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1S 3696( Part 2): 1981 ( Reaffirmed 1996) saved oer as ua aifeat — axa dfgar am 2 aft. . ( aga gatas ) Indian Standard SCAFFOLDS AND LADDERS — CODE OF SAFETY PART 2 LADDERS ( First Revision ) First Reprint JGLY 1996 UDC 645497 6148 © BIS 1991 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 August 1991 Price Group 2Safery in Construction Sectional Committee, CED 45 FOREWORD This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted dy the Burean of Indian Standards, after the draft Tnalized by the Safery in Construction Sectlonal Committee had been approved by we Civil Engineering Division Council. Construction industry is inhereatly hazardous. From the point of view of safety, the conditions normally encountered in the construction industry do uot lend themselves to the degtec of control possibtc in other industries where morc stable conditions are generally obtained. It may not be possible to completely eliminate the injuries and accidents in the construction industry because of the hazardous nature of operations involved. However, if safety precautions are properly enforced, it will help ia minimizing accidental injuries in the various operations involved in different types of civil engineering works. Adoption of pre-determined safety measures in each of these operations will not only prevent or reduce accidents but also promote quicker and riskefree working of labourers resulting in increased efficiency with redueed costs of construction. Ladders constitute one of the essential parts of construction equipment in any construction activity and in the abseace of any permanent of temporary stairways provide meaus of access 10 all floors and platforms which are moro than 1'S m apart from ground or any other support for carrying out normal construction wark Thadeqnate attention ie heing paid at present in the use and selection of proper size and design of ladder for any particular jab which results in many accidents. These accidents are generally caused 2s a result of the following : a) Ascending or descending improperly, b) Failure to secure ladder at top and/or botwom, ©} Structural failure of the ladder rtselt, 4) Corrying objects in hand while ascending or descending, and ¢) Unsafe conditions of placing the ladder. If sufficient care is given to the selection of proper size and design of a ladder for a job, the frequency of such accidents would be reduced considerably. Decides thie would bring addHonal confidence in every workman who would be able to do his work safely and casily resulting in grenter productivity of work, This standard has been prepared with a view to providing adequate guidance to the users in the selection and vse of ladders so as to minimize the extent of accidents from ladders in general building operations and other civil engineering works, This standard was Grst published in 1966. In this revision detaile of load test to be performed on portable ladde:s of rigid construction have been incorporated and only or type of built-up ladder is recommended in addition to some other minor changes. In the formulation of this standard due weightage bas been given to international co-ordination among the standards sud practices prevailing in different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the eld in this coun:ry, For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requizement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, stall be rounded aff in accordance with IS 2: 1960 ‘Rules for raunding off numerical valucs ( revised)’. The number of significant pleccs retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in thie standard.TS 3696 ( Part 2): 1991 Indian Standard SCAFFOLDS AND LADDERS — CODE OF SAFETY PART 2 LADDERS ( First Revision ) 1 SCOPE This standard (Part 2) lays down the safety requirements for ladders used for the various jobs in general construction work including, maimten- ance and demolition, 2 REFERENCES The Indian Standacds listed below are necessary adjuncts to this standard: IS Ko. Tithe 617: 1975 Specification for aluminium and alumiaium alloy ingots and eastings for general engineering purposes {second revision } 1084: 1983 Specification for manila ropes Cihird revision ) 1410: 1983 Specification for coir-rope { second revision) 1917: 1975 Specification for structural stee! (ordinary quality) — (second revision ) 3 TERMINOLOGY 3.0 For the purpose of this standard the following definitions shall apply. 3. Ladder ‘An appliance oF equipment usually consisting of ‘wo side rails joined together at regular intervals with cross pieces like steps, rungs or cleats and Used in ascending or descending between two points at different fevcls. 3.2 Overall Length. It is the overall length of up-rights of the ladder measured from end to end. 4 CLASSIFICAELON OF LADDERS 441 Ladders used in construction may he classifi- ed as follows. AAA Buile-tip Ladders These are built on the job to its particuiar re- quirements. They are fastened to the structure in ‘a fixed position, securely held in place and not moved about as requited. 4.1.2 Portable Laddieve af Rigid Construction These are used es and where required to give access to scaffolds, platforms, ete, in a building or other structure under construction or to any required location for repairs or maintenance. They may bo of any type indicated under 4.42.4 cy AADA Stock ladders Ladders whick havo one section and in which the side rails may. be either parallel or spread wider at the bottom. They are leamtoladders, that is, their upper ends are supported by leaning against a wall or any other rigid support. Extension ladders ‘These lean-to-ladders have (wo or three sections with proper locking system. The upper sections Gan siden guides or ‘rackets so. afranged that the length of the ladder can be varied as required between the fully extended position and the fully retracted position Sectional ladders ‘Thess lean-torladders have two or more sections which can be joined end to end so ag to function as a single ladder. However, unlike extension Iadders, the Jength can be changed by the length of a whole seczion only. 4.1.24 Step ladders These are self-supporting ladders hinged near the ‘upper end with a spreader arrangement between, Re ewo sections. ‘When auch a ints arranged for use, it is in the form of letter ‘A’. Wide steps are secured to the side rails which form one of the sloping sides of ‘A’. ‘The other sloping side acts as a strut to support the ladder. AL25 Trestle ladders These are relf-supporting ladders similar to. step ladders except that they have circular rungs on both the sloping sides. Extension trestle ladders A ladder consisting of ‘A’ ot trestle ladder, hinged at the top to form equal angles with the base when spread, and with an additional single ladder section having parallel sides which can adjusted vertically and provided with a deviee to lock it in piace.TS 3696 ( Part 2): 1991 43 Rope Ladders These have ropes on either side, instead of rigid side rails, passing through holes in the rungs wich are’of planks. Rape Jadders may also have rungs of other suitable types with non-slipping connections to side ropes. Rope ladders not being rigid have to be suspended from the top end. 5 MATERIALS 5.1 Metal ladder may be either of stee! complying with 18 1977: 1978 or of aluminium alloy complying with the suitable grade of IS 617 : 1975, 52 Wooden ladder may be cither of timber or of bamboo and if of timber, it shall conform to the relevant Indian Standard, 6.3 Rope for ladder shall conform to the require: ment of Graces T ropes laid down in IS 1064 : 1983 or 18 1410 : 1983. The diameter of the ropc shall not be Jess than 25 mm, 6 CONSTRUCTION 6.1 General Requirements 11 All taddere chall_ ha cxinetructed ta carry thelr {tended loads safely. Le of excessive 6.1.2 Gide sails of wetal ladders abel! sufficient cross-section fo prevent deflection in ne 6.3 Ladders whieh are to, renraiu wx pat of the permanent ctruoture after -completion of Imjlding operations, shall conform to any iocal, state or municipal byclaws which may be applicable, 6.1.4 In case of wooden ladders no rune stall be fixed to the stringer with nuils, spikes or other similar fixings. In bambco ladders, however, the Tongs may be fixed to the raiis with spikes of appropriate design and strength. shocs, lashing or other cffcstive G15 Salet H be used to avold danger of slipping. means shall 6.2 Built-Up Ladders Ail gurfuces of the ladder shall be planed, free of splinters and edge of hand ails used shall be bevelled. 62.1 Rung spacing shall be uniform and not ‘over 300 mm on centres. Rungs shail be recessed at least 12 mm into rails 6.2.2 Ladders shall not exceed 6 m in length. ‘The recommended dimensions for built-up wooden ladders are given in Table 1 623 Top and bottom of cach builtup ladder shall be securely fastened. 6.3 Portable Ladders of Rigid Constrnetion 6.31 Stock Ladders The overall length of stock tadders shall not excced 10m, The width between side rails at the base shall in mo case be less than 290 mm for ladders up to 3 m in length. For longer lengths, this width shall be incceased at least 6 mm for each additional 03 m of leagth. In the case of imeiel fadders, metal rings shall he made of solid round stecl rods, steel pige or angle sectiows and securely fastened to the side rails by riveting, bolting or welding. Metal tteads shall be flanged downward ant tess than $0 mm at each end and seoured to each side rail by two bolte or rivets. Sefety type treads may also be used with angie supports at each end. All bolts and rivets shall have a close fit in the holes prepared to receive them. 6.32 Step Ladders The overall height of siep Iedders shall not exceed 6 ui. Step ladders higher than 3.m shall be quipped with rupe of iain pleved uiidwey bl ween the automatic spreader and the batiom of ladder. Steps shall be secared to the side rails by urea of xalls, vi secewa aud scifivecd with tie rods between side rails uader alternate stens Ladders shail he provided with an automatic Jacking device or apreadcr to hold it in am open position. ‘The minimum width between side raile LOD step, inside (0 inside, shall De moi fess than 300 mam with a spread of 2 mm for cach 300 tam of length of spread ladder. 63.3 Extension Ladders The overall length of the extended ladder shail not execed 18m. The sliding section shall not exceed (Wo in number. Locks and guides shall be vf such design and construction as to make the extension Indder equal in strength to a ladder fof equal length constructed af conttouons side 6.3.4 Sectional Ladders The overall length of sectional ladder shall, not exoted 10 m. The bottom and intermediate sections shall not exceed 2 m each and the top section shail aot exceed a length of 3m, The conmecting joint eball not be lees, than, 300 min length andshall Rt closely without building aanecese sary play. Each grooved end of the sections shall be reinforced and mstal shect of not less than, 1°25 mm thick properly secured thereto-and riveted above the groove extending to the depth of rail. Runes shall be not less than 30 mm in diameter and shall be fixed to the side tails by mortise acd. tenon joints of at least 22 mm and shall be spaced not mare than 300 mm apart centre to centre. 21S 366 ( Part2)+ 1991 Table 1 Dimensions of Wooden Built-Up Ladders (Clause 6.2.2) Langs Inte ‘Width, Min CrossSectianal Size af ~ + Size of Upetsi, Gass, Botan th min o @ «ay roo) ™ mm sea mm mn Bo 38 500 30 so uu ns orsiws 330 330 50 5 100 mas Over $106 Sm 500 0x10 RK 9S 6.35 Troule and Fxcensian Ladders ‘Treatie ladders shall nor exceed 6 in in length and tre base un exlsasivg section uf extension, Ueatle ladders shall wot exceed 6 ma. Trestle ladders and hase cectinn af esreusion teeetle fadders. shalt he so. spread that the wideh of the iestle at the hotiom, inside to inside, is at least 180 cam per 300 mm length of ladder. The single ladder section shail be su hinged at the top that when the laddcr is sncead, they form equal angles with the bare. Tae rangi thall not be lec than ‘Ubmin tn aiamaecer atl shall be fixed tthe side rails by supriixe and tenon joints oP at Teast 22 mm and shall be spaced no: more than 450 ram apart conlre to centre. ‘The mramum distance between sice-tails of trestle ladders, and the. ex tension section cf treats faddera siall Bo not fez than 300mm. The extension section shall have pail! side rails. The tops af silereaily of Gentle and tuse of scotions of extension trestle ladders skall be ent ona bevel to. prevent them from spreading A incking devire or spreader ta hold the fivut aud bask section accurely ia an open position and cach pair of side-roils rigidily ta. one another saall de an integral part of eacth indder. The locking device for socuriog the extension section to the base shail be of an approved dcsign. ‘Tho evtansion trent iadders shall he checked to ensure that when assembled, thelr strength Is ‘equal to taat of a continuous single ladder. id Rope Ladders ‘The diameter of rope shall be not iess than 2) mum. Planks forming steps shall be not fees than 38 mm thick The steps shall be accurely held in position by suitable means. 7 INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING USAGE FA Bullt-Up Ladders TAA When Gned Iaddere are to be used for ascending to eights cxcecding 9m, landing platform shall be provided.” Where _tadders connect different floors, the ladders shall be siaggered and protective landing with the smallest possible opening shall be provided on each flour. Ted Portable Ladders of Rigid Construction 712K Hofore use, alt ladders shall be tested for load test, They shali Rave-not only adequate strength tbat rigidity as well, For load teal, a test load of 1°5 times the mass of worker plus the mass. of 16 >eieks shall be hung from each rung. The rung ‘and the Indder shall not show any distress or noticeable bending, The lower rungs may be (ested by reversing the Ladder, Unless otnerwise specified. the mass of worker shall be taken as $8 kg. Load text chall be done when Jaddoro oro Drought to the consieuction slte and when damage lo ladders 1 anticipated, or observed ou visual inspection. If'a ladder shown tendency to spring, a brace shall be attached to its middle ar properly supported from some otter non-vielding fixed object. Ladders fonger than Sm dengtis require more cautious testing. 722 No ladder having a missing, defective rong or one which depends for its support solely on naile, shall be used. Defective adders hall be peompay ancl propely sepaired ar rephaved 1.23 Ladders shall not be used as guys, braces or skids or for any other purpose for which hey nie uvt iutendal. They sball wot Ve used ia horizontal position ae renways, “They shall aot be aver-crowded 7.24 Whecever possible, laddets shall not be spliced. Where splicing is unavoidable, it shall he cone oniy under the supervision of engineer in-charge. 72.8 Ladiecs teading to landings ot walkways shall extond at leact one metre ubove the landing and shail be secured at the upper end, 7.2.6 To prevent siipping, a ladder shalt pe secured ot the bottom end. If this cannot b> done, a person shall be stationed at the base whenever itis ia use. As a further precaution, ‘she pitch at which a leanrtovadder Is ‘used shall ‘be such that tho horizontal disaase of its foot from the vertical plane of its top shall be not more than one quarter of its lengia. If the surface of the floor on which the ladder rests is smooth or sloping, the ladder Shall be provided with non-slip bases.1S 3696 ( Part 2): 1991 7.2.7 If the us of ladder 1s essenual during strong winds, it shall be securely lashed in position. 7.28 No indder shall be placed or Ieant against window panes, sashes or such other unsafe or yielding objects, nor placed in front of doors opening towards it. If set up in driveways, passe agewaye or public walkways, it chall be protected by suitable barricades 7.2.9 When ascending or descending, the user shall face the ladder, usc both his hands and place his fect near the ends of the Tangs father than near middle. 7.20 [0 ia dangerous to lean mors than 200 mm to side in order to resen a larger area from a single setting of ihe ladder. Instead, the user shall get down and shift the ladder to the required pe 72.11 Mofal ladders shall not be used around electrical equipment or cicemits of any Kind where theze is a possibility of coming in-contact with the cussvat. Metal laddors shalt be macked with signs reading “CAUTION: DU NUL USE NEAR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT”. 72.12 step adders shall always he ed in Tully open position aud fixed with a safety locking Gevices There shall not be used. where Hremuous action on the part of the workman is called for. 7.2.13 Extension laddors shall be used only up to 18m in Tength. Locks and guides shail be properly checked to onsure for proper locking and full extension of the section, At Jeast wo ‘men shall be employed to raise oF move these ladders. 712.14 Sectional Inddera shalt be checked 10 ensure that they are properly vembined cud ty nd before they are put to use. 72.15 Trestle and extension trestle ladders. shall rnlways be used in a fully opresd position. 7.3 Rope Ladders ‘The top of rope ladders shall be properly tied to A SITONG SUppOTT or atherwise held serntely 8 INSPECTION AND TESTING Rt Wonden Indders shatl be inspected at least once in a week for damage and deverloration Ladders longer than $ m length require more caution inspection. Close visual inspection is recommended in preferenec to Toad testing. 8.2 Metal tadders shait be inspected at Teast once in three months and all parts checked for wear, corrosion and structural failure. 83 All ladders shall be carefully iaspected, if incidentally dropped or othecwite damaged’ in RA Rope ladders hall he fesled at least once a. month. 2 STORAGE AND MAUNTENANCE 9.1 Storage Ladders shall be stored, iF possible, under tintable cover, protected fram ‘weather ina dry location. ‘They shall be exposed to good ventila~ tion. Ladders shall be supported during storage 20 a8 to avoid sagging and permanent sel. 9.2 Maintenance 9.2.4 Wooden ladders shal! be periodically treated with a clear preseryatlve such as varnish, shellac or linseed oil. Painting shall not be adopted as defects and cracks arc likely to be covered up by the coating, ¥%2.2 Metal rungs shall be cleaned to prevent accumulation of materials which may destroy non- slipping properties. Alt fitings ehall bo carefully checkeBureau of Indian Standards BIS is a statutory institution established under the Rureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote harmonious development of the achvities-ot standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country. Copyright BIS has the copyright of all iis publications. No part uf (hese publications may be reproduced in any form without the prio permission in writing of BIS. This docs not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries celating to copyright be addressed t the Director (Publication), BIS. Review of Indian Standards Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standarils are alsa reviewed periadically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that uo changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards showid ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook" and ‘Standards Monthly Additions’. ‘This Indion Standard has been developed from Duc: Ne. CED 45 ( 4833 ) Amendments Issued Since Publication Amend Nal Date of Issue Text Affected BUREAU CF INDIAN STANDARDS: Headquarters: Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Sbah Zafar Marg, New Dellii 110002 ‘Telegtauns: Manaksanstha Telephones: 323 01 31, 323 83 75, 323 94 02 (Conuuon to all offices) Regional Offices: Telephone Central: Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahedur Shah Zatar Marg, 323 76 (7, 323 38 41 NEW DELHE 130002 Eusiern 4/14 CLT. Scheme VILM, V-LP. Road, Maniktolo 337 84 OW, S37 RS AL CALCUTTA 700054 33786 26, 33794 20 Northern ; SCO 335-336, Sector 34-A, CHANDIGARH 160022 ‘6 38 43 6020 25 Suuthuin : CLT, Campus, IV Cross Road, MADRAS 600113 235 02 16, 235.04 42 235 15 19, 235 2315 Western: Manakalaya, E9 MEDC, Marol, Andheri (Last) $32 92 95, 832 78 58 MUMBAI 400093 832-78 O1, 832.78 92 Branches ; AHMADABAD. BANGALORE, BHOPAL. BIUBANESLIWAR. COIMBATORE. FARIDABAD. GHAZIABAD. GUWAHATI. HYDERABAD. JAIPUR, KANPUR. LUCKNOW. PATNA, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM. Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India
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3.5/5 (109)
TDS - Mastertile 550 - Dgrout
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TDS - Mastertile 550 - Dgrout
Venkata Rao
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TDS - Mastertile 30 - WPM
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TDS - Wabocrete II
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TDS - Mastertile 540 - Wjgrout
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Venkata Rao
0% (1)
Rheofinish 202: Solvent Based Chemical Release Agent
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Rheofinish 202: Solvent Based Chemical Release Agent
Venkata Rao
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TDS - Mastertile 530 - Rbgrout
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TDS - Mastertile 530 - Rbgrout
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100% (1)
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Tanzeel Liaqat
100% (1)
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Fosroc Acid Etch
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Conbextra Ep300
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Render Cure
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Brush Bond
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Conbextra Cable Grout
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Nitoprime Zincrich
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Trafficguard Ur
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Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)