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Melting and Freezing Review

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The key takeaways from the lesson plan were that students would learn about the processes of melting and freezing through exploring different substances and relating it to their daily experiences. They also reviewed the main concepts about the three states of matter and four phase changes that were covered in the unit.

The objectives of the lesson were for students to be able to name the phase change from liquid to solid, relate different substances' melting and freezing to their daily lives, explain why the melting and freezing points are the same for a substance, understand different melting/freezing points of substances, know temperature affects phase change, evaluate what substances can be safely heated, and review all concepts from the unit through assessment.

The teacher engaged students by relating making dessert and daily experiences to melting and freezing concepts. Students were amazed by a melting chocolate video and enjoyed a melted crayon art activity.

Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program


Jiayu Tian

Subject/ Topic/ Theme

Melting and Freezing, Review _



I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
In the previous four lessons, students learned the properties of solids, liquids, and gases, and how water can evaporate, condense,
and melt. In this lesson, students will keep exploring the melting and freezing process of more substances. At the end of this lesson,
students will review the properties of three states of matter (solids, liquids, and gases) and the four main phase change
(evaporation, condensation, freezing, and melting) that they have learned in this unit.
socioLearners will be able to:
R U Ap An E C* development emotional

Name the phase change from a liquid to a solid

Relate their daily experience to learning by referring different substances which can melt and freeze
Explain why for the same matter the melting point is equal to its freezing point
Understand different matter have different melting points and freezing points by relating their lives
Know temperature is one of the factors that will cause phase change
Evaluate which substances can safely come into contact with extreme heat, and which cannot
Safely use a hair dryer to melt a crayon that flows downwards.
Collaboratively construct melted crayon art by taking turns
Review all the knowledge they learned in this unit plan in the summative assessment


Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed:
S.IP.04.11 Make purposeful observation of the natural world using the appropriate senses.
S.IP.04.12 Generate questions based on observations.
S.IP.04.13 Plan and conduct simple and fair investigations.
S.IP.04.14 Manipulate simple tools that aid observation and data collection (for example: hand lens, balance, ruler, meter stick,
measuring cup, thermometer, spring scale, stop watch/timer, graduated cylinder/beaker).
S.IP.04.15 Make accurate measurements with appropriate units (millimeters centimeters, meters, milliliters, liters, Celsius, grams,
seconds, minutes) for the measurement tool.
S.IA.04.12 Share ideas about science through purposeful conversation in collaborative groups.
S.IA.04.13 Communicate and present findings of observations and investigations.
S.RS.04.11 Demonstrate scientific concepts through various illustrations, performances, models, exhibits, and activities.
P.CM.04.11 Explain how matter can change from one state (liquid, solid, gas) to another by heating and cooling.
L.RP.04.04 combine skills to reveal strengthening literacy (e.g., viewing then analyzing in writing, listening then giving an opinion
L.RP.04.05 respond to and summarize the major ideas and evidence presented in spoken messages and formal presentations.
ART.VA.I.4.4 Prepare, present, and collaboratively evaluate personal artwork.
ART.VA.V.4.4 Demonstrate cross-curricular connections through a culminating event.
II. Before you start
Identify prerequisite
knowledge and skills.

Know that the three main states of matter are solids, liquids, and gases and their individual properties
Know water can evaporate, condense, and ice can melt.
Can relate the concept of melting and freezing with their daily experience
Know they need to follow instructions in order to safely do the activity
Know that they should take turns to do the activity so everybody can have a try.
Pre-assessment (for learning):
I will ask students what we call the phase change when liquid water turn into ice.
Formative (for learning):
I will listen to student responses and reflections, listen to groups talk, and check worksheets

Outline assessment
(applicable to this lesson)

Formative (as learning):

Students will:
- Finish the questions on the worksheet from yesterday and then check them against the
answers on the board.
- Talk to their neighbors by relating their learning to their daily life
- Answer my questions after I show them the video and pictures, relate the concept to their
daily life, and guide them to finish the melted crayon art.
- Collaboratively create the melted crayon art and brainstorm the ideas for decoration the rest
of the part
- Work on the summative worksheet that concludes all the key concept theyve learned these
past two weeks
Summative (of learning):
Student will work on the summative color-print worksheet

Provide Multiple Means of

Provide options for perceptionmaking information perceptible
Black and White Worksheets
Colorful Word Cards on the Board
Video Clip
Melted Crayon Art
Color-print Worksheet

Provide options for language,

mathematical expressions, and

What barriers might this

lesson present?

What will it take

emotionally, etc., for your
students to do this lesson?

Melting Point
Freezing Point

Provide options for comprehensionactivate, apply & highlight

Students recalling their memories
of which substances can melt and
Students seeing the pictures of food
and some other substances that can
melt and freeze Students relate
their new knowledge to their
experience with a melted plastic
cup yesterday Students observing
the melted and
solid crayons

Provide Multiple Means of

Action and Expression
Provide options for physical
action- increase options for

Provide Multiple Means of

Provide options for recruiting interestchoice, relevance, value, authenticity,
minimize threats

Students moving to hallway

to take turns holding the hair
dryer to heat and melt the

Students relate their knowledge to their

daily life experience
Students can choose if they are going to
heat the crayons or not
Students can choose the colors they want
to heat

Provide options for

expression and
communication- increase
medium of expression

Provide options for sustaining effort and

persistence- optimize challenge,
collaboration, mastery-oriented feedback

Writing, Questioning
Answering, picture and video
reflection, group discussion,
Provide options for executive
functions- coordinate short &
long term goals, monitor
progress, and modify
Students reviewing on their
worksheets what they learned
yesterday at the beginning of
the class

Students collaboratively create the melted

crayon art
Students brainstorm idea of how to keep
working on the blank part of the melted
crayon art
Provide options for self-regulationexpectations, personal skills and
strategies, self-assessment & reflection
Students learn how to safely use a glue
gun and hair dryer when they are making
melted crayon art
Students learn that they need to give
others an opportunity to try things by
taking turns to make art

Students relating their

previous and new knowledge
to their daily lifes
Students reviewing their
worksheets to see what they
have learned in these past two

Video Camera
Digital Camera/Phone
Materials-what materials
(books, handouts, etc) do
you need for this lesson
and are they ready to

Worksheets from yesterday
White Board
Markers for me to write
Laminated Cards Solids *3 Liquids *3 Gases *3 Evaporation Condensation Melting
Downloaded Video How to make Balloon Chocolate Bowls
A PPT that introduces melting and freezing
Melted Crayon Art:


An electronic Outlet
Lots of newspaper
A board stand
A white canvas one line of colorful crayons glued on at the top
1 hair dryer
1 glue gun
23 summative color-pint worksheets

How will your classroom

be set up for this lesson?

Students sit in 5 table groups.

The projector is in the front and connected to a laptop. The video and PowerPoint is ready on laptop
All term cards are taped at the right side of the whiteboard
The canvas with glued crayons are set on a board stand that is protected by a big paper board and
covered by newspapers

III. The Plan



Describe teacher activities

student activities
for each component of the lesson. Include important higher order thinking questions and/or
Ask students to take out the worksheet of phase change that we
Take out worksheet
didnt have enough time to finish yesterday from their science folder.
Review the phase change of evaporation, condensation, and
melting. Get the correct answer and move the corresponding
taped cards to the center of the board for students to see.
Ask students to finish the first three questions of their worksheet.

8 min

Ask students to do the fourth question about the phase change of

Draw the process on the board and go over the right answer.

Move the card Freezing to the middle of the board. Draw an

arrow between two spaces. Ask student Freezing is a phase
my change from which state to which state?
Get the right answer and move the cards to Liquids and
Ask students to put their worksheet in their science folder. Move
further the cards to the side of the board. Clean the board.
Tell students not only water can melt and freeze. Some other
substances also can change from a solid to a liquid, and from a
liquid to a solid.
Ask students to discuss in groups which other substances they
have seen in their life that can melt and freeze. Give hints that
they can think of food.
Wait for 1 minute and say If you can hear me, please touch your


Listen to my questions. Recall their

memories. Answer my questions
Look at the cards I move

Work on their worksheet

Check the right answers on the board
and correct their answers if they get
one wrong.
Watch the cards. Listen to my
questions. Think and answer
Look at the right answer.
Put their worksheet in their science
folder. Get ready to wait for
Think about other substances that can
melt and freeze
Discuss in groups which other
substances can freeze and melt.
Relate learning to their daily life
Be quiet and touch their nose

After all students have their eyes on me, ask can someone tell
me what other substances can melt and freeze?

Listen to my question and answer

Listen to students answers.

Listen to their classmates answer

Tell students that I have a fun video to share with them. I need
them to think which phase changes happened in this video.

Know they are going to watch a

video. Know they need to think of
the phase change that happens in the

Show students the downloaded video How to make Balloon

Chocolate Bowls
Ask students what happened to the melted chocolate.
Tell students there are also other substances that can melt and
freeze. Open the PowerPoint.

Watch the video

Answer my question
Get ready to watch the PowerPoint

Engaging Students with Melting and Freezing

Process in Daily Life by Using PPT:

7 min
Show PPT with pictures of a caramel apple, a chocolate dipped
strawberry, chocolate dipped cone, and cotton candy. Tell
students these items all go through the phase change of
melting and freezing.

Look at the pictures on PPT

Answer my question
Ask students if they know how to make caramel apples.

(the largest
or main
body of the

5 min

Listen to their answers and show the steps of making caramel

apples with descriptive pictures and words on PPT.

Look at the pictures and words on


Show students the slide of Phase Change of Caramel with

pictures of caramel candy, melted caramel, and hardened
caramel on the surface of an apple. Ask students what is the state
of caramel in each picture. Click PPT to show the right answer.

Look at PPT. Answer my questions.

Ask students what do we call the process of caramel candy

turning into melted caramel, and melted caramel turning into
the hardened caramel on the apple. Click PPT to show the right

Listen to and answer my questions

Tell students there are also other matter than can melt and
freeze as the examples (name specifically based on their
previous answer) they gave me before.

Listen and think

Click PPT to show the pictures and words of butter, wax, plastic,
glass, rock, and metal. When showing the picture of plastic,
mention the mistake I made yesterday that I poured the hot water
into the plastic cup and the bottom of the cup melted.

Look at the pictures on PPT

Recall their memories from yesterday
Relate their learning to their


Introducing Melting Point and Freezing Point

Tell students I have a question for them. Click the PPT to show

Look at the correct answer

Look at the pictures on PPT

the picture of butter and ice cubes. Ask students why when they
place the butter and ice cubes in room temperature, ice cubes will
melt and turns into water, but butter still keeps its shape?

Listen to and answer my question

Get students answers.

Listen to their classmates answer

Tell them the reason is because butter and water have different
melting points, which means they melt at different
temperature. Ice melts at a lower temperature than butter does,
which means butter needs more heat to melt than water does.

Listen to my explanation and

understand the reason

Click PPT to show students the definitions of melting point and

freezing point:
Melting point of a solid: the temperature at which a solid turns
into a liquid.
Freezing point of a liquid: the temperature at which a
liquid turns into a solid.

Look at the definition on PPT

Write down Melting point of water and ask students at what

temperature the ice will melt.

Listen to and answer my question

Write down Freezing point of water and ask students at what

temperature the liquid water will freeze

Listen to and answer my question

Write and tell the right answer 32F after Melting point of
water and 32F after Freezing point of water on the board.
Ask students what they have noticed.

Look at the two numbers and think

Tell students You know what, for the same substance, its
melting point actually equals its freezing point. Can you believe
that? Let me explain more Tell students lets use water again as
an example.

Listen and think

Draw a line with an arrow pointing to the right. Label Water

at the top and label Temperature by the arrow.
Draw a point on the line, label it with freezing point 32F and
melting point 32F. Tell students under normal conditions, when
the temperature is lower than 32F, the water will? (Waiting
for students answer). When the temperature is higher than 32F,
the ice will? (Waiting for students answer).


Answer my question

Look at the line I draw on the board

Watch, listen, and answer

Ask students if they know at what temperature in Celsius

Water will freeze or ice will melt. Tell students its 0C.

Listen and answer

Ask students if they know at what temperature in Celsius that

water will boil. Tell students its 100C.

Listen and answer

Draw a section on the line at the right side of the point I drew.
Tell students if the melting point of butter is between 90 F and
95 F, what is butters freezing point?

Listen, recall the new knowledge,

and answer

Review with students that for the same substance, the melting
point and the freezing point are the same. But different substances


have different melting point and freezing point.

Tell students in our daily life, we always put metal pans or
glass pans in the oven instead of putting in plastic pans. Ask
students why is that?

Relate the new knowledge to their

daily life
Expect the coming activity

Tell students were going to do a fun activity to explore

the process of melting and freezing.

25 min


Melted Crayon Art

Tell students we are going to do the activity in the hallway.

Please line up.
Carry the canvas and stand up to go to the hallway and ask Miss
Knott for help to carry the bag with newspapers, hair dryer and
glue gun. Lead students to go to the corner of the hallway where
there is an electrical outlet.
Ask students to sit down in front of the stand.
Put some newspaper on the ground under the stand and tell
students this is for protecting the ground.
If there is any crayon dropping down, show students that I can
carefully use the glue gun to stick the crayon back on the canvas.
If Im going to use the glue gun, ask students which phase change
happens to the glue gun. Tell students the iron tip part is superhot so never touch it.

Line up
Go to the hallway

Sit down in front of the stand

Understand the reason I put
newspaper on the ground
Understand how I safely use glue gun
and stick the crayons back on the
Think and answer my questions
Know they shouldnt touch the front
part of the glue gun

Hold the hair dryer. Tell students I am going to heat the crayons
with the hair dryer and lets observe what will happen.

Watch me and ponder what is going

to happen

Turn the hairdryer on, gently warm the crayons with the
hairdryer held 1 to 2 inches away from the crayons. Ask students
to watch what angle Im holding the hair dryer to let it blow the
hot air.

Watch me and the crayons. Be aware

of what angle my hair dryer is
pointing towards the crayons

Wait until the crayons melt and flow downwards. Ask students
what happened.
Tell students the melted crayon wax is supper hot. I need to let
the hair dryer heat on a downward anglenot straight on to
avoid unwanted splatters on our skin or clothes.
Keep holding and keeping the hair dryer on. Ask students who
wants to try.
Tell students lets take turns to do this. Call on one student who
raises their hand and tell another student that he/she is the next
Every 1-2 minutes call on a different students who raises their
hand to get ready to take over the hair dryer and heat the crayons.

See the crayons start to melt. Answer

my question
Understand the safety rules in doing
this activity how to correctly point
the angle of the hair dryer
Those who want to try raise their
Take turns to do the activity by
following my guidance. Hold the hair
dryer correctly and safely

5 min

Suggest they follow the sequence of arranged crayons. If

some students really want to try other colors, let them do it.

Heat the crayons in sequence or heat

whatever colors they want

Ask students who havent taken turns and want to try. If the
art work is not completed, ask students to raise their hand if
they want to take another turn.

Those who want to take the second

turn raise hands

Keep calling on students to take turns to do it until the time is

9:40 am (20 minutes before the recess). Ask the last student to
turn the hair dryer off.

The last student turns the hair dryer

off at 9:40.

Carefully touch the tip of frozen flows of crayons to make

sure they are cold and safe enough to touch.

Watch me

Ask students to come and touch the bottom tip part not the
top part of the crayons.

Come and touch the bottom tip part

of the hardened crayon flows.

Ask students what they feel and think happened.

Answer my question

Tell students I arranged the crayons in the simplest way by

lining them up. They can try different arrangement like a heart
with their parents at home. Make sure to heat it on a downward
angle to avoid the hot splatters.

Know they can do that with their

parents with other arrangement of
crayons. Know they need to be aware
of the angle of hot air from the dryer

Tell students its time to go back to the classroom. Carry the

canvas and stand back and ask Miss Knott for help to carry the
bag with hair dryer and hot glue gun and the newspapers.

Go back to the classroom

Lean the canvas towards to the white board. Praise students

contribution to this collaborative melted crayon art piece.

Watch me and listen to me

Ask students to brainstorm some ideas how I can decorate the rest
(the bottom part) of the canvas.

Brainstorm ideas and give me their


Write down students ideas. Make a list. Thank students for their
brilliant ideas. Tell students Ill use their ideas and bring this
canvas back next week after I decorate it.

Have expectations of their

collaborative art work next week

Tell students that they did a good job in learning three main
stages of matter and four main phase changes these past two

Work on the summative worksheet

Pass out the summative worksheet to each student and tell them
to try their best to answer the questions so I can see what they
have learned and how was my teaching.
Write their name
Ask students to put their name on the top.
Ask students to fill solids, liquids, and gases in the three circles.

10 min


Ask students to fill phase change in the arrows. For example,

what do we call the process from solids to liquids, and from
liquids to gases.
Ask students to keep working on the properties of solids, liquids
their and gases.
If some student raise hand to ask me for spelling, Ill tell him/her
dont worry about the spelling.

Fill in the three circles with solids,

liquids, and gases
Fill in the arrows with phase changes

Write down the properties of solids,

liquids, and gases by recalling

Think of the activities we did and the

Circulate and remind students that if they forget the properties of
actual matter in one
state a state, think of what activities we did about that state, or think of
one example of matter in that state to see what property that
matter in that state has.
Turn in the worksheet to me if they
Tell students if they finish, give it to me.
finish it
All turn in the worksheet to me
Collect all worksheet at 9:58.
Listen to me
Tell students that this lesson will be the last science lesson Ill
teach them. Thank them for following the instructions. Thank
them for their group collaboration and class participation. Tell
them I love all their ideas and answers, and I love their beautiful
art works. Tell them I really enjoy the time spent with them and
Get ready to the recess
they really mean a lot to me. Thank you.
Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for
improvement for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson,
focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)
Today is my last day of unit plan teaching. I did a lot of preparation and invest a lot of time in it, including searching fo r pictures to
make PowerPoints, searching for engaging videos that show the phase changes of freezing, going to Joann to buy canvas,
crayons, and glue gun, peeling the crayons, arranging the crayons into the rainbow color, and gluing crayons on the canvas. Even
though the preparing process took much time, I was still very excited to do them since I wanted to engage my students and present
my last lesson well to leave my students a good impression of me. I enjoyed the preparation process and I couldnt wait to see my
reaction of the yummy dessert on the PowerPoint and the beautiful melted crayon art they were going to create together.
In the morning, I came across the first blessed moment: a boy in my class, who asked me which soft drink I like, several days ago,
brought me a bottle of lemon soda! He asked three times and I answered that I love lemon soda. Before I thought he was doing a
survey but then I was touched by this precious gift it at least approved that I left a good impression to him as a teacher. My second
blessed moment is that two of my students came to tell me that they were not very interested in the science classes before. But the
science classes I taught made them start loving science. They loved the activities they did in my class. That lit up my whole day!

For my last lesson, I did a good job in engaging my students by relating the process of making dessert and students daily
experience to the concept of freezing and melting, including the mistake I made yesterday by pouring the hot water into the plastic
cups and melting the bottom of the cup and Miss Knotts reminder that I shouldnt place a glue gun too close to the connector. I
mentioned these to my students and turned them into learning experiences. My students were also amazed by the video of using
balloons to make chocolate bowls, and they loved the melted crayon art activity - many of them were exited to take the second turn
and third turn. As for the classroom management, I used what Miss Knott used yesterday by saying if you can hear me, touch your
nose. It worked very well to make students be quiet and have their attention on me.
Next time before I teach, I will have all materials prepared in the classroom three days before, so I wont need to collect things in a
hurry. Also, I should make an outline of my lesson so I wont miss or mess up the order of my points. This time I forgot to draw the
line to show the melting point and freezing point on the board to make the explanation clearer, and Miss Knott helped me to point
out that different substances have different melting and freezing points, which I forgot to state. When we were outside in the
hallway, Miss Knott helped me to give the instruction that asks students to sit in front, and helped me to figure out who took turns
and who wanted to take another turns after everyone has taken turns. I need to plan on my transitions more. In my future lesson
plans, I will write down more precisely what Im going to say, have this checked, print them, highlight them, and prepare for them,
so I can give my students clearer instructions during the class.
These two weeks of planning and teaching my unit plan means a lot to me. My time spent in Dutton Christian has become one of
my most important and precious memories.


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