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Numbness and Homoeopathy

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Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma M.D. (Homoeopathy)

Numbness and Homoeopathy

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma M.D. (Homoeopathy)
Dr. Swati Vishnoi B.H.M.S.
Homoeo Cure & Research Institute
NH 74, Moradabad Road, Kashipur (Uttaranchal) INDIA
Pin- 244713 Ph. 05947- 260327, 9897618594

E. mail-

Article outline
Warning signs..........................................................................................2
Some Causes and Features of Numbness..........................................................3
Homoeopathic treatment.........................................................................4
Common remedies for numbness...................................................................4
Repertory of Numbness......................................................................................7

Numbness is simply the partial or complete loss of sensation. (Psora/ Syphilis)
Numbness is frequently accompanied by several alterations in sensation, like feeling of
pins/needles, burning or tingling. Numbness can occur along a single nerve, or may be
bilateral and symmetrically. (Psora/ Syphilis)
Numbness renders a person unable to feel light touch, pain, temperature, or vibration as well
as loss of position sense, balance, coordination, and difficulty in walking.
The term numbness is quite different from abnormal sensations like tingling, prickling, pinsand-needles sensation, paralyzed feeling or weakness of a limb. The presence of other
symptoms depends on cause of numbness.
If numbness is chronic, mainly in the feet, it can lead to other problems. It may cause
difficulty in walking and driving and may lead to fall easily. Infections, foot sores and injuries
may remain unnoticed because loss of pain sense, delaying treatment.

Sensory receptors send a signal along the following pathway

Sensory nerves to the spinal cord

Spinal cord to the brain stem
Brain stem to the cerebral region where the information is processed
and for some parts of the body, the numbness pathway includes plexus or cauda


Reduced or blocked blood supply to nerves in the body as in vasculitis and brain stroke
Damaged part of the pathway for sensation, as a result of injuries or hereditary
disorders like neuropathies or Friedreich's ataxia
Compression of or a part of the numbness pathway
Infection of nerve, as in leprosy, HIV, Lyme disease etc.
Neuritis or demyelination as in multiple sclerosis or Guillain-Barr syndrome
Metabolic abnormalities, as in diabetes, vitamin B12 deficiency, arsenic poisoning or
Repetition of specific movements over and over on nerves, causing swelling, as in
carpal tunnel syndrome or remaining in one position too long, as when people sit with
their legs crossed for a long time
Rupture or herniation of a disk in the spine, osteoarthritis, or spinal stenosis
Tumor, injury, hematoma or abscess in or near the spinal cord

A thorough systemic examination is needed.
Warning signs
Numbness with sudden onset
Suddenly or rapid onset of weakness
Numbness or weakness that rapidly spreads up or down the body, extending to other
parts of the body
Numbness in the thighs, buttocks, genitals, and saddle area with incontinence of urine
and stool
Numbness on both sides below a specific level of the body
Numbness of an entire limb
Loss of sensation in the face and torso
Area involved
Part of a limb
Arm and leg on the same side of the body
Both sides of the body below a specific level of the
Both sides, mainly in the hands and feet

Probable diagnosis
Peripheral nerve or sometimes spinal nerve root
Brain malfunction
Spinal cord malfunction
Simultaneous malfunction of many peripheral nerves

throughout the body (polyneuropathy)

Some Causes and Features of Numbness


Common Features
Numbness in both limbs on one side of the body
Lesions above the brain stem such Loss of sensation on the same side of the
asface and body and loss of the ability to
recognize items by touch.

Usually weakness, loss of coordination, and

other symptoms indicating malfunction of

Multiple sclerosis
the nervous system.

Degenerative brain
Lesions affecting the upper part of Loss of sensation on the same side of the
the brain stem, such as
face and body
Often double vision


Lesions of the lower part of the Loss of sensation on one side of the face
brain stem, such as
and on the opposite side of the body
Often vision problems and difficulty

chewing, swallowing, and speaking



MRI or CT of the brain

MRI or CT of the brain

MRI of the brain


Numbness in the limbs or torso on both sides

Lesions along the width of the Loss of sensation and usually weakness
spinal cord, such as
below a certain level of the body

Compression of the spinal No loss of sensation in the face

cord by injuries, tumors, Usually retention of urine, incontinence
ruptured or herniated disk, bowel and bladder and/or reduced sexual
response, including erectile dysfunction in
hematomas, or abscesses

Acute transverse myelitis men

(sudden inflammation of
the spinal cord )
Cauda equina syndrome, caused by
pressure, by
A ruptured or herniated

Spread of cancer to the

malfunction of many peripheral
nerves throughout the body), as
may result from

Use of certain drugs


Chronic kidney disease

Metabolic disorders, such

as diabetes, uremia, and
vitamin B 12 deficiency

Infections, such as HIV

infection or Lyme disease
Lesions causing nerves inflammation
and loss of myelin sheath, such as

Multiple sclerosis


MRI of the spinal cord

Numbness mainly in the thighs, buttocks,

bladder, genitals, and the saddle area
Usually pain in the lower back
Often retention of urine, loss of bowel and
bladder control, and/or reduced sexual
response, including erectile dysfunction in
Numbness and abnormal sensations in
about the same areas on both sides of the
body, mainly in the feet and hands
Sometimes weakness and loss of reflexes

MRI of the spinal cord

Often weakness and clumsiness

Sometimes changes in vision or speech

MRI of the brain and spinal

Spinal tap to examine
cerebrospinal fluid

Numbness in part of one limb

Nerve conduction studies

and electromyography
Other tests depending on
the disorder suspected

Lesions of spinal nerve roots such


A ruptured or herniated

Collapsed vertebrae due to

arthritis or osteoporosis

Lesions affecting nerve plexus

Thoracic outlet
compression syndrome

An injury such as a

Cancer spreading to organs

near a plexus

Brachial neuritis
Mononeuropathy (malfunction of
one peripheral nerve), as occurs in

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Peroneal nerve palsy

Pain that

Sometimes shoots down an arm or

a leg

May feel like an electric shock

May be worsened by moving the

spine, coughing, or doing a
Valsalva maneuver (forcefully
trying to exhale without letting
air escape through the nose or
Often weakness and/or reduced or absent
reflexes in the area supplied by the nerve
Numbness, pain, and/or weakness in a
relatively large area of a limb

Clinical examination
MRI or CT of the spinal
Nerve conduction studies
and electromyography

Numbness with or without pain

Often weakness and reduced or absent
reflexes in an area supplied by one nerve

Clinical examination
Nerve conduction studies
and electromyography

Nerve conduction studies

and electromyography
MRI unless the cause is an
injury or brachial neuritis
is suspected

It is based on the removal of causa occasionalis and correction of the condition causing
numbness. Prevention of injuries and physiotherapy add to fasten the recovery.
Homoeopathic treatment
Common remedies for numbness
abrom-a. abrot. absin. acet-ac. acon-f. ACON. act-sp. adam. aesc. Aeth. AGAR. agath-a. aids.
ail. all-c. all-s. allox. aloe alum-p. alum-sil. Alum. alumn. am-c. Am-m. Ambr. Aml-ns. ammc.
amyg. ANAC. anan. ancis-p. androc. ang. anh. anis. Ant-c. Ant-t. APIS apoc. aq-mar. aran-ix.
Aran. ARG-MET. ARG-N. arge-pl. arist-cl. arizon-l. Arn. ars-h. Ars-i. ars-met. ars-s-f. ars-s-r.
ARS. arund. Asaf. asar. asc-t. aster. atra-r. atro. aur-ar. aur-i. aur-m-n. aur-m. aur-s. Aur.
aven. bad. Bamb-a. bapt. Bar-c. bar-i. bar-m. bar-s. bell-p-sp. Bell. benz-ac. BERB. bism.
borx. both-ax. both. BOV. brach. brass-n-o. brom. bros-gau. Bry. Bufo bung-fa. Buteo-j. CACT.
cadm-met. cadm-s. caj. calad. calc-ar. calc-caust. calc-f. calc-i. Calc-p. Calc-s. calc-sil.
CALC. Camph. cann-i. cann-s. cann-xyz. Canth. Caps. Carb-ac. CARB-AN. CARB-V. carbn-o.
CARBN-S. carbn. carc. cardios-h. Carl. carneg-g. cassia-s. castm. castor-eq. Caust. Cedr.
cench. cere-b. CHAM. Chel. Chin. Chinin-ar. Chinin-s. chir-fl. chlf. chlol. chlor. choc. chordumb. chr-ac. Cic. Cimic. Cimx. cina Cinnb. clem. cob-n. cob. Coc-c. Coca coca-c. Cocain.
COCC. cod. Coff. Colch. coll. COLOC. com. CON. conin. convo-s. cop. corian-s. corn. cot.
croc. CROT-C. Crot-h. Crot-t. cub. cupr-act. cupr-ar. Cupr. Cur. cycl. cypra-eg. cyt-l. daph.
dendr-pol. der. des-ac. DIG. digin. dios. diph. dream-p. dros. Dulc. echi. elaps Eos. Erig. eupper. Eup-pur. euph. Euphr. eupi. fago. falco-pe. ferr-ar. ferr-br. Ferr-i. ferr-p. Ferr. fic-m. fil.
Fl-ac. Form. frax. fum. galeoc-c-h. galla-q-r. gamb. gard-j. gast. GELS. germ-met. gins. Glon.
Gnaph. gran. GRAPH. grat. GUAJ. guare. gymno. haliae-lc. Ham. Hell. helm. Helo-s. helo.
helodr-cal. helon. Hep. heroin. hipp. hippoc-k. hist. hura hydr-ac. hydrc. hydrog. hydroph.
HYOS. Hyper. iber. ictod. Ign. ignis-alc. indg. indol. inul. Iod. ip. irid-met. iris jatr-c. jug-c.

Kali-ar. kali-bi. KALI-BR. KALI-C. Kali-chl. kali-cy. Kali-fcy. kali-i. kali-m. KALI-N. kali-p. Kali-s.
kali-sil. Kalm. keroso. ketogl-ac. kola Kreos. Lac-c. Lac-d. lac-del. lac-e. lac-h. lac-leo. lacer.
lach. lact-v. lact. lam. lap-la. lappa lat-h. Lat-m. lath. Laur. lavand-a. Led. lepi. Lil-t. lim.
lipp. lith-c. lith-m. lob-s. Lon-x. loxo-recl. luf-op. LYC. lycpr. lyss. M-ambo. m-arct. m-aust.
mag-c. MAG-M. mag-p. mag-s. magn-gr. manc. mand. mang. marb-w. Med. medus. melal-alt.
meli. mentho. Meny. meph. merc-c. Merc-i-f. merc-pr-r. merc-sul. MERC. Merl. Mez. mill.
mim-h. mim-p. moni. morg-p. Morph. mosch. Mur-ac. muru. musca-d. myric. nad. Naja natar. nat-c. NAT-M. nat-ox. nat-p. Nat-s. nat-sil. neon nept-m. nicc-met. nicc. NIT-AC. nitro-o.
NUX-M. NUX-V. oci. oena. ol-an. ol-j. olib-sac. OLND. Onos. OP. opun-s. opun-v. orot-ac. ost.
OX-AC. oxyt. ozone paeon. Pall. Par. paraf. peti. petr-ra. Petr. PH-AC. phasco-ci. phel. PHOS.
Phys. physal-al. physala-p. PHYT. Pic-ac. pieri-b. pin-con. pip-m. plac-s. plan. PLAT. Plb-xyz.
PLB. plut-n. Podo. pop-cand. positr. prop. prot. psil. psor. ptel. PULS. Pycnop-sa. pyrid.
pyrog. querc-r. rad-br. ran-b. raph. rat. rauw. Rheum rhod. rhus-g. RHUS-T. ros-d. rumx. Ruta
sabad. sabin. sacch-a. sal-fr. samb. sang. sanguis-s. sapin. sarcol-ac. sarr. sars. scop. SEC.
seneg. SEP. SIL. sinus. sphing. Spig. Spong. squil. stann. Staph. stict. STRAM. stront-c. stry.
strych-g. suis-em. sul-ac. sul-i. sulfa. Sulph. Sumb. syc. symph. syph. tab. tanac. tang. tarax.
TARENT. tax. tela tell. tep. ter. tetox. Teucr. thal-xyz. thal. thea ther. thlas. Thuj. thymol.
thyr. trios. tritic-vg. tub. tung-met. ulm-c. upa. urol-h. Urt-u. v-a-b. Vac. valer. vanil. verat-v.
Verat. Verb. vero-o. vesp. Viol-o. vip. visc. xan. zinc-ar. zinc-i. ZINC-P. Zinc. zing.

Arterial Diseases of the Extremities > Clinical Evaluation Harrison's Principles of Internal
Medicine .... The most common symptom is intermittent claudication, which is defined as a pain,
ache, cramp, numbness...

Cerebrovascular Diseases > STROKE SYNDROMES Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine ...,
superior, middle, or inferior lateral medullary arteries) On side of lesion Pain, numbness,

Chapter 12. Vascular Supply of the Brain > Localization of the Vascular Lesion in Stroke
Syndromes Clinical Neuroanatomy, 27e ... Ipsilateral jaw weakness Emerging sensory fibers of fifth
nerve Ipsilateral facial numbness...

Chapter 33. Viral Infections of the Nervous System, Chronic Meningitis, and Prion Diseases >
Clinical Features Adams & Victor's Principles of Neurology, 10e ... involving multiple deep bites around
the face and neck. Tingling or numbness at the site of the bite, even...

Chapter 36. Multiple Sclerosis and Other Inflammatory Demyelinating Diseases > Early
Symptoms and Signs Adams & Victor's Principles of Neurology, 10e ... Weakness or numbness,
sometimes both, in one or more limbs is the initial symptom in about half...

Dizziness > RANKING THE DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Symptom to Diagnosis: An Evidence-Based

Guide, 3e ... multiple sclerosis. 3 Definitive clues include new or severe headache/neck pain
numbness, weakness...

Neurologic History & Examination > E. Numbness Clinical Neurology, 9e ... Numbness can refer
to any of a variety of sensory disturbances, including hypesthesia...

Numbness, Tingling, and Sensory Loss Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine

Shoulder, Elbow, & Hand Injuries > Clinical Findings CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment:
Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 5e ... or numbness may occur in fourth and fifth digits. It can
be useful to follow progress of treatment...

The Nervous System > Altered sensationtingling and numbness, paresthesias DeGowins
Diagnostic Examination, 10e ... Tingling and numbness of a body part indicate impairment of the
normal sensory modalities...

Trigeminal Neuralgia, Bells Palsy, and Other Cranial Nerve Disorders > FACIAL PAIN OR
NUMBNESS Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine

Trigeminal Neuralgia, Bell's Palsy, and Other Cranial Nerve Disorders > FACIAL PAIN OR NUMBNESS
[TRIGEMINAL NERVE (V)] Harrison's Manual of Medicine
Encyclopedia Homoeopathica

Radar 10

Repertory of Numbness
ABDOMEN - NUMBNESS - External abdomen apis calc-p. merc. nux-v. petr. plb. pop-cand.
sulph. tell.
ABDOMEN - NUMBNESS - Hypochondrium left dig.
ABDOMEN - NUMBNESS - Hypogastrium - extending to - Thighs - sitting agg. petr.
ABDOMEN - NUMBNESS - Iliac fossa - right - lying on iliac fossa amel. Apis
ABDOMEN - NUMBNESS - Sacrum - And lower limb Calc-p.
ABDOMEN - NUMBNESS - Sides - left side sulph.
ABDOMEN - NUMBNESS Spleen apis ars.
ABDOMEN - NUMBNESS - Wall; abdominal calc-p.
ABDOMEN NUMBNESS acon. act-sp. apis arn. ars. bry. Calc-p. carb-v. dig. euph. ferr-i. merc.
nux-v. petr. Plat. Podo. Puls. ruta sang. sars. sulph. tarent. tell. tritic-vg.
BACK - INFLAMMATION - Membranes - accompanied by - Lower limbs; weakness, numbness and
oldness in ox-ac.
BACK - NUMBNESS - Cervical region - Nape of neck dig. merc-i-f. petr. plat. rhus-t. spig. tell.
BACK - NUMBNESS - Cervical region berb. bry. castor-eq. Chel. dig. hura hydrog. merc-i-f. par.
Plat. rhus-t. sacch-a. tell. vanil. xan.
BACK - NUMBNESS - Coccyx - menses; during plat.
BACK - NUMBNESS - Coccyx - sitting agg. PLAT.
BACK - NUMBNESS Coccyx berb. PLAT.
BACK - NUMBNESS - Dorsal region - Scapulae - 20 h calc-caust.
BACK - NUMBNESS - Dorsal region - Scapulae right corian-s.
BACK - NUMBNESS - Dorsal region Scapulae anac. arg-met. bry. merc-i-f.
BACK - NUMBNESS - Dorsal region acon. agar. alum. bell. calc. lach. ox-ac. ph-ac. phos. plat.
sec. thuj.
BACK - NUMBNESS - Lumbar region - loss of sensation evening alum. mag-m.
BACK - NUMBNESS - Lumbar region - loss of sensation - extending to - Lower limbs Acon.
BACK - NUMBNESS - Lumbar region - loss of sensation - morning - rising agg. Nat-m.
BACK - NUMBNESS - Lumbar region - loss of sensation Ars. bry. con. cupr-act. kali-n. zinc.
BACK - NUMBNESS - Lumbar region ACON. apis ars. bell. BERB. bry. calc. carb-v. cham. dulc.
frax. gnaph. graph. KALI-BI. lappa nux-m. nux-v. phos. plat. Sil. spong.
BACK - NUMBNESS - nap; after phos.
BACK - NUMBNESS - Part lain on calc.
BACK - NUMBNESS - Sacrum - Lower limbs, and Calc-p. graph.
BACK - NUMBNESS - Sacrum - sitting agg. plat.
BACK - NUMBNESS Sacrum berb. Calc-p. Graph. ox-ac. plat. spong.
BACK - NUMBNESS - Spine - extending to Downward phys.
BACK NUMBNESS acon. Agar. bell. berb. bry. Calc-p. calc. Cocc. con. cupr-ar. dulc. helodrcal. kali-bi. nat-sil. nux-v. ox-ac. oxyt. Phos. phys. plat. pop-cand. sec. sep. sil. vanil.
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - accompanied by numbness gnaph.
BACK - TENSION - Cervical region - accompanied by numbness plat.
BLADDER - URINATION - dysuria - painful - coldness, numbness and twitching down left leg;
with agar.
CHEST - HEART; complaints of the - accompanied by - Fingers; numbness in acon. Cact. iber.
ox-ac. rhus-t. spong. thyr.
CHEST - HEART; complaints of the - accompanied by - Hand - left numbness acon. Cact.

CHEST - HEART; complaints of the - accompanied by - Upper limbs - left numbness ACON.
CACT. cimic. dig. Glon. kalm. Lach. lat-m. lepi. Naja ox-ac. phos. RHUS-T. Spig. Sumb.
CHEST - HEART; complaints of the - accompanied by - Upper limbs numbness both-ax.
CHEST - HYPERTROPHY - Heart; of - numbness and tingling of left arm and fingers; with ACON.
cimic. puls. RHUS-T.
CHEST - NUMBNESS Axillae cann-xyz.
CHEST - NUMBNESS Clavicles ferr.
CHEST - NUMBNESS - extending to - Arms; down left glon.
CHEST - NUMBNESS Heart bufo kalm. nux-m.
CHEST - NUMBNESS - Mammae Nipples sars.
CHEST - NUMBNESS Mammae graph.
CHEST - NUMBNESS - Precordial region cact.
CHEST - NUMBNESS - Sides left cupr-ar. cupr. Cur. plb.
CHEST - NUMBNESS - Sides right chel.
CHEST NUMBNESS bufo carbn. chel. cupr-ar. ferr. Glon. graph. lat-m. merc. nux-m. physalal. rhus-t. stict. urt-u.
CHEST - PAIN - Heart - numbness and lameness of left arm - stitching pain Rhus-t.
CHEST - PAIN - Heart - numbness and lameness of left arm Rhus-t.
CHEST - PAIN - Heart - Region of - accompanied by - Upper limbs numbness lat-m.
CHEST - PALPITATION of heart - accompanied by - numbness of left arm and shoulder rhus-t.
CHILL - AFTERNOON - 16 h - 16-20 h - numb hands and feet icy cold; with - 19 h Lyc.
CHILL - ONE SIDE - coldness of right side and heat of left numbness Puls.
EAR - NUMBNESS - About ear calad. Fl-ac. lach.
EAR - NUMBNESS - Behind the ears - teeth together; on pressing all-s.
EAR - NUMBNESS - Behind the ears ox-ac.
EAR - NUMBNESS Conchae lach.
EAR - NUMBNESS - Front of ears; in sulph.
EAR - NUMBNESS left arizon-l. tarax. thuj. Verb.
EAR - NUMBNESS - Mastoid; in PLAT.
EAR - NUMBNESS Meatus lach. mur-ac.
EAR NUMBNESS agar. bros-gau. calc-i. carb-ac. fl-ac. gels. irid-met. lach. mag-c. manc. nuxm. Plat. sarr. sulph. thuj. Verb.
EXTERNAL THROAT - NUMBNESS - Cervical glands sep.
EXTERNAL THROAT NUMBNESS Carb-an. chel. dig. hell. olnd. petr. plat. sep. spig. Spong.
EXTREMITIES - COLDNESS - Hands - numb and cold chel. hydrog. Lach. Ox-ac.
EXTREMITIES - COLDNESS - Hands - right - numbness of left ferr.
EXTREMITIES - COLDNESS - Nates - accompanied by - numbness of nates calc-p.
EXTREMITIES - COLDNESS - Upper limbs - stiffness and numbness, with aster. sulph.
EXTREMITIES - FORMICATION - Thighs - numb while sitting hep.
EXTREMITIES - HEAVINESS - Upper limbs - numbness; with Ambr. Apis Bufo cham. croc. fl-ac.
graph. kali-c. lyc. mag-m. Nux-v. puls. Sep. sil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - afternoon - 16 h puls.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS afternoon ham. ruta vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - alternating arms and legs Phos.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - alternating with formication hist.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Ankles - Malleolus - pain; with caust.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Ankles night Sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Ankles - swelling; with in rheumatism lac-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS Ankles agath-a. caust. crot-c. glon. hep. Lac-c. nat-m. par. rhus-t.
sulph. thuj.

EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - chill; during carb-v. cocc. lyc. merc. Nux-v. phos. rhus-t. sil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - cold agg.; becoming sumb.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - delivery; during cupr.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Distal parts phys.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Elbows - Bends of elbow hura plb. sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Elbows - evening - lying down agg. phos.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Elbows - extending to - Fingers; tips of jatr-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Elbows - extending to Wrists phasco-ci.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Elbows - Lain on graph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Elbows - motion agg. all-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS Elbows all-c. bell. caust. cinnb. dig. dios. graph. jatr-c. kali-bi.
kali-n. kola kreos. nat-s. phasco-ci. phos. pip-m. puls. sulph. symph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - epileptic convulsions; during bufo
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - evening paralytic valer.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - evening - perspiration, after tax.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - evening - remaining in one position; on fago.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS evening dulc. graph. peti. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - exaltation; with mag-p. nat-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - excitement during mag-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - exertion agg. alum. Sep.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - afternoon - 14 h mang.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - afternoon - 16-20 h - chill; with lyc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet afternoon fago. mang. mez. phos. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - alternating with numbness of hands COCC.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - ascending stairs agg. nat-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - Back of feet - walking in open air agg. graph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - Back of feet graph. ham. thuj.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - chill; with bufo calc. cedr. Cimx. ferr. Lyc. nux-m. PULS.
sep. stann. stram.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - crossing legs agg. allox. laur. PHOS. spong.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet daytime Carb-an.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - diarrhea agg.; after merc-sul.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - dinner - after - agg. Kali-c. mill.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - dinner - during - agg. kali-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - eating; after KALI-C.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - evening - bed agg.; in carb-an.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet evening Calc. phos. puls. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - excitement agg. sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - extending to Legs lat-h.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - fever; during ant-c. Calc. con. nux-v. sec. Sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet forenoon am-m. nat-c. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - Heels - morning - rising agg. stram.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - Heels - sitting agg. Con.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - Heels - stepping agg. Alum. arg-met. caust. rhus-t.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet Heels alum-sil. Alum. arg-met. ars-s-f. caust. chel. con.
graph. ign. lyc. nux-v. rhus-t. sep. stict. Stram. stront-c. thuj.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - Joints right colch.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet Joints cann-i. nat-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - left - then right coloc. mill.

EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - left - walking, only while ph-ac.

EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet left bapt. des-ac. Glon. graph. kali-c. lac-c. med. nat-c.
Nat-m. nept-m. olib-sac. ph-ac. phos. psor. puls. Thuj. vanil. xan.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - lying agg. caust. ruta sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - menses; before hyper.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - morning - bed - in bed - agg. alum. calc-p. mag-s. ruta
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - morning - bed - waking; in bed on aids.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet morning aids. alum. dios. nux-v. ruta sil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - motion - agg. bapt.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - motion - amel. helm. helon. mill. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - night - bed agg.; in alumn. Calc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet night am-m. bry. Ferr. lyc. mag-m. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - Outside of ars-s-f. ruta
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet painful mag-m. puls. tritic-vg.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - perspiration; during bell. Calc. graph. Sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - pressing on the spine, when Phos.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - riding - agg. Calc-p.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - riding - cold wind; in ham.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - right - then left coloc. mill.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet right alum. am-c. ant-c. ant-t. ars. bar-c. camph. Kali-bi.
laur. lyc. mang. nux-m. petr. podo. rhus-t. ruta sep. symph. vanil. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - shivering; during Lyc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - sitting agg. allox. am-c. Ant-t. bry. cadm-met. calc-p. calcsil. Calc. cann-s. caust. cham. coloc. euph. graph. grat. helon. jug-c. laur. lyc. mill. nat-c.
nept-m. Phos. Plat. Puls. rhod. sep. spong. sul-ac. symph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - Sole of evening sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - Sole of - extending to Thighs ars.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - Sole of - Hollow of foot bry. merc-sul.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - Sole of left cann-i. symph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - Sole of - needles, as if walking on eupi.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - Sole of night cham.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - Sole of - sitting agg. COCC. laur. thuj.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - Sole of - standing agg. puls. Sec.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - Sole of - walking - agg. cham. helo-s. helo. hydrog. olnd.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - Sole of - walking ame . puls. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - Sole of Alum. alumn. Ars. bry. Cann-i. cann-xyz. cham. chel.
COCC. cupr. eupi. fl-ac. helo-s. helo. hydrog. kali-s. lac-h. lat-m. laur. lim. merc-sul. nat-c.
Nux-v. olnd. Phos. plb. puls. raph. rhus-t. sapin. Sec. sep. sulph. symph. syph. thuj. ulm-c.
xan. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - standing agg mang. merc-sul. merc. nept-m. Sec. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - stooping agg. coloc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - stretching out cham.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - walking - after - agg. rhod.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - walking - agg. ant-c. graph. ph-ac. Sec. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - walking - air; in open - amel. Thuj.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Feet - weather agg.; cold prot.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS Feet abrot. acet-ac. Acon. aeth. agar. aids. alum-p. alum-sil.
Alum. alumn. am-c. am-m. ambr. ammc. ang. ant-c. ant-t. Apis Arg-met. ARG-N. arn. ars-h.
ars-i. ars-s-f. ARS. arund. asaf. asar. atra-r. Bapt. bar-c. bell. bry. cact. cadm-met. calc-p.


calc-s. Calc. Camph. cann-i. Carb-an. Carb-v. carbn-o. Carbn-s. Caust. cench. cham. cic.
cinnb. clem. cob. coca COCC. cod. Coff. colch. Coloc. CON. croc. cub. cupr. des-ac. dig.
digin. dios. euph. euphr. fago. falco-pe. ferr-ar. ferr-i. ferr-p. ferr. fic-m. fl-ac. Form. gels.
glon. GRAPH. grat. ham. hell. helon. hipp. hyper. ign. iod. Kali-ar. kali-bi. kali-c. kali-n. kalip. kali-s. kali-sil. kola lach. lact-v. lact. lat-h. lat-m. laur. LYC. m-aust. mag-m. mag-s. mang.
marb-w. merc-c. merc. mez. mill. morg-p. musca-d. nat-ar. nat-c. nat-m. nat-p. nept-m. Nitac. NUX-V. Olnd. onos. op. PH-AC. PHOS. phys. pic-ac. Plat. Plb. prot. psor. Puls. pyrog. rhod.
rhus-t. ruta sabad. Sec. sep. sil. sphing. spig. spong. stann. stram. stront-c. strych-g. sul-ac.
sulph. sumb. symph. tetox. thal-xyz. Thuj. trios. tung-met. ulm-c. upa. vanil. verat-v. verat.
viol-o. vip. zinc-p. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - air, cold nit-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - carrying load on arm carl.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - chest complaints Carb-an.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - chill; during acon. am-c. am-m. calc. cedr. chel. Cimx.
cupr. ferr. hep. lyc. mur-ac. ph-ac. puls. rhus-t. sec. SEP. stann. sulph. thuj. verat.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - convulsions; between Sec.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - eating; after Con.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - epilepsy; during cupr.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - evening - lying down agg. mag-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers evening lipp. sep. ter.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - extending to Upward Ars. iber. moni.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - fever - before an attack of intermittent nux-v. puls.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - fever - during - agg. am-c. ant-t. Calc. chel. hep. puls.
Sec. sep. sulph. thuj.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - First - chill; during ph-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - First - extending to - Arm; up radial side of anac. carban. phos.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - First - left hand anac. nat-m. rhus-t. symph. thuj.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - First morning lyc. nat-m. Rhus-t.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - First - Side of ph-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - First - Tip of graph. ham. kali-s. spong. thuj.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers First agar. apis bar-c. calc. Caust. euphr. ham. hura
kreos. lac-h. lyc. nat-m. Par. phos. rhod. Rhus-t.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers forenoon fl-ac. sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Fourth finger afternoon calc-s. nicc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Fourth finger - evening - bed agg.; in sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Fourth finger evening lipp. sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Fourth finger - extending to Wrist rhus-g.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Fourth finger left calad. dios. ignis-alc. podo. sumb.
thuj. Vac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Fourth finger - morning - waking; on aids. lyc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Fourth finger morning calc-s. lyc. nat-sil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Fourth finger night carc. nat-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Fourth finger right carc. inul. lipp.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Fourth finger - rising - amel. nat-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Fourth finger - rubbing - amel. lipp. nat-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Fourth finger - sitting; after alum.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Fourth finger - Tip of choc. plb.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Fourth finger - waking; on coca lyc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Fourth finger - writing agg. com.


EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Fourth finger aids. alum. anac. Aran. arg-n. calad. calc-s.
coca com. con. dig. dios. eupi. ign. inul. lipp. lyc. med. nat-c. nat-m. nat-sil. op. ozone Plat.
rhus-g. sars. sinus. sulph. sumb. thuj.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - grasping something agg acon. am-c. calc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - headache; during podo.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers Joints anac. euphr. Lach. LYC.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - left - extending to - Chest - left side rhus-g.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers left kola
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - morning - bed agg.; in puls.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - morning - rising agg. stram. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - morning - waking; on aids. galla-q-r. Phos.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers morning aids. am-c. caust. cham. dios. Ferr. kreos. lyc.
merc. phos. puls. rhus-t. Sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - night - midnight - after - 4-5 h lac-h.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers night am-c. carc. kali-n. Mur-ac. ozone puls.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - one side cact. ph-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - perspiration; during am-m. ant-t. Ars. Calc. Cham. chel.
hep. nux-v. puls. SULPH. thuj. Verat.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - playing piano, while dulc. sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers right cann-i. hydrc. hydrog. lac-h. Lil-t. nat-p. Plat. sep.
sulph. thuj.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Second - air; cold phos.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Second left luf-op.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Second morning bamb-a. lyc. nat-m. rhus-t.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Second night mur-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Second - Tip left thuj.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers Second bamb-a. calc. carbn-o. dig. dulc. euphr. gamb.
ham. hydrog. lac-h. lipp. lyc. mur-ac. nat-m. nat-sil. phos. rat. rhus-t. ruta
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - sitting agg. Cham.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Third finger afternoon dulc. nicc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Third finger - evening - 19 h phys.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Third finger - evening - bed agg.; in sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Third finger evening lipp.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Third finger - extending to Wrist rhus-g.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Third finger left dios. dulc. podo. sumb. thuj.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Third finger - morning - waking; on aids. bamb-a. lyc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Third finger morning aids. lyc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Third finger - night - rising - amel. nat-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Third finger night nat-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Third finger right lipp. rat.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Third finger - sitting; after alum.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Third finger - Tip of thuj.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Third finger - writing agg. com.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Third finger aids. alum. anac. ang. Aran. arg-n. bamb-a.
calc. carbn-o. com. con. dig. dulc. eupi. ign. lipp. lyc. nat-m. nicc. op. phys. rat. rhus-g.
sabad. sars. sulph. sumb. thuj.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Tips - chill; during mur-ac. stann.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Tips - heart; with pain in iber.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Tips - left - lying on left side agg. iber.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Tips morning kali-c. Lach.


EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Tips - rubbing - amel. mag-m.

EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Tips - stretching hands, on tell.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Tips - wet; after getting rhus-t.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - Tips - whooping cough; during Spong.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers Tips acon. act-sp. ant-t. Apis arg-met. arg-n. ars. bamba. cann-s. cann-xyz. carb-an. carb-v. carbn-s. Caust. chel. cupr. dulc. Fl-ac. graph. ham.
hydrog. iber. kali-bi. kali-c. kali-p. Kreos. Lach. lath. lyc. mag-m. mag-p. mez. mur-ac. natm. ox-ac. ph-ac. PHOS. plb. rhus-t. ruta sal-fr. Sec. Spong. stann. Staph. sulph. sumb. syph.
tab. tell. thuj.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Fingers - writing; after carl.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS Fingers abrot. Acon. act-sp. aesc. agar. aids. ail. allox. alum-sil.
alum. am-c. am-m. ambr. Aml-ns. anac. androc. ang. ant-t. Apis aran. arist-cl. Ars-i. Ars.
aster. atro. Bar-c. bar-i. bar-m. bar-s. bell. bry. bufo calc-f. calc-i. calc-sil. CALC. cann-s.
Carb-an. carbn-o. Carbn-s. carc. Carl. Caust. cham. chel. chir-fl. chlf. Cic. Cimic. Cimx. cina
Cocain. cocc. coff. colch. Con. cop. croc. crot-h. cub. Cupr. DIG. dios. dulc. euph. euphr.
falco-pe. ferr-ar. Ferr-i. ferr-p. Ferr. fl-ac. gels. gins. GRAPH. Hep. hipp. hydrc. Iod. Kali-ar.
kali-c. Kali-chl. kali-n. kali-sil. kola Kreos. lach. lath. lil-t. lipp. LYC. m-arct. m-aust. mag-m.
mag-p. mag-s. merc-c. merc-i-f. merc. morph. mosch. Mur-ac. nat-m. nat-p. nit-ac. nux-m.
nux-v. ol-an. olnd. op. Ox-ac. paeon. Par. petr-ra. ph-ac. PHOS. PLAT. Plb. podo. pop-cand.
prop. prot. psor. ptel. puls. rhod. RHUS-T. ruta sabin. sarcol-ac. sarr. sars. SEC. Sep. Sil. sinus.
spong. stann. staph. stram. stront-c. sul-ac. sul-i. Sulph. syc. symph. ter. thal. Thuj. thyr.
tritic-vg. upa. verat. verb. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - afternoon, 17 h phys.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - Anterior part aloe cham. fl-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - bending agg. chin.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms edematous chel.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - extending to - Finger - Fourth finger; tip of cinnb.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - extending to Finger pall.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms forenoon fl-ac. zinc. zing.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - grasping something agg. CHAM.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - hangs down, when berb.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - Lain on aesc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms left ACON. alum. Bapt. cinnb. dios. fl-ac. ignis-alc.
kali-c. med. onos.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - lying - agg. puls.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - lying - side; on - left - agg. sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - lying - table agg.; lying on - writing; when lyc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - morning - rising agg.; after mag-m. nux-v.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - morning - waking; on kali-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms morning mag-m. nux-v.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - motion - amel. Cinnb. puls.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - night - midnight, after - 5 h fl-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - night - midnight, after - 5 h - lying on right side agg. flac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - night - midnight, before - 22 h tell.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms night arg-n. rhus-t. sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms painful com. euphr.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - Posterior part berb. caj. peti. plb.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - Radial side fl-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - raising arm agg. Puls. sep.


EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms right Am-m. bell. Chin. coloc. euphr. hep. Nit-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - rubbing - amel. sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - sitting agg. fl-ac. merc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Forearms - Ulnar side rheum
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS Forearms ACON. aesc. agar. agath-a. ail. aloe alum. am-m. arsmet. bapt. berb. both-ax. caps. carb-an. carb-v. Carbn-s. cedr. Cham. chin. chinin-ar. cinnb.
Cocc. coloc. com. Crot-c. Cupr. cypra-eg. dios. euphr. Fl-ac. Gels. Glon. GRAPH. helo-s. helo.
hydrc. hydrog. Kali-c. kali-n. lavand-a. Lyc. lyss. mag-m. med. merc-sul. merc. morg-p. Natm. Nit-ac. nux-v. Op. Pall. Plb. Psor. puls. rheum rhus-t. sec. sep. stront-c. Sulph. tell. thuj.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - forenoon - 10 h ant-t.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands afternoon mez. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - air, cold lyc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - alternating sides COCC. echi.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - Back of hands caj. lam. laur. med. phos.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - carrying anything ambr. sep.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - chill; during Apis Bry. calc. Cimx. dros. ferr. guare. Lyc.
mur-ac. nux-m. nux-v. petr. ph-ac. PULS. sec. SEP. stann.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands daytime apis Zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - eating; after con. lyc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands evening borx. nux-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - excitement agg. Sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - exertion agg. ruta
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - extending to Arm agar. aster. dios. fl-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - fever; during calc. nux-v. sec. Sep. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - grasping something - agg. Calc. Cham. cocc. sep.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - grasping something - amel. spig.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - heat in stomach, with con.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - lain on aesc. am-c. ambr. graph. Kali-c. petr. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - left - cold; with right hand Ferr.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - left - menses; during Graph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands left acon. agar. aloe asc-t. aster. Bapt. cact. carb-an.
coca-c. con. Crot-h. dig. dios. euphr. ferr. fl-ac. Glon. Graph. Lac-c. Lach. Lat-m. med. mercsul. mez. naja nat-c. Nit-ac. phys. phyt. podo. Rhus-t. sars. stry. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - lying - agg. ambr. mag-c. nat-m. petr-ra. puls.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - lying - hard; on something - agg. nat-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - menses; during Graph. kali-n. sec.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - morning - 7 h dios.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - morning - bed agg.; in Carb-an. fl-ac. lyc. nat-c. nit-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - morning - waking; on aids. alum. calc-p. Ferr. Kali-c. Phos.
vanil. Zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - morning - washing agg. Carb-v.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands morning aids. Carb-an. fl-ac. ham. Kali-c. mag-c. Nit-ac.
Phos. prot. sil. Spig. Thuj. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - motion - agg. bapt.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - motion - amel. am-c. Apis cann-s. carb-an. Ferr. nat-m.
puls. spig. stront-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - night - grasping something agg. sep.


EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - night - lain on am-c. petr.

EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - night - midnight, after - 4 h nat-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - night - midnight, after - 5 h fl-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - night - sleep agg.; during croc. lac-leo.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands night agar. ambr. ars-i. bry. carb-v. ham. kali-n. lyc. magm. merc-pr-r. pall. prot. sep. SIL. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - one hand numb, the other asleep Phos.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands painful euphr. mag-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - Palms morning psor.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands Palms acon. bry. con. kali-c. lob-s. op. phos. plb. psor.
stram. syph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands paralytic nit-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - perspiration; during Calc. lyc. Nux-v. puls. sep. thuj. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - pocket, on putting hand into nat-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - prosopalgia, side of cocc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - Radial nerve, distribution of ph-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - resting hand on anything agg. nit-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - resting head on hand agg. squil. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - riding in a carriage agg. form.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - right - then left Cocc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands right alum. am-c. asc-t. bell-p-sp. cann-s. cycl. elaps Ferrp. Gels. graph. Hep. hydrog. kali-p. lac-e. lil-t. lyss. merc. nat-m. nat-p. nat-sil. nept-m. nitac. phos. rhus-t. rumx. sil. spig. thuj. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - sewing, while Crot-h.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - shivering; during stann.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - sitting agg. am-c. cadm-met. graph. merc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - sleep; during petr-ra.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - talking agg. lyc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - Ulnar side - writing; after agar.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - Ulnar side aran. dig. plb.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - using, on graph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - waking; on alum. calc-p. chord-umb. form. hippoc-k.
manc. mez. ros-d.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - walking agg. rhod.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - water, after emersion in carb-v. sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - wet; getting - agg. Rhus-t.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - wet; getting amel spig.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hands - writing agg. agar. Zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS Hands abrot. Acon. aesc. aeth. agar. aids. allox. aloe alum-sil.
alum. am-c. ambr. androc. Apis arg-n. arist-cl. ars-h. ars-i. ars-s-r. Ars. asaf. asc-t. aster.
atra-r. atro. bapt. bar-c. bell. borx. both-ax. bov. bry. bufo buteo-j. cact. cadm-met. cadm-s.
calc-f. calc-i. calc-p. calc-s. calc-sil. Calc. Camph. cann-i. cann-s. carb-ac. CARB-AN. Carb-v.
carbn-o. Carbn-s. cassia-s. Caust. cedr. cench. cham. chel. chord-umb. cimic. Coca coca-c.
COCC. cod. Colch. com. Con. croc. CROT-C. cub. Cupr. cycl. cypra-eg. cyt-l. dios. Dulc. elaps
euphr. eupi. falco-pe. ferr-ar. ferr-p. Ferr. Fl-ac. form. Gels. gins. glon. GRAPH. guare. ham.
hell. helo-s. helo. hep. hipp. hippoc-k. hydrc. Hyos. Hyper. iber. ign. Kali-ar. KALI-C. kali-cy.
KALI-N. kali-p. Kali-s. kali-sil. lac-leo. Lach. lil-t. loxo-recl. luf-op. LYC. lyss. m-arct. m-aust.
mag-c. mag-p. manc. mand. med. merc-c. merc-i-f. merc-sul. merc. Mez. moni. naja nat-c.
Nat-m. nept-m. Nit-ac. nux-m. Nux-v. Onos. Op. ox-ac. par. PHOS. phys. pic-ac. pin-con. plat.
Plb. Psor. ptel. Puls. pyrog. raph. rhod. ros-d. Ruta sarr. Sec. sep. Sil. sinus. Spig. squil.


stram. stront-c. stry. strych-g. sulph. sumb. tela tetox. thal-xyz. Thuj. trios. tung-met. vanil.
verat-v. verat. vip. zinc-p. Zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - headache; before nat-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - heat; during apis Bell. calc. cann-xyz. carb-v. cham. chin. cocc.
croc. graph. Hyos. ign. kali-c. LYC. merc. nat-m. Nux-v. OP. petr. PH-AC. Phos. Puls. rhod.
rhus-t. sep. sil. stann. stram. sulph. Thuj. verat.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Hips - extending to - Abdomen - standing agg. staph. sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS Hips agar. Apis ars-met. bapt. calc. rhus-t. sep. staph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - hysterical - spasm; with gels.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS hysterical gels.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Joints - cold and wet; after exposure to Rhus-t.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Joints - rheumatism; during acon. cham. kreos. led. puls. Rhus-t.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS Joints alum. con. ip. Led. Lyc. plat. puls. rhus-t.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Knees - driving; while nept-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Knees - evening - stooping agg. Coloc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Knees - extending to - Scrotum - sitting down - amel. bar-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Knees - extending to Scrotum bar-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Knees - extending to Toes nept-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Knees - Hollow of knee onos.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Knees left nept-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Knees - morning - sitting agg. sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Knees morning caust.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Knees night graph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Knees - sitting after alum.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Knees - sitting - amel. bar-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Knees - sleep agg.; during graph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Knees - walking rapidly agg. kali-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS Knees alum. calc. carb-v. caust. chin. cinnb. clem. Coloc. fl-ac.
graph. kali-c. lach. meli. merc-i-f. nat-p. nept-m. onos. petr. phys. Plat. sep. sulph. thuj.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS left alum. bufo carbn-o. caust. cupr-ar. dios. med. mez. prot.
puls. Sumb.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs afternoon bov. fago. nicc. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - air; in open - amel. pic-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - bed agg.; in lac-del. plat. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - Calves afternoon dulc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - Calves evening dulc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - Calves morning aq-mar.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - Calves squatting aq-mar.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - Calves - walking - amel. aq-mar.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs Calves acon. aq-mar. ars-s-r. ars. berb. Bry. cham. coll.
Coloc. dulc. falco-pe. graph. lach. nux-v. phos. plat. Sec. sil. trios. vanil. verat-v. verat.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - chill; during eup-pur. Nux-v.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - convulsions; before plb.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - crossing, while Agar. allox. carb-an. Crot-h. laur. phos. sep.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs daytime Carb-an.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - diarrhea agg.; after merc-sul.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - driving a car; while falco-pe.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - evening - lying on it; while alum.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - evening - sitting agg. Calc. dios. graph. Plat.


EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs evening Calc. dios. hyper. merc-c. Plat. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - excitement agg. Sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - extending to Thighs hydrog.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - lain on am-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - left - lying - back; on - agg. nicc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - left - lying - side; on - left - agg. Phos.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs left Arg-n. asar. borx. cann-i. carc. Crot-h. Crot-t. dios. flac. ham. hep. Hyper. lac-c. Lil-t. lyc. med. mim-p. nicc. olib-sac. onos. Phos. puls. pycnop-sa.
ruta sep. stram. thlas. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - lying - agg. aloe bell. phos. sumb.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - lying - leg agg.; on alumn.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - menses; during PULS.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - morning - bed agg.; in Ambr. hep. lac-del. nicc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs morning Ambr. aq-mar. caust. dios. ham. hep. nicc. ruta
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - motion agg. lac-del. laur.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - night - bed; when going to psor.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs night alum. Am-c. kali-c. merc. nit-ac. phos. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - noon - sleep agg.; after spong.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs noon spong.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - one side and pain in the other sil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - right - then left spong.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs right alum. alumn. apis cedr. dios. eup-per. eup-pur. kali-c.
lac-c. lyss. sabad. tarent. vanil. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - rising - agg. puls. sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - rising - sitting; from - agg. Puls.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - rubbing - amel. lac-del. stram.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - sitting after ACON. Graph. lyss. spong.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - sitting - agg. acon. agar. am-c. am-m. Ant-c. bad. brom.
calc-sil. Calc. chin. con. Crot-h. grat. ign. lyc. nicc. nux-v. petr. Phos. Plat. Puls. spong. sulac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - sleep agg.; after Spong.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - squatting - agg. aq-mar.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - standing agg. am-c. nux-v.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - stretched, when cham.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - Tibia, about kalm. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - walking - agg. - sitting; after nux-v. spong.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - walking - agg. Coloc. petr. Rhus-t. Sep. thuj.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - walking - amel. aq-mar. lac-del.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Legs - weather agg.; cold apis
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS Legs acet-ac. Acon. agar. ail. aloe alum-p. alum-sil. Alum. alumn.
Am-c. am-m. ambr. anac. anan. ang. Ant-c. ant-t. Apis Aran. Arg-met. Arg-n. arn. ars-i. Ars.
asaf. asar. aster. atro. bapt. bell. borx. bov. bry. bufo cact. calc-f. calc-i. Calc-p. Calc.
camph. canth. Carb-an. carb-v. Carbn-s. carc. Caust. cedr. cham. chin. chinin-ar. chlol. cic.
coca-c. Cocc. Coloc. CON. Crot-h. cupr-ar. cupr. dig. dios. dulc. eup-per. Eup-pur. euph.
euphr. fago. falco-pe. ferr-ar. ferr-i. ferr-p. ferr. glon. gnaph. GRAPH. Ham. hep. hydrog.
hydroph. Hyper. ign. iod. ip. Kali-c. kali-p. kali-sil. kalm. lac-c. lach. lact. laur. led. LYC. marct. m-aust. mag-m. med. meph. Merc-c. Merc. mez. morg-p. nat-c. Nat-m. nit-ac. nux-m.
NUX-V. Onos. Op. Ox-ac. peti. Phos. Phys. Phyt. pic-ac. PLAT. plb. prot. Psor. Puls. rhod.


RHUS-T. rumx. ruta samb. sec. SIL. spong. stram. sul-i. sulph. tab. Tarent. thuj. vanil. verat-v.
vip. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - afternoon - sitting agg. teucr.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - ascending stairs agg. nux-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs Bones graph. kalm.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - chill; during con.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - crossing the legs, when agar. alum. ambr. ang. Carban. Crot-h. fl-ac. kali-c. laur. plat. psor. rad-br. rheum sabad. sep. squil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - eating; after kali-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - evening - bed agg.; in dulc. hydrog.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - evening - sitting agg. sil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs evening dulc. mez. sil. sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - exertion; cramping numbness during alum.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - extending to - Waist-line Calc-p.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - gouty limbs Acon.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs Joints mosch.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - kneeling, after op. opun-s. opun-v.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - lain on alumn. am-c. bufo Carb-an. ozone Rhus-t.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs left cupr-ar. des-ac. dulc. ham. kreos. lac-c. med.
Meny. nat-m. phos. psor. ruta sep. sulph. thlas.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - lying agg. aur. kali-c. sulph. tritic-vg.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - menses - before - agg. ang. podo.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - menses - during - agg. carb-an. hyos. Kali-n. PULS.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - morning - bed agg.; in Aur. Sulph. teucr.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs morning ham. phos.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs night alum. Calc-p. graph. ph-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - pain; after cocc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - rest; after op. opun-s. opun-v.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - riding agg. Calc-p.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs right alumn. cedr. dulc. eup-per. KALI-C. nux-m. sil.
sul-ac. sulph. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - Side of affected ovary apis
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - sitting after sep.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - sitting - agg. Ant-c. Ant-t. Calc-p. calc-sil. calc.
chin. con. crot-h. euph. euphr. Graph. kali-c. lyc. lyss. nux-v. ph-ac. plat. ros-d. sep. sil.
sulph. teucr. tritic-vg.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - sleep - siesta; during Nat-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - standing agg. - long time; for a puls.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - standing agg. sep.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - stool agg.; after trios.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs - walking agg. Alum. KALI-N. Plb. Rhus-t. Sep. Thuj.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Lower limbs acet-ac. acon. agar. ail. aloe alum-p. alum-sil. Alum.
alumn. am-c. Ambr. androc. ang. ant-c. ant-t. Apis Arg-met. Arg-n. arn. ars-i. ars-s-f. ars.
asaf. asar. aster. aur-ar. aur-s. aur. Bar-c. bell. berb. bov. bufo calc-i. Calc-p. calc-s. CALC.
camph. cann-i. Canth. Carb-an. Carb-v. carbn-s. cardios-h. caust. cham. Chel. chin. chinin-ar.
Chinin-s. cic. cimic. cocc. colch. coloc. Con. croc. crot-h. cupr-ar. cupr. der. des-ac. dulc.
euph. euphr. falco-pe. ferr. fl-ac. GNAPH. GRAPH. guaj. guare. ham. hyper. ign. iod. kali-ar.
Kali-bi. Kali-br. KALI-C. kali-n. kali-p. Kali-s. kali-sil. kreos. lac-c. lact. lat-m. led. Lyc. lyss.
m-ambo. m-arct. mang. med. merc-c. Merc. mez. morg-p. morph. mosch. musca-d. naja nat-


m. nat-s. nit-ac. nux-m. Nux-v. olnd. Onos. op. ox-ac. Petr. ph-ac. Phos. Pic-ac. pin-con. plan.
plat. PLB. psil. psor. PULS. rheum Rhod. Rhus-t. ruta samb. Sec. Sep. sil. Spong. squil. sul-ac.
sulph. TARENT. ter. teucr. thuj. thyr. tritic-vg. vanil. Verat. vip.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - lying - agg. - eating; after aloe
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - lying - agg. - labor; after normal Sep.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - lying - agg. aloe aur-s. Aur. Carb-v. Chin. kali-c. Sulph. Verat.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - lying - still - agg. Graph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - lying - them agg.; on alumn. am-c. arn. bar-c. bry. bufo Calc.
carb-an. CARB-V. Chin. glon. Kali-c. lyc. mez. phel. Puls. pycnop-sa. rheum rhod. RHUS-T. Sil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - menses; during Graph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - mental exertion; after plat.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS migratory Cocc. raph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - morning - waking; on aids. aur. bufo calc-p. coca-c. ruta vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS morning Ambr. ox-ac. peti. ruta spong. stront-c. vanil. Zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - motion - amel. am-c. anac. aur. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Nates - rising after sitting; on calc-p.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Nates - sitting agg. Alum. Calc-p. dig. guaj. Sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS Nates allox. Alum. Calc-p. caust. dig. moni. plb. raph. spong.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - night - waking; on mez. thuj.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS night bov. croc. graph. kali-c. lyc. ph-ac. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - one side - paralyzed; other side cocc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - one side caust. COCC. Ph-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - pain; after acon.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Paralyzed parts phys.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - paralyzed; as if aven. spong.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - perspiration; during apis Calc. carb-an. carb-v. Cham. chin. cocc.
graph. ign. kali-c. LYC. MERC. nat-m. NUX-V. petr. phos. puls. rhod. Rhus-t. sep. Sil. sulph.
Thuj. verat.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - pressure; from alum. ambr.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - rest agg. aur-ar.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - sensation of acon.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Shoulders - extending to - Fingers Tips ox-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Shoulders left merc-i-f. rhus-t. xan.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Shoulders morning zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Shoulders night sep.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Shoulders right cassia-s.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS Shoulders acon. alumn. bell. caust. cocc. ferr. fl-ac. kali-bi. merc.
ox-ac. plb. Puls. sep. Urt-u. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Side not lain on fl-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - sitting agg. am-c. cham. cop. Graph. lact. lyc. Mur-ac. spong.
sulph. teucr.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - sleep agg.; during bufo lac-leo. nat-m. urol-h.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - spasms before plb.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - stool - after - agg. sec.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - stool - during - agg. sec.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs afternoon bamb-a. vanil.


EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs Anterior chel. Lac-d. plan. plat. plb. sec.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - crossing legs agg. fl-ac. nux-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - eating agg. ferr.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - evening - crossing legs; when fl-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - exertion - agg. carc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - exertion - amel. carc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - extending to Foot con.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - extending to Knee allox.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - heat; during ferr. graph. spong.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - lain on, one tell.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - left - sitting agg. bamb-a.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs left bamb-a. lyc. med. phos.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - lying agg. merc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - menses; before podo.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - motion - beginning of - agg. allox.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - motion - continued motion - amel. allox.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs night plb.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - Outer side caj. lac-d. Plb. stram.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs paralytic acon.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs right allox. bry. calc-f. fl-ac. nicc-met. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - rising from sitting agg. chin. sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - sitting agg. - eating; after ign.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - sitting agg. allox. graph. merc. puls. sil. thuj. trios. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - sleep, short - amel. carc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - sleep, short carc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - standing agg. chin.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thighs - walking agg. carb-v.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS Thighs acon. allox. aloe Ars. asar. aster. berb. bry. cadm-s. Calc.
canth. carb-v. carbn-s. carc. chel. chin. cic. colch. Con. crot-h. dig. euph. euphr. Ferr. Fl-ac.
glon. GRAPH. guaj. hep. ign. iod. kali-bi. Kreos. Lac-d. m-aust. Med. meny. merc. nit-ac. nuxm. nux-v. oci. ox-ac. phos. plat. Plb. podo. samb. sec. Spong. tep. thuj. trios. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thumbs afternoon alum. ham.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thumbs Balls coll. gamb. lam.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thumbs left alum. calad. gard-j. nat-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thumbs morning kali-c. nat-m. plat.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thumbs - Nails; under colch.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thumbs painful Caust.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thumbs - Proximal joint cina
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thumbs right cann-i. lac-e. ox-ac. plb. plut-n.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Thumbs - Tip of cina ham. hydrog. phos. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS Thumbs alum. calad. cann-i. Caust. cina dulc. euphr. hura kali-c.
nat-m. op. plat. plb. stront-c. stry. tung-met. verb. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Toes - extending to - Other parts thal.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Toes - extending to Upward Ars. thal.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Toes - First afternoon nat-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Toes - First - morning - sitting agg. nat-s.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Toes - First morning nat-s.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Toes First ars. calc. cham. nat-c. nat-s. nux-v. petr-ra. rad-br.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Toes - morning - waking; on aids.


EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Toes morning aids. lyc.

EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Toes - prickling; hot acon.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Toes right ozone petr-ra.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Toes - Tips - beginning in tab.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Toes Tips acon. phos. tab.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Toes - walking agg. Acon. Caust. cycl. ph-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS Toes abrot. Acon. aids. allox. alum-sil. apis ARN. Ars. benz-ac.
Calc. camph. carb-v. Caust. Cham. Chel. colch. Con. crot-h. cub. cycl. fago. glon. GRAPH.
lach. lyc. m-aust. nat-m. Nat-s. nept-m. nux-v. ozone ph-ac. Phos. plb. podo. puls. pycnop-sa.
sabad. SEC. sil. sulph. thal. thuj.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper arms Deltoid plb.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper arms left mim-p.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper arms - morning - bed agg.; in merc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper arms - sitting agg. merc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper arms am-c. bry. cact. carb-ac. carbn-s. croc. fl-ac. hura
inul. kali-c. kali-s. lat-m. mag-m. merc. morg-p. plat.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs afternoon alum-sil. calc-p. carl. nicc. teucr.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - alternating sides ozone
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - Anterior part plan.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - bed - going to bed when psor.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - bed - in bed - agg. androc. carb-an. Ign. mag-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs Bones cham.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - carrying anything, when Ambr.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - clothes too tight; as if paraf.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - cold agg.; becoming sumb.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - colic; with aran.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - convulsions; between epileptic cupr.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - covers, under sep.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - daytime - rest agg. ambr.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs daytime ambr. anac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - eating - after - agg. cocc. Kali-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - eating - while - agg. cocc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - evening - 19 h Phys.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - evening - 20 h cinnb.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - evening - lying down agg. mag-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs evening borx. bry. lyss. merc-c. phos. plb.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - exertion - after - agg. sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - exertion - after - violent exertion Kali-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - exertion - agg. cramping alum.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - extending to Thumb sumb.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - fever; during intermittent agar. am-m. ars-s-r. cocc.
merc-sul. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - forenoon - 10 h zing.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs forenoon fl-ac. mill. zing.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - grasping anything firmly am-c. CHAM. chin. cocc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - hanging down, when berb. kali-s.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - holding anything in hands Apis com. puls.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - laying arm on table bar-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - leaning on it ambr. hep. petr. sil. sumb.


EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - left - accompanied by - right leg; numbness of

EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - left - lying on it; from cact. Nat-m. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - left - paralysis of whole left side; with bapt.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - left - sleep agg.; during lac-del.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs left Acon. aesc. ail. alum. ambr. anac. androc. apis
Bar-c. bufo CACT. calc-p. calc. cham. cinnb. cupr-ar. dig. glon. Graph. kali-c. kali-n. kalm.
kreos. lac-c. Lach. lat-m. mag-s. Med. melal-alt. meph. mill. muru. naja nat-m. nicc. nux-v.
pall. petr. Phos. psor. puls. pycnop-sa. rhod. rhus-t. spig. sulph. sumb. tarax. tarent. thlas.
vanil. xan.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - lying - agg. abrom-a. aur. merc. rumx. sulph. triticvg.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - lying - arm agg.; not lying on fl-ac. mag-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - lying - arm agg.; on Ambr. arg-met. ars. bamb-a.
Bar-c. bufo calc-sil. Calc. carb-an. Carb-v. cop. Graph. hep. ign. Kali-c. kali-p. Lach. Nat-m.
pall. petr. Phos. PULS. RHUS-T. sep. Sil. Spig. staph. sulph. sumb. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - lying - back; on - agg. kali-n.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - measles; during zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - menses; during graph. kali-n. sec.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - morning - bed agg.; in - waking agg.; after mag-s.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - morning - bed agg.; in Kali-c.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - morning - lying - arm agg.; on arg-met.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - morning - lying - Arm under head; with ph-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - morning - pain in region of heart pall.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - morning - waking; on aur. calad. fl-ac. kali-c. Magm. mag-s. musca-d. nit-ac. psor. teucr. vanil. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs morning am-c. crot-h. fl-ac. mag-m. nux-v. peti.
phos. psor. puls. vanil. zinc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - motion - agg. plb. ruta
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - motion amel Ambr. Apis aur. dros. merc. mim-h.
phos. rumx. sep. sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - night - lying on it cop. hep. petr.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - night - midnight, before - 22 h fl-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - night - sleep agg.; during bros-gau. croc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs night abrom-a. am-c. Ambr. arg-n. carb-v. cham.
cop. Croc. hep. hyper. Ign. kali-c. kali-n. lap-la. Lyc. mag-m. merc. nit-ac. Nux-v. ozone Pall.
petr. ph-ac. phos. puls. sep. sil. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - pain in arm, with kali-n. phos.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - raising them - upright - amel. ars. puls.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - raising them upright Puls. sep.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - raising them allox. kali-s. lyc.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - resting head on arm agg. ph-ac. Phos. Rhus-t. sep.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - resting on arm agg. ambr. carb-an. fl-ac. Sil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - riding in a carriage agg. form.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - right - accompanied by - Leg; numbness of left ars.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - right - extending to Hand mand.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - right - extending to left zinc-ar. zinc-i.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - right - heart disease; in lil-t.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - right - lying - side; on - left - agg. Mag-m.


EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - right - lying - side; on - right - agg. Am-c. Ars. Carbv. fl-ac. kali-p. petr. Spig. vanil.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs right am-c. am-m. ars. bamb-a. bell. calc. cann-xyz.
carb-an. carneg-g. castor-eq. chel. chin. fum. graph. Hep. kali-bi. KALI-C. kali-n. kali-p. kalis. lach. Lil-t. Lyc. lyss. mag-m. mand. merc-i-f. merc. mur-ac. nat-p. nit-ac. paraf. phos.
phys. phyt. sanguis-s. scop. Sil. thuj. vanil. Verat. EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs right - accompanied by - Eye - left - pain over left eye; neuralgic mur-ac.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - scratching agg.; after sulph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - Side not lain on fl-ac. mag-m.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - sitting agg. alum. Graph. lyc. nicc. Teucr. tritic-vg.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - sleep - siesta; during graph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - using it Puls. Spig.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - weather, cold Kali-c. Sumb.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - working agg. phos.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - writing agg. cere-b. Merc-i-f. spig.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs abrom-a. abrot. ACON. aesc. Aeth. agar. ail. allox.
alum-p. alum-sil. Alum. Alumn. am-c. am-m. Ambr. amyg. anac. androc. APIS aran. arg-met.
arg-n. ars-i. ars-s-f. ars. aster. aur-ar. aur. bapt. Bar-c. bar-i. bar-s. bell. berb. borx. both.
Bufo Cact. calc-p. calc. cann-i. canth. caps. Carb-an. Carb-v. carbn-o. CARBN-S. castor-eq.
caust. cedr. Cham. chel. chinin-ar. chr-ac. cic. cimic. cinnb. COCC. cod. colch. Con. Croc.
Crot-c. cupr-ar. Cupr. Cur. dig. dios. dros. Dulc. euph. euphr. fago. falco-pe. Fl-ac. Gels. glon.
GRAPH. Guaj. hell. helo-s. helo. helodr-cal. Hep. hippoc-k. hura hydroph. hyos. hyper. iber.
Ign. iod. kali-ar. kali-bi. Kali-c. kali-m. KALI-N. kali-p. Kali-s. kali-sil. kreos. lac-c. Lach. latm. led. lepi. lil-t. LYC. lyss. m-ambo. m-arct. m-aust. Mag-m. magn-gr. med. meph. merc-c.
merc-i-f. merc. morg-p. nat-m. nat-p. nat-s. nit-ac. Nux-v. ol-j. Olnd. Onos. OX-AC. Pall. par.
petr. Phos. phys. PLAT. Plb. psil. Psor. Puls. pyrog. Rhod. RHUS-T. sanguis-s. sarr. Sec. Sep. sil.
Spig. stann. stront-c. Sulph. sumb. tarent. tep. teucr. Thuj. tritic-vg. tub. tung-met. urt-u.
vanil. verat. vip. xan. ZINC.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - waking; on aids. aur-s. Aur. bry. bufo chord-umb. erig. mez. puls.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - walking in open air agg. alum. convo-s. Graph.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - warmth agg. sec.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Wrists - extending to Fingers viol-o.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Wrists - extending to Hand viol-o.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Wrists - measles; during ZINC.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Wrists - morning - bed agg.; in hipp.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Wrists right Viol-o.
EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS Wrists acon. agath-a. bov. carb-v. corn. croc. fil. hipp. hura ign.
kali-n. lyc. Plb. ZINC.
EXTREMITIES NUMBNESS abrot. absin. Acon. AGAR. agath-a. aids. ail. allox. aloe alum-p.
alum-sil. Alum. alumn. am-c. Ambr. anac. Ant-t. Apis apoc. aran. ARG-MET. ARG-N. arist-cl.
Arn. ars-h. ars-i. Ars. aster. atra-r. atro. aur-ar. aur-s. Aur. aven. Bamb-a. bar-c. bar-m. bell.
berb. brass-n-o. bry. bufo Buteo-j. calc-f. Calc-p. Calc-s. calc-sil. Calc. camph. cann-i. canns. canth. caps. Carb-ac. carb-an. CARB-V. carbn-o. CARBN-S. carc. Carl. caust. cedr. Cham.
chel. Chin. Chinin-ar. chinin-s. chord-umb. cic. cimic. COCC. coloc. Con. convo-s. Croc. Crotc. Crot-h. cupr-ar. cupr. dig. dros. Dulc. echi. eup-pur. euphr. fago. falco-pe. Fl-ac. galeoc-ch. GELS. germ-met. GRAPH. GUAJ. ham. Helo-s. helo. hep. hippoc-k. hist. hyos. Hyper. ign.
iod. Ip. Kali-ar. Kali-br. kali-c. kali-n. kali-p. Kali-s. kalm. Kreos. lac-leo. LACH. lact. lat-m.
laur. Led. Lon-x. LYC. lycpr. M-ambo. m-arct. m-aust. mag-m. mand. Merc. mez. Morph.
muru. musca-d. naja Nat-m. nat-p. nat-s. neon nit-ac. NUX-M. Nux-v. oena. Onos. OP. OX-AC.


paeon. Petr. ph-ac. PHOS. phys. physala-p. Pic-ac. plat. Plb. Psor. Puls. Pycnop-sa. pyrog.
rheum Rhod. RHUS-T. ruta sarcol-ac. sarr. SEC. SEP. Sil. spig. spong. Stram. sul-i. sulfa. Sulph.
tab. Tarent. tax. ter. teucr. Thal. thea thuj. tritic-vg. valer. vanil. verat. vip. visc. xan. zincp. Zinc.
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Feet - stepping agg. - stitching pain - followed by numbness berb.
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Feet - stitching pain - followed by numbness Berb.
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Hands - cold - numb; or cold and burning Lyc.
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Hands - cold - numb; or cold and Lyc.
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Joints - numbness; with Lyc.
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Legs - Calves - aching - accompanied by numbness lappa
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Legs - numbness in the other; with - tearing pain Sil.
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Legs - numbness in the other; with sil.
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Legs - sore numb bad.
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Lower limbs - alternating with numbness gnaph.
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Lower limbs - Sciatic nerve - accompanied by numbness acon. agar. ars.
caust. cham. COLOC. glon. Gnaph. graph. Kalm. lac-c. led. lith-c. merc. mez. nux-v. PHYT.
Plat. plb. RHUS-T. sep. spig.
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Lower limbs - Sciatic nerve - alternating with numbness Gnaph.
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Thighs - numbness; with - tearing pain agar. hep. rhod.
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Thighs - numbness; with agar. hep. rhod.
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Upper limbs - numbness; with - tearing pain sep.
EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Upper limbs - numbness; with sep.
EXTREMITIES - PARALYSIS - hemiplegia - numbness of one side, the other is paralyzed cocc.
EXTREMITIES - PARALYSIS - Upper limbs - left - and numbness of right tarent.
EXTREMITIES - STIFFNESS - Joints - numbness; with colch.
EXTREMITIES - TENSION - Upper limbs - numbness; with sep.
EXTREMITIES - TINGLING - alternating with numbness hist.
EXTREMITIES - TWITCHING - numbness; followed by RHUS-T.
EXTREMITIES - WEAKNESS - Hands - numb as from electric shocks fl-ac.
EYE - HEAVINESS - Lids - numbness of lids; with neon
EYE - NUMBNESS - Around the eyes ASAF. haliae-lc.
EYE - NUMBNESS Eyebrows Asaf.
EYE - NUMBNESS - Lids - looking upward ulm-c.
EYE - NUMBNESS - Lids - Lower - right - extending to left ulm-c.
EYE - NUMBNESS - Lids - Lower right ulm-c.
EYE - NUMBNESS - Lids Upper asaf. naja
EYE - NUMBNESS - Mucous membranes Kali-br.
EYE - NUMBNESS Retina cina
FACE - NUMBNESS - affected side bell. Caust. Nux-v. Plat. puls.
FACE - NUMBNESS Bones Asaf. ruta
FACE - NUMBNESS - Cheeks - following pain Caust. kali-chl. Mez.
FACE - NUMBNESS Cheeks asaf. Caps. Mez. nad. nat-ox. Nux-v. Olnd. Plat. plb. pyrid. ruta
samb. sinus. suis-em.
FACE - NUMBNESS Chin Asaf. helodr-cal. olib-sac. Plat. Spong.
FACE - NUMBNESS - headache; before nat-m.
FACE - NUMBNESS - Jaws Lower plat. ruta suis-em. ther. valer.
FACE - NUMBNESS Jaws choc. fl-ac. gran. hura nad. phos. suis-em.
FACE - NUMBNESS left des-ac. dream-p. graph. ruta
FACE - NUMBNESS - Lips - headache; before nat-m.


FACE - NUMBNESS - Lips Lower calc. Glon. helodr-cal. phos. tax.

FACE - NUMBNESS - Lips - morning - waking; on ambr.
FACE - NUMBNESS - Lips - Upper - extending to Chin samb.
FACE - NUMBNESS - Lips - Upper - extending to - Lower lip samb.
FACE - NUMBNESS - Lips - Upper - extending to - Nose - Dorsum of nose; moving over samb.
FACE - NUMBNESS - Lips - Upper - extending to - Nose - Tip of samb.
FACE - NUMBNESS - Lips Upper anh. cycl. Euphr. glon. hydrog. kali-p. olnd. samb.
FACE - NUMBNESS Lips Acon. ambr. anis. calc. caust. cic. Crot-h. cycl. echi. glon. hydrog.
irid-met. lath. lyc. nad. NAT-M. olnd. phos. plat. ros-d. sal-fr. suis-em.
FACE - NUMBNESS - Malar bones marb-w. plat. sep.
FACE - NUMBNESS - Mouth; around aids. choc. irid-met. plat. spong.
FACE - NUMBNESS - Nose; below des-ac.
FACE - NUMBNESS - one side - multiple sclerosis; in nat-m.
FACE - NUMBNESS - one side acon. hist.
FACE - NUMBNESS - right - chill; during PLAT.
FACE - NUMBNESS right Chel. Gels. PLAT. querc-r. sinus. tritic-vg.
FACE - NUMBNESS - waking; on marb-w.
FACE - NUMBNESS Zygoma fl-ac. PLAT.
FACE NUMBNESS acon. agar. anac. ang. anh. Asaf. asar. bamb-a. bapt. bell. benz-ac. caj.
Caps. Caust. cham. chel. cocc. coll. coloc. fl-ac. gels. Glon. gran. helodr-cal. hist. kali-bi.
kalm. Mez. Nux-v. olnd. PLAT. querc-r. rauw. Ruta samb. sang. sep. spong. suis-em. tab. thuj.
tritic-vg. urt-u. verb.
FACE - PAIN - neuralgic - alternating with numbness plat.
FACE - PAIN - numbness; with acon. asaf. Caps. CHAM. Kalm. mentho. Mez. nux-v. Olnd. Plat.
rhus-t. verb.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - NUMBNESS - cold washing agg.; after eupi.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - NUMBNESS - Ovaries - beginning in right ovary - extending to hip and
ribs and over thigh - lying on right ovary amel. apis
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - NUMBNESS - Ovaries - painful - extending to Limbs podo.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - NUMBNESS - Vagina - coition; during ferr. kali-br. phos.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - NUMBNESS Vagina berb. brom. phos. sep.
FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX NUMBNESS eup-pur. Kali-br. mosch. Plat. suis-em. vanil.
GENERALS - CHOREA - numbness of affected part, with nux-v.
GENERALS - CONVULSIONS - epileptic - aura - numbness of brain bufo
GENERALS - DIABETES MELLITUS - accompanied by - Feet; numbness of helon.
GENERALS - DROPSY - general; in - accompanied by numbness fl-ac.
GENERALS - FAINTNESS - numbness, tingling; with ACON. borx. nat-m. nux-v.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - accompanied by coldness plat. sumb.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - accompanied by crawling sec. tab.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - accompanied by - heat; flushes of agath-a.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Affected parts - Bruised parts Arn.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Affected parts Acon. Agar. alum-sil. alum. ambr. Anac. ang. ant-t.
aran. arn. ars-i. Ars. Asaf. aur-ar. aur-i. aur. bell. borx. bov. bry. calc-sil. calc. cann-s. carban. carb-v. caust. CHAM. chel. chin. cic. cina Cocc. coff. colch. coloc. CON. croc. cupr. cycl.
dig. dulc. elaps euphr. ferr-ar. ferr-p. ferr. Gnaph. Graph. hell. helo-s. hep. heroin. hyos.
hyper. ign. iod. kali-c. Kali-n. KALM. kreos. led. Lyc. m-arct. m-aust. mag-m. mang. merc.
mez. mur-ac. nat-m. nux-m. nux-v. Olnd. petr. ph-ac. phos. PLAT. PLB. PULS. rheum rhod.


Rhus-t. ruta samb. sec. sep. sil. spong. stann. staph. stram. stront-c. sul-ac. sul-i. sulph. thuj.
tung-met. verat. verb. viol-o. zinc.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - bad news; after calc-p.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Blood vessels; along aml-ns.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Body; of whole acet-ac. asc-t. bar-m. cedr. chel. cimic. Kali-br. oxac.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS Bones abrot. chin.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - chill; during Puls.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - cold agg.; becoming Sumb.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - cold; exposure to acon.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Externally - alternating with hypersensitiveness plat.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Externally - bruised part, in thearn.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Externally - convulsions; before epileptic bufo
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Externally - feels neither heat nor cold berb.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Externally - left half of body acon. ars. caust. Lach. mez. sumb. xan.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Externally - menopause; during Cimic.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Externally morning ambr.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Externally - night - waking; on mez.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Externally night sil.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Externally - one side ars. caust. chel. nat-m. phos. Puls.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Externally - right half of body ars. caust. elaps lyc. naja
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Externally - Whole body - pain; during asc-t.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Externally - Whole body acon. ambr. androc. apis ARG-N. asc-t. barm. bell. caj. caps. cedr. chel. crot-c. gels. glon. gymno. kali-bi. KALI-BR. kreos. lyss. merc.
nitro-o. nux-v. OLND. Ox-ac. pic-ac. tab. tarent.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS Externally abrot. absin. acet-ac. acon-f. Acon. adam. aesc. agar.
agath-a. ail. aloe alum-p. alum-sil. alum. alumn. am-c. am-m. Ambr. ANAC. ancis-p. ang. anh.
ant-c. Ant-t. Apis aran-ix. aran. Arg-met. Arg-n. arn. ars-i. Ars. asaf. asar. asc-t. aur. Bapt.
Bar-c. bar-m. Bell. BERB. bism. both-ax. both. bov. brom. bry. bufo bung-fa. cact. cadm-s.
caj. calad. Calc-p. calc-sil. calc. camph. cann-i. cann-s. canth. caps. carb-ac. Carb-an. Carbv. CARBN-S. Caust. cedr. cench. Cham. Chel. chin. chlor. Cic. cimic. cinnb. cob-n. coca COCC.
cod. colch. coloc. Con. conin. croc. Crot-c. Crot-h. crot-t. cupr. cur. cycl. dendr-pol. dig.
dios. dulc. elaps euph. euphr. falco-pe. ferr. fl-ac. form. gast. Gels. Glon. Gnaph. GRAPH.
Guaj. haliae-lc. Hell. helo-s. Helo. hep. heroin. hydr-ac. hydrog. hydroph. HYOS. Hyper. Ign.
iod. ip. irid-met. iris kali-ar. kali-bi. kali-br. KALI-C. Kali-fcy. kali-i. Kali-n. kali-p. kalm.
keroso. kreos. lacer. lach. lath. laur. Led. lepi. LYC. M-ambo. m-aust. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s.
mand. mang. Merc. Mez. Mosch. Nat-m. neon nit-ac. nitro-o. Nux-m. Nux-v. olnd. onos. OP.
orot-ac. Ox-ac. oxyt. par. petr. PH-AC. Phos. phys. phyt. Pic-ac. plac-s. Plat. Plb-xyz. PLB.
positr. Puls. raph. rheum rhod. Rhus-t. samb. sang. Sec. Sep. Sil. sphing. spig. spong. Stann.
staph. STRAM. stront-c. sul-ac. sulph. tab. tanac. tang. tarent. teucr. thea thuj. thymol. Urtu. valer. verat-v. verat. verb. vesp. vip. xan. zinc-p. Zinc. zing.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - fever; during cedr.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Fibrous tissue cot.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS Glands anac. asaf. bell. cocc. con. lyc. Plat. puls. rhus-t. sep. sil.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - hysteria; in ign.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS Internally acon. agath-a. alum-sil. alum. am-c. ambr. Ars. asaf. aur-i.
bar-c. Bell. Bov. Calc-p. calc. carb-an. carbn-s. caust. cham. chin. cina coff. colch. con. crott. cupr. dig. ferr. galla-q-r. GELS. graph. hydroph. Hyos. ign. Kali-br. kali-c. laur. lyc. m-arct.
M-aust. mag-c. mag-m. merc. mur-ac. nat-m. nit-ac. nux-m. olnd. Op. petr. phos. PLAT. plb.


puls. ran-b. rheum sars. sec. seneg. sil. Spig. stann. stram. stront-c. thuj. valer. verat. vesp.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - left side of body sumb.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Lower half of body, of Spong.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - lying agg. zinc.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - menses; during graph.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS morning ambr.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Mucous membranes acon. agar. arg-met. bar-c. kali-br. nux-m.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - music agg. sabin.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS Nerves acon. con. sec.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - old people; in Ambr.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - one side ign.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - pain after acon. agar. asaf. graph. mez. plat.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - pain during Acon. agar. asaf. calc-p. cann-i. cham. Cimic. cocc.
Coloc. gnaph. hyper. kalm. lat-m. mez. nat-m. plat. puls. rhus-t. stann. staph.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Painful parts alum-sil. cham.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS paroxysmal Kali-br.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Parts, lain on am-c. Ambr. arn. ars. Bar-c. bufo calc-sil. Calc. carban. Carb-v. Carbn-s. Chin. cimic. cop. Graph. ign. kali-c. Lach. lyc. mag-c. Nat-m. pall. Phos.
PULS. RHUS-T. sep. sil. staph. sumb. zinc.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - sedation; as if under convo-s.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Side lain on - Not lain on fl-ac.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Single parts, in Peripheral anh.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Single parts, in Acon. agar. alum-p. alum-sil. alum. am-c. am-m.
Ambr. Anac. ang. anh. ant-c. Ant-t. aran-ix. aran. Arg-met. Arg-n. arn. ars-i. ars. asaf. asar.
aur-ar. aur-i. aur-s. aur. Bar-c. bar-s. bell. borx. bov. bry. bufo cadm-s. calc-i. Calc-p. calc-sil.
Calc. camph. cann-s. canth. caps. CARB-AN. Carb-v. CARBN-S. caust. Cham. chel. Chin. cic.
cina COCC. coff. colch. Coloc. con. CROC. cupr. cycl. dig. dros. dulc. euph. euphr. ferr-ar.
ferr-p. Ferr. GRAPH. Guaj. ham. hep. hydrog. hyos. Ign. iod. ip. kali-ar. KALI-C. kali-chl. Kalifcy. kali-m. Kali-n. kali-p. kali-s. kreos. laur. led. LYC. m-ambo. M-arct. M-aust. mag-c. Magm. mang. MERC. mez. mosch. Mur-ac. naja nat-c. Nat-m. nat-p. nit-ac. Nux-v. olnd. op. Par.
Petr. ph-ac. Phos. plat. plb. PULS. Rheum Rhod. RHUS-T. sabad. sabin. samb. Sars. Sec. Sep.
SIL. spig. spong. squil. stann. staph. Stram. sul-ac. sul-i. Sulph. teucr. thuj. valer. Verat. ZINCP. Zinc.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - sleep - after - agg. asaf.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - sleep - during - agg. bufo
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - spots, in ambr. bufo cadm-s. caust. ign. Lyc. Plat. sul-i.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - stool agg.; during Ars.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - Upper half of body, of Bar-c.
GENERALS - NUMBNESS - waves; in agath-a.
GENERALS NUMBNESS ACON. agar. alum-sil. Ambr. Anac. ant-t. apis Aran. ars. bar-c. berb.
bov. cadm-s. Calc-p. Calc. carb-v. caust. Cedr. cham. Chel. chir-fl. cic. cimic. Cocain. COCC.
cod. con. crot-h. diph. gels. glon. GNAPH. GRAPH. helo-s. helo. hipp. hyos. ign. irid-met. kalibr. Kali-c. Kalm. lappa lyc. mag-c. med. nat-m. nux-m. nux-v. Olnd. onos. Op. Ox-ac. Ph-ac.
phos. pic-ac. Plat. Plb. PULS. rad-br. raph. RHUS-T. Sec. stann. Stram. sul-i. tarent. tell. thal.
Thuj. xan. zinc.
GENERALS - PAIN - benumbing - numb aching cot.
GENERALS - PAIN - Fibrous tissue - benumbing - numb aching cot.
GENERALS - PAIN - Muscles - benumbing - numb aching cot.


GENERALS - PAIN - neuralgic - accompanied by numbness Kalm.

GENERALS - PARALYSIS - numbness; with con. helo-s. sec.
GENERALS - PARALYSIS - one side - numbness - Paralyzed side; with numbness of the Apis
cann-i. Caust. Coc-c. Rhus-t. staph.
GENERALS - PARALYSIS - one side - numbness - Well side; with numbness of the cocc. plb.
GENERALS - WEAKNESS - numbness; with con.
GENERALS - WHITENESS - Parts usually red; of - accompanied by numbness sul-i.
GENERALS - WOUNDS - numbness of wounds plut-n.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - air; in open - amel. mang.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of Brain apis bufo calc. Con. cupr. graph. hell. helo-s. kali-br.
mag-c. nat-ar. nat-m. orot-ac. Plat. staph. thuj. v-a-b.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - cap, like a calc.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - convulsions, before bufo
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - dinner; after carb-v.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - evening - amel. cob-n.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - External head acon. aloe alum. ambr. ang. asar. berb. calcp. calc. carb-an. castor-eq. caust. chel. coloc. con. daph. ferr-br. gels. glon. Graph. hell.
kali-br. lach. mag-m. mez. mur-ac. petr. phos. plat. sil. stict.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - Forehead - evening - blow; as from a plat.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - Forehead - evening - board lay there, as if a acon.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - Forehead - evening - extending to - Nose; bone of heroin.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - Forehead - evening - warm room agg. plat.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - Forehead evening nat-ar.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - Forehead - left - half of the left forehead psor.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - Forehead left psor.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - Forehead - morning - waking and while lying, exercise amel.
and wrapping head warmly amel.; on mag-m.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - Forehead right fl-ac.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of Forehead ars-met. bapt. bar-c. brom. coll. dig. Fl-ac. ham.
heroin. kola Mag-m. mang. merc. mosch. Mur-ac. nat-ar. Phos. PLAT. pyrid. sil. Staph. valer.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - heated; becoming petr.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - lying agg. merc. sulph.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - menses; during plat.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - mental exertion agg. mag-c. staph.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - morning - soreness then numbness extending to body ambr.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - morning - waking; on cob-n.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of morning carb-v. petr.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - noon - amel. cob-n.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - Occiput - extending to - Spine; down the phys.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - Occiput - Protuberance; occipital con.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - Occiput - tightly bound; as if too Carb-v. Plat.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of Occiput acon. Agar. ammc. ars. bry. cadm-met. Calc-p.
carb-v. caust. coff. fl-ac. gels. hell. irid-met. kali-br. kali-c. Lach. mang. merc-i-f. merl. natc. phys. plat. raph. staph. tell.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - resting head on arm nat-m.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - Sides left lach. lyss. ol-an. par. stram. thuj. xan.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - Sides - one side con. mez.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - Sides - right - followed by left anac.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - Sides right calc. Chel. cina


HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of Sides acon. alum. androc. Apis Aur. bapt. bell. bufo Calc.
carb-an. Chel. cina coff. Con. dios. glon. Graph. hura Kali-br. kali-n. Lach. lyc. lyss. merc.
mez. nat-m. nit-ac. ol-an. olnd. petr. phos. plat. staph. stram. tarax. thuj. zinc.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - siesta; after lyss.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - stool agg.; during chel.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of Temples ang. aur. myric. phos. phys. PLAT. zing.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - Vertex - preceded by feeling as if scalp and brain were
contracted - motion and open air amel. plat.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of Vertex carbn-s. cupr. glon. graph. heroin. Mez. pall. phos.
Plat. thuj.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - walking in open air - amel. mang. Plat.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of - wooden sensation Occiput hell.
HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of acon. all-c. aloe alum-p. alum. am-c. ambr. anac. ang. ant-t.
apis ars. arund. asaf. asar. aur-m-n. aur-m. aur. bapt. bell. berb. borx. Bry. bufo calc-ar. calcp. calc. carb-ac. carb-an. carb-v. caust. cham. chel. cob-n. cocc. coff. colch. coloc. con. cytl. daph. dendr-pol. dig. dios. Fl-ac. gels. glon. GRAPH. ham. hell. helo-s. helo. hura jatr-c.
kali-br. kali-fcy. Lach. lil-t. lyc. lyss. mag-m. meny. meph. merc-i-f. merc. Merl. mez. mur-ac.
nat-m. NIT-AC. nux-v. ol-an. olnd. op. orot-ac. ost. ozone par. petr-ra. Petr. phos. phys. pincon. Plat. sacch-a. sep. sil. stict. stram. sulph. tetox. thuj. visc. zinc.
HEAD - PAIN - accompanied by - Lips; numbness and tingling of nat-m.
HEAD - PAIN - accompanied by - Nose - numbness and tingling of nose nat-m.
HEAD - PAIN - accompanied by - numbness - Body; of whole cedr.
HEAD - PAIN - accompanied by numbness bell. calc-f. chel. cocc. GRAPH. indol. mang. phos.
HEAD - PAIN - accompanied by - Tongue - numbness and tingling of tongue nat-m.
HEAD - PAIN - Forehead - Eyes - Above - numbness, followed by Mez.
HEAD - PAIN - Forehead - numbness of brain; with hydrog.
KIDNEYS - NUMBNESS, region of alum. BERB. cann-xyz. cocc. colch. nux-v. plb.
MALE GENITALIA/SEX - NUMBNESS - Penis - Glans - Prepuce; and berb.
MALE GENITALIA/SEX - NUMBNESS - Penis Glans berb. Caust.
MALE GENITALIA/SEX - NUMBNESS - Penis - morning - erections, with violent ambr.
MALE GENITALIA/SEX - NUMBNESS Penis bar-c. Merc. plat. sil.
MALE GENITALIA/SEX - NUMBNESS - Scrotum - extending to Knees bar-c.
MALE GENITALIA/SEX - NUMBNESS Scrotum am-c. Ambr. sep.
MALE GENITALIA/SEX - NUMBNESS Testes caps. carbn-s. nat-c.
MALE GENITALIA/SEX NUMBNESS ambr. bar-c. dig. form. Graph. kali-bi. Kali-br. plat. sulph.
MIND - APHASIA - Upper limbs - numbness of; with right mur-ac.
MIND - DELUSIONS - numb; being alum. galla-q-r. gnaph. positr.
MOUTH - NUMBNESS - Cheek; spot inside mag-c.
MOUTH - NUMBNESS Gums Acon. Apis arn. ign. Kali-br. m-arct.
MOUTH - NUMBNESS - headache; during nit-ac.
MOUTH - NUMBNESS - Lip; inside upper bar-c.
MOUTH - NUMBNESS - menses; during mag-m.
MOUTH - NUMBNESS - morning - waking; on ambr. kali-i. mag-c.
MOUTH - NUMBNESS morning ambr. bar-c. bov. kali-c. kali-i. mag-m. stront-c.
MOUTH - NUMBNESS - one side nat-m.
MOUTH - NUMBNESS - Palate - morning - waking; on mag-c.


MOUTH - NUMBNESS Palate bapt. bar-c. ketogl-ac. lap-la. mag-c. verat.

MOUTH - NUMBNESS - Tongue - fright; after a hyos.
MOUTH - NUMBNESS - Tongue - morning - waking; on am-c. bov. kali-c. mag-c.
MOUTH - NUMBNESS - Tongue - one side - accompanied by vertigo agar.
MOUTH - NUMBNESS - Tongue - one side night gels.
MOUTH - NUMBNESS - Tongue - one side gels. NAT-M. nux-v. puls.
MOUTH - NUMBNESS - Tongue - Root of BOV.
MOUTH - NUMBNESS - Tongue - Tip - Half of nat-m.
MOUTH - NUMBNESS - Tongue Tip agath-a. bell. hydrog. phos.
MOUTH - NUMBNESS Tongue Acon. agar. agath-a. am-c. ambr. Apis Ars. atra-r. bapt. bell.
borx. bov. brach. Calc-p. camph. carbn-s. Colch. con. crot-h. crot-t. echi. Eos. eup-pur. falcope. ferr-ar. ferr. Fl-ac. GELS. Glon. Hell. Hyos. ictod. Ign. jatr-c. kali-ar. lath. Laur. lith-m.
lyc. mag-c. mand. mang. meph. merc-c. merc. merl. nat-ar. nat-c. NAT-M. nat-p. NUX-M. nuxv. olnd. ozone plat. puls. rad-br. Rheum sabad. sec. sep. sil. suis-em. sul-ac. tab. ther. Thuj.
vip. zinc.
MOUTH NUMBNESS Acon. aids. ambr. bapt. bar-c. bell. Bov. carbn-s. colch. con. Gels. hyos.
indg. jatr-c. Kali-br. kali-c. kali-i. ketogl-ac. lap-la. lat-m. lyc. mag-c. mag-m. mag-s. mand.
nat-p. nat-s. nit-ac. orot-ac. pieri-b. sinus. stram. stront-c. suis-em. ther. vero-o.
MOUTH - PARALYSIS - Tongue - accompanied by - numbness of one side Nat-m.
NOSE - NUMBNESS - Bones, of right plat.
NOSE - NUMBNESS - Bones, of aml-ns. arn. Asaf.
NOSE - NUMBNESS - epistaxis; with acon. bell. med.
NOSE - NUMBNESS Inside bamb-a. nat-m.
NOSE - NUMBNESS - one side Nat-m.
NOSE - NUMBNESS - snuff; from nat-m. spig.
NOSE - NUMBNESS - Tip, of gels. viol-o.
NOSE NUMBNESS acon. ars-h. ars-met. ars. asaf. bell. cadm-s. ferr. jug-c. kali-bi. lyc. med.
nat-c. nat-m. nux-m. olnd. phys. plat. pyrid. ran-b. sabad. samb. sang. sil. spig. Stict. viol-o.
RECTUM - NUMBNESS Anus acon. aloe carb-ac. caust. phos.
RECTUM - NUMBNESS Perineum Coloc.
SKIN - FORMICATION - numbness; with euphr.
SKIN - ITCHING - accompanied by - numbness of skin brass-n-o. cod.
SKIN - NUMBNESS - cold; exposure to acon.
SKIN - NUMBNESS - itching; after cycl.
SKIN - NUMBNESS - morning - waking; on Ambr.
SKIN - NUMBNESS - night - waking; on ambr.
SKIN - NUMBNESS - scratching agg.; after alum. ambr. Anac. ang. cham. con. cycl. Lach. lyc.
OLND. ph-ac. phos. plb. sep. Sulph.
SKIN - NUMBNESS spots bufo calc-f. gels.
SKIN NUMBNESS acon. Ambr. ANAC. ang. anh. ant-t. arg-n. calc-f. cann-i. cham. choc. cic.
con. Crot-c. cycl. cyt-l. euphr. Hyos. Hyper. lach. lat-m. Lyc. m-ambo. medus. mentho. Nux-v.
Olnd. Ph-ac. phos. plat. plb. Puls. SEC. sep. stram. sulph. thal-xyz.
SLEEP - SLEEPLESSNESS - numbness; from cimic. cina
SLEEP - WAKING - numbness, with ambr. bry. Erig. lyc. mez. phel. puls.
STOMACH - NAUSEA - accompanied by - Hands - numbness of phos.
STOMACH NUMBNESS acon. bry. Carb-v. castm. plat. sars.
STOMACH - PAIN - accompanied by - Fingers; numb lyc.
STOMACH - VOMITING - accompanied by - Feet numbness phos.
TEETH - NUMBNESS - morning - rising agg.; after plat.


TEETH - NUMBNESS - morning - sexual excitement; with plat.

TEETH - NUMBNESS - sensation of caust. Chin. nat-m. petr. ph-ac. plat. rhus-t.
TEETH NUMBNESS arge-pl. arn. ars. asaf. aur-s. bell. Chin. Dulc. eupi. graph. ign. lith-c.
mez. nad. nat-m. petr. phos. plat. Rhus-t. ruta thuj.
THROAT - NUMBNESS right plut-n.
THROAT - NUMBNESS - Tonsil right sep.
THROAT NUMBNESS acon. all-c. arg-met. bapt. bar-c. bov. gels. Kali-br. kali-c. kali-cy.
ketogl-ac. mag-s. nit-ac. olnd. sep. tung-met. verat-v.
URETHRA - NUMBNESS - uneasy feeling Cedr.
URETHRA NUMBNESS apoc. arg-n. CAUST. Cedr. kali-br. MAG-M. nux-v. sars.


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