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Diary of A Wimpy Kid

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Teaching Resources

Follow on activity to the Wimpy Kid Election Pack resources

DIARY OF A WIMPY KID, WIMPY KID, and the Greg Heffley design
are trademarks of Wimpy Kid, Inc. All rights reserved.

This lesson plan forms a follow-on activity to the main Wimpy Kid Election Pack resources, found on the
Wimpy Kid Club website at, where pupils can vote for their favourite book. This
lesson plan can also be used as a standalone resource.
Each of the children will decide what they think are the best bits in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books,
then put these together to create their own Top Trumps cards!
When everyone has created their Top Trumps cards, the class will vote for the best moment.
An optional activity will see the class creating a Top Trumps card together, working together to vote on the
scores for each Top Trumps category.
At the end, we will create a Top Trumps card set and play the game!


To decide on the best moments and schemes in the books

To create Top Trumps cards, ranking these schemes against specific criteria
To vote on the best Top Trumps card moment
To create a Top Trumps card pack and play the game!


1. Step-by-Step Guide
2. Schemes Help Sheets
3. Designing Your Top Trumps Cards: What to Do to Be the Best!
4. Top Trumps Cards Templates
5. Voting Together (optional activity)
6. Ballot Papers & Results Grid
7. Top Trumps: Judgement Time!
8. Play the Game!

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DIARY OF A WIMPY KID, WIMPY KID, and the Greg Heffley design
are trademarks of Wimpy Kid, Inc. All rights reserved.

Step-by-Step Guide
1. Children choose their favourite scheme from the books this could be from memory, by referring to one of
the books in the school library, or by using one of the examples on the Schemes Help Sheets. Pupils could
discuss and mind map their favourite ideas, thinking back to discussion of lesson 3 of the main Wimpy Kid
Election Pack resources (ranking key events and identifying the best bits), as a way into this activity.
2. Teacher shows example Top Trumps card and talks though criteria. The teacher could model this with
a scenario from the Schemes Help Sheets or using the Top Trumps example images:
This is a measure of how unique the scheme on the card is. Is it something totally original, or an old classic
that never dates? (0 25)
This measures whether the scheme on the card worked or not. Not all of Gregs schemes go to plan . . . (030)
Do you have to be a genius to complete this scheme, or is it easy to grasp? (010)
This category measures how likely Greg is to get away with his scheme. Is it easy to get it past teachers and
parents, or is there a high likelihood of being caught? (050)
Is this scheme a one-time-only thing, or can it be wheeled out again and again? (020)
3. Pupils create their own Top Trumps card on their chosen scheme. They should rank it using the criteria
above. Tell children that there will be a vote on the best moment, so they need to be imaginative and make
sure the card looks really good! Remind them of the WHAT TO DO TO BE THE BEST criteria.
ALTERNATIVE OPTION: If you do not want them to create their own Top Trumps card yet, use the Voting
Together sheet later in this pack for a group activity using an active voting scale and discussion.
4. Children present their Top Trumps card to the class. Use the Ballot Papers, Results Grid and Top Trumps:
Judgment Time sheets. For large classes, encourage children to use the Judgment Time assessment sheet
in small groups so each group nominates their best design. The class can then assess the group winners to
decide on the overall class winner.
Now we need enough Top Trumps cards to play the game! Can you come up with some more really good
schemes and create Top Trumps cards? If youre stuck for ideas use the Schemes Help Sheets. A game of Top
Trumps can be played with as few as 10 cards (2 people) but a standard pack has 30 cards in it.

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DIARY OF A WIMPY KID, WIMPY KID, and the Greg Heffley design
are trademarks of Wimpy Kid, Inc. All rights reserved.

Schemes Help Sheet

Stuck for ideas? Mind gone to sleep? More of a Rodrick than a Greg?
Dont stress, use this handy help sheet for some awesome schemes!

Rodrick tricks Greg into thinking he

When his parents say no to his Christmas

up on the first day of school Rodricks even

Barbie Dolls House for Christmas but gets a

has slept through the summer and hes woken

request, Greg asks his uncle to buy him a

got his school uniform on!

Barbie instead, and then ends up in A&E with

Greg asks Mr Litch if he can be the back-up

Greg and Rodrick blow raspberries behind

Barbies shoe stuck up his nose!

goalie to avoid running laps or blocking free

Sweetie to make his ears perk up and sniff his

brilliant anyway. But Tucker hurts his hand

try and HE ended up sniffing Sweeties

kicks, and because Tucker, the goalie, is

diving after a ball, so Greg has to play.

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rear-end. But one time their Dad gave it a

very smelly rear end!

DIARY OF A WIMPY KID, WIMPY KID, and the Greg Heffley design
are trademarks of Wimpy Kid, Inc. All rights reserved.

Schemes Help Sheet

Stuck for ideas? Mind gone to sleep? More of a Rodrick than a Greg?
Dont stress, use this handy help card for some awesome schemes!

Greg starts a rumour that the air fresheners

in the school toilets are actually security

cameras to catch people throwing wet toilet

paper everywhere. The cafeteria bathroom has

become quieter than the library.

Rowley and Greg hear a noise in the basement

Rowley and Greg make video-arcade games out

of cardboard boxes, but they soon realize they

wont make any money from Pac-Man unless

people are willing to pay twenty-five cents to

watch Rowley sit in a box.

Rowley and Greg agree to go into

and think it must be a ghost. Greg demands

the woods and write their name on the tree

and makes Dad go to check it out. Dad is not

But Greg already wrote his name on it last

that he and his parents move house immediately

very pleased when it turns out to be a toy!

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fort they built to test who is most chicken.

summer so he sneaks around to his house and

eats a bowl of ice-cream instead!

DIARY OF A WIMPY KID, WIMPY KID, and the Greg Heffley design
are trademarks of Wimpy Kid, Inc. All rights reserved.

Schemes Help Sheet

Stuck for ideas? Mind gone to sleep? More of a Rodrick than a Greg?
Dont stress, use this handy help card for some awesome schemes!

After the school rations toilet paper, Greg

sets up his own private toilet at school full of

luxury toilet paper!

When Greg and Rowley set up their own

private detective agency, Greg sends Rowley

to spy on Scotty who borrowed Gregs video

game. But Rowley just plays on Gregs
game with him!

Greg finds a big stash of Mom Bucks in

a game at Rowleys house. He uses some

to buy Rodricks old homework, but when

Rodrick cashes all $20,000 at once Mom

is suspicious, finds Gregs secret stash and

Greg and Rowley create their own

secret language, but Rowleys dad somehow

cracks their code and Greg gets sent home

before dessert!

confiscates all the money!

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DIARY OF A WIMPY KID, WIMPY KID, and the Greg Heffley design
are trademarks of Wimpy Kid, Inc. All rights reserved.

Schemes Help Sheet

Stuck for ideas? Mind gone to sleep? More of a Rodrick than a Greg?
Dont stress, use this handy help card for some awesome schemes!

Greg hides from Rodrick in a toilet cubicle to

stop him from stealing his journal. Only to

realize that he accidently went into the ladies

toilets, and is trapped there for an hour
and a half!

Greg finds a tiny black ball of thread and

tricks Manny into thinking its a spider and

and that hes eaten it! But then Manny tells

Mom who makes Greg go to bed at 7 p. m.
on New Years Eve.

Greg buys a pass to the secret elevator for

Greg and Dad fight over the Lil Cutie

So he sells it to a new kid for a bargain price

WORST comic ever).

five dollars, but the elevator doesnt exist.

only to get caught and given a detention.

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comic in the paper (even though its the

DIARY OF A WIMPY KID, WIMPY KID, and the Greg Heffley design
are trademarks of Wimpy Kid, Inc. All rights reserved.

Designing Your Top Trumps Cards:

What to Do to Be the Best!
Here are some example Top Trumps cards to look at:

Later in the lesson, we will be voting for the best-designed Top Trumps card. You will be judged against the
following criteria, and given a score out of ten for each one. So make sure your design is awesome!
Interesting and catchy title
Cartoon image
Clear description
Correct punctuation
Use of colour
Overall look
Accurate rankings

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DIARY OF A WIMPY KID, WIMPY KID, and the Greg Heffley design
are trademarks of Wimpy Kid, Inc. All rights reserved.

Top Trumps Card Templates

Note for teachers: Please feel free to photocopy these sheets as many times as you like.

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DIARY OF A WIMPY KID, WIMPY KID, and the Greg Heffley design
are trademarks of Wimpy Kid, Inc. All rights reserved.

Voting Together Optional Activity Instructions

Were going to create a Top Trumps card as a class. We will need to work together and use our voting and
discussion skills to make sure the decisions are fair.
Your teacher has chosen their favourite scheme from Diary of a Wimpy Kid:
Rodrick tricks Greg into thinking he has slept through the summer and hes woken up on the first day of
school Rodricks even got his school uniform on! But its actually 3 oclock in the morning and school has
only just broken up! (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, p.1112)

As a class, we need to decide what score we would give Rodricks scheme for:
This is a measure of how unique the scheme on the card is. Is it something totally original, or an old classic
that never dates? (0 25)
This measures whether the scheme on the card worked or not. Not all of Gregs schemes go to plan . . . (030)
Do you have to be a genius to complete this scheme, or is it easy to grasp? (010)
This category measures how likely Greg is to get away with his scheme. Is it easy to get it past teachers and
parents, or is there a high likelihood of being caught? (050)
Is this scheme a one-time-only thing, or can it be wheeled out again and again? (020)

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DIARY OF A WIMPY KID, WIMPY KID, and the Greg Heffley design
are trademarks of Wimpy Kid, Inc. All rights reserved.

Voting Together Alternative Option Instructions

We could use traditional voting but this would take ages!! So lets use our bodies to vote!
Lets use ORIGINALITY as an example:

If you think that this scheme is super original and a brilliant idea that hasnt been done before, then go to the
LEFT of the room. (Score: 25/25)
If you think its a classic thats been done again and again (it might work but its not a brand-new idea) then,
go to the RIGHT of the room. (Score: 0/25)
If you think its somewhere in between, then stand between the two sides to show what number you think it
should be given. E.g. if I think its quite original but Ive heard of similar-ish things and want to give it 20 points,
I might stand near the left but not next to the wall.
If everyone has voted for about the same number (e.g. all between 20 and 25) then find the average score.
But if there are radically different ideas and people on opposite sides of the room, then you will have to use
your persuasive skills to get people to agree with you. At the end of the debate you should all be thinking the
same. If not, the teacher gets to decide!
Follow the same process for all the criteria, until your Top Trumps card is complete!
Or, if youre short of time, get into groups and allocate each group one criteria to score.
Then youre done!

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DIARY OF A WIMPY KID, WIMPY KID, and the Greg Heffley design
are trademarks of Wimpy Kid, Inc. All rights reserved.

Top Trumps Cards: Ballot Papers


Instructions: mark your vote on this ballot

paper by placing the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
to show your order of preference.
Favourite (1) least favourite (6).

Pupil/scheme name


Instructions: mark your vote on this ballot

paper by placing the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
to show your order of preference.
Favourite (1) least favourite (6).

Pupil/scheme name

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Instructions: mark your vote on this ballot

paper by placing the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
to show your order of preference.
Favourite (1) least favourite (6).

Pupil/scheme name


Instructions: mark your vote on this ballot

paper by placing the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
to show your order of preference.
Favourite (1) least favourite (6).

Pupil/scheme name

DIARY OF A WIMPY KID, WIMPY KID, and the Greg Heffley design
are trademarks of Wimpy Kid, Inc. All rights reserved.

Results Grid

Compete the grid below to find out which scheme has won,
using the preferential voting system.
Name of Scheme

Count the first choice votes.

First-choice votes:

If no choice has over 50% of

votes. Look at second choices.
Second-choice votes from
next favourite choice:
Total the votes
If no choice has over 50% of
votes. Look at third choices.
Second-choice votes from
new next favourite choice:
Total the votes
If no choice has over 50% of
votes. Look at fourth choices.
Second-choice votes from
new next favourite choice:
Total the votes
If no choice has over 50% of
votes. Look at fifth choices.
Second-choice votes from
new next favourite choice:
Total the votes

The winning scheme is

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DIARY OF A WIMPY KID, WIMPY KID, and the Greg Heffley design
are trademarks of Wimpy Kid, Inc. All rights reserved.

Top Trumps Cards: Judgement Time!

Complete the grid to see how your classmates Top Trumps cards measure up.
Whoever has the highest total score will be the winner!
Mark each card out of 10 for the following:
Name of Scheme
Interesting and catchy title
Cartoon image
Clear description
Correct punctuation
Use of colour
Overall look
Accurate rankings

And the winner is . . . *drumroll* . . .

We hope you enjoyed using this Top Trumps lesson plan with your class. Remember you
can find a wide range of teacher resources and activities based on the Diary of a Wimpy
Kid books at
Please let us know what you thought of these resources we would love to hear from you!
Email us at or tweet @puffinbooks.

Find more lesson plans and resources at

DIARY OF A WIMPY KID, WIMPY KID, and the Greg Heffley design
are trademarks of Wimpy Kid, Inc. All rights reserved.

Play the Game!

Any number of people can play, but it is best with a group of 26.
1. Shuffle and deal all the cards face down. Players can hold their cards face up in the palm of their hand.
But players can only look at their top card.
2. The player to the dealers left starts by reading out a category from the top card and the score
(e.g. Originality: 17).
3. The other players then read out the same category and the score on their card. The player with the best
or highest value wins. They take all the top cards, including their own and place them at the bottom of
their pile. It is then the winning players turn to choose a category from the next card.
4. If two or more cards share the top score then all the cards are placed in the middle and the same player
chooses again from the next card. The winner of this round takes all the cards in the middle as well.
5. Keep going until one person has all the cards. They are the winner!

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DIARY OF A WIMPY KID, WIMPY KID, and the Greg Heffley design
are trademarks of Wimpy Kid, Inc. All rights reserved.

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