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Golden Dawn Neophyte Workbook

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The document provides an introduction to the Neophyte course of the Whare Atua Temple Order, which uses the Golden Dawn system as a base for study. It outlines the structure, requirements, and goals of the Neophyte grade.

The purpose of the Neophyte course is for students to learn the foundational knowledge and practices of the Golden Dawn system through assigned readings, exercises, and a final test. Students are expected to study on their own and complete 'homework' before advancing to the next grade.

Some of the main rituals and exercises introduced include the Lesser Banishing Ritual, the Middle Pillar exercise, the Neophyte passive meditation, and the Fourfold Breath. Students are instructed to learn and regularly practice these.

Whare Atua Temple

© New Zealand Order of the Golden Dawn®

Neophyte Workbook 0=0

Revision 30th January 2006

Welcome to the Whare Atua Temple Order

Greetings, I am pleased to welcome you to as a probationer of the Whare

Atua Temple Order. Many people whom become interested in the Golden
Dawn always have some knowledge concerning the language, history and
magic of the Golden Dawn. In the classical Golden Dawn the neophyte was
the probationer, a 0=0 an outsider whom is preparing themselves for
transformative process up the Kabbalahist (Qabalist) Tree of Life to
Adepthood. Generally these persons had little knowledge of the system,
most of the material had not being published and information on the mystery
traditions and the Qabalah were hard to come by.

Today in the 21st century most people whom have an interest in the esoteric
already have at least some knowledge of the ‘Order of the Golden Dawn’.
Perhaps you are one of those persons whom are already an adept, perhaps
like many you already have a good knowledge of the Golden Dawn and
discovered the Whare Atua Temple Order through the Golden Dawn
webring; and read the papers on the Golden Dawn by Frank Salt you were
drawn to us and our system.

If this is you, please bear with us through the training materials. Our
structure will be a little different from the original to try and make things a
bit more interesting for you. Likewise it is our intent that our course
structure will provide those persons with little or no knowledge of Golden
Dawn a complete and workable corpus for your progression to adeptship.

One of the important things that should be evident to you is that we are an
Order of souls dedicated to the Great Work. Within the Whare Atua
members are expected to develop an inner resolve to actually do the work
rather than being satisfied by simply reading spoon feed information.
Within this Order it is hoped that you will grow and discover within your self
the light of a new day, of joy and spiritual knowledge that can only be
experienced personally and by which no words can express the experience of
light and spirit of God.

In the Whare Atua Temple Order we will use the traditional Golden Dawn as
a base for our study before you achieve that particular grade. That is
because we use the ‘Self Initiation’ system our procedure is to study the
material of the grade before advancing to that grade.

Most of the work you will be required to do yourself, this will be stated in
red bold YOU DO THIS. If you already know this information, simply skip
the sections, if not you are expected to do the homework.

There is little point in wasting hundreds of hours simply repeating in this

Workbook things that have are already within Israel Regardie’s excellent
volume; more easily readable by Chic Cicero various books on the Golden
Dawn. Not to forget the many thousands of papers etc available on the

It is more important to actually attentively learn, to do the research and

finding out yourself. Our aim is to ensure that members of our Temple
Order do cover everything that is needed to go through the Golden Dawn
system - but not to parrot what is frequently available.

The required texts for this course are ‘The Complete Golden Dawn’ as
revealed by Israel Regardie and ‘Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn
Tradition’ by Chic and Tabatha Cicero.

V.H. Frater Jean de Cabalis
Cancellarius Whare Atua Temple (NZ Order of the Golden Dawn®)

Title Page
1. Introduction - What is the Golden Dawn?
2. Oath of the candidate Neophyte
3. Reading assignments
(Various Atua and Order documents within Yahoo files)
4. History Lecture of the Golden Dawn by Westcott
5. Some Background and Definitions of Westcott’s History Lecture
6. The Rosicrucian Address by Westcott
7. The Western Mystery Tradition
8. Maintaining a Magical Journal
9. Grades of the Golden Dawn
10. Whare Atua Golden Dawn Neophyte ceremony
[Sent separately to you after passing our 0=0 Test]
(Includes Officers, Godforms, Placements, Lamens, Mystic Circumambulation,
illustrations and detailed instructions of movements etc)
11. Concerning Self Initiation
12. Basic Symbolism within the 0=0 Temple
(Altar, Badge, Banners, Cross and Triangle, Grip, Step, Sign, Grand Word, Z
13 Address on the Two Pillars by Mathers
14. Magical Implements and Signs for the Neophyte
15. Of the Hebrew Alphabet, its magick and secrets
16. Introduction to the Kabbalah
[See separate articles ‘Of the First Fourteen Letters’ & Qabalistic Tree of Life
17. Vibration
18. Lesser Banishing Ritual (The Banishing Earth Pentagram)
19. Middle Pillar Exercise (and Vibratory Formula of the Middle Pillar)
20. General Knowledge for the Neophyte
[Neophyte Relaxation Meditation, Four Fold Breath, Neophyte Meditation, Book T,
(The Tarot), the Elements, Tarot, Triplicities of Houses, Zodiac, Caput and Cauda
Draconis, Seven Traditional Planets, Star of Hexagram]

Test Revision
1. Introduction - What is the Golden Dawn?


Frank Salt’s paper ‘What is the Order of the Golden Dawn?’ provides a good
insight into the mystical nature of the Order and its primary purpose; which
is to provide a system of union, whereby we better link humankind with God
and God with humankind.

This is done by a series of initiations which properly planned awaken and

assist in the evolution of the soul towards godhood. Thus the ‘Order of the
Golden Dawn’ is an initiatory society.

2. Oath of the Candidate Neophyte


This is a shortened version of the Obligation of the Neophyte is actually

part of the Neophyte Ceremony. Technically it should be part of the
initiation ceremony. However there are a couple of problems with this within
the workings of our Order:

(1) We are doing things a bit backwards having you begin our neophyte study
before you have actually become a Neophyte of the Order and:

(2) Secondly as Golden Dawn ceremonies have been published they have lost
much of their spiritual component hence we have slightly rewritten the
Ceremonies for the specific purposes of our Order.

The Oath

Standing facing east, placing your right hand across your heart region and
your left hand across the right wrist making a sign of an X across your
chest. We call this the Sign of Osiris Risen.

I _____________________ having magical alias of ______________in

the presence of the Lord of the Universe and in the accompany of the
Chiefs of the Whare Atua Temple Order, do of my own free will, hereby and
hereon most solemnly promise to keep this Order, to persevere with courage
and determination in the labour and study of this Order and its ceremonies,
and that I will not debase this Order, nor its members nor its teachings nor
its chiefs.

Imagine that you are amongst a group of adepts and students of the Whare
Ra. That is small group of dedicated soul’s has accepted you into their mists
as a brother or sister of the Order and is sending you good thoughts and
well wishes.

3. Read/Study


Introductory First Knowledge Lecture by Mathers (see Regardie’s Golden


History lecture by Wynn Westcott (included next)

Beginning Neophyte Study


Your required Text books that you will need to obtain are:

- The Complete Golden Dawn as revealed by Israel Regardie

(Llewellyn’s 6th edition with index is probably best)
- Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition by Chic Cicero

You should ensure that you have read the: The Introductory Material' In
the Llewellyn 6th Edition of 'The Golden Dawn' the introductory material

- Foreword & Appreciation

- Introduction to the 5th Edition
- Indexing the Golden Dawn
- Introduction to the 2nd Edition
- Introduction to the 1st Edition
Additionally you are expected to read and study the following material at
our website. These are within the Probationer Directory.

- 0=0 Preliminary Study

- Beginning Neophyte Study
- Islands of the Dawn
- Short History of the Golden Dawn
- The Golden Dawn
- The Order
- Whare Atua Neophyte workbook
- What is, About the Golden Dawn
- Who was Frank Salt?

If you are having access problems, or have not received a login and password,
please contact the Cancellarius

The neophyte grade is when you are introduced to various concepts and
begin some daily regular working practices - we will be discussing these over
coming lessons. That said, the practices need not be difficult, the object
here is to create momentum within your aura and also to develop correct
mental attitude.

Secondly, regular practise is designed to build up your personal energy and

cleanse yourself from various unclean influences. Influences firstly within
your own aura, to purify your personality, remove grossness and also cleanse
the negativity in your life and also your surroundings - your world!

We will be discussing these practices within this course; however it should

be pointed out, that though we have a high expectation of our members, the
exercises are not difficult. One of the common mistakes of some magical
Orders is to give novices next to impossible exercises. The result of this is
that either people drift away, or worse still others come to the conclusion
that magick is a fabrication, which they may as well intellectualize and enjoy.
So we will be presenting GD exercises that are known to work by the Chiefs
of the Whare Atua at the speed most suitable for the alchemical transition

The neophyte grade should take about 6 months on average. Other than
magical practical, I absolutely believe that history is as an exactly important
foundation as the mythic work within a magical Order. In fact, without a
good balance of factual and mythical work, there can be no magick!

4. History Lecture


You will notice in the following history lecture by Dr Westcott that many
words and names have been placed in bold font. The reason for this is to
draw your attention to these persons, words etc, as at the end of the
history lecture well will provide explain one in turn. For in my view it is best
for the neophyte to fully understanding the roots of the Golden Dawn.

Golden Dawn Historic Lecture

By V.H. Frater Sapere Aude

The Order of the Golden Dawn in the Outer is a Hermetic Society whose members are
taught the principles of Occult Science and the Magic of Hermes. During the early part of
the second half of the 19th Century, several adepti and chiefs of this order in France and
England died, and their deaths caused a temporarily dormant condition of Temple work.
Prominent among these were Eliphas Levi, Ragon, Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie, author of the
Masonic Encyclopedia and Frederick Hockley, possessed of crystal vision whose M.S.S. we
highly esteemed. These and other adepti received their knowledge and power from
predecessors of greater imminence and have handed down to us this doctrine and system of
Theosophy and Hermetic Science of the Higher Alchemy from a series of practical
investigations whose origin is traced to the Fratres Rosae Crucis of Germany, which
association was founded by Christian Rosenkreuz about 1398.

He and the theologian, Valentine Andrea, have left us, in the works published about 1614, an
account of the exoteric arrangements of the Rosicrucian Society. It seems likely it was
Andrea who published in 1614 the Fama Fraternitatis, or Theory of the Society, which must
have been derived from the old records of the pupils of Christian Rosenkreuz. But even this
arrival of mysticism was a new development of the older wisdom of the Kabbalistic Rabbis
and of that very ancient secret knowledge of the magic of the Egyptians into which Moses
had been initiated. Through the Kabbalah, indeed, Europe became possessed of the ancient
Wisdom more than from any one other source, for the Hebrews were taught at one time by
the Egyptians and later by the Chaldeans of Babylon.

It is a curious fact that the classic nations, the Greeks and Romans, have handed down to us
but slight glimpses of the Ancient Magic, and this is more notable because Greece
succeeded to the mastership of Egypt, and Rome to the Empire of both the Greeks and
Jews. Greece did indeed succeed to a share in the mysteries of the Egyptians for the
Eleusinian mysteries were copies of the ancient ceremonies of Isis, Osiris and Serapis; but
they lacked true magic. And further, the classic writings contain but faint glimpses of even
the Eleusinian Mysteries, and these disclose the fact that the pupils were partly ignorant of
the true mysteries, a notable example of which is seen in the use of the words Konx Om
Pax of which they knew not the meaning, the words being the Greek imitation or translation
of really ancient Egyptian words, whose meanings has been kept secret for centuries.
[Note: Westcott states that the Eleusinian mysteries were copies of the ancient
ceremonies of the Egyptian; this is a questionable statement. - Jean]

Hence the 0=0 Grade is found to possess Egyptian characteristics and symbolism and the
Higher Grades will reveal the source of much of the culture and illustrate the language of
Eliphas Levi, through whose adeptship the study of occultism has been popularized.

The First Order is a group of four grades of which Neophytes are admissible when approved
by the G.H. Chiefs after showing themselves possessed of sufficient aptitude and
knowledge. Beyond the above, there are three grades of Adeptship forming the Second
Order. These have the power of selecting Candidates, initiating students into the lower
grades and their Chiefs have, in addition, the power of issuing warrants of Temples such as
that of Isis Urania. But the highest of all in this ancient scheme are the Great Rulers of the
whole system who severally sustain and govern the Third Order, which includes three Magic
Titles of Honor and Supremacy. These represent the Supernal Triad of the Sephiroth and
are shrouded and unapproachable to the profane and to all others but the Chiefs of the
Adepts. In case of a vacancy in this Order, the Chief most learned Adept obtains by decree
the well-earned award.

The scheme of the Golden Dawn then is formed upon the type of the Decad of the
Sephiroth; the ten Emanations of Deity as figured in the Kabbalah whose professors were
illuminated by the higher magic of the ancient world. The grades of the First Order will be
found to be Hebrew in design and tendency; and inasmuch as the influx of time brought on
the revelation of the Christos, the Tiphareth, the Beauty of Microprosopos, Christian
design is reflected in the higher degrees.

The Neophyte Grade and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Grades, which this present Isis Urania
Temple is authorized to confer after due examination and approval, posses rituals and
secrets which have been received from the G.H. Chief adepts and these are placed in our
hands to use in the tuition of pupils in the ancient methods of this Order. This Temple (Isis
Urania) was consecrated as a successor to Hermanubis No. 2 which had ceased to exist
owing to the death of all its Chiefs.
The Temple No. 1 of Licht, Liebe, Leiber is a group of Continental mystics who have not been
in the habit of performing ceremonies in open lodge, but have conferred the grades chiefly
in privacy and in the presence of two or three members, so there is no accurate record of
name and rank of all these members. Soon after the formation of Temple No. 3, permission
was granted for the consecration of Osiris Temple No. 4 at Weston-Super-Mare under rule
of V.H. Frater "Crux dat Salubrem" and the West of England has been assigned to him as a
province. Almost at the same time, the Horus Temple No. 5 under the rule of V.H. Fratre
"Vote Vita Mea" was also consecrated at Bredford in Yorkshire.

These three Temples have members also in the United States, Hindustan, Palestine,
Denmark, etc. The name of the Order in various languages is: In Hebrew: Morning Light
Shining Society (Chabrath (or Chaorah) Zoreh Aour Bakker) which means The Society of
the Shining Light of Dawn.

In Latin: Aurora. In German: Die Goldene Demmerung. In French: L'Aube d' OrÆ.
Reference may now be made to the Society which was reconstructed by Robert Wentworth
Little, student of the mysteries. This Society, which has branches in England, Scotland and
the United States, is allied with the Golden Dawn. It perpetuated one form of Rosicrucian
initiation which was conferred 100 years ago in England and which was mentioned by
Godfrey Higgins in his work. The Anacalypsis, or an Attempt to Withdraw the Veil of the
Saitic Isis. Fratre Little was a student of the school of Levi and also an eminent
Freemason, and the Rosicrucian Society as revised by him was made by intention and
permission essentially Masonic, thus severing all connection with those Adepts who have not
been Craftsmen, as Basil Valentine, Artephus, Nicolas Flamel, Jacob Behmen and Robert
Fludd. The Rosicrucian Society in the same manner fails to recognize any worth for occult
research in women. This is also an innovation or the scheme of the Ancient Mysteries in
many of which, notably those of Isis priestesses and virgin prophetesses, were prominent

Note specifically, that there are several instances in the ancient M.S. of our Order, which
are written in cypher, where reference is made to the fratres and sorores, the words "her
or him" occur showing that in olden time, as at the present day, women rose to high rank and
attainment in the secret knowledge of the Order. Mention may be suitably made to
Pernelle, the wife and fellow-worker of Nicolas Flamel, of Martine Berthereau, companion of
Baron Jean de Chatelet who died about 1645 and of the widow lady afterwards symbolized
by him as Sophia (Heavenly Wisdom), fellow student and inspirer of John Georg Gichtel who
died about 1700.

The occultists of today cannot need to be reminded of the great Hermetists and
Theosophists of recent times: of D. Anna Kingsford, who was indeed illuminated by the Sun
of Light; of Madame Blavatsky, leader of the Theosophical Society. No occult student,
however wide apart his own favored path of wisdom, could fail to recognize in her a master
mind in a woman's frame.

I cannot fail to express the lament which followed the passing of D. William Robert
Woodman, for many years known as the supreme Magus of the Society Rosy Cross in Anglia
which is exoteric in its outer grades but whose concerns are regulated by an inner circle of
adepti who still hold the secrets of the Rosy Croix and its Masonic society.

The eastern school of Theosophy and Occultism and our own Hermetic Society of the
Golden Dawn are fraternities of students whose predecessors must have come from the
same stock of magi as the scientific priests of a remote antiquity. The two Societies,
different in modes of teaching and in language, are allied by mutual understanding and
respect, and their aim is similar. Be assured that the Order of the Golden Dawn can show
the way to much secret knowledge and spiritual progress and lead true and patient students
who can Will, Dare, Learn and Be Silent to the Summum Bonum, True Wisdom, and Perfect

- Wynn Westcott

5. Some Background and Definitions in Westcott’s History Lecture


Alchemy: it is difficult to define exactly what alchemy is. Primarily,

alchemy is concerned with the quest for the philosophers’ stone. Alchemy
uses symbolism from a very extensive corpus of symbolism and hermetic

Chaldeans of Babylon: the

Chaldeans are the indigenous people
of Mesopotamia, whom had their
country Assyria along the banks of
the Euphrates River, the capital of
the country being the city of
Babylon. The Priestly classes of
the Chaldeans were extremely well
versed in the magical arts and astrology. The Chaldeans accepted
Christianity and continued as part of the Old Catholic Church until around CE
431 when it was separated – nevertheless it was an extremely colourful and
mystical version of Christianity, that retained many of the areas ancient
symbols that greatly influenced Judaism and hence Christianity. [Above Right
picture the ancient Tree of Life as in the Garden of Eden]

Eleusinian mysteries: The Eleusinian Mysteries are of the most secret

religious rites of ancient Greece based around the city of Athens continued
for well over a thousand years, 750BC to 386AD when the sanctuary was
destroyed. The Mysteries focused upon the earth goddess Demeter who
went to Eleusis to search for Kore her daughter. Side-note: Kore was with
Hades the Lord of the Underworld. Demeter reared the young Prince of
Eleusis in which she taught the mysteries and offered immortality to. The
Eleusinian priesthood held a public procession once a year that continued for
nine days duration; dramatizing the events of Demeter. Contrary to
Westcott opinion who viewed the Eleusinian as copies from the Egyptian Isis
Osiris resurrection cult; the early ideas more likely came from the Minoan
(1700BC) and Mycenaean (1600BC) whom were both distinctive cultures
though having some Cretan cross pollution. Tracing back; the Eleusinian
mysteries ideas most began in their early likely gained their most early
traditions from the Phoenicians. Though no doubt the Isis Osiris
resurrection cult of Egypt Old Period (3000-2200BC) would have had some
influence upon the thinking of the region. Nevertheless the fundamental
texts of the Eleusinian mysteries such as the Homeric Hymn to Demeter
(650BC) are certainly not copies of Egyptian mysteries.

Eliphas Levi: (1810-1875) a French occultist whose legal name was Alphonse
Louise Constant. Levi was largely responsible for the European revival of
hermetics in the 19th century. It was Levi who first linked the Hebrew
letters to the Tarot.

Fama Fraternitatis: the shortened name for the ‘Fame of the Fraternity of
the Meritorious Order of the Rosy Cross’ published around 1614.

Frederick Hockley: (1809-85) a prominent Freemason whom had a large

collection of esoteric books which he got from Dr. Sigismund Bacstrom (the
founder of the Societas Rosae Crucis in Scotland). Dr Bacstrom was
initiated by a Comte Louis de Chazal of the Grand Orient Masonic group and
Rosae Crucis group in Mauritius. Frederick Hockley was a friend to Lord
Bulwer-Lytton who wrote Zanoni, a strange story. It may be that Bulwer-

Hermetic Science: A system of magical philosophy based upon a collection

of works attributed to Hermes Trismegistus (meaning ‘Thrice Greatest
Hermes’) covering a range of subjects including astrology ritual and
mythology. The works attributed as Hermetica being written between 3rd
century BC – 1st century AD.

Isis, Osiris and Serapis: These three Egyptian gods, Isis the daughter of
Geb and Nut, married to Osiris, whom she had Horus by. Osiris the brother
of, and married to Isis. Osiris was murdered by his brother Set for having
sex with his (Set’s) wife. Isis and Thoth bring Osiris back to life, which
means that Osiris is a resurrected god (of sorts). Used within the Golden
Dawn tradition to symbolize the mythology of the reborn god. Serapis (Apis)
was the bull god of Memphis region of Egypt. A black bull was sacrificed
every 25 years and said to be reborn somewhere else in Egypt. Later
Serapis became associated with Osiris, to contribute to the resurrection

Kabbalah: also spelt Qabalah,

Cabala. The Kabbalah meaning
‘that which has been received’;
refers to a system of Jewish
religious and magical thought.
Many of its teachings are based
upon the Sepher Yetzirah, the
Bahir, the Zohar and the Babylon
Talmud. Since the 12th century
the Kabbalah has being associated
with a mystical paradigm called
the Tree of Life. Many magicians
within the Western Mystery
Tradition use the Kabbalah (spelt
Qabalah) as a potent magical tool.
The Decad of the Sephiroth this
refers to the 10 Sefiroth
(Worlds, planes of existence) that
exist upon the Kabbalahist Tree
of Life. The 10 Sefiroth are
briefly covered within the 1st knowledge of the Golden Dawn. Tiphareth:
One of the Decad of the Sephiroth as mentioned above. Symbolizing
Beauty, Compassion and the Sun; representing the grade of Adeptus Minor
within the Golden Dawn system.
Konx Om Pax: Mystical phase used within the Eleusinian mysteries meaning
‘Light in Extension’

Ragon, J.B: reportedly a 19th century French occultist and Rosicrucian;

whom either wrote or possessed a series of Rosicrucian manuscripts. These
manuscripts were validated and purchased by three high grade Freemasons:
Robert Wentworth Little, Kenneth MacKenzie and Frederick Hockley. It is
questionable whether or not Ragon actually existed and was not an invention
of the above three persons. I seems, quite ludicrously the assumption for
the founding of the ‘SRIA Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia’ (I.e. the
Rosicrucian Society of England) was that hierarchical succession was simply
conferred by the ownership of the Ragon manuscripts! I am not aware of
any initiation or permissions by Sigismund Bacstrom conferred upon Hockley
to the SRIA.

Rosae Crucis: also Rosy Cross, Rosy Croix. A generic term used to describe
the mystical Christian brotherhood began by the legendary Christian
Rosenkreuz (Rosenkreutz). A 17th century German pamphlet the ‘Fama
Fraternitatis’ told the story of the Christian Rosenkreuz and his travels to
the East. The ‘Fama Fraternitatis’ was followed by the publication of two
more documents’ the ‘Confessio Fraternitatis’ and the ‘Chymical Wedding of
Christian Rosenkreuz’.

[Left: Original Rose Croix crucifix was

worn by Catholic Priests during the
Medieval Ages; this crucifix reveals
the secret mysteries of Christ. See
the Sun containing Rose Wheel at
centre of Crucifix symbolizing the
restorative and spilt blood of Jesus. It
is raised up above the head of Jesus as a
sign of mystical rebirth, the raising sun of
a new dawn and a new dynasty - godhood.
Only bones and dust remains at his feet.

Above Right: The later and much more elaborate Golden Dawn Rose Cross of the
Adeptus Minor designed by Mathers.]

Westcott used the 1398 date of the legendary Christian Rosenkreuz travels;
however it must be stated that the first appearances of the Rosae Croix
appeared in 1614 Cassel Germany and later Paris France 1623, during the
time of the Reverend Valentin Andreae, the likely inventor and author of the
Christian Rosenkreuz story. While Westcott correctly credits Andrea for
publishing the accounts of the Rosicrucian society in 1614, he assumes that
the story is true.

Mackenzie, Kenneth R.H: A very learned Freemason whom authored the

‘Royal Masonic Encyclopedia’ and founded the SRIA English Rosicrucian
Society in 1866, a society that is open only to Master Masons of the United
Lodge of England.

Macroprosopos: A Kabalistic term with some Gnostic underpinnings referring

to the Vast Countenance. Within the Kabbalah the original Adam is known as
Adam Qadmon, the original and archetypal first person, he is the
Microprosopos (Lesser Countenance) of the Macroprosopos (Great
Countenance) or basically as Adam was created in the image of God, Adam
contains all things in microcosm. The Great or Vast Countenance then is God,
the Ancient of Days, Ain Sof Aur - Spirit. The Lesser Countenance is bride
of spirit, the flesh Adam, from dust, the known or seen face of God which is

Moses: Moses a prophet of YHVH Lord God was raised in Egypt by the
Pharaohs daughter. Moses fled to the Chaldean land of Midian and married
Zipporah. Later Moses freed his people (the Jews) from capacity in Egypt
and led them to the Promised Land Israel. There is quite a lot of magic in
the Moses story which according to legend, Moses once a prince of the
Egyptian court, had learnt the mysteries and magic of Egypt. See Exodus
for more information.

Theosophy: a religious system of philosophy founded

by Madame Elena Blavatskyin 1875. Their motto
‘There is no religion higher than truth’ sought to
explore the Divine Reality and God. Theosophy
integrated into its system of thought, the principles of
Spiritualism, some Freemasonic thought and some
hermetics, shamanism and eastern philosophy. Later
on Theosophy draw a lot of its principles from Hinduism. Mathers and
Westcott were both members of the Theosophical Society, which influenced
some of their thinking.

Valentine Andrea: a Lutheran minister whom likely invented the Christian

Rosenkreuz myth and wrote the three Rosicrucian manifestos mentioned
above. Valentine Andrea wrote a few books other published under his name,
such as: ‘Christianopolis’ and the ‘Theophilus’. He also founded a mystical
Order called the ‘Fraternitas Christi’ in 1616, later the Societas Christiana.
Reputedly the lineal procession of true Fraternitas Christi Rosicrucianism is
via the Societas Christina, to the ‘Ordens des Gülden und Rosen-Creutzes’ of
Germany and the United Grand Lodge of London; wherein Rosicrucianism it is
preserved in the higher Rosy Croix chapters of Freemasonry. This should
not be confused with the SRIA mentioned earlier.

6. The Rosicrucian Address by Westcott


For completeness to the History Lecture of the Golden Dawn by Westcott is

his Rosicrucian Address.

The Rosicrucian’s Past Present and Future

An Address to the Soc. Rosic. In Anglia
By William Wynn Westcott

It is well at certain times to consider our status as Rosicrucian’s, and to remind ourselves of
the origin of the Society to which we belong, to notice how far we moderns have strayed
from the original paths laid down by our Founder, C.R., and to take a note of the kindred
Societies of Rosicrucian’s which are now in being, so far as we know of them.
With regard to past history we must not be surprised that extant published records are
very scanty, for the purpose of the Rosicrucians was to be unknown to the people among
whom they Lived. Some few notable persons only appear to have had the right to function as
recognised members of the Rosicrucian Colleges, for instance, Michael Maier the German
student of Alchemy who died in 1662, and Dr. Robert Fludd of London and Bearstead near
Maidstone who died in 1637.

The Star of Rosicrucianism is now once more in the ascendant and our Society has made
rapid strides in the past ten years. It is curious to note that waves of interest in occult and
mystical subjects, seem to sweep over a nation at intervals; periods of Rosicrucian
enlightenment alternate with other periods of materialistic dogmatism. We must remember
that Rosicrucianism itself was "no new thing" but only a revival of still earlier forms of
Initiation, and was a lineal descendant of the Philosophies of the Chaldean Magi, of the
Egyptian priests, of the Neo-Platonists, of the Hermetists of Alexandria of the Jewish
Kabalists and of Christian Kabalists such as Raymond Lully and Pic de Mirandola.

The nominal Founder of our Society--Christian Rosencreuz, did not invent, at least in our
modern sense of the word, the doctrines he promulgated, and which we should now study. It
is narrated that he journeyed to Arabia, to Palestine, to Egypt and to Spain, and in the
seats of learning in those countries he found and collected the mystic lore, which was made
anew by him into a code of doctrine and knowledge. On his return from these foreign travels
he settled in Germany, founded a Collegium, selected certain friends and transformed them
into enthusiastic pupils, and giving his new Society his own name, he laid the foundation of
that scheme of Mystical Philosophy, which we are now here to perpetuate and carry into
practice: let us remember that he died in the year 1484, that is so far back as the reign of
our King Richard the Third.

The fratres of the original Collegium, who met in the "Domus Sanctus Spiritus," or " House
of the Holy Spirit," were learned men, earnest students and public benefactors. Their rules
were: That none of the members should profess any art except to relieve the sick and that
gratis; each one should wear the ordinary dress of the country, and should attend on Corpus
Christi day at a general Convocation every year, whenever possible to do so; each one should
seek a suitable pupil to succeed him: that the secret mark of each one should be C.R or R.C.,
and that the Society should remain secret for 100 years.

As time went on the purposes and duties of the fratres became altered, the cure of the
sick especially was taken over by the development of the medical profession.

About 1710, one Sigmund Richter, using the motto of "Sincerus Renatus," published at
Breslau his work called "The perfect and true preparation of the Philosophical Stone
according to the secret of the Brotherhoods of the Golden and Rosy Cross." In this volume
we find a series of 52 rules for the guidance of Rosicrucian members; these rules are such
as were likely to lead to useful and orderly lives.

Again, about 1785, there was published at Altona in Germany a most important volume of
coloured theosophical plates with eludicatory words and phrases and several essays on
Rosicrucian subjects: its title was "Geheime Figuren der Rosenkreuzer"; it was in two
portions. An English translation of some part of this work was published in 1888 by Franz
Hartmann, a German

We catch a further glimpse of the purposes of the Rosicrucians at a later date, from a
curious little tract relating to a French branch of the Society, which relates the Reception
of Dr. Sigismund Bacstrom in the Mauritius--French colony--by the Comte de Chazal in 1794.
I cannot say where the original MS. now is, but our copy was made by the secretary of the
well-known Rosicrucian and crystal-gazer Frederick Hockley, who died in 1885. Bacstrom
signed his pledge to fourteen promises;--to piety and sobriety, to keep the secrecy of his
admission, to preserve the secret knowledge, to choose suitable successors, to carry on the
great work, to give aid and charity privately, to share discoveries with his fellows, to avoid
politics, to help strangers, and to show gratitude to those who had led to his reception; etc.
During a recent visit to East Africa I met in Natal a Mauritius born doctor whose wife was a
Miss de Chazal, a native of Mauritius; among her ancestors about I780-90 there was this M.
de Chazal who was an eccentric genius and was considered to possess curious arts; he also
became a notable Swedenborgian and held classes of mystical philosophy. The name is many
times mentioned in a French history of Mauritius which was lent to me by Dr. Dumat of
Durban. At the time of the French Revolution it would be natural for our count de Chazal to
drop his title, as did many of the French nobility.

The aim of our own Society at the present day is to afford mutual aid and encouragement in
working out the great problems of Life, and in discovering the Secrets of Nature; to
facilitate the study of the system of Philosophy founded upon the Kabalah and the
doctrines of Hermes Trismegistus, which was inculcated by the original Fratres Rosae
Crucis. of Germany, A.D. 1450; and to investigate the meaning and symbolism of all that now
remains of the wisdom, art and literature of the Ancient World.

The Rosicrucian Societies of Anglia, Scotia and the United States, alike Masonic bodies, are
by no means the only descendants of the original Collegium, for in Germany, and Austria
there are other Rosicrucian Colleges of more direct descent than our own, which are not
fettered by any of the limitations which Freemasonry has imposed upon us, and some of
these, although not composed of many members, include students who understand many
curious phenomena, which our Zelators have not studied. The German Rosicrucians keep
their Colleges and membership entirely secret, they print no transactions nor even any
notices, and it is almost impossible to identify any member.

The German groups of Rosicrucians now existing are much more immersed in mystic and
occult lore than ourselves; they endeavour to extend the human faculties beyond the
material toward the ethereal, astral and spiritual worlds: at the present time I understand
that they use no formulated Ritual, but German Colleges have experienced a notable revival
and the teachings of Rudolf Steiner are considered as giving an introduction of their system
of occult Theosophy. Several of Steiner's volumes are now available in English translations,
such are his "Initiation and its Results," "The Gates of Knowledge," and "Way of Initiation."
They are well worthy of study.

The Societas Rosicruciana in Scotia, as well as the Societas Rosicruciana in the U.S.A. were
branches from the same Rosicrucian source and sprang from a rejuvenation by Frater
Robert Wentworth Little of that lapsed Rosicrucian College in England which is mentioned
by Godfrey Higgins in his notable work "The Anacalypsis," or "An attempt to withdraw the
Veil of the Isis of Sais," which was published in 1836; he remarks that he did not join the
old College there referred to.

About fifty years earlier a certain eminent Jew named Falk, or Dr. Falcon, lived in London (a
reference to whom will be found in the "Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry" by Kenneth
Mackenzie) and was of high repute as a teacher of the Kabbalah and of other studies of a
Rosicrucian character; he was indeed said to have magical powers. Falk could not have fully
affiliated to any Rosicrucian College because he was a strict Jew of the Jews, and the
members of all true Rosicrucian Colleges have always been Christians, but perhaps not of an
orthodox type, for there was a tendency in the teachings toward Gnostic ideals. Mackenzie
classes Dr. Falk among the Rosicrucian’s of eminence, and certainly told me he had first
hand evidence of his connection with the Society; many Christian students adopted a
modification of the old Jewish kabalah, so perhaps some Jews have been allied to the
Christian Rosicrucians.

Our own Magus Frater R. W. Little surrounded himself with several other notable
Rosicrucian students, of whom I may mention the late Supreme Magus in Anglia, Dr. William
Robert Woodman, a learned Kabalist and Hebrew scholar; W.J. Hughan, the great Masonic
historian; William Carpenter, editor of Calmet's "Dictionary of the Bible"; Alphonse
Constant, better known as "Eliphaz Levi," who gave Fratres Little and Kenneth Mackenzie
much assistance, and was in return elected an honorary member of the Metropolitan College
in 1873. Our Society unfortunately lost Frater Little at a very early age. Frater H. C.
Levander, too, a Professor at University College, London, was a learned member; and took
great interest in the mystic lore of the Society.

The late Lord Lytton, the author of "Zanoni" and "The Strange Story," who was in 1871
Grand Patron of our Society, took very great interest in this form of Philosophy, although
he never reached the highest degree of knowledge; for public reasons he once made a
disavowal of his membership of the Rosicrucians, but he had been admitted as a Frater of
the German Rosicrucian College at Frankfort on the Main; that College was closed after

Among the Fratres who have recently been ornaments to our Colleges, I may draw attention
to the lately deceased and quaintly cultured John Yarker of Didsbury; to our late Adept of
York, T. B. Whytehead, who was famous as an antiquarian: to Frater Fendelow of the
Newcastle College, who was the author of a learned and suggestive Rosicrucian Lecture: to
Frater F. F. Schnitger, who made deep researches into the French and German Rosicrucian
Treatises: to Samuel Liddell Mathers, the translator of portions of the Hebrew "Zohar,"
and to Frederick Holland, the author of "The Temple Rebuilt," and "The Shekinah Revealed."
Another deceased Frater of eminence was Benjamin Cox of Weston-super-Mare, and with
him I naturally couple the greater name of Frater Major F. G. Irwin, who, however has now
also gone to a Temple far away.

Among the learned juniors of our Society, I may name Fratres Dr. Vaughan Bateson, Thomas
Henry Pattinson, the Rev. C. E. Wright, Sir John A. Cockburn, W. J. Songhurst, Herbert
Burrows, A. Cadbury Jones, W. Wonnacott, Dr. Wm Hammond, Dr. B. J. Edwards, and Dr. W.
C. Blaker.

Our Colleges need not languish for want of subjects of study; the narrative of the
foundation of our Society is singularly suggestive of points for future investigation. The
German "Fama Fraternitatis" of 1614, in an English translation by Thomas Vaughan of 1652,
presents you with the History of Christian Rosenkreuz: its companion tract the "Confessio
gives you a slight insight into the views of the Rosicrucians of a date a hundred years later.
The "Chymische Hochzeit" or "Chemical Wedding" by C.R., and the "Secret Symbols of the
Rosicrucians" by F. Hartman, are tractates of Rosicrucian Allegory which will well repay, not
only perusal, but deep study; while the elucidation of the whole set of Medieval Divinatory
Sciences, Astrology, Geomancy, etc, are suitable themes for lectures in your College. For
such as can understand medieval Latin a most interesting work is the "Oedipus Aegyptiacus"
of Athanasius Kircher. It is desirable that our students should make themselves acquainted
with the Ancient Mysteries of Egypt, of Greece and of Rome. The basis of the Western
occultism of medieval Europe is the Kabalah of the medieval Hebrew Rabbis, to which I have
published "An Introduction." This philosophy, although at first sight barbarous and crude,
yet will be found, when one has grown familiar with the nomenclature, to be a concrete,
coherent and far-reaching scheme of Theology, cosmology, ethics and metaphysics, serving
to throw light on many obscure Biblical passages and to suggest original views of the
meaning of most of the allegorical descriptions found in the Old Testament. A copy of a
very curious old Kabalistic picture from a Syriac Gospel with a descriptive essay by Dr.
Carnegie Dickson, a notable Scotch Rosicrucian Adept, has just been given to our Library.

The works of the great Rosicrucian Kabalist, Eliphaz Levi, are, to those who read French
with ease, a mine of mystic lore, full of fine imagery, and replete with magical formulas. His
"Histoire de la Magie" is a storehouse of information relating to the Secret Sciences and
Secret Fraternities of all times and among many nations, while in English the two volumes of
the new edition of Heckethorn's "Secret Societies" should he read as an introduction to
deeper personal research.

The work of Franz Hartmann, named "Magic, White and Black," I can recommend to serious
enquirers, for it elucidates the real aims of the Higher Magic, with which alone we are
concerned, and it clears away many misconceptions which exist in the minds of the

To such as desire to follow more closely the Old Testament religious element, I should
advise a perusal of the Commentaries of Dr. Allen Barnes on "Daniel" and "The Book of
Revelation," and the symbolical descriptions of the book of Ezekiel. On the Christian aspect
I recommend "The Perfect Way," or "The Finding of Christ," by the late Dr. A. Kingsford; in
this volume will be found worked out the broader scheme of Christian teaching which is so
apt to be obscured by sectarian forms of worship. The tenets of this work are closely
approximate to those of the earliest of the followers of Christian Rosenkreuz, whose name
was probably a mystic title, motto or synonym, and not a family cognomen:- "Christian"
referring to the general theological tendency, and "Rosenkreuz" to the Cross of Suffering
whose explanation and key may need a Rose or secret explanation.

There is one doctrine for the learned, and a simpler formula for those who are unable to
bear it yet, even as the new testament itself tells us, of the Great Master who taught his
immediate disciples the true keys, but to others he spake only in parables,--" and without a
parable spake he not unto them."

Such, my Fratres, are suitable subjects for the attention of your members, but there are
many allied topics which might form suitable centres of interest and instruction, for
example the whole range of church architecture as crystalised symbolism, the dogmas of
the Gnostics, the several systems of philosophy of the Hindoos, the parallelsm between
Rosicrucian doctrine and Eastern Theosophy, for which read Max Heindel's "Rosicrucian
Cosmo Conception," and that enticing subject, the origin and meaning of the 22 Trumps or
symbolic designs of the "Tarocchi" or pack of Tarot cards, which Eliphaz Levi says form a
group of keys which will unlock every secret of Theology and Cosmology. For such as are
interested in the Alchemy of the past I recommend a perusal of "A Suggestive Enquiry into
the Hermetic Mystery" 1850, by an anonymous author, and E. A. Hitchcock's "Remarks on
Alchemy and the Alchemists," 1857. And, lastly, we may make researches into that most
interesting problem--Did Speculative Masonry arise from the Rosicrucian’s? I am to
understand that the German Rosicrucian’s say that before the Masonic revival of 1717 these
were identical in Europe.

Let us not forget, that not only as Rosicrucian’s, but even as Freemasons, we are pledged,
not only to Brotherhood and Benevolence, but also to look below the surface of things, and
to seek and to search out the hidden secrets of Nature and of Science. Let us bear in mind
that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but that deeper study reveals the roots of
knowledge, as well as increases our store of information. Let us not, with folded arms, float
with the tide of indolence, but ever strive after increase of that true knowledge which is
wisdom and remember that "to labour is to pray," or as the Latin motto has it, "Laborare est
Orare," for the day is coming to each one of us when no man can work, and the value of the
work of each man will be tried in the balance of justice, and if we have done well we shall
gain a rich reward.

7. The Western Mystery Tradition


The Golden Dawn and its various progeny are included within what is known
as the Western Mystery Tradition. What is the Western Mystery? The
WMT is an ancient study of Magicks; known as the Hermetic Sciences. The
magicks cover a wide range of topics, including the Et Custosi Tutelae, the
Golden Dawn, the names of the various persons within Westcott’s historic
lecture. Additionally the WMT covers topics such as alchemy, astrology,
esoteric Christianity, Gnosticism, Ritual Magick, the Qabalah and a host of
other esoteric subjects, practices and philosophies. Basically it is the
magical sciences of the West as opposed to the East.

There is a great deal of information concerning the Western Mystery

Tradition available. I recommend that members do a Google™ internet
search on the subject and spend at least one evening learning about it.

To help you start: a general link with a good overview and sub indexing is:

Write a short essay on Egregore’s and their importance

8. Maintaining a Magical Journal


Keep a Magical Diary. Not enough can be said about the importance of a
magician keeping a magical dairy. Do it, it doesn’t have to be day by day; but
it must include the important magical events and a working record of your
work. Memory fails us, even computers fail us, but somehow the written
record is unaffected. As you progress through the worlds, you may amaze
yourself as you review your previous diary entrances, reading about things
that you do not recall.

Links to get you started:

9. Grade Structure


The Grade structure used within the Order of the Golden Dawn is in part
revealed within the Cipher Manuscripts; and are also found with Eliphas
Levi’s ‘Transcendental Magic’ where each of the outer order grades are with
a corresponding elemental. Each of the grades directly corresponds to one
of the Sefiroth upon the Tree of Life. These are:

0=0 Bread and Salt Lower quarter of Malkuth

(Veil of Rebirth – Lunar Veil)
1=10 Earth Gnomes Malkuth (Upper Quarter)
2=9 Air Sylphs Yesodh
3=8 Water Undines Hodh
4=7 Fire Salamanders Netzach
Portal (Veil of Little Death - Solar Veil)
5=6 Rose Adeptus Minor Tifareth
Five Pedals of the Rose (Five Sub grades)
6=5 Adeptus Major Geburah
7=4 Adeptus Exemptus Chesed
(Veil of the Abyss)
8=3 Magister Templi Binah
9=2 Magus Chokmah
10=1 Ipissimus Kether

As you progress though the Order’s system and complete the requirements
of each grade, you will be promoted to higher grades. Each grade reflects
an increase of awareness, an expansion of inner world view, this is
symbolised by the Sefiroth on the Qabalistic Tree of Life.

If you are using the Llewellyn 6th Edition ‘The Golden Dawn’, please turn to
page 21. Regardie lists the grades and discusses them.

In particular consider what Regardie said about Golden Dawn grades “My
reason for doing so is that it is impossible for the ordinary individual to
understand those (I.e. grades – Ed) above the Grade of Adeptus Minor, and
individuals who lay claim openly to such exalted Grades, by that very act
place a gigantic question mark against the validity of their attainment. He
that is exalted is humble. And to have tasted that which is conveyed by the
Adeptus Minor grade is so lofty an experience that few in their right minds,
unless they were extremely saintlike in character, would consider
themselves as having passed officially to a higher spiritual state.”

More Info: Refer Stephen Crammer Golden Dawn FAQ in files section.

Suggested Link: The Structure of the Golden Dawn by Cicero

10. Golden Dawn 0=0 Neophyte Ceremony


It is best that members have not seen the Neophyte until after completing
it. Obviously many persons have seen Regardie’s version of the Golden Dawn
ceremonies. And though these are similar to the ones that were used within
the Whare Ra, there were a number of minor differences as to the workings
of the Officers.

The Whare Atua version of the 0=0 also includes a number of comments
from Frank Salt that best studied by the member, after completing our 0=0

For now please do not look at the Whare Atua 0=0 Ceremony until after you
have performed Cicero’s version of the 0=0 Self Initiation into the Golden
Dawn and received your grading from us.

At the time of your award you will receive a copy of the Whare Atua Temple
0=0 Ceremony emailed to you with your certificate.

11. Concerning Self Initiation


In the classical system of the traditional Golden Dawn, initiations were done
at varying stages, by symbolically communicating with the Inner Self via the
set ceremonies, given at planned stages and intervals. Below is a section
from a chapter concerning Self Initiation from the eBook First Magicks. It
has been cut down. The full version is available from eBookMall™

/Begin Insert
From Chapter Ten, First Magicks of the Et Custosi Tutelae (Guardian Order)

There is no Initiation except for Self-Initiation

The fragrance of God, Yeshua ben-Miriam taught; "The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You.
It is not out there, the Kingdom is not a place or a thing to try and achieve. Now the next
consideration, who would you expect to find within the Kingdom of Heaven, God yes, your
True Self yes - for that is who we are! Is it possible that anything else but the Kingdom of
Heaven can truly initiate you - of course not! Jesus revealed the very important principle of
the Self when he said: "The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You". This same teaching has also
been echoed by many great Sages over the thousands of the years. Find a magician that
denies this fact, and you will also find a person who has not experienced the Way.

Ritual will not take you there - for if ritual did, then the mechanical formula would be
enough on its own right and the world would be full of enlightened people. If ritual could do
this, then every person who went through some system of initiation would become
Compassionates Ones and Full of Grace - but alas it is not so. If reading books and acquiring
knowledge were the answer, then the well read of us would be the most Enlightened Ones
and Full of Wisdom - but alas it is not so.

Consider the words spoken by Papus to a new initiate:

"We, as initiates, welcome you as an initiate, But, as you know, we did not confer the
initiation upon you. As an initiation is personal and cannot be imparted any more than genius
or beauty or brain. Each of us will experience it at the right time, deep down in his inner
self illuminated by the eternal Being." - PAPUS

What is an Initiation?

So what is Initiation and what means Self Initiation? At it most simplistic level, an initiation
implies Initiatio the participation, receiving of the mysteries. From its technical meaning we
should also consider Initium meaning a beginning, an origin and Inire which means to go into,
enter, to enter begin.

Yet the above description hardly touches the truth of what an initiation really is meant to
be, and that is a transformation within leading to the inner knowledge of your own personal
Being. True Initiation is the Awakening of your own personal True Self

Self Initiation

To fully appreciate concepts, as Self Initiation magicians need to be particularly careful as

to what exactly is being considered as the 'Self' and 'Initiation' by the person using these
terms. Insight is always needed in the mysteries, insight both in the form of playfulness and
having the preciseness of a technician. Consider whether the writer using the term 'Self
Initiation' is a mystic, a magician, or perhaps simply a rascal? The use of this term will vary
according to the tradition, situation of the writer or speaker. Many persons fail to realise
that magicians and mystics love to play word games. This teasing aspect of 'Teachers of the
Way' has been around for a very long time. Such is given to the Teaching of the Way
because we do not live in a world of Absoluteness.

So just what does the Et Custosi Tutelae mean when it speaks of 'Self Initiation?' To
answer this question you need to ask yourself and understand the following: 'What is the
Self?' In language, I believe that the word self is from the old base Se-lo probably meaning
the "I" This I-Self is what Qabalists refer to as the True Self or the Self that exists in
Kether, the Yekhidah. In the Pythagorean, Platonic and other Greek mysteries the Self, the
Higher Self is the 'daemon' which exists as the spiritual aspect of humankind rather than
the 'lesser ego' and that which is purely physical. You should know that the word Ego is
simply the Latin for self - so the real problem with ego is that we allow our ego to function
from an imaginary centre. This imaginary centre is the product of believing in the falseness
of an imaginary world.

A false ego is the ego that functions from an imaginary inner centre. Frequently this Inner
Centre is simply the product of living an illusionary existence.
There are fine examples of Adepts receiving ceremonial initiations; just as there are those
by, them whom rejected these ceremonies throughout the ages. In the scriptures we see
the disciples receiving the Spirit (Shekinah) at Pentecost; this initiation was evidenced by
'Tongues of Flame' above the heads of the disciples. The particular relevance of this is that
the 'Yekhidah' and 'Lahab' which means a Flame (inter-alia) both measure 37.

For an initiation to be truth, to be received in truth from Adeptus to Neophyte (or from
GOD to Man) then the Initiation must be received from the Source beyond the demigure.
This was done when the heavens opened at the initiation-baptism of Jesus by John - And
also by the Shekinah initiating the disciples after the resurrection of Jesus. So what is the
key ingredient to an initiation? the answer is simply light. We cannot receive any form of
initiation unless we love the light. We must be receptive to the light to become liberated,
for it is the light that frees us from the blinds and ties of the unreality and false centre of
the ego.

To receive any true initiation you must love the light

It is important to realise that any ceremony, although considered an initiation, can easily
lack the spiritual aspect required of an initiation; the spiritual aspect being Light. The Et
Custosi Tutelae generally does not perform ceremonial initiations as such practices tend to
negate the most important principle and that is 'It is the Initiate whom initiates
her/himself and not the Hierophant'. This is not to say that process such as an initiation
system such as the Golden Dawn series of initiations are not valid. You should look at them
as spiritual food, you take the food, but it you who digest's the food and you who
transforms within - provided you are receptive to the light of the food. If you consider
Golden Dawn initiations not as initiations but rather an alchemical procedure, which
encourages the means of transformative process, or a transmission of power, for the inner
body to achieve higher levels of magical consciousness you will come closer to understanding
the truth of the benefit of magical progressions provided by that system.

Yet know this, not matter how powerful or competent you may become in magick, no
initiation is guaranteed. This is because true initiation only comes from within; initiation it is
an act of love and grace in accordance to the light - only the light can set you free.

Only the Light can set you Free

No matter the process of initiations, the Higher Source-Self must be opened to the source
beyond the demigure - becoming at one with the Divine. The process of encouraging, the
release of bondage of one personal 'daemon' must apply to the ceremony in order to initiate.
This is not done by controlling or rebuilding the so-called 'Essential Nature' of the initiate'
but rather by encouraging the 'lower-ego' to release its hold. Once the 'lower-ego' is
dismembered, then it is simply a process of allowing the bewildered or blinded soul a more
comfortable environment to more fully seek out its own natural progression into the Higher
Worlds. This is the whole point of symbols within a ceremony. If this is not done, then the
initiation will be at best a Muesis a lower initiation. Spiritual initiations are Epopteia. Some
traditions work on the premise that a person's Higher Self can be controlled or manipulated
by an Officer in the ceremony - this assumption is just as dangerous as it is foolish.
It is impossible for any person

To control another's Higher Self.

There is no escaping this fact. While the transference of magical power energy is necessary
in magical Orders, care should be taken to ensure that the transmission is not a current
within the demigure. In our Order, we call this process simply a transmission not an
initiation. All true initiations are Self-Initiations. Other than God, only the True Self who is
also God can initiate. No man can truly initiate nor save another. Unless you receive the
light, there is no initiation just illusion - for it is the light that liberates you, sets you free.

/END Insert

Additional Reading An essay by Israel Regardie again by Israel Regardie

12. Temple Symbolism within the Neophyte Temple


There is a great deal of symbolism in the Neophyte Temple much of this has
been covered in Regardie’s Golden Dawn. At this level is it necessary to have
a basic understanding of what is within the Hall of Neophytes, at a later
stage we at ZAM level go through the Neophyte grade material in much
greater depth.

To save me the bother of repeating a great deal of work already covered by

numerous books and authorities; your tasks are present are too:

- Refer to the Officers, their Godforms, their implements and Lamens

as already discussed within our Whare Atua 0=0 Ceremony.

- Use Regardie’s ‘Complete Golden Dawn’ and any other please make pencil
notes and highlight as to the following:

(a) Banner of the West

(b) Banner of the East
(c) The Two Pillars Jachin and Boaz
(d) The Hierophant
(e) The Hegemon
(f) The Hiereus
(g) The Stolistes
(h) The Dadouchos
(i) The Kerux
(j) The Sentinel
(k) The planets as assigned to each of the Officers
(l) The Cubical Altar
(m) Altars items and their symbology: I.e. Rose, Bread & Salt, Red Lamp,
(n) The Triangle and the Cross

Please ensure to Read the following:


- Symbolism of the Opening of the 0=0 Grade of Neophyte

- Z1 The Enterer of the Threshold
- Z3 Symbolism of the Admission of the Candidate
- Z2 Formulae of the Magic of Light
- Canopic Gods, Symbolism of the Four Genii of the Hall of Neophytes
- Egyptian God Forms of the Neophyte grade

13 Address on the Two Pillars by Mathers

(From Gothi Seauton manuscript reputedly March 1900)


In the explanation of the symbols of the 0=0 degree of Neophyte, your attention has been
directed to the general mystical meaning of the juxtaposition of the Two Pillars called in
the Ritual the “Pillars of Hermes", and therefore I will only beg of you to notice that the
Hieroglyphics of one are painted in black upon a white ground, and those of the other in the
same colours but reversed, the better to express the interchange and reconcilement of
opposing forces in the Eternal Balance of Light and Darkness, which gives form to the
visible universe.

The black square bases represent Darkness and Matter wherein the Spirit, the Ruach
Elohim, formulate the eternal pronunciation of the Ineffable name: that name which the
Rabbins of old have said rusheth through the Universe; that name before which rolled back
the darkness at the birth of the Morning of Time.

The flame-red triangular capitals which crown the summits of the pillars represent the
Triune Manifestation of the Spirit of Life, the 'three Mothers' of the Sepher Yetzirah,
the three alchemical principles of Nature, the Sulphur, the Mercury and the Salt, and each
pillar is surmounted by its own Light-bearer, though veiled from the material world.

The Hieroglyphical figures upon the pillars are taken from the vignettes of the 17th and the
125th Chapters of the 'Ritual of the Dead' the Egyptian 'Per-M-Hru'. This celebrated and
most ancient work is a collection of mystical hymns and addresses in the form of a species
of ceremonial ritual for the use of the Soul after Death, to enable him to unite himself to
the Body of Osiris the Redeemer, thenceforth in the Ritual is he no longer called the Soul
but he is called the 'Osiris' of whom he is a member. "I am the Vine, ye are the branches'
said the Christ of the New Testament. I am a member of the Body of Osiris' said the
purified and justified Son of God. Such is the subject of the great Egyptian Ritual, purified
by suffering, strengthened by opposition. Nor is the 'Ritual of the Dead' a work of
comparatively recent times, for the great Egyptologists Birch and Bunsen assert that its
origin is anterior to Menes, and belongs probably to the Pre-Menite Dynasty of Abydos,
between 3100 and 4500 B.C. and it implies that at that period the system of Osirian worship
and mythology was already in actual existence.

Of all the Chapters in the Per-M-Hru, the 17th is one of the oldest as shown by its gloss
and scholia; and it is the symbols of this chapter and the 125th which form the designs of
the pillars before you. At the base of each rises the lotus symbolic of new life, regeneration
and metempsychosis. In the papyri which have the hieroglyphical text of this chapter a
group of red hieroglyphs occurs at intervals, the literal translation of which is the
'explanation'. After these groups comes a short Commentary or gloss on the preceding and
more ancient text.

According to the pre-cited authorities this gloss was mixed up with the text as early as
2250 B.C. at a period long anterior to the era of Joseph and to that of the Trojan War, and
the circumstances of its possessing a written Commentary, even at this early date shows
that much greater antiquity of the actual text. The especial title of the 17th chapter is 'The
Book of the Egyptian Faith' and its subject is a sort of hymn of the Osirified Soul, which
may be partially and succinctly reproduced as follows: The Words of the Departed Spirit,
Osiris -- Son of God I am Temu the Setting Sun -- I am the only Being in the Firmament.

I am Ra, the Rising Sun, I have passed from the Gate of Death unto life. The Sun's power
beginneth again, after he hath set he riseth again. (So doth the justified Spirit of Man)
I am the Great God, begotten of himself. I can never be turned back by the Elementary
Powers: I am the Morning, I know the Gate: (I ever rise again into Existence; I know the
pathway through Death unto Life.)

The Father of the Spirit, the Eternal Soul of the Sun, he hath examined and he hath proved
me; he hath found that I fought on Earth the battle of the Good Gods as he, my Father,
Lord of the Invisible World, hath ordered me to do. I know the Great God who existeth in
the Invisible. I am the Great Phoenix which is in Annu, the Former of my Life and my Being
am I.

The symbols on the columns, beginning at the top of the one with black figures on a white
ground, are mystical representations of the various paragraphs of the 17th chapter. They
show: The symbols of Temu, the Setting Sun, the Past and the Future. The Adoration of
Temu in the West. The Abode of the West shown by the Jackal of Anubis in a shrine with
Isis and Nephthys adoring. The Adoration of Osiris. The Phoenix or Bennu. The reformation
of the departed spirit shown by the soul descending to the body on the bier, in the form of
a human headed bird, Khem of dual manifestation, shown by the birds on either side of the
prostrate mummy. So the purified soul passes ever onward and upward, and still uses its
mystical hymn. It reaches the pools of the two Truths, shown by the two quadrangular
figures; it passes through Anrutf, the Gate of the North, and through the Gate of Tajeser,
and it saith to the mystical Guardians 'Give me your strength, for I am made even as ye'.

Then comes the Mystical Eye of Osiris representing the orb of the Sun, and the Cow,
symbolic of the Great Water, the Blue Firmament of Heaven. Next the adoration of the
Lords of Truth behind the Northern Heaven. 'Hail unto ye, ye Lords of Truth, ye Chiefs
behind Osiris. Ye followers of her whose peace is sure.' Then the soul arises at the mystic
pool of Persea Trees, wherein is Horus, symbolized by the great Cat, who slays the evil
serpent, Apophis. Last of the symbols of the 17th chapter is the adoration of the Creator in
his Bark, and the uniting of the purified Soul with its maker.

The 125th chapter is called' The Hall of the Two Truths, and of separating a person from
his sins when he has been made to see the faces of the Gods' It opens with a solemn
adoration of the Lords of Truth and the Ceremony of passing by the forty-two Assessors of
the Dead, represented by seated figures. Then comes the Weighing of the Soul, and the
mystical naming of various parts of the Hall, the naming of which is insisted on by the
various guardians, and is similar to the mystic circumambulation of the Neophyte in the Path
of Darkness in the 0=0 when he has to name the Guardians of the Gates of the East and
West. The figures on the pillar represent the Soul introduced by the jackal-headed Anubis,
the guide of the Dead, into the Hall of Truth.

The Soul then watches the weighing of its actions in Earth life against a figure of Truth in
the mystical scales of Ma by Anubis. Thoth, ibis-headed, records the judgment and the
Devourer stands ready to seize if the soul has led an evil life. Passing through this ordeal,
the soul is then introduced into the presence of Osiris by Horus. Osiris sits in his shrine
upon a throne, with the Crook and Scourge, symbols of mercy and severity, in his hands;
behind him are Isis and Nephthys, the Goddesses of Nature and Perfection, and before him
are the four Genii of the Dead, upon the Lotus flower, the emblem of the metempsychosis.
Thus the whole of the symbols upon the pillars represent the advance and purification of
the Soul and its uniting with Osiris the Redeemer in that Golden Dawn of an infinite Light,
wherein the Soul is transfigured, knows all and can do all, for it has become joined unto
Eternal God is the veritable: 'Khabs-am Pekht, Konx om Pax, Light in Extension'
14 Magical Implements and Signs for the Neophyte


Using Regardie’s Complete Golden Dawn and any other sources, you need to
find out about:

- The Neophyte Grade Badge. The Hegemon invests this in the 0=0
ceremony which you already have access too. Please study.
- The Tau Robe of the Neophyte, the Nemyss and Red Slippers.
- The Sign of the Enterer, also called the Projecting Sign
- The Sign
- The Grip of the Neophyte, Step, the Stamp
- The Grand Word of the Neophyte
- The Sign of Silence
- The Grand Word (Harparkrat)

It is recommended that you highlight every section in Regardie’s Golden

Dawn that covers these points. Write down notes on a separate piece of
paper and send this work in as part of your neophyte study assignment.

15. Of the Hebrew Alphabet, its magick and secrets


The ‘Of the Letters’ series by Frank Salt covers most of what you need to
know about the Hebrew alphabet. Papers password protected, please
continue to use the password ne0phyte to open the documents.

Take care to pay attention to the types of letters, their elemental

associations and inner meanings.

16. Introduction to the Kabbalah


Read articles:

- Of the First Fourteen Letters by Frank Salt

- The Qabalistic Tree of Life by Frank Salt


Research about the Kabbalah/Qabalah if you are not familiar with this
subject. There is plenty of information on the internet, so little point in
repeating what is easily available elsewhere. The main point obviously is to
ensure that you cover the material to the level of Neophyte in this Order.

That said; your tasks are:

- Research the origins of the Jewish Kabbalah

- Learn about the dynamics of the Tetragrammaton – YHVH.
- Using your knowledge of the Hebrew alphabet assign the
Tetragrammaton to the suits.
- Find out about Gematria, Notariqon and Temura.
- What is the Kabbalistic Tree of Life
- Learn the Shape of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
- Learn about the Sefiroth write down on the ten names of the Sefirah
both in Hebrew and English. Place the names upon the Tree.
- Assign Colours to each of the Sefiroth. Use Regardie’s Book and
check out the Queen Scale in the Four Colour Scales chart.
- Discover the Four Worlds upon the Tree.
- Who is Adam Kadmon?
- What is the connection between Adam Kadmon and the Tree?
- Find out about the Zohar.
- What is Ain Sof Aur?
- Finally learn about what is known as the ‘Veils of Negative Existence’

17. Vibration


Understanding the principle of vibration within Golden Dawn working is
important. Please read the Vibration of Names within Regardie’s Golden

18. Lesser Banishing Ritual


Now that you have a basic understanding the principles of vibration – your
next step is to learn and regularly perform (preferably daily) the Lesser
Banishing Ritual. You will find this ceremony within Regardie’s edition.
Below is the Lesser Ritual of Invoking the Pentagram and the Banishing One
[The Ritual of the Pentagram 'Book Four Primary Techniques']

The Lesser Ritual of Banishing the Pentagram

1. Facing East perform Qabalistic Cross

2. Facing East using wand, perform Banishing Pentagram of Earth. Thrust
centre with wand-tip and vibrate Y.H.V.H.
3. Turn South, trace pent, intone Adonai. Do Sign of Silence.
4. Turn West, trace pent, vibrate eHeIeH.
5. Turn North, trace pent, intone AGLA. Do Sign of Silence.
6. Keeping arm extended turn east. Extend both arms, in form of Osiris
Slain and say, "Before me Rafael. Behind me Gabriel. On my right hand
Mikael, on my left Uriel. For about me flames the pentagram, and in the
column shines the Six-rayed Star."
Conclude with Qabalistic Cross.
Further information can be found in Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn
Tradition and also in the introduction of Secrets of a Golden Dawn Temple.

Key elements: The Qabalistic Cross; Formation of the Pentagrams to each of

the four directions; God-names for each; acknowledging the Archangels; The
Six Rayed Star.

19. Middle Pillar Exercise (and Vibratory Formula of the Middle Pillar)


Firstly Read the sections concerning the ‘Vibratory Formula of the Middle


Then learn the Middle Pillar ritual and perform at least once a week. All the
information you need is within Regardie’s edition. Ensure that you always
perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual before doing the Middle Pillar exercise.
As you perform the Middle Pillar try to raise energy, feel it and direct the
energy into your visualizations.

20. General Knowledge for the Neophyte

There are a few other things that you should also know and practice as a
Neophyte of the Golden Dawn. These are:


- The Neophyte Passive or Relaxation Meditation

- The Fourfold Breath
- The Point, the First Neophyte meditation


- Book T (The Tarot)

- The Triplicities of the Houses, Zodiac, Caput and Cauda Draconis, the
Seven traditional Planets
- The Star of the Hexagram

Note most of the above information is found in the 1st Knowledge Lecture.

After you are satisfied that you have learnt the above material you may
apply for the Neophyte Test.

After completing the Neophyte Test you will need to send in the following
for our records

1 – Your Oath (Handwritten)

2 – Membership application form
3 – Your Homework assignments. (These are labeled ** ASSIGNMENT)
4 – Your answers to the Neophyte Test for marking
5 – Completion of Cicero’s Self Initiation rite for 0=0 or temple alternative

Your Neophyte grade Certificate will be emailed to you in PDF format and
suitable for printing.

V.H Frater Jean de Cabalis

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