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Personal Life Philosophy

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The four most important values discussed are family, respect, work, and faith.

The four most important values discussed are family, respect, work, and faith.

Karen Meneses values respect because of a confrontation with her mother as a teenager where she learned she must respect her father as her role, and she has seen the positive impact of respect in her career.

Karen Meneses

Personal life Philosophy

I honestly had never thought about my personal philosophy. Sure thing
I had my personal views on life and I did think of life in my own way because
of what I have personally been though and my life experiences but I havent
really payed close attention. When I think about it though, the four most
important values I have are number one, my family. Not just blood family but
people that surround us in our everyday life that really care and show love
for us, those are the people I have learned are the ones we need to keep
close and value. The second most important value to me is respect. Whether
it be at work or our everyday tasks with our siblings, parents, co-workers, or
our spouses, respect is really the key to living happy. Respect amongst one
another will also make our lives more pleasurable and easier to live with. The
third most important thing I personally is Work. Ever since I was a little girl,
my father always taught my siblings and I, that work and having good work
ethic is a must and should be something that we keep. Being a hard worker
is what will let us go far in our jobs and careers. This I have carried through
my life and so far it has worked for me. The fourth and last thing I will discuss
in my values is something different. I personally value faith. I believe in faith
and destiny and tie that with God. I believe that God has a plan for everyone
and he lets and stop events from happening for a specific reason beyond our

Karen Meneses

This was something that was a little difficult for me to write about just
because I have my beliefs and that is about it. I dont know how to keep
talking about something I believe in and know that it defines me. I honestly
did not see much to it. So I looked up was articles about family values. There
on I realized that family is so important and universal.
This is such a neat thing that I had never really thought about. Family is
something that unlike other things is something that is important in all
cultures. We may still have different ways of expressing our love to our
family members, or maybe each family member has a differernt role
depending on their culture but either way we stand up for our family
members and feel that close and intimate connection with them. This brings
me to my next point where when I was young and my family had problems I
would get upset but my mother would tell me not to worry that even the
most royal and best families have problems and only the strongest will come
out strong and together. There was no way of knowing which families are
strong if they are never put up to the test. It is also something that we
learned. We are born feeling love for our mothers and maybe the father and
the people that were close to our mothers when they were pregnant but we
do not know what family is when we are born yet very soon we know and we
feel safe around recognized faces. This is one of the best things about family,
feeling and and comfortable around our family members even if we do not
mean to. For my final remarks on family, it is an incredible bond that we form
and let grow like a plant if properly nourished. Family is also something that

Karen Meneses

defines us and shapes us to be unique individuals with our own traditions

and beliefs within our own little families. In all honesty, I think I value family
so much because my family has struggled a lot and so now I value whatever
family we do have.
The second highest thing I personally value is indeed respect. I do feel
as if my values overlap and I do not find that to be a bad thing. I think they
should all link together to form who I am today. Respect to me is most
definitely not something that we get but more something that we must learn
to achieve. Earlier in my early teenage years I had problems with my father
and he had lost all the respect that I had for him. My mother and I had a
confrontation that I will never forget. There she said that he was my father
and nothing would ever change that. She also said that because he was my
father I had to respect him as that role. I argued back saying that he was
indeed my father but that did not mean he had my respect it only meant that
I had to know he was part of my DNA. I never forgot that and ever since then
I have valued respect more than I ever had. Another reason why I think
respect is so important is because as I have grown in my job and taken
bigger and more important projects I have also learned more work ethic and
etiquette. I thought and had higher expectations for my employees who have
the same amount of responsibility and tittle. However, when I see how some
co-works are so unprofessional it really gets to me and I complain about
respect and how little they have. On the other side, I have seen and been in
situations where although it would not be classified as a perfect work place,

Karen Meneses

it was still very respectful and I know that the outcome of that was super
impactful to the company and to our health and emotional wellness. The
setting is calmer and it just becomes easier to do our jobs and everyone is in
a lot better mood. I also was able to read about leaders and how good
leaders take respect with such value as well. I do not know if maybe I also
take it with such high importance because of my culture but I find this to be
one of my best qualities.
My third value making my life philosophy, is would be work. As if you
havent already noticed, work to me in general is very important to me. I
have always taken my jobs very seriously and I really do not think that is a
bad thing. I am pretty proud that I always get promoted and I am really
young. I am only twenty and I have one of the most important projects in my
international company. My father always engraved to us that our job was
important and that has stuck to me. I tend to impress people with my work
ethic. For example, my engineer did not like the idea of me being the lead for
the new line because of my age but he had never met me before, I dont
really blame him I do see that is can be understandable because it is such a
big and important project but little by little he did begin to trust me and now
he goes to me for any questions or concerns. As I read through the seven
elements of good work ethic, I realized that it had all the elements that I find
important and not to be hypocritical but I do feel like I poses these same
qualities. These qualities include professionalism, respectfulness,

Karen Meneses

dependability, dedication, determination, accountability, and the most

important and my favorite humility.
The last and most unique value I have is that I do strongly believe that
everything happens for a reason. It is almost like that is my life motto. I try
very hard that when something happens I try to remember that it has
happened for a reason and I do believe that we have a plan set for us and we
can help or guide these things that happen to us but that does not mean that
we have complete power over what will happen to us. I do believe that God
has a plan for us and he has a lot to do with our plan, I dont think that he
likes what always happens to us but in the end it will be for our own good
and it will benefit it us maybe in the future or maybe it is because something
worse could have happened. This I kind of reference it to the book because I
believe this because of previous life events and I wouldnt like to do research
on this value because It is more something I feel and something that makes
me feel more like myself. I dont really know if anyone else feels the same
but I can say that it is like the book to where it is based on previous life
experiences. This assignment really made me think about who I am and why
that is, it made me think about what really is important and how that can
influence others around me.

Blankenhorn, B.D. (1988) The Roanoke Times,

Karen Meneses

DeMars, D. S. (2004) The Harmony of Truth and Love,

Whipple, W.B. (2014) Trust and Respect,
Whitmore, W. J. (2012) 7 Elements of a Strong Work Ethic,

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