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Lesson 2 Cell Division Unit

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Joshua Leish/ Acid Rain (Jessica
Scolaro, Jose Martinez, Amit Patel)
Class Title


Subject Area

Lesson Title


Unit Title
Cell Division

Grade Levels

Total Minutes

The class size is 40 students. The classroom is located in a section of the school designed for science curriculum;
therefore, there is both seating for students at regular desks, and a second section of the room designated for
experiments. There are no classroom environment issues that should affect the classroom. Many of the students are
involved with extracurricular activities outside of the classroom.
CCSS Math, CCSS ELA & Literacy History/Social
Studies, Science and Technical Subjects, NGSS, and
English Language Development Standards (ELD)
Content Standards
Use a model to illustrate the role of cellular division
(mitosis) and differentiation in producing and maintaining
complex organisms
Disciplinary Core Idea
LS1.B: Growth and Development of Organisms

In multicellular organisms individual cells grow

and then divide via a process called mitosis,
thereby allowing the organism to grow. The
organism begins as a single cell (fertilized egg)
that divides successively to produce many cells,
with each parent cell passing identical genetic
material (two variants of each chromosome pair)
to both daughter cells. Cellular division and
differentiation produce and maintain a complex
organism, composed of systems of tissues and
organs that work together to meet the needs of
the whole organism. (HS-LS1-4)

Crosscutting Concepts
Systems and System Models

Demonstrate comprehension of oral presentations and

discussions on a variety of social and academic topics by
asking and answering questions that show thoughtful
consideration of the ideas or arguments with moderate
Explain ideas, phenomena, processes, and text
relationships (e.g., compare/contrast, cause/effect,
evidence based argument) based on close reading of a
variety of grade appropriate texts, presented in various
print and multimedia formats, using short sentences and
a select set of general academic and domain specific

Models (e.g., physical, mathematical, computer

models) can be used to simulate systems and
interactionsincluding energy, matter, and
information flowswithin and between systems at
different scales. (HS-LS1-2),(HS-LS1-4)

Lesson Objective(s)
Students will be able to model the different stages of

Students will take part in a modeling activity in order to
understand the different stages of mitosis.

Students will know that mitosis is important in producing

and maintaining complex organisms.

Students will be able to answer questions as to why cell

take part in mitosis.



Purpose/Focus of

The students will have

already read about
mitosis from their book
and it will be important
for them to be able to
visualize the process. To
help students visualize
the process of mitosis
they will watch a six
minute video depicting
each stage.


The teacher will have a

video ready on the
computer and will show
it to the students on the


The purpose of this

assessment is to make
sure students are using
vocabulary from the
section on mitosis. I will
also be looking for
students to model
mitosis in the correct

While students are

working on their
modeling assignment
with their partner I will
be walking around the
classroom listening to
them. I will also be
asking random groups
questions about mitosis
so I can get and
understanding of what
they know.

The purpose of this

assessment is to
evaluate what students
understand about the
process of mitosis by the
end of the lesson.

After the mitosis lab,

students will answer
questions on the graphic
organizer and turn it into
the teacher.

Feedback Strategy
I would listen to the
questions that students
are asking to find out
what they are having
trouble with. If they do
not have questions I
wont assume they know
the content because
they may just be
scared/shy to ask a
question. In this case I
will ask the students
questions to get a better
understanding of their
knowledge of the
If students were not
using vocabulary that
they already learned
from reading and from
the video I would
address the whole class
to tell them I want to
hear them using
vocabulary that they
learned from their
reading. While asking
students questions I
would find out which
parts of mitosis they are
having difficulty with. If
many groups are having
difficulty with the same
problem I will make a
decision on what to do
Students will receive
feedback through written
comments on their
assignment when it is
returned back to them
on a future date.

How Informs Teaching

As the teacher I will know

what concepts students
are having trouble with
and be able to address
those concepts. I can try
and present the material
in a different way than
their textbook or the

If students are not using

the vocabulary from the
chapter it will tell me
that I need to have them
make a vocabulary log
next time. I would have
them keep this log on
their desk which would
make it easier for them
to use the vocabulary. If
students are having
trouble with my
questioning I would
address the whole class
because that means
many of them would be
having trouble with the
same issue.
If students had difficulty
with the main content of
the lesson, there will
need to be a review of
this content before
moving on to new

Instructional Strategies
Discussion, Models, Group Work
Lesson Introduction/Anticipatory Set
Teacher Does
1. The class would have already read the chapter on
mitosis the night before as homework. To introduce
the lesson, the teacher will show a video on mitosis: .
After watching the video the teacher will ask the
10 min
students if they have any questions about the
process of mitosis or if there is any confusion
regarding mitosis. If the students are not asking any
questions, the teacher will call on students to answer
some questions about mitosis.
Lesson Body
Teacher Does
40 min
2. I will pass out a handout to the class and enlist
the help of two students. I will ask one student to
pass out 6 pieces of pipe cleaner (2 pairs of 3 pipe
cleaners in differing colors and lengths). I will ask

Student Does
1. The students will be rowdy when they first get
into class and a good way to get them ready for the
lesson would be to show an opening video. Students
will watch the video and visualize mitosis. They will
be familiar with mitosis because they just read about
it the night before. After watching the video,
students will be able to ask the teacher questions
about any confusion they have on the subject.
Student Does
2. Students will get a lab handout and will begin to
look it over and put their names at the top. Two
students will help be passing out materials.
Students like to be involved and helping the teacher

the other student to pass out yarn to model spindle

fibers (6 lengths of yarn). The teacher will tell
students to work in groups of two with the person
sitting next to them.
3. After everything is passed out I will tell the
students to take out a piece of paper and to draw a
large circle that will represent the cell. I will also tell
the students to draw a smaller circle that will
represent the nuclear envelope (draw in pencil). I
will then tell the students to place 3 pieces of pipe
cleaner of differing colors inside the nucleus. I will
then question the students and ask them what the
pipe cleaners in the nucleus represent.
4. To represent the S phase of mitosis I will tell the
students to place the remaining pipe cleaners into
the nucleus. I will tell the students that they now
have double the genetic material because it has
been replicated and now it has to be separated.
5. Now I will tell the students that we will replicate
prophase of the cell by wrapping the pipe cleaners
around each other to look like an X. After the
students have formed and X I will tell them the
nuclear envelope disappears and that they need to
erase the nuclear envelope.
6. Next I will tell the class its time for metaphase. I
will ask students what they think the next step is.
After a student answers correctly I will tell them to
line up their chromosomes from the top of the cell to
the bottom. I will tell the students that this is where
the spindle fibers also form. To show spindle fibers
in our model I will tell students to tie 3 pieces of yarn
together and place them lengthwise along the cell. I
will also tell them to do the same with the other 3
pieces of yarn.
7. I will then ask the students what the name of the
next phase is. After they have answered correctly I
will tell them to unwrap their pipe cleaners
(chromosomes) and lay them next to each other on
the spindle fibers (yarn). I will then tell them to
move each chromatid (pipe cleaner) along the
spindle fiber (yarn) and let them know they have just
separated their chromosomes.
8. I will tell the students the last phase is telophase
and that this is where the nuclear envelope reforms
around the nucleus. I will tell them to draw a circle
around the chromosomes on the left of the cell and
another circle around the chromosomes on the right
of the cell. I will also tell them to draw a line down
the center of the cell and show the cleavage of the
two cells that are forming.
9. Then I will tell students that there is another part
of mitosis called cytokinesis. To model this I will tell
them to cut down the center of their paper where
the cells are dividing to create two new cells. I will
tell the class that this is the process of mitosis and
that animal and plant cells divide in this fashion to
grown and replace aging cells.
10. I will then have the groups do the same activity
on their own while I walk around the classroom to
assess the students understanding of the lesson.

so they will enjoy being called on to help. One

student will pass out pipe cleaners and another will
pass out yarn.
3. Students will get out a piece of blank paper and
draw a big circle that represents a cell. They will
also draw a smaller circle inside which represents
the nuclear envelope. They will draw them both in
pencil the nuclear envelope needs to be erased later.
The students will put 3 of their pipe cleaners inside
the nucleus to represent chromosomes. Students
will be called upon to answer what the pipe cleaners
4. Students will place the remaining pipe cleaners
into the nucleus. Students will learn they have to
put more pipe cleaners in the nucleus because it is
being replicated in the S phase of mitosis.
5. The students will wrap the pipe cleaners around
each other to make them look like an X. Students
will also erase the nuclear envelope as they learn the
envelope disappears in prophase.
6. Next the students will learn they will replicate
metaphase with their materials. Students will think
of what happens is metaphase and answer the
teacher if they are called upon. They will then line
up their chromosomes from the top to bottom of the
cell. They will now use the yarn to show that spindle
fibers are forming.
7. Students will answer the teacher about what the
next phase of mitosis is. They will then unwrap their
pipe cleaners and lay them next to each of the
spindle fibers. They will then move each chromatid
along the spindle fiber to show the chromosomes
8. They will learn that the last phase of mitosis is
telophase and that is where the nuclear envelop
reforms around the nucleus. They will draw a circle
around the chromosomes on the left and right side of
the cell. They will also draw a line down the center
of the paper to show that two cells are about to
9. Students will learn that there is another part of
mitosis called cytokinesis and that this is where the
cell divides. They will cut down the center of their
paper and be left with two cells. They will learn that
mitosis is used in animal and plant cells in order
them to grow and replace cells that are aging.
10. Students will then work in their groups on
replicating the work they have just done.
11. Students will take part in a discussion led by the
teacher. They will think about why the body is
making all these copies of cells. They will think
about what those many cells represent in the body.

11. After I am satisfied that students are

understanding mitosis I will have them stop and
questions them about why we need to do mitosis. I
will ask them why cell dividing and creating so many
copies. What do all these copies of cells represent?
I will guide students into thinking about how cells
make up the human body and all of the tissues and
organs inside the body. (disciplinary core ideas
Lesson Closure
Teacher Does
12. The teacher will have students finish the group
work and put away the pipe cleaners and yarn. After
that is completed the teacher will direct the students
to work on the post lab questions. The teacher will
10 min
give students 1 minute to work on each questions by
themselves before asking for volunteers to answer
the question. This will be done for all 4 questions
until they are completed.
Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Multimedia

Student Does
12. Students will finish up on their work in groups
and put their supplies in the correct spot. Students
will answer the post lab questions on their own and
then share their answers with the class if they are
called on. They will do this for all four questions or
until the period is complete. If there are any
questions left it will be sent home with the students
as homework.

Projector, computer, yarn, pipe cleaners

Co-Teaching Strategies
English Learners
EL students will have
difficulty reading the
textbook because they are
not accustomed to the
English language. They
may be good at speaking
English, but then have
problems reading it. The
activities that I use in this
lesson will give EL students
a chance to learn the
material by watching a
video depicting the process
of mitosis. They will not
have to worry about
reading at this point only
about listening to the
speaker in the video and
following along with the
representation of mitosis.
During the lab work the
students will be working
with models which is a
hands on activity that will
help the EL learner
visualize the process. The
teacher will be leading the
students at first and
eventually let them work
with a partner. Since the
teacher is model first it will
give the EL students the
confidence to complete the
task on their own. They
will also have a partner to
work with and I will be sure
to group an EL learner with
someone who speaks the

Striving Readers
Striving readers will
definitely have a problem
with the reading from the
night before. They may
come into the class not
understanding what mitosis
is. This is where the video
will come into play. These
students can use this as an
introduction to mitosis. The
student does not have to
read to follow along with
the video they only have to
be able to listen and view
the video. They will further
understanding of mitosis
through the lab work and
be able to use a model in
order to represent the
process. After completing
the lab this student will be
able to answer questions to
self-monitor themselves
and make sure they are
understanding the process.

Students with Special

The video introduces the
topic of mitosis pretty fast
and SSNs may not be able
to keep up with the video
either. This is where the
teacher guided portion of
the lab comes into play.
While I am doing the lab
with the students I will
make sure to go at a pace
that is good for SSN
students to follow along. I
will constantly be asking
questions and giving input
so the process will be
understandable. I will
make sure to group SSNs
with a student that I know
has patience and it
excelling in the class. As I
am walking around the
class to monitor students, I
will make sure to go around
to see if the SSNs are
participating and using
correct terminology.

Advanced Students
Advanced students will
most likely finish with the
classwork faster than other
students. If this is the case
I will use their expertise to
help other groups
understand the process.
This will not only be
beneficial for the group
they are helping, but also
for the student teaching
because they will be
getting multiple exposures
to the content.

same language as them.

The EL learner will have a
chance to show their
understanding of the
content by answering
questions at the end of the
The class will start out with the teacher getting the class quiet because they are usually noisy and talking amongst
each other when they come into the classroom. I will ask the students if the reading was difficult for them or easy to
understand. If they say it was hard then I will tell them that we are going to watch a video to try and get a better
understanding of the process of mitosis. Students like watching videos so I expect them to be excited for this. If
students say the reading was simple then I will tell them we are going to watch a video to now help them visualize
mitosis. After the video I will ask the students if they have any questions. If they do not have questions then I will ask
them questions of my own to get an understanding of how much the students know on the topic. We will then move
onto the lab activity and I will begin passing out the materials. The teacher will pass out the lab handout and I will
enlist the help of two students that can pass out the yarn and pipe cleaners. The teacher will first lead the students
through each step of this activity. While going over the activity the teacher should make sure to work at a slow pace
so all students can follow along. After completing the activity once, the teacher will let the students work in groups of
two to complete it on their own. The teacher will let the students know that if they finish doing it on their own once
that they should keep on dividing their cells. After this is complete the teacher will ask the students take their lab
materials back to the counter where they previously were. After students get back to their desk we will start work on
the post lab questions. The teacher will read the question out loud and then give the students a minute to answer.
After a minute the teacher will call on random students to answer. This same process will be done for all 4 questions.
I chose to open with a video because students will come to class with mitosis fresh on their mind. They have just read
the material the night before and may not have fully understood the content. If they did understand the content it will
be a good review to see the process on video. Students will be able to follow along and hear the vocabulary from the
chapter they had just read. I think the lab was a good activity because it has the students using hands on material
and displaying the process of mitosis. I also chose to have students work in groups so they could ask their partner
questions. While students are talking amongst one another I will be able to listen in and see if they are having any
misconceptions or difficulty. To close I wanted the students to answer questions so I could judge their understanding of

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