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Mutual Funds

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Mutual Funds

A Guide for Investors

Information is an investors best tool

Mutual Funds
Over the past decade, American investors increasingly have
turned to mutual funds to save for retirement and other financial goals. Mutual funds can offer the advantages of diversification and professional management. But, as with other investment
choices, investing in mutual funds involves risk. And fees and
taxes will diminish a funds returns. It pays to understand both
the upsides and downsides of mutual fund investing and how to
choose products that match your goals and tolerance for risk.
This brochure explains the basics of mutual fund investing, how
mutual funds work, what factors to consider before investing,
and how to avoid common pitfalls.

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Office of Investor Education and Advocacy
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549-0213
Toll-free: (800) 732-0330


Table of Contents
HOW MUTUAL FUNDS WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
What They Are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Characteristics of Funds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Advantages and Disadvantages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Different Types of Funds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
How to Buy and Sell Shares. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
How Funds Can Earn Money for You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

FACTORS TO CONSIDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Degrees of Risk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fees and Expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Classes of Funds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tax Consequences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


AVOIDING COMMON PITFALLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Sources of Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Past Performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Looking Beyond a Funds Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bank Products versus Mutual Funds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23



Key Points to Remember


How Mutual Funds Work

A mutual fund is a company that pools money from many investors and
invests the money in stocks, bonds, short-term money-market instruments, other securities or assets, or some combination of these investments. The combined holdings the mutual fund owns are known as its
portfolio. Each share represents an investors proportionate ownership
of the funds holdings and the income those holdings generate.


Legally known as an open-end company, a mutual fund is one of three basic types
of investment companies. While this brochure discusses only mutual funds, you
should be aware that other pooled investment vehicles exist and may offer features
that you desire. The two other basic types of investment companies are:

 losed-end fundswhich, unlike mutual funds, sell a fixed number of shares at
one time (in an initial public offering) that later trade on a secondary market; and

 nit Investment Trusts (UITs)which make a one-time public offering of only
a specific, fixed number of redeemable securities called units and which will
terminate and dissolve on a date specified at the creation of the UIT.

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are a type of investment company that aims to

achieve the same return as a particular market index. They can be either open-end
companies or UITs. But ETFs are not considered to be, and are not permitted to call
themselves, mutual funds.



Hedge fund is a general, non-legal term used to describe private, unregistered

investment pools that traditionally have been limited to sophisticated, wealthy
investors. Hedge funds are not mutual funds and, as such, are not subject to the
numerous regulations that apply to mutual funds for the protection of investors
including regulations requiring a certain degree of liquidity, regulations requiring
that mutual fund shares be redeemable at any time, regulations protecting against
conflicts of interest, regulations to assure fairness in the pricing of fund shares,
disclosure regulations, regulations limiting the use of leverage, and more.
Funds of hedge funds, a relatively new type of investment product, are investment
companies that invest in hedge funds. Some, but not all, register with the SEC and
file semi-annual reports. They often have lower minimum investment thresholds than
traditional, unregistered hedge funds and can sell their shares to a larger number
of investors. Like hedge funds, funds of hedge funds are not mutual funds. Unlike
open-end mutual funds, funds of hedge funds offer very limited rights of redemption.
And, unlike ETFs, their shares are not typically listed on an exchange.
For more information about hedge funds, please read our publication entitled
Hedging Your Bets: A Heads Up on Hedge Funds and Funds of Hedge Funds at
For more information about funds of hedge funds, please read the Financial Industry
Regulatory Authoritys (FINRA) Investor Alert entitled Funds of Hedge FundsHigher
Costs and Risks for Higher Potential Returns at

Some of the traditional, distinguishing characteristics of mutual funds
include the following:

purchase mutual fund shares from the fund itself (or through
a broker for the fund) instead of from other investors on a secondary
market, such as the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq Stock Market.

The price that investors pay for mutual fund shares is the funds per share

net asset value (NAV) plus any shareholder fees that the fund imposes at
the time of purchase (such as sales loads).



fund shares are redeemable, meaning investors can sell their

shares back to the fund (or to a broker acting for the fund).

 utual funds generally create and sell new shares to accommodate new
investors. In other words, it sells its shares on a continuous basis, although
some funds stop selling when, for example, they become too large.

 he investment portfolios of mutual funds typically are managed by separate

entities known as investment advisers that are registered with the SEC.


Every investment has advantages and disadvantages. But its important
to remember that features that matter to one investor may not be important to you. Whether any particular feature is an advantage for you
will depend on your unique circumstances. For some investors, mutual
funds provide an attractive investment choice because they generally
offer the following features:

ManagementProfessional money managers research,
select, and monitor the performance of the securities the fund purchases.

is an investing strategy that can be
neatly summed up as Dont put all your eggs in one basket. Spreading
your investments across a wide range of companies and industry sectors
can help lower your risk if a company or sector fails. Some investors find
it easier to achieve diversification through ownership of mutual funds
rather than through ownership of individual stocks or bonds.
 ffordabilitySome mutual funds accommodate investors who dont
have a lot of money to invest by setting relatively low dollar amounts for
initial purchases, subsequent monthly purchases, or both.
 iquidityMutual fund investors can readily redeem their shares at the current NAVplus any fees and charges assessed on redemptionat any time.
But mutual funds also have features that some investors might view as
disadvantages, such as:

 osts Despite Negative ReturnsInvestors must pay sales charges,
annual fees, and other expenses (which we discuss in detail on page 13)
regardless of how the fund performs. And, depending on the timing of
their investment, investors may also have to pay taxes on any capital gains
distribution they receiveeven if the fund went on to perform poorly
after they bought shares.
 ack of ControlInvestors typically cannot ascertain the exact make-up
of a funds portfolio at any given time, nor can they directly influence which
securities the fund manager buys and sells or the timing of those trades.
 rice UncertaintyWith an individual stock, you can obtain real-time
(or close to real-time) pricing information with relative ease by checking
financial websites or by calling your broker. You can also monitor how a
stocks price changes from hour to houror even second to second. By
contrast, with a mutual fund, the price at which you purchase or redeem
shares will typically depend on the funds NAV, which the fund might
not calculate until many hours after youve placed your order. In general,
mutual funds must calculate their NAV at least once every business day,
typically after the major U.S. exchanges close.


When it comes to investing in mutual funds, investors have literally thousands of choices. Before you invest in any given fund, decide
whether the investment strategy and risks of the fund are a good fit for
you. The first step to successful investing is figuring out your financial
goals and risk toleranceeither on your own or with the help of a
financial professional. Once you know what youre saving for, when
youll need the money, and how much risk you can tolerate, you can
more easily narrow your choices.
Most mutual funds fall into one of three main categoriesmoney
market funds, bond funds (also called fixed income funds), and stock
funds (also called equity funds). Each type has different features and
different risks and rewards. Generally, the higher the potential return, the
higher the risk of loss.

Money Market Funds

Money market funds have relatively low risks, compared to other mutual funds (and most other investments). By law, they can invest in only
certain high-quality, short-term investments issued by the U.S. Government, U.S. corporations, and state and local governments. Money market funds try to keep their net asset value (NAV)which represents the
value of one share in a fundat a stable $1.00 per share. But the NAV
may fall below $1.00 if the funds investments perform poorly. Investor
losses have been rare, but they are possible.
Money market funds pay dividends that generally reflect short-term
interest rates, and historically the returns for money market funds have
been lower than for either bond or stock funds. Thats why inflation
riskthe risk that inflation will outpace and erode investment returns
over timecan be a potential concern for investors in money market
Bond Funds
Bond funds generally have higher risks than money market funds, largely
because they typically pursue strategies aimed at producing higher yields.
Unlike money market funds, the SECs rules do not restrict bond funds
to high-quality or short-term investments. Because there are many different types of bonds, bond funds can vary dramatically in their risks and
rewards. Some of the risks associated with bond funds include:
Credit Riskthe possibility that companies or other issuers whose
bonds are owned by the fund may fail to pay their debts (including
the debt owed to holders of their bonds). Credit risk is less of a factor
for bond funds that invest in insured bonds or U.S. Treasury Bonds. By
contrast, those that invest in the bonds of companies with poor credit
ratings generally will be subject to higher risk.
Interest Rate Riskthe risk that the market value of the bonds will
go down when interest rates go up. Because of this, you can lose money
in any bond fund, including those that invest only in insured bonds or
U.S. Treasury Bonds. Funds that invest in longer-term bonds tend to
have higher interest rate risk.

Prepayment Riskthe chance that a bond will be paid off early. For
example, if interest rates fall, a bond issuer may decide to pay off (or
retire) its debt and issue new bonds that pay a lower rate. When this
happens, the fund may not be able to reinvest the proceeds in an investment with as high a return or yield.
Stock Funds
Although a stock funds value can rise and fall quickly (and dramatically)
over the short term, historically stocks have performed better over the
long term than other types of investmentsincluding corporate bonds,
government bonds, and treasury securities.
Overall market risk poses the greatest potential danger for investors in stocks funds. Stock prices can fluctuate for a broad range of
reasonssuch as the overall strength of the economy or demand for
particular products or services.
Not all stock funds are the same. For example:
Growth funds focus on stocks that may not pay a regular dividend but have
the potential for large capital gains.
Income funds invest in stocks that pay regular dividends.
I ndex funds aim to achieve the same return as a particular market index,
such as the S&P 500 Composite Stock Price Index, by investing in allor
perhaps a representative sampleof the companies included in an index.
 ector funds may specialize in a particular industry segment, such as technology or consumer products stocks.


You can purchase shares in some mutual funds by contacting the fund
directly. Other mutual fund shares are sold mainly through brokers,
banks, financial planners, or insurance agents. All mutual funds will
redeem (buy back) your shares on any business day and must send you
the payment within seven days.


A family of funds is a group of mutual funds that share administrative and

distribution systems. Each fund in a family may have different investment objectives
and follow different strategies.
Some funds offer exchange privileges within a family of funds, allowing shareholders
to transfer their holdings from one fund to another as their investment goals or
tolerance for risk change. While some funds impose fees for exchanges, most funds
typically do not. To learn more about a funds exchange policies, call the funds tollfree number, visit its website, or read the shareholder information section of the
Bear in mind that exchanges have tax consequences. Even if the fund doesnt charge
you for the transfer, youll be liable for any capital gain on the sale of your old shares
or, depending on the circumstances, eligible to take a capital loss. Well discuss
taxes in further detail below.

The easiest way to determine the value of your shares is to call the funds
toll-free number or visit its website. The financial pages of major newspapers
sometimes print the NAVs for various mutual funds.When you buy shares, you
pay the current NAV per share plus any fee the fund assesses at the time of purchase, such as a purchase sales load or other type of purchase fee.When you sell
your shares, the fund will pay you the NAV minus any fee the fund assesses at
the time of redemption, such as a deferred (or back-end) sales load or redemption fee. A funds NAV goes up or down daily as its holdings change in value.


You can earn money from your investment in three ways:
1. Dividend PaymentsA fund may earn income in the form of
dividends and interest on the securities in its portfolio. The fund
then pays its shareholders nearly all of the income (minus disclosed
expenses) it has earned in the form of dividends.


2. Capital Gains DistributionsThe price of the securities a fund

owns may increase. When a fund sells a security that has increased in
price, the fund has a capital gain. At the end of the year, most funds
distribute these capital gains (minus any capital losses) to investors.
3. Increased NAVIf the market value of a funds portfolio increases,
after deduction of expenses and liabilities, then the value (NAV) of
the fund and its shares increases. The higher NAV reflects the higher
value of your investment.
With respect to dividend payments and capital gains distributions,
funds usually will give you a choice: the fund can send you a check or
other form of payment, or you can have your dividends or distributions
reinvested in the fund to buy more shares (often without paying an additional sales load).


Factors to Consider
Thinking about your long-term investment strategies and tolerance for
risk can help you decide what type of fund is best suited for you. But
you should also consider the effect that fees and taxes will have on your
returns over time.

All funds carry some level of risk. You may lose some or all of the
money you investyour principalbecause the securities held by a
fund go up and down in value. Dividend or interest payments may also
fluctuate as market conditions change.
Before you invest, be sure to read a funds prospectus and shareholder
reports to learn about its investment strategy and the potential risks.
Funds with higher rates of return may take risks that are beyond your
comfort level and are inconsistent with your financial goals.

Derivatives are financial instruments whose performance is derived, at least in part,

from the performance of an underlying asset, security, or index. Even small market
movements can dramatically affect their value, sometimes in unpredictable ways.
There are many types of derivatives with many different uses. A funds prospectus
will disclose whether and how it may use derivatives. You may also want to call a
fund and ask how it uses these instruments.


As with any business, running a mutual fund involves costsincluding
shareholder transaction costs, investment advisory fees, and marketing
and distribution expenses. Funds pass along these costs to investors by
imposing fees and expenses. It is important that you understand these
charges because they lower your returns.

Some funds impose shareholder fees directly on investors whenever

they buy or sell shares. In addition, every fund has regular, recurring,
fund-wide operating expenses. Funds typically pay their operating expenses out of fund assetswhich means that investors indirectly pay
these costs.
SEC rules require funds to disclose both shareholder fees and operating expenses in a fee table near the front of a funds prospectus.
The lists below will help you decode the fee table and understand the
various fees a fund may impose:
Shareholder Fees
Sales Charge (Load) on Purchasestheamountyoupaywhenyou
urchase Feeanothertypeoffeethatsomefundschargetheirshareholderswhentheybuyshares.Unlikeafront-endsalesload,anafterpurchasefeeispaidtothefund(nottoabroker)andistypicallyimposedto
eferred Sales Charge (Load)afeeyoupaywhenyousellyour
brokers that sell the funds shares.The most common type of backendsalesloadisthecontingentdeferredsalesload(alsoknownasa
edemption Feeanothertypeoffeethatsomefundschargetheir

xchange Feea fee that some funds impose on shareholders if they
ccount Feeafeethatsomefundsseparatelyimposeoninvestors
some funds impose an account maintenance fee on accounts whose
Annual Fund Operating Expenses
Management Feesfeesthatarepaidoutoffundassetstothefunds
investment adviser for investment portfolio management, any other
Distribution [and/or Service] Fees (12b-1 Fees)feespaidby
services.Distribution fees include fees to compensate brokers and
ther Expensesexpenses not included underManagement Fees
orDistributionorService(12b-1)Fees,suchasanyshareholderservice expenses that are not already included in the 12b-1 fees, custodialexpenses,legalandaccountingexpenses,transferagentexpenses,and
otal Annual Fund Operating Expenses (Expense Ratio)


Be sure to review carefully the fee tables of any funds youre considering, including no-load funds. Even small differences in fees can
translate into large differences in returns over time. For example, if you
invested $10,000 in a fund that produced a 10% annual return before
expenses and had annual operating expenses of 1.5%, then after 20 years
you would have roughly $49,725. But if the fund had expenses of only
0.5%, then you would end up with $60,858an 18% difference.


Some funds call themselves no-load. As the name implies, this means that the
fund does not charge any type of sales load. But, as discussed above, not every type
of shareholder fee is a sales load. A no-load fund may charge fees that are not sales
loads, such as purchase fees, redemption fees, exchange fees, and account fees. Noload funds will also have operating expenses.
Some mutual funds that charge front-end sales loads will charge lower sales loads
for larger investments. The investment levels required to obtain a reduced sales load
are commonly referred to as breakpoints.
The SEC does not require a fund to offer breakpoints in the funds sales load. But, if
breakpoints exist, the fund must disclose them. In addition, a brokerage firm that is a
member of FINRA (formerly known as the National Association of Securities Dealers)
should not sell you shares of a fund in an amount that is just below the funds sales
load breakpoint simply to earn a higher commission.
Each fund company establishes its own formula for how it will calculate whether an
investor is entitled to receive a breakpoint. For that reason, it is important to seek out
breakpoint information from your financial advisor or the fund itself. Youll need to ask
how a particular fund establishes eligibility for breakpoint discounts, as well as what
the funds breakpoint amounts are.


Many mutual funds offer more than one class of shares. For example,
you may have seen a fund that offers Class A and Class B shares.
Each class will invest in the same pool (or investment portfolio) of securities and will have the same investment objectives and policies. But
each class will have different shareholder services and/or distribution
arrangements with different fees and expenses. As a result, each class
will likely have different performance results.
A multi-class structure offers investors the ability to select a fee and
expense structure that is most appropriate for their investment goals
(including the time that they expect to remain invested in the fund).
Here are some key characteristics of the most common mutual fund
share classes offered to individual investors:
lass A SharesClassAsharestypicallyimposeafront-endsalesload.
lass B SharesClassBsharestypicallydonothaveafront-endsales
load. Instead, they may impose a contingent deferred sales load and a
lass C SharesClassCsharesmighthavea12b-1fee,otherannual


When you buy and hold an individual stock or bond, you must pay
income tax each year on the dividends or interest you receive. But
you wont have to pay any capital gains tax until you actually sell and
unless you make a profit.
Mutual funds are different. When you buy and hold mutual fund
shares, you will owe income tax on any ordinary dividends in the year you
receive or reinvest them. And, in addition to owing taxes on any personal
capital gains when you sell your shares, you may also have to pay taxes each
year on the funds capital gains. Thats because the law requires mutual funds
to distribute capital gains to shareholders if they sell securities for a profit
that cant be offset by a loss.


If you invest in a tax-exempt fundsuch as a municipal bond fundsome or all of

your dividends will be exempt from federal (and sometimes state and local) income
tax. You will, however, owe taxes on any capital gains.

Bear in mind that if you receive a capital gains distribution, you will
likely owe taxeseven if the fund has had a negative return from the
point during the year when you purchased your shares. For this reason,
you should call the fund to find out when it makes distributions so
you wont pay more than your fair share of taxes. Some funds post that
information on their websites.
SEC rules require mutual funds to disclose in their prospectuses
after-tax returns. In calculating after-tax returns, mutual funds must use
standardized formulas similar to the ones used to calculate before-tax
average annual total returns. Youll find a funds after-tax returns in the
Risk/Return Summary section of the prospectus. When comparing
funds, be sure to take taxes into account.


Avoiding Common Pitfalls

If you decide to invest in mutual funds, be sure to obtain as much
relevant information as possible about the fund before you invest. And
dont make assumptions about the soundness of the fund based solely
on its past performance or its name.

When you purchase shares of a mutual fund, the fund must provide you
with a prospectus. But you can and should request and read a funds
prospectus before you invest. The prospectus is the funds selling document and contains valuable information, such as the funds investment
objectives or goals, principal strategies for achieving those goals, principal risks of investing in the fund, fees and expenses, and past performance. The prospectus also identifies the funds managers and advisers
and describes how to purchase and redeem fund shares.
While they may seem daunting at first, mutual fund prospectuses contain a treasure trove of valuable information. The SEC requires
funds to include specific categories of information in their prospectuses
and to present key data (such as fees and past performance) in a standard
format so that investors can more easily compare different funds.
Heres some of what youll find in mutual fund prospectuses:
Date of IssueThedateoftheprospectusshouldappearonthefront
Risk/Return Bar Chart and TableNearthefrontoftheprospectus,
goals,strategies,andrisks,youllfindabar chartshowingthefundsannual

Except in limited circumstances, funds also must include a table that

sets forth returnsboth before and after taxesfor the past 1-, 5-, and
10-year periods. The table will also include the returns of an appropriate broad-based index for comparison purposes. Heres what the table
will look like:




Return before taxes

Return after taxes on distributions

Return after taxes on distributions

and sale of fund shares

(reflects no deductions for fees,
expenses, or taxes)

Note: Be sure to read any footnotes or accompanying explanations to make

sure that you fully understand the data the fund provides in the bar
chart and table. Also, bear in mind that the bar chart and table for a
multiple-class fund (that offers more than one class of fund shares in
the prospectus) will typically show performance data and returns for
only one class.
 ee TableFollowing the performance bar chart and annual returns
table, youll find a table that describes the funds fees and expenses.
These include the shareholder fees and annual fund operating
expenses described in greater detail (on pages 12-14). The fee table
includes an example that will help you compare costs among different funds by showing you the costs associated with investing a hypothetical $10,000 over a 1-, 3-, 5-, and 10-year period.
 inancial HighlightsThis section, which generally appears
towards the back of the prospectus, contains audited data concerning the funds financial performance for each of the past 5 years.

Here youll find net asset values (for both the beginning and end of
each period), total returns, and various ratios, including the ratio of
expenses to average net assets, the ratio of net income to average net
assets, and the portfolio turnover rate.
Some mutual funds also furnish investors with a profile, which summarizes key information contained in the funds prospectus, such as the funds
investment objectives, principal investment strategies, principal risks, performance, fees and expenses, after-tax returns, identity of the funds investment adviser, investment requirements, and other information.
Statement of Additional Information (SAI)
Also known as Part B of the registration statement, the SAI explains
a funds operations in greater detail than the prospectusincluding the
funds financial statements and details about the history of the fund,
fund policies on borrowing and concentration, the identity of officers,
directors, and persons who control the fund, investment advisory and
other services, brokerage commissions, tax matters, and performance
such as yield and average annual total return information. If you ask,
the fund must send you an SAI. The back cover of the funds prospectus
should contain information on how to obtain the SAI.
Shareholder Reports
A mutual fund also must provide shareholders with annual and semiannual reports within 60 days after the end of the funds fiscal year and
60 days after the funds fiscal mid-year. These reports contain a variety
of updated financial information, a list of the funds portfolio securities,
and other information. The information in the shareholder reports will
be current as of the date of the particular report (that is, the last day of
the funds fiscal year for the annual report, and the last day of the funds
fiscal mid-year for the semi-annual report).


Investors can obtain all of these documents by:

Calling or writing to the fund (all mutual funds have toll-free telephone numbers);
Visiting the funds website;
Contacting a broker that sells the funds shares;
Searching the SECs EDGAR database at
edgar.shtml and downloading the documents for free; or
Contacting the SECs Office of Investor Education and Advocacy
by telephone at (202) 551-8090, by fax at (202) 772-9295, or by
email at Please be aware that we charge a per
page fee for photocopying.

A funds past performance is not as important as you might think. Advertisements, rankings, and ratings often emphasize how well a fund has performed in the past. But studies show that the future is often different. This
years number one fund can easily become next years below average fund.
Be sure to find out how long the fund has been in existence. Newly
created or small funds sometimes have excellent short-term performance records. Because these funds may invest in only a small number
of stocks, a few successful stocks can have a large impact on their performance. But as these funds grow larger and increase the number of
stocks they own, each stock has less impact on performance. This may
make it more difficult to sustain initial results.
While past performance does not necessarily predict future returns, it
can tell you how volatile (or stable) a fund has been over a period of time.
Generally, the more volatile a fund, the higher the investment risk. If youll
need your money to meet a financial goal in the near-term, you probably
cant afford the risk of investing in a fund with a volatile history because
you will not have enough time to ride out any declines in the stock market.


Dont assume that a fund called the XYZ Stock Fund invests only in
stocks or that the Martian High-Yield Fund invests only in the securities of companies headquartered on the planet Mars. The SEC requires
that any mutual fund with a name suggesting that it focuses on a particular type of investment must invest at least 80% of its assets in the type
of investment suggested by its name. But funds can still invest up to onefifth of their holdings in other types of securitiesincluding securities
that you might consider too risky or perhaps not aggressive enough.


Many banks now sell mutual funds, some of which carry the banks
name. But mutual funds sold in banks, including money market funds,
are not bank deposits. As a result, they are not federally insured by the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).


Dont confuse a money market fund with a money market deposit account. The
names are similar, but they are completely different:

 money market fund is a type of mutual fund. It is not guaranteed or FDIC
insured. When you buy shares in a money market fund, you should receive a

 money market deposit account is a bank deposit. It is guaranteed and FDIC
insured. When you deposit money in a money market deposit account, you
should receive a Truth in Savings form.


If You Have Problems

If you encounter a problem with your mutual fund, you can send us
your complaint using our online complaint form at
complaint.shtml. You can also reach us by regular mail at:

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Office of Investor Education and Advocacy
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549-0213
Toll-free: (800) 732-0330

For more information about investing wisely and avoiding fraud,

please check out the Investor Information section of our website at


Glossary of Key Mutual Fund Terms

12b-1 Feesfees paid by the fund out of fund assets to cover the costs of
marketing and selling fund shares and sometimes to cover the costs of providing
shareholder services.Distribution fees include fees to compensate brokers and
others who sell fund shares and to pay for advertising, the printing and mailing
of prospectuses to new investors, and the printing and mailing of sales literature.
Shareholder Service Fees are fees paid to persons to respond to investor inquiries and provide investors with information about their investments.
Account Feea fee that some funds separately impose on investors
for the maintenance of their accounts. For example, accounts below a
specified dollar amount may have to pay an account fee.
Back-end Loada sales charge (also known as a deferred sales
charge) investors pay when they redeem (or sell) mutual fund shares,
generally used by the fund to compensate brokers.
Classesdifferent types of shares issued by a single fund, often referred
to as Class A shares, Class B shares, and so on. Each class invests in the
same pool (or investment portfolio) of securities and has the same
investment objectives and policies. But each class has different shareholder services and/or distribution arrangements with different fees
and expenses and therefore different performance results.
Closed-end Funda type of investment company that does not continuously offer its shares for sale but instead sells a fixed number of shares at one
time (in the initial public offering) which then typically trade on a secondary
market, such as the New York Stock Exchange or the Nasdaq Stock Market.
Legally known as a closed-end company.
Contingent Deferred Sales Loada type of back-end load, the
amount of which depends on the length of time the investor held his or
her shares. For example, a contingent deferred sales load might be (X)%
if an investor holds his or her shares for one year, (X-1)% after two
years, and so on until the load reaches zero and goes away completely.

Conversiona feature some funds offer that allows investors to automatically change from one class to another (typically with lower annual
expenses) after a set period of time. The funds prospectus or profile will
state whether a class ever converts to another class.
Deferred Sales Chargesee back-end load (above).
Distribution Feesfees paid out of fund assets to cover expenses for
marketing and selling fund shares, including advertising costs, compensation for brokers and others who sell fund shares, and payments for
printing and mailing prospectuses to new investors and sales literature
prospective investors. Sometimes referred to as 12b-1 fees.
Exchange Feea fee that some funds impose on shareholders if they
exchange (transfer) to another fund within the same fund group.
Exchange-Traded Fundsa type of an investment company (either
an open-end company or UIT) whose objective is to achieve the same
return as a particular market index. ETFs differ from traditional openend companies and UITs, because, pursuant to SEC exemptive orders,
shares issued by ETFs trade on a secondary market and are only redeemable from the fund itself in very large blocks (blocks of 50,000
shares for example).
Expense Ratiothe funds total annual operating expenses (including management fees, distribution (12b-1) fees, and other expenses)
expressed as a percentage of average net assets.
Front-end Loadan upfront sales charge investors pay when they
purchase fund shares, generally used by the fund to compensate brokers.
A front-end load reduces the amount available to purchase fund shares.
Index Funddescribes a type of mutual fund or Unit Investment
Trust (UIT) whose investment objective typically is to achieve the same
return as a particular market index, such as the S&P 500 Composite
Stock Price Index, the Russell 2000 Index, or the Wilshire 5000 Total
Market Index.

Investment Advisergenerally, a person or entity who receives compensation for giving individually tailored advice to a specific person on
investing in stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. Some investment advisers
also manage portfolios of securities, including mutual funds.
Investment Companya company (corporation, business trust, partnership, or limited liability company) that issues securities and is primarily engaged in the business of investing in securities. The three basic
types of investment companies are mutual funds, closed-end funds, and
unit investment trusts.
Loadsee Sales Charge.
Management Feefee paid out of fund assets to the funds investment adviser for investment portfolio management, any other management fees payable to the funds investment adviser or its affiliates, and
any administrative fee payable to the investment adviser that are not
included in the Other Expenses category. A funds management fees
appears as a category under Annual Fund Operating Expenses in the
Fee Table.
Market Indexa measurement of the performance of a specific basket of
stocks considered to represent a particular market or sector of the U. S. stock
market or the economy. For example, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)
is an index of 30 blue chip U. S. stocks of industrial companies (excluding
transportation and utility companies).
Mutual Fundthe common name for an open-end investment company. Like other types of investment companies, mutual funds pool
money from many investors and invest the money in stocks, bonds,
short-term money-market instruments, or other securities. Mutual
funds issue redeemable shares that investors purchase directly from the
fund (or through a broker for the fund) instead of purchasing from investors on a secondary market.


NAV (Net Asset Value)the value of the funds assets minus its liabilities. SEC rules require funds to calculate the NAV at least once
daily. To calculate the NAV per share, simply subtract the funds liabilities from its assets and then divide the result by the number of shares
No-load Funda fund that does not charge any type of sales load.
But not every type of shareholder fee is a sales load, and a no-load
fund may charge fees that are not sales loads. No-load funds also charge
operating expenses.
Open-end Companythe legal name for a mutual fund. An openend company is a type of investment company.
Operating Expensesthe costs a fund incurs in connection with
running the fund, including management fees, distribution (12b-1) fees,
and other expenses.
Portfolioan individuals or entitys combined holdings of stocks,
bonds, or other securities and assets.
Profilesummarizes key information about a mutual funds costs, investment objectives, risks, and performance. Although every mutual
fund has a prospectus, not every mutual fund has a profile.
Prospectusdescribes the mutual fund to prospective investors. Every mutual fund has a prospectus. The prospectus contains information about the mutual funds costs, investment objectives, risks, and
performance. You can get a prospectus from the mutual fund company
(through its website or by phone or mail).Your financial professional or
broker can also provide you with a copy.
Purchase Feea shareholder fee that some funds charge when investors purchase mutual fund shares. Not the same as (and may be in addition to) a front-end load.


Redemption Feea shareholder fee that some funds charge when

investors redeem (or sell) mutual fund shares. Redemption fees (which
must be paid to the fund) are not the same as (and may be in addition
to) a back-end load (which is typically paid to a broker). The SEC generally limits redemption fees to 2%.
Sales Charge (or Load)the amount that investors pay when they
purchase (front-end load) or redeem (back-end load) shares in a mutual
fund, similar to a commission. The SECs rules do not limit the size of
sales load a fund may charge, but FINRAs rules state that mutual fund
sales loads cannot exceed 8.5% and must be even lower depending on
other fees and charges assessed.
Shareholder Service Feesfees paid to persons to respond to investor inquiries and provide investors with information about their investments. See also 12b-1 fees.
Statement of Additional Information (SAI)conveys information
about an open-or closed-end fund that is not necessarily needed by
investors to make an informed investment decision, but that some investors find useful. Although funds are not required to provide investors
with the SAI, they must give investors the SAI upon request and without charge. Also known as Part B of the funds registration statement.
Total Annual Fund Operating Expensethe total of a funds annual
fund operating expenses, expressed as a percentage of the funds average
net assets. Youll find the total in the funds fee table in the prospectus.
Unit Investment Trust (UIT)a type of investment company that typically makes a one-time public offering of only a specific, fixed number
of units. A UIT will terminate and dissolve on a date established when the
UIT is created (although some may terminate more than fifty years after
they are created). UITs do not actively trade their investment portfolios.


SEC Pub. 002 (08/07)

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