER: oepipus: ‘The queen? What's there to fear in her? ‘What a tich reward you'd have for that! ogpipus MESSENGER: A drcadful prophecy, stranger, sent by the gods, ‘What do you think I came for, majesty? So you'd come home and Id be better off Messencen: ‘Tell me, could you? Unless it’s forbidden oepiru: other eats to hear. Never, 1 will never go near my parents, oenieus MESSENGER: Not My boy, it’s clear, you don't know what you're doing, 1105 Apollo told me once—it is my fate— 1090 {must make love with my ovm mother, shed my father’s blood with my own hands. So for years I've given Corinth a wide berth, id it's been my good fortune too. But still, to see one’s parents and look into their eyes. 1095 is the greatest joy I know. : You're afraid of that? ‘That kept you out of Covi orprrus: What do you mean, old man? For god!’s sake, explain. MESSENGER: If you ran from them, always dodging home . opIPus: Always, terrified Apollo's oracle might come truc— MESSENC: ‘And you'd be covered with guilt, from both your parents. ofr gAfmexa yey zured ut sean ‘dn aut po: 40 nd NOK uoyas snaraao "wos Aut ‘003 sores ano, NassaH ésofiem 10y Sutderos ‘puogeen y znok aioe ‘uewspray) y snataao odors M7 Uo wawp Suyzn8 ‘soy Aw 2240 Supres DHaONASSaM aySnonp Hugssed asnf‘s10y Btuop noA aise eyo Set ‘9809 og ‘snataao “woRDeID aUNOYy Jo syUEY ApOOM a4 WaAOp ‘nok wo pofqeams | NaDNASSIRE e303 eq OU py Zour Ane nok pip ‘nok pay. ee snaraz0. DroU! 9tp jE NOK 9no] WHY apeUT Pup anoxjes ssead Apes sey puw ‘ong, IONASSaH PeAO| IF {08 aur aaof ay pinoo oH HOKE, espury s.raqyour wody ‘op sara ONDI aie Snalaao [for spurs, ur woy 10K yoo) 24 198j & OJ MOUS——ofe SHEDK ‘8 2 atam nog 20s syy aut qe 94 PIP: Aus UDKLE, s41030 ‘we | uoKp saypy 1904 avoUr ow fay sea U9tPENL WaONASSaN jpur 01 Sunpou ai,no, Burqiou jenbo soqpey Aur we> Moy - nip AW snarat0 su ‘sjenbo aue | pur op] “Ure | ueYp a1oW ON aONaSsaH aaatpey Aur you sean snqhjog—Burdes nod axe yA : ssnataao ‘poo}g Uy OU “Aye s.azyA “no OF HUNHOU sem stqSIOU RIBONASSaN sng jog, ‘sdoroyy —os apy wy 3p 2K. INGE saaiazo 489} 01 Supou Aye>2 94,NOA ZaOUy NOK 3,UOCT IONASSIW ont ‘UL UAE seve st3E9] 2eIp “ELL plo i Sey, snataao, ve-f1o1] . skvta NYSAHL a3uHE AHL 's41D0HAOS aie 220 SOPHOCLES: THE THREE THESAN PLAYS [1052-0 MESSENGER: Your ankles . .. they tel ¢ story. Look at them, oepieus: Why x Of that, that old affliction? MESSENGER Your ankles were pinned together. I set you free. mark—I've MESSENGER: ‘And you got your name from that misfortune too, 1135 the name's still with you, ospipus: Dear god, who did ie mother? father? Tell me. MESSENGER: I don’t know. ‘The one who gave you to me, he'd know more, oepreus: What? You took me from s You didn't find me yourself? MEssENceR: No sir, 140 another shepherd passed you on t0 me. sog1-53] OspIPUS THE KING 2a oxpieus: Who? Do you know? Describe him, MssENGER: He called himself a servant of ... if {remember rightly —Laius, JOCASTA tums sharply. ornirus: ‘The king of the land who muled here Jong ago? ngs MESSENGER: ‘That's the one. That herdsman was his man, MESSENGER: They'd know best, the people of these parts. CORDIPUS and the WESSENGER tur to the conus, oxptrus: Does anyone know that herdsman, the one he mentioned? Anyone seer in the fields, here in the city? Out The ti nt 1150 itt ie has come to reveal this once for al. Leap) | think he's the very shepherd you wanted to see, moment ago. But the quecn, Jocasta, she's the one to say. ‘Wig] Bopsing owo> heut monsuoue Busqaxu0s 8 sy oy ae preys ung if pum yone “yo Butysmy sndipag ‘auoll ays s 2742 alaavat ost “imo uae 262 "Buoy ¥ “Hoop aseyd ayn Saou 8 2949 “9n9 ‘za4e—vorpo ou ey ‘nok 405 2aty y ate dquo a4p 51204 —Suo8e jo ueut “ase 18 pn 2ip 396 asc 2f Mou ash [ “3H0UE ONY ZAOK 09 HONETT ‘op 1480p “noi oq 4 ‘our 01 uoisy vasvoot ‘uoURLUOD wie9s TOU Pinoa HOA ‘speq suoneiousd sans ‘anes & | pue sgn “aaejs ® aq 03 an0 suumy soypoU AUL JF UDA jpSeinop ssnaiaao ‘yBnoua st Supagns 6 —omaoay inaeos siyp yo pe ‘9H] uavo anOK 340] NOK jE Svusvoot “pol Jo auucu atp ay—doag vasyoof sen pug yedor ay uy Axof8.01 soy 94897] ou "weRuSpHRY 2ep at DIA “Asang] “pias 9 0, saaae ai SRY] Mp eye “sou da vai eI ssnaraao Fete nok ose tose sonoM nok Kea —Ppautioop 21,05 up toa 2400p aysmo4 soyROUE 1 9A:B 3440p visvoof suasuou Aida “ype “pADyeays PIO Ase Ayn * eu ee, satoq treo | uexp 230Ur st 3599 490, ae snataao ues oy] 00 sep ZH 5] Hod 305 2899 a1 HEA |—aye5 NOK 30 40) 9s asnf 9m, unus a49 JaquisUroa Kok an —Saeatd “ony ssn ‘stool SWasvo0l ssngiaz0 te ONIN ANE snaraao [si-3900 Sp-F6or] SxvId NYMAHL 4auHE BAL isTDORAOS wee aq SOPHOCLES: THE THREE THEBAN PLAYS [1076-1109 3110-22] oepreus THe KiNG orpinws Let ic burst! Whatever will, whatever must! J must know my birth, no matter how common I it may be— must see my origins face-to-face. nits ticking She pethaps, she with her woman's pride J may well be mortified by my birth, enue but I, I count myself the son of Chance, Trever mef the man, my fends... sl, he great goddess, giver ofall good things— if Thad co guess, Pd say that's never see myself disgraced. She is my mother! 1190 ihe wary Gat Wetvellosies ee ‘And the moons have marked me out, my blood-brothers, | Brothos fone moon on the wane, the next moon great with power. aes aoe bal aity ee lanai he and our guest here. At any rat the‘ones who bring him in are my own men, never fll to search and learn my bic! [recognize them, Turning tothe zapen. Horus: But you know more than 1, Yes—if Lam a true prophet 195 you should, you've seen the’ man before, if can grasp the truth, by the bounds ses of Olymus, Lsaper: at the fall moon of tomorrow, Mount Cithaeron Tknow him, definitely, One of Laius’ men, you will know how Oedipus glories in you~ ol eee hig bistplsce! arse id ganpnie een a trusty shepherd, if there ever was one. you, his birthplace, nurse, his mountain-mother! ‘od we il Sng yous dancing ot your prae— onprpus: chs heart! You, I ask you fist, stranger, god of the wild ery you fom Corinth--is this the one you mean? ‘may our dancing please you! ene MESSENGER son, dear child, who bore you 1205 You're looking at him. He's your man, who seem (0 live forever ‘mated with Pan, the mountain-striding Father? : onpius: Who was your mother? who, some bride of Apollo To the suena, the god who loves the pastures spreading toward the sun? You, oldman, come over here— (Or was it Hermes, king of the lightning vides? 120 Jook at me, Answer all my questions. Or us, lord of frenzy, lord of the barren peaks— Did you ever serve King Laius? did he seize you in his hands, dearest of all his lucky finds?— found by the nymphs, their warm eyes dar to the lord who loves them dancing out his j ei nds, a old SuEvHsERD relucton!t0 approach ras 1235 gurede wep da ayes Ay. req, “ino £204 Au ‘seat oF MOIR 2p {roquiomas “hog ‘uot 3peq ply & aut aAeF Nok Jom 20 sh 3, use Sty URE 08 pay eq pur ‘suad uso Au oF spray Aus anqyp p.] uo Btrun0D sarUL ype UoKA ‘ity 21p ur stamary Jo Buys axa 02 ‘pions & we sipuour xis ‘stoseas ‘satpafia da spnns ypoq om—2u0 tps | pue 848) Yuli 94 ‘S90 Ino Buyzes8 'y pue a4, ey 2m sou pjo sfroar aq sans 1H, ‘Un 203 Asourour sty Ysayjo1 OU 9p IN "ISEUK ‘2Us MOU 3,U590p 34] I2pUOM ON req s Aaousaus Aur ‘aofnenp & aus aAi8 ang ‘Aes pio J 08 JON eee EEE ONDH AHL snutago uN] IBLE sBuypeap aneq| 39039194 UO SIL, cnonassan ay Qeaur nod op weUl IeYA— grey BLOG] uy 299 06 vaonassan 2p mous Buus “pone rauanaans e2toyp Uy 99s Joaa guy MOU NOA—AeRL STL, ssnaraao “qnoge panos sjitp00y 24p 20 ‘saurpaUos uorENp Cy “Peay, iauanaans ster Buyer nok op nok pip sxay Zhqwsour “sxoy siiaraz0. ‘if Kur Jo ned s0q amp ‘Sy0y axp Supropy sivaaas _2plo%8 Jo Pury anos ‘sap anoK, saaigaa, -sorped op wy pasear pu wioq ‘nowy poyq 941 wo ayBN0g 20U “ARIS & ote + pip. 10g sawaaaus SAV NVGGHL S3UHE aH :Sa1D0Ha0S ore 228 SOPHOCLES: THE THREE THEBAN PLAYS [1145~53 Look, here he is, my fine old friend— the same man who was just a baby then, SHEPHERD: Damn you, shut your mouth—quiet 1260 orpieus: ‘Don’t lash out at him, old man— you need lashing more than he does. suerrien: Why, raster, majesty—-what have 1 done wrong? oepipus: You won't answer his question about the boy. seen He's talking nonsense, wasting breath, 1265, oepipus: ‘The guards seize the susernen, SHEPHERD: No, dear god, don’t torture an old mi 1154-62] OEDIPUS THE KING 239 orpieus: ‘Twist his arms back, quickly! SHEPHERD: God help us, why? what more do you need to know? 10 orpirus: Did you give him that child? He's asking. oxprpus: You've got your wis ‘you don’t tell the rruth. suReHERD: ‘The more I tell, the worse the death ogpipus: ‘Our friend here wants to stretch things out, does he? 1275, SHEPHERD: No, no, I gave it to him—I just said so, ogpipus: ‘Where did you get it? Your house? Someone else’? arya ssngiaao, ‘sornaydosd BuyuanySiy rege sem aug auaaas S601 2248 pjnco 4804, "IND wo 234 isnaraao. 2 HPL OL, rquiaans 2.8 hy sautaao ‘Bury Aur ‘594 sax rauanasns oe 20K 01 ay a0 ays ay Ay ‘snataao ayaHaais te ONDA SHA snalaso [omslin HP9q asm Tang ‘#94 ‘srou04 Buyeaq jo oBpo oy) 78 us] puy snaraso iat Aes 03 108 98, —apian ajquuaoy ayp ‘98po op ae aye wy ‘ou yO auanaaus ePOO|A UMO SM Jo M104 36 ZaneES y snaraso ‘yey Jo ssnoy atp Woy aure> py sip—uoK], auanaans “ureSe 3st 07 ancy f ‘ueut prop & 23,00, snatago, oger |suonsonb a10ur ou ‘saysetu Yo3es &,p08 on rauanass gesnoy asoum ‘oz ap Bupyoor? qf 30 980 pH snaraao “stootmos * - uroxy 4308 “ou ‘auyua 3.usei ay ‘sawanaaus EEE od-tgit] savia WvaaHs Gaunt ami EI9ONaOS ofe \ 232 SOPHOCHES: THE THREE THEBAN PLAYS (1176-85 | 1186-1203] OuDIPUS THE KING 231 suspen: | cuonos: ( the generations of men the dying generations—adding the total of all your lives I find they come to nothing... . eacie + does there exist, is there a man on earth Bat you gave him to this'old man—why? 1308 ‘who seizes more joy than just a dréam, a vision? 1315 ‘And the vision no sooner dawns than dies SHEPHERD: blazing into oblivion, {pitied the litte baby, master, hoped he'd take him off to his own c ‘You are my great example, you, your life far away, but he saved him for your destiny, Oedipus, man of misery— If you are the man he says you ate, believe me, Tcount no man blest. you were born for pain, 1305 You outranged all men! 4320 eens Bending your bow to the breaking-point © god— you captured priceless glory, O dear god, alll come true, all burst to fight! and the Sphinx came crashing down, O light—now let me look my last on you! virgin, claws hooked | stand revealed at last— ike a bird of omen singing, shricking death— yas cursed in my birth, cursed in marriage, ke a fortress reared in the fice of death cursed in the lives I cut down with these hands! 1310 ‘you rose and saved our land, From that day on we called you king ‘we crowned you with honors, Oedipus, towering over all— mighty king of the seven gates of Thebes. 1330 serena Tea NBR Terre "since Nese “prop st usonb ayy, URE 02 ppe nok UeD eH ‘Aprox yfnous sued aney a4 susouy pos iP 30 asour yany saajasino uodn oq aa ams 21p woy sno: “ayy 249 c1 HOA paBBexp sey a 248i 01 ug Fm uo9s © asnoy jekor 24p 40) Buea) atos ‘HOA 3 "epaIG ano 02 9149 338 NOK jp 1M NOK MOOS Jo 3yFoM KAEOY B TEINS 2p nos 110} utinod soto a8hyp a4p pi ok OYA UeUE & aN] doom f ALONG jpanau sanod ‘n0K ua9s s9A9u pg po8 01 pynom ‘snp jo ur aerueu sno pofipnt (© sous ‘AuoBe sno “nod 3094 Ig}.sn0 seOLIEY aIP POD ao¥ "A UTES att tt S93 07 SUMED antpey PLE t ‘oq oy pu wos We “Hay TIAA NOK S004 sey “souoy Uy as1y sKeaape ‘soqay.L 30 way, seul maONESSAN v1 (pte eae Or ely ana encia aHGeias OND aH snataso. epequo8e s10ur Weur B 92949 3A Mok pasos soquey apras sues ay put a0 086 a¢p 16y sure ‘sndipog) Sunpou o1 wap punox# 293 an04 Jo Kol okp ‘eeu © yong Zhzu9y) pur ued 01 pare 21099 8 AnOK Jeaq}O} MOL IN ee a NVGSHL 890 236 SOPHOCLES: THE THRES THEDAN PLAYS (1257-62 1263-85} Oppieus THE KING 237 MESSENGER: And there we saw the women hanging by the neck, 1395 By her own hand, But you are spared the worst, 1365 cradled high in a woven noose, spi you never had to watch . . . I saw ital, and with all the memory that's in me you will learn what that poor woman suffered 1400 whipped to fury, 1370 ripping h both hands— straight to her rooms she rushed, flinging herself across the ed, doors slamming behind her— ce inside, she wailed for Laius, dead so long, he digo them down the sockets of his eyes, eryi 1405 remembering how she bore his 1375 you'll see no more the pain I suffered, all fe His voice lke a dirge, rising, over and over 140 stets— 1380 raising the pins, raking them down his eyes. ren by her chil ‘And at each stroke blood spusts from the roots, And then— ean say. Suddenly tin, screaming, he stunned us so at cropped two ero, He was raging—one of the dark powers p none of us mortals crowding a with @ great he hurled at the twin doors and ben ‘out of their sockets, crashed him, no, 1385 his children? ing the way, 1390 ring cry—someone, something leading him on— is beard, a switl of it, netves and clots— black hail of blood pulsing, gushing down, “These are the grief coupling man and 1415 ess and doom, death, disgrace, all the grief in the world that you can name, 1420 all are theirs forever. saree SRE EMRE EEE SEE SSR EER SRE Nec "998 03 “38041 9 LEP 00% “soLIB Jo sydap axp Og, SA BOHD et NOK deal e rey ‘mod yep Ke “A SpH Ep © uo Acme adazas 220108 Kut sa1aym sh UH [sMy AuoBe sup pe soop azaye aes wo arom B03 | use a1yIs —Kuofe une | jAuoBe ap =O YO snatazo 488 94s ae s9ppnys | ~~ “nok ang ‘soko Aur soeuroee yon os or ‘wae9f oF tpnar of *ys2 oF ypnus 22H poypr2sia Mok ysnUD 01 Maf9q puIosog “spumog'# puokag rdsaj samod Sep ren sr "PO8 rey znok Jox0 vdamas ssoUpeR ey “F049 Aut aur 3249 yop 20191 38104 94) “298.01 pjzom otp fe oy ‘Benzayns ayn ron ay © SAYOHD ee eee eer EE ofr ONDE aux snaiago fertr—céer ‘mol a0 ayoad sy Shadaauns fi 0 ‘ade aoe 2483 epuoys of “oy 1 da po ‘ppuyg “snararO wn ‘Gxd pjnom Kurau9 ferrous 249 JUDY ® UBS & 295.o1 InOGe Ve NOK oft —Stindo are stoop 248 ay. yposuay nos asoys {L34 "9007 ado 510 3 mu "tag te ay ueYs axOUK SsoUyDIS St SIH, ‘Wo uy peo] on 9pin# © pue “ypBuans spaou ay ine ‘9SHN GMO StH IAFL ashy aip asmND “s9BUE] Jou “pies oanen sry Woy) 3 Sete ‘rsiopanuy s.1aqpey Aya jootos ‘sy}0q SK} 25007, J0 qe 04 out moys, ‘Bunnoys 5.94] VaONaSSIW yar 2904 gesou ured wiosy yso4 Aue ot sey —aasqur 3tp ‘ueas iood yo) neva 1 96-gget), SAVIG NVBIH waNHL aHL iSaTDOHGOS vee 240 SOPHOCLES: THE THREE THEBAN PLAYS [1313-28 1329-48] OEDIPUS THE KING aat onowwus: oxspreus: Dark, horror of darkness 1450 ids, Apollo— my daskness, drowning, svrirling aro ordained my agonies—these, my pains on pains! crashing wave on wavetinspeakabl But the hand that struck my eyes was hheadwind, fatal harbor! Oh again, mine alone--no one else— 1470 if once, over and over did itll myself | he stabbing daggers, stab of memory 1435 What good were eyes to me? taking me insane, Nothing J could see could bring me joy. conus: chorus: No wonder you suffer No, no, exactly as you say. twice over, the pain of your wounds, the lasting grief of pain, oEDiPus: ‘What can I ever see? oepieus What love, what call of the heart 1475 Dear fiend, can touch my ears with joy? Nothing, frends Standing by me, stil with a care for me, ‘Take me away, fr, far from ‘Thebes, wan? Such compassion, 460 quickly, cast me away, my friends— loyal to the last. Oh it's you, this great murderous ritin, this man cursed to heaven, I know you're here, dark a5 itis the man the deathless gods hate most of all! 1480 ‘dknow you anywhere, your voice— it’s yours, clearly yours cuorvs: Dreadful, what you've done . how could you bear it, gouging out your eyes? 1465 ‘What supechuman power drove you on? ots ‘109 a1p 0} Benno ‘eBezno Jo Wg jour ¥ 500] “2109 arp 01 SSeS dey “UNIS otf 9paT pores nod sound surospuey e reyaA—porat{oq T OS ‘sroqrey Atu 30 asnoy plo atp “ipower ‘sngsjod Q) ‘pUryueM ype OF ying Au popeoAas anny 2949p, Set gods ayi uo mo ayy Aut yseua “ous 276 04 3,Upyp Aye, etpaoqs ou 9418 nox pp Ay “UOI2EIAID) C vuned woy Acme prsom e jmp 01 punt xp 30] 7+ Bunssafq 8 a8yr8—UORATG) ‘ays ayp asnf rou ‘94 Jo punos axp or pay 07st ‘uosnd © 244 Apoq au1osy eo] Aum dit quan ue oayfe 9q ueyp ap on zoniogg —Buypow ye dois pos Bupeoy jo suns a 2804 3tf 407 UaROYP 24,NOK Aes j UeD MOET ‘s1e9 Aa yo ¥0}q 22H pion [3 ‘ON jaygusodu saxon guawénune9 Au ‘nok uo sou [asf © Ute 1 pines snopuaiaoy ‘mn Aur pasodxa 2a. Mon, isndypag we |—unsop Au ‘ouoye au 5. ead tp uaor wep jou8 wyqy “yy poppraim ku poured re sist jos soqney uw. y—snte7 Jo os ax SHo[ 21p u sony] Bururaeds ‘poq soypey Aur un Suyylnoo “spo8 24s 4q 3481] 03 3ySr101q Maou sAM9 3 PoIgeP 1 asyious 2yp Jo Uos ‘spod ap Aq parpeot ‘rouraydsetg sea atp eave yse9 asm 9K fp ‘MON sou aut 95 tom |[e ‘puegsny s otnOUL ‘ye4cu puewruroo aap 488 [ ‘ypskeer poddins on, epwenq us9q soaau—roropanut s,zaupe) Su teas J9Aa Skea FOGPHEL JO WOS Anno OU Se ‘sty 03 aco> aneq soaau pp ors poueas ‘wos 38aq 304 * jAsDSns use | isaaraao spol Joy jo sofeun Suro paioes 34 ‘soM0} YY JOY sOMpID Aap sp ONY Pol oF pinom = ~~ Aju0 1 yO, 39400 ‘auqus Jo soXo asoip 20U “ONY snow “2125p o29t gnok aye a1a4a4 “UDIPRYD our paprend 249 24 uomp s9110q ‘ssoupury sty 20] nod 2an0 wprers po Ary, jH0983 “0K ss31q snaraao 180U feaj asm nok Aof aK ‘siea4 asamp fe nok ane8 Aoxp Kol a1) Mow | ‘Buyop Aut sr SK. OTYD ayiuy wy {Poo pue Ysoy wmo Kus ‘SAB Buyep Aut sus 405 {ur pond 24,n0K ‘uoaxr “wBIpR ome Aut ~luggos ‘soda apip aps poo | uayen sep Sjrea amp 9: orgr ‘beay a}QOU snOs spe ypu “HE UE ‘Bury Aus ~~~ aseajq “Si¥o Jo If 2 2361 pur spuey Kur ype, yp ypnor 02 as0f 204 pmows ‘gtr sutsod—onag “key Nok Bag Sogr “warp Jo are aye], areys Ip ey shee Kay ‘patna y zanareym * = tt TeoG Suuronou, SUL moKpYA FARK 3]q Jno Ie Hua! ‘sp ssojdoxy ood Aum “sionysnep ona Aut angy “Day ov suzout axp puy I[daup “08 dev sonoroqa oot ‘uot 3140411, esmod wapimq a0p ‘3509] 98 sKoq axp “uoa1D “woupiep. Au inoqy bbe ‘ONDE AHL Snaraao oe—6sbr 1a sx uo aur 248 pue auioo URSp KU 79} am -sBuens Sumpoutos ‘yqiaim poe real Bupa 10) ages uaaq ane j—IyPop st03} Danes uaaq oney s989U PfoON | “ues Fuapou ‘ou Konsop ux ssauypts ou iaotdy 40 un Katy 213K 44 “as9Np ap aut 197 “Soe pating—quion Zupsefiane Avu 99 03 3pox zetp ano payzeus Jaye pue s9epopy ‘nouiey a peut anki | sUNeY axr04e} Ai ‘worDewpE wo ‘suraunour af UO salt attr “ou ‘aAsfe wr arya r0U *Kpoq Aue asr104 oF sroqpey Aut jo Aq 943 uuiapuo saaou ‘DUE 205 Sy “ssa sey 2yY UMO AMO 2A13 oF “ump waoap Aqu0 ay "yy 398 Ok se soy Aang “‘opisue eu ++ nod oq [—nok pueusuiod | ‘nok pry “TB I snarazo s22209p 8,pof yp Lago fps nO ona ‘ouunss® | 3tan anh py “wurour We Ae NOR’ gst 22UH 24 HEU B anOgE pO ax yMSUOD prom Mok —sjqeiont og ssnaraao ‘0p 01 84m Kjpstoard ys 02 omg sap Is} © YBHS UE EG “psp ai os oan pur Aonsop prs 24 —ssin0 ays Sopp sarpKy aM 205 yreop sts {plow £1969 "ee stim puenMNOD stp] 2p08 ay snaraso. wo 2-0] SAVSa NVSSHL SaMHEE aid ‘841901908 oe 248 SOPHOCLES: THE THREE THEDAN PLAYS [1480>150 EERE THEBAN PLAYS [148071502 Groping for areicows and ses, seh approch tht father then embrace Come to these hand} of mine, your brother's hands, your own father’s that served his once bright eyes'so wel at made them. nowing nothin ne your father, 1 fatheced you in the soil that gave me life ldren, 1625 How I weep for yout cannot see you now your days to come, the bitterness, that rough inankind will thrust upon you. ‘Where are the public gatherings you can join, the banquets of the clans? Home you'll come, jn tears, cut off from 1630 when you reach perfection, ripe for marriage, will he be, my dear ones? Risking al to shoulder the curse that weighs down my parents, yes and you too—that wounds us all together. What mote misery could you want ‘Your father killed his fathec, sowed his mother, ‘one and the selfsame womb sprang you he cropped the very roots of his existence 1635, 1640 Such disgrace, and you must bear it all! Who wi qT ‘0 cneon. 1503-17] OEDIPUS THE KING 249 Oh Creon, 1645 you are the only father they have now’, ‘we who brought them into the world are gone, both gone at a stroke— Don't let them go begging, abandoned, ‘women without men. Your own flesh and blood! 1650 Never bring them down to the level of my pains. Pity them. Look at them, so young, so vulnerable, shorn of everything—you're their only hope. Promise me, noble Creon, touch my hand! Reaching toward cneow, who dra back You, litte ones, if you wer 1655 to understand, there is much T' eell you. Now, as it is, Pd have you say a prayer. Pray for life, my children, ive where you are fice to g Pray god you find a better Ii 1660 the fither who begot you. canon: Enough. ‘You've wept enough. Into the palace now. ospieus: Tmust, but {find it very bad. cREON: Time isthe great healer, you will see, oxpirus: Tam going—you know on what condition? 166 listening, { nf 94 eH pus yore ano d2aq aM se MONT Potujayss9A0 set s0%%03 30 ¥Ds 3>E|G & YA MONT us ssomneaxd siy pjoyjag plno> ou, Jomod, fe puosoq weur & “iomod 03 2801 a4 ‘ouegng sty uum aIPpH snouTE Bip paajos apy ‘sncpac) wo Yoo] “uowEAs}uMOD At ‘saqaty, Jo ajdoag tsawous oggt ONT aHE snaiaao, [oles ay} yBronp nok sisoyoy 22%0 Jo 2u0,y sign ‘uu Sap “AeANe Our OMe) UKE ssnaraao, nugey dus, ‘sau | eyan Aes 03 £0 | nos ogi nuasu09 nox, ssnaiaxo souUo 28 Ysta ano 298 ,.00K 208 —yptuur os au ary spol axp Ajpang, isnaiago ep MOK ang Meo spo8 aep AiG) NO: N ‘ype2 ut 'seqaq4, Jo INO aU 2A ssnataao, fe-giSi] sxvia Nveauy aunt GAL ssa120Na0S ose.

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