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History Art Lesso

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Mackenzie Fries

Olympic Crown
Big Idea: The Olympic games have
been around for thousands of years
started by the Greeks. We will be
learning the history of the Olympics and
the traditions associated with it.
Grade: 4
Time Allotment: 1hr
This project is a visual to go along with
the class history unit of the Ancient
Greeks. In our social studies class we will
learn about the Ancient Greeks
specifically the Olympic games. The
students will be learning that the Ancient
Greeks loved competitions of all sorts,
especially sporting competitions. The
games were held in honor of the mighty
god, Zeus, king of all the gods. The
games were held in the city-state of
Olympia. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia
is one of the seven wonders of the
ancient world. At first, the games were
made up of foot races. But other sports
were gradually added. Besides the foot
races, there were boxing and wrestling
matches, discus and javelin throwing, and chariot races. Other sports
were added as well. The Greeks took the Olympic games quite
seriously. Nearly all the ancient Greek cities sent teams to participate
in the ancient Greek Olympics. If two or more Greek city-states happen
to be at war with each other when the game date arrived, war was
halted for the duration of the games. Students will create a Greek
Olympic crown to show their knowledge of the ancient Greek games
and prepare for a Olympic games of our own. They will cut, glue and
design their leaf crown for them to wear to the Olympic games.
Instructional Artifacts
Construction paper
Key Concepts

Knowledge and understanding of the Olympic game and the traditions

associated with it.
Essential Question
What are the Olympic games? Who started the competitions? What are
common traditions? What are common symbols of the games?
Instructional Procedures
1. Discussion and lessons on Ancient Greece
2. Lessons on the history of the Olympic games
3. Explain the common crown worn to the Olympic games
a. Today still symbolizes the games
4. Explain that today we will create our own Olympic crowns
to wear for our upcoming competitions
5. Pass out stencils of the head band and the leaf shape
6. Allow the children to be creative and express themselves in
their crown
a. They will be representing their own country or
individuality at the Olympic games at school
b. The crown can represent themselves or they can
base it off of a country of their choice
7. Cut out stencils and trace onto paper of choice
a. They can color their leaves if they want as well
b. Trace roughly 25 leaves for their crown
8. Have the students express their creativity by giving little
instruction on the coloring or pattern of the crown
9. Show children to glue on leaves and pint tip to the outside
a. Place one leaf slightly over lapping the last
b. Leaves will face up and down on the crown (SEE
Let the glue dry before the children staple the crown
together to make a full circle
Children will keep this crown to wear for the Olympic
competitions that the class is preparing for
Students will demonstrate their knowledge and listening skills to create
an Olympic crown. The will consider the history of the ancient Greeks
and the crown that still symbolizes the games. We will discuss the
history of the Olympic games before the production of this crown. The
students have the freedom to create a crown that reflects them as an
individual competing in the Olympic games. They will use the stencils
given to create the proper shape and style of the crown. They will be
graded on their ability to follow directions and their craftsmanship of
the crown. Students should not be asking for the teacher to help them
put the crown together for them. They must use their problem solving
and listening skills to create and place all the pieces where they

belong. They must demonstrate knowledge of different materials such

as construction paper, glue, and scissors. They must demonstrate
patience while they have to cut out all of the small pieces and while
they wait for the glue to dry. The students will follow directions and
respect the materials given. The students need to have a good attitude
about the art project for them to enjoy the project and have the best
learning experience. The students know that art is fun but they need to
cooperate because this is not a free for all.
Interdisciplinary Connections
Visual Arts
Students are learning to use materials given such as paper, glue, and
scissors to make a visual guide to display their knowledge. They will
have to use their fine motor skills and their understanding of shape,
color, and pattern to create the crown.
Students will learn about the ancient Greeks primarily the Olympic
games. They will need to have an understanding of why the games
started, what are involved in the games, symbols of the games, and
partake in their own Olympic games. The students are learning about
another culture and another time period. They should try to take the
perspective of a Greek living in the time period at the start of the
Olympic games.
English Language Arts
The students need to use their best listening skill to follow the verbal
directions that are given to them throughout creating their crown. The
teacher will not help students unless necessary therefore the students
need to be following directions. They will also share their creation after
the crown is done therefore will need to communicate with the class
what they made and why.
Visual Arts
9.1. Production, Performance and Exhibition of Dance, Music, Theatre
and Visual Arts

A. Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to create
works in the arts and humanities.

Visual Arts: color form/shape line space texture
Visual Arts: balance contrast emphasis/focal point
movement/rhythm proportion/scale repetition

B. Recognize, know, use and demonstrate a variety of appropriate arts

elements and principles to produce, review and revise original works in
the arts.
Visual Arts: paint draw craft sculpt print design for
environment, communication, multi-media
H. Handle Material equipment and tools safely at work and
performance spaces

8.4 World History
Differentiate common characteristics of the social, political, cultural,
and economic groups in world history
Locate historical documents, artifacts, and sites, which are critical to
World history.
Explain how continuity and change in world history have influenced
personal development and identity.
Belief systems and religions

Commerce and industry

Politics and government
Physical and human geography
Social organizations
Distinguish between conflict and cooperation among groups and
organizations that impacted development of the history of the world.

English Language Arts

1.5 Speaking and Listening
Students present appropriately in formal speaking situations, listen
critically, and respond intelligently as individuals or in group
Participate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults in
small and larger groups.
Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify
comprehension, gather additional information, or deepen
understanding of a topic or issue.
Add drawings or other visual displays to presentations when
appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.

They will need to be on task and stay focused with the objectives given
to the class. They need to create an ancient crown that is unique. They
will need to cut out, design their leaves, and work little by little to

create the final product. They should be actively engaged in the

discussion of the Olympic games and be able to explain ancient Greek
history and their individual crown.
Measure achievement by how well they can do what is asked of them
and how cooperative they are with the teacher as well as the other
classmates. They should be learning about Greece and challenging
themselves to do the best work they can. They need to pay attention
and follow directions that the teacher goes over throughout the
Students who finish early
Student who finishes early will research the torch that is symbolic of
the Olympic games as well. They will find out what the torch does and
can draw their own torch to carry to the competitions that our class will
compete in.
Students who need more time
Students who need consistently need more time in the classroom will
be assisted in cutting out their shapes. This is a tedious part of the
project that I can help with. If they get a head start and can start
cutting and pasting sooner they will finish on time with the rest of the
class. If a student is having a difficult time and cannot not keep up with
the class he/she may work on the crown project during any free time or
at the end of the day.

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