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Types of Poetry

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Types of Poetry


Many people have heard about haiku. In fact, most of us are instructed at one point
or another-usually in elementary school or high school-to write one of our very
own. Even if you did that, do you remember what this type of poem actually is?
Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry which is composed of three non rhyming lines.
The first and third lines have five syllables each and the second line has seven
syllables. They often express feelings and thoughts about nature; however, you
could write a poem about any subject that you would like to in this form. Perhaps
the most famous Haiku is Basho's Old Pond.


One of the poetic favorites is pastoral poetry because it elicits such wonderful
senses of peace and harmony. Examples of this form include Keats' Ode on a
Grecian Urn, which is also a type of ode.
Like the haiku, nature is often at the center of these types of poems as well. In
general, pastoral poetry will focus on describing a rural place, but the terms will be
Many pastoral poems are written about shepherds. They are written as a series of
rhyming couplets.

Are you familiar with the term "ballad"? You probably are, because people
sometimes refer to songs-particularly romantic ones-as ballads. In fact, ballad
poems are frequently sung-or at least they are intended to be sung-and they are
often about love.

Often, these ballads will tell stories and they tend to be of a mystical nature. As a
song does, ballads tend to have a refrain that repeats at various intervals

We decided to place a focus on imagery poems because of the immense power that
they possess. Many, many poems can be classified as imagery poems; however,
some are better at the task than others.
Individuals who often write imagery-based poems are known as Imagists.
These types of poems work to draw a picture in the mind of the reader, in order to
give an extremely powerful image of what the writer is talking about. They work to
intensify the senses of the reader

Epic Poem
One of the longest types of poems is known as the epic poem, which has been
around for thousands of years.
Technically a type of narrative poem, which tells a story, epic poems usually tell
the story of a mythical warrior and the great things that he accomplished in all of
his journeys such as The Odyssey and The Iliad.
Epic poetry began as folk stories that were passed down from generation to
generation, which were then later written into long form.
One of the oldest epic poems is actually one of the oldest pieces of written
literature in the world. It is called the Epic of Gilgamesh and dates back to 1800

Because poems can express a wide variety of emotions, there are sad forms of
poetry as well as happy ones. One of these sad forms is known as an elegy.

Elegies express a lament, often over the death of a loved one. This makes elegies
especially popular for funerals. Some elegies are written not only to be read out
loud; they can be put to music and sung.
One of the most famous types of poetry, the sonnet, has been
popular with authors from Dante to Shakespeare.
A sonnet contains 14 lines, typically with two rhyming stanzas
known as a rhyming couplet at the end.
There are several types of sonnets, including:
Italian (also known as Petrarchan)
English or Shakespearean sonnet

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