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ES50 ES 55 Manual

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Instruction Manual




Mode d'emploi




Manual de instrucciones



Canon ES50lES55

N T S C This manual explains how to use the ES50 and ES55 camcorders, In certain areas, both of these models may not be available.

Ce mode d'emploi decrit l'utllisation des camescopes ES50 et ES55. Selon les pays, ces deux rnodeles ne sont pas disponibles.

Este manual explica como usar las videocarnaras ES50 y ES55. En clertas areas, estes dOB rnodelos podrian no estar disponibles.

Important Usage Instructions









Unauthorized recording of copyrighted materials may infringe on the rights of copyright owners and be contrary to copyright laws.

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Bmm Video Camcorder, ESSOAlESS5A

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (l) This device may not cause harmful interference. and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Nole: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiale radio frequency energy and, if not installed and use in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communicalions. However, there is no guaranlee that interference will not occur in a particular instatlation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on. the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the fotlowing measures:

• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.

• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/Tv technician for help.

00 not make any changes or modifications to the equipment unless otherwise specified in the manual. If such changes or modifications should be made, you could be required to stop operation of the equipment.

Canon U.S.A. Inc.

One Canon Plaza, Lake Success. NY 11042, U. SA Tel No. (516)328-5600



The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle. is intended to alert the user to the presence 01 unlnsulaten "dangerous voltage" within the product's enclosure, that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.

Important Warning




The exclamation point. wilhin an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user 10 the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the product.


Ill'll :Z.lii .i!1 ~ ... 1l1 iii #i ill I ~ l--ililll!) i.[') ~.~.

In these safety instructlons the word "product" refers to the Canon amm Vid:eo Camcorder ES50AlES55Aand all its accessories.

1. Read Instructions - All the safely and operating instructions should be read before the product is operated.

2. Retain Instructions - The safety and operating instructions should be retained for future reference.

3. Heed Warnings - All warnings on the product and in the operating instructions should be adhered to.

4. Follow Instructions - All operating and maintenance instructions should be followed.

5. Cleaning - Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners. The product should be cleaned only as recommend'edin this manual.

6. Accessories - Do not use accessories not recommended in this manual as they maybe hazardous.

7. Avoid magnetic or electriC fields - Do not use the camera close to TV transmitters, portable communication devices or other sources of electric or magnetic radiarion, They may cause picture Jnterterence, or permanently damage the camera.

8. Waler and Moisture - Hazard of electric shock - Do not use this product near waler orin rainy/moist situations.

9. Placing or Moving - Do not place on an unstable cart, stand, tripod, bracket or table. The product may fall, causing serious injury to a child or adult. and serious damage to the product

A product and cart combination should be moved with care. Quick slops, excessive force, and uneven surfaces may cause the product and cart combination to


10 Power Sources - The CA·550KA Compact Power Adapter should be operated only from the type 01 power source indicated on the marking' label, If you are not sure 01 the type of power supply to your home. consult your product dealer or local. power company. Regarding other power sources such as battery power, refer to instructions in this manual.


11. Polarization - The CA-550KA Compact Power Ad'apterisequipped with a polarized 2-prong plug (a plug having one btade wider than the other).

The 2-prong polarized plug will lit into the power outlet only one way. This is a safety feature .. If you are unable to insert the plug fully into the outlet, try reversing the plug. If Ihe plug still fails to fit, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the safety purpose 01 tile polarized plug.

12. Power Cord Protection - Power cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be watksd on or pinched by items placed upon or against them. Pay particular attention to p.lugs and the point from which the cords exit the product.

13. Outdoor Antenna Grounding - If an outside antenna is connected to the product,be sure the antennais grounded so as to provide some protection against voltage surges and built-up static charges .. Section 810 of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70-1984. provides information with respect to proper grounding of the mast and supporting structure, grounding of the lead-in wire 10 an antenna discharge unit, size of grounding conductors, location of antenna discharge unit, connection to grounding electrodes, and requirements for the grounding electrode. See figure 1.


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14, Lightning - For added protection of this product during a lightning storm, or when it is left unattended and unused for long periods 01 time, disconnect it from the wall outlet and disconnect the antenna. This will prevent damage to the product due to lightning and power-line surges.

15. Power Lines - An outside antenna system should not be located in the vicinity of overhead power lines or other electric light or power circuits, or where it can fall into such power lines or circuits. When installing an outside antenna system, extreme care should be taken to keep from touching such power lines or circuits as contact with them might be fatal.

16. Overloading - Do not overload wall outlets and extension cord's as this can result in a ris« of lire or electric shock.

17. Objects and Liquid Entry - Never push objects of any kind into this product through openings as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short out parts that could result in a fire or electric shock. Be carelul not to spill llquid of any kind onto the product.

18. Servicing - Do not attempt to service this product yoursell as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.

19. Damage Req uiring Service - .

Disconnect this product Irom the wall outlet and all power sources including battery, and reler servicing to qualified service personnel under the following conditions:

a. When the power-supply cord or plug is damaged.

b.11 any liquid has been spilled onto, or objects have fallen into, the product.

c. If the product has been exposed to rain or waler.

d. If the product does not operate normally even if you follow the operating instructions. Adjust only Ihose controls that are covered by the operation instructions. Improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the product to its normal operation.

e. If the product has been dropped or the cabinet has been oamaqsd.

f_ When the product exhibits a distinct change in performance. This indicates a need' for service.

20. Replacement Parts - When replacement parts are required, be sure the service technician has used replacement parts that are specified by Canon or that have the same charactertstics as the originaf part Unauthorized substitutions may result in fire, electric shock or other hazards.

21. Safety Check - Upon completion of any service or repairs to this product, ask the service technician to perform safety checks to determine that the product is in sale operating order.

"Note to CATV system installer: This reminder is provided to call the CATV system installer's attention to Article 820·40 of the NEC that provides guidelines lor proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be connected, to the grounding system of the building, as close to the point of cable entry as p tactical".



~ . Introduction

Important Usage Instructions ' , , , , ' . ' , , , , , , , . , . . . . . , 2

IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS '., .. ,................... .3

Thank YOLI for Choosing a Canon , , , " .. 6

Il1lroducing the Camcorder .. ,., , ,., .. , , .. , 7

( Basic Operation

Nomenclature " .. '. _ , __ , , , , ' ' .. ' 8

Powering Your Camcorder, _ , 10

Cassettes , .. , , _ [3

Basic Recordi ng .. , , , , , ,.,. IS

Zooming , , , .. , . , , . , , .. , . , , , . , .. 17

Playing Back a Cassette , , ,., .. ,." ,., ,.,', 19

Connecting for Playback on a TV Screen .. , .. , , , . , _ , , , 21

Tips for Making Better Videos .. , , , , 22

( Advanced Functions

Selecting from the Menus , , . _ . _ , .. , . .24

Setting Custom Keys, , ' , , , .. , . , , , ,26

Image Stabilizer (ES55) , , , . , , , .. , . _ . , .28

Using the Wireless Conrroller/Tally Lamp, , ..........•... , . . . . .. .29

Setting the Dale and Time. . . .. ,. _ . . . . . . . . . . . _ , 31

Adding Tilles .. , ,. _ , . , .. , , , , 33

Fade .,. _ , . , . , . , ' . _ .. ' .. , .. , , , ' , .. , .36

Searching and Reviewing While Recording , . , , .37

Using the Various Recording Programs , .. ,., , , _ . , _ . .38

FOCUSing , .. , _ .•.... _ . , .•..• , •. _ 40

Adjusting the EXposure Manually , ,., , .. .42

Taking Still Pictures (Photo Mode) (ESSS) , , , .. .44

Using Digital Effects , . _ .. , ' , . _ , . , , , ,.45

Using the Built-i,n Video Light , .. , , .. ,." ,.,., , .49

Editing to a VCR. , , .. _ , , .. , , , , ' , 50

Preparing the Camera , , , , .52

Notes 011 Using the Batteries ' , .. , .. , .. , _ .54

( Additianallnfor.mation





a. c

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Video System , , _ , , .. , .. _ .. , . , , .57

Optional Accessories _ .. , , , , , , , , ,58

Cautions and Maintenance. _ . , , , . , , , , , , . , , . , . , . , 61

Troubleshooting ,., _ .. , , , .. , , , , 65

Viewfinder Displays __ , ,68

Specifications , _ 70

Index , _ _ . _ .. , . , , .. , , .. , . , .. , 7 I

The serial number of this product may be found on Date of Purchase

the bottom of the camera. No others have the Dealer Purchased From

same S9 rial nu moe r .~ 5 yo u rs. You sh auld recc rd Deal e r Add ress

the number and othervital information here and Dealer Phone No.

retain this book as a permanent record of your Model Name ES50AlES55A

purchase 10 aid identification in case of thel1. Serial No.


Thank you for Choosing a Canon

First, we'd like to thank you for buying this Canon camcorder. Its advanced technology makes it very easy to useyou will soon be making high-quality home videos which will give you pleasure for years 10 come.

To get the most out of your new camcorder, you should read this manual thoroughly - there are 111uny sophisticated features which will add to your recording enjoyment.

To gel started, you will need to read these sections:

"Powering Your Camcorder" "Cassettes"

"Basic Recording" "Preparing the Camera"

Then you can go on to find out about the more advanced features.

- As well as using the alphabetical index, 5 you can look up the different parts and U functions in the sections called

.g "Nomenclature" and "Viewfinder 2 Displays," There's also a


..!: "Troubleshooting" section in case you

run into any problems,

Check that this package contains the following accessories:

Two R6AA batteries

WL-69 Wireless conl.~rOller. .•

.. "'"


Bp·915 Battery Pack

Lithium button battery (CR2025)

ss-soo Shoulder Strap

G~250 AV Gable

And while you are finding out how your camcorder works, remember:

The battery pack must be charged before it can power the camcorder.


If you leave the camera in record pause mode for more than about five minutes, it will turn itself off La prevent the video heads being damaged.

Introducing the Camcorder

[ 22x lens (500x'Oigifal Zoom)


From wide-angle to 12x telephoto - with unpurulleled opi icul quality. The digital zoom multiplies this magnification by more than 12x for even more dram nt ic res I] Its.

[FlexiZone Control

E,,",iGI than manual opcr.u ior: and more Hexible than autornuuc I uncuous Canon'« IOlexlZollc C0l111ol IS "

• completely new way III usc a video camera.

Image stabilizer (ESSS)

[1Tl;'ges arc stabi I izcd even i EI IQng rclcphoro shots.



( Photo Mode (ESS5)

( DigItal effects

8 Advanced digital technology a llows you 10 add ~ pcci "I

c ITeel" duri ng record i ng .ind

IGI~ playback.

[ Powerful recording programs

Six recording prngnllTls dcul with everything from simple point-and-shoot operation to the must dwllengin~ recording cOlldilr()l1~

1 (Video light


r'"? The buill-in video lighl

I ,~~~. hriplllens ill the. much of a

_ -r-~ o'~ swirch. Recording III low

Ir~\~, Ih:hl (or no liuht) has never

~~/ ~ . ~

. been casler.


( Time base corrector

Digilally compensates I'DI' picture jiuer during playback resulting in a stable picture.

( Lithium ion power supply

( Custom Keys

A small bUI powerful battery puck iha! can he charged at any! i me.

With the unique Custom Keys, YOll call decide which luuc I ions YOli W,11ll al your luigcrtip«, Assign frequently II sod funct ions 10 t he keys un the camera body.

( Titles


You don't need ,IllY extra G'I L' ipment In add I i lies 10 your home videos - the camera doe.> i I a 1[.

( Remote control.

The supp lied wi rclcss

COlli ro ller operates both recording and playback fn lin '" rar iI wuyas 16 1"1

(5 meters).

Color viewfinder

~ ~

You don't have III wuit uruil playback III see your ,;hOI, in color. Thanks to the hiahresolution LCD vicwli~,.lcr you call see just what jim" rc gcu i ng on 1:1 pe, IllUK i Ilg i I easy In shoot colorful, we'llcomposed video.

( Fade





Lens (p. 62)

SELECT dial [p, 25) FOCUS button (p. 40) -------- SET button (p. 25)

Custom key 1 (p.26)

Zoom control (p. 17)

Grip belt (p. 52)

AUOIONIDEO OUT terminal (p. 21)

Tripod socket (p.22)

Backup battery holder (p. 56)

Viewfinder (p. 52, 62)

Viewfinder focusing switch (p. 52)

PHOTO button (ES55) (p.44)

CHARGE indicator (p. 11)

DC IN terminal (p. 10)

STANDBY cover (p. 15)

Start/stop button (p. 15)

Video light switch (p. 49)

.-r----- ZOOM buttons (p, 17)

STARTfSTOP bulton (p. 15) f. ~ ~Eh COUNTER RESET button (p. 20)

ON SCREEN button (p. 68) _ TAPE RETURN button (p. 20)

OD 01

PAUSE II button (p.19) ~ ~~~ PLAY ~button (p.19)

REW ..... buttonjp, 19) I <; [ FF .,..button (p.19)

'---- STOP. button (p. 19)


Powering Your Camcorder

Before operating your camera, YOLi will need to lise the power adapter to:

ffiJ Provide power from an AC outlet or

Charge a battery pack


• The power adapter converts curren t from a househol d power socket ( 100-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz) to the DC current used by your camera .

• If the adapter is used next to a TV, it may cause noise bars to appear on the TVmove the adapter away from the TV or the antenna cable.

Comnecting the camera to an AC outlet

Use the power adapter to provide your camera with instant power from an AC outlet.

- I.
~ 2.
.... 3.
0 4.
rn Connect the AC cable to the power adapter.

Open the terminal cover from its top and connect the power adapter to the camera's DC IN terminal.

Connect the power adapter to an AC outlet. Remove the power adapter after use.

• Always turn the camera off before connecting/removing the power source.

• For the power adapter, use only Canon CA-550K (or CA-550). Do not use other equipment.

CA~550K Compact power adapter Speci fications

Power supply

100-240 V AC. 50/60 Hz

Power con~umption


Rated output

8.4 V, 1.5 A DC

Operating temperature nll1ge

32'-I04'F (0'-40'C)


4 lIs x 1 lIs x 2 1/4 in (105 X 30 x 56 111111)

Wei "in

9 3/4 oz (275 g)

Weight and dimensions are approximate. Errors and omissions excepted. Subject to change without notice.


( Charging and attaching the battery pack

Your battery pack was partially charged before it left the factory. It should have enough power for you to check that your camera is working properly. However. you must charge the battery pack fully if you want it to power the camera for more than a few minutes.

1. Set the POWER switch to OFF before you charge the battery pack.

2. Open the terminal cover from its top and connect the power adapter to the camera's DC IN terminal.

3. Attach the battery pack to the camera.

• Align the triangle on the battery pack with the line on the camera. Slide the battery in the direction of the arrow until it clicks into place.

4. Plug the adapter into an AC outlet.

• The charge indicator flashes to show that charging is in progress. Si ngle flashes mean that the battery pack is less than 50% charged. Double flashes mean that it is between 50% and 75% charged. Triple flashes mean that it is more than 75% charged. The indicator glows steadi Iy when the battery pack is fully charged.

5. When charging is complete, disconnect the power adapter.

6. Detach the battery pack after use.

• Press and hold the BATTERY RELEASE button while you slide the battery off the camera.

• Always turn the camera off before removing the power source.


• You can find detailed notes for using the batteries in the "Notes on Using the Batteries" on p. 54. These notes include charging and recording times and how to install the back-up battery.




( Charging and recording times

Charging time

B P-915 (supplied)

4 hrs

8P-930 (optional)

7 hrs.

81'-941 (optional)

10 Ius.

BI'-945 (optional)

II hrs,

Continuous recording time (video light off) '"

ES50 ES55

BP-915 (supplied)

2 hrs, 2S min.

2 hrs. 15 min.

BP-930 (optional)

4 hI'S. 15 min.

3 hrs. 50 min.

BP-941 (optional)

5 hrs. 40 min.

5 hrs, 10 min.

BP-945 (optional)

6 hrs. 25 min.

5 hrs, 50 min.

* Continuous recording time will be reduced by approx. 50% with continued use of the video light.

• These times vary - the safest policy is always to have two or three times as many battery packs as you think you will need.

When the replacement of power supply is required, please return it [0 the responsible nearest Canon Service Center, and please replace it with the power adapter CA-550.



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[ Loading and unloading

Use video cassettes marked with an 13.


Cassettes can be loaded and unloaded with the camera turned off, as long as a power source is attached.

1. Press the. EJECT button and wait for the cassette compartment to open.

2. Load/unload the cassette.

o Insert the cassette gently with the window facing out.

o Remove the cassette by pulling it straight out.

3. Press the IpUSH] mark on the compartment until it clicks, and wait for it to close.

o Never push down the top of the compartment.



( Preventing accidental erasure

To protect your recordings from accidental erasure, slide the red switch on the cassette so that it covers the hole. (This switch position is usually labeled SAVE or ERASE OFF). When this cassette is loaded, the ~ mark will flash in the viewfinder if you turn the program selector to the camera mode.

If you want ro record on the cassette again, slide the red switch back so the hole is open. (This position is usually labeled REC or ERASE ON.)



• Do not interfere with the compartment while it is opening or closing automatically,

• After loading a cassette, lise record search (p. 37) to find the poi III where you want

to start recording. .

• Do not leave the cassette in the camera after use - return it to its case and store il in a cool, clean, dry place,

• The holes in the back of the cassette are used for transferring information - do not cover them.



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Basic Recording

( Before you start recording

Complete the following steps:

• Auach a power source (p. 10)_

• Load a cassette (p_ 13).

• Adjust the viewfinder and fasten the grip bell (p. 52).

• Remove the lens cap (p. 52).

You may also want to install the backup battery (p, 56) in order 10 set dale and time display (p. 31).

( To record

1. Turn the program selector to the m position.

• This selects the camera's Automatic recording program. It allows you to simply point and shoot without making any manual adjustments.

2. Open the STANDBY cover.

• PAUSE appears in the viewfinder - the camera is now in "record pause mode:'

3. Press the start/stop button to begin recording.

• The tally lamp flashes rapidly and REC appears in the viewfinder.

4. Press the start/stop button again to pause recording.

• The camera returns to record pause mode and PAUSE reappears in the viewf nder,

• You C,Ul stop and restart recording as often as you like by pressing the start/stop button.

• The camera will turn itself off if YOLI leave it in record pause mode for more than about five minutes. To return to record pause mode, close and reopen the STANDBY cover, 0[" set the program selector to OFF and then back to camera mode.




( When you have finished recording

• Unload the cassette,

o Set the program selector to OFF.

o Replace the lens cap.

o Disconnect the power source.


• To check that the camera is recording correctly, be sure 10 make a rest recording first.

o Before making important recordings, clean the video heads using Canon CC-8 Video Head Cleaning Cassette or a commercially available dry-type head cleaning cassette.


To see a demonstration of the camera's main features, before loading the cassette, go to the DEMONSTRATION option in the camera menu. Select the ON setting and close the menu. The demonstration also starts automatically if the power has been on for ten mi nutes without a cassette loaded into the cassette compartment. (You can avoid this by turning the DEMONSTRATION to OFF through the camera rnenu.) To cancel the demonstration once it has begun: push the menu button, turn off the power, or load a cassette.

II ..... MENU

(see p. 24) L__ ....J




T ~

The camera's 22x zoom lens allows you to choose the best picture angle for each


• Turn the zoom control towards W to zoom out to wide-angle.

• Turn it towards T to zoom into telephoto.

You can also control the speed of zooming:

• Move the control slightly to zoom slowly.

• Turn it farther to zoom more quickly. (The farther you turn the zoom control,

the faster the zoom speed.)

The T and W buttons on the wireless controller adjust the picture angle, but not the zoom speed:

• Press W to zoom out to wide-angle.

• Press T to zoom in to telephoto.

( Turning the 500x digital zoom on/o,ff

Turn the digital zoom on/off by pressing the D.ZOOM button, to magnify the camera's zoom range by more than 22x.

• In addition for the ES55, you can assign CUSTOM KEY 1 to turn the digital

zoom on/off (see p. 26).

The zoom control continues to work as usual. You can freely zoom in and out between l x and SOOx magnification - the camera automatically switches between optical zooming (tip to 22x) and digital zooming (22x to 500x).


• When you enter the digital zoom range in FlexiZone mode. the FlexiZone frame becomes locked in the center of the viewfinder.




( Viewfinder displays

Digilal zoom

Zoom in

ZODm out


Optical zoom


• The viewfinder display stays lit for approximately 4 seconds following an adjustment to the picture angle.

• Overuse of the zoom may make recordings seem too busy. It is generally better to use it sparingly, or in order 10 refrarne between shots.

• When you wan I 10 gel as close as possible to your subject, keep the zoom at the wide-angle position. YOLI can focus on a subject as close as 31g in (I ern).

• When you turn the digital zoom on, "SOOx" appears in the viewfinder.

• Image resolution is lower when the magnification is greater than 22x.




Playing Back a Cassette

You can use the viewfinder screen for instant, on-The-spot playback. To play back your recordings on a TV, see p. 21.

To use the wireless controller, see p. 29.

1. Attach a power source and turn the program selector to PLAY.

2. Load the cassette.

3. Press the" button to start playback .

• To end playback, press the. button .

• To wind the tape forwards, stop playback and press the .... (fast forward) button.

• To wind the tape backwards, stop playback and press the ........ (rewind) button.

• If the playback picture is rough, clean the video heads using a Canon CC-8 Video Head Cleaning Cassette or a commercially available dry- type head cleaning cassette.

Special playback



Playback pause

To view the video as a still picture press the" burton. To resume normal playback, press it again, or press the .... button. The camera automatically goes into stop mode after about five mi nutes' playback pause.

Fast forward playback

To play back the recording at about 9 times normal speed, press and hold the .... button duri ng normal playback.

Rewind playback

For reverse playback at about 7 times normal speed, press and hold the ........ button during normal playback.


High-speed search

To play back the recording at about 19 times normal speed, press and hold the .... button during normal fast forward. For reverse playback at about 19 times normal speed, press and hold the .... button during normal rewind.

( Tape return

Use the wireless controller's TAPE RETURN button to quickly return to a scene you want to see again:



1. Press the C. (counter) RESET button during playback if you come across a scene you want to watch again later.

o The tape counter is reset to 0:00:00.

2. When you have ended playback, press the TAPE RETURN button.

o The tape rewinds and stops when the counter nears 0:00:00.

o You can cancel tape return by pressing the. button.

3. Start playback.


o When the tape reaches the end during normal playback it rewinds automatically.

o Noise bars appear on the screen during special playback and the soundtrack cannot be heard. On certain TVs the picture may roll and divide, or appear in black and white, and the high-speed search picture may not be visible.

o During playback pause, the picture flickers, and fast action scenes may appear blurred.

o The tape counter is reset when 11 cassette is loaded.

o When you play back a cassette suffered considerable vibration or shaking during recording, you may find that the playback picture is not stable, depending all the TV you lise.

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Connecting for Playback on a TV Screen

You can connect the camera to a TV or VCR in order to play back your recordings. See your TV or VCR instruction manual for further details. You will need to attach a power source to the camera (see p. 10).

• Connect the camera by using the C-250 AV Cable to connect the A/Y terminal.

Connect the white plug to the white AUDIO terminal. Connect the yellow plug to the yellow VIDEO terminal.

• Set the TVIVlDEO selector on the television to VIDEO.

• If you are connecting the camera to a VCR, set the input selector on the VCR to LINE.


• If you are going to use the TV as a monitor while you are shooting, remember to keep the TV volume turned down as long as the camera's audio terminals are connected. If the sound from the TV speakers is picked up by the microphone. an unpleasant high-pitched squeal, called feedback, may be produced.




Tips for Making Better Videos

( Holding the camera

For maximum stability, place your right hand through the grip belt and keep your right elbow pressed against your body. Rest your left hand lightly on the side of the camera. With practice, you will be able to operate the controls by touch, without taking your eye off the action.

[ USing a tripod

To prevent. any unwanted movement, you can mount the camera on a tripod, and operate it with the wireless controller.

( Sound recording



For greater creative control, you can connect an external microphone to the MIC terminal.

We recommend a microphone with a built-in power supply (condenser III icrophone).

If is possible to connect almost any monaural microphone with a plug diameter of 3.5 1111ll.

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.~ (Composition m

The most important element in the scene does not have 10 be in the center. For a more interesting picture, try to position your subject so it is slightly to one side. Leave some space on the side of the frame that the subject is facing or moving towards.

Don't cut off the top of the subject's head, and don't cut people off at the neck, hips or knees (move a little bit above or below),

Watch out for distracting objects in the background.


( Picture angle

Instead of zooming while recording, try to choose your picture angle before you begin. A good way to tell a story with video is to begin with a long shot that establ ishes the situation, and then move in with medium shots and c1oseups to show the details. Remember to change your viewpoint for each shot.

~ ~

Long shot

Medium shot

Camera moves

Use pans 10 record a landscape or following a moving subject. Decide the area you want to cover and stand

facing the end of your panning angle. Without moving your feet, turn from the waist to the starting position. Start recording, and after a few seconds begin to turn slowly from the waist. Hold the final image for a few seconds before you stop recording.

Tilt the camera up to exaggerate the height of the subject. Tilt down from the top of a building for example, as an introduction to subjects at the bottom,



Pan ~ID3




Remember that any camera movement or change in picture angle should have a definite purpose. Avoid unnecessary or half-hearted movements.


• When yOLI are using a tripod, be careful not to leave the viewfinder exposed to bright sunlight or it will melt. (The light is concentrated by the viewfinder lens.) You may be able to move the viewfinder out of direct sunlight by pushing it upright, or by moving it back down to horizontal.

• Make sure that the fastening screw of the tripod is no longer than 1/4 inch (6 mm), or il will damage the camera.


Selecting from the Menus

The menus let you choose settings for a wide range of functions. There tire two

[ID separate menus, for recording (camera menu) and playback (play menu),

Camera menu

While the camera is in record pause mode, press the MENU button.

Screen I

CDCustom key information p. 27

@Tally lamp _ p. 30

@Remote sensor , p. 29

®Image stabilizer (ES55) p. 28

® Date select p. 32

®Oate display p. 31

(J)Title p. 33

@Photo mode (ES55) p. 44

® Demonstration p. 16

Screen 2

<:DOate sel , p. 32

@Title set p. 34

@Title select p. 35

@Custom key set p. 26


ill -~DA TE SET

TITLE SET ----+@

®- ~~~&.~~~GkT @

Play menu

With the program selector set to PLAY, press the MENU button.




CDCustom key information p. 27

® Remote sensor p, 29



SENOCFi· ..•... , . ·ON ~ (g)

Turn to the appropriate page for a detailed explanation of each function.


1. Press the MEN U buUon to open the menu at screen 1.

2. Use the SELECT dial to move the cursor down the screen .

• In camera mode, when the cursor reaches the bottom of the screen 1, screen 2 of the menu appears, and when the cursor reaches the top of the screen 2, screen 1 appears.

3. Press the SET button to turn the function on or off, or to change its setting.

4. Press the MENU button again to move to screen 2 of the menu (camera menu only) .

• Make selections in the same way as for screen I.

S. Press the MENU button to close the menu.


"11;t. ca. ::J < o Dl ~::J on ::J (I) lila.


"'C rn
tlJ r:::
c 0
III (,)
> r:::
4. 26

Setting Custom Keys

The Custom Keys let you choose the functions you want at your fingertips.

The two keys on the left side of the camera body can easily be set to operate a number of functions. When you buy the camcorder, they should be set as follows:

ES50 ES55



Select the combination of functions that you are likely to use most often. It is simple to change the Custom Key settings when necessary.

[ To set the function of the Custom Keys

III .... M. ENU I ~CUSTOM KEY SET (see p. 24) .

Turn the program selector to camera mode (CAl, .I),~, It), A or ~). Open the camera menu to screen 2 and select CUSTOM KEY SET. Turn the SELECT dial to move the cursor down until you reach the combination of functions of your choice.






Press the SET (or MENU) button to assign the functions to the CUSTOM KEYS .

• The camera displays these functions in the viewfinder for about 3 seconds and then returns to the camera menu.

S. Press the MENU button to cJose the menu.

[ Displaying the CustOM Key function in the viewfinder

Choose to display the combination of functions set for the CUSTOM KEYS in the viewfinder.

1. Turn the program selector to camera mode (m, '0', ~, \l, A or f';!]),

2. Open the camera menu and select CUSTOM KEY INFO.

3. Turn the information on or off.

4. Close the menu.


• If it takes you more than about. five minutes to select the Custom Key information, the camera may turn itself off automatically before you finish. This can be avoided by removing the cassette before you begin.

• You can only operate the digital effects when the CUSTOM KEYS are assigned to the digital effect option.

• The camera remembers the Custom Key settings until you make a new selection.

• Even when the CUSTOM KEY lNFO (information) is turned off, the settings are displayed in the viewfinder for about 4 seconds each time you close the menu or turn the camera on.



"11l> Co. ~ <: o IU ~. ~ 00

~ "' III 0.


Image Stabilizer (ES55)

With most camcorders, even the slightest hand movements will be noticeable during telephoto recording. However, the image stabilizer allows yOll to obtain steady recordings even at high magnification. Before you start recording, turn the image stabilizer on or off from the IMAGE STABIL option at the camera menu.

• In addition, for the ES55 you can assign CUSTOM KEY 2 to turn the image srabi lizer on/off (see p, 26).


(see p. 24)


• The (Iii)) mark appears in the viewfinder when the image stabilizer is turned on.

• Due LO the nature of the image stabilizer, the image quality will be lower when the image stabilizer is switched on, and the image will appear slightly enlarged in the viewfinder.

• The image stabilizer is designed to deal with a normal degree of camera shake - it cannot compensate for large. movements of the camera.

• Keep the image stabilizer turned off when the camera is mounted on a tripod.

• The image stabilizer is not as effective as usual when the optional wide-converter or tele-converter is attached.

• You cannot use the image stabilizer simultaneously with the 16:9 format, mirrorhall' or mirror-full, strobe, or slow shutter digital effects.

• When you activate one of these digital effects, the image stabilizer turns off automatically and the {(Ii» mark blinks for 4 seconds in the viewfinder then disappears.

• If a digital effect is turned on first, the image stabilizer becomes inoperable:

• When you open the menu, IMAGE STABIL shows "- - -".

• When Custom Key 2 is set to the image stabilizer and you press it, the (blllll) mark blinks for 4 seconds in the viewfinder then disappears.

"01/) ~ t: o 0 c·m> o "0 C



Using the Wireless Co~trolierlTally Lamp

The wireless controller can operate the camera from a distance of up to 16 feet (5 meters). Point it at the camera's remote sensor while you press the buttons.

The tally lamp Jets you know that the camera is in range and responding to your commands.

There are two functions which can only be operated using the wireless controller:

• Tape return (p. 20)

• On-screen viewfinder displays (p. 68)

( Inserting batteries

Insert two AA batteries, following the @ and 8 markings. Be careful not to reverse the polarity of the batteries.

[ Turning off the remote sensor

III ..... MENU I·.s EN SOH .. ••• .. ···OFF

(see p. 24) L. __j

The remote sensor may be turned off to prevent interference from other Canon wireless controllers being used nearby.



"T1J>o Co. :::::I < C"I = e. .:::J

o C"I :::::I <1l fl>o.

I. Open either the camera or play menu and move the cursor to SENSOR.

2. Select the OFF setting and close the menu. o S Uappears in the viewfinder.


( Turning off the tally lamp

~I'" MEN,U, I ~,TAUY LAMP .. • .. ·QFF

(see p, 24) , ,. . ...

The tally lamp lets you know the camera is recording. However. it may be reflected into the lens during closeup recording or when recording through glass.

1. Open the camera menu and move the cursor to TALLY LAMP.

2. Select the OFF setting and close the menu.

o T o appears in the viewfinder.

o The tally lamp no longer lights up during recording. butit will still light up when the camera receives a signal from the wireless controller.


o Sunlight or fluorescent light falling on the sensor may shorten the controller's operating distance by interfering with its infrared signals.

o The camera may have difficulry picking tip the remote control signals at extremely close range.

o Do not leave the COlli roller ex posed to d i rect sun] ight, or in hOI or hu mid places.

o When changing exhausted batteries" replace them all at once.




'C III m C o 0 C:';:;:; III 0 :> C



Setting the Date and Time

123PM JUN.l,2000


(see p. 24) l__ __j

Choose whether to add the date and time to your recordings by selecting DATE DISPLAY at the camera menu, and choosing one 01' the three options:

AUTO-lOS: Adds the dale and time to your recordings for the first 10 seconds of each scene you record .

• The date/time display flashes in the viewfinder in record pause mode.

OFF: The date and time will not be added to your recordings at any lime.


The dale and lime are recorded continuously.

If you set the date display to AUTO-IDS or CONT. but have not yet set the date and lime. -:- - appears in the viewfinder during record pause mode. This will not be recorded.



"TlJ> t:a. ::::I <: n III ~::::I o n ::::I (l) til a.


( Setting the date and time

Set the date and time display when YOLI first start using your camera. As long as you 11<1ve inserted the backup battery (p, 56), the camera's internal clock will continue to work even when the main power source is removed.

1. Open the camera menu to screen 2 and choose the DATE SET option. • The yew· display starts flashing.

2. Press the controller up and down to change the year. Press sideways to move to another part of the display .

• Press once to scan a year at a time. Press and hold to scan quickly .

• Once you move from the year, the next part of the display starts flashing.

3. Set the months, days, hours, and minutes in the same way.

• After you set the minutes, press the SET (or MENU) button to start the clock; the camera displays the date and time for about three seconds and then automatically returns to the camera menu.

• You can use the SET button to return to the camera menu, at any stage of

setti ng the clock.

4. Press the MENU button to close the menu.


• The display can be sel to any year between 2000 and 2050 .

• In addition, you can assign CUSTOM KEY I to choose whether to add the date and time to your recordings (see p. 26). Once assigned, press the CUSTOM KEY to choose between auto-LOs, all, and continuous display styles (each in turn).

Choosing the display style

You can choose between three different dale/time displays at the camera menu.





(see p. 24) '-- _J




1 :23 PM] JUN. 1.2000

1JVI CI> C U 0

c·m> c 1Jc


JIJN, ',20001


Adding Titles .

You can write your own titles and store them in the camera's memory in order to add them to your recordings. Remember to install the backup buttery first

(see p. 56).

III .... MEN~.I HITLE· .. •• .. ·AUTO-10S I

(see p. A) L. ----'.

Choose whether to add the title to your recordings by selecting TITLE at the camera menu, and choosing one or the three options:

AUTO-lOS: Adds the title LO your recordings for the first Len seconds of each scene your record.

• The current title flashes in the viewfinder in record pause mode.

OFF: The title will not be added to your recordings at any time.

CONT.: The title is recorded continuously,


• In addition, you can assign CUSTOM KEY 2 to choose whether to add titles to your recordings (see p. 26). Once assigned, press the CUSTOM KEY to choose between auto-LOs. off, and continuous display styles (each in turn).

• When you rum the camera off, the TITLE setting is reset to OFF



"TIl> C a. ::::J < n Il.I ~::::J o n ::::J (D til a.


"01/) C1l ~ 00 ~; I'll 0 > ~ "0 :;I <u..

( Writing a title

These lines appear in the viewfinder while you are writing a title.

c=l ~

Enter your title in the camera's memory before you start recording. The title can be one or two lines of up to 16 characters each.

1. Open the camera menu to screen 2 and choose the TITLE SET option.

• The title lines appear in the viewfinder.

• If you have already entered a title in the memory, it will be displayed in the viewfinder.

• The first dot (or character) flashes to show where the cursor (the insertion point) is located,

2. Press the controller sideways to move the cursor to the point }'OU want start the title.

• Press once to move the cursor one space at a time. Press and hold to move it quickly.

3. Press the controller up and down to scan the list of title characters.

• Press once to move the cursor one space at a time. Press and hold to move it quickly.

• YOLI can choose from the following characters:


4$&*I?::'" -1.,9876543210 f-( ---J

• ff you choose the flashing dot $. nothing will be recorded at this position.

• You can erase all the characters at and to the right of the cursor by pressing and holding the C.RESET button for more than one second.

4. When the character you want to write is displayed, press the controller sideways to move the cursor to the point where you want to write the next character.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until your title is complete, then press the SET (or MENU) button to enter the title in the memory.

• The title is displayed for about 3 seconds, before the camera returns to the


6. Press the MENU button to close the menu.


• If it takes YOLI more than about five minutes to write a title, the camera may turn itself off automatically before YOLl finish. This can be avoided by removing the cassette before you begin.


[ Using the preset titles

1. Open the camera menu to screen 2 and choose the TITLE SELECT option.

2. Turn the SELECT dial to move through the list of preset titles until the title you wish to use is displayed .

• Each time you turn the SELECT dial the preset titles will be displayed in order one by one.

blank tltlely.ur .wn title














"TIl> c a. :s < n III ~:s o n :s II) til a.

3. Press the SET button to select the preset title and enter the title in the memory .

• The preset title is displayed for 3 seconds, before the camera returns to the menu.

4. Press the MENU button to close the menu.





[ Fade tn

To make the scene gradually appear from a blank screen:

1. Make sure the camera is in record pause mode.

2. Press and hold the FADE button until the scene disappears completely from the viewfinder,

3. Press the start/stop button to begin recording.

4. Release the ,FADE button.

• The scene gradually reappears in the viewfinder.

( Fade out

To make the scene gradually disappear:

1. Press and hold the FADE button during recording.

2. When the scene has completely disappeared, press the start/stop button to end recording.

3. Release the FADE button.

5 ___ .-


'0 til CJ) I:

U 0 S:::;:::; (tI U :> I: 'OJ «LL


• In addition, you can assign CUSTOM KEY I LO operate the fade (see p. 26). Once assigned, press the CUSTOM KEY 10 fade in or out in the same way as detailed above.

• The sound fades together with the image.

• Title, date and time displays do not fade.


Searching and Reviewing While· Recorcting

( Record search

When the camera is in record pause mode, you can use record search to play the tape forwards or backwards to lind the point where you want to start or restart recording. This is useful when you want to add a new scene to a previously used cassette. By using record search, you can ensure a smooth, noise-free join between the new scene and the old one.

1. Make sure the camera is in record pause mode.

2. Press and hold the REC SEARCH + or - button while you check the picture in the viewfinder.

• The + button plays the recording forwards and the - button plays it backwards.

3. Release the button when you find the point where you want to start recording.

• The record search picture pauses briefly and then the camera returns to record pause mode.

Record review



When the camera is in record pause mode, you can lise record review to play back the last few seconds of your recording and then return automatically to record pause mode. You can quickly make sure that a scene has recorded properly and then go on to shoot the next scene, without producing any noise in the picture.

"T1J:o Co. :::I 0:: o til =. ~ o 0 :::I t1I III 0.

1. Make sure the camera is in record pause mode.

2. Press and release the © button (the REC SEARCH - button) while you check the picture in the viewfinder.

• The camera rewinds the tape and plays back the last few seconds.

• The camera returns to record pause mode at the point where you pressed the button.


• Noise or skew (picture distortion) may appear on the screen during record search and record review.


Using the Various Recording Programs

The camera provides you with a choice of six recording programs. They use different combinations of camera settings in order to adjust the exposure and other functions to match the recording situation.

Rotate the program selector to choose the appropriate program before you start recording.

o For normal shooting conditions, you can leave the recording program selector set to 0 (Auto Recording). For different recording conditions, rotate the selector to the appropriate program before you start recording. Reset to 0 for standard conditions.

Auto Recording

The simplest way to use the camera is with the program selector set to the m position. The camera will adjust the fOCLlS and exposure automatically, leaving you free to point and shoot.

o You can operate the following functions in this


o Backlight compensation (BLC)

o Exposure lock

o Slow shutter digital effect (ES55)

The image was removed due to copyright restrictions


FlexiZone Recording

The image was removed due to copyright restrictions

In normal recording conditions, set the program selector to the Q. position. This is the same as the Auto Recording program, except that you can now use the FlextZone AF (p. 40) and FlexiZone AE (p. 43) .

• You can operate rhe following functions in this mode:

o Backlight compensation (Bl.C)

o Slow shutter digital effect (ES55)

• While in the optical ZOOm range, the FlexiZone frame moves freely around the screen. However, once you enter digital Z00111 range, the frame becomes locked in the center of the viewfinder.

• The FlexiZone frame blinks twice when you zoom out from digital to optical zoom range. You are now free to move the frame.


( Specialized AE programs


This program is useful for recording high-speed sports scenes in brightly lit conditions. Normal playback will be slightly jerky .. but you will gel clear images which can be analyzed frame by frame during slow Of still playback on a VCR.


Use this program outdoors to make the subject stand out from 11 softened foreground and background. It works well for still-l i res and close-ups. The effect is most noticeable when the zoom position is between the middle range and the telephoto end. Focus

man u all y for max i mu m accuracy.


Thi s program is designed for record in g spotli t scenes, such as on a stage. The exposure is nurornaricully adjusted for glare- free recordi ngs of subjects lit by u concentrated light source.

Sand & Snow

Use this program in places where the background is so bright that the subject appears underexposed in the viewfinder - a sunny beach or ski resort. for example.

he image W<lS removed due to copyright restrictions

The image was removed due to copyright restrictions

The image was removed due to copyright restrictions

The image was removed due to oopyright restrictions


• You can focus manually in any recording program (p. 41).

• Avoid changing progrnmx during recording as the brightness of the image may change suddenly.

• The specialized AE programs are not suitable for all kinds of lighting. The image may flicker. or a bright line may appear on the screen if you lise them in the wrong lighting conditions.


Focusing ,

The camera can focus automatically. All you have to do is point it, and whatever is in the center of the viewfinder will usually be in sharp focus.

It also has two functions which give you more control over focusing.

( FlexiZone AF .

FlexiZone AF makes autofocus much more powerful. Using the FlexiZone controller, you can select any object that appears in the viewfinder, and the camera will bring it into focus. Choose the FlextZone Recording program when you want to use FlexiZone AF.

FlexiZone AF is useful in the following situations:

When your main subject is not in the center of the viewfinder

When you want to shoot a moving subject




It also makes it easy to use "focus shift" techniques. YOLI can

eli rect the viewer's attention by focusing first on one parlor the scene .. and then on another,

1. Turn the program selector to ,0,.

• The FlexiZone Control frame appears in the viewfinder.

2. Use the FlexiZone controller to move the frame over the subject.

• The controller call be movedin any direction. Press it repeatedly to move the frame little by I i ule, Press and bold to move the frame qu ick I y.

• The camera adjusts the focus to suit the area inside the frame.

• When you zoom into the digital range, the FlexiZone frame becomes locked in the center or the viewfinder.

• Do not press the center of the FlexiZone controller, as this will lock the exposure.


( Manual focus

Sometimes you will gel better results by turning off autofocus and using manual focus i nsteud. (For a list of difficult to focus subjects refer to p. 66.)

1. Frame the picture with the zoom control.

o If you use the zoom after manual focusing, the picture may go out of focus.

2. Press the FOCUS button to switch to manual focus.

o MF appears in the viewfinder.

o The locus remains locked at the point set by the uutofocus.

3. Turn the SELECT dial downward to move the focus farther away and turn it upward to bring the focus nearer.

4. To return to autofocus, press the FOCUS button again.


• When you turn the camera or-r, manual focus is canceled .

• If you turn the prugram selector to Q position while using manual locus, the focus remains locked. You may release it and activate the FlexiZone AF by pressing the FOCUS button.

o You can also adjust the focus temporarily without turning autofocus off - turn the SELECT dial to set the focus and autofocus will start again as soon as you release the SELECT dial.



"TIl:> I:: a. ::J < o !l) ~.::::I o 0 ::::t (D (J) a.


Adjusting the Exposure Manually

The camera adjusts the exposure automatically, making sure that your pictures are neither too dark nor too light. There is a choice of six recording programs to deal with different recording conditions (see p. 38-39).

This section explains how to lise three more exposure Functions. These will give you added control over your recordings.

( Compensating farlJ8cklight

The image was removed .. The image was removed
due to due to
copyright resfrictions copyright rnsIrictions If the subject is brightly lit from behind. it may appear under-exposed and Iacking in detail. To compensate for this, lise the BLC function.

lJfI) Q.l £: o 0 £::;:: (I) 0 > £: lJ ::J <Cu..

1. Select the Auto (]] or FlexiZolle ¢' Recording program.

2. If your subject is backlit and underexposed press and hold the BLC button.

• The camera will compensate for this as long as you hold the key down.

3. Release the key when it is no longer needed. Note:

• In addition, YOLI can assign CUSTOM KEY 2 to operate the BLC (see p, 26).





( FlexiZone AE

The image was removed • The image was rermved
due to due to
copyright restrictions copyright restrictions The camera usually adjusts the exposure so that it is suitable for the whole scene. and especially for the area in the center of the viewfinder, FlexiZone AI.::. allows you to choose any part of the scene, so that even if your subject is towards the edge of the screen, or if it is very bright or very dark, it will still be properly exposed.

1. Turn the program selector to .0- FlexiZone Recording Program.

• The FlexiZone control frame appears in the viewfi nder,

2. Use the FlexiZone controller to move the frame over the subject. • The controller can be moved in



any direction.

3. Press the center of" the FlexiZone controller' in straight.

• The camera adjusts the exposure to suit the area thai is currently inside the frame. You can move the frame to focus on something else, but the exposure area will not move with it.

• EXP.LOCK appears in the viewfinder.

4. Press the controller in straight again when you want to cancel FlexiZone AE.

• The exposurc is now adjusted to suit the center of the screen again.

• Press the controller once more if you want to adjust the exposure for the frame's new position.

• When you zoom into the digital range. (he FlexiZone frame becomes locked in the center of the viewfinder.



Exposure lock

When you are recording in situations where the lighting or light reflected by the subject may change suddenly, you can lock the exposure at the current level.

I. Turn the program selector to [8J Auto Recording program.

2. Press the center of the FlexiZone controller in straight.

• The camera locks the exposure at the current level.

• EXP.LOCK appears in the viewfinder,

3. Press the controller in straight again when you want to cancel the exposure lock.


Taking Still Pictures (Photo Mode) (ES55)

You can record still pictures like a photograph. You can use still. pictures as an effective first scene, and so 011. The camera records the picture and sound 10 tape for approximately 7 seconds.

You can take a still picture at any rime during regular recording, or you can put the camcorder into record pause mode fi rst, then take a sti II pi ctu reo

"0111 Q) I:: 00 co::; «10 > C "0 ::l <t.1.l.

1. Open the camera menu and move the cursor to PHOTO MODE.

2. Select the ON setting and close the menu.

3. Set the camera to record or record pause mode.

4. Press the PHOTO button ..

• The camera takes the image almost immediately, and then record the "photo" on the tape for approximately 7 seconds. During this time the camera also records the SOli nd, and the vi ew ti nder shows the sti II pictu reo

o The counter display is shown, that counts up to 6 seconds as the camcorder records the picture.

o After the photo recording is finished, the camera enters record pause mode.

o When the title or date is displayed in the viewfinder, you can record them during PHOTO recording,


• While the camera records the still, you cannot use the camera functions (except turning the power off, STANDBY lever and ON SCREEN button). They do not respond until recording is complete.

• If you want 1.0 use an effect other than slow shutters or strobe (ES55). make sure you set it before you take the picture. If you have already set the slow shutters or strobe effect, you cannot use the PHOTO mode.

• II' the PHOTO button is pressed with PHOTO MODE set to OFF, during Record Search, FlexiZone controller operation or fade, PHOTO OFF blinks for 4 seconds in the viewfinder then disappears.

• When you press the PHOTO button without loading a cassette, the image in the viewfinder freezes as long as you hold the button down.

o Hold the camera steady during recording.





Using Digital Effects

You can add a variety of digital effects to your recording, during recording and playback (slow shutter and strobe effects are provided only with ES55 and only during recording). The soundtrack is not affected.

• The digital effects marked with asterisks can be used only during camera recording.


Adds a pai n [-I ike effect, called solarization, to the image.

~ ~

[ Black & White

Makes the image in black & white.

( Sepia*




Records a monochrome image with a sepia tint.

on> !:: Co :::I < o !II ='::::l o () :::I ttl (f) Co

Negative-Positive Conversion

Makes a color negative of the image. White appears as black, yellow appears as blue, green appears as red, etc. Also converts a negative image to an ordinary positive one.


[ Miner-Half

The image will be as if you have placed a mirror in the middle of the screen .

• If you select Mirror-Half after the image stabilizer has already been turned on, the image stabilizer automatically turns off. Accordingly, if Mirror-Half is turned on first, the image stabilizer becomes inoperable.


The image will be reversed as if you are looking into a mirror,

• If you select Mirror-Full after the image stabilizer has already been turned on, the image stabilizer automatically turns off. Accordingly, if Mirror-Full is turned on first, the image stabilizer becomes inoperable.


Enlarges various pixels. The image is made lip of noticeable squares of color, giving a mosaiclike effect.

( Pastel

Adds a pastel-like effect to the image.




"CfI) Q) t::

U 0 t:: ._

~ ti (Emboss



Shots appear as embossed scenes.

CAl .. \tHJ

[ Color Key-RedlGreenlBlueNeliow


Makes the image in black & white except for objects of the selected color, such as red.

o Due to color variations of subjects, there may be some inconsistency in the color key effect from subject to subject.

( 16:9'"

Produce images in the 16:9 format for playback on widescreen TVs.

• If you select the 16:9 format after the image stabilizer has already been turned on, the image stabilizer automatically [urns off. Accordingly, if the 16:9 format is turned on first, the image stabilizer becomes inoperable .

• If you play back a recording made for 16:9 011 a normal TV screen, the image will appear 10 be vertically "squashed" (compressed) .

• The image quality is lower when the 16:9 is activated.


( Cinema

Makes [he image with the same proportions as a cinema screen. The top and bottom of the screen are bl ack, gi vi ng the effect 0 f a fi lrn being broadcast on TV in the 'letterbox' format.

[ Slow shufter-1/30, 1115, 1/8 (ES55)*

For dramatic effects, such as a "streaming" background when panning, and for shooting in low-light conditions.

Shooting with 118 gives you even more of the "streaming" effect and allows you to shoot in lower-light conditions. With 1130, you get less of the "streaming" effect.

• You can use this effect when the program AE is set to Auto or FlexiZone recording mode.

~ ~

"TI,... Co. :::J < n OJ ::!". :::J on :::J III u.o.

( Strobe (ES55)*

This effect converts on-screen action to a series of still images, giving an effect similar to slow-motion.


( Using Digital Etfects

1. Turn the program selector to camera or play mode.

2. Make sure that the CUSTOM KEYS are assigned to D.E.SELECT and D.E.ON/OFF (see p. 26).

3. Press CUSTOM KEY 1 (the D.E.SELECT button) to choose the effect you want.

• Each time you press the key, the flashing viewfinder display changes:

EFFE.cT 000· - e - ~- .~-~


~~~~*~ ~-~-~-~-~

4. Press CUSTOM KEY 2 (the D.E.ON/OFF button) to activate the effect.

• The viewfinder display stops flashing and shines continuously,

5. Press CUSTOM KEY 2 to cancel the effect.

• The display starts Bashing again. You can now select a di lferent effect.


• Choosing EFFECT r!m deselects an digital effects.

• The shaded digital effects are available only with ES55.

• ln play mode, you can select a digital effect in stop mode or without a cassette loaded, however you cannot turn it on until you play the tape.





Using the Built .. in Video Light

The built-in video light allows you to make clear, colorful recordings of poorly lit scenes. YOLI can even record in complete darkness.

The recommended distance between the subject and camcorder is about 5 feet (2111).

1. Turn the program selector to an)' of the camera modes except Spotlight mode.

2. Slide the light switch to the .:6.. ON position to turn on the "ideo light .

• The I ight wi II only turn on in camera mode .

• When i nserting or ejecting a cassette the video light turns off automatically.

3. Make your recording.

4. When you have finished using the light, slide the switch back to the OFF position.


• Continuous recording lime is reduced with continued Lise of the video light.

For longer recordings you may prefer 10 lise a power adapter.

• The light becomes hot during lise - keep it away from plastic or flammable

materials. and do not touch it.

• Do not knock the light, especially during use.

o Do not lise the wide-converter lens or the tele-converter lens with the video Ii sht.

• When the bulb has reached the end of its life. contact your nearest Canon Ser~ice Center.



• Do not touch the bulb protector during and alter usc of the video light. It and surrounding areas become hot.


• Not 10 be handled by children.

• Emits intense heat and light.

• Use with caution to reduce the risk of fire or injury.

• Keep a safe distance between the Video Light and human or material subjects when using and until cool.

• Turn light olT when not in use.

"T1:to I:: a. :::s < n III =r.:::s on :::SfD fila.


Editing to a VCR

Play back the tape on Ihe camcorder.

Raccrd Ihe SCenes you want on the VC R.

By connecting the camera to a VCR, you can edit your recordings in order to remove unwanted scenes - or combine different shots to create your own video prod UCl ion.

( Preparations

1. Connect the camera to the VCR.

• See "Connecting for Playback on a TV Screen" on p. 21.

2. Turn the TV on.

• Be sure to set it 10 the video channel, or set the TVIVIDEO selector to VlDEO.

3. Turn on the VCR and load a blank cassette. • See your VCR instruction manual for details.

4. Set the VCR's input selector to LINE, and put it in record pause mode.

5. Turn the program selector to PLAY, and load your recorded casette.




'tIUI Q) L:: o 0

L:: .m> 0 'tiL::



( Basic editing

1. Find a point on your recorded cassette slightly before the section you want to copy.

2. Start to play it back while you monitor the picture on the TV.

3. Start recording on the VCR as soon as the section you want to copy appears on the screen.

4. Pause the VCR at the end of the section you want to copy, then stop playback on the camera.

5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 until your edited recording is complete.

Before editing


• The quality of the edited tape will be slightly lower than that of the original,




Preparing the Camera

You should already have attached a power source to the camera and loaded a cassette. When you have completed the following steps, you will be ready to start recording.

( . Fasten the grip belt

• Release the Velcro fastening and hold the camera with your right hand while you adjust the belt with your left.

C Prepare the lens cap

• Attach/remove the lens cap as shown.

• Hook the lens cap on to the grip belt while you are recording, and place it over the lens when you have finished.

( Adjust the viewfinder



• You can adjust the viewfinder to suit your eyesight. First put the camera in record pause mode (open the STANDBY cover and turn the

progra III selector to ca mera mode).

• Adjust the viewfinder by sliding the viewfinder focusing switch to the left or right. to bring the viewfinder display clearly into focus.

• The viewf nder also rotates through 70° to give a choice of shooting positions.

"ell) 111 1:: o 0 1::.-

- III (.)

> 1:: "e::::J o:(u..


f Attach the shoulder strap

• For extra security and portability, attach the shoulder strap before using the camera.

• Pass the ends through the attachment bars and adjust the length as shown.


• Be careful not to leave the viewfinder exposed to bright sunlight, or it will melt. (The light is concentrated by the viewfinder lens.) YOLI may be able to move the viewfinder out of direct sunlight by pushing it upright, or by moving it back down to horizontal.



"TlJ> r::: Co ::::J < (') III

~::::J o (') ::::J CD III Co


Notes on Using the Batteries

Charging andreeording times

• These times vary - the safest pol icy is always to have two or three times as many battery packs as you think you will need.

• You will get more recording time if you turn the camera off between shots, instead or leaving it in record pause mode.

Battery pad


Time needed for full recharge

4 hrs,

2 hI'S. 25 min. 2 hrs, 15 min.

Maximum recording lime

ES50 ES55

• Continuous recording ti me will be reduced to apprnx. 2/.< with continuous usc of the video light.

• Recording time wi II be shorter than usual at low temperatures. You can use the banery pack between 32° and 104°F (0° to 400q, but it works best between 50° and 80°F (10" to 300e).

• II' rile battery pack starts to give you much less recording time than usual, it has reached the end of its lire and must be replaced,

• See p. 12 for limes for other battery packs.

How much power is left?

The indicator in the display shows you

approxi mately how much charge the battery pack has left:





• When the power is completely exhausted. the empty battery mark appears and starts 1.0 flash. The power indicator ligbt ulso flashes.

• The indicator is not constant - different levels will be shown when you subject the battery pack and camcorder to different conditions.


~ 75% <C[Ii 50% 9 25%


When to recharge

You CUll recharge a lithium ion battery pack whenever it is convenient. Unlike 11 conventional battery pack, it does not hnve 10 be fully discharged Ii rst. However. as the battery pack will naturally discharge itsel rover time, it is best to charge il the Same day you plan 10 use it, or the day before.


( Taking care of the battery pack

Always attach the terminal cover.

• Do not allow any metal objects to touch the terminals, as this can cause a short circuit and damage the bauery pack. Attach the terminal cover whenever the battery pack is not being used.

Keep the terminals clean.

• The camera, adapter or battery pack will not work properly if the terminals are dirty. Check them before use, and wipe

them with a dry cloth or tissue if necessary.

Storing the battery pack.

• If you do not use a battery pack for a period of more than a few months any remaining charge may cause damage to the battery pack, and reduce usage ti me. To prevent damage therefore, ai III to use a battery pack's complete charge before storage.

• Store the battery pack in an area which is free of moisture and where the temperature is no higher than 86°F (30°C).



"TI;t:> ca. :::::I < o III ='::::1 o 0 :::::I III ilia.


( Installing the backup ba.ttery



Open the battery cover, and insert the CR2025 lithium battery with the + side facing out.

.... I


Close the battery cover into place,

• This backup battery allows the camera to remember the data and lime and other seui ngs when the main power source is removed. It has a life span of about a year.

When it needs replacing (or if it has not been installed), the "I$>" date display flashes in the display. Remove the old battery by pushing it down and pulling it out from the left side. Make sure to attach the power adapter to the camera first. This way it will remember your chosen settings when you change the battery.


The battery used in this device may present a fire or chemical burn hazard if mistreated. Do not recharge, disassemble, heat above 2[2°F ( I OO°e) or incinerate. Replace the battery with a Sony, Sanyo or Panasonic CR2025, or Duracell DL2025. Use of another battery may present a risk of fire or explosion.


• Do not pick lip the battery using tweezers or other metal tools - this will cause a short circuit.


<Il £: • Wipe the battery with a clean, dry cloth La ensure proper contact.

g.g • Keep the backup battery out of reach of children - if it is swallowed, contact a

~ g physician immediarely, as the battery case may break down and the battery fluids

:::i ~ damage the stomach and intestines.

• Do not disassemble, heat, or immerse the battery in water, to avoid the risk of explosion.


Video System (Availability differs from area to area.)

VL-l0Li Baltery Video Light


Mixing Microphone


OM-300 Superdirectional Micropl10ne

WD-46 Wide-converter


TL-46 Tele-converter


FS-4S Filler Set

W 0 ~

FS-46U Filter Sel

~ m 0

SA-l Adapter Bracket

WL-69 Wireless Controller

~ i video cassette

SS-500 Shou Id er S trap =6?=





son Carrying Case

Soft Carrying Case


DC Coupler

CB-910 Car Battery Adapter

BP-SOO Series Battery Pack



CA-910 Compact Power Adapler

-- CA-550/CA-550K Compact Power Adaple r



ID' =

C H- 91 0 Dual Ballery Cha rg er/Ho Ider


BP-900 Series Battery Pack






C-250 AV Cabte





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Optional Accessories

Call or visit your local retailer/dealer for genuine Canon video accessories. You can also obtain genuine accessories for your Canon camcorder by calling: 1-800-828-4040. Canon U.S.A. I n formation Center.

Battery Packs

As well as the battery pack supplied with your camera, a whole range or optional battery packs is available.

Recording limes are us follows (video light off):

BP-915 BP-930 BP-941 BP-941
ES50 21m. 25 min. 4 hrs, 15min. 5 Ius. 40 min. 6 hrs. 25 min.
ES55 2 hI'S. 15 min. 3 hrs. 50 mill. 5 hrs. 10 min. S hrs. 50 min. CB-910 Car Battery Adapter

To power your camera or recharge battery packs on the move, the car battery adapter plugs into your car's cigarette I ighter socket and runs off a 12/24 V negative ground battery.

CH-910 Dual Battery Charger/Holder

This holds two battery packs and can charge them both consecutively.

It can then be connected directly to the ES50/ES55 10 give twice the recording ti me.

TL-46 Tele-converter

This tele-converter lens increases the focal length of the camera lens by a factor of 1.4. The zoom and uutofocus operate as usual, so you can take full advantage of the extra range .

• If YOLi have a "professional-type" monitor, there may be some vignetting.


g:= WD-46 Wide-converter

,_ I'll

:a E This lens decreases focal length by a factor of 0.7. :;!i ~ giving you a wide perspective for indoor shots or

panoramic views - and YOLI can still use both zoom ancl autofocus.

• As the ESSO/ES55 is already designed to record wide angle. vignetting occurs at the extreme wide angle position.


FS-46 Filter Set

Three special effects filters to add a creative touch [0 your recordings: multiple-image, R-cross and zoom-spot.

• Turn aurofocus off when using special effects f lters.

• Vignetting occurs when using the multiple-image filter at the extreme wide angle position.

FS-46U Filter Set

Ultraviolet, neutral density and circular polarising filters help you take control of difficult lighting conditions.

VL-IOLi Battery Video Light

If you need more light than is provided by the builtin video light, lise this compact yet powerful video light for i nd oar and even ou rdcor s hooti ng.

The SA-I Adapter Bracket is required.

• Lithium ion battery packs call be used to power the light. Approximate usage times are as follows:

BP-915 BP-930 BP-94t BP-94)

60 min. 120 mill. 160 min. 170 mill.

MM-IOO Mixing Microphone

The MM-IOO mixes live sound and music, so you can create the ideal soundtrack for your video productions.

DM-300 Super-directional Microphone

This highly sensitive super-directional microphone helps you obtain quality sound recordings even in the most difficult conditions.

SA-! Adapter Bracket

Attaches a video I ight or microphone securely to the camera.



SC-IOOO Soft Carrying Case

This lightweight bag keeps the camera within easy read] without weighing you down or gelling in the way.

SC-A20 Soft Carrying Case

A handy camera bag with a adjustable padded

com part ments and plenty of pockets for accessories.

WS-20 Wrist Strap

Provides an extra measure of protection lor active shooting.

This mark identifies genuine Canon video accessories. When you use Canon video equipment, we recommend Canon-brand accessories or products bearing this same mark.

Provlded accessorles:

WL·69 Wireless COlli roller B P-',!15 Baucry Pack C-250 AV Cable

OSI-1150-201 OY I· 7748·000

DY4-3946-000 55-500 5huulder Strap

D85-0952-20 I Lens cHI' and lens cap cord

DY 4-529 I -DOO

Optiuual accessories:

CA-550 CUIl1P"<:( Power Adapter 0~5- I ()92-20 I CA-910 Compact Power Adapter 085·1022·201

DC-905 DC Coupler D85-1170-201

CB-9 I () Car Battery Adapter D85-1062-201

CH-910 Dual Battery Charger/ Holder

BP-930 Bauery Pack BP-94 I Battery Pack BP-945 Battery Pack

JR7.2V IOWF Halogen Bllib forVL·IOLi

MM-IOO Mixing Microphone DM-300 Super-directional Microphone

SA- I Adapter B racket WO-46 Wide-converter TL·46 Tete-convener FS-46 Filter Set F5-46U Filter Set WS-20 Wrist Strap

DY4-45JO-OOO 084-0040-20 I

084-0070-201 D89-0550- 202 D78-0013-201 "078-0014-201 078-0006-201 078-0008·2()I 081-0190-202

D85-1072-20 I 085-0962·20 I 085·0862·20 I D85-0972-201 086-0081-20 I

- I:: m 0

1::.- 0- .- m

:t:: E

"'C ... "'C 0 « ....


VL-IOLi BanefY Video Light


Cautions and Maintenance

(. Cautions.

Avoid high temperatures and high humidity.

• Do not leave the camera inside a car in hot weather, for example.

• Be careful of heal radiating from video lighting equipment.

• Do not take the camera into a humid 1'00111.

Avoid sudden changes in temperature.

• If you take [he camera from. a cold place to a warm place, condensationmay

form all the lens and internal parts (see p. 63).

Do not. point the lens or viewfinder at strong light sources.

• Never point it at the sun, and do not leave it ai med at a bright subject.

• Be especially careful when leaving the camera on a tripod.

Avoid magnetic or electric fields.

• Do 1101 use the camera close to TV transmitters. portable communication devices or other sources of electric or magnetic radiation. They may cause picture interference, or permanently damage the camera.

Do not expose the camera to water.

o Cover the camera when you are recording in light mill 01' mist,

• There is a risk of electric shock if water gets inside the camera - contact

qua I ified SCI·V i ce personnel as soon as pass i bl e.

Protect the lens.

• Sand and dust can damage the lens - be especially careful on windy days.

Handle the camera gently.

• Vibration or shock can cause damage.

• Do not use the viewfinder as a carrying handle ..

Do not disassemble the camera.

o This is very dangerous as there is a risk of electric shock - if the camera does not function properly, lake it to qualified service personnel.


• These causions also apply 10 accessories such as battery pucks and cassettes.


( Maintenance


• To dean the viewfinder screen, rotate the viewfinder up and remove the IwO scr-ews. Pull the eyecup straight ofl

• Clean the viewfinder screen with a commercially available blower brush.

• Replace the eyecup by putting it back into position and fixing it with

the screws.

Camera body and lens

• Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the camera body or lens. Never use chemically treated cloth or volatile solvents such as paint thinner.

Video heads

• Clean the video heads only when necessary, preferably using Canon's CC-8 Video Head Cleaning Cassette.

• Do not lise a wet-type cleaning cassene as this can cause damage.

( Storage

If you do not intend to lise the camera tor some time. store it in an area which is free of dust and moisture, and where the temperature is no higher' than 86°P (300e). After storage, check each part and function of your camera to make sure everything is still working properly.

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Condensation may form 011 the camera when it is moved from a cold place to a warm place, Using the camera while condensation is present can damage both the tape and the camera.

Condensation may become a problem:

When you take the camera from a cold p I ace 10 a wa rrn r00111

When the camera is left in a humid roo 111

When a cold room is heated rapidly

When the camera is taken from an ai 1'conditioned room to a warm, humid place

Protecting the camera from condensation

o Before you take the camera to a warm or humid place where condensation is likely to be a problem, unload the cassette and put the camera in a plastic bag. Wait until the camera reaches room temperature before you take it out of the bag.

What happens when condensation is detected

• The operation indicator flashes and the [j] mark flashes in the viewfinder. If there is a cassette in the camera, it stops automatically and EJECT flashes in the viewfinder.

o The camera may not detect the condensation immediately - the condensation warning may not start Hashing for 10 to 15 minutes.

o You cannot load a cassette when condensut ion is detected.

What you should do

• Remove the cassette, leave the cassette compartment open, and turn the camera off.

o Leave it in a dry place until the condensation evaporates. After the condensation warning stops flashing, wait at least another hour before trying to use the camera.

-» aa. o a.

3 a:

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Using the camera abroad

Power sources

• You can LIse the compact power adapter to operate your camera and charge battery packs in any country where the electricity supply is between 100 and 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz. Contact your Canon dealer for information about plug adapters for overseas lise.

TV playback

• Although you can always play back your recordings in the viewfinder, your camera can only be connected to TVs which LIse its NTSC system. This TV system is used in the following countries:

American Samoa, Bahama, Barbados, Bermuda, Bolivia, Canada. Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador. EI Salvador, Guam, Guatemala. Greenland, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Micronesia, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Saint Lucia, Surinam, Taiwan, Trinidad and Tobago, USA, Venezuela.


- I::




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Refer to this check list firs! if you have any problems with your camera. Possible

explanations are given below each problem 011 the list - turn to the page IE1

numbers in parentheses for more information. L-=.J

Make sure that the camera is properly connected if you are using it with a TV or

VCR. Consult your dealer or service outlet if problems persist.

II Nothing happens when I press the buttons.

II The camera turned itself off.

II The start/stop button doesn't work.

II There's no picture in the viewfinder.

• You haven 't turned the camera on (p. 15).

• You haven't loaded a cassette, or it is set for erasure prevention (p. 13).

• The tape has reached the end.

• The battery pack is exhausted, or 110! properly attached (p. I J, 54).

• You need to select a different recording program to use that function (p, 38).

• You left it in record pause mode for more than about five minutes (p, 15).

• The battery pack is exhausted (p. 11,54).

• The program selector is not set to camera mode (p, 15).

• You haven't loaded a cassette, or it is set for erasure prevention (p. ] 3)_

• The tape has reached the end.

• The program selector is not set to camera mode (p. 15).

-~ 3.0. 00.


til 0 .... ~ _. til

0_ :J


11 The camera won't focus.

Subjects behind glass

~ ~

Subjects without much contrast (such as a white wall)

• The camera is on manual focus (p.41) .

• The viewfinder lens needs adjusting (p.52).

• The lens is dirty (p. 62).

• Some subjects are not suitable for aurofocus.

Several subjects in the viewfinder at different distances

Subjects with horizontal stripes

Night scenes and low light conditions

- I:: (0 0


0- .- (0

,-=: E

"C .... "C 0 <C ....



Subjects not in the center of the viewfinder

Slanted subjects

Rapidly moving subjects


Dark subjects

Subjects which reflect too much light (such as shiny car exteriors)

In these situations, YOLI will often gel better results using manual focus (see p. 41).

IIIllllll'li'Il":'j, il b~'I4!!Id, ~ I d'l~ lili til i!

!:i!:'F • ,!'.

lih~,rmlllle'_ ImlTlIl'i'9I ilil'le:fD QIW1(IItt1:~ns

iii Tilt· :L'!I!!I!yllf.iii!,:k H,h:hJrt: lis f'11~1l:1~.

ll'~~wal ~ ,dUI:'1i!iJ itII~t~.lII,

Iii 1; I 't:n" '. :" I' r~ ('~ Iill~ll' III Itt'll! TV :'ill'fl"!.·IU. 11;:"1:41 ~hn.[J:g.h !~ nap -

I-I I e VI~n.:I[!~~ ciln~ro'Ill!'r d'if\lim'l! '~-Ill"k.

" " I"li 1 ~ It; i 1'1~ .i.Il ~T! D d j]~.m' II: :f1lr:li2lm. 1iit1'lil]1j,' [1~~I''f'Il:'[' ~!~~~!~;'unl' ilJi, nmdriJI[!i u

~ I Ii ' P"'-4rnJfI !i1!"1L''t~LIJIi is ill I~ l\'Y n'l'llll;_

~ nlr.;' STr-\,1D8 'Ii" 1I!(I'L\!:r iii i;,

~ Tlil.;: Ilb h,L'i, rcucbed tin' "11011 ~r i!~


'lj1L~ prugrurn "r: I.;:: e 1~1f i~, mu ... ·1 II~ I'g J\ W (~. I!J'"

.' Y4~1I, l!,:i!I'!i!(1"i I(~mk'(]l ~ nl~J.i'II~ ~ 11. l.~~,

E 'flili' I ;If": ..... !', rt:.ll:ll~ 1111.: • d,

~ \i,.·tl -Ij ) ~t!lJ iJfi:' fC!:';\pt!lil~ iJ~ -I 1-1..

I~I:IL'I::~, :.Ii bii,ghi lilgl'l iIJ 11)0;' !¥I;o.:i' ' n ;I,~ ;"I"~ a \\i!'ri,j,_'U] I1:JJ_ (·u.Uk'd II' 1iJ'. mLI Len mllie- screen,

'. II .,'i'011 . I'ii!,-)Cirtlill~~ do nj~1 I1'hj tl'.iILi: !O:l1hllr..'lltil~, L!'1!!tlJI1 Li'H!' vilJco tli,i!.;!d:-,

11ll. f,::!!'(_

']11 - '\ id...:fI lJK:<itI!. 1l~":.:1 'I~I ill1:" (I~. r,l)_ --~

111 . TVNIDEO S(' ector ~'!' [!IIi.) 1''( 1St!" ~~ '10 V.I rn: I p_ .21. J.

Ti!t' ~! ail!: scnsur L 1[1 I 'dllH ~ 11• 2".1~,

., ~~ i~ UlUIOO ~~fT ,(~_ JCJi,.

.. C'1Ui:":{1.; Dh.::: "i!.."W'[i I t .:fur di~J1I'I'Y~ ~P" ~-~),

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t\lboui: ah ~ I.CD. Vi!!!wli~jj.d:Cm'

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Viewfinder Displays

Use the wireless controller's ON SCREEN button to choose whether or nor rhe viewfinder displays appear on the TV screen. They are not recorded to the tape if you start recording with the camera.

~ indicates a flashing display.

Dale and ri me d ispla y (p.31)

The dale and time have n01 been set. This display will nor be recorded


Title (p. 33)

Record pause mode (p. 15)

Recording (p. 15)

Playback (p. 19)

Fast forward (p. 19)

Rewind (p, 19)

The tape is stopped (p. 19).

- c (ll 0


0- .- (ll

;t:: E '"C ... '"C 0 <t'E

The carnern is ejecting the rape (p 1J)


2:35 PM] JUN_18.2000



Yhe S.'lfely mechanism ~ rs activated, Unload ~ t he cassette an d t li rn

the camera off Turn it

on again and reload

the cassette.

No cassette is loaded, or the cassette is set for erasure prevention

(p. 13).

The tape is within live minutes of the end.

The rape has reached the end.


Tape return, forward and reverse (p. 20)

Shows how much battery power remains (p.54).

~~ 0.1

The battery pack is nearly exhausted (p. 11,54).

The backup battery is nearly exhausted, or not inserted properly (p. 56).

PHOTO MODE is set to OFF in the camera menu (when the PHOTO button is pressed) (ES55)

(p. 44).


Optical zoom (p. 17)

Digital zoom is turned on (p. 17).

Digital zoom (p. 17)

T mage stabi] izcr CES55) (p, 28)

Remote sensor is turned off (p. 29).

Tally lamp is turned off (p. 30),

Tally lamp and remote sensor are turned off (p. 29-30).

Specialized AE programs (p, 39)

Autofocus is turned otl(p.41),

Backlight compensation (p, 42)


I------O-il 5[J)X










lei NEMA

{I SHUTTER-' /30




Digital effects:

The display flashes when the effect is

being selected, and appears steadily when it is activated (p,45-48).

FlexiZone AEI Exposure lock (p.43)


Condensation warning (p. (3)

Custom key settings

(ES55) (p. 26)








Tape counter

The tape counter indicates the approximate running time of the tape - I hour, 23 minutes and 45 seconds ill this example. The rape counter is reset when a cassette is loaded, or when you press the C.RESET button (p. 20).

Recording reminder



When you start recording, the camera counts from OSEC to I OSEC (for PHOTO recording from OSEC to 6SEC). Shots which are shorter than 10 seconds may be difficult [0 edit later. On the other hand, if you are not planning 10 edit the recording. remember that a shot which does not contain action should generally last no longer than 10 seconds.

-» aa. o a.

3 ~

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( ES50/ES55

Power supply (rated): 7.2 V DC Power consumption: ES50: 4.2 W ES55: 4.6 W

Television System: EIS standard (525 lines. 60 fields)

NTSC color signal

Video record ing system: 2 rotary heuds, hcl i en I scann i ng system: luminance signal: FM azimuth recordi ng;

chrorni nance signal: converted subcarrier phase shi r'l recording (8mm video standard)

Audio recording system: Frequency multiplexing with the video signal (I channel)

Image sensorc t/r-inch CCO (chargecoupled device)

270.000 pixels. (250,000 effective pixels) With image stabilizer 011 ES55.

200.000 pixels

Ta pe lormat; 8111111 videocassette, meta I particle

Tape speed: ')/10 ips (14.34 mm/x) Maximum recording time: 2 1/2 hours (with n 1'6-150 cassette)

Fast forward/rewind time:

Approx .. 6 minutes (wi til H 1'6- 120 cassette)

Lens: j-j 1.6-3.7 22x power zoom. 3.6-79,2 nun

Focusing system: TrL autofocus, manual tocus possible

Minimum focusing distance: .l/s in

(I em) on a maximum wide angle Maximum shutter speed: 1/1000 see Minimum illumination: 0.4 Is Recommended illumination: More. than

100 lx

Filler diameter: 46 mm "'iii § Electronic viewfinder:

§ :,::; 0.44 inch color LCD, 113,000 pixel

._ ttl

:!::: E Microphone:

:g l5 Non-directional electret condenser

<t C microphone

Output level: Video terminal: I Yp-pl 75 ohms unbalanced

Audio terminal: -10 dRY, less than 3 kohms, unbalanced


Opera ling tern peratu re rflllg~: 32°-104°F (0°-40°C)

Dimensions: 3 of,! x 4 x 6314 in (96 xl 03 x 173 rnm)

Weight: ES50: I Ib 6 7!~ oz (650 g) ES55: I Ib 7 lIs oz (655 g)

Video light:

Central luminosity: Approx. 12 Ix at 6 I't6 in (2 111)

Color temperature: Approx. 2,900 K Bulb life: Approx 50 hours

Power supply: Battery pack or compact power' adapter

[ BP-915 Battery pack


Battery type: Rechargeable I ithi urn ion battery

Rated voltage: 7,2 Y DC

Operating temperature: 320-1 040 F (O°-40°C)

Battery capacity: 1,500 mAh Dimensions: I 112 x 3/4 x 21/~ ill (38.2 x 20.S x 70.5 mm) Weight: 3 Jh oz (96 g)

Weight and dimensions are approximate. Errol's and orn i ssions excepted.

Subject to change without notice.

Canon is a trademark of Canon lnc,


Abroad, Using the Camera, 64 Accessories, 6. 58-60 Adapter, Mains, 10-11

AE programs, 38

Art. 45

Audio/Video Terminal, 21, 50 Auto Recording, 38

Backup Battery, 56

Basic Recording. 15-16 Battery Pack, 11-12, 54-55 Black & White. 45

Cables, 6, 21, 50 Casseue, I 3-14

Cautions and Maintenance, 61-62 Charging the Battery Pack, I I, 54 Cinema, 47

Cleaning the Camera, 62 Color Key, 46

Compact Power Adapter. 10-11 Compensation for Backlight, 42 Condensation, 63

Connection to TV or VCR, 21, 50 Custom Keys, 26

Dale and Time Display. 31-32 Dernonsrrat ion, 16

Digital Effects, 45-48

Digital Zoom, 17

Editing 10 a VCR, 50-5 I Emboss, 46

Exposure Programs. 38-39

Fade. 36

Fast forward/Fast Forward Playback.


Feedback. 21 FlexiZone AB. 43 FlexiZone AF, 40 Focusing, 40-41

Grip Belt, 52

Head Cleaning, 62 High-Speed Search, 20


Image Stabilizer. 28

lruroduci ng the Camcorder, 7


Lithium Battery, 54-56 Loading Cassettes. 13

Maintenance, 62

Making Beller Videos, 22-23 Manual Focus, 41 Microphone, 22

Mirror. 46

Mosaic, 46

Negative-Positive Conversion, 45 Nomenclature, 8-9

Optional Accessories. 58-60

Pastel. 46

Pause, Record, 15 Photo Mode (ES55), 44 Playback. 19

Playback Connection. 21 Portrait, 39

Power Sources, 10

Preparing the Camera, 52-53

Recharging the Buttery Pack, 54 Record Pause Mode, IS

Record Review, 37

Record Search, 37

Recording, 15-16

Recording Programs, 38-39 Remote Sensor. 29 Rewind/Rewind Playbnck, 19


- I: (U 0 1:.- 0 ....

• - (U

.~ E

"C .. "C 0 «-



Sand & Snow, 39 Sensor. Remote, 29 Sepia, 45

Shoulder Strap, 53 16.:9,47

Slow Shutter. 47 Specifications, 70 Sports, 39 Spotlight, 39 Storage. 62 Strobc.vl?

T<tlly Lamp, 29-30 Tape Counter, 20, 69 Tape Return, 20 Telephoto, 17 Temperature, 54, 61 Time Display, 31-32 Ti.tles, 33-35

Tripod, 22 Troubleshooting, 65-67

Video Cassettes, 13-14 Video Light, 49

Video System, 57 Viewfinder, 52, 62 Viewfinder Displays, 68-69

Wide Angle, 17 Wireless Controller, 29

Zooming, 17-18

Consignes relatives a I'utilisation







l'enregistrement non autortse d'informations protegees par des droits d'auteur peut enfreindre les droits sur la proprh~te artlstique et aller 1:1 I'encontre des dispositions de laloi sur les droits d'auteur,



1. Lire les explications - Toutes les informations relatives a la securite et au lonctionnement doivent etre lues avant la mise en service de I'appareil.

2. Conserverles explications - On conservera ces informations relatives a la securite et au fonctionnement pour toute reference ulterleure.

3. Se conformer aux avertissements - Taus les avertissements enonces sur I'appareil et dans Ie mode d'emploi doivent etre respectes,

4. Suivre les explications - Toutesles informations relatives au fonclionnement et a I'entretien doivent etre respsctees.

5. Nettoyage - Dabrancher cet appareil de la prise secteur avant dele nettoyer. Ne pas se servir de liquide ou de detergent en atomiseur. t:appareil ne doit etre nettoye que de la maniare recommandse dans ce manuel.

6. Accessoires - Ne pas utiliser d'accessoires non recornrnandes dans ce manuel'; ils pourraienl conslituer un danger.

7. Evitez les champs maqnetlques ou electriques - Ne pas utiliser Ie carnescops pres d'une tour de television, d'appareils de communications portables au de tout appareil ernettant des radiations electriques ou rnaqnetiques qui pourraient causer des bruits d'image au endommager en permanence Ie camsscope.

8. Eau et hurnldlte - Ne pas utiliser cet appareil pres d'eau - par exemple, pres d'une baignoire, d'un evier, d'une piscine, dans une buanderie ou un soussol humide, etc.

9. Installation et deplacernent - Ne pas poser cet appareu sur un chariot, une etaqere, un trepled, une table ou un support instable car, outre qu'il serait ssrteusernent endornrnaqe, il pourrait blesser des personnes en tombant. Si l'apparell est monte sur un chariot, ne pas manoeuvrer Ie chariot brusquement: eviter les arrsts au les

departs brusques et se ®

metier des irregularites • ~,

du sol qui pourraient

provoquer un

renversemenl de

I'appareil monte sur Ie


10. Sources d'enerqie - Cet appareil doil eire aliments uniquement sur Ie courant slectrlque lncique sur l'efiquette signaletique. Si I'on eprouve des doutes quant a la source d'alimenlation de sa region, consulter un electriclen au la societe d'electriclte locale. Pour les appareils alimentes sur batterie ou d'autres sources, consulter Ie mode d'emplol,

11'. Mise ala terre ou polarisation - Cet appareil video peut etre equipe d'une fiche polarlsse a 2 broches (doni l'une est plus large que l'autre). La fiche polansee a 2 broches ne peut etre introduite que d'une lacon dans la prise de courant. Ceci est une mesure de secunts. Si I'on ne parvient pas a lnserer la fiche dans la prise, essayer en inversant la fiche. Si I'on ne peul toujours pas inserer la fiche dans la prise, s'adrssser a un electrlcien pour laire changer cette dernlere. Ne pas tenter d'annihiler la seeurite que la fiche polarisee a pour but de fournir.

12. Protection du cordon d'alimentation - On fera passer les cordons d'alimentation a un endroit au lls ne seront pas ecrases ou colnces par des objets. Faire partlcullerernent attention aux fiches, aux prises de courant et a I'endroit ou les cordons sortent de I'appareil.




c. c: n ....




13. Mise a la terre d'une antenne exterieure - Si une antenne exterleure est connectee a cet appareil, variflez que I'antenne est mise a la terre pour protsper l'apparell contre les fluctuations soudaines de tension et les charges statiques accumuh§es. La section 810 du Code National Electrique, ANSIlNFPA No.7Q...-1984, fournit des informations concernant la mise a la terre correcte du mat et de la structure de support, la mise a la terre duo cable de conduction vers I.'unite de decharqe de rantenne, la taille des conducteurs de mise a la terre, ~ I'emplacement de I'unite de decharqe d'antenne, las connexions aux

electrodes de mise a la terre, et les exigences concernant les electrodes de mise a la terre. Voyez ligure 1.


c o 0:; U :::J "C o


- c

14. Orages - Par soucl de securite par temps d'orage ou quand cet appareil est lalsse sans surveillance ou n'est pas utilise pendantlongtemps, Ie debranchsr de la prise de courant et deconnecter I'antenne au Ie systerne de cablodistribution. De cette tacon, I'appareil ne subira pas de degats provenant des eclairs ou des impulsions de courant electrique,

15. Lignes slectriquea - On n'installera pas d'antenne exterleure a proxirnite d'une ligne electrlque aerienne, d'une ligne au d'un circuit d'eclairage au un contact pourrait se produire. Au cours des travaux d'installation de I'antenne, proceder avec une extreme prudence car un contact avec ces lignes ou circuits electrlques pourrait etre fatal,

16. Surcharge - Ne pas su rcharger les prises de courant et les rallonges; ceci pourrait entrainer un risque d'incendie ou d'electrncution.


17. Soli des ou liquides - Ne jamais introduire d'objets par les orifices de cet appareil video; ils pourraient toucher des pieces sous tension et provoquer des courts-circuits qui pourraient entrainer un incendie ou une electrocution. Faire attention a ne pas renverser de liquide, quel qu'il soit, sur I'appareil.

18. Reparation - Ne pas essayer de rsparer cet appareil soi-msme: I'ouverture ou la depose des couvercles risquent de vous exposer a des tensions dangereuses ou a d'autres dangers. Confiertoute reparation a une personne quallfiee.

19. Degats necessitant des reparations - Dans les cas sulvants, dsbrancher cel appareil de la prise de courant et s'adresser a un reparateur quallfie:

a. Degat au cordon ou a la fiche d'alimentation.

b. Penetration de liquide ou d'autres objets a l'interieur du coffret.

c. Exposition de rappareil a de la pluie ou a de I'eau.

d. Fonclionnement anormal en depit d'une oonforrnite aux explications du mode d'emploi. Ne regler que les commandes dont il est lait mention dans Ie mode d'emploi. Un reglage incorrect des autres commandes peul provoquer des degats et entrainer des travaux coiileux par un technicien speclallste alin de remettre I'appareil en etat de lonctionnement normal.

e. Chule de I'appareil ou degats subis pa r Ie coffret.

f. Changement notoire des performances, indi.quant qu'une reparation est necessalre,

20. Pieces de rechange - Lorsque des pieces doivent etre chanqees, s'assurer que Ie technicien a utilise les pieces specifiees par Ie labricant ou dont les caracterisncues sont identiques. Des substitutions non autorlsees de pieces peuvent entrainer un incendie, une electrocution ou d'autres dangers.

21. Contrcle de seeurite - Apres toute intervention sur cet appareil, demander au technicien de proceder a un controle pour s'assurer que rappareil est utillsable en toute securite,

Table des rnatieres

( Introdllction

Consignes relatives a l'urilisation 2


Merci d'avoir choisi Canon 6

Presentation du camescope , 7

( Operations fondamentales

Nomenclature 8

Pour alimenter votre camescope .1 0

Cassettes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Enregistrement de base 15

Zoom 17

Lecture d'une cassette 19

Connexion pour la lecture sur un ecran TV 21

Conseils pour la realisation de meilleurs films video 22

( Operations elaborees

Utilisation des menus , 24

Configuration des touches personnalisees 26

Stabilisateur d' image (ESS5) 28

Utilisation de la telecommande sans fil/ternoin de tournage 29

Reglage de la date et de I'heure .31

Titrage 33

Fondu 36

Recherche et revision de sequence pendant l'enregistrement 37

Utilisation des differents programmes d'enregistrement 38

Mise au point .40

Reglage manuel de I'exposition , .42

Prise d'images fixes (Mode Photo) (ESSS) ,.44

Utilisation des effets numeriques . . . . . . .. . , .45

Utilisation de la tore he video inregree .49

Montage vers un magnetoscope 50

Preparation du carnescope 52

Remarques sur I'utilisation des batteries 54

( Informations supplementaires





a. r::: n



Systeme video .57

Accessoires en option , 58

Precautions d'emploi et entretien du camescope 61

Avant d'appeler Ie S.A.V , , .. 65

Affichages dans le viseur , 68

Fiche technique , , 70

Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 71


Merci d'avoir choisi Canon

Nous VOLIS remercions d'avoir choisi ce camescope Canon. Sa technologie avancee en fait un appareil de rnaniement Ires simple. Vous realiserez bient6t des films video de qualite que vous aurez plaisir 11 revoir pendant de nornbreuses annees,


vous devez charger la barterie

d' alimentation avant de pouvoir lutiliser pour alirnenter le camescope,


Verifiez si l'emballage renfenne les accessoires suivants:

Batterie d'alimentation Adaptateur secleur BP-915 compact CA-550K



WL-69 .,0<:;


Pile au lithium (CR2025)

Deux. piles R6 AA

Pour profiter de routes les possibil ires de votre nouveau camescope, nous vous conseillons de lire ce mode d'ernploi attentivement; vow; y decouvrirez de-rrombreuses fonctions sophistiquees qui ajouteront encore a votre plaisir.

Pour pouvoir commencer Ie tournage, lisez les paragraphes suivants:

"Pour alirnenter votre carnescope" "Cassettes"

"Enregistrement de base" "Preparation du carnescope"

VOLIS pourrez ensuite passer aux fonctions plus perfectionnees.

En plus de I'index alphabetique, vous decouvrirez les differentes parties et fonctions du camescope dans les

sections "Nomenclature" et "Affichages

dans Ie viseur", Si vous avez des

problemes avec votre carnescope, VOllS

pouvez egalement consulter la section

"Avant d'appeler Ie S.AV".

Et pendant que vous decouvrez le mauiement de votre carnescope, n'oubliez pas les points suivants:

Bandouliere SS-SOO

Cable AV C-250

Si vous laissez Ie camescope en mode de pause d'enregistrement pendant plus de cinq minutes, celui-ci se met hors tension automatiquernent afin

d' empecher que les teres video ne scient endommagees.

Presentation du camescope

Torche video

La torche video intcgrce permct d'eclairer en appuyunt sirnplement sur une touche. L'enregistrcment cn conditions de faible eclairuge ou sans eel ai rage du tout n' a

jarnais etc pi us luci Ie.

Du grand angle au teleobjecti r 22x - i I offrc line qllnlite optique incnmparnble.

Lc zoom numerique rnultiplic ce arossissement 22 fois, pOl7r procurer des resulnus encore plus saisissunts.

Correcteur de base de temps

11 apporre line compensation numerique a l'Insrabilite de l'irnage reproduite, procurant des images stables.

( Commande FlexiZone

Plus facile que le

fonct ion nemeru ruunuel mais plus versatile que les fonctions auromatiques, 13 Cornmande FlexiZone de

( Alimentation a ion de lithium)

Une hatterie cornpacte mais puissante don: la recharge est possible a tout moment.

( Touches personnallsees

Canon est unc facon entiererncnt innovatrice d 'uti I iser un carnescope.

Grflce aux touches persounal isces, i I. vous est possible de choisir les foncticns qu' il vous fuut du bout des doigts. II sulfit d'affccter les lonctions que

vous uulisez Ie plus souvent it ces touches si ruees sur Ie chassi S du carnescope.

Stabilisateur d'image (ES55)

• Les images sont srabilisees rneme lor. s des prises de vue effcctuees avec Ie

teleobjecti 1'.






o a. ~


o :::l

[ Titrage

[ Mode Photo (ES55)

VOliS n'avez pas bcsoin

d' apparel Is supplernentaires pour ajouter des titres sur vos Films video; vorre carnescope s'en charge.

• VOLIS pouvez enregistrer des ~ images fixes, telles qu'unc phOIO, pendant 7 sccondes environ.


Telecommande infrarouge

Effets numeriques

La telecommande sans til fournie avec VOLre camescope vous permet de pi loter i1USSI bien l'enregistrernent que In lecture jusqu' a une distance de 5 metres.

• Une technologic nurnerique davant-garde VOllS permet d'ujouter des etters speciaux au COllI'S de I' enregi strcment

et de la lecture. (

. Viseur en couleur

[ Programmes resultats 1 ~---------~

. M II est inutile d'urtendre la

. lecture pOllr voi r vos images en couleur, Avec le viseur LCD it haute resolution, VOllS


Six programmes d' enregistrement permenent de faire face 11 routes les situations, depuis Ie simple tournage "pointer et filmcr", jusqu' 'lUX concli tions denregistremcnt lcs plus exigentes.

pouvez voir exucternent ce que VOliS obtiendrez sur la ban de.




Touche ~ EJECT (ejection) (p .. 13) --------, Touche C. (COUNTER) RESET (p. 20) -----,

Touche ..... (avance rapide) (p. 19)

Touche REC SEARCH .. (p. 37) -------I

Touche +II(reboblnage) (p.19)

Touche REC SEARCH - et ------I @(controle d'enreglslremenl) (p. 37)

Touche .... (p .. 19) ----------, ToucheD.ZOOM (p .. 17) --------I

Touche. (p. 19) .-. ------. Touche BlC (p. 42) -------1



Touche II (p .. 19) -- -----,. Touche FADE (p, 36) ------:~H;:;::

III III t:: Q) 0-

•. - ""



'Q) E

Q."" 0-0

e o


Commande de zoom (p,17)

1--------- Touche FOCUS (p. 40) '--------- Touche SET (p .. 25)

'--------- CUSTOM KEY 1 (p, 26)

logement de cassette (p.13)

Sangle de la --__;;~;:--poignee (p, 52)


Viseur (p. 52, 62)

Filetage pour trepied (p. 22)

Logemenl de pile de sauvegarde (p. 56)

Commutateur de focalisation du vlseur (p.52)

~-- Touche PHOTO (ES55) (p.44)

Commande de mise au point selective FlexiZone (p. 40-43)



'----Touche ..... (avance rapide) (p.19)

'----- Touche .(p. 19)

Bouton START/STOP de declencheur (p. 15) Touche ON SCREEN (p.68)

Touche n(p.19)

Touche +II (rebobinage) (p.19)


Pour alimenter votre camescope

Avant d'utiliser vorre carnescope, vous devez VOUS servir de I'adaptateur secteur pour:

Alimenter Ie camescope a partir d'une prise d'alimentation secteur ou

Charger la batterie


• L' udaptateur de tension convenit Ie courant de la prise d'nlimenrution secreur (100-240 V AC secieur, 50/60 Hz) au courant CC utilise par l'appareil.

• Si l'adaptateur est utilise it proximite d'un televisellr, des lignes de parasites peuvent apparaitre sur l'ecran - dans ce cas, eloignez l'adaprareur du televiseur Oll du cable de lanrenne.

Branchement du camescope a une prise secteur


Ul Ul !: Q) 0-

.- ~

- -

(II !:

... Q)

'Q) E Q.ra 0"'0



rilisez l'uduptateur secteur pour alirnemer immediaternenr le camescope sur une prise secteur,

1. Connectez Ie cable CA sur I'adaptateur secteur,

2. Ouvrez Ie cache de borne par Ie haut et branchez I'adaptateur secteur sur la borne DC IN du camescope.

3. Connectez I'adaptateur secteur sur une prise du secteur.

4. Deconnectez I'adaptateur secteur apres utilisation .

• Mettez toujours Ie camescope hors tension avant de Ie brancher ou debrancher de la source d'ulirnentation.

• Cornme adaptateur secteur, utilisez uniquement Ie Canon CA-550K (ou CA-550) it l'exclusion de tout autre.

Adaptateur secteur compact CA-SSOK Fiche technique




j 00-240 V CA, 50/60 Hz



Sortie norninale

8,4 V, 1.5 A CC

Temperature openHionnelle


105 X 30 x 56 rnrn


275 g


Poids et dimensions approximatifs. Erreurs et omissions exceptecs, Specifications. ujeues it modifications sans preavis,

Charge et fixation de la batterie d'alimentation

Cette batterie d'alimeruation a ete partiellernent chargee avant de quitter nos usines et elle devrait vous perrnettre de verifier si le carnescope fonctionne correcrernent. Cependant, VOliS devrez la recharger cornpletement si VOliS voulez qu'elle alirnente le camescope pendant plus de quelques minutes.

1. Reglez l'Interrupteur- POWER sur OFF avant de charger Ia batterie d' alimentation.

2. Ouvrez Ie cache de borne par Ie haut et branchez I'adaptateur secteur sur la borne DC IN du camescope,

3. Fixez la batterie d'alimentation sur le carnescope.

• Faires correspondre le triangle sur la batterie d'alimentation et la ligne sur le carnescope. Glissez la batterie dans le sens de la fleche jusqu'u son enclenchernent.

4. Branchez I'adaptateur sur une prise secteur.

• Le voyant de charge clignote pour signaler que I'operation est en cours. Un simple clignotement signifie que la charge de In batrerie d' alimentation est inferieure a 50%, un double clignotemeut qu'elle est entre 50% et 75%, un triple clignoternent qu'elle est superieure a 75%. Le voyant est allume de facon continue lorsque la batterie dalirnentation est completement chargee.

5. Lorsque la charge est terrninee, debranchez 1'adaptateur secteur.

6. Retirez la batterie apres utilisation.

• Appuyez et maintenez sur la touche BATTERY RELEASE pendant que VOllS degagez la bauerie du carnescope.

• Mettez Je camescope hors tension avant de retirer la source d' alimentation.


• VOliS troll verez des ex pi icari on s detai llees sur I' emp loi des batteries SOliS "Remarques sur I' uulisarion des batteries" ~l la page 54. Parmi ces expl ications figurent Jes durees de recharge et d'cnregistremenr et In luccn dinstaller In pile de sauvegarde,


! Temps·de recharge et d'enregistrement

Temps de recharge

BP·915 (fourni)

4 heures

BP·930 (en option)

7 hcures

B P·94 [ (en option)

[0 heures

BP·945 (en option)

Temps d'enregistrement en continu (torche video eteinte) :;:

ES50 ES55

llP·915 (foumi)

2 heures 25 min.

2 hcures 15 min.

BP·930 (en option)

4 heures 15 mi.n.

3 heures 50 min.

BP·94.1 (ell option)

5 heures 40 min,

5 heures JO min.

BP·945 (en option)

6 heures 25 min.

5 heures 50 mill.

'" La duree d'enregistrernent conrinu sera reduite d'environ 50% si la torche video est utilisee continuellement.

• Ces durees varient, Par precaution, preparez toujours deux au trois fois plus de batteries que Ie temps de prise de vues prevu,



Ul Ul C W 0- ;5 (II C

,_ C1I

'Il> E Q.(II 0"1:1




Cassettes , '

Utilisez les cassettes video portant un m.


( Mise en place et retrait d'une cassette

VOllS pouvez charger et decharger des cassettes pendant que Ie carncscope est hors tension, tant qu'une source dalimenration est raccordee,

I. Appuyez sur la touche ~ EJECT (ejection) et attendez que Ie logement de cassette s'uuvre,

2. Inserez ou retirez la cassette .

• Inserez doucement la cassette avec la fenetre vers l'exterieur,

• Retirez la cassette en la tirant lout droit hors dl! logement.

3. Appuyez sur la marque [pusHI inscrite sur Ie logement jusqu'a ce qu'un declic se produise et attendez que Ie logement se ferme.

• Ne jamais pousser le haul du logement vers le bas.

Protection d'un enregistrement

I . --,_------? "'·1------

DI/ "~

J~I 111

=.J!JiI1 -

Pour proteger vos enregistrements centre un effacement accidentel, faites glisser le curseur rouge de la cassette de fm,:on tl recouvrir lorifice. (Cette position dll curseur est habituellement appelee SAVE Oll ERASE OFF). Quand line telle cassette est chargee, le picrograrnme ~ clignote dans lc viseur si le selecteur de programme est positionne sur le mode camera.

Si VOllS voulez enregistrer a nouveau sur la cassette poussez le curseur rouge de sorte a exposer l'orifice. (Cene position du curseur cst generalernent appelcc REC ou ERASE ON.)



e pas gener Ie mouvernent de fermerure Oll d'ouverture automatique du logernent.

• Apres avoir charge line cassette, utilisez la fonction de recherche d'enregistrement (p. 37) pOllr trouver le point ou vous voulez commencer l'enreglstremenr.

e pas laisser la cassette dans Ie camescope apres utilisation: rernertez-la dans son etui et rangez-Ia dans un endroit propre er sec .

• Les orifices au dos de la cassette servent a transmettre des iuformarions: ils ne

[EJ doivent pas eire reconverts.

(I) (I) r:: 01 0- ._ m

+' +' m r:: ,_ 01

'01 E a.m





Enregistrement de base

( Avant de commencer I'enregistrement

Effectuez les operations suivantes:

• Fixez line source d'alimeutation (p_ 10).

• Chargez Line cassette (p. 13).

• Reglez Ie viseur et ajustez la sangle de poignee (p. 52).

• Deposez Ie capuchon de I'objectif (p. 52).

VOllS devez egalement installer la pile de sauvegarde (p. 56) afin de regler I' affichage de In elate et de l' heure (p. 3 I).

( Pour enregistrer

1. Tournez Ie selecteur de programme sur la position 0.

• Le programme d'cnregistrement autornatique est selectionne, Jl VOLIS permet de viser et de f lmer sans effectuer Ie rnoindre reglage.

2. Ouvrez Ie couverc1e de STANDBY.

• PAUSE apparait dans Ie viseur - Ie camescope est maintenant dans le "mode de pause d'cnregisrrement".

3. Appuyez sur le declencheur pour commencer I'enregistrement.

• Le ternoin de tournage clignote rapidemenr et REC apparait dans le viseur,

4. Appuyez it nouveau sur Ie declencheur pour mettre en pause d 'enregistrement,

• Le camescope revieru en mode de pause denregistremcnt et PAUSE reapparair clans Ie viseur,

• VOLIS pouvez arreter et reprendre I' enregistrement autant de fois que vow; le souhaitez en appuyant sur Ie declencheur.

• Le camescope se mel lui-me-me hors tension si vous Ie laissez en pause d'enregistrernent pendant plus de cinq minutes. Pour revenir au mode de pause d'enregistrement, fermez el ouvrez de nouveau Ie couvercle STANDBY, au reglez le selecteur de programme sur OFF puis reglez-le de nouveau sur Ie mode de carnescope.




( Lorsque I'enregistrement est termine

• Retirer la cassette.

• Reglez Ie selecteur de programme sur OFF

• Rerneure Ie capuchon de l'objectif.

• Deconnecrez In source d'alimentarion.


• Pour verifier que la camera fonctionne correctement, til rnez d' abord un essai.

• Avant de faire des films importants, neuoyez les h~les video avec une cassette de netroyage de tetes video CC-8 de Canon ou line cassette de nertoyage de teteS du type usee, disponible dans le commerce.


Pour benef c ier d' u ne demon sr rat ion des fonct ion s pri nc i pales du camescope, passez 11 loption DEMONSTRATION stir le menu Camera avant d'installer line cassette, Selectionnez le reglage ON et referrnezle menu. La demonstration com rnence auss i automat iquement si I' apparei I a ete sous tension pendant

]0 minutes sans qu'une cassette SOil instullee dans le logement, (Vous pOlllTeZ eviter ceci en reglant l'option DEMONSTRATION a OFF sur le menu Camera.) Pour annuler la demonstration line fois qu'elle a commence, appuyez sur la touche Men u, coupez I' at i mentation ou i nstallez nne cassette dans le logernent.


(voir p. 24) '--- __j






Le zoom 22x de votre carnescope vous perrnet de choisir le rnei lleur cadrage pour chaque su jet:

• Poussez la commande de zoom vers W· pour faire un zoom arriere vers la

position grand angle.

• Poussez Ia vers T pour faire un zoom avant vers la position teleobjectif.

VOLIS pouvez egalement controler la vitesse du zooming:

• Poussez legeremenr la commande pour faire varier lentement la focale.

• Poussez-la plus loin pour fuire varier la focale pi us rapidernent. (Plus VOllS

poussez la cornrnande de zoom, plus la vitesse du zooming augmente.)

Les touches T et W de la telecornmande perrnettent d'ajuster I'angle d'irnage, rna is pas In vitesse du zoom:

• Appuyez sur la touche W pour faire un zoom arriere vers la position grand angle.

• Appuyez sur In louche T pour faire un zoom <lYnn! vers la position teleobjectif.

( Activation/Desactivation du zoom numerlque 500x

Activez/desactivez le zoom numerique en appuyant sur la touche O.zOOM pour multiplier plus de 22 rois la plage active ell! zoom du carnescope,

• De plus, sur le ES55, vous pouvez affecter la touche CUSTOM KEY 1 a

l'activation/desactivation du zoom numerique (voir p, 26).

La comrnande de zoom continue a fonctionner normalernent, 11 est possible de zoomer librement vers l'avant et vers l'arriere entre Ix et 500x de grossissemrnent car Ie carnescope passe automotiquement du zoom oprique (jusqu' a 22x) au zoom numerique (22x a SOOx) et vice-versa.


• Si VOllS passez au mode de zoom numerique 11 partir du mode PlexrZone, le cadre Flexi Zone est verrouille au centre du viseur,


Zoom amere

Zoom optique Z<iohwumeique


• L' affichage du viseur reste allume pendant les 4 secondes environ qui suivent un reglage de I'angle d'irnage.

• L'abus du zoom peut surcharger vas prises de vues. II vaut mieux l'utiliser moderement ou pour modifier un eadrage entre deux plans.

• Si vous voulez vous rapprocher Ie plus possible du sujet, laissez Ie zoom sur la position grand angle. Vous pouvez approcher jusqu'a 1 em du sujet,

• Quand Ie zoom numerique est active, "500x" apparait dans le viseur.

• La resolution de T'image est inferieure quand Ie grossissernent est superieur a 22x.


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Lecture d'une cassette

Vous pouvez utiliser l'ecran du viseur pour visualiser une scene imrnediaternent apres la prise de vues,

Pour visualiser vas enregistrements sur un releviseur, voir p. 21. Pour utiliser la telecornrnande sans fil, voir p. 29.

1. Fixez la source d'alimentation et tournez le selecteur de programme sur PLAY.

2. Mettez une cassette en place.

3. Appuyez sur la touche" pour commencer la lecture.

• Pour arreter la lecture, appuyez sur la touche •.

• Pour une avance rapide de In bande, arretez la lecture, puis appuyez sur la touche ...... (avance rapide),

• Pour rebobiner la bande, arretez la lecture, puis appuyez sur In touche ........ (rebobinage).

• Si I'image de lecture n' est pas nette, neuoyez les teres video it I' aide d' LIne cassette de neuoyage de teres video Canon CC-8 au d'une cassette de nettoyage de teres video de type sec en vente clans Ie commerce.



Modes de lecture spectaux

Pause de lecture

Pour pauser la video sur LIne image fixe, appuyez sur la touche II. Pour reprendre In lecture normale, appuyez de nouveau sur la merne touche, au bien appuyez sur In touche ..... Le carnescope s'arrete autornatiquernent all bout de cinq minutes environ de pause de lecture.

Lecture acceleree vers I'avant

Pour luire defiler les images a environ 9 fois la vitesse norrnale, tenez la touche ...... enfoncee pendant la lecture normale,

Lecture acceleree vers I'arriere

Pour Iaire defiler les images en arriere a environ 7 lois la vitesse norrnale, tenez la touche ........ enfoncee pendant la lecture norrnale,


Recherche visueJle acceleree

Pour faire defiler les images a environ 19 fois la vitesse normale, tenez la touche ~ enfoncee pendant I'avance rapide normale. Pour voir les images en arriere a environ 19 fois la vitesse normale, tenez la touche ..... enfoncee pendant Ie rebobinage normal.

Utilisez la touche TAPE RETURN de la telecommande sans fil pour revenir rapidement a une scene que vous voulez revoir:

1. Si vous localisez, pendant la lecture, une scene que vous desirez revoir plus tard, appuyez sur la touche C. (COUNTER) RESET.

• Le compteur de bande revient a 0:00:00.

2. Quand la lecture est terminee, appuyez sur la touche TAPE RETURN .

• La bande se rembobine et s'arrete aux alentours du point 0:00:00 du compteur.

• Vous pouvez annuler Ie retour de bande en appuyant sur la touche •.

3. Commencez la lecture.


• Lorsque la bande arrive a sa fin en mode de lecture normale, elle se rembobine automatiquement.

• Des barres de bruit apparaissent sur l'ecran dans les modes de lecture speciaux et Ie son est coupe. Sur certains televiseurs, I'image risque de sauter et de se diviser, ou bien elle apparait en noir et blanc. De meme, l'image en recherche visuelle acceleree n'est pas toujours bien visible.

en en • Pendant la pause de lecture, I'image sautille et les mouvements rapides peuvent etre

e II) flous,


:;:: S • Le compteur de bande revient a zero quand vous chargez une cassette.

E ~ • Lorsque vous commandez la lecture d'une cassette video qui a ete soumise a 'II) E

a. a:I d'importantes vibrations ou secousses pendant I'enregistrement, une certaine

o -g instabilite des images de lecture peut etre constatee suivant Ie type de televiseur

.E utilise.


Connexion pour la lecture sur un ecran TV

Le camescope peut etre connecte a un televiseur au LlIl magnetoscope pour prcceder a In lecture de vos enregistrernents. Consultez Ie mode d'emploi du televiseur Oll du magnetoscope pour plus d' informations. VOLIS devrez rartacher une source d'alimentation au camescope (voir p. 10).

• Raccordez la camera au moyen du Cable AV C-2S0 pour connecter la borne AN. Connectez la fiche blanche 11 la prise AUDIO blanche. Connectez la fiche jaune a la prise VIDEO jaune.

• Reglez Ie selecteur TV/V1DEO dLi releviseur sur VIDEO.

• Si vous connectez le carnescope sur un magnetoscope, reglez Ie selecreur d'entree du rnagneroscope sur LINE.


• Si vous prevoyez utiliser le televiseur cornrne moniteur pendant I'enregistrernent, mainrenez Ie volume du televiseur baisse tant que les prises audio du camescope sour connectees au televiseur, Si Ie son des haut-parleurs est. capte par Ie microphone, un sifflement aigu desagreable, appele effet Larsen, risque de se produire.




Conseils pour la realisation de meilleurs films video

Pour une stabilite optimale, passez la main droite dans la sangle de la poignee et appuyez le coude droit Ie long du corps. Posez legerement la main gauche sur le cote du camescope. Avec un _ peu de pratique, vous pourrez manipuler les commandes au toucher, sans decoller l'oeil du viseur,

Pour eviter les mouvements involontaires, vous pouvez placer Ie camescope sur un trepied et le piloter avec la telecornmande sans fil.


Pour des prises de son plus originales, vous pouvez aussi raccorder un microphone externe sur la borne MIC.

Nous conseillons l'emploi d'un microphone a alimentation incorporee (microphone electrostatique),

II est possible de brancher pratiquement n'irnporte que I microphone monaural, dote d'une fiche de 3,5 mm de diametre,

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II n'est pas indispensable que l'elernent Ie plus important de la scene se trouve au centre. Pour obtenir une image plus interessante, essayez de positionner Ie sujet legerement sur Ie cote. Laissez un peu d'espace avant Ie cadre vers lequel le sujet se deplace ou qu'il regarde.

Essayez de ne pas couper la tete du sujet et egalement de ne pas couper les personnes au niveau du cou, des hanches ou des genoux (Ievez ou baissez un peu Ie carnescope).

Prenez garde aux sujets distractifs a I' arriere-plan,


Angle de I'image

Au lieu de changer le cadrage pendant I'enregistrement, essayez de choisir Ie cadrage de l'image avant la prise de vues, Pour que Ie film video soit plus agreable a regarder, i I est pre ferab le de commencer par 11l1e prise de vues eloignee, puis de se rapprocher il plan moyen et enfin ele faire des gros-plans pour bien saisir les details. N' oubliez pas de changer de scene pour chaque prise de vues.

Prise de vues eloignees

Plan moyen

Deplacements du camescope

Faires un panorarnique horizontal pour filrner Ull paysage Oll suivre un mobile. Choisissez la plage 11 couvrir et placezvous face au point de fin de panoramique. Sans bouger les pieds, tournez-vous depuis la taille vers la position de depart. Cornmencez Ie tournage, et au bout de quelques secondes, cornrnencez illourner lenrernent a partir de la iaille. Gardez lirnage finale pendant quelques seconcles avant durreter

I' enregi stremen l.

Fuites un panoramique vertical pour exagerer In hauteur du sujet. Filmez par exemple en plongee [I partir ell! haul c1' un bali menr pour presenter les sujets qui se trouvent au pied.



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N'oubliez pas que tout mouvernent elu earn escape ou changernent d'angle de prise de vues doit avail' motif bien defini, Evitez les mouvements hesitants et inutiles.


• Quand VOLIS utilisez un trepied, Iaitex attention que le viseur ne soil pas expose au solei! car il risque de fondre, (La lumiere est focalisee dans loculaire.) Vous pouvez relcver Ie viseur ou le rnettre tl l'horizontale pour qu'il ne soit pas en plein soleil.

• Vcrifiez que la vis de fixation du trepied ne fasse pas plus de 6 111m de long, car elle pou IT,I i l endo millage I' le camescope.


Utilisation des menus

Les menus vous perrnettent de programmer des reglages pour un grand choix de fonctions.Tl existe deux menus differents, I'un pour l'enregistrernent (menu de camescocpe) et l'autre POUf la lecture (menu lecture),

Menu de carnescope

Avec le camescope dans Ie mode de pause d'enregistrement, enfoncez la touche MENU.


CD Information touches personnalisees p. 27

@Temoin tournage p. 30

@Capteur de telecommande p. 29

®Stabilisateur d'image (ES55) p. 28

@Selection de date p. 32

® Affichage de dale p. 31

(fJ Titrage p. 33

@Mode Photo (ES55) p. 44

®Demonstration p. 16

Ecran 2

CD Reglage date p. 32

@ Reglage titre p. 34

@Seiection titre p, 35

@ Reglage touches personnalisees p, 26

® ® ® tID

.,.-----I--@ -~-+-®




Menu lecture

Avec Ie selecteur de programme d'enregistrement tourne sur PLAY, appuyez sur la touche MENU.

CDInformations touches personnalisees p. 27

@Capteur telecornmande p. 29


CD ~ - ruST"'" KEY I NFO, 00

SENOCfI· , ...... "0N.~ @

Se reporter it la page correspondante pour une explication approfondie de chaque fonction,


1. Enfoncez la touche MENU pour ouvrir Ie menu de I'ecran 1.

2. Utilisez la bague SELECT pour deplacer Ie curseur vers Ie bas de l'ecran .

• En mode Camera, lorsque Ie curseur arrive en bas de l'ecran I, l'ecran 2 e1u menu appurait er, lorsque Ie curseur arrive en haut de l'ecran 2, I'ecran I apparait.

3. Enfoncez la touche SET pour activer ou desactiver les fonctions, ou pour changer leurs reglages,

4. Enfoncez de nouveau la touche MENU pour passer a I'ecran 2 du menu (menu du camescope seulement) .

• Effectuez les reglages de In meme facon que pour l'ecran 1.

S. Enfoncez la touche MENU pour refermer le menu.


Configuration des touches personnalisees

Les touches personnalisees vous permettent de choisir Ies fonctions que vous desirez du bout des doigts,

Les deux touches situees sur Ie cote gauche du carnescope peuvent facilement etre prograrnmees pour operer un certain nombre de fonctions. Lors de la livraison du camescope, elles sont programmees de la fonction suivante:

ES50 ES55



Selectionnez un ensemble de fonctions que VQUS desirez utliser le plus souvent. II est facile de modifier les affectations des touches persormalisees des que necessaire,

(II (II C.11I 0'111

.- ....

- 0

E.c '111(11 c.:a; o


(voir p. 24) L... _'

1. 'Iournez Ie selecteur de programme d'enregistrement sur Ie mode de camescope (CAMERA) (ill, -O',~, Itl, A, ou ril).

2. OuvrezI'ecran 2 du menu ducamescope et selectionnez CUSTOM KEY SET.

3. Tournez la bague SELECT pour deplacer Ie curseurvers le bas et recherchez ainsila combinaison des fonctions de votre choix.






4. Enfoncez 18 touche SET (ou MENU) pour affecter les fonctlons aux CUSTOM KEYS (touches personnalisees) .

• Ces fonctions sont affichees dans Ie viseur pendant environ 3 secondes avant de retourner au menu du carnescope.

5. Enfoncez la touche MENU pour refermer Ie menu.


[ Comment afficher dans Ie viseur la fonction attectee a une touche J Voici comment afficher dans Ie viseur I'ensemhle des fonctions affectees nux CUSTOM KEYS (touches personnalisees),

1. Tournez Ie selecteur de programme sur Ie mode de camescope (CAl, '0, ~, ~l, G, ou rll).

2. Ouvrez Ie menu du camescope et selectionnez CUSTOM KEY INFO (Information touches personnalisees),

3. Actlvez ou desactivez I'information.

4. Refermez le menu.


Si vous prenez plus de cinq minutes a selectionner line information de touche personnalisee, il est possible que Ie carnescope se metre hors tension autornariquement avant que VOLIS n'ayez termine, Ceci peut eire prevenu par Ie retrait prcalable de la cassette avant de commencer.

Les effets numeriques ne peuvent etre actives qu'a partir des touches personnalisees (CUSTOM KEYS) affectees a I'option effets numeriques.

Le carnescope memorise I'affectation des touches personnalisees jusqu'a ce que vous les changiez,

Merne si CUSTOM KEY INFO (information touches personnalisees) est desactivee, les affectations sont affichees dans le viseur pendant environ 4 secondes a chaque fois que vous ferrnez Ie menu Oll que VOllS mettez Ie carnescope SOLIS tension.


Stabilisateur d'image (ES55)

Sur la plupart des camescopes, Ie moindre tremblement de la main est visible sur les enregistrements au teleobjectif. Toutefois, Ie stabilisateur d'image vous permet d'obtenir des enregistrements stabilises rneme avec des taux eleves de grossissement. Avant de filmer, activez ou desactivez Ie stabilisateur d'image a partir de l'option'IMAGE STABIL sur Ie menu du camescope.

• II est aussi possible d'affecter la louche personnalisee 2 (CUSTOM KEY 2) sur l'ES55 pour activer/desactiver Ie stabilisateur d'image (voir p. 26),


(voir p. 24) L-. ~


• Le symboIe «(.)) apparait dans Ie viseur quand Ie stabilisateur d'image est active.

• En raison de la nature rnerne du stabilisateur d'image, Ia qualite de l'image sera arnoindrie lorsque Ie stabilisateur d'image est active, et I'image apparaitra legerement agrandie dans Ie viseur,

• Le stabilisateur d'image a ete concu pour des degres norrnaux de tremblement - il ne peut pas compenser des mouvements exageres du camescope.

• Maintenez Ie stabilisateur d'image desactive lorsque Ie camescope est monte sur un trepied,

• Le stabilisateur d'irnage n'est pas effectif quand un convertisseur grand-angle ou un convertisseur tele est monte sur Ie camescope.

• Le stabilisateur d'image ne peut pas etre utilise en me me temps que les effets numeriques Format 16:9, Miroir-rnoitie, Miroir, Strobo ou Obturateur lent.

• Lorsque vous activez un de ces effets numeriques, Ie stabilisateur d'image se met automatiquement hors service et Ie symbole ((.1) clignote pendant

4 secondes dans Ie viseur, puis il disparait.

• Si un effet nurnerique est active d'abord, Ie stabilisateur d'image devient inoperant:

• Lorsque vous ouvrez Ie menu, IMAGE STABTL indique "- - -".

• Lorsque la touche personnalisee 2 (CUSTOM KEY 2) est regJee au stabilisateur d' image et que vous I' actionnez, Ie symbole (*» c1ignote pendant 4 secondes dans Ie viseur, puis il disparait,


._ ~



'CD til 0..O'CD


Utilisation de la tehkommande sans fil/temoin de tournage

La telecommande sans til petit pilorer Ie camescope jusqu'a une distance de 5 metres. Pointez-la vers Ie capteur de telecommande sur le camescope pendant que vous actionnez les touches.

Le ternoin de tournage VOllS indique que Ie carnescope est accessible a la telecommande et repond aux signaux de commande.

Deux fonctions du camescope ne peuvent etre actionnees qu'avec In telecornmande:

• Retour de bande (p. 20)

• Affichages du viseur sur l'ecran (p. 68)


( . Mise en place des piles

lnserez deux piles AA en respectant les reperes de polarite @ et 8. Attention a ne pas inverser In polarite des piles.

• ( Arret du capteur de telecommande

III ..... MENU I ~SENSOR''''''''''OfF

(voir p. 24) L __j

Le capteur de telecommande peut etre desactive pour eviler des interferences, produ i tes par d' autres telecommandes Canon, utilisees a proximite,

!!:·o 1lI""C 0"" ro. 0 .....

(it ~.

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1. Ouvrez Ie menu du camescope ou le menu lecture et deplacez Ie curseur sur SENSOR (capteur de h~h~c()mmande).

2. Selectionnez Je reglage OFF et refermez Ie menu. o S t!W apparait dans Ie viseur,


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