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Agriculture Notes

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The key takeaways are that agriculture is the primary activity for many people in India and involves growing crops and rearing livestock. Different types of soils in India include alluvial, black, red and laterite soils. The document also discusses various revolutions in Indian agriculture such as the Green Revolution, White Revolution, and others.

The main types of soils found in India are alluvial soils, black soils, red soils and laterite soils. Alluvial soils are very fertile and found in places like the Ganges river basin. Black soils are concentrated in the Deccan and are suitable for crops like cotton. Red soils are found in southern India and are less fertile needing irrigation.

Some of the revolutions mentioned in agriculture include the Green Revolution which introduced high-yielding varieties, the White Revolution for increased milk production, the Blue Revolution for fishing, and others related to crops like jute, fruits, meat and eggs.

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
Agriculture is a primary activity. It includes growing crops, fruits, vegetables, flowers and rearing of livestock. In the
world, 50 per cent of persons are engaged in agricultural activity. Two-thirds of Indias population is still dependent on
Note The land on which the crops are grown is known as arable land
Important Term
Agriculture The science and art of cultivation on the soil, raising crops and rearing livestock. It is also called farming
Sericulture Commercial rearing of silk worms. It may supplement the income of the farmer
Viticulture Cultivation of grapes
Pisciculture Breeding of fish in specially constructed tanks and ponds
Horticulture Horticulture Growing vegetables, flowers and fruits for commercial use.
Olericulture Study of vegetable science
Green Revolution It stands for a major technological breakthrough in India based on (i) improved seeds of high yielding
varieties, (ii) adequate and assured supply of water for irrigation, and (iii) increased and appropriate application of
chemical fertilizers for increasing agricultural production
White Revolution It stands for remarkable increase in milk production
Blue Revolution It refers to big rise in catching of fresh water and marine fish
Yellow Revolution It refers to remarkably steady and assured supply of poultry products
Pink Revolution It refers to a considerable rise in the production of quantity of apples particularly in the states of
Himachal Pradesh and J&K
Black Revolution Petroleum Production
Brown Revolution Leather/non-conventional(India)/Cocoa production
Golden Fibre Revolution Jute Production
Golden Revolution Fruits/Overall Horticulture development/Honey Production
Grey Revolution Fertilizer
Red Revolution Meat & Tomato Production
Round Revolution Potato
Silver Fiber Revolution Cotton
Silver Revolution Egg/Poultry Production
Evergreen Revolution Overall development of Agriculture

Soils of India: Six Different Types of Soils Found in India are as follows:
Soil is our prime natural and economic resource. Soils in India differ in composition and structure.
1. Alluvial Soils:
largest and the most important soil group of India
These are formed by the deposition of sediments by rivers.
They are rich in humus and very fertile.

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
They are found in Great Northern plain, lower valleys of Narmada and Tapti and Northern Gujarat.
These soils are renewed every year.
Influence on Agriculture: Alluvial soil is very productive. Abundant of wheat, sugarcane, oilseeds, pulses, rice and jute is
grown on this soil.
2. Black Soils:
These soils are made up of volcanic rocks and lava-flow.
It is concentrated over Deccan Lava Tract which includes parts of Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat,
Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
It consists of Lime, Iron, Magnesium and also Potash but lacks in Phosphorus, Nitrogen and Organic matter.
Influence on Agriculture: They retain moisture for a long period. These soils are fertile and suitable for the production of
cotton, sugarcane, wheat and groundnut.
3. Red Soils:
These are derived from weathering of ancient metamorphic rocks of Deccan Plateau.
Its redness is due to iron composition. When iron content is lower it is yellow or brown.
They cover almost the whole of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and parts of Orissa.
Influence on Agriculture: They are relatively less fertile, but are capable of growing good crops with the help of irrigation
and fertilizers. Rice, wheat, millet, gram, pulses, sugarcane, oilseeds and cotton are cultivated on these Soils.
4. Laterite Soils:
These soils are formed due to intense leaching and are well developed on the summits of hills and uplands.
They are commonly found in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh and hilly areas of Orissa and Assam.
Influence on Agriculture: These soils are infertile as they cannot retain moisture. They are unsuitable for agriculture.
Some plants like the cashew can thrive on lateritic soils. Root crops like tapioca also do reasonably well on these soils
5. Mountain Soils:
These soils are formed as a result of the accumulation of organic matter derived from forest growth.
They are found in Himalayan region and vary in different regions according to altitude.
Tea is grown in those areas which receive sufficient rainfall.
Influence on Agriculture: They are fertile and suitable for cultivation of potatoes, rice, wheat, fruits and tea.
6. Desert Soils:

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
In the desert regions of Rajasthan, soils are not well developed.
As evaporation is in excess of rainfall, the soil has a high salt content and saline layer forms a hard crust.
These soils are generally sandy and deficient in organic matter.
Influence on Agriculture: These soils are not suitable for agriculture due to scanty rainfall; however, agriculture can be
carried on with the help of irrigation. Bajra, wheat, groundnut can be grown on these soils.
Points to remember

Type of Soil

The soil most common in Indo-gangetic plains


The soil which swells when wet and develops cracks when dry


The soil which owes its colour to oxides of iron


The soil which requires least use of fertilisers


The soil which requires least tilling


The kind of soil which is treated with gypsum to make it suitable for cropping Alkaline soil
The soil which is poor in soluble salts


The soil which is rich in surface accumulation of organic matter

Peaty soil

The soil which is most suitable for cultivation of cotton


Rabi: Rabi crops are also known as winter crops.
Sown October to December and
Harvested April to June.
Main Crop Wheat, barley, pea, gram and mustard.
Note Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhan and Uttar Pradesh are the important
producers of rabi crops.
Kharif: Kharif crops are also known as summer crops.
Sown The beginning of monosoon
Harvested September-October.
Main Crop Paddy, maize, jowar, bajra, tur, moong, urad, cotton, jute, groundnut and soyabean crops.
Note Assam, West Bengal, coastal regions of Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh
and Bihar are important rice growing states.

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
Note In Assam, West Bengal and Orissa, three crops of paddy are grown in a year. These are called Aus, Aman and
Zaid: The zaid season falls in between the rabi and kharif seasons.
Main Crop Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, vegetables and fodder crops
Note Sugarcane is planted in this season but takes almost a year to grow.
Based on climatic condition
1) Tropical crop : Coconut, sugarcane
2) Sub-tropical crop : Rice, cotton
3) Temperate crop : Wheat, barley
4) Polar crop : All pines, pasture grasses
Farm System Agriculture
Inputs seeds, fertilisers, machinery and labour.
Operation Ploughing, sowing, irrigation, weeding and harvesting.
Output crops, wool, dairy and poultry products.

Farming Type
Farming can be classified into two main types.
1.Subsistence Farming
Intensive Subsistence
Primitive Subsistence
Shifting Cultivation
Nomadic Herding
2.Commercial Farming.
Commercial Frain Farming,
Mixed Farming
Plantation Agriculture.
1. Subsistence Farming
This type of farming is practised to meet the needs of the farmers family.
Traditionally, low levels of technology and household labour are used to produce on small output.
Subsistence farming can be further classified as Intensive Subsistence and Primitive Subsistence Farming.

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In Intensive Subsistence Agriculture
The farmer cultivates a small plot of land using simple tools and more labour.
Climate with large number of days with sunshine and fertile soils permit growing of more than one crop annually on the
same plot.
Rice is the main crop.
Other crops include wheat, maize, pulses and oilseeds.
Primitive Subsistence agriculture includes shifting cultivation and nomadic herding.
Shifting Cultivation
These are the areas of heavy rainfall and quick regeneration of vegetation.
A plot of land is cleared by felling the trees and burning them.
The ashes are then mixed with the soil and crops like maize, yam, potatoes and cassava are grown. After the soil loses its
fertility, the land is abandoned and the cultivator moves to a new plot.
Shifting cultivation is also known as slash and burn agriculture.
Note Shifting cultivation is known by different names in different parts of the world Jhumming North-East India Milpa Mexico Roca Brazil. Ladang Malaysia
Nomadic Herding
Practised in the semi-arid and arid regions of Sahara, Central Asia and some parts of India, like Rajasthan and Jammu and
In this type of farming, herdsmen move from place to place with their animals for fodder and water, along defined routes.
This type of movement arises in response to climatic constraints and terrain. Sheep, camel, yak and goats are most
commonly reared.
They provide milk, meat, wool, hides and other products to the herders and their families.
2. Commercial Farming
In commercial farming crops are grown and animals are reared for sale in market.
The area cultivated and the amount of capital used is large.
Most of the work is done by machines.
Commercial farming includes Commercial Frain Farming, Mixed Farming and Plantation Agriculture.
Commercial Grain Farming
Crops are grown for commercial purpose.

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
Wheat and maize are common commercially grown grains.
Severe winters restrict the growing season and only a single crop can be grown.
Mixed Farming
It is a situation in which both raising crops and rearing animals are carried on simultaneously.
Here farmers engaged in mixed farming are economically better of than others
It is an estate where a single cash crop is grown for sale.
This type of agriculture involves growing and processing of a single cash crop purely meant for sale. Tea, coffee, rubber,
banana and spices are all examples of plantation crops
Note Organic Farming In this type of farming, organic manure and natural pesticides are used instead of chemicals. No
genetic modification is done to increase the yield of the crop.


Food grains Crops that are used for human consumption
Main Crop Rice, Wheat, Maize, Millets, Pulses and Oil seeds
Commercial Crops Crops which are grown for sale either in raw form or in semi-processed form
Main Crop Cotton, Jute, Sugarcane, Tobacco and Oilseeds
Plantation Crops Crops Which are grown on Plantations covering large estates
Main Crop Tea, Coffee, Coconut and Rubber
Horticulture Sections of agriculture in which Fruits and Vegetables are grown
Main Crop Fruits and Vegetables
Let us discuss the Important Food grains
Rice Kharif or Summer Crop
Temperature Require: Rice requires hot and humid conditions. The temperature should be fairly high i.e. 24C mean
monthly temperature with average temperature of 22C to 32C
Rainfall: Rainfall ranging between 150-300 cm is suitable for its growth in areas of Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar
Pradesh where rainfall is less than 100 cm, rice is cultivated with the help of irrigation.
Soil: Rice is grown in varied soil conditions but deep clayey and loamy soil provides the ideal conditions. Rice is primarily
grown in plain areas. It is also grown below sea level at Kuttinad (Kerala), hill terraces of north eastern part of India and
valleys of Kashmir
Note China leads in the production of rice followed by India, Japan, Sri Lanka and Egypt.

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Wheat Rabi or Winter Crop
Temperature Require: It is primarily a crop of mid-latitude grassland. It requires cool climate. The ideal temperature is
between 10C to 15C at the time of sowing and 21C to 26C at the time of ripening and harvesting.
Rainfall: Wheat thrives well in areas receiving annual rainfall of about 75cm. Annual rainfall of about 100cm is the upper
limit for wheat cultivation
Soil: Although wheat can be grown in a variety of soils but well drained fertile loamy and clayey loamy soil is best suited
for wheat cultivation. Plain areas are very well suited for wheat production.
Note Wheat is grown extensively in USA, Canada, Argentina, Russia, Ukraine, Australia and India. In India it is grown
in winter.
Millets(Jawar, Bajra): Millets are short duration warm weather crops Kharif Crop
Temperature Require: These crops are grown where the temperature is high which ranges between 27C to 32C.
Rainfall: As mentioned earlier that millets are dry land crops, therefore, rainfall ranging from 50 to 100cm is ideal for
their cultivation.
Soil: Millets are less sensitive to soil deficiencies. They can be grown in inferior alluvial or loamy soil
PulsesNote Gram: It is the most important of all the pulses. It accounts for about 37% of the production and about 30% of the
total area of pulses in India
Temperature Require : It is grown in a wide range of climatic condition. Mild cool and comparatively dry climate with
20C-25C temperature.
Rainfall: 40-45 cm rainfall is favourable for gram cultivation.
Soil: It grows well on loamy soils
Other Important
Maize: Maize requires moderate temperature, rainfall and lots of sunshine. It needs well-drained fertile soils.
Note Maize is grown in North America, Brazil, China, Russia, Canada, India, and Mexico.
Cotton: Cotton requires high temperature, light rainfall, two hundred and ten frost-free days and bright sunshine for its
growth. It grows best on black and alluvial soils. It is one of the main raw materials for the cotton textile industry.
Note China, USA, India, Pakistan, Brazil and Egypt are the leading producers of cotton
Jute: Jute was also known as the Golden Fibre. It grows well on alluvial soil and requires high temperature, heavy rainfall
and humid climate. This crop is grown in the tropical areas.
Note India and Bangladesh are the leading producers of jute.
Coffee: Coffee requires warm and wet climate and well drained loamy soil. Hill slopes are more suitable for growth of this
Note Brazil is the leading producer followed by Columbia and India.
Tea: Tea is a beverage crop grown on plantations. This requires cool climate and well distributed high rainfall throughout
the year for the growth of its tender leaves It needs well-drained loamy soils and gentle slopes. Labour in large number is
required to pick the leaves.
Note Kenya, India, China, Sri Lanka produce the best quality tea in the world.

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Note Spice producing areas in India are Kerala, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu.
Note Tobacco producing states are Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.

Point to remember


The crop which requires water-logging for its cultivation


The crop best suited in areas where rain falls only for two months


The ideal crop for areas with rainfall above 200 cm and sloping


The crop which requires a large amount of rainfall and no

standing water


The crop which is sown in largest area in India

Rice (43.9 million hectares as per 2013-14 estimates)

The crop whose production is the largest in India

Sugarcane (348.4 million tonnes as per 2013-14


The cereal crop whose production is the largest in India

Rice (106.3 million tonnes as per 2013-14 estimates)

The agricultural produce which has the highest percentage share

of imports

Edible Oil (about 68% of imports of food and allied


The agricultural produce which has the highest percentage share

of exports


Crops : Indias Rank in the World

Millets, Lemon & limes, Bananas, Ginger, Mangoes, Papayas, Jute, Castor Oil seed, Safflower oil seed First
Sugarcane, Wheat, Onion, Potatoes, Garlic, Rice, Tea, Cottonseed


Food Security
In order to ensure food security to all sections of society, the government has carefully designed a national food security
system. It has two components:

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
Buffer Stock: Once the government procures food grains through FCI (Food Corporation of India), buffer stock is
maintained at various locations. This stock is utilised in case of food shortage at any place. This stock is also utilised in
case of natural disasters; like flood and drought.
Public Distribution System: PDS is a programme which provides food grains and other essential commodities at
subsidised prices to poor people in rural and urban areas. A person needs to get a ratio card made to avail the benefits of
PDS. Separate cards are made for BPL (Below Poverty Line) and APL (Above Poverty Line) families. The PDS is also fed by
the FCI.
Importance of agriculture in Indian economy.
India is an agricultural country.
Nearly two-thirds of its population depends directly on agriculture for its livelihood.
Agriculture is the main stay of Indias economy.
It accounts for 26% of the gross domestic product.
It ensures food security for the country and produces several raw materials for industries.
Agricultural development is therefore, a precondition of our national prosperity.
Additional Important Byte
Age at which white leghorn starts laying eggs 5-6 months
Apex body of agricultural marketing NAFED
ASPEE is related to Sprayer
At which temperature milk is stored 4c
Critical Irrigation stage for Wheat CRI
Crop intensity of wheat paddy 200%
Dapog Method Nursery preparation
Depth of shallow tillge according to the CRIDA 5-6 cm
Disc angle of disc plough 42-45
Disc harrow is involved in which kind of tillage Secondary
Farmers not classified on the basis of price, area Ranching
High pressure Sprayer Gear pump
Jwala is the variety of Chilli
Minimum Land required for loan 2000 ha
Minimum level of Water erosion Splash irrigation
Minimum loss of water Drip irrigation
Minor irrigation area 2000 ha
Mulching is Conservative tillage
Percentage of clay in sandy loam 0-20%
Plantation system having one tree at the center Quincunx
PLP initiated by NABARD, GOI, RRB

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
Power tiller Rotatory implement
Pusa kranti is the variety of Brinjal
Reason for Seed-lessness in fruit Embryo Abortion
Red label on fertilizer box indicates Extremely toxic
Rinderpest is not a disease of Poultry
Root-Rot disease related to Groundnut
Rotavator is involved in which type of tillage Secondary tillage
Seedless variety of Grapes Thompson
Size of coarse sand particle 2mm-0.2mm
Size of Mould board plough determines Width of Cut
Soil with pH less than 3.5 Ultra acidic soil
Soyabean root (which type) Deeply-rooted
Tractor working hours 10000 hours
Vaishali is the variety of Tomato
Water conservation is studied under Soil science
Water loss in air least in Drip irrigation
Which is not a micro nutrient Ca
Why puddling is done Conserving moisture by breaking by breaking an impermeable layer
Zero tillage means Neither primary nor secondary
Economic Activities

This transformation from a plant to a finished product involves three types of economic activities. These are
1) Primary Primary activities include all those connected with extraction and production of natural resources or raw
materials from the Earth. Example Agriculture, Fishing and Gathering
2) Secondary Secondary activities involves the transformation of raw materials into goods, Example Manufacturing of
steel, Baking of bread and Weaving of cloth
3) Tertiary Activities Provide support to the primary and secondary sectors through services. Example Transport,
trade, banking, insurance and advertising
Land Use Categories Land
Land Use Categories Land-use records are maintained by land revenue department. The land use categories add up to
reporting area, which is somewhat different from the geographical area. The Survey of India is responsible for measuring
geographical area of administrative units in India. Have you ever used a map prepared by Survey of India? The difference
between the two concepts are that while the former changes somewhat depending on the estimates of the land revenue
records, the latter does not change and stays fixed as per Survey of India measurements
The land-use categories as maintained in the Land Revenue Records are as follows :
Forests : It is important to note that area under actual forest cover is different from area classified as forest. The latter is the
area which the Government has identified and demarcated for forest growth. The land revenue records are consistent with
the latter definition. Thus, there may be an increase in this category without any increase in the actual forest cover.

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
Land put to Non-agricultural Uses : Land under settlements (rural and urban), infrastructure (roads, canals, etc.),
industries, shops, etc. are included in this category. An expansion in the secondary and tertiary activities would lead to an
increase in this category of land-use.
Barren and Wastelands : The land which may be classified as a wasteland such as barren hilly terrains, desert lands,
ravines, etc. normally cannot be brought under cultivation with the available technology.
Area under Permanent Pastures and Grazing Lands : Most of this type land is owned by the village Panchayat or the
Government. Only a small proportion of this land is privately owned. The land owned by the village panchayat comes
under Common Property Resources.
Area under Miscellaneous Tree Crops and Groves(Not included is Net sown Area) : The land under orchards and fruit trees
are included in this category. Much of this land is privately owned.
Culturable Waste-Land : Any land which is left fallow (uncultivated) for more than five years is included in this category.
It can be brought under cultivation after improving it through reclamation practices.
Current Fallow : This is the land which is left without cultivation for one or less than one agricultural year. Fallowing is a
cultural practice adopted for giving the land rest. The land recoups the lost fertility through natural processes.
Fallow other than Current Fallow : This is also a cultivable land which is left uncultivated for more than a year but less
than five years. If the land is left uncultivated for more than five years, it would be categorised as culturable wasteland.
Net Area Sown : The physical extent of land on which crops are sown and harvested is known as net sown area.

Varieties of Different Important Crops

Rice : (First introduced drawf variety into India), IR-8, Jaya (Blast Resistant),Padma, Mashuri, Kakatiya, Pusa Basumati,
Pusa Jaldidan, Lunisree, Ratna, TKM-6 (Stem borer resistant), Kataribogh (Tungro resistant), ADT-27 (indica x japonica),
Santchousong (High protein content), Dee-Gee-Woo-Gen, Bala (Drought resistant), IR-20 (Resistant to Blast, BLB,
stemborer, leafhopper).
Wheat :
Introduction from Mexico: Lerma Rojo and sonara-64.
Single gene dwarf varieties : Safed lerma, Sharbati sonara, pusa Lerma, Chotu lerma.
Double gene dwarf varieties: Shera, Arjun, Janak.
Triple gene dwarf varieties: Heera, Moti.
HD series, Kundan, C-306 (drought resistant).
Chickpea : Pusa 256 PBG-1 203, Pusa 209: Gaurav ICCC-32, Ajay.
Pigeonpea : UPAS-120 9short duration), ICPH-8 (First Hybrid), (Arhar) Pusa 33, Pusa Agati, ICPL 37. Hira, Mukta,
Bahar, Prabat. SBH-8. Sugarcane: Noble Canes: CO-419, Co-997

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Soybean : Bragg, Lee Clark-63, Shilajeet, Pusa 16, 20, 24, PK-327
Tomato : Pusa Sheetal, Pusa-120, Pusa Early Dwarf, Pusa Ruby, Margologe, Sioux, Pusa Gauray, Best of All.
Mango :
Malika (neelam x dasheri),Amrapali (dasheri x neelam)
Ratna (neelam x alphonso)
Bannana :
Poovan (larplur, Chakrakeli), Basrai, Champa
Hill Bananas : Sirumali, virupakshi
Culinary varieties : Monthan, Gross Mitchell, Mindoli Robusta Rasthali
Rose: Chitra, Dr. B. P. Pal, Priyadarshini, Nehru Ceremony, Jawhar, Abisarika, Banjara, Randhawa.
Califlower: Pusa Deepali, Pusa synthetic, Pusa Katki, Early Snowball, Kanwari ,Early, Patna, Patna Main crop, Snowball16, Suttons Snowball Japanese improved, Dania, Aghani, Poosi.
Top producing state
Apple Jammu & Kashmir Largest
Banana Tamil
Cashew nut Maharashtra
Citrus, Lemon, Mosambi Pradesh
Coarse Cereal Karnataka, Rajasthan
Cocoa Kerala
Coconut Tamil Nadu
Cotton Gujarat
Grapes Maharashtra
Horticulture Products West Bengal
Jute West Bengal
Litchi Bihar
Maize Andhra Pradesh
Mango Uttar Pradesh & Andhra Pradesh
Oilseeds Gujarat
Orange Punjab
Rapeseed & Mustard Rajasthan
Rice West Bengal
Soyabean Madhya Pradesh
Sugar Maharashtra
Sugarcane Uttar Pradesh
Sunflower Karnataka

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
Total Food Grains Uttar Pradesh
Total Fruits Andhra Pradesh Largest
Total Spices Andhra Pradesh Largest
Total Vegetables West Bengal
Wheat Uttar Pardesh
Fruit types with Example
Berries : Grapes, Guava, Phalsa, Tomato, Brinjal, Chitiles
Drupe : Mango, Peach, Plum, Cherry, Apricot
Hesperidum : Citrus4. Amphisarca : Wood apple, Bael
Balusta : Pomegranate
Pome (false fruit) : Apple, Pear
Pepo : Cuarbits
Single seeded berry : Dates
IMPORTANT key points to remember
U.P has highest total fertilizer consumption
Crop under highest irrigation is 1st-wheat, 2nd-rice.
Irrigated area to Net sown area highest in Sugarcane followed by Wheat
Largest imported fertilizer is potash.
26 % of Indian population are under below poverty line
State having maximum area under irrigation Punjab
Major source of irrigation in India Canal
Maximum area under fruit crops Mango
Maximum production under fruit crops Banana
First agricultural census in India conducted in 1970
As per National forest policy, for ecological balance, the forests cover should be on 1/3rd area (i.e. 33 %) of the country
Famous name of crops
National fruit of India : Mango
Adams fig : Banana
Apple of paradise : Banana
Autumn queen : Chrysanthemum

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
Bio energy plant : Jatropha
Brown gold : Dead pupae of silkworm
Butter fruit : Avocardo
Chinas miracle fruit : Kiwi fruit
Drosophila of crop plants : Maize
Egg plant : Brinjal
Famine reserves : Millets
Food of god : Cocoa
Glory of East : Chrysanthemum
King of arid and semi fruits : Ber
King of cereals : Wheat
King of coarse cereals : Sorghum
King of fodder crops : Berseem
King of fruits : Mango
King of oilseeds : Mustard
King of spices : Black Pepper
King of temperate fruits : Apple
Kingof weeds : Congress grass
Oldest cultivated tropical fruits : Banana
Poor mans food : Pearl millet
Poor mans friend : Potato
Poor mans fruit : Jackfruit, Ber
Poor mans meat : Soybean
Poor mans orange(India) and love of apple (England) : Tomato
Poor mans substitute for ghee : Sesamum
Queen of beverage crop : Tea
Queen of cereals : Maize
Queen of flowers : Rose
Queen of fodder crops : Lucerne
Queen of fruits : Pineapple
Queen of oilseeds : Sesame
Queen of spices : Cardamom
Queen of vegetables : Potato
Small holders irrigated crop : Oil palm
Tree of heaven : Coconut
Vegetable meat : Cowpea
Wonder crop : Soybean
Wonder tree : Neem
Terms used with associated crops
Curing : Tobacco, Tea
Stripping : Jute

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Nipping : Cotton
Wrapping : Sugarcane
Propping : Banana, sugarcane
Trashing : Sugarcane
Dapog seedling : Rice seedling
De-suckering : Tobacco, Banana
De-tasseling : Maize
Pegging : Groundnut
Retting : Jute
Ginning : Cotton
Tapping : Gram
Staking : Tomato
Arrowing : Sugarcane
Rationing : Sugarcane
Tipping : Tea
list of Agricultural Research Centers In India
Central Arid Zone Research Institute(CAZRI) Rajasthan
Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI) Mysore
Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute(CIFRI) West Bengal
Central Institute for Cotton Research (CICR) Maharashtra
Central Institute for Research on Goats (CIRG) Uttar Pradesh
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering (CIAE) Bhopal
Central Institute of Brackishwater Acquaculture (CIBA) Chennai
Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA) Orissa
Central Plantation Crops Research Institute (CPCRI) Kerala
Directorate of Maize Research (DMR) New Delhi
Directorate of Water Management (DWM) Bhubaneswar
Directorate of Wheat Research(DWR) Haryana
Indian Agricultural Research Institute(IARI) New Delhi
Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute(IASRI) New Delhi
Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM) Bhopal
National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM) Andra Pradesh

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National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) Uttar Pradesh
National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR) Haryana
National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) New Delhi
National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) New Delhi
National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (NCAP) New Delhi
National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) Haryana
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) Hyderabad
National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM) Rajasthan
Sugarcane Breeding Institute (SBI) Tamil Nadu
Quick Review Some Important points
Growing of only one crop on a piece of land year after year is called Mono Cropping
Growing two or more crops on the same piece of land in one calendar year is called Multiple cropping
Growing 2 or more crops simultaneously with definite row arrangement is called -Inter cropping
Growing at low or more crops in sequate on the same piece of land in a farming year Sequential cropping
Ratio between grass sown area and Net sown area is called Cropping Intensity
Cropping Intensity can be obtained from the formula (Gross Sown Area/ Net sown areas) X 100
Growing of crops in between Kharif and rabbi season is called Zaid cropping
The slash and burn type of cultivation in the hill treats of North Eastern Region is called Jhum/ shifting cultivation
Crops which are grown primarily to cover the soil and to reduce the loss of moisture and erosion is called Cover crop
System of growing together crops of different heights at the same time on the same
piece of land is called Multy storey cropping
Example of Multy storey cropping is Coconut + Pepper + cocoa + Pineapple
Botanical name of wheat Triticum aestivum
Protein of wheat is called Gluten
Bread wheat is scientifically called Triticum aestivum
Macroni wheat is scientifically called Triticum durum
Emmer wheat is scientifically called Triticum dicoccum
A condition of atmosphere at a given place at a given time is called Weather
A weather condition over a given region during a longest period is called Climate
All weather phenomenons like rain, fog occur in -Troposphere
Wheat, Barley and Oat are the example of Long day plant
Rice, Sorghum and Maize are the example of Short day plant
Cotton, Sunflower and Buck wheat are the example of Neutral plants
Average rainfall in India 120 cm
Rain bearing clouds is cumulonimbus, cumulus
A chemical used for cold cloud seeding Silver iodide

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
A chemical used for warm cloud seeding Sodium chloride
Indian Meteorological Organization situated at New Delhi(earlier Pune)
Agriculture Notes (Part-1)
Multiple Choice Question
Q-1 The Crops which are grown in rainy season are
a) Rabi crop
b) Seasonal crop
c) Monsoon crop
d) Kharif crop
Q-2 Rabi Crops are grown in _______ season
a) Summer
b) Spring
c) Winter
d) rainy
Q-3 The Bhoodan-Gramdaan movement was initiated
a) Vinoba Bhave
b) Mahatma Gandhi
c) Pandit Nehru
d) R. C. Reddy
Q-4 Cultivation of coffee is confined to which of the
following hills?
a) Nilgiri
b) Aravali
c) Shivalik
d) Chhota Nagpur
Q-5 Which Indian state leads in the production of
a) Tamil Nadu
b) Kerala
c) Karnataka
d) Gujarat
Q-6 What part of Total population of India is engaged
in agriculture activities:

a) 1/2
b) 2/3
c) 1/4
d) 2/5
Q-7 Which Indian state stands first in the production of
a) Kerala
b) Karnataka
c) Assam
d) Gujarat
Q-8 In which type of soil does Maize grow well?
a) Black
b) Sandy Soil
c) Old alluvial
d) None of the above
Q-9 Which are the two main beverage crops produce in
India ?
a) Sugar cane and oilseeds
b) Tea and coffee
c) Jowar and bajra
d) Rice and wheat
Q-10 Which country is the largest producer of oil seeds
in the world?
a) China
b) India
c) U.S.A
d) Pakistan
Q-11 Which one of the following crops is known as
Golden Fibre?
a) Wheat
b) Rice

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
c) Groundnut
d) Jute
Q-12 Which of the following crops is not a millet?
a) Jowar
b) Maize
c) Ragi
d) Bajra
Q-13 The rearing of silk worms for the production of
silk fiber is known as :
a) Sericulture
b) Horticulture
c) Floriculture
d) Agriculture
Q-14 What is Pink Revolution
a) It refers to big rise in catching of fresh water and
marine fish.
b) It stands for remarkable increase in milk production
c) It refers to remarkably steady and assured supply of
poultry products.
d) It refers to a considerable rise in the production of
quantity of apples
Q-15 Which of the following soil type is most suitable
for garlic cultivation ?
a) Loamy sand
b) Sandy loam
c) Loam
d) Clay

Q-18 Which among the following is a fibre crop?

a) Rubber
b) Jute
c) Tomato
d) Coffee
Q-19 About 90% of Rubber demand is met by
a) Kerala
b) Karnataka
c) Tamil Nadu
d) Maharashtra
Q-20 Pulses fit well in cropping system as they are
a) Short duration crops
b) Disease resistant crops
c) Long duration crops
d) Moisture stress resistant crops
Q-21 Wheat is a
a) Cash crop
b) Cereal crop
c) Covered crop
d) None of these
Q-22 Which one of following is not Agro-based
a) Cement Industry
b) Jute Industry
c) Cotton textile Industry
d) Sugar Industry

Q-16 Which type of soil is best for knolkhol ?

a) Loam
b) Clayey loam
c) Silty clayey loam
d) Clay

Q-23 India is the larger producer as well as the

consumer of the world?
a) Apple
b) Rice
c) Chickpeas
d) Millets

Q-17 Which of the following soil type has the highest

field capacity ?
a) Loam
b) Silty loam
c) Clayey loam
d) Clay

Q-24 Which of the following oil seed is both a karif and

Rabi crop?
a) Groundnut
b) Mustard
c) Sesamum
d) Soyabean

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
Q-25 Which state is the largest producer of Groundnut?
a) Uttar Pradesh
b) Gujarat
c) Maharashtra
d) Andhra Pradesh
Q-26 Growing different crops alternately on the same
land is technically called
a) Crop Alternation
b) Crop Rotation
c) Crop Revolution
d) Crop Change
Q-27 Moat, Dhekli and Rahat are different
a) Traditional methods of cultivation
b) Traditional methods of Weeding
c) Traditional methods of Seed sowing
d) Traditional methods of irrigation
Q-28 In the harvested crop the grain seed is separated
from the chaff. This process id called ___ a
a) Threshing
b) Seeding
c) Ploughing
d) Weeding
Q-29 Hoe, dao, digging sticks are associated with
a) Primitive subsistence farming
b) Commercial farming
c) Green Revolution
d) Horticulture
Q-30 Which of the following is grown in rotation with
other crops?
a) Arhar
b) Moong
c) Sunflower
d) Groundnut
Q-31 Which of the following description is true for
describing fertiliser
a) Used in large quantity
b) Organic in nature

c) Does not cause pollution

d) Produced in factories
Q-32 Rhizobium (a Bacteria) which fixes atmospheric
nitrogen are found in nodules growing in
a) Roots of leguminous plants
b) Leaves of leguminous plants
c) Stem of Leguminous plants
d) All of the above.
Q-33 Before sowing the seeds, it is necessary to break
soil to the size of grains to get better yield. The main
tools used for such are
a) Tractor, Hoe, Seed drill
b) Bullock, tiller, tractor
c) Plough, Hoe, Cultivator
d) Plough, Seed Drill, Tractor
Q-34 In India which crop is sown on the largest area?
a) Jowar
b) wheat
c) tobacco
d) rice
Q-35 The science concerned with vegetable culture is
a) floriculture
b) olericulture
c) horticulture
d) agriculture
Q-36 The science concerned with Cultivation of grapes.
a) Viticulture
b) olericulture
c) horticulture
d) agriculture
Q-37 Rock phosphates are used in
a) Saline soil
b) Sodic soil
c) Acidic soil
d) Neutral soil

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
Q-38 Red soil is poor in which of the following nutrients
a) Phosphorus and Sulphur
b) Phosphorus and Nitrogen
c) Nitrogen and Zinc
d) Nitrogen and Potassium
Q-39 What is Blue Revolution
a) It refers to big rise in catching of fresh water and
marine fish.b) It stands for remarkable increase in milk production
c) It refers to remarkably steady and assured supply of
poultry products.
d) It refers to a considerable rise in the production of
quantity of apples
Q-40 Which type of soil is found near the canal banks ?
a) Acidic and alkaline
b) Acidic
c) Alkaline
d) None of these
Q-41 Which one of the following is a Kharif crop?
a) bajra
b) wheat
c) mustard
d) barley
Q-42 Which one of the following is a rabi crop?
a) rice
b) jowar
c) cotton
d) peas
Q-43 Who is known as the Father of White
a) V Kurien
b) MS Swaminathan
c) JP Narayan
d) Baba Amte
Q-44 Who was the chief architect of Green Revolution
that significantly improved the agricultural yield in the

a) MS Swaminathan
b) VR Krisha Aiyyar
c) V Kurien
d) Jawaharlal Nehru
Q-45 Which soil largest and the most important soil
group of India
a) Alluvial Soils
b) Black Soils
c) Red Soils
d) Laterite Soils
Q-46 The zaid season falls in between the rabi and
kharif seasons.
a) Watermelon
b) muskmelon
c) cucumber
d) all of above
Q-47 Which type of farming is practised to meet the
needs of the farmers family.
a) Subsistence farming
b) Mixed Farming
c) Plantation Agriculture
d) none of these.
Q-48 Growing of two or more crops simultaneously on
the same piece of land is called
a) mixed cropping
b) mixed farming
c) intercropping
d) fanning
Q-49. Temperature Require at the time of sowing
a) 10C to 15C
b) 21C to 26C
c) 22C to 32C
d) 32C to 42C
Q-50 Farm Planning means
a) Farm Budgetting
b) Cropping pattern

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
c) Type of enterprises
d) None of these
Q-51. Jalpriya is a variety of
a) Maize
b) Jowar
c) Paddy
d) Barley
Q-52. Sugarcane + Potato is an intercropping system
a) Autumn season
b) Zaid season
c) Spring season
d) Rainy season
Q-53 Seed-rate of potato per hectare is
a) 25 quintal/hectare
b) 10 quintal/hectare
c) 15 quintal/hectare
d) 40 quintal/hectare
Q-54. Deficiency symptoms of calcium on plants first
appear at
a) Lower leaves
b) Middle leaves
c) Terminal leaves
d) All leaves
Q-55. Which weedicide is used to kill broad leaf weeds
in wheat ?
a) 2, 4 D.S.S. (WPSS)
b) 2, 4, 5 T
c) 2, 4 DB
d) None of these

b) Bathua
c) Parthenium
d) Krishna Neel
Q-58. Which crop requires maximum amount of
nitrogen ?
a) Potato
b) Wheat
c) Barley
d) Sugarcane
Q-59. First dwarf variety of paddy developed in India is
a) Jaya
b) Saket-4
c) Govind
d) Narendra-97
Q-60. Sprinkler irrigation is suitable, where the soil
a) Clayey texture
b) Loamy texture
c) Undulating topography
d) All of theseQ-61. Endosulphan is also known as
a) Lindane
b) Thiodan
c) Aldrin
d) B.H.C.
Q-62. Which of the following is systemic poison ?
a) Metasystox
b) Phosphomidan
c) Phorate
d) All of these

Q-56. Maya is the variety of

a) Potato
b) Gram
c) Pea
d) Mustard

Q-63. DDVP is known as

a) Nuvan
b) Malathion
c) Thiodan
d) Sulfex

Q-57. The weed that causes Asthma is

a) Hirankhuri

Q-64. Seed treatment with Vitavex is the main

controlling method of

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
a) Loose smut
b) Rust
c) Downy mildew
d) All of these

a) Hail
b) Dew
c) Snow
d) Fog

Q-65. Covered smut of barley is a disease of

a) Externally seed-borne
b) Internally seed-borne
c) Air-borne
d) None of these

Q-72. How many agro-climatic zones (ACZ) are found in

India ?
a) 16
b) 18
c) 15
d) 20

Q-66. The period of 11th Five Year Plan is

a) 2000-2005
b) 2002-2007
c) 2007-2012
d) 2008-2012
Q-67. Acid rain contains mainly
a) PO4
b) NO2
c) NO3
d) CH4
Q-68. Which of the following cakes is not edible ?
a) Castor cake
b) Mustard cake
c) Sesame cake
d) Groundnut cake
Q-69. In India, about 142 million hectare land is under
a) Cultivation
b) Waste land
c) Forest
d) Eroded land
Q-70. The headquarters of Indian Meteorological
Department was established in 1875 at
a) New Delhi
b) Hyderabad
c) Pune
d) Calcutta
Q-71. Moisture condensed in small drops upon cool
surface is called

Q-73. Tilt angle of a disc plough is generally

a) 10
b) 15
c) 20
d) 45
Q-74. Pudding is done to
a) Reduce percolation of water
b) Pulverise and levelling soil
c) Kill weeds
d) All of the above
Q-75. The Community Development Programme (CDP)
was started in India on
a) 2nd October, 1950
b) 2nd October, 1952
c) 2nd October, 1951
d) None of these
Q-76. The main unit of Integrated Rural Development
Programme is
a) Family
b) Village
c) Block
d) District
Q-77. Element of Communication is
a) Message
b) Feedback
c) Channel
d) All of these

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
Q-78. The first Kshetriya Gramin Bank (KGB) was
opened in India is
a) 1972
b) 1980
c) 1975
d) 1969

Q-85. The most efficient use of potassium is achieved

a) Broadcasting at the sowing time
b) Top dressing after one month of sowing
c) Basal placement at the sowing time
d) Foliar spray

Q-79. The main function of NABARD is

a) Farmers loaning
b) Agricultural research
c) Refinancing to agricultural financing institutions
d) Development of agriculture

Q-86. The term Extension was first used in

a) U.K.
b) U.S.A.
c) India
d) France

Q-80. Rent theory of profit was given by

a) Hawley
b) C.P. Blacker
c) Tanssig
d) F.A. Walker

Q-87. The first K.V.K. (Krishi Vigyan Kendra) in India

was established in
a) Bombay
b) Port Blair
c) Pondicherry
d) Madras

Q-81. In L.D.R., the profit will be maximum when

a) MC = MP
b) MC > MP
c) MP = TP
d) MP > TP
Q-82. Cell Organelle found only in plants are
a) Mitochondria
b) Golgi complex
c) Ribosomes
d) Plastids
Q-83. Proteins are synthesized in
a) Centrosomes
b) Ribosomes
c) Mitochondria
d) Golgi bodies
Q-84. Milk fever is caused due to the deficiency of
a) P
b) Ca
c) Mg
d) K

Q-88. ATMA is related to

d) None of these
Q-89. Albert Mayer is the name associated with
a) Nilokheri Development Project
b) Firka Development Project
c) Etawah Pilot Project
d) Shriniketan Project
Q-90. Co-operative Credit Societies Act was passed in
India in
a) 1902
b) 1904
c) 1906
d) 1912
Q-91. Maximum photosynthesis takes place in
a) Blue light
b) Red light
c) Violet light
d) Green light

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
Q-92. Farm Planning means
a) Farm Budgetting
b) Cropping pattern
c) Type of enterprises
d) None of these
Q-93. The first product of photosynthesis in C3 plant
a) Pyruvic acid
b) Phospho-glyceric acid
c) Oxalo-acetic acid
d) Succinic acid
Q-94. Bending of plants towards light is called
a) Phototropism
b) Vernalisation
c) Photo-respiration
d) None of these
Q-95. Germination is inhibited by
a) Red light
b) Blue light
c) U.V. light
d) I.R. light
Q-96. The best method of milking is
a) Knuckling method
b) Fisting method
c) Stripping method
d) None of these

1. Fertilizer production
2. Fish production
3. Cereal production
4. Milk production
Codes :
a) 4 1 2 3
b) 1 2 3 4
c) 2 4 3 1
d) 1 3 4 2
Q-99. Tharparkar breed of cow is
a) Milch breed
b) Working breed
c) Dual purpose breed
d) None of these
Q-100. Cow and buffalo belong to the family
a) Bovidae
b) Suidae
c) Equidae
d) Cammelidae
Q-101. What is the contribution of Animal Husbandry
Sector in the agricultural growth ?
a) 10%
b) 12% 15%
c) 7% 9%
d) 5%

Q-97. Line breeding is a type of

a) Inbreeding
b) Outbreeding
c) Natural breeding
d) None of these

Q-102. How many labourers are required to run a 30

cows milch herd ?
a) 8
b) 6
c) 4
d) 10

Q-98. Match List-I with List-II and select answer from

the codes given below
a) White Revolution
b) Grey Revolution
c) Blue Revolution
d) Green Revolution

Q-103. What is the availability of per day per capita

milk in India presently (2008-09) ?
a) 229 gram
b) 239 gram
c) 219 gram
d) 252 gram

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
Q-104. Which place is occupied by India in egg
production ?
a) First
b) Second
c) Third
d) Fourth
Q-105. How much calories (cal) may be obtained from
100 gram chicken egg ?
a) 175 cal
b) 180 cal
c) 160 cal
d) 130 cal
Q-106. Main function of biofertilizer is
a) To increase chemical process
b) To increase physiological process
c) To increase biological process
d) To increase photosynthesis process
Q-107. How much tomato average production (q.) may
be yield from one hectare ?
a) 100
b) 105-150
c) 250
d) 160-275
Q-108. Inland fisheries is referred to
a) culturing fish in freshwater
b) trapping and capturing fish
c) deep sea fisheries
d) extraction of oil from fish
Q-109. Which one is not biofertilizer ?
a) Multiflex
b) PSB
c) Vermicompost
Q-110. In which form is nitrogen absorbed by paddy
under waterlogged condition ?
a) NH4 ion
b) Nitrate ion

c) NO2 ion
d) N2
Q-111. Which one of the following do not relate to
groundnut ?
a) Brazil
b) 2n = 40
c) Pink disease
d) Tikka disease
Q-112. Which of the following is produced highest in
India ?
a) Mango
b) Banana
c) Papaya
d) Grapes
Q-113. The optimum temperature for the Banana crop
a) 30C
b) 23C
c) 215C
d) 265C
Q-114. Which one of the following varieties has been
selected to develop Narendra Aonla-6 variety ?
a) Chakaiya
b) Hathijhool
c) Banarasi
d) Narendra Aonla-6
Q-115. The desired varieties of economically useful
crops are raised by
a) Vemalisation
b) Mutation
c) Natural selection
d) Hybridization
Q-116. A farming system in which airable crops are
grown in alleys formed by trees or shrubs, to establish
soil fertility and to enhance soil productivity, is known
a) Relay cropping
b) Multiple cropping

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
c) Alley cropping
d) Mixed cropping
Q-117. The cropping intensity of Groundnut + Arhar
Sugarcane is
a) 200%
b) 300%
c) 150%
d) 250%

b) Dashaheri x Langra
c) Langra x Dashaheri
d) Dashaheri x Neelam
Q-124. Seed-plot technique is adopted in
a) Onion
b) Potato
c) Sugarcane
d) Tomato

Q-118. The scented variety of paddy is

a) Jaya
b) Bala
c) Type-3
d) Type-1

Q-125. The origin of litchi is

a) India
b) Philippines
c) China
d) Burma

Q-119. From which language is the word Agronomy

taken ?
a) Latin
b) Greek
c) French
d) German

Q-126. Milk sugar is a type of

a) Glucose
b) Sucrose
c) Lactose
d) Fructose

Q-120. Tarameera is belonged to which family ?

a) Cruciferae
b) Linaceae
c) Compositae
d) Graminae
Q-121. The size of clay particles are
a) 10 mm
b) 02 002 mm
c) < 002 mm
d) < 0002 mm
Q-122. When one plant has both male and female
flowers separately, is called
a) Monophrodits
b) Monoecious
c) Hermaphrodite
d) Apomixis
Q-123. Aamrapali is the cross of
a) Neelam x Dashaheri

Q-127. Muriate of Potash is

a) K2SO4
b) KCl
c) K2HPO4
d) KNO3
Q-128. Azotobacter fixes atmospheric nitrogen in the
soil by
a) Symbiotically
b) Non-symbiotically
c) Both a) and b)
d) None of these
Q-129. The chemical formula of iron pyrites is
a) FeSO4
b) FeS
c) FeS2
d) Fe2(SO4)3
Q-130. Intervenous chlorosis is caused due to the
deficiency of
a) N

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
b) Mg
c) S
d) Fe

b) Sugarcane Maize Sudangrass Bajra

c) Sugarcane Cotton Paddy Maize
d) Cotton Maize Bajra Sugarcane

Q-131. Kinnow is the hybrid variety of

a) Citrus
b) Orange
c) Mandarin
d) Lemon

Q-138. Match List-I (crops) with List-II (water

requirement) and select your answer from the code
given below
a) Jowar
b) Soybean
c) Cotton
d) Groundnut
1. 140 mm 300 mm
2. 350 mm 450 mm
3. 200 mm 300 mm
4. 300 mm 350 mm
Codes :
a) b) c) d)
a) 3 1 2 4
b) 4 2 3 1
c) 1 4 2 3
d) 3 1 4 2

Q-132. The permanent preservative, which is used for

preservation of fruit and vegetables, is
a) Sodium chloride
b) Potassium metabisulphate
c) Potassium sulphate
d) Sugar
Q-133. Whip tail disease of cauliflower is caused by
deficiency of
a) Nitrogen
b) Boron
c) Molybdenum
d) Zinc
Q-134. The word Agriculture is derived from
a) Greek
b) Latin
c) Arabic
d) French
Q-135. Motha (Grass nut) belongs to the family of
a) Cruciferae
b) Tiliaceae
c) Cyperaceae
d) Graminaceae
Q-136. Which of the followings are short day crops ?
a) Maize, Lobia, Bajra
b) Wheat, Mustard, Gram
c) Moong, Soybean, Bajra
d) Wheat, Soybean, Bajra
Q-137. What is the sequence of C4 plants ?
a) Sudangrass Sugarcane Paddy Bajra

Q-139. In which state, are there biggest area, highest

production and number of Sugar Mills in relation to
Sugarcane ?
a) Maharashtra
b) Bihar
c) Uttar Pradesh
d) Andhra Pradesh
Q-140. Which is not prepared by potato ?
a) Acetic Acid
b) Paper
c) Wine
d) Fanina
Q-141. Uttar Pradesh is occupying which place in India,
for Guava production ?
a) Second
b) First

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
c) Third
d) Fifth
Q-142. Which of the following is TPS variety of Potato ?
a) JH 222
b) Chipsona-II
c) Anand
d) HPS-1/113
Q-143. What is VAM ?
a) Virus
b) Bacteria
c) Algae
d) Fungi
Q-144. What is the main function of zinc in the plants ?
a) Synthesis of nitrogen
b) Synthesis of phosphorus
c) Required for synthesis of Tryptophos
d) To increase activity of the boron
Q-145. What is the area in floriculture (in 000 hectare)
in India ?
a) 40 50
b) 60 80
c) 100 120
d) None of these
Q-146. Which of the following factors does not affect
the nitrification ?
a) Air
b) Seed
c) Temperature
d) Moisture

b) Compost fertilizer
c) Ammonium Chloride
d) Urea
Q-149. Insecticides are specific inhibitors of
a) Excretory system
b) Digestive system
c) Nervous system
d) Blood Circulatory system
Q-150. The credit for the success of Krishi Vigyan
Kendras (KVK) goes to
a) Dr. R. S. Paroda
b) Dr. Chandrika Prasad
c) Dr. Mohan Singh Mehta
d) Dr. Mangla Rai
Q-151. Cauliflower belongs to the family
a) Cruciferae
b) poacae
c) Malvaceae
d) Leguminaceae
Q-152. The trade name of phorate is
a) Temic
b) Thiodan
c) Phortox
d) Metasystox
Q-153. The sprayers are cleaned before use by
a) 1% chlorine water
b) 1% hydrochloric acid
c) 1% ammonia water
d) 1% bromine water

Q-147. Which is the correct sequence of soil erosion ?

a) Rill Sheet Gulley
b) Gulley Sheet Rill
c) Sheet Rill Gulley
d) Sheet Gulley Rill

Q-154. The cyanogas pump is a /an

a) Duster
b) Fumigator
c) Sprayer
d) Emulsifier

Q-148. Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO4) should not be mixed

a) D.A.P.

Q-155. The main reason of Irish Famine in Potato was

a) Late Blight disease
b) Bacterial Blight disease

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
c) Blast disease
d) Ear Cockle disease
Q-156. The instrument, which is used for sowing of
seed with fertilizer together at a time, is
a) Seed drill
b) Dibbler
c) Seed sowing behind plough
d) Ferti-cum Seed drill

b) Cereal crop
c) Covered crop
d) None of these
Q-163. Autumn sugarcane is planted in month of
a) February-March
b) July
c) October
d) December

Q-157. Seed treatment is done to control

a) Soil-borne disease
b) Air-borne disease
c) Seed-borne disease
d) None of these

Q-164. Seed-rate for timely sown wheat is

a) 75 kg/ha
b) 100 kg/ha
c) 125 kg/ha
d) 150 kg/ha

Q-158. Salt tolerant crop is

a) Cowpea
b) Field pea
c) Garlic
d) Longmelon

Q-165. Most critical stage in wheat for irrigation is

a) C.R.I.
b) Flowering
c) Milk
d) Dough

Q-159. Which of the following is not a dairy breed of

cattle ?
a) Sahiwal
b) Sindhi
c) Nagore
d) All these

Q-166. Name of most popular variety of wheat in Uttar

Pradesh is
a) PBW 343
b) U.P. 2338
c) K 7903
d) K 9107

Q-160. Which of the following pesticides has been

banned in India ?
a) Rogor
b) DDT
c) Metasystox
d) Dimecron

Q-167. KPG 59 (Udai) is a variety of

a) Field pea
b) Vegetable pea
c) Lentil
d) Gram

Q-161. Pulses fit well in cropping system as they are

a) Short duration crops
b) Disease resistant crops
c) Long duration crops
d) Moisture stress resistant crops
Q-162. Wheat is a
a) Cash crop

Q-168. In plain, Rajma is cultivated during

a) Kharif
b) Rabi
c) Zaid
d) None of these
Q-169. Which crop is recommended for Zaid season
cultivation in Uttar Pradesh ?
a) Vegetable pea

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
b) Groundnut
c) Barley
d) Lentil

Q-170. Which one among the following chemicals is

used for causing defoliation of forest trees?
a) Posphon D
b) Malic hydrazide
c) 2, 4-D
d) Amo 1618
Q-172. Norin-l0 gene from Japan is a
a) Dwarf gene of wheat
b) Dwarf gene of rice
c) Dwarf gene of maize
d) disease resistant gene of rice
Q-173. Bioherbicides have been recommended
a) to prevent ecodegradation
b) Because of their ready availability
c) Because of their cheap rates
d) Because of their abundance
Q-174. The Mexican dwarf wheat variety was
developed by
a) Swami Nathan
b) Borlaugh
c) Watson
d) Khush
Q-175. High-yielding varieties of wheat were primarily
developed by Indian scientist by crossing- breeding
traditional varieties with
a) American varieties
b) Mexican varieties
c) European varieties
d) African varieties
Q-176. A plant breeder: waists to develop a disease
resistant variety. What should he do first?
a) Hybridization
b) Mutation

c) Selection
d) Production of crop
Q-177. Which of the following is an example of kharif
a) Rice
b) Wheat
c) Gram
d) Mustard
Q-178. Removal of stamens in an inter-sexual flower
before they dehisce is called
a) Protogyny
b) Protandry
c) Inducing male sterility
d) Emasculation.
Q-179. Selection of homozygous plant is
a) Pure line selection
b) Mass selection
c) Mixed selection
d) Introduction
Q-180. The study of fish culture is called
a) Ophiology
b) Ichthyology
c) Herpetology
d) Pisciculture
Q-181. Murrah is a high-yielding breed of
a) cow
b) hen
c) buffalo
d) sheep
Q-182. Which of the following is called the Father of
White Revolution in India?
a) Hargobind Khorana
b) V. Kurian
c) M.S. Swaminathan
d) P. K. Sethi
Q-183. Foot and Mouth Disease is a highly contagious
disease almost exclusive to cattle, sheep, swine, goats,

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
and other cloven-hoofed animals. It is caused by
a) fungi
b) bacteria
c) protozoa
d) Erus
Q-184. Anthrax is a serious disease of
a) cattle
b) poultry
c) fish
d) all of these
Q-185. High milk yielding varieties of cows are
obtained by
a) super ovulation
b) artificial insemination
c) use of surrogate mothers
d) all of these
Q-186. Which of the following is the high milk yielding
variety of cow?
a) Jamunapari
b) Murrah
c) Holstein
d) Kathiyabari
Q-187. A fan produces a feeling of comfort during hot
weather because
a) Fan supplies cold air
b) Our perspiration evaporates rapidly
c) Our body radiates more heat in air
d) Conductivity of air increases
Q-188. The water can be made to boil even at 0C if the
pressure of surrounding is
a) 76cm of Hg
b) 5cm of Hg
c) 0.1 cm of Hg
d) 4.6 mm of Hg
Q-189. First stable compound in C3 cycle is
a) Phosphoglyceraldehyde
b) Phosphoglyceric acid

c) fructose -1-6 diphosphate

d) Glucose -6-phosphate
Q-190. Compensation point is
a) where there is neither photosynthesis nor respiration
b) when rate of photosynthesis is equal to the rate of
c) when there is enough water just to meet the
requirements of plant
d) when the entire food synthesized in photosynthesis
remain unutilized
Indian Agriculture MCQs with answers Part I (01-192015)
Indian Agriculture MCQs with answers Part I
Q-191. Which sector is the backbone of Indian
a) Service Sector
b) Financial Sector
c) Tourism Sector
d) Agriculture Sector
Q-192. Which among the following is not a cereal?
a) Rice
b) Wheat
c) Gram
d) Maize
Q-193. Who announced the introduction of National
Food Security Act?
a) Pranab Mukherjee
b) Manmohan Singh
c) P.Chidambaram
d) Arun Jaitley
Q-194. When was NFSM launched?
a) Mid of 9th Five-Year Plan
b) End of 10th Five-Year Plan
c) Mid of 11th Five-Year Plan
d) End of 11th Five-Year Plan
Q-195. Who announced the launch of Rashtriya Krishi
Vikas Yojana?

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
a) Narendra Modi
b) Dr. Manmohan Singh
c) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
d) I.K.Gujral
Q-196. Which among the following does not belong to
welfare schemes for the farmers?
a) Kisan Credit Card Scheme
b) SHG Bank Linkage Programme
c) National Agricultural Insurance Scheme
d) Employee Referral Scheme
Q-197 when did the Government present Kisan Credit
Card Scheme?
a) April 1853
b) August 1998
c) July 1991
d) November 1995
Q-198 When was On Farm Water Management Scheme
a) July 2000
b) March 2002
c) March 2004
d) January 2004
Q-199 When were Kisan Call Centres established?
a) July 2000
b) March 2002
c) March 2004
d) January 2004
Q-200. Which of the following is the largest fertiliser
producer in India?
a) Coromande International Ltd.
b) Indian Farmers Fertiliser Corporation Limited
c) Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd.
d) Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertlizers Ltd.
Q-201. Consider the following statements. Identify the
right ones.
I. Agriculture is a purely land based activity unlike
secondary and tertiary activities.
II. The lack of access to land is directly correlated with

incidence of poverty in rural areas.

a) I only
b) II only
c) Both
d) None
Q-202. Consider the following statements. Identify the
right ones.
I. There are three distinct crop seasons in the northern
and interior parts of the country, namely kharif, rabi and
II. The kharif season largely coincides with Southwest
a) I only
b) II only
c) Both
d) None
Q-203. Which of these are not rabi crop?
a) Wheat
b) Mustard
c) Barley
d) Cotton
Q-204. Match the following crop seasons with
respective months.
I. Kharif A) October- March
II. Rabi B) April-June
III. Zaid C)June-September
Q-205. Consider the following statements. Identify the
right ones.
I. On the basis of main source of moisture for crops, the
farming can be classified as irrigated and rain fed)
II. While irrigated farming is dependent on irrigation
facilities but rain fed farming is done with the help of
rainfall received during Southwest Monsoon.
a) I only
b) II only

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
c) Both
d) None
Q-206. Consider the following statements about dry
land farming. Identify the right ones.
I. The dry land farming is largely confined to the regions
having annual rainfall less than 75cm.
II. These regions grow hardy and drought resistant
a) I only
b) II only
c) Both
d) None
Q-207. Consider the following statements about
wetland farming. Identify the right ones.
I. In wet land farming, the rainfall is in excess of soil
moisture requirement of plants during rainy season.
II. These areas grow various water intensive crops such
as rice, jute and sugarcane.
a) I only
b) II only
c) Both
d) None
Q-208. Consider the following statements. Identify the
right ones.
I. Food grains are dominant crops in all parts of the
II. Rice is a staple food for the overwhelming majority of
population in India)
a) I only
b) II only
c) Both
d) None
Q-209. Consider the following statements. Identify the
right ones.
I. Maize is a food as well as fodder crop grown under
semi-arid climatic conditions.
II. Yield level of maize is higher than other coarse
a) I only

b) II only
c) Both
d) None
Q-210. Consider the following statements about the
pulses. Identify the right ones.
I. Pulses are very important ingredient of vegetarian
food as these are rich sources of proteins.
II. These are legume crops which increase the natural
fertility of soils through nitrogen fixation.
a) I only
b) II only
c) Both
d) None
Q-211. Which of these are oilseeds growing regions of
the country?
I. Maharashtra
II. Telangana
III. Andhra Pradesh
IV. Uttar Pradesh
a) I and III only
b) II and III only
c) I,II and III only
d) All
Q-212. Consider the following statements. Identify the
right ones.
I. Cotton is a tropical crop grown in kharif season in
semi-arid areas of the country.
II. India grows both short staple cotton as well as long
staple cotton.
a) I only
b) II only
c) Both
d) None
Q-213. Consider the following statements about jute
crop. Identify the right ones.
I. Jute is one of the fibre crops grown in India)
II. It is used for making coarse cloth, bags, sacks and
decorative items.
III. It is grown in the states of West Bengal, Assam and

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
a) I and II only
b) II and III only
c) I and III only
d) All
Q-214. Consider the following statements about the
sugarcane crop. Identify the right ones.
I. Sugarcane is a crop of tropical areas.
II. Its cultivation is largely concentrated in Uttar Pradesh,
Maharashtra and Gujarat.
III. It is also cultivated in southern states where the yield
of the crop is very high.
a) I and II only
b) II and III only
c) I only
d) All
Q-215. Consider the following statements about tea
crop. Identify the right ones.
I. Tea is a plantation crop used as beverage.
II. Tea leaves have rich content of caffeine and tannin.
III. It is grown over undulating topography of hilly areas
and well-drained soils in humid and sub-humid tropics
and sub-tropics.
a) I and II only
b) II and III only
c) I and III only
d) All
Q-216. Consider the following statements. Identify the
right ones.
I. Coffee is a tropical plantation crop.
II. Its seeds are roasted, ground and are used for
preparing a beverage.
III. There are three varieties of coffee i.e. Arabica,
Robusta, Liberia)
IV. India mostly grows inferior quality coffee.
a) I,II and III only
b) IV only
c) III only
d) All

Q-217. Consider the following statements about

agricultural development in India) Identify the right
I. Indian agriculture economy was largely subsistence in
nature before independence.
II. It had a dismal performance in the first half of
twentieth century.
a) I only
b) II only
c) Both
d) None
Q-218. Consider the following statements about Green
Revolution in India) Identify the right ones.
I. The Green Revolution was launched in the decade of
1960s to increase the agriculture production in India)
II. It was a package revolution combining HYVs
seeds, chemical fertilizer, pesticide, water and
agriculture machinery.
III. It was an energy-intensive method)
a) I and II only
b) III only
c) I,II and III only
d) I only
Q-219. What were the harmful effects of the strategy
of the Green Revolution?
I. Degradation of the soil
II. Lowering of the water tables
III. Loss of Biodiversity
IV. Impoverishment of the small farmers
a) I,II and IV only
b) III only
c) I,II and III only
d) All
Q-220. What are the real problems of the Indian
I. Dependence on Erratic Monsoon
II. Low productivity
III. Constraints of financial resources and indebtedness
IV. Lack of land reforms
V. Small land size and fragmentation of landholdings

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
a) I,II,III and IV only
b) II and IV only
c) III and V only
d) All
Q-221. Which one of the following crops is not
cultivated under dry land farming?
a) Ragi
b) Groundnut
c) Jowar
d) Sugarcane
Q-222. In which of the following group of countries of
the world, HYVs of wheat and rice were developed?
a) Japan and Australia
b) Mexico and Philippines
c) Mexico and Singapore
d) USA and Japan
Q-223. Consider the following statements. Identify the
right ones.
I. Organic farming does not use chemical fertilizers and
chemical pesticides.
II. Organic farming can, over a period of time, reverse
soil degradation and improve soil health.
a) I only
b) II only
c) Both
d) None
Q-224. Consider the following statements. Identify the
right ones.
I. Genetic engineering manipulates the genes in an
organism to change its characteristics.
II. It can move a favourable gene from one organism to
III. Genetic modification can make a plant resistant to
specific pests or diseases.
a) I and II only
b) II and III only
c) I only
d) All

Q-225. Bt Cotton and Bt Brinjal are the examples of

genetic ally modified crops. What does Bt stand for?
a) Bacillus Thuringiensis
b) Bacteria tera
c) Ficus religiosa
d) None
Q-226. Consider the following statements. Identify the
right ones.
I. Aquaculture is the artificial production of fish in ponds
and underwater cages.
II. A third of the worlds fish harvest is used as animal
feed, fishmeal and oils.
a) I only
b) II only
c) Both
d) None
Q-227. The global fisheries have nearly collapsed) What
are the factors responsible for the decline in fisheries?
I. Massive harvesting of fish
II. Pollution of water bodies
III. Climate change
IV. Destruction of mangroves and coral reefs
a) I and II only
b) II and III only
c) III and IV only
d) All
ANSWER: d) All
Q-228. What is the way out to save global fisheries?
I. Adopting an ecosystem based approach
II. Establishing marine reserves as no-fishing zones
III. Elimination of fishing gear and bottom trawlers
a) I and II only
b) II and III only
c) I and III only
d) All
Q-229. Consider the following statements. Identify the
right ones.
I. A mineral is any substance that is naturally present in
the earths crust and is not formed from animal or

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
vegetable matter.
II. The earths geological processes have formed these
minerals over millions or billions of years and hence they
are non-renewable.
a) I only
b) II only
c) Both
d) None
Q-230. Consider the following statements. Identify the
right ones.
I. Mining is the process of extracting and processing
II. Underground mining has little direct effect on the
environment, but it can cause long-term problems like
subsidence and pollution of aquifers.
a) I only
b) II only
c) Both
d) None
Q-231. Which is the most important support for all
plant growth and all life?
a) Topsoil
b) Fertilizer
c) Farming
d) Pesticide
Q-232. Which of the following is not a problem
associated with land?
a) Water logging
b) Salinization
c) Desertification
d) Climate Change
Q-233. Which of the following statements is true with
regard to food on this planet?
a) There is unlimited amount of fish.
b) There is enough food to feed every person.
c) Every person is able to buy food)
d) Green Revolution has solved the problem of hunger.
Q-234. Which of the following statements is not true
with regard to the Green Revolution?

a) It increases crop yields.

b) It needs fertilizers and pesticides.
c) It requires decreasing inputs over time.
d) It uses high-yielding varieties of seeds.
Q-235. Which of the following statements is not true
with regard to GM crops?
a) They could have greater resistance to pests.
b) They are proven to be completely safe.
c) They could resist drought or salinity.
d) They could reduce the amount of fertilizer needed)
Q-236. Consider the following statements. Identify the
right ones.
I. Soil pollution is any physical or chemical change in the
soil conditions that may adversely affect the growth of
plants and other organisms living in or on it.
II. Most soil pollutants are agricultural chemicals,
primary fertilizers and pesticides.
a) I only
b) II only
c) Both
d) None
Q-237. What are the ways for the restoration of the
I. Dilution
II. Vapour extraction
III. Bioremediation
IV. Phytoremediation
a) I and II only
b) II,III and IV only
c) I,II and III only
d) All
Q-238. Consider the following statements. Identify the
right ones.
I. Irrigation has two roles to play: one is for protective
purpose and another one for making the land useful for
second crop.
II. In India, there are three basic sources of irrigation:
wells, canals and tanks.
a) I only

Agriculture Notes With MCQs | For Revenue Patwari Exam
b) II only
c) Both
d) None
Q-239. What are the benefits of micro irrigation?
I. Most efficient method of irrigation
II. Increases crop productivity with less water usage
III. Saves electricity
IV. Enhances fertilizer use efficiency
V. Reduces the problems of water logging
a) I and II only
b) II and III only
c) I,II,III,IV only
d) All
Q-240. Consider the following statements. Identify the
right ones.
I. Drip irrigation is an irrigation method that saves water
and fertilizer by allowing water to drip slowly to the
roots of the plants.
II. The efficiency of drip irrigation is 85%.
a) I only
b) II only
c) Both
d) None
Q-241. What are the problems related with irrigation?
I. Delay in the completion of major irrigation projects
II. Rising costs
III. Inadequacy of finance and organization
IV. Underutilization of existing capacity
a) I,II and III only
b) II,III and IV only
c) II and III only
d) All

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