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Drugs Acting On Central Nervous System

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Drugs Acting On Central Nervous System

I. Narcotic Analgesics and Antiparkinsonian Drugs

Analgesics are drugs that relieve pain due to multiple causes. Drugs that
relieve pain due to a single cause, e.g. ergotamine (migraine), glyceryl
trinitrate (angina pectoris) are not classed as analgesics.

Analgesics are classified into 2 main groups:

Opioid (Narcotic) Analgesics

Non-opioid Analgesics
(analgesics- antipyretics)

Are the most powerful analgesics Are mild analgesics and effective in certain
that can relieve any type of pain types of pain as headache, toothache
except itching.
Act on the level of the thalamus and
Act mainly at the level of the cortex.


Can produce addiction.

No addiction.

Example: Morphine and codeine.

Used to lower




Example: NSAIDs e.g. salicylates, and



Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System

They are derived from opium alkaloids. Many alkaloids are isolated from
opium, but few of them are used clinically (Morphine, Codeine and

I. Morphine
Absorption and Fate:

It can be absorbed after oral, subcutaneous or intramuscular injection as

well as after being smoked. It cannot be absorbed from the intact skin.

Subcutaneously, the action starts after 10-20 minutes, reaches its

maximum after 1-1.5 hour and disappears after 2-2.5 hours.

Morphine is detoxicated in the liver (conjugated and broken down).

Excreted in the urine in the free and bound forms.

A certain portion is excreted in the stomach (gastric lavage should be

performed in morphine poisoning even if it has been taken parenterally).

Morphine can cross blood placental barrier so it can cause respiratory

depression in the newly born child.

Dose: 8-15mg by injection (subcutaneously or IM) as morphine hydrochloride

or morphine sulfate.

Pharmacological Actions of Morphine:

(I) On C.N.S: Morphine is mainly a central depressant but certain centers are
stimulated by morphine:

A. Centers Depressed by Morphine:

1. Cortical pain center:
Morphine has analgesic effect through:
(a) Elevation of the threshold of pain perception in the sensory area.
(b) Alteration of the response to pain i.e. pain is still present but its effect on
the behavior e.g. anxiety, restlessness are greatly reduced.
It produces euphoric action; this can pass to central excitement or even
convulsions i.e. idiosyncrasy to morphine. In this case, morphine is
2. Respiratory center:

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System

Respiration is depressed and the sensitivity of the respiratory center to CO2

is reduced leading to decrease in the rate and depth of respiration.
Respiratory failure is the cause of death in morphine poisoning.
3. Cough center:
It is made less sensitive by morphine so morphine can suppress cough.
Codeine is used more because:

It is not addicting.

Has side effects less than morphine (No respiratory depression).

4. Inhibition of the polysynaptic spinal reflexes.

5. Inhibition of the vasomotor center in large doses.

B. Centers stimulated by Morphine:

1. Vomiting center: Emetic chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) in the medulla
is stimulated by morphine leading to nausea and vomiting.
2. Occulomotor center:
 Morphine causes severe miosis (Pin Point Pupil PPP) due to

stimulation of the Edinger-Westphal nucleus of the oculomotor; 3rd

cranial nerve [as a result of inhibiting the cortical inhibitory effect on the
 This effect is central so it occurs only if the drug is given systemically not

when applied locally in the eye.

3. Stimulation of monosynaptic spinal reflexes (stretch reflex).
4. Release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) form the posterior pituitary.
5. Stimulation of cardiovagal center: leading to slow and full pulse.

(II) On Plain Muscles (A, B, C, D, E)

Morphine increases the tone of the smooth muscles and causes spasm of the

A. On the Gastro Intestinal Tract:

1. Decreases G.I.T secretions (gastric, biliary, pancreatic and intestinal).
2. Increase tone of the intestinal smooth muscles.
3. Spasm of the sphincters.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System

4. Decreases the peristaltic activity (propulsive contraction) and increase

segmentation movement (increase absorption).
5. Decreases the perception (unawareness) of the defecation reflex.
All this will lead to constipation, which is considered as a side effect (but
of value in treatment of severe diarrhea).

B. Spasm of the Biliary Passages:

Marked increase in biliary tract pressure due to:

(a) Spasm of sphincter of Oddi.
(b) Spasm of biliary muscles.

Atropine partially antagonizes this effect while nalorphine completely

abolishes it.

C. Bronchi:
Therapeutic doses of morphine do not cause bronchoconstriction in normal
But it may precipitate bronchoconstriction in asthmatic patients due to
histamine release.
So, morphine is contraindicated in bronchial asthma due to:
(a) Bronchoconstriction.
(b) Release of histamine.
(c) Respiratory center depression.

D. Urinary Bladder:
Urine retention due to:
(1) Tone of urinary bladder sphincter.
(2) Depression of the micturition reflex.
(3) Urine formation is decreased due to central effect of the drug that
causes the release of ADH.

(E) Increase the Tone of the Ureter.

(III) On Metabolism:
Morphine decreases the basal metabolic rate.

(IV) On Histamine:
Morphine is a histamine releaser.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System

(V) On the Skin:

Morphine causes: (as a result of histamine release)
(a) Sweating (wet skin).
(b) Vasodilatation (flushed skin).
(c) Itching.
(d) Allergic skin reactions can occur.

(VI) On Cardiovascular System

Therapeutic dose has no effect.
High dose can cause hypotension due to:
(a) Peripheral vasodilatation (histamine release).
(b) Inhibition of vasomotor center (VMC).

Opioid Receptors:

Several types of opioid receptors have been identified at various sites in the
nervous system and other tissues.

Mu () receptors are responsible for:

(1) Supraspinal analgesia
(2) Euphoria, sedation.
(3) Respiratory depression,
(4) Physical dependence.
(5) Constipation.
(6) Miosis.

 Kappa () receptors are responsible for:

(1) Spinal analgesia.
(2) Miosis and sedation.

 Sigma () receptors mediate:

(1) Dysphoric,
(2) hallucination,
(3) Respiratory and vasomotor stimulation.

 Delta (
) receptors:
Supraspinal analgesia

Tolerance: (failure of responsiveness to the usual dose of the drug)

 Tolerance develops to the analgesic and respiratory depressant actions of

morphine after 10-14 days.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System

 But no tolerance to the constipating and miotic actions of morphine.

Morphine addict always has constipation and PPP.

 Cross-tolerance occurs between morphine and various other narcotic


Therapeutic Uses of Morphine:

(1) As a powerful analgesic in the treatment of severe pain:
i. Coronary thrombosis.
ii. Renal colic (with atropine).
iii. Post-operative pain (except after cholecystectomy).
iv. Terminal stages of painful malignant disease.
(2) Pre-anaesthetic medication: 10-15 mg subcutaneously or IM one hour
before the general anaesthesia.
(3) In paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea (cardiac asthma = left ventricular failure
leading to pulmonary congestion and dyspnoea) to alleviate dyspnoea .
(4) Certain cases of severe cough e.g. cancer of the bronchial tree.
(5) Certain cases of severe diarrhea (loperamide) given orally after removing
the poison causing the diarrhea from the intestine by a purgative.

Side Effects:
(A) Minor side effects:
1. Nausea and vomiting.
2. Constipation.
3. Itching, bronchoconstriction and hypotension due to histamine release.
4. Urine retention.
5. Increased intracranial tension.
(B) Major side effects:
1. Respiratory depression.
2. Addiction.

1. Bronchial asthma due to:
Release of histamine.
Respiratory depression.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System

2. Chronic pulmonary disease e.g. emphysema.

3. Cases of idiosyncrasy to morphine.
4. Advanced liver disease.
5. Extremes of age (very young or very old patients).
6. Head injuries (Respiratory depression increases CO2 which causes
cerebral vasodilatation and so elevates C.S.F pressure).
7. During delivery (morphine crosses the placenta leading to respiratory
center depression and neonatal asphyxia).
8. Biliary colic (increase biliary pressure). N.B. may be used with nalorphine or
9. Acute abdomen (relieves the pain but interferes with the diagnosis of the
10. Myxedema (low basal metabolic rate).
11. In prostate hypertrophy ( morphine may cause urine retention).
12. Hypotension
13. Constipation.

Opium or Morphine Addiction:

Repeated administration of morphine leads to psychological as well as
physiological dependence.
If morphine is suddenly withdrawn, withdrawal symptoms will occur. The
withdrawal symptoms are characterized by:


Rhinorrhea (watery discharge from the nose).


Restless sleep and insomnia.

Dilated pupils.



Severe muscle cramps.

Severe headache.


Patient refuses food leading to dehydration and acidosis.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System

Cause of these withdrawal symptoms:

There are endogenous morphine-like compounds present in the body.
They are present in the brain and G.I.T and are called enkephalins and

those present in the pituitary gland are called endorphins.

If morphine is given externally, the opiate receptors become saturated (or

overloaded) leading to inhibition of the synthesis of the endogenous

morphine-like compounds.
If the exogenous opiate administration is stopped, withdrawal symptoms

will occur, because the endogenous opioid is deficient and the receptor is
deprived from both the endogenous and the exogenous opioids.

Treatment of Morphine Addiction:

1. Hospitalization and psychotherapy (attention to nursing and feeding).
2. Gradual withdrawal of morphine till we reach a stabilizing dose which is just
sufficient to prevent withdrawal symptoms from occurring.
3. Substitution therapy with methadone:

In the ratio of 1mg methadone to 4 mg morphine for 1week.

Then, methadone is withdrawn gradually over a period of 3 days.

It is an addicting drug but the withdrawal symptoms of methadone are

less than those of morphine.

4. Hypnotics to help sleeping.

Acute Morphine Poisoning:

Clinical picture:
1. The patient is in coma.
2. Respiration is slow and depressed.
3. Cyanosis and the skin is cold and wet (sweating).
4. Pinpoint pupil (however, the pupil may dilate due to medullary depression,
when it is terminal).


Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System

1. Gastric lavage with potassium permanganate 0.2% to oxidize the alkaloid

(even if morphine was given by injection) + saline purgative, Mg SO4 to
evacuate the intestine.
2. Artificial respiration with O2 CO2 mixture.
3. Mild respiratory stimulant may be used
4. Specific antidotes:

II. Codeine (Methyl Morphine)

1. It is less potent.
2. It produces constipation.
3. Nausea and vomiting are less.
4. Less addiction.

1. As cough depressant (for dry cough).
2. As analgesic with aspirin and paracetamol.


Heroin (Diacetyl Morphine)

Extremely powerful analgesic.

More addicting than morphine.

Causes respiratory depression more than with morphine.

Not used clinically except in severe pain of terminal stages of malignancy.


I. Meperidine (Pethidine)
It has:
1. Atropine-like action (parasympatholytic).
2. Morphine-like action (analgesic).
3. Papaverine-like action (smooth muscle relaxant effect).
Difference from morphine:

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


1. Its analgesic action is 1/10 that of morphine.

2. It does not depress cough.
3. It does not depress respiration in therapeutic doses.
4. It does not cause constipation.
5. Has atropine-like action.
6. Pupil is dilated (does not cause PPP).
7. Tolerance and addiction are less than with morphine.
Dose: 50-100 mg orally or parenterally (S.C. or I.M).
Similar to morphine in:
1. Stimulation of CTZ.
2. Release of ADH.

Therapeutic Uses:
1. As analgesic instead of morphine.
2. In obstetrics to relieve labour pain.
3. As preanesthetic medication instead of morphine.
4. Better than morphine in renal and biliary colics (It has atropine and
papaverine-like actions).

II. Fentanyl
Analgesic potency is 80 times that of morphine.
Duration of action shorter than morphine and pethidine.
1. As analgesic alone.
2. With a tranquillizer to produce Neuroleptanalgesia (a state of sedation
and analgesia) which is used in minor procedures e.g. bronchoscopy or
in obstetrics.

III. Methadone
A potent analgesic.
With long duration of action.
Depresses respiratory and cough centers.
Causes addiction but the withdrawal symptoms are milder than morphine.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


1. Analgesic.
2. Treatment of opium (morphine) addiction.

IV. Loperamide

(Imodium) and diphenoxylate: are non-

analgesic opioids, used for antimotility effect on the gut. They are constipating
agents. (refer to pharmacology of GIT)


Drugs that stimulate one receptor but block another are termed mixed agonistantagonists. This group is characterized by:
1. The effect of these drugs depends on previous exposure to opioids
a) In individuals who have not recently received opioids, mixed agonistantagonist shows agonistic effect and are used to relieve pain.
b) In patients with opioid dependence the agonist-antagonist drug produce
withdrawal symptoms.
2. These drugs induce respiratory depression which reaches a ceiling effect at
relatively low doses. This property may represent an advantage over
morphine-like analgesics as it is possible to increase the analgesic activity
by increasing the dose without the hazard of increasing the respiratory

Pentazocine is agonist on kappa receptors and is a weak antagonist at Mu

It has antagonist action on Mu receptors, with a partial agonist action on delta
and Kappa receptors so it is considered as a partial antagonist.

Naloxone (Narcan)

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


It is a pure narcotic antagonist at all opioid receptor sites with no morphine like
properties i.e. it is a pure antagonist. Therapeutic uses of naloxone are the
same of that of nalorphine. Naloxone is preferred since it lacks any agonistic

Naltrexone: has a longer duration of action than naloxone and a single oral
dose of naltrexone blocks the effects of injected heroin up to 24 hours.

Therapeutic Uses:
1. Treatment of acute morphine poisoning (it stimulates respiration, improves
miosis, vomiting and G.I spasm).
2. Diagnosis of opium addiction (precipitate withdrawal symptoms).
3. Decreases the neonatal respiratory depression secondary to administration
of morphine, because it can traverse the placental barrier. It is given to the
mother before delivery or to the infant through the umblical vein after


In parkinsonism, there are:
1. Slowing of movement.
2. Rigidity of skeletal muscles.
3. Resting tremors.
4. Abnormality of posture and gait.
5. Mood changes.
6. Salivation.
7. Masked face.
Causes of Parkinsonism:
1. Idiopathic.
2. Arteriosclerotic.
3. Post encephalitic (after viral encephalitis).
4. Iatrogenic (caused by drugs) i.e. long use of large doses of chlorpromazine or reserpine.

Parkinsonism is due to an imbalance between the levels of acetylcholine and dopamine in the
basal ganglia (substantia nigra, corpus striatum that are responsible for motor control).

In parkinsonism, the dopamine content is low so that the cholinergic system is dominant.

Treatment of parkinsonism

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


1. Anticholinergic drugs to reduce cholinergic activity. or

2. Dopaminergic drugs to enhance dopaminergic activity.

(A) Anti-cholinergic drugs

1. Atropine or hyoscine

Reduce tremors, rigidity, and excessive salivation.

Tolerance occurs after prolonged use, increasing the dose will increase
the side effects.

2. Synthetic atropine substitutes

Reduce tremors, and rigidity.

Less side effects.


Benztropine (Cogentin).

Trihexphenidyl (Artane).

3. Drugs with anticholinergic and antihistaminic effect: (e.g.

i. Reduce tremors and rigidity (atropine-like action).
ii. Anti-histaminic effect producing a sedative effect.

Contraindications of anticholinergic drugs:

1. Glaucoma.
2. Prostate enlargement.

(B) Dopaminergic drugs


This is an anti-viral drug.

Decreases tremors and rigidity of parkinsonism.

It acts by:

Stimulating the release of dopamine from dopaminergic nerve

terminals in the basal ganglia.

Inhibiting dopamine re-uptake.

Bromocryptine (Parlodel):
It is an ergot derivative.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


It is a dopamine receptor agonist.

Stimulates dopaminergic receptors in the basal ganglia.
Inhibits prolactin release (suppresses lactation).

Selectively inhibits monoamine oxidase B (MAOB) which metabolizes
dopamine, but doesn't inhibit MAOA (which metabolizes norepinephrine
and serotonin). Thus, by decreasing the metabolism of dopamine,
selegiline has been found to increase dopamine levels in the brain.
Therefore, it enhances the actions of L-Dopa and when these drugs are
administered together, selegiline substantially reduces the required dose
of L-Dopa.

 It is the precursor of dopamine.

Dopa decarboxylase enzyme



 Dopamine is not used in the treatment of parkinsonism because it cannot

cross the blood brain barrier (BBB).

L-Dopa can cross the BBB and increase the dopamine content of basal

95% of given L-Dopa is transformed to dopamine in the peripheral tissues

by decarboxylation (dopamine can not cross BBB).

So only 5% of the given dose of L-Dopa will be converted to dopamine in

the basal ganglia (by decarboxylation) and improves parkinsonism.

Carbidopa is given with L-dopa.

Carbidopa is a Dopa decarboxylase inhibitor only in the periphery because

it can not cross the BBB so all the given L-Dopa will reach the basal

Dopamine accumulation in the periphery leads to nausea and vomiting.

So, give Carbidopa + L-Dopa (Sinemet) 1:10

1. Decrease the dose of L-Dopa.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


2. Decrease the side effects of L-Dopa.

3. Increase the efficiency in treatment of parkinsonism.

Drug interactions with L-dopa:

1. L-Dopa + Vit. B6 reduces its anti-parkinsonian effect because it elevates
dopa decarboxylase activity (if used alone without carbidopa).
2. Anti-cholinergic drugs + L-Dopa cause synergism (the effect is greater
than the sum of their individual effects).
3. Phenothiazines






antagonize its antiparkinsonian effect.

II. Sedative- Hypnotics, Antipsychotic,

Antidepressant Drugs and CNS Stimulants

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


Learning objectives:
By the end of this topic, the student will be able to:
1. Classify sedative-hypnotic drugs.
2. Describe their mechanism of action.
3. List their therapeutic uses, side effects, contraindications, toxicity and
addictive potentiality.
4. Recognize the basic pharmacology of some antipsychotic drugs
(chlorpromazine and newer antipsychotic drugs).
5. State the therapeutic advantages of new antipsychotics.
6. Classify antidepressant drugs.
7. Outline their mechanism of action.
8. Enumerate the therapeutic uses of antidepressants, their side effects, contraindications, important drug interactions and toxicity.
9. Identify drugs acting as CNS stimulants (Niketamide, Doxapram, Caffeine,
amphetamine, cocaine,etc).
10. Mention their possible therapeutic uses, undesired effects and abuse

[1] SedativeHypnotic Drugs

The major therapeutic use of sedative-hypnotic drugs is to cause sedation (with concomitant
relief of anxiety) or to encourage sleep. Disorders involving anxiety and sleep disorders are common
problems, which are effectively treated by the sedative-hypnotic agents.
An effective sedative (sometimes called anxiolytic, or minor tranquilizer) should reduce anxiety
and exert a calming effect with little or no effect on motor or mental functions.
A hypnotic drug should produce drowsiness and encourage the onset and maintenance of a
state of sleep that as far as possible resembles the natural sleep from which patient can be easily
aroused. Hypnotic effects involve more pronounced depression of the CNS than sedation, and this
can be achieved with most sedative drugs simply by increasing the dose.

Examples of Sedative-Hypnotic drugs:

1- Benzodiazepines
2- Buspirone
3- Zolpidem
4- Barbiturates

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


5- Chloral hydrate, paraldehyde

6- Ethyl alcohol (Ethanol)

Benzodiazepines (BZs) are the most widely used anxiolytic drugs. They
have largely replaced barbiturates in the treatment of anxiety, since BZs are
more effective and safer. BZs induce sleep when given in high doses at night,
provide sedation, and reduce anxiety when given in low, divided doses during
the day.

Mechanism of Action:
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter
in the CNS. BZs potentiate GABA-ergic inhibition at all levels of the CNS.
BZs bind to specific, high affinity BZ receptors present in various parts of
the CNS. These receptors are separate but adjacent to the receptor for GABA.
The binding of BZ enhances the affinity of the GABA receptors for GABA
neurotransmitter, resulting in a more frequent opening of adjacent chloride
channels. The increased influx of Cl- into the neuron results in enhanced
hyperpolarization and inhibition of neuronal firing.

Pharmacological Actions:
BZs have neither antipsychotic activity nor any analgesic action and do not
affect the autonomic nervous system. BZs exhibit the following actions:

1. Reduction of anxiety: At low doses, BZs are anxiolytic.

2. Sedation and induction of sleep: At higher doses, all BZs which are
used to treat anxiety can produce hypnosis.

3. Muscle relaxation: BZs relax the spasticity of skeletal muscles, probably

by increasing presynaptic inhibition in the spinal cord. Diazepam in
particular, has a very pronounced depressant activity on skeletal muscles.

4. Anticonvulsant effect.
Pharmacokinetic Aspects:
BZs are lipophillic and are rapidly and completely absorbed after oral administration. BZs as well
as most other sedative-hypnotics bind extensively to plasma proteins.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


BZs are metabolized by the hepatic microsomal metabolizing system and are excreted in urine as
glucuronides or oxidized metabolites.

Classification of Benzodiazepines
BZs can be roughly divided into short, intermediate and long-acting groups.
The longer acting agents form active metabolites with long half-lives.
Short-acting; triazolam (3-8 hours).
Intermediate-acting; alprazolam (10-20 hours).
Long-acting; diazepam (1-3 days).

Therapeutic Uses:
1. Anxiety state: BZs should only be used for short periods of time because
of addiction potentials e.g. alprazolam.

2. Insomnia: The most commonly prescribed BZs for sleep disorders are
long-acting flurazepam, intermediate-acting temazepam, and short-acting

3. As anticonvulsants:

Diazepam i.v. in status epilepticus.

Clonazepam in chronic treatment of epilepsy.

4. Muscular disorders: Diazepam is useful in the treatment of skeletal

muscle spasms and spasticity from degenerative disorders such as multiple
sclerosis and cerebral palsy.

5. For sedative effects during medical or surgical procedures such as

endoscopy and bronchoscopy as well as for premedication prior to

6. Induction of general anaesthesia.

7. Treatment of alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Diazepam can be useful
in controlling the tremors, acute agitation and the impending acute delirium

Advantages of BZs over barbiturates:

1. less rapid eye movement (REM) suppression.
2. less tolerance and enzyme induction.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


3. limited capacity to produce profound and fatal CNS depression (i.e. BZs are
relatively safe in overdose in contrast to many sedative hypnotics e.g.

The Most Common Side Effects of the BZs are:

1. Drowsiness and confusion.
2. Hypotension in old patients.
3. Ataxia occurs at high doses and precludes activities that require fine motor
coordination, such as driving a car.
4. If high doses of BZs are given over a prolonged period, weight gain as well








discontinuation of BZs results in withdrawal symptoms, including confusion,

anxiety, restlessness and insomnia.

1. Pregnant and lactating women: due to
a) The ability of BZs to cross fetal placental barrier. If these drugs are
given in the pre-delivery period, they may contribute to the
depression of neonatal vital functions.
b) Sedative-hypnotics are detectable in breast milk during lactation and
may exert depressant effects on CNS function in the nursing infant.
2. In patients with myasthenia gravis: due to the muscle relaxing effect of
3. In acute depression or psychosis: due to their additive CNS depression.

Drug Interactions:
BZs have additive or synergistic effects with other CNS depressants such
as alcohol, barbiturates and antihistaminics. Although BZs are safer than other
sedative-hypnotic drugs even in acute overdosage, they are used cautiously in
treating patients with liver disease.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


BZ antagonist Flumazenil
Mechanism of action
Flumazenil carries similar structure to BZs, and competitively antagonize
the binding of BZs to their receptors. It blocks many of the actions of BZs but
does not antagonize the CNS effects of other sedative-hypnotics, ethanol,
opioids or general anesthetics.

Therapeutic uses
1. To reverse the sedative effect of BZs used during anaesthesia
2. In the treatment of acute BZs overdose.
3. Hepatic coma

Buspirone is a non-sedating alternative to BZs but it may take up to four weeks
to act. (Useful in chronic anxiety states)

Mechanism of action: Buspirone is a partial agonist at presynaptic 5HT1A

receptors, producing negative feedback inhibition of 5HT release.

Also, it

displays some affinity for dopamine receptors.

Advantages of buspirone:

Unlike BZs, buspirone has no hypnotic, anticonvulsant, or

muscle relaxant properties.


It has minimal abuse liability.


Buspirone causes less psychomotor impairment than BZs

and does not affect driving skills.


The drug does not potentiate the CNS depressant effects of

other sedative-hypnotics, ethanol or tricyclic antidepressants.

Side effects of buspirone; tachycardia, palpitations, nervousness,

gastrointestinal distress may occur more frequently than with BZs. These side
effects are possibly caused by postsynaptic 5HT1A receptor stimulation.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


Mechanism of action:
Zolpidem is a hypnotic that binds selectively to a subset of the BZs receptor
family and facilitates GABA-mediated neuronal inhibition.
Zolpidem has a rapid onset and a short duration of action (about 4 hours), its
actions are antagonized by flumazenil. It has minimal muscle relaxing and
anticonvulsant effects. Respiratory depression may occur if large doses of
zolpidem are ingested together with other central depressants.

Advantages of zolpidem include:

1. Rapid onset
2. No withdrawal effects.
3. Minimal rebound insomnia.
4. Little or no tolerance with prolonged use.
5. Minimal muscle relaxing effect.
6. Respiratory depression occurs only if large doses of zolpidem are ingested
together with other central depressants.
7. Antagonized by flumazenil

Disadvantages of zolpidem include:

1. Short duration of action (about 4 hours),
2. Nightmares, headache and daytime drowsiness.
3. Gastrointestinal upset

Non-selective CNS depressants, which produce effects ranging from sedation
and reduction of anxiety to hypnosis and unconsciousness. Barbiturates were
in the past the mainstay of treatment used to sedate or to induce and maintain
Today, they have been largely replaced by BZs, because barbiturates induce
drug-metabolizing enzymes, produce tolerance and physical dependence and
severe withdrawal symptoms.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


Ultra-short acting: Thiopental Na is highly lipid soluble; it is an IV
anaesthetic that acts within seconds with duration of action of 20
minutes. (refer to pharmacokinetics of anaesthesia).
Short-acting: Pentobarbital and secobarbital act for 3-8 hours.
Long-acting: Phenobarbital (more than 24 hours).

Mechanism of Action:
Barbiturates facilitate the actions of GABA at multiple sites in the CNS but
they do not bind to the same site of BZs on the GABA-receptor/chloride
channel. They cause activation of GABAA receptors. This increases the
duration of opening of the Cl- channel associated with the receptor, and the
neuronal membrane is therefore hyperpolarized and less likely to fire.

Actions :
At low doses, barbiturates produce sedation, at higher doses, they cause
hypnosis followed by anaesthesia. Overdosage may cause respiratory
depression and death.
Lipid solubility and ionization influence the onset and duration of action. The ultra-short acting
drug; thiopental is very lipid soluble, and a high rate of entry into the CNS contributes to the rapid
onset of its central effects. Also the drug is rapidly redistributed from the brain, first to highly perfused
tissues such as skeletal muscle and subsequently to poorly perfused adipose tissue. These processes
contribute to the termination of its major central nervous system effects.
Long-acting agents (less lipid soluble) have slower onset and longer duration of action. They are
slowly metabolized by the liver microsomal enzymes. Barbiturates cross the placental barrier and their
concentrations in the fetal blood approach that in maternal blood.
Barbiturates and their metabolites are excreted by the kidney and their rate of excretion is
increased by alkalinization of urine.

Therapeutic Uses:
1. Anaesthesia: Thiopental Na is used intravenously to induce anaesthesia.
2. As sedative-hypnotic agents: Barbiturates have been replaced by BZs.
However, pentobarbital may still be used as sleeping pills.
3. Anticonvulsants:

Emergency treatment of convulsions

in status

epilepticus by thiopental as the last approach. Phenobarbital is used in longterm management of tonic-clonic seizures and eclampsia.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


4. To lower serum bilirubin in :

a) Patients with chronic cholestasis

b) Neonatal jaundice (kernicterus) which can cause brain

damage because unconjugated bilirubin can penetrate the
blood brain barrier. Barbiturates such as phenobarbital can
increase the conjugation of bilirubin and reduces this risk by
inducing the activity of glucuronyl transferase enzyme.

Side effects
1. CNS effects: drowsiness that can interfere with motor and mental
performance; hangover. In large doses, barbiturates cause marked
depression of CNS and are likely to be fatal.
2. GIT disturbance.
3. Folate deficiency.
4. Induction of P450 thus the rate at which they are metabolized increases
over the first few days of administration. Also, it leads to increased
metabolism of other drugs e.g. warfarin and oestrogen (reducing the
effectiveness of oral contraception and oral anticoagulants).
5. Tolerance.
6. Physical dependence with prolonged use.
7. Teratogenicity.

Treatment of Barbiturates Overdosage:

1- Controlled ventilation and O2 inhalation.
2- Gastric lavage in comatosed patients who have open airway.
3- Osmotic diuresis and alkalinization of urine for phenobarbital.
4- Hemodialysis in severe cases.

Liver and kidney diseases.
During labour.
Old age.
In patients with acute intermittent porphyria.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


N.B. Hepatic porphyria is an inherited disorder in which the enzymes required for haem
synthesis are lacking; this will lead to acute attacks of GIT, neurological, and behavioral
disturbances due to accumulation of porphyrincontaining haem precursors. Barbiturates
induce amino laevulinic acid (ALA) synthetase, which stimulates the hepatic formation of
porphyrins from these precursors.

Drug Interactions:
As barbiturates are potent inducers of hepatic metabolizing enzymes, they
are liable to cause drug interactions. They increase the rate of metabolic
degradation of many other drugs i.e. dicumarol, phenytoin, digitalis, and
Additive effects to other CNS depressants.



Chloral hydrate is an effective sedative and hypnotic that induces sleep in about 30 minutes and

lasts about 6 hours. It causes GIT irritation and epigastric distress and an unpleasant taste sensation.
Chloral hydrate is metabolized into two major metabolites; trichloroethanol (active and relatively nontoxic) and the other is trichloroacetic acid, which is toxic and tends to accumulate in the body.

Paraldehyde produces hypnosis in about 15 minutes and its effect lasts for 4-8 hours. It has a

strong odour, bad taste and may irritate the GIT. Paraldehyde was used in patients with hepatic or
renal failure as it is mainly eliminated through the lung.


Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) is the most commonly abused drug in the world. Like other sedative-hypnotic
drugs, ethyl alcohol in low to moderate amounts relieves anxiety and fosters a feeling of well being or
even euphoria.
Pharmacokinetic Aspects:
Ethanol is absorbed rapidly from the GIT. Distribution is rapid, with tissue levels approximating the
concentration in blood. In the CNS, the concentration of ethanol rises quickly since the brain receives
a large proportion of blood flow and ethanol readily crosses biologic membranes.
Ethanol is metabolized in a two-step process. As the drug passes through the liver, it is first
dehydrated by alcohol dehydrogenase, forming acetaldehyde, which is then metabolized by aldehyde
dehydrogenase into acetone that enters the citric acid cycle.
Over 90% of alcohol consumed is oxidized in the liver; much of the remainder is excreted through the
lungs and in the urine.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


Treatment of Acute Alcohol Intoxication:

1. The most important goals are to prevent severe respiratory depression and
aspiration of the vomitus.
2. Treat hypoglycemia and ketosis by administration of glucose.
3. Electrolyte solutions for dehydrated patients. If vomiting is severe, large
amounts of potassium may be required as long as renal function is normal.
4. Thiamine is given to protect against the severe neurological disturbances.
5. Analeptics may be used.

Treatment of Chronic Alcoholism:

Hospitalization, psychotherapy and nutritional therapy may be needed.

Drug therapy includes:

1- BZs (e.g. diazepam) are used to prevent alcohol withdrawal symptoms.
They are preferred over barbiturates because of their wide margin of safety.
The dose must be tapered slowly over several weeks.
2- Disulfiram: This drug causes extreme discomfort to patients who drink
alcohol. The drug given by itself to nondrinkers has little effects however,
flushing, throbbing headache, nausea, vomiting, sweating, hypotension and
confusion occur within a few minutes after drinking alcohol.
Disulfiram acts by inhibiting aldehyde dehydrogenase thus, alcohol is
metabolized as usual but acetaldehyde accumulates. Acetaldehyde will form
the toxic intermediates; methanol and formaldehyde.

Alcohol-Drug Interactions:

Pharmacokinetic alcoholdrug interactions:

a) Chronic alcohol consumption induces activity of drug-metabolizing
enzymes in liver cells. Ethanol-mediated induction of hepatic
cytochrome P450 enzymes is particularly important with regard to
paracetamol. This will lead to increased conversion of paracetamol
to reactive heptotoxic metabolites.
b) Acute alcohol consumption may inhibit metabolism of other drugs
e.g. phenothiazines and tricyclic antidepressants (due to decreased
metabolism or decreased liver blood flow).

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System



Pharmacodynamic alcohol interactions

a) Additive CNS depression with other sedative-hypnotics is the
most important, for example alcohol and barbiturates are
potentially lethal combination.
b) Alcohol potentiates the pharmacologic effects of many nonsedative drugs, including vasodilators and oral hypoglycemic


These classes include:
1. -blocking drugs (e.g. propranolol), which are used mainly to reduce
physical symptoms of anxiety (tremors, sweating, and palpitation). Their effect
depends on blockade of peripheral sympathetic responses rather than on any
central effects.
2. Antipsychotic drugs.
3. Tricyclic antidepressants.
4. Some antihistaminic agents (e.g. hydroxyzine).


Antipsychotic drugs (also called antischizophrenic drugs, neuroleptic drugs
or major tranquilizers) are used mainly to treat schizophrenia but are also
effective in some psychotic states; such as manic states and delirium.
Schizophrenia is one of the most important forms of psychiatric illness, which often affects people
during adolescence and tends to be a chronic and disabling disorder. Patients with schizophrenia
have delusions (paranoid in nature), hallucinations (often in the form of voices) and abnormal
The pathogenesis of schizophrenia is unclear but the disease has a strong genetic component and
probably reflects some fundamental biochemical abnormality, possibly an increased dopamine activity
of the mesolimbic system.

Examples of antipsychotic Drugs:

1- Phenothiazine derivatives: Chlorpromazine, promethazine.
2- Butyrophenone derivatives: Haloperidol, droperidol.
3- Newer antipsychotics : Risperidone and clozapine.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


Mechanism of Action:
All of psychotropic drugs block dopamine receptors in the brain and in the
periphery specifically D2 receptors. Some of the newer psychotropic drugs
(clozapine and risperidone) exert part of their action through inhibition of
serotonin receptors.

Pharmacokinetic Aspects:
Most antipsychotic drugs are readily but incompletely absorbed; many
undergo significant first pass metabolism. These drugs have a large volume of
distribution and are highly protein bound. They are highly lipid soluble, cross
easily into the CNS and accumulate in fatty tissues. These drugs are almost
completely metabolized and then excreted by the kidney and through bile.

Pharmacological Actions:
1. Antipsychotic effects: These are now though to be produced -at least in
part- by their ability to block dopamine D2 receptors in the mesolimbic system.
Antipsychotic drugs relieve hallucination, improve thoughts and calm the
hyperactive psychotic patients.
The therapeutic effects of antipsychotic drugs take several weeks to occur.

2. Exrapyramidal effects: Blocking of dopamine receptors in the nigrostriatal

pathway causes unwanted parkinsonian-like symptoms; rigidity and tremors
and motor restlessness. Clozapine and risperidone exhibit a low incidence of
these symptoms.

3. Antiemetic effect:

Most antipsychotic drugs have strong antiemetic

effects that are mediated by blocking D2 receptors both centrally in the

chemoreceptor trigger zone in the medulla and peripherally in the stomach.

4. Autonomic effects: Most of the antipsychotic drugs, particularly

chlorpromazine cause anticholinergic effects; including blurred vision, dry
mouth, constipation and urine retention. Blocking of adrenergic receptors
causes orthostatic hypotension and light headedness.

5. Endocrine effects: Antipsychotic drugs produce striking adverse effects on

the reproductive system. Amenorrhea-galactorrhea, falsepositive pregnancy
tests have been reported in women, whereas men have experienced
decreased libido and gynecomastia. These effects are due to blockage of

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


dopamine inhibitory effect on prolactin release from the pituitary leading to an

increase in prolactin release.

6. Other effects: Antipsychotic drugs can block H1 histaminic receptors

causing sedation and confusion. They can also alter temperature-regulating

Therapeutic Uses:
1- Treatment of schizophrenia: The traditional antipsychotic drugs are most








hallucinations and thought disorders). The newer agents with serotonin

blocking activity are effective in many patients resistant to the traditional
agents, especially in treating negative symptoms of schizophrenia (blunted
emotions and reduced ability to react with people).
2- Prevention of severe nausea and vomiting like in cases of drug-induced
3- The butyrophenone (droperidol) is used in combination with opioid
(fentanyl) in neuroleptanalgesia.
4- Due to its antihistaminic effects, promethazine is used in cases of pruritus
and as a preoperative sedative.
5- To induce hypothermia in certain major operations.
6- Chlorpromazine is used to treat intractable hicough.

Adverse Effects:
Most of the unwanted effects of antipsychotics are extension of their known
pharmacologic actions, but a few are allergic and some are idiosyncratic.
1. Extrapyramidal effects.
2. Autonomic effects: Orthostatic hypotension, impaired ejaculation and
anticholinergic adverse effects.
3. Endocrine effects: Weight gain, hyperprolactinemia in the form of
galactorrhea, amenorrhea in women and gynecomastia, changes in libido and
impotence in men.
4. Tardive dyskinesia: It is the most important adverse effect of long-treatment
with antipsychotic drugs and is characterized by involuntary movements,
including lateral jaw movements and fly-catching motions of the tongue.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


Tardive dyskinesia is postulated to result from increased number of dopamine

receptors that are synthesized in response to long-term dopamine receptor
blockade, which leads to neuronal supersensitivity to dopamine.
5. Allergic reactions: Agranulocytosis, cholestatic jaundice and skin eruptions.
6. Occular complications: Chlorpromazine causes deposits in the cornea and

Advantages of the newer antipsychotic drug " clozapine":

1. Clozapine is effective in the treatment of negative symptoms of
2. Clozapine may be effective in patients resistant to treatment with other
antipsychotics and may produce a better quality of response.
3. The incidence of extrapyramidal symptoms is lowest with clozapine.
4. Clozapine apparently does not cause tardive dyskinesia.

1- During withdrawal from alcohol or other drugs, antipsychotic drugs may
aggravate acute agitation.
2- Chlorpromazine is contraindicated in patients with seizure disorders, since
it can lower seizure threshold.

Drug Interactions:
1- Antipsychotic drugs through the -adrenoceptor blockade produce
vasodilatation and lower systemic pressure. The concomitant use of
antihypertensive agents must be noticed.
2- Phenothiazines in particular produce a quinidine-like depression of the
myocardium. Their use with antiarrhythmic drugs such as quinidine, or digitalis
glycosides could produce marked depression of the myocardium.
3- Epinephrine stimulates both adrenergic 1 and 2 receptors, providing a
balance of vasoconstrictor and vasodilator actions. With antipsychotic drug,
the 1 receptors are blocked. Thus, the effects of epinephrine on the
vasodilatory 2 receptors would predominate, resulting in hypotension.
4- Additive effects may occur when antipsychotic drugs are combined with
others that have sedative, -adrenoceptor blocking or anticholinergic effects.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System



Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders, characterized by intense feeling of
sadness, hopelessness, despair and inability to experience ordinary pleasure or to cope with ordinary
life events. There are two types of depression; unipolar and bipolar.
Unipolar depression is more common and affects old patients who are subjected to certain
circumstances associated with anxiety. The patients are usually inert. Bipolar depression develops
early in life and a hereditary factor may be involved. Bipolar depression has some features common
with schizophrenia, and patients oscillate between depression and mania.
Monoamine theory of depression suggests that depression results from deficient monoamine
(norepinephrine or/and serotonin) transmission in the CNS. Reserpine, a drug that causes depletion of
NE and 5-HT can cause depression while drugs which elevate the levels of these key
neurotransmitters in the CNS can be used in the treatment of depression.

Types of Antidepressant Drugs:

1- Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs): They closely resemble the
phenothiazines. Imipramine (Tofranil), and amitriptyline are the prototypical
drugs of the class. TCAs block the amine (NE and 5-HT) reuptake pumps,
though they have several other properties.

2- Heterocyclic antidepressants: They are also known as second- and

thirdgeneration drugs that act similarly to TCAs but may exhibit slightly
different pharmacokinetics e.g. maprotiline.

3- Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs): SSRIs are new

group of chemically unique antidepressant drugs that specifically inhibit
serotonin reuptake e.g. fluoxetine (Prozac).

4- Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors: These drugs bind to and inhibit

the actions of MAO, a mitochondrial enzyme responsible for the degradation of
catecholamines, particularly NE and serotonin e.g. tranylcypromine.

5- Lithium salts: Lithium is a mood-stabilizing agent as its main action is to

prevent mood swings in patients with bipolar affective (manicdepressive)

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


TCAs- so called because of the characteristic three-ring nucleus have been used clinically for almost
four decades.

Mechanism of Action:
TCAs inhibit the neuronal reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin into
presynaptic nerve terminals leading to an increased concentration of
monoamines in the synaptic cleft. Like phenothiazines, TCAs block adrenergic,
histamine and muscarinic receptors.
As the antidepressant action of TCAs develops after several weeks of
continued treatment, it has been suggested that monoamine receptors in the
brain may change over a 2 to 4 week period with drug use and may be
important in the onset of activity.

Pharmacokinetic Aspects:
TCAs are well absorbed upon oral administration, and because of their
lipophillic nature, are widely distributed and penetrate into the CNS. The initial
treatment period is typically 4 to 8 weeks. These drugs are metabolized by the
hepatic microsomal system and conjugated with glucuronic acid and excreted
as inactive metabolites via the kidney.

Pharmacological Actions:
TCAs elevate the mood, improve mental alertness and increase physical
activity. In non-depressed patients, TCAs cause sedation, confusion and motor
incoordination. These effects occur in the first few weeks of treatment and
disappear by the onset of the antidepressant effect. TCAs can be used for long
periods without loss of effectiveness.

Therapeutic Uses:
TCAs are effective in treating severe major depression and some panic
1- Unipolar depression.
2- Bipolar depression with lithium.
3- Together with antipsychotic drugs in the treatment of depressed psychotic

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


4- Imipramine has been used to control bed-wetting in children by causing

contraction of the internal sphincter of the bladder.

Adverse Effects:
One of the major drawbacks of most TCAs has been their many irrelevant
pharmacologic actions- a trait inherited from the phenothiazine antipsychotic
1. Anticholinergic effects: blurred vision, dry mouth, urinary retention,
constipation and aggravation of glaucoma and epilepsy.
2. Blockade of -adrenoceptors leading to orthostatic hypotension. In
clinical practice, orthostatic hypotension, reflex tachycardia and arrhythmias
are the most serious problem in the elderly.
3. Sedation, confusion and motor incoordination may be prominent
particularly in the first few weeks of treatment.
4. TCAs may cause weight gain and sexual dysfunction.
5. TCAs have narrow therapeutic index. Depressed patients tend to be
suicidal and should be given only limited quantities of these drugs and
should be monitored closely.
6. Toxic manifestations include severe anticholinergic effects, arrhythmia
(due to cardiac overstimulation by the increased catecholamine activity),
seizures, hyperpyrexia, and respiratory depression.

Treatment of TCAs Toxicity:

1. Gastric lavage with activated charcoal.
2. Antiarrhythmic drugs with the least depressant effect on cardiac conduction
e.g. lidocaine, propranolol, and phenytoin.
3. Physostigmine i.v. to reverse the severe anticholinergic symptoms and to
treat supra-ventricular arrhythmia.
4. Sodium bicarbonate and i.v. potassium chloride to restore acid-base
balance and to correct hypokalemia.

TCAs are contraindicated in:
1- Patients with prostate hypertrophy.
2- Patients with hyperthyroidism.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


3- Patients with pheochromocytoma.

4- Patients suffering from seizures.

Drug Interactions:
1. Additive sedative effects with other CNS depressants especially alcohol.
Small amount of alcohol in patients taking TCAs may cause severe
respiratory depression and death.
2. Additive







antipsychotic drugs.
3. TCAs are strongly bound to plasma proteins, their effects are enhanced by
competing drugs e.g. aspirin.
Antidepressants dont cause addiction.
They have delayed effect.
Fluoxetine is relatively safe in pregnancy.


SSRIs are new group of chemically unique antidepressant drugs that
specifically inhibit serotonin reuptake. This contrasts with TCAs which
nonselectively inhibit the uptake of NE and 5-HT, and block muscarinic, H1
histamine, 1-adrenergic receptors.

Pharmacological Actions:
Fluoxetine is the prototype of SSRIs. It is as effective in the treatment of major
depression as TCAs. However, it inhibits various drug-metabolizing enzymes,
which has led to a number of significant drug interactions.
Other antidepressants that primarily inhibit serotonin reuptake include
sertraline and fluvoxamine but they differ from fluoxetine in their relative effects
on the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine.

Therapeutic Uses:
1- Treatment of depression and panic disorders.
2- Obsessive-compulsive disorders.
3- Some eating disorders especially bulimia.
4- Pain associated with diabetic neuropathy.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


5- Anorexia nervosa.
6- Premature ejaculation.

Advantages of SSRIS:
SSRIs lack many of the adverse effects of tricyclic antidepressants
(anticholinergic, cardiovascular effects, weight gain) and MAO inhibitors (food
and drug interactions). SSRIs are much safer in overdose.

Adverse Effects:
SSRIs may cause nausea, headache, insomnia, fatigue, and sexual
dysfunction (delayed ejaculation).

Drug Interactions:
A dangerous pharmacodynamic interaction may occur when fluoxetine is used
in the presence of MAO inhibitors. The combination of increased stores of the
monoamine plus inhibition of reuptake after release- is thought to result in
marked increase of serotonin in the synapses leading to the serotonin
syndrome which is potentially lethal and must be avoided. This syndrome is
characterized by hyperthermia, muscle rigidity, agitation, hypotension and


Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are either hydrazides e.g. phenelzine
which, combine irreversibly with the enzyme and are no longer marketed or
non-hydrazides e.g. tranylcypromine that reversibly combines with the enzyme
however, it has a prolonged action.
MAO-A is the amine oxidase primarily responsible for NE, 5-HT and tyramine
metabolism. MAO-B is more selective for dopamine. These drugs bind to and
inhibit the action of MAO-A resulting in elevated levels of both NE and
serotonin. Older MAOIs are non-selective inhibitors of both MAO-A and

Therapeutic Uses:
MAOIs are helpful in patients with atypical depression. Depressed patients
with considerable anxiety and phobic features are the ones who respond best
to these drugs. The therapeutic effects of MAOIs may take up to 4 weeks to be

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


Use of MAOIs is now limited because of the complicated dietary restrictions

required of patients taking MAOIs.

Adverse effects:
MAOIs may cause sleep disturbances, orthostatic hypotension, sexual
dysfunction, weight gain as well as dangerous and even fatal interactions with
other drugs or certain food.

Drug Interactions:
1- Tyramine-induced hypertension: Many kinds of food and beverages (e.g.
wine, beer, chicken liver, aged cheese) contain tyramine, which is
normally degraded in the gut by MAO-A. Since the enzyme is inhibited by
MAOIs, tyramine from ingested food is absorbed, and then taken up into
adrenergic neurons, where it is converted into octopamine -a false
transmitter. This results in a massive release of NE and may result in
hypertensive crisis.
2- The use of MAO inhibitors with TCAs causes elevated levels of NE and
hypertensive crisis.
3- Concurrent use of a MAOI and fluoxetine may lead to the serotonin
4- With local anaesthetics (often contain a sympathomimetic drug) or cold
medications (which contain pseudoephedrine or ephedrine). These drugs









catecholamines produced by MAOIs.

5- MAOIs with pethidine may lead to abnormal syndrome characterized by
hyperpyrexia, irritability, hypotension and coma probably due to an
abnormal pethidine metabolite resulting from the inhibition of the normal
demethylation pathway by MAOIs.

Mechanism of action
The mode of action is unknown but it is proposed that lithium acts by altering
the cellular concentration of the second messenger inositol triphosphate (IP3).

Therapeutic uses
Lithium salts (e.g. carbonate or citrate) are used in:

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


1. Manic-depressive patients.
2. Manic episodes of bipolar disorders
3. Mania and hypomania
4. Preventing relapse of depression.
Lithium at therapeutic concentrations is devoid of autonomic blocking effects
and of activating or sedating effects.
NB. Lithium has a narrow therapeutic margin so plasma level monitoring is

Adverse Effects:
1. Neurological:







2. Renal: polydipsia and polyuria (nephrogenic diabetes insipidus).
3. Cardiac: the bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome.
4. Edema due to sodium retention.
5. Enlargement of thyroid gland with decreased function.


Stimulation of CNS can be produced in men and animals by a large number of natural and synthetic
substances. As a group, the CNS stimulants have few clinical uses, but some are important as drugs
of abuse.

Drugs which cause CNS stimulation fall into three broad categories:
1. Convulsants and respiratory stimulants.
2. Psychomotor stimulants.
3. Psychotomimetic drugs (hallucinogens).
N.B. Anatomically, CNS stimulants were divided into; spinal cord, brain stem, and cerebral cortex


They are also called analeptics and act mainly on brain stem and spinal cord.
They mainly stimulate the respiratory and vasomotor centers in the brain stem
but have little effect on the mental function. They are used in patients with
terminal coma and in respiratory failure. Unfortunately, the margin of safety of

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


these drugs is narrow and unpredictable. In high doses, most of the analeptics
are capable of producing generalized convulsions.

Mechanism of Action:
The mechanism of action of most of CNS stimulant drugs is unclear.
Generally, there is a balance between excitatory and inhibitory influences,
which normally maintain the CNS functions. Drugs can increase excitability
either by blocking the inhibition (inhibitory transmitter) or by enhancing

Examples of analeptics:
1- Nikethamide (Couramine): It is available in aqueous solution for oral use
or parenteral administration to stimulate the VMC and RC. Nikethamide is
of short-term duration and large doses may cause convulsions.

2- Doxapram: A safe analeptic that can be used to stimulate respiration in

post-anesthetic period. Doxapram is of short duration of action and
therefore, it is administered by i.v. infusion in patients with acute respiratory

3- Strychnine: Strychnine is an alkaloid found in the seeds of an Indian tree,

and was used as a poison. It is of no important therapeutic value but is
used as a pharmacological tool in laboratories.
Mechanism of Action:

Strychnine blocks the receptors for glycine which is the main inhibitory
transmitter acting on motor neurons this will lead to increased reflex excitability
of the spinal cord.
Any sensory stimulus, will initiate asymmetrical, uncoordinated tonic
convulsions of all limbs that affect the most powerful muscles acting at a given
joint. The back is arched, the neck is thrown backwards and the face shows a
bitter smile.

Death occurs due to involvement of the respiratory muscles,

respiration ceases and medullary paralysis occurs due to the hypoxia.

Treatment of Strychnine Poisoning:

1. Transfer the patient to quiet dark room under the supervision of well-trained
staff. Any external stimulus must be avoided.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


2. Thiopental i.v. in small repeated doses to stop convulsions. Mephensin (a

central muscle relaxant) may be used.
3. Gastric lavage with 0.5% potassium permanganate or 2% tannic acid
solution to remove the alkaloid from the stomach.
4. Artificial respiration and O2 inhalation.

These drugs have marked effect on the mental function and behavior; they
produce excitement, euphoria, reduced fatigue, and increased motor activity.
Some are drugs of abuse.
Examples: methylxanthines, amphetamines, and cocaine.

A. Methylxanthines
These include theophylline found in tea, theobromine found in cocoa, and
caffeine. Caffeine, the most widely consumed stimulant in the world, is found
in highest concentrations in coffee but is also present in tea, cola drinks,
chocolate candy and cocoa.

Mechanism of Action:
Methylxanthines act by several mechanisms including:
1. Translocation of extracellular calcium.
2. Inhibition of phosphodiesterase leading to increases in cyclic adenosine
monophosphate (cAMP) and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP).

Pharmacological Effects:
1. Central nervous system:One or two cups of coffee (100-200 mg) cause;
diminished fatigue, insomnia, improved concentration and a clear flow of
thoughts. Higher doses cause anxiety and tremors.
2. Cardiovascular system:Therapeutic doses of caffeine have no effect on
the heart but a high dose has inotropic and chronotropic effects.
3. Gastrointestinal tract: All methylxanthines stimulate secretion of HCl from
the gastric mucosa.
4. Smooth muscles: Relaxation of smooth muscles especially the bronchial
muscle (theophylline).

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


5. Kidney:Caffeine has a mild diuretic action and it increases urinary output of

sodium, chloride, and potassium

Methylxanthines are well absorbed orally; caffeine distributes throughout the
body, including the brain, crosses the placenta to the fetus and is secreted into
the mothers milk. All methylxanthines are metabolized in the liver and the
metabolites are excreted in the urine.

Therapeutic Uses:
1- Caffeine: In combination with salicylates to relief simple headache and in
combination with ergotamine to relief migraine. To stimulate the depressed
CNS in case of alcohol ingestion.
2- Theophylline: In cases of bronchial asthma, biliary colics, congestive heart
failure and cardiac edema.

Adverse Effects:
Moderate doses of caffeine cause insomnia and agitation. Xanthines cause
tolerance and habituation. Irritability and headache occur in users who have
routinely consumed more than 600 mg of caffeine per day and then suddenly
stop it.

Contraindications: Cardiac arrhythmia, peptic ulcer, and angina pectoris.

B. Amphetamine
It is a sympathomimetic acting by releasing intracellular stores of
catecholamines (mainly NE and dopamine) into synaptic spaces. (refer to
pharmacology of autonomic nervous system)

C. Cocaine
Cocaine is an inexpensive, widely available and highly addictive drug. Cocaine
acts by blocking NE, 5-HT and dopamine reuptake by nerve terminals. This
block potentiates and prolongs the CNS and peripheral actions of these

Central effects of cocaine are similar to amphetamine but of short duration, it

causes both strong psychological and physical dependence. Cocaine has local
anaesthetic effect and is occasionally used in ophthalmic anaesthesia.

Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


Peripheral effects of cocaine include tachycardia, hypertension, pupillary

dilatation, and peripheral vasoconstriction. Cocaine is the only local anesthetic
that causes vasoconstriction, which causes necrosis and perforation of the
nasal septum seen in association with chronic inhalation of cocaine powder.

Psychotomimetic drugs or hallucinogens produce profound changes in thought
patterns and mood, with little effect on the brain stem and spinal cord. They
cause sensory changes, hallucination, and dissociation from the surrounding.
Examples of hallucinogens; lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), cannabis, and
phencyclidine. LSD may precipitate schizophrenia in susceptible people.

III. Anti-Epileptic Drugs And Drugs Used In

Learning objectives:
By the end of these topics, the student will be able to:
1. Recognize the drug(s) of choice in grand-mal and petit-mal epilepsy
2. State the mechanism of action, indications and side effects of major anti-epileptic
3. Outline the management of status epilepticus.
4. Describe preanaesthetic medication.
5. Recognize the differences among inhalational anaesthetic agents in rate of
induction and rate of recovery.
6. List intravenous anaesthetic agents
7. Discuss the therapeutic advantages and disadvantages and toxicity of some
inhalational and intravenous anaesthetic agents.
8. List the main side effects of local anaesthetic agents.

[1] Anti-epileptic drugs

Epilepsy is a recurrent, sudden, transient, excessive discharge of cerebral neurons without any
immediate provoking cause resulting in abnormal movements and/or sensory perceptions (seizure).
The clinical manifestations depend on the site of the discharge. In partial (localized) epilepsy, the
discharge starts in a localized area of the brain and may remain localized or spread to affect the whole
brain (secondary generalization). In generalized epilepsy, the abnormal discharge affects the whole of
the brain from the onset (Table 10.1). Identification of the type of seizure is a useful guide to therapy.

Chapter 10. Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


Table 1: Types of epilepsy and characteristics of seizures

Type of epilepsy

Characteristics of Seizure

Grand mal

Unconsciousness, convulsions, muscle rigidity

Brief loss of consciousness
Sporadic (isolated) jerking movements
Repetitive, rhythmic jerking movements
Muscle stiffness, rigidity
Loss of muscle tone

[1] Simple (awareness is
Motor symptoms
Sensory symptoms
Autonomic symptoms
Psychologic symptoms
[2] Complex (impairment of
[3] Partial seizure that
becomes generalized

Jerking, muscle rigidity, spasms, head-turning

Unusual sensations affecting vision, hearing, smell,
taste or touch
Stomach sensation
Memory or emotional disturbances
Automatisms such chewing, walking and other
repetitive movements
Begins as partial (simple or complex) and progress
into grand mal seizure

The epileptic seizure probably arises from a local imbalance between







neurotransmission, mediated by gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which

leads to a focus of neuronal instability.
Most antiepileptic drugs act either by blockade of depolarizing ion channels, or
by enhancing the inhibitory actions of GABA.

Carbamazepine is structurally related to the tricyclic anti-depressants.

Mechanism of action
1. Use-dependent


of Na+ channels, which reduces


excitability, is the main mechanism of action.

2. Suppresses repetitive neuronal firing.
3. Reduces propagation of abnormal impulses in brain.
4. Attenuates action and release of glutamate (excitatory neurotransmitter).

Absorption of carbamazepine is slow and incomplete after oral administration.

Chapter 10. Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


Therapeutic uses:
1. Carbamazepine is useful in most types of epilepsy, except myoclonic
epilepsy or absence seizures. These types of epileptic fit can be
exacerbated by carbamazepine. It is particularly effective for treatment
of partial and secondarily generalized tonic-clonic seizures (Drug of
2. Neuropathic pain (e.g. trigeminal neuralgia.)
3. Mood stabilizer in manic-depressive patients.

Side effects

GIT upset.

Skin rashes.

CNS toxicity leads to double vision, drowsiness or confusion. Ataxia

can occur at high doses.

Transient leucopenia is common, especially early in treatment.

Hyponatremia may occur by potentiating the action of antidiuretic


Teratogenicity is common.

Induction of hepatic P450 with carbamazepine. The most common

interaction is with the oral contraceptive pill, and the dose of oestrogen
should be increased to avoid failure of contraception. The metabolism of
warfarin and cyclosporin are also accelerated.

Phenytoin (diphenylhydantoin)
Mechanism of action



of Na+ channels, which reduces


excitability, is the main mechanism of action

Blockade of L-type Ca2+ channels

Potentiation of GABA action at GABAA receptors.

Therapeutic uses:
1. Phenytoin is effective against all forms of epilepsy, except

Chapter 10. Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


2. Phenytoin is sometimes used in the management of neuropathic pain

and for cardiac arrhythmias (Class IB).

1. Phenytoin is well, but slowly, absorbed from the gut. Slow intravenous
injection can be used if a rapid onset of action is needed. Intramuscular
injection of phenytoin should be avoided since absorption by this route is
poor and muscle damage can occur.
2. Phenytoin is highly protein bound (about 90%). The concentration of
phenytoin in saliva reflects the free drug concentration in plasma and can
be useful to adjust the clinical effect.
3. Phenytoin





metabolism. At low plasma

concentrations, elimination is first order which means that rate of

metabolism is proportional to plasma conconcentration.
4. At high blood concentration, maximal capacity of liver metabolism is
reached (saturation of enzymes) and elimination becomes zero order. As
a result:
1. t1/2 becomes
2. further in dose marked blood level .
3. Drug toxicity may occur.

Side effects
Most unwanted effects of these drugs are dose-related:
1. Nausea or vomiting.
2. Impaired brainstem and cerebellar function, producing confusion,
nystagmus, blurred vision, ataxia, and dysarthria (signs of overdosage).
3. Chronic connective tissue effects: gum hyperplasia, coarsening of
facial features, hirsutism and acne (for this reason, it is usual to avoid
phenytoin in young women or adolescents)
4. Skin rashes.

Chapter 10. Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


5. Folic acid deficiency: folic acid metabolism is increased by phenytoin

producing megaloblastic haemopoesis, although anaemia is rare.
6. Vitamin D deficiency as a result of increased vitamin D metabolism; in
rare cases, this can produce osteomalacia
7. Teratogenic effects, including facial and digital malformations; these
occur in up to 10% of pregnancies
8. Induction of P450 predisposes to several drug interactions; in particular,
the metabolism of warfarin and cyclosporin is increased.

Mechanism of action
1. Use-dependent inhibition of neuronal Na+ channels (like carbamazepine
and phenytoin)
2. It interferes with synthesis of glutamate and aspartate.
3. Reduces glutamate release, possibly through inhibition of voltagesensitive Ca+2 channels.

Lamotrigine is well absorbed orally and half-life is long

Therapeutic Use
It is effective for partial and generalized seizures. In patients with newly
diagnosed partial or generalized seizures, lamotrigine alone was as effective
as carbamazepine or phenytoin, and better tolerated.









carbamazepine), particularly severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy.

Side effects
1. Influenza-like symptoms.
2. Skin rashes particularly with rapid dose escalation. It is recommended
to stop the drug.
3. Gastrointestinal disturbances, including vomiting.
4. CNS effects: drowsiness, headache and ataxia can be troublesome at
high dosages.

Chapter 10. Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


Sodium valproate
Mechanism of action
1. Use-dependent blockade of Na+ channels.
2. Potentiation of GABA by enhanced synthesis and release as well as
reduced degradation.
3. Attenuation of the excitatory action of glutamate.
4. Inhibition of T-type Ca2+ channels

Sodium valproate is well absorbed from the gut. To reduce gastric upset,
tablets should be taken with food. The half-life is long. Also, there is an
intravenous preparation for rapid seizure control.

Therapeutic Uses
[I] Epilepsy:
It is effective for all forms of epilepsy e.g.
1. Primary and secondary generalized tonic-clonic seizures.
2. Absence seizures
3. Complex partial seizures
4. Myoclonic
5. Atonic
6. It is highly effective in treating photosensitive epilepsy (photosensitive
epilepsy precipitated by viewing a television from too close a distance)
[II] Other uses:
1. Bipolar disorder and mania
2. Prophylaxis of migraine
3. Neuropathic pain
NB: The

full benefit of treatment may be delayed by several weeks.

Side effects:
1. Pancreatitis: serum amylase should be measured if symptoms such as
abdominal pain or nausea and vomiting arise.
2. Weight gain caused by appetite stimulation.
3. Transient hair loss, with re-growth of curly hair.

Chapter 10. Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System

4. CNS








encephalopathy and coma.

5. Thrombocytopenia or impaired platelet activity.
6. Severe hepatotoxicity can develop in children under 3 years of age or
those who are receiving multiple drug therapy for seizures.
7. Teratogenicity.
8. Inhibition of P450 leading to interactions with other antiepileptic drugs.

Mechanism of action
In absence seizures, T-type Ca2+ channels are believed to generate excessive
activity in thalamo-cortical relay neurons. Ethosuximide inhibits these channels
and prevents neuronal firing.

Therapeutic Uses
Ethosuximide is a drug of choice in absence seizures. It is ineffective in other
types of epilepsy.

Side effects
1. Anorexia, nausea and vomiting (less frequent if the drug is taken with
food and if the dose is gradually increased)
2. CNS disturbances
3. Skin rashes
4. Agranulocytosis and aplastic anaemia are rare complications
5. Teratogenicity.

Phenobarbital and Primidone

These drugs are effective in most forms of epilepsy, but side effects limit their
use. The antiepileptic activity of primidone is partly due to its metabolite
phenobarbital. (refer to barbiturates)

Clonazepam and diazepam
These drugs enhance the inhibitory action of GABA. Clonazepam is used
orally for prophylaxis, usually with other drugs. Diazepam or clonazepam can
be used intravenously to treat fits.

Chapter 10. Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


Side effects
1. Partial









benzodiazepines often occurs after about 4-6 months of continuous

2. Withdrawal symptoms can occur after abrupt discontinuation.

Antiepileptic drugs for adjunctive treatment:

Gabapentin, vigabatrin and others

Prophylaxis from seizures

Treatment should begin with a single drug, the choice depending on the type
of epilepsy (see table below). If the type of epilepsy is uncertain, then sodium
valproate is often recommended, since it has the broadest spectrum of activity.
If seizures are not controlled with the first-choice drug, a second single drug
should then be tried while the first is gradually withdrawn.
Type of seizure

Choice among drugs

Partial seizures:
Carbamazepine or phenytoin or valproate or lamotrigine.
Generalised seizures:
Tonic-clonic (grand mal)

Valproate or carbamazepine
or phenytoin or lamotrigine




Ethosuximide or valproate



Once started, treatment should usually be continued for at least 2-3 years after
the last seizure. If there is a continuing predisposing condition or the person
wishes to drive, treatment should probably be life-long. If withdrawal is
undertaken, then it should be gradual, in order to minimise the risk of rebound
seizures; when several drugs are used, one should be withdrawn at a time.

Chapter 10. Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


Treatment of epileptic fit

1. Maintaining the airways and ensuring adequate oxygenation
2. Prolonged or repetitive seizures (status epilepticus) usually require
urgent parenteral drug treatment. Intravenous lorazepam is the drug
of choice; diazepam can be used but has a shorter duration of action.
Close observation for signs of drug-induced respiratory depression
should be maintained after giving a benzodiazepine.
3. If there is no response after 30 min, or seizures recur, then a slow IV
injection of phenytoin or a more rapid injection of fosphenytoin or
phenobarbital should be given.
4. If seizures are still not controlled with these measures, then full
anaesthesia using thiopental or propofol with assisted respiration in an
intensive care unit will be necessary.

Febrile seizures in children:

Children who have experienced convulsions associated with a febrile illness
have an increased risk of becoming epileptic. If anti-convulsant therapy is
indicated, the drug of choice is phenobarbital. If needed carbamazepine could
be added.

Antiepileptic drugs in pregnancy

1. No anticonvulsant is safe in pregnancy.
2. Neural tube defects occur with carbamazepine and sodium valproate (1-2%
of pregnancies), and other developmental abnormalities occur with
3. It is important to advise a potential mother with epilepsy that the risks of
uncontrolled seizures during pregnancy, both to her and to the fetus, may
be greater than the risk associated with drug therapy.

Women taking antiepileptic drugs who wish to become pregnant should be informed about the

risk and offered antenatal screening during pregnancy, with -fetoprotein measurement (to detect
neural tube defects) and second-trimester ultrasound scanning.

Chapter 10. Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


[2] General anesthetics

General anaesthesia is a state of:
1. loss of sensation,
2. controllable reversible loss of consciousness and,
3. skeletal muscle relaxation.

Four stages of anaesthesia are known:

Stage I (analgesia): loss of sensation but patient is still alert and speaking.
Stage II (Excitement): CNS excitation+ BP (irregular) + respiratory rate +
release of subconscious emotions.
Stage III (surgical anaesthesia): regular respiration + relaxed skeletal
muscles + progressive decrease in eye reflexes till eye movement stops and
pupil is fixed
Stage IV (Medullary paralysis): fatal depression of RC and VMC.

Classification of general anesthetic agents:

1. Inhaled volatile agents: They are hydrocarbons. They are suitable for
maintaining the anesthetic state as long as the surgical procedure is
going on. In the past, anaesthesia was induced and maintained by
inhalation of a volatile agent alone. If this method is used, the patient
passes through the previously mentioned stages (I-III) during induction
and recovery of which the excitation stage (stage II) is undesirable.
Nowadays, this is overcome by using a bolus of intravenous anesthetic
for induction (see below), followed by an inhalation anesthetic for
maintenance. In children, this is less problematic and anaesthesia is
often both induced and maintained with an inhalational anaesthetic
2. IV anesthetic drugs: General intravenous anaesthesia can be used for
short surgical procedures. For longer procedures, an IV anesthetic
agent is used for rapid induction followed by an inhalational agent.

Chapter 10. Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


Pre-anaesthetic medications.
These are drugs used to facilitate smooth induction of anaesthesia and help to
lower the dose and side effects of anesthetic drugs. According to
circumstances, pre-medication may involve any combination of the following
drugs (i.e. balanced general anaesthesia):
1. Benzodiazepines or barbiturates to induce sedation and to relieve
2. H1 blockers (anti-allergic) and H2 blockers (to reduce gastric acidity).
3. Anti-emetic e.g. metoclopramide.
4. Opioid analgesics e.g. morphine or pethidine
5. An anticholinergic e.g. scopolamine for prevention of bradycardia and to
decrease airway secretions.

Mechanism of action of general anaesthetic agents

1. It is suggested that incorporation of the anaesthetic into cell membrane
phospholipids alters cell membrane fluidity.
2. Anaesthetic agents may also enhance action of GABAA and glycine
receptors and inhibit central actions of acetylcholine, serotonin, and
NB. Resumption of consciousness (reversal of anaesthesia) occurs when the intravenous anesthetic
is redistributed out of CNS or metabolized, or when an inhalational anesthetic is redistributed out of
CNS or exhaled. Residual neuromuscular blockade may need reversal with neostigmine ( refer to
pharmacology of ANS; Ch. 2).

Intravenous anaesthetics
1. Thiopental
2. Ketamine
3. Propofol

Chapter 10. Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


Properties of IV anaesthetics



Pharmacological properties
1. IV barbiturate.
2. Short duration of
anaesthesia (about


than other IV anesthetics.

2. It



2-5 min).

1. Slower onset & recovery



1. Rapid induction.
2. Rapid





recovery with propofol than


with other IV anesthetics.




3. Postoperative



but slow recovery



vomiting are less than with

(sedation up to 24

feel pain. In addition, there

other agents. Propofol has an


is sedation, amnesia and

anti-emetic action.

4. Potent


but no analgesic



4. It can be used by IV infusion

3. Good analgesia.
4. Associated





anaesthesia or for up to 3

bronchodilator effect due

days in conscious patients

to sympathetic outflow.



ventilation (for sedation) in

intensive care unit.

1. No analgesia

1. sympathetic outflow

2. Little Sk.m. relaxation

cardiac stimulation &

causes pain at injection

3. BP & bradycardia

BP. (contraindicated in

site that may be minimized


4. Laryngospasm, apnea, hypertensives or those with

cough, bronchospasm

No analgesic


action &




veins or by first injecting

2. cerebral blood flow




hallucinations &







Chapter 10. Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


Inhalational anesthetics
Inhaled anesthetics are given with oxygen to avoid hypoxia during








inhalational agent can be used to maintain anaesthesia.

Properties of some inhalational anesthetics



Volatile hydrocarbons

Nitrous oxide





& Slow


Very rapid



1. risk


No risk

No risk

No risk

No risk

2. sensitivity to

Hepatotoxicity risk
(but not in children)


1- Of choice in

1. good muscle

1. Rapid onset &


children (pleasant




2. Rapid recovery

2. Good

2. Good for asthmatic

3. No sensitization to




Halothane (Fluothane): an old but still used inhalational agent for mask
induction in children, because it is the least irritant volatile agent.

Enflurane: old and not recommended because of its powerful cardiac and
respiratory depressant actions.

Isoflurane has largely replaced halothane and enflurane because it offers the
most rapid induction and recovery and has little post-anesthetic organ toxicity

Chapter 10. Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


Desflurane has partly replaced isoflurane because it permits more rapid

induction and recovery from anaesthesia and more rapid adjustment of
anesthetic depth during the procedure. It can cause laryngospasm (i.e. irritant)
in children and was not approved for pediatric induction .

Sevoflurane is widely used for children as it has a pleasant odor, an

advantage when using it for induction by mask.

Nitrous oxide is not sufficiently potent to be used alone, but it has the
advantage of producing analgesia and is often used in combination with other
anesthetics, thus reducing the required dose of the other agent.

Intravenous opioids e.g. fentanyl is given for induction of anaesthesia, for

intra-operative analgesia and to reduce the dose of anaesthetic agents. (see
opioid analgesics)

Side effects of inhalational anaesthetics

A number of unwanted effects are common to most clinically useful inhaled
anaesthetics; however, each agent also has additional unwanted effects.

Cardiovascular system. Most agents, particularly halothane, depress

myocardial contractility and produce bradycardia by interfering with
transmembrane calcium flux. This decreases cardiac output and blood
pressure. Halothane also sensitizes the heart to catecholamines, which
can lead to arrhythmias. Inhaled anaesthetics often increase cerebral blood
flow, which can exacerbate an elevated intracranial pressure.

Respiratory system. All agents depress the response of the respiratory

centre in the medulla to carbon dioxide and hypoxia. Some agents, e.g.
isoflurane, are irritant and can cause coughing and laryngospasm if used
for induction.

Liver. Most agents decrease liver blood flow. Mild hepatic dysfunction
because of specific hepatic toxicity is common after treatment with
halothane. However, about 1 in 30000 people will develop severe hepatic
necrosis following the use of halothane, especially after repeated exposure
within 3-months. This is because of interaction of reactive metabolites with

Chapter 10. Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


cellular proteins, which initiate an autoimmune reaction. Hepatotoxicity has

resulted in the decreased use of halothane, and avoidance of repeat use
within 3 months.

Kidney. Both renal blood flow and renal vascular resistance decrease,
resulting in a reduced glomerular filtration rate.

Uterus. There is relaxation of the uterus, which may increase the risk of
haemorrhage if anaesthesia is used in labour. Nitrous oxide has less effect
on uterine muscle compared with the other agents.

Skeletal muscle. Most agents produce some muscle relaxation, which

enhances the activity of neuromuscular blocking drugs.







postoperative nausea and vomiting. This may be most pronounced with

nitrous oxide.

Postoperative shivering. This occurs in up to 65% of those recovering

from general anaesthesia. The aetiology is unclear.

Malignant hyperthermia. (refer to pharmacology of ANS)

Local anesthetics
A local anesthetic is an agent that interrupts pain impulses in a specific region
of the body without loss of patient consciousness.

Chemical structure of local anesthetics

Chapter 10. Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


Mechanism of action
Local anesthetics block nerve conduction:
1. By interacting directly with specific receptors on neuronal Na+ channels,
inhibiting Na+ ion influx.
2. By impairing propagation of the action potential in the axons.

Factors affecting onset, intensity, and duration of neural blockade

1. Lipid solubility: a lipophilic local anesthetic is more potent because it is
easier to cross nerve membranes. This property is determined by the
aromatic portion of the molecule.
2. Protein binding: local anesthetics with a higher degree of protein binding
have a prolonged duration of action.
3. The pKa: The pKa is the pH at which 50% of the local anesthetic is in the
ionized form and 50% is in the unionized form. All local anesthetics are
weak bases with pKa = 8-9:
Local anesthetics with pKa close to physiologic pH are associated with a
greater fraction of the molecules existing in the unionized form = more
penetration across nerve membranes = faster onset. (Small gap between
pH and pKa)
Local infection (acidosis) increases the ionized drug fraction which means
less drug will be available to penetrate across membranes and bind to
intracellular local anesthetic receptors on Na+ channels = slower onset.
(Increased gap between pH and pKa)
4. Dose: Increasing dose of the anaesthetric will increase the duration of the

Chapter 10. Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


Classification and main differences between local anesthetics:



Have an ester (-COO- ) link Has an amide (-NHCO-) link

between the aromatic group and between the aromatic group


the amino terminal.

and the amino terminal.

Procaine: short acting

Tetracaine: long acting

Benzocaine: Topical gel or

Lidocaine: has fast onset

(topical, injection & spray).


Mepivacaine & Prilocaine:




active topically

Etidocaine: fast onset, long

duration, muscle relaxation.



slowly from cardiac Na+




NB. Amides have two (i)s in their


Few minutes

Few hours

Metabolism By plasma pseudocholinestrase. By the liver.




metabolite & a common cause





between Rare

allergic esters is also high).


Side effects
[1] Local:
Irritation and inflammation at the site of administration.

Chapter 10. Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


Local anesthetics produce vasodilatation but local ischaemia may arise

from a co-administered vasoconstrictor, therefore this should be avoided
in the extremities such as the digits.
Cocaine, which blocks noradrenaline reuptake by noradrenergic
neurons (uptake 1), produces intense vasoconstriction and has a longer
duration of action. Cocaine is restricted to topical use in otolaryngeal
procedures, to produce vasoconstriction and reduce mucosal bleeding.
(never used by injection)
[2] Systemic:
Cardiovascular collapse owing to systemic vasodilatation and a negative
inotropic effect. Cardiotoxicity with serious arrhythmias is a particular
problem with bupivacaine.
In the central nervous system (CNS), local anaesthetics can produce
dizziness, then sedation and loss of consciousness. Severe reactions
can be accompanied by convulsions. Metabolites of lidocaine can cause
generalised excitation and convulsions.
True allergy is rare, but can occur with procaine and tetracaine, related
to their metabolism to para-amino-benzoic acid.
Techniques of administration
1. Surface administration: High concentrations (up to 10%) of drug in an oily vehicle can slowly
penetrate the skin or mucous membranes to give a small localised area of anaesthesia.
2. Infiltration anaesthesia: A local injection of local anesthetic solution, sometimes with a
vasoconstrictor, produces a local field of anaesthesia. The anesthetic effect produced is more
efficient than surface anaesthesia. This technique is extensively used in dentistry.
3. Peripheral nerve block anaesthesia: Injection of solution around a nerve trunk.
4. Epidural anaesthesia: Injection or slow infusion via a cannula adjacent to, but outside the dura
mater. This technique is used extensively in obstetrics.
5. Spinal anaesthesia: Injection into lumbar subarachnoid space, usually between the third and
fourth lumbar vertebrae. Spinal and epidural anaesthesia can be used together, often using an
opioid (fentanyl) alone or in combination with a local anesthetic.

6. Intravenous regional anaesthesia (Bier block): Local anaesthetic injected into a vein of a limb
after application of a tourniquet. The resultant anaesthesia is produced by direct diffusion of the
local anesthetic from the vessels into the nearby nerves. It is used for manipulation of fractures or
surgery on wrist, hand and fingers.

Chapter 10. Drugs Acting On The Central Nervous System


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