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Eatest Business Ideas of All Time

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The document discusses some of the most successful business ideas and innovations from the past including direct sales models, licensing ideas, and new technologies.

Some of the greatest selling innovations discussed include Sears' mail order business model, Dell's direct sales model, Honda's focus on small vehicles, and Thomas Edison's licensing of his ideas.

Some of the greatest marketing strategies discussed include 3M's focus on innovation, BMW and Virgin's focus on branding, and Federal Express, Ikea, and Honda's focus on simplicity.



06/06/03, 17:29

Copyright Ken Langdon 2003

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06/06/03, 17:29

To Tony, David and Andrew

with my admiration for their courage and spirit


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Nine Greatest Selling Innovations

Idea 1 Making it easy, and cheap, for customers to buy (Sears)

Idea 2 Dell deal direct
Idea 3 Small is beautiful (Honda)
Idea 4 Dont build the product, license the idea (Thomas Edison)
Idea 5 Check your mortgage at 3.00 am? Certainly, sir (First Direct)
Idea 6 Bringing sex to the living room
Idea 7 A non-trivial marketing campaign
Idea 8 Pay in advance (Vodafone)
Idea 9 Make your friends your customers (Amway)

Ten Greatest Bumper Sticker Strategies


Idea 10 3M
Idea 11 BMW
Idea 12 Federal Express
Idea 13 Ikea
Idea 14 Virgin
Idea 15 Honda




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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Idea 16 Body Shop

Idea 17 Johnson & Johnson
Idea 18 Southwest Airlines
Idea 19 Volvo


Four Greatest Licences to Print Money


Idea 20 Betting with the odds approximately 14 million to one

in your favour
Idea 21 Make my product illegal, please
Idea 22 A tunnel vision
Idea 23 Making a Mint

Five Greatest Ways of Winning in the Stock Market


Idea 24 Greatest ways of winning in the stock market? Run a unit trust
Idea 25 Run a private unit trust an investment club
Idea 26 Hedge your bets
Idea 27 Dealing when the directors do
Idea 28 Backing last years losers


Five Greatest Ways of Getting the Order

(or at Least Your Own Way)
Idea 29 Trial closing a price objection
Idea 30 The puppy dog close
Idea 31 The cup of coffee close




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Idea 32 Its as easy as ABC Always Be Closing

Idea 33 Tell them what you are going to ask for



Four Greatest Door-to-Door Salesmen


Idea 34 Security from cradle to grave (Prudential)

Idea 35 Well over the Border and gie them a brush James Hogg
Idea 36 Ding doing well (Avon)
Idea 37 Forecasting a sale


Six Greatest Financial Necessities of Business Life


Idea 38 Even Turing Idea 44 needed Arabic numerals

Idea 39 How the total money supply is greater than the total amount
of money
Idea 40 Raising cash with limited liability
Idea 41 Keeping score positively
Idea 42 How well are we doing?
Idea 43 Never mind the profit, feel the cashflow


Eight Greatest Computer Innovations that Actually

Make Life Easier


Idea 44 Turings table of behaviour

Idea 45 Getting the answer through trial and error
Idea 46 When its critical to be on time and within budget


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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Idea 47 Connecting up the pieces

Idea 48 Models maketh managers
Idea 49 Douglas Engelbart, The Mother of All Demos
Idea 50 Great business idea? Sell a piece of software to the entire world
and keep charging for updates (Microsoft)
Idea 51 Our telephone answering system has broken down, this is a
human being, how can I help you?

Five Greatest Brands Ever



Idea 52 Disney
Idea 53 McDonalds
Idea 54 Coca-Cola
Idea 55 Kodak
Idea 56 Gillette


Five Greatest Little Office Helpers


Idea 57 Writing at ten thousand feet (Biro)

Idea 58 Clipping the oppressed
Idea 59 From keeping your place to keeping your appointments (Post-it)
Idea 60 E-mail
Idea 61 Just give me the highlights


Six Greatest Management Thinkers


Idea 62 Douglas McGregor, author of The Human Side of Enterprise



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Idea 63 Peter Drucker, author of The Practice of Management

Idea 64 Alfred P Sloan, author of My Years with General Motors
Idea 65 Robert Townsend, author of Up the Organisation
Idea 66 Dale Carnegie, author of How to Win Friends and Influence People
Idea 67 Tom Peters and Robert Waterman, authors of In Search of

Five Greatest Environments for Producing

Money Makers
Idea 68 Never mind the quantity, pay the farmer
Idea 69 Take-overs and junk bonds
Idea 70 Go on, devolve yourself
Idea 71 Please God, make me rich oh, and let some of it trickle down
to the poor
Idea 72 War and the pieces

Four Greatest Ways (So Far) to Become a MultiMillionaire on the Internet

Idea 73 Avoid the epitaph They didnt follow through
Idea 74 Never mind high tech, theres still money in books (
Idea 75 An Internet company built on a sweetie dispenser what am I bid?
Idea 76 The South Sea Bubble


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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Six Greatest Truths Your Independent Financial

Adviser Might Not Have Told You
Idea 77 Why are you in equities?
Idea 78 Knowing how your investment is doing
Idea 79 Old but proud
Idea 80 Keeping on track
Idea 81 Not so efficient savings
Idea 82 Which Investment do you Trust?


Three Greatest Natural Discoveries that

Drive Businesses
Idea 83 Fermentation
Idea 84 Explosives
Idea 85 Radio

Idea 86 Correcting a myth (Kelloggs)

Idea 87 Double doses (Alka-Seltzer)
Idea 88 Taking on a beefy adversary (Knorr)
Idea 89 If the logic isnt compelling, tug the heart strings (BT)

Ten Greatest Ideas that Do Not Fit a Pattern

Idea 90 Membership of a broad church



Four Greatest Breakthroughs Made by Advertising





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Idea 91 Use someone elses storage space (Toyota)

Idea 92 Getting productivity through job security? (IBM)
Idea 93 Come on, customers, put your back into it
Idea 94 Improve the packaging, improve the sales
Idea 95 Bring to market something newsworthy
Idea 96 Make it so that customers can always be on the phone
Idea 97 Set a thief to catch a thief
Idea 98 Make the real money on the side
Idea 99 Know your risks
Idea 100 Its up to you


Contributors of Ideas
Publications Consulted



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06/06/03, 17:29

This book owes much to Katherine, Mark and Richard, all of Capstone Publishing,
who had the initial idea and gave me loads of support and help.
My thanks to the army of friends and colleagues who made lots of suggestions
and gave me loads of pointers. Their names are recorded at the back of the book.
Capstone arranged with Henley Management College that I should have the
use of their library. My thanks to the college and to Gail Thomas who was the
librarian at the time.



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06/06/03, 17:29

A famous business aphorism has been applied to many companies. It goes All their
plans were unsuccessful, and all their successes were unplanned. Planned or unplanned, the ideas in this book have the common factor of success, sometimes
simple but hugely significant (see the Biro Idea 57), sometimes hugely complicated
ideas whose physical success did not lead immediately to financial reward (see
Eurotunnel Idea 22).
Thus our definition of success can be seen as wider than financial gain. Overwhelmingly, however, the famous, occasionally infamous, great business ideas have
led to huge financial rewards to innovators (see Edison Idea 4) and shareholders (see
Coca-Cola Idea 54).
Perhaps the trickiest part of the title is the bit that says of all time. There must
have been a time before money Idea 39 was invented and that, along with interest
rates, really enabled almost all of the other ideas to be expressed and compared. To
look after this type of business idea, there is a section on great financial ideas that
enable business to exist.
When you look at great business ideas you are immediately struck by the fact
that, however brilliant they were, almost all of them needed to be sold. New selling
ideas are in abundance, from good old door-to-door salespeople, through great selling innovations to the wondrous activities made possible by the Internet. I also
include the greatest selling or closing techniques which, proven over the ages, are
still the best tips for selling things or just for getting your own way.
Then there is computer technology. This has growth on a logarithmic scale.
Microsoft Idea 50 had a growth rate that is far more dramatic than that of IBM Idea
92 as they each became dominant in their own area. One could be forgiven for
believing that nothing could grow faster than sales of Windows software, but only



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

shortly afterwards comes the mobile phone Idea 96 whose growth we can still only
guess at, but in sheer volume will probably be the fastest ever, for the time being.
This last one, the mobile phone, has a well-recognised downside as do a remarkable
number of other great ideas. Where this is so, we have recorded it under the heading
On the other hand.
In technology as well, we have not forgotten the enablers of technological leaps
forward. Windows cannot exist without the graphical user interface (GUI), which
was the basic idea.
We have avoided the topics of inventions. We were looking for business ideas,
particularly ones that current managers might learn from, so generally speaking
there are no inventions per se.
This means that we have missed out, for example, the spectacular rise of glasses.
There is an Italian fresco of 1352, which is the earliest known representation of
spectacles. They were invented in medieval times to correct loss of accommodating
power, the change in middle age that makes reading difficult. The earliest, made
between 1268 and 1289, were two magnifying glasses with their handles riveted
together, which were hand held or balanced on the nose. Concave glasses for short
sight arrived in the sixteenth century. Bifocals, for short sight and loss of accommodating power, were invented about 1750 by Benjamin Franklin, the US statesman
and scientist. There is no doubt that a lot of people have made a lot of money out of
spectacles, but it counts as an invention and will not, therefore, be found in this
But of course the way to become really wealthy in business is to take a cut of
other peoples labour, as any entrepreneur will tell you. How to organise people and
motivate them is another area where there have been some great ideas. Nineteenthcentury mill owners did it one way, the idea of Theory X and Theory Y Idea 62 did it
In trying to pin down the 100 greatest ideas I also became from time to time
more philosophical. War Idea 72 and religion Idea 71 must have a mention as two
business drivers without equal. Now calling war a great business idea may seem



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insensitive, but the financial side of them is never far buried and economics plays a
huge part in wars planning and outcome. I take no moral position on making money
out of war or religion; I just note the opportunities that arise from them. I have
drawn the line at slavery, where labour costs are literally minimised, as too close to
even the modern day bone to call a great business idea. It still exists in places.
There is a very successful bunch of people who make a lot of money eventually
out of doing absolutely nothing. Gamblers and franchise owners come to mind in
this regard, and we have looked at lotteries and the stock exchange for clues on
joining this particular band of money makers.
Product innovation, bumper stickers and training techniques all find their way
into the list, as do junk bonds Idea 69 and the South Sea Bubble Idea 70.
A lot of great business ideas are based on somewhat cynical ideas of giving the
public what it wants and outsmarting the competition, but there are some theories
of economics and some patient advisers on, for example, pensions matters who
genuinely made a positive difference to how we live. There are even some computer-based innovations that really do make life easier and we have included spreadsheets
Idea 48 and call centres Idea 51 as examples of great ideas that make their owners
money and the consumer happier.
We have not restricted ourselves to great ideas that benefit the customer or
consumer. Great business ideas usually make money for shareholders; sometimes
they benefit the customer as well. Indeed unit trusts Idea 24 is an example where the
benefits of the person offering the service are obvious, but the reasons for people
buying the service less easy to demonstrate.
How do you choose 100 ideas out of the millions that have created products,
services and profits? The answer is to ask a lot of people, and we have done this. We
have spoken to people on both sides of the Atlantic, which has tended to give the
ideas a UK/USA bias. We apologise for that and for all our readers pet ideas that
we have missed out. Researching the book has reminded us of the infinite ability of
man to think of and implement great ideas, and choosing a hundred is a more or less



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

impossible task. But we have done it, and if you and a number of other people buy
the book, who knows we might have discovered number 101.
One of the main criteria for including ideas was whether or not we can learn a
quick and useful lesson from them. Where possible we have tried to draw hints for
the future from the great ideas of the past. At the end of many entries, Ask yourself
and Here comes the twist are challenges to the modern-day businessperson to
expand the original idea into their own environment. This should also ensure that
you can claim the books price on expenses. After all, anyone in business can become a billionaire; its just a question of implementing a great idea. Go on, prove
the old saw wrong, make a plan and then make it successful.



06/06/03, 17:29

Nine Greatest Selling Innovations

Putting the customer first is a modern day clich. But many great businesses have
been successful by taking a different approach to markets and prospects. Sometimes
a persons wish to live better makes them do something new (Edison Idea 4), sometimes its an off-the-wall change (Ann Summers Idea 6) that adds a whole new market, or you can take what you are doing, make a small change and reap the rewards
(Vodafone Idea 8). But we start with an idea that does not create a product or a
market, it just listens to the customers and takes off.

Idea 1 Making it easy, and cheap, for customers

to buy (Sears)
In 1891 American farmers were grousing. No change there, then. This would have
been the non-story of the year had their grouse not been justified, and had Richard
Sears not listened to it.
The problem was the prices at the rural stores where country dwellers were
bound to shop. Using the example of the wholesale price of flour being half the
retail price charged to them in the shops, the farmers formed protest movements to
fight these high prices and the various middlemen whom they held responsible.
By chance I wonder how many of the greatest ideas start from pure chance
Sears, an agent of a railway company, had experimented with buying watches in
some numbers and selling them to agents further up the railway line. He had then
joined with Alvah Roebuck, a watchmaker, and founded a viable business.


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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Add to Sears idea the relatively new nation-wide railway system and post office, and the stage was set for the introduction of mail order. Sears understood the
farmers well and was able to attract them with the right products and advertising
campaigns as well as, of course, keen prices derived from the bulk buying
Add to Sears
of many products. To watches and jewellery were added shoes, furniture,
idea the
china, musical instruments, saddles, firearms, bicycles and many other
relatively new
things that filled the catalogue, which by 1895 went to 532 pages.
A fast expansion followed with a move to a 40-acre, $5 million mailrailway system
order plant on Chicagos west side. With more than 3 million square feet
and post office, of floor space, this was the largest business building in the world.
and the stage
Suited to mail order was the innovative technique of using a network
was set for the
or pyramid of people to distribute the catalogue. It is in the annals of
introduction of company history that in 1905 Sears wrote to the companys best custommail order.
ers in Iowa, asking each of them to distribute catalogues among their friends
and relatives. The original customers sent Sears the names of the people
they had supplied with the catalogue, and received gifts as premiums for their work.
But Sears innovation did not stop there. Attention to the market had alerted
him to the opportunity, listening to the customers forced the company to experiment and move into other areas. Mail order, when it got big, was hampered by the
physical difficulty of filling orders and the organisational problem of getting the
right thing to the right person at the right time. The company history includes the
story of the customer around the turn of the century who complained: For heavens
sake stop sending me sewing machines. Every time I go to the station I find another
one there. You have shipped me five already.
Sears executives worked hard on the logistics of mail order. Every order was
given on its arrival a time to be shipped, and managers accepted no excuses for not
making this happen. Products and parts had to be in the appropriate bin in the
assembly room at the assigned time. They travelled to the room by an intricate
system of belts and chutes perhaps the first automated warehouse.


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Nine Greatest Selling Innovations

The success of the new system was measured in improved throughput, nearly
ten times the original capacity, and attracted the attention of no less an automator
that Henry Ford, who is reported to have studied Sears assembly line technique.
We have mentioned Richard Sears skills in writing advertising copy, and this
triggered the next piece of innovation into what was now a huge retailing company.
The copy had become more and more fanciful and flamboyant more suited to
selling snake oil than a full list of everyday requirements. Once again the executives
reacted to the complaints of customers, and decisions on catalogue copy started to
favour the factual rather than the fanciful. In the early years of the twentieth century
it is probable that Sears himself was becoming less active in the copywriting room;
oh, and they dropped patent medicines in 1913, with a banner headline in the
catalogue reading Why we have discontinued patent medicines.
So by listening to the market Sears produced the whole mail-order concept,
and by paying attention to customer service the assembly line methodology was
born. There remained only quality. Once again customer demand was that mailorder goods should be of no less quality than their more expensive rivals in retail
shops. The Sears response was the watchdog of the catalogue. They set up the first
laboratory in 1911 to suggest minimum standards for a number of products and
conduct spot checks on mail-order plants. They also made scientific comparisons
between Sears and competitor products. The policy at Sears became an unequivocal
money-back guarantee.
If only an entrepreneur could do something about the weather, farmers would
have nothing to grouse about.

Ask yourself
How robust is your company against the customers plea to Make it easy for
me to buy?


06/06/03, 15:59

The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Idea 2 Dell deal direct

You must have heard the one about If the car industry had developed its products
as rapidly as the computer industry over the last 30 years, a Rolls Royce would be
capable of breaking the sound barrier, use only a teaspoonful of petrol to go from
coast to coast and cost less than a dollar. I have always worried about this since the
aphorism should include the phrase and be the size of a matchbox which would
undeniably diminish the cars usefulness. But the sentiment is understandable and
the selling innovation behind Dell Computer Corporation is a fine example of the
truly incredible rate of progress made by the computer industry.
In 1969 a corporation could buy for $350,000 a computer that would contain a
central processing unit with 16 kilobytes of core store, four magnetic tapes, a card
reader and a line printer. This machine took up some 60 square metres of fully airconditioned computer room and was capable of doing a lot less than a laptop nowadays.
So what else did you get for your money? The answer to that is that you got a
support team: not just hardware engineers you paid separately for them but
people who knew your business reasonably well and had access to people who were
experts in your industry. This meant that the computer company, like your banker
or your accountants, were making a contribution to the strategy and running of your
business. Indeed, IBM had made this their unique selling proposition in the early
stage of their growth.
The reason the computer companies could do this was that the gross margin on
the hardware was between 50 and 60 per cent and the software they gave away with
the machine was very limited.
The arrival of the personal computer forced huge changes on both customers
and suppliers. Falling margins meant that hardware suppliers needed far greater
volumes of sales to make ends meet. Customers too were learning just how much
more they could expect computers to do. The suppliers turned to other distribution
channels retailers and resellers who added value with software packages.


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Nine Greatest Selling Innovations

By 1984 the relationship between a computer supplier and any of its customers,
apart from the very biggest, was through third parties. The next pioneering move
belonged to Michael Dell who formed his company in that year.
The aim was to re-establish the supplier/customer link by selling personal computer systems directly to corporate customers. The argument was simple. If you
remove retailers and resellers you remove time delays and costs, and most
If you remove
importantly you have a direct link between the supplier and customers
retailers and
problems and expectations. You order your computer by telephone or on
resellers you
the Internet and you get what you need, no more and no less. It was a
remove time
hugely successful selling innovation and the company has grown to a turndelays and
over of around $31 billion per year.
Always willing to change its strategy to meet new market conditions, costs and, most
Dell has by no means stood still. Using expensive premises as owned by
you have a
Wal-Mart, for example, was discontinued in favour of further concentradirect link
tion on the Internet. The Web medium for sales is now approaching $8
between the
billion per year. This is my estimate starting from a number I got from
supplier and
Dell covering the period to 1999. Orders from the Internet go directly to
the factory and the company boasts it can assemble and pack a customproblems and
built PC in less than four hours.
Falling component costs plus its own efficiencies offer Dell yet more
ways to expand. At present Dell claims some 60% of the consumer PC
market where the price tag is between $2500 and $3000. It has only 1% of the
market for PCs below $1500. This is their new target. Relying on its brand name
and manufacturing efficiency, it expects to compete well in this arena without suffering a body blow from the squeezed margins, the bugbear of the current players.
The companys intention is to continue to develop its direct to customer business
model and calendar 2001 was the first full year in which Dell led the global computersystems industry, with nearly 14 per cent market share. The company tells us to expect
further growth, as it believes that the best days for Dell and the whole industry are still
ahead. Dell used a useful comparison to illustrate why this growth is likely to be true.


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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

In 1982 Intel introduced its 286 chip which was capable of processing 2.66
million instructions per second, or MIPS, at a cloc k speed of 12 million cycles per
second, or megahertz. Todays Intel Pentium II processors are capable of considerably more than 600 MIPS at 450 megahertz, and the sharp upward development
trend is expected to continue.
This is true as well. The Pentium 4 now goes at 3 gigahertz, six or seven times the
old 450 mentioned in the quote. MIPS are not such a relevant measure nowadays because of the different ways that processors use to obey instructions. Suffice it to say that
the speed of development has not faltered. Come on BMW/Rolls Royce, match that.

Ask yourself
When did you last review the channels through which your products and
services get to market?
Check that your competitors are not introducing new ideas in this area.

Idea 3 Small is beautiful (Honda)

There are many examples of selling innovation that illustrate the point made in the
introduction lots of plans are unsuccessful and lots of successes unplanned. One
such is the strategy taken by Honda in trying to break into the US motorcycle market.
The move to the USA was made at a time when there were severe costs constraints imposed by the parent company at home. For this reason the USA pioneers
could not get hold of the generous budget to attack a major new market, which the
team felt that it needed. In fact they were so limited that they took a minimal-sized
team to Los Angeles and stocked a warehouse with 50 units of each model in the
existing Honda range. The other part of the Japan-imposed strategy was that they
should concentrate on the top-end bikes with a higher margin and an easier


06/06/03, 15:59

Nine Greatest Selling Innovations

differentiator. (It is said that another reason the president advocated this was that
the handlebars of the big bikes were shaped like the eyebrows of Buddha, and this
was an omen and a selling feature.)
In the event the big bikes did not sell well, and had mechanical difficulties because
of the different usage given to them in America, particularly in distances covered.
Short of ideas and also of money, the team in Los Angeles had to use their own
motorbikes to get around, cars being out of the question. President Honda had
always wanted to provide people everywhere with an economical form of transportation. For this reason he had designed and built small motorcycles which was the
form of transport the team used in the USA.
These bikes, as fate would have it, started to attract attention and some local
bicycle retailers enquired whether they could sell them. To begin with the Honda
managers kept to the original strategy and declined because they were trying to build
a reputation for big bikes. However, in order, it is said, to finance the work they
needed to do on their mechanical problems they agreed to sell some of the small ones.
To protect the image they were fostering for If its big bikes it must be Honda
their innovation was to sell the 50 cc ones from outlets other than their traditional
ones. This improved the depth and breadth of product distribution. From the opposite of the grand plan was success achieved. According to the Motorcycle Industry
Council in Irvine, CA, Honda had a 26 share of the 403,000 units sold in 1998.

Idea 4 Dont build the product, license the idea

(Thomas Edison)
The time it takes a product to go from an idea into production depends very much on
the industry in which it lies. The time-to-market of the pharmaceutical business can
be ten years or more due to all the testing necessary to gain the acceptance of the
regulatory authorities. In the computer industry it is likely to be a lot faster. Marketing
people in electronics talk of a product life cycle measured in months rather than years.


06/06/03, 15:59

The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

However long it takes, the problems and frustrations involved in selling products often seem anathema to the scientist or inventor who had the idea in the first
place. At least in one part of his life, Thomas Edison decided that the problems of
manufacturing were not at all to his taste, and he left the company premises at
Newark to concentrate on the research and development side of the business, which
he much preferred.
In 1876 Edison used the profits of his last invention, the stock ticker,
However long it to build an invention factory out in the country in Menlo Park some 25
takes, the
miles from New York City. This was the first time such a laboratory had
problems and
been built to pursue not academic research, but practical and commercial
involved in
The building itself was on two floors, with the factory itself above the
selling products floor that contained a library, a chemical laboratory and the necessary
often seem
office space. Over time the site expanded enormously.
anathema to
The expenditure on equipment was lavish. Edison supplied the best
the scientist or
and latest in instruments such as microscopes and machines for measurinventor who
ing light and electricity. He also installed his own electrical power generahad the idea in tors driven by a huge steam engine. In fact the factory held all the latest in
the first place.
electrical devices. Edison remained a businessman as well as an inventor
and set challenging performance measures. He is said to have told a friend
that he expected the factory to come up with a minor invention every ten days, and
a big thing every six months.
He made his own contribution, of course, roughing out sketches and draughting
ideas. The only person apart from Edison himself who had a share in the profits of
the business was his chief draughtsman, Charles Batchelor. The rest of the staff
were paid by the hour.
Incidentally, Thomas Edison in some ways behaved like the eccentric genius
characterised in cartoons by the mad professor with long wild hair. He was able to
catnap and be quickly refreshed, or sleep for periods as long as 36 hours. Prior to
the long sleep he could work more than once round the clock.


06/06/03, 15:59

Nine Greatest Selling Innovations

The invention factory was a very profitable arrangement as the bulk of the profits came from the licensing of patents to companies. This meant that every patented
idea that was turned into a product contributed to the profits of the invention factory in direct proportion to the sales of the products. During the six years that Edison
was with the factory there were 400 patents produced. In the whole lifetime of the
factory the number exceeded 1000.
The selling of the idea rather than the product has been reflected in later years,
recently in the USA by Jay Walker the Chief Executive behind Priceline Idea 73.

Ask yourself
Are you involved in the most profitable part of the business you are in?
Is there some way that others could be found to take over some of the risk in
bringing your product or your skills to market?

Idea 5 Check your mortgage at 3.00 am? Certainly, sir

(First Direct)
Customer service and banking are two concepts that do not always go together. The
retail banking business has been under constant pressure for some years, as competition erodes lending margins and technology continuously reduces the need for
face-to-face transactions. This is an industry more known historically for its conservatism and resistance to change than for welcoming new ideas.
A lecturer in marketing and selling, who was speaking to a group of retail bank
managers at Manchester Business School in the early 1980s, found himself fielding
statements from the delegates such as I would like to make it clear that I did not join
the bank to be a salesman, and What is all this about stealing customers from the
other high-street banks? I know the other managers well, they are first class people
and there is plenty of business for everyone. Well, up to a point, Mr Mainwaring.


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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

The huge change to this attitude has been made, whatever one thinks of banking services, in a remarkably short period of time. Banks have thought the unthinkable, and a leader in this process was First Direct a division of Midland Bank, now
a member of the HSBC. First Direct started in 1989 to offer a completely untested
and, to the majority of people, completely new idea telephone banking.
Since 1 October that year, the bank has never closed. It has proved to be a very
successful method of making financial transactions. Within ten years, 68% of their
900,000 customers were in the important 2544 age group and 11,000 new customers joined each month. First Direct has over one million customers and over 55% of
those customers are now banking electronically, either by Internet or mobile phone
text messaging.
Maybe the boldest part of the move was the setting up of an autonomous banking service, affiliated to another bank but not seeking wholly to offer the new service
to existing bank customers. On the contrary, it sought customers who were frustrated with the existing high-street way of doing business. Many such customers had
the impression that the branch cashiers took their lunch break at the same time as
everyone else who, of course, wanted to do their banking during their lunch hour.
As First Directs commercial director, Peter Simpson, explained, Direct Banking is a simple concept which has had a profound influence, not just in the financial
services industry but as the rallying cry for a new kind of retailing which revolves
around the needs of the customer not the supplier. He could have added that it is
also a profitable way for the supplier to do business.
From the original telephone service, First Direct added PC banking in 1998.
This is another mutually beneficial move as the customer has no delay in accessing
their banking information and First Direct replaces people with technology. The PC
offering is very wide. Customers can view and print transactions on their accounts,
move money, pay bills, view standing orders and direct debits, send e-mail to the bank
and apply for all the other services of the bank such as personal loans.
The non-core services have also been built up. Home and car insurance, share
dealing and First Direct shopping offers are all available. This last service exploits



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Nine Greatest Selling Innovations


the banks ability to access information and obtain good prices for customers in
practically any area. Users of the service can make enquiries of the bank on any
topic. Researchers will find any product or service on which information is requested,
from holiday and travel information to ideas for birthdays and Christmas gifts.
For the future, First Direct depends on the continuing trend for people to work
longer and have less, and therefore more valued, leisure time. This, plus flexibility
in work hours and working practices, means that people will be more and more
under pressure. First Direct sees this as the driver of its long-term philosophy.
Another revolution in banking practices lies behind the customer interface, and
that is the requirement for a totally different type of human resource management
with an emphasis on the attractiveness of the workplace.
First Direct currently employs around 3600 people based at three sites two in
Leeds and one in Hamilton, Glasgow. The Banking Representatives (BRs) are the
people who first answer the customers calls, and from them the customer forms the
first impression of First Direct. They are organised in a network of teams and there
are forums for staff to meet and discuss suggestions and changes. The workplace has
to encourage the 24-hour working of predominately female staff, so security, safety,
childcare as well as sports and social facilities are an important part of the plan.
However good and efficient telephone banking is, there is still opportunity for
the high-street banks to sell to their customers, but the queues at lunchtime for
personal bankers, who do not know the customers from a bar of soap, must encourage people to wonder if there is not another way.
If First Direct stands still of course it will rapidly be replaced by other banks
coming through. This is particularly true with Internet banking. This offers pretty
much all the facilities of a banking hall on your PC in your office or home. You can
pay your bills, move money around and so on, once again at any time of the day or
month. The banks also reflect the cost-effectiveness of the Internet approach by
offering better deals on the Internet. Long-term Internet savings can be as much as
4% higher in their interest rate than their best high-street alternative, and often offer
instant access and no penalties as well. Today, for example, you can get 4% on a



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

telephone account and 4.25% on the Internet. Such are the cost savings on offer to
the banks for people carrying out their own transactions.
When all is said and done, First Direct and its followers are a huge step for banking mankind who, only 15 years ago, did not join the bank to be a salesman.

Ask yourself
Are you using the telephone to its maximum extent for customer contact?

Idea 6 Bringing sex to the living room

Why is it that women talking about sex and, for example, watching male strippers
find it absolutely hilarious, whilst men in strip clubs are completely quiet and, a lot
of people would say, sad? The movie The Full Monty, about a group of unemployed
Sheffield steel workers who set up a male stripping group, was a tremendous success
and had cinemas all over the world falling about laughing. Whereas the MP and
minister Glenda Jackson is complaining about a lap-dancing club opening in her
Hampstead constituency. Yes, thats right, Glenda Jackson. You probably remember her railway carriage-dancing in Ken Russells movie The Music Lovers and beddancing with Oliver Reed in Women in Love.
The Ann Summers lingerie and sex aids shops first opened in 1972. They now
have 17 high-street retailers in key cities across the UK, attracting 1.9 million customers. But it was the move into selling the products to women through parties held
in prospective customers homes that earns it a place in this section.
Ann Summers is a family company owned by the brothers Ralph and David
Gold. It was Davids daughter Jacqueline, however, who came up with the parties
idea. At the age of 19, whilst starting at the bottom in her fathers firm, Jacqueline
recognised a new channel for Ann Summers products when she was at an Avon/
Tupperware style party. Not only did the move offer a new channel, it gave a new



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Nine Greatest Selling Innovations


respectability to the shops and products and encouraged women to think more liberally about sex and sensuality.
It works like this. Someone volunteers to house a party and invite as many of
her friends and their friends to attend. There are drinks and games as well as a
presentation of the Ann Summers product range and the usual product party invitation to buy. There are 7500 party organisers who do the presentations and more
than 2 million ladies attend in a year. In the lead-up to the Christmas period some
4500 parties are held in a week.
I am told that an Ann Summers party is brilliant fun and anyone who has been
to one reports spending a lot of the time roaring with laughter. Thats all I know
about them because men are barred from attending. Quite right too: men would
probably make the parties quiet and sad.
Party spirit, which, at best, is but the madness of many for the gain of a few.
Alexander Pope (16881744)

Idea 7 A non-trivial marketing campaign

The Trivial Pursuit game was conceived on 15 December 1979, when photo editor
Chris Haney got together with sportswriter Scott Abbott over a brand new game of
Scrabble. The fact that they kept losing Scrabble tiles meant that it was their eighth
brand new game of Scrabble.
Sensing a business opportunity (well, if every household had eight sets of
Scrabble), they decided to invent a new game. They were, of course, newspeople by
profession, so the theme was current events. The questions all dealt with the 5 Ws
who, what, when, where and why. To begin with they called it Trivia Pursuit until
Chriss wife called it Trivial Pursuit. which they preferred.
With somewhat nave entrepreneurial zeal they formed a company. They persuaded Chriss brother John Haney and his friend Ed Werner to join and borrowed
money from everyone they knew. One of the original 34 investors was a copyboy



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

from their newspaper who had to borrow the money from his mum. They collected
$40,000, rented an office and paid for some of the help with shares.
The first 1100 sets cost $75 each to manufacture. They sold them to
Today, people
retailers for $15 a game. These were newspeople, not businessmen, so
play Trivial
their misunderstanding of profits led to a rapid understanding of debt.
Pursuit in 19
In 1982 the US game company Selchow and Righter became interdifferent lanested. It hired a PR consultant who sent a direct mail campaign to 1800 of
guages not
the top buyers at the 1983 New York Toy Fair. And then, for good meabad for an
idea based on sure, it was mailed to all kinds of Hollywood stars. The mailshot included
a Trivial Pursuit card, often one that had the names of the recipients as
the premise
the answer or the question.
that every
Word of mouth took over. By late 1983, 3.5 million games had been
household has
eight games of sold. In 1984, 20 million were sold. Retail sales have now exceeded $1
billion. And Chris, Scott and their partners have become quite familiar
with the concept of profits.
Today, people play Trivial Pursuit in 19 different languages not bad for an
idea based on the premise that every household has eight games of Scrabble.

Ask yourself
Is there some way that you could ginger up your Mailshots with a threedimensional aid related to, or a part of, your product?

Idea 8 Pay in advance (Vodaphone)

Up front money is worth more than the stuff you have to invoice and wait for (see
discounted cashflows Idea 43). So, proving to consumers that they would be wise to do
so is an interesting marketing challenge. The mobile telephone company Vodafone



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Nine Greatest Selling Innovations


took it on with the service Pay as you Talk, a misnomer really since it is more
accurately Pay before you Talk.
The product is a telephone handset, charger and battery for a fixed price. Calls
and texting charges just get lower. A standard call at the moment is 25 pence for the
first three minutes and 5 pence thereafter. The call credit is kept on a card and
reduces as you use the telephone. When you are running low you receive a message
on the handset warning you to top up. You top up on the Internet, or by telephone
or by visiting a Vodafone store.
For people whose children have run up huge telephone bills and, for example,
for students who want to keep to a budget, this method of payment prevents any
nasty surprises when the bills come in. Since it is soon to be possible to access the
Internet from a mobile phone this could enhance the benefits of the service. Everyone remembers some of the bills run up by young surfers on their parents phones.
And from Vodafones point of view they are being paid in advance. Probably,
just as the mustard companys profits are left on the side of the plate, some of
Vodafones profits will be left on unused cards.

Ask yourself
When did you last review your terms and conditions for payment?
Is there any way you could argue for some money up front. Dont forget the
managers of many big companies are very interested in the price of what
they buy because it comes off their budget, but it may mean nothing to them
when your bill is paid.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Idea 9 Make your friends your customers (Amway)

The business of America is business, remarked Calvin Coolidge, and the story of
Amway and its founders bears this out. Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel met in high
school and found themselves at one with their views on the American dream. They
were sure that it was possible, for anyone who put the energy and work in, to own
his or her own business and grow it to the size they preferred. They resolved to work
together towards their dream when they finished military service.
Their first venture was a drive-in restaurant, but it was after a break to sail in
South America that their first real success came when they became independent
distributors of Nutrilite vitamins. Their version of the American dream evolved into
the realisation that direct person-to-person marketing could build a business fast.
Real growth, they discovered, would come when they attracted others into the
selling side of the business. Using the same person-to-person method they recruited
distributors for their new company Amway. The Amway Sales and Marketing Plan
told future distributors how to start selling and getting their own distributors. To
begin with, the main product that these channels sold was a multi-purpose cleaner.
In its first year of business Amway sold more than half a million dollars worth of
product. Growth was rapid in all areas, but it is when you look at the ratio of employees to distributors that you see the potential of pushing out to more and more
friends and acquaintances to bring them into the distributing fold. By the end of the
1960s they offered 200 products and had 700 employees. The number of distributors in the USA and Canada who were, in the jargon of the company, building
Amway businesses had reached 100,000.
The 1970s was a decade of further huge growth starting from an annual turnover of $100 million. It was also at this time that the company finally proved to the
FTC that Amway offered a genuine business opportunity and was not involved in
pyramid selling.
The product line continued to grow with Nutrilite Dietary Supplements and
the Personal Shoppers catalogues allowing further diversification. By the end of the



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Nine Greatest Selling Innovations


1970s there were literally millions of distributors, not only in North America but
also in Australia, the UK and Hong Kong.
In 1980 the company turnover broke the billion-dollar barrier and more plant
was added to keep up with demand. Another new product direction followed with
the introduction of the Amway Water Treatment System, distributed in the same
way as before.
This is what happens if you would like to become an Amway Water Treatment
distributor. You approach, or more likely are approached by, an existing Amway
distributor who becomes your sponsor.
The selling is done by the sponsor talking about the success they are enjoying.
The sponsor also shows the potential distributor a video which, amongst other things,
includes a series of endorsements from as eminent people as will agree to do it. At
one point in the UK, the video included an MPs wife with the politician himself in
the background. At some point the prospective distributor will be provided with the
Amway Business Kit, which contains basic Amway products and literature for use
in making sales.
The prospect is then invited to produce his or her first prospect list. The sponsor then goes through the list and probably keeps a copy in case you drop out. The
sponsor also helps you to sort your people into good, medium and poor prospects
by discussing their income level, lifestyle and so on.
You then place an order for the products you wish to buy and for some stock.
You are required to pay for your products immediately but have time to pay for the
stock as you, it is to be hoped, sell them. You make money out of your sales to
customers and so does your sponsor and his in turn.
Dont forget, this is person-to-person selling and, despite appearances, not pyramid selling. You are supposed to be building a business.
In 1997 Amway had a record year with retail sales of $7 billion. The number of
employees worldwide reached 14,000.



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06/06/03, 15:59

Ten Greatest Bumper Sticker Strategies

The sobriquet bumper sticker strategy comes from the book by Michel Roberts,
Strategy Pure and Simple: How Winning CEOs Outthink Their Competition. It gives a
title to the concept that every business should be able to summarise, in a few words,
its direction, purpose and strategy in a single sentence.
Getting a team to work together towards an agreed common goal is difficult,
and the bumper sticker strategy helps with this process. The ones I have picked are
at corporate level, but sometimes bumper sticker strategies would be better expressed
at lower levels in the business as well.
Here is another use for the bumper sticker strategy. In complex sales campaigns
where a lot of people are involved it is helpful for the team leader to express the
whole campaign goal and strategy in a single sentence. It helps to brief people and
gives them a filter to put their comments through when any member of the team,
from technician to managing director, is communicating with the customer.
Suppose an account team is trying to sell a computer facilities management
contract to, say, an engineering firm. Further, let us suppose that the bidding supplier is the market leader in the customers industry in the provision of facilities
management. But they are not the existing supplier, this would be a new customer.
The team will include technicians, support managers, finance people, other customer references, the top management team of the supplier and so on.
All of these people need to be briefed on how to react during their, possibly very
short, meetings with the prospect. A bumper sticker campaign strategy such as Come
out of the cold helps to remind the selling team how they are differentiating their
bid from the bid of the sitting tenant.



03/06/03, 10:43


The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

A good bumper sticker strategy holds up well against these questions:



Does it show a clear differentiator from the competition?

Does it promise something of value to not only the shareholders and employees
of the business, but also to existing and potential customers? Can I as a customer see what is in it for me?
Is it a slogan or a strategy? Do the core competencies of the business underpin
the strategy?
Is the business organised in a distinctive way to give it the best chance of carrying out the strategy?
Is everyone in the business committed to it?

A bumper
strategy that
sets the hearts
of Board
racing may not
work when
applied to the
storekeeper in
a remote
location in the

This last one may be impossible. A bumper strategy that sets the hearts of
Board members racing may not work when applied to the storekeeper in a
remote location in the western Highlands. This is why many companies
have a bumper sticker strategy that they publish to the world, while encouraging managers to adapt it to a local requirement.
Here are some bumper sticker strategies which are well on the way to
meeting all these criteria.

Idea 10 3M
Innovation working for you.

Idea 11 BMW
The ultimate driving machine.



03/06/03, 10:43

Ten Greatest Bumper Sticker Strategies

Idea 12 Federal Express

Guaranteed overnight delivery.

Idea 13 Ikea
Stylish furniture at low prices for young families.

Idea 14 Virgin
Debunk the establishment, business as fun.

Idea 15 Honda
Greatest engines.

Idea 16 Body Shop

Green cosmetics through franchises.

Idea 17 Johnson & Johnson

Serve medical community, super-ethical behaviour.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Idea 18 Southwest Airlines

Convenient and low cost point-to-point flying.

Idea 19 Volvo
Safe durable cars.

Ask yourself
What is your corporate bumper sticker strategy?
Which team in or with which you are working could benefit from a bumper
sticker strategy?



03/06/03, 10:43

Four Greatest Licences to Print Money

As we see in other parts of this book, a monopoly is a excellent starting point for
making a lot of money. Sometimes this monopoly comes as the result of winning a
contract in a heavily regulated industry.
The phrase a licence to print money was coined by Lord Thomson, the Canadian entrepreneur and newspaper man. He said it in relation to independent television licenses. It works equally well when the government of the day has brought in
prohibition Idea 21.
One that you may be surprised to find in this section is Eurotunnel Idea 22. The
reason for surprise is that the tunnel is famous not for being a licence to print money,
but rather the biggest black hole of all time into which shareholders and banks poured
money. But we need to think forwards as well as back if we are to spot the greatest
ideas of all time. Eurotunnels time should come. I could not leave out the people
who are physically responsible for making money, the Royal Mint Idea 24.
But we start with a most recent example of an ancient way of printing money
running a lottery.

Idea 20 Betting with the odds approximately 14 million

to one in your favour.
A game of chance where, usually, each of many people has an equal opportunity of
winning the main or subsidiary prizes existed in Roman times. Roman emperors
used the drawing of lots to give away property and slaves during festivals.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Italy is credited with inventing the modern version of a lottery in the sixteenth
century. The purpose of public lotteries was to provide improved defences of cities,
or to aid the poor. The very first public lottery to have paid money as prizes was La
Lotto de Firenza. Later, when Italy was united, it hosted the first national lottery.
In the UK, Elizabeth I used lottery money to repair harbours and to finance
other public works. The Virginia Company was allowed to hold lotteries to fund its
pioneering work in the New World. Interestingly, business people regarded the
chances of a lottery fulfilling its purpose as very good. They became in fact the first
and most certaine way of raising funds.
It is hard to know how such enterprises as the British Museum and the infrastructure of America would have otherwise been financed.
While the state ran a fair competition, there were various ways that private
individuals could make money on the side. They would obtain tickets at
From the
low prices and sell them on at high mark-ups, and there was a thriving
earliest exbusiness in insurance bets. Since the state made nothing out of these sideamples of the
lines, they were cited as part of the reason for banning lotteries after 1830.
Ireland set the pattern for the modern lottery in Europe with the Irish
century masses Hospitals Sweepstake. Almost all countries in Europe, North America
of people have and Asia have national or state lotteries, the notable exceptions being China
been happy to and India. Australia is sometimes known as the home of lotteries since it
accept huge
uses them to finance much of its public works.
odds against
Against this background the Government of the UK offered a licence
winning an
to run a national lottery in 1994.
almost unimagThe story of Camelot, the company that runs the National Lottery in
inable jackpot. the UK, would not fit into a category the greatest risk takers of all time.
From the earliest examples of the sixteenth century, masses of people
have been happy to accept huge odds against winning an almost unimaginable jackpot. An awful lot of people will regularly venture a pound or more for the small
chance of being able to tell the boss what they think of him.
Camelot won the seven-year licence in May 1994 against seven other bidders.
The risks they took were cleverly mitigated in a number of ways. First of all, the



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Four Greatest Licences to Print Money


shareholders were also the suppliers of products, services and expertise to the consortium. The current shareholders are as follows.

Cadbury Schweppes brings marketing and sales support with their extensive
knowledge of the UK retailing scene.
Royal Mail Enterprises are the largest retailer of National Lottery tickets.
De La Rue has the expertise and ability to print the high security materials
Fujitsu Services at the beginning the Fujitsu subsidiary ICL produced the
lottery terminals and did the huge training job. They had to train more than
34,000 retailer staff in 10,000 retailers.
Thales Electronics are providers of electronic products and advanced systems.

The figures for the half year to September 2002 make sobering reading for the shareholders. From a sales turnover of some 2.276 billion, down 5.2% overall, half
went back to the punters as prize money. 27% went to Good Causes (Camelot
always spells Good Causes with capital letters), 12% in tax, 5% to the retailers and
approximately 6% covered operating costs. This leaves a modest 1% as the bottom
line profit of the business. This modesty is in better perspective when you note that
the profit before tax of 17.9 million was all distributed to the shareholders.
Camelot publicity makes much of the fact that they had an awful lot to do in a
very short time when the lottery was launched, and that the penalties for being late
were heavy. Quite so, but the risk that people would not flock to a well-advertised
opportunity to get away from the humdrum of work was historically quite low.
In 2001, against very stiff competition, Camelot won the renewal of their licence to run the National Lottery in a bitter and political campaign. They changed
the name of the main draw to Lotto; but at this time they are failing to reverse a
sharp decline in their sales. Maybe people are catching on to the real chances of
becoming a multi-millionaire and telling their boss where to stuff their job.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Here comes the twist

1 The chance of winning the jackpot is approximately 14 million to one. If you
do the lottery, stop it at once.
2 Money invested in a premium bond also has only a remote chance of landing
a big win. The chances of winning anything are 15,000 to one for each bond
you hold. The interest paid on bonds is about 5% so that, in theory, is what
you should earn over the long term if you have a fairly extensive holding. But
at the end of the day at least the Government has the grace to give you your
pound back, some of which you might care to give directly to charity.

If by the people you understand the multitude, the hoi polloi, tis no matter what
they think; they are sometimes in the right. Sometimes in the wrong: their judgement is a mere lottery.
John Dryden (16311700)

Idea 21 Make my product illegal, please

Regulatory interference in a market can sometimes have the opposite effect from
that intended. Such interference can be on the supply side or the demand side.
Nowhere did the effect of regulation have such an enormous impact on social as
well as business life than in the USA when the Volstead Act (Volstead was the
congressman who promoted it) was passed in 1919. This prohibited the manufacture and distribution of alcoholic beverages.
The regulation obviously hit at the supply side, but the demand for alcohol hardly
changed. The simple result of this is that the price of alcohol went shooting up, and
bootleggers ensured that the manufacture and sale of the illegal liquor was widespread.



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Four Greatest Licences to Print Money


The best illustration of the stability of the demand side is the fact that the drivers of prohibition were the evangelical Protestant middle classes who were anti-alien
and anti-Roman Catholic. They held sway in the rural areas of the country and were
generally opposed to the growth of cities and towns. Their attack on liquor was
successful because it was assisted by the rural domination of the state legislatures.
The result of prohibition was that liquor was more or less unknown in these
rural areas, while reasonably obtainable in the towns and cities. The people who
wanted to drink and lost out were the working classes who could not pay the inflated
prices that prohibition had guaranteed.
Successful businessmen in the liquor industry were very successful indeed. Al
Capone counted his annual earnings in tens of millions of dollars. There was a
downside. The gang wars, which accompanied the distribution of liquor, cost a lot
of people their lives. Historians of crime, however, maintain that a stable semimonopoly was emerging towards the end of the 1920s.
Also emerging at that time was a new attitude in the temperance movement
itself. Major supporters of prohibition gradually lost faith in it as they saw the increase in criminal liquor production, the development of the speakeasy and the
increased restriction on individual freedom. The Democrats adopted a platform to
repeal the prohibition act in the presidential election of 1932, which they won.
Most states immediately repealed their own laws, but some kept on until 1966.
Since then liquor control in the USA has remained at local level.

Ask yourself
Is there any way that your product could improve its margins by the slowing
down of supply without any consequent reduction in demand?
Join me in lobbying for the complete prohibition of business books.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Idea 22 A tunnel vision

Mentioned in every textbook on the subject of investment is the need to look at
investment in equities as a long-term play. A lot of newspaper columns remind
potential investors that they should put money into the stock exchange with a timespan
in mind of at least five years.
In this regard Eurotunnel is the reductio ad absurdum that proves the rule. But
look at the affairs of the company more closely and as a long-term plan, and its
inclusion in the section licence to print money makes more sense. It is true that the
1998 accounts show that the company made an underlying loss of 215 million.
The financial restructuring gain, caused by the reduction of the past interest bill,
converted this loss into a small profit of 64 million. It is also true that shareholders
funds were stated at 1.06 billion while long-term loans stood at 8.29 billion.
But, like the pundits say, look at the long term. After all, the debate
The sharehold- on whether a fixed link should be built started 200 years before the treaty
ers should have signed between the UK and France in 1986 made the tunnel possible.
plenty to look
One of the earliest plans came from a French engineer, Albert Favier,
forward to, or
who proposed a tunnel for horse-drawn vehicles with an island in the
at least their
middle to allow for changing horses. If you think the shareholders have a
long wait for return, consider the case of Thom de Gamond who worked
on a fixed link for some 40 years of his life, culminating in another tunnel
plan in 1868. Some progress was made in tunnelling in 1880 until the
British Government got cold feet and called it off.
Political opposition remained the stumbling block in the first half of the twentieth century, although some big guns, such as Winston Churchill and Aneurin Bevan,
supported it. The need for political support changed in the Thatcher years when a
joint study indicated that a two-tunnel scheme was a possibility and tenders were
invited for a privately financed fixed link.
It was hard to argue with the international panel of construction industry executives and editors when they named the tunnel as the top construction achieve-



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Four Greatest Licences to Print Money


ment of the twentieth century. This was against other famous constructions such as
the Golden Gate Bridge and the Panama Canal.
The original licence was due to expire in 2042, but extra years were granted
and the company has sole rights to charging for use of the tunnel until 2086. Eventually this will be another licence to print money the opposite of Camelot, which is
relatively fast in fast out. The shareholders should have plenty to look forward to, or
at least their descendants should. Now that is planning in the long term.

Idea 23 Making a Mint

There is now only one holder of the licence to print UK coinage, and that is the
Royal Mint. This was not always the case. For more than 1500 years from the Iron
Age to the Restoration of Charles II, coins were struck by hand. To begin with there
were many English moneyers operating in towns and villages across the Kingdom.
People laboured in what were little more than blacksmith shops hammering blanks
between a pair of dies.
A single mint was set up in 1279 within the Tower of London and operated
there until it then moved into purpose-built premises on Tower Hill. The present
modern coinage plant was built to start the process of minting coins for decimalisation in the UK in 1971. These premises are in Llantrisant in South Wales.
The Royal Mint now boasts some of the most advanced coining machinery in
the world. It works like this:
In the foundry, strips of metal are drawn from large electric furnaces, reduced
to the required thickness in a tandem rolling mill and transferred to large blank
presses where coin blanks can be punched out at the rate of 10,000 per minute.
The blanks are softened and cleaned in the Annealing and Pickling Plant before
the final process in the Coining Press Room. Here the blanks are fed into coining
presses where the obverse and reverse designs, as well as the milling edge, are stamped
onto the blank simultaneously.



06/06/03, 16:06


The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

The latest presses can each strike more than 600 coins per minute to a standard
of accuracy imposed by law. To ensure that the composition of the alloy is correct,
samples of the molten metal are routinely checked by X-ray fluorescence
spectrometry. Each year samples of coins struck both for the UK and overseas are
presented to the annual Trial of the Pyx where they go through rigorous quality
examination by the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths.
The number of coins in circulation in the UK exceeds 18 billion coins with a
face value of 2 billion.
In 1975 the Mint was established as a Government Trading Fund, operationally very similar to a government-owned company. For many years half its sales
have gone abroad. This role as an exporter was emphasised when it became an
Executive Agency, providing it with greater freedom to develop its business further.
The Royal Mint has maintained its position as the worlds leading exporting mint.
During 199596 the Royal Mint produced coins and blanks for 82 countries, from
Albania to Zimbabwe.
The Royal Mint can satisfy any requirement of a country for a complete range
of coinage. To ensure the uniqueness of any coin in any country, the Royal Mint
houses, on behalf of all the worlds mints, the Coin Registration Office. This enables advice to be given to countries considering new coins so that they can avoid
specifications identical to existing coins in other countries. The Royal Mint also
maintains close contact with the vending industry worldwide and continuously increases the range of security features that it can offer to discourage counterfeiting.
Of all the distinguished people to have served the Royal Mint perhaps the most
unexpected and highest ranked is Isaac Newton. The scientist had a 30-year association with the Mint as Warden and then Master. He took a lot of interest in the
Mint despite being informed on his appointment that it should not take up too
much of his time. In fact the Government wanted the Mint to provide Newton with
an income that still left him relatively free to pursue what they regarded as more
important matters.



06/06/03, 16:06

Four Greatest Licences to Print Money


Newton became heavily involved in the dramatic increase in production occasioned by the great silver recoinage of 169698. He was actively involved in the
setting up of five mints elsewhere in the country.
But mainly his Wardens duties were concerned with the protection of the coinage from clippers and counterfeiters. This drew him into the underworld, where his
usual zeal turned him into a doughty and persistent opponent of such as the infamous William Chaloner, who paid for his forgery on the gallows.
As the Master he was more responsible for the production of coins, where his
desire for accuracy kept variations in the weight of new coins within very small
tolerances. It must have been a brave Company of Goldsmiths who challenged the
composition of the sample coins in 1710. It was particularly brave since it turned
out not to be true.
His name lent huge prestige to the Royal Mint and his advice was sought by
many. It was even sought by the Scots during the recoinage of the old Scots money
in 1707 caused by the Union of the Crowns.
Newtons contribution to the Mint was not so much in innovation or change,
but much more in the integrity and scientific accuracy of production. This legacy is
maintained to this day, and the reputation of the Royal Mint is still held very high.
And these I do not sell for gold,
Or coin of silvery shine,
But for a copper halfpenny,
And that will purchase nine.
Lewis Carroll (18321898)

Ask yourself
Who holds the licence to print money in your industry? Are they vulnerable?



06/06/03, 16:06



06/06/03, 16:06

Five Greatest Ways of Winning in

the Stock Market
I recently read the brochure of an insurance company selling a with profits policy.
They were claiming, as they all do, that on past performance they were the natural
choice. They chose to demonstrate this by looking at the value of policies over a
period of time. The period they had chosen was seven years and two months that
ended some time ago. It was obvious that they chose this particular period because
it illustrated the point they wished to make. It also makes the point that any system
for investing, from throwing darts at the Financial Times to the most complicated
computerised chart research, will probably succeed for some interval of time.
There are periods when Jim Slaters Zulu principle brings home the bacon,
other times when it does not perform. With this is mind, we have chosen two investment methods that have some rationale behind them as being as good as any (dealing when the directors do Idea 27 and choosing the worst performing unit trusts from a
management stable Idea 28). You should also remember that neither the publisher
nor I are licensed to give investment advice so dont sue if it all goes wrong.
The investment club Idea 25 route also has a lot of logic behind it but is more
likely to produce steady gains over a long period of time than spectacular ones from
inspired trading. If that is not fast enough for you, then the section on hedging Idea
26 shows how a sensible idea can be made to win or lose a lot of money in a very
short period of time. But we must start with the people who regularly and consistently make money out of the stock market the people in the City itself.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Idea 24 Greatest ways of winning in the stock market?

Run a unit trust
I suppose there is no such thing in the stock market as a guaranteed winner, but its
hard to believe that managing a unit trust is not just that. The concept is simple.
Although unit trust managers would rarely put it like this, their great business idea is
that you give them your money to invest in equities, and they will take 5 or 6% of it
before they start investing and then each year 1.5% of the value of the investment no
matter how successful the investment proves to be. If they double your money in a
year they take their 1.5% and if they halve it they do the same.
If using a unit
If using a unit trust reduces the risk of having too many eggs in the
trust reduces the same basket for investors, then how much more is the risk reduced for the
risk of having too fund managers who develop a range of unit trusts?
many eggs in
Look at it this way. A well-known con in racing is for someone, apthe same basket parently in the know, to sell tips for a fixed price plus a percentage of any
for investors,
winnings. The fixed price is the tipsters guarantee, while the punter will
then how much in any case tend to pay the percentage of a win in order to stay on the
more is the risk
oracles books. Oracle is certainly the right word if the tipster is actually
reduced for the tipping every runner to someone and therefore always has a winner to
fund managers advertise to new punters. You would never fall for that, would you?
who develop a
And yet the concept that unit trust managers bring to customers is
range of unit
remarkably similar. They offer a multiplicity of trusts in this country and
abroad, growth and income, separate industry sectors, emerging markets
and so on. The chances have got to be pretty good that at any moment in
time the unit trust manager will be able to point to at least one of his trusts
that is performing well. This draws in more money and the managers take their 5%
up front and 1.5% per annum. Its brilliant.
Its not so brilliant for the investor. It is true that a unit trust spreads small
investors risk. They are able to buy into a spread of shares, which is difficult to do
if they are only investing small amounts, and the opportunity to get easily into foreign shares is a definite advantage over doing it yourself. The second main argu-



06/06/03, 16:10

Five Greatest Ways of Winning in the Stock Market


ment usually put forward for unit trusts is more questionable. The managers will
claim that they are experts in picking shares that are going to perform well. They
certainly need to be to earn their money so lets see how well they have to do.
Looking at what has happened over the last five years of the bull market to
1000 invested in the average unit trust you will find that, at 1999 prices, it had
risen to 1580. This is a compound rate of return of just under 9.6%. Could the
private investor have done better? If you take into account that the FTSE All Share
index, an index of capital growth without taking account of dividend income, did
over 16% per annum over the same period you should be able to take a view.
Of course the investor could have been lucky and chosen the best performer who
managed an incredible 4278 or something over 33% per annum. But they could
have picked the other end of the spectrum and lost more than half the original stake.
According to the Association of Unit Trusts the value of funds invested in unit
trusts went up between April 1998 and March 1999 from 170 billion to 192
billion. The managers initial charges that year at say 5% gave them 1.1 billion and
their annual 1.5% cost investors 330 million. Of course they have their expenses to
find out of that, but arguably they have very little risk.
That describes the good times when people were investing in unit trusts in a long
bull market. March 1999 saw the start of what now looks like an equally long bear
market, and investors are seeing the value of their funds and pensions diminishing
very rapidly over three and a half years at the time of writing. Again, it does seem to
be a heads-you-lose, tails-the-unit-trust-manager-wins situation, since most unit trusts
are losing much more money than the general stock market. They are simply not
appearing to be the hedge or buffer against hard times that they boasted of in the past.
And they still draw their initial fees and annual charges great idea or what?

Here comes the twist

Read the next great idea.
Form or join an investment club.



06/06/03, 16:10


The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Idea 25 Run a private unit trust an investment club

So, if being a unit trust manager is such a clever way of making money, how can
private individuals get the same or a similar opportunity?
The one advantage of unit trusts over doing your own investing as an individual
is that a unit trust gives you instant access to the widely spread portfolio that the
unit trust manager has established. If your resources are limited this can be very
useful, as it avoids the overexposure to a small number of shares in the early years of
a portfolio.
In passing it is worth noting the number of people who hold shares only in their
own company. This is the opposite of good portfolio management, which recommends that you hold a spread of at least 15 shares, so that if one bit goes wrong it may
be balanced by another bit doing well. Not only that, but if you only have shares in
your own company, if the share price goes south it could presage your job going west.
Investment clubs offer a neat way of gaining the benefit of a portfolio without
losing control of the investment strategy, or paying the fees of the professionals.
I have to declare an interest here. I have been the treasurer of an investment
club for its lifetime of five years. It is a steady, some would say boring, club with
simple objectives. It is a long-term savings scheme for its members and the benchmark it attempts to beat is the performance of the average unit trust as reported on
Saturdays in the Financial Times.
The beauty of investment clubs is that they are essentially informal. They have
almost no expenses, since none of the people involved in running the club are paid.
But this informality must be balanced by a well drawn-up constitution and rules.
You may obtain these easily from such organisations as Proshare in the UK or the
National Association of Investors Corporation in the USA.
What happens is this. A group of up to 20 people, neighbours, friends, colleagues or members of the same golf club, for example, agree to form an investment
club. Some clubs have as few as three or four members. One of the members gets
hold of a sample constitution and rules, understands them and writes the first description of the club for other prospective members to read.



06/06/03, 16:10

Five Greatest Ways of Winning in the Stock Market


During an inaugural meeting a number of significant issues are discussed and

decisions made in the following areas:

Office bearers. The club needs a chairman, a secretary and a treasurer. The
treasurer is highly significant in the club as he or she will keep the records of
the portfolio and all transactions.
Number of meetings per year. Some clubs meet monthly and others less often. It
depends on the subscription income and, to some extent, on the social aspects
of the club. Some clubs are primarily social and will meet frequently to socialise
as well as make investment decisions. Others are more serious in terms of the
objectives of the club and the likely level of the fund as it grows. In any case
there will be an annual general meeting.
How members are elected. Probably new members will be proposed by existing
members and their invitation to join ratified at a monthly meeting.
Subscriptions. The members must decide on the amount of the joining fee, the
upper and lower limits of monthly subscription, and upper and lower limits on
lump sum investments. I have seen clubs with monthly subscriptions as low as
20. The average for our club is about 95 per month, with the lowest sub
50 and the highest 250.

The rules also need to be clear on how the portfolio is valued for purposes of buying
units in the fund, or selling units back in order for a member to realise some or all of
his or her holding. Normally this valuation is made on the last day of the month and
the price used is the mid-price of each share as quoted in the Financial Times.
Members of an investment club need to have a common goal for the building
up of the portfolio. Individual reasons for being in the club may be very different,
but the investment goal needs to have the support of everyone. It is probably useful
to set it fairly wide. Taking that goal into account, individuals can then calculate an
appropriate subscription amount.
The investment strategy is the next important step. This should certainly include the level of risk to be taken. The members must agree what proportion of



06/06/03, 16:10


The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

money is to be invested at low, medium and high risk, and what they mean by those
risks. Our club is a savings scheme so more than half of the money is invested in
FTSE 100 companies.
If some members are less interested in the nitty gritty of investment decisions,
they may leave that to others or even to a sub-committee; but the people with the
delegated authority to make such decisions will be bound to operate according to
the strategy or to go back to the whole membership if they wish to suggest changes.
The members, or the sub-committee, then choose shares in the way that the
members have agreed. Some strategies are no cleverer than sticking a pin in the
Financial Times, or using members knowledge of their own industries as a guide.
Here is a summary of a more logical way of team share choice.

Using their knowledge and observation they choose a sector for investment.
Using their strategy and current spread of the portfolio they choose the correct
level of risk.
Using the price/earnings ratio and yield they identify some four or more shares
which are in the category defined in the first two steps. They get the annual
reports of these companies. They probably action one or two members to do
the evaluation work.
Using published information they discuss the company strategy.
From the same information they calculate the key business ratios, discuss
whether they support the business strategy and possibly compare them with
industry averages.
They finally evaluate whether they believe the managers of the business can
carry out the strategy successfully and make a decision.

In five years, 20 of us have built up a fund of 130,000, and, touch wood, we

regularly beat the average unit trust over one, three and five years.
If we take the periods to June 6 1999, just as an example, we beat the average
unit trust as follows.



06/06/03, 16:10

Five Greatest Ways of Winning in the Stock Market

Return on 1000
income reinvested

Average unit trust

Investment Club


One year
Three years
Five years





We have not been immune to the huge bear market though and the value of our
investment has fallen dramatically. Time will tell if we can repeat this competitive
performance in hard times as well as good. I suspect we will.

Idea 26 Hedge your bets

Heres a farmer that hanged himself on the expectation of plenty.
Shakespeare, Macbeth
Wherever there

You may remember the opening of the book by ex-Salomon trader Michael is a degree of
Lewis called Liars Poker. John Gutfreund, the Salomon Chairman, comes uncertainty, for
out of his office and offers to bet $1 million on a single game of Liars Poker
example of
with another senior manager. The bet goes One hand, one million dollars,
supply and
no tears. The no tears is to emphasise that the bet is for real and that the
loser will not whinge about his loss. Indeed, get a group of city types together
someone will
and they will find something to bet on. Wherever there is a degree of uncertake positions
tainty, for example of supply and demand, someone will take positions on it.
on it.
The concept of hedging rears its head in the futures markets in which
bets are taken on the value of commodities or shares some time in the future. The
history of what is now known as the derivatives markets goes back to some very sensible
insurance policies being taken out by farmers. If you are dependent on crops that only
grow once a year, you are dependent first of all on the vagaries of demand. How much
cocoa will the chocolate manufactures buy and use over the next one or two years?
There is also risk to supply as it depends on what the weather is going to be like.



06/06/03, 16:10


The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Cocoa is a traditional futures market that started trading in 1926. Commodity

suppliers sell some or part of their future crops forward. That is, they agree a price
and a volume of product with a trader before all the uncertainties become known.
The timing in the cocoa market of this is up to 21 months ahead. Farmers can now
sleep soundly knowing that a proportion of their income is protected whatever the
outcome at harvest time. The great idea is as simple as that.
But, of course, then the complications cut in. Producers have an interest in
concealing the true size and condition of their crops. News of impending shortages
will drive prices up; the prospect of a bumper harvest will take prices in the opposite
direction. Since there is active trading in these futures, the original buyer can sell
the contract on at a profit or loss.
Usually producers work out just how much of the crop they want to sell forward
so that if there is a shortage and higher prices are available they will be able to take
advantage of these for at least some of their produce. The proportion hedged or
insured limits the risk to whatever level the producer deems acceptable.
The chocolate manufacturers are also playing a careful game. Their wish is to
guarantee a minimum amount of cocoa whilst at the same time trying to achieve the
minimum average price they can. They will buy forward only if they think the price
is likely to rise.
This is the classic role of the commodities futures market, providing a way of
hedging risk due to uncertainty about the supply and demand for basic materials
and the pricing consequences that follow.
The great idea of hedging has been expanded to allow futures trading on stocks
and shares. In this way an investor can buy call options at a price set at that time for
a trade to occur at a fixed time in the future. Either side in this transaction can thus
increase the potential reward of a share price rise by using gearing. It works like this.
Suppose you believe, for whatever reason, that the price of shares in Example
Company PLC (ECP) is going to rise over the next few months, so you can buy an
option in the futures market. Take these numbers as an example.
The share price of ECP is currently 658 pence. You believe that it could rise



06/06/03, 16:10

Five Greatest Ways of Winning in the Stock Market


some 10% over the next three months to 725 and you have 2,000 to invest. In this
example I am going to ignore the costs of dealing to keep it simple. Remember every
trade you make whether in actual shares or options is accompanied by a cost which
will have the affect of reducing the numbers you are about to read.
If you buy shares in ECP and your prediction is correct you will make 200 or
10% in three months, which is not bad. But suppose you want more. You could buy
a call option for 31p giving you the right to buy shares at 650p in three months time.
Your 2000 buys you about 6450 calls. When the price goes up to 725p you can
buy for 650p and sell for 725p at the same time. Your sale profit is 6450 (725
650) or 4837, from which you subtract the original 2000 you paid for the option,
leaving a profit of 2837 more than fourteen times the profit earned in trading in
the underlying shares. You have received return on your original capital of an outstanding 140% in three months, a huge reward.
But a huge reward implies a huge risk. If the market goes against your prediction the outcome can be dire. In effect you are buying the shares for 650p, the
option price, plus 31p, the price of the option making a total of 681p. If the price is
below that you lose. If the price in three months is 665p then your losses are 6450
16 or 1032 and you have lost half your money. If the price drops below 650 of
course then you have lost the lot. The only people who cannot lose, naturally, are
the ones taking commissions on each transaction.
This principal of hedging and speculating can be applied to almost anything in
the stock market. You can, for example, hedge or speculate on movements of the
main market indices such as the FTSE 100. This means that your portfolio is protected if you were thinking of selling shares at a given point in the future. You can
bet on spreads of prices and so it goes on. If you need an insurance policy hedging is
a great idea, but if you decide to speculate, be sure you do it with money you can
afford to lose. Most financial advisers steer their clients away from speculating in
futures because of the huge risks, but as long as you can write the money off when
you place the bet its an excellent return if you are lucky. But dont forget what the
man said No tears.



06/06/03, 16:10


The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Idea 27 Dealing when the directors do

I said I would make two suggestions for a winning share strategy and here is the first.
It comes without guarantee and involves buying shares when the directors have
done so and following their lead also in selling.
It is extraordinary how news announced by companies comes, almost always,
after there has been a related move in the price of the shares involved. A simple test
of this is to look at what happens on the day a company announces its results. If the
results are in the middle of the range predicted by analysts there may be
It is extraordilittle or no movement. If they are at the top end of predictions the price
nary how news quite often goes down. The good news was already in the price. The main
announced by players knew roughly what was going to happen before the announcecompanies
ment was made.
comes, almost
Knowledge of the health of a company is revealed in a number of
always, after
ways. The sources that the private investors have at their disposal are
there has been dominated by what they read in papers or magazines, or from material
a related move such as annual reports, which they can get from the companies themin the price of
the shares
Without any hint of insider dealing or illegality, such knowledge is
basically old hat before the papers are printed. The people in the know,
i.e. the City, will have already taken positions on news before private investors have had a sniff.
The people closest to the real situation of the company are, of course, the directors. During certain periods of the financial year they are banned from dealing in the
shares in their own company, because their inside knowledge could damage investors without the directors access to information.
At other times of the year they are permitted to deal and they do. It is easy to
find out when this has occurred by reading the financial pages although the timing
problems mentioned above do exist. Nevertheless, following directors dealings is
potentially a way of making money in the long term. The rule is, if three or more



06/06/03, 16:10

Five Greatest Ways of Winning in the Stock Market


directors buy shares in their own company then you buy, and if three or more directors sell shares in your portfolio then you should sell.
It has worked in the past and it will almost certainly work in the future. The
only problem you are left with is knowing when.

Idea 28 Backing last years losers

With all their faults, unit trusts are a very popular way of private investors getting
into the stock market. So here is a possible strategy to pick the right unit trust by
studying the form. This probably presupposes your agreement with my thinking
that choosing unit trusts is something of a lottery.
The main boast of any unit trust provider is that with the skills and knowledge
of their management teams they will tend to outperform their sector, index or benchmark. As we have already seen they will then advertise those funds that do actually
achieve this result. The ones that have done really badly get no publicity and no
advertising budget. But look at the thing from the providers perspective and an
interesting possibility presents itself.
Because marketers need to attract new money, performance has become more
and more important. This means that successful fund managers have become superstars on huge salary and bonus packages. They are also very mobile. According
to the publication Successful Personal Investing, the average time an individual fund
manager has responsibility for a fund is 2.5 years. So, impressed by the performance
of one trust and determined to invest in that management team, investors, unless
they are careful, could be buying the expertise of a team new to the fund, with a
poorer track record.
This means that if you want to follow a manager you may have to switch funds
or even provider. This is often expensive with the payment of initial charges. But
there may be a way of turning this to the investors advantage.



06/06/03, 16:10


The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

If a fund is not performing the providers will at some point change the team
running the fund. They do not want the fund to bring down their average and place in
the league tables for ever. They also do not want to appear for too long in the Worst
performing funds sector of Saturdays Financial Times. A change of management may
be all that is required to pick up performance and do better for their investors.
There is a strategy to operate on this, which is to buy annually the worst performing fund in any fund managers stable, on the grounds that the management
change may occur and the fund will do better during the next 12 months or even be
best in stable. At that point you switch and again buy the worst performer. It has
worked in the past, from time to time of course.
There is another piece of logic behind this strategy. At present most funds are
dual priced. This means that they have a bid and offer price with a spread that
includes the initial charge the managers take for managing your money (you remember the basic premise). As well as this there is a cancellation price. This is the
lowest price the management group is allowed to buy back units from you according
to the official price calculation. When the bid price is at or near this, the unit is said
to be on a bid basis.
This cancellation price is a useful guide to the current popularity of individual
funds. If the cancellation price is below the bid price, the price at which the managers will buy back your units, then it is a reasonable conclusion that more units are
being bought by investors than sold. The price is known as on an offer basis. It also
means that there is scope for a widening of the offer to bid price when the fund
becomes less popular.
What you want to do is to buy when the price is on a bid basis, and sell when it
has moved to an offer basis. This is more likely to happen if you buy the worst
performing fund in a stable.
There is a problem. I said that knowing the cancellation price was useful to the
investor, so it is no surprise to find that the rules have been changed. Up until 1995
unit trusts were required to publish their cancellation prices each day. Now they are
not, but if you request the information from them they must tell you.



06/06/03, 16:10

Five Greatest Ways of Getting

the Order (or at Least Your Own Way)
Rudyard Kiplings famous five friends Who, what, when, where and why is probably the first documentation of the open question. Most business people use open
questions to elicit information from customers, markets, colleagues and so on. Everyone is aware that if you ask the right open question you can get people to talk
about themselves, what they do and what they like.
But actual progress in business is made with the frequent asking of closed questions questions that look for one word answers, often yes or no. It is by closing
for agreement that you become aware of whether or not you are going to get your
own way, what salespeople call getting the order. One of the greatest business
ideas, therefore, has to be to hone your skills in asking closing questions and set
stretching but achievable objectives every time you communicate with colleagues,
customers and suppliers.
Its so frustrating when you do not tell us what you want us to do or what you
want us to agree to said the Chairman of the Board to a middle manager at the end
of a presentation. The manager had requested an opportunity to make a half-hour
pitch to his senior colleagues. He had been talking about a new channel of distribution that he was in the process of setting up, and the reason he had asked for the
meeting was to help to remove an uncomfortable feeling that some other managers
did not think the new idea as brilliant as he did. He felt he needed top cover.
Such scenes are played out in business millions of times a day. Its strange but
true that while very few managers nowadays would think of operating without some
agreed objectives and measures of performance, they frequently communicate, be it



21/05/03, 15:20


The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

by a letter, a meeting, a telephone call or a presentation, without first of all thinking

what they want to get agreement to, i.e. what their objective is in communicating.
Such managers should learn from salespeople, who use closing techniques
throughout a sales campaign to make sure that they are on course to their final
objective of a sale. It is hard to find the source of the greatest closing techniques as
they have been around for ever, or at least since people tried to persuade others to
follow their line of thought or action.
Well start with the one that even the most seasoned salespeople sometimes get
wrong. It happens when, in a competitive situation, the prospective customer tells
the salesperson that they have a problem with price.

Idea 29 Trial closing a price objection

A group of professionals in a chartered surveyors firm were discussing what they
should say to clients who tell them that they have other quotations which are cheaper
than theirs. Here is a selection of their replies.

If you pay peanuts you get monkeys.

But the other firms do not have the experience that we have in this area.
Well match their price (i.e. give away most of the profit).
We have been established for over a hundred years.
We are the Rolls Royce of the chartered surveying business.

It is obvious what they were getting at, but none of these responses would be in the
objection handling bag of a professional salesperson. Indeed some professional
salespeople might describe the professional chartered surveyors remarks as bullshit.
The worst response of those above is probably the offer to match the competitors price. Salespeople feel that, say, 10% off the price is not a big deal, because



21/05/03, 15:20

Five Greatest Ways of Getting the Order


they do not realise what it does to the bottom line. Heres an example of this from
the insurance business.

Ruining sales by discounting commissions

The original commission rate is 20%
Cost of insurance
Gross margin
Net profit
Under pressure the salesperson discounts the premium by 10%
Cost of insurance
Gross margin
Net profit
A 10% reduction in the premium is a 66% reduction in the bottom line

No, the correct way to handle a price objection is to use the trial close. It goes
like this:
If we were the same price would you prefer our proposal?
What is the client to say? Suppose they say Well no actually, seemingly the
worst outcome, at least you can now ask Why? and deal with the other objections,
real or imagined. Suppose they say Well, yes I think we would. At that point the
same question Why? will elicit what the client believes are your advantages as op-



21/05/03, 15:20


The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

posed to the general statements above. Often in this last case, the clients are actually
trying to persuade themselves that the bit extra is worth it.
Incidentally the other selling technique that is tested by this method
Frequently the
of handling price objections is the ability to remain silent. Frequently the
Would you buy Would you buy from us if we were the same price as the cheapest? quesfrom us if we
tion leads to a lot of thought from the prospect. Keep your mouth shut
were the same and wait for the response.
price as the
question leads
to a lot of
thought from
the prospect.
Keep your
mouth shut and
wait for the

Idea 30 The puppy dog close

This close is based on the activities of a person who sell pets. Look he
says to Mum and Dad, why dont you take the puppy home for the weekend and see how the kids get on with it. No obligation, if you dont want
it Ill come round Monday and take it away. What with? A small army?
The salesperson knows that by the end of the weekend the kids will
be as willing to give up the little dog as they are to give up breathing or
having a birthday. This technique is used by many industries in various
ways, and is linked to the idea of making sales by inertia. When did you last get an
offer to send in a direct debit for a magazine subscription with the promise that no
debits would be made until you had received your four free issues? Thats a puppy
dog close.
They are using it for credit cards nowadays and even IT equipment and software. It works where the product once experimented with becomes highly desirable
or where the customer continues with the product because they dont know how to
stop it coming, or they cant be bothered. Book clubs would hardly exist without
this close.
I have just received the Wall Street Journal free for four weeks. In the end I
declined to pay for it in future and sent the direct debit confirmation back marked
Cancelled. They sent me another one to make sure, with the extraordinary PS



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Five Greatest Ways of Getting the Order


This is a risk-free offer. If you choose not to continue, the four weeks are yours to
keep free of charge. You mean there was a risk they might have asked for their old
newspapers back?

Idea 31 The cup of coffee close

Many decisions in business are taken by a group of people, a committee or a board
for example, and many a sale has been lost because the seller is unaware of the cup
of coffee close.
The manager has made his pitch, or the salesperson his final presentation to a
group of decision-making managers. It is the easiest thing in the world for the chairman to thank the speaker for making the case so well, and say that the managers will
give it serious thought and discussion. The meeting ends with no decision because
the chairman actually does want to hear everyones views before a decision is confirmed. If they decide against, they can tell the salesperson by phone or by letter,
always easier than face to face.
Pre-empt the situation with the cup of coffee close. If it feels good and the
vibrations are positive, offer to leave the group on its own for ten minutes. Look it
must be difficult for you to make a decision while I am here, Ill go and have a cup
of coffee while you have a chat. Ill pop back in a few minutes. Either they are going
to agree to your suggestion, a buying sign, tell you it is not necessary for you to go,
another buying sign, or they are going to say that it is not necessary for you to return
and that they will get back to you in due course, probably a warning signal.
Its quite fun if they agree to your returning in a few minutes. If when you
return everyone looks at you, you have got the order. If only the Chairman is looking at you and some people are having their own quiet discussion you can be sure
you have more work to do or that you have lost.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Idea 32 Its as easy as ABC Always Be Closing

We do not know who first coined this phrase but its spot on. Ginger up your communication skills by practising and using good closing and trial closing technique.
Salesman: Which of the colours fits best with your kitchen decoration the
grey or the light blue? This is called an alternative close.
Manager: If you had those resources would you take responsibility for achieving that objective? Trial close.
Mother: If you had your own clothing allowance would you keep your room
tidy? Associated project close.
Teenager: But everyones getting them, so if you dont buy me them now there
will be none left. Impending event close.

Idea 33 Tell them what you are going to ask for

If you have to persuade someone to change their minds or move from a neutral
position on a decision to a positive one, it is easy to duck the issue at the beginning
of your persuasive activity. Again using the medium of a presentation, let us look at
You are trying to get agreement to the board putting two new people into your
team over six months to take charge of arranging trade shows. Prior to this the trade
shows had somehow happened, but with a lot of last-minute panic and favours
being asked of various people within and without the company. These last-minute
panics tend to cost a lot of money as the alternative of not being ready for opening
day is unacceptable. (How much does an electrician charge per hour when it is 6
oclock in the evening before the show opens and your stand has, at present, a
temporary spotlight?) The professionalism of your exhibits is also, you are convinced, inferior to the other companies at the show.



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Five Greatest Ways of Getting the Order


The board is likely to be sceptical since this is new expenditure with no exceptional new results.
From what has gone before in this section you have prepared your closing question. Do I have your agreement to go out to the usual recruitment agency and
instruct them to hire two grade 4s straight away? Its nice and specific with no room
for ambiguity or subsequent backsliding.
Now think about your opening. A lot of people would fudge the opening, preferring to launch into horror stories of what has happened in the past,
showing the board the list of extra shows that you could put on if you had
the resources and so on. This tends to put the board on its guard. Re- very few manmember, very few managers go to the board with any suggestion that does agers go to the
not require additional resources and it is frustrating when they do not board with any
suggestion that
have a clue about how much you are going to ask for.
does not
Much better is to signal the closing question right at the beginning of
require addithe presentation. It goes something like this:
You have given me ten minutes so Ill get to the point as quickly as tional resources
possible. I am going to cover three topics in the ten minutes. First I am and it is frustratgoing to go over the current situation we face in arranging and setting up ing when they
exhibition stands, then I am going to ask your permission to hire two extra do not have a
grade 4 people to carry out that role in the future, and with any time that clue about how
much you are
is left show you our current ideas for the next big show. Is that OK?
going to ask
The insertion of the closed question at the end of this statement can
be very revealing. It can lead to a huge row. No you bloody well cannot
have more people, these shows are more trouble than they are worth already and so on. At least you are arguing about the point you are trying to make.
More often you will get a neutral reply such as Yes, OK, but if we have any problems with the first bit, we will not be agreeing to the second bit. Incidentally, if this
remark comes from the most senior person in the room it will generally get a laugh,
which is always good. Sometimes you will get a more positive response and you will
wonder why you are making the presentation at all.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Whatever happens you will have made real progress towards getting a decision
and your own way.

Here comes the twist

Look at a letter you have written or a presentation you have given and see
whether the objective was specific and that you clearly asked if you had
achieved it.
Think about your next meeting, what you are trying to persuade people of,
and plan the closing question and then the opening.



21/05/03, 15:20

Four Greatest Door-to-Door Salesmen

Door-to-door selling has rather a bad name nowadays. Most people I mention it to
respond with double glazing and knife sharpening. But many other products have
become successful through this medium, and some large companies built. You can
buy cosmetics (Idea 36) or cleaning products (Idea 35), but I start with what was a
genuine winwin for door-to-door sales technique, good for the company and good
for the householder.

Idea 34 Security from cradle to grave (Prudential)

In 1948 The Prudential Mutual Assurance, Investment and Loan Association was
formed to serve the needs of the British professional classes. Their loan and life
products were offered only to the affluent. Companies at the time were unwilling to
take on the risks involved in insuring the working classes.
It was a deputation of factory workers combined with a recommendation from
Parliament that persuaded the company to issue life policies for small sums. The fear
of the poor, that they would not have a proper funeral, led to life policies for small
sums, with weekly or monthly payments to cover, in the first place, funeral costs.
The industrial department opened in 1854 and appointed agents to sell penny
policies to Victorian workers. Industrial insurance quickly became the most important part of the companys business.
A leading light in all of this was Henry Harben, the secretary of the company.
He put down values of simple product design, effective distribution and efficient
service. The door-to-door salespeople were central to all of these values.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Growth was steady and by time the Industrial Division was 25 years old, it was
necessary for new headquarters to be found. In 1879 the building, which is still its
HQ, was opened in Holborn Bars. The Pru was also engaged in the pioneering work
of the day, to introduce women into the work force. The new building included
facilities for women clerks.
The companys publicity material records that By the end of the century, Prudential was well-established as the leading insurer in Britain regarded as a national
institution more than a commercial company. Across the country, one person in
three held a Prudential policy.
In the first half of the twentieth century the Prudential co-operated with the government in collecting contributions to the state sickness and unemployment scheme.
The branding of the Prudential as more than a commercial company continued with
the ending of gender segregation in offices. They also took on women and retired men
to replace those called up for World War I and did not charge extra premiums to
enlisted men. This time period also saw the expansion of the company into overseas
markets, with a network of agencies across Europe and the British Empire.
After World War II the Prudential started to use their agent organisation as part
of their advertising, and a real agent, Fred Sawyer from Kent, became well known
all over the world as the Man from the Pru.
From the 1970s most expansion came from the acquisition of other companies.
The Prudential is now a market leader in most areas of personal finance. There are
no door-to-door Men from the Pru now; they have been replaced by higher-tech
ways of doing business.
Prudential reported total sales of 4.4 billion in the first nine months of 2002,
12 per cent up on the same period the previous year. It owns a fund manager and a
bank. Along with other life companies that it owns it is still a massive player in the
global insurance sector. But the business was built on door-to-door collection agents
guaranteeing that poorer people could have a decent funeral.



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Four Greatest Door-to-Door Salesmen


Ask yourself
When did you last check that you had the right amount of life insurance? By
the time they get to middle age, a lot of people when they add it all up find
that they have too much life insurance and not enough long term or pension

Idea 35 Well over the Border and gie them a brush

James Hogg (Kleeneze)
It is a startling tribute to their salespeople, that, as children, my sister and I looked
forward to the arrival of the man with the caseful of brushes, clothes and polishes
the Kleeneze man. We liked the little free samples of polish he gave kids, which we
used for polishing dolls shoes and Hornby trains, respectively.
The story of Kleeneze starts with a young man emigrating with his family to the
USA. There he discovered the Fuller Brush Company, who sold door to door high
quality brushes using twisted-in-wire methodology. So impressed was he that he
came back to the UK and in Bristol started the Kleeneze company. The mans name
was Harry Crook, as unlikely a name for anyone in the selling game as any you
could think of. In fact if you can sell door to door with the name Crook on your
business card, you must be able, as they say, to sell pork chops to a rabbi.
Kleeneze claims to be the first company in Britain selling door to door, and the
first to introduce network marketing (see Amway Idea 9).
The company, which operates in the UK and the Republic of Ireland, has traded
profitably every year since 1923. There are 12,000 distributors, a number that is
still said to be growing, who deliver catalogues and deliver door to door. They also
recruit new distributors to take advantage of a sales-based commission scheme. Sales
in 1998 were 39 million with profits of over 3 million.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

The case of samples has gone, replaced by a catalogue containing over 600
items. The range has increased as well. It still has the Homecare section with cleaning materials and tools. To this it has added Home ideas, Personal care, Whats cooking and Garden & workshop. The catalogue is attractive and comprehensive, but I
wonder if children rush indoors to tell their mothers that the Kleeneze catalogue is

Idea 36 Ding doing well (Avon)

The first Avon Lady, Mrs. P.F.E. Albee of Winchester, NH, pioneered the companys now-famous direct-selling method. By so doing Avon provided one of the
first opportunities for American women to be financially independent at a time when
their place was traditionally at home. Indeed, women have sold Avon since 1886,
that is 34 years before they won the right to vote!
Avon Products, Inc., founded in 1886, is the worlds largest direct seller of
beauty and related products. With $4.8 billion in annual revenues, the company
ranks 293rd on the Fortune 500 list of Americas largest companies. It markets to
women in 131 countries through nearly 2.3 million independent sales representatives.
Avon is among the worlds largest selling brands of cosmetics, fragrances and
toiletries, including such recognisable brands as Anew, Avon Skin Care, Skin-SoSoft, Avon Color, Far Away, Rare Gold, Josie, Natori, and Millennia. In addition, the
company is one of the worlds largest manufacturers of fashion jewellery. It also
markets an extensive line of apparel, gifts, decorative, collectible, and family entertainment products. Avons vision is: to be the company that best understands
and satisfies the product, service and self-fulfilment needs of women globally.
This vision influences the companys research, product development, marketing
and management practices.



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Four Greatest Door-to-Door Salesmen


This emphasis on women, as well as the door-to-door aspect of their selling,

makes it a highly innovative company. The statistics tell the tale.
Avon has more women in management positions (86%) than any other Fortune 500 company. Seventeen of Avons 54 officers (32%) are women and four
women sit on Avons board of directors. Avons Women of Enterprise Awards program, created in 1987 in conjunction with the US Small Business Administration,
annually recognises five women entrepreneurs for extraordinary business success.
Since October 1993, the Avon Breast Cancer Awareness Crusade has raised
$25 million to support breast-cancer education and access to early detection services. The company in 1993 established the Avon World-wide Fund for Womens
Health to raise money for health-related problems of concern to women globally.
The company has a trail of awards for employment practices including six entries in the 100 Best Companies for Working Mothers. It is also Approximately
recognised by its policies and practices in encouraging ethnic minorities 50% of American women
such as Hispanic and black people.
have purAvons 100% money-back guarantee was instituted 111 years ago
chased from
the day the company was founded and Avon sees itself as the supplier of
Avon in the last
prestige-quality beauty products at affordable prices.
Certainly their reach to consumers through direct selling is very im- year; 90% have
pressive. Each year, Avon prints over 600 million sales brochures in more done so in their
than 12 languages. In the US alone, the brochure is distributed to 14
million women every two weeks. Nearly half the women in the US, 48
million, rely on Avon and its beauty products. To reach todays women, 30% of
Avon representatives sell in offices, factories, hospitals, schools wherever women
work. Approximately 50% of American women have purchased from Avon in the
last year; 90% have done so in their lifetime.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Ask yourself
Does the gender and ethnic mix in your company reflect society in general, and
the market which you address in particular?

Idea 37 Forecasting a sale

In the 1950s there was a Indian guru who was trying to be a mystic; he had a small
following, but at the same time he had to earn a living. This he did by selling Indian
products shawls, tablecloths and other decorative fabrics door to door. Wittingly
or unwittingly, he developed a pretty eccentric impending event close (see greatest
ways of getting the order Idea 33). Once the housewife had looked at the offerings and
was plainly about to decline, the fakir moved to his other persona and offered to tell
her fortune.
Studying her hand intently, he pursed his lips and gave the sort of Delphic
prophecies you would expect from such an exercise. He was good at it and normally
got the attention of the prospect with a few good hits on things that were actually
true. At the end of the consultation, he would suddenly notice another line on the
hand and exclaim, Oh, I see that you and I will never meet again! Really? said the
customer. Yes, said the guru, So this is your only opportunity to buy these rugs,
shawls and tablecloths.



06/06/03, 16:11

Six Greatest Financial Necessities

of Business Life
Good business comes from innovation, risk and customer satisfaction. But we do
need a simple measure to keep control. Whilst it is possible to be a sales manager with
a less than rudimentary knowledge of, say, production, it is not possible to be an
anything manager without a good passing knowledge of finance. This section outlines
those basic great ideas that allow finance to be an enabler and encourager of business.
The concept of money and interest (Idea 39) leads through limited companies
(Idea 40) and double-entry book-keeping (Idea 41) to the all-important financial
ratios that determine the health of a company (Idea 42). Finally, we come to the best
way of estimating the financial future of projects and proposals (Idea 43). But we
start with a short nightmare.

Idea 38 Even Turing Idea 44 needed Arabic numerals

If Arabic numbers had not been developed, the chances are we would still be counting in Roman numerals. Have a go at these simple sums without resorting to Arabic


The answers are given in Appendix 1.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Idea 39 How the total money supply is greater than the

total amount of money
Money is the root of all evil, and yet it is such a useful root that we cannot get on
without it any more than we can without potatoes.
Louisa Alcott Brown (183288)
I once was the sales manager for a computer company, and managed to make a sale
to a Nigerian businessman. The sale was progressing rather smoothly, when I discovered that he had answered my questions about having the resources to buy the
machine very widely. He had the resources, but not the money. I was eventually
paid, through an agent, with a shipload of cement. My problem was to get the
cement off my asset list before the month-end accounts were calculated and the
finance department became aware of what I had done. This one fling with barter
taught me not to do it again. Even babysitting credits went wrong when we got
involved. Business depends on money, but it is a very difficult concept to understand.
The paradox in the title is at the root of the whole of commerce. Before coming
to it let us look at the economic purposes of money. In standard economic theory
money is said to have four distinct but interrelated functions:


To serve as a medium of exchange universally accepted in exchange for goods

or services.
To act as a measure of value, a common yardstick which makes the operation of
the price system possible and provides the basis for keeping records.
To serve as a standard of deferred payments, the unit in which loans are made
and future transactions fixed. Without money there could be no commonly
accepted basis for borrowing and lending and the concept of credit could not
play its huge role in the organisation and encouragement of business.


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Six Greatest Financial Necessities of Business Life


To provide a store of wealth, a convenient form in which to hold any income

not needed for immediate use. It is the only truly liquid asset, the only one that
can be readily converted into other goods.

The complexity of money increased enormously with the abandonment by most

countries of the gold standard. Up until the 1930s the issuers of banknotes promised to exchange them for a given amount of gold or silver. The depressions of the
1920s changed all that, and paper money is now issued on the general creditworthiness of the country of issue.
To most individuals money consists of coins, banknotes and the readily usable
deposits held in banks and other financial institutions. To the economy, however,
the total money supply is many times as large as the sum total of individual money
holdings defined in this way. This is because a very large proportion of the deposits
placed with financial institutions is loaned out, thus multiplying the overall money
supply several times over.
Without this device and the concept of interest, the economies of developed
and developing countries could not happen at the present pace. It should continue
to work, at least until we all decide that we want our money back at the same time.

Idea 40 Raising cash with limited liability

In the introduction we said that one of the biggest necessities of any great idea was
to sell it. To sell a product, great idea or not, you need first to produce it. To
produce it you need money up front. If you have money and no great ideas, you
need to get someone else to use your cash and earn a return. The joint stock company is the vehicle that brings these two things together.
The Joint Stock Companies Act, as amended in 1855, permitted such companies to limit the liability of their members, shareholders, to the nominal value of
their shares. In effect, by applying for a 1 share, a shareholder agreed to subscribe



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

1 and was not liable for any further contribution in the event of the companys
Leading from the joint stock company is the need for a set of rules that managers have to obey in order to give a fair picture of the financial health of the enterprise. This is the audit.
The repercussions of the simple idea of shareholder investment are legion. Ideas
that would never have got started became possible and the current system of equities was born.
Takeovers became possible. Takeovers are a pretty good business idea if you
are one of the army of professional accountants, bankers and lawyers who charge fat
fees for making them happen, sometimes, some would say, at the expense of shareholders and workers. Takeovers also give the directors of the larger entity more
power and bigger salaries.
Convertible loan stock is a system whereby the shareholder takes a reduced risk
for the certainty of return in the early stages of an investment. Indeed it is possible to
describe the attributes of shares in any way that suits the board and the shareholders. Without these devices, for example, Eurotunnel Idea 22 would have long since

On the other hand

The limited company enables individuals to walk away from the mess they
have created under its protection, and then do it all over again somewhere else.
The company audit enables shareholders to sleep at night while risking
bankruptcy. It is very similar to the insurance policy that permits the householder to sleep at night while their house is burgled. When they wake up to a
calamity they discover, because of the small print, that they actually have no
redress at all



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Six Greatest Financial Necessities of Business Life


Idea 41 Keeping score positively

The South Sea Bubble Idea 79 stayed in the mind of business people for many years,
and the concept of stewardship followed the invention of the joint stock company to
allay the fears of would-be investors. Stewardship involves the orderly recording of
business transactions and the presentation of summary reports. This is pejoratively
known as bean counting, but can be of great value to the people running the business.
The main principles of what became double-entry book-keeping emerged in
Italy at the time of the renaissance. They were based on a treatise by Luca Paciolito
and reflected the growing complexity of business life. The development of bookkeeping and accountancy reflects the history of commerce.
It has three main purposes:

as a check against fraud and error

to assist managers with the information they need to make decisions
as the basis for the accounting practices that give rise to the audit.

can and do
play a most
role in the
of businesses.
At least the
ones do; the
others just keep
the score.

Whilst book-keeping can become highly complex, basically there are two
types of books used in the book-keeping process: journals and ledgers. A
journal contains the daily transactions (sales, purchases and so on) and
the ledger keeps the record of individual accounts.
From that basis each month the income statement presents the changes
that have occurred over the period in question, while the balance sheet
shows the financial state of a company at a point in time in terms of assets,
liabilities and the ownership equity.
Nowadays accountants can and do play a most constructive role in the management of businesses. At least the enlightened ones do; the others just keep the score.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Ask yourself
A lot of non-financial managers discover late in their careers that a good basis
in accounting would have been a boon. Do you know enough about the bookkeeping and management accounts of the business you work in? If the answer
is no, put it right you could be working with one hand tied behind your back.

Idea 42 How well are we doing?

An essential driver of business is its performance against the most common ratios
used by boards of directors and shareholders. Here are eight ratios that are frequently used.

Return on capital employed

This is often considered to be the main indicator of the profitability of a business.
After all, the basis of enterprise is to take money in the form of share capital and loan
capital and use it to earn profits. This RoCE percentage is a good guide to the
performance of managers in producing sufficient return. A sudden alteration for
better or worse will give rise to further investigation to see what has changed.

Profit margin
This shows the profits made on each pound of sales. As businesses grow their managers are concerned over time to maintain a good bottom line profit margin. It is
quite reasonable that peaks and troughs will occur. For example, where a company



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Six Greatest Financial Necessities of Business Life


has been involved in a major expansion, it may take some time, measured in years,
to get back to its original profit margin and then exceed it.

Return on assets
This ratio is more important in some industries than others. Basically the clue is the
amount of investment in fixed assets required to create a going concern. In a firm of
consultants, for example, where there are few fixed assets since arguably the main
assets are the people acting as consultants, this ratio will have little relevance. In the
case of a telephone company with the hugely expensive asset of the network, this
ratio is crucial.

Return on shareholders funds

This ratio measures managements ability to use the share capital in the business
efficiently and produce good returns. There is a tendency to use this measure as a
final measure of profitability. In some ways it is a more logical measure of return
than RoCE, since the latter ratio is lowered by the inclusion of loan capital in capital
employed. Some would argue that because the interest on loan capital has already
been deducted from net profit before tax, then the providers of the loan capital have
already had their return and should be excluded from the capital employed. That is
the case with this ratio.

Economic value added (EVA)

This is also known as economic profit, and is defined as the difference between net
profit after tax and the cost of the capital employed in the business. This is said to be



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

an important indicator of managers real created value. It certainly has a benefit

internally as managers who are targeted on EVA are forced to realise constantly that
all capital has a cost.

Market value added (MVA)

Very much linked to EVA, market value added takes the market capitalisation of a
business and subtracts the total of its capital employed. Assuming this is positive,
MVA is said to put a value on the stock market wealth created.
In summary, EVA tries to show the return to shareholders on an annual basis,
while MVA attempts to show the total return.

Added value
The difference between the market value of a companys outputs and the cost of its
inputs. An improving trend here should augur a successful performance. The main
problem is to get the necessary data to make the calculation from published material.

Total shareholder return

This measures the return to shareholders from dividend income and capital gains in
the value of the shares. It can take time into account by discounting income and
gains made to present value, and is a very useful tool of comparison between one
share and another.



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Six Greatest Financial Necessities of Business Life


Ask yourself
Which ratios are the key ones for your business right now, and how is your last
year and this year performance against them?

Idea 43 Never mind the profit, feel the cashflow

There once was a computer salesman, well call him George, trying to sell his wares
to a company that sold and fitted tyres and exhausts for all models of car. He got on
well with the managing director and the sales director. With his help they were
starting to see the business benefits of using a computer to take over from a complicated card system, which was how they controlled the stock. This was a long time
Our salesman felt reasonably confident that the order was his, until he was
mugged by the finance director, not with a physical blunt instrument but rather
with the esoteric blunt instrument of a discounted cashflow.
In this company announced the finance man, we test all our capital investment projects against a hurdle rate of return, currently set at 21%. The salesman
understood neither the term hurdle rate of return nor how you arrived at the 21%.
The sales director explained the system using words, which first amazed George
and then started to unfold some of the mysteries of how companies make decisions.
The managing director and I make all the major decisions in this company, he
started, and our gut feel has a reasonably impressive track record. However, with
the onset of shareholder capital and a new finance director we had to put in place
some of the business processes that executives, particularly finance executives, find
so necessary. One of the first was the system for financially evaluating purchases,
particularly capital expenditure.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

This consists of a costbenefit analysis and some risk analysis to assess the
downside of things going wrong. Finally it lands on the desk of financial controllers,
who put the numbers from the costbenefit analysis into a discounted cashflow. It is
a useful, though not vital, test of all projects. It allows us to compare one strategy
with another, or, for example, the relative financial merit of buying a computer
against the totally different proposal to open more depots. It is important, and if you
are going to work with us you had better learn how it works. Having said that, if
projects look good to the MD and me, they usually go ahead.
George went through the learning process.

Why do we need discounted cashflow?

Once managers have done some sort of costbenefit analysis on how they would like
the companys resources to be spent, their bosses have the job of deciding which
ones to accept and which to reject. How do they compare one project with another?
Consider the following projects (both of five years duration)

Initial investment
Expected annual earnings
(before depreciation)
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Net earnings over 5 years



Project 1

Project 2





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Six Greatest Financial Necessities of Business Life


Which would you choose?

Both of these projects give the same total profit over five years but I imagine
that, all other things being equal, most people would prefer to undertake project 2
since the returns arise earlier.
That problem was easy to solve, but what if the return on project 2 in year five
was only 2,000? Would the reduced total profit on project 2 now make it less
desirable than project 1 or is the advantage of early payback great enough to overcome the disadvantage of reduced profit?

The mechanics of DCF

To arrive at a method of dealing with this, consider the following:
You have inherited 10,000 from Aunt Mary. Unfortunately, she had heard
that you are liable to spend money fairly freely, so her will says that you cannot
receive the cash until your 30th birthday. You are 27 today (happy birthday!)
Aunt Mary was actually fairly well informed. You are desperate to get this money
before the 3.30 at Aintree and you have found a friendly banker who will advance
you part of the money.
The interest rate is 10% per annum and she is prepared to advance you an
amount A such that with interest you will owe her exactly 10,000 in three years
time. How much can you get? See if you can work it out before you turn the page to
the solution.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

If someone borrows 100 now, they will owe interest of 10 by the end of one year
so the total outstanding will be 110.
During the second year, interest will be charged on the total amount outstanding of 110 i.e. interest of 11. The total outstanding would be 121.
During the third year, interest will be charged on the total amount outstanding
of 121 i.e. interest of 12.10. The total outstanding would then be 133.10.
We can see therefore that for every 100 borrowed, 133.10 must be repaid.
Therefore, solving the equation:
A 1.331 = 10,000
will tell us how much can be borrowed now, i.e. about 7,510.
This technique can of course be generalised to deal with any rate of interest and
any time period.
We can now develop a method to compare two projects. Cashflows due in the
future may be converted to equally desirable cashflows due today using the above
method. This technique is known as discounting and the equivalent cashflow due
today is known as a present value. This is shown in the following example.
Timing of cashflow

Amount of cashflow

Discount factor at 10%*

Present value

After 1 year
After 2 years
After 3 years
After 4 years
Net present value




*Discount factors may be found from tables or by using the formula

1/(1 + i)n
where i = discount rate, n = number of years.



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Six Greatest Financial Necessities of Business Life


In particular, consider the discount factor used above for year three, i.e. 0.751. When
deciding how much we could borrow from the bank in respect of Aunt Marys bequest we divided 10,000 by 1.331. An exactly equivalent calculation is performed
by multiplying 10,000 by 0.751 the discount factor for three years at 10%.
The final result takes into account all cashflows and is known as the net present
value of the project.
If compelled to choose between two projects, we will select the one with the
higher net present value. If we have a large number of projects that can all be undertaken, then we should invest in every project that has a positive net present value.
In effect the discounting factor brings the value of each number into todays
money, present value, thus ensuring that you are comparing pounds now
The discounted
with pounds to be earned or spent in the future.

What can you use DCF for?

The discounted cashflow and net present value earns its place in the 100
greatest business ideas by its simple ability to put the logical case behind
dilemmas or decisions. Other methods, such as payback or average rate of
return, all run dangers that a decision that looks good using that method
of appraisal will turn out to be a disaster.
As well as in a business environment, DCF has a role in any individuals
financial plan. Here are some ways that you can use it in your personal
financial life.


cashflow and
net present
value earns its
place in the
100 greatest
business ideas
by its simple
ability to put
the logical
case behind
dilemmas or

You can solve the problem of rent or buy. While the UK Government gave tax
relief on mortgage repayments it tended to be a relatively straightforward decision to buy the home you live in rather than rent it. This has become less
certain as the tax benefit has gone and it is theoretically worth making a comparison to check that financially it remains the thing to do.


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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Using a similar cashflow you could examine a project to invest in buying a

property for you to rent out to tenants.
How do you compare the performance of equity shares in a personal portfolio?
If you simply look at capital growth you will be biased towards companies that
have enjoyed growth irrespective of whether they have also produced dividend
return. You will also find it difficult to make comparisons if you have bought
shares at different times or added to the holding of one share during the period
you are trying to compare. The answer is the DCF technique. An example of
holding BP shares over a period of time is shown in Appendix 2.

Imagine if unit trust managers Idea 25 had to publish their real results in such terms.
Might not the consumer get a very different opinion?

Ask yourself
Do you really understand discounted cashflows? If not do some more work
on it.
Somewhere in your working environment someone will be using investment
appraisal techniques that affect you. It might be the finance department in
your own company, or your suppliers, or your customers. It might even be
the people who are planning your pension, i.e. the people who are responsible for how poor you are going to be in your late old age. Find out how
they do it.

So how, after all this learning, did George fare? He sat down with the sales director
and worked out the likely benefits of the new stock control system. The main benefit
of course was rather intangible, i.e. difficult to put a number to. It related to the fact
that if the system were better there would be fewer stock outs and therefore they



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Six Greatest Financial Necessities of Business Life


would sell more tyres and exhausts. After some bargaining the sales director agreed
that he would stand by a claim of 5% more sales. And so on. He built a case for the
With the IT manager, George built a picture of the costs over a five-year period,
found that the project was profitable, but needed help to see if this was confirmed
by the cashflow. With some trepidation George went to see the finance director,
who took him through the calculation. Using the discount factor of 21%, the company norm, the project ended up with a negative net present value. George was
He returned to the sales director crestfallen to report that all their work had
ended up torpedoed by the finance people. The sales director looked at the cashflow
and suggested that George should see if the case worked if he, the sales director,
agreed that a 10% sales increase was a more likely outcome. It did and George got
the order and a lot wiser.



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21/05/03, 15:21

Eight Greatest Computer Innovations

that Actually Make Life Easier
As an enabler of great business ideas, probably nothing has approached the digital
computer. It permeates the lives of everyone in the western world and has
As an enabler
in a remarkably short time created business opportunities that could only
of great busihave been a dream without it. How then do we choose the greatest ideas
ness ideas,
in this realm? We have chosen a timeline of developments that slowly but
surely made computers useful and fun.
nothing has
It was at the outset a mathematical tool, and it is worth looking at
what that means using the example of iteration Idea 45 and critical path
the digital
analysis Idea 46. After that there is the database Idea 47 technologies, which
enabled much of the information that gives birth to other great ideas, as
did spreadsheets Idea 48.
When the first personal computers came out their advertisements vied for new
ways to express the term user friendly. But whatever the ads may have said, a
reviewer who tried to take a PC out of its box, switch it on and use it was probably
nearer the truth when he described them as as user friendly as a cornered rat. The
graphical user interface Idea 49 changed that and earns its place in the 100 greatest, as
does Windows Idea 50.
We then switch to an idea that gets a mixed reception but is almost certainly a
force for consumer satisfaction in the long term the call centre Idea 51.
But we start at the beginning with the mathematician who first developed the
basic mathematical idea of a mechanical process for reliable and consistent calculation.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Idea 44 Turings table of behaviour

Bernard of Chartres used to say that we are like dwarfs on the shoulders of
giants, so that we can see more than they, and things at greater distance, not by
virtue of any sharpness of sight on our part, or any physical distinction but because we are carried high and raised up by their giant size.
John of Salisbury, 1159
Alan Turing, who is generally credited with the invention of the basics behind the
digital computer, can justly claim to be one of the giants on whose shoulders stand
many others. He developed his concept of a table of behaviour in the mid-1930s as
his contribution to a question posed by the mathematician David Hilbert.
The question was Is mathematics decidable? Was there a definite method which,
when applied, in principle, to any assertion, could be guaranteed to give a correct
decision as to whether the assertion was true or false. The answer that Turing came
up with was Yes, by a mechanical process.
He searched for an automatic machine that would require no human intervention. It must be capable of reading a mathematical assertion and eventually writing a decision as to whether the assertion could be proven or not.
This led to the table of behaviour. Turing saw it as a tape marked off into
squares. The tape was definite, but of unlimited length. The tape passes by what
Turing called a scanner at a fixed point, which is capable of reading whether each
square contains a 1 or is blank. The machine is capable also of writing 1 into a blank
square and returning a square containing 1 to blank by erasing it.
A limited number of configurations is then required for the machine to be able
to do calculations. You can think of configurations by thinking of a typewriter with
two configurations: upper and lower case.
It requires only four configurations, to move the tape right or left, write 1 or
erase 1, to carry out additions.
So, from that teasingly simple basis the rest is history.



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Eight Greatest Computer Innovations that Actually Make Life Easier


Turing went on to work as the mathematical genius of Bletchley Park, where he

did more than anyone to make possible the breaking of the Enigma codes and give
the allies certain information of the strategy and tactics of the axis powers in World
War II.
A colleague at Bletchley Park, Donald Michie, a classics scholar from Balliol
College, Oxford, and subsequently an expert on computers and the Professor of
machine intelligence at Edinburgh University, spoke thus of Turing.
Alan Turing is one of the figures of the century. His consequences are everywhere
and nobody knows now where it is going to take us. The world of computing and
now the world of the Internet stems from Alan Turings fundamental ideas. There
were other great men in Bletchley Park, but in the long long wall of history I think
Turings name will probably be the number one in terms of consequences for mankind.

Idea 45 Getting the answer through trial and error

A combination of a human feel for the solution to a problem, usually mathematical,
and the power of a computer has enabled many new insights into equations. The
process is called iteration. Taking as an example the formula to find the square root
of a number. The iterative process is

where a is the number whose square root is required, we will gradually get to a
better and better approximation to the answer. Suppose we wanted to use iteration
to find the square root of 2. If we start with
X1 = 1



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

we get:
X2 = 1.5
X3 = 1.417
X4 = 1.414
so that with only three steps we have reached a very good approximation. It would
have taken many more iterations if our original guess had been much wider of the
mark. If, for example, we had started with X1 = 50 it would have taken nine iterations to get to the same point. The iterative process is continued until any desired
accuracy, tested for by the computer, is reached.
This is a very simple example. There are many extremely useful and sometimes
sophisticated iterative processes for solving various types of equation. Iteration is
also used in routines that are closer to business needs, such as sorting tables of data.
It is unlikely that all equations can be solved by iterative methods, but the computer
has certainly extended vastly the number that can be tackled in this way.
But it comes down in the end to a combination of man and machine. The better
the guess, from a better feel for the problem, the fewer steps it takes.

Idea 46 When its critical to be on time and within

There are many instances where computer power has enabled a mathematical process to be used where, with only brain and pencil power, the number of calculations
required to do something useful make it quite impossible. Perhaps a good example
of this came early in the development of computers when they were programmed to
work out critical paths for projects.
To carry out critical path analysis, each separate event and activity of a project
is assembled into a network. The resources required and the time to complete is



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Eight Greatest Computer Innovations that Actually Make Life Easier


then appended. If there is doubt about timescale or resources an optimistic, pessimistic and most likely estimate is used. The network on its own is a useful tool since
it points out to the designer or project manager the inter-relationships involved in
the project.
Then the computer comes into its own. The critical path of vital core activities
is determined by considering each event in turn and calculating the earliest possible
time at which the event can occur. The characteristic of events and activities on a
critical path is that, if any of the time estimates is not met, the completion date of
the project is affected. The other activities are ones with float that is, an amount
of spare time for completion.
When a project includes thousands of activities and interaction with other project
networks, it is impossible to conceive of doing the relevant calculations without a
computer. Managers look for the following attributes in critical path programmes.
It must:

handle events and activities and their changing values

interrelate networks of different levels
accept progress data and produce progress reports
determine the critical path through a network.

Ask yourself
Would critical path analysis help to make sure your projects are under better

Idea 47 Connecting up the pieces

If you look in some supermarkets between the hours of 5 and 7 in the evening, you



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

may be surprised to find that there are a number of brands of four packs of beer on
shelves beside the disposable nappies. The reason for this is the discovery, made
possible by relational databases, that a large number of husbands and partners get a
phone call towards the end of the working day requesting that they pick up a packet
of disposable nappies on their way home. So the supermarket manager wheels out
the four packs and tempts the father into impulse buying a beer to go with the
evening television.
This is possible for the supermarket to work out because of the high degree of
data integration available to it. There are at least three systems involved in this piece
of analysis the stock control system, the checkout system and the loyalty card
system. This strategy is part of the movement towards what the marketing people
call the market of a single person, where the supplier has access to such a large
amount of accessible data that it is able to target a market of one person with the
attributes the supplier believes fit the product it is trying to sell.
The technology involved in this has developed over many years. Indeed, some
computer salespeople claimed some 25 years ago that what we have now was available then. The underlying technology on which such specific marketing depends is
the database and database management systems.
A woman moved to London from Edinburgh. She lived in West Hampstead
and worked in the city. Everyday she commuted to work by tube, from Finchley
Road to High Holborn. The tube was her only method of transportation for the first
few months of her stay in the new location.
After three months if you had asked her how to get to High Holborn from
Finchley Road, she could confidently have told you to go past Swiss Cottage to
Regents Park. From there make your way to Baker Street and Oxford Circus. She
could have directed you all the way by the place names of tube stations, but asked in
which direction to walk to start the process of getting to Swiss Cottage she might not
have known. That is what computer life was like before databases.
The computer world before databases relied on traditional file processing. Applications systems reflected the previous manual environment. For example, the



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Eight Greatest Computer Innovations that Actually Make Life Easier


engineering department of a local authority held a record of all the street furniture,
lampposts, benches and so on, in its area. To put these items on to a computer gave
the engineers a number of benefits. They could schedule maintenance and repair
schedules much more efficiently to make best use of resources and save management time spent on that sort of activity. But the street furniture system had no
connection with, for example, the street opening (holes in the road) system.
As more and more systems were computerised, people began to see the need to
create reports based on data held in more than one application file. This gave birth
to the idea of a central database system.
In a central database system there are still the separate applications systems
such as accounts, stock and payroll, but the data for each is held centrally and the
individual systems dip into the database in order to process transactions. This leads,
at least in theory, to compatibility within systems, less duplication of data since each
item is held only once, and thus to more integrity of the data held.

On the other hand

This centralised data concept did not need computers for its implementation,
and could lead to two major problems.
1 A growing complexity of the holding of data with its attendant dangers of
introducing another set of individuals to look after the central data as well as
the application systems.
2 An increase in vulnerability. If all the data is in one place it is more vulnerable to computer malfunction and corruption whether accidental or deliberate.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

The computer handles these problems by employing Database Management

Systems. This software sits between the database and the systems, and with the use
of other powerful tools, such as structured query language, reports can be generated
for one-off queries that require investigation of the inter-relationships that might
exist between the data sets contained in various databases.
Databases, management systems and structured query language are the road
map that connects up the individual tube stations. They offer revolutionary ways of
identifying markets. Need a nappy, sir? have a beer.

Ask yourself
Are you aiming your products at the so-called market of one? Are you using
collected data, yours and other peoples, to home in on the right people with
the right products and services?

Idea 48 Models maketh managers

Try to imagine a world without spreadsheets. You have the task to suggest to the
board whether or not a new product project is a viable concept. Either the financial
section of the recommendation is going to be pretty weak, with a very limited number
of possible outcomes, or you are going to have to do an awful lot of calculations and
recalculations. The word awful is used here in its real sense. The alternative is to
become dependent on the finance department who will answer financial questions
with their function principally in mind. This would be like the spending department
ministers in a government being dependent on the treasury to evaluate the financial
results of their spending plans.
In the 1970s managers wanted to ask the what if question to test out risk and
results in various combinations of eventualities. They knew that a new product broke



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Eight Greatest Computer Innovations that Actually Make Life Easier


even in two years if the sales came in on plan, but they did not know, on the down
side, at what point the lack of sales would start to threaten the cashflow of the
company or the department involved. They did not know, on the upside, when
higher than expected sales would push the production people into further investment. But mainly they found it difficult to have a comfortable level of information to
compare one investment project with another when the type of investment was very
different. They need to be able to ask an infinite number of what if questions.
Various pieces of applications software were written and experimented with,
but it was not until the launch of the first spreadsheet system Visicalc in
the late 1970s that managers received the ability to create the models they The move from
wanted, and to break free from their reliance on the finance department
to measure, probably to five decimal places, the financial outcome of the on the finance
inspired guesses managers make when estimating the future. Computers department is
opened up a totally new planning environment.
useless, of
The move from dependency on the finance department is rendered
course, if it
useless, of course, if it leads to a new dependency on the computer department. Out of the prying department into the technical mire, you might leads to a new
say. Here also spreadsheets offered, and continue to offer, a simple to use
on the
mechanism that allows functional managers to create their own models to
meet exactly the problem they are trying to solve. Spreadsheets are the
antithesis of the general-purpose computer system that solves part of everyones problem but fails everybody in some way.
The use of the words simple and computers in combination always needs
careful examination, remember the cornered rat, but the spreadsheet genuinely can
be simple to use. It can then be stretched in a thousand ways to offer complex
solutions to complex problems. People who keep learning about them and using
them find that they are using not just an upmarket calculating machine capable of
producing models, but a powerful programming language of immensely wide value.
In fact, even seasoned spreadsheet modellers after some years are still aware that
they are only using a fraction of the power of the tool.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

It may be slightly esoteric to make a direct link of the work of Turing with the
modern day spreadsheet, but the argument has some merit. Essentially spreadsheets
allow the user to mix data and logic in a way that reflects how most managers think
and plan their businesses. Creative thought and intuition can be quickly tried out at
an overall level, formalised and developed according to the answers found to a series
of what if questions.
This flexibility makes spreadsheet modelling ideal for managers to analyse a
specific situation in a specific way. You can start where you like, for example from
sales or fixed costs. You can check that some variables in the middle of the model
stay within precisely or loosely defined parameters. You see the result of any formula as you enter it. This makes it likely that you will detect errors early. It also
means that you can pause after each step to recognise what you have learnt before
moving on.
Opinions vary as to whether spreadsheets are efficient if you take them out of
this personal environment and build models intended to be run corporate wide.
Intuitively I doubt it.
Experienced modellers volunteer the following tips to help newcomers wield
the power of the spreadsheet.


Build it step by step. Make sure one month is doing exactly what you want
before copying it eleven times.
Build the assumptions table outside the model. This means that the top of the
spreadsheet has the assumptions that you are going to test, and further down is
the actual model.
Check each formula as you enter it. Since the assumptions are separate from
the model it is easy to enter new assumptions and check their impact on the
formula before moving on.
Check the overall model by seeing that it behaves as you would expect when
you give it new, or even extreme, variables.


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Eight Greatest Computer Innovations that Actually Make Life Easier


When, for example, you are happy with the one-month model and you create
the next month, error can easily creep in. Try the new month with the same
parameters as the original and see that it comes up with the same results.
Prepare the model using real prices and costs in the first place. Add in inflation
and currency variations at a later stage.

The financial services and insurance industries make much use of laptop computers
to aid their salesforce to bring another customer into their net. Spreadsheets enable
everybody to do this for whatever product they sell.
In summary, managers have the opportunity to become their own masters if
they learn how to bring this most powerful tool into their armoury.

On the other hand

1 Try not to fall into the trap of thinking that the financial criteria are the only
ones you need to model. It is still the function of managers to check that
other theories, such as life cycles, are taken into account in the planning
2 If the situation has changed, start a fresh model or you run the danger of
adapting the situation to the model instead of the other way round.
3 Dont let an affair with spreadsheets make you forget other tools for decision
making such as plan, execute, reflect and learn.

Idea 49 Douglas Engelbart: the mother of all demos

This was the phrase one of Engelbarts colleagues used to describe the groundbreaking
performance given in a demonstration in 1968. Engelbart had been working for
some time on the humancomputer interface.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

He was a member of the team at the Stanford Research Institute in the late
1950s and early 1960s. Engelbart was a visionary who started from a theoretical
framework for the co-evolution of human skills knowledge and organisations. At
the heart of his vision was the computer, acting as an extension of human communication capabilities and resource for the augmentation of human intellect.
In other words he worked on getting the computer out of the hands of the
technicians and into the working hands of the user. So what did the demonstration
contain? Remember that it was 1968 and the computer had had no visibility up until
then outside the air-conditioned computer room.
The demonstration, which lasted for 90 minutes, was for most people their first
glimpse of a networked computer system. This enabled a series of other firsts. It had
the debut of the computer mouse, two-dimensional display editing, hypermedia, (a
foundation stone of the Internet), multiple windows and on-screen video
The majority of the demonstration centred round Engelbart using the computer to plan out a set of things that he had to do later. The list of things was organised,
for example, as a graphical map of where he had to go, connected by the route he
had to take. His shopping list was also organised hierarchically by category and he
could easily expand or elide sections of the hierarchy or move items between sections.
Key to the humancomputer interaction was the fact that the interface was
intimately linked to the work environment and appropriate user-interface devices
were used. His desk and workspace were built around the computer, which was the
focus of attention.
This last aspect eventually found its way into the Macintosh and Microsoft
Windows. The mother of all demos became the standard transition from an ordinary desk into a multi-dimensional, flexible, self-organised workspace.



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Eight Greatest Computer Innovations that Actually Make Life Easier


Idea 50 Great business idea? Sell a piece of software to

the entire world and keep charging for updates (Microsoft)
Sir money, money, the most charming of all things; money, which will say more
in one moment than the most elegant lover can in years. Perhaps you will say a
man is not young; I answer he is rich. He is not genteel, handsome, witty, brave,
good-humoured, but he is rich, rich, rich, rich, rich that word contradicts everything you can say against him.
Henry Fielding (17071754)
In 1977 Bill Gates Microsoft sold a version of BASIC to Apple who marketed it as
Applesoft. The flat fee for the software was $21,000, which seemed a good idea at
the time. Apple proceeded to sell more than a million machines with BASIC built
in, a fee to Microsoft of 2 cents per copy. No one can say that Bill Gates does not
learn from his mistakes.
Microsoft has produced a lot of commercial firsts, including the Microsoft Mouse
pointing device, but it was in 1983 that the big announcement came. Microsoft
unveiled Windows, an extension of the operating system MS-DOS used by the grand
majority of PC manufacturers and users. This graphical operating environment really would start to take the PC away from the boffins towards the mass user. In
addition the company brought out Word and later made software available on the
Apple Macintosh computer.
In 1985 the PC finally went graphical with the retailing of the Windows graphical environment. Market acceptance was slow due to the limited number of programs available. There were even some doubts as to whether Douglas Engelbarts
vision of the user interface was going to catch on. They continued to develop the
Windows concept and started to add usable software such as Excel spreadsheets.
By 1988 Microsoft was the biggest software supplier in the world and it had
sold its millionth Mouse. And so it goes on, through Windows 2.0 to Windows 3.0,



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

which was supported by a huge advertising campaign spend of over $10 million in
six months. In return, Windows 3.0 sold 100,000 copies in two weeks.
1991 saw the continuation of a buying revolution. That year Microsoft shipped
four million copies of Windows 3.0 to 24 countries in 12 languages. The momentum
was kept going by PC manufacturers including Windows with their machines. The
following year, Microsoft used television advertising to reach an even broader audience.
Windows NT took the company further into business computing, offering client server solutions. After a big build up Windows 95 was launched in August 1995
to nationwide interest. It sold more than one million copies during the first four
days of retail availability in North America. By October that number had gone up to
seven million worldwide.












Fig. 1


Microsoft sales revenues ($m) and growth to 2002.


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Eight Greatest Computer Innovations that Actually Make Life Easier


Internet Explorer became available to Windows 95 users free of charge, allowing many more people to use the Internet. The facts and figures never stop being
phenomenal. There were 30 million Excel users in 1996.
Subsequent to this, Microsoft has produced and sold a plethora of software
upgrades, from Windows 98 to Windows NT and Office 2000. It does seem that
this idea still has terrific legs.
Perhaps the easiest way to describe this great business idea is to show a graph of
sales revenues to date (Fig. 1).
Disregarding the 1977 growth rate, which distorts the numbers, the average
growth per year is 60%. If this average continues, then the sales figures will look like
Fig. 2. This predicts that in 2008 Microsofts turnover will be more than $475
billion. To put that number into context, the UK Governments total spend for
2000 is approximately $620 billion.



















Fig. 2


Microsoft projected sales revenues to 2008 ($m).


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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Idea 51 Our telephone answering system has broken

down, this is a human being, how can I help you?
In 1999 Barclays Bank in the UK announced that it was cutting 10% of the jobs in
its branches and regional centres. One of the reasons given was that they
For most utilities intended by so doing to improve customer service. At first glance this
and finance
looks unlikely, and the Banks customers are still to be convinced. Howorganisations
ever, technology might just allow that apparent contradiction to be true.
the high street
The call centre may just be that unusual phenomenon an improveshop or branch ment in customer service that also cuts costs and improves profitability.
is giving way to For most utilities and finance organisations, the high street shop or branch
the call centre. is giving way to the call centre.
At its best the call centre is more than a telephone answering service.
It offers companies the opportunity to make contact with existing and prospective
customers, resolve problems, promote products and make it easy for people to buy
things. The basic function of a call centre is to retain customers and look for new
At the heart of the call centre are the customer service representatives (CSRs).
CSRs have access to data about their customers, their company and the many points
of intersection between the two. They act as gatekeepers for the two-way flow of
information. They are the intermediaries and interpreters. The technology is at its
best when the mundane sorting and analysing tasks are done automatically, leaving
the CSRs to handle the more difficult parts of the interaction.
Here is where the frustrations can occur. Interactive voice response (IVR) systems allow callers to serve themselves as far as possible. Customers have access to
data and information by using their keypads. Using an IVR, customers have 24hour service without troubling the CSRs. Its cost effective for the supplier and
painless for the customer as long as everything is standard.



06/06/03, 16:29

Eight Greatest Computer Innovations that Actually Make Life Easier


Where things go non-standard, or when the skills and knowledge of a CSR are
required, a good IVR system will route the call to the person most likely to be able to
help. It will also entertain you while you wait. The technology can also tell the caller
how many people are in the queue and the approximate estimated waiting time.
When the customer is put through, a link to the computer systems means that the
CSR already has the details of the caller up on their screens before they start to talk.
As usual the quality of implementation of the idea is the measure of success or
failure. Does the supplier provide a customer interface that is efficient and pleasant
to use, or is a simple abrogation of the concept of service to frustrated customers.

On the other hand

If the call centre designers get it wrong, it can be the most frustrating experience ever, with the switch sending you from one message to another, until you
end up back where you started. This is when you want to assist the telephone
answering service to break down.



06/06/03, 16:29



06/06/03, 16:29

Five Greatest Brands Ever

There is nothing short term about good branding. The products may change, develop and become extinct the original Coca-Cola contained two substances that
you can nowadays be locked up for possessing but the brand, with careful nurturing, remains. Most great brands tell consumers something about the product or
service as well as something about themselves.
As usual, when talking of matters concerned with selling, the starting There is nothing
short term
point is the market and consumers. You have to understand the needs
about good
and desires of the customer, understand the key attributes of the product
and anticipate what needs to be done to relate the product to the values of
the customer.
Value is the other great starting point. Customers relate to products because
they can relate to something in them that they value. The brand owner then communicates these values through every medium, through the packaging, the shop
shelf, advertising, press comments and eventually word of mouth.
In the book The Worlds Greatest Brands, the editor Nicholas Kochan explains
how the Interbrand (a branding consultancy) assessment of top brands works. These
are the criteria and using a combination of them is how I have selected the five
greatest brands ever.


Brand weight: the influence or dominance that the brand has over its category
or market (more than just market share)
Brand Length: the stretch or extension that the brand has achieved in the past
or is likely to achieve in the future (especially outside its original category)


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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Brand breadth: the breadth of franchise that the brand has achieved, in terms
of age spread, consumer types and international appeal
Brand depth: the degree of commitment that the brand has achieved among its
customer base and beyond; the proximity, the intimacy and the loyalty felt for
the brand.

Idea 52 Disney
You could say that the Disney company built its wholesome entertainment branding through the way it managed its people. Central to its success was the culture
created by Walt himself smart dress code, no swearing, and the use of euphemisms
to describe the people who work there cast members rather than employees.
Then, through the generations, the company has used its rich catalogue of films
and entertainment to merchandise its other products. So long as the movies are in
peoples minds merchandise can be sold.
The Walt Disney company also more or less invented the business of character
merchandising licensing other suppliers to use your brand. In character merchandising, the brand is usually represented by a character from literature, movies or
television, such as Mickey Mouse. The brand is then used on products that are not
directly linked to the character.
So, Mickey not only appears in films, books videos etc., but he is used to sell
clothing, watches, toys, jewellery and even food. For example, until 2002 Nestl has
had the exclusive right to use Disney characters on branded food in Europe. Disneys earnings from this has topped $150 million, and all they had to do for this
added profit was negotiate the contract. Everything else they were doing anyway.
They have been building the brand since 1928, and now have publishing interests, theme parks, movie studios, a mail-order business, hotels and a television channel. Their declared philosophy is to build an integrated system in which each Disney property enhances and reinforces the whole.



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Five Greatest Brands Ever


It guards its brands tightly and is a wonderful example of the huge power of
building brands on values and managing them well.

Idea 53 McDonalds
Their managers sum up McDonalds as not just a product, its an experience.
Surely the proof of the greatness of the brand is that it was amongst the first companies to expand quickly into Eastern Europe after the Berlin wall came down.
The brand means America, and an enjoyable lifestyle. Thus the brand has been
built on cultural connection as well as commercial astuteness. It is a deceptively
simple and universal formula limited choice, quick service and clean restaurants.
In short Do the simple things well.
If the incursion into former communist countries is the big picture, then the
narrower context of the explosion that is McDonalds is product and design consistency. With few exceptions you can have a glass of wine with your burger in Paris,
and the restaurant opposite Windsor Castle melds into its surroundings more than
most you do not know where you are in the world when you are in a McDonalds.
McDonalds does not have the branding completely solved. It is a highly centralised operation and it admits that it takes too long to get new ideas into the field. Both of
these are difficult nuts to crack. The first requires a new way of motivating and empowering people, and the latter a faster cycle of listening to the customer and reacting.
Still, theirs is a big, global market. As McDonalds publicity bemoans, On any
day, even as the market leader, McDonalds serves less than one per cent of the
worlds population.
Come the start of the 21st century, McDonalds, though still a great brand, is
showing its first signs of mortality. A huge price war with its competitors, and possibly the result of its difficulties in bringing forward new experiences has raised questions about its future. Maybe McDonalds will end up as the greatest brand of all
time for the shortest possible time.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

But, the effect of the interiors, the concentration on families and children and
the classless dcor and appeal give the most truly international brand of them all. It
knows no divides. For example, when Nato was bombing Serbia in 1999 both sides
could eat McDonalds during the breaks.

Idea 54 Coca-Cola
Many people are expressing some concerns over the continuing viability
of the essential Coca-Cola brand image. In a world growing more cynical,
In a world
the values of freshness and naivet seem to require re-examination. But
growing more
the Atlanta management team have more than a century of experience to
cynical, the
call on to steer this incredibly successful brand forward, and the central
values of
message Coca-Cola is a refreshing beverage with a great taste needs no
freshness and
naivet seem
Cokes mission in the 1960s that the world should live by love and
to require rethat Coke was the spirit of love, made a whole generation take the drink to
its heart. Add to this the sheer embodiment of America that the red can
with its swirled Cs represents and one can see why the brand is distributed to more
than 195 countries through an innovative bottling franchise system.
Over the years the company took its understanding that branding was more
than packaging, but involved giving the product a personality, very seriously and
has produced a breadth of branding unequalled. It crosses age boundaries as effortlessly as it does national ones. This breadth reduces the threat to any brand of
changes in local tastes, regulation, or political or financial stability.
The final word on Coca-Cola probably belongs to its consistency of advertising. The contoured bottle was developed in 1915 and remains a part of current
advertising, which features it against the equally famous red disk logo. Overall
Coca-Colas global dominance shows no sign of slowing down despite pressures
from its arch-rival Pepsi and the emergence of own-brand colas.



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Five Greatest Brands Ever


Idea 55 Kodak
The story of the next greatest brand, Kodak, has one major difference from the
previous two. Kodak has nurtured its brand not only on packaging, personality and
advertising, but also on its technical ability to be innovative and stay ahead in product terms.
Once again the brand has been developed over more than 100 years, from its
founder George Eastmans frequently ascribed quotation we have made the camera as convenient as the pencil. But despite huge changes in the technology of the
product, the consistency of packaging and advertising is again a striking part of the
brands success. The yellow packaging of its photographic and film materials along
with its logo is as well-known as any.
But what of the word Kodak? The name was registered in 1888 and Eastman
subsequently told how he created it. I knew a trade name must be short, vigorous,
incapable of being misspelled to an extent which will destroy its identity and, in
order to satisfy trademark laws, it must mean nothing. The letter K had been a
favourite with me it seemed a strong incisive sort of letter. Therefore, the word I
wanted started with a K. Then it became a case of trying out a great number of
combinations of letters that started and ended with K. The work Kodak is the
result. Sometimes great empires are built on genius being properly exercised and
From the first camera advertised with the slogan You push the button, we do
the rest, through the immensely popular Brownie introduced in 1900, Kodak has
progressed to become a world leader in imaging technology with manufacturing
operations all over the world. It maintains its innovation with, for example, its development of photo CD in conjunction with N.V. Philips of the Netherlands.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Idea 56 Gillette
You could say that Gillette has been at the cutting edge of marketing since it started
selling its razors in 1903. Gillette scores very highly in the assessment of weight.
This key component reflects its dominance over its particular market. But dominance must not hinder flexibility and speed of reaction to change. In the 1960s, rival
Wilkinson Sword launched a stainless steel blade and Gillette responded very quickly
for a massive company.
Today the brand serves as an umbrella under which the company markets a
range of male toiletries. They have managed also to be successful with women as
well with the first non-soap based shaving preparation for women Gillette Satin
Care for Women.
The brand continues with huge support and advertising including the slogan
that went round the world The best a man can get. The 2000s have seen further
relaunch of the branded products some with an easy-to-argue competitive edge, if
you will excuse the pun, such as the Mach 3 razor. It has been widely applauded for
its success in repositioning itself as a young dynamic brand despite its longevity. It is
seen as in tune with New Man as well as Macho Man, the marketing equivalent of
squaring the circle.

Here comes the twist

Take the brand characteristics weight, length, breadth and depth and test
your brand.



06/06/03, 16:29

Five Greatest Little Office Helpers

The office is a rapidly changing environment and always has been. Some new devices come into the office and seem to make things worse, others are so quickly
internalised that you literally cannot remember how you did without them.
The office is a
Here are some that seem, to most people asked, to do the job.

Idea 57 Writing at ten thousand feet (Biro)

rapidly changing environment and

always has

The inconvenience of having to dip a pen continuously to replenish its ink

supply stimulated the invention of the fountain pen produced in the first
place by the American inventor L.E. Waterman. The real breakthrough in convenience, though not necessarily legibility, was the development of the ball point pen.
Lazlo Biro, who of course gave his name to the whole genre, patented the first
satisfactory model in the late nineteenth century. Biro noticed the type of ink used
in newspaper printing presses dried quickly leaving the paper dry and smudge free.
He decided to create a pen using the same ink. The thicker ink would not flow from
a regular pen nib so Biro devised a new point by fitting his pen with a tiny ball
bearing at its tip. As the pen moved along the paper, the ball rotated, picking up ink
from the ink cartridge and leaving it on the paper. He patented the idea in 1938.
The breakthrough for Biro came when the British Royal Air Force bought the
licensing rights to his pen. They needed a replacement for the fountain pen, which
leaked when used at high altitude.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

The US market was the real competitive battleground, with two companies,
Reynolds and Eversharp, vying for dominance. On this occasion the war hurt both
combatants due to quality problems and huge numbers of returns. Neither firm
survived the price war, which saw prices going down from $12.50 to 50 cents. Parker
Pens eventually sold 3.5 million jotters in one year.
In the end BIC bought Watermans and sold pens at 2969 cents. This highly
popular version of Laszlo Biros pen has daily sales of 14 million pens. It is hard to
conceive of an office without this great little helper.
No man was more foolish when he had not a pen in his hand, or more wise when
he had.
Samuel Johnson

Idea 58 Clipping the oppressed

It is generally believed that the first known fastening of papers started in the thirteenth century when a short length of ribbon was placed through parallel incisions
in the upper left hand corner of pages. This was followed by a seal-method, the act
of connecting papers with wax and textile ribbons. Almost 600 years passed before
any serious attempt was made to improve the ribbon fastener.
In 1835 a New York physician named John Ireland Howe designed and built
the first truly practical machine for mass-producing solid head straight pins. In a
relatively short time, straight pins were being sold by the half pound for the explicit
purpose of temporarily fastening papers together.
On 15 March 1866 Johan Vaaler was born in Aurskog, Norway, north of Oslo.
Even as a young man he was known as an innovator and inventor, and he graduated
with a degree in electronics, science, and mathematics. He was employed by the



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Five Greatest Little Office Helpers


owner of a local invention office where he invented the paper clip in 1899. Because
Norway had no patent law at that time, it had to be approved in Germany to secure
patent rights. Vaaler presented a number of designs.
It appears that his interest waned in following up on the German patent. Historians surmise that perhaps financial considerations kept him from doing more with
his idea.
Across the ocean in the USA, a patent for the paper clip was awarded to Cornelius
J. Brosnan of Springfield, Massachusetts in 1900. It was called the Konaclip. Gem
Manufacturing Ltd of England followed with the first double-oval shaped standard
clip. This familiar shape is still known as the Gem clip.
Several designs have followed these originals. Most failed to last, but some have
remained. Those still manufactured today, beside the Gem, include the Non-Skid,
which has small incisions cut along the length of the parallels, the Ideal pattern for
holding a thick bundle of paper, and the Owl, named for its two eye-shaped circles.
Owl clips did not get tangled with other clips, nor did they snatch at stray papers
that didnt belong with the clipped stack.
There have been many unusual applications of the paper clip. During World
War II, Norwegians were prohibited from wearing buttons imprinted with the Norwegian kings initials. Hence they fastened paper clips to show patriotism and irritate the Germans. Wearing a paper clip was often reason enough for arrest. They
were a Norwegian invention whose original function was to bind together. They
symbolised solidarity and opposition against the occupation.
Today a variety of uses exist, ranging from bookmark, money clip, and staple
remover to the item that holds a hem that needs sewing or serves as a hanger for
curtains, lights and pictures. Because of its price and availability, it is easy to see
why the paper clip is one of the most versatile of inventions.



06/06/03, 16:31


The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Idea 59 From keeping your place to keeping your

appointments (Post-It)
Art Frys inspiration for Post-it Notes dates back to when he sang in his church
choir in the early 1970s. He used scraps of paper to mark selections in his hymnal.
Unfortunately, they kept falling out and hed often lose his place. I needed a bookmark that would stay put, yet could easily be removed without damaging my hymnal, Fry says.
Around the time that Art Fry was thinking about how to make more co-operative bookmarks, his colleague, Dr Spencer Silver, was doing basic research
Art Fry realised
on adhesives in 3Ms Central Research Department. Spencer had created
his inventions
a low-tack adhesive that stuck lightly to many surfaces, yet remained sticky
full potential
even after you repositioned it. Fry soon realised Spencers adhesive was
when he wrote perfect for his needs. One morning, Fry applied some of the adhesive to
a note on one
the edge of a piece of paper. Now I had a bookmark that could stick to
of his new
the page while exposing a part that wasnt sticky, he says.
A short time later, Art Fry realised his inventions full potential, when
and attached it he wrote a note on one of his new bookmarks and attached it to a report
to a report he
he was forwarding to a colleague. Thats when I came to the very exciting
was forwarding realisation that my sticky bookmark was actually a new way to communito a colleague. cate and organise information, Fry says. Indeed, soon co-workers were at
Art Frys desk demanding more samples of his invention. The Post-it
Note, as we know it, was born.
It is not just little, yellow and square. If you look around your work area or
home, youve probably got one, two (or ten!) Post-it Notes stuck in various places
to remind you to do something. Whether its an ultra-coloured Post-it Pop Up
Note, handy Post-it Fax Notes or decorative Post-it Memo Cubes in a tropical



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Five Greatest Little Office Helpers


fish design, youre sure to find the right note to suit your style. With over 29 different colours, 56 shapes, and 27 sizes, Post-it Notes have certainly changed over the
years, but one thing remains constant theyre great for reminding yourself, communicating and organising your thoughts, to-do lists and ideas.
Post-its have had detractors, people who when they first saw them were mystified, thought them profoundly stupid, unnecessary and expensive; in a word a scam.
They probably buy them now in blocks of 64.

Idea 60 E-mail
I know a sales director who watched, at first calmly, a reasonably heated discussion
between two of his people who had a difference of opinion on the way forward for a
part of their business. He watched through his e-mail, as each and every salvo that
they fired at each other was copied to him. After a few days of this he took them
both metaphorically by the ear and put them in a conference room with an instruction not to come out until the issue was resolved. Their desks were about twenty
metres apart.
This downside of e-mail should not mask the glorious potential of global email. Apart from the possibilities it raises for making money on the Internet [see
Four Greatest Ways (So Far) to Become a Millionaire on the Internet], it is just possible
that the political impact of e-mail will be as great if not greater than radio and
television in terms of everyone having access to everyone all over the world. Dictators cannot like e-mail.
E-mail allows everything to happen simultaneously. As Oliver Freeman puts it,
E-mail provides a sporting chance that globalisation will not be imperialism under
a different name.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Here comes the twist

When you come back to the office from holidays and find 1149 e-mails in your
in-tray, dont just rave and delete them all knowing that the important ones
will be followed up. Think through how you and your company are using email and how it could be improved.

Idea 61 Just give me the highlights

It is fashionable to describe current business people as living in the information age.
And there is no doubt that more information, or maybe I should say data, is available
now than ever before. Theres probably a number of fortunes to be made out of sorting
all the Internet data into useable chunks, because the current search engines tend to
leave surfers wading through the treacle of data trying to find the one fact they want.
Once you have it, either on the screen or in hard copy, the highlighter pen
comes into its own, and it is my last nomination for greatest little office helpers.
Everybody must have their quirks about where highlighters can most help them, so
here is mine.
In the training and coaching of salespeople, role play has an important role to
play. Managers or trainers should regularly exercise their salespeople by adopting
the role of a customer whom the salesperson is shortly to meet. Salespeople dont
much like it. They complain that they are much better with real customers than with
role players. (Probably not true. The real difference is that most customers are too
polite to tell a salesperson what they thought of a sales call at the end of it.)
To guard against the criticism that the role play is not like real life, the manager
should have at his or her fingertips all the information a customer is likely to have. In
fact their own briefing for the role must be extensive. So they lay out all the data on
the desk in front with, of course, the key passages highlighted. Works every time.



06/06/03, 16:31

Six Greatest Management Thinkers

Business spends a great deal of money every year on books, seminars and other ways
of considering the views of the latest management thinkers. These people, particularly if they have an individualistic speaking style, become famous and sometimes
very, very rich. But what of their impact on the actual running of the companies to
whom they have sold their services?
Few of them have produced theories that have stood the test of time, even
though their individual impact on managers who listen and adapt the way they do
things is probably immense. I have chosen those whom I feel have changed how
managers operate without necessarily being able to ascribe the thinking behind their
actions to any particular guru. Such people can be said to have changed the environment in which people work.
Having made the selection we found an interesting common theme it would
seem that all the greatest thinkers and writers of books recognise that it is through
people that things get done, and that their motivation and management is the crucial key.

Idea 62 Douglas McGregor, author of The Human Side

of Enterprise
It is often instructive when reading the annual report of companies to look at what
they have said about their employees and search for inconsistencies. Our people are
our greatest asset is a good annual report clich, often accompanied further into the



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

report by how many of these assets they have been able to lay off during the years
cost cutting exercises. The current scandal of directors pay is another indication of
inconsistency, where the pay rises in the boardroom are running at an average of 7
8%, leaving the employees 34% looking second best.
And yet it must be better than it was, say, before the war. The culture change of
how management thought about their people was expressed by Douglas McGregor
in his book The Human Side of Enterprise (1960).
In this book McGregor invented theory X and theory Y as two distinct approaches to managing people. Theory X describes the traditional stick and carrot
approach to managing built on what McGregor calls the mediocrity of the masses.
This theory regards workers as lazy and unmotivated, seeing their jobs as a necessary evil to earn the money to live.
The premises of theory X, McGregor writes, are:

that the average human has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if he can
that people, therefore need to be coerced, controlled, directed and threatened
with punishment to get them to put forward adequate effort toward the organisations ends
that the typical human prefers to be directed, wants to avoid responsibility, has
relatively little ambition and wants security above all.

McGregor saw the implementation of this theory as a huge influence on the effectiveness of businesses. If there is a single assumption which pervades conventional
organisational theory it is that authority is the central, indispensable means of managerial control. He then goes on to show that theory X is not a reflection of the
people being managed, but actually the result of the management mode itself. It is,
so to speak, a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The other extreme is the theory Y company, whose assumptions are:



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Six Greatest Management Thinkers




that the expenditure of physical and mental effort in work is as natural as in play
or rest the typical human does not inherently dislike work
that external control and threat of punishment are not the only means for bringing about effort toward a companys ends
that commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their
achievement the most important of such rewards is the satisfaction of ego and
can be the direct product of effort directed towards an organisations purposes
that the average human being learns, under the right conditions, not only to
accept but to seek responsibility
that the capacity to exercise a relatively high degree of imagination, ingenuity
and creativity in the solution of organisational problems is widely, not narrowly,
distributed in the organisation.
You know if the
company is
practising what
it preaches by
looking in at
the shop floor,
not by reading
the section of
the annual
report on
human resources and
other assets.

McGregor was not so much known as a great academic but more as an

advisor to practising managers. He was said to have the knack of taking
behavioural science research and giving it sufficient resonance with managers to get them to put it into practice.
McGregor also examined the process of acquiring new skills and identified four kinds of learning relevant for managers: intellectual knowledge,
manual skills, problem-solving skills and social interaction. The last one
he claimed was outside the confines of conventional teaching. In his view,
feedback on a persons performance or behaviour was more likely to occur behind the persons back than in a proper face-to-face discussion.
McGregor advocated the use of T-groups to spread openness and discussion.
It is nowadays more than likely that senior managers believe that the
values of their company are towards the theory Y end of the spectrum, and yet it is
very difficult to operate wholly in that way. You know if the company is practising
what it preaches by looking in at the shop floor, not by reading the section of the
annual report on human resources and other assets.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Here comes the twist

Examine all the attributes of a theory Y company carefully, and think whether
your people would believe that that is how they are being managed.
Try out giving face-to-face feedback to a member of staff whose behaviour is
not satisfactory soon.

Idea 63 Peter Drucker, author of The Practice of

In most areas of intellectual life nobody can quite agree who is top dog. In management theory, however, there is no dispute. Peter Drucker has produced
groundbreaking work in every aspect of the field.
Good guru guide, Economist, 25 December7 January 1994.
If the assertion of the Economist is true, then many would say that The Practice of
Management is the greatest management book of all time. It is certainly a book of
huge range. It is based on much historical research and experience and for the humble management practitioner all human life is there. Indeed one of the assertions of
the book is that management and managers are at the epicentre of economic activity. So the book is important not only for the management process and practices it
advocates, but also for the central role management plays in twentieth-century society.
Written in 1954, many of the theories discussed have survived the passage of
time, and some have now been proven very prescient. He is never very far away
from the first principles of business as he paints a picture of the nature and requirements of managers.



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Six Greatest Management Thinkers


Starting from the heart of business life he says There is only one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer. Markets are not created by God,
nature or economic forces but by businessmen. The want they satisfy may have
been felt by the customer before he was offered the means of satisfying it. It may
indeed, like the want of food in a famine, have dominated the customers life and
filled all his waking moments. But it was a theoretical want before; only when the
action of businessmen makes it an effective demand is there a customer, a market.
Such views are commonplace now, but they were originally propounded and tested
by Drucker. This means that the only essential functions are marketing and innovation, a truth brought very much home to the people compiling this book of the
greatest ideas.
From such philosophical beginnings, Drucker quickly gets to the specific practices required to run a thriving organisation:

There must be high performance requirements; no condoning of poor or mediocre performance; and rewards must be based on performance.
Each management job must be a rewarding job in itself rather than just a step
on the promotion ladder.
There must be a rational and just promotion system.
Management needs a charter spelling out clearly who has the power to make
life-and-death decisions affecting a manager; and there should always be some
way for a manager to appeal to a higher court.
In its appointments, management must demonstrate that it realises that integrity is the one absolute requirement of a manager, the one quality that he has to
bring with him and cannot be expected to acquire later on.

Probably the idea from The Practice of Management that was most seized and acted
upon is the idea of management by objectives. It is interesting to note, in Druckers
description of this, the overlap with McGregors The Human Side of Enterprise. Only
a theory Y company could live by Druckers statement A managers job should be



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

based on a task to be performed in order to attain the companys objectives the

manager should be directed and controlled by the objectives of performance rather
than by his boss.
While The Practice of Management has had its detractors, including a real trashing
by Tom Peters, it speaks practically about, for example, the number of layers of
management for any organisation never needing to exceed seven.
Turning to the manager of the future, writing over 40 years ago, we can see the
prescience of the seven new tasks for tomorrows managers. They must:


manage by objectives
take more risks and for a longer period ahead
be able to make strategic decisions
be able to build an integrated team, each member of which is capable of managing and measuring his own performance and results, in relation to the common
be able to communicate information fast and clearly
be able to see the business as a whole and to integrate his function with it
traditionally a manager has been expected to know one or more functions but
this will no longer be enough
be knowledgeable traditionally a manager has been expected to know a few
products or one industry this, too, will no longer be enough.

Drucker re-evaluated some of his conclusions later, but The Practice of Management
was complete enough to act as the foundation for many of the developments in
management thinking in subsequent years.



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Six Greatest Management Thinkers


Ask yourself
How much time are you going to spend today on creating a customer?
How many of the seven new tasks are you confident about?

Idea 64 Alfred P. Sloan, author of My Years with

General Motors
It has always been well known to motorists that much of the financial value of a new
car has disappeared as soon as it was driven off the garage forecourt; Sloans strategy was that motorists should also realise that their brand new car was also out of
In the 1920s Ford dominated the emerging car market. Sixty per cent of the
cars sold were Model Ts while General Motors could only manage 12. The received
wisdom in this situation was that other manufacturers should concentrate on the
much smaller luxury car market, with much lower volumes but potentially much
higher profit margins. Sloan, on his appointment as chief executive, disagreed and
aimed at the middle market with a range of cars that provided the car buying public
with choice.
His next problem was how to manage a business of GMs size and historical
organisation. The business had grown through acquisition of smaller businesses and
no-one had managed to develop a corporate culture or strategy. Sloan was to build
that, while at the same time allowing local managers to manage. More than 50 years
ago he invented what have become known as profit centres or business units.
The divisions were made responsible for their market share and profitability,
and given all the necessary functions to make them work more or less autonomously.
There were five car manufacturing units and three divisions building components.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

In a particularly forward-looking move, the component units were allowed to sell

their products and services outside the GM organisation.
This federal decentralisation was probably the first implementation in a company the size of GM. It set out to encourage the top executives to concentrate on
strategy, leaving the operations side to the people at the front rather than to a remote, by style as well as location, head office.

On the other hand

Profit centre management can become counterproductive
A company, because it had got itself into serious financial problems, recruited a new managing director whose background was finance.
He rightly diagnosed the root of the problem as being in sales management. The sales managers were used to working with high gross margins and
had developed expensive habits of discounting and providing free support.
They were not spending the companys money as though it were their
own and the company had become vulnerable to any slow-down of revenue.
This threatened to cause further cash problems.
By Herculean effort the companys accountants produced the information
and systems to push real profit centre management down to first line sales
This lasted only for one year. The sales managers became totally introverted about their P&Ls and balance sheets. If, for example, a salesperson
wanted to offer a trade-in of an old product to support a campaign to sell a new
one, sales managers would spend a huge effort to unload the second-hand
product on someone elses territory. If they failed to do so, the product was
charged to their profit and loss account.
They would disallow sales in favour of making money in some other way.



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Six Greatest Management Thinkers


It cannot be said that the year-long experiment did not work. Once the
situation was made more standard by lifting the level of profit centres, the first
line managers were much more conscious of selling profitably.

As became very obvious during the periods of trouble through which GM has
had to go, Sloan worried about the problems associated with the companys size. In
practically all our activities we seem to suffer from the inertia resulting from our
great size said Sloan in the 1930s. There are so many people involved
Sloans segand it requires such a tremendous effort to put something new into effect
mentation of
that a new idea is likely to be insignificant in comparison with the effort
the market
that it takes to put it across Sometimes I am almost forced to the conchanged the
clusion that General Motors is so large and its inertia so great that it is
structure of the
impossible for us to be leaders.
car industry
But prior to that in 1925 they had overtaken Ford. The new organisation and commitment to annual changes to its models had successfully and provided a
put the good old Model T into second place. Sloans segmentation of the model for how
market changed the structure of the car industry and provided a model firms could do
the same in
for how firms could do the same in other industries.
While remembered mainly for the product and organisational strat- other industries.
egy, Sloan, it is interesting to note, again took a very lively interest in what
we would now regard as progressive human resource management. Whilst he might
from time to time miss out on policy meetings, he always attended personnel meetings and invested a lot of time in selecting the right people for the job.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Idea 65 Robert Townsend, author of Up the

Some may find it odd to have the author of such a witty and irreverent book in a
section dominated by the gurus of the century, but Townsend gets a lot of votes,
and a reading of this book written 30 years ago shows that many of the points he was
making were good enough to stand the test of time. Its just that he used hyperbole
and wit to hammer his views home.
His starting point is that we all take ourselves and our businesses too seriously.
The result of this is to constrain creativity and run the risk of trying to implement
impossible strategies. He observes that top management (the board of directors) is
supposed to be a tree full of owls hooting when management heads into the wrong
part of the forest. Im still unpersuaded that they even know where the forest is.

On the other hand

I wonder if this analogy was behind the later theory of bowling alley management. In this the middle managers are the ones bowling and senior managers
the scorers. The twist is that senior managers erect a curtain through which the
ball has to travel to strike the pins. Managers never, therefore, see the results of
their actions.
The only feedback they get from the senior management scorers is to be
told how many pins they missed.

But if you read the book twice you miss too much the first time because of
giggling there is solid sense behind a lot of what is said. He hates the trappings of
power, for example. His hit list in this area includes: reserved parking spaces, special



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Six Greatest Management Thinkers


quality stationary for the boss and his elite, muzak, bells and buzzers, company
shrinks, outside directorships for the chief executive and the company plane.
Townsends real claim to fame ought to be the fact that he was president of Avis
when that company successfully challenged the market leader Hertz. Many of the
tests of the organisation he suggests have been the subject of much effort by managers in the intervening years, but still cause the problems he identified. Heres an
example in full.

C: Call yourself up
When you are off on a business trip or vacation pretend youre a customer. Telephone some part of your organisation and ask for help. Youll run into some real
horror shows. Dont blow up and ask for name, rank and serial number youre
trying to correct not punish. If it happens on a call to the Dubuque office, just
suggest to the manager (through channels, dummy) that he make a few test calls
Then try calling yourself up and see what indignities youve built into your own
But the people side is uppermost in Townsends mind. (In fact he chooses McGregors
book The Human Side of Enterprise as one of the two best books he has read on the
subject of getting things done through organisations.)
Under P for personnel we get the succinct advice to fire the personnel department. His view is that they get in the way of managers hiring the people who they
can work with. The important thing about hiring is the chemistry or the vibrations
between boss and candidate: good, bad or not there at all. Leaning too heavily on
the personnel department is, in Townsends view, an abdication of responsibility
masquerading as delegation.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

There is some truth in the observation that all presidents or chairmen eventually fail. If you keep managing a company the chances are that you will drop the ball
at some point. If this is true, then Townsends final chapter Wearing out your
welcome has a powerful force behind it.
Nobody, he writes, should be Chief Executive of anything for more than five
or six years. By then hes stale, bored and utterly dependent on his own clichs
though they may have been revolutionary ideas when he first brought
If you keep
them to the office After five or six years a good Chief will have abmanaging a
sorbed all the hostility he can take and his decisions will be reflecting a
company the
desire to avoid pain rather than to do whats right.
chances are
Lesson for stockholders and directors: If the Chief Executive doesnt retire
that you will
gracefully after five or six years throw the rascal out.
drop the ball at
Perhaps his overall message comes through best with this: There is
some point.
nothing fundamentally wrong with our country except the leaders of all
our major organisations are operating on the wrong assumptions. Were
in this mess because for the last two hundred years we have been using the Catholic
Church and Caesars legions as our patterns for creating organisations. And until
the last forty or fifty years it made sense. The average churchgoer, soldier and factory worker was uneducated and dependent on orders from above. And authority
carried considerable weight because disobedience brought the death penalty or its
In an article published in Playboy in 1970, Townsend ventured into the minefield of attitudes to women at work and the glass ceiling. His style does not change
and his sympathy for working people shines through the hard hitting prose of The
Guerrilla Guide for Working Women.
He pulls no punches, as with:
Q Your job has grown to include occasional overnight travel. Your husband
and kids feel this cuts into their time.



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Six Greatest Management Thinkers


A Your husband is lying about how the kids feel. Ask them. Then ask yourself what makes your heart leap. Then divorce your husband or your job. Take into
consideration that good jobs are scarce and men are a dime a dozen.

Here comes the twist

Try the calling yourself up one.

Idea 66 Dale Carnegie, author of How to Win Friends

and Influence People
There are few more impressive sites in the world than a Scotsman on the make
J.M. Barrie (18601937)
The theme that runs through the four authors above turns out to be their emphasis
on the people aspects of being a manager and a leader. It seems fair, therefore, to
put this 1937 book in as the first self-help book aimed at improving the readers
skills in the people area. In Carnegies recommendations you can see the documented foundations of all aspects of communications skills, from selling to solution
selling and customer care.
Stuart Crainer, in his book The Ultimate Business Library, has Professor Hamel
writing thus about Carnegie and the book.
I recently attended a conference with the title Implementing strategy through
people. I asked the sponsor whether there was an alternative perhaps one could
implement strategy through dogs. When the focus is on technology, structure and
process it is easy to lose sight of the deeply personal nature of management. Though
Dale Carnegies advice sometimes borders on the manipulative, it is a warm and
fuzzy, eager salesman kind of manipulation. What a contrast to the hard-edged, got-



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

you-by-the-paycheque manipulation familiar to thousands of anxiety-ridden survivors of corporate restructuring.

When you read the advice Carnegie gives at the present time, you can be forgiven for wondering why he needed to do so much research and speak to so many
people before being able to write the self-help book. This is actually a tribute to the
fact that by now we have internalised or at least understood the principles that he
describes. It is, after all, the only book title in this section that has become a clich
inside and also outside the business world. Here are the Carnegie principles in brief.
The fundamental techniques in handling people include dont criticise, condemn or complain; give honest and sincere appreciation; arouse in the person an
eager want.
Then he presents six ways to make people like you:

become genuinely interested in other people

smile [The Worlds Favourite Airline ran an entire change programme based
round this]
remember that a persons name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language
be a good listener [the start of most selling courses asks the question what is the
greatest skill a salesman needs, and agrees finally on listening]
encourage others to talk about themselves
talk in terms of the other persons interest [advice in any training course concerned with communication]
make the other person feel important and do it sincerely.

As Crainer says, Carnegies message remains relevant: people matter and, in the
world of business, how you manage and relate to people is the key to success.



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Six Greatest Management Thinkers


Ask yourself
Think of a key person you need to influence right now. Are you obeying all of
the Carnegie principles as you seek to persuade?

Idea 67 Tom Peters and Robert Waterman, authors of In

Search of Excellence
It is unfortunate that this book is often remembered most for the fact that the excellent businesses that Peters and Waterman chose almost all made substantial mistakes later and lost their image as role models. However, the lessons drawn in this
book have stood the test of time and it has sold more than six million copies.
The authors took research carried out when they were with McKinsey into
what was different about excellent and successful companies. They got the list down
to 62 including a number that you would expect to be there IBM, Hewlett Packard
and so on. They only examined big companies, but the messages and lessons they
derived can act as a template for smaller organisations too.
The characteristics that they discovered in the chosen company were summarised into eight areas:


A bias for action. Being proactive and looking for what needs to be done.
Close to the customer. The excellent companies really are close to their customers. Thats it. Other companies talk about it; excellent companies do it, they
say. They also have a suspicion of the too-smart managers. These are often
MBAs who write impressive plans, develop and get their brains round huge
spreadsheets (Idea 48) and have to hand 500-page market requirement documents. Sometimes such people are too clever for their own good. Our dumber


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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

friends are different. They just dont understand why every customer cannot
get personalised service, even in the potato chip business.
Autonomy and entrepreneurship. The excellent companies nurture such a culture throughout the workforce.
Productivity through people. Here it is again. Peters and Waterman quote a GM
worker laid off after 16 years making Pontiacs: I guess I was laid off because I
made poor quality cars. But in 16 years, not once was I ever asked for a suggestion as to how to do my job better. Not once.
Hands-on value driven. The authors believe that the role of the CEO is to
manage the values of the company. Executives in the excellent companies are
not people who hire assistants to get things done, but are right there with their
sleeves rolled up making things happen.
Stick to the knitting. The successful companies are totally focused on what they
have become good at and do not allow themselves ever to be distracted.
Simple form, lean staff. They write One of the key attributes of the excellent
companies is that they have realised the importance of keeping things simple
despite overwhelming genuine pressures to complicate things.
Simultaneous loosetight properties. This is probably the most difficult lesson to
implement or even really understand. It started a lot of hares with people
coming afterwards trying to put meat on these bones. Just how do you become
loose and tight at the same time? How are managers controlled and empowered? How do you overcome the paradox of being big yet small?

What then is their legacy? The fame and success of the book spawned lots more
academic and practical research and writing on the topics they discussed. The fact
that so many of their excellent companies fell from grace should not stop us using
their attributes at the time of their success as a template for excellence.



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Six Greatest Management Thinkers


Ask yourself
How does your organisation measure up in the eight characteristics they described?

One final word on the people thing. A manager attending the Wharton business
school was interested to note the decisions his fellow students took when faced with
the following dilemma. There was a conflict between two visiting gurus. One was
offering a lecture concerned with the valuation of companies by looking at their
cashflow, the other with a very people-related topic.
The students with little or no management experience tended to choose the
finance talk while those with more experience all went to the people-oriented class.
When asked which one he went to he replied, Oh the people thing, you can read the
other stuff in books.



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21/05/03, 15:22

Five Greatest Environments

for Producing Money Makers
A cynical look at the business world quickly reveals that some environments in which
businesses thrive are essentially a method of redirecting money derived from all
taxpayers into the pockets of a few. War Idea 72 is an inevitable and tragic generator
of wealth and prosperity as are most political attempts to engineer a better or fairer
society. Only the most fervent market forces promoter would deny that The Common Agricultural Policy Idea 68 of the European Union had as its aim the solution to
some real problems. These are faced by people working farms that are extraordinarily disparate by size and nature. Despite their differences they are trying to compete
across national boundaries. Whole rafts of new questions are now being asked as the
burden of the CAP hurts taxpayers, and through them politicians, more and more.
But people make good, and sometimes easy, money out of it.
Religion too creates wealth on what some would say is a basic selling proposition of Pay up or go to hell. For centuries the Roman Catholic Church Idea 71 has
built massive financial assets and other religions have done much the same. Religion
also has what the city types would call a double whammy effect. It generates wealth
in its own right, and generates more by being a major driver of wars.
Take-overs and junk bonds Idea 69 get a mixed press, and their desirability is
probably more questioned now than previously, but could we do without them?
But first we take the bte noire of the Eurosceptic.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Idea 68 Never mind the quality, pay the farmer

There is an apocryphal tale of a man living in the centre of a large town in Kansas
who spotted a business opportunity. He planned to exploit the fact that farmers
were being paid by the state for the same number of hogs they raised and sold last
year, even though it suited everyone for them actually to cut down the number of
hogs they brought to market this year.
Our man wrote to the State legislature in the following terms. I understand
that you are paying people not to raise hogs. It has always been a business of interest
to me, and I write to inform you that I intend starting a company not to raise hogs.
This year I aim to start in a modest way and not raise just 100 hogs. Next year
though I intend to build the business by at least double, and not raise 200 hogs.
Who knows, I may need hired help.
The Common Agricultural Policy attempts to regularise three types of agriculture
present in the European Union. The first is the north-west plains. These are the most
advanced agricultural areas in the world. They adapt to technology quickly, have highly
trained producers and farmers and they possess significant capital. The second zone
divides into two. The advantaged parts of the Mediterranean area, where a
So go on.
wide range of climatic conditions allows a reasonably high level of producDecide what
tion, economy and income, and the disadvantaged areas such as the highyou do not
lands, where the expenses of farming are much higher due to geographic and
want to grow or climatic conditions, and the difficulties faced in using machinery.
raise, write your
In its attempts to regularise these areas the CAP spends some billions of
business plan
pounds shoring up the incomes of agricultural workers in an environment
and claim your where technology and efficiency is steadily reducing the whole value of the
rural economy. The 6% of the working population who work on farms produce less than 3% of the GDP of the member states. This statistic may very
well change as new countries join the EU in the next few years. They are also starting
from farming economies and will need subsidies not to raise hogs just like everyone else.
So, go on. Decide what you do not want to grow or raise, write your business
plan and claim your cheques.



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Five Greatest Environments for Producing Money Makers


Idea 69 Take-overs and junk bonds

Take-overs could, of course, be in the section on winning in the stock market. It is
usual for the shareholders of the company being taken over that they receive a premium on the share price once it becomes known that there is a predator, friendly or
hostile, about. But there is a large body of opinion that believes that this effect is
counteracted by the negative impact of the shareholders of the bidding company.
So the money makers in this environment seem to be the wheelers and dealers
who make take-overs happen and who deal with the assets and debts of the company after the take-over.
Lets take as an example an American-style leveraged buyout (LBO) and see
how the idea of companies being in play has produced markets where a lot of
money can be made and lost.
The LBO uses a target companys assets and earnings to finance the take-over.
The buyer simply pledges the assets of the target company as security for lenders,
who will only lend the money if the bid is successful. As soon as the purchase has
been completed the debt is secured on the companys own assets. There are many
examples, but one of the most famous was the bid for RJR Nabisco in 1989.
The result of all this is that the new company has the millstone of debt round its
neck from day one. So, corporate raiders will sell off parts of the new company or its
assets to try to get this more under control. This is called rationalisation and is
frequently attended by its close cousin downsizing.
Leveraging is, whatever the junk bond salespeople tell us, dangerous. If the
profits of the business do not grow to expectation or if interest rates take a turn up
the way, trouble can ensue. The huge debts from the buyout may be the downfall of
the company bought out.
LBOs are not so popular in the UK, although they too have a close cousin in the
management buyout.
Normal company bonds are a well-accepted form of capital and carry a sensible
degree of risk. In the leveraged situation the amount of debt involved makes the



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

bonds themselves more risky. There is more risk, so the investors demand higher
return, which makes things a little worse if all goes well, or a lot worse if the companys plans underperform.
Junk bonds is the term used to describe such bonds. Technically they are not
rated as high quality by the US bond rating agencies. A high proportion of bonds
does not meet the stringent conditions demanded by these organisations.
So where there is a risk there is a market. Led by W.Braddock Hickman in the
1950s who showed that low-grade bonds would yield higher overall returns (even
allowing for failures), Michael Milken (known as the Junk Bond King) popularised
the idea and created the junk bond market.
Drexel Burnham Lambert, for whom Milken worked, promoted the idea of
diversifying risk in the form of mutual funds and unit trusts, and for a while these
proved successful in returning higher yield with reduced risk. The edifice went through
a well publicised crisis caused, on the one hand, by allegations of insider dealing
Milken got ten years and by a number of the companies so formed floundering. In
the end a series of defaults on junk bonds left a trail of business failures culminating
in the bankruptcy of Drexel itself.
Despite this infamous period, the high yield so-called junk bonds are still a
permanent and important part of the global economy.

Idea 70 Go on, devolve yourself

Politics is a great driver of business, and never more so than when politicians are,
strictly in the nations interest, spending money on, well, politics. The Scottish Parliament has announced its new executive of ministers and their juniors. It has a First
Minister and ten other ministers in the executive, which is like saying of cabinet
rank. After them come a further 11 deputies who report to the executive ministers.
They all have salaries and cars. The Scottish Office in London has, in the past,
operated with one cabinet minister and three or four ministers.



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Five Greatest Environments for Producing Money Makers


The total cost of the Scottish Parliament in a year is more than 10 million. As a
Scot long domiciled in England I am enthusiastic about devolution of power to my
native land. I am quite happy for there to be 22 ministers and a further 107 Members
of the Scottish Parliament. There is, however, still a Secretary of State for Scotland
and from where I sit the question is bound to arise what on earth are they all doing?

Idea 71 Please God, make me rich oh, and let some

of it trickle down to the poor
His creed no parson ever knew
For this was still his simple plan
To have with clergymen to do
As little as a Christian can.
Sir Francis Doyle (18101888)
Religion probably has an equal only in war in giving rise to thousands of business
opportunities. From the Egyptian temples and pyramids to the world-wide chain of
mosques and churches, religion has given work to architects, builders,
painters, icon manufacturers, musicians and every other trade and profes- Religion probsion you can think of. It is a sobering thought that without religion Wren
ably has an
would have had to design workhouses and customs sheds. Without reliequal only in
gion what would Michael Angelo have painted or what music would Handel
war in giving
have written?
rise to
The main churches of the world have been mostly fabulously rich.
thousands of
You cannot easily find out how rich they are at the moment. The Vatican
Bank, for example, still does not publish a profit and loss account or balopportunities.
ance sheet.
The evangelists in America use television to bring money pouring in, on their
simple unique selling proposition If you support us, we will support you in your bid



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

to achieve immortality. As long, says Pat Robertson, as you are not a homosexual
or come from Scotland, which he describes as a dark land.
Religious business opportunities arise also from inter-religious feuds. They have
a habit of destroying each others religious sites when they are at war or trying to rid
their country of other religions. When and if the Serbs leave Kosovo, they are going
to try to get Nato to agree that they can leave some of their troops behind for the
task of guarding their religious sites.
This brings us logically to the next idea.

Idea 72 War and the pieces

To found a great Empire for the sole purpose of raising up a people of customers,
may at first sight appear only a project for a nation of shopkeepers. It is, however,
a project altogether unfit for a nation of shopkeepers; but extremely fit for a nation
that is governed by shopkeepers.
Adam Smith (17231790)
The impact of war on business is very profound. From the industrial opportunities
involved in building weapons and ammunition to prepare for it, to the need for
repair and rebuilding after it, there is really no equal.
The economics of war are bound up with the theory of late starters. Late starters are countries whose economies have gone through rapid growth later than others. The argument goes that they can leapfrog technologies and not only catch up
but also outdo their competitors. In this century Italy, Germany and Japan incurred
huge amounts of war damage and the late starter theory saw them building a new
stock of capital incorporating the latest technologies. Indeed, the allies systematically dismantled and shipped to their countries the entire industrial base of Germany. This led to very rapid growth with the most modern plant and equipment.



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Five Greatest Environments for Producing Money Makers


The Allies might well have been better to leave the German machinery in place and
build their own from scratch. This might have slowed the German miracle down a
It is difficult to generalise about the beneficial impact of war on economies, so
let us take a quick look towards the scene of one of the most recent wars that in
Kosovo and Serbia. Some of the missiles and smart bombs used by Nato in prolonged bombing raids cost more than $1 million each and the stockpiles had to be
replenished. A Financial Times estimate of the cost of fighting the air war was $7
billion. The same article suggests that the cost of the peacekeeping force in Kosovo
will be more than the cost of the air war. Dont forget that, as wars go, this was quite
a small one.
The bombs knocked out most of the river bridges in the country and a huge
amount of other infrastructure. There were highly varied estimates at the time for
the repair of this damage starting at $15 billion and going as high as $90 billion.
Experience now suggests it will be nearer the former than the latter.
Whatever the bill is, many of the participating Nato countries supply the materials and expertise, and probably quite a lot of the labour to rebuild. The recent war
in Croatia holds many parallels with the situation in Kosovo. German, Italian and
French companies received contracts for building and other infrastructure work.
Britain sent a party of more than 30 companies accompanied by a trade minister to Croatia to get in on the act. Concrete was at a premium to rebuild the bridges
and a British company built a cement plant in Split. The power companies in the
UK and elsewhere took good advantage of the damage done to generating and distributing plant.
When Vegetius in the 4th century wrote Let him who desires peace, prepare
for war he could equally accurately have said Let him who wants economic growth,
prepare for war. Oh, and fight one from time to time.
At the time of writing the USA is building up a force of 250,000 personnel to
fight a war in Iraq. The build up is costing billions and that is before they start to



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

consume the consumables such as missiles and smart bombs. Just look at the statistics of the only American aircraft carrier in the Gulf by the end of 2002 the 88,000tonne USS Constellation, (The UKs biggest, the Ark Royal, is a mere 20,000 tonnes).
The Connie carries 5000 people, 72 combat aircraft and 30 different types of airlaunched weapons. This includes the Slammer (stand-off land-attack missile expanded response), which can choose its targets as it goes along, after it has been
launched into the general direction of the enemy $500,000 a pop.
It is also not just a job for fighters fit to be heroes; to fight the war in Iraq will
require 1000 battle planners. So any type of person can get involved in a war, probably the greatest business idea of all time.

On the other hand

Wars have to be financed and generally that is done through increased taxation. In the USA, for instance, the importance of personal income tax as a
source of revenues increased enormously during World War II. During that
period they introduced higher tax rates, lower exemptions and deductions at
source. At the same time the UK and many other of the belligerent nations
resorted to a general sales tax.



06/06/03, 16:33

Four Greatest Ways (So Far) to Become

a Multi-Millionaire on the Internet
The Internet itself must qualify as one of the greatest business ideas of all time. But it
was, of course, to begin with an academic idea with the linking up of universities to
allow each other to benefit from work they were all doing, so I have chosen its applications rather than the net itself. We have already looked at e-mail Idea 60, and in this
section we look at people who have made vast sums of money by convincing people
that they could hugely exploit the virtues of the net. Notice how they have not made
vast sums by exploiting the net, but by persuading people that they were about to.
The Internet bubble of the late 1990s is a phenomenon widely written about,
since it has had an impact on everyones savings, pensions and economic success
and all of it adverse.
Perhaps the epitome of this phenomenon is Steve Case, the man who invented
AOL and eventually sold it to Time Warner in 1999 with such good timing as to make
one suspect he is a prophet as well as an innovator. The combination of technological
expertise AOL with hugely successful content Time Warner looked to most
people a real winner. Steve Case got incredibly rich; but it was just before the bubble
burst. By early 2002 the shareholders, by now sitting on a share that had dropped
76% since the company was formed, got fed up. Wanting some short-term success as
well as promises for the future, they outmanoeuvred Case and he left the company.
His, and some other peoples, vision still lives and the Internet is becoming
more and more part of corporate and private life. To be fair, it was not their fault
that a feeding frenzy started and professional investment managers decided they
could not risk not joining the bandwagon and taxi drivers started giving share tips.
This last is a sure sign of troubles ahead and, sure enough, all the companies involved have been revalued and many have gone out of business.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

I have picked three applications of the Internet. One illustrates the real benefits that
the Internet can offer companies in terms of building learning organisations Avoid the
epitaph They didnt follow through Idea 73; one that is becoming an important part of
retail life and getting towards profitability Never mind high tech, theres still money in
books Idea 74; and one that illustrates the point that new technology requires us to think
outside the square and look for ideas that are triggered from seemingly irrelevant events
An Internet company built on a sweetie dispenser what am I bid? Idea 75.
Finally, lest we believe that we are cleverer than our forebears I have added the
South Sea Bubble of the early 1700s to illustrate our current and continuing inability to learn from experience.

Idea 73 Avoid the epitaph They didnt follow through

If you talk to consultants and trainers who work with large, medium and small
companies, and get them to talk honestly about the impact their introduction of
new business processes has had on their clients, they will talk in terms of the epitaph
that forms the title of this idea They simply did not follow through. However
enthusiastically people leaving training courses are determined to implement the
ideas they have received, and no matter how sure management is that the consultants report shows them the way ahead, the fact is that back at the ranch nothing has
changed from the pressures that made all parties act in the way they were doing
before. They leave off implementing the new idea while they get back onto an even
keel and eventually they have forgotten so much about what they are supposed to do
that the organisation becomes guilty of paying for some good ideas but never following through. If you dont believe me ask yourself how often you and your colleagues
have taken training course manuals off the shelf they were put on when you got back
to the office or workplace. Mostly they just gather dust.
A company called SofTools has developed a support platform that uses the
Internet to help with this problem. Using the platform, trainers, for example, can
convert their processes into electronic tools that sit within the platform. After the



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Four Greatest Ways to Become a Multi-Millionaire on the Internet


training course is done they can then act as online mentors, assisting their delegates
to put into practice what they learned on the course.
The SofTools Integrated Performance Support System (iPSS) is a Web-based
system that enables business teams to apply best-practice methods consistently
such as business planning, risk management, or critical decision-making.
The iPSS is seen as a virtual business coach in that it will:

teach the user about new techniques;

provide interactive templates for completing the task;
enable users to learn from each other and from the past; and
give senior managers greater visibility and control across remote or virtual

In the current economic climate, some would say that iPSSs are no longer optional
for survival they are a must-have. By licensing the iPSS to leading training and
consulting companies, the platform is used to address a variety of key issues currently facing modern businesses: how to make the sales force more effective at
planning campaigns, how to monitor and control operational projects, how to
increase profit awareness at all levels of staff, and so on without limit.
The iPSS consists of:


Processes and tools structured templates reflecting client specific processes.

Online coach online self-paced learning environment learning-at-the-pointof-doing.
Experts access to the ideas and insights of internal experts.
Forum open discussion of ideas relating to projects, teams or competency
Knowledgebase visibility and retrieval of real project or case files both current and historic.
Portfolio status production of key management reports covering individual
and team performance.


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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

More and more consultants and trainers are seeking to make their training courses
use new technology, but it is not until they could use such a platform as this that
they have been able to do it quickly and at sensible cost.
The global availability of the experience of all the people in an organisation to
each other will have many companies making money out of the Internet. Lets finish
this idea with a simple example.
A sales force was trained in a new process for writing proposals. They went into a
classroom for half a day and were introduced to the concepts of the new process. In
the next two weeks they were asked to write one of their real-life proposals to the new
standard. The expert who was teaching the process had access to their work and could
prompt those who had not completed the exercise, first by e-mail and then by telephone. The number who completed the work was far higher than normal.
By the end of a series of training events there were some 50 real-life proposals
on the companys intranet accessible through the iPSS. At around the same time, a
salesperson found himself writing a proposal at 2 oclock in the morning as it was
due in by 10 oclock that day (this is not an unusual scenario). He got to the point in
the proposal process when he needed to describe the competitive edge that he believed his product had over the competition and wondered if any of his colleagues
had produced a pithy and perhaps witty way of expressing this. By searching on the
keyword of the product he was selling he found a number of previously written
proposals on the iPSS and this gave him what he wanted. The sales director in this
example is able to look at what people are proposing to write in their executive
summaries in time, now, to be able to make suggestions for improvement.
Guess what? They are actually following through!

Idea 74 Never mind high tech, theres still money in

books (
It is hard to argue with the quotation from a satisfied customer carried on the companys Web page, is an extraordinary company. Martin Tanner, an



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Four Greatest Ways to Become a Multi-Millionaire on the Internet

135 customer in Schoenenwerd in Switzerland, goes on to praise Amazon

for doing business on the Web in a real customer-oriented way.
Amazon opened its electronic doors in July of 1995 with a stated mission to use
the Internet to offer products that educate, inform and inspire. They did this by
offering an online store that is reasonably easy to navigate round and has a huge
selection of books, CDs, audio books and computer games. In 2001 they served 25
million customer accounts, compared to 20 million in 2000 and 14 million in 1999.
These customers are in more than 220 countries.
They have over 45,000 items in their electronic store, which they reckon is
about seven times the selection you would find in a bi-box electronics store. They
have millions of book on offer, some 200,000 of which can be browsed through their
Look Inside the Book feature. Once again, they estimate a typical bookstore has
100,000 titles at any time.
The site gives the following services:

Search for books by author, title, subject or keyword. For music, search by
artist, CD title or song title.
Browse for books in 28 subject areas or browse music styles.
Get recommendations.
Read reviews either media reviews or reviews entered by other Amazon customers.
See the bestseller charts.
Stay up to date by getting Amazon to send you reviews of exceptional books in
your area of interest.
Buy gifts painlessly.
You can even join the community by becoming an Amazon associate with the
opportunity to earn money by selling books on your own Web site.

The founder of is Jeffrey Bezos. He had a finance background, being

previously a Vice President of Bankers Trust Company and DE Shaw, a Wall Street
investment firm.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Bezos could not, of course, settle for being the leading online bookstore,
and has moved into many other areas. Auctions
gives its pre-registered customers the ability to buy and sell by auction items
in more than 800 categories. With its service customers can not only bid
easily for things but even have some insurance against the eventuality that the
seller fails to deliver what the buyer thought he was getting.
Then they started to think of other things that could be sold in this
way. No-one likes going to the drug-store says Peter Neupert, the Chief
Executive of have invested in this online
source for thousands of brand-name health and beauty products.
also attracted the companys attention with its popular and rare accessories, products and food for all sorts of animals.
Want to send a greeting to somebody who is on the Web? Use the free greeting card service with a huge choice of illustrations,
pictures, animated cards and messages to choose from. If this seems a bit impersonal,
you also have the ability to tailor the stock messages to suit your own preferences.
There is no doubt that many other markets are ripe for the Amazon approach.
Huge markets in leisure, brokerage, cars, furniture, shoes and hardware are already
online or on the way.
Luckily for Amazon they proved strong enough to survive the bursting of the
Internet bubble and in the early part of this century are moving firmly towards
profitability, with turnover in the third quarter of 2002 at $851 million and the
quarterly loss down to $34 million.

It is plainly not
relevant to
value the
company on its
profits since it
has none, but
value it at
something like
15 times its
annual sales.

Ask yourself
Have you thought through how your products and services could be sold
Check out the Web site to see the potential.



06/06/03, 16:51

Four Greatest Ways to Become a Multi-Millionaire on the Internet


Idea 75 An Internet company built on a sweetie

dispenser what am I bid? (eBay)
If you wanted to buy the company in question at the May 1999 share price you
would have needed $24 billion. At that time, we were quite used to the fact that ecommerce-based ideas produced companies worth billions of dollars very shortly
after they opened for business. But eBay Inc. did have one exception to the rules
other Internet companies seemed to obey. It was already making money. In late
2002 they estimated their sales for that year would come in at between $1.17 and
$1.18 billion. They have bought PayPal, the online payment company,
and have remained profitable since 1999.
eBay Inc. does
Pierre Omidyar got the idea from his wife, who was a keen collector
have one
of Pez containers. These are the little sweet containers made of plastic
exception to
which dispense one sweet when you flick the top. They come in a great
the rules other
variety of designs and have for some time been collectible, in the same
Internet comway, one could say, as cigarette cards were or phone cards are. Why could
panies seem to
she not find fellow collectors on the Web?
obey. It is
Pierre knew that people needed a central location to buy and sell unique
already makitems and to meet other users with similar interests. He set up eBay to meet
ing money.
this need and created the worlds largest online trading community. It is, in
effect, a new market entirely one-to-one trading on an auction basis.
Individuals are the target users, not big businesses. There are now 1000 categories in antiques, coins, toys, stamps, jewellery and so on. In the words of the companys Web page, Users can find the unique and the interesting on eBay everything
from chintz china to chairs, teddy bears to trains and furniture to figurines.
The reason for the success is the number of buyers and sellers eBay has managed
to register. Plainly, buyers go where they feel they will get the most choice, and sellers
where they think they will find the most buyers and therefore the best price. During
the first quarter of 1999 the number of registered users went up by about 75% from
2.1 million to 3.8 million. This huge starting point made growth at eBay a self-fulfilling prophecy and, by 2002, the number of active users had risen to 24.2 million.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

So, how does it work? Suppose you want to buy an antique Victorian pump
organ, with bevelled mirrors, candelabra holders and Victorian stool. First of all you
must be a registered user a free process. This allows you to browse through all the
antique Victorian pump organs with those attributes on sale (only kidding, the day
I looked there was only one). You get to it through the category Antiques: Musical
Clicking on that item will give you the starting price or reserve and tell you
whether or not it has been met. You are also told when the auction started and when
it will end, the number of bids to date and where the article is. You can get a lot
more information on the item and sometimes pictures, all of which have been entered by the seller.
Noting the bid increment, normally $10, you enter your bid. You are advised to
enter the maximum you would pay for the item. This maximum amount is kept
secret and eBay will bid on your behalf by increasing your bid by the increment
number as necessary until your maximum is reached. You can, of course, review
your bid along the way if your desire for the said organ reaches a higher pitch.
In common with the other Internet successes noted before, eBay spends a lot
on advertising and promotion. There seems no way of short-cutting this expenditure. Indeed, it will be interesting to see if eBay can keep up its leadership as bigger
companies get on to the bandwagon with much bigger resources, both financial and
So much for the past; analysts have predicted a bright future for eBay, forecasting $1.186 billion for 2002 and $1.83 billion for 2003. This is one company in the
bubble that seems to be staying the pace.
One of the greatest business ideas proposed in this book, courtesy of Dale
Carnegie, is the importance of listening. This includes listening to your partner
when they want to expand the number of sweetie containers in their collection.



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Four Greatest Ways to Become a Multi-Millionaire on the Internet


Here comes the twist

1 The Internet offers small and medium sized businesses the opportunity to
play the big guys on more level ground. Even if it is just an advertisement,
get yourself a Web page. Use it to generate interest, explain what you do and
how well you do it and maybe get some e-mail enquiries. You can get software to help you do this yourself for a small outlay.
2 Once you have some experience of it, think about moving into online ordering and use the site more interactively. You may want some help to go to this
3 Make sure that the site:
targets the right audience;
conveys the image you are seeking;
is consistent with other promotional material and your companys objectives;
contains content that is short, to the point, and it is easy for people to find
their way round;
contains contact details on each page; and
avoids gimmicks and graphics if they make it a frustrating and time
consuming task to download.

Idea 76 The South Sea Bubble

The speculation mania that ruined many British investors in 1720 has no particular
connection with making money out of the Internet, but it is a story which seems to
fit quite well in this section.
The bubble centred on the fortunes of the South Sea Company founded in
1711 to trade, mainly in slaves, with Spanish America. The proposition was based



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

on the companys expectation that the end of the war of Spanish Succession would
signal a treaty to permit such trade.
The companys stock, with a guaranteed high interest rate of 6%, sold well, but
the relevant treaty was less favourable than had been hoped. It imposed a tax on
imported slaves and allowed only one ship each year for general trade.
The first voyage was moderately successful, but the real fillip to the share price
of the company came from the confidence created by King George I agreeing to
become the governor of the company. The lack of profits now, however, made loan
capital to the company very expensive, reaching 100% per annum at one point.
In 1720 there was an incredible boom in South Sea stock as the result of the
companys proposal to take over the national debt. The company expected to thrive
in terms of growing trade, but the real profits were made in the value of the stock.
The shares rose in January of that year from 128 to over 1000.
Overoptimistic company promoters inveigled a lot of people into a series of
unwise investments. The market collapsed in December 1720 and many people
were ruined. The share price returned to 120 and dragged many others with it. It
also damaged the value of government stocks. The subsequent enquiry by the House
of Commons uncovered a lot of fraud and corruption. At least three ministers had
accepted bribes and speculated for themselves.
Obviously this criminal activity was an unusual feature in the collapse, but the
situation reflects a truth about the underlying value of a company. The current
share price of a business does reflect its future earnings stream, but if the gap between todays business performance and that expected in the future becomes too
large, bubbles have a nasty habit of bursting.
Behind every great fortune there is a crime.
Honor de Balzac (17991850)



06/06/03, 16:51

Six Greatest Truths Your Independent

Financial Adviser Might Not Have Told You
Idea 77 Why are you in equities?
Building Societies are wonderful things you give them the price of an
overcoat and ten years later they give you back the price of a shirt. This
means that you are forced to hedge against inflation by having some of
your savings and a lot of your pension fund in equities.

Idea 78 Knowing how your investment is doing

Did your IFA tell you that the widespread belief that everything in business
can be reduced to financial measures and recorded in the accounts is a
myth fostered to continue to create work for accountants?

Building Societies are wonderful things

you give them
the price of an
overcoat and
ten years later
they give you
back the price
of a shirt.

Idea 79 Old but proud

Personal pensions are sold as essential vehicles for protecting your old age. In fact
the combination of management charges, investment performance and scandalous
annuity contracts means that most do not do this. Since despite saving thousands in
such schemes you still live out your old age in poverty, the only benefit of personal
pensions is that they give you the smug feeling that at least you tried.



21/05/03, 15:23


The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Idea 80 Keeping on track

Unit trusts that track the FTSE 100 index artificially inflate the share price of the
biggest companies in the land, while ensuring that those dropping out of the FTSE
100 will find it very difficult to recover. This is very similar to the creation of the
Premier League, which did the same thing for football clubs.

Idea 81 Not so efficient savings

The efficient market is held to be true by the professionals. Since the efficient market
hypothesis says that there is nothing a private investor can do to help themselves, they
have to allow the professionals to earn huge commissions by churning their portfolios.

Idea 82 Which Investment do you Trust?

In the late 1980s my wife did some work on understanding investment trusts as
opposed to the unit trusts she had been used to buying. She raised this with our
IFA. Why do you never recommend investment trusts? I have read of some good
reasons why they can be expected to outperform unit trusts. The reply was indirect,
but made it clear that he would not be changing his policy.
Some weeks later he sent my wife a brochure for an investment trust. We
wondered at this, until the same day, I read in the Financial Times of the first investment
trust managers to offer sales commission to IFAs. Youll find it hard to believe that
it was the very manager our IFA had changed his policy to recommend.
Cecil Graham: What is a cynic?
Lord Darlington: A man who knows the price of everything and the value of
Oscar Wilde (18541900)



21/05/03, 15:23

Three Greatest Natural Discoveries that

Drive Businesses
Three scientific developments have arguably been responsible for the highest number
of business possibilities, outside energy sources such as oil and electricity. They are
businesses on their own, but also make work and money in many related industries.
Explosives Idea 84 have many peaceful applications, but are also terribly important in
the business opportunities opened up by war Idea 72. Another contributor to war,
radio Idea 85, also enables all types of communication devices. These devices in their
turn make possible the Internet, space travel, the television industry and many others.
But we start with a scientific phenomenon that leads to requirements for all
sorts of professions and products. Because of it we need more police, a whole branch
of criminal law prosecutions, a large percentage of the prison system, bouncers (big
doormen), drying-out clinics, more hospitals, to name but a few. It is of course the
discovery of fermentation.

Idea 83 Fermentation
O thou invisible spirit of wine! If thou hast no name to be known by, let us call
thee devil.
William Shakespeare (15641616)
What must the first person to discover the effect of fermented vegetation on his or
her mind and feelings thought? How easy it must have been even at the earliest stage
to trade such euphoria.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

The origins of the business idea of fermenting vegetables and selling the results
as alcoholic beverages, early on evil-tasting and later with a palate fit for experts,
goes back to prehistory. The likelihood is that fermentation was discovered accidentally in pre-agricultural times. Early man clearly liked the effect if not the
Few products
taste, and quickly moved to purposeful production. From merely gatherhave been sold ing the raw materials which grew wild, he planted vines and other suitable
in such a
flexible way to
Few products have been sold in such a flexible way to fit in with the
fit in with the
rituals that accompany the drinking of alcohol. The traditions and regularituals that
tions that surround the product have, on one hand, proved inhibiting to
the sale and consumption of the product. On the other hand, from the
the drinking of
earliest pre-literate times, alcohol was stitched into social ceremonies,
particularly rites of passage, marriage and so on. A guaranteed market,
with or without its potentially addictive nature.
There are records of the regulation of drinking houses in 1770 BC, and not
much later beer and wine were popular prescriptions of Egyptian doctors.
The growth of alcohol consumption continued into classical times with an ebb
and flow of what was regarded as an acceptable quantity to imbibe. From the GrecoRoman habits surrounding huge drinking binges in honour of the God Bacchus to
the Judaic intertwining of religious ceremonial, which to the present day links drunkenness to irreverence and inappropriate behaviour.
The conditions of early societies foreshadowed those of complex societies including our highly industrialised one. Its role in a modern-day diet is largely irrelevant, with only the calorific value adding anything to the easy availability of other
foods. As medicament it has a limited surviving place in tranquillising and pain
killing. In religion alcohol has a symbolic role where it is not completely eliminated.
What remains is the satisfaction of personal and group needs, a breeding ground
for advertising brilliance and long term marketing strategies of the highest order.
Alcohol consumption has gone steadily up since the 1950s and the market capitalisation of the UK drinks industry exceeds 65 billion, with combined sales of



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Three Greatest Natural Discoveries that Drive Businesses


around 30 billion according to a spokesperson for the Wines and Spirits Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. These are very approximate figures.

Here comes the twist on the other hand

There are changes occurring in the Inland Revenues attitude to staff entertainment including the Christmas party. Few employees are going to see the
joke if their attendance at the annual do is followed by an increase in their
tax bill. Make sure you know what the rules are.
There are various pieces of litigation both completed and pending, particularly in the USA, which deal with claims from employees and customers
following accidents and other damage arising from drink obtained during
company entertainment. Has someone in your company looked into this
and checked your risks and liabilities.

If, however, you can still take a joke, you may be interested in a club formed by three
Brits in a bar in Chicago called BOWFACE. This stands for Bars Of the World
Found At Company Expense. Members must have had a drink in at least three bars
in at least seven countries in the preceding 12 months. Get in touch with the author
if you think you qualify.
We have come a long way since the first primitive discovered the properties of
mouldy vegetables, and millions of people have made a lot of money in the process.
Funnily enough higher margins are made when governments are trying to regulate
the product out of existence than in normal trading circumstances. See Prohibition
Idea 21.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Idea 84 Explosives
A multi-purpose product, explosives have a wide range of possibilities for making
money. You can sell them as ammunition, the consumable of war Idea 72, as a
method of blasting in mines and quarries, to build tunnels, or if all else fails to crack
a safe.
One of the major quarrying companies in Australia, for example, has just placed
a five-year contract for the supply of dynamite at a total price of $1 billion Australian.
An explosive is any substance or device that can be made to produce a volume
of rapidly expanding gas in an extremely brief period. There are three fundamental
types: mechanical, nuclear and chemical.
A mechanical explosion is the sort that occurs when a container is overloaded
with compressed gas of some sort. This occurs more by accident than by application
in the businesses mentioned above.
A nuclear explosion is one in which a huge amount of energy is released by
sustaining nuclear reaction with almost instant rapidity.
Chemical reactions come in two types. Warriors use very large amounts of detonating or high explosive such as TNT or dynamite. The originating explosive, however, is the other type of chemical reaction deflagrating or low explosives.
There is a strong case for the first use of black powder, a low explosive, being
initiated by the Chinese although there are counter-claims favouring the Arabs.
Originally used in China for fireworks and signals in the tenth century, it is likely
that they moved quickly onto using it to make bombs. Certainly by 1300 the Arabs
had invented the first real gun, a bamboo tube reinforced by iron to fire an arrow.
Use of explosives in engineering was, to begin with, a very dangerous business.
Small quantities of black powder were lit in various containers, such as the goose
quill. These were unreliable and burnt erratically. William Bickford, who lived in
the tin-mining district of Cornwall, is credited with the invention of the safety fuse.
The present day version is not much different from the original, which was a core of



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Three Greatest Natural Discoveries that Drive Businesses


black powder covered in textiles such as jute yarn. The cord is covered with waterproof material such as asphalt and finished off with a layer of textile, or nowadays
Black powder is now illegal for use in mines in most countries and its use is
declining rapidly. However, it still has no substitute for certain military purposes,
and nothing equal to it has been found for making a safety fuse.
Ascanio Sobrero made the next big step forward when he discovered nitroglycerine or blasting oil. This compound was so unstable and its detonation so unreliable that it remained more or less in the laboratory until the work of Immanuel
Nobel and his son Alfred. They built plant for the manufacture of nitro-glycerine in
Sweden and the USA. However, most experts believe that Nobels invention of the
blasting cap, a device for detonating explosives, was the next major step forward
from black powder. Certainly the cap which Nobel created was still in use more
than 50 years later.
There still remained the problem of the instability of nitro-glycerine until Nobels
second most important discovery. He found that by mixing pure nitro-glycerine
with other substances, eventually known as dopes, he could render the nitro-glycerine stable and much easier to work with. Indeed he could vary the ratio of nitroglycerine to dopes to produce an explosive that was not only more efficient but
produced different strengths of explosion.
The military requirement for explosives has some differences to civil uses. They
need to be insensitive to shock and friction and unlikely to be easily detonated with,
for example, small-arms fire. They often have to withstand long periods of adverse
storage without deteriorating, and must be fired in projectiles or dropped in aerial
time bombs without premature explosion. Many types have hideously complicated,
not to say devious, fuses for detonation.
These requirements are met in the main by trinitrotoluene or TNT. Indeed
non-nuclear warheads still contain it as part of their chemical content, although
there are some other specialist explosives in use.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

There is an apocryphal story that emanated from the aerospace industry in the
1970s. It originated in the UK so it could well be put down to stereotyping and
prejudice, but it went like this.
Guided missiles have two main elements, the guidance system and the explosive. The difference between an American missile and a British one is the degree of
expenditure and sophistication between these two elements. If a missile cost $1
million, the Americans would spend $750,000 on the explosive and the remainder
on the guidance system. The British on the other hand would spend only $250,000
on the explosive leaving $750,000 for the guidance system.
The effect of this was that the British missile would seek, for example, an enemy plane with pinpoint accuracy and get very close to the engine of the plane. In
this case a relatively small pop would be enough to down the aircraft. The American type would get into roughly the same area as the aircraft and then a huge explosion would account for anything in the region.
This only leaves the use of explosives in safe cracking. I can never forget the
black humour of the film Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. They too, on one
occasion, overdid the use of explosives when they meant to blow open a safe that
was being transported in a train, but actually blew the whole train into fragments
causing a rainfall of the dollar bills in the safe.

Idea 85 Radio
The number of products and services that owe their existence to radio must make
the discovery of radio waves and the development of devices that operate with radio
one of the greatest enablers of business.
Transmission and detection of communications signals, radio, consists of electromagnetic waves that travel through the air in a straight line or by deflection from
the ionosphere or from a communications satellite.



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Three Greatest Natural Discoveries that Drive Businesses


The two significant characteristics of electromagnetic-wave motion are the physical length of the wave and the number of times the wave cycle is repeated in a given
period of time.
Radio first became a possibility when the English physicist Michael Faraday
demonstrated that an electrical current could produce a magnetic field. In 1864
James Clerk Maxwell, a professor of experimental physics at Cambridge, proved
mathematically that these electrical disturbances could be detected at considerable
distances. Maxwell predicted that this electromagnetic energy could move outward
in waves, travelling at the speed of light. In 1888 Heinrich Hertz demonstrated that
Maxwells prediction was true for transmissions over short distances.
At this point the Italian physicist Marconi perfected a radio system that in 1901
transmitted Morse code over the Atlantic Ocean. Next came the development of the
vacuum tube, which amplified or strengthened the radio signal that was received at
an antenna; thus, much weaker signals could be transmitted and received than had
previously been possible.
It was next discovered that the electric current in a vacuum tube could be made
to oscillate. An electric-tube oscillator was thus able to generate very pure radio
waves. Reception was improved with the refining of the tuning circuit. These and
other components needed to produce radio receivers of acceptable quality underwent rapid improvement in the period before World War II.
Individual broadcasting stations were assigned a portion of an arbitrary frequency scale, so that the signal of one station would not interfere with each other.
Other frequency ranges have been reserved for the many additional uses of radio
signals, which include navigational aids for ships and aircraft, two way voice transmission, and space and satellite communications.
Innovations after the war, especially the replacement of tubes by transistors and
of wires by printed circuits, drastically reduced the amount of power the receiver
needed to operate and allowed its components to be miniaturised. Other advances
included improvements in the sound fidelity of transmitting and receiving equipment and the perfection of FM stereo broadcasting.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

But the real and outstanding benefit of all time that radio brought were the
dialogues between the two chorus boys in the radio programme Round the Horne.
They did odd jobs for Kenneth Horne when they were between engagements, and
their opening went Hallo, Im Julian and this is my friend Sandy. Thank you Mr



21/05/03, 15:24

Four Greatest Breakthroughs

Made by Advertising
I picked advertising campaigns more from what we can learn from them, rather than
for the brilliant creative leap that makes an ad or a slogan stand out. Such brainwaves
occur from time to time, but tend to be the end product of a lot of research and
work. It is illustrations of that work and the calculation of the results of campaigns
that have dictated the choice.
A breakthrough occurs when a minnow attacks a well-established player, for
example Knorr Idea 88, or when an ad has a result disproportionate to the subtle
change in presentation such as Alka-Seltzer Idea 87. Since we are looking for relevance to current business people, the ads tend to be near to the present time.

Ask yourself
1 Check your advertising against the criteria posed by Roderick White:
Does the ad make me stop and read it?
Is there an original unusual idea in it?
Does it work as a piece of design?
Is it easy to understand?



06/06/03, 16:54


The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

2 Check the critical questions specific to the ad:

Does this advertisement fit the strategy?
Will it work?

Idea 86 Correcting a myth (Kelloggs)

Here is an example of a great business idea from the 1980s. From the middle of the
decade, Kelloggs All-Bran had a problem. Although consumers still recognised the
benefits of fibre, they were switching from All-Bran to tastier foods, which they felt
contained as much fibre as All-Bran but were more exciting to eat.
An ad campaign was designed to address this by concentrating on the fact that
All-Bran contains more fibre than most of the other foods that people perceive as
being rich in fibre. For example, a single bowl of All-Bran contains as much fibre as
nine slices of brown bread.
The voice over of the ad went Its a fact that nine out of ten people still arent
eating enough fibre. So its worth knowing that in every bowl of Kelloggs All-Bran
theres about as much fibre as youd find in nine nutritious slices of brown bread.
The visual background to this is a hand putting the second slice of brown bread
into a toaster. The toaster eventually pops and nine slices of bread leap into the air.
The camera follows the toast then cuts to an empty cereal bowl beside a packet of
Kelloggs All-Bran. The nine slices then land in the bowl and the frame is frozen.
Volumes, according to Kelloggs, which were declining at the rate of about
10% per annum, increased by 8% in 1990 and 14% in 1991, the two years following
this great idea.

Idea 87 Double doses (Alka-Seltzer)

The Austrian psychologist Herta Herzog was working for the Jack Tinker agency in



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Four Greatest Breakthroughs Made by Advertising


New York City in the 1970s. She suggested to her client Alka-Seltzer that the photographs in advertisements should show a hand dropping two tablets into a glass
instead of one. They doubled their sales.

Idea 88 Taking on a beefy adversary (Knorr)

When attacking a market leader, you do not have to go for the whole global market.
Sometimes a little local campaign can make the difference. Particularly if you combine it with the theme that runs through good advertising practice. Listen to and
know your market.
About 20 years after launching its competitor to the Oxo Cube, Knorr had
made some progress. It had 7.8% of the UK cube market compared to the dominating 89.6% of the leader. The characteristics of the products the two companies
produced had significant differences. Knorr produced a more subtle flavour. It tended
to enhance the taste of food rather than, as was the case with Oxo, dominate the
flavour. This led in turn to Oxo being 88% of the beef cube market but only 12% of
the chicken, compared with Knorrs 58%.
The situation was also different in Scotland, where Knorr had about a third of
sales and Oxo two-thirds. The marketers investigated this difference and put it down
to the Scottish habit of making home-made soups. Research showed that only 25%
of home-made soup in Scotland had a cube in it at all. The cooks did not know that
a cube could produce the same flavour as real stock.
Knorr took a decision to tackle the local market and encourage the making of
soup and the use of its more subtle flavouring to act as the stock component.
BMP produced a creative idea called Monday Night. This centred on two
friends in the Scottish Highlands. They were cooking blind, and Hughie assumed
that, since Sunday had been chicken, Monday night would be chicken soup. Wifey
back home then surprised him with pea and ham. Her secret? Knorr Ham Stock



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

There were various updates to the formula over the 15 years of the campaign.
The wifes appearance changed for example and the wit became more trenchant. In
one ad the men were eating cock-a-leekie soup and mourning the death of Moira,
the chicken they decided had gone into the pot to make the soup. The chicken then
turned up Voice Over: Knorr Stock cubes good soup and no bones about it.
Sales of Knorr cubes grew steadily over the years to become the brand leader in
Scotland. Almost as important was the fact that the growth was indeed based on
changes in soup making behaviour, which it was believed would not have occurred
without the campaign. Because the Knorr cubes sold at a premium to Oxo, the
share by value was two-thirds to Knorr. They became a 4 million brand compared
with Oxos 2 million.
So, a global brand can be encouraged in suitable local circumstances.

Idea 89 If the logic isnt compelling, tug the heartstrings

As the modernisation of its telephone exchanges spread, BT had many opportunities to encourage the use of the advanced facilities the new equipment made possible. Test mailings of new facilities had convinced the company that a single-minded
approach was more effective than announcing a raft of possibilities at the same time.
One such opportunity was Call Waiting, the giving of a signal to a person on the
phone showing that someone else was trying to contact them.
Interest in the service when promoted rationally was limited. People found it
difficult to imagine a personal call that was important enough for them to interrupt
the call they were already on. Vitally important calls were felt to be rare, and callers
who got the engaged signal were expected to try again. These objections disappeared when the communication promoted an emotional benefit rather than a rational one. At the time of trying out concepts, the scenario that most persuaded



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Four Greatest Breakthroughs Made by Advertising


customers of the need for the service showed a girl in a phone box outside a station
on a dark wet night trying to call her parents.
A campaign was launched, aimed at the parents of teenage children. If you can do it
The creative executions simply depicted people in miserable situations for call waiting,
trying to get through on the phone, a boy who had lost his bus pass failing you can probto attract the attention of his parents because his teenage sister was catchably tug the
ing up on the gossip, and so on. The advertising was in the press and on heartstrings for
the radio. It was timed to precede a mailshot. From a London testing it
just about
was seen to work well and was rolled out. BT recovered the direct costs of
the campaign from revenues within 18 months.
If you can do it for call waiting, you can probably tug the heartstrings for just
about anything.



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06/06/03, 16:54

Ten Greatest Ideas that

Do Not Fit a Pattern
Idea 90 Membership of a broad church
If you join any one club, you commonly gain the benefits of their associate
relationships with other clubs. Clubmans Club gave associate membership of a
multitude of clubs all around the world. At a time when people were travelling more
and more for business it was a huge success and the inventors made a lot of money.

Idea 91 Use someone elses storage space (Toyota)

Toyota were very short of inventory space at one of their plants. The site was so
restricted that they did not have room to extend the warehouse. So, they invented
and sold to their suppliers the concept of Just in Time. This meant that the
components arrived from suppliers just before they were needed in the assembly
area. This considerably reduced Toyotas need for storage space.
The idea caught on and manufacturers forced their suppliers to revamp their
distribution and computer systems in order to comply with the strict rules of delivery.
There were many examples of suppliers struggling to comply, and having to put in
makeshift, and sometimes expensive, solutions to their customers demands. So
scared were the suppliers of failing, that solutions included having the next batch for



21/05/03, 15:24


The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

delivery sitting round the corner from the manufacturer in the suppliers delivery
lorries until the just in time order came.

Idea 92 Getting productivity through job security? (IBM)

In the depression IBM decided to maintain its prime objective of offering secure
employment. So at a time when competitors were contracting, IBM grew as new
products and markets simply had to be found. They found that productivity stayed
high, since, unlike almost everyone else during this period, employees were not afraid
that they would work themselves out of a job.
The average IBMr has lost sight of the reasons for his companys existence.
IBM exists to provide a return on invested capital to the stockholders.
John Akers (b. 1934)

Idea 93 Come on, customers, put your back into it

The process of self-service, which has revolutionised petrol station forecourts and
supermarkets, involves the spectre of price cuts, normally not conducive to good
margins. But the cuts are in effect value transfers from the supplier to the customer,
riding on the back of the customers forced labour. This may seem odd, but actually
lines up with the need for speed and control even if you are being exploited at the
same time.

Idea 94 Improve the packaging, improve the sales

In the world of books the invention of the illustrated paperback cover proved that



21/05/03, 15:24

Ten Greatest Ideas that Do Not Fit a Pattern


paperbacks need not look like cheap editions after all. This breakthrough was credited
to Joe Pacey of Panther Books in the 1950s. It broke Penguins stranglehold on the
word paperback and signalled the final curtain for the popular hardback.

Idea 95 Bring to market something newsworthy

Perhaps the greatest amount of unpaid-for advertising ever is that gained by the
drug Viagra. This is a cure for male and, would you believe, possibly female,
impotence. There is no doubt that it meets a growing need and that men who hitherto
did not bother their doctor with an embarrassing problem are flocking to pick up
For a while no day went by without the drug being mentioned in the quality as
well as red-top press. Not many products have received this much Parliamentary
time, nor inspired so many interviews and discussions. MPs even discussed the
threat of people using Viagra as a recreational drug. Probably no-one had thought of
that before. Pharmaceuticals have spawned many great business ideas and free
advertising, but I think Viagra will be the one that something gets erected for.

Idea 96 Make it so that customers can always be on

the phone
There is a new phenomenon on the platforms of railway stations now. It is a
businessman or woman carrying a laptop in one hand and a brief case in the other.
And yet they are still on the phone. By using an earpiece and a small microphone
they can make calls hands free. This must be the dream of the phone companies.



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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

On the other hand

Some would say that mobile phones persuade executives that it is easier to
leave a mobile phone number than it is to train and empower their staff to
make decisions in their absence. See the human resources advice in Greatest
Management Thinkers.

Idea 97 Set a thief to catch a thief

A great business innovation was to appoint Joseph P. Kennedy as the first head of
the US Securities and Exchanges Commission. It had two benefits. It took Kennedy,
probably the biggest conman in the history of the modern stock market, off the
streets, and put someone who really understood stock fraud in charge of writing the

Idea 98 Make the real money on the side

A little time ago I had to change the printer that I attach to my laptop. The main
criterion was that its weight and bulk should allow me to carry it around easily. I
remembered that the original one, which had eventually gone wrong, cost 200
some three years previously and was expecting a good reduction in price. In fact
they were still the same price but for 200 you could now get a colour printer. Quite
At the check out I was given the hard-sell by two assistants who tried to sell me
an extended warranty contract to cover years two and three of the printers life.
Being a sucker for a salesman I bought it. It cost 50 and was almost certainly
where the retailer made the real money.



21/05/03, 15:24

Ten Greatest Ideas that Do Not Fit a Pattern


Similarly pubs, originally designed to make money out of drinks, now make the
real profits from food. Packaged holiday companies have wafer-thin margins on the
holiday itself but do well out of selling holiday insurance. And so it goes on.
The principle is simple. Use the core business to cover your costs and make the
cream on the top with other products, which can be cross-sold.

Ask yourself
Does such an idea have relevance in your business?

Idea 99 Know your risks

There is a major parade taking place right through central London and some 25,000
people are expected to come to watch it. You have an opportunity to buy one of the
concessions. If you buy the ice-cream concession and it is a nice day you will clean
up. If you buy the umbrella concession, you will make a fortune if it rains.
There is an alternative to this high risk/high return decision. You could go in
with someone else and effectively own half of each concession. You are bound to
make money, but nothing like the fortune you would have made had climatic
conditions suited you.
You pays your money and you takes your risks.

Idea 100 Its up to you

There is no idea 100. It is almost certain that in this compilation I have missed your
all-time favourite, brilliant business idea of all time. So this is your opportunity.



21/05/03, 15:24


The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Write the idea, or as many ideas as you wish in this blank space, tear it out and send
it to the author or the publishers (addresses at the front). Theres a bottle of
champagne for the best ideas, and if we get enough responses we will be able to
publish a sequel The Next Hundred. Now thats a great idea.



21/05/03, 15:24

Contributors of Ideas
I am grateful to all the people who contributed ideas, from the obvious to the brilliant,
from the merely creative to the truly bizarre:
Philip Allin
Penny Ariff
Philip Blackwell
Alan Bonham
Andrew Campbell
Stephan Chambers
Andy Davies
Oliver Freeman
Diana Hall
Gwyn Headley
Glenis Humphreys
Richard Humphreys
Chris Kerr
Art Kleiner
Alex Lajoux
Kate Langdon
Dean LeBaron
Graham Mackenzie-Washington (winner of the bottle of champagne).



21/05/03, 15:25



21/05/03, 15:25

Publications Consulted
Advertising What It Is and What It Does, Roderick White, McGraw Hill, 1993
Amway Web page
Ann Summers publicity and Web page
Avon Web page
Camelot Web page and annual accounts
Dell Web page and literature
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Eurotunnel Web page
Farepak Plc
First Direct publicity material
Forbes, global, March 22 1999
Forbes, global, May 17 1999
Honda Web page
IT Management Handbook, Edited by Rob Dixon and Ray Franks, Butterworth
Heinemann, 1992
Kleeneze Web page
Liars Poker, Michael Lewis, Hodder and Stoughton, 1989
Mousesite Web page
Post-it Web page
Premier Technologies Web page
Prudential Assurance Company Web page
Royal Mint publicity material
Sears Web page



21/05/03, 15:14


The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Smart Things to Know about Strategy, Richard Koch, Capstone, 1999

Station X, Michael Smith, Channel 4 Books, 1998
Strategy Pure and Simple: How Winning CEOs Outthink Their Competition, Michel
Roberts, McGraw Hill, 1997
Successful Personal Investing, published by Independent Research Services (continuously)
The Agricultural Structure of the European Union, EU, 1998
The Enigma of Intelligence, Andrew Hodges, Unwin Paperbacks, 1985
The Ultimate Business Library, Stuart Crainer, Capstone, 1998
The Worlds Greatest Brands, edited by Nicholas Kochan, Interbrand, 1997
Trivial Pursuit Web page
Vodafone Web page



21/05/03, 15:14

Appendix 1 Answers to Idea 38




21/05/03, 15:26


The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Appendix 2 Example for Idea 43: holding BP shares

Investment record
Name of company
Type of share


September 1995
October 1995
November 1995
December 1995
January 1996
February 1996
March 1996
April 1996
May 1996
June 1996
July 1996
August 1996
September 1996
October 1996
November 1996
December 1996
January 1997
February 1997
March 1997
April 1997
May 1997
June 1997
July 1997
August 1997
September 1997
October 1997
November 1997
December 1997
January 1998
February 1998
March 1998
April 1998
May 1998
June 1998
July 1998
August 1998
July 2001
August 2001
September 2001
October 2001


Number of
bought Balance held




Feb May
Aug Nov

Usual date of interim dividend

Usual date of final dividend

Year ends

Month cost


Net selling

Monthly c/f

8.53 4,589.81


Proceeds Mid price per

share Selling price
from sales
















21/05/03, 15:26

advertising 3, 1515
Albee, Mrs P.F.E. 56
alcohol 267, 1435
Alers, John 158
Alka-Seltzer 1523 1346
Amway 1617
Ann Summers 1213
AOL Time Warner 131
Apple Macintosh 86, 87
Association of Unit Trusts 35
Avon Products Inc. 567
Balzac, Honor de 140
banks 912
Barrie, J.M. 117
Batchelor, Charles 8
Bevan, Aneurin 28
Bezos, Jeffrey 1356
BIC 100
Bickford, William 146
Biro, Lazlo 99100
BMW 20
Body Shop 21
books 1346, 1589
BOWFACE club 145
brands 93
breadth 94
cameras 97



depth 94
drink 96
entertainment 945
fast-food 956
length 93
razors 98
weight 93
British Museum 24
British Telecom (BT) 1545
Brosnan, Cornelius J. 101
Brown, Louisa Alcott 60
building societies 141
bumper sticker strategies 1920, 212
Cadbury Schweppes 25
call centres 9091
Camelot 245, 29
Capone, Al 27
Carnegie, Dale 11718, 138
Case, Steve 131
catalogue selling 56
Chaloner, William 31
Churchill, Winston 28
closing techniques
ABC (Always Be Closing) 50
cup of coffee 49
puppy dog 489
tell them what you are going to ask for 50

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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

trial closing 468

Clubmans Club 157
Coca-Cola 96
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 124
computers 75
call centres 9091
critical path analysis 789
database management 7982
human interface 856
invention of 767
iteration process 778
PCs 46
software 879
spreadsheets 825
Coolidge, Colin 16
cosmetics 21, 567
Crainer, Stuart 117, 118
Crook, Harry 55
direct sales 46
listening to 23, 138
telephone service 912
De La Rue 25
Dell Computer Organisation 46
DeVos, Richard 16
Disney Corporation 945
door-to-door sales 538
Doyle, Sir Francis 127
Drexel Burnham Lambert 126
Drucker, Peter 10810
Dryden, John 26
E-mail 1034
Eastman, George 97



eBay 1378
Edison, Thomas 79
Engelbart, Douglas 856
ethics 21
European Union (EU) 124
Eurotunnel 289
Eversharp 100
explosives 1468
Faraday, Michael 149
Favier, Albert 28
Federal Express (FedEx) 21
Fielding, Henry 87
accountants 141
Arabic numerals 59
building societies 141
cost-benefit analysis 678
discounted cashflow
mechanics of 6971
need for 689
uses for 713
double-entry book-keeping 634
investment trusts 142
performance ratios
added value 66
economic value added (EVA) 656
market value added (MVA) 66
profit margin 645
return on assets 65
return on capital employed 64
return on shareholders funds 65
total shareholder return 66
personal pensions 141
raising cash with limited liability 612

04/06/03, 10:55


savings 142
total money supply greater than total amount
of money 6061
unit trusts 142
see also investment; stock market; wealth
First Direct 912
Freeman, Oliver 103
Fry, Art 102
Fujitsu 25
Fuller Brush Company 55
furniture 21
games/toys 1314
Gamond, Thom de 28
Gates, Bill 87
Gem Manufacturing Ltd 101
General Motors (GM) 11113
Gillette 98
Gold, Jacqueline 12
gurus 10521
Hamel, Gary 117
Haney, Chris and John 13
Harben, Henry 53
Hertz, Heinrich 149
Herzog, Herta 152
Hickman, W. Braddock 126
highlighter pen 104
home shopping parties 1213
Honda 67, 21
Horne, Kenneth 150
How to Win Friends and Influence People
(Carnegie) 11719
Howe, John Ireland 100




Human Side of the Enterprise, The (McGregor)
1068, 109
IBM 158
Ikea 21
In Search of Excellence (Peters & Waterman)
insurance 534
Intel Pentium 6
Internet 5, 86, 103, 104, 1312
auction sites 1378
equal opportunities on 139
product/service availability 1346
support systems 1324
invention factory 89
office 99104
scientific 14350
investment 289
club 369
risk-reduction 345
see also finance; stock market; wealth creation
Jackson, Glenda 12
John of Salisbury 76
Johnson & Johnson 21
Joint Stock Companies Act (1855) 61
Just-in-Time 157
Kelloggs All-Bran 152
Kennedy, Joseph P. 160
Kipling, Rudyard 45
Kleeneze 556

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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Knorr cubes 1534

Kodak 97
La Lotto de Firenza 24
leveraged buyout (LBO) 1256
Lewis, Michael 39
licence to print money 23
limited companies 612
lotteries 236
McDonalds 956
McGregor, Douglas 1058
mail order 23
Manchester Business School 9
Marconi, Guglielmo 149
branding 938
mailshots 14
network 1617, 556
person-to-person selling 1617
Maxwell, James Clerk 149
Menlo Park 8
Michie, Donald 77
Microsoft Windows 86, 879
Milken, Michael 126
money see finance
monopolies 23
motorcycles 67
My Years with General Motors (Sloan)
National Association of Investors Corporation
(USA) 36
Nestl 94
Neupert, Peter 136



Newton, Isaac 3031

Nobel, Immanuel and Alfred 147
Nutrilite vitamins 1617
Oxo Cube 1534
packaging 1589
Paddick, Hugh 150
paperclips 100102
payment in advance 1415
PayPal 137
pens 99100
people management 11718
personal computers 46
Peters, Tom 110, 11921
pharmaceuticals 1523, 159
Pope, Alexander 13
Post-it Notes 1023
Practice of Management, The (Drucker)
profit centre management 11213
Proshare (UK) 36
Prudential 534
radio 14850
regulations 267
religion 1278
Reynolds 100
risk-taking 161
Roberts, Michael 19
Robertson, Pat 128
Roebuck, Alvah 13
Round the Horne 150
Royal Mail Enterprises 25
Royal Mint 2931

04/06/03, 10:55


scientific discoveries see inventions

Scottish Parliament 1267
Sears, Richard 13
self-service 158
selling techniques
closing a deal 456
alternative, trial, associated project,
impending event 50, 58
ask closing question first
leave group to make decision 49
price objections 468
trial offers 489
cross-selling 16061
direct 46, 913, 538
person-to-person 1617
sex 1213
Shakespeare, William 39, 143
shareholders 612
Silver, Dr Spencer 102
Simpson, Peter 10
Slater, Jim 33
Sloan, Alfred P. 11113
Smith, Adam 128
SofTools Integrated Performance
Support System (iPSS) 1324
South Sea Bubble 63, 13940
Southwest Airlines 22
stock market 33, 160
commodity trading 40
hedging 3941
share dealing 423
unit trusts 349, 434
see also investment
supply of goods 27




3M 20
Tanner, Martin 1345
call centres 9091
Call Waiting 1545
customer service 912
mobiles 912, 15960
Thales Electronics 25
Theory X and Y 1068, 109
Thomson, Lord 23
time-to-market 79
top management 11417
Townsend, Robert 11417
Toyota 1578
transport 20, 22
Trivial Pursuit 1314
Turing, Alan 767
unit trust 142
managing 345
private 369
worst performing 434
Up the Organisation (Townsend) 11417
US Securities and Exchanges Commission 160
Vaaler, Johan 100101
Van Andel, Jay 16
Vegetius 129
Viagra 159
Virgin 21
Virginia Company 24
Visicalc 83
Vodaphone 1415
Volstead Act (1919) 26
Volvo 22

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The 100 Greatest Business Ideas of All Time

Walker, Jay 9
war 12830
Waterman, L.E. 99
Waterman, Robert 11921
wealth creation 123
agriculture 124
devolve power 1267
religion 1278
takeovers/junk bonds 1256
war 12830



write business plan 124

see also finance; investment; stock
Werner, Ed 13
White, Roderick 151
Wilde, Oscar 142
Williams, Kenneth 150
women 11617
Zulu principle 33

04/06/03, 10:55

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