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Tarasov Laser Physics and Applications Mir

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L. V.


Laser Phisics


Laser Physics ajd Applications

B. Tapacca




Laser Physics
and Applicctions



pu1JI'shed 1986

Revised from the 1988 RUBltan edition

Translated from the Russian by
M. Edelev

The Greek Alphabet















<Dq> Phi
Xx Chi
'1''1> Psi
Oro Omega



English translation, Mir Publishers, f986.

Printed In the Union 0/ Soviet Socialist Republic,



1.1 Light Waves and Photons . . . . . . . . .

1.2 Optical Coherence . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 Quantum Transitions in Absorption and Emission of
1.4 The Active Medium. Creating. a Population Inversion
1.5 Laser Oscillation in Optical Resonant Cavity .
1.6 Basic Laser Characteristics .
1.7 A Historical Review of the Laser . .




A Laser Exposition. Pumping Methods

Solid State Lasers
Organic Dye Lasers
Photodissociation Lasers
2.5 Ion and Atomic Lasers
2.6 Molecular Lasers
2.7 Electroionization Lasers
2.8 Gas Dynamic Lasers
2.9 Chemical Lasers
2.10 Plasma Lasers
2.11 Semiconductor Lasers . . .
2.12 Confinement of the Beam within the Resonator










3.1 Intracavity Control of Spectral Characteristics .

3.2 Methods of Q-switching . . . . .
:L3 Pulsed Lasing . . . . . . . . . . .
:t4 Mode Locking for VItrashort Pulses .
3.5 Modifying the Spatial Structure of the Laser Output
3.6 Frequency Transformations in Nonlinear Media





3.7 Wavefront Correction of the Laser Output . .

3.8 Light Beam Manipulation .




4.1 Material Working

4.2 Lasers in Medicine
4.3 Isotope Separation
4.4 Holography
4.5 Information Related Applications .
4.6 Optical Communications . . . . . . . . . .
4.7 Ranging and Measurement . . . . . . . . .
4.8 Environmental Measurements. Quality Control
4.9 Thermonuclear Fusion
. .

. .
. .
. .
. .

. .
. . .
. . .


Performance Data for Selected Soviet-made Commercial Lasers


Index . . . . .



Among the outstanding achievements of science

and engineering in the 20th century, the laser occupies
by right a major position. First lasers made in 1960
paved the way for the vehement development of laser
technology. Today, lasers and laser systems find
wide lise in many fields of science and engineering.
They are employed in communications systems, computers, navigation equipment, measuring instruments,
and in complicated technological processes. Biology,
medicine, and various chemical and physical investigations utilize lasers to advantage.
Wide use of lasers in science and technology is due
to the specific properties of laser radiation. The laser
is a generator of coherent light. Unlike other sources
of light, such as incandescent lamps or arc lamps, the
laser produces radiation with a highly regular light
field, outstanding in its high coherence, monochromaticity and directivity.
The discussion of lasers in this book begins with the
evaluation of the physics of processes resulting in
coherent optical radiation in the laser. This is the
subject to Chapter 1. Chapter 2 takes up the classification of lasers and the physical and engineering benefits of various types of lasers. Application of lasers
puts in the forefront the control of laser radiation.
This includes not only such aspects of beam control as
deflection, scanning and modulation, but also the


variation of the regime of oscillation to produce radiation with the desired spatial, temporal, frequency and
power characteristics. All these topics are treated in
Chapter 3. Finally, Chapter 4 is concerned with diverse
applications of lasers in science and engineering.

Chapter 1

Basic Laser Principles

1.1 Light Waves and Photons

Light Waves. The notions of light or optical radiation

relate to electromagnetic waves whose wavelengths occupy
the range from 0.01 ~m to 100 ~m (1 prn = 10-6 m). These
e.m , waves are referred to as light waves. Of these we can
see only visible light ranging in wavelengths from 0.4 um
to O. 75 ~m. The adjacent range of lower wavelengths, "A <
< 0.4 f.1m, belongs to ultraviolet light, whereas that of
longer wavelengths, Iv > 0.75 f.1ID, to infrared light.
Let us recall some properties of electromagnetic waves.
The e.m, wave is a system of periodically varying electric


Fig. 1.1 Schematic presentation of a plane electromagnetic wave

which is ideally monochromatic and polarized. Its plane wavefront
is normal to the direction of travel (here the z axis)

and magnetic fields oscillating at right angles to each other

and to the direction of propagation of the wave, travelling
at the velocity of light. A snapshot of a section of such a
system is shown in Fig. 1.1. It presents an e.m. wave propagating in the z direction. The electric field in the wave
is defined by the vector of electric field strength E, and
the magnetic field by the vector of magnetic induction B.


ci. 1

Basic Laser Principles

Another way of saying this is that the vectors E and B

oscillate in an e.m. wave and these oscillations are in mutually perpendicular planes. The frequency of these oscillations 'V is related with the wavelength by




where v is the velocity of wave propagation (velocity of

light) in the medium. It will be recalled that




where n is the refractive index of the medium, and c is the

velocity of light in vacuum, numerically equal to 3 X
X 108 m/s.
Vectors E and B are of equal significance to the wave.
However, photochemical, photoelectric, and physiologic
effects of light are mainly due to the electric component E.
Therefore, in what follows we shall confine ourselves to the
discussion of vector E. The plane in which it oscillates
(8 in Fig. 1.1) will be referred to as the plane of polarization
of the wave.
Figure 1.1 shows an idealized representation of an e.m,
wave. I t is strongly monochromatic, i.e., has a definite
wavelength 'A and a definite frequency v, possesses a plane
wavefront (perpendicular to the z direction) and is ideally
polarized, that is, the oscillations of vector E occur in
one plane. This is a plane, monochromatic, polarized wave.
Such waves exist only in popular books and textbooks. An
actual wave emitted by a real source of light always has a
certain spread in frequency over an interval of values, and
its wavefront is never ideally plane. In addition, actual
light waves do not possess normally a plane of polarization,
i.e., they are unpolarized waves. Such are in particular the
light waves emitted by the sun, a flame, and an incandescent
The actual light wave may be treated as a collection of
plane monochromatic polarized waves of various frequencies, directions of propagation, and polarization planes.
This descriptive approach is often used, though it is formal
to a some degree. I t would be more correct physically to
represent an actual light wave as a stream of microparcels
of light, called photons, which possess a certain structure

1.1 Light Waves and Photons


defined by the distribution of the photons among different

energy states.
Photons. The photon has a definite place in the list of
elementary particles. It has neither rest mass nor electric
charge. In any reference frame the velocity of the photon is
equal to the velocity of light in vacuum. Like any other
elementary particle, the photon denies a three-dimensional
representation. There is no point in asking how the photon
looks like, or what its structure is alike. Therefore we confine ourselves to the simple question, namely, what should
be determined for the photon to be defined?
To be able to do so, we need first of all to know the energy
of the photon, s, and its direction of motion. This implies
that the photon may be defined by its momentum p. The
direction of vector p indicates the direction of travel of the
photon, the modulus of p being the energy of the photon
divided by the velocity of light in vacuum
p = elc

In addition, we need to specify the polarization of the

photon. Now we denote it by l' deferring its definition until
later paragraphs. So far we note that this characteristic
assumes only two values reflecting two possible photonic
Thus, to define a photon, we need to specify four quantities: the three projections of the momentum (Px, Py, pz) and
the polarization y. From expression (1.3) it is an easy matter
to see that this definition also specifies the energy of the
photon e = pc = c (p~ + p~
p~)1/2. When two photons
have identical sets of the quantities Px, Py, Pz' and y then
these photons are said to be in the same state. Ac.cordingly,
these four quantities may be viewed as the characteristics of
photonic states. The conversion from one photon state to
another involves altering at least one of these quantities
in value.
Two photons are discernible only when they are in different states. All photons occupying the same state are
indiscernible in principle.
It is important to note that the characteristics of a photon
state correspond to the characteristics of a plane monochromatic polarized light wave. The direction of the photon's
momentum coincides with that in which the wave pro-



1 Ba,'c Laser Principle,

pagates. The polarization of the photon corresponds to the

polarization of the wave. Two possible values for photon
polarization represent two independent states of wave
polarization (we speak here of two states of wave polarization in two perpendicular planes). The statement "a photon
is in the state of polarization "( = -VI" im plies that the photon
belongs to a light wave of exactly this polarization. In
terms of frequency, the photon energy is as follows:
8 =


where h is the planck constant, h = 6.626 X 10-34 J s.

Upon substitution of (1.4) into (1.3) we get

hvlc = h/'A


Equations (1.4) and (1.5) reflect the dual nature of radiation. These relationships combine the characteristics of a
microparticle (corpuscle or quantum) E and p with the wave
characteristics v and 'A. Essentially, these are two models to
explain the phenomenon of light. According to Bohr, they
are complementary, and connected mathematically by
means of Planck's constant h.
Thus, a plane, [llonochromatic, polarized, light wave is
an ensemble of photons occupying the same state. To various
states of photons there correspond various plane monochromatic waves.
Fermions and bosons. All microparticles existent in
nature may be divided into two groups according to their
behaviour in the ensemble of the like, or, as physicists say,
according to their statistical properties. In one group, microparticles behave as extreme individuals-if one state is
occupied by one microparticle it is denied to all the other
particles of this ensemble. In other words, one state can be
populated by one such particle only.
In the other group, microparticles behave in the ensemble
differently-they not only populate one and the same state
in an unlimited number, but the probability of them occupying a state is the greater the more such particles are already
in this state. Stated another way, these microparticles tend
to accummulate in separate states.
The microparticleS of the first group are called [ermions
(in deference to E. Fermi, an outstanding I talian physicist),

1.1 Light Waves and Photons


whereas the microparticles of the other group are called

bosons (after the Indian physicist S.N. Bose). Electrons, for
example, belong to fermions. Note, that it is this statistics
of electrons, called the Fermi-Dirac statistics, that caused
the familiar distribution of electrons in electron orbitals
of the atom, where, moving away from the nucleus, the
number of electrons in the filled electron shells increases as
2, 8, 18 ... The thing is that each electron orbital is able
to lend to electrons only a definite number of electron
states, namely, 2, 8, 18, and so on. If electrons could populate one state in a .number higher than unity, all electrons
in all atoms would occupy the level with the least possible
energy. As a result, all the variety of chemical elements
would disappear.
Photon ensembles obey other laws than electrons, as they
belong to bosons. The more photons are in a given state the
higher the probability that new photons will occupy this particular state. In the following paragraphs we shall see that
the boson nature of the photon statistics is of extreme importance for optical phenomena.
Photons and light waves. Consider a photon state of
momentum p and polarization '\'; we shall call it the P'\'state. To this state there corresponds a plane, monochromatic, polarized, light wave; we shall call it the p,\,-wave.
Let N PV be the number of photons occupying the py-state
within an elementary volume. When
Np y ~ 1
that is, the given photon state contains very many photons,
we may neglect the discrete, quantum, structure of the
radiation and treat it as "continuous medium", or a plane,
monochromatic, polarized wave of light (a polarized py-wave).
Until the condition (1.6) is met, however, the discrete structure of the radiation field may not be neglected.
Thus, the possibility of the existence of light waves is
associated with how densely photons populate their states.
I t is a simple matter to see that the existence of light waves
immediately follows from the boson nature of the photon
statistics. If photons were fermions, each photon state could
accommodate only one photon.


Ch, 1 Basic Laser Principles

1.1 Optical Coherence

"Disordered" light waves. Wave trains. Actual light consists of many photons in a variety of states. These are
emitted by various atoms of emitting substance, which
radiate independently so that the emitted photons differ in
their energy, direction of momentum, and polarization.
In loose terms, a radiation combined of such photons may be

Fig. 1.2 A wave train may be imagined as a piece of a monochromatic

wave. A wave train corresponds to a certain photonic state

called "disordered". It cannot be represented by a plane

monochromatic wave. Light waves from such random emitters exhibit a wide spread of photons over various states.
A disordered light wave is often modelled as a set of the
so-called wavelpackets, or trains. Assume that the photons
that make up a radiation are distributed (imaginary, of
course) into groups each of which contains a rather large
number of photons in the same state. Each such group
represents a wave train. For simplicity of consideration a
wave train is shown graphically as a piece of a plane monochromatic wave whose characteristics are those of the given
photon state. The population of this state, i.e., the number
of photons in the train, is represented conditionally as the
length of the wave train. To the greater number of photons
in a considered state there corresponds a longer wave train.
Fig. 1.2 schematizes a wave train of duration 't and spatial
length Le.
Coherence of light waves. The more disordered a light
wave, the less it suits for producing an interference pattern
in Young's experiment with two illuminated pinholes. The
ability of a wave to produce interference fringes may be
categorized by measuring the fringe contrast, called the
fringe visibility, and defined as the ratio
V = (I m a x

Ilnln)/(I max

+ Iml n)


1.2 Optical Coherence


Fig. 1.3 Interference patterns demonstrating various visibilities,

the degree of coherence of the beam decreasing from (a) to (c)

where I max is the irradiance* at the centre of a light fringe,

and I min is the irradiance at the centre of a dark fringe.
The maximum visibility V = 1 takes place when I min = O.
The minimum visibility is observed at I max = I min, when
simply no interference pattern is evident. The higher the
"capacity" of a wave to produce interference fringes, the
higher the visibility, that is, the closer is its value to unity.
Comparison of interference patterns is presented in Fig. 1.3
where the visibility declines from (a) to (c).
In order to measure the ability of light waves to produce
interference fringes an important characteristic is introduced-the degree of coherence of a light wave. The higher
the .degree of coherence, themore likely will the wave provide a contrast interference pattern. A decrease in the degree
of coherence of a light beam corresponds to an increase in
its internal "disorder".
The plane, monochromatic, polarized, light wave is an
ideally coherent wave. It possesses the greatest capacity to

* The quantity that describes the power incident on a unit area,

popularly known as the "intensi ty" of the light, is properly called
the trradiance in radiometry and measured in watts/m'', Here we
shall adhere to this term.


Ch. 1 Basic Laser Principles

produce interference fringes in Young's experiment. This

is the most "regular" wave. At the other extreme, one may
assume the existence of ideally incoherent waves (absolutely
"disordered"), i.e., absolutely incapable of producing an
interference pattern. Actually, a variety of intermediate
situations are realized, associated with various degrees of
coherence. Strictly speaking, there exist neither ideally
coherent nor ideally incoherent waves, rather, actual waves
are partially coherent.
Degree of coherence of light waves and the population
of photon states. The degree of coherence of light waves
is defined by the distribution of the photons over various
states. The ideal coherence associated with a plane, monochromatic, polarized wave is consistent with all the photons
being in one state: all of them have the same energy, one
direction of momentum, and identical polarization. In an
actual light wave photons occupy different states, some of
them being more populated, others less. The higher this
selectivity (inhomogeneity) of population of photon states,
that is, the more some states are populated at the expense
of the others (which remain completely or almost free), the
higher the degree of coherence of the radiation. For actual
light beams this means that the degree of coherence is higher,
the higher the monochromaticity, and the lower the degree
of divergence, and the higher the degree of polarization.
The degree of non-monochromaticity of a wave may be
defined as the relative bandwidth
; = Av/vo
where Vo is the central frequency of the wave, and I1v the
interval of frequencies describing the spread of frequencies
about the mean value (it is associated with the spread of
photon energies AB = h I1v). The degree of divergence is
measured as the angle of the cone confining the light wave,
also called the angle of divergence. The closer the wavefront's shape to a plane, the smaller the angle of divergence.
The degree of polarization of a light wave is determined
experimentally by a polarizer, say, a special crystal which
passes through those waves whose electrical vector oscillates in a certain plane. By rotating the crystal, the experimenter can measure the irradiance of light passed through
the crystal in its various orientations to find the maximum


1.2 Optical Coherence

(I max) and minimum (I min) irradiance values. The degree

of polarization then may be defined as
P = (I m a x - Imln)/(Imax - I mln)

The degree of non-monochromaticity and the time interval

r consistent with the length of the wave trains of this wave
are related as
~ ~ 1/'tvo
Observing (1.8) we may recast this expression as
~v ~



The quantity 1: is referred to as coherence time. The longer

the coherence time the higher the coherence of the beam
of light.
Coherent phenomena in the prelaser optics. The optics of
prelaser time is often called incoherent optics. This name is



Fig. 1.4 Experimental arrangement to observe interference between

parts of the same wave train

fairly conditional-one should speak of a small degree of

coherence. However small is this degree, this coherence
can, in principle, always be used to produce an interference
pattern. It is not surprising, therefore, that interference
of light was observed in the prelaser optics with ordinary
light sources.
Let us refer to the representation of light waves by means
of wave trains. Various trains emitted by a source of light
though interfere with each other fail to produce a stable
visible interference pattern. One can, however, produce
a constructive interference pattern by making portions of
the same train meet on the interference plane. The arrangement of an experiment producing such an interference pattern is shown in Fig. 1.4. In this figure, A is a source of
light, B a semitransparent mirror, known as a beamsplitter,



1 Basic Laser Principles

C a totally reflecting mirror, and D the interference planejust a white screen. Beamsplitter B splits a wave train, while
mirror C reflects the divergent train into the point where
the transmitted train is to arrive. In order that the portions
of the same train, rather than different trains, meet at the
interference screen, the condition must be satisfied




where 't'c is the train length, L the pathlength difference

which the portions of the train acquire in their travel to D,
being in our experiment L = BC
CD - BD. When this
condition is met, a stable interference pattern is observed.
The idea presented in Fig. 1.4 has been realized in the
prelaser optics in various experimental arrangements, say,
with the Fresnel biprism, Michelson interferometer, interferometric arrangements to observe Newton's rings, and
nonuniform thin films. In all these experiments an interference pattern can be observed because the pathlength difference L turns out to be very small-in the order of one
millimetre at most. This implication is important because
for ordinary light sources the length of wave trains ~c
(the coherence length) never exceeds one centimetre.
High coherence of laser radiation. The discovery of
laser made a revolution in optics. The laser has supplied man
with optical radiation of high coherence. The coherence time
of laser radiation may be as high as 10-3 s. This implies that
the coherence length ~c may be as long as 105 m , that is
up to 100 km long. This value is seven orders of magnitude
higher than the coherence length of ordinary light sources.
Moreover, the divergence angle of the laser beam may be
as low as one minute.

1.3 Quantum Transitions in Absorption

and Emi'ssion of Light

Now that we have introduced the notion of coherence of

light we look at the principles of laser action. We start the
discussion with the major processes of the interaction of
radiation with atoms and molecules in a medium.
Energy levels of atoms and molecules. The energy of an
atom or a molecule can take on only definite (discrete) values.
These are the energy levels of the atom (molecule). The tran-

1.9 Transitions in Absorption and Emission of Light


sition of an atom or molecule from one energy level to another

occurs in jump and is called the quantum transition. Quantum transitions may he induced by various causes. In
particular they can occur when atoms interact with optical
The atoms of each chemical element have their own characteristic system of energy levels. In energy units, the
typical spacing between levels of an atom ranges between
1 and 5 electronvolts (eV). The system of energy levels of
an atom governs the behaviour of electrons performing transitions' in this atom.
The structure of energy levels of a molecule reflects three
types of motion taking place in the molecule: motions of the
electrons, vibrations of the atoms in the molecule, and
rotation of the molecule itself. Accordingly, in addition to
the levels associated with motions of electrons, the system
contains vibrational levels (spaced about 0.1 eV apart) and
rotational levels (distant from each other by at most 0.1 eV).
The energy-level system of a molecule is therefore much
more complicated than that of an atom.
Note. A unit often used to measure separation between
levels is electronvolt (eV). It is equal to the energy which
an electron acquires in an electric field created by a potential
difference of one volt. To convert it in SI units, 1 eV =
= 1.6 X 10-19 J. Making use of the expression e = hv =
= he/A and recalling that h = 6.626 X 10- 34 J sand c =
= 3 X 108 mIs, we obtain that to the photon energy 1 eV
there corresponds the wavelengths of light equal to 1.24 f.lm.
Absorption of light. To make our consideration simpler,
we shall focus our attention on two levels of an atom only.
Let the energy of the lower level be E 1 and that of the upper
level E 2 Assume that the atom is in the lower level and a
photon of energy E1 2 = E 2 - E 1 travels near the atom.
The atom can absorb this photon and rise from level E 1 to E 2
(Fig. 1.5), thus making a transition upon the absorption of
8 quantum of light.
Let W be the probability of absorption of light by E 1 ~ E 2
transitions in atoms per unit time, in other words, the rate
of absorption. This probability is obviously proportional to
the number of incident photons and can be written as

W = ENe 1 2




1 Basic Laser Principles

where N is the number of photons in unit volume (all of

energy CI2)' B is a coefficient characteristic of the E 1 ~ E 2
Stimulated emission of light. When the atom lies in the
upper energy level, then the same incident photon may play
the role of a trigger, and induce the transition from E 2 to E}

Fig. 1.5 Absorption of light

Fig. t.6 Stimulated emission

whereby the atom falls into the lower level. The transition
causes an emission of a photon (Fig. 1.6). Both the inducing
and the induced photons have the energy 8 12 == E 2 - E 1
Moreover, both of them have identical direction of their
momenta and identical polarization. In other words, the
secondary photon finds itself in the same state as the primary photon. This result is a sequel of the bosonic behaviour
of photons-they tend to accumulate in the same state.
This is the phenomenon of stimulated emission of light.
The more primary photons are incident on our elementary
volume, the higher the probability that the atom lying in
level E 2 will be forced to undergo a transition to E 1 Here
we should recognize a certain similarity between the stimulated emission and stimulated absorption processes, namely,
the probabilities of both processes are proportional to the

1.3 Transitions in Absorption and Emission

0/ Light


number of primary photons. The probability of stimulated

emission W s t referred to unit time (rate of emission) is

Wst = BNE 1 2


This expression is seen to coincide with (1.. 12).

To summarize, if an atom is in the ground state of energy
E 1 , a photon of energy E 1 2 = E 2 - E 1 incident on the atom
induces its transition to E 2 and is absorved by the atom;
if the atom is in the level of energy E 2 , then this photon is

Fig. t.7 Spontaneous emission

able, with the same probability as in the absorption process

above, to stimulate the atom to fall from E 2 to E 1 with the
emission of another photon.
Let us assume that there are many atoms in level E 2 of the
material. An e.m. wave of the frequency consistent with
E 1 2 incident on the material is capable of inducing the
E 2 ~ E 1 transition in many atoms, i.e, one primary photon
may initiate an avalanche of secondary photons. All of
them will be emitted in the same state as the stimulating
primary photon. Therefore, one photon can initiate the
radiation of a wave train whose length, conditioned by the
number of the secondary photons, can, in principle, be of
any large value.
Spontaneous emission. An atom lying in level E 2 will
tend to decay to level E 1 spontaneously, that is without any
stimulus, say, in the form of a photon, applied to it from
outside just to assume a more stable state or lower energy
(Fig. 1.7). The photon emitted in the spontaneous E 2 ~ E]
emission has the energy 12 == E 2 - E 1 , while its other
characteristics (momentum direction, polarization) are arhitrary. The probability of the spontaneous emission of a
photon is determined only by the properties of the transition



1 Basic Laser Principles

and is defined as
W SP = A


The coefficients A and B entering the expressions for the

probabilities of emission and absorption are called the
Einstein coefficients. It is important to note that for a given
transition (and the energy of incident photons) these coefficients are independent of any external conditions, such
as temperature, pressure, power of the radiant flux, and so on.
Thus, two types of emission of light by atoms are possible, namely, stimulated and spontaneous emission. The
former may be viewed as a controllable process, as it is
stimulated by the primary photon which not only induces
the transition, but also governs the characteristics of the
new emitted photon. The second process proceeds spontaneously, it is random in nature. The instant of the tr-ansition, direction'[of the emitted photon, and its polarization,
all are random quantities. Strictly speaking, an element
of chance is present in the processes of stimulated emission
too as the primary photon may and may not initiate the
transition.Yl'hat is why we have always spoken about the
probability of the transition processes.
We should note in passing that spontaneous processes are
spread rather widely in the microworld. Suffice it to mention the radioactivity of atomic" nucleij and spontaneous
transformations of 'various elementary particles. In spite of
the principally random nature, all these processes have their
own cause (as do all the processes in nature). We shall not
consider here the phenomena causing spontaneous processes,
but limit ourselves to noticing that each object of the microworld interacts with the environment. This interaction is
specific and cannot be reduced to ordinary force interactions.
1.4 The Active Medium.
Creating a Population Inversion

TIle active medium. The heart of the laser is a certain

medium-solid, liquid, or gaseous-called an active medium
for it contains atoms, Ions, or molecules capable of decaying
from their high energy states in' a radiative manner, i.e.
by emitting e.m. waves. These atoms (ions or molecules)
are sometimes called active species or centres. In the medium,

1.4 The Active Medium and Population Inversion


these may account for only a small fraction of all the atoms
(molecules). One cubic centimetre of gaseous media has
about 1016 to 1017 of such species, while that of solid and
liquid media 1019 to 1020
We shall consider only those levels of the active species
which are of consequence for laser action. First of all we
single out two levels whose transition produces radiation.
We shall call it the lasing transition. As before, one of them
is the upper level, while the other is the lower level. Let
Ct2 == E 2 E 1 be the energy difference of these levels, then
V 1 2 == E1 2 /h is the frequency of the transition, that is the
frequency of emitted radiation. Let n 1 and n 2 be the number
of active species (per unit volume) lying in the upper and
lower levels respectively. These quantities are known as the
populations of these levels.
Light amplification in an inverted active medium. As Wf:.
already know, a photon of energy e1 2 can, with an identical
probability, induce either the E 1 ~ E 2 transition or the
E 2 ~ E 1 transition. Which of them will result depends on
the energy level in which the active centre lies. If the lower
level of the medium is more populated than the upper level,
the absorption processes will dominate. Conversely, if the
upper level is more populated than the lower, the processes
of stimulated emission will prevail.
Under normal conditions, specifically in thermodynamic
equilibrium, the populations of energy levels decline as the
level energy increases, so that normally n 2 < nt, and the
processes of absorption of light are dominant.
To produce radiation, however, we need that the processes
of stimulated emission will be dominant. Consequently, we
should take care of the higher population of the upper level,
that is, to ensure that
When this condition is met we say that a population inversion takes place in the medium.
Let us assume that such an inverted active medium be
prepared. Let a collimated light beam of frequency "12 and
irradiance I be incident on the medium (Fig. 1.8).
We would like to dwell a bit on the notion of irradiance.
I t is measured as the energy of a light beam incident on
unit area per unit time, therefore, the dimension of this



1 Basic Laser Principles

quantity is J m-2 S-I, of W/m 2 If we denote by p the energy

density of the light field (the energy in unit volume), then
the irradiance may be represented as the product pv, where v
is the velocity of light in the given medium. We have
introduced earlier the quantity N being the number of photons in unit volume. It is quite obvious that p == eN ==
hvN, consequently
I = hvNv
It should be noted that the quantities I, p, and N are all
considered for a certain frequency of e.m. radiation. We will
assume below that this frequency
is equal to the laser transition
frequency V12 == (E 2 - E1)/h.
An e.m. wave of atomic frequency incident on an active
medium with a population inverFig. 1.8 A light beam may sion can be amplified because of
get amplified in passing the stimulated emission procesthrough an active medium
ses being dominant here over the
processes of absorption. Moreover, the photons amplifying the incident beam are produced
in the same state as the photons of the initial beam.
Let P be the light energy generated at frequency V 1 2
in unit volume of the active medium per unit time (that is,
the light power density). It is an easy matter to demonstrate
P = (n 2 - n 1 ) BNh 2 v r2
To prove, we recall that n 2 W st stimulated transitions
E 2 ~ E 1 and n1W a b absorptions take place in unit volume
per unit time. Each transition either emits or absorbs a
photon of energy hV1 2 Therefore, P == (n 2 W s t - n1W a h ) X
X hV1 2 Observing (1.12) and (1.13) we arrive at (1.17).
In view of (1.16) we may recast (1.17) to the form


(Bhv12/V) (n 2

n1 ) I


The quantity




is called the stimulated emission cross section and represents

the ratio of the process probability BNhv 1 2 to the irradiance
Nv of the flux of photons that have induced this process. By

1.4 The Active Medium and Population Inversion


virtue of (1.19)
The methods of creating a population invertion. To produce a population inversion, we should take care of the upper
energy level being populated more intensely than the lower
level, or to provide a way for the lower level to be depopulated faster than the upper level. Each time our aim is to
create higher populated upper levels in the medium.
The physical mechanisms of populating and depopulating
energy levels are many and diverse. Accordingly, there
exist various means of rendering the medium active, collectively known as the processes of pumping.
In optical pumping, the predominant population of the
upper level is achieved by means of light energy delivered
from appropriately selected sources such as gaseous discharge
flashtubes, or continuously burning tubes. Electrical pumping is accomplished by means of a sufficiently intense
electrical discharge in the medium and is particularly suited
to gas media. The discharge converts the gas into a plasma
where active centres collide inelastically with free electrons
and cause the predominant population of the upper pumping level. Inelastic collisions of active centres with other
atoms and molecules purposefully introduced into the gas
are also of importance for pumping as they provide resonance energy exchange. Chemical pumping raises active centres into the higher level by means of suitable exothermal
chemical reactions in the active material. Of other methods
of pumping we may mention also heat pumping in which
the active material is at first brought to a high temperature
and then rapidly cooled down. In more detail the suitability
of the pumping methods to....various active media will be
taken up in Chapter 2.
The principal pumping schemes. Atoms, ions, or molecules used as active centres often 'exhibit rather complicated
systems of energy levels. However, for all the variety of
these structures, the actual pumping schemes may be boiled
down to a few rather simple diagrams correctly depicting
the pumping process although neglecting some minor details.
These diagrams involve three or four levels only. Fig. 1.9
showing these diagrams uses the following nomenclature:
(0) the ground level, (1) the lower lasing level, (2) the upper


Ch, 1 Basic Laser Principles





(b) .


Fig. 1.9 Simplified energy level diagrams of active species. The

lasing transition in all the diagrams is between levels 2 and 1

lasing level, and (3) the pumping level. The upward arrow
implies the pumping transition, the downward arrow the
lasing transition, and the slant arrows the auxiliary fast
Consider the three-level pumping scheme shown in
Fig. 1.9a. Active species excited by some pumping process,
say, by optical pumping, are raised from the ground level 0
to the pumping levelS. Assume that more than half the active
species undergo this transition. Then a very fast (during
about 10-8 s) decay follows from level S to the upper lasing
level 2. This is a nonradiative transition which gives its
energy to the crystal lattice, if the material is a solid. The
decayed atoms reside in level 2 (for about 10-4 to 10-2 s) and
because more active centres are now in this level than in
the ground state the inversion of the material takes place.
In the three-level laser scheme shown in this diagram,
the ground state is simultaneously the lower lasing level
and therefore is labelled 0 and 1. Such sharing of functions
is a disadvantage in the sense that the lower lasing level
should be depopulated, or better still, empty, which is not
the case with the ground level being populated rather densely under normal conditions. Since it can be depopulated
by the pumping process only, to produce an inversion more
than half the active centres should be raised from this level.
This disadvantage is circumvented in the three-level scheme
shown in Fig. 1.9b. This arrangement takes care of the lower
lasing level being always virtually empty, as a fast decay

1.5 Laser Oscillation in Optical Resonator


is provided for electrons to fall from this level to the ground

state. This scheme is, however, limited by another setback,
a substantial one, namely, its upper lasing level being simultaneously its pumping level. In order to use efficiently the
pumping energy, this level should be rather wide, that is,
be essentially an energy band. From the lasing viewpoint,
however, this level must be very narrow so that the lifetime
of atoms in it may be sufficiently long. In one level these
conflicting requirements are incompatible.
More advantageous in the circumstances seems to be the
four-level laser scheme shown in Fig., although it has
one more auxiliary transition as compared to the three-level
schemes and we must remember that each extra transition
implies additional energy losses.
To sum up, all the considered schemes have their own advantages and disadvantages. All require that the lifetime in
the upper lasing level is relatively long or else the desired
accumulation of active centres in this state, necessary for
population inversion, fails to occur. SUCll accumulating
levels are called metastable levels.
To complete our discussion of laser schemes, we should
mention that the two-level scheme cannot be used for lasing
in principle. In such a scheme, pumping radiation would, on
the one hand, move the ground state atoms to the upper level
and, on the other hand, initiate transitions from the upper
level to the ground level. In other words, pumping would
simultaneously populate and deplete the upper level and,
because the ground state is normally more populated than
the upper level, all that we may hope to achieve by pumping
in this scheme is a system of equally populated levels, whereas a population inversion is inachievable. That is why all
the actual lasing schemes operate with different frequencies
of pumping and lasing transitions.
1.5 Laser Oscillation
in Optical Resonant Cavity


spontaneous emission to laser oscillation. We have

already that a light beam incident on an active
can be amplified because stimulated emission doover absorption in an inverted medium. This is



1 Basic Laser Principles

the basic idea of the quantum optical amplifier. Now we would

like to look at the laser.
As contrasted to such an amplifier, the laser does not include a primary coherent light beam to induce stimulated
emission. To provide a better insight into how laser oscillation begins, we turn to the processes of spontaneous emission. In the laser, the role of primary photons which stimulate the emission of new photons and thereby initiate laser
oscillation is played by the photons spontaneously radiated
by some active species. Each spontaneous photon can initiate
in the active medium many other stimulated transitions,
which in turn may cause an avalanche of secondary photons
occupying the same state as the primary spontaneous photon.
Such spontaneous photons are emitted by active centres
independently and in various directions. Therefore, their
secondary avalanches will also travel in various directions.
In other words, the spread of these spontaneous photons over
different states causes the respective spread of states of the
avalanches they produced. It is quite obvious that a radiation consisting of such photonic avalanches will not exhibit
high coherence properties.
To arrive at a coherent radiation, the above spread should
somehow be narrowed. One way to do so is to restrict the
number of possible photon states, that is to take care of their
selectivity. Assume that for certain selected (and relatively
small in number) photon states there have been established
favourable conditions to develop stimulated emission, whereas for other photon states no such conditions exist. Spontaneous photons emitted in these selected states give rise to a
large number of secondary photons in these states as the
result of the stimulated emissions of active species. The photons emitted in other states die out very rapidly without
contributing much to the flux of secondary photons.
This flux of secondary photons in the selected states is
the desired laser radiation. The less the number of the
selected photon states and the better they are selected, the
more rigorous the selectivity and, consequently, the higher
the degree of coherence of such a lasing device. If only one
state could be selected, the laser would generate an ideally
coherent light wave, i.e. a plane monochromatic wave of
certain polarization.

1.5 Laser Oscillation in Optical Resonator


Optical resonant cavity. The selection of some photon

states and the suppression of other states can be realized
by means of an optical resonator, a principal component of
each laser. In its simplest version the optical resonant cavity
is a pair of mirrors set on an optic axis which defines the
direction of the laser beam. The active material is placed
in-between these mirrors. Solid active materials are often
in the shape of a cylinder whose axis is aligned with the axis
of the optic resonator, the length of the cylinder being
about ten its diameters. At least one of the mirrors of the
resonant cavity is made semitransparent to serve as an
output element passing the light out of the resonator.
Figure 1.10 shows the schematic arrangement of a simple
resonator with an active material inside it. The photons
produced spontaneously in the 00 direction or sufficiently
close to it will travel within the active material a relatively
long way, which is elongated by multiple reflections from
the resonator's mirrors. These photons interact with excited
active centres to eventually initiate a powerful avalanche of
stimulated photons constituting the laser beam. The photons
emitted in other directions (and their stimulated avalanches) will traverse a relatively short pathlength in the
material and die out soon. This process is vividly illustrated
in Fig. 1.10.
Thus, the optical resonant cavity provides the desired
selectivity of photon states by primarily confining the possible direction of photon propagation. As a result, lasing
action occurs in this direction.
The optical resonator can provide selectivity in other
properties of radiation. Of course, the selectivity in photon
energy is secured by the choice of active centres with an
appropriate system of energy levels. However, an actual
system of levels is much more complicated than the laser
schemes illustrated in Fig. 1.9. Actual active centres can
have a few lasing transitions rather than one. To exclude
undesired transitions, the resonant cavity may be provided
with mirrors whose reflectivity is a function of frequency,
so that the undesired transitions will be damped out, and
the necessary selectivity will be ensured for photon states.
'The resonant cavity plays, therefore, a key role: it as
if guides the processes of stimulated emission induced by
spontaneous photons in the active medium so that a laser



1 Basic Laser Principles

" Totally reflecting

Active material
_ Output mirror


#: -- __

_. _ _ u


~ .J'.~ ~

:: -- :: 3: 3=/~ t



~ ~

__ -- ; ~ == ~\,\ =; ~
~ ~ ~ ~ =: =E~" ~

i i~- :

:: :::: ::

-- ~'-~'-~ ~ ~ \\~ ~ =e:E :

'---.__~0~-~- --. -_.--- -"



Fig. 1.10 The optical resonator determines the direction of laser

action (along the resonator axis) and favours the processes of stimulated emission exactly in this direction

radiation of high coherence properties results. Later we

shall learn that the resonator forms radiation not only of
high coherence but also of a 'certain structure of the light
field. This implies that the resonator also performs control
of laser radiation.
The quality factor. Now we look at certain characteristics of the optical resonant cavity, of which the most important is its Q, the quality factor.
Let U(t) be the energy of a radiant field (at the frequency
of lasing) inside the resonator at a time t. Imagine that the
active species present in the material are inoperative, as
if they had suddenly disappeared: such a resonator is said
to become passive. This energy will decay with time because
of various losses inside the resonator. Let I1U be the decline
in the energy in the time interval from t to t + I1t. It is
proportional to the length of the time interval I1t and the
C'llprgy at time t
U = -U(t) I1t/Tc

1.5 Laser Oscillation in Optical Resonator


The minus sign implies that U declines and ~U < O. This

equation can be shown to lead to the exponential law for
energy decay with time

= U

(0) e-t/'te


The parameter 1/'t e defines the rate of decay of the field

energy in the passive resonant cavity. Fig. 1.11 illustrates
this law showing that over the time 't e the initial energy
decreases e times (where e=
= 2.71828 is the base of the
natural system of logarithms).
The dimensionless quantity U(O)
Q = 2nVT e (1.23)
is called the Q-factor of the
resonator and used to show the
ability of the cavity to store Fig. t.11 Exponential decay of
energy. The slower the energy, a radiation field inside a pasof a radiation field falls off,
sive resonator
i.e, the smaller the losses in
the resonator, the smaller t/'t e and, consequently, the higher
the resonator's Q.
Losses inside the cavity. In a passive resonant cavity,
the light beam irradiance gradually declines with travel
distance owing to various losses in the medium inside the
cavity or escapes through the side surface. The irradiance of
the light beam declines again by an exponential law:
1 (z) = I (0) e- a z
where the light beam travels along the z direction aligned
with the cavity's axis, and ex is the loss factor having the
dimension of reverse length.
The relation between ex and 't c can be established in a
rather straightforward manner. In the time interval 't c
the light flux covers the distance v'te In agreement with
(1.22) the field energy inside the cavity falls off e times
during this interval. It would be natural to assume that the
flux irradiance also decreases e times. But according to
(1.24), it suffers the same decrease over the pathlength of
1/a. Consequently,



1 Basic Laser Principles

Substituting (1.1) and (1.23) in this equation we get



== 'Act/2n

If the causes of loss are many, say, absorption and radiation through the side surface, we may associate with each
type of loss its own loss factor cti and its own Q-factor, Qh
so that
1/Qi == 'A ct i/2n
If these losses are independent of each other, then the resultant change in the field energy inside the cavity may be
presented as the sum of contributions due to various losses,
I1U == ~ ~Ui. With referen.
0 - ce
to (1.21), we then have
1/'t'c == ~ 1/'t C , i and by virtue
of (1.25) and (1.26)

Fig. 1.t2 Resonant cavity formed by two spherical mirrors

of different curvature radii and



== ~


This expressions imply that

in taking account of various
losses, we may sum up the loss
factors associated with those losses, or, which is equivalent,
add the inverse Q's associated with these losses.
Radiant losses. A proportion of the field energy leaves
the cavity through the output mirror as laser radiation. For
the laser as a source of radiation, this beam is just another
type of loss referred to as radiant loss. This loss may be accounted in (1.28) as another term in the sum. The loss factor
due to this loss, ctrad, has the form
ctrad == In (1/R)/2L
where L is the resonator length (shown in Fig. 1.12), and R
the reflectivity (reflection factor) of the output mirror (the
ratio of the light flux reflected by the mirror to the incident
Diffraction losses. These are an important class of losses
caused by the fact that the apertures (lateral dimensions) of
the resonator's mirror, as well as other components, are of
limited dimension. A light beam incident on a mirror of
finite aperture suffers diffraction on the mirror edge, which

1.6 Basic Laser Characteristics


entails a loss of a proportion of the flux. The collimated

light beam of mirror size can be well aligned with the mirror,
yet owing to the wave properties of light a portion of beam
energy will walk off the mirror edges, as it were, and leave
the cavity, incurring the aforementioned additional losses.
These are called diffraction losses.
Diffraction losses increase as the mirror diameter a decreases and the wavelength and resonator length increase.
In order that a resonator be low in diffraction losses at
wavelength 'A, it should be so long that
a2 /4'AL :;p 1
The dimensionless parameter on the left-hand side is called
the Fresnel number
(1.31 )
This number is not the only criterion used in estimating
diffraction losses. Other features of resonator geometry
should also be taken into account. These are determined by
resonator length and mirror radii of curvature as laser
resonators normally use spherical rather than flat mirrors.
So, two resonators of the same Fresnel number may incur
different diffraction losses due to different geometry.
Figure 1.12 shows a resonator produced by two spherical
mirrors. Assume for generality that the mirrors have different apertures (al and a 2) and different radii of curvature
(r1 and r 2 ) . Such a resonator is defined by three principal
N F = a1a 2 /4'AL
G1 = (a1la 2 ) (1 - Llrl )
G2 = (a21a1 ) (1 - Llr 2 )
Two resonators will have equal diffraction losses, if they
are identical in these parameters. Such resonators are called
equivalent resonators.
1.6 Basic Laser Characteristics

This section will be concerned with certain important laser

characteristics essential to understand laser behaviour. Basic
laser components are shown in the functional diagram in
Fig. 1.13. In what follows we assume for simplicity that

- 0400



1 Basic Laser Principles

the laser is operating in continuous regime, that is, the

process of generation is stationary.
Gain coefficient. Consider a light flux at the lasing frequency travelling along the z direction in an active material.
A layer of the material ~z thick located at a point z receives
a flux of irradiance I (z) and emits a more intense flux


~ ~

I(z) + 61


Fig. 1.13 Functional scheme of the

laser. AM active material, P pumping system; M totally reflecting
resonator mirror, OM output mirror, I E additional intracavity

Fig. 1.14 Amplification of a

radiation flux in a thin layer
of an active material

~I (Fig. 1.14). This increment of the flux is proportional to the initial irradiance I (z) and the thickness of
the amplifying layer
~I = ~I (z) ~z

I (z)

The coefficient ~ is called the (small-signal) gain coefficient;

it has the dimension of inverse length.
On the other hand, the increment of flux irradiance over
the beam cross section s is equal to the power generated in
the slab of material s~z (due to stimulated emission dominating over absorption), so that
Ms = p (z) s



where P denotes the power generated in unit volume of the

material. Comparing (1.33) and (1.34) leads to
P(z) =




Finally, from the comparison of (1.35) with (1.20) we get



t -

nt )


1.6 Basic Laser Characteristics


It will be noted that the relationships derived above involve

functions dependent on the spatial z coordinate, and both P
and I have been considered for the lasing transition, which
will also be assumed in what follows.
It is important that the difference n 2 - n 1 is not a constant. As I grows in value the transitions from E 1 to E 2
and back become more frequent and the populations of
these levels gradually equalize, that is, n 2 - n i decreases
as I increases. Assume that at I = 0 the populations of the
lasing levels are n 1 0 and n 2 0 , then it may be shown that
n20- nlO

(1 37)

n 2-nl= 1+(x/v)I

where x is a parameter accounting for the nonlinear behaviour of the transition, and v is the velocity of light in the
medium. Denoting ~o = 0'12 (n 2 0 - n 1 0 ) , referred to as the
initial gain coefficient, .we recast (1.36) by virtue of (1.37) as

~ = 1+(,,;:) I



Note. To avoid possible confusion, we would like to emphasize that it should be distinguished between the absorption of radiation by the lasing transitions of active species
and the absorption by other non-lasing atoms and molecules
inside the cavity. The first absorption is always considered
together with stimulated emission and is taken into account
in the small-signal gain coefficient ~. The second absorption
is related to losses and enters the respective loss coefficienta.
Equations (1.33) and (1.34) have been written for loss-free
active materials experiencing only stimulated emission and
absorption in the lasing transitions of the active centres.
For inverted materials with nonzero losses, (1.33) should be
replaced with
i11 === (~ - a) I (z) i1z
This expression is rather indicative of the fact that two conditions should be satisfied in order for the inverted medium
to amplify a light signal. First, the processes of stimulated
emission must dominate over those of absorption for lasing
transitions, so that ~ > O. Second, the gain must exceed
the losses, ~ > a.
Should we include the losses in our cons'ideration , we
would introduce the loss power density PI (z) and write in



1 Basic Laser Principles

place of (1.34)
~I =

[P (z) - PI (z)] Llz


Observing that PI (z) = al (z) carries (1.40) to

LlI = [P (z) - al (z)] Llz
Comparing (1.39) and (1.41) yields the same result as (1.35).
Output power. Conditions for laser oscillation. We can
eliminate I between (1.35) and (1.38) to express the power
density P through the coefficients pertinent to laser gain
P (z) = (v/x) (Po - P)
Let V be a volume of active material being hit by the incident
radiation. The light power generated in this volume may be
expressed, subject to (1.42), as
P' = (v/x) V (~o - ~av)
where ~av is the gain per unit length averaged over the
length of the active material. To produce sustained laser
action, upon completing a round trip about the resonatorfrom one mirror to the other and back-the light flux must
be at its initial irradiance. Accordingly (we quote this
without proof), the average gain coefficient must be equal
to the overall loss coefficient
~av = a

+ aout


Notice, that we have separated here the radiant losses due

to useful output, lost on the cavity into an individual term.
Substituting this expression for ~a v in (1.43) yields
P' = (v/x) V [~o - (a + aout)]
It is quite obvious that not all of the light power generated
in the active material leaves the resonator through the output
mirror. A proportion of generated photons is lost nonradiatively. Only a proportion aout/(a + aout) of the
power leaves the resonator as laser output. In terms of power
Pout = P'aout/(a

Substituting here P' from (1.45) we arrive at an expression

for the useful output light power

= ~ v(~o-(a+aout)]a~~:ut



1.6 Basic Laser Characteristics

An obvious condition for laser oscillation to occur can

be easily drawn from the aforementioned expressions, namely,





Repeating this in words, for laser action to occur the initial

gain must exceed the sum of the losses in the cavity.
Optimal value of the radiant loss coefficient. The radiant
losses of a laser can be controlled by appropriately selecting
the reflectivity R of the output mirror [see (1.29)]. If we
wish to make the losses smaller in order to improve the condition for laser action, we can try to lower Clout by enhancing R. The quality factor of the resonator will improve,
but the passage condition for the radiation leaving the
cavity will be impeded-the ratio CXout/(Cl
Clout) will
decrease. This will cut down the output power. If, on the
other hand, we try to improve Clout at the expence of lower R,
this will hamper the generation to develop because of increasing losses. Stated mathematically, a decrease in Clout
increases the factor P' in (1.46) but decreases Clout/(Cl + Clout),
and vice versa.
From this it follows that there should be an optimal value
of the coefficient of radiant losses, Cl~~b at which the output
power is a maximum. That such a value exists could be
readily proved by plotting P out as a function of Clout in
accordance with (1.47). This function, depicted in Fig. 1.15,
reaches a maximum at



(v/'X) V (VPo- Va)2


a,0p --

out -



Now we can refer to (1.29) to obtain with (1.49) the optimal

reflectivity for the output mirror
R op

= e- 2L ('V (3oa - a )


Forestalling the later material in this book, we note that

at rather high gains typical of neodymium lasers with pulsed
pumping, R o p can be relatively small (10% to 20%). For the
He-Ne laser of small gain, R o p reaches as high a value as
Laser gain curve. So far we have considered systems
with ideal energy levels. In actual systems, however, each

ci: 1

Basic Laser Principles

energy level is associated with a certain interval of values

so that it would be physically more correct to speak of level
broadening or of the width of a level, and the concept of
energy level becomes somewhat conditional. This broadening
of laser levels entails a spread in the frequencies of the tran-



Fig. 1.15 Dependence of laser

output power on radiative losses conditioned by the reflectivity of the output mirror

Fig. 1.16 Gain curve and loss level superimposed. The higher the
loss threshold, the smaller the
amplitude of the net gain profile

sition, as a result of which we have to deal with a certain

frequency interval, called bandwidth, corresponding to a
given transition, rather than with a single frequency.
The Einstein coefficients defining transitions have been
treated as constants in previous sections. Actually they
are functions of radiation frequency over the bandwidth associated with the transition. This implies specifically that
both the cross-section and the initial gain coefficient ~o
are also functions of frequency.
Figure 1.16 shows a typical gain profile of ~o (v), also
termed the laser transition (emission or fluorescent) line,
This function is defined by

~o (v) = C (V-~~~+i\i


where V o is the central or resonance frequency of the transition (consistent with the maximum of the function), ~o is
the halfwidth of the function measured as the full width at
half-maximum power (FWI-IM), and C a constant.
The line AA drawn in this figure indicates the cavity loss
level. The plot above this line confines the area of the net

1.6 Basic Laser Characteristics


gain defined by (1.48) for the oscillating laser The width of

the gain curve, Av, is measured at this loss level. For Nd
Jasers ~v ~ 1010 Hz, therefore the relative linewidth ~v/vo ~
~ 0.005 %. For organic dye lasers, ~v/vo runs into a few
percent as here ~v = 101 2 to 1013 Hz.
Cavity resonance frequencies. The main task of the optical
resonator is to select a set of resonance frequencies within
the laser emission (gain) linewidth. Assume that the radiation field inside the resonator
consists of plane e.m. waves
propagating strictly along the
resonator axis. The cavity will
be resonant for those of them
that fit an integer number of
half-wavelength between the
mirrors, or mathematically
L = qA q/2
where L is the resonator length,
q positive integers far larger

Fig. 1.17 Optical resonator fills

the laser transition line gain
profile with cavity modes

than unity, and Aq are resonant wavelengths. This resonance condition may be recast in terms of resonant
frequencies by virtue of (1.1) and (1.2) as follows
v q = qc/2Ln
where n is the refractive index of the medium filling the
As can be seen from (1.54) the lines in the resonant spectrum are equidistant, since the spacing between the neighbouring frequencies is constant and equal to
~'V' = c/2Ln

By selecting a set of resonance frequencies, the resonator

transforms the transition lineshape shown in Fig. 1.16 into
a series of narrower spectral lines of the resonator shown in
Fig. 1.17. The peaks of these lines correspond to the resonance
frequencies. The width of these lines, ~VC, is conditioned by
the losses in the resonant cavity. Assuming that ~vc ~
~ 1/'(c we obtain from (1.23)
~vc ~ 2nvo/Q


Ch. 1 Basic Laser Principles

where Q is the resonator quality factor. It is an easy matter

to see that at relatively high losses (low Q) and in inhomogeneous media the spectral lines of the resonator will overlap.
Modes of the optical resonator. In the previous sections
we have learned that the resonant cavity of a laser is able
to exert considerable influence on the output power and on
the spectral behaviour of the laser. But the actual effect
of the resonator on laser radiation is even more pronounced
and crucial. I t is -so because the resonator is able to form
definite states of e.m. field in the cavity; these are referred
to as the resonator modes.

TEM oo

TEM o2

Fig. 1.18 Low-order transverse-mode patterns in cylindrical symmetry. The first integer defining the mode number indicates the
number of nulls as one passes across the beam in a radial direction.
The second integer specifies half the number of nulls in an azimuthal

The different modes are designated

by the notation

TEM m n q where TEM denotes Transverse Electro-Magnetic,

m and n are the transverse indexes (or numbers), and q

is the longitudinal index of a mode; the same q that appears
in (1.53) and (1.54). A mode has a characteristic spatial
structure of the e.m. field, that is, a certain distribution
of the field amplitude and phase. In the plane perpendicular
to the resonator axis, specifically on the mirror surface, this
distribution is described by transverse indexes m and n.
To each combination of m and n, there correspond a number of modes having various q. These are longitudinal, or
axial, modes. In the emission spectrum of a laser, each longitudinal mode is consistent with a spectral line of the resonator. By way of example, Fig. 1.17 shows seven longitudinal


A Historical Review of Laser


modes; that at the frequency Vo is the central longitudinal

When one refers to a given transverse mode, it means that
one is considering a mode with given values of the transverse
indexes (m, n), regardless of the value of 0q, which is dropped
from the designation, therefore the transverse mode is denoted as TEM,.nn. Since transverse indexes m and n specify the
e.m , field variation in the transverse direction, each type
of mode has a characteristic light pattern on the resonator
rnirror. Fig. 1.18 shows the patterns observed on a round
(dark) mirror for a few simplest (low-order) transverse
modes. I t is seen that the lower the values of the transverse
indexes, the denser the light field of the mode concentrates
at the mirror's centre.
The transverse mode TEM oo is the lowest-order, symmetric mode, called the fundamental mode. I t presents the
simplest structure of the light spot.
Light spots observed in actual conditions often result
from the superposition of a few transverse modes (multimode
oscillation). The spectrum of a laser normally contains a
few spectral lines (multiple oscillation).
1.7 A Historical Review of the Laser

The first steps on the way to the laser. The name laser
is an acromim of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Thus the term reflects the crucial role
of the processes of stimulated emission for quantum generators and amplifiers of coherent light. Therefore, the history
of laser development should be traced as far back as 1917
when Albert Einstein showed that the process of stimulated
emission must exist.
This was the first step toward the laser. The next one was
due to the Soviet physicist V.A. Fabrikant who pointed out
in 1939 to the possibility of exploiting stimulated emission
to amplify e.m. radiation travelling through a medium.
More specifically, he come up with the idea of using microsystems with inverse population of levels. Later, after the
Second World War, he returned to this idea and summarized
his research in a patent, filed in 1951 together with
M.M. Vudynsky and F.A. Butayeva, for the invention of
a means to amplify radiation by stimulated emission. This


Ch. 1 Basic Laser Principles

patent was granted with the formulation of the invention as

follows. 'A method to amplify electromagnetic radiation
(ultraviolet visible, infrared, and radio frequency bands)
outstanding in that the radiation to be amplified is passed
through a medium where an additional radiation or other
means creates excessive populations, over the equilibrium
one, of atoms, other species or their systems in the upper
energy states corresponding to excited states.'
The development of the maser. If the transition frequency
of a device operating in accordance with the principles outlined. above falls in the microwave region, this type of
amplifier is called a maser amplifier. This term appeared
earlier than the laser as the idea was first realized in the
microwave region. In May 1952, Soviet physicists N. G. Basov
and A.M. Prokhorov reported to the All-Union Conference
on Radiospectroscopy about the possibility of developing
the amplifier of microwave radiation. They referred to it
as a molecular-beam generator as it supposed to operate
with a beam of ammonium molecules. The idea of employing stimulated emission to amplify and generate millimetre
waves was expressed practically at the same time by the
American physicist C.H. Townes of the Columbia University.
In 1954, the molecular-beam generator, soon named the
maser, became a reality. It was developed independently
and simultaneously by the team leaded by Basov and
Prokhorov at the Lebedev Physical Institute of the USSR
Academy of Sciences and by a group headed by Townes at the
Columbia University in the United States.
Later the letter m in the term maser, related to 'macrowave', was replaced by 1, due to 'light', to give birth to the
term 'laser'. Both devices, maser and laser, harness the
same principle formulated by V.A. Fabrikant in 1951. Maser
realization signified the birth of a new field of science and
technology. In the Soviet Union this field was initially
called quantum radio physics-the term retained by some
Soviet journals and texts-and later acquired a new name,
quantum electronics, in wide use elsewhere.
Six years of intense studies. In 19G4, ten years after the
maser had been developed, in his Nobel winner speach
A.M. Prokhorov said: 'When masers were developed they
seem to be followed soon by quantum oscillators in the

1.7 A Historical Review of Laser


optical range. But we had to wait for them to appear for as

long as five or six years. What was the reason for this delay?
There were two principal difficulties to handle. One was the
absence of resonators for the optical region of wavelengths;
the other was due to the absence of practical systems and
methods of realizing inverse population in the optical
region. '
The six years mentioned were indeed devoted to research
which ultimately led the way from the maser to the laser.
In 1955, Basov and Prokhorov substantiated optical pumping as a method of population inversion. In 1957, Basov
came up with the idea of using semiconductor materials for
quantum oscillators and make the resonant cavity of the
polished faces of the semiconductor chip. In that same
year V.A. Fabrikant and F.A. Butayeva observed the effect
of optical quantum amplification in experimenting with
electrical discharge through a mix of mercury vapours and
sm al I amonnts of hydrogen and helium. In 1958, A.M. Prokhorov in the USSR and A. Schawlow and C. Townes in the
USA suggested independently that the stimulated emission
phenomenon, which had been utilized in the maser, could
also be used in the infrared and optical portions of the
spectrum. Together with R.H. Dicke of Princeton University
they also proposed to use open (rather than closed as in the
microwaves) resonators in the optical region. Physically
such resonators consist of only end-face mirrors aligned
along the resonator axis and dimensioned so that their
spacing exceeds the wavelength a great deal.
In 1959, N.G. Basov, B.M. Vul, and Yu.M. Popov published a paper where they established the idea of semiconductor quantum oscillator on theoretical grounds and analysed the requirements that should be met for their development. Finally, in 1960 there appeared a substantial publication of N.G. Basov, O.N. Krokhin, and Yu.M. Popov,
which gave (1 thorough investigation to the development
principles and theory of quantum oscillators and amplifiers
in the infrared and visible portions of the spectrum. The
authors concluded the paper with the words: "The absence
of principal limitations gives 11S hope that generators and
amplifiers in the visible and infrared portions of the spectrum will be realized in the nearest future."
The first lasers. The extensive theoretical and experi-


Ch. 1 Basic Laser Principles

mental studies in the Soviet Union and the United States

had brought scientists close to the first laser which was operated in mid-1960 by Theodore Maiman, an American physicist. He reported in two scientific journals in 1960 a successful experiment on light generation with a ruby rod in the
optical region. So the world learned about the first "optical
maser", the ruby laser. This device has a rather modest
appearance by today's standards: a small ruby rod about
5 em long had its two opposite ends silver coated to play the
role of a resonator. It was fitted inside a helical high power
flashlamp which periodically pumped the ruby by green
light. The red pulses radiated by the ruby emanated as a
beam through a small opening in one of the silvered faces.
Historically, the next development came in 1960 when
Javan, Bennett, and Herriott demonstrated laser action in
a gaseous discharge of helium and neon. This was the first
gas laser the appearance of which actually had been prepared by the experimental studies of Fabrikant and Butayeva
performed as early as 1957.
Beginning in 1961 various types of lasers (solid state and
gaseous) gained a strong foothold in optical laboratories.
New active media were introduced and the laser technology
was .improved rapidly. In 1962-63 the first semiconductor
lasers were demonstrated in the United States and in the
Soviet Union.
The laser is now in its third decade. During this period
it has developed into one of the most important technological
developments of this half-century. It has brought about a
rebirth of the science and technology of optics and has led
to the development of whole new industries.

Chapter 2

Types of Lasers

2.1 A Laser Exposifi'on. Pumping Methods

The table in Fig. 2.1 lists the most commonly used types of
lasers together with their active media and pumping methods. Lasers are normally classed by their active media
and means employed for excitation (pumping). This chapter,
therefore, will be devoted to the physical properties of
media utilized as active materials and the methods of
pumping allowing laser action to occur. We will also discuss
the system of interconnections between various pumping
techniques illustrated in Fig. 2.1. I t might look sophisticated at first glance, but we recommend to return to this
figure after reading this chapter to see it again from the
angle of what is said in this chapter.
Of the pumping methods presented in the figure two are
of major consequence-optical pumping and electrical pumping. Optical pumping is the most versatile pumping process.
It suits to excite a variety of active media including dielectric crystals, glasses, semiconductor materials, liquids,
and gas mixtures. Other pumping processes may integrate
optical pumping as a component as well. Electrical pumping
is accomplished by means of a sufficiently intense selfsustained electrical discharge and is particularly suited to
gaseous active media at pressures of 1 to 10 torr (mm of
mercury). The pertinent types of laser, using atomic, ion,
or molecular transitions, are not infrequently joined by
the common name of gas-discharge laser. These lasers as well
as solid-state, liquid, and semiconductor lasers find their
way into various fields of science and engineering.
The pumping process may be continuous or pulsed. So,
optical pumping employs gaseous-discharge flashtubes and
continuously emitting lamps. In electrical pumping, the
discharge may be pulsed and stationary or quasistationary.

ci: 2



Types of Lasers

r _~Y~~.9~~SERS
----1 II


Dielectric crystals
and glasses

Sol id-state


- organ ic dyes,




- chelates,


Gaseous mixtures
of atoms and

Gas atomic

Rarefied hot

Electroion ization


Gas-dvnam ic

Highly ionized
cold plasma
Two different type
(p-n junction)


Fig. 2. t Laser classification and functional relationship

Pulsed pumping supplies excitation energy in portions,

whereas continuous pumping gives it up continuously.
Pulse pumping offers a number of advantages over its
continuous counterpart. When a population inversion occurs
only for certain time intervals, the requirement for a fast
depopulating lower laser level may turn out to be less severe.
Assume that on applying a pump pulse the population rate
ofthe upper laser level exceeds that for the lower laser level.


2.2 Solid State Lasers

Then lasing action may occur due to the population inversion

that takes place at the initial phase of the excitation pulse.
This situation is illustrated graphically in Fig. 2.2. I t can
be readily seen that an inversion occurs during time t 1
at the beginning of the pulse. I t is quite obvious that the
rate at which the lower level
is depopulated is immaterial.
This example makes it clear
why pulse pumping makes
oscillation possible in a larger
number of active media and
in a greater number of transit
tions within a medium than it
could be possible with continuous pumping. Another ad- Fig. 2.2 Production of a popuvantage of pulse pumping con- lation inversion between the
cerns its easier implementa- pOfulation of the lower laser leve (1) and upper laser level (2)
tion. I t is more d ifficult tech- during the risetime (tl) of a
nically to provide a continuous
pump pulse (3)
pump power supply on a stable
basis to the active medium than to realize a pulsed pump
operation. In addition, forced cooling is no longer needed
with pulse pumping.
Pulse pumping is favourable in that it enables various
pulsed oscillation regimes to be realized, with the lasing
in the form of single light pulses or pulse trains. These regimes
afford exceedingly strong concentration in time and space
of radiated energy emitted as gigawatt picosecond pulses.
For example, regimes are realized for producing powerful
exceedingly short light pulses with 10 12 W of power within
10-11 to 10-12 s.

2.2 Solid State Lasers

The solid state laser, also call ed the doped insulator laser
to avoid connotation of semiconductor, is built around active
media prepared as insulating material (dielectric crystal Of
glass) doped with ions of impurity in its host structure.
These lasers are rugged, simple to maintain, and capable of
generating high peak powers. They employ optical pumping
Optical pumping. Optical pumping excites active centres
through the absorption of light from specially selected sour-


en. 2

Types of Lasers

ces. These sources may be discharge flashtubes, continuously

operating lamps (discharge or incandescent), spark gaps,
flame, etc. An auxiliary laser may also be used as a pump
Two conditions need be met to make optical pumping efficient. First, the pumping level of the active centre must be
sufficiently wide. In other words, the absorption line of
pump transition must exhibit a relatively large bandwidth.
Second, the peak of this absorption lineshape must be in the
highest-irradiance portion of the pump source spectrum.
Unless these conditions are satisfied the proportion of usefully expended power of the source will be exceedingly
Both aforelisted conditions are satisfied in solid-state
lasers. Doped-insulator active media offer absorption bandwidths in the order of 0.1 urn. Available pumping sources
provide radiation spectra which can be selected for a particular laser so as to excite the active centre to the pump
level, or to a group of levels performing as the "pump level"
and often referred to as energy bands.
The solid state laser. In most cases, the active material
of a solid state (doped-insulator) laser consists of an impurity
or dopant in a crystalline or glass insulator. The crystal
atoms do not participate directly in the lasing action, but
serve as a host lattice in which the dopant resides. Today
about 300 dielectric crystals doped by transition element
ions exhibit the effect of stimulated emission. Oxide crystals
of regular structure are most widely used. They include in
particular Al 2 0 3 crystal (corundum) doped by triply ionized
chromium atom (Cr3+), and Y 3AIs012 crystal (commonly
called YAG, an acronim for yttrium aluminium garnet)
in which some of the y3+ ions are replaced by neodymium
ions (Nd 3 +). The substitution of cromium ions in corundum
converts it into ruby, so the first crystal is used as active
material for ruby lasers, whereas the second ion, Nd 3 + ,
brings about the active materials for the family of neodymium lasers (Nd:YAG, Nd:glass). These lasers are the
most popular type of solid-state lasers.
Figure 2.3 illustrates how optical pumping is realized in
a solid-state laser. The pump source, say a discharge flashlamp, is the shape of a right cylinder placed parallel and
adjacent to the rod of active material. The arrangement

2.2 Solid State Lasers


shown takes advantage of the focusing properties of an

ellipse. The laser rod and flashlamp are placed inside a
cylindrical reflector of elliptical cross section, with the rod
at one focus and the lamp at the other focus. Any light
leaving one focus of the ellipse will pass through the other
focus after reflection from the silvered surface of the pump
cavity. As a result all of the pump radiation is maximally
focused on the active material. The geometry of the pumping

Fig. 2.3 Practical configurations of pump cavities for optically pumped solid lasers

cavity varies a great deal with the particular application.

For example, two or four ellipses are used in the cross section
of the pump cavity, with the rod in the common focus. This
geometry of the cavity enhances the output power of the
The end faces of the rod are polished and silvered to play
the part of the optical resonator mirrors. Therefore, in this
laser the length of the resonant cavity is the length of the
The ruby laser. This type of laser was the first to be
rnade to operate and still continues to be used on a wide scale
owing to a high mechanical strength and thermal conductivity of ruby crystals which can be grown to high optical
Ruby, which has been known for hundreds of years as a
naturally occurring precious stone, is a crystal of Al 20 3
(corrundum) in which some of the A13+ ions are replaced by
Cr3+ ions. Laser rods are normally prepared of pink ruby
which contains 0.05% chromium (1.6 X 101 9 chromium
ions in one cubic centimetre). These ions perform as active


Ch, 2


0/ Lasers

centres in a ruby crystal. Fig. 2.4 shows the levels of the

chromium ion in ruby. The vertical axis shows energy in
terms of spatial frequency (reciprocal wavelength). To be
converted to common energy units, the wave number should
be multiplied by he, i.e., E = hci): Optical pumping raises
an electron in the chromium
to the broad upper levels
(denoted 4Fl and 4F2 in spectroscopic notation, see note
below). The height of the bar
in the figure provides some
idea on the spread of the res~
pective level. These excited
give up a proportion of
their energy to the thermal
oscillations of the ruby crystal
ci -
lattice and fall comparatively
? -~a: 4A
fast from the states 4Ft and 4F2
onto two adjacent metastable
(having relatively long lifetiFig. 2.4 Energy levels of the
mes) levels denoted as 2A and
chromium ion in ruby and the
E. These latter levels play the
principal transitions
part of the upper laser level.
The lower laser level 4A 2 is the ground level for this system.
Therefore, the ruby laser fits into the definition of the
three-level laser scheme presented in Fig 1.9a.




:L,-:L, I - - C")



0.691 0.695 A,JJ m



Fig. 2.5 Absorption (a) and fluorescence (b) spectra'of the chromium
ion in ruby

The absorption spectrum of the chromium ion in a ruby

crystal is shown in Fig. 2.5a. It shows up two maxima for
the transitions to 4F t and 4F2 lying at 'A' == 0.41 (blue
absorption band) and 'A" = 0.55 flm (yellow-green absorption

2.2 Solid State Lasers


hand). Each of the bands is about 0.1 t-tm wide. The optical
pump of this laser is effected by a gas discharge xenon lamp.
The emission spectrum of the radiation spontaneously
omitted by the chromium ions in lasing (the fluorescence
spectrum of the chromium ion in ruby) is presented in
Fig. 2.5b. It consists of two bands: one at 0.6943 t-tm (the
so-called R1-line), the other at O.G929 t-tm (R 2-line). The
laser action occurs practically on the R 1-1ine only.
N ole. In atomic spectroscopy, there exists certain nomenclature for succinct identification of the states of atoms,
ions and molecules. We have no room in this text to discuss
this nomenclature at length and invite the reader to treat
the term symbols, such as 4Fl and 4F2' as certain labels of
the atomic levels. We will return to this nomenclature in
Sec. 2.5.
The Nd:YAG laser. The neodymium-doped yttrium alurninium garnet laser is the most popular type of solid state
Jaser. It has a rather low excitation threshold and a high
thermal conductivity, therefore lends itself for generation of
light pulses at a high repetition rate or for continuous operation (called continuous wave or cw operation in the laser
jargon). The efficiency of this laser is also comparatively
high, running to a few percent.
The atomic levels of the neodymium ion in YAG crystal
are presented in Fig. 2.6. In fact, the figure shows energy
bands of various width rather than thin levels. Each of this
bands contains a group of energy levels identified each by
its own atomic term symbol.
The optical pumping raises the ground state Nd atoms
(the atomic term 4/ 9/ 2) to a few states identified by the
terms 4G7 / 2 , 2G7 / 2 , 48 3 / 2
4F7 / 2, 4}?5/2
2H9 / 2 , and 4F3 / 2.
These five groups of states give rise to five hands in the
Nd:Y AG absorption spectrum plotted in Fig. 2.7a. The
bands are seen to reveal fine structure which reflects the
fact that the energy bands consist of individual levels.
The upper laser level is the state 4F3 / 2 The laser action
occurs when the neodymium ions decay from this level
to the states 4/11/2, 4] 9/2' 4/]3/2' and 4/ t 5/2 Since each of
these terms is associated with a few energy levels, the total
number of lasing transitions runs into two decades. The
major portion of the energy is emitted in the 4F:i / 2 ~ 4/11/2


Ch. 2

Types of Lasers

transitions (about 60%), therefore the 4111 / 2 state is normally taken as the lower laser level.
Figure 2.7b shows the Nd:YAG fluorescence spectrum for
the 4F3/2 ~ 4111 / 2 transitions. The spectrum contains seven


l \\\\\ 1I1~1

483 / 2 + 4 F7/ 2
4F5/ 2 f 2H9/2

4G 7/ 2



- .- ,- ,- ,'\. J



4F 3/ 2


4G /
7 2



4115/ 2


41 13 / 2


41 11/ 2
419/ 2

Fig. 2.6 Energy-level diagram of the neodymium ion in yttrium

aluminium garnet

1.04 1.08 1,12 J.lIn



Fig. 2.7 Absorption (a) and fluorescence 4F3/ 2 ~

of Nd:YAG

4/11 /s

(b) spectra

lines. The most intense lines are those at 1.0615 and

1.0642 ~m in the infrared. In addition to these transitions,
a certain contribution to the output is made by the transitions 4F3 / 2 ~ 411 3 / 2 (1.3 (LID oscillation) and 4F3 / 2 -+41 9 / 2
(at 0.9 ~m).

2.3 Organic Dye Lasers


It is quite obvious from Fig. 2.6 that the multitude of the

Nd:YAG laser levels corresponds to the four-level laser
scheme shown in Fig.
In high-power continuous operation, the laser is excited
with krypton lamps. At times, the YAG crystal lattice is
doped by chromium ions in addition to Nd 3 + so that xenon
lamps could be used for pumping. The chromium ion in YAG
exhibits two rather wide absorption bands (at 0.43 and
0.59 urn) well within the spectrum of xenon lamps. The
oxcited chromium ions transfer their excitation energy to
the neodymium ions of the material and enhance the output.
Glass lasers. In these lasers, the active material is glass
doped by ions of rare-earth elements, specifically, by neodymium. They also operate by the four-level scheme as
Nd:YAG lasers. The Nd:glass laser emits at a wavelength
of 'A, == 1.06 Ilm and is a rather popular device.
Various types of glass are used for these lasers: borate
glasses based on boron oxides, lead glasses based on lead
oxides, phosphate glasses based on phosphorous oxides,
fluoroberillate glasses, silica glasses, and such. The glass
materials are relatively cheap to fabricate in the form of
long rods (more than 1 m long), optically homogeneous and
lend themselves for doping in high concentrations of impurities. The major disadvantage of glasses relates to their
low thermal conductivity, therefore glass lasers may be
operated in a pulsed mode only at:a relatively low pulse
repetition rate.
2.3 Organic Dye Lasers
Liquid lasers are called so because their active media are
either liquid solutions of organic dyes or specially prepared
liquids doped with rare-earth ions, say, with Eu3 + or Nd 3 +.
These special liquids may be of two types: organometallic
(chelate) and inorganic (aprotonic) liquids. These lasers
are optically excited devices.
Organic dyes for active media. A large proportion of
liquid lasers are organic dye lasers. Their active medium
is a solution of an organic dye, which gives active species
in some liquid solvent, such as water, ethanol, methanol,
toluene, benzene, aceton, etc.
The organic dyes are complex organic compounds offering
wide absorption bands in the visible and near ultraviolet


en. 2

Types of Lasers

portions of the spectrum. The chemical structure of dye

molecules typic-ally contains a number of benzene, pyridine,
azine and other rings attached to each other in one plane.
The most effectively lasing dyes are classed into the following eight groups: xanthenes, polumethines, oxazines, coumarins,
anthracenes, acridines, azines, and phthalozianines. Today laser
action is obtained for more than 200 dyes. The lasing range


0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 ,...rn


Fig, 2.8 Structural formula of Hhodamine 6G (a) and the spectra

of absorption (1) and fluorescence (2) of this dye

covered by various dyes ru ns from 0.3 to 1.3 ~lnl. J3y selecting a suitable dye, one may obtain coherent radiation of
any wavelength from this range.
Rhodamine 6G is a practically important lasing dye of
the xanthene group. Fig. 2.8a shows its structural Iormu la
based on a system of benzene rings. X anthene dyes absorb
pumping radiation and fluoresce in the visible portion of the
spectrum. Fig. 2.8b shows the absorption and emission
spectra of rhodamine 6G. Like solid-state lasers, the linewidth of the absorption band is about 0.1 f.1m for this dye.
The emission band of this dye has the same linewidth which
is about 10 to 100 times broader than the fluorescence Iiuewidth of the dopants in solid-state lasers. This unusually
large em.ission linewidth and, as a consequence the gain curve
Iiuewidth , is one of the most interesting features of orgnnic
dye molecules utilized as active centres.
Optical pumping of dye lasers. Auxiliary lasers and lamp
sources are used to excite dye lasers. Jn the laser pumping,
the pump radiation is at the frequency of the pumping laser
or at a frequency t\VO or three times as high. In the latter
case it is said thnt the second or third harmonic. of the auxiliary laser transition is used for excitation.


Photodissociation Lasers


Most often the pump laser is a neodymium doped glass

laser or a Nd:YAG laser operated in a pulsed mode. The
pumping beam enters the dye cavity either along the axis
or transverse to it. Fig. 2.9 shows, by way of example, an
arrangement with longitudinal excitation of the material.
The dye cell is inside the cavity where one of the mirrors is
replaced with a total reflection prism. The output mirror

Fig. 2.9 Parallel pumping arrangement in a dye laser. T RP total

reflection prism, OM output mirror

of the resonant cavity is 100 % reflectant for the pump radiation which enters the cavity through the prism and strikes
the dye cell to excite the dye. The dye fluorescent output
leaves the cavity through the output mirror.
Continuous laser pumping is also employed to excite these
lasers. This is frequently done with the argon ion laser
(discussed in Sec. 2.5). Because this pumping would heat
the dye exceedingly if in an ordinary arrangement, the pump
beam this time is arranged transverse to the dye medium.
It is focused into a 10 urn diameter spot on a dye stream
rapidly pumped through the excitation area. This flow
arrangement is not for cooling only, it is also essential for
removing photo-decay products from the generation zone.
2.4 Photodissociation Lasers

Optical pumping in gaseous media. We have already

mentioned that the efficiency of optical pumping of solidstate and liquid lasers is primarily conditioned by a sufficiently large absorption linewidth, being about 0.1 um,
In gaseous media, the absorption lines of active centres
exhibit substantially narrower widths, never exceeding
10- 6 urn. Optical excitation in this case can be achieved,
provided the pump radiation has a line spectrum of very
narrow lines and the peak of at least one intense line coincides with the maximum of an active-centre absorption line.


Ch, 2 Types 01 Lasers

This is a rather severe condition. One of the rare examples,

when it is met, is the cesium vapour laser. The cesium atoms
are excited by a helium lamp whose spectrum contains a
narrow intense line at the wavelength 0.3888 urn which is
exactly the wavelength of the laser transition of the cesium
Wideband pumping is obviously of low efficiency for gaseous media, as only a negligible portion of pump source
energy would reach the active centre through the narrow
absorption lines. The major portion of pump energy would
then go for heating the gas and structural members of the
laser. This reason makes wideband optical pumping prohibitively useless for gas lasers.
Wideband-exciled photodissociation gas lasers. An exception to the aforementioned rule are the gaseous media that
contain molecules dissociating upon absorption of light
quanta so that one of the splitting products appears in an
excited state (marked with an asterisk)

+ hv -+ A * + B

The process of molecular splitting as a result of light absorption is known as photodissociation. An interesting consequence of photodissociation that the absorption linewidth of the gas molecule turns out to be as wide as the absorption linewidths in solid and liquid active media. This
fact allows the use of wideband optical pumping. The excitation power is absorbed by dissociating molecules which
brings about an excited product to be used for lasing. This
type of gas lasers is termed photodissociation lasers.
Two classes of photodissociation lasers are known. One
uses the excited dissociation product as the active centre.
This excitation is said to have occurred in primary photoprocesses. The second class obtains excited active species
as a result of a series of chemical reactions with the products
of dissociation, that is, gets them from secondary chemical
reactions. Therefore, this type of laser is referred to as the
photochemical laser.
The iodine laser is an example of photodissociation laser.
A wideband optical pumping at 'A ~ 0.3 urn dissociates
CF 31 molecules

2.5 Ion and Atomic Lasers


The excited iodine atoms emerge in the 2Pt/2 state. Laser

action occurs when these atoms radiatively decay to the
2P3/2 state, emitting at the wavelength Iv = 1.315 urn.
The photodissociation laser has an efficiency of 0.5 %.
Higher efficiency is possible by means of expanding the
absorption linewidth of the dissociation molecules and by
means of introducting special secondary chemical reactions.
2.5 Ion and Atomic Lasers

Gas-discharge lasers. These lasers operate with rarefied

gases as their active media (at pressures of 1 to 10 torr)
excited by an electric discharge. They include three more
specific types: (i) ion lasers lasing on the transitions between
the energy levels of ions in ionized gases, (ii) neutral atom
lasers which fluoresce on the transitions between the energy
levels of neutral atoms; and (iii) molecular lasers oscillating
on transitions in molecules.
Ion lasers fluoresce mostly in the visible and near ultraviolet region of the e.m. spectrum (from 0.3 to 1.0 f.1ID).
Neutral atom lasers oscillate over a wider range of wavelengths, from 0.4 to 100 urn, most lasing transitions lying
in the range from 1 to 20 (.lID.
Molecular lasers cover a wider frequency range of all the
three groups. The lasers whose lasing action takes place
between rotational levels belonging to the same electronic
and vibrational state of the molecule (purely rotational
transitions) emit in the infrared, from 10 (.lID to a few hundred
micrometres. When the lasing transition is between vibrational levels (vibrational-rotational transitions), the lasing is
mainly in the range from 5 to 50 urn in the infrared. Molecular
lasers can also oscillate on the transitions between electronic
states of a molecule. Then the fluorescence is in the visible
or ultraviolet portions of the spectrum (approximately from
1 to 0.2 urn).
The active medium of the gas-discharge laser is a plasma
produced by an electric discharge. If the rise time of the
firing current pulse is shorter than the time taken to establish steady-state conditions in the plasma, then the discharge is said to be of pulse variety. Another variety includes stationary (quasi-stationary) discharges. With reference to lasers, these may be of the arc discharge type (in ion



Types of Lasers

lasers) and of the flow discharge type (in atomic lasers and
molecular lasers). The arc discharge operates at high currents
and temperatures and produces high degrees of plasma ionization (measured as the ratio of free electrons to heavy particle concentrations in the plasma). The current density in
the discharge is as high as 100 to 1000 A/cm 2 , the discharge
temperature is 1000 K, and the degree of ionization is more



Fig. 2.10 Placement of electrodes for (a) high frequency and (b) de
vol tage exci ta ti on of discharge

than unity. The glow discharge operates at rather weak

current densities of 0.001 to 0.1 A/cm 2 , at room temperature,
and results in a low degree of ionization of 0.001.
Stationary discharges may be fired by high frequency and
direct current voltage. The former are excited by ac voltage
of 10 to 50 MHz via electrodes placed outside the discharge
tube, as shown in Fig. 2.10a. The latter are fired by de
voltage with the electrodes introduced inside the tube, as
in Fig. 2.10b.
The helium-neon laser. This laser using a mixture of
helium and neon for its active medium will be considered as
a typical example of a laser exploiting atomic transitions.
I t oscillates on the transitions between the levels of neon
atoms acting as active centres. Helium which is a component
of the gas mixture will be shown to play an important role
in the excitation of the neon. The mixture is at a pressure
of about 1 torr, the partial pressure of the helium gas being
5 to 10 times that of the neon. The He-N e laser is excited
by a stationary glow discharge fired by de current.
Figure 2.11 shows a He-Ne laser with the discharge tube
aligned with the resonator axis. When the potential difference between the anode and cathode in this tube rises to
about 1000 V, a. glow discharge is initiated in the working
capillary of a few millimetre diametre. The output windows
of the tube set oblique to the axis rather than normal to it.
The normals to these Brewster windows make the so-called
Brewster angle with the resonator axis.

2.5 Ion and Atomic Lasers


The Breuister, or polarizing, angle is an angle of incidence

ex of a light ray such that satisfies the condition tan ex = n,

where n is the refractive index of the glass material. In this
case, the ray reflected from the surface is polarized normally
to the plane of incidence, whereas the refracted ray is predominantly polarized in the plane of incidence. This situation




Fig. 2. t t A helium-neon laser design w ith Brewster windows. 1 laser

bore of the gas discharge tube, 2 resonator mirrors, 3 heated gas
scavenger to absorb deleterious gases

is illustrated in the insert in Fig. 2.11. The short arrows

there indicate that the electric field vector oscillates in the
plane of the page (the plane of incidence), while the circles
show the oscillations in the plane perpendicular to the page.
It will be noted that at this angle of incidence the refracted
ray makes an angle of 90 with the reflected ray (Brewster's

Note. As we noted in Sec. 1.5, the optical resonator selects
in space a direction in which laser action takes place. By
placing the output windows at the Brewster angle to the
resonator axis, we also select a certain polarization for the
lasing beam-in other words, we introduce a device to select
photons of certain polarization. Let an unpolarized light
wave be incident on a plane Brewster window of the laser
tube after travelling along the axis of this tube. The wave
may be represented as a combination of two polarized waves,
of which one is polarized in the plane of incidence and the
other perpendicular to this plane. The first wave will suffer
refraetion at the interface and enter the window, then will
be refracted again leaving the plate and will keep travelling
along the resonator axis. The second wave will undergo
reflection from the window and will be lost to the resonator.
Thus, the photon states with the polarization in the plane of


Ch, 2 Types of Lasers

incidence turn out to be selected (in terms of Sec. 1.5), whereas the states with the perpendicular polarization do not.
It is an easy matter to see that the light wave reflected from
the window will not contribute to the oscillation in the
laser as it is lost to the cavity. The laser will take up for
oscillation the wave passing through the window, i.e., the
one polarized in the plane of incidence which includes the
resonator axis and the normal to the window. So, the Brewster windows help us to kill two birds with one stone. First,
we obtain a polarized laser output, and, second, exclude
losses suffered in the reflection from the tube windows.
Electronic configurations and atomic terms. Before we go
on discussing the processes causing inversion in gas-discharge
lasers a few words are in order on the state of active species
in a b . ~ous medium. Such a state includes a group of energy
levels defined in atomic spectroscopy by respective atomic
term symbols. These symbols, as we have already noted,
indicate the electronic state of the atom to which the contributions are made by the electrons orbiting this atom and
producing respective electronic configurations. Each stable
electronic energy state is described quantum-mechanically
by four quantum numbers and their specific symbols. More
specifically, these are the principal quantum number, n,
called so because the differences in energy are greatest for
electrons in quantum states with different n values, as it
defines the average distance of the electron from the nucleus;
the orbital quantum number, l, associated with different
amounts of orbital angular momentum (corresponds to much
smaller differences in energy than n does); the magnetic
quantum number, m, defining the z-component of angular
momentum (together with l this number determines the
extent to which the electronic orbit deviates from a perfect
sphere), and the spin quantum number, S, contributes to the
atom's energy when in a magnetic fi.eld.
In multi-electron atoms each electron is associated with
a set of quantum numbers. The quantum number n may
assume integer values 1,2,3, etc. The orbital quantum number l may take values from 0, 1, 2 ... to n - 1, hut for
historical reasons this quantum number is usually represented by a letter, as s, p, d, t, g, etc. The magnetic quantum
number m takes values from - l to l, and the spin s may be

2.5 Ion and Atomic Lasers


either +1/2 or -1/2. Atoms with the same values of n

and l but different values of m and s often have the same
total energy. Such quantum states are described, therefore,
as degenerate energy states. When atoms in these states are
placed in a magnetic field, the energy of each degenerate
state increases or decreases by an amount that depends on
the values of m and s.
In the absence of a magnetic field, a symbolic notation
for atomic states results. For example, 3p signifies the state
n = 3, l = 1; 2s signifies n = 2, l = O. When electrons in
the atom are many, we arrive at a combined electronic configuration. For example, 2p 64s stands for five p-electrons
(l = 1) with n = 2 and one s-electron (l = 0) with n = 4.
As will be recalled, electrons in an atom are filled in orbitals,
or shells, so that the closest orbital to the nucleus is can
accommodate no more than two electrons, the next orbital
no more than eight, then eighteen, and so on. Filled up
orbitals such as 1s2 and 2s 22p 6 are called closed shells. In
the case of a single electron outside a closed shell the orbital
angular momentum of the whole atom is the same as the
orbital momentum of the single outermost electron. This is
because the closed shell possesses no net orbital motion.
This fact is of significance in deriving atomic term symbols which are just a short way to convey the information on
the atomic states. These are denoted by upper-case letters
(e.g., S, P, D) indicating the total orbital angular momentum of the atom (the rules of conversion from figures to
letters are the same as for l in electronic configurations). The
left superscript in the term symbol (e.g., 2 in 2PS/2) gives the
number of possible orientations of the total spin of the atom.
For example if the atom contains a single unpaired electron,
its total spin is 1/2 and there are two permitted orientations.
Therefore 2 is used in the left-superscript position. The right
subscript in the term symbol (e.g., the 3/2 in 2P a/ 2 ) indicates
the values of the total angular momentum quantum number
J. If there are several electrons outside the closed shell the
values of J and the total spin S are determined by special
rules. It is important to note, however, that one electronic
configuration may correspond to a few atomic term symbols.
So, to the configuration 2p 64s there correspond four terms,
while to the configurations 2p 53p and 3p 44p ten and fifteen
terms, respectively.


Ch, 2 Types of Lasers

In solid state and gas-discharge lasers, the state of the

active centre (atom or ion) is represented by energy bands
each with its own bandwidth. However, the bands in these
lasers are of different origin. In the solid state laser, each
band corresponds to one or two atomic terms (see Figs. 2.4
and 2.6). The energy levels identified by individual terms
spread into an energy band as a result of the interaction of
the active centre with the host crystal lattice. In the gasdischarge laser, the active medium is a rarefied gas where
the active centre behaves almost without interaction with




Neon atom

Fig. 2.12 Energy-level diagram of the He-Ne laser. The solid straight
arrows indicate the lasing transitions

the rest of the medium. Therefore, each atomic term represents a narrow energy level. Here, the energy band appears as the result of a few atomic states, identified' by the
term symbols of the same electronic configuration, tending
to unite into a single level of some energy spread.
The population inversion mechanism in the He-Ne laser.
Fig. 2.12 illustrates the basic transitions that occur in the
medium of a helium-neon laser. On the left, there are transitions of the helium atom, on the right those of the neon
atom. The excited states of the neon are shown by energy
bands identified according to the following table
el. configuration

2p o3s

2p o4s

2p o5s


2p 64p

2.5 Ion and Atomic Lasers


You may also come across a different (and a new one) notation for these states elsewhere, namely, by the quantum numbers of their single excited state electron -3s, 4s, 5s, 3p and
4p-which takes advantage of the fact that the other nine
electrons in the neon atom retain their ground-state quantum numbers.
Each s-band consists of four levels (four terms), while
each p-band, of ten levels. The 3s and 2s bands play the role
of the upper levels, whereas the 3p and 2p bands, that of the
lower laser levels. Laser action occurs on the three transitions: 3s -+ 3p at 3.39 f.1ID, 2s -+ 2p at 1.15 l-tm, and 3s ~
-+ 2p at 0.63 llm (red).
The inverted population in the He-Ne laser occurs as a
result of the population rate of the upper levels being considerably higher than that for the lower levels. Free electrons
of the gas discharge collide with the helium and neon atoms
to excite them by impact energy transfer. Absorptive transitions due to the electron impacts are shown by dashed arrows. The electrons excite the 1S 0 and 38 0 states in the
helium atoms and a variety of neon bands corresponding to
both the upper and lower lasing levels. The excited helium
atoms collide with the neon atoms and give up their energy
in the process known as resonant collision energy transfer.
This process is depicted by curved light arrows. The resonant transfer of energy from the helium to neon is crucial for
the more intense population build-up of the upper neon
levels than the lower levels. Three factors contribute favourably to this process. These are the close match, in energy,
of the pertinent helium and neon levels, the metastable
behaviour of the excited helium levels (their deactivation
through spontaneous emission is relatively slow), and a
higher partial pressure of the helium in the gas mixture,
that decreases the probability of energy transfer in the
reverse direction-from neon to helium.
The spontaneous emission in the lines 3s -+ is and 2s-+
-+ is proceeds slower than in the 3p -+ is and 2p -+ is
lines, therefore the lower lasing levels of the neon atoms
depopulate faster than the upper levels. The emptying of
the is-band levels is the bottleneck of the He-Ne lasing
process. The relaxation proceeds through electronic deexcitation, in which the excited neon atom gives up its energy
to free electrons, and through atomic collision of the Ne


Ch, 2 Types of Lasers

with the tube walls. The latter contribution is of high

significance, for the output of this laser falls off as the las 'f
bore of the tube increases in diameter.
The argon laser. With the exception of neon, none of the
neutral noble gases is very useful as a practical laser medium.
The other noble gases, when used as laser media, must be

-~~~::~c--=rtJFig. 2.13 An argon laser system. A anode, C cathode, 1 lasing volume

of discharge tube, 2 water cooling system, 3 return path, 4 resonator

ionized by electron collisions. The resulting ion is excited

by further electron collisions and an inverted population
of the ion energy levels occurs.
As an example of such a laser we take up the argon laser
fluorescing in the singly ionized argon (Ar*) lines. The
tube design of this laser, schematized in Fig. 2.13, is much
more complicated than that of the helium-neon laser. The
Ar " system exploits a continuous de arc discharge of high
current density. This entails intense heating and a water
cooling system is a requirement. During operation, the high
current causes a pumping of the argon ions toward the cathode and the electrons toward the anode. Because of the low
mobility of the ions they tend to pile up at the cathode where
they are neutralized and diffuse slowly back into the discharge. To equalize their distribution over the tube a gas
return path is provided between anode and cathode. It balances out the pressure gradient caused by the pumping,
preventing the discharge from being extinguished.
The principal transitions of the argon ion are depicted in
Fig. 2.14. The dashed arrows indicate the transitions due to
electron impact, the solid line arrows show visible emission
lines. The hatched bars in the figure represent five atomic
states (energy bands), each consistent with its own electronic configuration. We will again, as with the heliurn-neon

2.6 Molecular Lasers


laser, use short-hand notation for these states. The state of

the 3p 44p configuration will be termed the 4p band; this is
the upper level of the laser. The state of the 3p 44s configuration will be termed the 4s band; this is the lower laser
level. It will be recalled that we use the term "level" conditionally, as actually each band includes a number of energy
levels of the argon ion (a few
atomic terms). For example, 1/).1~_m_-.1
the 4p-band includes 15 terms, 19
and the 4s-hand 8 terms. 18
Therefore, the 4p-4s laser transition includes a set of spe- 17
ctral lines. The most intense 16
of them are the blue line at
A = 0.488 fill (45 % of the 15
output) and the green line at 14
A = 0.515 urn (35%).
The upper laser level (4p- 13
hand) builds up its population
with the help of a few proces- 1
ses: by the direct electron im--_.f2iZ?tZ/Z~.
pact through the 3p ~ 4p tran- 0
sition, by the radiative cas2.14 Energy levels involved
cade pump 3p ~ 4d ~ 4p, and Fig.
in some transitions of the Ar+
by the step-by-step electron laser. The lasing transition is
excitation 3p -+ 3d ~ 4p. It
shown by the heavy arrow
is remarkable that the electronic excitation rate for the upper laser level turns out to be
about half as intense as that for the lower laser level. A population inversion occurs owing to the fact that the lifetime
of the upper level is ten times that of the lower level, therefore the lower level decays very fast by spontaneous emission. As a result, the argon laser builds up its population
inversion not by predominantly populating the upper level
(as the case is with the He-Ne laser) but through the predominant clearing of its lower laser level.

2.6 Molecular Lasers

The CO2 laser. From the standpoint of potential industrial
applications, the carbon dioxide laser unquestionably ranks
first. I t is capable of continuously generating as high powers


ct: 2


01 Lasers

as 10 kW at a relatively high efficiency (up to 40 %). The

active medium of the laser is a gas mixture consisting of carbon dioxide, molecular nitrogen, and diverse additives, such
as helium and water vapour. The active centres here are the
CO2 molecules lasing on the transitions between the vibrational levels of the electronic ground state. The nitrogen
in the CO2 discharge takes the role that helium plays in the

~-.-L. . . . . 2. . . ~ N2 --L



Fig. 2.t5 Two discharge tube configurations for the COs laser. (a) with
the discharge and laser volumes separated: 1 CO2 flow system, 2 N2
flow system, 3 hf glow discharge, 4 laser working volume, 5 output
mirror; (b) with the discharge and the laser in one chamber: A anode,.
C cathode

helium-neon laser; excited nitrogen molecules transfer energy to the CO2 molecules by resonant collisions. Carbon
dioxide lasers normally use a glow discharge for their excitation.
Figure 2.15a schematizes one of the first designs of the
CO2 laser using a high frequency glow discharge. The system
has two flow loops for pumping carbon dioxide and nitrogen.
The nitrogen molecules first enter the area of discharge and
become excited by collisions with the electrons of the discharge and then flow into the laser volume where they mix
up with the unexcited CO2 molecules. When these molecular
species collide, the nitrogen molecule imparts a proportion
of its energy to the CO2 molecule by resonant energy transfer. It is an important feature of this particular design that
the discharge electrons excite nitrogen molecules only, which
then transfer this energy to the active centres in another
area of the system.
Subsequent designs of the CO2 laser have fired a discharge
N 2 mixture. This has been as a rule a de
in the CO2



Molecu.lar Lasers

t.e1ow discharge. The arrangement of such a system is schemati zed in Pig. 2.15b. Similar to the previous arrangement,
this system employs pumping of the gas mixture through the
losing volume. This pumping is a way to avoid an undesired
change in the chemical composition of the active medium,
which could occur, in particular, as a result of the reaction
2(~02 ~ 2CO
02. Today, sealed-off CO2 lasers (with no
flow of the gas mixture) are in wide use. The life of such
devices could be as long as 1000 hours and more.
Vibrational modes of carbon dioxide. Thus far in OUI'
discussion, the energy levels of interest for laser transitions




FII. 2.16 Vibrational modes of a COl molecule. (a) symmetric stretching, (b) bending, and (c) asymmetric stretching

have been electronic energy levels of an atom or an ion.

Molecules have a more complicated structure and have energy levels that correspond to rotating or vibrating motions of
the entire molecular structure. The carbon dioxide molecule,
composed of two oxygen atoms and a carbon atom between
them, undergoes three different types of vibrational oscillation, as shown in Fig. 2.16. These three fundamental vibrational configurations are called vibrational modes. In the
symmetric stretch mode, the oxygen atoms oscillate along
the axis of the molecule, hy simultaneously departing and
approaching the carbon atom in between. In the asymmetrical stretching mode, the oxygen atoms also move along the
axis of the molecule, hut both in one direction relative to the
carhon atom itself moving to the other side. In the bending
mode, all the three atoms of the molecule undergo vibrational oscillations hy moving perpendicularly to the molecular
axis. We denote the frequencies of the symmetric stretching,
bending, and asymmetric stretching modes by "1' "2' and
'Va, respectively. The energy contents of these vibrations are



Oh, 2 Types 01 Laser'

as follows: hv} = 0.163 eV, hV 2 = 0.078 eV, and hV3 =

= 0.276 eVe
According to quantum theory, the energy of oscillation of
a molecule in anyone mode can have only discrete values,
which are all integer multiples of some fundamental value.
At anyone time, a carbon molecule can be vibrating in a
linear combination of the three fundamental modes. The
energy state of the molecule can then be represented by
three numbers, (i j k). These numbers represent the amount of
energy, or the number of energy quanta, associated with
1/ A,pm -1

Carbon dioxide



Fig. 2. t 7 Energy levels in the COs laser

each mode. For example, the number (020) means that the
molecule in this energy state is in the pure bending mode
with two units of energy [i.e., no units of energy associated
with the symmetric and asymmetric stretch modes).
In addition to vibrational states, rotational states, associated with rotation of the molecule about the centre of
mass, are also possible. The energies associated with the rotational states, however, are generally small compared to
those of the vibrational states, and are observed as splittings
of the vibrational levels into a number of much finer sublevels. The separations between vibrational-rotational states
are usually much smaller on the energy scale than separations between electronic states.
The mechanism of population inversion in the CO 2 laser.
Fig. 2.17 shows the lowest vibrational levels of the ground
electronic state of a CO2 molecule and an N 2 molecule. In
the CO2 portion of the figure the levels correspond to vari-


Molecular Lasers


vibrational modes. The upper laser level is state (001),

the lower laser level is provided by states (020) and (100).
'rho transition (001) ~ (100) yields a line at the wavelength
A, ~= 10.6 urn, whereas the (001 ~ (020) yields a line at
A ~= 9.6 urn. The population of the (001) state builds up

through inelastic collisions of the CO 2 molecules with elecI.IO(lS (electron impact) produced in the plasma of the discharge and with the excited nitrogen molecules (resonant
energy transfer).
States (020) and (100) decay into the ground state mainly
hy resonant energy transfer to the unexcited CO2 molecules
M.O that these accumulate in the (010) state
CO 2 (020)+C0 2 (000) ~ 2C0 2 (010)
CO 2 (100)


(000) -+ 2C0 2 (010)

'l'he respective transitions are labelled in the figure by the

letter R. The depopulation of state (010) is the bottleneck
of the process. To hasten the relaxation of this level to the
g'1.'ound state, special additives, such as helium and water
vapour, are introduced into the gas mixture. The level degrades as a result of collisions with the additives to which it
transfers the excitation energy.
To achieve a population inversion in this case, it is important that the probability of the electronic excitation of
the nitrogen and state (001) of the CO2 molecule be sufficiently high, while the probabilities of the electronic excitation of states (100), (020) and (010) be rather small. These
population rates may be controlled by varying the ratio
Elp of the electric field intensity in the discharge, E, and
the pressure of the gas mixture, p. For example, the optimal
values of Elp for the case of equal partial pressures of CO2
and N ~ range from 5 to 10 V/cm torr.
Excimer lasers. An interesting and important class of
molecular lasers involving transitions between different
electronic states is that of the excimer lasers. As a rule, these
lasers use a beam of electrons from an accelerator, rather
than an electric discharge, for their excitation. Since the
laser action occurs between the electronic states of excimer
molecules, the emission falls in the ultraviolet end of the
e.m. spectrum. The active medium of these lasers consists of
the so-called bound-free systems. These are diatomic molecules that can be bound into a single system when in the excited


ct: 2

Types 01 Lasers

state only. When in the ground state, the constituents of

such a system repel one another at interatomic distances
characteristic of most diatomic molecules. For some atoms,
an excitation or ionization sufficiently modifies the state
of the atom, so that there is an attractive force with other
atoms in the gas. The two atoms are then bound together at
a small separation distance, creating an excited-state dimer,
or excimer for short.
The atoms of inert gases are known to defy bounding into
molecules. They can in fact be bound into molecules only
after being imparted an energy, they occur only in excited state. If one or both of the excited-state atoms in the
system are rare-gas atoms, the amount of excitation is extremely large. Hence the metastable excimer state is an important system for storing high energies.
The possibility of storing high energies in excimers makes
them very attractive propositions for lasing. The upper laser
level in such a molecule is its electronic excited state,and
the lower level coincides with the electronic ground state.
It is quite obvious that a population inversion in this system
will occur as soon as some molecules are excited to bound in
the upper state. Once a molecule decays to the lower level,
it leaves it immediately because of dissociation into atoms.
Therefore, the lower level in excimer lasers is always empty.
The active medium in an excirner laser can be an excited
rare-gas dimer (Ar~, Kr~, Xe~; * denotes excited state), a
rare-gas oxide (ArO*, KrO*, XeO*), or a rare-gas atom in
combination with a halide atom (ArF*, KrF*, XeCI*).
Excimer lasers are responsible for the emissions with the
shortest wavelengths. For example, lasing has been obtained
at A = 175 nrn (ArCI) and at 'A = 126 nm (Ar 2 ) .
2.7 Elecfroionization Lasers

Rising pressure in the gas laser. We have already noted

that the gas lasers operate at low pressures of active media,
being in the range from 1 to 10 torrs. This implies a relatively low concentration of the active centres (1015-1016 em -3)
which is a few orders of magnitude lower that the figures of
solid state or liquid lasers (1019-1020 ern -3). Higher gas
pressure in gas lasers means enhanced output powers, The-

2.7 Electrotontzatton Lasers


refore, much research has been done to make them operate

at higher pressures.
Two circumstances exist, however, that oppose this pressure-increasing trend in gas lasers. First, an attempt at increasing pressure up to a few ten torrs turns the self-maintained electric discharge practically unuseful for exciting aplonizinq
propriately large gas volumes
because the discharge loses its
stability (arches), sticks to the
walls and leaves the core volume
of the tube. Second, for a higher
pressure an optimal Elp ratio
----v-- ----obviously calls for a higher elecResonator
tric field intensity. This leads to
a greater electron density in the
plasma, being a negative factor Fig. 2.18 Electroionization
as excess electrons enhances the
number of quenching collisions,
specifically those causing deactivation of the upper levels
and population of the lower lasing levels.
Electroionizing pumping of high-pressure gas lasers. This
technique has made possible solving the aforementioned pressure problems. It does not refer to the self-maintained discharge at all, instead it produces fast electrons capable of
efficiently exciting the active material by an ionizing radiation which is applied together with an electric field.
The ionizing radiation knocks out free electrons and the
electric field takes care of their acceleration. The further
processes are essentially the same as in a gas discharge laser - the fast electrons excite certain molecules (atoms)
to bring about a population inversion provided appropriate
conditions exist. Fig. 2.18 shows schematically the process
of electroionization pumping.
To produce one free electron, it takes an energy of about
several ten electronvolts. This energy is supplied with the
ionizing radiation. The electron suffers up to 105 collisions
with the particles of active material, until it recombines or
leaves the working volume. In these collisions the electron
gives up about 104 eV of energy to the active medium,
which is about three orders of magnitude above the energy
~~:pen~ed to :produce this electron. This lar~e amount Qf eqef-


Ch, 2 Types of Lasers

gy is gained from the external electric field. This technique,

therefore, is a rather efficient (up to 30 %) direct conversion
of electric energy into a coherent optical radiation.
This technique lends itself for an easy control of the optimal electric field to pressure ratio at higher pressures, since
the concentration of free electrons now is independent of the
electric field intensity E, and is controlled by the intensity
of the ionizing radiation. As a consequence, pressures as
high as 100 atm has been realized in the systems known as
high-pressure gas lasers.
The passage of electric current through the ionized gas is
rather stable over a wide pressure interval. A non-self-sustained discharge initiated in the working volume exhibits a
stable behaviour for a wide range of volume capacities (up
to 100 litres).
Generally, to sustain a discharge, the gas must be ionized;
to obtain a population inversion, the active material must
be excited. In a gas discharge laser, the same electrons perform both these functions and the energy distribution of
these electrons cannot be optimal simultaneously for both
the ionization and excitation. The electroionization laser has
these functions separated - the gas is ionized by radiation
and the electrons provide the excitation of the medium
The electroionization CO2 laser. The physical-mechanism
of population inversion in CO 2 high-pressure lasers excited
with the electroionization technique is the same as in a gas
discharge CO 2 laser (see Fig. 2.17). The only difference is '
that the fast electrons exciting vibrational states of the
nitrogen and carbon dioxide molecules are produced here by
an ionizing radiation and an accelerating external electric
field rather than by a self-sustained discharge. The ionizing
radiation is a beam of electrons produced in an electron
accelerator (gun). The beam carries electrons of energies from
100 to 500 keY, its current density being in the order of
10-4 A/cm 2
A simplified diagram of the electroionization CO 2 laser is
shown in Fig. 2.19. The intense electron beam passes through
a metal and enters into the working volume confined
between two electrodes. The foil separates the vacuum of the
electron gun from the high pressure of the working volume.
The laser beam leaves the 'Yorkin~ volume through the out-

2.8 Gas Dynamic Lasers


put mirror of the resonator. Compared with an ordinary CO2

laser, the power generated by this laser per unit volume of
the active medium increases five to six orders of magnitude.
To conclude the discussion, we note that the ionization
may also be achieved with ultraviolet radiation (photoioniza-

Fig. 2.19 Schematic of an electroionization laser arrangement. 1 laser

volume, 2 output mirror, 3 fast electron beam, 4 upper electrode,
5 lower electrode, 6 metal foil transparent for the electron beam,
7 laser output

tion). The optical excitation then acts as a component of the

electroionization pumping. Finally, the gas can be ionized
with heavy particle products of nuclear reactions.
2.8 Gas Dynamic Lasers

Thermodynamic methods of population Inversion. A sufficiently high population of the vibrational and rotational
states of a molecule may be achieved by thermal excitation.
To this end, a gas mixture should be heated to temperatures
in the range of 1000-2000 K. This simple rise of temperature
cannot, of course, produce a population inversion, as in
equilibrium the level is populated less, the higher its energy. In other words, whatever high the temperature of the
gas, the lower-lying levels of a molecule will be more populated than the higher-lying levels.
Now assume that the gas is heated to a temperature T 2 and
then rapidly cooled down to another temperature TI . Let 't
denote the time it takes the gas to be cooled from T 2 to T I'
and E 1 and E 2 be the lower and the upper level energy, respectively. Assume that the cooldown of the gas mixture
sweeps out level E 2 at a lower rate than level E I . Denote the
lifetimes of these levels by 'r 2 and 'ri Suppose that our cooldown is a rapid process and 't < 'r ~ 't? With this ~ilp.~

ek. 2 Type. 01 Laser.


setting, the population of level E 1 will follow the drop in

temperature, whereas that of level E 2 will lag the temperature profile and remain virtually at the high temperature
population. This population behaviour will produce an inversion between levels E 2 and E 1
A fast cooldown may most conveniently be achieved with
the adiabatic expansion of the gas as it passes through a
narrow slit or a nozzle under pressure. I t is this thermodynamic principle that underlies the operation of gas dynamic
It should be noted that a population inversion can also be
achieved by rapidly heating the gas provided that the excitation buildup of the higher-lying level is more intense
than that of the lower lasing level. A sufficiently fast heating of the gas [mixture may be achieved by means of shock
The gas dynamic iC02 laser. This laser uses a mixture of
carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water vapour as its active

J (

I \,

1 (001) I


Fig. 2.20 Idea of the gas dynamic laser. 1 prechamber, 2 nozzle, 3 working volume of the resonator, 4 diffusor, 5 output
mirror, 6 laser output

Fig. 2.21 Transition beh~viour

of the upper (001) and lower (020)
laser level populations of the
CO2 molecule in the gas stream

medium. The mixture typically contains 8% CO2 , 90%

N 2 and 2% H 20. The active centres are the CO2 molecules.

The idea of the gas dynamic laser design is illustrated in

Fig. 2.20. Upstream of the nozzle, the gas mixture is brought
to the operational condition of the temperature T 2 =
= 1500 K and pressure P2 = 20-30 atm. Behind the nozzle
block - a set of slits each 1 mm wide - the gas expands
so that its temperature falls to T 1 = 250-300 K and pressure
to f\ = 0.9 5-0 .1 atm. The flow rate downstream of the no~~~~

2.8 Gas Dynamic Lasers


IR as high as 1200 to 1500 m/s. The excited CO2 molecules

lase in the working chamber. Then the gas flow meets the
diffuser provided for decelerating the flow and matching its
pressure with the atmosphere.
Available gas dynamic CO2 lasers yield record continuous
output powers of up to 100 kW. Unfortunately, the efficiency
of these lasers is fairly low, never exceeding 1 %. The latter
fact is due to a number of reasons. First of all, the kinetic
energy of the gas flow is useless for the laser. Moreover,
the flow sweeps out of the resonator a number of excited
nitrogen molecules which have had not enough time to transfer their excitation energy to the CO2 molecules, and also a
certain amount of CO2 molecules which have failed to lase.
The inversion production mechanism in the gas dynamic
CO 2 laser. Similar to other types of CO2 lasers, here the
population inversion is obtained between the (001) and
(100) states and (001) and (020) states of the CO2 molecule.
The processes of resonant energy transfer from the N 2 molecules take an important part in populating the (001) upper
laser level. Water molecules introduced into the mixture aid
in rapid sweeping out lasing molecules in the (010) state.
The thermodynamic pumping is remarkable in that now
the vibrational states of the N 2 and CO2 molecules are populated through thermal" rather than electronic, excitation.
It is essential that the excited vibrational level of the N 2
molecule and state (001) of the CO2 molecule depopulate
slower than states (100), (020), and (010).
Assume that the CO2
N 2 gas mixture heated to 1500 K
rapidly expands in passing through a nozzle. Downstream
from the nozzle, where the gas velocity runs into the supersonic 1500 mIs, the kinetic energy of the molecules increases
considerably. This translation energy increases at the expenee of the vibrational motion in the molecules. Therefore,
behind the nozzle the vibrational states are swept out in the
ground state rapidly. It is important that not all the levels
undergo rapid decay, but exactly those having shorter lifetimes, that is, the lower laser levels of the CO2 molecule.
As for the (001) state of the CO2 molecule and the vibrationallevel of the N 2 molecule, there is simply not enough time
for them to somewhat relaxate in the rapid gas expansion.
When in the laser volume, with a sufficiently rarefied gas
medium, these levels fail to deactivate br collisions prac~~-


Ch, 2 Types 01 Lasers

cally altogether, and the vibrational state of the nitrogen

molecules and state (001) of the CO2 molecules are said to be
The behaviour of the population for states (001) and (020)
of the CO2 molecule passing from the prechamber (at T 2
and P2) to the working volume (at T1 and PI) is presented in
Fig. 2.21. In the transition region around the nozzle, the
(020) level is almost completely removed to the ground state,
while state (001) suffers only insignificant loss of its population. As a result, a population inversion occurs between these states.
Thus, CO2 molecules arrive at the working volume having
practically unpopulated lower lasing levels (more precisely,
"having the population of these levels at T1 ) . The upper laser
level turns out to be populated as if the gas remained at temperature T 2. I t is of consequence that the population of the
vibrational level of the N 2 molecules is also frozen. These
excited molecules will give their energy to the CO2 molecules
through resonant collisions and maintain the relatively
high population of the (001) level. Recall that the nitrogen is
the prevalent component in the gas mixture (about 90 %).
Therefore, its vibrational energy is believed to be a chief
source of energy for the coherent radiation.
To sum up, the gas dynamic laser spends the energy stored
in the vibrational degrees of Ireedom'of the molecules arriving at the nozzle as follows. The Iraction"of the energy
stored in the symmetric stretching and bending oscillations
of the CO2 molecules converts into the translation energy of
the flow leaving the nozzle. The energy stored in the asymmetric stretching oscillations of the CO2 molecules and,
what is more important, in oscillations of the nitrogen molecules converts (minus losses in the resonator) into the energy
of the coherent radiation of the laser.
2.9 Chemical Lasers

Chemical compounds are able to store large amounts of energy that may be partially released in exothermal chemical
reactions, i.e. the ones proceeding with liberation of energy.
It has been rather attractive to convert this energy into coherent optical radiation. The chemical lasers are exactly
the srstems where such a conversion has been realized. Th e

2.9 Chemical Laser


current chemical lasers oscillate on the vibrational (more

oxactly, on vibrational-rotational) transitions of molecules.
They can lase at wavelengths as short as 2 um (near infrared), Research is under way to produce chemical lasers radiating in the visible region of the spectrum, i.e., oscillating
in the lines between the electronic states of molecules.
Initiation and acceleration of chemical reactions. Most
often chemical lasers use the energy of substitution reactions
which produce diatomic molecules in excited vibrational
states. These molecules either fluoresce themselves or transfer their excitation energy to other molecules that lase. In the
first case the population inversion is produced directly,
whereas in the last case it is achieved in an indirect way resulting in chemical transfer lasers.
Here are some examples of the substitution reactions useful for lasing action (* indicates an excited state)
F+H9 -+ HF*+H
H+C1 2 ~ HCl*+Cl

Although these reactions produce species in the excited

state, the dissociation of the hydrogen, fluorine, or clorine
atoms from their initial molecular states (H 2 , F 2' C1 2 ) must
be accomplished with an additional energy source (say a
flashlamp or a thermal source). Apart from that, the chemical reaction must be made fast running in order to quickly
fill the upper laser level of radiative molecules. The rate of a
chemical reaction is proportional to the concentrations of the
reacting species, therefore an ample amount of species must
be provided to make it go fast.
There is a number of means for initiating and accelerating
chemical reactions. One of them is dissociation which for the
laser purposes takes the form of photodissociation, dissociation with an electron beam, although it may be achieved by
a pulsed discharge, or by a heat source.
Photoinitiation in chemical lasers is obtained by flashlamps. Where a pump of a shorter wavelength is required
(shorter than 0,2 um) various types of gap discharge may be
employed, say a spark. One of the simplest techniques to initiate chemical reactions is with an electric discharge in the



2 Types 01


gas. It is suitable, however, for relatively low pressures and

small lasing volumes only. Therefore, more promising appears to be the energy influx by an electron beam. The electron beam is able to initiate a reaction within very short
time of 10-7-10-8 s (in a self-sustained discharge the duration
of a pulse cannot be made shorter than 10-6 s), Thermal initiation uses some source of heat to dissociate the molecules
of the reaction. This technique lends itself for gas dynamic
types of laser.
Chemically active species can also be provided by certain
chemical reactions. An example may be the reaction NO +
+ F 2 ~ NOF + F. Nitrogen monoxide existing as a stable
radical at ambient temperatures reacts with molecular
fluorine yielding chemically active atomic fluorine.
Chain reactions for chemical lasers. The reactions utilized in chemical lasers are cyclic, i.e., once initiated the
reaction keeps producing the active centre (atom or radical)
by its own means. Assume that a gaseous mixture containing
molecules of H 2 and F 2 receives a package of chemically
active species, say, fluorine atoms. Then this mixture is
expected to give rise to the following chain process
H+F1-+ HF*+F
F+H:a -i- HF*+H, and so on

When these chemically active species build up in a sufficiently large amount, the process will proceed rather fast
and the condition for lasing in some transitions of the HF*
species will occur. Since in a cyclic process the amount of
chemically active species remains unaltered, due to replenishment, there appears a possibility to involve, by chain
process, an enormous number of hydrogen and fluorine molecules into the reaction and build up the number of the
active centres HF*. The amount of chemical energy that can
in this way be converted into the coherent optical radiation
will by far exceed the energy expended in creating the chemically active centres.
An actual chain process is not endless of course. The chemically active species decrease in number by recombination
(H + H --+ H 2, F + F --+ F2). Therefore, the chemical reaction should be not only initiated but also maintained by
creating new chemically active species instead of those



Pldsma Lasers

eliminated from the chain. The number of lasing species also

declines through the processes deactivating the upper laser
To extend the life of lasing chemical chains, they should
be of the branched type rather than of a single line variety.
Branched chain reactions, as their name implies, multiply
chemically active species in a fan-like scheme. For example,
at certain pressure and temperature conditions, the fluorinehydrogen gas mixture yields
the reactions F 2 + HF -+ HF+
F + F which can initiate
branching of the chains.
The deuterium fluoride cheC02+NO
mical transfer laser. Here we
give a short exposition to a Fig. 2.22 Schematic of a hydchemical transfer laser opera- rogen-fluoride chemical transfer
ting in CO2 lines excited by the laser. 1 chemical reactor chamvolume, 3 outreaction between deuterium ber,put2 resonator
mirror, 4 laser output
and fluoride. The reactor chamber of the laser, shown in
Fig. 2.22, receives through one port a mixture of helium
(carrier gas) and molecular fluorine, and through another
port a mixture of nitrogen monoxide and carbon dioxide.
The reaction NO
F 2 -+ NOF + F yields the atomic fluorine necessary to initiate reactions with deuterium, introduced through a separate channel: F
D 2 -+ DF*
D, D +
F 2 ~ DF*
F. The excited DF* molecules transfer
their energy to the CO2 molecules that lase in the optical
resonator where they enter with the gas flow. An inert carrier gas - helium in this case - flows through the entire
system to prevent overheating and self-ignition of the fluorine-deuterium mixture, as well as for sweeping out the
lower laser levels of the CO2 molecules.


2.10 Plasma Lasers

Recombination plasma as the active medium. When free

electrons collide with positively charged ions in a discharge
plasma, they may be captured by these ions, i.e., recombinations take place. In the act of recombination, energy is liberated equal to the binding of the electron in the atom. This


Cb, 2 Types of Lasers

energy may lead to the buildup of atoms (ions) in excited

states. Accordingly, an actively recombining plasma can be
used as an active medium. The lasers build on this idea
are termed plasma lasers in the Soviet literature on the
The plasma of such lasers differs considerably from the
plasma of gas discharge lasers. To draw a terminological dividing line, the first plasma is said to operate in the recom.bination mode, while the last in the ionization mode. A con.sideration of plasma behaviour involves in addition to the
.discharge temperature T, defined through the average kinetic energy of the heavy plasma species (ions, atoms and molecules), the electron temperature T e, defined through the
mean energy of the free electrons in the plasma.
In the ionization mode, T e ~ T, with TefT ~ 100 in a
glow discharge and Te/T ~ 10 in an arc discharge, which
means that free electrons in such a plasma move much faster
than the ions. The probability of recombination collisions
under these conditions is rather low. For recombination, it
is essential that the free electron moves at a low velocity so
that the inequality T e < T held true. The probability of
recombination will, obviously, be higher, the greater the
concentration of free electrons, i.e., the more ionized is the
plasma. Whereas in a glow discharge this concentration is
1011 em -3 and in an arc discharge 1013 em -3, the recombination plasma must have at least 1016-1016 electrons per cubic
centimetre. Thus the plasma in the recombination mode is a
dense, highly ionized plasma with "supercooled" electrons,
called accordingly cold plasma. By contrast, a plasma in
the ionization mode is a rarefied gas of a relatively low ionization degree and "overheated" electrons, hence the name
hot plasma.
A recombination plasma is very attractive as an active
medium. Unlike other media, it does not alter its phase at
.arbitrary high density of the energy influx. This opens up
principally new possibilities for high power lasers. In addition, the recombination plasma offers certain potentialities
for lasing in the ultraviolet and x-ray portions of the e.m,
Comparison of plasma andjgas discharge lasers. The prin-cipal difference between these systems is due to the proper.ties of plasma in the recombination mode in one and in the

2.11 Semiconductor Lasers


ionization mode in the other laser. In operation" the degree

of plasma ionization increases in the gas discharge laser and
decreases in the plasma laser. Accordingly, the gas discharge
laser may be said to operate on the gas to plasma transition,
whereas its plasma counterpart operates on the plasma to
gas transition.
A pulse gas discharge laser starts oscillating upon some
rather high current pulse intensity is reached in the discharge) already during the pulse risetime. In a pulse plasma laser" oscillations set in when the current pulse is over" the
plasma is highly ionized and the free electrons are cooled
down. In other words" the plasma laser emits in the discharge's afterglow.
The pulse plasma laser. 'I'o ionize the active medium,
these lasers are pumped by rapidly falling electric pulses
which are typically as large as 20 kV and 300 A within 0.1
to 1 of pulse duration. The oscillation pulse develops in
the discharge afterglow. The active medium is a mixture of
an easily ionizable laser-active component and a hardly ionizable auxiliary (buffer) component. The latter is needed
mainly for fast cooldown of free electrons in the plasma.
The available pulse plasma lasers use in particular the
ionized vapours of alkali-earth metals, such as Mg, Ca, Sr,
Ba, as the active medium. Consider as an example the strontium-helium plasma laser oscillating on the transitions between the levels of singly ionized strontium ions (Sr "). The
helium plays the role of a buffer gas. A pumping pulse generates a plasma with a high concentration of doubly ionized
strontium ions (Sr2 +). The processes of recombination lead to
the formation of excited singly ionized strontium ions
acting as the active centres. The system lases in a few transitions of these ions. The major lines are in the violet portion
of the spectrum at 0.416 llm and 0.431 um,
2.11 Semiconductor Lasers

Electronic states in intrinsic semiconductors. The energy

of electrons in the atom (ion or molecule) takes on discrete
values identified as the electronic levels. When atoms form a
crystal lattice in a solid they donate their outermost electrons into the crystalline structure. The energy of these elec6-0400


Ch, 2 Types 01 Lasers

trons can as a result vary continuously within a certai n

energy interval, called an energy band or zone. Each energy
band is consistent with a finite (although very large - in
the order of 1023 to 1024 ) number of electronic states. It will
be recalled that electrons belong to fermions, that is, obey
the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that only one
electron is allowed in each possible quantum state. This
means, first, that only two electrons can occupy the lowest
possible energy state (the two have opposite spins and, therefore, do not violate the exclusion principle), and second,
that an electron cannot be excited to a higher state unless
it is unoccupied. Therefore, an energy band is either occupied by electrons partially or is completely filled. Electrons
occupy levels, considerably the lowest energy levels, filling
them in succession from the lowest-lying energy levels upwards in energy.
The electronic properties of a solid are determined largely
by the periodic crystal lattice arrangement of the atoms
that make up the solid itself. A quantum mechanical calculation of the allowed energy levels for electrons in a periodic
lattice predicts that the allowed electronic states occur within well defined bands of energy. Between these bands are
energy gaps, which are energy intervals that no electron in
the solid can possess. The highest filled band in the electronic energy distribution is the valence band. The next highest
energy band partially or completely unoccupied by electrons
is the conduction band of the solid. It is the size of the energy gap, known as the "band gap", between the valence band
and the lowest conduction band that determines whether a
solid is an insulator, a metal or a semiconductor.
If the valence band is completely occupied and the conduction band is empty, the material is an insulator. This is
because conduction is due to the movement of "free" charge
carriers from one state in a band to another state in the band
under the influence of an electric field. In an insulator the
valence band is filled and the nearest available states in
energy are in the lowest conduction band separated from the
valence band by the gap so large that thermal excitation is
insufficient to excite electrons into the conduction band. In
contrast, metals are good conductors because either there is
an overlap between the valence and conduction bands, or the
conduction band is partially filled. Under the influence of an


Semiconductor tasers


ulectric field, the electrons are free to move because there

ore nearby empty states available.
If the band gap for a material is sufficiently small (about
2-3 eV or less) that thermal excitation can excite electrons in
the valence band to states in the conduction band, the conductivity is intermediate between that of a metal and that
of an insulator. The material behaves as a semiconductor.
When an electron in the valence band of a semiconductor is
excited thermally to the conduction band, an unfilled energy
state in the valence band occurs. This unfilled state, called a
hole, has many of the same properties as an electron, except
that a positive charge is assigned to it. In the presence of
an electric field, the hole moves in the direction of the field,
just as a positive charge would.
A semiconductor with no impurities, called an intrinsic
semiconductor, has an equal number of conduction electrons
and holes, since for every conduction electron produced there
must be a corresponding hole generated. A quantum transition of an electron through the band gap into the lowest conduction band may be viewed as the generation of an electronhole pair. The electron brought to the conduction band tends
to occupy the lowest state in this band whereas the hole
tends to ascend to the top of the valence band. Along with
the transitions through the band gap into the conduction
band the reverse transitions from the conduction into the
valence band are also possible. When an electron undergoes
the transition from the conduction band into the valence
band it meets a hole there, so the process may be viewed as a
recombination of an electron and a hole.
Optical transitions in semiconductors. Assume that a semiconductor material is illuminated by photons whose energy
exactly fits the width of the band gap in this material (or
is slightly higher than this width). Such a photon can be absorbed by an electron occupying a level close to the upper
boundary of the valence band. The excited electron will then
move to the conduction band (Fig. 2.23a). Practically the
same probability exists for the photon to initiate the opposite
process, Le., the transfer of an electron lying at the bottom
of the conduction band down to the valence band. When this
electron recombines with a hole in the valence band, a
quantum of radiation with energy equal to the energy difference between the two states is released. This secondary

ct: 2


01 Lasers

photon is in the same state as the primary photon (Fig. 2.23b).

In the first case, the semiconductor absorbs Iight, while in
the second case, the stimulated emission of light takes place.
Spontaneous emission of light is also possible when electrons
spontaneously fall from the conduction band to the valence
Thermal excitation of a semiconductor moves a relatively
small number of electrons from the valence band into the
conduction band. So, the concentration of electrons in the




Fig. 2.23 Absorption (a) and emission (b) transitions in optically

stimulated intrinsic semiconductor

conduction band - even at its lowest boundary - is sizeably

lower than that in the valence band. Therefore, at reasonable temperatures the processes of light absorption dominate
over those of stimulated emission and the outside effect will
be the absorption of radiation by the semiconductor.
In order that a semiconductor material may amplify an
incident flux of photons, it must be inverted, with the concentration of electrons at the bottom of the conduction band
being higher than that at the top of the valence band. Then
the processes of stimulated emission of light will dominate
over those of absorption of light. The inverted semiconductor
is characterized by a sufficiently high concentration of electrons in the conduction band and, respectively, a high
concentration of holes in the upper levels of the valence
band. The semiconductors in which these properties are created are referred to as degenerate semiconductors. A semiconductor can be made degenerate in p-type carriers (p stands for
positive) that is in holes, or in n-type carriers (electrons).
Semiconductors with no impurities, intrinsic semiconductors, can be made degenerate in both n-and p-carriers only
sim ul taneously.

2.11 Semiconductor Lasers


Semiconductor lasers pumped by an electron beam. An

Intrinsic semiconductor can be inverted by optical pumping
I.. which the semiconductor chip is irradiated by photons
whose energy exceeds the width of the band gap. More often,
however, an electron beam is used for this purpose. Fast elecitrons (50 to 100 keY strong) traverse the semiconductor
chip and initiate electron transitions from the valence band
Into the conduction band. Among the electronic materials
employed in such devices are gallium arsenide (GaAs),
cndmium sulphide (CdS), cadmium selenide (CdSe), to name
u few.
More than half of the electron beam energy is lost in
heating the chip. Therefore, the pumping is mainly fed in
short pulses of electrons and a heat sink is essential. Cooling
iM crucial for semiconductor lasers. The point is that high
temperatures raise the electrons in the conduction band to
over higher energy levels, degrading the concentration of
electrons at the bottom of the band. The same process increases the concentration of electrons at the top of the valonce band. Both trends lower the degree of inversion, which
results in decreasing gain, and the increasing losses imply a
higher oscillation threshold. For many semiconductors this
threshold is so high that they are able to emit at rather low
temperatures only. For example, to operate at reasonable
nfficiencies, gallium arsenide lasers are normally cooled to
RO K. For the same reasons, cadmium sulphide and selenide
lasers operate at liquid helium temperature (4.2 K) in some
In this type of semiconductor lasers the pumping electron
beam may be introduced in perpendicular and longitudinal
arrangements. In the first arrangement', the electron beam
and the emitted radiation propagate at right angles. The
electron beam is incident normally on one face of the semiconductor chip made in the form of a right parallelepiped;
two other opposite faces of the chip are cleaved along natural
crystalline planes or polished to serve as the mirrors of the
optical resonator (Fig. 2.24a).
The longitudinal-pumped laser uses external mirrors for
the resonant cavity. The active medium is a thin layer of
semiconductor material deposited on a transparent substrate
of high thermal conductivity, say, a sapphire plate. Fig. 2.24b
shows the idea of this arrangement, where the electron beam


Ch: 2 Types of Lasers

is parallel to the resonator axis and, therefore, concurrent

with the emitted radiation. Still another arrangement is
presented in Fig. 2.24c, where the electron beam is incident
on a cooled semiconductor layer at an angle to the resonator
axis. Both these arrangements improve heat abstraction from
the semiconductor and increase its active volume.
The cadmium sulphide laser oscillates at a wavelength of
A = 0.49 ~m with an efficiency of 25%. Its threshold current
density is 0.4 Alcm 2 at 80 K and 0.03 A/cm 2 at 4.2 K, with
an electron beam energy of 60 keY.
Degenerate n- and p-type semiconductors. Until now we
have considered laser action in intrinsic, that is non-doped,
~=3- Mirror

Sem iconductor chip





\ Semiconductor





liquid _
coolant -







, coupler


Fig. 2.24 Electron beam controlled semiconductor lasers. (a) transverse pumping, and (b, c) longitudinal pumping arrangements

semiconductor materials. Doping may considerably alter the

electronic behaviour of a semiconductor. The dopants are of
two types. One of them easily donate one of their electrons
into the conduction band of the crystalline lattice, hence
the name for them - donors or n-type impurities. Others
tend to accept one electron from those electrons which the
atoms of host material have donated for crystal bonding
into the valence band; this type of impurities is therefore
called acceptors.
In the energy-level diagram of the host crystal, the dopant
atoms give rise to an energy level within the band gap.
Fig. 2.25a shows the system of levels for an n-type material,
I.e., a semiconductor with a donor impurity. The donor

2.11 Semiconductor Lasers


energy level is seen to occur in the band gap, spaced ~E below the bottom of the conduction band. The energy separation ~E lis on the order of 0.01 eV which is about one hundredth of the band gap width E g. That ~E is small implies a
weak bonding of one of the electrons with the atom, there-


Valence ~
band /.


Fig. 2.25 Energy-band diagrams for (a) n-type and (b) p-type semiconductors

fore a small heat excitation would be enough for this electron to escape the atom and be raised from the donor level
into the conduction band.
Assume now that an n-type semiconductor is gradually
raised in temperature from 0 K. Since ~E < E g , the first
to occur will be the transitions from the donor energy level
to the conduction band, whereas the transitions of electrons
from the valence band to the conduction band will be virtually nonexistent. Normally, at around 20 to 50 K the donor
energy level is depleated, which means that all the donor
atoms have already donated their electrons into the conduction band. If the concentration of impurities in the material
is sufficiently high (at least 1018 atoms/em") the semiconductor is said to be heavily doped or highly degenerate n-type
material as already at the above temperatures it acquires a
degenerate situation in the conduction electrons.
The energy level situation with an acceptor-doped semiconductor is depicted in Fig. 2.25b. Here the acceptor atoms
are seen to produce the acceptor level ~E above the valence
hand. Now a small heat excitation is capable of raising electrons from the valence band onto the acceptor energy level.

Ch, 2


Types of Lasers

This level, therefore, is saturated already at 20 to 50 K.

The electrons raised to this level leave behind a certain concentration of holes, which makes this semiconductor a highly
degenerate p-type material at the impurity concentrations
being at least 1018 atoms/ems.
IInjection lasers. The most common way to the population
inversion in semiconductor materials is by joining a p-type
and an n-type material together. The contactr'that occurs is



Fig. 2.26 Injection laser. (a) schematic diagram and (b) device confi
guration: 1 p-type semiconductor, 2 n-type semiconductor, 3 meta
leads, 4 laser output

known as the p-n junction. Imagine that a de voltage is app

lied to a semiconductor chip having a p-n junction as shown in
Fig. 2.26a. This is referred to as forward biasing of the junction. Under the influence of the electric field conduction electrons will be injected from the n-side into the junction
area, while holes will enter the junction from the p-side. The
p-n junction will experience transitions of electrons from
the conduction band into the valence band, that is the
electrons and holes will recombine there, emitting the sur
plus energy as radiation. Consequently, a laser action may
be realized provided the material is within a suitable optical
The semiconductor diodes lasing from their forward biased
p-n junction are referred to as injection lasers. The most popular device of this type is built around a GaAs chip. Its highly
degenerate n region is achieved by heavily doping gallium
arsenide with tellurium in a concentration of 3 X 1018 to
5 X 1018 atoms/ems, while the degenerate p region is achieved
by doping the material with zinc in concentrations around
1019 em -3. This laser oscillates at wavelengths from 0.82 to
0.9 !tID in the infrared.

2.12 Confinement of Beam within Resonator


The semiconductor lasers of injection type are the cheapest

and smallest lasers available. They are commercially significant because they can be mass-produced and easily fabricated into arrays using the same techniques developed for
transistors. Fig. 2.26b renders the idea of this laser design.
The polished ends of the ship, cut at right angles to the p-n
junction layer, take up the role of the resonator mirrors as
the GaAs to air reflectivity is rather high. This is a miniature device with the dimensions of its ends only 1 mm. The
thickness of the p-n junction layer is within 2 um, Output
powers about 10 mWare lased in continuous operation,
while in pulsed operation the peak power runs into 100 w.
The largest output and the best efficiency can be obtained
with the GaAs chip kept at the temperature of liquid helium
4.2 K. For some injection laser systems oscillation is observed at room temperatures, of course with lower powers and
efficiencies. In general, the injection lasers are advantageous
in a rather high efficiency of 50 to 60 %.
2.12 Confinement of the Beam within
the Resonator

The many types of lasers we have considered differ in their

active media and pumping techniques. They may as well be
placed in various optical resonators. The role the optical resonator plays in the confinement of laser beam and the optical feedback will be considered in this section.
Linear and ring resonators. By their outline the optical
resonators may be broadly categorized into linear, and ring
or offset configurations. In the linear resonator, the mirrors
are on one line which is the optic axis of the resonator and
the mirrors. In the ring resonator, light is reflected into a
closed loop. This arrangement is normally achieved by a
system of three or more mirrors, as shown in Fig. 2.27a.
A two-mirror ring resonator is also possible as can be seen
from Fig. 2.27b, where the active material is offset from the
direction of the output beam. The curvilinear configurations
may, however, be treated as modifications of linear resonators, the more so that ring and offset configurations emerge
in discussing some special topics only. Accordingly, in what
follows we confine ourselves to evaluating the properties of
linear resonators.


Ch, 2 Types 0/ Lasers

Stable and unstable resonators. The stability condition.

An optical resonator is referred to as stable, if light rays
bouncing back and forth between the mirrors are reentrant
and all the radiation is confined within the cavity, otherwise
it is unstable. The stability of a resonator is determined by
its geometry, i.e., by the curvature of the mirrors (plane
parallel, concave, convex) and the ratio of the resonator
length to the mirrors' radii of curvature. The stability analysis for a resonator ts'performed by the ray-tracing technique which evaluates the behaviour of a ray travelling close







Fig. 2.27 Ring resonator. (a) three-mirror arrangement, (b) twomirror arrangement; A M active material, a, Brewster angle

to the resonator optic axis (called a paraxial ray). If after a

large number of reflections the paraxial ray is observed to
diverge from the resonator axis, the resonator configuration
being analyzed is characterised by high losses. If, on the
other hand, the ray is found to remain close to the optic
axis, the resonator is recognized as having a low-loss configuration.

Such a stability analysis is performed in general for an

arbitrary mirror separation L and arbitrary mirror radii of
curvature r t and r 2 The result of this analysis is the stability
condition generally expressed in terms of two dimensionless
quantities, the g-parameters of the resonator, defined by the
gt = 1 - Llr, and g2 = 1 - Llr 2
By convention, the radius of curvature of a mirror is taken
to be positive, if the centre of curvature of the mirror lies in
the direction of the laser cavity; otherwise r is taken to be
negative. For a plane mirror, 1lr = O. With this definitions,
the stability condition has the simple form
o <. gtg2 < 1

2.12 Confinement of Beam tottbtn Resonator


As long as this relationship is satisfied by the resonator, a

paraxial ray continues to remain close to the optic axis,
even after many reflections, and the mirror configuration is
termed stable. In the cases where the product~glg2 equals zero
or unity, the laser is on the
boundary between stability and
instability and is termed marginally stable.
The stability condition is
depicted in Fig. 2.28. In this figure, the stable regions correspond to the shaded area. Each
specific resonator is represented by a point on this plane.
This plot is referred to as the
stability diagram.
Point A on this diagram represents a resonator formed by Fig. 2.28 The stability diagram
two plane mirrors (a plane-parallel resonator) for which
fIr} = 1/r 2 and gl = g2 = 1. The point at the origin of coordinates corresponds to a confocal resonator. It may be a resonator formed by two concave mirrors of the same curvature
whose radii equal the mirror
distance r 1 = r 2 = L, and consequently gl = g2 = o.
The confocal resonator. This
practically important configuration is illustrated in Fig.
2.29. In this figure, the shadowed area represents the section
through the volume filled
Fig. 2.29 A confocal resonator. with bouncing light rays. The
The shadowed portion shows
the volume filled with bounc- side surface of this volume is
ing rays
the hyperboloid of revolution
of the shown section around
the resonator axis. This surface is produced by marginal
rays and is termed a caustic. The cross section of the beam
where the spot size is a minimum is referred to as the beam
waist. If the apertures of the resonator mirrors are identical,
the beam waist is exactly at the resonator mid-point; in this
case the radius of the spot (often given as the beam waist


Ch, 2 Types 0/ Lasers

too) is

= (AL/2:rt)l,l2


where A is the radiation wavelength. The spot size radius on

a mirror is given by



The position of the beam waist may be controlled by choosing mirrors of different aperture or introducing a diaphragm
inside the cavity. We should also note that the light beam inside a cavity has no ideally confining side surface. The causrl



Fig. 2.30 Unstable confocal "telescopic" resonator. /1 and /2 focal

distances of the mirrors, A common focus of the mirrors

tic represents the volume filled with light in the sence that
outside this volume the light intensity of the beam rapidly
falls off away from the resonator axis.
The unstable confocal "telescopic" resonator. An example
of unstable resonator is shown in Fig. 2.30. This is the socalled "telescopic" resonator. For operation, it is filled with
an active medium. This resonator is formed by a concave mirror of r 1 = 3L and a convex mirror of r 2 = L. It is an easy
matter so see that both mirrors have a common focal point,
therefore this is also a confocal resonator. In the stability
diagram (see Fig. 2.28) this resonator is represented by point
B of gl = 2/3 and g2 = 2.

2.12 Confinement of Beam within Resonator


The radiant field within the resonator combines two types

of light waves - plane waves and spherical waves. The
plane wave travels from the concave to the convex mirror,
while the spherical wave travels in the reverse direction. The
light rays of these waves are illustrated by arrowed lines.
Both mirrors are of totally reflecting type. The output beam
leaves the resonator upon reflecting from the convex mirror,
and therefore is a ring in cross section.

Chapter ~

Control of the Laser Output

Application purposes call for control of the laser output, including such common optical manipulations as deflecting
the beam in space, splitting it and focusing on a target. These
simple transformations are, however, far from~exhausting
the requirements for laser output control. On a wider scale,
laser output modification assumes that the output will possess a certain energy content or exhibit variable spectral,
temporal, and spatial characteristics.
Laser output can be modified in either of two ways inside the resonant cavity or beyond the cavity. In the first
case, the output is controlled by affecting the process of laser
oscillation, whereas in the last case, the output is transformed already when it has left the cavity. Sections 3.1 through
3.5 of this chapter will discuss the topics of intracavity
control, while the rest sections of the chapter will take up
modifications of laser radiation outside the cavity.
3. t Intracavify Control
of Spectral Charaderi'stics

As will be recalled, the spectral characteristics of laser radiation are decided by the active medium. The system of
energy levels of the active material gives rise to a specific
set of emission lines. By using various types of lasers one
may obtain, in principle, coherent output of any wavelength
within the range from 0.1 to 100 f.1m and even of longer wavelengths.
When we come to modifying the laser output we shall focus on the possibility of affecting the radiation frequency
for a particular type of laser and a certain -active material.
An obvious way of modifying the laser output by means of
diverse band filters passing specific bandwidths is of low

3.1 lntracavity Control


Spectral ~haracterlstlcs


importance in this case, as it inevitably incurs high radiant

losses. Therefore, moraefficient means of practical control
involve a variety of intracavity methods influencing the
process of laser oscillation. Instead of rejecting by a filter an
undesired portion of the output, these methods take care of
the laser not to oscillate on those undesired transitions.
Suppressing the undesired transitions. As a rule, the
active material possesses a few lasing transitions. For many
laser applications, however, it is desirable that the laser
oscillate on certain transitions or lase a single line only. An
obvious way to produce such an output is to suppress the
\) ndesired transitions.
By way of example let us look at the helium-neon laser.
The atoms of neon have three laser transitions at 3.39, 1.15
and 0.63 ~m (see Fig. 2.12). The initial gain coefficient for
this laser increases with the wavelength. On the other hand,
most applications use this laser as a source of red light at
0.63 !-Lm. In order to prevent the laser from oscillating in the
3.39 and 1.15 flID lines, the resonator mirrors are covered by
materials highly reflective at the shortest wavelength and
absorbing the two others. Therefore, laser action occurs only
at the wavelength 0.63 flm.
Selection of laser emission lines by intracavity elements.
We have seen in the section concerning dye lasers that this
type of laser is characteristic of a rather wide transition
line (about 0.1 urn). A similar linewidth is also observed in
electron-beam controlled high-pressure lasers. These types
of lasers lend themselves well for tuning the wavelength of
the laser output within the laser transition linewidth.
This gradual selection of monochromatic lines from a
multiple-line emission can be achieved by introducing a
wavelength-dependent element into the cavity. Two popular
designs use a dispersive prism and a diffraction grating as
such elements. The prism is inserted in the cavity, while the
grating replaces one of the cavity's mirrors.
Consider the dispersive prism tuning design in more detail.
Assume that a prism inserted inside the cavity is traversed
by a beam containing two wavelengths Al and A2 such that
Al < A2 Beyond the prism, the beam splits into the two
wavelengths which are bounced back by the cavity mirror as
shown in Fig. 3.1a. For a given angular setting of either the
prism or the mirror, only one of the wavelengths retraces its



Control of the Laser Output

path into the cavity, that is retained for laser action. The
other ray is lost. The mirror, however, may be shifted into a
position shown by the dashed plate in this figure to reflect
the other ray back into the cavity, therefore, a desired line
may be selected for laser oscillation. More often the configuration with a rotating mirror is used (Fig. 3.1b). For a given









Fig. 3.t..jTunable dye laser system. 1 dye cell, 2 pumping, 3 output

mirror, 4 prism. 5 rotating mirror, 6 diffraction grating

orientation of the mirror only one wavelength incident normally on the mirror retraces its path back into the laser cavity, gets amplified by stimulated emission, and emitted as
the laser output. Other wavelengths fail to do so and no oscillation is sustained on these wavelengths. Gradually rotating
the mirror enables tuning the laser wavelength.
It was only for the sake of simplicity that we spoke above
about a selected wavelength. In fact this configuration with a
prism and a rotating mirror selects each time not a certain
wavelength but a spectral line of 10-4 to 10-3 J-tm Iinewidth.
This is about one hundredth the laser gain linewidth. Therefore, the rotating mirror selects for lasing one by one the
spectral lines from the laser emission linewidth.
Another configuration, shown in Fig. 3.1c, uses a diffraction grating which reflects back into the cavity rays incident on it at an angle of diffraction e related with the wave-


Intracavity Control of Spectral Characteristics


length A and the period of the grating d by the formula

2d sin 0 == A
This relation suggests that for a given angle a, i.e., at a given angle setting of the grating in the cavity, the laser will
oscillate at a wavelength A defined by (3.1), if this line is
within the multiline emission of the laser. Tuning is achieved
by rotating the grating through a range of e angles.
It should be noted that both configurations allow for not
only tuning of the laser wavelength but also considerable
narrowing of the lased line. This narrowing occurs without
a sizeable degrading of the output power. Instead of a relatively wide and not very intense fluorescence line the
laser emits a narrow line of high irradiance, shown for comparison in Fig. 3.1d.
The resonators schematized in Fig. 3.1b, c may be called
selective resonators as they realize the selection of certain
photon states we have discussed in Sec. 1.5. The selected
photon states possess energies within a narrow line cut in the
transition linewidth. Compared to ordinary cavities, the
selective resonators provide a more severe selectivity for
photon states.
Single mode operation. When operated in a single longitudinal, single transverse mode, a laser is the closest approximation to a monochromatic light source known. The linewidth of a single laser mode is far smaller than the broadened transition linewidth. Usually, however, there are a
number of modes in the laser output, and such a laser is referred to as operating multimode.
By placing appropriate devices in the laser cavity one
can often modify the laser output. For example, by introducing selective losses for certain transverse modes, one can
force a multimode laser to lase with a specific transverse mode pattern. In some lasers, an adjustable iris diaphragm
is located on the optical axis of the cavity to suppress all
transverse modes except those with TEM oo character. This
is because other modes, which have some off-axis component,
experience more loss with the diaphragm closed down than do
the TEM oo modes. Thus by increasing the losses for off-axis
modes, the laser can be modified to operate only in the
TEM oo mode. The TEM oo mode is attractive because it has
lower beam divergence than other modes, and such an output


Ch, a Control of the Laser Output

may be required, for example, if one were to use the laser

for an alignment application. In what follows we shall assume
that the TEM oo output is ensured.
Even when a laser is oscillating on a single transverse
mode, it can still oscillate on several longitudinal modes
(i.e., modes differing in their value of the longitudinal mode
index q). These m-odes are separated in frequency by ~'V' ==
= c/2L, where L is the resonator length. As the resonator
length decreases, this frequency separation between the










Fig. 3.2 Selecting the central axial mode by the "short-cavity"


axial modes increases, and they move apart, as it were, on

the frequency scale, hence fewer modes remain within the
gain curve. Therefore, a possible way to achieve single axialmode operation is to design the cavity so that only one axial
mode is possible within the laser transition linewidth. Normally, it is the central axial mode that is selected in such a
manner. In physical terms, the intensity of the central mode
exceeds in this separation by far those of the adjacent longitudinal modes which disappear below the threshold level.
The situation is illustrated in Fig. 3.2. On the left it
shows a number of longitudinal modes present within the
transition line for a certain resonator length L. The line AA
represents the threshold level of the cavity. The right portion of the figure shows the same gain curve and the axial
modes remained after the resonator length has been halved.
The AlAI line shows the new level of losses in the cavity.
This technique of single-moding is outstanding in its simplicity.Unfortunately, a shorter length of the cavity means
that the active length of the laser is also small, severely limiting the power output. Therefore, more attractive appear
to be the techniques based on inserting various reflecting
elements inside the cavity. We shall discuss them in the

3.1 lntracavity Control 01 Spectral Characteristic.


following paragraphs after a short intermission for the analysis of linewidth achieved with such single-mode selection.
We recall that the linewidth measured in terms of frequency is given by equation (1.56). By assuming the resonator
quality factor Q = 106 , and Ao = 1 f.Lm (vo = ciAo = 3 X
X 1014 I-Iz) we obtain ~vc ~ 109 Hz. To convert this linewidth in wavelength units one may refer to the expression
~"Ac == -"A: ~vclc
It gives for the linewidth ~Ac of a single axial mode an order
of magnitude estimate of 10-5 to 10-6 um.
Another method for obtaining increased single axial-mode
output from a TEM oo laser is to introduce large losses for







Fig. 3.3 Single-moding by introducing an

the cavity


additional mirror in

all but one of the modes. This can be done by introducing one
or a few additional mirrors within the laser cavity which
thereby is transformed essentially into a set of coupled resonators. The interference of light waves produced by these
resonators brings about a redistribution of light power between the oscillating longitudinal modes. A suitable choice
of reflectivity and position for the additional mirror builds
up the intensity of the desired axial mode and the losses for
the other axial modes. Collectively these methods of singlemoding may be referred to as interference techniques.
By way of illustration consider the resonant cavity shown
in Fig. 3.3a. Of the three mirrors involved only mirror M is
totally reflective (R s = 100%). The semitransparent mirror
8Ml is the output mirror of the resonator and 8M 2 is the
additional mirror. Fig. 3.3b shows the lineshape for the
longitudinal modes within the transition linewidth, as related to the modified resonator (solid lines) and to the initial
resonator without mirror 8M 2 (dashed lines). These results
are plotted for the specific case of llL = 3/4 and R t = 65%.



3 Control 0/ the Laser Outpgt

3.2 Methods of Q-switching

In the early chapters of this book we have learned that the

cavity Q shows the ability of the cavity to store energy. A
high Q means that high energy can be stored in the cavity,
while a low Q implies that the cavity will rapidly dissipate
its energy. For certain applications the time dependence of
laser light is of much higher importance than its frequency
characteristics, i.e, monochromaticity. In this section we
look at some techniques for obtaining high power pulses from
a laser by means of varying this ability of the resonator to
store energy, known as Q-switching or Q-spoiling techniques.
The rotating reflector method using mechanical shutters.
Imagine a resonant cavity where one of the mirrors is replaced with a total reflection prism which spins rapidly
around its axis set at right angles to the resonator axis
(Fig. 3.4a). As the prism revolves, it faces the cavity with
its reflecting side and makes the cavity's Q high for only a
short time. When the prism is out of this position for an
angle of only one angular minute, the cavity Q drops by half
below the maximum value. At still greater angles the Q
falls off very rapidly to a minimum. It is quite obvious that
laser action can occur when the prism is brought into alignment with the cavity, whereas away from the alignment the
cavity losses rapidly grow too high to enable lasing action
(low Q) and the oscillation ceases.
If the rotating reflector revolves at 1000 revolutions per
second the time in which the Q of the resonant cavity switches from its maximum to minimum value amounts to about.
10-7 s.
Electrooptical shutters. These exploit suitable electrooptical effects of altering the refractive index of a cell by
applying an electric field. Here we look at two such effects,
a square law (Kerr) effect and a linear (Pockels) effect. In the
former, the refractive index varies as the square of the electric field intensity, while in the latter it is proportional to
the first power of the field. The Pockels effect exists only in
crystalline media.
Consider electrooptical Q-switching of the resonant cavity
which exploits the Pockels effect. We mention here that a
crystal cell based on the Pockels effect (Pockels electrooptic
modulator, or cell) is a device which, when subjected to an

9.2 Methods of Q-switching




Fig. 3. i Methods of active Q-switching. (a) rotating reflector method

(b) electrooptic method, and (c) acoustooptic method

applied de voltage, becomes birefringent. In birefringent

crystals, as will be recalled, a light wave splits into two
waves travelling at different velocities, that is, the crystal
offers different refractive indices for differently polarized
light. In a Pockels cell, this induced birefringence is proportional to the applied voltage.
Figure 3.4b shows a laser arrangement designed for Q-switching with a Pockels cell. Here AM is the active material,
TM the totally reflecting (R == 100%) mirror, and OM the
output mirror. Between the active material and the output
mirror, there are two polarizers oriented in the same sense,
i.e., transmitting light polarized in the same plane, S. The
Pockels cell placed between the polarizers is a crystal confined in an electric capacitor whose plates have windows for
In this polarizer-Pockels cell-polarizer combination, any
light travelling to the cell has to pass a polarizer and, therefore, becomes polarized in the S plane. For the sake of analysis we represent this polarized radiation as consisting of two
waves, one polarized in the x direction, the other polarized
in the y direction (see Fig. 3.4c). Within the Pockels cell, the
first wave will travel at a velocity corresponding to refractive index ru, while the second wave will travel at a velocity corresponding to refractive index n 2 Polarizer PI and
the cell are oriented so that the x axis is at 45 to plane S.


Ch, 9 Control

0/ tbe Laser Output

a result, if the wavelength of this light in a vacuum is "'0'

it will emerge from the cell of thickness l as two waves L\cp
out of phase



The refractive indices n 1 and n 2 linearly depend on the electric field strength in the cell (the Pockels effect)



no + n~rE/2
no - n:rE/2


where no is the refractive index when the field is absent, and

r is an electrooptic constant of the cell crystal. Hence,


n 2 = ngrE


Obviously, when the field is absent, n 1 = n 2 and L\<p = O.

Substituting (3.5) into (3.3) and observing that El = V,
the de voltage applied to the cell, yields
L\cp = 2nn:rV/A
The voltage may be adjusted so that L\<p = n. Then the
cell functions as a half waveplate since the emerging beams
are 1800 out of phase with each other, or shifted by half
wavelength. The resultant polarization is still linear, but
the polarization vector is rotated, as can be readily seen
from Fig. 3.4c, into plane 8 1 orthogonal to plane S. Since
the new plane of polarization is at right angles with the orientation of polarizer P 2' it will not pass the light to the
output mirror.
Thus, with no voltage applied to the Pockels cell (the cell
is off) light traverses the system of polarizers and the cell
almost without any losses, except the absorption loss suffered in these components. When the cell is on, the light passage is blocked. Saying it another way, the cavity Q is a
maximum with the Pockels cell off, and a minimum with
the cellon. The switching rate depends on the frequency of
the voltage applied to the cell. The switching time is as low
as about 10-9 s which is appreciably smaller than that with
the mechanical shutters.
To summarize, a Pockels cell performs in the arrangement
with polarizers as a shutter operating at a very high speed.
Hence the term electrooptical shutters is used for the systems
of this type.

3.2 Methods of Q-sroitching


Note. With no voltage applied to the Pockels cell, n 1

= n2

This implies that a beam of light incident on the cell

is no longer sorted into two components travelling through
the crystal at different velocities. This is valid, however,
provided that the crystal is oriented 'with respect to the
incident beam so that its optic axis is parallel to the beam
ACOllstooptic Q switches. For modulation of the cavity
Q, these switches rely on the diffraction of light on a phase

grating produced by an ultrasound wave. This wave is launched in a medium (solid or liquid) by a piezoelectric transducer (PET). Due to the presence of the ultrasonic wave, the
material acts like a phase grating. In fact the strain induced
by the ultrasonic wave.results in local changes of the material refractive index (photoelastic effect). The grating has a
period equal to the acoustic wavelength A and an amplitude
proportional to the sound amplitude. A light beam incident
on such a three-dimensional grating partially undergoes
diffraction, i.e. is deflected in part from its previous direction. The proportion of the light being diffracted out may
be increased by increasing the high frequency driving voltage
applied to the PET.
An arrangement with the laser Qbeing switched by an acoustooptic modulator is shown in Fig. 3.4d. Inside the acoustooptic modulator, also referred to as acoustooptic shutter, the
light wave forms with the diffraction grating, induced by
an acoustic wave an angle e which must satisfy the diffraction relationship:
2A sin e = 'A
where 'A is the wavelength of light in the graving's medium.
To meet this condition, the shutter is suitably oriented relative to the resonator axis. The angle e is referred to as the
Bragg angle. Note that the relation (3.7) is a modification
of (3.1).
When the PET is off, no ultrasound wave is launched into
the shutter medium, and the incident light beam traverses
it without any losses. When the PET is on, the modulator
will diffract a portion of the incident light beam of irradiance 1 0 into a diffracted beam of irradiance II' shown by a
dashed line in Fig. 3.4d. 1:4e closer the efficiency /1//9 of


Ch, 3 Control of the Laser Output

the shutter to unity, the less light it transmits in the axial

direction of the cavity and the lower the cavity Q.
The switching time of the acoustooptic shutters is in the
order of 10-7 s. In order to decrease this time of Q-switching,
the light spot at the shutter should be decreased in size,
i.e., focused on the device. Then the time it takes the ultrasound wave to cross the light beam diminishes, and the time
the diffracted beam takes to emerge and vanish is cut down.
One should not overlook, however, that this focusing of the
light beam impairs the efficiency /1//0 of the shutter, Le.,
increases the portion of light passing through when the
shutter is on, or closed.
Passive Q-switching using saturable absorbers. The modulation or Q-switching techniques we have discussed so far
are referred to as active to emphasize that the control of cavity losses is exercised from the outside. Conversely, passive
Q-switching is one where losses in the cavity rise and fall
"automatically", with no command from the outside.
A simple passive Q-switching modulator consists of a nonlinear element inserted into the cavity. This is an absorber
which absorbs light at the laser wavelength but is saturated
very soon and becomes transparent for the light, as if bleached, and therefore called a bleachable cell. The cell usually
contains absorbing species (atoms or molecules of solved
organic dyes) capable of absorbing light at the laser wavelength, that is, possessing among their energy levels those
exactly matching the laser transitions.
The process of bleaching is illustrated in Fig. 3.5. Suppose
for simplicity that the absorbing species has only two energy levels, the upper and the lower levels. Denote their population densities by n 1 and n 2 Then we may write the resonant absorption coefficient for the transition between these
levels as
ex = 0a (n1 - n 2 )
where 0a is the cross section of the stimulated processes in
this transitions. Equation (3.8) immediately follows from
(1.36) for the small signal gain coefficient upon the appropriate change of sign to account for the absorptive nature of
the transition. Accordingly, a signal gain may be treated
as a negative absorption. Equation (3.8) indicates that resonant absorption is due to the processes of absorption being
dominated ~over that of stimulated emission,


9.2 .Vetkods of Q-switching

In the initial state, when laser oscillation has not yet commenced, all the absorbing species are in the lower level,
therefore n 2 = O. This state of the cell is unbleached, it is
characteristic of the maximum absorption. Assume that a
pumping pulse has excited the active centres in the active
material and has inverted the populations of the lasing levels. As yet laser action cannot occur in spite of the high
population inversion because of high losses introduced by
the unbleached cell. Some of the excited active centres can
meanwhile spontaneously fall to the lower laser level and






. J, ..)

Fig. 3.5 Passive Q-switching by the saturable absorber (bleachable

dye cell)

initiate by means of the emitted photons new transitions

in the active material, which cause the emission of small
avalanches of secondary photons. Some of these avalanches
propagate along the cavity to be absorbed by the bleaching
cell. The absorbing species in the cell are raised from the
lower into the upper level, so that n 2 builds up, is saturated
and the absorption ceases. The cell is bleaching. This process
facilitates further photon avalanches. As a result, the system arrives at a state when the cell bleaches rapidly and
completely, the cavity switches to its high-Q condition and
a giant pulse develops.
Figure 3.5 shows the population of the levels in the absorbing species when in an unsaturated state, in part (b) and
in a completely saturated, bleached, state, in part (c). In
the bleached condition n 1 == n 2 , and therefore ex == O. This
implies that the processes of absorption and stimulated emission of light between the energy levels of the absorbin
species now mutually compensate each other, and the cell



Control of the Laser Oatput

neither absorbs nor amplifies the beam at the laser wavelength.

Once the laser pulse has been emitted, the absorbing species in the cell begin gradually decay to the lower level
through spontaneous emissions and the cell returns in its
unbleached state. The characteristic time the cell takes to
return to an unsaturated state is referred to as the relaxation time of the cell.
Most often the bleachable media are solutions of organic
dyes - cyanine dyes (pthalocyanine and cryptocyanine) and
polymetine dyes. Cyanine dye solutions are employed for
ruby lasers, while polymetine dye solutions are employed
for Q-switching neodymium lasers.
3.3 Pulsed Lasing

Currently available lasers are able to produce light pulses of

various duration, from milliseconds (10- 3 s) to nanoseconds
(10- 9 s) and even to picoseconds (10- 12 s). Oscillating techniques are in existence, which yield giant single pulses and
pulse trains whose repetition rate may be varied in a wide
range, up to about 10 MHz, i.e., 107 pulses per second (pps),
In the mode-locking operation (which will be our concern
in the next section) the pulse repetition rate may be as high
as 0.1 to 1 GHz, i.e., 108 to 10 9 pulses per second.
Free oscillation regime. In fact this regime involves
a few modes of operation. What all of them have in common
is the absence of any control of oscillation, that is, any
influence on lasing action by means of extraneous signals or
nonlinear elements inserted within the cavity, i.e., the ones
whose behaviour varies with the irradiance produced by the
active element. Specifically, they are denuded of any type
of Q-switching, either active or passive.
Pulsed pumping produces in a free-oscillating laser a pulse
of duration corresponding to that of the excitation pulse.
For solid state lasers, the pulse length is 0.1 to 1 IDS; for dye
lasers pumped by shorter pulses, the pulse length may be as
short as 1 ~s. The radiated output pulse exhibits a fine
structure: its initial portion consists of a series of spikes
about 0.1 urn in width. These spikes, shown in Fig. 3.6,
represent the decay of the population inversion typical for
the onset of oscillation, Nondecaying spiking may also take

B.B Pulsed Lasing


place due to the unstable resonator behaviour and nonlinearities in the cavity.
Production of giant pulses. Short pulses of high peak
power can he produced in pulse pumped lasers by using active
or passive Q-switching. Consider first the case of active
Q-switching. By using one or another type of control for the
cavity Q, the level of cavity losses is deliberately driven rather
high to raise the threshold of oscillation. This builds up a considerable population inversion for
the lasing levels. Then the cavity
is switched into a low-Q state,
causing the oscillation threshold
to drop rapidly to the lowest possible level. As a result, the ini- Fig. 3.6 Structure of a light
pulse lased in the free osciltial population inversion turns
lation mode
out to be appreciably high above
this new low-loss threshold, and
a giant pulse is lased. Its peak power- is higher, the more
the initial buildup of inverted population, achieved under
the low-Q condition, exceeds the threshold inversion corresponding to the high-Q of the cavity. The duration of such
giant pulse of gigawatt range is from 10 to 50 nanoseconds,
although the minimum pulse length may be 1 to 3 ns.
Figure 3.7a shows the time evolution of a giant pulse in a
Q-switcl,1ed laser with a shutter which rapidly switches the
cavity Q from its minimal to the maximal value. The plots
shown in the figure represent four time-varying functions:
irradiance I(t), population inversion N(t), quality factor
Q(t), and threshold population inversion Nth(t). We note
in passing that Nth varies in inverse proportion to Q. At
t = 0, N(t) crosses Nth(t) to start the oscillation process.
Since this process begins, as have been already noted, from
spontaneous transitions that give rise to cavity noise, it
develops slowly. It can be readily seen that the irradiance
power increases at first slowly, linearly with time, the linear
portion, t 1 , being relatively long, on the order of 100 nanoseconds. Almost all the energy of the pulse is emitted during
the next, relatively short (about 10 ns) nonlinear interval,
t 2 Within the time interval t 1 , the population inversion of
the laser levels remains practically unaltered, whereas du-


Ch, 3 Control of the Laser Output

(a )












Fig. 3.7 Evolution of a Q-switched laser pulse. (a) active Q-switching,

(b) passive Q-switching, (c) active Q-switching with negative feedback

ring t 2 this function N (t) sharply falls off as all the population stored in the upper level during the low-Q condition is
emitted in one giant pulse.
Such pulses may also be produced with passive Q-switching
methods, employing saturable absorbers (bleaching dye cells)
with relatively high density of absorbing species and a relatively long relaxation time. In addition, the cross section
of stimulated transitions of the cell must appreciably exceed
that of stimulated transitions in the active material.

8.8 Pulsed Lasing


The time evolution of a high-power short pulse in a laser

Q-switched by a bleaching dye cell is presented in Fig. 3.7b.
The process begins at a time instant when the population
inversion N(t) increased by pumping grows over the threshold level N th(t). The latter reflects the temporal behaviour
of the bleaching dye. In contrast to the case of active Qswitching, here the linear development of a pulse occurs not
under low-loss but rather under high-loss conditions, as the
dye cell is effectively bleached in fact only during the nonlinear pulse development (simultaneously with the fast
drop of N(t). Therefore, the length of the linear pulse development t 1 appears with passive Q-switching to be about
an order of magnitude longer (t 1 ~ 1 us) than with active
Q-switching. The length of nonlinear pulse development
stage, t 2 , which is essentially the pulsewidth of the output
radiation, and the peak power of the pulse remain the same
as in the case of the active Q-switching procedure.
Expanding the pulsewidth by negative feedback. Suppose
we control the loss of the cavity in the following pattern:
when the power being emitted increases, it brings about
higher losses, and conversely, as the power falls off, the
losses also abate. This pattern is typical for configurations
with a negative feedback control.
Negative feedback hampers the development of stimulated
emission. Therefore, a population inversion in a system with
an amount of negative feedback decays longer. This implies
that it takes a longer time to produce an output pulse. As a
result, the pulsewidth increases, while the pulse peak power
Negative feedback can be applied by a number of diverse
means. One of them relies on the two-photon absorption
process in a semiconductor material. Assume that a plate of
semiconductor with a band gap E g such that hv < E g < 2hv
is inserted in the cavity of a laser emitting at frequency v,
By way of example, for neodymium lasers this condition is
satisfied by using GaAs and edSe semiconductor plates. At
relatively low intensities, the radiation at frequency v traverses such semiconductor plate without being absorbed because the photon energy h is insufficient to raise its electron
from the valence band into the conduction band. However,
when the irradiance grows in intensity there appears a possibility for an electron in the valence band to absorb already


.ct: 3

Controt of the Laser ()u,tput

two photons and, being raised in energy by 2hv, to jump

into the conduction band.
The probability of the two-photon absorption increases as
the radiation power grows. This implies that an increase in
the irradiance power incurs (automatically) an increase in
the loss of the cavity due to the semiconductor plate growing more "opaque".
Figure 3.7c shows the time evolution of a developing pulse
in a pulse-pumped, actively Q-switched laser whose cavity,
besides an electrooptic shutter, contains a semiconductor
flat that grows opaque at the laser wavelength. Owing to the
automatic negative feedback applied to this system, the
giant pulse it emits spreads in time to a duration of 0.1 to 1
microsecond. The peak power of the pulse abates accordingly.
Production of pulse trains at high repetition rates. Many
applications require emissions in the form of regular trains
of pulses following at a rather high repetition rate. Such
trains are produced by continuously pumped lasers. First
attempts at pulse train generation in continuously pumped
lasers, Q-switched with rotating reflectors, turned out to be
of low consequence because of poor amplitude stability of
pulses in the train due to a poor positional reproducibility
of the shutter reflective plane. More successful have appeared
to be the systems with acoustooptic modulators introduced
A typical repetition rate of the pulse trains produced by
acoustooptically Q-switched cw pumped lasers is 10 kHz
with a peak pulse power of 1 kW and an average power of
1 to 10 w.
A higher repetition rate in this case is prevented by a relatively long time needed for each pulse evolution (see
Fig. 3.7). Unless special measures are taken to cut down the
linear period in the pulse development, the maximum possible repetition rate lies around 50 kHz.
A considerably higher repetition rate may be realized in
continuously pumped lasers operating in the cavity dumping
mode. These lasers employ high-Q cavities with both mirrors
being totally reflective. The cavity contains a fast-operating shutter which, when externally triggered, dumps a portion of the irradiance energy off the cavity within short
time intervals.
Now suppose that the shutter is off while pumping excites

9.4 Mode Locking for Ultrashort Pulses


the laser. In the circumstances, the energy density in the

resonator builds up due to the processes of stimulated emission dominating over those of absorption. The continuously
operating pump nevertheless keeps the inverted population
above the oscillation threshold. Actually, oscillation has
already started but the radiation is confined within the cavity. When the shutter is switched on for a short time, a
short pulse is emitted and the resonator dumps a portion
of the stored radiation.
Compare the active Q-switching and the cavity-dumping
modes. In the first mode, the radiation field density inside
the cavity is low in the initial state when the Q is low, so the
laser is below the oscillation threshold. When the cavity Q
is switched to the high condition, oscillations set in and
the output pulse is formed to be emitted through the semitransparent output mirror. The pulse buildup here begins
from the level of noise, which inflicts a long period of linear development.
Unlike the Q-switching mode, the cavity-dumping mode is
characterized by a high-Q in the initial state: the laser is
above the gain threshold. Even before output pulse shaping
begins, oscillations are taking place and the cavity is filled
with photons. We emphasize that whereas in the Q-switching
mode oscillations begin after the shutter has received a
control signal, in the cavity-dumping mode the dumper is
switched on in the laser that has already been oscillating.
This cuts down considerably the time taken for the formation of the pulse as it lacks the period of linear development.
As a result, a possibility opens up to realize higher repetition
rates for pulse trains.
The typical characteristics of cavity dumped outputs are
as follows: pulse repetition rate 100 kHz to 10 MHz, pulse
duration 10 to 100 DS, average power 1 to 10 W.
3.4 Mode Locking for Ultrashort Pulses

The technique of mode locking allows the generation of laser

pulses of ultrashort duration (from a fraction of a picosecond toa few tens of picoseconds, i.e., 10-12 to 10-11 s) and
very high peak power (a few gigawatts, i.e., 1012 W) .
.Mode-Iocking defined. In Chapter 1 we have learned that
longitudinal modes are uniformly spread on the frequency


Ch, 3 Control of the Laser Output

scale, the spacing between the adjacent modes being constant

and equal to Llv' = cl2Ln. The linewidth Llv of the transition line accommodates m = JivlLlv' longi tudinal modes. The
output of an ordinary laser,as a function of time, depends
on the relative frequencies, and amplitudes of these modes.
All these parameters, however, are time-varying and the
output fluctuates randomly. If an eternal perturbation
forces the various mode oscillations to maintain fixed
phases with respect to each other, the modes will produce a


Fig. 3.8 (a) Comparison of a giant pulse and a train of mode-locked

spikes, (b) resonant cavity preventing axial mode selection; AM
active material, Be bleaching dye cell for passive mode locking

constructive interference pattern and the output becomes repetitive. Such a laser is then said to be "mode-locked" and its
emission is regularly spaced pulses of high peak power.
These pulses are of extremely short duration. The duration of an individual pulse, 't", is decided by the linewidth of
the gain curve, in other words, by the number of locked
modes which the transition line' can sustain
'T ~ 1/ Llv ~ 11m L\v'
The peak power of an individual ultrashort pulse is about
m times the output power without mode locking. The period
of the pulses may approximately be found as
T ~ 11Llv' = 2Lnlc
For solid state neodymium lasers, the linewidth of the
transition line is about 1010 Hz, and for organic dye lasers
it is about 1012 to 1013 Hz. Letting Llv' ~ 107 Hz yields that
the maximum possible number of axial modes these lines
can sustain equals 103 and 10 5 to 106 , respectively.
Figure 3.8a gives an approximate comparison of the profiles of a giant pulse (shadowed in the figure) and a modelocked pulse train produced in the same pulse pumped laser.


3.4 Mode Locking lor Ultrashort Pulses

Methods of mode locking. An essential requirement for

rnode locking is the active medium providing a rather broad
emission profile. Examples of such a medium are glass or
crystal doped by neodymium, Of, a still better choice, solutions of organic dyes. Then, precautions must be taken to
prevent mode selection from occurring, as in this case multimode operation is of principal importance. A selection of
modes may occur due to interference which always takes
place in ordinary resonators owing to the presence of additional reflectors such as the ends of the active material, mirror substrates, etc. These sources of reflected waves must,
therefore, be eliminated. For this purpose, mirror coatings
are deposited on wedge-shaped plates, and the ends of the
active material are cut at the Brewster angle, so that a
geometry similar to that in Fig. 3.8b may result.
Last but not least, the modes themselves must be locked in
phase. The most commonly used mode locking methods belong to one of the following two categories: (i) mode locking
by an active modulator driven by an external signal (active
mode locking), and (ii) mode locking by means of a suitable
nonlinear optical material (passive mode locking).
Of the active mode-locking techniques, configurations involving acoustooptic shutters are most widely used. These
shutters use the same principle of diffraction on an acoustic
phase grating as in the shutters used for Q-switching, except
that this time the grating is produced by a standing, rather
than running, ultrasonic wave. The fixed phase relationship
is accomplished by varying the loss of the laser cavity at a
frequency equal to the intermode separation. The shutter
modulates the losses practically by the sine law with the
period defined by (3.10). The resultant amplitude modulation at the frequency 11T converts a mode at frequency v to
the three synchronously phased modes at v, v
11T, and
'V 11T. The sideband modes at v 11T coincide with the
modes that have been adjacent to the basic mode at v, As a
result, the modes become locked in phase.
Passive mode locking is provided by saturable absorbers
that are incorporated in the laser cavity to mode lock, as
shown in Fig. 3.8b. When an intense pulse of light passes
through the saturable absorber inside the laser cavity, the
low power wings of the pulse are attenuated because of absorption of the dye molecules. The high power peak of the




Control 0/ the Laser Output

pulse, however, is transmitted because the dye is bleached. In

order for this to occur, it is essential that the saturable
absorber must recover in a time which is short compared with
the duration of the pulse. Because of this nonlinear bleaching
mechanism, the shortest and most intense fluctuations grow
at the expense of the weaker ones. It may be shown that the
use of such dye cell brings about, as in the case with active
mode locking, a time-periodical amplitude modulation of

Fig. 3.9

the radiation in the cavity as the result of which the modes

become locked in phase. Below we shall see the process of
passive mode locking in more detail.
Growing a high-power pulse from spontaneous emission
noise. There exists a rather straightforward explanation
of how ultrashort light pulses emerge in a laser with passive
mode locking .effected by a rapidly recoverable dye cell. In
the initial stage preceding the formation of the mode locked
pulse, the laser medium forms within the cavity a radiation
field whose temporal profile contains numerous fluctuations
of intensity of various amplitude. This profile recurs approximately over a time interval equal to the found-trip time
for this radiation in the cavity. Equation (3.10) suggests
that this round-trip time is exactly the parameter T, called
the period of the cavity.
A typical initial energy density field over the resonator
period is presented in Fig. 3.9a. It is seen to contain one
pulse more intense than the surrounding noise. It is this

8.4 Mode Locking lor Ultrashort Pulses


pulse that will pass through the bleaching dye cell and gets
amplified in its round trip through the active medium. If
the cell recovers fast, it will be shut immediately behind
this pulse and stay ready for being saturated by the next
fluctuations of the field. As these are less intense proportionally they will suffer greater
attenuation in the absorber.
Therefore, the strongest pulse will grow faster than the
others, and after many round
trips the situation depicted in
Fig. 3.9b will eventually result, where a single intense
mode-locked pulse remains.
Thus, a fast-recoverable saturable absorber inserted in
the cavity is able to select and
enhance the most intense fluctuations in the initial energy
density and, conversely, to
suppress the other, less intense, fluctuations. As a result Fig. 3.tO Trains cf ultrashort
the profile of the initial radia- pulses enveloped in the gain
tion field deforms with each profile at (a) complete and
next round trip. The energy (b, c) incomplete mode locking
contained in diverse fluctuations is redistributed, accumulating in one stronger pulse.
This pulse grows in power and becomes shorter in duration.
To summarize in loose terms, the presence of a rapidly
recoverable saturable absorber inside the cavity launches a
single light pulse bouncing back and forth (from one mirror
to another) within the cavity. At first the pulse grows in
magnitude, then, when the pump energy given to the active
material is exhausted, gradually declines in power. At regular intervals of time T this pulse arrives at the output mirror and is partially emitted. As a result, the laser output is
a regular train of pulses following each other with the pulse
repetition time T, as shown in Fig. 3.10a.
In actual conditions, however, the ideal pattern depicted
above may not take place. For one thing, the shutter may
not relax fast enough to "close" before a less intense pulse
trailing the major pulse. The result will be an output train



Control of the Laser Output

of pulses plotted in Fig. 3.10b. For the other thing, the initial noise may provide two or more identically intense initial pulses which the dye cell will enhance in the same extent.
Therefore, the resonator period will contain two or more intense pulses of short duration (Fig. 3.10c).
By way of a remark we note that the description given
above for the mode locking of ultrashort pulses in a laser
with a saturable absorber may be called a treatment in the
time domain. Indeed, this description presents the development of mode-locked pulse trains as the process of regular
(recurrent with a period T) lasing of a portion of an intense
fluctuation spike selected and enhanced from the stimulated
emission noise in the cavity by the bleachable dye cell. A similar pattern of an intense pulse bounced back and forth
within the cavity may be invoked in a treatment of active
mode locking. We recall that the losses incurred by the
acoustooptic modulator are modulated in time with period
T. In its round trips, the pulse will pass through the shutter
each time at the instant consistent with the lowest level of
In other texts, similar description but in the frequency
domain may be encountered. This treats the process of mode
locking as the result of interference of a large number of
modes uniformly spaced on the frequency scale and forced to
oscillate with synchronous phases.
3.5 Modifying the Spatial structure
of the Laser Output

Selection of the fundamental mode. We use the term

"spatial structure of the light field" to mean the distribution
of the beam irradiance over the beam cross section. We have
seen earlier that this structure is defined mainly by the
transverse modes sustained in the cavity. A number of light
field structures produced by various transverse modes are
illustrated in Fig. 1.18 by light spots the beam produces
on the resonator mirror.
Often it is desirable that only the fundamental mode,
TEM oo' be present in the beam, as this produces a more
uniform distribution of irradiance over the beam cross
section and tho least divergent beam due to the absence of


Modifying the Spatial Structure of Laser Output


off-axial modes. As can be seen from Fig. 1.18, the TEM oo

mode is concentrated around the resonator axis, therefore
it can simply be selected by introducing an axial diaphragm
(a screen with a hole aligned with the resonator axis) in the
A diaphragm placed in the cavity introduces certain losses
in the emission process. These losses are lowest for the fundamental mode because almost all of it passes through the
diaphragm hole. By selecting a suitable aperture and position for the diaphragm one can provide selective oscillation
of the fundamental mode and suppress oscillation of the
other transverse modes.
Use of unstable resonators for mode selection. I twas
believed at one time that unstable resonators were unsuitable
for laser action because such resonators were not able to confine radiation. Subsequent research has demonstrated, however, that lasers with unstable resonators are feasible when
the active medium provides a rather high gain per pass
(round-trip power gain) of at least 10-20%. Moreover, these
resonators offer a number of advantages.
One of these advantages concerns the enhanced selective
behaviour of unstable resonators as the result of which they
are capable of yielding highly coherent light beams. When
the selection of the fundamental mode is at stake, more
attractive seem to be the cavities with high diffraction losses,
since diffraction implies losses and the suppression of oscillation for high-order transverse modes. In unstable resonators, diffraction losses are always large and qualified as
radiation losses. It is not surprizing, therefore, that the
laser with an unstable cavity sustains laser action in the
fundamental mode only. More often than not such operation
results in a light beam of exceedingly small divergence defined by the aperture of the beam and said to be at the diffraction limit:
fPd = 1.22'A/d
where crd is the angle of beam divergence, A the wavelength
of the radiation, and d the beam diameter.
As an example of the unstable resonator, Fig. 2.30 shows a
confocal "telescopic" resonator. This resonator emits radiation with a practically plane wavefront, accurate to the
diffraction limit.


Ch, 9 Control 01 the Laser Output

Apodizing diaphragms. Diffraction of light beams at the

edges of objects of limited size, whether it be a diaphragm or
the end of the active material rod, may cause considerable
disturbances of irradiance over the spot size of high power
outputs. Interference patterns may occur with the associated
local waves of irradiance. For this to occur, the use is made
of apodizing diaphragms, or "soft" apertures which are beneficient in a smooth transmission behaviour at their edges,
in contrast to the jump-wise behaviour in ordinary "hard"
apertures. Apodizing diaphragms are prepared by depositing
an absorbing material in a layer of variable thickness on a
A similar effect is achieved in unstable resonators by
means of mirrors with "smoothed" edges, i.e., ones exhibiting
a gradual decline in reflectivity at the edges. Such mirrors
appreciably decrease the diffraction effects at the edge of
the output mirror in the unstable resonator.
3.6 Frequency Transformations
in Nonlinear Media

Nonlinear polarization of the medium. At the time of the

prelaser optics it was reasonably believed that the medium
characteristics are independent of the intensity of light
passing through this medium. Prelaser light sources produced light field intensities not exceeding 105 V1m. Recalling
that the intra-atomic fields are characterized by intensities
of the order of 108 to 1012 Vim makes it evident why light
waves of such sources could not produce a somewhat detectable effect on the atomic fields and, consequently, on
the medium behaviour. Therefore, the medium response, in
the form of polarization P, to the external perturbation, in
the form of a light wave electric field E, turned out to be
P = XE
where X is the dielectric susceptibility of the medium. This
relationship coined the term "linear optics" used in relation
to the prelaser (ineoherent) optics.
Laser sources of light have radically changed this situation. The high degree of coherence involved in laser radiation has made possible extremely high concentrations of


3.6 Frequency Transformations in Nonlinear Media

light powers. In practice it is realized owing to small divergence of laser beams and availability of pulsed outputs with
enormously high peak powers. Available lasers yield light
fields.with intensities as high as 101o to 1011 VIm. These electric field strength are comparable with those within the
atom. Now the dielectric susceptibility of the medium becomes a function of the light field intensity.
For high light powers, theory suggests that the susceptibility can be presented as a sum of rapidly diminishing terms
X (E) = Xo
XIE + 'X2 E 2 + . . .

where Xo, Xl' etc.

its polarizability.
cient to retain in
this model for X,.

are the medium parameters which define

For practical purposes, it will be suffi(3.13) the two leading terms only. With
equation (3.12) becomes

p = 'X (E) E

'Xo E

+ 'XIE2


We note that this equation is nonlinear in the light field

intensity. This implies a nonlinear response of the material
to high light powers and gives birth to such terms as "nonlinear optics" and "nonlinear media". The nonlinear term
P N L = Xl E 2
in equation (3.14) describes the nonlinear polarization of the
medium, Xl being the nonlinear susceptibility.
Interaction of light waves in nonlinear media. Let a plane
monochromatic light wave of frequency v travel at velocity
VI in the z direction of a nonlinear medium (exhibiting a
nonlinear polarization for this wave). The electric field
strength of this wave may be defined as
E 1 (z, t) == E 01 cos [2nv (t - z/v I ) ]
Substituting (3.16) into (3.15) and observing that 2cos 2
= 1 cos 2~ we obtain

PNdz, t) =i-Xt E ;l +

~ XtE~l cos

r4nv (t- ~ ) ]

~ ==


The second term of this equation indicates that there is a

wave of polarization propagating in the medium in the same
direction and at the same speed, but this wave oscillates at
the twice higher frequeney 2v, rather than v. This wave of
polarization may be thought of as the kind of "radiation aeri-


Ch, 3 Control 0/ the Laser Output

al" traversing the medium at velocity Vt. Under certain conditions this "aerial" may cause emission of a new light wave
at the frequency of the wave of polarization. We put the
equation for this generated wave as
E 2 (z, t) = E 0 2 cos [4nv (t - z/v 2 ) ]
The amplitude of this wave E 0 2 may be expressed in terms of
E 01' the nonlinear susceptibility Xl' and other parameters
of the medium. The velocity V 2 of the generated- wave differs
from the velocity of the incident wave VI because the refractive index is a function of frequency; in accord with (1.2)


= cln
= cln



Hence, in a nonlinear medium, a strong light wave of frequency v can beat with itself by means of the nonlinear polarization and give rise to a new light wave at frequency 2v,
the so-called second harmonic, accordingly this process is
called second harmonic generation.
Consider now the case with two waves, one at frequency VI
and the other at frequency V 2 , being launched into the nonlinear medium. The superposition of these waves gives the
e.m. field

E (z, t)

E OI cos [2nvI (t -


z/vl ) ]

cos [2nv 2 (t -

z/v 2 ) ]


Substituting this expression into (3.15) yields

P N L (z, t) =

x1Eg1cos" [2nvI

z/v1 ) ]
XIE~2 cos" [2nv 2 (t - z/v 2 )J

+ 2XIEOIE02 cos [2nv1 (t -

(t -

z/vl)J cos [21tv2 (t - z/v 2 ) ] (3.21)

Observing further the relationships 2cos 2 ~ == 1 + cos 2~
and 2cos ~ X cos ex = cos (~ + ex) + cos (~ - ex) we conclude that the wave of nonlinear polarization described by
(3.21) is the superposition of waves at frequencies 2v 1 , 2v 2 ,
V 2, and VI V 2 Thus, the interaction of light waves
at frequencies VI and V 2 launched in a material with the
nonlinear polarization (3.15) may cause generation of new
light waves at sum (VI + v 2 ) , difference (VI - v 2 ) and double
2V1 and 2v 2 frequencies.

3.6 Frequency Transformations in Nonlinear Media


Second harmonic generation in nonlinear crystals. We

have mentioned above that under certain conditions the wave of nonlinear polarization (3.17) may give birth to the
second optical harmonic, a generated light wave at frequency 2v given by equation (3.18). In what follows, we shall
disclose these conditions.
We recall that the polarization wave propagates in the
medium at the velocity VI = cln (v), while the second harmonic propagates at the velocity V 2 = c/n (2v). For the
transfer of energy from the polarization wave to the new
light wave to be efficient, the waves must be matched in
velocity. This leads to the condition
n (v) = n (2v)
referred to as the phase-matching condition.
How could this condition be met? The answer to this
question has appeared to be rather interesting. It relies on
the fact that the refractive index depends on the direction
in the anisotropic crystal. We have already mentioned that
a light wave launched in an anisotropic crystal splits into
two waves travelling at different velocities. In a large group
of anisotropic crystals, called uniaxial crystals, one of these
light waves is called the ordinary wave; its refractive index
is independent of the direction of propagation. The other
light wave is called the extraordinary wave and the corresponding refractive index depends on the direction of propagation. When we speak of the direction of propagation
of a light wave, we imply the direction of its wavevector
which is the normal to the wavefront at its any point.
The different refractive index behaviour in an anisotropic
crystal is usually described in terms of the so-called index
ellipsoid. Fig. 3.11a shows a section through the surfaces
of refractive indices for the ordinary (sphere) and extraordinary (ellipsoid) waves. The ellipsoid axis OA is the
optic axis of the uniaxial crystal. As can be seen, the refractive indices are the same along the optic axis, therefore a light
wave travelling in this direction does not split into the
ordinary and extraordinary waves. In case the wavevector
forms an angle e with the crystal optic axis OA, the "splitting" does take place, as away from the axis the ordinary
refractive index is nO and the extraordinary refractive index
is ns (8). The extraordinary wave is polarized in the plane



Control 0/ the Laser Output

passing through the wavevector and the optic axis (exactly

this plane is shown in Fig. 3.ita), whereas the ordinary wave
is polarized normally to this plane.
The section through the surfaces of refractive index, shown
in Fig. 3.i1a, corresponds to a certain frequency of the incident light. Suppose now that this frequency doubles. The


Nonlinear crystal

Fig. 3.1t Second harmonic generation in a nonlinear crystal

refractive index normally increases with frequency. Therefore, the dimensions of the refractive-index sphere and
ellipsoid increase accordingly. Fig. 3.11b shows for comparison the sections through these surfaces plotted for a frequency v (solid lines) and the doubled frequency 2v (dashed
lines). The dashed ellipse is seen to intersect with the solid
circle; one of the points of intersection is point B. This
means that for light waves propagating in the OB direction
(i.e, close to the cone where OB is a generating element)
the phase-matching condition is satisfied
nO (v) = ne (2v)
The cone angle Om is obviously the phase-matching angle.
For all directions lying on this cone the ordinary refractive
index at frequency v equals the extraordinary refractive
index at frequency 2v.

3.6 Frequency Transformations in Nonlinear Media


To summarize, the phase matching condition is met for

light waves travelling in the crystal at an angle 8 m to its
optic axis and provided the fundamental wave is polarized
normally to the plane passing through its wavevector and the
optic axis of the crystal, i.e., it is an ordinary wave. Consequently, the crystal must be cut as illustrated in Fig. 3.11c
(OA. is the optic axis, OB the wavevector direction) and also
one must take care of the incident light being respecti vely
polarized. The plane of the page contains both the wavevector and the crystal optic axis; the second-harmonic wave


Fig. 3.12 Arrangement for fourth harmonic generation

is polarized in this plane, while the fundamental wave is

polarized normally to this plane. The solid arrow shows the
beam at the fundamental frequency v and the dashed arrow
represents the radiation at the second-harmonic frequency 2v.
Birefringence causes the light beam of the second harmonic
to experience a certain lateral shift characterized by an
angle ~, called the anisotropy angle (in spite of this shift
the second-harmonic wavevector has the same sense as the
wavevector of the fundamental wave-along the line OB).
This shift, however, causes a decrease in the ratio of the
second harmonic to fundamental mode powers, referred to
as the conversion efficiency. The shift is absent (~ = 0) at 90
phase matching when 8 m = 90.
Fourth harmonic generation. The fourth harmonic can
be derived by doubling the frequency of the second harmonic
in the arrangement schematized in Fig. 3.12. A linearly
polarized laser beam at frequency v passes through the
crystal Ct to give rise to the second harmonic at frequency 2'\'.
This radiation enters the rejection filter F which passes
through only the second frequency harmonic and rejects
the radiation at the fundamental frequency v. The filtered
beam then arrives at tho second crystal C 2 where tho fourth
harmonic at frequency 4v is generated. The polarization
planes of extraordinary waves in the crystals C1 and C 2
are at right angles. If the fundamental wave is polarized


Ch. 3 Control of the Laser Output

normally to the plane of the page, then the optic axis of C1

must be in this plane too, whereas the optic axis of C 2
must belong to the plane orthogonal to the page.
In passing we note that nonlinear crystals may be employed to generate not only even harmonics but also odd harmonics of a fundamental frequency. For example, the second
harmonic may be made to beat with the fundamental frequency to triple the fundamental frequency: 2v
v = 3v.
In principle, nonlinear crystals can be used to generate
harmonics of any order. It should not be overlooked, however, that the intensity of higher-order harmonics rapidly
declines. To illustrate, if the conversion efficiency for the
second harmonic is 20 %, the figure for the fourth harmonic,
produced in the configuration shown in Fig. 3.12, is never
above 4 %. This implies that the power output for the fourth
harmonic is only 0.04 from the power of the radiation launched at the fundamental frequency.
Optic harmonic generators. Harmonic generation (optical
frequency multiplication and sum-frequency generation) has
been developing as an individual optical discipline for
15 years already. A variety of optical harmonic generators
are commercially available. Their fabrication takes advantage of the well developed industrial technology for the production of diverse and efficient nonlinear crystalline materials offering a second-harmonic conversion efficiency of
20 to 50 %. These crystals exhibit considerable birefringence
which allows for the phase matching of the fundamental
radiation in a rather wide spectral range. They also are
transparent over considerable bandwidths and demonstrate
good power handling capacity, i.e., resistance to high powers.
A family of such crystals is given below.


Potassium dihydrogen phosphate

Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate
Cesium dihydrogen arsenate
Cesium dideuterium arsenate
Lithium niobate
Lithium iodate
Barium-sodium niobate




KH 2 P04
NH 4H2P04
CsH 2As0 4
CsD2 As0 4
LiNbO a
LiIO a

3.6 Frequency Transformations in Nonlinear Media


Considerable progress in the development of efficient

optic frequency multipliers has been achieved with commercially available Nd : YAG lasers. These lasers operate
at the wavelength 1.064 um which has been found to be
highly suitable for efficient harmonic generation in the
visible range (second harmonic, A == 0.532 urn) and in the
ultraviolet end (fourth harmonic, 'A == 0.266 urn) of the
e.m. spectrum. The sum-frequency radiation extracted
from a Nd : YAG laser and an organic dye laser makes it
possible to produce coherent beams in the practically
important blue-violet portion of the spectrum, where traditional means of powerful coherent radiation are difficult.
Intracavity harmonic generation, with a nonlinear crystal
being placed in the cavity of the laser producing the fundamental frequency, also undergoes extensive development.
For continuously pumped lasers with output powers SiZEably lower than that inside the cavity, this technique allow:
considerable enhancement for second-harmonic conversion
Frequency tuning by parametric oscillation. In the pre-vious paragraphs we have demonstrated that two light waves
at frequencies VI and V 2 interacting in a nonlinear medium
can bring about a new wave at the difference frequency
VI V 2 Phase matching for this process requires that the
sum of wavevectors at V 2 and VI - V 2 be equal to the wavevector at VI. We assume that all the three wavevectors are
in one direction and observe that a wavevector k of a wave
at frequency V is defined as
k == 21tv/v



Then the aforementioned phase matching condition takes

the form

Note. Second harmonic generation may be viewed as the

beat of two light waves at the same frequency v, Phase
matching in this case implies that the sum of the wavevectors at frequency v should be equal to the wavevector at
frequency 2v. Assuming that all wavevectors are in one
direction and observing (3.24), we may write the phase
matching condition for second harmonic generation in the




0/ the

Laser Output

form similar to that of (3.25), namely vn(v)

vn(v) =
= 2vn (2v). This again leads to the familiar equality (3.22).
Let us place the nonlinear crystal inside the cavity and
orient it so that the phase-matching direction for the frequency combination concerned, V 2 and VI - v 2 ' coincide
with the optic axis of the cavity. In this arrangement, the
photon states with energies hV 2 and h(v 1 - v 2 ) become selected states (according to the terminology of Sec. 1.5).
Imagine now that a laser wave at frequency VI (the pump
frequency) is launched along the resonator axis. This pump
wave should be intense enough to induce the nonlinear
behaviour of the crystal and to exceed the level of losses for
the selected photon states. In addition, phase matching
requires that the pump wave be either extraordinary or ordinary for this crystal, i.e., it should be appropriately polarized. When all these requirements are met, the energy of the
pump will be converted into coherent light waves at frequencies V 2 and "1 - "2
The wave at frequency "1 - "2' referred to as the idler
wave, is the result of the strong pump wave at
with the weak signal wave at "2' which is selected from noise
always available in the cavity. Accordingly, the amplification of the weak signal wave at frequency V 2 made at the
expense- of the strong pump wave at "1 is the result of the
pump wave interacting with the weak idler wave at frequency VI - "2' also present in the noise field. Such a process is parametric generation of light: the pump wave at
frequency VI is converted into two other light waves at
frequencies V 2 and VI - v 2
Practical parametric oscillators afford maximum 40 to
50% of the pump wave power to be converted to the signal
and idler outputs. In close similarity to lasers, the generation of both signal and idler frequencies starts from the noise
level as these frequencies are selected by the cavity. We
note that the generated waves exhibit a certain polarization.
For example, a situation is possible when the pump wave
is an extraordinary wave as is one of the generated waves
while the other is an ordinary wave.
Parametric oscillation is a convenient tool for tuning the
output frequency. Indeed, the pump frequency
is fixed as
this is the frequency of laser oscillation. As far as the signal



3.6 Frequency Transformations in Nonlinear Media


frequency V 2 selected by the cavity is concerned, it may in

principle have any value within a certain frequency range
whose upper limit is the pump frequency VI itself. Imagine
that ,we are in a possession of a facility capable of adjusting
the phase-matching direction corresponding to variable V 2
and VI - V 2 with respect to the optic axis of the resonator.
For this we may lightly rotate the nonlinear crystal to alter
the angle 8 between its optic axis and the optic axis of the
resonator. Corresponding to each value of 8, there is a unique
combination of V 2 and VI - V 2 for which the resonator axis






Fig. 3.13 (a) Singly resonant and (b) doubly resonant parametric
oscillators, (c) Glan-Foucault prism

coincides with the phase-matching direction. By gradually

changing 8, one may smoothly tune the signal frequency V 2
and, consequently, the idler frequency VI - V 2
A number of diverse configurations of parametric oscillators are known. One of them is depicted in Fig. 3.13a. Both
resonator mirrors are transparent at frequency VI. For the
lower frequencies, the left mirror is highly reflective while
the right mirror has some optimal reflectivity. This system
is categorized as a doubly resonant oscillator to em phasize
the fact that it simultaneously generates two light waves,
at the signal and idler frequencies.
The singly resonant parametric oscillator produces only
one wave, say at frequency V 2 To suppress generation at
the idler frequency VI - V 2, the losses for this wave are
deliberately raised. This can be achieved, for instance, by
introducing a Glan-Foucault prism inside the cavity (in case
the polarizations of the two waves being generated are diffe-


Ch. 3 Control

0/ the Laser Output

rent, i.e., when one of them is an ordinary wave and the

other an extraordinary wave). The optical system of such
parametric oscillator is shown in Fig. 3.13b. In this arrangement, the Glan-Foucault prism passes the signal wave at
frequency V 2, but deflects the idler wave at VI - 'V2. In fact,
it does not come to deflection, as the idler wave simply fails
to grow to a reasonable intensity.
The Glan-Foucault prism (or the Glan prism if in US
and UK literature) is essentially a birefringent crystal composed of two Iceland spar (CaC0 3 ) prisms separated from
each other by a uniform air gap, as shown in Fig. 3.13c.
The optic axes of both prisms are at right angles to the
plane of the page, cp = 3830'. The prism transmits a light
wave polarized normally to the plane of the page but reflects
at its air-gap interface a wave polarized in the plane of
the page.
Currently used parametric oscillators are built around
nonlinear crystals of lithium niobate pumped by neodymium
laser output. By way of example, a parametric oscillator
on this crystal pum ped by the second harmonic from a
Nd : YAG laser (at 0.53 um) is tunable in the range from
0.5 to 3.5 flm with the conversion efficiency 40%.
On the history of nonlinear optics. Nonlinear phenomena
in optics cover those due to the reversible variations in
medium behaviour induced by the passage of intense light
beams. They involve, specifically, harmonic generation
and parametric amplification we have considered above.
Other nonlinear phenomena include bleaching, considered
in Sec. 3.2 and 3.4 in connection with saturable absorbers,
and opaque behaviour of media taken up in Sec. 3.3 in an
example of two-photon light absorption in semiconductors.
The first nonlinear-optical experiment was made in 1925
when the Soviet physicists S. I. Vavilov and V. L. Levshin,
experimenting with light of high intensity from a spark gap,
observed a decrease in the absorption coefficient of uranium
glass. This experiment was the first demonstration of bleaching in a medium, induced by incident light. At the time,
however, one could not expect extensive research in this
field because of the absence of powerful sources of coherent
light. In spite of these deficiencies, S. I. Vavilov gave much
thought to possible studies of optical nonlinear phenomena.
His brilliant scientific intuition and ability to foresee far

3.'1 Wavefront Correction

0/ the

Laser Output


ahead have their full measure in the book "Microstructure

of Light" published in 1951. In this work Vavilov formulated
with an astonishing thoroughness the principal problems and
indicated the direction of development for a new branch of
optics which he referred to as nonlinear optics.
The development of laser revived, and in fact gave its
actual birth to, nonlinear optics. In 1961, P. A. Franken;
an American physicist, observed in a quartz crystal second
harmonic generation for a ruby laser. Soviet physicists
R. V. Khokhlov and S. A. Akhmanov established in 1962
the conditions for various phenomena of nonlinear optics~
specifically, harmonic generation-to proceed with reasonable efficiency. They also devised and established the idea
of parametric amplification. Simultaneously, American
physicists J. A. Giodmaine and R. W. Terhune studied
the possibility of phase matching in crystals.
In the period from 1961 to 1963, much fundamental research was done into nonlinear optics by a team of Soviet
scientists leaded by R. Khokhlov and their American colleagues headed by N. Bloembergen. By 1965, nonlinear optics
has developed into a substantial and independent branch
of modern optics.
3.7 Wavefront Correction of the Laser Output

In this section we shall look at another application of nonlinear optics providing automatic correction of the laser
Problem formulation. Let us imagine a laser producing
highly coherent radiation with an almost plane wavefront
but of relatively low power. To boost this power, the laser
output is passed through a number of quantum amplifiers,
i.e., active components in which pumping creates a population inversion. As the laser output traverses these quantum
amplifiers, they build up its power but markedly degrade
the degree of coherence. The inhomogeneity of material
properties in these amplifiers and deformations induced
in these components by mechanical and heat stresses, to
name only the principal factors, introduce distortions in
the initially almost plane wavefront. As the number of
amplifying stages increases, the output receives ever higher



0/ the Laser Output

boost and the distortion of the wavefront grows simultaneously.

Such distortions are unavoidable in transmitting a light
beam through any optic communication channel. The latter
may be a series of amplifying stages, though it may be air
or water through which optic signals are tried to be transmitted. In these media, the wavefront distortions will be
incurred by eddies and inhomogeneities intrinsic in any
natural medium.
A question arises whether the wavefront distortions accumulated in propagating through optic channels can be corrected. This question has been answered positively in fact
only a decade ago, after the discovery of wavefront reversion,
or phase conjugation, in nonlinear media. This discovery
initiated an intensive development of new field called
adaptive optics.
Note. Adaptive optics deals with the development of
optical systems which are able to adapt to the changing
environment by altering their behaviour, operating regimes
and even the structure. Adaptation improves the system
performance or optimizes its behaviour in variable conditions.
Generally, adaptive systems include all optic systems with
feedback, capable of correcting the characteristics and performance of the systems. More specifically, adaptive systems
are taken as ones that perform wavefront correction for light
beams experiencing front distortive effects.
Wavefront reversal by nonlinear mirrors. For the sake of
consideration we assume that the laser emits a beam with an
almost plane wavefront. This beam traverses the active material of the amplifier and then is reflected backward by a
plane mirror. When the beam passes through the amplifier
it undergoes wavefront distortions. Fig. 3.14a shows the
profile of such wavefront (by a dashed curve) near the mirror
surface. The rays corresponding to this wavefront (recall
that by definition they are normal to the wavefront) are
indicated by dashed arrows. Each ray is reflected by the
mirror according to the law of reflection, saying the angle of
incident and reflected rays make equal angles with the
normal to the reflecting surface. The reflected rays are indicated by solid arrows.

9.7 Wavefront Correction 0/ the Laser (JutplJ,;


Suppose now that the plane mirror is replaced by a reflecting surface which is exactly the shape of the oncoming
wavefront, as shown in Fig. 3.14b. Such a mirror having
the surface which in each moment of time matches the
profile of the arriving wavefront may be called the adaptive
mirror. Upon the reflection from the adaptive mirror each
ray is backscattered in the same line-experiences a 1800




Nonlinear medium


Fig. 3.14 Reflection from a plane (a), adaptive (b), and "nonlinear"
(c) mirror

turn-and a reversal of the wavefront occurs. In terms of

ray phases, the reversed rays acquire the conjugated phases,
therefore this process is also referred to as phase conjugation.
Because ray paths are reversible in optical systems, each
ray mirrored in such phase conjugated manner will return to
the laser in exactly the same path it has traced in its forward trip. Hence, upon a round trip through the amplifier
the light beam will regain the same wavefront it had as
lased from the laser. By reversing the wavefront the adaptive mirror performs the necessary correction, offsetting the
distortions introduced by the amplifier. The net result is a
more powerful beam with the initial wavefront, i.e., intense
radiation of high coherence.
The crucial problem that remains is how to prepare such an
adaptive mirror capable of offsetting the distortions of
wavefront obtained in the particular optic channel. It turned
out that such a mirror could be realized in a rather simple
manner by invoking certain nonlinear-optical phenomena.
The point is that the nonlinear medium is able to reverse
the wavefront of a beam launched in this medium. In other
words, under certain conditions, the nonlinear medium can
function as an adaptive mirror. It is essential that in this
case there is no need to reveal what distortions the wavefront has suffered. The "nonlinear mirror" automatically

Ch. a Control oJ 'he LaBer Output

accounts for these distortions, since each ray launched in

this medium will be retraced in exactly the same path it
has travelled on its way down the medium (see Fig. 3.14c).
Virtually, the self-correction of the wavefront takes place.
The term "nonlinear mirror" is conditional to a certain
extent, since actually no reflecting surface is present and
the reflection is effected in the bulk of the nonlinear medium.
Nonlinear-optical phenomena for wavefront reversal. In
this text we take up only two such phenomena. One is stimulated scattering of light on acoustic waves, referred to as
stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS), or stimulated Mandelshtam-Brillouin scattering if in the Soviet literature on the
subject. Launched in a medium, a light wave undergoes
scattering on acoustic waves induced by thermal motion
of molecules in the medium; this process is termed spontaneous Mandelshtam-Brillouin scattering. It is remarkable
that when a light wave is scattered on an acoustic wave
travelling in the same direction, the frequency of the scattered wave appears to be decreased by the frequency of
the sound wave. This component of scattered light is referred
to as the Stokes satellite named in deference to the British
physicist George G. Stokes. Conversely, when the light
wave is scattered by a countercurrent sound wave, the frequency of the scattered wave increases. This component is
called anti-Stokes.
Spontaneous scattering of light gives rise to both scattered
components, Stokes and anti-Stokes, but their power is
insignificant compared to that of the fundamental beam.
A different pattern is observed in stimulated Brillouin
scattering which occurs at rather high intensities of incident
light. The modifier "stimulated" implies that this time the
light wave is scattered on the acoustic waves that it has
induced in the medium by means of electrostriction. Now
the intensity of scattered waves may grow significantly so
that an appreciable Stokes (be sure to notice that) component
will be observed. Under certain conditions, the spatial
structure of the backscattered Stokes component (180
reversal) will have the wavefront reversed with respect
to the front of the fundamental wave.
The other nonlinear-optical phenomenon of the two aforementioned is the familiar interaction of light waves in non-

3.7 Wavefront Correction oJ the Laser Output


Nonlinear mirror



Fig. 3.15 Wavefront reversal achieved by making light waves interact

in a nonlinear medium (a), and an example of laser adaptive system (b)

linear media. Referring to Fig. 3.15a for illustration, plane

wave 1 of wavevector k 1 at frequency 2v interacts in a nonlinear medium with a spatially inhomogeneous light wave 2
of wavevector k 2 at frequency v, As the result of this interaction, the nonlinear medium generates a wave 3 of wavevector k a at frequency v, After reflection from a plane mirror
orthogonal to k 1 , the last wave is converted to a wave with
the wavefront reversed with respect to that of wave 2. The
wavevectors are related in accordance with the phase-



8 Control

01 the Las Oatput

matching condition
k, - k,



As an example of the system exploiting this principle consider a laser adaptive system capable of yielding high-power
outputs of highly coherent light. The optical configuration
of this system is depicted in Fig. 3.15b.
The prime source of radiation is a low-power laser emitting highly coherent beam at frequency 'V. The beamsplitter
BS1 splits the beam into two parts of different irradiance.
The more intense beam passes through, while the less intense
beam is reflected. The first beam is amplified in the amplifier
and then excites the second harmonic (at frequency 2v)
in the nonlinear crystal. The mirrors M 1 and M 2 are totally
reflective (R = 1) for the light at v but transmittive at 2".
As a result the second harmonic travels with almost no
losses into the nonlinear medium which here plays the part
of the nonlinear mirror. It is this wave that is denoted as
wave 1 (frequency 2", wavevector k l ) in Fig. 3.15a.
The second light beam reflected by BS l undergoes one
more splitting at the beamsplitter BS 2 , passes through the
amplifying stages and upon traversing once the nonlinear
medium it is reflected by mirror M 2 to this medium again.
This beam represents wave 2 (frequency v, wavevector k 2)
in diagram (a) of Fig. 3.15. Waves 1 and 2 interact in the
nonlinear medium to produce a new light wave 3 at frequency v, defined by wavevector k 3 connected with k l and k 2
by the relation (3.26). Wave 3 propagates counter to the
wave approaching from BS 2 through the amplifiers and has
the wavefront reversed with respect to the countercurrent
wave. As a result, the output leaving the system through
BS 2 is an amplified beam at frequency 'V with an almost
ideal wavefront.
3.8 Light Beam Manipulation

General. A light beam may be deflected by appropriately

set mirrors, prisms, diffraction gratings, etc. Some applications require that the beam is not just deflected, but assumes
new position very fast. Moreover, the deflection must be
made recurrent and performed according to a certain pattern,
say, scanning deflection. Rotating mirrors and prisms can
PO longer suit the purpose as their motions are relatively

9.8 Light Beam Manipulation


slow. To serve the purpose, non-mechanical techniques of

laser beam control are employed.
Devices providing deflection or scanning of light beams
are called optical deflectors. They can deflect the light beam
continuously or according to a certain discrete pattern. The
first are called analog deflectors and are used for continuous
scanning, while the second, known as digital deflectors, for
discrete scanning. The latter are useful for orienting the
beam in certain directions or for
parallel shift of the beam posi..
tion in space.
Most popular groups of deflectors are electrooptic and acoustooptic deflectors. The electroop-tic deflectors harness the electrooptic effect which consists in Fig. 3.16 A continuous eleccontrolling the refractive index
trooptic deflector
of the medium by an electric
field. In the acoustooptic deflectors, the refractive index of
the medium is controlled by setting in mechanical stresses in
the medium by means of an acoustic wave launched into it.
We recall that both electrooptic and acoustooptic effects
were treated in Sec. 3.2 in connection with the methods of
Q-switching discussed there.
Analog electrooptic deflectors. A simple example of
continuously operating deflectors is an ordinary triangular
prism with metal electrodes placed at its ends to apply
a variable voltage. These ends are shadowed in Fig. 3.16 .
Assume for simplicity that the incident beam hits the prism
normally to its face. Then the angle of deflection e from
the initial direction is defined as
e = arcsin (n sin <1 - cD
where <D is the angle of the prism, and n the refractive index
of the prism. Since the refractive index of the prism is a
function of the external electric field the value of the index
and e can be varied by applying variable voltage.
Two such prism deflectors set in tandem and at right
angles to each other provide for two-dimensional reflection
and scanning.
Electrooptic prism deflectors are made from materials 01
high transparency in the desired range of wavelengths and


Ch, 3 Control 01 the Laser Outp ut

which exhibit sufficient electrooptical effect. A sufficient

variation of the refractive index with the electric field is
offered by such crystals as potassium tantalate-niobate (symbol KTN, chemical formula KTaxNb1-xOs, where x varies
from 0 to 1) and barium titanate (BaTiO s). Also useful are
crystals KDP and D-KDP (KH 2 P 0 4 and KH 2 (l_x)D 2X P 0 4 ) .
The operational speed of these deflectors is conditioned
by the minimal time they take to sweep the beam from one
extreme position to the other and normally is on the order
of 1 ps,
Analog aeoustooptle deflectors. Deflection of a light
beam by the acoustooptic deflector m y be treated as the


Fig. 3. t 7 A discrete electrooptic deflector (two-stage configuration)

result of the diffraction of light by the ultrasound wave

launched in the medium. In agreement with (3.7) the angle
of deflection in such a device is


arcsin ('A/2A)


This angle can be gradually varied by altering the frequency

01 the ultrasound wave and, hence, the spacing of grating A.

The ultrasound deflectors are made of transparent mate..
rials with a relatively high refractive index and reasonably
high photoelasticity. In this respect, promise is held by
such materials as lead molybdate (PbMo0 4 ) and paratellurite
(Te0 2)
The speed of these devices is limited by the time L = dlv,
where d is the diameter of the deflected beam, and v the
velocity of sound. For d = 1 ~ em and v = 2 X 10s mIs,
T = 5 f.ts.
A digital electrooptic deflector. Fig. 3.17 shows the optical arrangement of an electrooptic deflector capable of
changing the spatial position of the light beam by parallel
transfer in 1 f..ts. The arrows represent the directions of light
rays; eland c 2 stand for two identically oriented birefring-

9.8 Light Beam Manipulation


ent crystals (say CaC0 3 ) , 1 and 2 for Pockels cells which

rotate the polarization plane of the beam through 90 with
an external electric field (recall 'that the field in both cells
must be set at 45 to the polarization plane of the initial
beam; see Sec. 3.2). The orientation of C1 and C 2 is such
that the incident beam is for them an ordinary beam (it is
polarized orthogonally to the plane containing its wavevector and the optic axis of the crystal).
When both cells are deenergized, the light beam is not
deflected in traversing C1 and C 2 as it is an ordinary beam
for both of them. So it leaves the system in position A.
When both cells are energized, the polarization plane of the
beam undergoes 90 rotation in cell 1 and the beam becomes
extraordinary for Ct and is deflected in it. Having turned
its polarization plane in cell 2, the beam is handled by
crystal C 2 as ordinary and experiences no deflection in it.
The resultant beam leaves the system in position B.
It is an easy matter to argue that with cell J off and cell 2
on, the beam will leave the deflector in position C. Finally,
when cell 1 is on and cell 2 off, position D is realized.
For the sake of simplicity we confined ourselves in this
treatment to a two-stage system. With N stages, the number
of possible positions of the beam is 2N Current deflectors
of this type stably realize 1024 states which corresponds to
10 stages in the scheme.

Chapter 4

Applications of Lasers

First of all we should note that\ihe studies into interaction

of extreme scientific signiof laser radiation with matter
ficance. Lasers are widely used for fundamental studies in
physics, chemistry and biology. Th~ have numerous applications in electronics and medicine. (
Research in nonlinear optics gi'ves a vivid example of
such studies. We have learned above that\high-power laser
radiation can alter, in a reversible mannm, the physical
behaviour of material and bring about diverse nonlinearoptical phenomenliJ
The laser makesiossible high concentration of light power
within rather narrow bandwidths and frequency tuning over
considerable ranges. Therefore, lasers are useful light sources
in investigations of optical spectra of materials. Laser
spectroscopy is advantageous in exceedingly high accuracy
a~ resolution.
i Tunable lasers present an extremely attractive proposition
for selective excitation of various desired states of wanted
atoms or molecules or for selective rapture of certain chemical bonds. This opens up the possibility for initiating the
desired chemical reactions, controlling these reactions, and
studying their kinetics.~j
Picosecond pulses available from lasers have initiated
studies into a number of fast processes in materials, specifically, in biomedicals. We note as an example the fundamental studies of photosynthetic processes. These processes
are of a rather complicated variety, in particular because
they are very fast-their time scales being in the picosecond
range. The use of ultrashort light pulses provides a unique
possibility to follow the development of such processes
and even to model separate steps of these processes.
Lasers playa tremendous role in the current fundamental
nesearch. An elaborate discussion. on this subject would call


4.1/ Material Workln,


for consideration of a number of special theoretical questions

and needs a more fundamental physical background from
the reader. Therefore, our later discussion will be focused
on purely practical, particularly industrial, applications of
The numerous fields of laser applications may be broadly
categorized into two groups. One involves applications where
laser beams-as a rule of high power-are exploited to
produce a targetted effect on material. These applications
include material working (say, welding, heat treatment,
cutting, hole burning, etc.), isotope separation, medical
diagnosing, etc. The other group involves data transmission
and processing, measurements, and quality control.
In our discussion of these most significant applications of
lasers we will place main emphasis on the principal aspects
of the particular application of system, rather than on the
specific technical features of the systems or their design
4.1 Material Working
Effects of strong laser radiation on materials. The optic
system of focusing can focus a laser beam into a light spot
of only 10-100 um in diameter on the surface of a material.
As a result, a very high irradiance is available within a
small spot on the surface. If the 1-kW output of ia cw laser
is focused in a spot of 100 I-lm diameter, the resultant irradiance will be 107 Wlcm'.
Let us look at the physical processes that occur in the
material irradiated by a laser beam of high irradiance. When
the irradiance increases to the value in the order of 101 W/cm 2 ,
the material starts melting. With more light energy influxed in the material, the boundary between the liquid
bath and the solid (the melt interface) gradually protrudes
inside the material (Fig. 4.1a). The surface of the melt also
increases, hence the heat transfer by thermal conduction
into deeper layer of material also intensifies to reach finally
a steady-state surface.
At still higher levels of irradiance, up to 106-107 W/cm'l\
incoming to the material, it starts boiling and an intense
evaporation occurs. The material being evaporated leaves
a pit in the surface, which grows into a hole as the evaporation goes on (Fig. 4.1 b).



4 Application, of Laser'

When the beam irradiance grows to 109 W/cm 2 , the vapour

will be ionized by the light to produce a high temperature
plasma. The plasma is highly absorptive for light, hence it
will prevent the beam from entering the material (Fig. 4.1c).
Therefore, in material working it is essential that plasma
should not occur. Accordingly, power densities'Srealtzed in
material working systems are not very high,
So far we have discussed concentration of light power in
space. The amount of energy delivered by,~the beam to the


, . , Plasma






Fig. 4.1 Effects of the increased power density in a powerful laser

beam on material. (a) material melts, (b) material melts and eva_ porates, (c) plasma barring the beam path to the surface

surface depends also on the power concentration in time.

The temporal profile of the laser output can be controlled
by varying the length of single light pulses or the repetition
rate in the pulse train. Assume that the irradiance of the
output is high enough to bring about not only melting but
also intense evaporation of the material. Let the output
consist of short pulses, say 10-7 to 10- 8 s long. Such a pulse
brings into the material a large amount of energy in a very
short time. For the time of the pulsewidth the melt interface
fails to penetrate deeper in the material, and most of the
energy goes into the evaporation of the already existent melt.
Thus, if the energy content of the pulse is fixed, the duration
of the pulse should be adjusted so that there be enough time
for the melt interface to penetrate in the material.
Diverse material working processes and the properties of
specific materials necessitate the use of laser outputs with
certain energy contents and temporal profiles. Whereas relatively low peak power but durable pulses (10-3 to 10-2 s
pulsewidth) are suitable for welding applications, more
intense and short pulses (of 10-4 to 10-3 s) are required for
perforation and hole cutting where intense evaporation of


4.1 Material Working

the material is essential. The spectral characteristics of the

laser output are also important here, as the wavelength of
the beam governs the portion of light power reflected, rather
than absorbed, by the surface of the material. Apart from
that, a beam of shorter wavelength may be focused into
a smaller light spot.
Laser welding. This type of welding competes well with
such familiar welding techniques as arc welding, resistance
welding, and electron beam welding. Moreover, it offers a
number of advantages which make it preferable in many

Inert gas

Fig. 4.2 Inert gas laser welding for otherwise inaccessible locations

circumstances and even the only possible welding technique.

This welding is contactless, therefore there is no possibility
for introducing deleterious impurities in the weldment.
Unlike electron-beam welding running in a vacuum, laser
welding is performed in the- atmosphere. It offers a possibility
to weld in inaccessible regions, too. In practice, any region
which can be seen (even though it may require some optical
system to permit observation) can be processed by a laser.
Particular mention should be made of the application
of the laser for welding microelectronics components inside
a chamber filled with an inert gas to preclude oxidation
reactions. Laser welding is capable of i fast and highly
accurate local melting at a given point or along a line. The
heat affected area is very small. This is a significant feature
in those situations where welding is to be made in the vicinity of heat sensitive components, as is the case in microelectronics. Two specific examples of welding in otherwise
inaccessible regions are depicted in Fig. 4.2.
Laser welding has passed through two stages in its development. Spot welding has been the first to develop on the
base of limited and moderate powers of pulsed solid lasers,

cs. 4:


01 taser.

such as ruby and Nd:glass lasers. Then high power COt

lasers and Nd:YAG lasers have made continuous and pulsetrain outputs available for the development of seam welding
with melting depths of a few millimetres. The largest currently available melting depth is 2 em in one pass of the
laser beam.
Spot welding is especially suitable for precision welding
in a thermally sensitive envi.ronment. Examples of this
application are the connection of a nickel lead to a nickel
alloy tap in the transistor base, welding of thin copper wires
to each other or to leads, connecting microelectronic components.
Seam welding uses output powers of several hundred watts
to seal cases of diverse devices, joining tips to blades of
gas turbines, fastening cutting steel edges to metal cutting
saws, connecting circalloy tips to fuel elements of nuclear
reactors, and so on. Achievable welding velocities are as
high as 1 to 3 m/min, weldment widths are 0.3 to 0.6 mm.
A comparatively recent addition to the industrial applications is seam welding with 1 to 10 kW strong beams. The
associated weld width runs into a few millimetres and the
strength of the weldments is the same as that of the parent
materials. Laser welding lends itself well to automatic
processes in automotive production lines, for joining titanium
and aluminium sheets in ship building, for trunk pipe lines
construction works, to name a few. Welding of nonmetallic
materials is also an interesting application of lasers. Common glasses are welded by lasers of 100 W output, while
quartz needs 300 W to be welded.
Laser heat treatment. A powerful laser output rapidly
warms up the surface layer in an item it hits. As the beam
moves away to other areas the heated spot cools down as
rapidly. This procedure is used for heat treatment of surface
layers of metal items, which considerably enhances the item
strength. Laser heat treatment is advantageous in that it
provides selective treatment of the desirable areas, say those
subjected to the more intense wear. In the automotive industry, for example, this treatment is used to strengthen cylinder blocks, valve guides, gears, camshafts, etc. The heat
treatment is effected at considerable speed, with high
strengthening efficiency and least distortions of shape and
::size of the item being processed.

4.1 Material W'orktn;


Laser power may also be employed to surface alloy various

items. The alloying powder is applied on the surface and
when the laser heats the surface the powder melts as does
the surface layer of the piece and mixing occurs in a thin
surface layer.
The laser most widely used for heat treatment is the 1-kW
CO2 laser operating in the continuous wave mode.
Laser cutting. In this application field, lasers offer the
following advantages:
-wide range of processed materials (paper, cloth, plywood, glass, sheet asbestos products, ceramics, sheet metal);
-possibility of fine and precise cuts;
-minimal amount of mechanical distortion and thermal
damage introduced in the material being cut;
-chemical purity of the cutting process;
-possibility of cutting in two and even three dimensions
according to a complicated profile;
-easy automation of the process and high production
The laser output power required for cutting depends on the
material being cut. For example, 50 mm thick boards may
be cut with a 200-W CO~ laser, the
width of cut being 0.7 mm, whereas sheets of plywood are processed with an 8-kW CO2 laser at a
cutting velocity of 1.5 m per
minute. Cutting glass of 10 mm
thickness requires already 20 kW
of output power.
Metals can be cut with output
powers of only 100 to 500 W
provided that the beam-heated material is blown with a jet
of oxygen, so that gas-laser cutting results. The configuration of such a cutter is schematized in Fig. 4.3. Considerable
portion of energy required for cutting is supplied in this case
by exothermal reactions between metal and oxygen (burning
of metal in the oxygen jet). The oxygen jet also blows away
and removes cutting products and melt from the cutting
area, at the same time cooling the adjacent edges of the
cut metal. Therefore, oxygen blow reduces laser power
requirement, increases the depth and velocity of cutting,
and produces quality-cut edges.


Ch, 4 Applications of Lasers

To demonstrate the range of laser cutting applications.

we give two examples from different areas. One of them concerns laser cutting of cloth in garment factories. l'he cutting
system includes a CO2 laser capable of 100 W of continuous
output, facilities for focusing and direction control of laser
beam, a computer, and fixtures for cloth tension. The laser
cuts the cloth at a velocity of 1 m/s. The beam. is focused
into a spot of 0.2 mm diameter. Such a system is able to
prepare cut pieces for 50 suits during an hour. The pieces
are cut with a high precision and a good quality of cut
The other example relates to metal cutting. Laser cutting
is a technology widely used in the aero space industries,
specifically in the fabrication of spacecraft. Lasers automatically cut sheets of titanium, steel, and aluminium.
A continuous CO2 laser of 3 kW output cuts titanium sheets
of 5 and 50 mm thickness at a velocity of 3.5 and 0.5 m/min
respectively. The use of oxygen blow in gas-laser cutting
allows for similar processing rates with considerably lower
powers (100 to 300 W).
Drilling and perforating holes. Hole perforating by the
laser relies on the intense evaporation of material heated by
powerful light pulses (one or a few.) of 10-4 to 10-3 s duration,
developing on the material surface power densities in the
order of 106 to 107 W/cm 2 The power density 107 W/cm2 ,
for example, can be achieved by focusing a 100 ~s pulse
of 1 J into a light spot of 0.3 mm diameter. The CO2 laser
is equally suited to working on metallic and nonmetallic
(plastic, ceramic, glass) materials. The Nd:YAG laser beam
is only appreciably absorbed by metallic materials, and
therefore finds wide use for hole perforating in metals only.
Laser perforation offers a number of advantages over traditional tools. Freedom from wear in the case of a laser tool
eliminates the problem of wear and broken drills. Moreover,
lasers perform drilling with extremely high precision and in
any desired direction. Very large aspect ratios (lId) are
possible; for example, lasers can perforate very small diameter (0.2-0.5 mm) holes to extremely high depths. Drilling
of hard materials is also possible. One of the first laser
drilling applications was laser drilling of diamond dies for
drawing thin wire. We note that ordinary drilling of ceramic
materials, very brittle when burned, has to be performed

4.2 Lasers in Medicine


prior to firing. Naturally, firing changes the size of drilled

items and the dimension and position of the holes may
ch ange. Laser drilling is carried out after burning and is
free from size variation problems. Further advantage comes
from the possibility of drilling holes in close vicinity with
each other and near the item edge.
Microelectronic applications. Lasers find ever wider application in processing microelectronic components, e.g.,
laser welding is used in the fabrication of microcircuit components, material evaporation by a focused laser output is
used for the fabrication of electronic circuit elements and
for fine trimming of components of integrated circuits (resistor trimming). In the component manufacturing, a focused
laser beam trims off by evaporation a portion of metal or
semiconductor film deposited on the dielectric substrate.
An accurately controlled laser beam may prepare a complete
thin-film circuit including all its resistors and capacitors.
The laser may also be utilized for the preparation of photomasks employed in the light exposure of photosensitive substrates of integrated circuits to produce then a certain pattern by etching.
By way of example of a system suitable for such applications we point to a pulsed Nd:YAG laser capable of 1 kW
of peak power in 200-ns pulses with a 400-Hz repetition rate.
The beam of this laser is focused in a 10-!1m diameter spot.
When the beam travels at 2 mmls it evaporates a narrow
strip of metal film about 1 Jim thick deposited on a sapphire
substrate. The strips on the substrate appear to be totally
denuded of the metal.
4.2 Lasers ion Medicine

Already first lasers have been studied for their effects on

biological materials. A great deal of experimental evidence
is-now acquired on laser use in medicine. Commercial laser
systems find their way in many clinics.
Laser surgery. The focused laser beam proved to be a unique
scalpel, capable of bloodless surgery, since the beam not
only cuts but also "welds" blood vessels being cut. Apart
from that, this surgery is outstanding in its high sterility,
as no contact of tissues with surgical tool takes place. And,
last but not least, laser surgery is painless because operat10-0400


Ch. 4 Applications 0/ Lase",

ions are very fast and there is not enough time for the patient
to respond to the incision and sense pain.
It is now common for laser surgical units to fix the laser
scalpel in a facility which provides the possibility of certain movements of the beam and its rotation. Fibre optics
(see Sec. 4.6) has put the laser scalpel into the surgeon's
hand: flexible optic fibres lead the beam to the radiator in
the hand. The radiator contains a lens system for beam
Laser radiation is efficient in haemorrhage control due
to cauterizing action of the laser beam on the blood vessels.
Therefore, 'Lasers are used for reduction of hematic losses,
which is especially important for patients with poor blood
coagulation. Laser surgery became a routine procedure in
the treatment of liver and lungs, and for elimination of moles
and tumors developing on the skin tissues. Most common
sources for these applications are CO2 and argon lasers.
A separate medical field for laser surgery is ophthalmology
where the laser (usually Ar+) has already been in use for
several years to treat the detachment of the retina. The beam
is focused on a certain point of the retina after it has passed
through the lens of the eye and the vitreous chamber without
being absorbed in them. The green beam of the laser is
strongly absorbed by the red blood cells of the retina and
the consequent thermal effect leads to re-attachment of the
retina. The operation is carried out by a 0.01-s pulse and,
being very short, is virtually painless. Of other illnesses
treated by the focused laser beam, mention should be made
of cataract, varied tumors, and glaucoma. In the last case
the laser pulse is used to destroy plugs in blood vessels
feeding the eye. Most popular ophthalmological systems
involve also neodymium and ruby lasers.
Lasers are now finding increasing use in therapy. The
He-Ne laser' has produced. curing effect on trophic ulcers,
poorly healing wounds, and bone fractures. Relatively rapid
healing effect has been observed for all these cases after
a few radiative treatments.
Stomatology is another field in medicine where the laser
has also been found useful. It has been proved capable of
destroying selectively those tissues of the tooth affected by
caries, that is, the laser can replace dental drills. In this

4.2 Lasers 'In Medicine


Fig. 4.4 (a) Two views of the laser surgery unit Skalpel-1, (b) ophthalmologic surgery with the Yatagan-2 facility

function it has demonstrated a much higher performance

and operated without pain.
Figure 4.4a shows, as an example, a unit for laser surgery,
Skalpel-1, developed- at the Elektronika Central Research
Institute, Moscow, for soft tissue incisions. I t incorporates


Ch, 4: Applications 01 Lasers

a 10-W CO2 laser. The unit is widely used for plastic surgery, including burns treatment, gynaecologic operations,
and treatment of festering wounds.
Figure 4.4b sllows the process of an ophthalmologic operation with the J atagan-2 facility (developed by the same
establishment). The facility is built around a Q-switched
ruby laser. It is designed for the microsurgery of the front
tissues of the eye.
4.3 Isotope Separation

Numerous applications in the industry, medicine, and research field require substances enriched in a certain isotope
(say deuterium against hydrogen). These needs stimulated
techniques of isotope separation, which are supposed to
separate the wanted isotope with the aim of its accumulation
or a higher proportion in the final product. These techniques
are of immense importance for nuclear power engineering.
The point is that natural uranium ore used to fuel nuclear
stations contains mainly the isotope 238U and only 0.7%
of 235U, whereas it is the latter isotope that fires nuclear
plants. It is essential that nuclear fuel contained about 3 %
of 235-uranium.
The most promising in the family of separation techniques
is that based on laser excitation or dissociation, feverishly
developed in recent years. Laser separation exploits the fact
that various isotopes of an element exhibit different absorption bands in their spectra, i.e., each isotope absorbs light
of its own wavelength. These absorption bands are fairly
narrow and lie close to each other in the spectrum. To excite
one isotope without "touching" the other, one has to irradiate
their mixture by a source of narrow bandwidth centered on
the wavelength of the wanted isotope. It is desirable also
that this source be tunable so that the radiation may be
tuned to the desired wavelength. This opportunity is offered
by tunable lasers.
Let us assume that we have a mixture of two isotopes one
of which is desired to be separated. To achieve the goal we
irradiate the mixture by a powerful output of a laser operating at the absorption wavelength of the wanted isotope. The
excited atoms of this isotope are raised to the upper level,
while the other isotope remains in the ground state. Now we


4.9 Isotope Separation

apply another radiation to the mixture and such that will be

absorbed by the excited atoms only to ionize them. As
a result, we obtain the desired isotope in the form of ions
easily separable by applying a dc electric field. This is
essentially the idea of one of the laser separation techniques,
called two-step photo-ionization.
Another approach uses selective dissociation of molecular
compound (such as uranium hexafluoride in uranium isotope







Fig. 4.5 (a) Schematic of a uranium isotope separation facility,

(b) absorption spectra of the uranium isotopes: 1 furnace, 2 uranium
atoms beam, 9 mass spectrometer, 4 dye laser, 5 mercury lamp,
6 bandpass filter

separation) having first been selectively pumped to an excited (vibrational) level. This compound is subsequently dissociated as a result of further optical pumping. The dissociated
atoms enter then in a chemical reaction with purposefully
introduced molecules so that the product contains only the
wanted isotope. This product is separated for further treatment. Still another technique is such that the atoms or molecules containing the desired isotope enter in certain chemical
reactions upon laser excitation to form an easily separable
The two-step photo-ionization technique appears to hold
the greatest promise for uranium isotope separation. The
configuration of a system using this principle is shown in
Fig. 4.5a. The beam of uranium atoms emitted from a heated
uranium-rhenium alloy is pumped by a continuous dye laser
tuned to a desired wavelength (tv = 0.59154 um] and then is
additionally excited by ultraviolet radiation from a mercury
lamp (A = 0.21 to 0.31 11m) to be ionized. The beam of the
235U ions is separated from 238U in a mass spectrometer.


Ch, 4 Application. 01 Laser'

Fig. 4.5b shows the absorption bands for both uranium isotopes. The frequency spacing between the bands is seen
to be more than 5 GHz. Because the dye laser has a bandwidth of only 0.1 GHz, it readily tunes for pumping the
wanted isotope alone.
4.4 Holography
Holography is a revolutionary technique which allows threedimensional (i.e., complete) pictures to be taken of a given
object or scene. The word is derived from the Greek words
"holos" (complete) and "graphos" (writing). The technique
became a practical proposition and really demonstrated its
potential only after the invention of the laser. In this section
we shall look at the principles and uses of holography.
Suppose we wish to obtain an image of an object on a
screen. Then we must illuminate the object so that the reflected light entered the screen. Moreover, the reflection is to
be such that the rays reflected from different points on the
object surface come to different points on the screen; in
other words, the travel of rays from the object to the screen
must be "ordered" to produce a certain pattern. This is
achieved normally by lens systems. The result is the familiar
photographic method of imagery. The invention of laser
brought about a qualitatively new method of imagery without lens systems-optical holography.
The principle of holography. We place an object illuminated by a coherent source of light in front of a photodetector
(a screen covered with a photosensitive layer, most commonly a photographic emulsion, and therefore capable of permanent hold of images). The light wave incident on the
object is a component of a single monochromatic beam of
light split into two components, one of which is directed
toward the object while the other to the recording medium.
The component that is incident on the object is scattered
by it, and this scattered radiation, now called the object,
or signal, wave, impinges on the recording medium of the
photodetector. The wave that proceeds directly to the recording medium is called the reference wave. In Fig. 4.6a
it arrives at the photodetector at an angle a. Since the
object and reference waves originate from. the same source
they are mutually coherent and form a stable interference
pattern when they meet at the recording medium. The

4.4 Holography


detailed record of this interference pattern constitutes the

Notice that in this arrangement we have made no attempts
to control the rays in the object beam with some optical
elements, such as an aperture or a system of lenses. It is
not surprising therefore that the developed photographic
plate with a holographic record looks like an ordinary



Fig. 4.6 Principle of holography. (a) pro?uction of the hologram,

(b) reconstruction from the hologram: 1 object, 2 hologram, 3 object
(signal) wave, 4 reference wave, 5 reconstructing wave

exposed negative-even the sharpest eye cannot reveal

anything resembling the object in this photoplate. Nevertheless this exposed negative, the hologram, contains a com
plete record of the original object. I t is coded in the fine
and complex pattern of interference fringes, produced by
the two waves, object and reference. This pattern is very
fine indeed, the spacings between its interference fringes
may be as small as 0.001 mm,
Now suppose that the developed plate is returned to the
position it occupied while being exposed and the object under
examination is removed (Fig. 4.6b). The reference beam now
interacts with the interference fringes on the photographic
plate and reproduces beyond the plate a diffracted beam
which is exactly the same as that originally scattered by the
object in Fig. 4.6a. An observer looking at the plate from
the right side on the page will therefore see the object beyond
the plate as if it were still there. This process is called the
reconstruction of the primary object wave from the hologram.
The beam that illuminates the hologram for reconstruction
must be similar to the reference beam, but its wavelength
may be different. This will affect the dimension of the
three-dimensional image reconstructed from this hologram.


Ch, 4 Applications of Lasers

Thus, the holographic method of optical imagery is a twostep method. In the first step, the hologram of the object
is recorded, whereas in the second step the image is reconstructed from this hologram. The hologram recording is
based on interference of coherent waves, and the reconstruction relies 011 diffraction of waves. We note that the "ordering"
of light rays necessary for the reconstruction is provided
automatically by the reconstructing (illuminating) wave.
Holographic imagery requires highly coherent radiation.
If L is the maximum difference of pathlengths that the two

Fig. 4.7 An optical arrangement for hologram recording. 1 laser,

2 hologram, 9 object, 4: reference beam

components of a light beam gain proceeding toward the

hologram as the object and reference waves, then the time
of coherence (introduced in Sec. 1.2) must be such that
CT ~


Gas discharge lasers are more widely used for holographic

applications as they lase in the visible portion of the spectrum (the He-Ne laser, for example).
The fine structure of interference fringes on the hologram
requires photographic materials with a high spatial resolution. This is defined as the largest number of parallel Ilnes
written within a unit length-usually within a millimetrethat the examined material is able to resolve. The spatial
resolution of the photographic materials used for hologram
recording must be at least 1000 lines per millimetre. This
requirement is met by certain photomaterials offering
resolutions of about 2 X 103 mm- l
We note that the photographic materials relate to "irreversible" recording media, since once recorded on a photo-


4.4 Holograph,

plate a hologram cannot be erased to record another hologram. There exist also "reversible" recording media, for
example, photochromic materials, such as specially doped
g-lasses, or organic polymers capable of altering their colour
or transmittance when irradiated by certain wavelengths.
To conclude, we refer to Fig. 4.7 which shows an optical
arrangement for hologram recording. A single laser is here





Fig. 4.8 (a) Interference of light waves in hologram recording, (b) diffraction of light in hologram reconstruction: 1 object beam, 2 reference beam, 3 reconstructing wave, 4 and 5 diffracted beams, 6 transmitted beam

the source of all the beams, multiplied by beamsplitters and

mirrors. We have mentioned above that lenses are not necessary for holographic recording and reconstruction. This
arrangement uses lenses to expand the beams only, that is,
the lenses perform secondary roles.
The principal identity. Let two monochromatic mutually
coherent plane waves making an angle ex with each other
(Fig. 4.8a) impinge on a photographic plate in recording
a hologram. These waves will interfere to bring about an
interference pattern consisting of a set of parallel strips
spaced from each other by the distance

'A/sin a


where A, is the radiation wavelength, and a is the angle of

When in the reconstruction of the object wave from this
hologram it is illuminated by wave 3 in Fig. 4.8b, this wave
is diffracted to give rise to two diffracted waves making
-n angle <p with the direction of the illuminating wave. We


Ch: 4 Applications

0/ Lasers

will call it the diffraction angle. It is defined as

d sin cp = A


where d is the period of the diffraction grating, i.e., the

same d that enters equation (4.2). Comparing (4.3) and (4.2)
q> = a
This identity is of principal consequence-the angle of
diffraction equals the angle of interference.
In the general case of nonplane wave, the angle of interference varies over the hologram from one point to another.



Fig. 4.9 I-Iolography of a point object. (a) recording of the hologram,

(b) reconstruction of the object wave

The angle of diffraction varies accordingly. I t is essential,

however, that at each point of the hologram the angle of
diffraction equals the angle of interference.
Holography of the point object. Fig. 4.9a shows the scheme
of hologram recording for a point object. The nomenclature
is the same as in Fig. 4.8. The angles of ,interference for
rays AB and AC are al and CX 2 respectively. The illumination
scheme in hologram reconstruction is shown in Fig. 4.9b.
The diffraction at point B will be at the angle aI' whereas
in point C at the angle ('t2 in agreement with (4.4). This
principle leads to the geometry of Fig. 4.9b which produces
two images of the object-one is the primary or virtual image
AI' the other is the conjugate or real image A 2.
One principle implication is to be emphasized. The object
beam scattered from A in Fig. 4.9a is shadowed. As can be

4.4 Holography


readily seen, one of the beams in Fig. 4.9b is this very beam.
No object is present at A when the object beam is reconstructed, but one of the evolving light beams is identical
with the beam that would be reflected by the object. In
other words, when we reproduce the image we do it by reconstructing the object wave.
Holography of three-dimensional objects. The reconstruction of the object wave from a hologram is obviously independent of whether the object recorded has been a point or
three-dimensional one. If a 3-D object is recorded, then
upon reconstruction the viewer will see not a plane, photograph-like image of the object, but rather a realistic 3-D
image indiscernible from the object so as this could be seen
during the hologram recording. If the viewer shifts aside,
other objects hi.dden behind the first one will become visible
and new side features emerge. In other words, the viewer
will see an absolutely real 3-D scene.
It will be noted that in this arrangement it is the primary,
or virtual image, that exhibits the features of the real object.
The conjugated, or real, image will appear inverted in depth,
i.e., reversed front to back with the features being farther
from the viewer in the holographed object appearing closer.
This image is called pseudoscopic. The situation will reverse
in another reconstruction arrangement with the illuminating
wave travelling in the direction opposite to that of the
reference wave (the hologram is illuminated from the back
side), then the real image will have actual appearance,
while the virtual image becomes pseudoscopic.
A few words are in order on the types of holograms. We
have seen in Fig. 4.8b that when the hologram is illuminated
with a beam similar to the original reference wave the transmitted wave divides into three separate components, one of
which exactly duplicates the original object wave. If the two
interfering beams are travelling in substantially the same
direction, the recording of the interference pattern is said
to be a Gabor hologram or an in-line hologram. If the two
interfering beams arrive at the recording medium from substantially different directions, the recording produces a
Leith-Upatnieks or off-axis hologram. If the two interfering
beams are travelling in essentially opposite directions the
recorded hologram is referred to as reflection hologram first
invented by Y, N, Denisyuk, a Soviet researcher.


ek. 4 Application, 01 Lasers

Holograms can be classed by the way they diffract light.

In an amplitude hologram, the varying irradiance distribution of the interference pattern is recorded as a density variation of the recording medium. In this type of hologram,
the illuminating wave is always partially absorbed, that
is amplitude modulated. In a phase hologram, a phase modulation is imposed on the illuminating beam, which in turn
results in diffraction of the light. Phase modulation occurs
when the optical path (thickness X index) varies with
Any of these hologram types may be recorded as either a
thick or a thin hologram. A thin hologram is one for which
the thickness of the recording medium is thin compared to
the spacing between the recorded interference fringes.
A thick or volume hologram is one in which the thickness
of the recording medium is of the order of or greater than
the spacing of the recorded fringes.
Electromagnetic radiation is most commonly used for holography, although acoustic radiation can be used. The most
common e.m. radiation employed is light, but holograms
have also been recorded successfully with electron beams,
x-rays, and microwaves.
To summarize, we emphasize again that the hologram serves to reconstruct not just the image of an object (a threedimensional one, remember) but rather a real light wave
containing all the information originally carried in the
light wave reflected from the object proper. It is this property of holography that justifies the meaning of the Greek
words which made up the term.
Some history of holography. The idea of holography was
proposed as far back as 1920 by Polish physicist M. Wolfke
who demonstrated that the diffraction patterns that occur
when x-radiation penetrates through the crystal may be
used to reconstruct the image of the crystal lattice. Unfortunately, this work failed to find due support in physical
quarters at that time.
The principles of holography were reformulated, and in
a more thoroughful way indeed, in 1948 by British scientist
Dennis Gabor, unaware of the'Wolfke work. Gabor made the
fundamental contribution to the development of holography
and coined the term itself. He came to the method by trying
to solve a rather ordinary problem-it was proposed then

4:.5 In/ormation Related Applications


as a means of improving the resolution of electron microscopes.

The spurious development of holography began with the
appearance of the laser. In 1961, two University of Michigan
research workers, E. N. Leith and J. Upatnieks, developed
and used the two-beam method of holography relied on two
light beams, the object and reference beams. I t is this
method that has been employed in our considerations of
In 1962, Y. N. Denisyuk, a Soviet researcher, came up
with a holographic technique based on exploiting thick
photographic films. The thickness of such emulsions is
many times the light wavelength. These holograms are
remarkable in that they are reconstructed not necessarily
by a laser. The reconstruction may be effected by sunlight
or a collimated projector beam.
4.5 Information Related Applications

Much progress have recently been made in a new field of laser

application concerning transmission, reception, processing,
and storing of information. The systems that deal with this
work are known as information systems, and the field is
referred to as optoelectronics.
Coherent optical radiation in information systems. The
transmission system consisting of a transmitter and a receiver
conveys information by means of an e.m. wave, known as the
carrier wave, being modulated by the oscillations of the
information proper. The modulation depth, i.e, the difference
between the carrier amplitude and that of the resultant
waveform, depends on the nature of the transmitted information. For example, to transmit a human voice, the carrier
is modulated with the sounds of speech occupying the frequency range from 16 to 103 Hz, and music expands this range
up to 2 X 104 Hz. A much wider frequency interval is
required for the transmission of TV signals, about 107 Hz.
Because this information modulates the carrier, its frequency must be appreciably lower than the frequency of the
carrier wave. Or conversely, the higher the carrier frequency,
the wider frequency range can he modulated on it. Light
with its high frequency offers unprecedented expansion of
frequency band to be transmitted. Available sources of



4 Application. 0/ Laser,

coherent radiation in the form of lasers operating in the

optical range lift the upper boundary of the frequency band
to 1012 Hz. Because one telephone conversation occupies
103 Hz, allocating each line, such a frequency "slot" by
means of modulation techniques results in 109 simultaneous
connections. This possibility of light beam to handle extremely wide modulation bandwidths indicates the immense
information capacity of laser trunk lines. Currently operating light modulators are capable of handling bandwidths
up to 1010 Hz.
The laser holds promise not only for transmission systems
but also for data processing. In this connection we recall
that in the radio frequency band, first the transmitter modulates a high frequency carrier which is then transformed by
an aerial in a radiated signal. The modulated waveform
varies in time only. A principally new possibility is realized
in the optical range, where the radiated wave itself is modulated. It is remarkable that here the waveform is characterized
not only by temporal but also- by spatial variables so that
the spatial modulation of the light wave results, a specifically optical concept.
Whereas in temporal modulation the characteristics of the
radiated waveform vary in time, in spatial modulation the
characteristics of the radiation vary over the plane orthogonal to the direction of wave propagation. This variation
is described by a function s (x, y) in the coordinates of the
plane (x, y), referred to as the spatial signal. I t is specified
within the area confined by the light beam aperture (cross
The spatial signal is first written in the material of a
transparency whose optical characteristics can be controlled
making them vary over its area according to the desired law.
Assume that this transparency is a plate whose transmittance varies in accordance with s (x, y). Then a light wave
travelling through this plane will be spatially modulated,
i.e., its field intensity will vary over the beam aperture as
s (x, y). Now assume that the transmissivity of the transparency is the same over its area but its refractive index
varies as s (x, y). Then the pathlength of the rays traversing
the transparency in different points will vary by the same
law. Consequently, a coherent light wave passing through
this transparency will experience various phase shifts in

4.5 lniormatton Related Application!


various points of the beam aperture, and' these shifts

will vary by the law s(x,y). In both these situations the
transparency plays the role of the spatial light modulator.
When the laser light traverses or, in some arrangements,
is reflected from the spatial modulator, the beam becomes
a carrier of the spatial signal written in the material of the
modulator (Fig. 4.'10). Various
types of spatial light modulation in use, such as amplitude, phase, or polarization modulation, differ from each other and
are named by the property of
light wave they exploit to carry Fig. 4.tO Spatial modulator
the spatial signal. Time-variable impresses a signal on a laser
spatial modulation is realized
through the control of the optical
characteristics of the transparency. Among the media used to
prepare controllable transparencies are electrooptic and
photochromic materials, magnetic films, thermoplasts,
liquid crystals, and the like.
The liquid crystal transparency, for example, changes
its transmittance in a reversible way as a function of an
applied electric field. Liquid crystals are organic dielectrics
which in a certain temperature interval exhibit properties
intermediate between that of crystal and liquid. The area
of such a transparency is composed of individual cells each
separately controlled by an electric field. Under the influence
of an applied electric field turbulent currents occur inside
the cell and its transmittance sharply reduces. A 10 urn
thick layer of liquid crystal biased by 10 V reduces the
intensity of transmitted light more than ten times.
Written into characteristics of the laser beam, the signal
arrives at the optical system for processing. The methods
of optical data processing are gaining considerable momentum. This fact is associated with a number of advantages
offered for data processing in optic field. Whereas electric
signals are unidimensional-they are functions of only one
variable, time-optical spatial signals are two-dimensional,
and even three-dimensional, when time-variable. This is
highly beneficient for multidimensional information processing, such as image analysis, and reading of plots and


cs. 4:


0/ Lasers

drawings, and for simultaneous parallel (multichannel) data

The large information capacity of optical signals is worth
separate mentioning. It is not only due to the high carrier
frequency but also due to the spatial nature of such signals.
For example, 1 em" of a spatial signal can carry up to 108 bits
of information. Moreover, optical signals can be processed,
i.e., subjected to various mathematical operations, in
a rather simple optical arrangements, composed of optic
elements without complicated electronics. And, last but
not least, the optical systems may involve holographic
Applications of holography. The use of holography in
information systems appears to be highly promising. Some
most advantageous applications will be taken up below.
Data storing systems. In the previous section we have seen
that in holographic recording the information about each
point of the object surface is recorded over each area of the
hologram. Therefore, removing a part of the hologram will
not cause part of the object in the image to disappear.
Experience in this field indicates that up to nine tenth
of a hologram may be removed or spoiled without much
harm to the image, except for a somewhat degraded resolution (contrast) of the image.
This behaviour is not surprising, in fact the hologram
serves to reconstruct not just an image but rather the real
object wave. The available area of the hologram determines
the area of the reconstructed wavefront, i.e., a reduction
in the hologram area reduces the size of the wavefront.
Hence, hologram recording is a reliable way of storing
information. In addition, the same hologram may carry
a number of individual data packages separately written
onto it for separate readout. To produce such a record, different data frames should be holographed, each at different
angle of incidence for the reference wave. The orientation
of the hologram in the reference beam may be altered to
achieve this goal. Then, to reconstruct the desired frame
one needs to set the hologram in the appropriate orientation
with respect to the illuminating beam. According to estimates, a hundred square centimetres of a hologram may accommodate as much information as a volume of Britanica enciclopaedia, and in a perfectly readable form.

4.5 In/ormation Related Appllcatlons


This outstanding capacity of the hologram backed by the

reliability of the store makes it an attractive proposition for
data storage facilities. One of the schemes. of holographic
memory will be discussed later.
Associative information search. Associative search is one of
the underlying principles of the human memory. We often
recall a scene by a detail of it, or by an associative feature
which helps the memory recover the entire scene or object.
To state this differently, associaE
tive search is the reconstruction
of the whole by a single feature.
Holography is just a suitable
method to realize associative information search technically.
Suppose that in recording a
hologram the reference wave is
absent. Can such a hologram be
used to reconstruct the image of Fig. 4.11 Associative reconstruction of a hologram by
the object? It may surprize you, producing a specific feature
but it can. This hologram may
of the object
be treated as an interference pattern produced by the interference of waves reflected by different parts of the object. We may take one wave reflected, say,
from the tail of the bird in Fig. 4.11 to be the reference wave,
and the wave reflected from the other features of the object
to form collectively the object wave. In reconstructing, it
wi ll suffice then to illuminate this hologram by the wave
reflected from the selected detail, in other words it will
suffice to produce this detail. This procedure gives a clue
to associative search. Indeed, if this hologram is used to
record a number of various objects or scenes, only that will
be reconstructed to which the feature produced in the reconstruction relates.
Thus, the holographic techniques are highly suitable for
the realization of both random access and associative memory
Information coding. The hologram stores information in
the form of an interference pattern, i.e, in an encoded form,
and can be decoded only by a coherent light wave with the
same wavefront as that of the reference wave. Accordingly,
the wavefront of the reference wave is the key enabling the
reconstruction of the hologram. To achieve a special encod11-0400

ing, the reference wave is passed through an encoding mask
to gain a special wavefront. Without this mask, even the
most skillful decoders will be unable to read (decode) this
Pattern recognition. How can a wantedletter be recognized
in a text? a non-standard prod uct in a sequence of sim ilar
items? an expected signal among those arriving at the input?
All these problems are solved by a branch of science known
as pattern recognition theory. Holography is one of the
promising means for practically solving such problems.
We look at the pattern recognition procedure handled by
holoraphic means by taking a letter-and-text example. Let


~ ~.


(a)c:J- 2

Fig. 4.t2 (a) Holographic matrix, (b) schematic diagram of a holographic memory system: 1 laser, 2 digital light deflector, 3 auxiliary
helographic matrix, 4 nondiffracted beam, 5 transparency imposing
spatial modulation (page composer), 6 holographic matrix store

the letter to be recognized in the text be "A". A hologram is

recorded of the size of letter A in the given text. The reference wave is the one reflected from an A, while the object
wave is the one emitted by a bright point source of light.
A scanning device moves the hologram over the lines in the
text. As soon as the hologram meets an A in the text, the
detector records a bright flash which is an image of the
point source reconstructed by the wave reflected from the A.
A holographic memory system. The key element of such
a memory system is a holographic matrix medium. This
is an array of small holograms of only 2 to 5 mm in diameter
(Fig. 4.12a). Each of these holograms may store a considerable massive of data, from 103 to 104 bits. The interference
pattern of the hologram is produced by a reference wave and
a wave modulated by a certain spatial signal. For associ-


Information Related 'Applications


ntive memory, this interference pattern is the result of the

interference of the object wave and the wave modulated by
the signal of an interrogation feature (associative feature).
The optical arrangement of this holographic memory is
shown in Fig. 4.12b. The electrically governed deflectordirects the laser beam into the particular hologram in the
auxiliary holographic matrix. Each of these holograms,
when illuminated, reconstructs a diverging light wave.'
The light beam transmitted by the hologram without difB

~/ s2

Case 1




18 ,


8,/18 2


Fig. 4.13 (a) Double laser diode, (b) NOT logic exercised by optically
coupled injection lasers

fraction is deflected by the lens L I , traverses without deflection the central area of the lens L 2 (plaeed in the focal
plane of L I ) and impinges on one of the holograms in the
memory matrix. Here it interferes with the wave which
has been divergent and becomes convergent after L 2 The
latter wave on its path to the holographic matrix has passed
through the transparency, called page composer, and has
been converted into a carrier of the respective spatial signal.
The solid-line arrows in the figure correspond to the case
when the deflector directs the laser beam in position A,
and the dashed arrows show the situation with the beam in
position B. By making the deflector alter the initial position
of the beam and changing simultaneously the spatial signal
written in the transparency, one may gradually fill with
the desired information all the cells of the matrix memory.
Optically coupled injection lasers. These lasers are fabricated in a single chip with a common p-n junction but with
separate pumping circuits. Fig. 4.13a illustrates schematically two optically coupled injection lasers, often called dual
laser or strip diode. Here i l and i 2 designate the pumping
currents for the left and right diodes respectively, the dashed
line shows the common p-n junction, and the shadowed face
shows the diode end which cannot serve as a resonator


Ch, 4

Applications of Lasers

mirror. This diode can lase in the AA I direction, and the

right component can also lase in the BB I direction. Simultaneous lasing in both directions is impossible as a lasing
action in one direction suppresses oscillations in the other.
Optically coupled injection lasers may he used in the function of memory cells (switching time down to 10-9 s). As an
example of such an application, Fig. 4.13b shows a triple
diode performing as a NOT logic element. It is made up of a
common active portion, where pumping current is directed,
and two passive components. Two switching situations are
possible. Case 1: an optical signal 8 1 is applied to the input A to initiate lasing action in the AA I direction and
produce an output 8 1 at the output AI. In this case the component transmits information from A to AI. Case 2: simultaneously with the input SI at A another signal S2 is impressed
on input B. The emission at Al vanishes and a signal 8 2
appears at the output B I The B input is therefore called
disabling, because when this input receives a control signal the data transmission from A to Al through the NOT
device is blocked.
4.6 Optical Communications

We have already emphasized the large information capacity of optical communications channels. It will be recalled
that an increase in frequency of the carrier wave expands the
frequency bandwidth available for transmission. Additionally, higher carrier frequencies offer better directivity for
communications, higher powers being concentrated in the
signal, hence provide for higher efficiencies of communications systems. Finally, the use of light beams for transmission
purposes warrants the message best of all from interception
and makes it immune to distortions by interference.
The optical communication systems using lasers as light
sources divide naturally into two groups: those where signals
are transmitted through free (unguided) space, and those
where they are carried by light guides.
Communications through open space. Open space in which
optical signals propagate may be either in space beyond the
Earth or in the Earth's atmosphere and water. Schematically
this transmission line is illustrated in Fig. 4.14a. The laser
beam with a modulation impressed on it in the modulator



Optical Communications

hecomes an optical signal carrying certain information.

The targetting (beaming) device sends this signal toward
the receiver through a medium in which the signal is to
traverse a certain optical path. A special collector acts as
the aerial for the signal. I t recovers the expected signal
from the multitude of diverse signals arriving at the aerial
and focuses the received emission on the receiver input.
In open space, laser communications can be established
between satellites, satellites and aircraft, and satellites
and stations on the ground. Unguided communications can



.~ 20



0.94 1.13 1.38 1.90 2.74.3



Fig. 4.14 (a) Components of a laser communication line, (b) atmospheric transmittance as a function of wavelength: 1 laser, 2 modulator,
3 directional beaming facility, 4 receiving "aerial" (telescope),:5 optical signal recei ver

exist also between stations on the Earth's surface and under

water. For communications in space and long-distance
transmissions on Earth (within kilometres and tens of kilometres) wide use is made of CO 2 and Nd:YAG lasers. For
short distance ground communications, GaAs injection
lasers are frequently employed.
When optical radiation travels through a medium it is
scattered or absorbed by the species of the medium, i.e.
attenuated, and its wavefront is distorted by the scattering
and eddies in the medium. To cope with attenuation, the
wavelength of the transmitter is selected such that provides
sufficiently high transmissivity in the particular medium.
For the Earth's atmosphere, the transmittance of the surface
layer as a function of wavelength is shown in Fig. 4.14b;
wavelength is plotted in the logarithmic scale. The dashed
lines separate the so-called atmospheric windows of higher
transmittance, It wi ll be seen that the emission of CO2


Ch, 4 Applications of Laser.

lasers (A = 10.6 um) and Nd:YAG lasers (A = 1.06 urn)

is just within these windows.
To cope with wavefront distortions, the directivity of the
radiation is increased, and transmissions are carried out in
favorable weather conditions. All these measures, however,
are able to extend the range of terrestrial communication
links only as far as 20 km. The situation is expected to change



Fig. 4.15 Lens waveguide (a), dielectric fibre guide (b), and optical
cable (c)

by the incorporation of adaptive optics techniques in laser

communication systems, which are capable of appropriately
correcting the radiation wavefront.
Optical waveguides. Fig. 4.15 shows two types of optical
guides: (a) a lens waveguide, and (b) an optical fibre light
guide. The light guides with optical fibres have found the
widest use. Research in this field brought about a new
scientific and engineering discipline called fibre optics.
Figure 4.15b shows the reflection of a light ray launched
inside the fibre and incident on its surface from inside;
this is the familiar phenomenon of total internal reflection.
I t is ensured in optical fibres technologically so that the
radiation injected in a fibre is confined, as it were, inside
it. The beam will experience multiple reflections from the
fibre walls and propagate to its end following all the fibre
Today optical fibres are finding increasing use for transmission at distances from a few metres to several kilometres.
It is quite obvious that long optical fibres should exhibit
very low light absorption. According to modern requirements, the attenuation of light power in optical fibres should

4.6 Optical



not exceed a few decibels per kilometre of fibre length (for

the case of long fibres available nowdays). To provide for
internal reflection these fibres are made of two types of glass
with different refractive indices: one goes to make the core
and the other of smaller index to make the cladding of the
fibre. For example, a glass fibre with a core of germanium
doped quartz glass exhibits an attenuation of only
0.7 dB/km at a wavelength of 1 um,
Optical fibres may carry not only time-variable waveforms, but also spatial signals, i.e., images, two-dimensional
(2-D) pictures. For this purpose fibres are stranded into
cables. Fig. 4.15c shows the cross section of an optical-fibre
cable containing a relatively small number of fibres. Practical
cables may include as many as hundred thousand fibres.
Each fibre has a cladding preventing its light energy from
penetrating into the adjacent fibres of the cable. The principle of 2-D pattern transmission through an optical cable
is rather simple. Light rays emitted, or reflected, by an
element of the transmitted scene enter into the respective
fibre of the cable, travel over all the length of the cable
to produce this element at the output. Loosely speaking,
the ray emitted by an element of the scene is captured by
an optical fibre and is conveyed to an appropriate place.
If at the output of the cable the relative arrangement of the
fibres is kept the same as at the input, then the pattern
launched into the cable at the input will appear at the
Optical fibre lines in computer systems. A very sensible
place to errors in modern computers is their communication
lines, carrying input and output signals, connecting the
processor with memory units and other hardware facilities,
These communications systems are complicated strands of
many wires, called busses, which are sensitive to noise
currents, and may be the place where interference enters
to spoil the signal. I t is this place where the setback intrinsic to all wire communication systems manifests itselfit is impossible to isolate input from output systems, and
make the wires immune to a variety of pickups. Optical communication lines, on the other hand, are free from this disadvantage. Therefore, use of laser communication lines
based on fibre optics is particularly attractive in modern
computer communication lines and computer networks.


Cb. 4 Applications

0/ Lasers

For better efficiency, computers are now connected into

computer networks. To effect data flow in such networks
it is essential that the communication between computers
be rapid, directional, and multichannel. All these requirements may be satisfied by laser communications over optical
4.7 Ranging and Measurement

Strong and weak points of the laser radar. Lasers gave

birth to the optical radar. Similar to the ordinary microwave
radar, the optical radar, also called rangefinder by militaries, has been designed to detect distant objects and retrieve information about these objects from the portion of
radar signal reflected from these objects. High carrier Irequencies, possibility of extremely narrow directivity of the
radiation, operation in the range of nanosecond and picosecond pulses, all these features predetermine a number of
advantages of optical radar systems over ordinary radars.
Optical rangefinders afford more accurate ranging and
velocity measurement. The high resolution of the method
makes possible the determination of the size and shape of the
object and its orientation.
For velocity measurements, laser rangefinders apply to
the Doppler shift 1\v = 2vvlc in the signal frequency v due
to the velocity component of the ranging object v colinear
with the laser beam. Evidently, the higher the carrier frequency v, the greater the detected Doppler shift, and -the
accuracy of velocity evaluation.
In a range-Doppler system, the transmitter radiates a
signal which typically is a pulse or a sequence of pulses.
A portion of the signal reflected from an object is returned
to the radar, which then becomes a receiver. By measuring
the round-trip delay time, the range of the object is readily
ascertained. The range resolution improves as the pulse is
made shorter. On the other hand, the Doppler frequency
resolution is 11T, the reciprocal of the pulse duration. Therefore, if the pulse is shortened to improve the range resolution, the Doppler resolution is degraded by a similar degree,
so that the product of the two resolutions remains unchanged.
As far as the other spatial coordinates of the object are conserned, i.e., its dimensions, shape and orientation, their

4.7 Ranging and Afeasurement


derivation is enabled by means of directivity as the key

The optical rangefinders are also not free from disadvan-tages. First of all, the same high directivity of the beam
hampers a straightforward detection of the object, the time
of scanning over the monitored zone is rather long. Therefore, optical rangefinders are preferably exploited in parallel
with the ordinary radar. The latter provides for a comparatively fast scanning and target detection, while the optical
rangefinder derives the target parameters. Secondly, thelaser wavefront is degraded and attenuated in the medium
where it propagates, and one has to invoke adaptive optics
methods to cope with this drawback,
Pulsed radar systems. These laser systems are nowadays.
in wide use in space and geodetic research. An example of
such a system is the laser radar complex of the P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow. It measures to a very high
accuracy (within 1 m) the distance to the five reflectors
placed on the Moon surface. This accuracy enables solving
a number of unique problems of scientific and applicational
significance. They include in particular the study of theEarth's poles motion and evaluation of their instantaneous
coordinates accurate to within several tens of centimetres;
the study of continental drift, and refinement of the Moon
orbit and the peculiarities of its orbital motion.
The laser system of this complex is mounted on the Kri-mea observatory telescope. I t is built around an electro-
optically Q-switched ruby laser yielding giant pulses amplified in a ruby amplifier. Every three seconds the system
produces a ~.5-J pulse of 10 ns duration and 10' divergence.
The development of space laser radar is one of the subjects of the international Interkosmos research programme.
Under this programme, a new satellite tracking station was
made operational in Cuba in 1977.
Another laser system deserving special mentioning concerns the radar for the mutual orientation and ranging of
docking spacecraft. The radar is installed on one of the'
craft. It operates from a passively Q-s\vitched CO2 laser
producing a pulse sequence at a pulse repetition rate of
30 us. The beam is scanned with a certain location area.
Still another practically important class of devices inclndes laser altimetres. These devices enable accurate naviga-


Ch, 4 Application, of Lasers

'tion of aircraft at low altitudes. A device of this class was

used in the American space programme Appolo to map the
'Moon surface during Appolo missions.
CW laser rangers. Many applications such as geodetic,
-construction of large precision-sensitive structures, optical
system alignment, and certain physical studies, call for
-the distances of tens of metres to several kilometres to be
.measured accurate to within millimetres and even fractions
-of a millimetre. These measurements are easily handled by
laser rangers emitting in a continuous wave mode.
The laser of such a ranger produces continuous radiation
'whose intensity is modulated by a sinusoidal law with a frequency f. As a result, the instantaneous beam intensity
varies along the beam propagation with the spatial period cit.
"I'he radiation traverses the path to be measured, is reflected,
.goes back and enters the phase detector. The phase shift
between the emitted and return beam incurred in this round
-trip is used to infer the measured distance.
By way of example, we note the Soviet-made geodetic
-ranger Kvarts operating on a helium-neon laser (Iv = 0.63 urn)
with the following performance data: radiation power,
:2 mW; modulation frequency, 753.02 MHz; range, up to
1 km; accuracy, within 0.2 mm. Gallium arsenide injection
'lasers are a feasible alternative for He-Ne lasers in laser
Interferometric distance measurement. Modern engineering
is ever more often in demand of diverse large-size items manufactured to extremely high accuracy. Such jobs naturally
-Impose severe constraints on tool operation accuracy. As an
example of such a job. we point to milling tools with a
-carriage travel of 10 m used for spar milling in aircraft
-construction. These situations call for distance measure.ments from a metre to several tens of metres accurate to
within 10 um. Measurements of this type can be ensured
by one of the laser interferometric techniques with a fre.quency-stabilized He-Ne laser operating in the central
longitudinal mode. This technique controls tool motions,
automatically compensating for the errors due to wear,
"facilitates marking-off of points of engagement for a cutting
,tool on the surface to be machined, precisely aligns fixtures
"in aircraft engine manufacturing, and facilitates a number
-of simi] ar jobs.


Ranging and Measurement


Figure 4.16a shows, as an example, an optical arrangement

which can be used to measure workpiece travel in machining. The laser beam is divided by a beam splitter into a
measurement beam and a reference beam. The reference beam
is reflected by a fixed mirror while the measurement beam
is reflected by a retro-reflector fixed to the object being
measured. The t\VO reflected beams are then recombined so
as to interfere, and their combined amplitude is measured



Fig. 4.16 (a) Measuring distance by laser interferometry, (b) corner

retro-reflector: 1 laser, 2 photo detector, 3 moving workpiece, 4 cube
corner reflector fixed to the 'York

by a detector. When the position of the object is changed

along the beam direction by 'A/2, where 'A is the laser wavelength, the interference signal will go from a maximum
through a minimum and back to a maximum again, An
appropriate electronic fringe counting device can therefore
give information on the displacement of the object.
The reflector fixed to the moving object is the so-called
cube corner reflector. The outstanding feature of this device
is that it reflects the incident light beam exactly in the
direction of incidence, and is capable of back reflecting
in a wide range of incidence angles. I t is essentially a truncated triangular prism where an incident light ray is twice
internally reflected and redirected as shown in Fig. 4.16b.
It will be noted that the retro-reflectors placed on the Moon
surface and used in the laser ranging experiments, mentioned earlier, also were corner retro-reflectors.
Flow velocity measurements. The high degree of monochromaticity makes it possible to use lasers for velocity
measurements. Consider a two beam flow velocity measurement technique schematized in Fig. 4.17 a. The laser beam
is split into two beams converging at an angle CG. The measurement system is arranged so that these beams meet each
other at a location in the flow where velocity is to be measur-


Ch. 4

Applications of Lasers

ed. The interfering beams produce a sequence of interference

fringes distanced
D = ('A/2) sin (ct/2)
apart, where A is the laser wavelength in the liquid.
Let a liquid parcel cross these interference fringes. The
light scattered by the parcel and detected by a photodetector, rises in intensity when the parcel moves through an

Fig. 4. t 7 (a) Schematic of a dual-beam mode arrangement for laser

fluid velocimetry, (b) beam geometry; the dashed insert shows the
interference pattern generated by the superposition of the two beams
at a small angle rL. 1 laser, 2 beamsplitter, 3 scattered light, 4 detector

illuminated stripe and drops when in a dark stripe. As a

result the photodetector records an electric signal modulated with the frequency


2v sin (0.,/2)/'A


where v is the velocity component in the direction perpendicular to the fringes. This frequency is measured to infer
the velocity component of the flow.
When the measuring system is installed near the flow
(within a few tens of centimetres), they depend for their
measurements on helium-neon lasers with output of about
10 m W. When velocity measurements are made for distant
flows, the system normally relies on argon lasers of about
1 W output.
It should be noted that equation (4.5) could be derived
from (4.2), observing that D = d cos (a/2). The geometrical
construction presented in Fig. 4.17b brings forth the difference between these expressions: (4.5) describes the distance

4.8 Enuironmental Measurements. Quality Control


between fringes as measured in plane AA whereas (4.2)

in plane BB.
t Angular velocity measurement. The laser gyroscope.
1\. particular velocity measurement that can be made by
a laser is that of angular velocity. The instrument designed
to do this is called the laser gyroscope. It consists of a laser
whose resonant cavity has a ring configuration shown in
Fig. 2.27. This laser supports oscillation both for light
travelling clockwise and anticlockwise around the ring.
The resonant frequencies for these two directions of travel
are obtained from the condition that the length of the ring
resonator be equal to an integer number of wavelengths.
Assume now that the ring is rotating around the axis' perpendicular to its plane. Then in the time needed for the
light to complete a round trip, the resonator mirrors will
move by a very small, but finite, angle. The beam, that
is rotating in the same sense as the resonator does, will see
an effective resonator length slightly greater than seen by
the counterrotating beam. The frequencies of the two oppositely rotating beams are thus slightly different, and their
difference frequency is proportional to the angular velocity
of the resonator. By beating the two beams together one
can measure the angular velocity.
The laser gyros have been found useful for attitude control
of satellites and orbiting spacecraft. Modern laser gyros
allow the measurement to be made with a precision in the
order of 10-3 deg/h and are capable of tracking very small
angular velocities. This precision is comparable with that
available using the most sophisticated (and expensive)
conventional gyroscopes.
4.8 Environmental Measurements.
Quality Control

Laser monitoring of the environment. Another field in

which the laser properties of directionality and monochromaticity are put to good use is that of ambient measurement
of the concentration of various atmospheric pollutants.
These above all include oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, and a variety of particular matter,
such as dust, smoke, and flyash. Conventional techniques
of pollution control require collection of the sample for


Ch, 4 AppltcattoR' of Lasers

chemical analysis. These techniques cannot, therefore, give'

real-time data and some of them are incompatible with
automatic measurements in fixed locations. The laser techniques, on the other hand, perform these measurements by
remotely sensing the composition of the atmosphere with
a light beam without the necessity of sample collection or
of any chemical processing. The results of the measurements can be available immediately and there is no distortion of the quantities being measured. Consequently, these
techniques yield real-time data and are extremely suitable
for sounding time variations of the atmosphere, i.e, for
environmental monitoring.
The basic method of laser monitoring involves sending a
beam of laser radiation through the sample of atmosphere to
be investigated and monitoring .either the transmission or
the scattering of the light. According to the monitoring
technique employed there exist a few versions of laser
pollution control, of which we take up the three most widely
Ranging pollutant areas by optical radar. This method
relies on light scattering from the pollutants in the atmosphere. The optical radar techniques used for the purpose
are often referred to as LIDAR, which stands for light detection and ranging. Lidar operates in a manner similar
to radar. In its basic form lidar employs a pulsed laser simply as a source of light energy. Light that is back-scattered
is detected by a photodetector. The distance to the scattering
congestion of particulate matter is inferred from the time
the light pulse takes to go to this congestion and return
back, in a manner similar to that of a radar ranging system.
Lidar, therefore, is very useful in determining concentrations
of particulate matter and usually gives no information on
the nature of the scattering particles. Lidar systems have
been used most often for applications in which the total
concentration of particulate matter is desired. They have
the capability of determining this concentration as a function
of distance from the measuring station. Therefore, they
provide distributions of atmospheric pollutants in different
vertical sections, and monitor variations in these vertical
A bsorption techniques. Absorption techniques are extremely sensitive in detecting specific gases in the atmospheric

4.8 Environmental Measurements." Quality Control


sample. The usual procedure is to transmit the laser beam.

through the studied sample and record with a detector onthe opposite side of the sample from the transmitter theattenuation of intensity of the light due to the absorption.
in the sample. The chemical resolving power of the techni-que relies on the fact that each chemical compound absorbs
at characteristic wavelengths, hence; can be detected by'
measuring the atmospheric transmittance at one of these wave-lengths.
For example, to detect atmospheric methane (CH 4 ) , a fre-quency-doubled dye laser can be used, operating at..
0.372 urn, The same laser may be used to detect lower oxide
of nitrogen (N 20) absorbing at 0.389 um. In both cases thesounding range extends for a few hundred metres.
Raman backscattering. The Raman effect involves scatter-ing of light by molecules of gases accompanied by a shift.
in the wavelength of the light. For a particular gas, theRaman effect involves the appearance of additional spectral
lines at a wavelength near the original wavelength. Thig;
effect exploits the fact that atoms in a molecule oscillatein a number of certain frequencies, and when a beam of
monochromatic light is incident on a gas sample including:
these molecules, the light output will also contain two
sidebands shifted from the original light frequency on either'
side by a molecular oscillation frequency.
Because the Raman shifts are individual for each molecular species, analysis of backscattered laser light immediately reveals the constituents of the gas sample by their
characteristic shifts. To detect sulphur anhydride (80 2 ) "
for example, the atmospheric volume of interest may bescanned by frequency-doubled ruby laser light at 0.347 ~m.
The frequency of laser radiation in this technique is not
subject to limitations. However, the intensity of the Raman:
return signal appreciably increases when the original Irequency is near the resonant absorption of the particular
molecular species. Therefore, tunable lasers will be of much
greater use for this application; relative increases of several
orders of magnitude are possible.
Holographic interferometry for inspection and quality
control. Holographic interferometry is the area in which
the most significant industrial applications of holography
have occurred. In holographic interferometry, the wave-


Ch, 4 Applications of Laser.

front stored in the hologram is released by the reconstruction

-of the hologram and is used to interfere with some other
wavefront, so as to form dark and bright fringes in regions
-of constructive and destructive interference. The two wavefronts can therefore represent the same object at different
instants of time.
To have a better insight into the procedure, consider a
-specific example. The object will be a plate of metal fixed



Fig. 4.18 Interferograms revealing the nature of internal stress occurTed in a deformed object (a), and the presence and location of internal
defects in an object (b)

in a test bene-h. We record a hologram for this plate in the

normal 'Yay. Then, without changing the plate position
-on the bench, ind uce a stress to deform the plate. Record
this deformed plate on the same hologram with the former
reference beam. In reconstructing, this hologram will yield
two object waves, one due to the undeformed and the other
due to the deformed plate. These waves will interfere to
produce familiar pattern of interference fringes covering
the image of the plate (Fig. 4.18a). From the width and
placement of these fringes one may infer the degree and nature
of deformation in various locations of the plate surface.
This double-exposure technique is in wide use for the evaluation of stresses that occur in deformation.
Modern production flow lines manufacturing precise
items demand accurate control of item parameters both
for a ready product and during manufacturing. These parameters include dimensions, shape accuracy, internal flaw
evaluation, load critical areas, stress concentrators, and
the like. More often than not it is undesirable or just impossible to interfere in the fabrication process with gauges,
templates and similar mechanical means of accuracy control. These measurement problems must be solved by nondestructive testing techniques. Holographic interferometry
is one such technique.

4.8 Environmental Measurements. Quality Control


Holographic inspection of size and shape of items in

production can be established by considering the interference
of two light waves, one of which is reflected from the item
under study and the other is reconstructed from a hologram
where the reference item has been recorded.
How internal stress of a loaded item can be brought to
light we have learned in general from the aforementioned

Fig. 4. t 9 Aircraft land ing assisted by the Glissada laser guiding


particular example of a deformed plate. The evaluation of

internal stress is important not only for mechanically
loaded structures but also for members subjected to significant and sharp temperature gradients. The object may also
contain invisible internal defects, such as flaws, voids,
poorly filled welds and the like. If the object is metallic
then x-ray testing will be of low help. Acoustic sounding
also is able to handle not all defects at all. Here holographic
interferometry may come to help-the tested object is
subjected to a mechanical load to reveal then by means of
a holographic interferogram the presence of internal defects,
their size, shape and location.


Ch, 4 Applications 01 Lasers

Consider a specific example of an object constituted by

two plates of different metals welded together. The search
is for a possible invisible defect of welding-flaws in the
weldment. Upon loading and the second exposure; the interferogram, shown in Fig. 4.18b, gives a clear-cut evidence
of the presence of invisible defects in the areas where the
fringes depart from a regular pattern.
Laser landing system. To facilitate landing safety for
modern jet aircraft, Soviet engineers have developed an instrumental landing system for aircraft guiding in night conditions. Continuous He-Ne lasers of this system are placed at
certain points along the runway. Lasing in a certain pattern, the beams of the lasers (visible at dusk and night time)
provide for the pilot a linear guiding corridor tied in with
the runway. The system conveys to the pilot navigation
parameters as follows: the heading (heading plane), descent
glide path (glide slope), side boundaries of the runway, and
distance to the runway. Fig. 4.19 conveys the idea of the
Glissada landing system, where rays 1-3 indicate the heading
plane, while rays 4 and 5 show the glide slope. The insert
shows three views to the runway for three types of approach.
In all the three cases the aircraft descends accurate to the
heading, but in (a) above the glide path, in (b) accurate
to the glide path, and in (c) below the glide path.
4.9 Thermonuclear Fusion
It is already for a quarter of century that intense research
has been going on the peaceful harnessing of thermonuclear
fusion which nowadays is seen as the controlled production
of energy from fusion reactions of light nuclei in a high
temperature plasma. The solution of this problem would
provide mankind with a virtually inexhaustible source of
According to modern physical concepts, thermonuclear
fusion would be easiest to realize in a hot plasma containing
heavy isotopes of hydrogen (deuterium, D, and tritium, T).
The plasma must have a sufficiently high temperature
(T ~ 108 K) for the highly exothermic fusion reaction to
take place
T ~ 4He
17.6 MeV
where n indicates a neutron.

+ +


4.9 Thermonuclear Fusion

The huge temperatures of the plasma are supposed to be

achieved by means of powerful laser beams. The idea of
laser-assisted nuclear fusion is illustrated in Fig. 4.20. It
schematizes a microsphere (glass pellet) a fraction of a millimetre in diameter containing liquid deuterium and tritium.
This pellet is irradiated by a laser of sufficiently high


Fig. 4.20 Illustrating the process of thermonuclear microimplosion

energy and short duration so as to induce the D

T reaction (microexplosion). The pulses of 1 ns duration develop
at the pellet surface a power density of about 1016 WIcm 2
Complex calculations have shown that the efficient generation of thermonuclear energy in this system requires not
only the heating of the pellet to a very high temperature but
also its compression to a density ten thousand times greater
than that of the liquid phase. This requires a spherically
symmetric heating, and a specially tailored time profile
of the firing laser pulses. Upon irradiation of the microsphere the following sequence of events takes place. First
a laser pre-pulse, split into a number of beams directed
onto the pellet from many directions, heats the pellet so that
a low density plasma is generated around the sphere by
ablation of its outer material. This low density atmosphere
is then irradiated by a second and more intense laser pulse.
The absorption of energy in the atmosphere of the pellet
leads to a strong material ablation due to surface evaporation.
This rapidly exploding atmosphere causes, by momentum conservation, a violent compression (implosion) of the
inner microsphere. At the time of maximum compression,
the most intense part of the laser pulse should arrive to
produce a significant fusion reaction in the compressed and
heated microsphere.


cs. 4

Applications 0/ Lasers

Because the pellet is rather small, the radiation to be

focused on it should be fairly coherent, otherwise an effective
focusing cannot be achieved. The powerful radiation of high
coherence is produced in most laboratories by the master
oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) scheme. The laser pulse
originates in a low power oscillator where its spatial and
temporal characteristics can be accurately controlled. This
light is then divided by beamsplitters into several beams
each being amplified in a separate channel of a few amplifying stages.
Large laser fusion projects have been under development
in several countries, but most notable in the USA and the
USSR. In the USA, laser systems giving pulses with an
energy of about 10 kJ and peak power of 20-30 X 10 12 \V
(terawatt range) have already been constructed. These involve Nd:glass and CO2 laser systems with the number of beams
being 6 for the CO2 laser (Helios system) and 20 for the
Nd:glass (Argus and Shiva systems). Advanced systems
giving an order of magnitude more energy and power are
also under testing or construction: the Nova system based
on Nd:glass amplifiers, (10 beams) and the Antares system
based on CO2 laser amplifiers. In the USSR, a Nd:glass
system with 256 beams (Delphin system) has been constructed. The original pulse from a master oscillator is split
here and launched into 256 separate chains of laser amplifiers. As a result, each channel yields a light pulse of about
50 J and 1 ns duration. Allthese beams are simultaneously
focused on the target, into a 50 um diameter spot to develop
a power density of 2 X 10 16 W/cm 2
Calculations indicate that perhaps 10 14 W may be necessary in a subnanosecond duration pulse in order to achieve
scientific breakeven in thermonuclear reactors. Scientific
breakeven is defined as the level at which the thermonuclear
energy release equals the laser energy input. However, the
results are still far from this level. One of the weak points
revealed for the aforementioned laser systems concerns the
rapid loss of coherence in the amplifying chains. The distorted wavefront prevents the pulse from being adequately
focused on the pellet. A way out is seen now in the restoration of the wavefront by methods of adaptive optics.




1. What frequency range corresponds to the interval of
light wavelengths from 0.1 to 10 ~m?
2. What is the photon energy for a light wavelength of
0.6 urn?
3. The quality factor of an optical resonator is Q =
= 2 X 10 7 at 0.6 t-tm wavelength. Compute the loss coefficient for this Q.
4. Suppose we have doubled all the linear dimensions of
the resonator, i.e. cavity length and mirror curvature radii
and apertures. Will the new resonator be equivalent to the
original one?
5. Suppose we have increased two times the aperture of
the cavity mirrors. How should the other parameters of the
passive resonator be altered to make the new resonator equivalent to the original one?
6. Derive the optimal reflectivity for the output mirror
in an 0.5-m long cavity with the loss coefficient 0.081 m-1
(except radiative losses) and the initial gain coefficient
0.1 m -I.
7. Find the frequency spacing between two adj acent axial
modes for a ruby laser (a ruby rod with polished ends acting
as mirrors), given the rod length is 0.6 m and the ruby refractive index is 1.76.
8. Assume that all the pumping power of the pumping
lamp is being absorbed by the active species of the ruby
laser (chromium ions) which are raised to the 4FI state to fall
then to the upper laser level. Referring to Fig. 2.4, estimate
the efficiency of this laser.
9. The ruby lasers are known to possess efficiencies below
1 %, that is appreciably lower than the value obtained in
the previous problem. Why?
10. Prove that at the Brewster angle of incidence, the
reflected and refracted rays are mutually orthogonal.
11. Describe the geometry of the optical resonator, specified on the stability diagram (see Fig. 2.28) by gl = g2 =
= 2.
12. What is the geometry of the optical resonator producing the g-values gl = 1 and g2 = 1/2 on the stability
diagram (see Fig. 2.28)?


Ch, 4 Applications of Lasers

13. Referring to Fig. 2.29, estimate the angle of divergence for a light beam of 0.5 ~m wavelength leaving the
O.5-m long resonator.
14. Estimate the speed (switching rate) of a fused silica
acoustooptic shutter for a light beam of 1.2 mm diameter,
given the velocity of sound in the shutter material is 6 X
X 103 m/s.
15. Compute the peak power of a pulse, given that the
laser operates at a pulse repetition rate of f = 1 MHz (a cavity dumping mode) yielding pulses of L = 20 ns duration
with an average power of the train being P = 10 W,
16. The gain profile linewidth of a ruby laser is 6 GHz.
Use the result of problem 7 to compute the maximum possible number of longitudinal modes for this laser.
17. Estimate the pulse peak power for a laser operating
in a giant-pulse mode, given: pump pulse energy, 1 kJ;
laser efficiency, 0.5 %; giant pulse duration, 10 ns.
1. From 3 X 1013 to 3 X 1015 Hz.
2. 2 eVe
3. By virtue of (1.26) we get the loss coefficient of 0.5 m-I.
4. I t will not. For the new resonator, the Fresnel number
is twice as large as that of the original cavity; see (1.32).
5. The resonator length and mirror radii of curvature
should be increased four times; see (1.32).
6. From (1.49) the optimal coefficient of radiant losses
amounts to 0.009 m-I. By making use of (1.51), where for
x ~ 1 one may adopt eX = 1
x, the optimal reflectivity
of the output mirror is found to be 99% for this case.
7. According to (1.55), the frequency spacing in question
equals 1.4 X 10 8 Hz.
8. The photon efficiency for this situation is defined as
the ratio of emitted to pumping photon energies. Referring
to Fig. 2.4, this ratio is approximately 1.5/2.5 = 0.6.
Therefore, the efficiency in question amounts to 60 %.
9. In fact, not all of the pumping energy is absorbed by
the active species. Besides, a proportion of the excited ions
decays directly to the ground level without falling first
to the upper laser level.
10. Let ~ be the angle of refraction, and ex the angle of
incidence equal to the Brewster angle and to the angle of



reflection; we were to prove ~ + a = 90. Observing that

sin ee/sin ~ = n and tan a = n, we conclude sin ~ = cos a.
In other words, ex and ~ are complementary to 90, which
proves the statement.
11. From (2.1) it Iollows that the considered cavity's
radii of curvature r 1 = r 2 = -L. This points to an unstable
resonant cavity produced by two convex mirrors whose
radii of curvature equal the cavity length.
12. From (2.1) r 1 = 00 and r 2 = 2. These radii are
characteristic of a stable resonator produced by a plane
mirror and a concave mirror of curvature radius twice the
resonator length.
13. With reference to Fig. 2.29 we can conclude that the
angle of divergence measured in radians is determined
approximately as 2wl L. By virtue of (2.4) we find that this
angle is about 0.001 radian, i.e. 3.5 minutes.
14. The shutter switching time may be estimated as
dlv = 2 X 10-7 s.
15. The peak power in this case may be estimated as
PIT! = 500 W.
16. About 40.
17. The pulse energy is 5 J. Its peak power may be found
as the ratio of this energy to the pulsewidth, whence 5 X
X 105 uw.


Performance Data for Seleded Soviet-made

Commercial Lasers
Table Al Free-oscillating Solid State Lasers
Soviet type

Pulse eyergy,l Pulse duration,






Nd : glass


Nd : glass





Table A2 Solid State Q-switched (Giant Pulse Mode) Lasers

Soviet type



IPulse inergy,l



Nd : glass



duration, ns


I Peak power,

5X10 3

Note: The JITH lasers operate in a single pulse mode, and in a repetitively
Q-switched mode with pulse repetition rates of 12.5, 25, 50, and
100 Hz.



Table A3 Nd:YAG Q-switched Lasers with lntracavity

Harmonic Generation
Soviet type
designat ton















Note: (I) the JITHllQ-3, 4, 5 models are based on the JITH-3 design; (U) the

JITHll"tl-6, 7, 8 models are based on the JITH-5 design; (iii) for the
frequency triplers and quadruplers a frequency doubler output is also

Table A4 Continuously Pumped Nd:YAG Lasers: Pulsed and CW

Soviet type
designat ion


A, ).Lm


Pulse duraIpower,
PumpkW I Pulse
rate, kr~1
z power,
W I tton,











Note: (1) all models operate on the fundamental mode; (it) 0.53 ).LID corres-

ponds to Intracavtty second harmonic generation; (ill) pulse trains are

provided by acoustoopttc Q-swttching.

Table A5 Gas-discharge CW Lasers





Power, W







Power. W




Table A6 Optically Pumped Tunable Dye Lasers

SOviet type

range, um


Pulse rep.
rate, PPS

energy, J






Nott. (i) the linewldth is given tor a selective resonator with a reflective
diffraction grating; (il) the pulse energy refers to A 0.59 J.Lm in a

non-selective cavity.


Where to Read More about Lasers

In Russian
L. V. Tarasov: Lasers-Reality and Hope (Prosveshchenie,
Moscow 1984)
L. V. Tarasov: Optics Born by the Laser (Prosveshchenie, Moscow
Yu. L. Klimontovich: Quantum Generators oj Light and N onlinear Optics (Prosveshchenie, Moscow 1966)
V. S. Letokhov, N. D. Ustinov: Power Lasers and Their Applications (Sovetskoye Radio, Moscow 1980)
G. V. Venikov: Optical Computing Systems (Znanie, Moscow 1976)

In English

o. Svelto:

Principles of Lasers (Plenum Press, New York 1982)

D. C. O'Shea, W. R. Callen, W. T. Rhodes: Introduction to Lasers

and Their Applications (Addison-Wesley Publ, Co., Reading,
Massachusets 1977)
1. F. Ready: Industrial Applications oj Lasers (Academic Press,
New York, London 1978)


Acoustooptic Q-switchcs, 103

Adaptive optics, 130
Anti-Stokes component, 132
Apodizing diaphragms, 118
Argon laser, 64
Atomic terms, 60

Band gap, 82
deflectors, 135
difraction limit, 117
manipulation, 134
spot size, 92
waist, 91
Beamsplitter, 17
Birefringence, 123
Bleachable cell, 104
Bosons, 12
Brewster angle, 59

Carbon dioxide laser, 65
gas-dynamic, 74
longitudinal flow, 66
Chemical laser, 77
Coherence, 14
degree of, 16
time, 17
CO2 laser, see Carbon dioxide
Conduction band, 82
Conversion efficiency, 123
Cube corner reflector, 171

Deuterium fluoride chemical
transfer laser, 79
Diffraction limit, 117
ranging, 168
velocimetry, 171
Doubly resonant parametric
oscillator, 127
Dye laser, 53

Einstein coefficients, 22
Electroionization lasers, 70
Electronic configurations, 60
Electrooptical shutter, 100
Emission line, 38
Eximer laser, 69

Fermi-Dirac statistics, 13
Fermions, 12
Fluorescent line, 38
Four-level laser, 27
Fourth harmonic generation, t23
Frequency multipliers, 125
Frequency tuning, 125
Fresnel number, 33
Fundamental wave, 123

Gain coefficient, 34
Gain curve, 37
Gain profile, 38
Giant pulse generation, 107
Glass laser, 53
G-parameters, 90
Ground level, 25

Harmonic generators, 124
Helium-neon laser, 58, 62
Hologram, 151
amplitude, 156
Gabor, 155
Leith-Upatnieks, 155
reflection, 155
thick, 156
Holography, 150
for coding, 161
for data storage, 160
for information search, 161
for pattern recognition, 162

Image, holographic
conjugate or real, 154
primary or virtual, 154
pseudoscopic, 155
Index ellipsoid, 121
Injection laser, 88
optically coupled, 163
Interference technique, 99
Interferometric distance measurements, 170
Intracavity elements, 95
Ion laser, 57
Irradiance, 15

Kerr effect, 100
applications, 138
basic principles, 9
beam waist, 91
dual, 163
effect, on materials, 139
gain curve, 37
historical review, 41
intracavity control, 94
oscillation, 27, 36
output control, 94
phase conjugation, 130
pulse, 106
schemes, 26


single mode, 97
spot size, 92
wavefront correction, 129
Laser, types
Ar", 64
chemical, 76
CO2 , 65
dye, 53
electron-beam, semiconductor,
eximer, 69
gas-discharge, 45
gas-dynamic, 73
glass, 53
He-Ne, 58
injection, 88
Nd: YAG, 51
photodissociation, 55
ruby, 49
semiconductor, 81
Soviet-made, commercial 184
Laser cutting, 143
Laser environmental monitoring,
Laser for information systems,
Laser for thermonuclear fusion,
Laser gyroscope, 173
Laser heat treatment, 142
Laser hole perforating, 144
Laser isotope separation, 148
Laser landing system, 178
Laser material working, 139
Laser rangefinder, 168
Laser surgery, 145
Laser welding, 141
Lasing level, 26
Level nomenclature, 25
LIDAR, 174
Light amplification, 23
cavity, 31
di ffraction, 32
radiant, 32, 37

Maser, 42
asymmetrical stretching, 67
axial, 40


Pulse trains, 110
chemical, 25
electrical, 25, 45
electroionizing, 71
gas-dynamic, 73
heat, 25
level, 26
optical, 25, 45
schemes'. 25

bending, 67
cavity dumping, 110
fundamental, 40
longitudinal, 41
Q-switching, 100
symmetric stretch, 67
TEM, 40
transverse, 41
vibrational, 67
Mode locking, 111
active, 113
methods of, 113
passive, 113
Molecular laser, 65

acoustooptic, 103
mechanical, 100
methods of, 100
passive, 104
saturable absorber, 104
Quality factor, defined, 30

Nd : YAG laser, 51
Neutral atom laser, 57
Nonlinear media, 118
Nonlinear mirror, 133
Nonlinear optics history,


Optical cavity, see Resonator
Optical communications, 164
Optical deflectors
analog acoustooptic, 135
analog electrooptic, 135
digital electrooptic, 136
prism, 135
Organic dye lasers, 53

Parametric oscillatiors, 125

doubly resonant, 127
singly resonant, 127
Phase conjugation, 130
Phase matching condition, 121
Photochemical laser, 56
Photoelastic effect, 103
Photon, 11
Piezoelectric transducer, 103
Plane of polarization, 10
Plasma laser, 79
Pockels cell, 100
Population in version, 23
Pulsed lasing, 106
Pulse plasma laser, 81

Radiant losses, 32
Raman back scattering, 175
Resonant collision energy
transfer, 63
Resonator, 29
confocal, 91
equivalent, 33
.Ilnear, 89
modes, 40
ring, 89
stable, 90
unstable, 117
Ruby laser, 49

Second harmonic generation, 120

nonlinear polarization, 121
phase matching for, 122
Semiconductor laser, 81
degenera te, 84, 86
intrinsic , 83
transitions in, 83
Single mode operation, 97
Singly resonant parametric oscillator, 127
Small signal gain. 34
Spatial signal, 158

Spontaneous emission, 21
Spot size, 92
Stability of optical resonator, 90
Stimulated Brillouin scattering,
Stimulated emission, 20
Stimulated emission cross section, 24
Stokes satellites, 132
Transition line, 38
Transitions, 18
in semiconductors, 83
lasing, 23
sluppression of, 95

Valence band, 82
Visibility of fringes, 14

extraordinary, 121
idler, 126
object, 150
ordinary, 121
pump, 126
reconstructing, 152
reference, 150
signal, 126, 150
Wavefront correction, 129
Waveguides, 166
Wave trains, 14

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