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Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education Degree

EDU 2303 Student Learner Profiles

Speak to your MST and explain that you need to do a case study of the errors of three typical students in
the class.

1. Explain that you need to collect written and spoken examples of the English produced by
each of the four students.
2. Ask the MST to suggest the names of the students; Also find out: the age of the student;
what their grades have been in English this year (if possible); whatever information you
can find out about the students personality and how they feel about learning English;
whatever information you can find out about the students previous learning; whatever
information you can find out about the languages spoken in the students home.
3. COLLECTING WRITTEN DATA: Ask to see baselines / student portfolios / student
work that students have produced RECENTLY. Try to get permission to make copies of
these items. Try to get examples of work from the three that was done ON THE SAME
4. COLLECTING SPOKEN DATA: When you start your practicum, you will meet the
students. Then you will be able to collect this part of the data.
Please complete the table with information from your MST during week 9 of your teaching practicum
Student Name
Student A (Maitha)
Student B (Nouf)
Student C
Age of student
5 years old
5 years old
5 years old
Languages spoken in the
How long have they been
1 year
1 year
1 year
studying English?
Phonics/Letter Knowledge
M- Mastery level
D Developing level
E Emerging level
Math Skills
M Mastery level
D Developing level
E Emerging level
Learner Preferences
(What do they enjoy doing?) Computer and iPad
Movement and
Drawing and
She is happy and dutiful. She is active and
She is quiet and
She only like to play and little naughty. She
shy. She prefer to
(How are they in class?)
sit with her best friend.
always participate
play alone.
and enthusiastic to

Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education Degree

School Profile
Name of Preschool: Al Bahja Kindergarten
Location:27 Sheikh Rashid Al Khadar Street, Jurf, Ajman
Principal: Sheikha Saeed Rashid Al Nuaimi
Tel: +971 (6) 748-2333
Fax: 06 7482968
PO Box: 15015
Teachers Starting Time: 7:30AM
Finishing Time: 2:00PM
Students Starting Time: 8:00AM
Finishing Time: 12:30PM

Total Number of Classroom Teachers in the School (level): 24

Total Number of Children per-level:
Teacher / student ratio:
Number of Classrooms: KG1: 7 - KG2: 5
Facilities available to student teachers:
Sick Room
Prayer room
Library resources
Class for this Practicum: KG 2 Section 5
Mentoring School Teacher: Ms. Noura Saeed
Classroom Teaching Assistant: Number of children in this class: 24 = 12 girls and 12 boys

Number of children identified as having SEN in this class (and specify those needs): Additional information: e.g. English, Arabic, Islamic Studies teachers
Arabic English Islamic language development

School Nurse: Ms. Attiyat

Librarian: Ms. Fatima Salem & Ms. Maryam

School TP Coordinator: Ms. Amna

Curriculum coordinator: -

Resource Room Manager: the library

Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education Degree

The Structure of a Complete School Day

Photograph and describe what the teacher does and what the children do at each stage of the
school day, which should be clearly marked by a transition from the beginning of the school day
to dismissal.
Stage & Photograph
Morning Assembly

Circle Time

Arabic lesson (Language development)

Playing in areas time

Eating Time

Playground (Transition by line)

English Lesson

What the teacher does

What the children do

Teacher make children stand in line

to go from their classroom to the
morning assembly. She sing with
children the national song and do
the exercise with children.
The teacher greet they student by
saying hello! How are you today?
She told the students to sit in the
right way and let them take
attendance by letting one student
to count his friends while he/she
touch their heads.
She let one child to read Quran.
She make a quick review of the
previous lesson.

Students stand in line and go with

the teacher from the classroom to
the morning assembly. During the
morning assembly, they sing the
national song and do exercise.
Students greet the teacher by
saying Hello Miss! I am fine
Students listen to the teacher and
sit in the right way.
They took the attendance. One
child was touching their heads and
count them.
They were actively engage with the
teacher while she was reviewing
the last lesson that they took

The teacher teach a new lesson for

the kids. She was asking them some
question that relating to the lesson.
Also, she showed them a video
which relating to the lesson.

Some students were engage with

the teacher and respond to her
question and others were not
participate with her.

The teacher let the students to

explore in the different areas in the
classroom. She was observing them
and asking them in order to assist
The teacher make sure that all
children washed their hands before
they start to eat. She was taking to
them about the benefit of healthy
food and cleanliness.
The teacher ask them to make a
line before they go to the
playground, which consider as a
transition. She was observing the
children while they were playing.
English teacher give children a
lesson of English language. She give
them letters, sound of letters,
colors and shapes using English
language with a variety of activities.

Children were playing in the

different areas in the classroom
and answering in the teachers
First, the students washed their
hands. Then, they ate their food.
After they finish, they went to wash
their dish and hands.
First, the students make a line to go
from circle area to playground area.
Then, they went to play outside the

Students sit in their classroom in

the circle time area. They engage
and participate with English

Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education Degree

Snack time

Teacher make sure that students

wash their hand before they eat
their snack. Then, she let them to
stand in line and take their snack
and sit to eat such as apple, banana
and Biscuit.

Students wash their hand before

they eat. They stand in line and take
their snack. Then, they sit in the
eating room and eat.

Teacher review everything that

they took. She read for them a story
and listen to their opinion.

Students answer to the teacher

questions when she ask them and
review what they did today. Then,
they listen to a story from the
teacher and share their opinion.

The teacher turn on song which is

about tidy up the classroom before
they go to home. That consider as a
transition from playing in areas to
getting ready to go to the busses.

When the students heard the song

of tidy up, they start to clean the
classroom. Then, they stand in a
line to go to their busses.

Last meeting

Tidy up time to go home

Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education Degree

Observation Table:
Reasons for speaking in the classroom
Class: KG2
Number of learners: 24
Length of lesson: 45 minutes
Teacher observed Language: Ms. Noura Saeed
Learning Goals: Identify the letter f Engage in writing the letter f in lower case.
Materials used: PowerPoints Pictures Clay Worksheets Colors.

Reason for speaking


Learner repeats word / phrase

after teacher whole class

Learner repeats word / phrase

after teacher group / pair
Learner repeats word / phrase
after teacher individual
Learner answers direct question
from teacher


Learner answers open question

from teacher
Learner asks teacher a question


Learner answers a partner in

Paired work activity
Learner answers a group member
in group work activity
Learner answers the teacher


Learner answers peer informally


Learner A

Learner B

Learner C









Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education Degree

Reflections on Observation Task 1: Chit Chat

Read the questions below and write your answers
1. What was the most common reason for speaking?
The most common reason for speak is repeating the words as a whole class.
2. What was the least common reason for speaking?
The least common reason for speak is when the teacher as open questions, answer a partner in
paired work activity and answers a group member in the group work activity.
3. Were there any boxes with no ticks?
4. How much of the lesson was spent on the teacher using Teacher Talk, in your opinion?
The teacher mostly used teacher Talk for whole the lesson while she teach excpect the activity
5. Do you feel it was an appropriate amount of talk? Why / Why not?
No, I think she spent a lot of time while she talk. I think she should give children the oppurtinuty
to learn, engage and discover by themselves a
6. What do you think is an appropriate sequence of interaction patterns?
At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher should teach children the basic knowledge. After
that, she should give them the chance to discover and engage in learning in order to be in
depended learners.
7. Now consider how much Arabic was used. Do you think it was used appropriately?
Why? / Why not?
Yes. The teacher did not used Arabic language a lot with children. She talked Arabic only when
the children did not understand. I think by that way, children will learn the English language

Reflection for Bonus Points

You do not have to do this activity. However, if you want a higher grade, you must do it. If you
are interested in thinking about this subject more, consider the following reflection.
Choose one of the following questions (A, B, or C) and write your answer:

Why is talk important for teachers?

Why is talk important for learners? (Think about the What and How.)

Why is it important to think about using English for varied purposes in the classroom? For
example, not just for giving an example, but also for correcting, for praising, for everyday uses,
like asking for help, or asking to borrow something?
C. What role do you think Arabic should play in the English classroom?
I think the Arabic language have an important role in the English classroom. The role that Arabic
language can play is when the children do not understand something. The teacher can explain
for them in Arabic language. That will make them understand the lesson positively.

Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education Degree

Observation Task 2: Reading a Story in the local UAE School

Identify the type of pre-whilst and post reading activities employed by your MST

Table 7: Reading a Story in the local UAE Preschool

What the MST Does

Name the book / story.
Describe how your MST gets
children interested in the
story and wanting to hear /
read it.

How your MST keeps
children interested and
actively involved.

Post-Reading Activities
How your MST consolidates
the storyline and explores
opportunities for developing
language, topic related and
personal, social and
emotional issues.

What the Children Do


Children listen to the teacher

while she read the title of the
story and the name of the

I think if the teacher

question of the picture
in the cover page, it
children will using their
cognitive aspect to
refresh their mind
before teacher start

Teacher read the scenario of the

She change her voice, which
made children, be focus more in
the story.
She ask them about some colors
in the picture. Also, she ask about
some letter that she took during
reading the story.

Some children participate

with the teacher and answer
quickly. Others just listen to
the teacher.
Some children copy the
voice of the teacher when she
was changing her voice for a
specific character in the story.

I think the teacher

used an extremely
effective technique of
changing the sounds
during the story. That
will make children be
full attention with the

The teacher give the chance for

children to express their opinion of
what they think about the story.
Also, she ask them about their
favorite characters.

Children were sharing their

opinion of the story. They
share their favorite characters
as well. They explain why they
chose a specific character as
their favorite character.

I think if the teacher

make an activity for
children that related to
the story, that will
develop their social and
knowledge. Their
language will improve
as well.

Name of story: happy together

and sad together.
Teacher tell students that the
first page is the cover page of the
Teacher read the title of story
and point on it in order to let
students know the place of the
title. She tell read the name of the
writer and explain for them that
that name who wrote the story

Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education Degree

Reflections on Observation Task 2: Reading a Story in the Local UAE Preschool

1. What preparation (i.e. pre-listening activity) did the teacher give the learners before they
listened to the text?
The teacher did not do any preparation for children before she read and children listen.
She immediately, start to talk about the cover page and read the story,
If they had some preparation, select (a) if they did not, select (b).
a. How did the pre-listening activity help students understand?
It helps children to make them ready to use their cognitive aspect during the activity.
b. What pre-listening activity could the teacher have used to help students understand
the target language better?
2. Were the learners engaged in while-listening activity/activities? If they were, select (a); if they were not,
select (b).
a. What were the aims of the while-listening activity/activities?
The aim for while listening activity was to make children engage in the story using their
cognitive and imaginations aspect. That will let them to develop their thinking area.
b. What while-listening activity/activities could the teacher have used to help
learners understand better what they were listening to?
3. Did the learners have a post-listening activity/activities? If they did, select (a); if they did not,
select (b).
a. What were the aims of the post-listening activity/activities?
The aim of the post listening activity is to make sure that children can share their opinions
and thoughts with others.
b. What post-listening activity/ activities might have helped the learners to understand what
they had heard well?
4. How many times did the learners listen to the text / recording? Once.
a. Would it have increased their understanding if they had been allowed to listen to
the recording again? Explain.
Yes. I think when they listen again; they will memorize the events so they will
understand better than listening one time. That will increase their cognitive skills.
b. Did the learners hear the whole text at once, or in parts?
At once.
c. If so, which was the most helpful?
I think once is much helpful for them because that can communicate the story events.

Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education Degree

Observation Task 3: Managing Transitions

Table 9: Example Managing Transitions.

Type and
function of

Strategies used to facilitate


From registration
to the circle

The teacher greet children.

Then, she ask them to take
their cards, which include
their picture and their name
and put it in the registration
board when they come to the
She praise children who finish
fast and sit in the circle area.

From playing in
different areas in
the classroom to
eating room.
Tidy up

First, the teacher clap her

hands and shout it is time to
tidy up to go to the eating
Teacher observe children how
they clean up the materials
that they play on it in the
different areas.

Efficacy of the strategy in terms

of promoting positive behavior
and minimizing challenging
By applying the method of
registering, that will be as the
morning routine for children to
come in the classroom and put
their cards in the registration
board before they sit in the circle

Suggestions for further

The teacher can make 2 lines.
One for boys on for girl and let
them to take their card picture
and put it in the registration
board in turns.

As a result, when children

memorize this routine, that will
help the teacher save time of the
lesson and do not wasted it for
talking attendance for each child
by calling their name every day.
Praising children when they finish
what they have to do quickly will
lead to make other children copy
that behavior and sit in a good
way in the circle time area in
order to get the praise from the
When children hear the teacher
claps, they start to tidy up the
classroom. Using signs for
children, which show them that it
is time to finish, is a good

The teacher can play a song

which gives children sign that its
time to clean up.

Teacher remained children

that when they clean, they
will make the environment

Moving from
reading story to

Then, the teacher ask them to

stand in line to go to the
bathroom in order to clean
their hands. Then, they go to
The teacher asked the
students to close their books.
Then she said, Its time to be
creative. She explain for
them that they must color the
characters of the story.

Some of the children were very

enthusiastic when they say
colors. In addition, they close
their books and pay attention to
the teacher.
Other children were not ready for
the next activity. They still read

The transition was great and

useful for children. I think if the
teacher sing a song relating to
colors for the students to show
for them that it is time to

Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education Degree

the book and see the pictures of
the story, which lead to
Intervention the teacher.

Moving from
puzzle to reading

After the teacher gave

students cubes of letters to
organize them, she asked
them to put the cubes in the
box. Then she start to tell
them that now they will read

Some of the children were

playing with the cubes and did
not return them in the box.
Other children listened to what
the teacher said. They quickly put
cubes in the box and they were
ready. The teacher praised and
encouraged those children.

The transition was extremely

effective. However, I think if the
teacher use a bell when they
return the cubs in the box
because that will show to them
when they must return them
back and sit in their seats.
Moreover, I think if the teacher
motivate and encourage them by
saying the first group who will
finish will be the winner.


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