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Crucifying The Earth

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Crucifying the Eart h on t he Ga la ctic Cr oss 1


Sergey Smelyakov, Jan Wicherink

The Cross of Hendaye presenting

the Astronomical and Eight-pointed
Crosses (See Supplements 1, 2)


While the world is anticipating the effects of the End of the Maya Long Count Calendar on December 21
2012, they have already started to develop right in front of our eyes.
The Cross, in all its forms, presents the most ancient symbol, and a series of meanings stands behind each
of them (See Supplement 1). Some of these meanings are not widely known until our days; some other
ones are still veiling the ancient esoteric concepts. The meaning of the majority of these corresponds to
astronomical facts and evolution of the Earth and mankind that was kept secret for millennia. But from
the 19th century a significant part of these symbols was explained – partly due to the disclosing of the
Ancient Knowledge in works of Helen Blavatsky, – partly due to the progress of the sciences. For this
reason we may suggest that this disclosure, by itself, presents great importance defining the last two
centuries as the age of great revelations; if so, we may expect that they are given purposefully, in order to
prepare us for something important.
And we actually see this from a series of independent studies that the current decades can be characterised
as the outstanding ones over the millennia; a series of seldom Space phenomena and the End of the
Mayan calendar are evidently between them.
In 1996, the concept of the Solar System Zodiac (SZ) was developed as a natural affiliate to the Tropical
Zodiac (TZ). By comparing these Zodiacs we see that at present days the Tropical Vernal Point comes to
the sign of Capricorn in the SZ, and vice versa (Fig. 7). The obtained conclusion has allowed us to find
the explanation for a wide spectrum of important world trends in Nature and society [1, Part 8].
In continuation of the previous studies devoted to (i) astronomical and esoterical analysis of the current
decade with the use of the concept of the Zodiac and (ii) revealing of the concept of Time incorporated in
the Ankh (the most Sacred Cross of the ancient Egypt) and the King's Chamber [1, Part 7], we show the
direct evidences which reveal seemingly the most important astronomical meaning of the Astronomical
Cross and, especially, of the Eight-pointed Cross.
In particular, the results of a comparative analysis are presented which show that bringing of these
Zodiacs into physical and geometrical correspondence specifies the XX-correlation being symbolized by
the Double Cross , the elements of which, in various combinations, engender the allied models treating
the Galactic Equator at the current age, whereas the precessional coincidence of the axes of these Zodiacs
defines the Great Celestial Conjunction – one of the four most prominent Celestial events for the Earth in
a Platonic year of 26 000 Tropical years, which is symbolized by the Astronomical Cross .
An overview of the esoteric meaning of the different types of Crosses and detailed calculations are
presented in Supplements 1 and 2, respectively.
Crucifying the Eart h on t he Ga la ctic Cr oss 2

TZ as the Terrestrial Cross

By taking into account that the concepts of the Tropical and Solar Zodiacs are minutely described in [1,
Part 8], together with a physical background and verification of the obtained results, in this article we
concentrate on new results; the basic properties of these Zodiacs are given for clarity of discussion.
Though the general idea of the Tropical Zodiac is well-known, for the purpose of this study keep in mind
the basic aspects of this concept, since it is used for synthesizing its generalization – the Solar System
Zodiac (SZ, or Solar Zodiac, for short) instead of considering an uncertain concept of a Sidereal Zodiac.
Principally, the Tropical Zodiac (TZ) is determined by the Ecliptic and (Celestial) Equator.
The Ecliptic is a great circle on the Celestial sphere along which the Sun appears to travel in its journey
around the Earth, taking one year to do so (here, the Sun presents the direct Hierarch for the Earth).
The Celestial sphere is an imaginary sphere around the Earth on which the stars in the sky are projected.
The (Celestial) Equator is also a great circle on the Celestial sphere; it lies in the plane being
perpendicular to the Earth's own axis of rotation. The North Pole is the point where the Earth's axis
intersects the Celestial sphere in the Northern hemisphere.
Since the rotation axis of the Earth is not perpendicular to the Earth’s orbital plane around the Sun but
makes an angle ε of about 23 degrees, known as the Obliquity of the Ecliptic (Fig. 1), the Equator and
Ecliptic intersect on the Celestial Sphere. The two opposite points on the Celestial Sphere where they
intersect are called (the points of) the Vernal  and Autumn  Equinoxes; the former one, the Tropical
0° point (TVP, or the First Point of Aries, 0° ), is that where the Sun's path along the Ecliptic crosses
the Equator from South to North. The Equinoxes define the start of the spring and autumn seasons when
the day and night equal in length (Latin: Aequi = equal, Noctium = night).
The line on the plane of Ecliptic which connects these two points is called the axis of Equinoxes; it
presents the intersection of the planes of ecliptic E T and Equator Q T .
Astronomically, the axis of Solstices presents the projection of the Earth's axis of rotation on the plane of
Ecliptic; the respective points on the Ecliptic are called the Winter and Summer Solstices (Latin: Sol =
Sun Stitium= stand still). For the Northern Hemisphere they define the moment of the year when the noon
Sun has the lowest (highest) elevation. Note that in many mythologies the Winter Solstice is associated
with the death and re-birth of Nature and various gods.
Mathematically, these cardinal axes of Solstices and Equinoxes are perpendicular one to another. For this
reason they form a perfect cross on the plane of Ecliptic; call it the Terrestrial Cross.
This cross, as well as its cardinal points are of great importance in astrology: every object that arrives at
any of these points acquires especial importance.
The examples which show the physical importance of the cardinal axes of the TZ are given in [1, Part 8],
whereas the esoterical significance of these axes is described in Supplement 1.
By its structure, the sphere of influence of the Tropical Zodiac (TZ) is initially limited to the Earth: it is
associated with the aura envelope of the Earth, through which, as via an inhomogeneous filter, different
space objects exert their influence on its internal elements – from separate human beings to social
structures and natural processes. The accuracy of parameters defining the mathematical model of the TZ
is very high and bounded just by the exactness of astronomical measurements that specify the Earth’s
orientation and orbit by the Equator and Ecliptic planes, respectively. Use of these two planes supplies
both astronomy and astrology with conjugate Ecliptical/Equatorial coordinate systems [4] which uniquely
define the place of the Celestial objects with respect to the Earth’s orientation in Space (Fig. 1). The first
of them is used in astrology and theoretical astronomy, while the latter one is more convenient for
astronomical observations as it adjusted to the daily rotation of the Earth.
Crucifying the Eart h on t he Ga la ctic Cr oss 3

Pole Star

North Pole of Ecliptic North Pole of Equator

 λ = 90°

R.A.= 18 h (270°) R.A.= 6 h (90°)

λ = 270° 

Fig.1. The Equinoxes (, ) and Solstices (,) in the Ecliptical coordinate system
The ecliptic longitude λ is measured from the vernal equinox  and runs (along the Ecliptic) from 0° to
360° in the same eastward sense as Right Ascension α . As the Equatorial longitude, R.A. can take values
between 0 and 360 deg., though more often it is given in time units: hours (h), minutes (m), and seconds
(s), where 24 hours correspond to 360 degrees (so that R.A. takes values between 0 and 24 h). Note that
the ecliptic longitude of Sun coincides with its Equatorial longitude just at these four cardinal points ( ).
In its absolute form, the Zodiac is the unity that determines the universal cycle of transformation of
energy (along the Ecliptic). This is present in two forms: (1) in static form, when considering separate
zones of equal length, and (2) in dynamic form, when the origin and the end merge together, thus
generating the fulcrum called the First Point of Aries. But the Entity being contained in it could be
divided with the use of different numerological keys – 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, and even 360. Each key defines
the concept of dividing the entire cycle into phases and their esoteric meanings. Thus it is commonly
accepted (and certified esoterically) that the Zodiac comprising 12 signs most properly reflects the
evolutionary stages of the Earth, as shown in the production of trinity and quaternary (viz. spiritual and
material, etc.).
Thus with respect to the structure of the TZ – the Terrestrial Cross within the circle of Ecliptic – we can
conclude, that the Astronomical cross (viz. the four-point orthogonal cross within the circle, as well
as number 4) actually define its essence.

Precession of the Equinoxes and Wobbling of the Ecliptic

Due to the precession of the Equinoxes the Earth's axis makes a complete revolution around the Ecliptic
over a period of Platonic year (approximately 26 000 Tropical years). However, it does not describe a
circle shown in Fig. 2.a, but one inward turn along a spiral; during this period, the Ecliptic's axis travels
several degrees over the celestial sphere (Fig. 3).
As far as the Earth’s rotation and precession do not follow a uniform law, there is no possibility to
reliably estimate the precession for an epoch spaced far enough from the period of astronomical
observations. For example, the variation in Obliquity over the last 50 years makes -23'' (See Supplement
This means that for an epoch being a cycle of precession apart from the present, the existing
approximations lose their consistence. The more so for the precession of the Ecliptic with the Sun's
revolution period of 230 million years.
Crucifying the Eart h on t he Ga la ctic Cr oss 4

Pole Star

Precession Circle and direction

of motion of the Earth's axis Current orientation of the
North Pole P to the Pole Star




0°  = 270°
Axis of Solstices


0°  = 0°   0°  = 180°

Axis of Equinoxes

0°  = 90°

Fig. 2. Precession of the Equinoxes as it is seen on the plane of Ecliptic from the North Pole
a) Precession of the Equinoxes as it is seen on the Celestial sphere. The red arrow gives the direction of
motion of the Tropical Vernal Point  (Origin of TZ) along the Ecliptic;
b) The purple arrows show the direction of motion of the Vernal Point  and other cardinal points along the
Ecliptic relative to the "Fixed" stars

The precession of the Terrestrial Cross gives us Swastika (See Fig. 2.b.) as a symbol of the rotating TZ
which preserves orthogonality of the cardinal axes and physical importance of the points , , , .
Crucifying the Eart h on t he Ga la ctic Cr oss 5


Ursa Minor

Fig. 3. The Celestial path of the North Pole of Equator over 26 000 years (from 8 000 BC to 18 000 AD).
For comparison, the path of the North Pole of Ecliptic is given for the same period (red points)

“Fixed Stars” and the Weak Points of the “Eternal” Sidereal Zodiac (SiZ)
The Sidereal Zodiac also presents the circle of Ecliptic, but with a fixed origin. For this reason its cardinal
axes have nothing in common with the Solstices and Equinoxes.
When considering or postulating a correlation between the Sidereal Zodiac’s origin and some star, rarely
does an author take account of the proper motion of the stars. This motion is significantly less than the
precessional correction for the Equatorial coordinate of stars that makes about 50’’ a year. However, a
proper motion may be relatively large even for a human’s life. Now, more than 330 stars are known with
a proper motion exceeding 1″ a year. Average µ (in seconds of arc per year) for the stars of magnitude of
up to 6 m is about 0.1″; e.g. µ (Regulus, α Leo) = 0.24″ a year, µ (Sirius, α Canis Major)= 1.32″ a year.
Over a Platonic year, the total motion that the majority of stars make is up to 1° (in average), and 7° to
70° for several hundreds of the most rapid ones. Much more significant variations in the firmament would
take place even after two precession cycles (Fig. 4).




Fig. 4. Change in the image of the Great Bear over 100 000 years
(a) – 50 000 BP, (b) – now, (c) – in 50 000 years
Crucifying the Eart h on t he Ga la ctic Cr oss 6

Therefore, not only a Platonic year, but even one zodiacal age causes significant variations in the
coordinates of the stars. That is why it makes no sense to consider either the stars, or the boundaries of the
constellations for the reference points for such time intervals.
Hence, if some star is chosen to present the “ancient” Sidereal Zodiac's origin, in addition to the uncertain
correction to an irregular precession and wobbling of the Ecliptic, we must take account of its proper
motion. Who does this? In reality, the considered estimates for the Origin of such Zodiacs differ by
dozens of degrees, and even in India, where it is widely used, these estimates differ by as much as a few
Besides, no consent exists neither with the subject of SiZ's sphere of influence (whether it is Earth, Solar
System, or Galaxy), nor with the esoterical meaning of its origin. Moreover, the 0°, 90°, 180° and 270°
points of any Sidereal Zodiac DO NOT REFLECT CRITICAL POSITIONS OF THE SUN as the
respective (by coordinate) TZ's cardinal points do!
Therefore it is not clear why we should give preference to some uncertain "fixed" point, if a series of
actual factors of a physical, mathematical and esoterical natures provide evidence that the current
orientation of the Earth does actually reflect the Solar and Space influence. For this reason any SiZ
should actually be considered as nothing more than an Ecliptic coordinate system with an arbitrary origin.
By allowing for the Ancient esoterical, geometrical and astronomical considerations being overviewed in
Supplement 1 we can conclude the following.

Resume 1.

1. The axes of the Tropical Zodiac are effectual from both physical and esoterical points of view: the
Solstice line presents the Ecliptic projection of the Earth's axis of rotation, whereas the line of Equinoxes
presents the intersection of the planes of Ecliptic and Equator. To this end the perfect cross made of
these lines, named the Terrestrial Cross, presents the exact replica of the Stauros , or the four-armed,
or philosophical cross.
2. When the Terrestrial Cross is united with the engendering Ecliptic, the structure of the TZ becomes
the Astronomical cross , or the Cross of the World, or, in other presentation – the Ankh, or Crux
ansata .
3. By allowing for the direction of rotation of these axes and taking account that they point to the four
cardinal points, we obtain the Swastica , or Decussated cross .

4. By its direct construction, the TZ is reflected by the cross of double glyph which is presented as
the cross of the two equinoxes and the two solstices placed within the figure of the earth's path.
5. Last, but not least are the multiple references to the 0° as the point of the Winter Solstice; this means
that it was namely the Tropical Zodiac which was considered in the esoteric concepts, because the Sun
passes the point 0° at Winter Solstice just in the TZ: in any Sidereal Zodiac this point, 0°, has
nothing in common with this event ("dieing Sun" at the shortest day of the year) except once in 26 000
Crucifying the Eart h on t he Ga la ctic Cr oss 7


Geometry of Space Influence

As we may see this from a series of sound examples [1, Parts 1, 8], Space matter and objects exert their
influence anisotropically, first of all - from definite directions and within definite planes. Within the
Solar System, these are basically (i) the plane of Ecliptic E T , and (ii) its axis that passes through the
North Pole of Ecliptic. For the Earth, the similar objects are: (iii) the plane of Equator Q T and (iv) the
Earth’s axis of rotation, A E , that passes through the geographical North Pole (NP) being also the NP for
the Equatorial coordinate system.
The axis A E and the plane Q T define the basic elements of symmetry both for the Globe and for its
Space shield - electromagnetic envelope and radiation layers. In particular, the Geomagnetic field directs
the charged Space matter to the Poles (The relevance of the Poles in the Space-Earth interaction is
supported by the Secret Doctrine [1, Part 6]).
Within the Solar System, the Earth and the other planets interact between themselves and the Sun in the
plane of Ecliptic. At the same time, all these Heavenly objects experience the same influence, the Galactic
Centre and other Galactic objects exert on them, e.g. from the Southern Pole of Ecliptic. From this point
of view, the Solar System (SS) as a whole is called the Heliosphere. Hence, the plane of Ecliptic E T and
its axis also present the basic elements of symmetry for the Solar System through which the outer Space
exerts its influence on the interior of the Heliosphere.
Though the basic interactions within the Solar System is realized in the plane of Ecliptic, the actuality of
the Southern direction for the Solar System is also emphasized. As to the Earth, pay attention to its
electromagnetic and gas/plasma envelopes and their foci - the Polar regions through which the radiation
material (plasma) inflows and discharges, and the electrical nature of the basic interaction mechanism
which is a topic for subsequent considerations. Researchers are now insisting more, and more, that the
Earth's temperature increases are dependent upon, and directly linked to, space-terrestrial interactions;
be it Earth-Sun, Earth-Solar System, and/or Earth-Interstellar.
It is known that electromagnetic interactions play a great part in the interaction of the heavenly bodies. At
this, the Sun and comets exert their influence to the Earth through its magnetosphere, and the TZ, by its
structure, reflects the mechanism of this interaction.

For example, an analysis [1, Part 8] of the growing discrepancy between the Earth's rotation and magnetic
axes shows that (i) the TZ may work now in other ways than it did a few centuries ago, and (ii) the
increasing discrepancy can cause instability effects in the Earth processes. (This situation might be
likened to a positive feedback that is described by the rise in mechanical wobbling being caused by
irregular wear or a broken rotating part: the more the wobble, the more the wear, and vice versa).
Therefore, the Equator and Ecliptic planes, as well as their axes, define the conjugate geometric
elements that specify the channels through which the Space exerts its physical influence on the Earth,
whereas the Ecliptic defines the plane where the physical interaction between the planets and Sun takes
place. As far as these elements define the geometrical structure of the TZ, the line of Equinoxes being
specified by the crossing of these planes becomes the focus of this structure, whereas the TZ’s Solstice
line presents the projection of the Solar System axis.
Hence, the cardinal points of the Tropical Zodiac and the TZ itself are adjusted to the current orientation
of the Globe (that makes them the natural reference points for the Earth) and present the objective
“channels”, or most sensitive foci of perception, through which the Space and Solar System’s objects
exert their physical influence on the Earth. Therefore, we may conclude that the analogous structure being
adjusted to the Solar System peculiarities may describe the foci for the Solar System, which carry out the
same function from both the physical and esoterical points of view.
Crucifying the Eart h on t he Ga la ctic Cr oss 8

The Concept of the SZ

The whole of the Universe is saturated with the principle of Hierarchy, both esoterically and physically:
each system level presents a hierarchical system of being, and retains an element of the whole.
On the one hand, the Solar System presents a vital-mechanical organic entity where the Sun acts as the
heart and brain of the Solar World, or Solar sphere [1, Part 6]. Within our hierarchical Solar sphere chain,
which includes the Earth, the Heavenly bodies influence the terrestrial objects through the TZ (viz. the
Earth’s Aura, or Earth's electromagnetic envelope), but in different ways: if the Solar sphere's objects act
directly through the TZ, the energies from outside the Solar sphere are filtered or transformed through the
Solar System envelopes, or Aura. The Aural Egg of the Solar System rotates around the axis of the
Ecliptic like the Aural Egg of the Globe rotates around the Earth’s axis, whereas both of them revolve
around their Hierarchs – the Galactic Centre and Sun, respectively.
On the other hand, the series of Examples [1, Part 8] shows that the geometry of physical interactions
between the Galaxy and the Solar System, and between the latter one and the Earth follow the same
structural model the elements of which present the foci of physical influence, where the same plane of
Ecliptic presents the governing element for the system of the lower level (viz. Earth) and the internal
element for the system of the upper level (viz. Galaxy).
Therefore, with respect to the Hermetic axiom, "as above, so below; as below, so above", we cannot
exclude the existence of a Solar System Zodiac which carries out the "same" function from the
perspective of the Sun, as the TZ does from the perspective of the Earth.

Solar System’s Position in the Galaxy

The general structure of the Galaxy is depicted in Fig. 5.a. It presents a flattened system being
symmetrical relative to the basic plane called the Galactic Plane. Intersection of the latter one with the
Celestial sphere gives the Galactic equator, which actually coincides with the mean line of the Milky
The Galaxy rotates around its axis passing through the Galactic Center (GC), the Galactic North Pole
( NPG ) of which is projected to the constellation Coma Berenices (Table S2.1).
The Galactic Centre is the rotational center of the Milky Way galaxy. When observed from the Solar
System, it is projected to the constellation Sagittarius (Table S2.2).
In their average planes of revolution, being perpendicular to the axis of the Galaxy, the Sun and stars
move around the GC so that at any moment the course of each object is perpendicular to the direction of
the GC; this revolution is clockwise from the side of the NPG . As to the Solar System, it completes its
revolution around the GC in a Galactic Year which makes approximately 200 – 230 million Earth’s years.
Meanwhile, in its local galactic vicinity, the Sun moves (Fig. 5.b) towards the point on the Celestial
sphere which is called the Solar apex; at present, it is projected to the constellation Hercules (Table S2.3).
The North Pole of Ecliptic NPE is projected to the constellation Draco; this point also moves along the
Celestial sphere, but very slowly (Fig. 3). Though the plane of Ecliptic is defined by the Earth’s orbital
plane, the orbital planes of the massive planets are inclined to the Ecliptic at a relatively small angle:
approximately by 0° for Uranus and Neptune, 1.3° for Jupiter and only for Saturn it makes 2.5° . By
analogy with the Galactic Equator this allows us to consider the Ecliptic as the Solar System’s Equator
which defines the average plane of the Solar System.
Crucifying the Eart h on t he Ga la ctic Cr oss 9


Fig. 5. General structure of the Galaxy with Sun ☼ and Eta Carinae  (η Car)
a) Side view: section through the Sun, Galactic Center (GC) and Galactic Poles axis;
b) Top view from the North Pole of the Galaxy.
Notes. (i) 1 pc ≈ 3.263 light years ≈ 206 265 astronomical units (a.u.) ≈ 30.8 ⋅ 10 12 km;
(ii) The Sun and Eta Carinae relative to the Galactic Plane are not to scale as they are 1000
times nearer to it than to the GC.
Crucifying the Eart h on t he Ga la ctic Cr oss 10

The Structure of the Solar System’s Zodiac

Describe the structure of the Solar System’s Zodiac (SZ) by resemblance with the Tropical one
(applicable to the Earth presenting the element of the Solar System) and with respect to the axiom "as
above, so below; as below, so above" applied to the one level higher hierarchy – to the Solar System. In
this case the basic SZ elements must relate to the Solar System as the TZ's ones – to the Earth.
Thus since the planets revolve around the Sun in approximately the plane of Sun-Earth Ecliptic E T , we
take it for the plane of the Solar System’s Equator Q S and call its axis that of the Solar System. Since our
Solar System moves in a circular movement around the Galactic Center, we regard the latter the direct
Hierarch for the Solar System and take the plane of the Galactic Equator, in which our Solar System
revolves around the Galactic Center, for the “Galactic Ecliptic” E S .
As in the case with the TZ, the intersection of the planes E S and Q S gives the straight line on the Ecliptic
plane which defines the axis of Equinoxes Z and Z’ for the SZ. Since the direction to the Galactic North
Pole NPG is normal to the plane of the Galactic Ecliptic E S , its projection FF′ (Galactic Solstice axis) to
the plane of the Solar System Equator (viz. conventional Ecliptic) Q S is perpendicular to the line of
intersection ZZ′ (Galactic Equinox axis) of these planes and defines the Solstices F and F′ for the SZ. It
is clear that for the SZ the physical meaning of Equinoxes and Solstices is the same as for the TZ (Fig.
As in the case with the TZ, the cardinal axes of the Solar Zodiac form a perfect cross, both on the plane of
the Galactic Equator, and on the plane of Ecliptic; call it the Galactic Cross.
These are those planes and directions through which the Galaxy actually exerts its influence and through
which this influence is redistributed:
- as the Sun at a cardinal point defines the start of the respective season of the Terrestrial year, so does the
Galactic Centre when it comes to a cardinal point of the Solar Zodiac, but for the Solar System as a
whole. Note, that now it is only 3° off SZ's Equinox Z (and the TZ's Winter Solstice as they coincide);
- the projection to the Ecliptic (viz. the Ecliptic longitude λ ) of the significant points from the Celestial
sphere presents, as the millennia of astrological experience acknowledge, almost the same significance as
these points themselves, and therefore these projections are used.
As far as the velocity of the TZ’s precession is by several orders of magnitude greater than that for the SZ
(over a Platonic year, the Earth’s axis makes a complete circle of 36 0° , whereas the NPG shifts by
several degrees only), for the current age the cardinal points of the SZ may be considered immobile.
Since the cardinal points of the SZ are mutually orthogonal and precess synchronously along the Ecliptic
with an average speed of 50'' a year, we may unite the Galactic and Terrestrial Crosses into a single
concept – XX-correlation. At some moment these two crosses coincide synchronously because each
cardinal point of SZ is as distant from the nearest cardinal point of TZ (Fig. 6.a) as the point Z from 0° .
Therefore, four times a Platonic year, viz. each 6500 years in average, the rotating Galactic Cross
coincides with the Terrestrial Cross. Call this event the Great Celestial Conjunction (GCC); one of
these events takes place at present; the point and interval estimates (Suppl. 2) for its epoch are as
GCC P = J1998.3475, or May 7, 1998, (1)
GCC19.5 = GCC P ± TS = J1998.3 ± 19.5 ≈ { 1978.8 , 2017.8 }, (2)
GCC 39 = GCC P ± 2 × TS = J1998.3 ± 2 × 19.5 ≈ { 1959.3 , 2037.3 }. (3)
Meanwhile, although the GCC takes place four times a Platonic year, the importance of the current event
may probably be the largest since both the Galactic Centre (the "Sun" for our Solar System) and the Solar
Apex longitudes, apart from a series of nebulae (Fig. 6.b) are allocated in the close vicinity of the cardinal
Crucifying the Eart h on t he Ga la ctic Cr oss 11

point 0° = 270° (Tables S2.2, S2.3) whereas the latter point of the TZ presents the "Birth of the Sun", or
the origin of the Tropical year. For this reason it may be considered as the Origin of the Platonic year.


a) Planes and Cardinal Axes of the Solar and Tropical Zodiacs

0° Z


Galactic Centre

-30° Precessional motion of

the Solstice Meridian
Galactic Ecliptic
b) Celestial position of the Galactic Ecliptic (shortly before the Great Celestial Conjunction)
(Note that the Celestial map present the sky as it is seen if we look upwards)
Fig. 6. Geometry of the Solar System Zodiac (SZ)
TZ's cardinal points and axes on the plane of Ecliptic (in Figs.1-2 they are given in red)
Projection FF' of the Galactic North Pole axis (SZ’s “Solstice axis”) on the Ecliptic and the
intersection ZZ' of the Ecliptic Q S and Galactic Equator E S planes (SZ’s “axis of
Equinoxes”) provide us with the SZ’s cardinal points Z, Z', F, F'.
Notes. 1. The angle between the axes ZZ′ and Solstice axis   of TZ makes minutes of arc for the
current epoch; it is grossly exaggerated in the diagram for illustrative purpose.
2. Arrows show direction of visual motion over the Celestial sphere for the Geocentric coordinate
system; the Sun moves along the Q S , the GC - along the E S .
3. λ , β – the Ecliptic coordinates of the North Pole of the Galaxy (Table S2.1).
Crucifying the Eart h on t he Ga la ctic Cr oss 12

4. Apex - the direction of the Sun's motion within the Galaxy (towards 0° – See Table S2.3).
5. – Galactic Centre (Table S2.1).
The SZ in Reference to TZ

Now, the principal question arises, whether it is the point Z or Z' that have to be taken for the Origin of
the SZ. It is the northern hemisphere that provides dominant influence over the Earth [1, Parts 6, 8]. But
the Sun's toroidal field and the Solar System as a whole might be likened to a flat circular aerial, which is
tuned to both Northern and Southern Hemispheres. However, with respect to the Principle of Hierarchy,
the Sun, as the heart and brain of the Solar System [1, Part 6], must first be oriented to its Hierarch, to the
Galactic Centre. Since the Sun is located above the Galactic Equator, the Solar System is observed to be
North from the GC, relative to the Galaxy's North Pole. Besides, physical observations show definite
dominance of the Southern direction in the Space influence (See Example in [1, Part 8]).
This fact, as well as the concentration of the principally important objects (GC, Solar Apex. etc.) in the
close vicinity of the SZ's Equinox point Z allows us to suppose that namely this Equinox point should be
taken for the "Vernal" point, that is for the Origin of the SZ; denote it S.
As the universal cycle, any Zodiac allows division by the different key numbers – 4 (elements), 12
(presenting the Signs as 30°-arcs), etc. However, as far as the number 12 presents a universal importance,
we can divide (e.g. for convenience of comparison of these two Zodiacs) the SZ into a 12 signs as well.
But whatever number of signs we use, or do not use, the SZ’s cardinal points remain orthogonal and
retain their principal significance. For this reasons the correspondence between the cardinal points of the
TZ and SZ remains correct, whatever SZ's division is used.
Last, but not least is the following. Relative to the point of observation in the Galaxy’s North Pole, the
visible traffic direction of the Galactic Centre around the Sun along the Galactic Ecliptic ES is clockwise,
while the visible traffic direction of our Sun around any planet (in the same plane E T = Q S ) is
anticlockwise. Therefore, in the TZ and SZ the longitudes are incremented in the opposite directions.
In order to visualize (Fig. 7) the obtained correspondence between these two Zodiacs, consider the SZ's
projection on the Ecliptic against the TZ for the current epoch which follows the GCC of (1).

Fig. 7. Tropical (internal ring) and Solar System (external ring) Zodiacs for J2006
Crucifying the Eart h on t he Ga la ctic Cr oss 13

The arrow at T (0° Aries) indicates the direction of actual precessional displacement of the TZ along the
SZ after the conjunction of their cardinal axes at the GCC (1). Note that the angle between the respective
cardinal points of the TZ and SZ makes several minutes of arc for the current epoch: it is grossly
exaggerated for illustrative purpose
What Influence does the SZ Exert on the Earth?

The most intriguing thing in Fig. 7 is the symmetry in behaviour of the Origins T , S : the First Point of
Aries S (T ) of the SZ (TZ) has completed its path through Sagittarius of TZ (SZ, Resp.) at the GCC
(1) and started its travel through the Capricorn (!)

In compliance with the conventional astrological approach, coming of the point of T to the cusp of a
Zodiacal sign means starting of the Age named by this sign. Since the cardinal points of the SZ and TZ
has coincided in May 1998 with respect to (1), or have to coincide in the current Era of GCC, GCC19.5
(2) within the Age of Transformations GCC 39 (3), we may conclude that transfer to a New Age is
under way, but for what Age? The bringing of the SZ into correlation with the TZ (Fig. 7) shows, that the
situation is much more surprising than coming to the Age of Aquarius; it rather forced us to submit the
following three hypotheses.

Hypothesis SZ-1. The vernal points S and T are symmetrically completing their way through the
Sagittarius signs (viz. S through the TZ Sagittarius, and T through the SZ Sagittarius). This brings us
to the end of the Age of Sagittarius, not the Age of Pisces.

Hypothesis SZ-2. The forthcoming age is the Age of Capricorn, since the vernal points S, T are
symmetrically approaching both the TZ and SZ Capricorn signs, and so, the transfer to the New Age is
taking place now – with the coming of the new millennium!

Hypothesis SZ-3. The sign of Aquarius takes on special significance for the Earth, since both the
Tropical and the SZ’s signs of Aquarius overlap. This situation might be interpreted as the undistorted
(and, hence, magnified) passing of Aquarian energies to Earth, enhanced by the present influence of
The arguments in support of these Hypotheses are presented in [1, Part 8]. In general, they demonstrate a
synchronism of the Change-of-Ages Concepts and include both astrophysical and historical analysis, as
well as esoterical and astrological considerations. In particular, it is shown how the comets arrive in
unison with the Solar cycles, and the latter ones – with the oscillation of the hypernova Eta Carinae.
The orthogonality of the SZ and TZ axes at the GCC has evidently caused a change in both the flux and
polarities of the energies radiated from the Galaxy to the Earth. To clarify this point, just think what
happens when you stick your hand out of the window of a driving car. When you hold your hand
orthogonal to the direction of travel of the car, you will get the maximum flux of the wind energy that will
be experienced as drag, but when hold your hand parallel to the direction of travel, almost no drag is
experienced. This is also why we align a solar panel perpendicular to the solar rays to get the maximum
flux and the highest efficiency. This is what’s been happening on a Galactic scale with the Earth, the
‘solar panel’ has been aligned such that we’re experiencing a different Galactic energy flux radiated from
the GC.
We surmise that a relation may also exist between the GCC and global warming. Research starts to reveal
that not carbon dioxide emissions are the root cause of global warming, but extraterrestrial influences
from Space. Also both the overall and Earth-directed effects of Solar activity has increased in intensity in
the past decade. On Earth these energetic changes are reflected in the change of weather patterns and
upsurges in volcanic and seismological activity; By using the Sun and cardinal points of TZ as a lens, the
Galactic energies may be causing a rise in global political instability, increase in wars and a growing
Crucifying the Eart h on t he Ga la ctic Cr oss 14

polarization between clashing religions. Research strongly suggests a direct relation between the years of
Solar maximum and an upsurge of violence on the planet. (For more detail on these effects See Parts 1, 4,
5, 8, 9 of [1]).
But here we should like to emphasise now those new aspects of the GCC that pertain to Resume 1.

Resume 2.

1. The Stauros , as well as the Astronomical cross and various types of the Ankh represent the Solar
Zodiac equally with the TZ; in this sense the Galactic Cross is symbolically "equal" to the Terrestrial
2. The correlation of the cardinal axes of both these Zodiacs is evidently represented by the Double or
Eight-pointed cross both geometrically, and numerically, and esoterically. At this the Decussated
cross, , may present the Terrestrial cross being crucified over the Stauros, , presenting the Galactic
3. The SZ-TZ correlation seemingly presents the first important model which discloses the mysterious
origin of the Double cross, the esoteric nature of which is described incompletely, not to say very faintly.
4. As far as the considered types of the crosses and respective concepts of world periods and Sun are
found throughout the world in the artefacts of Maya, Egypt, India, etc., we can conclude that they were
aware about the Solar Zodiac, XX-Correlation and GCC, in this or that presentation of these concepts.
5. For these reasons the Double Cross can be taken for the symbol of the united action of these two
crosses, Terrestrial and Galactic ones, that is – for the XX-Correlation, whereas the Astronomical cross
- for the symbol of the Great Celestial Conjunction presenting the event of superposition of these two
crosses, or, in a descriptive form, the Galactic Crucifixion of the Earth. To this end we express our
hope that the title of this article actually reflects the re-birthing of the Terrestrial life in the Theosophical
sense (See Supplement 1).

The concept of the SZ was firstly published in 1996 [5]. After then, it was replenished with extra
examples and grounding [6, 7]. However, it was known, but mainly to astrologers. For this reason it
makes sense to compare it with the allied ones – with the Galactic Alignment (GA) [8], "Holy Cross"
{of the TZ Equinox and Galactic Equator axes} (HC) [9], and with the Cross of Hendaye [10].

THE GALACTIC ALIGNMENT. The definition of the first concept is as follows [8]:
"The Galactic Alignment is the alignment of the December solstice sun with the
Galactic equator.
This alignment occurs as a result of the precession of the equinoxes. … Because the
sun is one-half of a degree wide, it will take the December solstice sun 36 years to
precess through the Galactic equator. (5)
Thus, the Galactic Alignment "zone" is
1998 +/- 18 years = 1980 - 2016. This is "era-2012." ". (6)
Crucifying the Eart h on t he Ga la ctic Cr oss 15

As it is well known, the Winter Solstice is defined as the moment when the Sun coincides with the
cardinal point 0° (WS); this event takes place when the Sun's coordinate makes exactly λ =180° 0' 0''
in Ecliptic longitude, or α =18h 0m 0s (viz. 180° 0' 0'') in R.A.
For this reason the GA is the event which may take place, but once a year – around December 21 (the
exact moment depends on the year). By definition, it does not take into consideration the similar
alignment on the Summer Solstice; neither does it consider the Sun at the TZ's Equinoxes which are close
to the SZ's Solstice axis presenting the axis of rotation of the Galaxy. With this in mind we obtain the
following corrected (Supplement 2) point and interval estimates for the Galactic Alignment instead of
Epoch of the Galactic Alignment (point estimate)

GA P = { December 21, 1997; GMT 20:07}; (7)

the Galactic Alignment "zone", or "era-2012" (interval estimate):

GA I = { ( Dec. 22, 1975; GMT 11:46 ) , ( Dec. 22, 2019; GMT 4:21) }. (8)
At the same time, by allowing for the point of intersection of the Ecliptic and Galactic Equator instead of
the tangent to the Solar disc we obtain more adequate interval estimate for the GA:

GA S = { (Dec. 22, 1978), (Dec. 21, 2016) }. (9)


"Just as Earth nests within our solar system, so too does our solar system nest safely within the care of our
galaxy."… "These three intersecting astrophysical planes, the galactic plane, the ecliptic plane, and the
Earth's equatorial plane, all tilted at unique angles to one another, create the geometric orientation of the
two intersecting lines or cross members of the Holy Cross. Due to Earth's precessional wobble, and the
subsequent wobble of Earth's Celestial Equatorial Plane, one cross member rotates around the ecliptic
ring while the other remains stationary--creating the ~25,000 year "Cycle of the Holy Cross." The timing
of this cyclic movement determines when the moving cross member is perpendicular to the stationary
one, thus creating the perfect or erect cross. There are two erect crosses occurring in the cycle, both create
primary transition points in the cycle and in our evolutionary unfoldment. One cross occurred about
12,000 years ago, the other is the astrophysical event occurring NOW."
"The Holy Cross is often depicted in ancient esoteric societies, as well as in sacred religious orders of
today, quite simply, as a cross in a circle--or in some minor variance of this cardinal form. …

The Holy Cross is not only a spiritual symbol, it is also the astronomical symbol for planet Earth. The
cosmic significance of this symbol is that it marks the timing of a primary transition or turning in the
natural evolutionary cycle of the Earth. Hidden within this symbol is a map referring to a unique
occurrence of a specific geometric relationship between Earth, the solar system, and our galaxy--an
astrophysical event occurring now, within Earth's ~25,920 year, precessional cycle. ..."
"The erect cross … centers "around" 1999/2000 AD"
The correlation between the HC and GCC is described below in terms of the XX-correlation, as the
former is composed of the TZ Equinox and SZ Equinox axes.

CROSS OF HENDAYE. According to the writers Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges in
their book ‘The Mysteries of the Great Cross at Hendaye; Alchemy and the End of Time‘
[10], the cross of Hendaye (See Photo at the title of the Article and Supplement 1)
Crucifying the Eart h on t he Ga la ctic Cr oss 16

supposedly encodes some catastrophic event that is supposed to happen on Earth and this event is related
to the Earth’s precession cycle. One of the important symbols on the cross are the double X figures on
top of this cross which actually present the Eight pointed Cross (See Photo on the right) The XX-
correlation/GCC offers a simple and straightforward explanation for the combination of these two types
of the Cross of Hendaye.
So we may suggest that Fulcanelli was actually aware of some clues to ancient secrets that were kept in
the Hermetic vaults of secret societies. This Cross (See Supplement 1) may indeed be a marker of great
changes related to the precession of the Equinoxes and this rare event – the Great Celestial Conjunction.

1. The concept of the Solar Zodiac extends the well-known model of the Tropical Zodiac (being inherent
to the Earth) to the Solar System with respect to the Hermetic axiom, "as above, so below; as below, so
above". In this sense the SZ carries out the "same" function from the perspective of the Sun, as the TZ
does from the perspective of the Earth.
The principal elements of the SZ's image are the axes of "Solstices" and "Equinoxes" (or the cardinal
points with the same names). By resemblance with the TZ, these cardinal axes are defined by the planes
of Ecliptic (analogue of Equator in TZ) and Galactic Equator (analogue of Ecliptic in TZ).
As these TZ's cardinal axes define the most important "channels" through which the outer influence is
transferred to the Earth, so we can presume that the SZ axes act, but relative to the Solar System objects.
2. Due to the known physical and esoterical importance of the TZ's cardinal axes for the Terrestrial life,
and in compliance with the analogy between the TZ and SZ we come to the conclusion that the
precession-caused coinciding of these axes named the Great Celestial Conjunction (GCC) presents
great importance to the Earth as such that opens the "Gate" for the Galactic influence.
3. The GCCs take place four times a Precessional cycle (Platonic year), viz. every 6500 years, but the
current one is seemingly to be considered as the Origin of this cycle since the TZ's Winter Solstice point
is also close to the Galactic Centre and Solar Apex (the latter object is not considered in other concepts).
4. It is shown that the considered axes, together with the circle of Ecliptic, are reflected in the basic types
of Cross, including the Astronomical cross. Moreover, it is shown that the most probable meaning of the
mystical eight-pointed cross (whose nature remained almost unclear) is the XX-Correlation, viz. the
unity of all four cardinal axes of these two Zodiacs – the SZ and TZ, whereas the more profound meaning
of the Astronomical cross presents the GCC event.
For this reason the Astronomical Cross may be considered as a graphical emblem for the GCC, whereas
the Eight-pointed Cross – as the symbol for the XX-correlation.
5. With respect to Sections 2, 3, and Theosophical meaning of Crucifixion, the event of the GCC may be
considered as renewal of all spheres of the Terrestrial life by the extra-Solar System influence, whatever
name is used for this concept at present; as no process develops instantly, the obtained intervals (2), (3)
for the "exact" moment (1) of the GCC show the most probable period of intensive transformations.
6. By allowing for the Mayan Cosmogenesis pertaining to the Death of the 4th period of the Sun and
other concepts, the crosses found in America signifying the GCC provide one more piece of evidence to
the Galactic equator significance before the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012; however, we may suggest
that due to a relatively high instability of the Obliquity their date, 2012, was specified not only on the
approximation of the Obliquity, or they used an average value of this parameter for fitting the interval of
In either case the 2012 gets more grounds of becoming a point of bifurcation within the current age (1) –
(3) of intensive transformations.
7. The concepts of XX-correlation, Galactic Alignment (GA) and "Holy Cross" (HC) have much in
common. Though each of these three concepts deals with the Galactic Equator and Tropical Equator
intersections with the Ecliptic, they differ both in their numerical and symbolical aspects.
Crucifying the Eart h on t he Ga la ctic Cr oss 17

By definition, the Galactic Alignment is the Winter Solstice Sun intersected by the Galactic Equator.
This means that the GA considers just the moments of the Winter Solstices being 1 year distant one from
another within the time interval of "era-2012". For this reason it does not consider the Solstice axis by
itself; neither does it consider the Summer Solstice Alignment, nor the coincidence of the Galactic
Equator with the TZ's Equinox axis: it deals with only two of the four XX-correlations over a Platonic
As to the actual motion of the Sun along the Ecliptic ("transiting Sun"), the GA treats it just at the
discrete moments of the Winter Solstices and has nothing in common with the remaining three cardinal
points of the coincided Tropical and Solar Zodiacs which the transiting Sun passes each year.
Besides, use of more exact interpolation for calculation of the GA epoch (within the definition of the GA)
has allowed us to correct significantly the epoch of this event and the time interval of era-2012.
8. Astronomically, the "Holy Cross" is the orthogonal cross on the plane of Ecliptic that comprises two
lines presenting the intersections of the Ecliptic plane with the Tropical Equator and Galactic Equator
From this point of view the HC presents the Equinox axes of the Tropical and Solar Zodiacs and does
not take into account the Solstice axes of these Zodiacs. For this reason it, as the HC, also considers only
two of the four XX-correlations in a Platonic year, which are synchronous with the GA.
Numerically, the concept of the HC is quite arbitrarily attached to the period of 1999/2000.
Though we see that the Astronomical cross relates to the HC, we cannot ignore the fact that the
elements of the HC belong to qualitatively different structures relative to the level of hierarchy: to the
Earth and to the Galaxy. For this esoterically important reason we prefer to consider the situation with the
different types of Cross as it was formulated in Resumes 1 and 2.
9. In accordance with the accepted principle, the position of the Tropical Vernal Point in the outer (e.g.
Sidereal) Zodiac specifies the properties of a new Age with respect to the sign where this point resides. In
this sense the four Great Celestial conjunctions define four Ages of the Platonic year, one of which is
starting right now and have the properties described in Hypotheses SZ-1 – SZ-3. These four Ages are
evidently nothing else than the Fulcanelli's Four Ages comprising four quadrants of the Precessional
year; the more so he considers the "The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye" connecting the macrocosm and the
microcosm as a mechanism showing how and when the Universe changes its influence toward the Earth.
10. Finally, we may resume that the basic conclusions that result from the concept of the Double-cross
correlation (based on the correlation of the Solar and Tropical Zodiacs) at the age of the Great Celestial
Conjunction correspond to the existing physical and social state of the Earth, as well as to the Ancient
Theosophical concepts relative to the astronomical meaning of different types of Cross. For this reason
we may suggest that since the ancient times and throughout the world the Eight-pointed cross was
used for presenting the concept of the XX-correlation, whereas the Astronomical cross , in its most
profound sense, – was used for the concept of the Great Celestial Conjunction; this is apart from the
other symbols that were considered alongside.
Further evidences in support of these conclusions are to appear at [1, Page 7: ATS in the artefacts of Egypt].

Note. Cross reference (e.g. [1, Part 8] ) refers to respective page (viz. 8. Solar Zodiac) of this site.
2. Blavatsky H.P. The Secret Doctrine, Volumes I – III.
(See LINKS at [1]: Spiritual Literature in Different Languages )
Note. Reference may include Volume and page numbers, e.g. [1, V. 2, P. 577].
3. Blavatsky H.P. Isis Unveiled, Volumes I – II.
(See LINKS at [1]: Spiritual Literature in Different Languages )
Note. Reference may include Volume and page numbers, e.g. [2, V.2, P.454].
4. Astronomical Coordinate Systems
Crucifying the Eart h on t he Ga la ctic Cr oss 18

5. Smelyakov S. On the Threshold of New Age: Structure and Verification of the Solar System Zodiac. –
Kharkov, URSI, 1996. – 30 P. (In Russian)
6. Smelyakov S. The Solar Zodiac and the Age of Capricorn // The International Astrologer, Vol. XXIX
(Spring 2000), No. 1, P. 41 – 45.
7. Smelyakov S. The Earth at the Sight of the Solar Zodiac. France: C.U.R.A., 2003
8. Jenkins J. M. What is the Galactic Alignment?
9. Fiorenza N.A. Erection of the Holy Cross
10. Bridges V. Fulcanelli and the Mystery of the Cross at Hendaye
11. Weidner J. The Topology of Time, 2005.
12. Meeus J. Astronomical Formulae for Calculators. Moscow, 1988.

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