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0408 Newsletter

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Volume 1, Issue 2 April 2008

If I then, your
Lord and Teacher,
have washed your

John 13:14-15
feet, you also ought
to wash one an-
other’s feet. For I
Lutheran Bible Translators have given you an
example, that you
also should do just
as I have done to
Following the Family
-Kory has been busy with grad classes but not TOO busy. He’s en-
joyed doing lots of group projects and getting deeper into all the issues
that need dealt with during a Bible translation. • Praise that Cara is finished
with her classes!
-Cara has finished the last of her classes and, all in all, enjoyed every

Pray For Us...

one of them. However, she is glad to be back to full-time working in • Pray that we would be sen-
the home. sitive to God’s leading as we
set up our speaking schedule
-Sam has had a lot to say lately, including his first word (besides
mama), “ball.” He loves to try to mimic what we say. Now we just • Pray that people would be
have to work on the concept of “inside voice.” open to supporting us in
this ministry

Fundraising. The word has the potential to make one go weak in

the knees. Okay, so maybe it’s not that bad, but it’s certainly not
something most people look forward to. It’s a very humbling experi-
ence to admit that you need help, especially in America where being
self-sufficient is highly valued. We don’t want to have people feeling
sorry for us. Kory and I are no different than the average Joe. It’s
hard to talk about this sort of thing. However, we have learned a lot
in the last year as we talk to other missionaries and search God’s Word for insight. It turns out that lots of people
in the Bible received help from others, financial and otherwise. Sometimes, the help came from friends or family.
Other times, it came from complete strangers. Look at this list of biblical figures who received financial support:
the Levites received support from the other tribes for their work in the temple (2 Chron. 31:4), the twelve disci-
ples stayed in many different peoples’ homes (Matt. 10:11), and a few women gave money to Jesus himself (Luke
8:1-3)! What it comes down to is this: not only is asking for financial support (Cont. on back)

In His Time...
Partnership Development
Attend IDIOM Appointment as LBT (Prayer and Financial support)
(orientation to LBT) in missionaries (Jan ‘08) July ‘08-???
May ‘06

Classes at GIAL in TX
LBT application (‘06-’07) (July ‘07—June ‘08) Depart for field assignment
The Board of Directors sets the vi- translations. We translate other ma-
LBT 101 sion for the organization and ap- terials such as primers and AIDs
Who? Lutheran Bible Translators proves new missionary candidates. brochures. Where? LBT mission-
is made up of missionaries, Service In addition to these people, volun- aries currently serve in 19 countries
Center staff, and a Board of Direc- teers and prayer supporters make across 5 continents. When? LBT
tors. The missionaries are the ones the work of LBT possible. What? was founded in 1964 and has com-
who go to the areas of the world LBT does more than just translate pleted a total of 28 New Testament
where a Bible translation is needed. the Bible. We develop worship mu- translations. For whom? LBT
Service Center staff work out of sic suited to the styles of music in- serves communities who do not yet
Aurora, IL (a suburb of Chicago). digenous to the area. We develop have the Bible in their own lan-
They do everything from answering writing systems for languages that guage. Stay tuned for LBT 102 in the
questions missionaries have to an- are not already written down. We next issue!
swering phones to researching new conduct workshops to teach people
needs for Bible translation. how to read, write, and use new
Bible Translation Fact front page has a box with prayer re-
The numbers in the diagram below give
ministry. It is your ministry. It’s
the total number of languages in eachyours because without your financial quests. Basically, we need to raise
category. support we would never go any- $10,000 in one time donations which
where… and if we raised enough to will go toward setting up our home
get somewhere, we wouldn’t be able on the field. We also need to have
to stay if the support didn’t con- commitments which come to a total
tinue. Even more importantly than of $5,550 every month. If you have
the tangible things like money any questions, you can either con-
(which equals food and shelter), we tact us or our supervisor, Sharon
need your prayer support. Living Vega, at As we
and thriving in another culture is mentioned in the last newsletter, we
(Cont. from front) biblical, it would hard work. We desperately need would love to speak at your church,
your prayers to lift us up in the large Bible study, etc. We are working on
be down right selfish of us NOT to
setting up our speaking schedule
ask for help. Yeah, it would be eas- task at hand. So, our question is
now. You can contact us about
ier if LBT would just hand us our this, would you be willing to partner
that, too!
salary and off we’d go, but then we’d with us in this ministry?
never spread the word about Bible
Nuts and bolts. The bottom of The mission of
translation or build as many rela- In His Love,
LBT is to help
tionships in the process. This way, this page has information on where Kory, Cara, and
bring people to
Bible translation is not just our financial donations can be sent. The Samuel
faith in Jesus
Christ by making
the Word of God
Write to us at: Send financial support to: available to those
Kory, Cara, and Samuel Fay Lutheran Bible Translators who do not yet
707 Johnson Drive #101 P.O. Box 2050 have it in the lan-
Duncanville, TX 75116 Aurora, IL 60507-2050 guage of their (Make checks out to Lutheran hearts. For more Bible Translators and designate information on
com/koryandcara Fay ministry OR Fay household LBT go to

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