The irrigation system consists of a (main) intake structure or (main) pumping station, a conveyance system, a
distribution system, a field application system, and a drainage system (see Fig. 69).
Fig. 69. An irrigation system
The (main) intake structure, or (main) pumping station, directs water from the source of supply, such as a
reservoir or a river, into the irrigation system.
The conveyance system assures the transport of water from the main intake structure or main pumping station
up to the field ditches.
The distribution system assures the transport of water through field ditches to the irrigated fields.
The field application system assures the transport of water within the fields.
The drainage system removes the excess water (caused by rainfall and/or irrigation) from the fields.
There are several types of pumps, but the most commonly used in irrigation is the centrifugal pump.
The centrifugal pump (see Fig. 72a) consists of a case in which an element, called an impeller, rotates driven
by a motor (see Fig. 72b). Water enters the case at the center, through the suction pipe. The water is
immediately caught by the rapidly rotating impeller and expelled through the discharge pipe.
Fig. 72a. Diagram of a centrifugal pump
The centrifugal pump will only operate when the case is completely filled with water.
The conveyance and distribution systems consist of canals transporting the water through the whole irrigation
system. Canal structures are required for the control and measurement of the water flow.
The freeboard of the canal is the height of the bank above the highest water level anticipated. It is required to
guard against overtopping by waves or unexpected rises in the water level.
The side slope of the canal is expressed as ratio, namely the vertical distance or height to the horizontal
distance or width. For example, if the side slope of the canal has a ratio of 1:2 (one to two), this means that the
horizontal distance (w) is two times the vertical distance (h) (see Fig. 75).
Fig. 75. A side slope of 1:2 (one to two)
The bottom slope of the canal does not appear on the drawing of the cross-section but on the longitudinal
section (see Fig. 76). It is commonly expressed in percent or per mil.
Fig. 76. A bottom slope of a canal
An example of the calculation of the bottom slope of a canal is given below (see also Fig. 76):
Lining canals is also an effective way to control canal bottom and bank erosion. The materials mostly used for
canal lining are concrete (in precast slabs or cast in place), brick or rock masonry and asphaltic concrete (a
mixture of sand, gravel and asphalt).
The construction cost is much higher than for earthen canals. Maintenance is reduced for lined canals, but
skilled labour is required.
Water poured on the top edge of the sheet reacts exactly the same as the ball. It flows downward and the
steeper the slope, the higher the velocity of the flow.
Water flowing in steep canals can reach very high velocities. Soil particles along the bottom and banks of an
earthen canal are then lifted, carried away by the water flow, and deposited downstream where they may block
the canal and silt up structures. The canal is said to be under erosion; the banks might eventually collapse.
b. Drop structures and chutes
Drop structures or chutes are required to reduce the bottom slope of canals lying on steeply sloping land in
order to avoid high velocity of the flow and risk of erosion. These structures permit the canal to be constructed
as a series of relatively flat sections, each at a different elevation (see Fig. 80).
Fig. 80. Longitudinal section of a series of drop structures
Drop structures take the water abruptly from a higher section of the canal to a lower one. In a chute, the water
does not drop freely but is carried through a steep, lined canal section. Chutes are used where there are big
differences in the elevation of the canal.
ii. Distribution control structures
Distribution control structures are required for easy and accurate water distribution within the irrigation system
and on the farm.
a. Division boxes
Division boxes are used to divide or direct the flow of water between two or more canals or ditches. Water
enters the box through an opening on one side and flows out through openings on the other sides. These
openings are equipped with gates (see Fig. 81).
b. Turnouts
Turnouts are constructed in the bank of a canal. They divert part of the water from the canal to a smaller one.
Turnouts can be concrete structures (Fig. 82a), or pipe structures (Fig. 82b).
Fig. 82a. A concrete turnout
Fig. 82b. A pipe turnout
c. Checks
To divert water from the field ditch to the field, it is often necessary to raise the water level in the ditch. Checks
are structures placed across the ditch to block it temporarily and to raise the upstream water level. Checks can
be permanent structures (Fig. 83a) or portable (Fig. 83b).
Fig. 83a. A permanent concrete check
c. Inverted siphons
When water has to be carried across a road which is at the same level as or below the canal bottom, an
inverted siphon is used instead of a culvert. The structure consists of an inlet and outlet connected by a
pipeline (Fig. 86). Inverted siphons are also used to carry water across wide depressions.
Fig. 86. An inverted siphon
a. Weirs
In its simplest form, a weir consists of a wall of timber, metal or concrete with an opening with fixed dimensions
cut in its edge (see Fig. 87). The opening, called a notch, may be rectangular, trapezoidal or triangular.
Fig. 87. Some examples of weirs
b. Parshall flumes
The Parshall flume consists of a metal or concrete channel structure with three main sections: (1) a converging
section at the upstream end, leading to (2) a constricted or throat section and (3) a diverging section at the
downstream end (Fig. 88).
Depending on the flow condition (free flow or submerged flow), the water depth readings are taken on one
scale only (the upstream one) or on both scales simultaneously.
c. Cut-throat flume
The cut-throat flume is similar to the Parshall flume, but has no throat section, only converging and diverging
sections (see Fig. 89). Unlike the Parshall flume, the cut-throat flume has a flat bottom. Because it is easier to
construct and install, the cut-throat flume is often preferred to the Parshall flume.
Fig. 89. A cut-throat flume
There are many methods of applying water to the field. The simplest one consists of bringing water from the
source of supply, such as a well, to each plant with a bucket or a water-can (see Fig. 90).
This is a very time-consuming method and it involves quite heavy work. However, it can be used successfully
to irrigate small plots of land, such as vegetable gardens, that are in the neighbourhood of a water source.
More sophisticated methods of water application are used in larger irrigation systems. There are three basic
methods: surface irrigation, sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation.
hillsides (see Fig. 93a). Trees can also be grown in basins, where one tree usually is located in the centre of a
small basin (see Fig. 93b).
Fig. 93a. Basin irrigation on the hillside
Fig. 93b. Basin irrigation for trees