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Practice Parameter for the Assessment and Treatment

of Children and Adolescents With Bipolar Disorder

This practice parameter reviews the literature on the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with bipolar
disorder. The parameter focuses primarily on bipolar 1 disorder because that is the type most often studied in juveniles.
The presentation of bipolar disorder in youth, especially children, is often considered atypical compared with that of the
classic adult disorder, which is characterized by distinct phases of mania and depression. Children who receive a
diagnosis of bipolar disorder in community settings typically present with rapid fluctuations in mood and behavior, often
associated with comorbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and disruptive behavior disorders. Thus, at this time it is
not clear whether the atypical forms of juvenile mania and the classic adult form of the disorder represent the same illness.
The question of diagnostic continuity has important treatment and prognostic implications. Although more controlled trials
are needed, mood stabilizers and atypical antipsychotic agents are generally considered the first line of treatment.
Although patients may respond to monotherapy, combination pharmacotherapy is necessary for some youth. Behavioral
and psychosocial therapies are also generally indicated for juvenile mania to address disruptive behavior problems and the
impact of the illness on family and community functioning. J. Am. Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry, 2007;46(1):107Y125.
Key Words: bipolar disorder, mood stabilizers, practice parameter, practice guideline.

The number of children and adolescents receiving a

diagnosis of bipolar disorder has increased markedly
during the past decade in the United States. Bipolar
disorder was once thought to occur only rarely in
youths, especially children (see Carlson, 2005). However, there has been a shift in how the disorder is
defined in juveniles. There are also similar debates
about how broadly to define the disorder in adults

(Baldessarini, 2000; Judd and Akiskal, 2003). In

general, the field has shifted from diagnostic practices
based on pattern recognition or template (i.e., the
syndrome is defined by characteristic patterns of
symptom and clinical presentations, including an
episodic course) to one in which individual symptom
criteria are considered as evidence of the disorder.
Inasmuch, more individuals, children and adults, are

Accepted August 15, 2006.

This parameter was developed by Jon McClellan, M.D., Robert Kowatch, M.D.,
Robert L. Findling, M.D., and the Work Group on Quality Issues: William
Bernet, M.D., and Oscar Bukstein, M.D., Co-Chairs, and Joseph Beitchman,
M.D., R. Scott Benson, M.D., Joan Kinlan, M.D., Ulrich Schoettle, M.D.,
Jon Shaw, M.D., Saundra Stock, M.D., and Heather Walter, M.D. AACAP
Staff: Kristin Kroeger Ptakowski. A group of invited experts also reviewed the
parameter: Janet Wozniak, M.D., Ellen Leibenluft, M.D., Melissa DelBello,
M.D., David Axelson, M.D., Gabrielle Carlson, M.D., and Eric Youngstrom,
This parameter was reviewed at the member forum in October 2004 at the
annual meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
During August 2005, a consensus group reviewed and finalized the content of
this practice parameter. The consensus group consisted of representatives of relevant
AACAP components as well as independent experts: Oscar Bukstein, M.D., Work
Group Co-Chair; Jon McClellan, M.D., author; John Hamilton, M.D., and

Ulrich Schoettle, M.D., members of the Work Group on Quality Issues; Marilyn
Benoit, M.D., Eugene Beresin, M.D., and Ellen Sholevar, M.D., Council
Representatives; Guy Palmes, M.D., Sherry Barron-Seabrook, M.D., and Syed
Naqvi, M.D., Assembly of Regional Organizations Representatives; David
Axelson, M.D., and Gabrielle Carlson, M.D., independent expert reviewers, and
Kristin Kroeger Ptakowski, Director of Government Affairs and Clinical Practice.
Members of the consensus group were asked to identify any conflicts of interest they
may have with respect to their role in reviewing and finalizing the content of this
practice parameter.
This practice parameter was approved by AACAP Council on June 17, 2006.
This practice parameter is available on the Internet (
Reprint requests to the AACAP Communications Department, 3615
Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20016.
0890-8567/07/4601-01072006 by the American Academy of Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry.
DOI: 10.1097/01.chi.0000242240.69678.c4



Copyright @ 2007 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


characterized as having subthreshold or Batypical cases^

based on periods of elated, expansive, or irritable mood
(Carlson, 2005). This atypical but common presentation of mania in children appears to be caused by
developmental differences in manic symptom expression and the evolving picture of this disorder in
Although current DSM-IV-TR nosology does not
distinguish age-specific criteria for bipolar disorder
(American Psychiatric Association, 2000), the patterns
of illness and symptom definition described in children
often vary from the classic description of the disorder in
adults (i.e., a cyclical illness characterized by distinct
phases of mania and depression). Youths in community
settings who present with outbursts of mood lability,
irritability, reckless behavior, and aggression are now
receiving a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Published
reports of juvenile mania describe either youths with a
pattern of illness of very rapid, brief, recurrent episodes
lasting hours to a few days (Geller et al., 2000, 2004) or
youths with chronic mania, including those with mania
as their baseline functioning (Wozniak et al., 1995).
Thus, whether these presentations are bipolar disorder
and/or represent the same condition classically
described in adults has become an area of controversy
and scientific debate (Pavuluri et al., 2005). The
continuity of juvenile mania with the classic adult
disorder has important clinical implications because
assumptions about the diagnosis lead to treatment
decisions based primarily on the adult literature. There
are also implications for etiological research, genetic
counseling, and family educational interventions
because all of these areas often assume continuity of
the disorder.
This parameter does not attempt to resolve this
debate. Only continued research will accomplish that
goal. The intent of the parameter is to describe what is
known of the disorder in juveniles, where areas of
controversy lie, and what constitutes acceptable
practices and appropriate care.

The literature review process was performed using

the National Library of Medicine database. Key words
included adolescents, children, and bipolar disorder, with
supplemental searches to address other relevant topics
(e.g., specific medications). The Medline search was


updated several times, most recently in January 2005.

This process identified several hundred abstracts.
Relevant papers identified through this process were
reviewed in detail. Pertinent books and review articles
were also used. Finally, the authors drew from their
own work in this area. Experts in the field were also
consulted. Their comments, including additions and
clarifications of the literature review, were incorporated
into the parameter. An asterisk in the reference section
notes key articles from which recommendations were
primarily based.

The following definitions are derived from DSM-IVTR unless otherwise specified:
Bipolar I disorder: Bipolar I disorder requires the
occurrence of a manic (or mixed) episode with duration
of at least 7 days, unless hospitalization is required.
Episodes of depression are not required, but most
patients experience major or minor episodes of
depression during their life span. In comparison, the
ICD-10 (World Health Organization, 1992), the
diagnostic system used by much of the world, describes
bipolar I disorder as an episodic illness with bouts of
mania and depression and requires that manic episodes
last 1 week or more. Both DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10
stipulate that the episodes represent a significant
departure from the individual`s baseline function and
note that the typical age at onset is young adulthood.
Thus, these definitions are consistent with the classic
conceptualization of the disorder. The definition of
mania is a critical issue in the pediatric literature. Many
of the published studies used DSM-III-R criteria, which
did not specify duration criteria for mania. Therefore,
brief outbursts of manic-like symptoms could be
classified as mania.
Mixed episode: A period lasting 7 days or more in
which symptoms for both a manic and depressive
episode are met.
Bipolar II disorder: This illness requires periods of
major depression and hypomania (episodes lasting at
least 4 days) but no full manic or mixed manic episodes.
Rapid cycling: The occurrence of at least four mood
episodes in 1 year. Per DSM-IV-TR, rapid cycling
episodes still must meet the prerequisite duration
criteria (e.g., 7 days for a manic episode). Note that
this definition is different from that used in some


Copyright @ 2007 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


published studies of youths, in which cycling refers to

mood changes within an episode (Geller et al., 2004).
Bipolar disorder not otherwise specified (NOS): This
term is used for cases that do not meet full criteria for
other bipolar diagnoses. This term also has been
recommended to describe the large number of youths
who receive a diagnosis of bipolar disorder who do not
have the classic adult presentation (NIMH, 2001).
Definitions currently used in the juvenile bipolar
literature, but not provided in DSM-IV-TR, include the
Ultrarapid cycling: Ultrarapid cycling refers to brief,
frequent manic episodes lasting hours to days, but less
than the 4-day prerequisite for hypomania. Geller et al.
(2000) define ultrarapid cycling as having 5 to 364
cycles per year.
Ultradian cycling: Ultradian cycling refers to
repeated brief (minutes to hours) cycles that occur
daily. Geller et al. (2000) use the definition of greater
than 365 cycles per year.
These terms were originally proposed by Kramlinger
and Post (1996) to describe a small number of adult
patients with rapid mood shifts, but they have not been
adopted as part of DSM-IV-TR. The use of different
descriptors makes it difficult to compare descriptions of
adult and juvenile cases.

Kraepelin (1921) observed that mania occurred

rarely in children and that the onset of first episodes
increased significantly after puberty. However, earlyonset mania generally went unrecognized in the first
part of the 20th century. Although Anthony and Scott
(1960) reported cases of manic-depressive psychosis in
children, the clinical bias that mania did not occur in
youths persisted until large-scale studies of bipolar
adults found that approximately one fifth of cases
retrospectively had evidence of the illness before age 19
years (Carlson et al., 1977; Joyce, 1984; Loranger and
Levine, 1978). Even though many adults with bipolar
disorder describe the onset of mood symptoms during
childhood (Lish et al., 1994; Perlis et al., 2004), the
presenting symptoms are most often depression and
hyperactivity, with episodes of mania developing later.
Historically, diagnostic confusion between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder led to misdiagnosis in
adolescents. Mania during adolescence often presents


with psychosis (McGlashan, 1988). Carlson and

Strober (1978) reported that bipolar disorder in six
adolescents was originally misdiagnosed as schizophrenia, a diagnostic tendency noted in subsequent studies
(Bashir et al., 1987; Joyce, 1984; McClellan et al.,
1993; Werry et al., 1991). This problem appears to be
less of an issue given better adherence to DSM criteria
(Carlson et al., 1994; Schwartz et al., 2000).
Although historically considered rare, childhoodonset bipolar disorder is now being diagnosed much
more commonly, including in preschoolchildren
(Wilens et al., 2003). This remains an area of
controversy (NIMH, 2001), as discussed in greater
detail below.

The estimated lifetime prevalence of bipolar I

disorder in the general population ranges from 0.4%
to 1.6%, with $0.5% having bipolar II (American
Psychiatric Association, 2000). The National Comorbidity Survey Replication study found the combined
prevalence of bipolar I and II disorders to be 2.6%
(Kessler et al., 2005). However, some studies of adults
suggest rates as high as $6% when including subthreshold or Bspectrum^ cases (Judd and Akiskal, 2003).
Epidemiological surveys of childhood psychiatric disorders have generally not addressed the illness (Costello,
1989). In a study of predominantly rural youths, ages 9,
11, and 13 years, no cases of mania were found (Costello
et al., 1996). A community school survey of older
adolescents (14Y18 years) found the lifetime prevalence
rate to be $1% (Lewinsohn et al., 1995), although
only 0.1% had mania. Most of the identified cases
had hypothymia or cyclothymia. An additional 5.7%
had subthreshold symptomatology. Carlson and
Kashani (1988), in an epidemiological survey of 14to 16-year-old youth, found that the estimated lifetime
prevalence of mania was 0.6%. Rates rose to 13.3%
depending on whether duration and severity criteria
were accounted for. Although overall bipolar disorder
affects both sexes equally, early-onset cases are predominantly male, especially in cases with onset before
age 13 years.
Historically, large surveys of adults with bipolar
disorder noted that onset before age 10 years occurred
in only 0.3% to 0.5% of patients (Goodwin and
Jamison, 1990; Kraepelin, 1921; Loranger and Levine,


Copyright @ 2007 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


1978), leading to the assumption that childhood-onset

bipolar disorder was rare. However, subsequent surveys
of adults with the disorder (Lish et al., 1994; Perlis
et al., 2004) note that a large proportion describe
mood symptoms (most often depression) beginning
in childhood. As the definition of bipolarity has
broadened in both juveniles and adults, some experts
suggest that the disorder may be as prevalent as 1% in
youths (Geller and Luby, 1997).

In the adult literature, twin, adoption, and family

history studies support a strong genetic component,
with a four- to sixfold increased risk of disorder in firstdegree relatives of affected individuals (Nurnberger and
Foroud, 2000). The degree of familiality appears even
higher in early-onset, highly comorbid cases (Faraone
et al., 2003). More studies are needed, including those
that examine the offspring of parents with other
psychiatric illnesses (e.g., substance abuse, major
depression), to assess specificity.
Dysthymic, cyclothymic, or hyperthymic (irritable,
driven) temperaments may presage eventual bipolar
disorder (Akiskal, 1995). Offspring of parents with
bipolar disorder display more symptoms suggestive of
risk for the disorder than those of normal controls,
including mood lability, anxiety, attention difficulties,
hyperarousal, depression, somatic complaints, and
school problems (Chang et al., 2003; Egeland et al.,
2003). Egeland et al. (2003) noted that these symptoms
presented in an episodic pattern, consistent with the
classic adult presentation, but in contrast to other
reports of bipolarity in children.
Premorbid psychiatric problems are common in
early-onset bipolar disorder, especially difficulties with
disruptive behavior disorders, irritability, and behavioral dyscontrol (Carlson, 1990; Fergus et al., 2003;
Geller et al., 2002a; McClellan et al., 2003; Werry
et al., 1991; Wozniak et al., 1995). Premorbid history
may vary by age at onset. Rates of prior disruptive
behavior disorders vary in studies of teenagers with
bipolar disorder, with some youths having normal
premorbid histories (Kafantaris et al., 1998; Kutcher
et al., 1998; McClellan et al., 2003), whereas most
childhood cases are associated with attention-deficit/
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; Findling et al. 2001;
Geller et al., 2002a; Wozniak et al., 1995). The


estimated rate of childhood hyperactivity in adults

with bipolar disorder is approximately 10% to 20%
(Carlson et al., 2000a, Nierenberg et al., 2005;
Winokur et al., 1993). Although many children with
bipolar disorder have histories of disruptive behavior
disorders, the reverse is not necessarily true. Followup studies of youths with ADHD have not shown
that they have an increased rate of classic bipolar
disorder as adults (Carlson et al., 2000b; Mannuzza
et al., 1998; Weiss et al., 1985).
Premorbid anxiety and dysphoria are also common,
including in those whose first mood episode is a
depressive disorder. Approximately 20% of youths with
major depression go on to experience manic episodes by
adulthood (Geller et al., 1994, 2001; Kovacs, 1996; Rao
et al., 1995; Strober and Carlson, 1982). Similar to
findings in adults, factors that predict the eventual
development of mania in depressed children and
adolescents include (1) a depressive episode characterized
by rapid onset, psychomotor retardation, and psychotic
features; (2) a family history of affective disorders,
especially bipolar disorder; and (3) a history of mania
or hypomania after treatment with antidepressants
(Strober and Carlson, 1982). Youths with psychotic
depression are presumed to be at greater risk for switching to mania with antidepressant therapy, although not
all studies have found this (DelBello et al., 2003).

In adults, the disorder is considered to be cyclical in

nature, with episodes of illness representing a significant
departure from an individual`s baseline functioning
and mental status examination (Goodwin and Jamison
1990; World Health Organization, 1992). Mood
changes characteristic of mania include marked
euphoria, grandiosity, and irritability, with associated
racing thoughts, increased psychomotor activity, and
mood lability (Cassidy and Carroll, 2001). Paranoia,
confusion, and/or florid psychosis may also be present.
Marked sleep disturbance is a hallmark sign. Significant
depressive symptoms may precede, occur conjointly
(mixed episodes), or follow those of mania within the
same episode. Depressive episodes in adults with
bipolar disorder are typically characterized by psychomotor retardation and hypersomnia, significant suicide
attempts, and often psychotic symptoms (Goodwin and
Jamison, 1990). Severe cases may progress to catatonia.


Copyright @ 2007 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


Mania in adolescents is frequently associated with

psychotic symptoms, markedly labile moods, and/or
mixed manic and depressive features (Pavuluri et al.,
2004a,b,c,d, 2005). The early course of bipolar disorder in adolescents appears to be more chronic and
refractory to treatment than adult onset (Perlis et al.,
2004), whereas the long-term prognosis is either similar
to that of adults (Carlson et al., 1977; McClellan et al.,
1993; McGlashan, 1988; Werry et al., 1991) or worse
(Carter et al., 2003). Comorbidity predicts functional
impairment, whereas age at onset predicts duration of
episodes (Carlson et al., 2000a, 2002). Jairam et al.
(2004) found that 96% of subjects (n = 25) with juvenile
mania (onset <16 years) recovered from their index
episode, but that 64% relapsed after a mean period of
18 months despite ongoing mood stabilizer therapy.
McClellan et al. (1999), in a comparison study of youths,
primarily young adolescents, with early-onset psychotic
disorders (onset <18 years), found that subjects with
bipolar disorder tended to have a cyclical course similar
to reports in adults.
Juvenile mania, especially in younger children, often
is characterized by symptom presentations and patterns
of illness that vary from the classic descriptions of
bipolar disorder in adults (Bowring and Kovacs, 1992).
Changes in mood, energy levels, and behavior are often
markedly labile and erratic rather than persistent.
Irritability, belligerence, and mixed manic-depressive
features are more common than euphoria. High rates of
comorbid disruptive disorders are commonly found.
Studies vary somewhat in their descriptions of earlyonset cases. Findling et al. (2001) found that bipolar
disorder in both children and adolescents is cyclical,
had high rates of rapid cycling, and had low rates
of 3interepisode recovery. In a series of studies by
Biederman and colleagues (Biederman et al., 2004a,b;
Wozniak et al., 1995), children with juvenile mania
most often present with mixed episodes (primarily
irritability and explosiveness), with chronic impairment, including some patients for whom the illness
represents their baseline functioning. Children with
bipolar depression present with both anger and
dysphoria and are more likely to have comorbid
conduct, anxiety, and substance abuse problems than
youths with unipolar depression (Wozniak et al., 2004).
Geller et al. (2000, 2002a, 2004) published a series
of reports examining bipolar disorder in children. This
group has characterized a prepubertal and early-


adolescent bipolar disorder (PEA-BP) phenotype for

this research study, with the development of a
structured diagnostic interview to identify cases (Geller
et al., 2000, 2002a). Using the investigators` criteria
that require the presence of elation and grandiosity, a
cycle of manic symptoms may be as short as 4 hours,
with at least one cycle daily for 2 weeks defined as
meeting DSM-IV criteria for mania. Of the youths with
PEA-BP, 10% had ultrarapid cycling and 77% had
ultradian cycling (Geller et al., 2000). On average, the
youths were described as having 3.7 T 2.1 cycles per day
(Geller et al., 2002a). The average age at onset was 7.3 T
3.5 years, with a duration of episode of 3.6 T 2.5 years
(an episode is defined as the duration of the illness,
which differs from the adult literature convention;
Geller et al., 2000). There was also a high rate of
comorbid ADHD and other disruptive behavior
disorders (Tillman et al., 2003). This sample, with
chronic continuous rapid cycling, long durations of
episodes, and a high rate of ADHD, may be similar to
youths described by Wozniak et al. (1995) as having
chronic baseline mania. The PEA-BP phenotype has
been reported to be reliable, with stability over followup assessments at 6 months and 1, 2, and 4 years (Geller
et al., 2001a, 2002b, 2004). Unfortunately, there were
high rates of chronicity and relapse during the 4-year
follow-up period despite community treatment (Geller
et al., 2002b). Low ratings of maternal warmth
predicted a shorter time to relapse, whereas psychosis
was associated with greater chronicity (Geller et al.,
2004). Participation in community treatment (including mood stabilizers) did not appear to improve
outcome at year 2 (Geller et al., 2002b). Symptoms
of mania and hypomania persisted in this sample over a
4-year period. However, this study does not resolve the
questions as to whether these children will develop
more classic bipolar disorder, continue to demonstrate
atypical presentations, and/or develop other psychiatric

The debate and controversy over juvenile bipolar

disorder are not whether there are a significant number
of youths who are explosive, dysregulated, and
emotionally labile or whether these youths suffer
significant impairment or are at risk for a variety of
adverse outcomes, including substance abuse. These


Copyright @ 2007 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


difficulties and concerns are commonplace, especially

in community mental health settings and systems of
care that deal with at-risk youths (e.g., juvenile
justice, foster care). The debate is whether these
problems in youths are best characterized as bipolar
disorder and, more important, whether juvenile
mania is the same illness as that classically described
in adults (Kent and Craddock 2003; Kim and
Miklowitz, 2002; Leibenluft et al., 2003; McClellan,
2005). Mood dysregulation in children and adolescents is often associated with features of borderline
personality disorder (McClellan and Hamilton,
2006). This raises questions of diagnostic specificity
and the overlap between mood and personality
disorders, while also generating concerns regarding
the validity of personality disorder diagnoses in
youths. A related debate occurs in the adult literature,
in which Bbipolarity^ overlaps with a broad array of
mood and anxiety problems, including difficulties
attributed to personality disorders or substance abuse
(see Baldessarini, 2000).
Reports of juvenile mania challenge several preexisting notions about the classic descriptions of the illness
in adults. Differences in symptom presentation and
pattern of illness raise questions of diagnostic continuity. Rather than being a cyclical disorder with an acute
onset of clearly demarcated phases of mania and/or
depression, bipolar disorder typically presents in youths
as chronic difficulties regulating their moods, emotions, and behavior. Such outbursts are erratic and
explosive, often lasting just minutes to hours and yet
represent fairly stable baseline patterns of response to
stress, conflict, or interpersonal negotiations (thus the
description of chronic mania by Wozniak et al. [1995]
or the description of long duration of episode and lack
of remission by Geller et al. [2004]). Furthermore, a
marked reduction in the need for sleep is considered a
pathognomonic sign of mania in adults (American
Psychiatric Association, 1994; Goodwin and Jamison,
1990), whereas in published studies of juvenile mania,
only e50% of cases had sleep disturbance (Biederman
et al., 1998; Geller et al., 1999).
Another challenge is reconciling the noted high rates
of juvenile mania described in some samples with the
apparently contradictory adult epidemiological findings. In the general population, the overall prevalence is


$1%, with rates increasing with age. The peak ages at

onset range from 15 to 30 years (American Psychiatric
Association, 2000). However, the early-onset bipolar
literature suggests that perhaps 1% of youths have the
illness, based presumably on the percentage of children
with ADHD who receive a diagnosis of juvenile mania
(Geller and Luby, 1997). Thus, these two rates are
basically the same, which is counterintuitive because
bipolar disorder is generally considered a lifelong
condition and thus the rates should increase over
time. The apparent discrepancies between the adult and
child prevalence literature could be caused by several
factors: the age at onset has shifted markedly downward
(or the ability to recognize the illness earlier has
improved), the adult prevalence rates are grossly
underestimated, and/or the overall prevalence of the
disorder is increasing at a remarkable rate. Conversely,
these findings may imply that some children diagnosed
with bipolar disorder do not have the same illness that is
classically described in adults.
Other factors to consider when evaluating whether
bipolar disorder in children and adolescents represents
the same entity as in adults includes evidence of
heritability and whether the early-onset form eventually
evolves into the more classic adult presentation.
Faraone et al. (1997) found that youths with juvenile
mania have increased family histories of bipolar
disorder. However, this study also found higher than
expected rates of bipolar disorder in relatives of controls,
raising questions about the specificity of how the
diagnosis is being applied (see Klein et al., 1998). With
regard to long-term outcome, although symptoms of
early-onset bipolar disorder appear stable over time
(Biederman et al., 2004b; Geller et al., 2004), juvenile
mania has not yet been shown to progress into the
classic adult disorder. Furthermore, because early childhood problems with ADHD and conduct problems
also tend to persist long term (Shaw et al., 2005),
it is not clear whether outcomes are attributable to
the early-onset bipolar disorder versus its associated
Lewinsohn et al. (2000) found that bipolar disorder
during later adolescence predicted continuity of the
disorder at age 24 years. However, subsyndromal cases,
which may include youths otherwise characterized as
bipolar disorder NOS, had an increase in psychopathology and adverse outcomes as young adults, but
not an increase in bipolar disorder. Both the bipolar


Copyright @ 2007 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


and subsyndromal cases had an increased risk of

antisocial and borderline personality symptoms. Hazell
et al. (2003), in a 6-year follow-up study, found that
manic symptoms in boys with ADHD did not persist,
nor did they evolve into DSM-IVYdefined bipolar
disorder. Studies that did find continuity (Carlson,
1990; Jairam et al., 2004; McClellan et al., 1993,
1999; McGlashan, 1988; Werry et al., 1991) used the
classic adult definition of the illness and thus likely
did not include cases more recently described as
juvenile mania.
This debate is driven in part by a fundamental
dilemma inherent to child and adolescent psychiatry:
how to extrapolate adult diagnostic criteria for use with
children and adolescents. DSM criteria for mania
specify that the distinct periods of elevated mood may
include irritability. Therefore, how do clinicians
distinguish irritable mania from more commonplace
anger problems, especially given the high rate of
comorbidity with disruptive behavior disorders? Hallmark manic symptoms of grandiosity, psychomotor
agitation, and reckless behavior must be differentiated
from those of other more common childhood disorders
such as hyperactivity, irritability, dangerous play, and
inappropriate sexualized activity, as well as from the
normal childhood phenomena of boasting, imaginary
play, overactivity, and youthful indiscretions. To
address these concerns, Geller et al. (2002a) required
that either elation or grandiosity occur but did not
specify how long these symptoms had to persist to be
rated as significantly abnormal. Although the investigators provided examples of elated or grandiose symptoms
suggestive of childhood mania (Geller et al., 2002a),
the descriptions still raise questions. Many behaviors
characterized as elation (excessive silliness and giggling)
or grandiosity (a child saying it is not wrong for him to
steal after getting caught, a child believing he or she can
grow up to be a famous athlete even though he or she is
not good at sports) are commonplace among youths
with disruptive behavior problems (Harrington and
Myatt, 2003). The lack of a gold standard, independent
of diagnostic criteria, for confirming a diagnosis
remains the major challenge. This is a problem for all
psychiatric research because ultimately the application
of diagnostic criteria is dependent on the clinician`s or
investigator`s views as to what constitutes a symptom
(see McClellan and Werry, 2000 for a more extensive
review of these issues).


Although some studies have attempted to validate

the diagnosis by examining other diagnostic tools (e.g.,
symptom rating scales), these measures generally assess
the same types of symptoms and therefore may not be
truly independent. For example, juvenile mania is
proposed to have a specific profile on the Child
Behavior Checklist, with elevations in scales for
inattention/hyperactivity, depression/anxiety, and
aggression (Mick et al., 2003). However, it is
questionable whether this represents a unique profile
versus a greater severity of psychopathology across
multiple domains (Youngstrom et al., 2005a,b). Poor
rates of agreement are found among reports of manic
symptoms made by children, parents, and teachers
(Thuppal et al., 2002). Parent report appears to be
more useful than teacher or youth report for
discriminating cases (Youngstrom et al., 2004). Children for whom there is good agreement between
parents and teachers regarding manic symptoms are
more likely to have a complicated, refractory course of
illness (Carlson and Youngstrom, 2003). Manic
symptoms may be nonspecific markers for emotionality and severity rather than true indicators of a classic
manic disorder (Carlson et al., 1998; Hazell et al.,
2003; Thuppal et al., 2002).
Finally, this debate raises important issues regarding
the implications of labeling children with a major
psychiatric disorder, especially one that warrants
treatment with aggressive pharmacotherapy. This is
especially pertinent given the recent public concerns
about the increasing use of psychotropic agents in
youths, including preschoolchildren (Zito et al., 2000).
Anecdotally, the diagnosis of bipolar disorder is now
being applied to very young children. In a survey of
members of the Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation, 24% of the respondents` affected children (n =
854) were between the ages of 1 and 8 years (Hellander,
2002). Wilens et al. (2003) noted that 26% of
preschoolchildren with ADHD have bipolar disorder,
a rate significantly higher than that found in their
comparison school-age sample. Others (Dilsaver and
Akiskal, 2004; Scheffer and Niskala Apps, 2004) have
also described bipolar disorder in preschoolers, whereas
Speltz et al. (1999) found no cases using similar
diagnostic methodologies in a sample referred for
disruptive behavior disorders. Reports of very early
onset bipolar disorder raise questions about the
applicability and developmental appropriateness of


Copyright @ 2007 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


applying adult criteria to toddlers. The validity of

diagnosing bipolar disorder in preschoolchildren has
not been established. A consensus conference of experts
advised the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) to only extend medication treatment studies
down to age 10 years, given concerns about the
challenge of accurate diagnosis in younger children
(Carlson et al., 2000). Until the validity of the
diagnosis is established in preschoolers, caution should
be taken before making the diagnosis in anyone
younger than age 6 years.
The evidence is not yet sufficient to conclude that
most presentations of juvenile mania are continuous
with the classic adult disorder (Harrington and Myatt,
2003). It is possible that juvenile bipolar disorder
evolves into the broader subthreshold subtypes
described in adults (Judd and Akiskal, 2003). This
issue has not been sufficiently studied. Furthermore, a
major dilemma in the existing literature is that the term
bipolar disorder is used differently by different
investigators to describe what may be diverse clinical
populations. Thus, Leibenluft et al. (2003) proposed
subdividing juvenile mania into three phenotypes:
narrow (classically defined DSM-IV-TR mania), intermediate (well-demarcated periods of mania or hypomania lasting 1Y3 days), and broad (chronic difficulties
with irritability and hyperarousal). Such an approach
acknowledges the potential differences in the disorder
as it is being applied in juveniles. The term bipolar
disorder NOS has been recommended to characterize
some of the published reports of juvenile mania
(NIMH, 2001). Further study is needed to confirm
that this represents a discrete diagnostic group (versus a
mixture of emotional and behavioral disturbances at the
severe end of the spectrum), and what, if any,
relationship this syndrome has to narrowly defined
DSM-IV-TR mania.

Each recommendation in this parameter is identified

as falling into one of the following categories of endorsement, indicated by an abbreviation in brackets following
the statement. These categories indicate the degree of
importance or certainty of each recommendation.
[MS] Minimal standards are recommendations that
are based on rigorous empirical evidence (e.g.,
randomized, controlled trials) and/or overwhelming


clinical consensus. Minimal standards are expected to

apply >95% of the time (i.e., in almost all cases).
[CG] Clinical guidelines are recommendations that
are based on empirical evidence and/or strong clinical
consensus. Clinical guidelines apply $75% of the time
(i.e., in most cases). These practices should almost
always be considered by the clinician, but there are
significant exceptions to their universal application.
[OP] Options are practices that are acceptable, but
not required. There may be insufficient empirical
evidence and/or clinical consensus to support recommending these practices as minimal standards or
clinical guidelines.
[NE] Not endorsed refers to practices that are known
to be ineffective or contraindicated.
The recommendations of this parameter are based on
a thorough review of the literature as well as clinical
consensus. The following coding system is used to
indicate the nature of the research that supports the
[rdb] Randomized, double-blind clinical trial is a
study of an intervention in which subjects are randomly
assigned to either treatment or control groups and both
subjects and investigators are blind to the assignments.
[rct] Randomized clinical trial is a study of an
intervention in which subjects are randomly assigned to
either treatment or control groups.
[ct] Clinical trial is a prospective study in which an
intervention is made and the results are followed
Recommendation 1. Psychiatric Assessments for Children
and Adolescents Should Include Screening Questions for
Bipolar Disorder [MS].

Screening questions include inquiries about distinct,

spontaneous periods of mood changes associated with
sleep disturbances and psychomotor activation. Histories of depression and family histories of mood
disorders are also important to assess. Symptoms of
irritability, reckless behaviors, or increased energy are
important to assess, but they occur in a number of
different conditions and therefore lack specificity.
Because emotional and behavioral difficulties in
children are often context dependent, it is important
to assess symptom reports in perspective given family,
school, peer, and other psychosocial factors, rather than
simply using a checklist to identify psychopathology.


Copyright @ 2007 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


Recommendation 2. The DSM-IV-TR Criteria, Including the
Duration Criteria, Should Be Followed When Making a
Diagnosis of Mania or Hypomania in Children and
Adolescents [MS].

Manic-like symptoms of irritability and emotional

reactivity may be found in a number of conditions,
including disruptive behavior disorders, posttraumatic
stress disorder, and pervasive developmental disorders.
Manic grandiosity and irritability present as marked
changes in the individual`s mental and emotional state,
rather than reactions to situations, temperamental traits,
negotiation strategies, or anger outbursts. The pattern of
illness, duration of symptoms, and association with
psychomotor, sleep, and cognitive changes are important diagnostic clues. The illness represents a marked
departure from baseline functioning, and it should be
evident and impairing in different realms of the child`s
life (i.e., not isolated to one setting). Acute psychosis in
an adolescent may be the first presentation of mania,
and it needs to be carefully assessed for other associated
features, including a marked decrease in the need for
sleep, affective lability, a lack of negative symptoms,
and/or a positive family history.
The diagnostic assessment needs to incorporate both
current and past history regarding symptomatic presentation, treatment response, psychosocial stressors,
and family psychiatric history. It is helpful to organize
the clinical information using a life chart to characterize
the course of illness, patterns of episodes, severity, and
treatment response (Youngstrom et al., 2005). Using
such a longitudinal perspective to conceptualize the
disorder helps with diagnostic accuracy because the
presenting symptoms during the acute phases often can
be confused with other disorders. Cross-cultural issues
may influence the expression or interpretation of
symptoms and/or treatment response, and therefore
must be assessed.
Structured diagnostic interviews and questionnaires
are available that may be helpful for diagnosing bipolar
disorder in youth, with the K-SADS and the WASH-UKSADS being the most commonly used diagnostic
tools in published research (Geller et al., 2001; Wozniak
et al., 1995). The Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS;
Youngstrom et al., 2003) is commonly used in research
to assess the severity of manic symptoms, and assess
treatment response. However, the YMRS is not a
diagnostic instrument. There are no biological tests,


including imaging or genetic studies, that are helpful in

making the diagnosis of a bipolar disorder.
Recommendation 3. Bipolar Disorder NOS Should Be Used
to Describe Youths With Manic Symptoms Lasting Hours to
Less Than 4 Days or for Those With Chronic Manic-Like
Symptoms Representing Their Baseline Level of
Functioning [CG].

Children with manic symptoms lasting hours to less

than 4 days, or with chronic manic-like symptoms are
significantly impaired. Until it is clear that this condition
is really continuous with adult-type bipolar disorder for
which the treatment literature applies, such youths should
be characterized as classified as having bipolar disorder
NOS, with the recognition that is a scant evidence base
from which to extrapolate treatment recommendations.
Youths characterized as having bipolar disorder NOS
typically have high rates of comorbid disorders including
ADHD, disruptive behavior disorders, posttraumatic
stress disorder, anxiety disorders, and developmental
disorders. Their mood states are generally volatile and
reactive. It is important to examine for environmental
triggers, patterns of events that reinforce the outbursts,
significant pragmatic language impairment, and risk
factors (e.g., history of maltreatment).
Recommendation 4. Youths With Suspected Bipolar
Disorder Must Also Be Carefully Evaluated for Other
Associated Problems, Including Suicidality, Comorbid
Disorders (Including Substance Abuse), Psychosocial
Stressors, and Medical Problems [MS].

A thorough workup can rule out other confounding

illnesses and identify comorbid disorders that need to
be addressed as part of a comprehensive treatment plan.
Adolescents with bipolar disorder are reported to have
high rates of suicide attempts (Strober et al., 1995) and
are clearly at risk of completed suicides. Rates of
substance abuse are high in this population (Findling
et al., 2001; McClellan et al., 1999; Wilens et al.,
2004). Assessments for developmental, cognitive, or
speech and language disorders also may be indicated.
Recommendation 5. The Diagnostic Validity of Bipolar
Disorder in Young Children Has Yet to Be Established.
Caution Must Be Taken Before Applying This Diagnosis
in Preschoolchildren [MS].

Preschool children who present with mood and

behavioral concerns must be carefully assessed for other


Copyright @ 2007 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


contributing factors, including developmental disorders, psychosocial stressors, parentYchild relationship

conflicts, and temperamental difficulties. The interpretation of adult diagnostic criteria in very young
children is a major challenge. There are no definitive
studies outlining a developmentally valid method for
assessing manic symptoms in this age group, including
grandiosity, flight of ideas, and attention that is too
easily drawn to irrelevant stimuli. Moreover, patterns of
disrupted sleep and energy must be assessed in the
context of the developmental period. Highly volatile
and reactive toddlers need assessment and intervention,
but whether such youths have bipolar disorder, as
defined by the adult literature, has not been established.
The diagnosis of a bipolar spectrum disorder in very
young children potentially exposes them to aggressive
pharmacotherapy. There are reports describing the use
of mood stabilizers (Scheffer and Niskala Apps, 2004;
Tumuluru et al., 2003) and atypical antipsychotics
(Biederman et al., 2005a,b) in this age group. The
short- and long-term safety of mood stabilizers and
atypical antipsychotic agents for this indication in
young children has not been established. It is
particularly important with preschoolers that intervention strategies address environmental, developmental,
temperamental, and social factors that may relate to
symptom presentation.

depressive episodes). The adult literature is rapidly

evolving, and new evidence on the potential efficacy of
medications for bipolar depression and maintenance
treatment is likely to emerge soon.
The adult literature appears to be appropriate for
those cases with more classic presentation (primarily
found in adolescents). The effectiveness and safety of
mood-stabilizing regimens for the earlier-onset cases of
juvenile mania have not yet been established. Youths
with significant emotional and behavioral dysregulation
likely need intensive behavioral and parenting interventions in addition to medication therapy (Fristad
et al., 2003). Furthermore, the safety of these agents has
not been established in youths and is an area of concern
given the recent upsurge in prescriptions written for
younger children, including preschool children.
A comprehensive treatment plan, combining medications with psychotherapeutic interventions, is needed
to address the symptomatology and confounding
psychosocial factors present in children and adolescents
with bipolar disorder. Cultural issues must be appropriately incorporated into the treatment plan. The goal
of therapy is to ameliorate symptoms, provide education about the illness, and promote adherence to
treatment, thus working to prevent relapse, reduce
long-term morbidity, and promote normal growth and
development. This guideline focuses primarily on the
treatment of mania and mixed episodes.


Because there are limited studies in youths, most of

the treatment recommendations for early-onset bipolar
disorder are derived from the adult literature for acute
mania. Traditional mood stabilizers (e.g., lithium,
valproate) and/or atypical antipsychotic medications
are the primary treatment, with other psychotropic
agents and psychotherapies generally used as adjunctive
therapy or to address comorbid conditions and
problems. Although the term mood stabilizer is widely
used, most agents only have clearly demonstrated
efficacy for treating acute manic symptoms in adults,
thus the term antimanic may be a more accurate
description. There are considerably fewer data in adults
on the treatment of bipolar depression and the
prevention of new mood episodes. No single agent is
approved by the FDA for the treatment of all phases of
bipolar disorder (acute mania, acute depression, and
maintenance treatment to prevent new manic and/or


Recommendation 6. For Mania in Well-Defined DSM-IV-TR
Bipolar I Disorder, Pharmacotherapy Is the Primary
Treatment [MS].

Standard therapy, based on the adult literature,

typically includes lithium, valproate, and/or atypical
antipsychotic agents, with other adjunctive medications
used as indicated (Kowatch et al., 2005; Suppes et al.,
2002). The choice of medication(s) should be made
based on (1) evidence of efficacy, (2) the phase of
illness, (3) the presence of confounding presentations
(e.g., rapid cycling mood swings, psychotic symptoms),
(4) the agent`s side effect spectrum and safety, (5) the
patient`s history of medication response, and (6) the
preferences of the patient and his or her family. A
history of treatment response in parents may predict
response in offspring (Duffy et al., 2002). Pharmacokinetic parameters of psychotropic agents may vary in


Copyright @ 2007 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


different ethnic groups, with a potential impact on side

effects, blood levels, efficacy, and cultural expectations.
Although multiple agents are often required, care
should be taken to avoid unnecessary polypharmacy.
Treatment should begin with an agent that is
approved by the FDA for bipolar disorder in adults,
recognizing that the evidence of the efficacy for these
agents in children and adolescents is sparse at best,
including the following:
Lithium is approved down to age 12 years for acute
mania and maintenance therapy.
Aripiprazole, valproate, olanzapine, risperidone,
quetiapine, and ziprasidone are approved for acute
mania in adults. Chlorpromazine is also approved for
acute mania in adults, but it is generally not used as a
first-line agent.
Both lamotrigine and olanzapine are approved for
maintenance therapy in adults.
The combination of olanzapine and fluoxetine is
approved for bipolar depression in adults.
Other agents with some support for efficacy in adult
studies include carbamazepine and antipsychotic agents
(American Psychiatric Association, 2002). Controlled
studies in adults have not found gabapentin or
topiramate to be helpful (Calabrese et al., 2002),
whereas the one study of topiramate in children and
adolescents was equivocal (DelBello et al., 2005).
Clozapine is generally reserved for treatment-refractory
cases because of its side-effect profile; it should be used
only when the diagnosis is well established. Benzodiazepines are used in adult studies to stabilize the acute
agitation and sleep disturbance associated with mania
but may cause disinhibition in younger children. Antidepressants (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
[SSRIs] or nontricyclics) may be useful adjuncts for
depression as long as the patient is also taking at least
one mood stabilizer. Caution must be taken, however,
because antidepressants may destabilize the patient`s
mood or incite a manic episode. It is important to note
that a manic episode precipitated by an antidepressant
is characterized as substance induced per DSM-IV-TR
(American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Manic
symptoms associated with an SSRI may represent the
unmasking of the disorder or disinhibition secondary to
the agent. Clinicians should also be aware of the
concerns regarding the efficacy and safety (included
suicidality) of antidepressants in youths (see Vitiello
and Swedo, 2004).


The only agent with FDA approval for bipolar

disorder in youths (age 12 years and older) is lithium,
although that decision was made historically based on
the adult literature. All of the mood stabilizers and
antipsychotic agents are commonly used for early-onset
bipolar disorder in clinical settings, although none of
the agents has been well studied in juveniles. The few
double-blind, placebo-controlled studies of lithium
(Carlson et al., 1992; Delong and Aldershof, 1987;
Geller et al., 1998a; Gram and Rafaelsen, 1972;
McKnew et al., 1981 [all rdb]) are generally positive,
but they are limited by small sample sizes and
diagnostic variability. However, one controlled discontinuation trial randomized adolescents acutely
stabilized on lithium to either ongoing lithium therapy
or placebo (Kafantaris et al., 2004 [rdb]). High rates of
relapse were found in both groups in patients stabilized
on lithium, raising questions about its ongoing efficacy.
Other studies include a positive, large, open-label trial
(although many subjects in this trial were also taking
antipsychotic agents; Kafantaris et al., 2003 [ct]) and a
trial demonstrating benefit for comorbid substance
abuse (Geller et al., 1998a [rdb]). Finally, lower rates of
relapse for adolescents with acute psychotic mania were
reported when antipsychotic medication was maintained for at least 4 weeks in combination with lithium
(Kafantaris et al., 2001 [ct]).
There are few studies to date that document the
efficacy of the anticonvulsants for bipolar disorder in
youths. Open-label trials, case reports, and retrospective
chart reviews describe the effectiveness of valproate
(Davanzo et al., 2003; Papatheodorou et al., 1995 [ct];
State et al., 2004; Wagner et al., 2002 [ct], West et al.,
1994 [ct]), carbamazepine (Hsu, 1986), and topiramate
(as an adjunctive agent; DelBello et al., 2002) for
juvenile mania, and lamotrigine for adolescents with
bipolar depression (Chang et al., 2006). Kowatch et al.
(2000 [ct]) found valproate, lithium, and carbamazepine helpful for mania and mixed episodes in 40
children and adolescents, with response rates of 53%,
38%, and 38%, respectively. Combinations of mood
stabilizers in youths with bipolar disorder have also
been found to be beneficial and safely tolerated for
mania and hypomania (Findling et al., 2003 [ct], 2006
[ct]; Kowatch et al. 2003 [ct]).
Open-label trials and retrospective chart reviews also
support the effectiveness of olanzapine (Frazier et al.,
2001 [ct]; Soutullo et al., 1999), risperidone (Frazier


Copyright @ 2007 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


et al., 1999), quetiapine (Marchand et al., 2004), and

aripiprazole (Barzman et al., 2004; Biederman et al.,
2005a,b) for pediatric bipolar disorder. Risperidone in
combination with either lithium or valproate appeared
to be effective in an open-label, prospective trial
(Pavuluri et al., 2004b [ct], 2006 [ct]). A doubleblind, controlled trial found that quetiapine plus
valproate worked better than valproate alone for
adolescent mania (DelBello et al., 2002 [rdb]). When
used as mood stabilizers, the atypical antipsychotic
agents are prescribed with the same dose ranges and
have the same spectrum of side effects as when used for
psychotic illnesses. Weight gain has been a particular
concern for this class of agents, especially in youths.
Pavuluri et al. (2004c [ct]) developed a pharmacotherapy algorithm to systematically assign patients
with pediatric bipolar disorder to mood stabilizers and/
or atypical antipsychotics based on clinical presentation. Youths treated using the algorithm demonstrated
greater improvements in global functioning, aggression,
and mania than those receiving treatment as usual. In
community settings, anticonvulsants and atypical antipsychotics appear to be the agents used most often in
youths (Bhangoo et al., 2003; Hellander, 2002).
Polypharmacy is common, with some youths taking
five or more drugs (Duffy et al., 2005). Geller et al.
(2002b) reported that treatment in the community,
including mood stabilizers and antipsychotic agents, did
not influence outcome over a 24-month period, but the
adequacy of treatment was not assessed. Biederman et al.
(1999) noted that mood stabilizers and antipsychotic
agents appeared to help juvenile mania, whereas
stimulants and antidepressants did not. In this report,
response to therapy was low and rates of relapse were high.
Comorbid disruptive behavioral disorders (Masi et al.,
2004) and ADHD (State et al., 2004) predict a poorer
response to treatment. Thus, although the medications
used in adults may be helpful, youths may be more
difficult to treat and likely also need additional interventions in conjunction with pharmacotherapy.
For patients with clearly defined bipolar disorder,
stimulant medications may be helpful for addressing
ADHD symptoms once the patient`s mood symptoms
are adequately controlled on a mood stabilizer regimen.
A randomized, controlled trial of 40 bipolar children
and adolescents with ADHD demonstrated that
treatment with low-dose mixed amphetamine salts
was safe and effective for the treatment of comorbid


ADHD once the child`s mood symptoms were

stabilized with divalproex (Scheffer et al., 2005).
Recommendation 7. Most Youths With Bipolar I Disorder
Will Require Ongoing Medication Therapy to Prevent
Relapse; Some Individuals Will Need Lifelong
Treatment [CG].

In the adult literature, >80% of patients with a manic

episode will have at least one episode of relapse
(American Psychiatric Association, 1994). Withdrawal
of maintenance lithium therapy has been associated
with an increased risk of relapse, especially within the
6-month period following lithium discontinuation
(American Psychiatric Association, 1994).
Strober et al. (1990) prospectively studied 37
adolescents with bipolar disorder for 18 months; they
found that >90% of those who were noncompliant
with their lithium treatment relapsed (12 of 13 cases).
The relapse rate for those who were compliant with
treatment was 37.5%. Findling et al. (2003 [rct]), using
a sample of children and adolescents with bipolar
disorder stabilized on the combination of valproate and
lithium, randomized subjects to receive either lithium
or valproate alone as maintenance monotherapy. The
majority of subjects relapsed after the switch to
monotherapy (median time to relapse was $3 months),
with no difference in relapse rates between the two
agents. The use of stimulants for comorbid ADHD did
not affect relapse rates. Thus, although more definitive
studies are needed, current evidence suggests that the
regimen needed to stabilize acute mania should be
maintained for 12 to 24 months. Maintenance therapy
is often needed for youths with bipolar disorder, with
some individuals needing lifelong therapy when the
benefits of continued treatment outweigh the risks.
This should be decided on a case-by-case basis after
discussing the risks and benefits of continued treatment
(Kowatch et al., 2005).
Until more definitive information is available about
the long-term effects of mood stabilizers and antipsychotics, the clinician must balance the potential
deleterious impact of symptom reoccurrence versus that
of the side effects of the medications. Any attempts to
discontinue prophylactic therapy should be done
gradually, while closely monitoring the patient for
relapse. Furthermore, patients and families must be
thoroughly educated as to the early signs and symptoms
of mood episodes so that, if necessary, resumption of


Copyright @ 2007 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


treatment occurs as soon as possible. Diagnostic status

should also be reviewed over time to ensure that the
course of medication therapy is justified.
Recommendation 8. Psychopharmacological Interventions
Require Baseline and Follow-up Symptom, Side Effect
(Including Patient`s Weight), and Laboratory Monitoring as
Indicated [MS].

Medication trials should be as systematic as possible,

with the duration of trials sufficient to determine the
agent`s effectiveness (Kowatch et al., 2005). In general,
a 6- to 8-week trial of a mood-stabilizing agent is
recommended, using adequate doses, before adding or
substituting other mood stabilizers. Phase of illness is an
important consideration when choosing a medication.
Care should be taken to avoid unnecessary polypharmacy, in part by discontinuing agents that have not
demonstrated significant benefit.
Before the initiation of lithium therapy, baseline
laboratory assessment should include complete blood
cell counts; thyroid function tests; urinalysis; blood urea
nitrogen, creatinine, and serum calcium levels; and a
pregnancy test in female adolescents (Kowatch and
DelBello, 2003). Once a stable lithium dose is
obtained, lithium levels, renal and thyroid function,
and urinalyses should be monitored regularly (every
3Y6 months; Kowatch and DelBello, 2003). For
valproate, baseline liver function tests, complete blood
cell counts, and pregnancy tests are recommended
(Kowatch and DelBello, 2003). Serum drug levels, plus
hepatic and hematological indices, should be monitored periodically (every 3Y6 months). However, it is
also important to advise patients and families about
presenting symptoms of potential adverse effects
because periodic monitoring does not ensure that
abnormalities will be readily identified. Finally, clinicians should be aware of the concerns raised regarding
valproate and the development of polycystic ovary
disease in females (Rasgon, 2004).
The atypical antipsychotics as a class are associated
with significant weight gain and other metabolic
problems (e.g., type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia). Thus,
the American Dietetic Association`s recommendations
for managing weight gain for patients taking antipsychotics should be followed (American Psychiatric
Association, 2004). This includes baseline body mass
index, waist circumference, blood pressure, fasting
glucose, and a fasting lipid panel. The body mass


index should be followed monthly for 3 months and

then quarterly. Blood pressure, fasting glucose, and
lipids should be followed up after 3 months and then
yearly. Some agents have additional monitoring
requirements (e.g., white blood cell counts with
clozapine). Extrapyramidal side effects, including
tardive dyskinesia, may occur with atypical agents
and need to be monitored.
Recommendation 9. For Severely Iimpaired Adolescents
With Manic or Depressive Episodes in Bipolar I Disorder,
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) May Be Used If
Medications Either Are Not Helpful or Cannot Be
Tolerated [OP].

In adults, ECT is an effective treatment for mania, but

it is generally offered only for patients who have not
responded to standard medication treatment (Suppes
et al., 2002). ECT is safe as long as modern methods are
used (i.e., appropriate anesthesia, alterations in the
delivery of the electrical stimulus, the selected use of
unilateral treatment, and cardiopulmonary monitoring).
ECT is generally considered the treatment of choice for
bipolar disorder in the following clinical situations: (1)
pregnancy, (2) catatonia, (3) neuroleptic malignant
syndrome, and (4) any other medical condition in
which more standard medication regimens are contraindicated (American Psychiatric Association, 1990).
Case reports indicate that ECT may be beneficial for
youths with bipolar disorder (including mania, rapid
cycling, and depressed phases), although the literature at
this time is extremely limited (American Academy of
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2004). ECT should
only be considered for adolescents with well-characterized
bipolar I disorder who have severe episodes of mania or
depression and are nonresponsive (or unable to take)
standard medication therapies. ECT should not be
considered an option for cases best described as bipolar
disorder NOS or the atypical presentations of juvenile
mania. Potential side effects include short-term cognitive
impairment, anxiety reactions, disinhibition, and altered
seizure threshold.
Recommendation 10. Psychotherapeutic Interventions Are
an Important Component of a Comprehensive Treatment
Plan for Early-Onset Bipolar Disorder [MS].

The development of bipolar disorder during childhood or adolescence disrupts ongoing developmental


Copyright @ 2007 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


processes, including academic, social, and family

functioning (Kowatch et al., 2005). Therefore, a
comprehensive, multimodal treatment approach that
combines psychopharmacology with adjunctive psychosocial therapies is almost always indicated for earlyonset bipolar disorder. Although medications help with
the core symptoms of the illness, they do not necessarily
address the associated functional and developmental
impairments and the frequent need for support and
skills building. Preexisting behavior disorders, substance abuse disorders, learning problems, and confounding psychosocial issues may require additional
and specific treatments related to those problems once
the affective episode is stabilized. Psychotherapeutic
interventions are needed to promote medication
compliance and avoid relapse. Finally, interventions
are needed to help youths and families cope with the
developmental impact on peer relationships, academic
performance, and psychological health.
In the adult literature, psychoeducational, family,
and individual interpersonal and social rhythm therapies are the best supported adjuncts to medications
(Craighead and Miklowitz, 2000). Research examining
expressed emotion suggests that family dynamics have a
moderating effect on treatment response and relapse
rates (Miklowitz, 2004). Family-focused therapy stresses the importance of treatment compliance and
positive family relationships and enhances problemsolving and communication skills (Miklowitz et al.,
2000). Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (Frank
et al., 1997, 2000) focuses on reducing stress and
vulnerability by stabilizing social and sleep routines.
Combining individual and family interventions appears
to help decrease relapse and lessen depressive symptoms
(Miklowitz et al., 2003).
For pediatric bipolar disorder, controlled data on
psychosocial interventions are starting to emerge.
Miklowitz et al. (2004 [ct]) modified their familyfocused therapy for adolescents and demonstrated
positive results in a preliminary open trial. Pavuluri
et al. (2004a,b,c,d [ct]) developed child- and familyfocused cognitive-behavioral therapy, adapting strategies from adult therapeutic models, including functional family therapy (Miklowitz et al., 2000). The
treatment uses psychoeducational, affect regulation,
and interpersonal functioning strategies. Preliminary
outcomes in 34 youths with bipolar disorder were
positive. Others have also noted that psychoeducational


approaches appear to be helpful in this population

(Fristad et al., 2003).
Thus, extrapolation from the adult literature plus
preliminary studies suggests several areas in which
psychotherapeutic interventions should be directed:
1. Psychoeducational therapy. Information should be
provided to both the patient and family regarding
the symptoms and course of the disorder, treatment options, the potential impact of the illness on
psychosocial and family functioning, and the
heritability of the disorder.
2. Relapse prevention. Education should be provided
to the patient and family regarding the impact of
noncompliance with medications, the recognition
of emergent relapse symptoms, and other factors
that may precipitate relapse (e.g., sleep deprivation, substance abuse). Stress reduction and the
promotion of stable social and sleep habits may
be particularly helpful areas to target, especially
for adolescents. Medication noncompliance is a
major contributor to relapse. Therefore, efforts
must be made to educate both the patient and
family about the importance of ongoing treatment as well as dealing with psychological
resistance to taking medication. Establishing a
strong therapeutic relationship and providing
regular follow-up assessments are important in
maintaining compliance.
3. Individual psychotherapy. Based on studies of
cognitive-behavioral therapy and interpersonal
therapy in adults as well as clinical consensus of
therapy with bipolar youths, individual psychotherapies support psychological development,
skill building, and close monitoring of symptoms
and progress.
4. Social and family functioning. Bipolar disorder
significantly affects social, family, academic, and
developmental functioning. Therefore, in addition
to efforts directed at reducing further episodes,
psychosocial interventions are needed to address
the myriad of disruptions that emerge in the wake
of the disorder. Efforts to enhance family and social
relationships, including therapies directed at communication and problem-solving skills, are likely
to be helpful. Cultural issues must be taken into account when devising psychotherapeutic strategies.
5. Academic and occupational functioning. The educational needs of youths with bipolar disorder must


Copyright @ 2007 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


be adequately addressed to help promote longterm academic growth, especially given the high
rates of comorbid disruptive behavior disorders.
School consultation and an individual educational
plan are often necessary to help develop an
appropriate educational environment. Some youths
will need specialized educational programs, including day treatment or partial hospitalization programs. For older teenagers, vocational training and
occupational support may also be important needs
to address.
6. Community consultation. Consultation may be
needed with other involved community, juvenile
justice, and/or social welfare programs. Some
youths, because of either the severity of their
symptoms or confounding environmental stressors, will need referral for intensive communitybased services to maintain them at home. Alternatively, some patients may need foster care or
residential services. Finally, patients and families
often receive benefit by participating in community support and advocacy programs.
Recommendation 11. The Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
NOS Generally Involves the Combination of
Psychopharmacology With Behavioral/Psychosocial
Interventions [CG].

Strategies for treating bipolar disorder NOS are not

well defined because it is not clear how well the adult
bipolar treatment literature extrapolates to this population. Intervention strategies should be based on the
specific symptom presentations of the child, comorbid
conditions, and family needs rather than initiating
standard protocols for bipolar I disorder. Evidencebased therapies for behavioral difficulties should be
used (see McClellan and Werry, 2003). Dialectical
behavioral therapy may be helpful for youths with
mood and behavioral dysregulation (Katz et al., 2004).
Mood stabilizers and atypical antipsychotics are
often used to help control severe mood lability and
explosive outbursts. In general, although open trials
have supported efficacy for juvenile mania (Kowatch
et al., 2000 [ct]), the impact of medication treatment on
outcome remains in question (Biederman et al., 1999;
Geller et al., 2002b). The specificity of the treatment
response is unclear because these agents also help in the
treatment of aggression, with risperidone being the
agent best studied to date (Steiner et al., 2003).


Other medications, including stimulants and antidepressants, may be used to treat comorbid ADHD or
associated depression. Perhaps the most common
dilemma is whether and when to use stimulants in
children when there is a question of whether one is
dealing with mania/hypomania or ADHD with mood
lability and low frustration tolerance. Two studies
(Carlson and Kelly, 2003; Carlson et al., 2000;
Galanter et al., 2003) found that boys with ADHD
plus manic-like symptoms responded as well as those
without manic symptoms to methylphenidate and that
stimulant treatment did not precipitate progression to
bipolar disorder. These data challenge existing beliefs
that the failure to respond to stimulants is diagnostic of
mania or that stimulant treatment may predispose
children to the development of bipolar disorder. Of
course, these data also raise the question of whether
manic symptoms equate to true mania. Because
stimulants and SSRIs can cause irritability and
disinhibition, distinguishing medication side effects
from an emerging manic episode is a potential
challenge. One retrospective review found that 58%
of youths with juvenile bipolar disorder (n = 82) had
experienced an emergence of manic symptoms after
exposure to a mood-elevating agent, most often
antidepressants (Faedda et al., 2004). The development
of activation secondary to mood-elevating agents does
not equate to a diagnosis of bipolar disorder (Carlson
et al., 2000). If this were the case, then high rates of
bipolar disorder would be evident in the follow-up
studies of children with ADHD in those subjects who
did not respond well to stimulants.

Practice parameters are strategies for patient management, developed to assist clinicians in psychiatric
decision making. American Academy of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry practice parameters, based on
evaluation of the scientific literature and relevant clinical
consensus, describe generally accepted approaches to
assess and treat specific disorders or to perform specific
medical procedures. These parameters are not intended
to define the standard of care, nor should they be
deemed inclusive of all proper methods of care or
exclusive of other methods of care directed at obtaining
the desired results. The ultimate judgment regarding the
care of a particular patient must be made by the clinician


Copyright @ 2007 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


in light of all of the circumstances presented by the

patient and his or her family, the diagnostic and
treatment options available, and available resources.
Disclosure: Dr. McClellan has received a research grant from Pfizer.
Dr. Findling receives or has received research support, acted as a
consultant, and/or served on the speakers` bureau of Abbott,
AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Celltech-Medeva, Forest, Glaxo
SmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Lilly, New River, Novartis, Otsuka,
Pfizer, Sanofi-Aventis, Shire, Solvay, and Wyeth. Dr. Kowatch has no
financial relationships to disclose.
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