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Week 4

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Evaluation Strategy

Simulations are
activities, typically
conducted in the clinical
lab setting. Students are
able to demonstrate
patient care techniques
and skills, as well as
critical thinking skills
through simulations that
typically utilize a
specialized mannequin to
demonstrate on. This
evaluation strategy
provides a safe
environment for students
to demonstrate skills with
no threat to patient safety.

Formative or Summative?

Learning Activity
(Identify focus of

Simulations can be used as a

summative assessment for
licensing and certification
examinations. Simulations can
also be used as a tool to
determine what instructors need
to alter to improve the course for
future students.
Simulations can also be used as
a formative assessment to assess
students learning and ability to
apply the content, as well as
identify any difficulties that the
students encounter with content
or concepts.

Case studies are

useful learning
activities as they
provide an in-depth
analysis of a real life
scenario that
demonstrates class
content. Case
studies associate the
practical aspects of
nursing content with
the theoretical
aspects that help
students to recall
information. This
learning activity
stimulates critical
thinking, retention,
and recall. Problem
solving is promoted
with this activity.

Objectives Being

1.Explain the
proper steps for
oral medication
2. Demonstrate
the proper
technique for
inserting an
indwelling catheter
in a male and a
female patient.

Level of Learning

1. Cognitive
Simulations provide
students the
opportunity to show
their understanding of
learned concepts.
2. Cognitive (applying):
The simulation will
require the student to
display their
understanding of
through demonstration
of various skills.

Reflective journaling is
Reflective journaling is considered a formative
an evaluation strategy
evaluation tool. This is due to
done to reflect upon
the nature of the assignment
nursing experiences,
being learner centered with a
areas of strength, and
focus on achievements, with
areas where
students and educators being
improvements could be able to see their progress
made. It allows for the towards course/program
student to express
outcomes. Formative
their thoughts and
evaluation is done while the
feelings about their
student experiences the
experiences, which
teaching- learning process,
often leads to a great
which is when reflective
understanding of ones journaling is completed.
self. While utilizing
reflective journaling,
student should and
most likely will connect
ideas from the
classroom to their
clinical experiences.
Providing objectives or
expectations of journal
entries will be helpful in
guiding the students
Reflective Journaling

Self-assessment of
the student is
occurring when
utilizing reflective
journaling. As
mentioned, it allows
for the student to
review their own
practice during
clinical experiences
and how knowledge
was applied to the
nursing process. In
doing so, the
student can
continue to develop
clinical thinking
skills. During selfassessment, the
student is often able
to recognize
something that
could have been
done better.
When the student is
able to recognize

The student will:

1. Describe
integration of
theory into
clinical practice.
2. Describe the
nursing process
as it applies to
specific clinical

Cognitive The
students are able to
integrate theory or
learned knowledge
into their own
practice. Reflection
upon this will show
their progress
towards learning in
the classroom.
Affective Through
reflection, the student
is able to identify
emotions, values, and
motivations in regards
to their experiences.
This is an important
part of selfawareness, a skill
that is imperative to
have in nursing.

thoughts and enhance

critical thinking.

this, growth in his or

her own
development is

Clinical Competencies

Nursing students will

Competencies are used

to measure the
students ability to
perform tasks. Three
ways in understanding
competence is: (a) task
related skills; (b)
pertaining to generic
attributes essential to
effective performance;
and (c) the bringing
together of a range of
general attributes such
as knowledge, skills and
attitudes appropriate for
professional practice
Gersbach, Arthur &

Clinical competencies can be

used as formative evaluation
because the student performs
competencies and immediately
receives a pass/fail based on their
performance. This gives faculty
immediate evaluation on the
overall student outcomes and see
if the teaching techniques are
effective. If a student is
unsuccessful during a
competency they receive
feedback from the instructor and
may have to take part in
remediation with specific faculty.
This gives students the
opportunity to receive
constructive feedback and

have the opportunity

to learn through
creative lab skill
activities. This
learning activity will
give faculty the
opportunity to show
skills, give students
skills checklists with
grading rubrics, and
time to practice skills.
Giving students the
rubric will guide
students with the

At the completion
of this learning
activity, the learner
1. Perform
assigned nursing
skills successfully
in front of nursing
2. Demonstrate
assessment skills,
critical thinking
and interventions
during tested

1. (Applying)
Students will have the
opportunity to practice
psychomotor skills that
they can develop and
apply appropriate within
clinical practice.
2. (Evaluating)
The cognitive skills
students gain from
these learning activities
will be justified by their

Roche, 2011).

understand where they are falling

short in their clinical performance.

correct way to
perform skills and the
criteria needed to
pass during their
performance. After
skills tests, students
have to ability to
move forward with
their learning, or will
need to attend
Remediation may
include additional
practice in a particular
nursing skill or set of
skills, writing a
reflective narrative
about a critical
incident, searching for
the evidence that
underpins a particular

aspect of practice,
additional supervised
clinical placement
hours, or spending
time with a specialist
nurse, for example, a
pain consultant
Gersbach, Arthur &
Roche, 2011).
The Minute Paper:

a very short, in-class

writing activity where
students answer
questions that prompt
them to reflect on the
days lesson and
provides the instructor
with useful feedback.
This versatile classroom
assessment tool
provides a quick and
simple way to assess

The minute paper can be used as

formative or summative
evaluation. This write-to-learn
activity may be used throughout
the course. Students collect their
minute papers during the course
and use them as an ongoing
learning journal. Feedback from
the teacher provides a formative
assessment for students to
identify their strengths and
weaknesses and target areas that
need work. It also helps faculty

This evaluation
strategy would be
used for the Imagine
learning activity in a
class on health
promotion for the
older adult. The
students are asked to
imagine that their
parents are no longer
able to care for
themselves and are
living in a long-term

At the completion
of this learning
activity, the learner
1. Explain the
challenges of
older adults who
can no longer care
for themselves.
2. Respect the
older adults
experience as
he/she adapts to

1. (Cognitive)Questions
on the minute paper
would ask to identify
two or three significant
things they learned
during this session.
2. (Affective) On the
minute paper, students
would be asked to
reflect on their
understanding of
challenges that older
adults experience

student learning. The

minute paper can be
used at the end of class
or at the conclusion of a
key concept during
class. Feedback from
the teacher is given at
the beginning of the
next class.

Quickie Quizzes
These quizzes can be a
way to test
understanding in the
moment and give the
teacher a view of where
learning needs to
continue. These can be
pre- post activity
and allow for immediate
feedback to the student

recognize where students are

struggling and address problems
immediately. If the minute paper
is graded, then it can be used as
part of the summative evaluation
at the conclusion of the course.

care facility. They are

asked how they would
want the nurses to
treat their parents.
This activity helps the
students to
contemplate the
challenges of aging
patients and to
develop empathy for
the older population.

This form of evaluation technique

is formative because it allows for
a valuable way to assess
understanding and quickly get the
students attention. Not all quizzes
need to count toward the
summative grade . They can be
a way to monitor preparation for
class, and the process of forming
critical thinking as the material is
assimilated (Herrman, 2016). It
can be used to review previously
learning material before learning

The quizzes are

given at times that
may be unexpected
by the students. It is
a to assess their
learning processes in
the moment. Some
quizzes of this type
do not need to be
'graded' but used to
identify areas where
further learning is
needed. It can be a

physical limitations
and role change.

during physical

1. ( Cognitive,
remembering) This will
test the students
comprehension of the
2. (Creating,
Applies the information
to a care study
The student will:
1. Be able to list
risk factors for

Concept Mapping:Using
a flow chart design to
organize ideas that help
the learner build and
discover relationships as

new material. Student can

develop their own quizzes as a
mechanism to stimulate their own
active learning, and use them as
self -assessment tools

way to assess the

students' preparation
for a class as a pretest and given later as
a post-test to
determine if learning
occurred. In the pretest quiz it can be a
way to review
previously learning
material before new
material is presented.
Quizzes that count
need to be clearly
designated as going
toward the grade. In
these cases the
students need
opportunity for make
up (Herrman, 2016).

Formative: this is a learner

centered technique provides
ongoing feedback to students, as
they create several concept maps
through their clinical rotation.

The Learning
activities that are
evaluated with this
strategy include

someone having
Peripheral Artery
2.Write a care
plan incorporating
the factors
medications to be
used, and ways of
preventing PAD

1. Students will
be able to make
between content

1) Apply Students
will use information or
theory learned in the
classroom in a specific
scenario in the clinical

they create a visual

representation of each
connection. Concept
mapping is an advanced
technique that allows the
opportunity for critical
thinking, linking theory to
practice and development
of organization skills.

Concept maps may not

necessarily be graded, with each
new concept map, students
progress in abilities and will
eventually lead toward completion
of outcomes.

discussions, pre and

post conferences and
pre class room
assignments of chart
review and review of

delivered in
classroom to
assignment in
clinical setting.
2. Students will
develop a full
plan of care
utilizing the
nursing process
and nursing
diagnosis to
between medical
diagnosis and

setting, pertaining to a
specific patient.
2) Create-Students
are creating a plan of
care for their patients
utilizing the nursing
process and concept
mapping techniques.
(Both Cognitive)

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