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The 4 Dimensions of High Performance Thinking

The 4D-i

Think better.
Work smarter.

Professional Development Portfolio

Patrick Waters

Bob Wiele

Think better. Work smarter.


How Your 4D-i Portfolio is Organized For You:

Thinking, problem solving and collaboration are the new smart skills for
the 21st century. Your 4 Dimensions Inventory (4D-i) is designed to
help you learn how to think better and work smarter.

Know Yourself


Results Highlights
Creativity Strategies
Understanding Strategies
Decision-Making Strategies
Thinking, Feeling and Intuition
Personal Spirit
Results Summaries


The 4D-i gives you the most useful thinking skills toolkit in the world.
It will help you get better results in your life, your work and your
relationships. To make it easy to use, we developed a simple, color
coded traffic light, to depict the 4 dimensions of high performance
thinking. Green is for creativity. Yellow is for understanding. Red is for
decision-making. White is for personal spirit. You can master all 4 of
them with practice.






Your 4D-i Portfolio highlights

which of the 4 dimensions
and the specific strategies you
like to use.
It shows you how to capitalize
on your strengths. It gives
coaching tips on how to
expand your capabilities.

People and teams today are paid to think. The best teams know
how to work smarter together. They can tap into the different
types of thinking skills their members have to come up with better
solutions, faster.

This Portfolio is structured, into two main sections.

Grow Yourself
Personal Development Tips
Get Smarter Planner
Personal Success Planner


Access Your 4D-i Toolkit Online 24/7

Go to and log-in with your password. Your
dashboard contains 4 tabs. Go to My 4D-i for more interactive information
on your results. Check out Coach for simple tips to expand your skills. Go
to Portfolio to print your 4D-i as a PDF. Enable the Search tab to share
your highest preferences with others.
User ID:
Date Completed: Apr 23, 2014
You can change your Password
online anytime.

For more information and assistance,

please contact us at
OneSmartWorld Inc.
1-800-387-6278/800-38 SMART
and 705-444-1234

Bob Wiele

Welcome to Your 4D-i Professional Development Portfolio

Hello Patrick Waters,

The 4D-i gives you a set of simple tools to make positive
change. You can use your 4D-i to help navigate through
your day. You can use it as a map for your own personal and
professional growth.

Welcome to a new set of power tools for your mind, heart and
spirit. Your 4 Dimensions Inventory (4D-i) gives you a unique
inside edge. It will help you generate more ideas, connect and
communicate better with different people, be a more effective
team member and make smarter decisions.

We hope that you take advantage of your own unique skills

and develop new ones too. We hope that your 4D-i will help
you understand that other people think and operate differently
than you like to do. This diversity of thinking is a good thing to
appreciate and work with. We hope that you can use this system
to think better and work smarter with others, to collaborate better
and produce great results together.

We built the 4D-i to provide you with a portfolio of practical

tools to help you learn how to think better and work smarter.
The 4D-i is based on a powerful set of research-based, higher
order thinking and behavioral skills, that can increase your
creativity, understanding, decision-making and resilience.
The 4D-i teaches you a simple, common color-coded
language and a set of specific strategies.

Bob Wiele
Founder and President, OneSmartWorld
Lets Build a Smarter World

The 4D-i is an assessment for your learning. It is not an

assessment of your competence. To know yourself and your
strengths is one key to success. To make the commitment to
grow yourself is a second key.


Bob Wiele

The 4D-i Portfolio: How to Interpret Your Results

The 4D-i is based on 4 dimensions of high performance
thinking creativity, understanding, decision-making and
personal spirit. The colors and symbols are significant and
may be used systematically to direct your thinking to adapt to
the demands of the situations, tasks, people and groups you
work with.

How to Interpret Your Results

Your 4D-i results focus on your preferences, not your
competencies. These results highlight the strategies you like to
use the most as well as the strategies you dont like to use or
tend to avoid. Your results are shown in percentiles. This allows
you to compare your results with how others like to think.

Red: the red octagon stop sign symbol is for decision-

making. Shift into the red zone to Stop and make
better decisions.

For example, a percentile result of 75 means a relatively strong

preference for a mindset or strategy, meaning you like to use
it more than 75% of the population does. A result of 0 in a
strategy means that you never selected it as your preference.

Yellow: the inverted yellow triangle symbol is for

deepening understanding. Shift into the yellow zone
to Slow down and take time to understand tasks and
peoples feelings.

In the 4D-i profile, there are 5 levels of preference:

High a statistically significant, strong preference, in the
84th to 100th percentile.
High Average a somewhat higher preference than the norm,
in the 66th to 83rd percentile.
Average a result that is relatively the same as most other people.
Low Average a somewhat lower than average preference,
in the 17th to 33rd percentile.
Low a statistically significant, low preference, in the 0-16th

Green: the green circle symbol is for generating creative

ideas. Shift into the green zone to Go and create insights
and options.

White: the white diamond symbol is for strengthening

your personal spirit.

Making The Most of Your Portfolio

Each of the first three dimensions has a cool head/left brain

side, and a warm heart/right brain side. These are referred
to as mindsets. Each of these mindsets contain specific
thinking and feeling strategies which you can draw upon
and use everyday.

Please remember three points:

The 4D-i shows your preferences, not your competencies.
Each strategy is a learnable skill, not a fixed personality trait.
You can learn any of the strategies with practice.


Bob Wiele

Know Yourself: Highlights of Your 4D-i Results

Hello Patrick Waters ,

Results Highlights

Welcome to your 4D-i Portfolio. This report gives you the tools
you need to generate more ideas, work better with others and
make smarter decisions. The Portfolio will help you understand
your strengths and expand your skills in all 4 dimensions of high
performance thinking. It shows you the mindsets and strategies you
like to use the most when you solve problems and work with others.

Your Overall Style: The First 3 Dimensions

The color red, yellow or green is selected from the first 3 dimensions
and indicates your highest overall preference. It does not include results
from white. Cool shows a preference for using thinking strategies.
Warm shows a preference for using emotional strategies. Balanced
means an equal comfort for using both.

This first graph below is a summary of your results across all 4


Your Preferred Mindsets Profile








Your Strongest Personal Spirit Success Factor is:

The rest of your 4D-i Portfolio and online toolkit gives you in-depth
information on your results and many tips and techniques on how
to expand your skills.

Your Outlook is a belief that an optimistic, constructive approach to life,
enables one to find the positive, hidden potential and meaning in any
situation, task or person.


Bob Wiele

Your 4D-i Tool Kit

Smart people are always looking for ways to get better and work smarter. They know how important it is to continually build skills
to improve their results and relationships. If you want to know your strengths and grow your skills, the 4D-i tool kit will help you to
achieve your goals.


Your 4D-i is available in two formats. Access your online results 24/7, to deepen your understanding and get
more information. This print PDF Portfolio is an excellent resource to carry with you, or share via e-mail with
friends and colleagues.

This Portfolio contains two types of planners

Get Smarter use pages 20, 22 and 23 to review your results and to select the strategies you want
to develop. Use the Get Smarter Action Planner on pages 27-28 to build your plan.
Believe It to Achieve It Personal Success Planner see pages 29-31. This proven planner is designed
to help you mentally prepare for a key event, when you have to perform under pressure. Use it to get
yourself mentally and emotionally ready for an important interview, key presentation or a difficult


Access the dashboard of your online 4D-i results. Hit the Coach tab to search for practical advice on how to
develop the specific strategies and skills you want.


The Working Smarter with Others job-aid, the Smart for Life book and workbook by Bob Wiele, give you more
practical applications and information for everyday use.


Use the Search application on your personal online 4D-i dashboard to share your highest preferences with
team members and to tap into their strengths, to improve communication and accelerate collaboration.


Bob Wiele

The First 3 Dimensions: Create, Understand & Decide

Thinking style is a lens through which we view the world. Everyone has such a lens, and it colors the
way we interpret the events in our lives. Your thinking style is what causes you to respond emotionally to
events, so its your thinking style that determines your level of resilience your ability to overcome, steer
through and bounce back when adversity strikes.
- Karen Reivich, Ph.D and Andrew Shatte, Ph.D, The Resilience Factor


Bob Wiele

Dimension 1: Creativity
Green is the color for creativity. Creativity in this system means the generation of a wide variety of options, ideas, alternatives and
fresh ways of approaching difficult situations and everyday challenges. This dimension works in two very different ways. Creative
thinking (cool green) is an active way to generate new ideas and options. Your creative intuition (warm green) produces Aha! types
of insights.




...we now have an economy powered by human creativity. Creativity is now the decisive source of competitive advantage.
- Richard Florida, The Rise of the Creative Class


Bob Wiele

Developing Creativity: Your Six Success Strategies

Creative Thinking
Brainstorm Ideas: Generate many ideas and a wide range of options
prior to analysis or decision-making.

Envision Possibilities: Creating mental pictures or imagining what if

scenarios about future possibilities or solutions.

Your Profile: Average Preference

Your Profile: High Preference

Your score is typical of most people, indicating that you tend to be comfortable
using brainstorm and apply it to the appropriate tasks and situations. Keep up the
good work. Remember to use brainstorm when you have to solve a problem by
coming up with new ideas, possibilities or alternatives.

You score a preference for envision that is much higher than most people. Keep up
the good work. You like to use your imagination to speculate on what might or
could happen. You can often picture the future in your mind's eye. You are
comfortable using envision as one of your key creative thinking strategies for
planning and problem solving.

Challenge Assumptions: Questioning assumptions, the status quo and

accepted wisdom in order to create new ideas, options or fresh ways of
dealing with the problem at hand.

Creative Intuition
Get Into the Flow: Being fully immersed in creative thinking; tolerating
ambiguity and conflicting information/feelings; refraining from decisionmaking, anticipating the arrival of a better idea.

Your Profile: High Average Preference

Your score indicates that you have a higher than average preference for challenge.
Keep up the good work. You like to ask "why?" and "why not?" questions, always
looking for fresh new ways that are not conventional or traditional to approach a
problem or to define a problem. This will sometimes annoy your more complacent
work mates and friends who are happy with the way things are and don't want to
rock the boat.

Your Profile: Low Average Preference

You have a lower than average preference for flow. You have some tolerance for
ambiguity and uncertainty. Overall, you prefer to take action sooner than later,
rather than wait and see.

Reframe Problems into Opportunities: Creating new ways of looking

at a problem or situation and generating new opportunities and ideas by
shifting the approach, angle or way of thinking about it.

Flash of Insight: Knowing without conscious reasoning and producing

insights and hunches

Your Profile:

Average Preference
Your score is average, indicating that you tend to be comfortable using reframe as
one of your creative thinking strategies. Keep up the good work. You like to apply it
when you have to. Remember to use reframe when you want to take a positive,
constructive approach to problem solving. When you are stuck in a difficult
situation and you need to think up a positive, constructive way out, use reframe.

Your Profile: Low Preference

You have a much lower preference for using the flash of insight strategy to
generate insights or ideas than most people. You likely ignore or dismiss your
intuitive feelings as irrational and prefer to make decisions based on the facts
before you.


Bob Wiele

Dimension 2: Understanding
Yellow is the color for understanding. In this dimension, you achieve a sense of fulfillment by spending the time and effort needed to
gain a complete understanding of the situation, problem or relationship that you are in. Your analytical thinking (cool yellow) leads to
an in-depth understanding of facts and situations. Your compassion (warm yellow) leads to an in-depth emotional understanding of
people and their needs.






The biggest mistake is believing that there is one right way to listen, to talk, to have a conversation or a relationship.
- Deborah Tannen, You Just Dont Understand Me


Bob Wiele

Developing Understanding: Your Six Success Strategies

Analytical Thinking


Scan the Situation: Survey the environment, person or situation to

gather as much information as you possibly can.

Tune-In to Feelings: Sensing and connecting with the emotional

dimensions in a situation, other person or group.

Your Profile: Low Preference

You scored Low in scan. This means when confronted with a problem or
challenging task, you do not like to put effort into gathering information about
what you are facing. As a consequence, you may make decisions, solve problems or
take action without understanding the complete picture.

Your Profile: Average Preference

Your score in tune-in is typical of most people, indicating that you tend to be
comfortable using this strategy and apply it to the appropriate tasks and situations.
Keep up the good work and remember to use tuning-in as your lead strategy when
you want to uncover a deeper understanding or get a fuller picture of the
emotional truths.

Empathize with Others: Showing kindness, caring, compassion, tolerance

and deep understanding for anothers thoughts, emotions and situations.

Structure Information: Organize information, data, people, resources

and processes in meaningful and systematic ways.

Your Profile: Average Preference

Your Profile:

Average Preference
Your score is average, typical of most people, indicating that you tend to be
comfortable using structure and apply it to the appropriate tasks and situations.
Keep up the good work. Remember to use the strategy of structuring when working
with large amounts of information, or in complex situations and tasks where you
need to bring order and discipline in order to move forward.

Your score is typical of most people, indicating that you tend to be comfortable
using empathize, and apply it to the appropriate tasks and situations. Keep up the
good work. Remember to use empathize when you need to understand all the
different emotions, viewpoints and perspectives about a problem or situation or
when you need to build trust and offer support to another person.

Clarify Understanding: Sharpen the understanding of a situation by

gathering information and asking questions.

Express Feelings: Selecting and using the appropriate emotional and

verbal language or communications method to get the true message
across to the receiver.

Your Profile:

Average Preference
Your score is typical for most people, indicating that you tend to be comfortable
using clarify as one of your repertoire of strategies. Keep up the good work.

Your Profile: High Preference

You have a much higher preference for using the express strategy that most people
do. You are likely a very good listener and find it easy to talk openly and honestly
with others. You pay attention to how to adapt and change the way you convey
your message so that it is understood by different audiences. You are comfortable
using express as a communications and problem solving strategy.


Bob Wiele

Dimension 3: Decision-Making
Red is the color for decision-making. This dimension is where you harness all the creative ideas generated in green and the in-depth
understanding gained in yellow, to make the best decisions. This dimension highlights three very different decision-making methods:
your critical thinking (cool red) leads to practical, logical conclusions. Your beliefs based decision-making (warm red) focuses on
using your beliefs and values to decide. Gut intuition (also warm red) is used to make quick decisions, in the moment, using your
gut instincts.





Our success in all the roles we play student, worker, boss, citizen, spouse, parent, individual turns on the decisions we
make ... the ability to make smart choices is a fundamental life skill
- John S. Hammond, Co-author, Smart Choices: A Practical Guide to Making Decisions

Bob Wiele

Developing Decision-Making: Your Six Success Strategies

Critical Thinking
Get to the Crux: Determining the essence or most critical aspect of
a problem or situation in order to take action.

Rely on Experience: Relying upon and using past experience to guide

decision-making and problem solving.

Your Profile: Low Preference

You scored much lower in using this strategy of crux than the majority of people.
This means that you might find it difficult to zero in on what is the real issue or
objective. It may be challenging for you to set priorities or to drill down to the real
problem. Crux is the strategy used to help you get to the 'heart of the matter' so
you can make decisions or take action on what is most important.

Your Profile: Average Preference

Conclude: Reach a logical decision or resolution about what is the best

way to proceed.


Your Profile: Average Preference

Your score, in liking to use conclude as a decision-making strategy, is average. This
means that you are comfortable, when you have to, in coming to a resolution on a
problem or issue. Keep up the good work. Remember to use conclude as a key
critical thinking strategy when you have to make decisions or reach a logical
resolution about how to proceed

Values Driven: The strategy used for making decisions based on your
personal core beliefs about what is good or bad, right or wrong.

Your score in using your experience as a decision-making strategy is typical of the

majority of the population, indicating that you tend to be comfortable using
experience and apply it to the appropriate tasks and situations. Keep up the good
work. Remember to use it when you are problem solving or trouble shooting and
can benefit from past experiences, reoccurring patterns or trends or lessons

Your Profile: High Preference

You have a much higher preference for using the values driven strategy to make
decisions than most people do. Your core beliefs guide your everyday actions and
decision-making. You are passionate and strongly committed to what you believe
in. You like to take a stand on issues that are important to you. This can lead to a
rigid, unilateral approach to managing diverse situations.

Validate the Conclusion: Posing tough questions to eliminate inferior

options and poor quality information in order to critically assess and ensure the
best decision.

Gut Intuition

Your Profile:

Low Average Preference

Your score indicates that you have a low average preference for validate. This
means that you use it some of the time as a decision-making strategy. Generally
speaking, you do not like to be critical, or like to interrogate others for why they did
what they did. You prefer to go along rather than ask the tough questions. This
means when you have to make a decision, that you will occasionally question the
rationale behind the recommended course of action, but may not make the
concerted effort to look for flaws and weaknesses as rigorously as you could.

Trust Your Heart: Listening to your heart and your feelings as a guide for
making decisions about what to do.
Your Profile: Low Preference
You have a much lower preference for using the trust your heart strategy in making
decisions than most people. You likely prefer to make decisions on based on facts
or logic, rather than trusting your feelings and hunches. You may second guess
what your gut feelings are telling you to do, preferring to use more objective,
tangible and sensible approaches.


Bob Wiele

Thinking and Feeling Styles: Your Profile

These results come from your 4D-i responses in 25 of the paired
choices that offered a thinking strategy vs. a feeling strategy.

Cool Head: Thinking

In the 4D-i, a cool head simply means you have a preference
for relying more on thinking strategies when dealing with people,
challenges or tasks. The cool head in the 4D-i is made up of the
11 strategies in creative, analytical and critical thinking.

Warm Heart: Feeling

A warm heart simply means you have a preference for relying
more on emotional strategies when dealing with people, tasks or
challenges. The warm heart in the 4D-i is made up of the
7 strategies in creative intuition, compassion, values driven and
gut intuition decision- making.


This means you are comfortable using both thinking and feeling
strategies to deal with people, challenges or tasks, without a
significant preference of one over the other.


Bob Wiele

Use of Intuition: Your Profile

Intuition is an emotional , gut instinct type of intelli gence that
can g ive you two very di erent types of spontaneous results
creativ e Aha! insight s or quick in-the - moment answers.
In our research, intui tion emerged as a unique cluster of three
emotional strateg ies. The first two, flow and flash of insight,
can help you access sudden, spontaneous, breakthroug h
creative ideas.
The third strateg y, trust your heart, is your gut intelli gence at
work. It produces a powerful, deep, immediate knowing on
what is the right thing to do or not do.


Experts in many fields rely heavily on their intuiti on as a useful

tool to guide the ir behavior. Like the other strateg ies, your
intuitive sk ills can be developed.


Bob Wiele

The 4D-i System of Thinking and Feeling Strategies

The 4D-i is a portfolio or toolkit of essential strategies for figuring out how to solve problems and deal with people. The first three dimensions
of creativity, understanding and decision-making each contain a set of thinking strategies and feeling strategies to produce their outputs.

Thinking: Cool Head


These are the three mindsets that keep you cool under pressure and give
you an objective way of thinking through challenges and problems.

These are the four mindsets that make use of your feeling-based strategies to
guide your communication, problem solving and decision-making.

Warm Heart



Use these four strategies to produce creative ideas:

Use these two strategies to produce creative insights:


Brainstorm ideas
Challenge assumptions
Reframe problems into opportunities
Envision possibilities

1. Get into the flow

2. Flash of insight
Compassion 3 Strategies
Use these three strategies to produce understanding of others:


1. Tune-in to feelings
2. Empathize with others
3. Express feelings

Use these three strategies to produce clear understanding of situations:

1. Scan the situation

2. Structure information
3. Clarify understanding


Use this strategy to make beliefs based decisions:

1. Values driven

Use these four strategies to produce practical, logical type decisions:


Get to the crux

Validate the conclusion
Rely on experience


Use this strategy to make quick, intuitive type decisions:

1. Trust your heart


Bob Wiele

The Fourth Dimension: Personal Spirit

There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and
because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never
exist through any other medium and it will be lost.
-Martha Graham, Pioneer of modern dance


Bob Wiele

Dimension 4: Personal Spirit

Personal spirit is the 4th dimension of high performance thinking. It acts like an inner spark plug. It is a power source to help you deal
with adversity and achieve consistent high performance, health, happiness and resilience. Personal spirit is made up of 3 key success
factors your outlook, your sense of control and your iniative.

Making the Most of Your Personal Spirit

The Personal Spirit dimension uses self-ratings on 24 positive behavioral statements 8 for each of the 3 success factors. The selfratings are: 5/ Completely True, 4/ Mostly True, 3/ About True, 2/ A Little True, 1/ Completely Not True. The higher you rate yourself
on each item, the higher your results.







The 2 bars in each graph show your results 2 different ways

The White bar graph on the left shows your results in percentiles, like the rest of the 4D-i. It compares how you see yourself
with others.
The Striped bar graphs on the right, show your raw score. To make it easier to understand, the results are computed on a point
system that goes from 0 to 100. A raw score of 80+ means you consistently rated the positive statements about yourself as a
5/ Completely True or a 4/ Mostly True. A raw score of 60 means you rated these as 3/ About True. A raw score of 40 and
below means you rated the positive statements for you as a 2/ Little True or 1/ Completely Not True, when you completed
the instrument.

Bob Wiele

Developing Personal Spirit: Your Three Success Factors

Your Outlook
A belief that an optimistic, constructive approach to life enables you to find the positive, hidden potential and meaning in any situation, task or person.
Your outlook, whether positive or negative, predicts how you experience life and what you get back from it. If you choose to have an open, positive and
optimistic outlook, then you will likely experience life and other people as engaging and cooperative. If you choose a closed, negative and pessimistic
outlook, then you will likely experience situations as problems and people as difficult to deal with. A consistently positive outlook is life enhancing, while a
persistently negative outlook will undermine you.
Your Profile: High Preference

You have a predisposition to perceive life experiences optimistically and difficulties constructively. You like to focus on actively finding
thehidden potential, seeking constructive meanings and valuable lessons in the experiences you have.

Your Sense of Control

A belief that you can exert personal control, through your own efforts, to impact on an outcome.
Having an optimistic and constructive approach to life coupled with a strong sense of control empowers you to take charge of your life. Your own sense of
control is a key to high performance and health. When you start to feel helpless and overwhelmed by all of lifes complexities, regaining and maintaining a
sense of being in control is vital for your personal well-being. Taking small daily steps to deal with difficult issues will strengthen your sense of control.
Your Profile: High Preference

Regardless of the circumstances, you are in the driver's seat of your own life. You have a deep belief in the power of your ability to have an
impacton the situation you are in. You believe that if you choose to act, you can make a difference.

Your Initiative
A belief that you should go above and beyond conventional boundaries, to do what it takes, to complete important tasks and assist others.
Taking initiative is one of the defining characteristics of high performers in every field. It often requires a fearless courage to act where others would not.
People with high initiative make things that need to happen, happen. They take responsibility to get things done, even when it isnt their job. Initiative is a driving
force in life success and in business innovation. People with initiative push the envelope and do what it takes to achieve high quality results for others.
Your Profile: Average Preference


Bob Wiele

Personal Spirit: Background Information

Personal spirit is represented by the diamond symbol. A diamond is a precious, multi-sided and unbreakable substance. Personal
spirit is like the diamond at the heart of your resilience and self-efficacy. Personal spirit comes from what you do every day and how
you respond to life and other people.
The research on successful, happy people consistently shows the importance of choosing to use the 3 key factors in personal spirit
for success - a positive constructive outlook, a strong sense of inner control and the willingness to take initiative.

Where does My Personal Spirit Come From?

Developed in 2001, the 4D-i was the first instrument to track personal spirit. In the intervening years, researchers in positive
psychology and related performance fields have begun to map the same inner territory, calling it a variety of terms including grit
and flourishing. Personal spirit seems to come from a combination of factors - genetic make-up, life circumstances, upbringing and
the choices people make. Research now points to approximately 50% of personal spirit to be within ones control. If you can make
smarter, more positive and mindful choices in dealing with everyday life and adversity, you will strengthen your personal spirit. Notice
your own reactions to your 4D-i results. The more constructively you choose to view these results as useful information, the more
likely your positive response will strengthen your personal spirit. How you respond is what you get.

Can Personal Spirit Be Strengthened?

Absolutely! Personal spirit is more about what you do on a regular basis, than it is about who you are. Like fitness levels and weight,
your level of personal spirit can fluctuate based on your daily choices and events in your life. Personal spirit, like physical fitness, can
be strengthened and developed with commitment and daily practice. You can choose to be positive and constructive or not. You can
choose to find more ways to take control of your life or not. You can choose to take reasonable risks and initiative or not.
Remember, personal spirit is what you do everyday. Research consistently shows that drive, perseverance, passion, practice and love
for ones area of expertise are crucial for high performance and success. The more we understand high performance, the more we
realize how important personal spirit is as an individual, as a team member, as a leader, family member, parent or citizen.


Bob Wiele

The Summary of Your 4D-i Results

The 4 Dimensions of High Performance Thinking

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?
-Marianne Williamson, lecturer & author


Bob Wiele

Patrick Waters:Your Results Summary in Graphs







Your 18 Success Strategies and 3 Success Factors















Bob Wiele

Your Portfolio of the 18 Success Strategies and 3 Success Factors

The 11 Thinking Strategies
Critical Thinking

Get to the Crux: Determine the essence or most critical aspect of a problem, issue or situation in order to take action.
Conclude: Reach a logical decision or resolution about what is the best way to proceed.
Validate the Conclusion: Pose tough questions to eliminate inferior options and poor quality information in order to critically assess and
ensure the best decision.
Rely on Experience: Rely upon and use ones past experience to guide decision-making and problem solving.

Analytical Thinking Scan the Situation: Survey the environment, person or situation to gather as much information as possible.
Structure Information: Organize information, data, people, resources and processes in meaningful and systematic ways.
Clarify Understanding: Sharpen the understanding of a situation by gathering information and by asking questions.

Creative Thinking

Brainstorm Ideas: Generate many ideas and a wide range of options prior to analysis or decision-making.
Challenge Assumptions: Question assumptions, the status quo and accepted wisdom in order to create new ideas, options or fresh ways
of dealing with the task at hand.
Reframe Problems into Opportunities: Create new ways of looking at a problem or situation by shifting the approach, angle or way of
thinking about it.
Envision Possibilities: Create mental pictures or imagine what if... scenarios about future possibilities or solutions.

The 7 Emotional Strategies

Beliefs Based
Gut Intuition

Creative Intuition

Values Driven: Make decisions based on your personal core beliefs about what is good or bad, right or wrong.
Trust Your Heart: Listening to your heart and your feelings as a guide for making decisions about what to do.
Tune-In to Feelings: Sense and connect with the emotional dimensions in a situation, other person or group.
Empathize With Others: Show kindness, caring, compassion, tolerance and deep understanding for, and a connection with others.
Express Feelings: Select and use the appropriate emotional and verbal language or communications method to get the true message
across to the receiver/audience.
Get into the Flow: Tolerate ambiguity, conflicting information and feelings, while refraining from decision-making, waiting for a better
idea or option.
Flash of Insight: Know intuitively without conscious reasoning and/or produce insights and hunches.

Personal Spirit: The 3 Key Success Factors

Your Outlook is a personal disposition and an active process of experiencing the world, founded on the belief that an optimistic, constructive approach to life and its
challenges enables one to find and harness the positive hidden potential and meaning in any situation, task or person.
Your Sense of Control is a personal disposition and an active process, founded on the belief that, despite difficult circumstances, one can exert personal control,
through ones own efforts, to impact on an outcome or achieve an objective. It does not mean controlling others.
Your Initiative is a personal disposition and an active process baesd on the belief that one should attempt to go beyond conventional boundaries, if necessary,
to do what it takes to complete important tasks, achieve goals and to assist others to solve their problems.


Bob Wiele

Patrick Waters:Your Results Summary By Numbers

4 Dimensions of High



7 Mindsets


Critical Thinking


Beliefs Based
Gut Intuition




Analytical Thinking






Creative Thinking



Creative Intuition
Personal Spirit



Success Strategies and Factors


Get to the Crux

Validate Conclusions
Rely on Experience
Values Driven
Trust Your Heart


Scan the Situation

Structure Information
Clarify Understanding
Tune-In to Feelings
Empathize with Others
Express Feelings
Brainstorm Ideas

Challenge Assumptions
Reframe Problems
Envision Possibilities
Flash of Insight



Your Outlook


Your Sense of Control


Your Initiative


Bob Wiele

Key Personal Development Tips: Patrick Waters

Capitalize on Your Strengths
Values Driven

Expand Your Capabilities

Trust Your Heart

You have a strong set of values and beliefs that you use to guide your decisions.
Use your values to bring passion and commitment to the work you do and the life
you live. Don't impose your values unilaterally on others whose beliefs may differ
from yours. Great things are accomplished by those who truly believe in what they
are doing. Use this strategy with care in working with others. Use it to power your

Trust your heart when it is time to act. The faster life gets, the more you have to
rely on gut instincts as a guide. Use your intuitive wisdom as a powerful source of
information and guidance. When you have a tough decision to make, stop and ask
your inner guide: 'What feels like the right decision?' Listen very carefully to what
you are telling yourself. Learn to tune-in to this alternate channel for helping you
make the bettter decisions.

Your Outlook

Flash of Insight

Your positive outlook is a powerful key to your success. Your enthusiasm for life
and other people can create a positive environment for achieving high
performance. Coach others on how to find positive opportunities in every problem.
Show others how to seek out the hidden potential in whatever happens to them.
Find people and places that value and support your optimistic outlook on life.

You can get breakthrough ideas and flashes of insight if you learn to tune-in and
pay attention to them. This type of spontaneous, direct insight can give you
powerful solutions on any challenge you face. The key is to relax, open up and pay
attention to these ideas when they pop up. They may arrive at the oddest times.
Trust your own insights more and you will have better solutions to your problem

Express Feelings

Scan the Situation

You enjoy expressing your true feelings and communicating what you are thinking.
People know how you really feel on important issues. Your expression of feeling
works best when you are compassionate in your approach. Express your feelings in
ways that build mutual understanding. Express your empathy for others as well as
your own feelings. Use this to create a climate of openness and trust in your

Look around before you leap. Information is good. Get more of it. It will give you a
solid foundation. You will make better, more informed decisions. Don't rely on one
source. Look beyond the obvious places when you gather information. Get second,
third and fourth opinions. Check out different points of view. Make sure you have a
strong understanding of all factors in situations or relationships before you plunge

Envision Possibilities

Get to the Crux

Your tendency to create mental pictures of future possibilities is a powerful tool for
planning and problem solving. Your reliance on developing 'what if' scenarios lifts
you out of the details to find better solutions by looking forward, not backwards.
Be in the present as much as the future. Choose this strategy to make models, draw
pictures and formulate alternative creative solutions for future success.

Get to the crux or the heart of an issue is a vital critical thinking strategy. It helps
you to stop going in circles. Push hard to get to the real problem. Be persistent. In
any problem, ask: 'What is the real problem here?' Knowing what the real problem
is a key to making high quality decisions. Focus your attention on defining what the
real problem is and to avoid wasting time on solving the wrong problem well.


Bob Wiele

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why was the 4D-i system developed?
In the 21st century, smarter wins. After many years working with businesses, governments, not for profits and educational
institutions, we believed that there was a need for better tools to help people to deal with all the change, complexity and
uncertainty they were facing.
Our goal has been to build the worlds first operating system for thinking, problem solving and collaboration. We needed to ensure it
was simple to learn and would make a direct impact on performance. We had to go beyond conventional 20th century personality
assessments that labeled people and focused on fixed traits. The new research on neuro-plasticity made it clear that people are smart
in many different ways. We wanted to deliver the knowledge, skills and tools that everyone could use to think better, collaborate more
effectively and ultimately to work smarter together.

Who developed the 4D-i ?

Bob Wiele, founder and President of OneSmartWorld, has been the driving force behind the development of the 4D-i. In 2000,
Wiele gathered a talented group of organizational psychologists, database developers, researchers, web designers, graphic artists and
performance specialists. The team reviewed the cutting edge research work of thought leaders in the fields of human intelligence,
innovation, team performance, design, brain-based learning and psychology. The team created the universal color-coded common
language for thinking and the lean meeting smart track processes to accelerate problem solving and collaboration. The 4D-i was
launched in 2001. Over the past decade, Wiele and his team have continued to improve the tools and programs, working with a
growing number of progressive clients and colleagues.

What research is the 4D-i based on?

The original scientific research in the development and norming of the 4D-i instrument began in 2000. Chuck Evans, Ph.D., led the
research team of organizational and industrial psychologists from Jackson Leadership Systems, along with Kevin Kelloway, Ph.D., from
St Marys University. Standard research protocols were used throughout the development and the testing of the instrument. The first
set of norms was established on a research population of just under 1000 people from 11 countries. The instrument was re-normed
in 2004 and again in 2008 on a research population of 25,000 people. The 4D-i has been proven to be a highly reliable instrument
in two separate test: retest reliability studies. The 4D-i has been used for leadership development, team performance improvement
and skill building by leading corporations, governments and educational institutions.


Bob Wiele

Grow Yourself: How to Expand Your Capabilities






...the central method for achieving a happier life is to train your

mind in a daily practice that weakens negative attitudes and
strengthens positive ones...the mind must be developed by you
alone. There is no way for others to do the work and for you to
reap the results.


- The Dalai Lama, Author, How to Practice,

and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate



Bob Wiele

How to Be Great: 7 Key Practices to Achieve High Performance in Anything You Do

1. Deliberate practice Not all practice makes perfect. You need a particular kind of practice deliberate practice to develop expertise. When

most people practice, they focus on the things they already know how to do. Deliberate practice is different. It entails considerable, specific, and
sustained efforts to do something you cant do well or even at all. Research across domains shows that it is only by working at what you cant do,
that you turn into the expert that you want to become. - The Making of An Expert, Anders Ericsson

2. Deliberate thinking Experts not only use deliberate practice, they also think deliberately. The thinking process is no more left to chance
than is the conscious and deliberate practice of the skill. Experts think well and approach each challenge uniquely by working in all 4 dimensions.
Continually tap into white, personal spirit, to stay focused and positive during adversity. Deliberately go to yellow to analyze and understand the
situation; go to red to determine the crux of the problem; go to green to explore all options and shift to red to come to the best conclusion.
3. Daily hard work You cant get great or really good at anything without regular, sustained hard work and sacrifice. You have to put in the
miles. You may decide that world class expertise is not the level you want. But the reality is that hard, disciplined work is an essential aspect of
higher level skill development and high performance results in every field.
4. Passion The fire in any high performer is a passion for what they are doing. This passion is a personal choice for pursing what you choose to
do. Passion is the fuel you need to do the hard work and put in the time to achieve the knowledge, competence and results in the area you want
to be great in.

5. Perseverance The willingness to keep doing something and pursuing a goal despite obstacles. High performers dont quit early. Perseverance
is a state of mind. It is the heart of personal spirit. To become a high performer, you need to keep on keeping on, and not give up when you face
hard challenges.

6. Self discipline The ability to stay focused, act deliberately and refrain from doing things that subvert or distract you from what you need to

do to achieve your goal. Self discipline is as much about what you dont do as it is about what you do choose to do. Plan the work. Work the plan.
Dont wobble. No excuses. If you slip, get right back on track.

7. Positive outlook Optimism is a common characteristic of all high performers. Reframe challenges into learning opportunities. Use optimism
to persist on your path and get through the problems and inevitable roadblocks you face.


Bob Wiele

Your Get Smarter Action Planner: Part One

Smart people, like high performers in every field, aren't simply satisfied
by knowing their preferences and their strengths. High performers
continually want to improve. They walk the walk and put in the effort to
get better. How? By carefully targeting the skill areas they need to build
up and then systematically developing the competence and confidence
they need to succeed.
Reflect on your 4D-i results. Set your goals to get smarter in all 4
dimensions and develop your total intelligence. Use your 4D-i results to
select targets on the mindset or strategies you want to develop.


Step 3. Join the dots across the 3 columns to create a jagged line of your
current skills and interests in further improvement.
Step 4. Select 2 or 3 priorities for personal skill development from the
list. Make a check mark on the ones you selected in column 4.



Critical Thinking
1. Get To The Crux
3. Validate The Conclusion


4. Rely On Experience


2. Conclude

Beliefs Based
1. Values Driven


Gut Intuition
1. Trust Your Heart

Analytical Thinking

Step 1. Read over the list on this page and note your results.
Step 2. Assess your own current skill level for each item (not your
preference) by putting in a dot in:



1. Scan The Situation

2. Structure Information


3. Clarify Understanding


1. Tune-In To Feelings
2. Empathize With Others


3. Express Feelings


Creative Thinking
1. Brainstorm Ideas

2. Challenge Assumptions
3. Reframe Problems Into Opportunities 64
4. Envision Possibilities

Creative Intuition
1. Get Into The Flow


2. Flash Of Insight

Personal Spirit
1. Your Outlook
2. Your Sense of Control
3. Your Initiative



Bob Wiele

Your Get Smarter Action Planner: Part Two

Write your 2 most important priorities in My Targets and complete this planner.

My #1 Target Get Better at __________________________________so I can_______________________________

1. The specific actions I will take to get better at this are:
2. The specific times and places I will work on improving my skills are:
3. The specific ways I will do this are:
4. If I have a problem or an obstacle, then I will:

My #2 Target Get Better at __________________________________so I can_______________________________

1. The specific actions I will take to get better at this are:
2. The specific time and place I will work on improving my skills are:
3. The specific ways I will do this are:
4. If I have a problem or an obstacle, then I will:


Bob Wiele

Believe It to Achieve It: Your Personal Success Planner

High performers in all walks of life think better and work smarter. They know how to mentally prepare for their performance, long
before they have to perform. The Believe It to Achieve It Planner is a powerful tool to help you mentally and emotionally prepare for
an important event like giving a speech, handling an interview, managing a conflict or dealing with a challenging person or task.
Use this simple template, whenever you have to perform at your best. Get your mind, heart and spirit ready, by carefully aligning your
inner world of beliefs, feelings and thoughts, with the results you want to achieve.

It starts with getting clear on both your intention at the outset and the end result you want to achieve. Once the starting point and
end points are clear, then plan out what you need to believe, how you want to feel, what you need to think about and what you will
say and do to get you there. The more you use the system, the better your results will be.

Expanding capacity requires a willingness to endure short term discomfort in the service of long term reward.
- Jim Loehr and Anthony Schwartz, The Power of Full Engagement


Bob Wiele

Believe It to Achieve It: Your Personal Success Planner

Start by completing Step 1: Set Your Intention and Step 7: Achieve It. Next, complete Steps 2 through to 6.

Step 1. Set Your Intention: Everything starts with intention. Describe in detail what your overall desire is. Get in touch and write
down why you are doing what you want to do.

Step 2. Believe It: List your own I believe... statements - the key, positive, empowering beliefs about yourself and your
commitment to your intention, that you will need to support the achievement of your desired results

Step 3. Feel It: Write down your own powerful and positive I feel... (terrific, confident, passionate, courageous, deeply committed)
statements. These are the feelings that you need to choose to be in the right emotional state.

Step 4. Think It: Describe clearly and specifically the positive, constructive self-talk phrases you will say to yourself, particularly
under pressure, to reinforce your beliefs and support your intentions. Identify any negative self-talk you tended to use in the past and
commit to replace it with the positive self-talk.


Bob Wiele

Believe It to Achieve It: Your Personal Success Planner

Step 5. Say It: Identify the actual words and phrases you will use with other people, to reinforce your commitment to the
achievement of your goals.

Step 6. Do It: Make a list of the specific action steps you commit to. List the small steps and the big steps. Be specific. Make a plan
to get started. Set a timeline what you will do today, tomorrow, in the next 3 days, week...

Step 7. Achieve It: Write a detailed description of what successful achievement looks like. Describe success as clearly as you can.
Use the present tense and positive language, as if success is already in place for you..

You are what your deepest desire is. As is your desire, so is your intention. As in your intention, so is your will. As is your
will, so is your deed. As is your deed, so is your world.
- Anonymous


Bob Wiele

How To Think Better and Work Smarter in 4 Dimensions

Build Personal Spirit in Self and Others
Choose a positive, constructive attitude
Act empowered, empower others
Take initiative, support initiative
Act with courage and commitment

Practice Effective Decision-making

Get to the heart of issues
Come to sensible conclusions
Ask tough questions to validate
Rely on past experience to guide action

Use personal values, where appropriate
Listen to gut feelings

Develop Deep Understanding

Scan broadly to understand the big picture
Provide structure and organization
Pursue clarity before acting

Tune-in and listen carefully to everyone
Show empathy and caring for others
Express feelings effectively

Foster Creativity
Brainstorm and encourage many new ideas
Reframe problems into opportunities
Challenge the current way of doing things
Have a clear vision of future possibilities


Go with the flow and see what emerges
Seek innovative insights

Think better. Work smarter.


Bob Wiele

The 4 Dimensions of High Performance Thinking: A Portfolio








1. Brainstorm

1. Get Into
The Flow

1. Scan The

1. Tune-in To

1. Get to the

2. Challenge

2. Flash of

2. Structure

2. Empathize
With Others

2. Conclude

3. Clarify

3. Express

3. Validate the


3. Reframe



1. Values


1. Trust Your

4. Rely on

4. Envision





Your Outlook

Your Sense of Control


Your Initiative

Bob Wiele



Bob Wiele

Company Profile

Think better. Work smarter.

OneSmartWorld is a Canadian-based, global human capital development organization that helps people and teams in business
and education succeed, by learning how to think better and work smarter. We enable our clients to unleash their peoples
creativity, to accelerate collaboration and spark innovation.
Our clients save time and money by using one integrated platform to develop high performance thinking skills, build great teams and
get more done using our lean meeting management system.
OneSmartWorlds solutions are based on our original research and development into the thinking styles of over 100,000 people, the
latest findings in brain-based learning, collaborative teamwork, positive organizational psychology and decades of proven results with
clients in business, education, government and not for profit organizations.

3 Key Business Solutions

THE 4D-i: The 4D-i has been consistently selected as the # 1 rated, 21st century instrument, to develop leaders, build high
performing teams and foster a more collaborative culture.
SMARTER MEETINGS: The Smarter Meetings program is a lean meeting management system. It gives teams tools and skills to
produce high quality results and reduce time wasted in meetings. This program delivered a 558% ROI to WestJet, the highest return
on investment, ever documented, from a corporate training program.

RIP IT: The RIP It/ Rapid Innovation Program Intensive is selected by business leaders seeking to accelerate strategy and solution
development. The RIP It program is a tightly structured collaborative planning and decision-making process. It produces high quality
results quickly. Our business, government, not for profit and education clients have used RIP It to increase engagement, accelerate
significant change and generate millions of dollars in new revenues and cost savings.


Bob Wiele

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