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FORECASTING PRICES 5th Ed. Revised and Enlarged by - T. G. Butaney 201 Shivanji Nagar Bombay, 13, INDIA 1958 (Pages 1-7 of Introduction Missing)8 it is as if you had deposited Rs. 1000 in the Bank, As a matter of fact, you have not depo- sited even a rupee and the bank has advanced you a loan of Rs. 1000. Credit or bank-money is as good as Government money or what we call currency. Price does not only depend upon money so defined but also upon the rate of circulation of money in the market. If the rate of money circulation is faster, other things re- maining -the same, the price level will rise. So if you find that money is rapidly changing hands in the market, you. may expect a rise of prices. Now if you want to study the money situation, you must carefully study the statis cal returns of the Reserve Bank of India which vappear in the Government Gazettes and the important daily papers. So you must make a study of the monetary conditions in the princi- pal countries of the world, specialy the United States of America and Great Britain. The statis- tical returns of the Federal Reserve Bank, The Bank of England and other important Banks published in the Economica are very valuable. | groundnuts etc. you expect the place to be full of bales of cotton. But you look in vain for bullion in the Bullion 9 and supply of commodities and money. So you have a grasp of money and commodity stutis- tics, you can, with a reasonable expectation of accuracy, forecast the price-level, D. H. Butaney Mf. 4, (Economics) PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESSFUL SPECULATION, In big commercial centres like Bombay, Cal- cutta and Karachi, there are several Associations and Exchanges which do enotmous business in commodities, stocks and shares. Surprisingly, the commodities, stocks or shares are not physically found in these places. If you visit a Bullion Exchange, you naturally expect to see gold and silver bars. If you visit a Grain Association, you will naturally look for bags of wheat, linseed, If you go to Cotton Exchange, Exchange, for grain in the Grain Exchange, and for. cotton in the Cotton Exchange. All that you find is a mass of sttange men, howling at each other and erying out figures which appear to you mysterious, You feel puzzied. Then you settle down and begin to understand that these people sch i i There are other factors also which influence] prices, but those factors operate by producing changes in the fundamental conditions of demand10 are buying and selling gold, silver, grain, cotton, shares or Government securities, as the case may be. ‘Then, there is another question that puzzles you. Suppose you are in a Cotton Association. There is no cotton in the Cotton Association. Then what are sellers selling and buyers buying? Have the sellers got any cotton in their godowns or anywhere on the earth? No. They have abso- lutely no cotton Not only 99 percent of them have no cotton, but not even a godown which they can call their own to keep itin. Then what are the buyers buying? How do they expect to buy from people who have nothing to sell? WHAT IS SPECULATION? You are told, in reply to these questions, that they are "merely speculating” or “dealing in the futures.” What does all this mean? The sellers agree to sell to the buyers the commodity in question at a future date In fact, there will be no’exchange of the commodity at that future date. Why are they then buying and selling? Obviously for profit. CORRECT JUDGEMENT & DARING. How are they to make profit if there is to be no actual exchange of the commodity? Can some- thing come out of nothing? Usually, no; but on the.Exchanges, it does. He, who is able to u guess correctly what the price on a particular, furure date will be, gains; and whosoever makes an incorrect guess, loses. The speculators guess what the price will be in the future and speculate accordingly. They buy and sell in accordance with their expectations of the level of prices in the (uture. Suppose the price of wheat is Rs. 10 a maund to-day and you expect that it witl rise to Rs. 12 three months hence. You purchase wheat to-day at Rs. 10 for delivery three months hence. If you have guessed correctly and the price actually rises to Rs. 12, you gain Rs. 2 per maund. You get from the seller not wheat but your profit of Rs. 2 per maund. If your guess is incorrect and the price fallsto Rs. 7 per maund, you lose Rs. 3 per maund which you pay down in cash to the seller. So what you require in the, business is not commodity but cash; but more than cash you must have brains. Without brains, there can be no insight in the future and without “cash there can be no daring. Insight into the Suture and daring are the two essential quatifications of a successful specutator, BULLS AND BEARS. Now, suppose you possess these qualifications and desire to mint money by speculation, You enter the market and12 find all sorts of people as in the world outside. Some people expect that prices will rise and the jothers that the prices will fall, Those who jexpect a fall in prices, will sell so that they may buy when prices fall and thus get a clear profit. Those, who expect prices to rise and speculate accordingly, are’ known as “Bulls”; those who anticipate the price-level to fall and speculate accordingly, are known as “Bears.” When a rise in prices takes place in the market, “The Bullish + Sentiment” is said to dominate the market; and ‘when prices fall, the market is said to be domi- nated by “The Bearish Sentiment.” STUDY THE SENTIMENT OF THE MARKET. The tug of war between the Bulls and the Bears continues unbated from day to day. When you enter the market, you sense the sensi- ment of the public. If the sentiment of the public is bullish, play the role of a Bull; but if it is bearish, play the role of a Bear. The behaviour of the market will show you clearly what course the market is going to take. Study the speculative current and learn to fall in line with it. If you ignore the market sentiment, you will invite disaster on yourself and can never be a success in Speculation. Right judgment of the B - market sentiment counts a good deal for success in speculation. STUDY THE STATISTICAL POSITION OF THE COMMODITY AND RESISTANCE PRICE-LEVEL FROM CHARTS. Now you must therefore, begin to think; but thought must have some food to feed itself upon. There must be some materials in your possession before you could successfully speculate, These materials are the statistical charts of the production and pri- ces of the commodity in question; and these charts must be for various periods; one for the last twenty years, taking the average price and production for each year: another for the last five years, taking the average price every month; a third for the last six months, taking the ave- Tage price every week; a fourth showing you the daily price for the last two months. You should prepare the graphs of these price-levels and mark the Resistance Level in them. LAW OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND. Since you have now the materials in your possession, you must bring to bear upon them a scientific attitude of mind. Prices do not rise because the Bulls so desire: nor do they fall because the Bears so anticipate. The price-level rises or falls14 due to changes in the fundamental conditions of Demand and Supply. You must study these fundamental conditions, which obtain in the world markets and remember the scientific laws that in wie short period of time, demand is more influential than supply in the determination of price. But in the long period of time, supply is a more potent force than demand in the fixation of price. STUDY THE POLITICAL CONDITIONS. Once you have grasped these fundamental con- ditions of demand and supply, you proceed to study the political situation in your own country and in the world, In modern times, the political situation is of such paramount importance in de- termining. price-level that it over-rides even the fundamental conditions of demand and supply. Itis a matter of vital significance if a commodity is prodticed in a belligerent or in a neutral country.) War and Peace affect demand greatly. So vou must know nor only the ‘Economics’ of the comunodity but also its ‘Politics’ OVER-TRADING SPELLS RUIN. Before you venture to speculate, always take stock of your. financial resourses and decide how much you are prepared to lose, Jest it should bring 15 you discredit and dislocate your work, Suppose you want to risk Rs. 600. You should speculate to the extent of 1/6th of your amount in your first deal. If you fail in the first venture, be calm and make a thorough study for future success In that way you will be able to operate six times, If illstuck attends you five times, Lam sure the sixth deal will prove so. very profitable that you will not only recoup all your losses but it will leave you with a credit balance. Therefore never over-trade. Thousands of speculators have met utter ruin because they have traded. beyond their means. Once the market goes against them, they are obliged to close their transactions with & huge loss to themselves. Over-trading spells ruin, CUT YOUR LOSSES QUICKLY, You are tow in the thick of business. You feel worried as to what to do under varying circumstances. You should habituate yourself to practise the above axiomatic truths in speculation. As soon a8 your limit of loss is reached in case the market behaves unfavourably to your deal, learn to cut your losses quickly. What does a novice do? When he sees that the market has behaved favourably to his deal, he is in haste to secure16 the profit; but when the market oes adverse ta his deal, he sticks to it like a leech, thinking that the market might act favourably one day. To his utter disappointment he finds that the transaction has resulted in a huge joss which he is unable to pay. He is then compelled to close itat enormous loss to himself. LET YOUR PROFITS RUN. When the market behaves favourably to your deal, do not be in a hurry to close it but “Go Long.” You close your transactions only when there is a marked downward trend. Take an example. Suppose you are operating in the Indian Cotton Market. It is affected by the American Cotton | production. You learn that the American Cotton crop is below estimate; and that Japan is making heavy purchases of Indian Cotton, You expect, therefore, thax prices will rise: and you become a “Bull”. You buy 200 bales of Cotton at Rs. 180; it rises to 185, Rs. 190 and then recedes to Rs. 186. But wait, this recession from Rs. 190 to Rs. 186 is delusive. You find the price suddenly jumping to Rs. 204° Again you will find it} receding to] Rs. 196 on profit-taking. You have fortified your position against a further decline of Rs. 16. Now instead of selling your cotton 17 to secure profit, you should on the contrary, pur- chase half the quantity of the first deal ie. bales at Rs. 196. This is known in speculation as “Pyramiding”. You should learn to take the fullest advantage of the bullish sentiment domi nating the market. So long the public falt in line with the big bull Operators, cotton market will continue to rise with occasional set-backs, As the market goes on rising, you should learn to buy on reactions to carry a long interest; but take special care that every subsequent pur chase should be half of the Preceding deat 4% that average should be higher. Suppose at Rs. 250 you feel the market heavy. There is a tug of war between the Bulls and the Bears in the market and it remains steady. You also sense that the Bears are trying to shake the Bullish sentiment of the public by spreading rumours which are believed by the public. Suddenly the ‘market recedes on a day by Rs. 15, and cotton 38 quoted at Rs, 235. You should make haste to close all transactions, cash your Profits, get out Of the market and survey the situation dispassio- nately with an Unprejudiced mind. If you find that in a few days, cotton has dropped to Rs. 220, “is a clear signal that the bearish sentiment has j18 overtaken the market. Then when the market Bets a reaction and rises by a few rupees, you should play the part of a “Bear. It is in this way that You will have the fullest advantage of the rise and fall in prices, NEVER AVERAGE YOUR LOSSES, While speculating “never average your losses” for the losses never get averaged. If you are losing on one deal, do not enter into another deal to ave- fage the loss; but immediately quit the market; otherwise you will tose on both the deals, Suppose you have purchased 50 bales of cotton at Rs. 240 and the price falls to Rs. 225. Do not purchase another $0 bales in otder to cover the average of Rs. 240 and 225. When the price after re-| acting to Rs, 226, recedes further, you are faced! with a loss on both deals. You thus suffer al heavy loss. Therefore learn the iruth of spec lation “Never average your losses.” PRESERVE A CALM AND BALANCED. MIND. The most important of all the above] maxims in speculation is calm and balanced mind. It will keep you steady. In a period o! high bullish activity, many bearish rumours are Set afloat. It is advisable not to clear out of the market suddenly and take to the opposite sid 19 but wait and watch whether the rumours are false or true. Sudden changing of sides is bad in the market as in life it does Not pay. OBSERVE THE THEORY OF REACTION. Whatever the trend of the market may be, evers market observes the Theory of Reaction. Sup- Pose cotton is quoted at Rs. 180. The trend of the market is distinctly bullish and after three days cotton touches Rs. 200. There is bound to be profit-taking when there has been a rise of Rs. 20 during three days. Wait for a reaction by a few rupees and then enter the market on the bullish side, CHOOSE A GOOD AND EXPERT BRO- KER. Always choose an honest and reliable broker and keep him in your confidence. He Knows the parties more than you ever can. He is “the man on the spot” and you must, there- fore, trust him. By learning to practise these grand truths of speculation explained above, you will be able ‘o make money in speculation; in case otherwise. lay to heart: “Fortune woos but Few." T. G. Butaney,20 SUMMARY OF THE GOLDEN RULES OF SPECULATION. 4 Divide your capital into six equal parts and néver risk more than one-sixth of your cdpital on any one deal. Use Stop Loss Order. Lt is a safety vaive to Protect the trader. In normal times the stop loss order should be a few points up or down; but in abnormal times after looking to the fluctuations, the stop loss orders-hould bea few more points either way. Place the stop loss order at the time you make a trade and do not cancel it without sufficient reason, Never Over-trade, Over trading spells ri / Never let a profit run into a loss. Protea your capital and your profit. transaction shows a profit, still put a stop loss order ata point where you will have no Joss should the market reverse. In this way, the risk is minimised and the possibility of Profits is unlimited F Do not act against the trend but fall in line with it, Accumulate a Surplus. After you have made & series of successful trades, put some 10. UL 12. 14, - When you notice from the 21 money into surplus account to be used in emergency or in times of peace, Never average losses. Avoid taking small Profits and big losses, Be just as willing to seit short as You are to buy. Let your object be to keep with the trade and make money, Avoid increasing period of success, Never Go Short or Go Long when the commodity moves up into New Territory, Keep and maintain:- (a) The daily graphical charts of prices, (b) The daily highest and lowest charts of prices. (c) Weekly highest and lowest charts, (d) Monthly highest and lowest charts, charts that the then change your side your trading after a long trend has changed, immediately, Pyramiding should be done in the manner:~ Ist Deal 200 bales. 2nd Deal 100 bales i.e. # of the ist Deal, Std Deal 50 bales ie 4 of the 2nd and so on following15. 22 & pyramid should always be followed up with a stop loss order no matter what me- thods you use because your profits must be protected. Pyramid on Reactions only. . If unhappily your first margin is exhausted due to market behaving adversely to your deal, do not put more money, but get out. PART Il PRELIMNARY IDEAS. IN COMMERCIAL or FINANCIAL ASTROLOGYDear Readers, i Astrology is a New Science to you. Therefore you are requested to approach it with reverence to study aid master with care and solve each Test, Question at the end of each lesson yourself, Although | shall try my best to explain each poine clearly, but still you are sure to encoun, ter many difficulties in understanding the book. Therefore you should not lie over difficulties and by-pass them but seek the active help of a local astrologer to guide you in conquering your diff culties. Once you understand the prelimnary idea of astrology well, you will be able to understand the beok with ease. Do not be frightened by the names, signs & symbols of the planets and the zodiacal signs. They are so easy to learn, Once you have masteret them, i¢ will help you to understand the bool with ease. Therefore master each lesson along wit Test Questions before you take up the next lesso for study. T. G. BUTANE) LESSON! EXPLANATION OF ELEMENTRY TEAMS Horoscope : “A Horoscope is an exact map of the heavens as viewed from a particular place on the earth at a particular time.” —Robson. The Earth : The small circle in the centre re- presents the Earth, ‘The Zodiac: Mark the two outer circles in the diagram below. The space between the circum. ferences of the outer circles is The Zodiac. AAG Reem i26 The Cusp ; The straight line, separating one house from another house, is called The Cusp. 1 House: The whole zodiac is divided into 17 divisions. Each division is called a House. The whole zodiac covers 360 degrees, therefore cacy! house. covers 30 degrees. { Ascendant or East or Langam : What is ordina, rily called West in a map is called Ascendant o East or Langam in Astrology. When any planed is seen on the ascendant, it is said “to rise”, Descendant or West: What is ordinarily called] East tn any map is called Descendant or West in Astrology. When any planet is seen on the descendant, it is said “to set”, Orbit : All planets go round The Sun in ad ellipse. The path, along which a planet goes round The Sun, is called its Orbit 27 Ecliptic : While the earth is moving in its orbit, The Sun appears to move in the sky in an imaginary path called Ecliptic. Declination : It is the angular distance above or below the Equator. Declination is said to be North if the planet is above the equator and South if below the equator. Longitude : The distance of a planet, measured along the circumference of the circle from zero degree Aries, is called its Longitude. Latitude: The distance of a planet, above or below the ecliptic, is called its Latitude. TEST QUESTIONS . 1. What is a Horoscope? 2. Look at the diagram on page 25 and tell me: (a) What is the zodiac? {b) How many houses are there? (©) How many degrees are covered by zodiac? (@) How many degrees are covered by each house? -(e) What is the Ascendant? 3. In which way do all planets go round The Sun? . What is Declination? . What is Longitude? Pe 2 ae28 LESSON II 4 NAMES OF PLANETS, THEIR SYMBOLS f 4 SIGNS OF ZODIAC AND THEIR SMBOLS | Names of The Planets and Theie Symbols : : The Sun, The Moon, Rahu (Dragon’s Head or North Node of The Moon), Ketu (Dragon's Tail or South Node of The Moon) are not really planets but astrology includes them in planets. , You have learnt in Lesson that the whole zodia¢ is divided into {2 houses. Each house is called bya differeat name. Study the diagram carefully, 10 Capricorn The Goat Makar Il Aquarius The Washerman Kumbh 12 Pisces The Fishes Meen : No. English Name Hindi Name Symbol 1 The Sua Ravi °, 2 The Moon Chandraman 2; 3 Mercury Budh 8 | 4 Venus Shukar 9 5 Mars Mangal or Kuja : 6 ‘Jupiter Guru aif No Name English Name Indian Name Sym. 7 Saturn Sani or Manda + 1 Aries = The Ram = Mesh v 8 Rahu Raku qh 2 Taurus The Bull Vrikh y 9 Ket Ketu 218 3) Gemini The Twins Mithin x 10 Uranus or (Herschel) o]h4 Cancer The Crab Karak e Il Neptune vib S Leo The Lion Shing 2 .B. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have beet 6 Virgo The Virgin Kanya . lately discovered by the western astronomerif 7 Libra ‘The Balance Tula = therefore there are no Hindi names for them. Jf 8 Scorpio The Scorpion Vrishchak m1 Signs of The Zodiac and Their Symbols : 9 Sagitiarius The Archer’ Dhan * 3 x iBa A101 Pp O28 Do po » ae 8. 3 LESSON I! RULERS OF ZODAICAL SIGNS, THEIR DETRIMENTS. THEIR EXALTATION & THEIR FALL Ruler or Lord: Every zodiacal sign is ruled by a particular planet. It is called its ruler. The planet, in its own house, is powerful. Detriment : When the planet occupies the zodiacal sign opposite the sign of which it is the ruler, that sign is called its Detriment eg. Mars is the ruler of Aries. The zodiacal sign, opposite to Aries, is Libra. Therefore Libra is the Detri- ment sign of Mars. The planet, in its Detriment sign, is not powerful. Exaitation : There are certain signs of the zodiac in which planets are very strong and powerful. When the planet is in that sign, it is said to be “Exalted” or “Ooch” e.g. The Sun in Aries. Debilitation or Fall: The zodjacal sign, opposite to the sign of the Exattation of the planet, is called its sign of Debilitation or Fall. The pla- net, in its sign of Fall, is very weak e.g, The Sun in Libra. N.B. Astrologers have not assigned ownership signs, the Exaltation and the Debilitation signs of Uranus or Herschel, Neptune or Pluto be- cause they have been discovered lately by the Western astronomers. 30 TEST QUESTIONS How many planets are there? Which planets have been discovered later by the western astronomers? ' Which zodiacal signs are represented by the following symbols? : Me Q” Bn @7T 6) e Ox DF Bx MY A= ay = (12% What are the Hindi names for the follo- wing planets? i (1) Mercury (2) Jupiter (3) The Sun (4) Saturn (5) Mars (6) Venus tat are the English names for the following planets? (1) Chandraman (2) Kuja @) Budh (4) Guru (5) Ravi (6) Shukar Name the signs of zodiac in order, Give the Indian names for the following (1) Aquarius (2) Virgo (3) Cancer (4) Sagittarius (5) Pisces (6) Gemini (7) Leo. Which planets are represented by the following symbols? i ae @P Ba @> Gir er Meo Me OFIE) tna, 32 Zodiacal Signs, Their Rulers & Their Detriments! TEST ousstio ws i No Name Symb. Ruler Symb. Detriment Sywb.l Q, 1, Explain the following tonne f Aries T Mars Libra (1) Ruler (2) Detriment (3) Exaltation i Taurus Venus ¢ Scorpio =m (4) Debilitation, t Gemini Mercury ¥ Sagittarius Q. 2. Which zodiacal signs are ruled by? (1) The Sun (2) The Moon (3) Mercury : (4) Venus (5) Mars (6) Jupiter (7) Saturn ft Q 3. Which is the zodiacal sign opposite to? Libra Venus 9 Aries Q) Aries (2) Cancer (3) Virgo (4) Leo * % Leo The Sun © Aquarius = x Tv Scorpio ™ Mars Taurus wv (5) Capricorn (6) Sagittarius (7) Aquarius x S a we Virgo ow « Cancer @ TheMoon3 Capricorn aR w Mercury 8 Pisces weer aneune a Sagittarius * Jupiter 2 Gemini (8) ‘Scorpio (9) Taurus (10) Gemini 10 Capricorn 8 Saturn» Cancer (11) Pisces (12) Libra Ml Aquarius = Saturn & Leo a 12 Pisces =< Jupiter Virgo i i Q 4, Name the houses ruled by: (1) Mars (2) Venus (3) Mercury (4) Jupi- ‘ ter (5) The Sun. Q. 5. Which are the zodiacal signs in which the | i Exaltation & Debilitation Signs of Planets : i following planets are exalted & debilitated? Planet Symb. Evaltation Symb, Fall Symb, (1) The Sun (2) The Moon (3) Mercury The Sun © Aries = Ts Libra’ = (4) Venus (5) Rahu (6) Saturn (7) Jupiter The Moon 2 Taurus Y= Scorpio. -m~f Q. 6. Which are the houses of Detriment of? Mercury % Virgo Pisces x (1) Mars (2) Jupiter (3) The Sun (4) Venus Venus ® Pisces = = Virgo | (3) Mercury. wie, Capron s Caner © Foon oretanete SOM Noor arvonerion Jupiter 4 Cancer @ Capricorn The Motions of The Planets. Saturn b Libra = Aries vT . . Rabe a Taurus 8 Sopot There are two motions of the planets (t) Direct (2) Retrograde or Yakri. When the planet goes34 without stopping in anti-clockwise direction e.g, from Aries to Taurus, its motion is said to be Direct. When at certain times, they slow down their speed and proceed backward in their march. their motion is said to be Retrograde (Rs.) or Vakri The Sun and The Moon have no Retrograde or Vakri motion but Direct motion only. Rahu and Ketu have always Retrograde or Vakri mation but no Direct motion. The remaining planets have both Direct as well as Retrograde motion, Name Distance from Period of The Sun Revolution i (in millions of miles) Years Days Mercury 36 Oo 8 Venus | 61 0 225 Earth 93 0 365 Mars 141 1 322 Jupiter 483, BIS Saturn 886 29 169 Uranus or Herschel 1782 84 1 Neptune 2791 164 286 N.B. The Moon is at a distance of 2,40,000 miles [rom the Earth and goes round it in 27-1/4 35 gays. Rahu and Ketu live for one and a half year in each zodiacal signs. From the above list you will notice that; (a) Sun, Moon, Mercury & Venus are fast planets, “ (b) Mars is neither fast nor slow but average in motion. (©) Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Uranus are slow in motion and’ therefore are called Ponderous Planets. TEST QUESTIONS What do you understand by the terms: (1) Direct Motion (2) Retrograde Motion? Which planets have direct motion only? Which planets have Retrograde motion only? Which planets have both Direct as well as Retrograde motion? How long does Jupiter, Saturn and Ura- nus live in each zodiacal sign severally? How long does Rabu live in each zodiacal sign? Qt Q2 Q3. Q4 Qs Q. 6. LESSON V WESTERN ASTROLOGY (SAYANA SYSTEM) DIAN ASTROLOGY (NIRAYANA SYSTEM} The difference between the two systems lies in the calculation of the longitude of the planets. The zodiac appears to move backwads by one36 ‘ degree in 72 years. The westerners take into account “The Movable Zodiac” and the Indians take into account “The Fixed Zodiac”. The difference between them is 23 degrees 20 minutes to-day in the longitudes of the planets. [1 is called “Precession”, The calculation of the longi- tudes of the planets according to the Movable Zodiac is called “Sayana Systeni” and the calcu lation of the longitudes of the planets according to the Fixed Zodiac is called “Nirayana System”. 1 believe in the Western ie. Sayana System ive, the longitudes of the planets given in “Raphael's Ephemeris of the year” because they have given me good satisfaction and very good results in predicting changes in prices. I have to request you to adopt the Sayana System and respectfully reject the Nirayana System. Throughout this book the longitudes of the pla- nets according to Sayana System, are taken. TEST QUESTIONS Q. 1. In how many years does the zodiac move backwards by one degree? Q. 2. What is the difference between the longi tudes of the planets to-day as calculated according to Movable and Fixed zodiacs? Q. 3. According to which system are longitudes 37 of the planets given in Raphael's Ephemeris of the year? LESSON VI RAPHAEL'S EPHEMERIS & ITS PRACTICAL USES Note: For the first time the word “Aspect” is used. It is likely to puzzle you at this stage. It means “distance between two planets” Full ex- planation will be given, alongwith diagtms, of the aspects in part HIT of the book. 1. Every one should have Raphael's Ephemeris of the year. It is an absolutely essential book without which you cannot do, ft is available for sale at the shops of all leading booksellers throughout the world. 2 Raphael's Ephemeris of the year contains longitudes of the planets in the zodiacal signs from day to day for the whole A.D. year accor- ding to Sayama System. By inserting the longi- tude of the planets properly in the horoscope, You will know which aspects planets form among themselves. 3. Tam ‘telling you in brief the important features of the Ephemeries. They are: (1) Two pages are allotted to each month, (2) The pages are divided into columns: (a) Day of the month38 : (>) Day of the week 7 (c) Sidereal time ' (4) Longitude and declination of The Sun (e) Longitude and Declination of The Moon (f) Longitude of Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury (g) Lunar aspects i.e. the aspects of The Moon with the other planets (h) Ln the upper portion of the pages are given Latitudes and Dectinations of each planet. For the purpose of this book, you are requested to pay attention to Declinations because they form parallel aspect (i) In the last but one column is given The Moon's Node. It is the longitude of Rabu. By knowing the longitude of Rahu, we can imme- diately. know the longitude of Ketu. The longi- tude of Ketu is exactly in the opposite zodiacal sign having the same longitudinal degree as that of Rahu because Rahu and Ketu are always 180 degrees apart. (j) In the last pages is given, “Complete Aspec- tarian” of each day of the year for Greenwich Noon Time. Every country has its own Standasd Time. In India the Standard Time is 54 hours in advance of Greenwich time. If you add 39 5} hours to the time given in the “Complete Aspectarian” in Raphael's Ephemeris, you get the same planetary aspects in India according to Indian Standard Time. I take an example to illustrate the point. On 28th February in 1940 in the Complete Aspectarian columns, the planets formed the following aspects. Moon [2 ] Parallel (P] Mars [ } 8-9 a.m. Greenwich Time. Moon (2 ] Opposition [# ] Uranus [8 ] 11-34 a.m. Greenwich Time. Moon [2 ] Sextile [+ } Neptune [¥ ] 10-18 p.m. Greenwich Time, If you add $ hours 30 minutes to the above time, you get: Moon Parallel Mars 8-9 a.m.+5h-30m-= 1-39 p.m, LS.T. Moon Opposition Uranus 11-34 a.m.4-5h-30m=5-4- p.m. LST. Moon Sexile Naptune 10-18 p m.+Sh-30m=3-48 a.m. LST. on 29th February 1940, N.B. I have tried to explain to you the contents of Raphael's Epiemeris. But if you have not followed them well. you are requested to take the help of any local astrologer who should teachyou how to insert the longitudes of the planets in the horoscope of each day and teach you als the usefulness of the Ephemeris, : Qi. Q2 Q3 Q4. as Q 6. 40 " TEST QUESTIONS What does Raphael's Ephemeris contain? According to which system, are the longi. tudes of the planets given in Raphael's Ephemeris? From which column will you find Rahv's longitude? ‘ How will you determine the longitude of Ketu? What does “Complete Aspectarian” colum show? . How will you convert Greenwich time into the Standard Time of your own country’ ‘ PART til PRINCIPLES OF COMMERCIAL OR FINANCIAL ASTROLOGY | (WESTERN ASTROLOGY ) Note: You are requested to read, study and grasp eath word with ate. No effort should be spared to master each word in the book. Then and then alone you will be able to reach Solomon's Mines of Gold and Riches¢ LESSON Vii ASPECTS ACCORDING TO WESTERN ASTROLOGY ACCORDING To INDIAN ASTROLOGY Aspect : By the word ‘aspect’ is meant a certain angular distance between two planets. Names of Aspects according to Western Astrology : [1] Conjuetion (< ): Two planets are said to be in ‘Conjunction’ when they occupy the same degree of longitude in the same zodiacal sign. When Mars is 23 degrees Taurus and Saturn is 23 degrees Taurus they are said to make a ‘'Conjuction”’. [2] Parallel (P): The parallel occurs when two planets occupy the same degree of deciina- tion when both are North or South or ont is North and the other is South. It is a very sensitive point. (3) Semi-Sexile (30 degrees): It represents the distance of 30 degrees between two planets [4] Semi-Square (¢): When the distance bet ween two planets is 43 degrees, they att said to be semi-square to each other. [5] Sextile { *); It represents the distance of 60 degrees between two planets. 43 (©) Square (G): When two planets make an angle of 90 degrees, one is said to be “Square to another.” (1) Trine (4): When the distance between two planets is 120 degrees, they are said to be in “Trine” aspect to each other. (8) Quincune (210 degrees): It represents the distance of 210 degrees between two planets in anti-clockwise direetion. (9) Opposition (£ ): When two planets are exact- ly 180 degrees apart ive, when they arc exactly in the opposite zodiacal sign in the same degree, they are said to be in “Oppo- (Look at the diagram on page 44 and you will flnd In ft all 16 exact aspects mantioned below), () ©43 12°G* @Q) OcF same degree D.* @) e494" B* 4) COM 90° B (5) G46 120° G. 6) O*8 6° G. () 2Hv 120°G. (8) 2OF 90 B. Q) 246 120° G (10) 9m 90° BL (Hl) ¥ Ab 120° G. (2) # ee 45° be (13) @ Quinune » 150° B. (14) #08 90° B, (is) ba 6 G. (16) baY 120° G *G=Good; B=Bad: D=Doubtfal b=Slightly badObservations on the Aspects : QO Q) Of the aspects, Conjunction and Oppe- sition aspects are the most important aspects affecting prices of Shares and Commodities. Next to Conjunction and Opposition aspects are Parallel, Sextile, Square and Trine aspects producing changes in prices of Shares. and Cominodities. 45 ©) Parallel aspect between ponderous planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune lasts for a very long time and even for months together. @) Parallel aspects generally occur when the Planets are either in Opposition to each other or in Conjunction with each other () The Semi-square and Quincune aspects are minor aspects and produce both way changes, in prices. () Vers and The Sun are never more than 48 degrees away from each other. Therefore the main aspects between The Sun and Venus are: (1) Conjunetion and (2) Semi-square The Semi-square aspect between Venus und the Sun lasts for a very tong time and Produces good changes in prices of Shares and all Commodities. Aspects According To Indian Astrology : (1) Planets in the same zodiacal sign, are said fo be in “Conjunction” e.g. Mars 10 dearees in Aries and Jupiter 25 degrees in Aries are said to be in Conjunction in Aries. The effect on changes in prices of shares and commodities is more pronounced as they come close in Ue same longitudinal deeree46 2) All planets aspect the 71h house from them. “selves e.g, The Moon in the 2nd hous aspects the 8th house; Murcury in the 4th house agpects the 10th house. This is the Opposition aspect, The effect on changes it prices of shares and commodities is very great when they come close in the longitw Ginal degree of the Oppositian. “(3) Tupiter aspects the 5th and the 9th house - besides the 7th house from itself. The aspec of Jupiter to the Sth and the 9th house fron itself is the Trine aspect e.g. Jupiter is Cancer aspects Scorpio which is the 5th hous from itself and the 9th house Pisces. ‘There fore Jupiter, in Cancer, will aspect all planet in Scorpio and Pisces. The aspect to th Tth house is the Opposition aspect. Th effect on changes in prices of commoditis and shares is great when the aspect is clo! in the longitudinal degree ‘The Trine aspect cof Jupiter is the only dependable Tt producing great changes in prices of shar! ‘and all commodities. The Trine aspects be! ween the other planets should not be pai much attention 10. (4) Saturn aspects powerfully the 3rd house #7) 6) 47 the 10th house besides the 7th house from itself’ e.g. Saturn, in Aquarius, will aspect the 3rd house Aries: the 7th house Leo; and the 10th house Scorpio. Its aspect to the 3rd house is the Sextile aspect; its aspect to the 7th house is the Opposition aspect; its aspect to the 10th house is the Square as- pect. The effécts on changes in prices of shares and all commodities is great when the aspect is close in the longitudinal degree. This Sextile aspect and Square aspect of Saturn produce great changes in prices of commodities and shares. Mars aspects powerfully the 4th house and the 8th house besides the 7th house from itself e.g. Mars in Scorpio aspects the 4th house Aquarius, the 7th house Taurus and the 8th house Gemini. Its aspect to the 4th house is the Square aspect, its aspect to the Tth house is the Opposition aspect, and its aspect to the 8th house is the Quincunc aspect in anti-clockwise direction. The aspect on changes in prices of shares and commodi is great when the aspect is close in longitu- dinal degree. This Square aspect of Mars produces great changes in prices of all com-48 modities and shares. (6] The other planets The Sun, The Moon, Mercury and Venus aspect only the 71h house from themselves. It is the “Opposition” aspect. The effect is great when they come close in the longitudinal degree. Observations On Aspects According To India Astrology : 1. The consideration of aspects, according to Indian Astrology, should be given special atten. tion to 2. The Opposition aspect and the Conjuction aspect is the same according to Indian as well as Western Astrology, 3. Saturn’s aspect to the 3rd house is the Sextile aspect. This Sextile aspect of Saturn produces &reat changes in prices of shares and commodities ant therefore should be given special attention to The other Sextite aspects between the other pla- nets are of little importance 4. Mars’s aspect to the 4th house from itseli and Saturn’s aspect to the 10th house from itself are the only Square aspects which produce ver Breat changes in prices of commodities and shares, They are two most dependable Square aspects The Square aspects between the other plinets do 49 produce changes in prices but to a very little extent. = 5, When Mars comes in the 10th house from Saturn, it aspects its 4th house in which Saturn is and Saturn aspects the 10th house in which Mars is. This mutual Square aspect of Mars to Saturn and Saturn's Square aspect to Mars pro- duces very great effect on changes in prices of shares and commodities. The effect in changes of prices is tremendous when this mutual Square aspect comes close in the longindinal degree, 6. Mars’s aspect to the 8th house is the Quincunc aspect in the anti-clockwise direction. ‘The effect on changes in prices of shares and commodities is great when the aspeet is close in the longitudinal degree. 7. The Trine aspect of Jupiter should be given special attention to. Jupiter's Trine aspect pro- duces great effect on changes in prices of shares and commodities when the aspect is close in the longitudinal degree. The Trine aspect between the other planets does not produce great changes in prices. : To Sum up: The following aspects should be given Special attention to, because they produce great50 effect on changes in prices of shares, commodi- ties and bullion: 1. The Conjunction aspect of all planets. 2. The Opposition aspect of all planets. 3. The Semi-square aspect between Venus and The Sun. . 4. Saturn’s Sextile aspect (aspecting the third house)! Mars's Square aspect (aspecting the 4th house) and Saturn’s Square aspect (aspecting the 10th house) should be paid special attention to. 6. Mars's Quincune aspect (aspecting the 8th house) in anti-clockwise direction should be carefully considered. - Jupiter's Trine aspect should be carefully considered and paid special attention to. The Trine aspect between the other planets should be considered but much attention need not be given to them. " ~ Special Note: [ have repeated the same things about Aspects over and over again on purpose that you should study them very well, Without them it is not possible to understand what follows in the book. 1 2 3 4 3 6 7 #06 & » OF mutual square aspect Look at the diagram ‘ars, Jupiter Ene von 90° # Quinuned 150° amas 120° are 120° bee 60” bose 90° 4th 8th Sth Sth 3rd 10th louse from. House from House from House from House from House from o e a % b > TWO ws &52 Name of Aspect Nature of the Aspect 1. Opposition: Not good. Depending oa the zodiacal sign. 2. Quincune : Fairly good. : 3. Trine : Good. Of Jupiter very good 4, Square: Bad. Of Mars and Saturn very bad. 5. Sextile : Good. Of Saturn in anti- clockwise direction very good. 6. Semi-Square: Fairly bad. Between Sun &* Venus bad. 7, Conjunction: Very doubtful. Depending on the zodiacal sign. TEST QUESTIONS Q. 1. Look into the diagram on page 53. Tell me all aspects which planets form with each ? other according to Western Astrology? * 0. 6. Sextile_aspect of which planet produces Q. 2. Look into the diagram and tell me which great changes in prices? aspects are formed by the planets with {7 Trine aspect of which planet produces good each other according to Indian Astrology?” changes 1m prices: . 2 LESSON Vili Q. 3. Which two great aspects of all planets , EXPLANATION OF THE TERMS. produce great effect on prices? }| (1) ORB (2) “Applying To” (3) “Separating Q. 4. Which aspects between (1) The Sun and gf ” From" (4) “‘Combust” (5) “Rising” Venus and (2) Mars and Saturn produce NMDRB: Orb Is the sphere of the influence bet great effect on prices? ~peten two planets to cause changes in prices. Orb Q. 5. Square aspects of which planets produce f different with different aspects of the planets. gteat effect on changes in prices? + Fl the aspect is powerful, the Orb is greater.54 55 Following are the Orbs of different aspeghouse, € g. Saturn in Pisces and Venus in Taurus, between planets in general : Orb should be at least 5 degrees on either (1) For Conjunction and Opposition aspects byfge oF the exact aspect ween all planets, the Orb should be of 4 tog's-Regarding Semi-square, aspect between all degrees on either side of the exact aspect. Baplanets except between Sun and Venus, the Orb regarding the Conjunction and Opposition byshould be | degree. Between Sun and Venus, the ween Sun and Moon, the Orb should be 7tfOrb should be 3 degrees. degrees on cither of the exact aspect. ©8 81°" Special Square Aspects of Mars and Saturn, in Leo 22 degrees. Moon is faster in molit\t.5 aspects the 4th house from itself very than the Sun When Moon reaches 15th dee soyerfully. ‘Therefore any planet, which is in the in Leo, it is heading for the Conjunction wityin house from Mars, is powerfully aspected the Sun, The Orb of influence is upto 7 fy Mars, eg, Mars in Leo 10 degrees and degrees on either side of the Sun. Regarding i¥foon in Scorpio 10 degrees. In this case the square aspect between Sun and Moon, the Ofoch to be taken should be atleast 6 degrees. But should be about 3 degrees. Between Sun, Mo¥ijen any planet forms square aspect with Mars and other planets the Orb, in case of the sqviMin the clockwise direction ¢ g. Sun 20 degrees aspect, is about 3 degrees only. sfin Taurus and Mars 20 degrees in Leo, it is not the powerful square aspect of Mars. Therefore planets except the Trine aspect of Jupiter, #the Orb should be only 2 degrees. Mars aspects Orb of 2 degrees should be taken, Regardifthe 8th house from itself very powerfully e.g. the Trine aspect of Jupiter, the Orb should }Mars in Leo 5 degrees and Venus in Pisces 5 of 6 degrees on either side of the exact aspifllegrees. Mars aspects Venus powefully. ‘This is Quincunc (150 -degrees) aspect between Mars and Venus in clockwise direction. The Quincune (150 Hdegrees) aspect between other planets is not Portant at all Regarding Trine aspect between diff Regarding Sextile aspect between diffe planets, except of Saturn aspecting the 3rd hi the Orb should be I degree only. But as re the sextile aspect of Saturn, aspecting the37 saturn is in Capricorn 10 degrees, there is a Vy mutual Square aspect between Mars and Saturn pie Mars is aspecting Saturn very powerfully and "saturn is aspesting Mars very powerfully. This js a very strong mutual square aspect between Mars and Saturn producing immense changes in prices of Shares and all Commodities. The Orb should be 6 degrees on either side of the exact aspect. rees and Mercury in Scorpio 10 degrees. is the very powerful Square aspect of Satu Therefore the Orb should be of 6 degrees fi either side of the exact aspect. When any pla is in anti-clockwise direction of Saturn and mak square aspect with it eg. Saturn in Aquat 10 degrees and Moon in Taurus 10 degrces, is not the powerful aspect of Saturn, therefo: the Orb should be 2 degrees on either side the aspect. “Applying to” and “Separating from” : The daily motion of planets is different. Some are faster than the others. Moon is the fastest of all Special Sextile Aspect of Saturn ; Saiuga: planets. Sun, Venus, Mercury are faster than aspects. the 3rd house very powerfully foqm Mars, Mars is faster than Jupiter and Saturn. itself. e.g. Saturn 15 degrees in Aquangf.: Therefore before any exact aspect is formed, the and Sun 15 degrees in Aries. This is z tis faster planet overtakes the slower planet e.g. powerful Sextile aspect of Saturn, Therefort.2 Moon in Taurus 15 degrees and Sun in Leo 20 the Orb should be 5 to 6 degrees from eittfr degrees. The number of degrees between these side of the aspect. When Saturn makes sexti»l:two planets is 95. For every 2 hours Moon gains aspect with another planet in the clockwi> | degree over Sun. It means that Moon will direction. e.g. Saturn in Aquarius 10 degrees if”. feach the exact square aspect 90 degrees after Moon in Sagittarius 10 degrees, it is not, about 10 or [1 hours. Then it will go on the powerful Sextile aspect of Saturn, Therefore pH tight hand side of the exact aspect. In this case Orb should be 1 degree. 14 when Moon is in clockwise direction of the exact Mutual Square Aspect between Mars and Satunf- $4are aspect, then we say the Moon is “applying When Mars is in Libra 10 degrees am’ '" t© square aspect by 5 degrees. When Moon ‘38. makes exact square aspect and goes in the -anti. * clockwise direction of the exact aspect, we say ' that the aspect is “separating from”. Look at the diagram below and you will unger the words applying to" an odin ful by sparating from" the aspect Planets “applying (app) to” and “separating (sep) from” exact aspect a=applying to s=separating from (I) D* b IP app. Q)2e0 Pa Qore its. (4) 24> Fa prope Pa (6) oH RED s (7) *Quincune ba. (83) @Ob 2 5. 59 Setting and Rising: When the planet comes within the rays of the Sun, it is not seen with the naked eye, then we say that the planet is “Combust” or “Setting” or ‘Asat". When the planet has set i.e. is combust or “asat” for some days, it will not be seen with the naked eye. Alter a few days it will be seen with the naked eye. Then we say the planet has “Risen” or is “Udaya’, The Sun lives for one month in each zodia. cal sign. When he comes nearer to any planet, the planet becomes combust ie. sets. All planets do not set at equal distances but set at different distances from the Sun. The following are the different degrees of setting and rising of diffe- rent planets; (a) Moon becomes combust at 12 degrees on cither side of the Sun. ie. from 12 degree “applying to” and i2 degrees “separating from” the Sun (b) When Mercury is direct, it becomes combust upto 14 degrees from both sides of the Sun eg. Mercury in Taurus 10 degrees and Sun in Taurus 23 degrees. When Mercury goex ahead of the Sun by 13 degrees, it rises ive. is free of combustion ie. can be seen with the naked eye. When Mercury retrogrades,60 it becomes Combust and Rises at 12 degree from the Sun, : (©) Venus sets and rises at the distance of 8 degrees from the Sun. Mars sets and rises at the distance of 17 degrees from the Sun. Jupiter sets and rises at I! degrees and Saturn sets and rises at 15 degrees from the Sun. The setting and rising of the planets influ ence the changes in prices of Shares, Cotton, Oil seeds etc., greatly. They will be explained later on in the book. ; TEST QUESTIONS Qt What orb should be taken in the foliowing Aspects? : {a) Sun Square Jupiter (b) Moon Opposition Venus (&) Sun Semni-square Venus (d) Jupiter Trine Mars (e} Moon Sextile Mars . What do you understand by the pharases “applying to” and “separating from? . Tell me what apects are formed in the following cases and by how many degrees each applies to or separates from: Y (1) Moon in Taurus 15° and Jupiter in Leo 18°? . a 61 ‘ (2) Venus in Gemini i6” and Mars in Libra 19° (3) Sun in Aries 10° and Saturn in Libra 8° Q. 4. At what distances from the Sun do the following planets set and rise? (a) Mercury when direct (b) Jupiter (©) Saturn (4) Moon (e) Mars, LESSON 1X DIFFERENT CLASSIFICATIONS OF ZODIACAL SIGNS N.B. You are requested ta study this lesson with very great care because it is the most importan lesson in Financial or Commercial Astrology. Ast Classification : cL Aries, Leo, Sagittarius are Fiery Signs. 2 Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn are Earthy Signs. 3. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius are Airy Signs. 4. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces are Watery Signs Observations on the Ist Classification : {a) In Fiery signs. changes in prices of commo- dies are quick. (b) In Earthy signs, changes in prices of commo- dities are slow. (©) In Airy signs, sudden and unexpected changes in prices of commodities take place. (@) In Watery signs. changes in prices of commo- ities are steady. vO6 2nd Classification : 1. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are Morable Signs. Taurus, Leo, Signs. 3. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces are Common Signs. Observations on the 2nd Classification : {a) In Movable signs, changes in prices of commodities are very quick. (b) In Fixed signs, changes in prices of comme: dities are slow but in one direction. (©) In Common signs, changes in prices of commodities are very slow 3rd Classification < 1. Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio. Sagittarius & Pisces are Fruitful or Bullish or Teji Signs. 2. Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra and Aq: Barren or Bearish or Mandi Signs. 3. Virgo and Cupricorn are neither Fruitful not Barren Signs but Moderate Signs, TO SUM UP: |. Aries is 2 Fiery, Movable and Barren ie. Bearish or Mandi sign. Therefore it is the most dependable Bearish or Mandi zodiacal sign showing very quick fall in prices of shares and commodities. Scorpio, Aquarius are Fixed ius are 63 © 2..Taurus is an Earthy, Fixed and Fruitful ic Bullish or Teji sign. Therefore it shows slow rise in prices of shares and commodities 3. Gemini is an Airy, Common and Barren i.e. Bearish or Mandi sign. Therefore sudden fall in prices at times is a strong probability. Because it isa Double-Bodied sign also, therefore sudden sises in prices, for short periods, are also probable. 4, Cancer is a Watery, Movable and Fruitful ie Bullish or Teji sign. Therefore it is the most dependable Bullish or Teji zodiacal sign showing quick rise in prices of shares and commodities. 5. Leo is a Fiery, Fixed and Barren i.e. Bearish or Mandi sign. Therefore it is a good Bearish or Mandi zodiacal sign showing quick fall in prices of shares ete. 6. Virgo is an Earthy, Common and neither Bullish nor Bearish sign. Therefore it docs not show great changes in prices. 7. Libra is an Airy, Movable and Barren i.e. Bearish or Mandi sign. Therefore sudden quick falls in prices of commodities are probable. If there is sudden rise in prices, then it will be followed by fall, 8. Scorpio is a Watery, Fixed and Fruitful ie. Bullish or Teji sign. It indicates slow rise in the66 Mercury : Mercury is the nearest planet to The Sun. At no time is it more than 26 degrees away from The Sua. When it is combust, it is malefic in nature and when it is not combust, it is benefic in nature. Its average motion is about 1-1/4 degree a day. It retrogrades threc times a year. When its motion is slow, its effect on changes in prices is great. It rules Cil-seeds, Wheat, Grains, Food stuffs and Commerce in general. ‘Venus : Venus is the goddess of love and beauty, It is benefic in nature. At no time is Venus away from The Sun for more than 48 degrees. Its average motion is 1 degree 5 minutes a day, {t lives for nearly one month in each zodiacal sign. It rules Cotton. Jute, and its products, Textile and Sugar prices according to Indian as well as western astrologers. 3 Mars ; Mars is the god of war and strife. It is malefic in nature. Its average motion is 40 minu- tes a day. It lives in each sign for a month and a half, When it retrogrades, it lives for 220 days in that zodiacal sign. It rules Iron, Hard- Ware, Steel and Machinery. It also rules Gold. Jupiter : Jupiter is the planet of plenty. expansion and general prosperity. It is benetic in nature, Its 67 average motion is 10 minutes aday. It lives for one year in each zodiacal sign. It rules Tin, Rubber and Silver. Saturn ; Saturn reigns over poverty, misfortunes and death. It is malefic in nature. Its average motion is 5 to 6 minutes a day. It lives for 2! years in each zodiacal sign. It brings about famines. It cules Coal, Lead, Cement & Copper. Uranus or Herschel: It is a planet associated with abrupt changes and wild fluctuations in prices. .Tt is malefic in nature. It lives for 6 years in each zodiacal sign. It rules Electric goods and " Aeroplanes, Neptune ; Neptune rules intrigues, plots and syn- dicates of bulls and bears in the market. It lives for 14 years in each zodiacal sign. It is malefic in nature. It rufes Tea and Raw Cotton Rahu (Moon's North Node) & Ketu (Moon's South Node): They are very powerful planets in Producing changes in prices of all things. They are malefic in nature. They do not mule any particular commodity. They live for 18 months in each zodiacal sign. TEST QUESTIONS Q 1 Which. planets rule the following Commo- dities?68 () Rubber (2) Gold (3) Silver (4) Cotton (5) Coal (6) Textile (7) Iron & Steel (8) Tig Which planets are benefic and malefic in nature? oO . Which planet governs Commerce in general? How long do Mars, Jupiter and Satu live in each zodiacal sign? When ' Mars retrogrades, for how many days does it live in that zodiacal sign? + Which planet is nearest to The Sun and for how many times does it retrogrades in each year? LESSON XI > COMMODITIES & COUNTRIES RULED BY) EACH ZODIACAL SIGN. Aries : rules Iron, Steel and Machienery. It rules Japan, Germany, Berlin and Nepal ‘ Taurus : rules money matters and wordly posssé- ssions. It governs prices of Cotton, Jute, Textilel and Share values on The Stock Exchanges. It tules Italy, Persia, Asia Minor, Treland and European, Russia, . Gemini : rules Railways, Publications and Paper. It rules Belgium, United States of America, Canada, Egypt, London and San Francisco. Cancer : rules Silver, Tea and Landed Property. it tules China, New York, Tunis and Venice. Ae oN 2 8 P68 2 x 6 {Leo : rules Gold, Government Stock and-Specu- gulation. It rules France, Italy, Bombay, Bristol, Chicago and Rome. Virgo : rules Labour conditions and Cotton { production. It rules Turkey, West Indies, Boston, } Los Angles and Paris, Libra : rules Wheat, Rice, Grains and Food Stuffs in general. It rules Japan, Burma & Indo-China. Scorpio : rules Chemicals and all kinds of Oil- Seeds and Fats. It rules Norway, Sweden, Liver- : pool and Washington. j Sagittarius : rules Sea-traffic, Foreign Bonds & Insurance. It rules Australia, Spain, Arabia, {Calcutta and Peking. Capricorn : rules Coal and Copper. It rules India, * Pakistan, Afghanistan, Oxford, and Tokyo. Aquarius : rules Electric goods. It rules Abyssinia, ‘Persia and Asiatic Russia. Pisces : rules Fishes and Breweries. It rules Ceylon, Portugal and South Africa. TEST QUESTIONS Q 1. Which zodiacal sign rules? (a) Iron and Steel (b) Cotton (c) Food Stuffs in general (d) Oil-seeds and Fats (©) India (f) England (g) United States of America (h) Australia (i) Japan (j) Ceylon70 Q. 2. Which Commodities are ruled by? 1) Cancer 2) Taurus (3) Aries () Scor. pio (5) Libra (6) Capricorn. LESSON XII PLANETS SHOWING SHORT PERIODS OF ' BULLISHNESS (TE}l) & BEARISHNESS (MANDI) 1. Planets, having fast motion, indicate short periods of bullishness or bearishness. The Moon lives for 2-1/4 days, The Sun for one month, Mercury for about 3 weeks and Venus for about ‘one month in each zodiacal sign. The aspects, formed by these planets with the other planets, are for short duration only. 2. Because The Moon is the fastest planet, therefore daily fluctuations in prices are mainly determined by The Moon. N.B When Mercury and Venus become retro: rograde ie. Vakri, they live for nearly two months in that zodiacal sign. When their motion is slow, their effect on changes in prices of Shares and Commodities including bullion is great, When their motion is fast, the’ effect on changes in prices is not great. TEST QUESTIONS Q. 1. How long does The Moon live in each zodiacal sign? ee er 7 How long does The Sun live in each zodiacal sign’? What is the probable average duration of Mereury and Venus in each zodiacal sign? When do Mercury and Venus produce great changes in prices? Which planet influences daily fluctuations in prices? Q2 Q3 a4 Qs. LESSON XIII PLANETS SHOWING LONG PERIODS OF BULLISHNESS (TE}I) & BEARISHNESS (MANDI) 1. You know that Jupiter lives for one yeur, Rabu for one year and a ‘half, Saturn for two and a half years and Uranus (Herschel) for seven years in each zodiacal sign. 2. The daily motion of these planets is very siow, therefore they are known as Ponderous or Heavy Planets, 3. These planets indicate long periods of bultish- ness and bearishness in prices of shares and commodities including bullion. Of these planets. Jupiter and Saturn are the most important pla- nets affecting prices of all commodities. 4. The aspects formed by these planets among themselves last for a long time because their motion is very slow. They form the same impor- tant aspect: of Conjunction, Square, Trine. and2 Opposition for three times (1) For the first time when they are direct in motion (2) For the second time when they are retrograde and (3) For the third time when they are again direct in motion. 5. When their aspects will cause good rise or good fall in prices will be explained in full detail in Part IV of the book TEST QUESTIONS Q. 1. How long does Jupiter live in each zodia- cal sign? Q. 2. How long does Saturn live in each zodia- cal sign? Q. 3. Why do Jupiter and Saturn show long range changes in prices? Q. 4. For how many times do these ponderous planets form important aspects among themselves and when? ut LESSON XIV ZODIACAL SIGNS SHOWING QULLISHNNESS (TE]I) & BEARISHNESS (MANDI) 1. ; 1 request you to read carefully and digest | the contents treated in previous pages of the | book. Once again for your convenience, 1 " repeat it in mutshell. 4 2. (1) Aries is a strong bearish (Mandi) sign- (2) Taurus is a bullish ie. Teji sign bur rise in prices is slow and halting. 73 (3) Gemini is a bearish sign ofthe whole. Because it isan upsetting sign, therefore at times sudden rises in prices, for short duration, are very probable also. (4) Cancer is a strong bullish (Teji) sign (5) Leo is a strong bearish (Mandi) sign. (8) Virgo is neither bullish nor bearish sign, therefore changes in prices are few and narrow. (1) Libra is a bearish sign. But because it is an Airy sign also, therefore sudden rises in prices, for short periods, are also probabl (8) Scorpio is a bullish (Teji) sign, but the rise in prices is slow. (9) Sagittarius is a bullish sign. But because it is an upsetting sign also, therefore sudden fails in prices, for short durations, are also probable. (10) Capricorn is neither bullish nor bearish sign. But because it is a Movable sign, therefore quick changes in prices in both ways are probable. (11) Aquarius is a bearish sign. But because it isan Airy sign also, therefore sudden rises, for short petiods, are also probable.4 (12) Pisces is a bullish sign, but the rise in prices is slow and steady. TEST QUESTIONS ; 1. Which zodiacal signs are strong bullish signs? 2, Which ‘zodiacal signs are strong bearish signs? . Which zodiacal signs show slow and steady rise in prices? 4, Which are upsetting zodiacal signs? 5. What do Libra and Aquarius zodiacal signs indicate? LESSON XV GENEAAL OBSERVATIONS {. Daily Speculation is ruinous. 2. You should speculate when the planetary positions of ponderous planets specially Jupiter & Saturn indicate long bullish and bearish periods. Those long periods of rise and falt in prices should enable you to pursue one line of business either bullish or bearish and make tons of money. 3. For short periods of gains and losses in speculation, you have to look into the positions of The Moon, The Sun, Mercury Venus and Mars in various zodiacal signs. 4. Sometimes some planets are in bullish zodia- cal signs and some planets are in bearish “| en 9 2 © : | | | | 75 signs. During those periods, one should expect narrow fluctuations in prices of Commodities and * Shares both ways. 5. Always look into the zodiacal signs in which Jupiter and Saturn are living. If Jupiter is in bullish sign and Saturn is in bearish sign, then when The Sun, Mercury. Venus and Mars or the majority of these planets are in bullish sign, prices of Commodities and Shares rise; but if the majority of these planets are in bearish signs, prices of Commodities and Shares fall. The effect becomes marked if the Moon is in bullish or bearish sign. 6. If Jupiter is in bearish zodiacal sign and Saturn is in bullish sign, then when The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars or the majority of them are in bullish signs, prices of Commodities & Shares rise: but if they or the majority of them are in bearish signs, prices of Commodities and Shares fall, The effect becomes great when The Moon hetps them. 7. If both Jupiter and Saturn are in in bullish Teji sign or signs, a long bullish period in Prices of all Commodities and Shares is indicated During that year when The Moon, The Sun. Mercury. Venus and Mars or the majority off 76 1 them are in bullish i.e, Teji_ signs, the rise in that zodiacal sign. It has very slow motion Prices of commodities and shares is fast. avhea 4 during that period. During that period its help The Moon, The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars Bifto Jupiter and Saturn, in causing great rise or oF the majority of them are in bearish ie. Mandi [Rpreat fall in Prices of commodities and shares, signs, the prices of Commodities and Shares wil] considerable, be either steady or there will be small rise in i prices. During'that year The Moon's position in 410. When Mercury and Venus retrograde, they zodiacal signs, from day to day, will be greatly | live for nearly two months in the same zodiacal sign. During those two months, their motion is slow and their help to Jupiter and Saturn, in causing rise and fall in prices of commodities and shares, is fairly good. influential in causing good rise in prices on these days, 8. If both Jupiter and Saturn are in beurish zodiacal signs, they indicate a long bearish period in prices of Commodities and Shares. The (all in, 1. When the majority of planets are in bullish zodiacal signs, prices of commodities and shares prices of Commodities and Shares, is quickened [Tie When the majority of the planets are in when The Moon, The Sun, Mercury Venus and, bearish zodiacal signs, prices of commodities Mars or the majority of them are in bearish ic, | and shares fall Mandi’ signs. During that year, The Moon's 2. Positions in bearish zodiacal signs, from day to day, will be greatly influential in causing good fall in prices on those days. I: is not only the location of the planets in the bullish or the bearish signs but the aspects which the planets form are to be considered, to judge the rise and fall in prices. Suppose 9. Mars plays an important role in causing | majority of planets are in bu zodiacal great changes in prices of Commodities and Shares. signs, but, they form unfavourable aspects like When Mars helps Jupiter or Saturn by its passage “| Square, Opposition etc., with the other pla- in various zodiacal signs, the rise and fall, in” { nets in succession. The net result will be very prices of Commodities and Shares, is great. When | little rise in Prices of shares and commodities Mars retrogrades, it lives for nearly 220 days in | But if they. make favourable aspects like Trine,B Sextite etc., the rise in prices will be continuous, In the same way, if the majority of planets are in bparish signs, but they form favourable aspects with the other planets, the fall in prices will be little; but if the aspects are also unfavourable like Square, Opposition etc., the fall in prices will be continuous. So in determining whether the prices should rise or fall, alt factors influencing the rise and fall should be noted with care. Then and then alone you will arrive at the final conche sion. TEST QUESTIONS 1. Should you speculate daily? Q Q. 2. During which periods should you speculate and mint money? Q. 3. For short term profit and toss, which planet plays an important part? Q. 4. When is a long period of bultishness in prices of shares and commodities indicated? Q. 5, When is the long period of bearishness in prices of shares and commodities indicated? Q. 6 When does Mars play an important role in causing great rise and fall-in prices of shares and commodities? Q. 7, When do Mercury and Venus play af important ‘part in causing good rise and fall in prices of commodities and shares! fe ig eh PART Iv EFFECTS OF MUTUAL ASPECTS OF PLANETS ON PRICES OF COMMODITIES (WESTERN ASTROLOGY) NOTE: Aspects marked with one astertk mark (*) should tive 60 to 70 percent correct results and those with two asterik marks (*) should give almost cent percent correce results. You speculate in Periods of almost eént percent certainty and make cheap money in speculationLESSON Xv# EFFECTS OF THE ASPECTS OF SUN WITH OTHER PLANETS. ” THE SUN AND THE MOON Conjunction () Orb 8 degrees. The effect js great when they come within 1 or 2 degrees of each other. **'In Aries : Aries is a-bearish or mandi sign. It is also a Fiery as well as a Movable sign Therefore prices of Cotton, Shares and commo. dities fall. If there is a plinet opposing them from Libra, the fall in prices is pronounced. * Jn Taurus : Taurus is a moderately bullish or of Cotton, Shares and all commodities rise slowly. If there is a planet opposing them from Scorpio, the rise in prices is greater. ™ In Gemini: Gemini 1s a bearish but double bodied sign. Therefore prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities fall, But if there 4s a planet opposing them from Sagittarius, thet are big upsets in prices of all commodities incl” ding Bullion. During those days, it is advised (0 vatch the trends of various markets and act = teji sign. It is also an Earthy sign. Therefore prices fg*__In Libra : 81 oo * Ia Cancer: Cancer is a bullish or teji ‘sign EI: js also a movable sign. Therefore prices of ‘otton, Shares, and all commodities including Bullion rise. If there is some planet in Capricorn pposing them, the rise in prices is more pro- nounced with sharp reactions. + In Leo: Leo is a bearish sign. It is also a fiery sign. Therefore prices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities fall. If there is some planet in Aquarius opposing them, the fall in prices is * sharp. f;) In Virgo: Virgo is neither a bullish nor a . bearish sign. Therefore prices of all commodities remain steady. But if there is some planet oppo- sing them from Pisces, prices rise somewhat. Libra is a movable sign and is slightly inclined towards bearishness. Therefore there is. slight fall in prices of Cotton, Shares , and all commodities. But if there is a planet in Aties opposing them, fall in prices of Cotton, “Shares and all commodities is sharp and certain. Because it is an Airy sign also, therefore sudden rise in prices might materialise followed by good sudden fall. ** In Scorpio : Scorpio is a bullish sign on the Whole. Therefore prices of Cotton, Shares and82 all commodities rise. If there is a planet ig Taurus opposing them, rise in prices of ai commodities specially in Oil-seeds is certain,” In Sagittarius : Sagittarius is a bullish sigi {tis alsola fiery as well as a double-bodied sign Therefore prices of Cotton, Shares and all com modities rise. But if there is some planet in Gemini, great upsets in prices of all commod}. Hes including Bullion are very likely, because both the signs Gemini as well as Sagittarius are double-bodied zodiacal signs. Therefore it ca Strongly advised to sense the trend of the markets and operate. In Capricorn: Capricorn is a movable sign. Therefore you should expect great activity in all | markets with tendency uncertain, But if there is a planet in Cancer opposing them, prices of all commodities including Bullion rise handsomely. In Aquarius: Aquarius is a bearish sign. Therefore prices of Cotton, Shares and all con modities except Bullion fall. If there is some | Planet in Leo opposing them, the fall in prices 4 of Cotton, Shares and all commodities is quick [ and certain, Because it is also an Airy sigt therefore sudden temporary rise is not ruled out. { ** In Pisces : Pisces is a bullish sign. Therefore , Me ' fe Ffise. If there is some planet in Virgo, tise in 's prices is certain. 83 ices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities Parallel : (P) {a) Some rise in prices of Cotton and the other commodities. {b) Some fall in prices of Bullion. Square (00° 0) Orb 3 degrees and Semi-Square (45° 2) Orb 1 degree. (@) Prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities remain tense and uncertain for sometime and then fall somewhat. (b) Rise in prices of Bullion for two or three hours before the exact aspect takes place. When the Sun and the Moon run in the same degree of the aspect, the Bullion market feels shaky and begins to fall suddenly. Trine (120° 4) Orb 3 degrees. (a) If the Trine aspect is formed between ( Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio, prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities except Bullion tise (ii), Trine aspect from the other signs makes prices of Cotton and the other commo- dities steady (b) In the case of Bullion. two or three hours before the exact Trine aspect is formed,a4 Prices of Gold and Silver fall. When the ‘Trine aspect is exact and for two hours after tha, Prices of Bullion rise and previous loss in prices of Gold and Silver is made up. Opposition (180° + ) Orb 8 degrees. “* (a) When the Sun isin Aries and the Moon is in Libra and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities except Bullion fall, * (b) When the Sun is in Taurus and the Moon is in Scorpio and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities except Bullion tise. (©) When the Sun is in Gemini and the Moon is in Sagittarius and vice-versa. prices of all commodities including Bullion experience sudden upsets in values. You have to sense the trend of the market and act, . ** (d) When the Sun is in Cancer and the Moon is in Capricorn and -vice-versa, prices of all things including Bullion rise with good reactions (c) When the Sun is in Leo and the Mooo is in Aquarius and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities except Bullion fall. In Bullion there is likelihood of rise in prices * (©) When the Sunisin Virgo and the Moon 85 fs in Pisces, prices of Cotton, Shares and all eommodities except Bullion rise somewhat. 7 THE SUN AND MERCURY 3 Conjunction (o ) Orb 8 degrees [Note : So long Mercury remains combust in any “ zodiacal sign, you are requested not todo bea- - fish business in Oil-seeds (Castor seeds, Ground- amuts, Linseed etc..), Grains like wheat, rye etc., “and even in Cotton and Bultion 3. (a) When Mercury is combust in Aries, Leo, fLibra and Aquarius, the rise in prices is little, 5 because the above zodiacal signs are bearish in Jj nature, ** (b) If Mercury is combust in Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces. the rise in prices of Oilseeds and Grains is quite good. Even prices of Cotton rise. If during that period, Mercury and Sun receive favourable aspecis of the other planets, the rise in prices is sharp. But if they receive unfavourable aspects, it will affect to some extent the rise in prices of Oilseeds and Grains, but still the prices should tise somewhat. When Mercury is retrograde (Vakri), there will be some rise when it is combust; but the tise will be very limited, Before Mercury becomes86 Direct and Retrograde, it is slow in motion. During “that period the rise and fall in prices of Oil-seeds, 'Grains etc., is handsome according to favourable ‘or unfavourable aspects respectively. THE SUN AND VENUS Conjunetion (7) Orb 6 degrees * (a) In Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius, fall in prices of Cotton, Shares and other commo- dities is indicated. The fall becomes more pro- ‘nounced if Mercury is along with Venus. If Venus happens to retrograde in the above signs, the fall lasts for a fairly long time. If there is a planet opposing them, the fall in prices is certain. +» (b) In Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces, prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities including Butlion rise, If Mercury is along with Sun and Venus in the above sign, the rise becomes very pronouced. If Venus becomes retrograde in the above signs, the rise in prices lasts for a fairly long time, I there is a planet opposing them from the opposing sign, the rise in prices is quick with’ good reac: tions. (c) In Virgo and Capricorn, prices are steady, But if there is a planet opposing them from the opposite, sign, prices rise. 87 Semi-square (45° £) Orb 3 degrees (a) Prices of Cotton and Shares generally fall I; {b) Prices of Bullion rise in the “applying state”. ea THE SUN AND MARS Conjunction (¢ ) Orb 6 degrees * (a) In Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius prices of Cotton, Shares and other commodities fall. The fall becomes greater if either there is a planet opposing them from the opposite sign or is along with the Sun and Mars in the above signs. ** (b) In Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces, prices of Cotton, Shares and all the other commodities including Bullion rise. The rise in prices becomes more pronounced with sharp reactions if there is a planet or planets opposing them from the opposite sign. (©) In Virgo and Capricorn, prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities rule steady. But if there is a planet or planets opposing the Sun and Mars from Pisces and Cancer respectively, prices of all commodities rise with good reactions Semi-square (45° <) Orb 1 degree (a) Prices of Bullion rise in the “applying State”. When the semi-square aspect separates, Prices of Bullion fall.88 (b) Square (90° 0) (a) When Sun is in the 4th house from Mars eg. Mars Taurus 12° and Sun Leo 12°. It is a very powerful Square aspect of Mars. The Orb of this square aspect should be taken from 6 “applying” to 6° “separating”. During this Square aspect, there is good excitement in prices of Shares, Cotton and ail other commodities including Bullion. When the Square aspect be- comes closer, ull markets begin to shake and prices of all commodities fall sharply, When the aspect is exact and when it separates, the fall in prices is fast. (b) When Sun is in the clockwise direction of Mars and makes Square aspect e.g. Sun Aries 10° and Mars Cancer 10”, the Orb of 2° only should be taken. It is not an important Square aspect of Mars. Therefore, prices of all Com modities should fall somewhat but not much. Trine (120° &) Orb 2 degrees (a) When the Trine aspect is formed between them in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, prices of Cotton, Shares and other commodities rise. (b) When the Trine aspect is formed between them in, the cther zodiacal signs, prices of all ight fall in prices of Cotton, Shares eto, { on ° eof Bullion rise. 89 mmodities remain steady. "'() When the Trine aspect is in the state of applying” by 2 degrees, prices of Bullion begin jo fall. If (@) When the Trine aspect is exact and till viitis in the “separating” state by 2 degrees, prices * Opposition (180° # ) Orb 6 degrees. #* (a) When the Sun is in Aries and Mars is in Libra and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Shares fand all commodities fall heavily. }* (b) When the Sun is in Taurus and Mars is Sin Scorpio and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, ® Shares and all commodities rise with many good reactions. The rise im prices of Oilseeds is E inarked. © (@} When the Sun is in Gemini and Mars in ‘Sagittarius and vice-versa. very heavy upsets in f prices of all commodities including Bullion are ‘every likely. One should sense the trend of all markets and act. ** (4) When the Sun is in Cancer and Mars is in Capricorn and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities including Bullion rise With good breaks in values at times.90 (e) When the Sun is in Leo and Mars is in Aquarius and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities fail. f) When the Sun is in Virgo and Mars is in Pisces and vice-versa, prices of all commodi- ties rise with many reactions. {g) When ‘the opposition is in its “applying” state by 2 or 3 degrees, prices of Bullion rise. When thé opposition runs in the same degree ie. is exact and when it is in “separating” state by 2 or 3 degrees, prices of Bullion fall. THE SUN AND JUPITER Conjunction {o } Orb 6 degrees ** (a) In Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius, prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities fall. But if there is a planet opposing them from the opposite sign, fall in prices is pronounced. ** (b) In Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces, prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities rise. But if there is a planet opposing them fom the opposite sign, rise in prices is great. (c) In Virgo and Capricorn, prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities are steady. But if there isa planet opposing them from the i | | | 91 opposite sign, prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities rise. (@) In Gemini, upsets in prices of Cotton, Shares etc., are likely but prices lean towards fall, If there is a planet opposing them from. Sagittarius, upsets in prices of all commodities including Bullion are very heavy. Parallel (P) Prices of Cotton and other commodities rise Semi-square (45° £) Orb 1 degree. (a) Prices of Cotton and the other commo- dities full slightly. (b} Prices of Bullion rise. When the aspect “separates”, prices of Bullion fail. Square (90° 1) Orb 2 degrees. (a) Prices of Cotton and other commodities fall. (b) When the square aspect is in “applying” state, prices of Bullion rise. When the square aspect is exact, the Bullion market feels shaky and begins to fall. The fall in values continues when they separate from the exact aspect by 2 degrees: ‘Trine’ (120° 04) Orb 6 degrees. The Trine aspect of Jupiter is very significant because Jupiter aspects the 5th and the 9th house from itself powerfully.2 (a) Trine aspect of the Sun and Jupiter be.“ ween Aries, Leo and Sagittarius makes pries of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities Steady. : fr (0) Trine aspect between Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, indicates a good rise in the prices of Cotton, Shares end all commodities in goncfa, (©) When the Trine aspect is in the state ot | “applying” by 2 degrees, prices of Bullion begin to fall. ‘When the aspect runs in the same degree, Prices of Bullion rise and the rise continues #i they are separated from each other by 2 degrees, Opposition (180° # ) Orb 6 degrees. * (a) When the Sun is in Aries and Jupiter is in Libra and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities fall. , * (6) When the Sun is in Taurus and Jupiter is in Scorpio, prices of Cotton, Shares and all, Commodities rise with good reactions, a (©) When the Sun is in Gemini and Jupiter 93 (© When the Sun is in Leo and Jupiter is in quarius and vice-versa, prices of all commo. “{£) When the Sun is in Virgo and Jupiter is in Pisces and vice-versa, prices of Shares, Cotton find all commodities rise. : THE SUN AND SATURN 1 Conjunction (¢) Orb 6 degrees “ In Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius prices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities fall nicely. The fall in prices becomes more pronounced if there is a planet opposing them from the oppo- “site sign, “+. (®) In Taurus, one should sense the trend of prices and act, 4 (©) In Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces, prices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities tise well. In Cancer, prices of Bullion record good rise. “+ (@) Ta Virgo and Capricorn, prices of all is in Sagittarius and vice-versa, upsets and fue: | commodities are steady. tuations in the prices of all commodities including Parallel (P) . Bullion are very likely. Prices of Cotton and the other commodities * (d) When the Sun is in Cancer and Jupiter’ | fall generally. is in Capricorn and vice-versa, prices of all {° Sentite (60 *) commodities rise with some Feactions. . ( @) When Sun is in the clockwise direction94, of Saturn and makes Sextile aspect,’ts% should be taken as 1° or 2°, It is not an imp tant Sextile aspect of Saturn. Prices genefiiy tule steady. Rt: + (b) When Sun is in the anti-clockwise dire QB tion of Saturn and is in the 3rd house from Saturn ég. ‘Saturn in Aquarius 10° and Sun ip Aries 10°, it isa powerful Sextile aspect of Satur, In this .aspect, the Orb of 5° to 6° should bei taken. Prices of Shares, Cotton and all otbe commodities including Gold and Silver ie somewhut. The example taken above ilius(td the Sextile aspect of Saturn from Bearish'Qg) Bearish zodiacal signs (Aquarius and Aries). 'By still the prices should rise somewhat. But Sextile aspect is formed between bullish 95 gach other, but it is not the powerful aspect of Saturn. In this Square aspect, f 2° should be taken. Prices of Shares fon, and all commodities fal! somewhat. [b) Saturn aspects the 10th house very power- ily from itself. It is a very powerful Square ct of Saturn. In this aspect. the Sun will be Ef are very much affected and they fall nicely. When the Square aspect is in the state of plying”, prices of Bullion begin to rise, When Ware aspect is exact, prices of Bullion re- tense and shaky for some time and then ‘gin to fall. The fall in prices continues Square aspect separates by 3° to 4°. uiine (120° A) Orb 2 degrees. ges!) When the Trine aspect is between Cancer, Pe*Pio and Pisces, prices of Cotton, Shares and Rother commodities rise. b} When the Trine aspect is between the other Prices of all commodi remain steady. other commodities including Gold and shoot up nicely. When the aspect is exict ¢ to degree. there is sudden fall in prices. fall is soon made up Square (90° 0) a (a) When the Sun is in the anti-clockygy direction of Saturn, e.g. Saturn in Aquarivf96 (© When the Trine aspect is in the “applying” state by 2 degrees, prices of Bullion fall. When ithe Trine aspect is exact and is in “separating” “state, prices of Bullion rise. Opposition (180° #) Orb 6 degrees. * (a) When the Sun is in Aries and Saturn is in Libra and and all commodities record a steep fall during | that period. (b) When the Sun is in Taurus and Saturn + is in Scorpio and vice-versa, prices of Cotton and Shares fall somewhat. (©) When the Sun is in Gemini and Saturn is in Sagittarius and vice-versa, great upsets in prices of all commodities including Bullion are very likely. {d) When the Sun is in Cancer and Saturn is in Capricorn and vice-versa, prices of all commodities and Shares and Bullion record a good rise in values. The reactions will be sudden and sharp. ** (@) When the Sun is in Leo and Saturn is io Aquarius and vice-versa, prices of Cotton and Shares fall for the whole month. (£) When the Sun is in Virgo and Saturn is in Pisces and vice-versa, prices of Shares ant all commodities rise somewhat with good falls versa, prices of Cotton, Shares ¢ 97 () When the opposition aspect is an “apply- ing” state by two degrees, prices of Bullion rise. When the opposition is exact, there is great excitement in the Bullion ‘market and the trend of prices becomes uncertain. It then begins to fail and the fall in prices continues till the oppo- \ sition aspect is separated by 2 degrees. THE SUN AND URANUS. Parallel (P) Sudden changes in prices including Bullion are certain. You have to sense the trend of the markets and act, Semi-square (45° 2) Orb 1 degree. Prices of Shares, Cotton and the other commodities fall slightly. Square (90° G) Orb 2 degrees. {@) Prices of all commodities excluding Bullion femain tense and uncertain for some time and then they fall. (b) When this aspect is in “applying” state, prices of Gold and Silver appreciate. When the ; square aspect is exact and when it ‘separates’, Prices of all commodities including Bullion fall. Trine (120° A) Orb 2 degrees, * (a) Prices of Cotton, Shares and the other ‘commodities remain steady and appreciate98 specially when this aspect proceeds from Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. (b) When this aspect is in “applying” state by 2 degrees, prices of Bullion fall. When the aspect is exact and when it “separates” prices of Bullion rise. Opposition (180° ) Orb 6 degrees. (a) Good fluctuations, in prices of commo- dities: including Bullion, take place. At first prices rise suddenly followed by sudden fall. 8 (b) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa, prices of all commodities fall very nicely. + (c} From Taurus to Scorpio and vice-versa, prices of Shares, Cotton ete., and of Gold and Silver rise suddenly followed by sudden severe fall. (d) From Gemini to Sagittarius and vice-versa, many heavy upsets in prices including Bullion, are very likely (c) From Cancer to Capricorn and vice-versa, prices of all commodities including Bullion shoot up suddenly followed by youd sudden fall. * (f) From Leo to Aquarius and vice-versa. prices of Shares. Cotton and all commodities fail nicely on the whote but with sudden reac tions of rise, 99 (g) From Virgo to Pisces and vice-versa. prices rise suddenly with good many sudden breaks in values. THE SUN AND NEPTUNE Note : Neptune lives for 14 years in each zodia- cal sign. It means it will take 14x 12= 168 years to complete its journey in all 12 zodiacal signs. Moreover it has been lately discovered: therefore its effects are not fully determined, Therefore I leave aside the consideration of its effects in Sagittarius and other zodiacal signs because | have no past record to buck my conclusions. | shall treat only its effects in Scorpio where it witl live til 1971 A.D. Conjunction () Orb 6 degrees. From 1937 to 1971, Neptune will transit Scorpio. During this period the conjunction of the Sun with Neptune in Scorpio should improve prices of Cotton, Shares and the other’ commo- dities except Bullion. Semi-square (45° <) Orb 1 degree Prices of Cotton and Shares fall. Square (00° C} Orb 2 degrees. Prices of Cotton, Shares and commedities fall after a slight rise the other100 Trine (120° &) Orb 2 degrees (a) Prices of Shares, Cotton an: se other commodities rule steady. . {b) When the Trine aspect is it ~pplying” State by 2 degrees, prices of Bullio: ul When the Trine aspect is exact and when i ~scarates" prices of Bullion rise. ion (180° ) Orb 6 dere. From Taurus to Scorpio, pric: Shares etc., should rise with good sm. THE SUN AND RAH. Note: Rahu is a shadowy point c :: Moon. Western Astrology does not consids’_ 13 a pla- net. But Indian Astrology considers =: 1 malefic planet like Saturn. It produces ver sat effect on Men and aspects to it Produce sa. changes in prices of all commodities, Therefor ca should tead what follows with care and meon, Conjunetion (¢) Orb 6 degree: (a) In Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Le. tora and Aquarius, prices of Cotton, Shares 2 -he other commodities fall. ** (b) In Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittar:s =d Pisces, prices of all commodities rise wi. :cod reac: tions at times. . | | ! | | | \ | Prices of Shires. lor () In Virgo and Capricorn, prices tend to rule steady. (4) When the conjunction aspect is in the state of “applying”, prices of Bullion rise. When the aspect is exact and when it “separates” prices of Bullion fall, Semi-square (45° £) Orb 1 degree. Prives of Cotton ete., fall. Square (90° 5) Orb 2 to 3 degrees. (a) There is a slight spurt in prices of Cotton and Shares and the other commodities followed by 8 good fall (©) When the Squire aspect is in “applying state, prices of Bullion rise. When the aspect is exact and “separates”. prices of Bullion full, Trine (120" 2) Orb 2 degrees, (0) Prices of Coton, Shares and the other Commodities rule steady and rise somewhat. (b) When the aspect is in “applying Prices of Bullion fall. When the aspect is exact and “separates”, prices of Bullion fall, Opposition (180° & ) Orb 6 degrees () From Aries to Libra and vice-versa, prices SF all commodities should fall very nicely. (©) From Taurus to Scorpio and vice-versa, Cotton and all commodities state102 rise with good reactions. (c) From Gemini to Sagittarius and vice-versa many upsets in prices including Bullion are very likely. * (d) From Cancer to Capricorn and vica-versa, prices of all commodities including Bullion will shoot up followed by good fall. + (@) From Leo to Aquarius snd vice-versa, prices of Shares, Cotton and all commodities should fall. (f) From Virgo to Pisces and vice-versa. prices should rise ‘with good many breaks’ in values TEST QUESTIONS QV; What is the effect on changes in prices of | Shares and other commodity like Cotton ie (a) The conjunction of The Sun with The Moon in Aries. (b) The conjunction of Thy Sun with The Moon in Cancer. (c) The conjunetion vf The Sun with Jupi ter in Cancer. : {d) The conjunction of The Sun with Jupi- ter in Leo and Libra. (e) The opposition of The Sun to Mars and Sauirn from Aries to Libra, f 103 Q. 2. What is the effect on changes in prices of Shares, Cotton eté., on account of? (a) The sextile aspect of Saturn to the Sun when the Sun is in the thrird house from Satur. (b) The Square aspect of Mars to the Sun when the Sunis in the fourth house from Mars () The Square aspect of Saturn to the Sun when the Sun is in the tenth house from Saturn. {d) The Trine aspect of Jupiter to the Sun specially when Jupiter is either in Pisces or in Cancer of in Scorpio. What is the effect on changes in prices of Shares. Cotton etc... when the Trine aspect between the planets proceeds specially from Cancer. Scorpio and Pisces? LESSON XVII EFFECTS OF ASPECTS OF MOON ANO REMAINING PLANETS ON PRICES . THE MOON AND MERCURY Conjunction () Orb 6 degrees. ** (a) In Aries Leo, Libra and Aquarius. prices j | of Cotton and Shares fall. The fall becomes more | N prone ced if there is any planet opposing them104 ** (6) In Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces, prices of Shares, Cotton and all commodities and Bullion rise ‘The rise is more Pronounced if there is a planet opposing them. (©) In Virgo and Capricorn prices of all commodities are steady. Prices rise somewhat if there is a: planet oppasing them. Parallel (P) Prices of all commodities are steady but those of Bullion fall somewhat. Semi-square (L) Orb 1 degree. Prices of Cotton. Shares and the other com: modities fall slightly Square (2) Orb 2 to 3 degrees. (a) Prices of Shares, Cotton and all commo- dities including Builion rise somewhat in the “applying” state. (b) When the aspect is exact and when it “separates”, prices of all commodities fill. The result is more pronounced if the square aspect is formed between movabie signs. ice. Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, Trine (4) Orb 2 degrees, “* (a) Prives of Cotton and Stares and oe other commodities rise on the whole, The rise Aries. 105 in prices is pronounced if the Triné aspect is between Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, (b) In the case of Bullion, prices fall for about two hours before the Trine aspect is exact. When the Trine aspect is exact and when it “separates”, prices of Bullion rise for about two hours. Opposition (@) Orb 6 degrees. In the case of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities. following are the effects:— * (4) When the Moon is in Aries and Mercury is in Libra and vice-versa, prices full. * (b) When the Meon is in Taurus and Mer cury is in Scorpio and vice-versa. prices. rise well with goud reactions (ce) When the Moen is in Gemini and Mer- cury is in Sagittarius and vice-versa, there are great upsets in values of all commodities. * (d) When the Moon is in Cancer and Mer: cury is in Capricorn and vice-versa, prices rise well, * (e) When the Moon is in Leo and Mercury is in Aquarius and vice-versa, prices fall. (f) When the Moon is in Virgo and Mer- cury is in Pisces and vice-versa. prices rise with some reactions,106 THE MOON AND VENUS Conjunction (2) Orb 6 degrees oF 2) In Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius. priees of Cotton, Shares and the other commodlities fall @, (0) In Taurus. Cancer, Scorpio, Sasituurius, Capricorn and Pisces, prices of Cotton, Shares and ail commodities including Builion rise Parallel (P) Prices of Cotton. Bullion, Shares, and B. Twills tall, Semi-square (2.) Orb | degree. Prices of Shares, Cotton and all commodities, except Bullion, fall, Square (5) Orb 2 degrees, (a) Prices of Cotton, Shares und the other commodities, after a slight rise. fall (0) Prices of Butlion rise in the “applying” sate and fall when the square aspect is exact and When it “separates”, i Trine (A) Orb 2 destees. (a) Prices of Cotton, ities, remain steady and rise slightly. (b) Prices of Bullion fall in the “upply » but when the Trine aspect is exact and it PATRLES”. prices rise. Oil-seeds ne” nd the other commas + 107 Opposition (#} Ord 6 degrees. * (a) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa, prices of Shares, Cotton and all commodities fall * (b) From Taurus to Scorpio and vice-versa priees of Cotton and all commodities, includins Bullion, rise with good reactions {c) From Gemini to Sagittarius and vice-versa uprets in prices of all commodities, including Bullion. are very likely. ** ) From Cancer to Capricorn and vice-versa, prices of Shares and other commodities, includine Bullion. rise with good reaction * (9 From Leo to Aquarius and vice-ve prices of Cotton and all the other commod except Buition fall. (1) From Virgo to Pisces and vice-versa, prices of all commodities, including Bullion rise. THE MOON AND MARS Note : Mars aspects the 4th. the 7th and the 8th houses trom itself according to Indian Astrology. Its 4th house is the square aspect, its 7th house is the opposition aspect and its 8th house is Quincune (150 degrees) aspect. They are very Powerful aspects of Mars. Conjunction (+ ) Orb 6 degrees Gb When she Moon “applies for the conjune- S.108 tion with Mars in any zodiacal sign by 2° till iv becomes exact, prices of Gold and Silver rise, When the conjunction is exact and it “separates, prices of Bullion fall suddenly but again recover, * (b) In Aries, Leo. Libra and Aquarius, prices of Cotton.’ Shares and the other commodities fall nicely. * (c) In Taurus, Cancer, Seorpio, S:gittarius Capricorn and Pisces, prices of Cotton. Shares and other commodities rise with sharp breaks ** (d) If the Moon is between Mars on one side and Saturn on the other side during market hours, prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities fall very well; but on the other hand. prices of Bullion record sharp advance in values. Parallel (P) Prices of all commodit Fall Semi-square (< ) Orb | degree. (a) Prices of Cotton and the other commo- dities fall. Square (2 ) {a) When Moon is in clockwise direction of Mars and makes Square aspect. ez. Moot Taurus 1P and Mars Leo 12°, the orb of 2” Ss. including Bullion, 109 should be taken because it is not a powerful Squire aspect of Mars. During this aspect, prices of all things fall somewhat. ** (b) When Moon is in the anti-clockwise direc- tion of Mars and is in the $th house from Mars eg. Mars Cancer 10’ and Moon Libra 10°, it is a very powerful Square aspect of Mars, In this case the Orb of 6° should be taken. The minds of all speculators are uneasy and there is great excitement in all speculative markets. In. the “applying” state, prices of Shares, Cotton and all commodities except Bullion fluctuate heavily When the aspect is exact and separites, there is unexpectedly suddea sharp fall in prices of Shares, Cotton and all commodities, *© Gc) In case of Gold and Silver. prices rise very well in the apply ate and fall nicely when the aspect is exaet and separates Trine (3) Orb 2 degrees. {a) Prices of ai! commodities, including Shares and Cotton are generaily steady (b) Prices of Bullion fall when the Trine aspect is in the “applying” state and rise when the Trine aspect is exact and in the “separating” state, |10 Opposition (# ) Orb 6 degrees. + (a) The opposition aspect of the Moon and Mars inflates Bullion prices in the “applying” state by 2 degrees and deffects Bullion prices in the “separating” state iHL2 degrees. 4 (b) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa, prices of Shares; Cotton and the other commodities fall » (©) From Taurus to Scorpio and vice-versa, prices of all commodities rise with good reactions (g) From Gemini to Sagittarius and vive-versa, great upsets in prices of all commodities ineli- ding Bullion, are very likely. +(e) From Cancer to Capricorn. prices of all commodities, including Bullion. rise with good reactions. + (F) From Leo to Aquarivy and. vice-versa, prices of commodities fatl. (2) From Virgo to Pisces and vice-versa, prices of all commodities, including Bullion. rise with good reactions, Note): Mars aspects the Sh house from itself powerfully. When the Moon transists the 8th house from Mars and when she ‘applies’ to 150" (Quinciine) aspect with Mars by 2. prices of Bullion and of all other things rise. When the aspect is exact and separates, prices Fall. on mm - THE MOON AND JUPITER Note: (1) Jupiter aspects the Sth, the 7ih and the 9h houses from itself. The Sth and the 9th house aspects are the trine aspects and the 7th house aspect is the opposition aspect ** (2) Whenever the Moon is aspected by Jupiter in the “applying” state, prices of Gold and Silver fall on those days. Conjunction (4) Orb 6 desrees. ## (a) Prives of Bullion fall in ail zodiacal» in the “upplyin ** (b) In Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius, prices of Cotton. Shares and the other commodities fall *(g In Taurus, Cancer, Seorpio. Su * state. tarivs. Capricorn and Pisces, prives of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities rise Semi-square (_) Orb | degree Prices of Cotton. Sh: sind commodities fall slightly es, the other Square (=) Orb 2 degrees. (a) Slight fail in prices of Shares. Cotton and the other commodities. (b) Prices of Bullion rise in the “applyia: Mate bur tall when the square aspect is exact and whe: it “separates”, Caei oe nn 3, 2 Trine (A) Orb 6 degrees. + (a) Prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities appreciate well specially when the Vrine aspect is between Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces, (b) Trine aspect between other signs causes litle rise in prices of Shares and all commodities. Opposition (¢ ) Orb 6 degrees. (1) Prices of Bullen fall 22 (b) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa. prices of Cotten, Shares and the other commodities fail incl vice-versa. *» (c) From Taurus to Scorpi prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commo- divies rise with good reactions. (g) From Gemini to Sagitiarius and vice-versa. reat upsets in prives of all commodities, include ing Bullion, are likely. + {e) From Cancer to Capricorn and vice-versa. prices of Cotton, Shares and the other comma: dities rise with good reactions. + (f) From Leo to Aquarius and vice-verst- prices of Cotton. Shares and the other comme: ities, including Bullion, fall. (e) From Virgo to Pisces aind vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commadisics rise soniewhat. ‘THE MOON AND SATURN Note: (1) Saturn aspects the 3rd, the 7th and the [0th houses from itself powerfully according to Indian Astrology. The 3rd house aspect is the sextile aspect, the 7th house aspect is the oppo- sition aspect and the [0th house asvect is the square aspect in the clockwise direction. (Q) Whenever the Bloon is aspected by Saturn. prices of Gold! and Silver rise fromthe time when the aspect is in ‘applying’ state by P10 #. When the aspect is exact and it ‘separates’, the fall in prices of Bullion is sudden and sharp and their | again prices of Bullion recover. Conjunetion («7 ) Orb 6 degrees. ¥* (a) In all zodiacal signs. prices of Geld and Silver rise in the ‘applying’ state and fall sharply when aspect is exact and when it is in the ‘separating’ state. Again prices recover rapidly 4* (6) In Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius. prices ‘of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities record good drop in values. ++ () In Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Sugittarius. and Pisces. prives of Cotton, Shares and tht) other commodities rise with good reactions. i Paraltet (P) Prices of all commodities fall somewhat1d Semi-square (4) Orb 1 degree. (2) Prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities fll (b) Prices of Bullion rise in the "applying" state. Sextile (*) {) When the sextile aspect to Saturn prow czeds from clockwise direction e.g. Moon Libra 10? and Saturn Sagittarius 10°, Orb of 1? should be taken, Prices mule steady with not grent changes in then (b) When Moon is in the anti-clockwise diree- tion of Saturn and is in the 3rd house from Saturn eg. Saturn Taurus 12° and Moon Cancer 12, icis a very powerful sextile aspect of Suiuen, The Orb of 6 should be tken, Prices of Shares. Cotton and all commodities including Goll and Silver rise well with sudden breaks. Square (2) (a) When Moon is in the anti-clockwise direc: tion of Saturn and makes square aspect with Saturn jeg. Saturn Aries 12° and Moos Capri com (4%, it is not the powerful square aspect of Saige, In this case Orb of 2° should be taken. Prices of Shares. Cotton and ail commo: dities fall somewhat, I ' ( ( {ding Bullio 1s (b) When Moon isin the clockwise direction of Saturn and in the 10th house from Saturn eg. Saturn Aries 12° and Moon Cancer 12°. it is a very powerful Square aspect of Saturn. The orb of 6 should be token. Prices of Cotton. Shares and all commodities fall nicely on the whole. Trine (A) Orb 2 degrees, (a) Prices of Cotton and the other commo- dities rue steady. (b) Prices of Bullion fall in the ‘applying” stale but rise when the aspect is exact and in the ‘separating’ state, Opposition (#) Orb 6 degrees. (a) Prices of Bullion rise in the ‘applying™ state but fall when the aspect is exact and when W "separates". After a sudden fall. there is some recovery in Prices. ** (b) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities fall nicely (c) From Taurus to Scorpio and vice-versa, Prices fall after a slight cise with good reactions (4) From Gemini to Sagittarius and vice-versa, Brel upsets in prices of all commodities. inclu- are very likely.6 * (¢) From Cancer to Capricorn and: vice-versa, prices of all commodities rise followed by sharp Falls, () From Leo to Aquarius and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commo- except Butlion, ful. From Virgo to Pisces and. vice-versa, prices of all commodities rise. at lirst followed with many reactions. THE MOON AND URANUS Conjunction (o ) Urb 6 degrees (a) In Aries, Gemini. Leo, Virgo. Libra, Capri- corn and Aquarius, prices of all commodities. including Bullion, record sharp break. when the aspect is exact and separates * (b} In Taurus, Cancer. Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces, prices of all commodities revord good rise. Semi-square (--) Orb 1 degree. (a) Fall in prices of Cotten and the other commodities. {b) Rise in prices of Bullion Square (C) Orb 2 degrees. (a) Some fall in prices of Cotton and the other commodities (b) Prices of Bullion rise in the ‘applying’ state. but fall when the aspect is exact and when i separates’, U7 ‘Trine (A) Orb 2 degrees (a) Rise in prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities, specially when the Trine aspect is between Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, (b) When the Moon ‘applies’ for the Trine aspect, prices of Bultion suddenly fall. When the Trine aspect is exact and when it ‘separatey prices of Bullion rise Opposition (2) Orb 6 degrees. Note: It indicates sudden changes in prices of all commodities, including Bullion, during wo or three hours. * i) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa, a sharp fall in prices of all commodities. except Bullion. is a ery strong probahility, (6) From Taurus to Scorpio and. vice-versa, 2 sharp rise in prives of all commodities. inelu- ding Bullion, 1s u probability. But there shoutd be sharp reactions. {o) From Gemini to Sagittarius and viee- versa, sudden upsets in prices of ail commodities. including Bullion, are certain ** () From Cancer to Capricorn and viee-versa. prices of ali commodities. including Bullion, fecord a sharp rise with good sudden reactions From Leo to Aquarius and vice-versa. prices118 . . of all commodities fall suddenly. (f) From Virgo to Pisces and vice-versa, prices of all commodities rise sharply with good reactions. THE MOON AND NEPTUNE Conjuriction (« ) Orb 6 degrees In Scorpio, prices of Cotton and the other commodities rise. Semi-square (£) Orb | degree. Prices of Cotton and the other commodities full somewhat. Square (2) Ori 2 degrees. Prices of Shares, Cotton and other commo- dities fall somewhat on the whole. Trine (4) Orb 2 degrees. Prices of Shires, Cotton and the other com- modities rise specially when the aspect is between Cancer. Scorpio and Pisces. Opposition (#) Orb 6 degrees. When the Moon is in Taurus and Neptune is in Scorpio and vice-versa. prices of all com- modities rise with good reactions THE MOON AND RAHU Conjunction (~ ) Orb 6 degrees “+ (a) In Aries, Gemini, Leo. Libra, Capricorn. Conon and all and{ Aquarius, prices of Shares, mmodities Fail | \ i 19 (b) In Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius | and Pisces. prices of all commodities including | Shares and Cotton, rise. } Semi-square (<) Orb 1 degree. Prices of Cotton and the other commodities fall. Square (=) Orb 2 degrees. Some full in prices of Cotton and other commodities is certain. Trine (4) Orb 2 degrees, _ Prives of Cotton and the other commodities rise. Opposition (? ) Orb 6 degrees. ** (a) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa, prives of Cotton and the other commodities Fall nicely. ** (>) From Taurus to Scorpio and vice-versa prices of Cotton and the other commodities rise with good rexctions. (©) From Gemini to Sagi Prices of all commodities. counter sudden upsets. * (d) From Cancer to Capricorn and vice-versa. Prices of all commodities. including Bullion. rise With many good reactions, | * () From Leo to Aquarius and. vice-versa, Prices of all commodities fall. ituriusand vice-versa, including Bullion, en-120 (f} From Virgo to Pisces and vice-versa, prices of afl commodities rise with good reactions ba TEST QUESTIONS _ What is the effect of the following aspects on ‘prices? (a) Opposition of The Moon and Saturn from Aries to Libra. (b) The Opposition of The Cancer and Mars in Capricorn. (c) Conjunction of The Moon and Jupiter in Aries. Leo and Libra. What is the eflzet of the Trine aspect between The Moon in Pisces and Uranus in Cancer on prices? Ql. Moon in Q. 3. What is the effect on prices of the Square aspect beoveen Saturn and The Moon when The Moen is in the [Oth house from Saturn? LESSON XVIII EFFECTS OF ASPECTS BETWEEN MERCURY ANO ‘OTHER PLANETS ON PRICES MERCURY AND VENUS. Note + Mercury and Venus are the neacest planets to the Sun and they are also near to each other At no time are Mercury and Venus at more than 68 degrees from each other, Therefore the d between them misquare (3) Sextile re ot important aspects (} Conjunction @) S. 121 Conjunction (¢ ) Orb 6 degrees ** (a) In Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius, prices of Colton, Shares, B. Twills and Oilseeds fail But if they retrograde in the above signs, the fall in prices is greater. If the Sun happens to be with them, the fall in prices is very sharp. ** (b) In Taurus. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, prices of Cotton, Shares, B. Twills and Oil-seeds rise. But if they retrograde in the above signs. the rise in prices is greater and for longer dura- tion, If the Sun happens to be with them, there is a sharp rise in prices. (c) {n Gemini upsets in prices are likely. («) In Virgo and Capricorn, prices are steady if there is no planet opposing them from Pisces. Bur if there is a planet opposing them from Pisces. ise in prices of all commodities is a certainty. Parallel (P) Prices of Cotton, Shares B. Twills and Oil- seeds are steady and there is some rise. Semi-square (<.) Orb I degree. Prices of all commoditities fat! somewhat. tile (+) Orb 2 degrees. Prices of Shares, Cotton and all commodities, including Bullion. are steady to firm: and 122 MERCURY AND MARS Note: Mercury rules commerce It also rules Grains and Oil-seeds, Whenever there is aspect of Mars to Mercury, whether of Conjusction or Opposition or Square. Grains and Oil-seeds markets géneraliy get demoralised and full, Conjunction (o ) Orb 6 degrees. ## (a) In Aries. Leo, Libra and Aquarius. prices of Cotton, Shares, Grains, B. Twills and Oil- seeds fall nicely. If Venus and the Sun join them in the above signs. a sharp fall in the prices is the fore-gone conclusion. * (b) In Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio. Sagittarius and Pisces, prices of Shares and all commodities, including Bullion and Grains, rise, In Scorpio specially. prices of all kinds of Oil-seeds record a sharp rise. If the Sun and Venes ao join Mercury and Mars in Scorpio, a hectic ris in Groundnuts. ins ne. and B, Twills is a certainty. Parallel (P) Prices of alt commodities fall Semi-square (—) Orb | dearce: Prices of all commodites fall, Square (2) (a) When Mercury is in clockwise direction of Mars and makes Square aspect with it. ew. Mars Gemini 15° and Mercury Pisces 15% it is not a powerful aspect of Mars. Therefore orb of 2 should be taken. Prices of Shures, Cotton Grains and Oil-seeds should fall somewhat, *#(b) When Mercury is in anti-clockwise direc- (ion of Mars and makes a square aspect with eg. Mars Gemini 15° and Mercury Virgo 15°. it is a very powerful Square aspect of Mars Therefore orb of 6 should be taken. Prices of Shares. Cotton, Grains, Oil-seeds and other commodities should full nicely. But if this Square aspect is between the movable signs eg. Mars Cancer 10° and Mercury Libra 10°, there is very great fall in prices of all commodities, ‘Trine (2) Orb 2 degrees. (1) Prices of ali commodities remain steady and rise if the Trine aspect is between Cancer. Scorpio and Pisces (b) Prices of Bullion fall in the “applyin: State, but rise when the aspect is exact and when | it “separates” Opposition (¢) Orb 6 degrees. fa) From Aries to Libra. prices of Cotton,124 Shires, Oil-seeds Grains and 8, Twills fall. Prices of Bullion rise. ® (b) From Taurus to Scorpio and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Shares, B. Twills, Oil-seeds rise with maily sudden good sharp reactions. (©) From Gemini to Sagittarius and vice-versa, prices of all commodities, including Bullion. en- counter heavy upsets * (d) From Cancer to Capricorn and vice-versa, prices of all commodities. including Bullion, record good rise with good sudden reactions “* () From Leo to Aquarivs and vice-versa. prives of all commodities fail. (f} From Virgo to Pisces and. vive-verse. prices of ail commodities rise with good reactions. MERCURY AND JUPITER Conjunction (x) Orb 6 degrees. ** (a) [nm Aries, Leo. Libra and Aquarius, prices of Cotton, Shares, Oil-sceds, B. Twills. Grains and Bullion fall. * (b) In Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio. S. and Pisces, prives of Cotton, Shares. Grains, B. Twills rise. In Scorpio specially, prices of Oil-seeds and B, Twills shoot up suddenly. Parallel (P) | Prices of all commodities, Oil-seeds. except Bullion. rute steady, i 1 125 Semi-square (¢.) Orb 1 degree Prices of Cotton and the other commouities ease slightly. Square (2) Ord 2 degrees. (a) Prices of al commodities fall after a slight rise, (b) Prices of Bullion rise in the “applying” state, but fall when the aspect is exact and when it ‘separates’, . Trine (2) Orb 6 degrees, ** The prives of Shares, Cotton. Grains and all commodities rise. specially when the Trine aspect is between Cancer. Scorpio and Pisces, Opposition (7) Ord 6 degre ** (a) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities, including Bullion, fall * (b) From Taurus to Scorpio and. vice-versa, Prices of Cotton and all commodities rise with good reactions. (c) From Gemini to Sagittarius and vice-vei Prices of all commodities, including Builion encounter heavy upsets. * () From Cancer to Capricorn and sive-versir, Prices of all commodities. including Bullion. tie with good reactions.126 (c) From Leo to Aquarius and vice-versa, prices of all commodities fall. (F) From Virgo to Pisces and vice-versa, prices of all commodities rise. MERCURY AND SATURN Conjunction (9) Orb 6 degrees. (2) Prices of Bullion rise in all zodiacal signs when the conjunction is in the ‘applying’ state. When the conjunction is exact. prices record sudden fall but prices again recover: ** (b) In Aries. Leo, Libra and Aquarius, prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities fail nicely. “ (e) In Taurus, Cancer. Scorpio. Sagittarius and Pisces, prices of all commodities. including Bullion, rise with good reactions Parattel (P) Prices of all commodities ease, Semi-square () Orb | ¢ ce. Prices of Cotton and the other commodities tall slightly. Sentite (* } (2) When Mereury is in clockwise direction of Saturn and makes Sextile aspect with it, itis AOL A powerlul Sextile aspect of Saturn. There: fore, ork of 1? should be taken, Prices of alt commodities should rule steady. 127 * (b) When Mercury isin anti-clockwise diree- tion of Saturn eg. Saturn Aquarius 10° and Mercury Aries 10°, it is a very powerful Sextile aspect of Saturn, Therefore orb of 6° should be taken. Prices of all commodities gene- rally rise well. Square (=) ** (a) When Mercury is in clockwise direction of Saturn and makes Square aspect with it, e.g Saturn Aquarius 12° and Mercury Scorpio 1 it is a powerful Square aspect of Saturn. There. fore orb of 6° should be taken. Prices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities full (b) When Mercury is in anti-ctockwise dirce- Hon of Saturn und nukes Squire aspect with it, Saturn Aquarius 12° and Mercury Taurus 12, itis nota powerful Square aspect of Saturn Therefore ord of 2? should be taken. Prices of Shaves, Cotton ete, should fall somewhat. Trine (3) Orb 2 degrees. (1) Prices of alt commodities rule steady to firm. Prices rise if the Trine aspect is between Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces Opposition (7) Orb 6 degrees, ** (a) Prices of Bullion rise in’ the “applyir Mate, When the opposition is exact, prices break Sbruptiy and then suddenly recover, t128 ** (b) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa, prices, of Shares, Cotton and all commodities fall sharply, ** (c) From Tuurus to Scorpio and. vice-versa, prices of all commodities rise with good many reactions. (4) From Gemini to Sagittarius and vice-versa. prices of ull commodities meet with many upsets, » (e) From Cancer to Capricorn. prices of all commodities, including Bullion, shoot up con- siderably with sudden reactions, * (f) From Leo to Aquarius, and vice-versa. prices of all commodities fall. 8) From Virgo to Pisces and vice-versi, prices 1 commodities. including Bullion. rise MERCURY AND RAHU Conjunction (¥ ) Orb 6 degrees. ** (a) In Aries, Leo. Libra and Aquarius. prices 7 of Shares, Cotton and all commodities fall nicely + (b) In Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces, prices of Shares, Cotton. and all | commodities rise t >* (ec) In Scorpio. specially, prices of OF and B, Twills should record speciat rive 129 {e) In Capricorn, prices of all commodities should rule steady. Semi-square (£) Orb 1 degree. Prices of all commodities fall Square (G) Orb 2 degrees. {a) Prices of all commodities fall after an initial spurt. (b) Prices of Bullion rise in the ‘applying’ state: but when the aspect is exact and when it ‘separates’, prices of Bullion fall ‘Trine (4) Orb 2 degrees. (a) Prices of all commodities rule steady, specially if the Trine aspect is between Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. (b) In case of Bullion, prices fall in the ‘applying’ state, but rise when the aspect is exact and when it ‘separates’. n (PF) Orb 6 degrees 2) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa, prices of all commodities fall nicely. * (b) From Taurus to Scorpio and vice-versa, Prices of all commodities rise with good reac- tions, (c} From Gemini to Sagittarius and viee- Opposi + (d) In Gemini there should be upsets prices of all commodities with lower tendency + versa. prices of ail commodities, including Bullion. encounter heavy upsets.130 (4) From Cancer to Capricorn Prices of all commodities rise with tions. and vice-vera, many reace (©) From Leo to Aquarius and vice-versa, Prices of Shares. Cotton and all commodities, except Bullion, fall, (1) From Virgo to Pisces and vice-versa, Prices of all commodities rise somewhat MERCURY AND URANUS Conjunction (+) Orb 6 degrees. (@) In Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquerivs, prices of Cotton. Shares and all commodities should witness sudden steep fall, Some sharp reactions by way of rise are also probable. ** (b) tn Taurus. Cancer, Scorpio. Sasittarius und Pisces, prices of Cowon. Shares and all commodities record steep rise (©) fn Gemini, wide Buctutions in prices are very probable with definitely lower trend (9) In Virgo and Capricorn there should be wide Nuctuations in prices with higher trend Parallel (P) (a) A sharp sudden tise in prices of Cowon and the other commodi ib) Heavy Muctuations in prices of Bullion 13 Scmi-square (<) Orb 1 degree. Fall in prices of Cotton, Shares and other commodities Square (0 } Orb 2 degrees, () A sharp stidden spurt in prices of Cotton, Shares, B. Twills and geod fall, (6) In case of Bullion, « sharp tise in prices 8a strong probability when the square aspect is ia an ‘applying’ state. When the square aspect is exact and when it ‘separates’. prices of Bullion fall Trine (2) Orb 2 di (3) Prices of Cotton if the Trine and Pisces (b) Prices of Bullion fall when aspect is in the state of “applying” aspect is exact and when it ‘separater’, Bullion shoot up suddenly Opposition (F) Orb 6 d (a) Very heavy in all signs, ** (6) From Aviey to Libra and vive-versu, prices of all commodities should record sharp tall with eceasionat sharp rises also, **() From Taurus to Scorpio and vive-verss. es and all commodities rise uspeet is between Cancer, Scorpio the Trine When the prices of grees. fluctuations in prices of Bullion Oilseeds followed by a”132 orices of Shares, Cotton and all commodities should register sharp rise with good reactions (d) From Gemini to Sagittarius and vice. versa, prices of all commodities, including Bullion, should encounter sudden and sharp fluctuation; both waps. * (c) From Cancer to Capricorn and vice. versa, Prices of all commodities should rise sharply with siden reactions. (tylFrom Leo to Aquarius and vice-versa, Prices ‘of Shares, Cotton and all commodities should fall sharply with occasional good rises also, {g) From Virgo to Pisces and vice-versa, Prices of ail commodities should register good rise MERCURY AND NEPTUNE Conjunction (¢) Orb 6 degrees. In Scorpio, prices of Cotton and all the other commodities should rise. Parallel (P) Prices of Cotton and the other commodities rise moderately, Semi-square () Orb 1 degree. Prices of all commodities fall. Square (©) Orb 2 d Prices of ull commodities except Bullion fall alter a slight initial rise, 4 133, Trine (4) Orb 2 degrees, Prices of all commodities except Bullion rise, Opposition (# ) Orb 6 degrees, When Mercury is in Taurus and Neptune is in Scorpio. prices of Cotton and all commodities including Bullion, rise. Specially the prices of Oil, seeds and B. Twills should improve considerably TEST QUESTIONS O Fe What is the effect of the fotlowing aspects on prices of Shares, Couon etc? (4) Conjunction of Mercury and Venus in Aries (b) Opposition of Mercury in Aries and Saturn in Libra. (c) When Mercury and Venus retrograde atthe sume time in Leo. Cancer and Aries respectively, ©. 2 What is the effect of the following aspects on prices of Shares, Cotton and Oil-seeds? (#) When Mercury is in the 4th and the + 8th houses from Mars (b) When Mercury is in the 0th house from Saturn, {) When Mercury in Capricorn opposes Uranus in Cancer.134 LESSON XIX EFFECTS OF ASPECTS BETWEEN VENUS AND OTHER PLANETS ON PRICES VENUS AND MARS Conjunction (4) Orb 6 degrees. *4 (a) In Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Aquarius, prices of Cotton, Jutes. Textiles and Shares fall. {f both are retrograde in these signs. a wave of severe bearishness overtakes the above markets. (b) In Taurus, Cancer. Searpio. Sagittarius. Capricorn and Pisces, there should be sharp two- sided movement in prices of Cotton. Juces and Teatiles with hi Parallel (P) Prices of Cotton and the other commadities including Bullion fall Semi-square (<) Orb | degree Prices of Cotton sind other commodities full. Square (2) Orb 2d {a) When Venus makes Sqviare aspect with Mars in the clockwise direction, e2. Venus Taurus 10° and Mars Leo 10°, this is not impor tant aspect of Mars. Therefore. orb of 2° should he taken. Prices of Cotton, Jutes. Testiles fall somewhat her general trend, ees. 400° (>} When Venus is in anti-clockwise direction of Mars and makes Square aspect with Mars. eg. Mars Cancer 10° and Venus Libra 10°, it is 4 very important Square aspect of Mars. There- fore orb of 6° should be taken. Prices of Cotton, Jutes, Textiles fail very well in values. The fali is greater when this Square aspect proceed: from movable signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, Trine (120° &) Orb 2 degrees. (a) Prices of Cotton and all commodities tule steady to firm, specially if the Trine aspect is between Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. (b) The prices of Bullion fall in the “applying” state but rise when the aspect is exact and when it ‘separates’ Opposition (? ) Orb 6 degrees. (a) The opposition invariably makes prices of Coun, Jutes and Tentiles irreguiar. ** (b) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa, prices of Shares, Cotton, Jute and all commodities fall nicely (ch From Taurus to Scorpio and vice-versa, Prices of Cotton, Jutes and Testiles become ‘regular in movement and the trend is uncertain Sense the trend and act. oa136 (4) From Gemini to Sagittarius and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles should witnes, wide flucltuations with the trend towards lower level. * () From Cancer to Capricorn and vice-versa, Prices of Cotton, Shares and Jutes though very irregular should rise. ** (f) From Leo to Aquarius and vice-versa Prices of Cotton, Jutes and Textile should fall ely. (2) From Virgo to Pisces and. vice-versa, Prices of Cotton. Jutes and Textiles, though irregulay, should udvance in values. | VENUS AND JUPITER Conjunction (5) Orb 6 degrees. ** (a) Tn Aries, Leo, Gemini. Libra and Aqua- us. prices of Cotton, Jutes, Textiles and alt commodities fall, ** (b) In Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces, prices of Cotton, Jutes, Textiles and all commodities rise. (©) In Gemini, upsets in prices of all comme: dities, including Bullion, are very likely, Parallet (P) (a) Prices of Cotton and tutes rule steady (b) Prices of Silver fall, 137 Semi-square (<) Orb | degree, Prices of Cotton, Shares and Jutes fail slightly. Square (1) Orb 2 dearees, (2) Prices of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles fall * 46) In ease of Bullion, prices rise in the ‘applying’ state, but fall when the aspect is exact and when it ‘separates’. Trine (4) Ord 6 degrees. ** (a) Prices of Cotton, utes and Textiles rule Steady and appreciate well specially when the Trine aspect is between Cancer, Scor; (b) In case of Bullion, ‘applying’ state. When the aspect is exact and when it ‘separates’, prices of Bullion rise. Opposition (°) Orb 6 degrees ** (a) From aries to Libra and vice-versa. prices of Cotton and the other commodities (b) From Taurus to Scorpio and Prices of all commodities rise somewhat, {¢) From Gemini to Sagittarius and vice-versa, great upsets in prices of Cotton. Jutes and Bullion are likely. * @).From Cancer to Capricorn Versa, prices of all commodities rise, {) From Leo to Aquarius and viee-versa Prices of Cotton, Jutes and all commodities. except Bullion, fall and Pisces, Prices fall in the versa. and vice.138 (fF) From Virgo to Pisces and vice-versa, prices*of all commodities rise. VENUS AND SATURN Conjunction (9) Orb 6 degrees. ** (a) In Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius, prices of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles fall nicely. * (b) In Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces, prices of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles are irregular but they rise on the whole. {) In Gemini upsets in prices of a!) commo- dities, including Bullion, are very likely (d) In Capricorn, prices should rule steady but slightly towards lower level. . Parallel (P) (a) Prices of Cotton and the other commo- dities should rute steady. (b) Prices of Bullion should rule easy Semi-square (<) Orb 1 dege Prices of Cotton, Shares and the commodities fall. Sextile (+) (a) When Venus makes Séxtile aypect with | Saturn in the clockwise directivn, eg. Saturn { Taurus 12° and Venus Pisces 12°, 1 is not important Sextile aspect of Saturn, Therefore orb of 2 should be taken. Prices of ali commodities | ule steady. | \ a other | | { t i 439 +* When Venus makes Sextile aspect with Saturn in the anti-clockwise direction ¢.g, Saturn Tauris 12° and Venus Cancer 12°, it is an important Sextile aspect of Saturn, ‘Therefore orb of & should be taken. Prices of Cotton, Jutes, Textiies and all commodities should appreciate on the whole. Square (9 ) (a) When Venus makes Square aspect with Saturn in the anti-clockwise direction e.g. Saturn Gemini 12° and Venus Virgo 12%, it is not an important Square aspect of Saturn. Therefore orb of 2° should be taken. Prices of all comme. dities rule steady. ** (b) When Venus makes Squore aspect with Saturn from the clockwise direction ¢.g. Saturn Aries 10° and Venus Capricorn 10°, it is a very important Square aspect of Saturn. Therefore orb of 6° should be taken. Prices of Cotton Jutes, Testiles and ail other commodities fall ‘Trine (3) Orb 2 degrees. (a) Prices of Cotton. Jutes and Textiles rule steady 10 firm specially if the Trine aspect is between Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. (5) In case of Bullion, prices fall in the ‘applying’ state. When the aspect is exact and When it ‘separates’, prices of Bullion rise140 Opposition (¢ ) Orb 6 degrees. “* From Aries to Libra and vice-versa, prices ‘of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles fall. (b) From Taurus to Scorpio and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles are irregular (c) From Gemini to Sagittarius and vice-versa, great upsets in prices of Cotton and all commo- dities. including Bullion, are likely. > (W) From Cancer to Capricorn and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles rise. * (@) From Leo to Aquarius and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles full. (() From Virgo to Pisces and vice-versa. prices, of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles tise. | VENUS AND URANUS Conjunction (x ) Orb 6 degrees. ** (a) In Aries, Lev. Libra and Aquarins. prices of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles should witness sharp break in values. * (b) In Taurus, Cancer. Scorpio. Sagittarius and Pisces. prices of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles record good rise with many good reactions, Parallet (P) Heavy @uctuations in prices of all comme dities, including Bullion, are very likely Semi-square (©) Orb | degree Fall in prices of Cotton, Jutcs and Textiles [ | ! i ‘ l 1 1 t 141 Square (9) Orb 2 degrees, {s) A sudden rise in prices of Cotton and the other commodities followed by a good fall. {b) Prices of Bullion record good rise in the ‘applying’ state but fall when the aspect is exact and when it ‘separates’, Trine (&) Orb 2 degrees. {a) A good rise in prices of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles is expected specially when the Trine aspect is between Scorpio. Cancer and Pisces. (6) Prices of Bullion fall in the ‘applying* state, but rise when the aspect is exact and when it ‘separates’ Opposition (2) Orb 6 dexrees. (a) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa, a sharp fall in prices of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles is a foregone conclusion. ** (b} From Taurus to Scorpio and vice-versa, a sharp rise in prices of Cotton, Jutes and Testites should be expected with sharp reactions (c) From Gemini to Sagittarius and vice-versa, heavy Muetuationy and many upsets should be tocied in prices of all commodities including aiilion, * (Wl) From Cancer to Capricorn and viee-versa142 sharp ise in prices of Cotton, Jutvs and Textiles is a probability with many good reactions, * From Leo to Aquarius and vice-versa. prices of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles should receive a rude shack and break with occasional good rises. (f) From Virgo to Pisces and prices of Cotton. Jutes and Textiles should VENUS AND NEPTUNE Conjunction (¥ ) Orb 6 degrees. ; In Scorpio. prices of Cotton, Jutes snd Textiles should rise on the whole. Semi-square (2) Orb 1 degree. Prices of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles f Square (0) Orb 2 degrees. . (a) A slight rise in prices of Cotton, tutes and Textiles followed by good fall ; (b) In case of Bullion, prices rise in the ‘applying’ state, When the aspect is exact and when it ‘separates’, prices of Bullion Cait. Trine (4) Orb 2 degrees. — a) Prices of Cotton. Jutes sind. Textiles rive citer in Pisees or Viewers: specitiliy when Moon is Cancer. / / (b) In cuse of Bullion. prices full in the ‘applying’ state: but rise when the asreet i exact and when it “separsites’. 143 Opposition (# ) Orb 6 degrees. (x) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Jutes and Teatiles fall. {h) From Taurus to Scorpio und. vice-versa. prices of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles should rise VENUS AND RAHU Conjunetion (¢ ) Orb 6 degrees s* In Aries, Leo. Libra and Aquarius, prices of Cotton. Jutes and Textiles fail * {b) In Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio. Sagittarius and Pisces, prices of Cotton, Jutes and ‘Textiles rise with good reactions, Semi-square (<) Orb | degree. Prices of Cotton and Jutes fall Square (=) (a) Prices of Cotton and Jutes fall atter a slight rise. (by Prices of Bullion rise in the ‘applying state, but fall when the aspect is exact and when it *separates’, Trine (3) Orb 2 degrees Go Prives of Cotton, Jutes and Teatiles rise, Speciully when the Trine aspect is between Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. (b) Prices of Bullion fail in the ‘appiyiny’ state, but rise when the aspect is exact and when i separates”144 Opposition ( ) Orb 6 degrees. (9) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles fall (b) From Taurus to Scorpio and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles rise with good reactions. (©) From Gemini to Sagittarius and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles witness wide fluctuations. ; ** (4) From Cancer to Capricorn and vice-v« prices of Cotton. Jutes and Textiles rise with reactions, * (©) From Leo to Aquarius and vice-versa, prices of Cotton. Jutes and Textiles fs (f) From Vi Pisces and vive-versa. prices of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles rise. | TEST QUESTIONS Fhat is the effect of the fotlowin: on prices of Shares. Cotion and QOil-seeds? (a) Conjunction of Venus and Mars in Aries and Leo. (6) Conjunction of Venus and Mars in Cancer and Scorpio. (c) Conjunction of Venus and Uranus 19 Cancer. ; (4) Conjunction of Venus and Nepuine in Libra, 0 to pects Qt. 145, } {©) Opposition of Venus in Cancer and Mars in Capricorn. t (©) Opposition of Verus in Aries and 4 Mars in Libra. (2) Opposition of Venus in Capricorn and Uranus in Cancer. (hy When Mars is in Square aspect to Venus in (i) When Venus in () When the 4th house from itself. Saturn is in Square aspect to the 10th house from itself. Saturn is in Sextile aspect to A Venus in the 3rd house from itself. ‘ LESSON Xx EFFECTS OF ASPECTS BETWEEN MARS AND OTHER PLANETS ON PRICES OBSERVATIONS ON PONDEROUS PLANETS (I) Mary ‘lives for about 45 days in each zodia- cal sign. When it retrogrades, it lives for about {220 days in that zodiacal sign @) Jupiter lives for one year. Rahu for 14 year, Saturn for years, Uranus for 7 years and Neptune for 14 yeass in each zodiacal sign. Q) When Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune form important aspects of Conjunction, Square Trine and Opposition. they do it for three times: (a) for the first time when their motion is dircet } (h) Yor the second time when their motion is146 retrograde; and (c) for the last time azvin when their motion is direct. Then they sepsrate {com the aspect gradually. (4) Their important aspects last for severat days and some times for months together exeh time. (5) Their aspects always indicate lone periods of bullishness ie. Teji and bearishness ic, Mandi. Whether strong bullishness ie. Teji or strong bearishness ic, Mandi would result, it depends on the zoditcal sign in which the Conjunction Aspect takes place «ind on the zodiucal signs from which the Opposition aspect proceeds. For exam: ple in the Fruitful ic. Bullish zodiscal sign like Cancer, the Conjunction aspect would cause great rise in prices of Shares aud commodities like Cotton ete. whereas the same Conjunction aspect in Barren ic. Bearish rodiitcal signs Bke Aries and Leo, would came headlong fall in prices of commodities like Shares. Cotton. Oilseeds. Similarly we have to see from which zodiacal signs the other aspects proceed in order to arrive wt the judument whether prices of Shares and the other commodities would rise or fail (6) The elfcet on prives is more pronounced when they come ciose in the longitudinal deg 147 | (7) You should also take into consideration the { ratore of the aspects and the nature of the 4 todiacal signs from which the aspects proceed to judge the effect, (8) With these preliminary observations, I pro- ceed to trent of the effects of the aspects v1 { ponderous planets and request you to note the {same with great care. MARS AND JUPITER Conjunction (¢ ) Orb 6 degrees, | “* (a) In Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius, a A stcong bearish wave should sweep the Cotton “|B. Twills, Shares and Oil-seeds markets, specially | i the aspects of other planets are unfavourable like Square ete. But if the other aspects to them | are favourable like Trine ete, the fall in prices t is rather fess ** (b) In Taurus, Cancer, Seorpio. Sagittarius and Pisces. a strong bullish wave should sweep Oileseeds and B. Twills markets. In Scorpio specially Oil-sceds and B. Twills advance in values well and in Taurus. Cancer and Pisces. Share values and | Prices or Cotton Mare up provided the aspects of other planets them are from bullish signs But if the other aspects are trom beatish sisns, the rise in prices will be little. the Cotton, Share148 (c) In Gemini, prices of Cotton and ait commodities should fluctuate heavily, bul ihe trend should be towards lower level. () In Virgo and Capricorn, prices of ait commodities should rule steady provided the other aspects are favourable. Parallel (P) (a) Prices of Cotton, Jutes and Oil-seeds rise, (b) Prices of Bultion ease. Semi-square (4) Orb 1 degree. (a) Prices of alk commodities regisier slight dectine () Prices of Bullion rise. Square (=) (a) When Jupiter makes Square aspect sith Mars in the clockwise direction, e.g. Mars Aries 10° anb Jupiter Capricorn 10%, it is not an im portant| Square aspect of Mars. Therefore orb of 2° ‘howd be taken. Prices of all commodities including Bullion, rule rather ea ; ** (6) When Jupiter is in the anti-clockwise direction of Mars and makes Square aspees with it, eg. Mars Aries 15? and Jupiter Cancer 15". it is a very important Square aspect of Mats. Therefore orb of 6 should be taken, Prives of all commodities full nicely on the whole. | 5 | | | | | 149 (c) Prices of Gold and Silver rise well in the ‘applying® state and fail when the aspect is exact and ‘separates’, Trine (4) Orb 6 degrees. ** (a) Prices of Cotton, Textites, Jutes and Shares show good rise specially when the Trine aspect is between Cancer. Scorpio and Pisces. (b) Prices of Bullion fall in the ‘applying* stile, but rise when the aspect is exact and when it ‘separates’. Opposition (#) Orb 6 degrees. ** (a) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa, prices ofall commodities. including Bullion, fall. If thes fetrograde at one time in the above zodiacal sig it means # tong line of bearishness (Mandi). (h) From Taurus to Scorpio and vice-versa, Prives of Cotton, Jutes and Textiles rise irresu- lar provided the other aspects are favourable. (c) From Gemini to Sagittarius und vice-versa, Price of commodities. including Bullion, witness wide fuctuations. ** (th From Cancer to Capricorn anu vice-versa, rives of Cotton, Testiles, Jutes, record sharp rise in values provided they receive favourable aspects {e) From Leo to Aquarius and vice-versa Prices of ail commedities, except Bullion, [alt150 (f) From Virgo to Pisces and vice-versa. prices of all commodities, except Bullion, rise. Special rise is noted in Cotton and Textiles, Jutes and Steel and Iron Shares. provided other ispects are favourable MARS AND SATURN Conjunction (¥ ) Orb 6 degre Note: It is a very important conjunction in which speculators either lose very heavily or become : rich, It produces spectacular ch; prices of all commodities. (a) In Aries and Leo, prices of Corton. Grains B. Twill, Qil-s and Shares of all) kinds register extraordin falls in values. Panig over- takes all markets, If they retrowrade in the above zodiacal signs at the same time, a period of heavy depression in all markets for six months is a certainty. When their compaction takes place. it is a clarion vali so ail ia be millionaires in a short time, on the Bearish side. + (b) In Taurus. prices of Cotton and specially Shares revord very great fall. (ce) In Gemini, there should he good Muctut- tions but the net result should be at good show down in values eds. 151 +" (d) In Cancer, prices of Cotton, B. Twills Bullion, Oil-seeds and Shares reach dizzy heights. If they Rappen to retrograde in Cancer at one time. it means a strong Bullish (Teji) wave should sweep all speculative markets of all commodities for six months. But thete should be very great reactions also when the aspect is exact. But again losses will be recouped soon. (e) In Virgo and Capricorn, prices of all commodities should register good fall on the whole. (F) In Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces, prices of Cotton, Shares, Jutes and specially Oil-seeds should shoot up very nicely with good set-backs and show-down in values when the conjunction is exact. Prices will again recover slowly {z) In Libra and Aquarius, prices of Cotton, Grains, Shuies, Oilseeds and B, Twills should register very sharp dectine in values. Parallel (P) Prices of Cotton and all commodities fall Semi-square (<) Orb | degree. Prices of Cotton and the other commodi fat. Sentile (+) (a) When Mars is in clockwise direction of152 Satura and makes Sestile aspect with it eg, Saturn Aquarius 12° and Mars ‘Sagittarius 12°, it is not an important Sextile aspect of Saturn. Therefore orb of 2° should be taken. Prices of all commodities rule steady ** (b) When Mars is in the 3rd house from Saturn ie. in the anti-clockwise direction of Saturn and makes Sextile aspect with i eg Saturn Capricorn 12° and Mars Pisces 12”, it is a very important Seatile aspect of Saturn. There- fore orb of 6 should: be tuken. There comes in great excitement in the Iron and Steel Shares and prices of Gold specially. On the whole, prices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities. inchiding Bullion, register good rise. When the aspect is exvet, there is a sharp fall in, values. But ag losses in values aie made up smartly. Square (=) (a) When Mars is in anti-clockwise direction of Saturn and makes Square aspect with it 62 Saturn Aquarius 10? and Mars Taurus 10", it is neither fe important aspect of Mars with Saturn nor of Saturn with Mars, Therefore orb of 2° should Be ken, Prices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities shouid fall somewhat. but not very much, ' } | [ | : 3 | 153 S**(b) When Mars is in the clockwise direction of Saturn and makes Square aspect with it e.g. Mars Scorpio 15° and Saturn Aquarius 15°, it is a very strong mutual Square aspect between them, because Mars aspects the 4th house from itself very powerfully and Saturn aspects the 10th house from itseif very powerfully. When this mutual Square aspect comes off between them in movable zodiacal signs of Aries, Cancer. Libra and Capricorn, it becomes a very very strons mutual Square aspect, Therefore orb of 6° should be taken. Prices of Shares, Cotton, and. all commodities register a steep decline in values (C) When this mutual aspect is in the ‘applying’ state, the price of Gold and Sliver rises, When the aspect is exact and ‘separates’ prices of Gold and Silver fatl sharply Trine (&) Orb 2 degrees (3) Prices of Cotton, and ail the other commo- s rule steady specially when it is between Cancer, Svorpio and Pisces. (b) Prices of Bullion the -applying” Stite, but rise when the aspect is exact and when it ‘separates’, Opposition (< ) Orb 6 desrees. (a) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa. prices of Cotten. Grains, Shares and all commodities ai134 fall heavily. If Mars retrogrades either ia Aries or in Libra opposing Saturn, it means severe all round depression in values for 5 to 6 months, { produces panic in all markets, (b) From Taurus to Scorpio and vi prices of Cotton and Shares record good fall. (e) From Gemini to Sagittarius and vice-versa, upsets in prices of all commodities should take place with the trend towards lower level (d) From Cancer to Capricorn and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Grains and Shares should shoot up. If Mars happens to retrograde either in Cancer or Capricorn opposing Saturn. a strong. wave of bullishnes (Teji) should sweep all markets, cluding Bullion, When the sspect is exact. there is sharp fail in values. but grin losses are recovered smartly #* (ce) From Leo to Aquarius and vi a very strong wave of Beurishness (Mandi) over takes all speculative markets. [f Mars happens to retrograde either in Leo or in Aquarius opposing Saturn. there shouid be all round depression in values for full six months. (f) From Virgo to Pisces and viceeversa, prives of al] commodities should rise with very stron; reactions versa, ers. | 1 155 MARS AND URANUS Note: The conjunction of Mars and Uranus is very significant. It produces unexpectedly gailop- ing changes in prices of all commodities, including Builion, within a very short duration. If the fail in prices lasts for 10 to 12 days, rest assured that the reaction towards higher level will be sudden and rapid. Therefore you should exercise . great judgment in cashing your profit. This conjuction makes sensible operators millionaires within two weeks. Conjunction (4) Orb 6 degrees. “* (a) In Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius, prices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities, including Bwhon. suffer a nasty headlong fall. (b) In Taurus, prices of Cotton, Jut and Shares are the greatest sufferers. *° (c) In Cancer. prices of Cotton, Shares and! ull commodities rise very rapidly in the ‘applying ” state, but fall in the ‘separating’ state. So long Mars and Uranus will be together in Cancer. tke trend of prices will be definitely towards higher level () In Virgo and Capricom. prices of all | niilities should fall, :136 * (@) In Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces, prices of all commodities should move both ‘S$ very skacply. Therefore on important rises one should sell and on important falls one should buy. The net result should be good appreciation in values of all commodities. Parallel (P) Sudden rises and falls in prices of all commodities including Bullion. Semi-square (4) Orb 1 di (a) Prices of Cotton. Shares commodities fall. (b) Prices of Bullion rise sharply. Square (C) (a) When Mars is im anti-clockwise direetion of Uranus and makes Square aspect with it, eg. Uranus Virgo 3° and Mars Sagittarius 5° it is not an important Square aspect of Mars. There fore orb of 2° should be taken. Prices of Cotton and Stites should fall somewhat but not_ much. ** (b) When Mars is in clockwise direction of Uranus and makes Square aspect with it, ¢2 Uranus |Virgo $° and Mars Taurus 3° it is # very ws [Vie Square aspect of Mars. Therefore orb of @ should be then. Prives of Cotton. Shares and all commodities fall smartly and the other 157 (c) When this Square aspect is in the state of ‘applying’ prices of Gold and Silver rise. When the aspect is exact and ‘separates’, prices fall sharply. Trine (&) Orb 2 degrees (a) Prices of Cotton and the other commo- dities rule firm specially if the aspect is between Cancer. Scorpion and Pisces. (b) Prices of Bullion fallin the ‘applying” state. When the aspect is exact and when it ‘separates’, prices of Bullion rise Opposition (#) Orb 6 degrees. ** (a) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa. a very slurp break in prices of Cotton, Shares and ail commodities is a foregone conclusion. {b) From Taurus to Scorpio and vice-versa, Prices of Coton, Shares. Oii-seeds and B. Twills, should advanez very sharply in the ‘applying™ state. But when after the evuet aspect. it “sepa- rates’. there will be a good fall in values for a short time and again losses will be made up. (c) From Gemini to Sagittarius and. vice versa. prices of Cotton. Shares and Butlion meet With heavy upsets. If the speculative markets rise Sharply. rest assured that a nasty fall is alo awaiting themee 158 ** (d) From Cancer to Capricorn and vice- prices of ail commodities shoot up very rapidly at first in the ‘applying’ state. Thea comes 4 sudden fall fora short duration. But the general trend should be towards higher level ** () From, Leo to Aquarius and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities meet with a dramatic, drastic and nasty fall (C) From Virgo to Pisces and vice-versa. prives of all commodities shoot up al first followed by x fall, But the geni trend is towards i level. MARS AND NEPTUNE Conjunction («) Orb 6 degrees In Scorpio, prices of Coton, Shares and ati commodities shout rise. The rise in prices of Oil-seeds is more pronounced. Parallel (P) Prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commo- cities, including Bullion, should fall Semi-square (<) Orb | degree. (a) Prices of Cotton, Shares -and the other sommodities fall (b) Prices of Bullion rise, Square (=) (3) When Mars is in anti-clockwise direction nf Neptune and makes Square aspect with & } 1 ‘ I ! | 159 eg. Neptune Scorpio 10° and Mars {0° it is mot an important Square aspect ot Mars, Therefore orb of 2° should be taken. Prices of ail commodities fall somew ** (b) When Mars is in clockwise direction of Neptune and makes Square aspect with it, e Neptune Scorpio 10° and Mars Leo 10°, it is a powerful Square aspect of Murs. Therefore orb of 6 should be tken. Prices of Shares, Cotton and all commodities fall Trine (©) Orb 2 dexrees. (@) Prices of Cotton, Shares and all commo- dities, except Bullion, rule steady to firm, (b) Prices of Bullion, fll in the ‘applying” State, but rise wien the aspect is exact and when it “veparaies’, Opposition (2) Orb 6 d (4) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa, prices of all commodities, exeept Bullion, tall {b) From Taurus to Seorpio and. vice-versa, Pricey of all commodities rule steady to firm, MARS AND RAHU Conjunction (¢) Orb 6 degrees. **"(a) In Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius, of Colton, Shares and all nicely. Aquarius prices commodities full160 9* (b) In Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces, prices of all commodities rise. In Cancer| specially, the rise in prices of all commo- | dities, fincluding Bullion, is very marked. But { there should be good reactions also. (@) In Gemini, upsets in prices of all commo- ys ditigs. including Bullion, are likely. (4) In Capricorn, prices of all commodities rule uncertain Semi-square (L) Orb | degree. (a) Prices of Cotton, Shares and all commo- ities fall. | “oe | (b) Prices of Bullion rise. | t { | 4 Square ( ) (ar When Mars is in anti-clockwise dizection of Ran and makes Square aspect with is eg. Rubs Leo $° and Mars Scorpio S*. itis not an important aspect of Mars. Therefore orb of 2 should be taken. Prices of all commodities fall what. ) When Mars is in the clockwise direction glu and makes Square aspect with it, e£ Leo 5° and Mars Taurus 5°. it is. power” ‘guare aspect of Mars, Therefore orb of © id be taken. Prices of Shares. Cotton. Jutes 1 commodities fall nicely. 161 (©) When this Square aspect is in the state of ‘applying’, prices of Gold and Silver rise. When the Square aspect is exact and separates, prices of Gold and Silver fall. ‘Trine (4) Orb 2 degrees. (i) Prices ‘of all commodities, except Bullion. nile steady, specially when it is beoween Cancer, Scorpio und Pisces. {b) Prices of Bullion fall in the ‘applying’ state, but rise when the aspect is exact and when it ‘separates’, Opposition (2) Orb 6 degrees. ** (a) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa, prices of Cotton. Shares and all commodities fall nicely * (b) From Taurus to Scorpio and vice-versa, prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commo- dities rise with sharp rections. (c) From Gemini to Sagittarius and vice-versa, prices of all commodities, including Bullion. meet with unexpected upsets. * (d) From Cancer to Capricorn and vice-versa. prices of all commodities, including Bullion. rise with good reactions. * (ce) From Leo to Aquarius und vice-versa. prices of Cotton and all commodities fall. (0) From Virgo to Pisces and vice-versa. Prices of all commodities rule steady.T TEST QUESTIONS Q 1. In which zodiacal signs, does the conjune- tion of Mars and Saturn cause heavy decline in values of Shares and commo- dities like Cotton and cause great rise in prices of Shares and commoditie Q 2 What is the effect on prices of Shares and’ commodities when Mars is close in the longitudinal degree with Saturn. Uranus and Rahu respectively? Q. 3. When does Mars cause long period of bullishness or bearishness for five to six months? Q 4. What is the effect of the following aspects on psices? {a) Mars in Aries and Saturn ia Libra {b) Mars and Saturn in Cancer (c) Mars and Sutura in Leo {d) Mars and Uranus in Libra (e) Mars and Rahu in Aquarius (F) Trine aspect of Mars with Jupiter from Cancer to Pisces. LESSON XX EFFECTS OF ASPECTS BETWEEN JUPITER ANO OTHER PLANETS ON PRICES JUPITER AND SATURN Cunjunction (5 ) Orb 6 degrees. Note: The conjunction of Jupiter and Sacuen - — — 163 . takes place every twenty yeurs. It occurs in | Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo in turns. Whenever this conjunction takes place, one hus to be very careful, ™ (a) In Taurus, prices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities rule much above normal. (b) In Virgo, it indicates bumper crops of Cotton and all agricultural producis. They cause collapse in prices of Cotton and all ageicultural products except Bullion (c) In Capricorn, it has no special significance beyond that there is some rise in prices of all commodities, Parallel (P) The parallel for several months. It causes rise in prives of Cotton and all the other commodities. missquare (2) Orb 1 dearece. Prices of Cotton and the other commodities fall. Sextile (+) (a} When Jupiter is in clockwise direction of Saturn and makes Sextile aspect with it. Saturn Aquarius 12° and Jupiter Sagittarius 17 it is not an important Sextile aspect of Saturn. Therefore orb of 2° should be taken. Prices or all commodities rule 164 ** (b) When Jupiter is in the 3rd house from Saturn i.e. in the anti-clockwise direction of Saturn. and makes Sextile aspect with it, eg, Saturn Capricorn 12° and Jupiter Pisces 12°, it is a very important Sextile aspect of Saturn. Therefole orb of 6° should be taken. There comes great excitement in the prices of Silver spevially. On the whole, prices of Cotton, Shares and ail commodities, including Bullion, register good rise, When the aspect is exact, there is a sharp fall in values. But again losses in values are made up smartly. Square (0) (a) When Jupiter is in anti-clockwise direction of Saturn and makes Square aspect with il. e.g. Saturn Aquarius 12° and Jupiter Taurus 12°. it is not an important Square aspect of Saturn. Therefore orb of 2° should be taken. Prives of all commodities full on the whole. ** (b) When Jupiter is in the 10th house from Saurn and makes Square aspect with it ew. Saturn Aquarius 12° and Jupiter Scorpio 12”, it is a very important Square aspect of Siturn, Therefore orb of 6” should be taken. Because they are very slow-moving planets and their orb is 6°. it indicates a very long bearish period 165 extending over 7 to 8 months in Shares, Cotton, Oil-seeds and ali commodities including Bullion Taerefore whenever this Square aspect takes place, be on the lookout and play the role of a bear, Trine (2) Ord 6 degrees ** (a) Cotton, Shares and ull commodities. except Bullion, rule steady and appreciate. 1 indicates 4 jong bullish line in all commodities specially when the Trine aspect is formed between Cuncer Scorpio and Pisces (b) Prices of Bullion fall in the “applying” state, When the Trine aspect is exact ie not only degree to degree but minute to minute, and when it ‘separates’, prices of Builion rise. It is along bearish line in Bullion in the ‘applying’ state, Opposition (2) Orb 6 di Note : The opposition lasts is therefore very significunt. "(a) From Aries, to Libra and vice-vesu. prives of Shares, Cotton and ail commodities full. * (b) From Taurus to Scorpio and vice-versa, Prices of all commodities rise with good reactions. {c) From Gemini to Sagittarius and vice-versa. Prices of all commodivies. including Bullion Witness many upsets. for w long time and166 ** (d) From Cancer to Capricorn and vice-versa, prices of Shares, Cotton and all commodities rise with good reactions, ** (e) From Leo to Aquarius and vice-versa . prices of Shares, Cotton and all commodities, except Bullion. fall. (f) From Virgo to Pisces and vice-versa, prices of all commodities. except Bullion, rise with good many fi JUPITER AND URANUS Note: Uranus is credited with heavy fluctuations and sudden changes im prices. Therefore their aspects always indicate galloping bullishnes (Teji and bearishness (Mandi) in all speculative markets. They last fora long time because both ure slow-moving ponderous planets, Their aspects are « call to all operacors 10 be rich within the shortest possible rime, Conjunction (= } Orb 6 di Is. > (a) In Aries, Leo. Libra and: Aquarius. it shows it disastrous galloping fall in prices ol Cotton, Shares and all commed Regarding Builion one hus to sense the trend and act “* (b) In Taurus. Cancer, Sagittarivs and Pisces Cotton, Shares and ail the other commodities wear extraordinary bullish appearance and price’ 167 rise by leaps and bonds. is most marked. (©) In Gemini, heavy upsets in values of all commodities, including Bullion, are very likely. (4) In Virgo and Capricorn, there should be good changes in prices of Cotton, Shares and other commodities. One should sense the trend oe In Cancer, the effect and get (©) In Scorpio. prices of Cotton. Shares and the other commodities should appreciate » Specially prices of Oilseeds like Groundnuts, Linseeds, Cottonseeds. Toria ete.. and B, Twill, should appreciate considerably, (1) Regurding Bullion, this conjunction in any zodiacal sign. is bound to produce great changes in prices, but one has to sense the trend and act. One should falt in line with it blindly and not argue and reason ubout the behaviour of the market 2) Whenever this Conjunction tukes place. it sites an opportnnity to all 1 be millionaires in the shortest possible time, because it produces either “Runaway Rise of Runway Fall’ in prices Of all speculitive commodities. Parallel (P) Prices of Cotton and all commodities appre: slate quickly. Regarding Bullion. one has to Sense the trend and act,168 Semi-square (<.) Orb | degree. Price of Cotton, Shares and the other commo- dities fall, Square (2) Orb 2 degrees. (a) Prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities fall somewhat. It indicates « long bearish line. {b) Pfices of Bullion rise feverishly in the ‘applying’ state by at least 2 degrees. When the aspect is exact ie. not only degree to degree but minute to minute and when it ‘separates’, there is & headlong fall in prices of Bullion, Trine (0) Orb 6 degrees. ***(a) Prices of Cotton. Shares and all comme- dities rise considerably if the aspect is. formed between Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, All specula- live markets boom with ever rising prices {b) Prices of Bullion meet with a disastrous fall in the ‘applying’ state, When the aspect is exact ie. not only degree to degree but minute (© minute and when it ‘separates’, the Bullion market wonderfully recoups iis loss in the same alloping way in which it had fallen Opposition (F) Orb 6 d Note: Whenever opposition of Jupiter Uranus takes place. pleare embrace ster appor: That isan opportunity 10 be rich in the and I be ye 169 shortest possible. time, because all speculative markets meet with either disastrous fall or hectic rise in prices, ** (a) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa, a hectic fall in prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities is a forgone conclusion Regarding Bullion you haye 10 sense the trend and uct. * (b) From Taurus to Scorpio and vice-versa. a vood rise in prices of all commodities is certainty. But the reactions should be sharp and severe, (©) From Gemini to Sagittarius and vice-versa. very heavy fluctuations in prices of all commo. dities should take place. One should sense the trend and act. Under no cizcumstances one should £0 against the trend of the markets during those days. but should fail in fine with them immediate- Wy. Regarding Bullion the same conditions should prevail. (J) From Cancer to Capricorn and vice-versa Prices of Cotton, Shires and all commodities. faczpt- Bullion, should rise sharply with good reactions. () From Leo to Aquarius and. vice-versa. there should be headlong fall in prices of all170 commodities. Regarding Bullion, one should sense the trend and act. So, prices of Cotton and the other commodities rise some- what with many reactions. JUPITER AND NEPTUNE Conjunction (o°) Orb 6 cess In Scorpio, prices of Cotton dities should rise. Parallel (P) ; Prices of Cotton and the other commodities should appreciate. Semi-square (4) Orb 1 deere. Prices of Cotton, Shares and alt commodities fall, ar uare (2) Orb 2 degrees, (a) Prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities fall after an initial spur (&) Prices of Bullion rise in the “aptying” state. When the aspect is exact and when it ‘separates’, prices of Bullion fall Trine (4) Orb 6 de: ** Prices of Cotton, and the other commodities appreciate speciatly when the Trine aspect proceeds from Cancer. Scorpio and Pisces. Opposition (7) Crd 6 dezrees “* From Taurus to Scorpio. ond sice-verst, prices of all commodities, ecept Bullion, rise nd all commo- i I I I commodities rise specially when the Trine j Proceeds from 7 JUPITER AND RAHU Conjunction («) Orb 6 degrces, ** (@) In Aries, Leo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius, prices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities fall, * (b) tn Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces, prices of all commodities rise. (©) In Gemini, upsets in prices of all commo- dities, including Bullion, are likely. (4) In Virgo, prices of all commodities should appreciate moderately. Semi-square (¢.) Orb 1 degree. Prices of Cotton, Shares and the otter commodities fall. Square (2) Orb 2 degrees. (a) Prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commodities fall alter some initial tise. (0) Prices of Bullion rise when the Square aspect Is in the ‘applying’ state. When the Square aspect is exact and when it separates’. prices of Bullion fail, Trine (3) Orb 6 degrees. (1) Prives of Cotton, Shares and the other aspect uineer. Scorpio and Pisces () Prices of Bullion fall in ‘applying’172 state, When the aspect is exact and when it ‘separates’, prices of Bullion rise. Opposition (¥ ) Orb 6 degrees. ** (a) From Aries to Libra and vice-versit, pricey of Cotton, Shares should fall nicely. {b) From. Taurus to Scorpio and vice-versu, prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commo- dities should rise well with many reactions. (&) From Gemini to Sagittarius and vice-versa, prices of all commodities, including Bullion. should meet with many upsets and fluctuations ** (d) From Cancer to Capricorn and vice-versa, prices of Shares, Cotton and all commodities rise. ** (e) From Leo to Aquarius and vice-versa, prices of Shares. Cotton and all commodities falt nicely. (f) From Virgo to Pisces and vice-versa, prices of all commodities, except Bullion, rise somewhat TEST QUESTIONS Q. 1. In which zodiacal signs does the conjuac- tion of Jupiter and Uranus produce “Runaway bullishness ie. Tei”? Q. 2. In which zodiacal signs, does the conjune- tion of Jupiter and Uranus “Runaway bearishness ic. Mandi”? produce ‘ 173 j | | * Q.3. Which opposition asoect of Jupiter and Uranus produces headiong full in prices of Shares and other ‘commodities? Between which zodiacal signs does the Trine aspect between Jupiter and Uranus 7 produce bullishness i.e Teji in Shares and LESSON XXII EFFECTS OF ASPECTS BETWEEN SATURN AND OTHER PLANETS ON PRICES SATURN AND URANUS Note; Satum and Uranus are very slow-moving ponderous planets. Their aspects last for several months sometimes, Therefore they indicate very long bullish and bearish lines in sll commodities Conjunction () Orb 6 degrees, ***(a) In Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius, prices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities. includine Bullion, fall sharply. A strong wave of bearish= ness (Mandi) sweeps all speculitive markets for about 7 10 8 months. ** (b) In Cancer. Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces, Prices, of Cotton, Shares und all commodities rise well with severe reactions when they are within the orb of 1% In Cancer, galloping bullishne-s in prices of all commodities. including Bullion materialises. commodities for the whole year?74 To 175 a, . ish i it act 3 (© In Gemini, there are upsets in prices of i bullish line with good reactions when they 21 commodities. (4) In Virgo and Capricorn, prices of ail commodities rule steady with trend definitely lower. Parallel (P) Ir lasts not for some months but for about cso years, It produces many fluctusitions both says Semi-square (2) Orb 1 degree. Prices of Cotton and the other commodities fait Sextile (+) (a) When Saturn makes Sextile aspeet with Uranus in the clockwise direction. eg. Saturn Scorpio 10° and Uranus Virgo 10°. it is not an important Sextite aspect of Saturn. Therefore ord of 2° should be taken. Prices of all commo- dities rule steady on the whole. ** (b) When Saturn makes Sextile aspect with Uranus in anti-clockwise direction e.g. Saturn Cancer 10° and Uranus Virgo 10°, it is an impor- tant Sextile aspect of Suturn. Therefore orb of & should be taken, Once they come within the orb. this Sextite aspect between them fasts for { \ receive unfavourable aspects like square etc,, of other planets. Square (0) (x) When Saturn makes Square aspect with Uranus in anti-clockwise direction, e.g. Saturn Aquarius 15° and Uranus Taurus 15°, it is not an important Square aspect of Saturn. Therefore orb of 2? should be taken. Prives HW gradually and slowly. When they receive unfavourable aspect e.g. square etc., from other phinets, the fall is quicker and when they receive favourable aspects from other planets e.g. Sextile. Trine ete . the fail is arrested, °* (b) When Uranus is in the clockwise direction of Saturn e.g. Uranus Virgo 10’ and Saturn Sagittarius 10°, it is a very important Square aspect of Saturn, Therefore orb of 5” should be taken. Once they come within orb, the elfects last for over one year. Prives of all commodities fall and it forms a distinct tine of bearishness (Mandi). When they receiv unfavourable aspects of other planets eg. Square ete, the fall ia Prices is quicker. But when they receive [avoura- ble aspects like Trine of other planets, the fail is arrested; but this Square aspect indicutey a long bearish tne in all commodiv'es.176 Trine (A) Orb 2 degrees. Prices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities tule steady and appreciate specially when the Trine aspect proceeds from Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, Opposition (#) Orb 6 degrees, Note: This opposition is a rare phenomenon, It occurs every 40th or SOth year. Once they: come within orb, the effects last for months and months together. ** (a) From Aries to Libra and vice-versa, prices of all commodities. including Bui ion, fal! very heavily, (b) From Taurus to Scorpio and vice-versa, prices of Cotton and all commodities should fluctuate heavily both ways. (c) From Gemini to Sagitiarius and vice-versa, Prices of all commodities. including Bullion, should meet with many upsets. (d) From Cancer to Capricorn and vice-versa. Prices of all commodities, inchiding Bullion, should rise soemwhat with many severe reactions. ** (e) From Leo to Aquarius and vice-versa, prices of all commodities, including Bullion, fall. (f) From Virgo to Pisces and vice-versa. prices of all commodities, except Bullion, should rise somewhat with severe falls, . | 17 ‘njunetion () Orb 6 degrees Their conjunction took place in Libra in 1952 A wave of beurishness (Mandi) overtook Again theiy about 27 years { fom today in Capricorn. Then Prices should fall somewhat. | Parallel (P) Fall in prices of atl commodities | over a yout Sextile () ®) When Neptune is in clockwise direction of Sawin eg. Neptune Scorpio 10° and Saiuen $ Capricorn 10% it is not an important Sextile aspect of Saturn, Therefore orb of 2° { taken. Prices rule Mlasts for » S72 Neplune Scorpio 10° and Saturn Vireo. 10° f tis an important Sextile ‘Aspect of Saturn. There. 1 fore orb of 4° should bé taken, Prices of ait { commodities Specially Coton appreciate, {Square (=) fa) Wher Neptune is in ANtE-clock wise diree- ! Non of Saturn and Saturn makes Square aspect178 ch it, eg. Saturn Aquarius 10° and Neptune Taurus 10°, it is not an important Square aspect of Saturn, Therefore orb of 2° should be tuken, Prices of all commodities specially Cotton should fall somewhat. “* (b) When Neptune is in clockwise direction of Saturn’ and Saturn makes Square as; with it, e.g. Saturn Aquarius 15° and Neptune Scorpio 15%, it is a powerful Square aspect of Sutura, Therefore orb of 4° to 5° should be taken. Prices of all commodities specially Cotton full. The Yall in prices is great when they receive unfavour- able aspects of other planets. Trine (2) Orb 2 degrees. Prices, of Cotton, Shares and the other commo- dities cise. Specially when the aspeci is between Scorpio. Cancer and Pisces. Opposition (2) Orb 6 degrees (a) When Sutura is in Taurus and Neptune in Scorpio, prices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities, except Bullioa. rise at frst ui fall again badly. (b) From Gemini to Sagittarius. prices of all things. specially Cotton, meet with many upsets. SATURN AND RAHUL Note: They are slow-moving plineis. therelore ay their aspects indicate a long bullish and bearish line Conjunction (¢ ) Orb 6 degrees. ** (a) In Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius sensa- tional fall in values of Cotton, Shares and al! commodities is a certainty. The fall in prices ix frightful when they come closer to each other in the longitudinal degree. (b) In Gemini, prices of all commodities en counter many upsets with trend definitely lower. ** () In Cancer. prices of Cotton, Shares. Bullion and all commodities maintain a high leve! throughout that year and a half with good many When they are close to each other in the longitudinal degree, there is a sudden fallin valuss temporarily followed by a very severe bullish (Teji} wave in Bullion, Shares and all commodities. Therefore whenever Saturn and Rahu make a conjunction in Cancer. it is always paying to be on the bullish side in all commo- dities including Bullion. The prices reach dizzy herghts %© (dU) In Scorpio and Pisces, this conjunction Should inflate prices of all commodities with good reactions, {e) In Virgo and Capricorn. prices of all commeulities should Fall, Dui tions. their conjunction180 in Virgo and Capricorn, if Jupiter is either in Pisces or in Cancer opposing them respectively, the effect on prices of all commodities is contcary i.e. prices should rise. Semi-square (<) Orb 1 degree. Prices of Cotton, Shares and the other commo- dities fall. Sextile (* ) (a) When Saturn is in anti-clockwise direction of Rahu and makes Sextile aspect with it. eg. Sutuen Aquarius 15° and Rahu Sagittarius 13°, it is not an important Sestile aspect of Saturn Therefore orb of 2 should be taken. Prices of all commodities should rule steady and rise somewhat. ** (b) When Suturn is in clockwise direction of Rahu ahd makes Sestile aspect with ite. Rahw Taurus }10? and Saturn Pisces 10°. it is an im- Portant Sextile aspect of Saturn. The ord of § to 6° should be taken, Because they are slow: moving planets and once they come within the orb, the effect lasts for 410 5 months. Prices of Shares, Cotton and all commodities. including Bullion, rise. Square (C ) (a) When Rahu is in antivclockwise direction 181 of Saturn and there is Square aspect between them e.g. Saturn Aquarius 12° and Rahu Taurus 12%. it is not an important Square aspect of Saturn, Therefore orb of 2° should be taken Prices of all commodities should fall. ** (b) When Rahu is in the clockwise direction of Saturn and Satuin makes Square aspect with it, e-g, Saturn Aries 15° and Ruhu Capricorn 15" it is a very important Square aspect of Saturn, Therefore orb of $° should be taken. Prices ot Shuies. Cotton and ail commodities fail nicely Once they come within the orb, their effects last for 5 to 6 months. When they get unfavourable aspects like. Square, Opposition etc. of other planets. the fall in prices is sharp Trine (4) Orb 2 degrees. 4a) Prices of Cotton, Shares and all commo- duties rule steady if the Trine aspect proceeds from Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces (b) Prices of Bullion fail in the “applying Stale, but rise when the aspect is enact and when it Separates’, Opposition (2) Orb 6 degrees *° Gul From Aries to Libra and vice-versa. prices of Cotton, Shares and all commodities, excent Buthon, fall When the aspect ix clos in the — tL182 longitudinal degree, all commodity markets witness sensational fall in values. () From Taurus to Scorpio and vice-versa, Prices of Cotton and Shares and all commodities rise for a short time followed by a good fall. (©) From Gemini to Sagittarius and vice-versa, prices of all commodities, including Bullion, en. counter heavy upsets. * (¢) From Cancer to Capricorn and vice-versa Prices of all commodities rise with good reactions ** (@) From Leo to Aquarius and. vice-versa. prices of all commodities fall, When this aspect is close and gets unfavourable aspects of oiler planets, there is panic in all speulative markets like one witnessed during October and Novem- ber 1962 in india. (F) From Virgo to Pisces und vice-versa, prives of all commodities, except Bullion. encounter good rise at first followed by good full. TEST QUESTIONS Q. 1. What is the effect of the Conjunction of Satura and Neptune in Libra? Q. 2. What is the effect of the Conjunction of Saturn and Rahu in Aries and Leo on prices of Shares and commodities? QF the Square aspect What is the etfeet_ of of Saturn Uranus on Shares and commodities? Prices ot A eee \ ' I \ i f i 183 Q 4. When Rahu is in the 10th house from Saturn, what is the effect on prices? What is the effect of the Conjunction of Saturn and Raku in Cancer on prices of Shares and other commodities? What is the effect of the Opposition aspect between Rahu and Saturn trom Aries to Libra on prices of Shares and commodi- ties like Cotton etc? LESSON XXII EFFECTS OF URANUS WITH NEFTUNE ON prices There will be no special aspect. between Uranus and Neptune during the mest 25-year. therelore their effects are Hol considered. PLUTO Pluto lives for 30 yeurs in each zodiacat vig. It huts been discovered very recently and therefore ity effects on prices ure not adequately known. Therefore its consideration is omitted LESSON XXIV EFFECTS OF THE PLANETS TRANSITING SENSITIVE POINTS ON THE TREND OF PRICES OF COMMODITIES Note : (a) Ephemeries by Raphael is the onty book wanted for referernee. The following rules have been tried. checked and have yielded. food esti.184 ntly and judiciously use these you will mint cheap money in speculation Rules ; * (1) When the Sun transists 0° to 13° Cancer, Prices of all commodities rise, “* (2) When Mars transists 0° t0 13° Cancer, Prices of Grains rise. If both Mars and the Sun accidentally transit O° to 13° Cancer at the same time. expect good rise in prices of all commo, lilies for those days. When Mars transits 36° Cancer t9 9 Leo, expect rise in prices of Cotton and Bullion. ** (3), When either Mercury or Verus or Mars transits 10° to 23° Leo, prices of Corton, Oil. seeds and all commodities decline. If any two of them transit 10° to 23° Leo at the same time, expect a ood fall in prices. If all the three happen (6 transit 10° 1 23° Leo at the same time. severe ‘ih in prices is foreshadowed. () When Saturn transits 26" Scorpio to 10° Sagittarius and if unfortunately Jupiter transits 10° to 23° Sagittaris during that time, worid war will break out and prices of all commodities rise *_ (1 When Saturn transits 23° Savituatius to & Capricorn, Mercury O° ta 13. Scorpio and the Moon 23 Leo w 6 Virgo. prices of afl (b) If you intelli rules. | | | | i f t i 185 commodities rise. if there is the above two at one time, a good rise in prices 's expected; if all the three combinations take Phice at the same time a very good rise in Prices B Mitnessed during the time the combination lasts. (7) When Mars and Saturn transit 16° to 30 Aquarius at one time, famine prices of Cotton, Grains and Oil-seeds will reign due to failure oF moasoon. ** (7) When Jupiter transits 0° to. 13° Pigeos and during that time Mars transits 16° to 30. Libra. prices of all commodities rise sharply. “*S) When the Sun, Mercury and Venus dreasit cither, Tauras or Cancer or Scorpio of Sagittarius or Pisces at the’ same time. prives of Shares Cotton, Jute, Oil-seeds ete, rise. ** (2) When’ Mars transits"23° Leo to 6° Virgo. Venus 16° to 30" Libra and Satum 3° 1 tg: Gemini at the same time. expect good rise sn prices of Grains. Coiton and Oilseeds, gt) When the Sun, Mars and: Venus are in Peorpio. Pisces and Cancer at one time. prices of Linseed, Castorsceds, Mustardseed. Cottonseed, Groundnuts. Toria, Butter, and B. Twill, tive nicely (11) When Venus transits: (i) 20 Taurus to 16° Gemini, (i) 10° t@ 23, Leo and (iii) 0 4 combination of186 13° Scorpio, prices of Cotton fail. “* (12) When Saturn transits 3° to 16° Gemini, prices of Cloth rise well. ** (13) When Saturn transits 0° to 13’ Cancer, prices of all commodities rise well. ** (14) When Satur transits; (i) 6° to 20° Virgo, (ii) 16° to 30° Libra and (iii) 0° to 13° Scorpio, it causes collapse in prices of commo- dities specially Grains. Cotton, Oilseeds and B. Twills. “* (15) When Jupiter setrogrades between 23° Leo and 6” Virgo, it causes slump in prices of Cotton. ***(16) When Sun enters the new zodiacal sign and runs between 0 und 0 58 longitude and if at that time. Moon is in the opposite zodiacal Sua Taurus 0° 20" and Moon Scorpio 3°, prices of Cotton. Grains, Oit-sceds rise for 3 to 4 months. This rule does not affect the Share market. ***(17) When Sun enters the new zodiacal sign and runs between 0° and 0° 58 longitude and on that day if Moon is toually dark (Umavas day) ie. New Moon's Day during any year, that year will be attended with great rise in prices of all vonsumers’ goods. This rule also does not affect the Share Market, i { { I PART V FORECASTING PRICES ACCORDING TO INDIAN ASTROLOGY Note: This whole part of the book is treated in form ef Questions and Answers so that you should understand ic with ease.Dear Readers, I have tried to explain cules of Commercial Astrology, according to Western longitudes of planets, to the beer of my ability. You have only to study them to take the fail advancage of them. 2 In parc Vs 1am treating the same subject according to Indian astrology. Every Indian generally knows the use of Hindi or Urdu Panchang (Ephemeris) or Ephemeris by Shri N.C. Labiri of Caleuera, If any Indian does not know how to make use of the Indian Panchang, he muse take active help of a focal Astrologer to be an adept in using the Ephemeris correctly 3. To nonsindians like Americans, Englishmen, the whole Portion of Indian Commercial Astrology will appear very difficult to underseand and follow. Every word in it will appear to them Greek. Therefore they should not bother themselves about this part of che book. But if in their countries, they can get active help of any Indian oserologer 0 help them to understand the use of the Indian Panchang, they should embrace the opportunity and learn ix. This Bertiog of the book contains great truths of sages of ancient India and H against any rule two or three asterik marks (** or **) are given, they should be considered of cent percent correctness. 4. You are requested co study this portion very carefully and take che fullesc advantage of a po 189 the Sun has encered the new zodiacal sign and is running between O degree and 0 degree 58 minutes tongivude, ik shoulé be taken according to Raphael's Ephemeris 6, In the question of Constellacions (Naksheras) and their rulers, | have purposely given the zodiacal degrees of each constellation according to Raphael's Ephemeris, Mere look Ineo the longitude of the planet in Raphael's Ephemeris will cell You at a glance che constellation (Nakshera) in which the planec is. Once again | repeat with all emphasis that all longitudes of the planets and constellations (Nakshtrat) are taken according to Western Astrology i.e, according to Raphael's Eph, meris and not according to Indian Astrology. Kindly take care of that. T. G. Butaney.
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