Methods and Means For Analysis of Crew Communication in The Maritime Domain
Methods and Means For Analysis of Crew Communication in The Maritime Domain
Methods and Means For Analysis of Crew Communication in The Maritime Domain
The Human Element, among a group of maritime human factors terms, is used widely within
the commercial maritime environment to incorporate many issues being addressed by maritime
research institutions and industry bodies. In accident investigation losses are attributed
frequently to Human Error, which itself has a variety of identifiable categories e.g. Human
Communicative Error. This paper describes an analysis of a number of maritime accident
reports in which a failure of effective crew communication played a central role in the causal
chain. The analysis is based on an aviation industry accident investigation taxonomy, ADREP
2000 Taxonomy [8] and psychological theories of professional communication [13]. The paper
discloses, accentuates and exemplifies the structure of problems related to maritime crew
communication and problems related to different cultures and languages. It also explores the
value, contribution and limitations of formalised taxonomies and analysis systems to maritime
training authorities, when they are applied as tools in the analysis of accident reports. It also
looks to highlight the need for further research into the sociolinguistic aspects of shipboard
operation within the shipboard society not just during times of restricted manoeuvrability, but
during everyday working and social communications in pursuit of recommendations to aid the
reduction of occurrences of Human Communicative Error.
1. Introduction
1.1. Human Error, communication and multi-cultural crewing issues
With no formally accepted international definition the term Human Element is often used
interchangeably with Human Factors (or human factors), the former being a research area with
specific interest in cognitive science and ergonomics and the latter encompassing ”anything
The University of Plymouth Business School, The University of Plymouth, Devon, PL4 8AA, England
FORCE Technology, Hjortekærsvej 99, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
VOL. XVII NO 3-4 2005
human‘ [12]. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has been addressing what it terms the
Human Element since 1991 resulting in the adoption of specific strategy and policy at each
jurisdictional level in countries ratifying its conventions. According to the UK Maritime and
Coastguard Agency (MCA) ‘Human Element Strategy’, Human Element can be considered as:
“Ship personnel/human resources; Ship design and automation; Port operations e.g.
cargo loading/unloading; Navigation and traffic management; and Organisational
factors.” [5]
Human and organisational influences on marine safety and maritime system performance
The five key areas listed by the MCA make up the term Human Element from their operational
and legislative point of view, while simultaneously representing five human and technological
system fields [5]. The US Coastguard’s definition of Human Element is, on the other hand,
intended for use as non-regulatory terminology.
Another strong use of the term Human Element as a concept has been established by the
Nautical Institute and Lloyds Register combined ‘Alert! Bulletin’ and their ‘International Maritime
Human Element Forum’ projects. In this context the term Human Element is used to incorporate:
The Human Element is a critical feature of all aspects of ship or system design and
operation… Poor ship design, bad ergonomics, equipment failure, fatigue, stress,
boredom, commercial pressures, cultural differences, differing equipment designs, and
a lack of proper training in the operation of equipments, all affect the way in which a
ship is operated [14]
Two other terms have also been introduced in this section, these are Human Factors and Human
Error. As far as each of these terms is concerned example definitions should also be explored:
Other industry bodies, than those included in the implementation of IMO policy, are
showing increasing interest in managing Human Factors in the commercial maritime
environment. The Royal Institute of Naval Architects (RINA) has been making:
The importance of reducing Human and Organisational Error through the management of
Human Element and Human Factors was the key focus of their conference programme in February
2005 ‘Human Factors in Ship Design Safety and Operation’. Taking the view that Human Error is
a symptom of deeper problems within an organisation or system, RINA is giving weight to the
debate surrounding the labelling of accidents and near misses as simply being down to the failure
of the individual or team of individuals to perform a task desirably. With a focus on ship design
and man-machine interface, factors such as poor design, poor training and poor or inadequate
management systems are being blamed. This has resulted in those concerned classing what has
traditionally been called simply Human Error now as Organisational or even Systematic Error:
The definitions of Human Element explored above are the result of an institution’s perception of
the Human Element based on their own research and that of others. The MCA regard Human
Element as a regulatory factor, needing to be addressed in order to develop effective regulation
with which to manage its influences. RINA, on the other hand, are looking to improve best practice
and to educate naval architects of the influence of Human Factors on ship design in order to reduce
Human and Organisational Error in the commercial maritime industry. Each of the example
definitions given above are characteristic of many of the other uses of the term in that they do not
describe, in the true sense of the word, an element – a basic constituent; incapable of being analysed
into any simpler form, but more a cross disciplinary mixture or compound of elements. It is for this
reason that Human Element and Human Factors are often used interchangeably, as when referring
to a number of attributing issues inescapably working together it has become desirable to pluralize.
In the advent of a dialogue being fostered between maritime industry academics to decide
upon the correct use of these terms - Human Element, Human Factors and Human Error - for the
sake of this paper the definitions explored above have been used in this context. Human Element
shall describe the holistic approach to the subject in using the word ‘element’ to actually refer to a
group of factors relating to ship design or operation, Human Factors will be used to describe the
list of components making up the Human Element, with a single component being referred to as a
Human Factor, and Human Error and Organisational Error will be used in reference to
unacceptable or undesirable performance on the part of individuals or groups respectively that
result in the occurrence of an Incident - an accident, major or serious injury, or hazardous incident
as defined by the UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB).
Accidents and incidents in the maritime domain are often caused by a break down in the
socio-technical system which constitutes and characterizes the work in the domain. The ingredients
in this system are humans (e.g. crew members), groups (e.g. the crew), technology (ship,
instruments, equipment, tools etc.), work practice (procedures, conventions, traditions),
organization (management, company culture, pressures etc.) and work environment (light, noise,
vibration etc.). A break down in the socio-technical system could be related to or caused by poor
design of equipment (human – technology), inconsistency between work practice and written
procedures (work practice – organization), crew stress caused by company pressures (human –
organization), poor communication between crewmembers (human – group) or fatigue caused by
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vibrations and noise (human – group – work environment). The network is illustrated in fig. 1
below [9], [10], [11].
Human Group
Organization Technology
It is evident from studies of maritime accident reports where, in the chain of causation, ‘human
error’ has been identified as a significant factor, that it is possible to break down this category
further and to identify that crew communication failure (human – group) has played a key role in
the incident [2]. Poor communication between crewmembers from the same culture who are
speaking the same language can, through misunderstandings and mistakes, be a threat to the overall
safety of a vessel and pose an additional threat if one considers the risk of subsequent pollution. If
one adds the additional variables of crews using English as a second language and the cultural
differences which may be experienced, then the odds of miscommunication may be increased. In
turn, it is recognised that maritime safety can be enhanced by the improvement of crew
communication, facilitated through training in the use of Standard Marine Communication Phrases
(SMCP) [6].
Navigation is mostly performed by one person, an individual, working alone. When a ship
enters or leaves port or when manoeuvrability is restricted the computational requirements of the
task are assumed to exceed the capabilities of any one individual, so navigation is carried out by a
team of individuals working together and the need for effective communication, in one common
language, is paramount [7].
Navigators will work in a bridge team when required to do so in order to ensure the safe
operation of a vessel. During such times e.g. when manoeuvrability is restricted,
miscommunication can cost lives, loss of cargo, and pollution. Hutchins [7] writes about Learning
to Navigate and describes navigation as an activity normally carried out by an individual, working
alone, who is joined by other deck crew when the computational requirements of the task are
assumed to exceed the capabilities of one Navigator. Examples of such a time include times of
restricted manoeuvrability, when a ship enters or leaves port or when there is heavy congestion of
maritime traffic. At these times it is common for a Pilot to be onboard and it is through the presence
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of a Pilot that the most comprehensive crew communication research project to date, the MARCOM
Project, collected some of its data. Data were collected from the Pilot‘s own experiences of mixed
nationality crews‘ use of English and Maritime English and from observations made during periods
of pilotage, when a researcher joined the vessel with the Pilot.
Research into the pros and cons of multicultural crews, is attracting increasing interest from
across the widespread maritime research community and industry alike. In 2004 the journal
Maritime Policy and Management detailed the existence of three major studies carried out in this
field, the most relevant of which to this paper is the work completed by the Seafarers International
Research Centre (SIRC), at Cardiff University in the UK entitled Transnational Seafarer
Communities. The issues arising from these recent research publications were those of onboard
culture and language as it is commonplace on ocean going vessels engaged in world trade that staff
will frequently come across crews and other industry groups whose members come from a number
of countries and related cultures [4].
1.3. Objectives
The main issues surrounding culture and the work context are discussed by means of a literature
review in Section 2 of this paper. Sections 3 contains any references to methodology and features
concepts suitable for use in analysis of marine accidents. Section 4 incorporates a brief summary
of each accident and the analysis of secondary data from accident reports with the ultimate aim of
breaking down the HCE involved and classifying it using the ADREP 2000 Taxonomy.
Given that this paper has been written with its firm foundations set in the hypothesis that the
interaction of multicultural crews onboard has an effect on the ability of the crew to communicate
effectively, the concerns regarding culture and HCE are of utmost importance and relevance and
are integrated into the investigation and analysis.
Conclusions have been drawn from the secondary data analysis contained within section 4,
which incorporates a brief summary of the issues surrounding multi-cultural crew communication
and why the ADREP 2000 Taxonomy is a suitable classification for maritime accidents.
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There are plenty of studies detailing the culture differences in the context of employment. One of
great significance is Cultures and Organisations: Software of the Mind [3], which is an account of
a study of how values in the workplace are influenced by culture. From 1967 to 1973, while
working at IBM as a psychologist, Hofstede collected and analysed data from over 100,000 indi-
viduals from forty countries using the complexity of such a multinational corporation as IBM as a
clear canvas for such a study. An industry such as shipping is unmatched in its complexity, which
may be so much the case that it limits the possibility for variables to reflect one another to a
sufficiently scientific extent for such analysis. From the IBM results Hofstede developed a model
that identifies four primary dimensions to differentiate cultures: individuality, masculinity,
uncertainty avoidance, and power distance. He later added a fifth dimension, Long-term
Orientation. In his 1984 text Hofstede investigated the International Differences in Work Related
Values, a study which was updated in 2001. Hofstede‘s studies focused on the influence of national
culture on the sub-cultures of the worldwide organisation, which he also executed by questioning
and observing employees of IBM. His conclusions have shed valuable light on key cultural
differences between nations in the way in which they conduct themselves in the workplace.
Hofstede identified these four key dimensions in order to distinguish between the differing values
and attitudes of those within the bell curve which represents the mainstream of a culture. In short,
Hofstede‘s dimensions are generalisations about the members of a society or cultural group. A
summary of each relevant dimension and its contextualisation into a team setting, such as that
found on the bridge of a ship, follows:
Power distance – Low power distance helps the creation and maintenance of self-directed
teams, since empowerment is easier to achieve in this culture. Countries with high power
distance are ones where employees are seen as frequently afraid of disagreeing with their
These dimensions can be related to the operational requirements of the specific work context.
th th
The 4 dimension – Masculinity – is not considered as relevant for this paper nor is the 5 dimension
of Long-term Orientation; these have therefore been omitted.
This paper investigates the requirement for effective communication in the maritime work
domain as there are some inferences that each of these dimensions may also influence
communication in the multi-cultural work setting. A fear of questioning the actions of a superior is
a characteristic related by Hofstede to cultures with high power distance. The subsequent failure to
communicate because of this perception of power distance and failure to indicate to a superior that
there may be a problem with his or her actions, in principal allowing an accident to happen, is just
one example explored through the cases of marine accidents contained in section 4 – See Bunga
Teretai Satu.
“If there are also problems of communication contributing to a lack of mutual confidences,
suspicions and misunderstandings, then the opportunities for human errors leading to
dangers to the ship, the people on board and the environment, are greatly increased.” [2]
The need for clear verbal communications between parties in the commercial marine
environment is multi faceted as the ship is the working environment, learning environment and
social environment for its personnel. Those on board must communicate between ship and shore
when in coastal waters, between ships in areas of congestion or where avoiding action is required,
or even during search and rescue activities. During periods of pilotage, English is frequently used
as a common language and both Pilot and crew must be able to communicate effectively to ensure
safety. Those working onboard passenger vessels must have a strong command of a common
language in order to communicate with passengers. Communication on an intra-ship level takes
place daily between personnel during operation of the vessel – when giving and carrying out orders
under ”normal‘ or ”emergency‘ situations – and when the multinational crew must interact to
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maintain ”social harmony‘ in an off duty context and in their everyday ”teamwork‘ to ensure
effective day to day operation [2].
As with any study of activity in any context – the circumstances in which an event occurs e.g. an
occurrence of an accident -the primary debate surrounding the observation of human behaviour,
specifically that of cultural interaction among mixed nationality crews in relation to its affect on
English language competence, for scientific analysis, centres around one fundamental question:
“How can one analyse and interpret data that record and describe human behaviour
and discourse?” [1]
The written accounts of marine accidents are recorded in official Accident Reports and any
analysis of data in this paper must come from these written accounts. The ability of these reports to
record the relevant information for discourse and communication analysis is limited, as they are
usually based on log books, charts and whiteness accounts and are retrospective. One difference
between shipping and aviation is the use of the black box flight recorder which records
intra-cockpit speech and external verbal communications. Such devices are available in shipping,
but their use is limited and is not enforced by statute, therefore data from this source is not readily
available to marine accident investigators.
3. Methodology
There are two principal approaches to exploring the issues relating to culture and language issues
that were identified in the literature review. The first is a post accident approach and involves the
analyses of maritime accidents and indications of cultural issues and HCE in safety critical
situations. These analyses are based on accident reports and the technical terminologies contained
within them reflect the fact that investigators are often navigators or engineers. This approach suits
analyses which incorporate the use of formal taxonomies and has the inclination to fall within the
quantitative bracket of research as its results are often suitable for manipulation using statistical
programmes in order to generate frequency descriptives and to establish statistical associations.
The ADREP 2000 taxonomy suggests a terminology based on psychological concepts, rather than
the technological ones used by the navigators or engineers who usually investigate marine
accidents, which are suitable for description of the human element and human factors involved in
an accident. The authors of this paper believe that the development of the marine accident
investigation process to include Industrial Psychologists and Human Factors specialists could aid
the inclusion of such psychological terminology into accident reports and would subsequently
make this information source more suitable for analysis using the ADREP 2000 taxonomy.
The second of these approaches to exploring issues relating to culture and language in the marine
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environment is a qualitative one, which studies culture and language in everyday life. By studying
crew communication and behaviour and by interviewing the crew onboard multi-cultural vessels
the researcher can observe the issues relating to culture and language in non-safety critical
situations and inform how this behaviour and discourse may relate to or influence communication
in safety critical situations. This paper utilises the former approach.
Another relevant example of a system of concepts suitable for use in the analysis of accidents
where communication or language was important is the communication model by Metze and
Nystrup. Metze and Nystrup defined four dimensions of verbal communication in a professional
context. Any communication sequence (conversation, statement, order, question, answer etc.) can
be analyzed according to these four dimensions:
1. Cognitive (knowledge and sense, exchange of exact information) – affective (feelings and
2. Expanding (long conversation or dialogue, questions which lead to comprehensive answers)
– limiting (closing the conversation as quickly as possible, short answers, yes/no)
3. Confronting (focus on problems and conflicts) – concealing (hiding problems and
4. Listening (paying attention to what is said and showing that by gestures or answers) – not
listening (not paying attention, indifferent, no eye contact)
A quick browse through maritime accident reports from USA, Canada, UK, Australia and
Denmark shows several examples of accidents in which the human element and culture or
language related problems played an important role in the causality of the accident. The following
examples can be mentioned:
− Problems related to multi-cultural crews (e.g. the Bunga Teretai Satu accident, the death of
a crew member on board Sally Maersk, and the Scandinavian Star)
− Problems related to different cul-tures/languages among crew and pilot (e.g. the Bright
Field accident)
− Problems related to different cul-tures/languages among crew and passengers on passenger
vessels (e.g. the Skagerak accident and the Scandinavian Star accident)
− Problems related to different cul-tures/languages with respect to external communication,
VHF communication with other vessels (e.g. the Royal Majesty accident)
It is possible to assume that the following mentioned examples also could be found if further re-
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search is done:
Factors related to cultural issues, e.g. crew mix, authority gradient, cultural issues and
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It is less likely that this problem could occur with an all Scandinavian crew because there are few
differences in culture, nor can this culture be characterised by a high ”power distance‘ [3].
Using the Metze and Nystrup model, the communication on the bridge before the grounding
could be described as cognitive (about facts), limiting (com-mand-confirm style with no room for
questions from the AB), concealing (the AB concealed his awareness about the mistake made by
his superior due to the cultural factors described above) but - in general -listening. The cause of the
accident could be found in the limiting and concealing qualities of the bridge communication. The
appropriate ADREP 2000 category is:
In the incident which occurred on board the M/V Sally Mærsk in June 2000 on a voyage from
Hong Kong to Long Beach, a repairman from Poland suffered from pain in his back and fever. Due
to poor English language skills he asked his colleague – another repairman from Poland – to act as
an interpreter for him during the medical consultation with the chief officer. The sick repairman
had an injury in his back few days ago. His colleague was aware about this and assumed that the
pain was caused by the injury. The sick repairman explained and asked his colleague to translate
that he had pain and felt sick with fever, but the information about fever was lost in the translation
and the chief officer got the impression that the problem was the pain assumable caused by the
injury. The chief officer prescribed mild pain killers as the only treatment. The Polish repairman
paid several visits to the sick repairman in the following two days. The sick repairman complained
about his illness and the fever which had become worse. During the last visit the sick repairman
seemed to be asleep and his colleague left him without talking to him. Later that day the sick
repairman was found dead and the cause of death was pneumonia.
The communication problems in the Bright Field case are quite similar to the problems in the
Bunga Teretai Satu case in relation to Hofstede‘s cultural dimensions and the phenomena he
describes as ”power distance‘. While the Bunga Teretai Satu case was a matter of communication
between crewmembers from the same culture, the Bright Field case illustrates a situation with a
crew and a pilot from different cultures: American and Chinese. The word "no" is a very impolite
word to the Chinese. It is therefore the cultural practice of Chinese crews that they always answer
"yes" - especially to an authority such as a pilot - even though they are well aware that the correct
answer is "no". This is in fact a very extreme example of concealing communication according to
the model by Metze and Nystrup.
The correct ADREP 2000 taxonomy classification of the problem is again:
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Further, the pilot suffered from a lack of information due to the fact that he was not able to
understand the communication between the engine room and the bridge, which was in Chinese.
He was prevented from recognition of the engine problems from the bridge/engine
communication and he therefore suffered from information deprivation.
Using the Metze and Nystrup model, the communication on the bridge before the collision could
be described as cognitive (about facts), limiting (com-mand-confirm style), concealing (the engine
problems was concealed with the expression "yes sir" used consequently even if the correct answer
was no) but - in general - listening. The cause of the accident could be found in the limiting and
concealing qualities of the bridge communication.
The ferry Skagerak foundered in heavy weather in 1966 on route between Norway and Denmark.
The passengers and the crew were all saved due to a remarkable effort from the crew as well as
from the vessels and helicopters engaged in the search and rescue operation. The mustering of the
passengers was not done using loudspeakers. A member of the crew knocked on the door to every
cabin and asked the passengers in Norwegian or Danish to don their lifejackets and go to the
mustering stations as quickly as possible. A couple of French speaking passengers did not
understand the instructions given and assumed that the crewmember talked about the arrival. They
therefore dressed carefully and prepared for the arrival and went to the passenger area where they
found the other passengers dressed in pyjamas and lifejackets. Although the situation now can be
considered amusing - the passengers were in fact saved -it is evident that the problems with the
communication between the crew and the passengers could have had fatal consequences.
The ADREP 2000 categories of explanatory factors for this particular example from the
foundering of Skagerak are:
The communication model by Metze and Nystrup cannot directly be applied in this example
because the model is based on two-way communication. The communication in the example was
only one-way: From crewmember to passengers. It is however likely that the communication was
limiting in such an extreme way that the passengers did not dare to ask the crewmember about the
instructions. It was probably also cognitive due to the context and it was most likely not-listening
-otherwise the misunderstanding would not have occurred. We do not know if it was confronting or
concealing, but given the circumstances and the need for an urgent message to be conveyed there
was probably not time to formulate the statement in a concealing way. The limiting and
not-listening properties of the message did clearly contribute to the misunderstanding of the
message. If the passengers had shown (listening) that they did not understand the message or if the
crewmember had used an expanding way of communicating, the misunderstanding would probably
never have occurred in the first place.
The ferry Scandinavian Star burned out completely on a voyage from Norway to Denmark in
1990. A lot of the passengers and crewmembers died in the fire, and the accident was considered to
be one of the worst passenger ferry disasters ever in European waters. Witness testimonies express
problems related to crew-passenger communication and crew-crew communication due to
different languages. The captain even complained about the poor English language skills of the
crew in a telefax to the shipowner before the accident occurred. The appropriate ADREP 2000
category describing this problem is:
2042 fishing vessel (f/v) Sao Marcos [in English]: “Fishing vessel, fishing vessel call cruise boat.“
2043 f/v Rachel E [in Portuguese]: “Are you there Toluis [nickname of Tony Sao Marcos]?“
f/v Rachel E [in Portuguese]:“It‘s Antonio Pimental. Hey, that guy is bad where he is. Don‘t you
think that guy is wrong in that area.“
f/v Sao Marcos [in Portuguese]: “I just tried to call him. He didn‘t answer back. He is very
f/v Rachel E [in Portuguese]: “I‘ve been watching him for the last half hour. He was a big contact
on my radar. I picked him up 8 miles away.
[source unknown] [in English]: “Channel 16 is a distress channel and this is international, please
change your channel, please change your channel.“
2045 f/v Rachel E [in English]: “Calling the cruise boat in the position 41 02N, 69 24W. Over.“
40 seconds later f/v Rachel E [in English]: “Calling the cruise boat 41N, 69 24W. Over.“
Again the appropriate ADREP 2000 category describing this problem is:
5. Conclusions
The issues surrounding intercultural crews and the potential for HCE were identified in the
literature review and examples have been given from maritime accidents of problems related
communication, language and culture. These examples have been analysed successfully using the
ADREP2000 taxonomy and the psychological model of professional communication formulated
by Metze and Nystrup.
The need for clear verbal communications between parties in the commercial marine
environment is multi-faceted as the ship is the working environment, learning environment and
social environment for its personnel. The multinational crew must interact and communicate in a
common language to maintain ”social harmony‘ in an off duty context an in their
everyday ”teamwork‘ to ensure effective day to day operation. The most commonly recognised
failure occurs with the level of understanding of English between ship to ship and/or ship to shore
under conditions of restricted manoeuvrability, or when under critically congested circumstances
where little time or space can be afforded for mistakes to be made. It is apparent from the examples
of accidents that seafarers cannot be expected to communicate in a variety of languages, using
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some English of non standard origin and then be expected – under the stressful circumstances of
restricted manoeuvrability or emergency operations – to revert to using a standard marine
vocabulary and to remove any redundant language.
It is possible to minimise the amount of accidents directly related to poor communication by
improving crew communication through training and education of the crew, improved procedures
for communication, better selection of personnel and improved design of maritime equipment and
technology including means for communication (e.g. telephones, VHF, radios etc.). Any effort of
improvement of crew communication should be based on fundamental knowledge about the
dynamics of crew interaction and communication as can be obtained from analyses of maritime
accidents using psychological terms and concepts as exemplified in this paper.
6. References
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økonomi (Maintenance, Operation & Economy). No. 9. December 2005. pp. 28-29.
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[10] Koester, T. (2005). Human Factors in the Maritime Domain (Draft). PhD Dissertation in
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[15] RINA. (2004). Human Factors in Ship Design, Safety and Operation.