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Classroom Management Plan: Welcome To Miss Schlabach's Classroom

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Welcome to Miss Schlabachs Classroom

PART ONE: First Days Lesson Plan

Day One
Objective: Students and the teacher will get to know one another as well as
thoroughly understand the expectations for the school year.
Miss Schlabach Introduction PowerPoint
First Day of School Forms- copies for every student
(1) Take Home Folder for every student
(1) ELA/SS Binder for every student
Copies of You are You and I am I worksheet
Colored Pencils
1) Students will arrive into the classroom at the start of the school day. For my
homeroom class, students will have their take home folder and school forms on their
desk. Students will be advised to put these in the folder in front of them in which they
will label Take Home.
2) Students will be welcomed into the classroom as I tell them a little about myself. I
have included in my slide about myself: 3 Likes, 3 Dislikes, 3 Things I Want to Learn
This Year, 3 Fun Facts, and 3 Favorites.
3) Students will now be given the You are You and I am I worksheet and will need to fill
it out. I will keep these in the classroom and I will bring them up as the school year goes
4) Students will be asked to bring in 3 pictures for the following day: one of just
themselves, one of their favorite thing(s), and 1 thing they think describes them as a
person. Students will be shown these three photos that I have selected for myself.
Students will also be told that we will use these for a Be the Match activity tomorrow.
5) Students will now be given a blank sheet of paper. Students will be asked what they
think we should achieve this year and what their expectations are for the class. Give
students an example of an expectation: I will always be respectful to my teacher by
always saying please and thank you. We will compile this together in order to make The
Schlabach Room Mission. It will stand as our mission statement for the remainder of the
school year.
6) Now, we will move onto the name game. Students will stand in a large circle around
the room. Each student will need to make a sign that can be a representation for them.
Think charades! Students will go around the circle stating everyones name with their
sign and then their own until we make it around the whole room. This activity will not
only allow me to get to know students name but also for students to know their peers


You are You and I am I

Three Things You Like

Three Favorites







Three Things You Dislike

Three Fun Facts
Three Things You want to Learn this Year

Day Two
Objective: Students and the teacher will understand each student more thoroughly by
participating in the Be the Match activity and the Birthday Party game! Students will also
understand the basic procedures of the classroom.
(3) pictures per student
Chalkboard/Dry Erase Board
An open space by the board so that students are able to move around comfortably

1) Students will come into the classroom and will sit at the seat with their name.
2) Students will be asked to get out their (3) pictures: one of themselves, one of their
favorite things, and one that describes themselves. Students will be instructed to put
their name on the picture of themselves and tape it to the board at the front. The rest of
the pictures will be put in a basket at the front of the room.
3) Students will now go around the room and tell us about themselves. They will give a
hint to what theyre pictures are but not giving it away! I will use my example: my picture
is of Ohio State football. To describe myself, Ill say that I love the Buckeyes!
4) Students will now be given 1-2 pictures from their classmates. Students will now go
to the board and try to match the pictures to the person. Students may help and
collaborate with one another as they make the matches of their classmates. Students
will have 5 minutes to do this.
5) Students will now go back to their seats. I will ask them how they think they did on
matching their classmates. Students will now go to the board and make any changes so
that all students are matched with their correct pictures.
6) Now, students will discuss what, as a class, we have in common. Do we love
football? Playing outdoors? Reading? Students will decide on what patterns our class
has as a whole.
7) Now we will change gears. Students will get in a circle around the room. They will be
told that they have to put themselves in order of birthdays, but without talking. Students
will be given 7 minutes to do this.
8) Students will now return to their seats and we will go over the basic procedures of the
classroom. Students will go over: May I go to the restroom? Navigating the Library,
Lunch Munch, Being Sharp, and Moving Up to Purple. (These procedures will be
described more in depth in Part Three of the Classroom Management Plan)

PART TWO: Classroom Rules

Classroom Rules
1) Raise your hand when you would like to talk or add to conversation.
2) Listen while others are talking.
3) Show respect for school and personal property.
4) Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
5) Abide by The Schlabach Room Mission.
Why are These Important?
With rule number one, I want to keep the tradition of raising your hand in the
classroom. Its important that we keep order in the classroom but I also want students to
know that I want them to talk and add to conversation, versus just asking permission to
speak. Raising hands allows for students to all get a chance to talk without mass chaos

of everyone talking at once. Although there will be time in which students will not need
to raise their hand (during grand conversations and other types of activities), I still want
students to get into the routine of raising their hand. The consequence for not abiding by
this rule will be to receive a mark on the Moving Up to Purple Chart.
For rule number two, I want it to be known that although you, as the student, are
not talking, you should still be listening. In my first days of school plan, I wanted to make
it known to my students that it is important they work well and collaboratively together.
However, I dont think they can do that unless they listen to each others ideas, opinions,
and questions. This allows the classroom to be an open learning environment. Students
will need to listen to each other in order for the classroom to be such a learning
environment. The consequence for this would be to receive a mark on the Moving Up
to Purple Chart. If continued lack of listening, students will be asked to stay after class
to discuss and how to improve their listening skills.
For rule number three, I know that students will be using a lot of materials that
are either of their own personal property, my property, or the schools property. Its
important that the students understand that the things we use in the classroom are to be
respected and cared for so that we can use them time and time again for other
activities. If students cant respect the materials in various activities, a new lesson will
have to be prepared. I want students to know that I choose materials based on what I
feel will help them learn best and that we need to respect them in order to learn. The
consequence for this would be to receive a mark on the Moving Up to Purple Chart. If
students continue to disrespect the materials, students will be asked to leave the room
for different activities and given a separate assignment.
For rule number four, I want students to know it is not only important for them to
respect the materials, but also the people around them. I want students to know in order
for activities and for learning to take place; we must treat each other kindly and fairly. If
we cant respect one another, then we will need to refer to the Schlabach Room
Mission. This mission is based on the expectations the class feels is important. They will
have written this on the first day of school and will be held accountable for it. If we cant
respect one another, the mission is invalid and students will need to reevaluate what
they want out of the class. The consequence for not keeping hands/feet to you and
respecting one another would be a mark on the Moving Up to Purple Chart. If
continued, students will be asked to stay after class to discuss and how they can be
more respectful to their peers. If the action does not stop, a call home and an office
referral will take place.
For rule number five, it is important that students abide by the Schlabach Room
Mission. This mission is something the students come up with on the first day of school.
It goes into depth about what they want out of the class and how we can make it an
open learning environment. Its important that students understand and know the
mission so that they stay true to what they expect from me as their teacher and what
they expect from themselves as a student. Failure to abide by the Schlabach Room

Mission will result in a revision of the mission and a mark on the Moving Up to Purple

PART THREE: Classroom Procedures/Routines

May I go the Restroom?

The answer to this question will always be yes! However, in order for classroom learning
to still take place, you must first ask yourself these three questions: Is it an appropriate
time? Do I have my work done? Do I really need to go? Before you leave the
classroom, be sure to write your name on the dry erase board by the door so I can
always keep track of who is in the room and who is not!
Rationale: Too many times, when in a classroom, you find students always leaving the
classroom in order to go to the restroom. They ask to simply get out of the classroom
because they are bored or feel like getting out of a certain activity. However, the answer
to the question should always be yes. Students need to know that they are welcome to
use the restroom; however, it needs to be an appropriate time and an actual need to
use the restroom.

Navigating the Library

In the classroom, I will have a library so that students can check in and out books. In
order for students to check out a book from the library, they will need to write in the
library binder the title of the book, the date they checked it out, and their name. When
students check the book back in, they will need to record the date and place the book in
the Check In bin. A classrom job that I will have for one student a week will be to
organize the classroom library by taking the books from the Check In bin and putting
them back on the shelf. This way, students are held accountable for what books are
coming in and out of the classroom and ensuring their classroom library stays
organized. At the end of the quarter, I will go through the binder to make sure all of the
students who checked out books, checked them back in. If they have not, they will need
to find the book and if not found, pay for a replacement.
Rationale: I want students to understand that the library is there for their use and for
them to regulate it. It is a responsibility that I feel the students should have in the
classroom because they are the ones using it but also because I want them to make the
most use out of it. Although I understand I will need to ensure books are being taken
care of, returned, or if need be, replaced, students should have the responsibility to take
care of the library.

Lunch Munch
Students will each have a slot with their name on it on the door of the classroom. At the
front by the calendar, the lunch menu will be available for students (A-D). Below the
menu, will be four buckets (A-D) filled with Popsicle sticks. Students are to put the
corresponding popsicle stick with the lunch they want in their slot on the door. Example)
I want D lunch, so I pick up the D Popsicle stick and put it in my slot. This is an easy
way for students to order their lunch but also, as the teacher, to take attendance. If a
student hasnt ordered their lunch, they are either absent or they forgot to order.
Rationale: This procedure allows for students to have a responsibility as soon as they
walk into the classroom. It is also an easy way for students to order their lunch quickly
and for attendance to be taken within the first few minutes of class. This is a procedure
that should be done in the homeroom classroom.

Being Sharp
To avoid students sharpening pencils during class and ensuring that each student
comes prepared to the classroom, students will need to go back to the Material Table
after they order their lunch. They are to choose one pencil and one eraser. They are to
sharpen their pencil at the start of the class and return to their seat. If students need any
other materials from the table, they will be informed on the board. Students should
always look at the board for instructions before returning to their seat.
Rationale: Based on many classrooms Ive seen, the day runs smoother when students
have the necessary materials for the day. Having them available for them is the best
way to ensure that they come to class prepared and ready to learn.

Moving Up to Purple
At the front of the classroom, there will be a chart that has the colors red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, and purple. Each student will have clothes pin with their name on it
and all students will start with their pin on green. This means that they are ready to learn
and ready to go for the day. If a student fails to follow the classroom rules and has to be
reminded to remain on task, the student will move down to yellow. If reminded 3 times,
the student will move to orange. If the student needs to be reminded more than 3 times,
a parent will be contacted and an office referral will be written. If a student makes it to
red during the day, it shows me they are not in the classroom for the right reasons and
that they are not ready to learn for the day. If by the time they make it to orange and I
feel they need to be taken out into the hallway, I will do so.
In order for a student to move up from green to blue, they will need to show that they
are continually prepared and making good choices. If a student goes above and beyond
by assisting others without being asked, being a role model, and continually
participating, students will be asked to move to purple. If a student receives so many
purples in a week, a sweet treat will be given to them.
Rationale: I want students to understand and abide by the rules of the classroom. By
giving them the opportunity to move up to purple, students will be driven to do well in
the classroom. However, if a student seems to be off task and fails to follow the rules,
the student needs to be reprimanded in some way. The chart is a visual way for
students to see how they are doing behaviorally in the classroom. By having them move
their pin, they know what they need to do better in order to move up on the chart.

PART FOUR: Parent/Trusted Adult Communication Plan

August 2016
Dear Parents/Families/Guardians,

I am so pleased to introduce myself as your childs 6th grade Language Arts and
Social Studies teacher! I am so happy to have your child in my classroom and together we can
make this year a memorable one. To start off the school year right, I would like you to fill out the
form at the bottom of this letter with your contact information. Attached to this letter are also
forms that allow you to understand the procedures and routines of the classroom. This will
enable us to make this a very positive and rewarding year. In order to make this year as
productive as possible, I feel that an open line of communication between the parent, student,
and teacher is the key to promoting a positive educational climate. I am very much looking
forward to working with you and your child. Together, we can make a difference in your childs
life by working as a team to ensure your childs learning.
Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions, concerns, or situations that you would
like to discuss. After I receive your contact information, you will receive additional
communication throughout the school year. I look forward to building a relationship with you and
your child and thus providing the best education that I am capable of giving.
Samantha Schlabach
Relationship to Student______________________
Whats the best time to contact you? ______________(AM/PM)

At the start of each month, families will receive a Schlabach newsletter. This will entail
the curriculum that will be covered in the class and upcoming events at the school. An
online newsletter will also be available. Because many parents, families, and students
are on their mobile devices, parents can also use the Instagram and Twitter app to see
what is happening in the classroom. Students can follow the class Twitter and Instagram
@schlab_middie6. Photos, updates, and fun activities we did in the classroom will be
available for parents, families, and students to like, favorite, and repost for all to see the
happenings in the Schlabach classroom.

During parent-teacher conference time, families will be asked if they would like to
request a conference with the teacher. They will need to include a time that they are

available to come in (given available times) and I as the teacher will arrange my
schedule for parent-teacher conference night accordingly. However, if I request a
conference with a student, I will give parents two times they can choose from in order to
come in and conference with me.
November 2016
If you would like to request a parent-teacher conference for your child, please list three available
times for you to come in. Note: the dates for conferences are 11/23 and 11/25 starting promptly
at 4. By giving me three available times, it allows for easy scheduling and flexibility for other
Students Name_______________________________
1st Time:______________________________
2nd Time:______________________________
3rd Time:_______________________________

I believe that parents should not only be contacted for negative actions in the
classroom, but also positive actions in the classrooms. Above, I have pictured a
communication log that I will use actively in my classroom. I want to ensure that I
contact at least two families each week with something positive. Negative parent
contacts will be on a need basis. However, I will log in what way I contacted them and
for what reason. Positive actions that will result in a contact home can be anything from
consistently getting on purple to following the classroom rules regularly. It could be that
the student showed compassion towards another student or was showing respect to all
teachers. On the flip side, negative actions that would result in a contact home is getting
on red continuously, a change in behavior or academics, or lack of respect in the

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