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Unit 7: This Is My Friend

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Unit 7 This is my friend


Jiă: Nĭ hăo!
甲: 你好!
A : Hello!

Yĭ: Nĭ hăo!
乙: 你好!
B : Hi!

Jiă: Zhè shì wŏ bàba. Zhè shì wŏ māma. Bàba, māma, tā shì wŏ péngyou.
甲: 这是我爸爸,这是我妈妈。爸爸,妈妈,他是我朋友。
A : This is my Dad. This is my Mom. Mom, Dad, he is my friend.

Yĭ: Nĭmen hăo.

乙: 你们好。
B : How do you do.

Bàba,māma: Nĭ hăo.
Mom, Dad: How do you do.

Jiă: Bàba, māma, wŏ péngyou de māma shì dàifu.

甲: 爸爸,妈妈,我朋友的妈妈是大夫。
A : Mom, Dad, my friend's mother is a doctor.

Māma: Ò, nĭ māma shì dàifu, nĭ bàba ne?

妈妈: 噢,你妈妈是大夫,你爸爸呢?
Mom: Oh, your mom is a doctor, what about your Dad?

Yĭ: Tā yĕ shì dàifu.

乙: 他也是大夫。
B : He is a doctor, too.

Bàba: Dàifu hĕn máng. Nĭ bàba, māma yĕ hĕn máng ma?

Dad: Doctors are busy. Are they busy, too?

Yĭ: Máng.

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乙: 忙。
B : Yes, they are.

Māma: Tāmen hăo ma?

Mom: How are they?

Yĭ: Tāmen hĕn hăo. Xièxie.

乙: 他们很好,谢谢.
B : They are very well, thank you.





Zhè shì wŏ péngyou. Nà shì wŏ péngyou de gēge. Wŏ péngyou bú shì dàifu.

Tā gēge yĕ bú shì dàifu. Tāmen bàba, māma shì dàifu. Tāmen hĕn máng.
Tāmen dōu shì hăo dàifu.

Zhè shì wŏ péngyou de chē, bú shì tā gēge de chē. Nà shì Tā gēge de chē.
Wŏ péngyou de chē hăo, tā gēge de chē bù hăo.

Zhè shì nĭ Péngyou de shū ma? Bú shì. Zhè shì wŏ dìdi de shū. Nà yĕ shì nǐ dìdi de
shū ma? Bú shì, nà shì wŏ de shū.

This is my friend. That is my friend's older brother. My friend is not a doctor.

Neither is his brother.Their mom and dad are doctors. They are busy.

They are both good doctors.

This is my friend’s car. That is his older brother's car.

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My friend’s car is good, but his older brother's car is not good.

Is this your book? No. This is my younger brother's book? Is that his book, too? No. That
is my book.

1. Number:

Like Chinese verbs, Chinese nouns do not differentiate between

singular and plural. Thus English “a book” and “ books” is

expressed same as “书” in Chinese.

2. Structural particle 的:

The structural particle 的 indicates that the word or phrase

preceding it functions as an attributive which defines or

modifies the noun or noun phrase that comes after it.

For example:

好的车 hǎo de chē good cars

很忙的大夫 hěn máng de dàifu a very busy doctor

我的爸爸 wǒ de bàba my father

她妈妈的书 tā māma de shū her mom's books

In general, the particle “的” comes in as a link marker between the

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modifier and the noun or the noun phrase modified. But,there are
some cases in which “的” is optional:

A. Where personal pronouns modify words denoting people in close

relationship to them:

她(的)爸爸 tā bàba her father

我们(的)哥哥 wŏmen gēge our older brother
你(的)朋友 nĭ péngyou your friends

B. Where monosyllabic adjectives modify nouns or noun phrases:

好(的)哥哥 hăo gēge good older brother

好(的)车 hăo chē good cars

There are some other cases, which we’ll discuss in the lessons
to come.

3. The classificatory verb 是:

The verb “是” acts as a link between the subject and a description
of it usually a way of identifying it. For instance:

他是大夫。 Tā shì dàifu. He is a doctor.

To negate 是 use 不:
她不是我妈妈。 Tā bú shì wŏ māma. She is not my mom.

To form a simple question, you just add interrogative particle

“吗” at the end of a statement:

这是你的车吗? Zhè shì nĭde chē ma?


Pronunciation notes:

1. Rules for the change of tones for 不:

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“不”(bu) is pronounced with the 4th tone“b”, when it is followed by 1st,

2nd and 3rd tones. For example:

bù hăo bù máng bù gān (not dry)

When “不”(bu)is followed by a 4th tone, it changes into 2nd tone.

For example:

Bú shì bú duì (not correct) bú chàng (not sing)

Note that when“bu”changes its tone, the tone mark should reflect the change.

Speech Patterns:

1. The structural particle 的:

1. 我爸爸的车很好。

2. 那是你朋友吗?不是。她是我弟弟的朋友。

3. 好大夫很忙。不忙的大夫不好。

4. 那是好书。这不是。这是你的书吗?

5. 我妈妈的车很好。你妈妈是大夫。大夫的车都是好车。

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1. Wŏ bàba de chē hĕn hăo.

2. Nà shì nĭ péngyou ma? Búshì. Tā shì wŏ dìdi de péngyou.

3. Hăo dàifu hĕn máng. Bù máng de dàifu bù hăo.

4. Nà shì hăo shū. Zhè bú shì. Zhè shì nĭ de shū ma?

5. Wŏ māma de chē hĕn hăo. Nĭ māma shì dàifu. Dàifu de chē dōu shì Hăo chē .

1. My dad’s car is good.

2. Is that your friend? No. She is my younger brother’s friend.

3. Good Doctors are busy. The not-busy doctors (the doctors who are

not busy) are not good.

4. That is a good book. This is not. Is this your book?

5. My mom’s car is good. Your mom is a doctor. The cars of doctors are all good.

2. Sentences with classificatory verb:

1. 他哥哥是你朋友吗?是。他哥哥是我朋友。

2. 那不是你的车吗?不是。那是我爸爸的车。

3. 这是你弟弟的书吗?这不是他的书,是我的书。

4. 他是大夫吗?他是大夫,也是我爸爸。

5. 那是你朋友的哥哥吗?是。我朋友的哥哥很忙。他是大夫。

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1. Tā gēge shì nĭ péngyou ma? Shì. Tā gēge shì wŏ péngyou.

2. Nà bú shì nĭ de chē ma? Bú shi. Nà shì wŏ bàba de chē.

3. Zhè shì nĭ dìdi de shū ma? Zhè bú shì tā de shū, shì wŏ de shū.

4. Tā shì dàifu ma? Tā shì dàifu, yĕ shì wŏ bàba.

5. Nà shì nĭ péngyou de gēge ma? Shì. Wŏ péngyou de gēge hĕn máng. Tā shì dàifu.

1. Is his older brother your friend? Yes. His older brother is my friend.

2. Isn’t that your car? No. That’s my dad’s car.

3. Is this your younger brother’s book? This is not his book. (This) is my book.

4. Is he a doctor? He is a doctor, and (he) is also my dad.

5. Is that your friend’s older brother? Yes. My friend’s older brother is busy. He is a doctor.

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