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Power Armour CYOA

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While sitting down at your computer one day doing whatever, you suddenly hear a massive explosion coming from your backyard followed by a small earthquake, You rush outside to jind what you can only describe as a drop-pod from some sci-fi game sitting in a small crater in the middle of your property. Ax you slowly approach it, the pod lights up and seans you with an aqua blue beam. *SCANNING, ORGANIC LIFE-FORM DETECL-® *LEVEL OF SENTIENCE, ACCEPIABLE® *BRAIN WAVE ED® *BIOLOGY, ACCEPTED.* *SCAN COMPLETE, NEW PILOT, ACCEPTED* CEPT ‘The pod's scanner deactivates and a holographic computer screen appears on the surface of the object *250 RESOURCES TO ASSIGN, PLEASE ENTER NEW USER SETIINGS NOW.* Before you can fully process exactly what ts happening, you hear several loud explosions coming from above you. You look up and see more pods exactly like the one in front of you falling from the sky. A voice in the back of your head says that it ‘might be a good idea to use ths computer right about now: Welcome to Armored Descent, a revised, grittier version of the Power Armor CYOA. made by an anonymous individual. This revision converts the CYOA into a seperate, stand-alone TRPG and aims to accomplish a few tasks: 1.) Adjust the gameplay and fluff to match a more gritty, believable adventure. No leaps into space, ion cannon satelliting people. No (overly powertul) plasma shields Nothing that would be too extreme, following a theme of “Near-tech”, or believable technology not farfetched from our current tech 2.) Provide balance adjustment to weapons and abilities, apply motion deterance for heavier armor, provide an initiative-based round system for combat, and adjust story and item/armor fluff for a harsher world. 3.) Input additional content and material that allows more variety in playstyle, seper~ ate the armor variants to a proper 5-set system (3rd halfway, 1-2 low, 4-5 high VS. the 1-2 low, 3-4 high system), use semi-realistic values (not real'stic enough to suck the fun out of the game, it’s still a tabletop, but where applicable for easy thinking/comparisons), and make everything nice looking TaD Suit Variants. Attributes., Construct Forms... Construct Variants.. Suit Additions.. User Interface. Defensive Addons. Addons... Weapondtry.. Offensive Weapons.....ccccnnsnennnnnnneed2 Special Actions..... con eS Region Map... Drone Combat. Pilot Rules... Ca Ren LIFE IN THE NEW WOSLD Lucky you, you just had a drop-pod slam smack-dab in the middle of your backyard. No injuries, no one y bothering you about itas they're all googly-eved at the pods still falling from the sky. This pod happened to see you firs, it figured you weren't com pletely braindead, and tt gave you the chance to customize a power suit 10 whatever Specs your fragile little heart desires. You wont be the only one though, so you better siart shinking quick. ‘Where we are Now: The world s about 10 g0 to hell, ift hasn't already. Pods from the sky, without warning, fell across the Earth. Where they came from, who the tell knows, Why NASA or the Hubble Telescope didn t notice them before they reached us? Maybe they did, maybe we just werent fold. In any case, the important partis 10 think where Before you is a pod, coniaining inside some material converter and crafiing machine that can only work so much before it gives out. For user-interface sake, it labels the workload to make each “change” 10 the baseline a cost in “Resources”. Simple and eary 10 understand, right? You want better materials, or a bigger sui, its going to wear out how much the pod can work, and eventually, it won't work no more. So keep in mind how much points tt told you were available, you were listening, weren't you? However, this ts quite a tall order: Your own powered sut, that's quite a lot to take in. You could be super strong and heavily ar- ‘mored, maybe you got more firepower than the army has in a tank, or maybe you run or move so fast even the cop cars cant chase So where 10 start? Let's start concepts. You a heavy wpe? Big suit, strong armor, maybe a good deal of firepower? Or ix your cup of tea a light suit? Running faster than some cars get on the high- way, or maybe a sneaky infiltrator? Maybe you're a jack of all trades, yns like a litle of everything, incase you need to adapt. Speaking of adaption, the whole world's gonna need to adapt, so it ain't a bad place to start From there, wittle down what your aiming for there's a lot of options on that litle holographic interface. User inter- faces on how you and the suit will work together, HUD and vision adjustments, communication suites and radar, it’ ‘quite chalk full of possibitites. Oh, and dont forget your locomotion, how you move around the world and terrain. Your form, if you want some- thing different from the bipedal walker. Even up to having a ccute litte companion AT chipper in to your conversations. Well, shat part might fust end up annoying. Once you got a generalized concept, moesy on over and start building. Select options and choose what ou want, its not finalized until you go through and specify fo the ma- chine you're all ready. Just remember: Once you've speci- Sed your butld, it'll Be hell and high water to change 1s, 3o be damned well ceriain you like what you got. Armored Descent Credits Producer, Lead Designer, and Storywriteer: Hardlarget Proofreader, Idea Bouncer, and Genera Bra: Chamto Original Power Suit CYOA, Dr. Divergant Ideas, Balance Issues, Concepts: Aad Special Thanks to- Nobody In Particular {no, not the artist Go hack tod) « The Sto: oN) Resource Cost: None Reehai Prof RET Strength: 600Ibs— Armor Design: 1 Height: Pilots’ Height ight: 1001bs/45.4 kilos lity: 45m “Air Supply: 30m Resource Cost: 10 Recharge time: 1h dail Pressure Resistance Strength: 2000Ibs Armor Design: 3 Height: ~2.1m |: 400Ibs/181.4 kilos Mobility: 30m Air Supply! 2h Resource: Cost:-40- Strength: 40001bs Armor Design: 5 Height: ~3m | Select one Suit Variant, euch Variant determines values such as how much damage > asuit can take, how much it boosts your strength, and how quick it can move Recharge:time:4h-daily: Pressuike Resistance: 10 Resource Cos daily "SGTEREIce 4 ~-Strengthe12001bs “AFHOF Design: 2 Height: ~1.8-1.9m, Weight: 2001bs/90.7 kil Mobility: AirSupplysth- Resource Cost: 20 Recharge,time:.2h.daily. Pressure Resistance: 8 Strength: 3000Ibs Armor Desig Height: ~2.5m Weight: 8001bs/362.9 kilos ‘Mobility: 25m “Air Supply: 3h Weight: 16001bs/725.7 kilos {oles hse on file pens: : Sine: How mich can iftanided,tpotenaliyeidedty = NYOBHREG: 15m Wa m7 mg ‘ir Supply: 4h i sil rol pt ee eerie (Mesh lps he pti 060s, a Supemhaey can 9 rece 11M asome height as i Sapa & 3 A Merk adds only 280s Suprhoney weigh | tos All Suits have a stat of 30 “Physical”, or HP. Recharge Time Recharge time is how much time it takes for a suit to fully recharge it’s battery. All suits are equipped with batteries powerful enough to pro- vide energy for 24h before needing recharging. Alll suits recharge via detachable solar array, which must recieve direct sunlight or AC outlet. Pressure Resistance Pressure Resistance (PR) accounts for the forces that the suit encounters in combat, Every bullet, cannon shell, or missile applies a Pressure Value (Pi) which must be resisted. The higher your PR, the more likely you can take multiple sources of attacks. Strength How much your suit’s limbs will aid you in tasks. Lifting off ground capacity is 2x lifting capacity, and dragging/pushing capacity is 4x base cap Armor Design Displays the thickness and general layout of your, armor. This affects how much of a beating the armor can take before it begins to become dam- aged. It is modified by the armor material (Design + Material = Armor Value (AV) chosen. More armor means tougher time harming the power armor, and an easier time dealing with po- tential penetrators. (see Combat section) Height Determines how large the suit is. Mesh suits are con- sidered skin-tight and negligable in height variation from the user's base, Supetheavy suits by themselves tower at around 3m tall. Thus, # Mesh suit ean fit through a door, a Superheavy has to create its’ own entrance (or crouch down to fit inside). Multiply all multipliers together with the base to determine value. Weight ‘Determines how heavy the suit is. Most Superheavy. Suits are ineapable 0° staying on any surface that is not considered “ground” (concrete, pavement, dirt) due to the surface ratio of their limbs. Multiply all multipli- ers together with the base to determine value. Mobility “How quickly the suit can accelerate, it's max speed, and tur rate are all determined by this attribute, For comparitive speeds, a Mesh suit can run alongside a car on the highway, a Superheavy can maintain 2 human-sprint speed for hours. As well, a mesh suit is near-instanatenous in turning/swiveling, while a su- petheavy is unaffected in turn rate (tums as fast as a ‘normal human). A suit’s mobility measurements con- verted directly into how far they can move in combat (A medium of 30m can move 30m, or 6 squares (5m per square), Superheavy of 15m can only move 15m in combat, See: Combat section), Multiply all multi- pliers together with the base to determine value. Air Supply All suits are equipped with their own tank of oxygen for the pilot and can maintain the pilot in any atmo- sphere the suit can handle (a mesh suit cannot gve oxygen for a pilot in the deep sea as the pressure will crush both the suit and user) mn Cs im RTO) Select one Construct form to determine the shape, starting loromotion, and other quirks about your suit. Reource Cost: 10 |= ___ Heiglit modifier: 51.25 |- a a a LP | | weight modifier: x1. Resource Co Gain Mobile Variant* |= No oe hans CAnmot have Wheels |. . Respiree RED Weight modifier:| Resource’ Cost: 10 Length modifier: x2 Height Gain +2 PR Caniot have Exposed (Cam tack one time (Quad + ‘Armored, but no further)) Ca Varia IH CTT Construct Variants change features about certain forms, and are optional. You may select multiple variants that do not overlap in features (No double tails) Angelic Gain non-functional pair of wings They look nice Rep Gain a functional tal that at plzyer discretion can house/hold ‘a hardpoint (Must spend resourees/Hardpoint points normally) TAURIC Centaur You have the lower body of a iorse, and the upper body of a humanoid. The arms are capable of lifting the suits’ strength threshold and/or attaching hardpoints, Tauros All four limbs can be used for movement, but you can also stand upon your hind legs and walk like a bipedal humanoid. QUADRUPED Predator ‘Your four walking limbs are treated as sharing the same hard- point for purposes of mounting melee (Cutting Blade/KSM) ‘weapons. This gains no additional attacks or mechanical ben- efits, and is purely visual Scorpion Gein 2 additional logs (visual/does not affect stats) Gain a functional tail that at player discretion can house/hold 1 hardpoint (Must spend resources/Hardpoint points normally) Arachnid Gain 4 additional legs (visual/does not affect stats) RASPY Wyvern Gain a functional tail that at player discretion can house/hold 1 hardpoint (IMust spend resources/Hardpoint points normally) Exposed Resource Cost: -$ (Gain $ points) Lose I (1) to Armor Design Risk direct pilot damage (?) ‘You look cool and badass while showing yourself off Mobile Resource Cost: 10 Improve mobility by 1 Suit level (Heavy gain Medium, Medium gain Light, etc) -Claification for Mesh: Mobility increases from 45m to 60m Clarification for Tauric + Mobile as Mesh: Increases from 45 to 60, then further to 75m Armored Resource Cost: 5 Gain +1 to Armor Design Can be taken wits Exposed Lightweight Resource Cost: 5 Reduce weight by modifier x0.5 Gun Platform Resource Cost: 15 ‘Your suit’s design is created for stability and integrity of firing weapons, granting a-+5 to your range band Suit Variant: USER INTERFACE Determines how you interact with the suit. You may select only one (unless stated otherwise) Resource Cost: 0 Gain a basic and intuitive set of controls for your suit ~Can be customized to accomodate additional limbs and attachments, or to work solely for specific limbs/attachments ~ You feel no pain or pleasure from the suit =‘The suit carries it’s own weight ~ Anyone can use the power armor/attachments - Can be taken with additional interfaces, usable only ‘when in suit Resource Cost: 5 Gain a nerve suit that will wirelessly read and in- terpret your nervous signals Your suit will be akin to a second skin, you can feel pain or pleasure from the suit (can be toggled) ~ Extra limbs will feel and work functionally as if an innate part of yourself ~ You will have access to all senses via the Suit - Anyone can use the power armor if they possess the nerve suit SPINAL COLUMN Resource Cost: 5 Undergo an intricate and painless surgury that at- taches an artificial, external spinal column to your pre-existing spine = You can link-up to your suit, your suit will be akin toe second skin, and you can toggle pain or pleasure - Extra limbs will feel and work functionally as if'an innate part of yourself ~ You will have access to all senses via the suit ~ Only the user can uplink with the power armor BRAIN IMPLANT 1 Resource Cost: 10 Undergo an intricate and painless surgury that in- jects a microchip onto the surface of your brain, merging it with your grey matter ~ Gain all benefits akin to Nerve Suit, but that only the user can uplink with the power armor = The armor caa be called to you while you are not in it = You can use communications telepathically while not wearing the armor ~ Only the user can uplink with the power armor Resource Cost: 15 Gain all prior benefits from Brain Implant 1 plus: ~ All associated HUD elements can be displayed wire- lessly on your vision by mental imaging - Can remotely pilot the suit ST ME TD Additional customization options for your suit. You may select multiple from any category unless specified; Cannot take multiple of the same item unless specified. ‘Choose one type of armor mat ‘cannot chose multiple materials, Basie -0 Resources: All suits start with this unless otherwise specified. A light aluminum-like alloy that while very light is stable. Gives a Material Value of 0. Does not modify weight Funetional - 5 Resources: Material Value of 1. A somewhat denser alloy comprised of steel that is shock resistant, Weight modifier: x1,05 ‘Tempered - 10 Resources: Material Value of 2. A sturdy alloy of stainless steel hardened to withstand potential impact. Weight modifier: x1.1 Industrial - 15 Resources: Material Value of 3. A hardened, diamond-plated steel composite trat is usually used for indus- trial work. Weight modifier: x1.2 ‘Composite - 20 Resources: Material Value of 4. An extreme- ly dense composite material commonly used for military appli- cation. Weight modifier: x1.35 for your armor; You ened Chobham relative armor with small platelets imbedded into a metallic matrix composition. Extremely resiliant to po- tential penetrators. Weight modifier: x1.5 Invisibility - 10 Resourees: Stcalth generator that holds up to 1/2 the suit’s mobility, Disables if combat is initiated. Does not disable from movement (You ean still be seen if you move faster than 1/2 your mobility a round). Recharge rate is 3m. Infiltrator - 10 Resources: Gain a light-reftactory generator ‘that makes you appear as @ normal, humanoid shape or person. Does not decieve X-Ray. ‘Temperature Resistance I- 5 Point ‘from all natural temperatures, ‘Temperature Resistance 2 - 1 Points: Armor can operate in absolute zero and lava-like conditions, Self-Repair I - 10 Points: Power Armor can maintain and repair itself automatically, granting Regen I (1 Physical regen per round), Sell-Repai repair itself automatically, granting Regen 2; Does not stack, with Self-Repair Improved Hull - 5 Resources: Reinforces the material of the power suit with additional layering, confering a +1 material ‘bonus (no weight modifier), Pressure Shielding - 15 Resources: Adds +4 to the armor’s, Pressure Resistance (PR). Physical Shield - 5 Resources: Gain a deployable or perma. ment shield on a limb to gain a directional forward/lefY or right AV bonus of +2, Can be taken multiple times, Cannot stack di- recticnally (Cannot get 2 shields forthe front. Can get one for either side). Can move to feont/ete. Armor shields weare: IT 15 Points: Power Armor can maintain and Flares - 5 Resources: Disrupt targetting systems or emit a blinding flash. Enemies attempting to attack the target recieve a -2 penalty to hit until the user's next tum. Total of 3 uses before refill during suit recharge (24h for Mesh). Use isa swift action, flectron Shield - 25 Resources: An experimental shield tha: forms a dense layer of electrons in a sphere around the user. The user enables it by standard action, and it lasts until the user’s next turn, blocking all forms of damage and pressure, Requires 5 minutes to fully recharge. LOCOMOTION Kinetic servos - 10 Resources: Improves mobility by a mod- iffer of x1.5. Adhesion - 10 Resources: Allows movement across any solid surface (Walls, Ceilings) regardless of gravity so long as surface can hold armor’s weight. ‘Thrusters ~ 15 Resources: Hover-based propulsion technol- ‘ogy that allows for short-height levitation and ‘skating” over ground, Difficult terrain does not reduce user's movement speed, Grants a x1.5 modifier to mobility, Does not stack with Kinetic servos. Teleport Beacon-15 Resources: Deployable beacon that allows the user to return to it via teleportation, Requires 15 sec conds of start up time. Cainot be used while actively moving. 1 Beacon only limit, Swift action to use; Standard to deploy. Deep Sea/Space Module - 20 Resources: Suit is modified to hhandle extreme depihs and vacuum of space. Comes with hnydrovion thrusters that allow movement up to 75m in sea, 225m in space. Comes with re-breather capable of converting water/sunlight into oxygen. Flight 20 Resources: Built in propulsion system allows the suit to take off, land, and fly ata maximum of x10 their mobil- ity (not eounting eround focomotion options), Gills - 10 Resources: Built in water/oxygen converter re- ‘moves the air limitation on a suit in bodies of weter, allowing it to stay submerged indefinately. Comes with free sonar Web Spray - 10 Resources: Capable of spraying up to 30m, cof'surface with a reactive, sticky fiber. Grants adhesion on all, applied surfaces to any unit: units with Adhesior gain free ‘movement on said surfaces. Can create pathways up to 30m across so Tong as beth ends arc anchored on a solid surface Fiber lasts up to 3 rounds in combat, or Sm out of combat Swift action to use. Hopper Legs - 10 Resourees: Can leap up to a unit’s mo- bility in distance. Ignores difficult terrain, Stacks with Kinetic Servos and Thrusters for determining mobility for jumping dis- tance, Burrow - 15 Resources: Burrow at 1/4th mobility, Stan- dard action to begin burrowing or resurface. Corsidered under a sotid barrier, eannot fire without ine of sight. Ineur a +10 DC check to fire at or from a burrowed unit, Ignore difficult terrain. Suit BOT Ce Cc mee You may select multiple from any category unless specified; Cannot take multiple of the same item unless specified. RUD/VISUAL ‘Enhanced Vision - § Resources: Can zoom up to 10x magnifi- cation. Gain Night Vision. ‘Navigation -§ Resources: Precise GPS Navigation ‘Tuermal Vision - 5 Resources: Standard thermal vision Passive Sonar - 5 Resources: An infrasonic sound detector that actively relays noise and converts itimto an image. Due to low quencies, it cannot see through so‘ objects further than 30 ‘meters. I can see normally otherwise ‘X-ray Vision - 5 Resources: Standard X-ray capable of Seeing through Infitrator’s disguise at up to 30m. Radar - § Resources: Microwave signals are sent, bounced off objects, and returned to a transciever, displaying their relative lo- cation, Internal Status - $ Resources: See your health, the well-being of your suit, and all relevant conditions: External Status ~ 10 Resources: As Internal Status, but also gain visuals such as estimated stams of enemy suits or targets, target locks, direction of fire, elecromagnetic readings, et: MMUNICATIONS ‘Vocal - 0 Resources: A built-in device that projects your vor: ‘outside of your suit up to 100m, or by microwave to other systems in 300m Universal Translator ~ 5 Resoure ‘and has lip reading capacity ‘Communicator - 10 Resources: Capable of transmitting audio, and visual (camera) to any location on Earth which ean recieve satelite signals. Only recieved by others if signal is accepted, Un- traczable, WiFi - 18 Resources: Allows multi-media communcations over Wireless networks, Armor can function as a Wi-Fi router, In- capable of being hacked or hijacked by anything less than armox- tech. Grants access to the World Wide Web. Additional: When combinec with External Status, it grants Augmented Realty, gaining info on any scanned object ‘Command Suite - 15 Resources: A C&C module that feeds e- altine information on the position and well-being of suits who uplink to the user. Allows the userto share HUD and Communica- tions options between all uplinked suits, as well as act as comm and virtual (Wi-Fi if available) nodes. BIOLOGY Canvas Nanites - 5 Resources: A cluster of nanobots inject you and allow you to change your gender, height, weight, skin, hair and eye colors. Takes one day per alteration to complete. Progenitor Nanites - 10 Resources: As with Canvas Nanites, butalso change your DNA, chromosomes, geneties and anatomy from human to elven. Lifespan is inereased to 200 years and all physical and mental disabilities are cured. Appearance can only be ion. Translates any language changed once on aeqy Hydra Nanites - 10 Resourees: A small platelet factory is im- bedded into your bods, creating nanites which accelerate healing, and allow the regrowti of limbs, Stasis - 20 Resourees: Your suit is filled with bio-sustaining liquid, putting your bedy into stasis. Slows aging and removes need for water and food but not air, Armor recharge does not inter- fere with stasis, You can leave at any time, but requires | month of rehab. Requires Brain Implant I or II. Extended use over time ‘causes muxele deterioration. Hydra Nanites lack the bie-electrei ‘fom the nervous system during stasis, asthe body is put into a coms-like state, rendering compatibility impossible (Hydra Na~ nites do not work while user is in stasis). Fusion - 20 Resources: You are injected with recombinate na- nites which fuse your natural body and entwine it with your suit. ‘You lose the need for sleep, water, and food so longas itis charged. Your pilot health is attached and treated as an addition to your suits’ physical peimts. UTILITY ‘Tentacle - 5 Resources: Gain a small tentacle that can interface with any computer Pigeon - 10 Resources: Computer trojan that reports data to the user about the infected system Octopus - 10 Resources: Computer program that reports mate- rial composition, schematics, and blueprints on power armor. Allows user to repair armor manually for 5 Physical on Standard faction; combined with External Status can repair other armor suits 1s well. Cannot be usec to create new power armor or other ob- {jeots; Can only repair Spider - 15 Resoureey: Computer rootkit that wil ‘sabotage any computer system it is installed on. Cannot affect power armor. Collapsible -5 Resources: The armor cin be col apsed into a state for storage or transport. Collapsable form is also considerably lighter than standard form, weighing only 1/2th, Suit functions aside recharge do not work while collapsed ‘Additional Form - 10 Resources: Your armor ean be created to have both a human form and any funefional animal shape with up to additional limbs. Changing forms takes 3 seconds. Dummy AI-5 Resources: Helps manage suit functions. Has no ‘mation or sentionce, Appoars a a sprits or hand-held hologram, Capable of autonomously controlling a drone. Cannot stack with Sentient AL Sentient AL- 18 Resources: Advanced AI that is capable of leaming, develop a persona and display emotions. Sentient, and heavily influenced by user's behavior. Can use a holographic, hhuman-sized body for physical interaction with the world. Cannot fight with hologram. Capable of autonomously controlling up to 3 drones. Cannot stack with Dummy Al. ‘Towing Cable - 5 Resources: Retractable cable that allows user to drag objects without using their limbs. Can also be thrown or ejected to grab targets up to 30m. Additions [] Ca 3 ey Combat Weapondry and Offensive Capabilities for your Armor. PO Ree eee Ret meee ei Every suit starts with a set of 10 “free” Hardpoint points to allocate as they please (Does not detract from Resource count). Cannot convert the HP points to normal Resources, Can use resources as normal to gain additional Hardpoints, Hardpoint levels are the following: Hardpoint level 1 (Light Ballistics), Level 2 (Medium Ballistics), Level 3 (Heavy Ballistics), Level 4 (Colossal Ballistics), and Level $ (Experimental Tech). Each Hardpoint costs it’s correspond- ing level in Resources. Hardpoints can be mounted on adc- tional limbs, shoulders, or any other joint as applicable, ‘Hardpoints can be upgraded by detracting their base cost by the existing hardpoint (A Hardpoint Level 2 can be con- verted to a 5 for 3 points) Every weapon has a corresponding Hardpoint requirement that must be met. A Class 3 weapon cannot be mounted on a HP1/2 mount. A weapon however can be mounted on a hard- point level above itself (A Class 1 Weapon can be mountec on aHIP3 mount). ‘Weapons are interchangable end modular (can be removed and replaced) so long as you have the weapons to replace it with and so long as the mount can handle the weapon being placed on it. CLASS 1 WEAPONS Class 1 Weapons can be mounted on any Hardpoint level 1 or above; Cost 5 Resources per Non-Lethal Set: | of any weapon: Concrete Foam, Taser, or Tranquilizer. Causes no damage but disables organic targets for 3 rounds/Smin (Power Armor and vehicles remain unaffected). Requires 3 turns to be effective against a prior target. Range of 15m, Cutting Blades Rank 1: Includes extremely sharp and nea ‘unbreakable saws, blades, or molecular wire, DV 7, Pi 6, Can only be used to attack targets adjacent from your square. Kinetic Strike Module Rank 1; This limbs upgrade allows ‘your suit to strike with powerful kinetic force, Same stats and rules as Cutting Blades. Cannot stack with cutting blades (Sererate Weapons) Light Ballistics: Any handheld Assault Rifle, Shotgun, Battle Rifle, LMG counts in this category. Selection is up to player. DV 6, PLS. Scout Drone: Small reconnaisance drone capable of sharing it’s vision with the user. If uplinked with a suit user who has Command Suite, it can utilize all visual modules as well, CLASS 2 WEAPONS ‘Class 2 Weapons can be mounted on any Hardpoint level 2 ‘or above; Cost 10 Resources per Medium Ballistics: MMG’s, Powered Rifles, and other addi- tions count in this category. Selection is up to player. DV 7, Pi 6 Combat Drone; Sana combat deone pre-equipped with « non-lethal set afd Light Ballistics. You can improve the Drone’s Hardpoints end weapons up to level 2 and class 2 re- spectively. Doing so detracts the weaporv/HP resource cost from the new weapon/HP. Additional: Cannot put a drone on any Drone Hardpoint (no, you cannot stack drones with drones, dawg) ‘Repair Drone: Small drone outfitted with a torch and welder, and capable of repairing objects, items, and more. Can repair power armor i aided by Octopus and a Pilot or Sentient Al. Electro Pulse: Emits a small shockwave of nor-lethal eletri- ‘eal energy that disables organic targets for 3 rounds/Smin in a 15m range. Requires 3 turns or $ minutes out of combat to re- charge. Cutting Blades Rank 2: DV 8, Pi 7. Kinetic Strike Module Rank 2: DV 8, Pi Class 3 Weapons ean be mounted on any Hardpoint level 3 or above; Cost 15 Resources per Heavy Ballistics: HIMG's,.50cal rifles, and small 20~40mm cannons count in this category. Selection up to player. DV 8, Pi 7 Proximity Mine Launcher: Proximity mines ean be de- ployed at up to medium range and will await enemy movernent before triggering. Can also be set for manual or tmed detona- tion (must sct before firing). Regains 1 mine every 3 turns, oF five minutes out of combat, up to a total of 6 capacity. DV 8, Pi 7 for each mine, EMP Cannon: Cepable of scrambling optics and targetting subsystems ofa target until the player's next turn; Disables range bonuses. Requires 3 tums to be effective against a prior target Missiles: Launched missiles which are either guided or follow lock-on by targetting systems, Affected radius is 10m for full damage. Charges 1 missile every 5 turns, or 7 minutes ‘out of combat, up to total of 4 missiles, DV 8, Pi 7. Tracer Bolts: Sticky tensile bolt that latches onto a target and relays it’s position to allied targetting systems, conferring a +45 benefit to all rolls (420-+ 5) against the target. Lasts 3 tums. Recharges | bolt per5 combat tums, or 7min. Holds 3 bolts. Cutting Blades Rank 3: DV 9, Pi 7. Kinetie Strike Medule Rank 3: DV 9, Pi 7 CLASS 4 WEAPONS Class 4 Weapons can be mounted on any Hardpoint level 4 or above; Cost 20 Resources per item Colossal Ballistics: 30~40mm auto-cannons, 80mm bar- relled to, 120mm short-barrelled cannons, and other additions ‘count in this category. Selection 's up to player. DV 9, Pi 7. ‘Plasma Torch: Torch of superacated plasima eapeble of wut ting nearly any material. Requires direct contact to be effective (must be adjacent to target). DV 12, Pi 8 Plasma Flamethrower: Allows the wielder to spray a 15m line of superheated plasma from their position. DV 10, Pi 6. Plasma Gun: Fires bolts of superheated plasma at a target DV), Pi7 Railgun: High-powered, ral-driven and recoilless rifle anton fires exttemely accurate kinetic slugs at targets. Itre- duces range threshold by one. It camnot be fired consecutively (one round must be spent not using the weapon). DV 12, Pi6 Micro Missile Pod: Missile pod system that fires a myriad of missiles at one time, Fires up to 5 missiles a tum, holds 8 mis- siles at one time. Recharges a missile every 2 tums. Missiles do 2DY,3 Pitoa target Cutting Blades Rank 4: DV 12, Pi8 Kinetic Strike Module Rank 4: DV 12, Pi8 EXPERIMENTAL WEAPONS Experimental Weapons can be mounted only on Level 5 Hardpoints. ‘Technologically advanced, their intricate sys- tems and mechanics are typically under top study by seien- tists. Cost 25 Resources per item Particle Laser Cannon: Particles arc driven along an accel- cration ring inside the barrel and back before being emitted at hyperkinetic speeds, effectively breaking apart the atomic makeup and composition of f’s target upon impact. You can, retain and power the charge for a bonus +2 DV per round. charged up, up to a DV of 18. Requires a swift action to con- tinue charging, DV 8, Pi 8. Ton Cannon: Ion particles are gathered and condensed into a single structure in the rear chamber ofthe weapon before being forcibly erupted. These ion particles proceed to bombard a target, ripping it apart, DV 8, Pi 12. Fusion Missiles: Launched missiles that must be locked on to a target (Cannot be dumb-fired). Armed with powerful war- heads, these missiles decimate any normal target. DV 12, Pi 8. Charges 1 missile every 10 turns, or every 20 minutes out of combat, up toa total of 4 missiles. Due to the complex missile structure and launcher, this weapon cannot be fired consecu- tively. Affects a 30m radius area, applying full DV and Pi in this affected splash range. Cutting Blades Rank 5: DV of 14, Pi of 8 Kinetic Strike Module Rank 5: DV of I i of 8 TARGETTING Targetting Systems assist with aiming weapons at a target, improving the range the user has for hit (Ix,20]) chance. Multiple systems can be taken and overlapped unless stated otherwise. Assisted Aim - 5 Resources: This system helps give relative spoed aud distance of the target, coufeiting a +3 range (if [1,20]; becomes [4,20)) boost Guidance System - 10 Resources: Only works with mis- Provides consistant and updated info on a arget’s current position through advanced algorithms, conferring a +5 range boost to one particnlar target. Requires a swift action to select target. Target Lock - 15 Resources: Tracks and updates a target's position while adjusting the power armor’s stance to assure op- {imal chance of hit, conferring a +5 range bonus and removing, penalty for attacking a target who is in melee combat. Full-Range Accurate Motion - 15 Resources: Requires nerve suit or greater control. Utilizing pinpoint input from the use, the suit adjusts it’s limbs and weapons precisely to the de- sired target, conferring a +5 range bonus and removing penalty for attacking a target directly adjacent to you. Dedicated Mental Tasking - 20 Resources: Requires Brain, Implant I or II. The user’s mental inputs and facilities are tied to the weapondry oF the suit, allowing precision normally im- possible for conventional control. Confers a +10 range bonus, Cannot be taken with Full-Range Motion, Targe: Lock, or As- sisted Aim The Basics So let’s get that head of yours wrapped around the aspects of combat. Movement, hitting enemies, getting hit, and seeing how ‘much it ruins your (or their) day, all tre simple stuff. A lot of the rules are created to be simple and not take a player the length of a Shadowrun tur to figure out if their hits actually do anything, so don’t stress yourself, you should catch on quickly enough Combat Turn Sequence To start, everyone has “initiative”. No, you won’t roll a dice on this, it's just basically you'll tke turrs sequentially, and repeat the ‘process until combat is done. Those who move relatively faster sart up on the list, those who move slower end up on the bottom of the initative table Following that, everyone has a set of actions on their tum, seper- ated into ‘Move’ and ‘Standard’, For every movement up to 15m, itis a Move action. So, if'a character moves 75m, that's 5 actions (5,15,15,15,15) of movement. Every turn a character ean perform cone standard action at any point in their tum, So a character that can move 90m can move 80m (15,15,15,15,15.5; 6 Move Actions), perform a standard, and continue for the rest of their movement (Gm, or 1 Move Action). You are no: required to use all your po- tential movement, and can stop making move actions at your Iei= sure, Standard actions are complicated actions whittled into a single term. Things like firing a gun, repairing a broken servo, lifting and hurtling a car are all slated into this category. Basically, so long as it is nota form of movement, itis a Standard Action unless stated elsewhere (Sce: Intercepts). Characters are granted only ONE stan- dard per round. ‘Once ycu have exhausted your standard and move actions (or chosen to end your turn), your turn ends and the next player‘cheracter in the initiative table begins their turn. This con- times unt! all characters have had a tum, and then the round ends, and resets from the top. Shooting, Scoring Hits, and Damage ‘Now that we covered the actions available, let’s cover perform- ing actions. Namely: Trying to hit something with a gun (or cannon. Or laser. Basically, if you're trying to hit something). Hit variance works in a modified range, to give things a better Adsorption eta fe et owt Soe aha toe mae ‘Ce heitsnyomaorcaeon aa chance. Roll a 1420, and anything below your modified range is auto-rounded up (ex: [6,20] means any roll below 6 is auto rounded up to 6). Compare your roll against the DC threshold against your target. DC Thresholds are: 5 CQC, 10 Medium Range($0m-150), 15 Long Range(150m~400), 20 Extreme Ranges(50m+), and anything beyond 2km is modificrs impossible. Threshold can be changed b Example Initiative Round Chris fnds vimself up against a pair of salir Chris isa base light sutt user, while the solders are simple infantry. Cris starts, while te soldiers start after his turn Chris decides to move his fill movement ASm), taking two Meve actions He then fires at one of the soldiers with « basic gun, hurting the soldier prety badly but not tling hum, Chris no longer has actions available, ana forfeits his turn Soldier I moves hs full speed (15m) to cover and “fires at Chris, Chris’ armor is strong enough to hhamile the force. Soldier I no longer has eeiions, and “forfeits his ture. Soldier 2 is very wounded anc opts to open fire at Chris immediately, scoring hits bui no damage. He then limps Si to cover He chooses fo end his tum there. Nove the round wil reset, and twill be Chris tn, such as movement speed of target, difficulty in vision, ete Each threshold modifier adds to the threshold by | for each degree of severity (a very difficult to see area may be +2 to DC Threshold, and a target moving fast may be around +3 DC Threshold to hit). GM's decide modifiers Range modifiers'are things like steady limbs, staky hands, guided systems, target locking, ete. Can be positive or negative modifiers, but base cannot be less than 1. You cannot fire at a target you do not have Line of Sight to. You can fire ata target that your targetting sysiems (Ex Sonar) have highlighted for you, at a penalty to hit of -4 per solid object (buildings, vehicles, etc) ‘Once you have determined a hit, find the Pressure (Pi) of the weapon, and add it to the Target's total Pressure. Ifthe target's Pi is greater than theit Pressure Resistance (PR), reduce the target’s AV by the remainder (AV - [Pi- PR). If the Pi is less than the PR, do nothing. AV cannot be reduced below 0. ‘The target retains their Pressure value until they have had one complete round (starting from their turn and ending on the start of their next tam) without being hit (ingering envi- omental effects Next, find the Damage Value (DV) of the weapon hitting, and compare it against the target's Armer Value (AV). If the DV greater or cqual to the AV, you deal damage normally (DV-AV = Damage dealt). If it is less than AV, it does not do damagi This means focus-firing a target, and firing on the same round as our allies can be an effective means to deal with targets who have hi Armor Value points, and promotes teamplay. Example Damage Applications Following the previous example, Chris had shot at a soldier, white both haa fired back st Chris Chriss gun, a basie Class 1 Ballistic, had more DY thar: the solcier's pally 1 AY, meaning the hit went clean through for unaifected damoxe (5 physical). Bath soldiers fired at Chris with ARS, with PLof 5. Chers isa tigh, and decided to ge! Pressure Shielding, which iy 4.1 4~ 8, His PR is greater than the first vale of Ph so the frst shot does 6 - AF, whteh Chris has 6 AF (24-4), meaning 11 does no damage. However, the second shor bring: his Piso 10, which bs 2greater than hus PR. Chris nadified AV value i now 4 (6-[2 Unresisted Pi), and the D¥ of 619 re~ duced by his new AV (4), dealing a (otal of 2 damage. Gris is barely hurt but if he fakes consecutive hits next turn, he might he in trouble, Ifhe disengages, he carn wipe his Pi value if he tom hi for a round, or he carn attempt to finish off the soldiers now. Firing While Moving, Intercepts, and Special Actions Now that we have all the bases convered, let's get into some spe- cial actions and rules. These are alittle mote advanced, but are im- plimented to provide variation in combat and deal with special cit- cumstances, First, is firing while moving, When you take two move actions and then a standard, the hit resolves normally. However, if you take three or more move actions before you fire your weapon or at- tempt to shoot, you suffer a growing penalty to the particular action, For every move action after the first two, the player takes a consecutive -I penalty. This penalty also applies to all standard ac- tions, such as hacking or repairing on the move. So, if you move three times and fire your weapon, you incur a -1 penalty to hit, If you move 4 times, 1 -2 penalty. 5 times, -3 pen- ally, so en, so forth. This is to represent the difficulty of firing eta target while moving at extreme speeds, To incura ~4 penalty, you have to move 6 times, for a total of 90m. He Flying suits only incur this penalty if they are considered “strafing” while in flight. This means ifthe pilot is not moving in a straight line while performing his move actions, he will suffer the penalties a3 usual Asa second rule for firing while moving, after firing a shot (aking a standard to shoot), characters can only make 1 more ‘movement action (assuming they have enough movement ac- tions to take another; Their movement action amount is re~ duced to |, ifapplivsble) before their twin is considered com= pleted. Firing at the beginning of your turn before moving does not invoke this clause. Swift and interrupis are net affected by this clause A character attempting to fire a gun on a target in melee {adjacent square) suffers a-+5 to their DC Cheek (from 5 to 10 DC Threshold). Ales attempting to fire ata target in melee combat with another target suffer this penalty as well, and if thoy fail the threshold will hit the other combatant instead of their intended target. This covers most ofthe firing while moving, ard moving issues and restrictions. The next aspect is special setions, and intercepts: Intercepts are a special type of “interrupt” action, and ean be taken only once per round. Interrupt actions can act whenever they are calle, irregardless of the tum order. An intercept is a move to negate Pressure (not DV) on an ally. This can be from standing in the line of fire, pushing an obstacle in the way, or using suppressive firs of your own on the individual firing. So Jong as you specify how you are negating the pressure and are capable of the action, you negate that particular modifier of Pressure (An Assault Rifle of 6 DV, 5 Pi will stil try to deal the DV as normal, but will not deal Pi iPintercepted). Each character only has | interrupt per round. An ally cannot recieve more than one intercept from other allies each round, This spe- cial interrupt gives characters agency to assist one another and deal with growing Pressure values. Swift actions are arother special type of action, that work outside of the normal Move Actions + 1 Standard Any action considered a “swift” action does not affect, reduce, or other- wise alter the choices of actions a player has. The action is, considered simple and quick enoush for the charecter to per orm without great eTort. This can be something simple as pulling an item froma sheathe (retrieving a stowed item is a standard action), dropping an item, or going pron: (if locomo- tion allows). Fach player can perform 1 swift action on their tum, Finally, a character at the start of his turn may “burn” hall” his mobility, to gain a second attack-only standard, This attack can hit any target, use any additional (not same) weapon, and does only 1/2 DY (rounded up), with no Pressure (Pi). The attack can be used at any point in the player’s turn, but suffers double movement penalties to hit, and the movement penalties begin after | move action « Combat yh) COMBAT = DEE The Basics Movement in Armored Descent is seperated into two planes’ Ground, and Air (aquatic and space enviroments follow Air enviro- ‘ment rules), Both of these have seperate rulesets, and particular rules about acting between the two Ground Combat - The Grid The grid isa visual representation of the battleficld available to units. Buildings, obstacles, and other enviromental detail is placed around 5y the GM while he also dictates the starting position of the players and NPCs tokens. Every square is a move of 5m (A grd of 40 squares supports up to 200m of movement in a straight lin), in- cluding diagonally. Terrain that is difficult (ground is broken up or Unstable, side of cliff, tc) costs doable movement speed to cross. Obstacles and difficult terrain can be used to the advantage of the players, considering itis plausible to be used for defense, An ‘automobile or corner of a building can be used for a minor +1 Hit ‘Threshold (+1 to DC check for being hit) boost, If the terrain can be used to the player’s advantage (sce: crouching/prone in a crater in the road), they can confer a +1 Hit Threshold bonus. Terrain and obstacle bonuses stack. While obstacles do exist, they are not immutable: A Superheavy may lift up an automobile used for cover and hurtle it at an enemy, a Heavy suit may break through the side of a wall, or a powerful cannon may penetrate and destroy a fence on it’s way fo the target Affecting the enviroment calls DC checks or modifiers for the ap- propriate action (Throwing a car isa DC check against the strength of the suit, shooting through a solid object with a cannon confers a negative modifier to hit), and is resolved immediately (Ifthe suit's strength (+pilot if applicable) is no: high enough, it does not occur, if itis high enough, the action occurs normally), Playe-s move and advance around the grid attempting to achieve a particular objective, usually agreed upon by the GM and players. This may be sneaking into an armed facility, destroying an enemy suit, or escuing civilians. Likewise, opposing units move and act about the grid following the combat rules and initiative tracker. While the grid can be used for visualization of an area and non- combat scenarios, it is not a requirement. All movement on grid ‘out-of:combatwhile combat is not occurring is considered “free” movement, and units can move any number of squares withou' penalty or checks (Aetions call the normal DC checks). Air Combat - Relative Distancing Acrial combat docs not use an official grid or visual rep- resentation to explain what is occuring (It is not forbidden todo s0, however), Instead, any combat occuring in the air 100m up) uses a relative table to determine the distances, checks, and modifiers to appropriate actions. Relative Distance Tabl Close [Medium] Long | Eareme Shen Hem skom|km-Stom| kon Deo] bes | be20 | ness ‘Melee Each “Move” tum is still 30m, just like with ground combat. However, instead of using these tums to move across a grid, you use them to get closer (or further away) from a specific point. That may be the grid-battlefield (if there is ground combat occuring), a targct inthe sky, or a particular enviroment area (A mountain), However, the two relative ranges you must keep track of are: Your distance from the ‘main area’ (Where you started from), and the distance you are from any targets. While you should have a gereral “direction” of where things are, the game simplifies it to “towards” and “away”. If you move “towards” sometting, you reduce distance to that particular ‘object by your movement. If you move “away” from some- thing, you increase distance from that particular object by your movement. Your “distance” to other objects are unal= fected (While this is not realistic, it keeps things from get- ‘ting complicated such as tracking the air moyement of one ‘unit against multiple other targets). You can divide your movement across different targets as well. You can usea set of move actions to “close in” on one target, and another set to “disengage” from a different target (Ex.3 move actions away from one, 4 towards another, etc). Transferring frem the grid to the air or vice versa (landing vs taking off) are special “Standard” actions. Once you have transferred using such an action, your turn is considered ‘complete and you must wait until your next turn to act. Firing from one area to another (Ground to Ait, Air t0 Ground) invokes a penalty of -3 including nermal variables, ) « Combat 16 The Basics Drones are specialty “weapons” thet can be taken alongside your suit t0 perform a myriad of funetions, From acting as potential repair drones, to initiating in combat, or scouting out an area, a drone is a platform that while weaker than power armor, is still quite capable for utility. Stats, Turn Order, and Combat Alll drores have a total of 6 PR, 7 AV, and 10 physical. Their ‘weight is a mere 20Ibs, are capable of hovering (cannot fly above 100m), and can only lift up to their own weight in extra items/gear, ‘They are capable of up to 45m of movement, and if autonomous (controlled by an AI), have one standard action per tum. If they are not autonomous (controlled by the player), they use the player's standard(3) for performing actions. They start at the end of the ini- tiative table (after all other character’s turns), and it takes a player ‘one swift io deploy a drone; one standard to deploy all their drones (if multiple drones are available). They are capable of up to 8h oF function before requiring a recharge from the power armor, which takes up to 30m from a dead battery. Drones are capable, depending on outfit, of repairs, scouting, and/or combat, Ail combat drones (Class 2 weapon) start out with both a Class 1 Non-Lethal, and Light Ballistics mounted, with ap- propriate mounts, This can be upgraded (as stated in the weapons section) toa set of Class 2 Weapons end Hardpoints, using the ap- propriate changes (+1 to cost from HP, +5 to cost from weapon in- crease, hence +6 in total to upgrade one weapon + mount from Class 1 to 2; +12 for both weapons and mounts). You may not have more than 2 combat drones, due to intensive CPU ealeula- tions on part of the combat parameters. ‘Outside of the weapon section, you can purchase a reconnaisance drone (5 Resources) which has the same stats and functionality, but ‘no mounts or weapons. It however can spot and relay opponent po- sitions, and use all respective visual modifications if coupled with a suit which has the Command Suite communications module Conversely, for 10 resources you can get a repair drone, which is instead mounted with the appropriate gear and tools to perform re- pairs. However, unless the suit has the program “Octopus” (Utility section) and cither the player is controlling the drone or a sentient AA, it will not be capable of understanding the process on how to repair power armor (it can repair other items, vehicles, or objects applicable to GM discretion). In addi:ion, any power armor can only be repaired so quick, and can only recieve one repair action (5) per round; This does not interfere with repairing other items, rehicles, or suitable objects. You can repair multiple power armer suits a round with enough standards and drones. Rules, Scoring Hits, and Physical Damage Drones have a modified targetting range of [5,20), They cannot gain benefits from any other targetting system, but they can gain conditional benefits from the enviroment. They do not gain height advantage from hovering. As with characters, they roll normally to determine hit success. Drones, due to their small sillouette and size, are not sub- jected to any deterrance of moving in an indoor enviroment unless the interior would be considered detrimental (a cramped hallway that would affect character’s ability to ‘move or attack also affects drones) Aside this, drones follow the same combat rules and, ‘methodology as characters in combat, aside starting at the end of initiative table as stated earlier. A drone that is dropped below 0 paysical is considered decommissioned until repaired: Repairing a decommissioned drone takes bout 1 hour. It will not be capable of hovering, movement, or attacking, and is for all intents and purposes incapable of performing any action until repaired. A decommissioned drone can be picked up and carried with ease; picking up a decommissioned drone does not hinder a character's ability, to fight, move, or perform actions. Picking up multiple drones however applies a -1 penalty to all actions per drone above I Example Drone Round seca say nx ep ae ha sacs cna reed as dates cela eet tend cre ee se sarcipcr deve ieee fa tor eet ee crore cea ee eee Thc aso pt alot Comba cone aah tate DVS NO) Tet leer ae dane ch Saicg Vina Peet 601 pel eee eas yuealtemep eae Loot Tac ou desu etal laf) Sacre ofthe fats de (OV Gan «DPS O won eam Moot ach tecraops sre gt Nour tia Bee ces ete manera ‘hl shih cfs oe wba Cs tit for Ganebrnh ciate ea lanes ete eae eee eno aeeeeien ete cy oe ear ae oc tis ee neyetie a aaa wee tcaae « Combat ’ a1 The Pilot and the Game While the power armor suits are the main focus of the rules, pilots still play the pivotal role of acting as the player's character in the game, They are shaped, melded, and act by the player's is cretion and choices. To account for this, pilots have'Some baste rules behind them, First, is their “Health”, or what is commonly refétred to a8 HP. Each pilothas 10 Health points, and these follow the same dantaze rules (not Pressure rules) asa suit. A DV of Powill do? physical damage to pilot ifa pilot is hit direcily. A pilot ean only be hit by direct damage while in their suit ifthe damage ariount exceeds the suits’ physical, The excess “spills” over into the pilot’s Health track. Ex. A suit taking 7 DV while only having 3 physical left takes 3, andithen 4 spills into the pilot's Health, deiracting their Health from 10 fo 6. Example Pilot Damage der Ps and ghar another round of Seleepann Ae ir of her next om, Her wk rex ne na ploriea wil be Salone with her ova Hea, fl her acon are fnpoded bya uversal-2 pony. She herr hope lp arrives or shes yo of the iaion soon, ov hl be sk th orecptere Second, food and water, anc! all basic hyniandary means should bbe met to some degree (if applicable to the pilot). While there will be no direct rules on handling this (it’s boring to put rules on how long before you have to use the lavatory), itis up to the players ‘and GMI to handle these things and ésfermine How. much of an impact in their game it'll have. Third, Health is regained at a rate of | per every week naturally. This is accelerated by Hydra nanitestoaraleef I per every day, and hyde also allows the regrowth of lost littbs at a rate of one limb every 2 months, Finally, ifa pilot’s Health drops below 0, fhey risk death and all excess damage thereafter is life-threstening. If. pilot reaches half their Health (5), they suffer a minor wound, At 0, they suffer a se- rious wound that requires medical treatment to properly heal (ifthe pilot does not has Hydra Nanites) At=5, they lose consciousness andior (up to player discretion) lose an applicable limb, PILOT RULES MMMM JF the pilot Health drops below to a total of 10, the pilot is considered mortally wounded, and if immediate hospital- ization and medical care is not recieved, will die, Hydra na- nites can rejuvinate Health as normal, but cannot immedi- atély correct any wounds or conditions suffered from falling below any life-threatening thresholds ‘Minor wounds are healed within a couple of days. Serious ‘Wounds tend to take hospitalization (unless treated by a ‘medical expert or emergency response unit), and about a week for recovery to negate, Limb loss is permament unless; the pilot has hydra nanites to regrow their limb. Mortal ‘wounds require up {62 weeks (depending on GM discretion and severity of wound) of rehabilitation and hospitalization Despite wounds, a pilot that continues combat and/or is in a situation that requires eombat can continue fighting. Ifa ‘minor wound, they suffcra -2 penalty to all actions they at- tempt, if a serious-a=5 penalty, and if suffering active limb Joss (limb was lost in.current encounter), a =1(/penalty from the intensive pains Loss of epngiousness and mortal wounds prevent a pilot from being able to act further. Beyond this, pilets haye'no other notable stats or function by niles, Performance of actions outside of the rules fall under player andGM discretion, and can be settled by bool- ean confirmation (happens or doesn’t), d20 rolls, or dice ‘pool checks depending on the groups’ preference. NPC units and pilots are simplified, and are treated as either dead or uncenscious once their Health érops below 0, up to GM and player discretion. A party may choose to ignore this simplification and give NPC's the same pilot rules as Player pilets if they wish to create a more gritty and harsh umiverse to play in « Combat 18 ( CLARIFICATIONS These pages are used to address potential issues and confusion that may come about from rule use. If you are uncertzin about something, consult these pages or your GM on how a particular item/actionete works. As always, everything is subject to change. you havew sitter and use physics o realism tot and expln (or argue) something for longer than 10 scons, youlrbring That Gy, Don't bea That Guy. “Case Point Invisibliy, Games make thi simple, don argue piss for it (ES, DD ¢ Steath sbi saccesdescrnion: "You sre iden, whch means vou tng llent and invsble tothe enema") No, we don need o explain the science behind everthing, Tht’ what sietsts are fr fs unknown echroogy hen yes itreceived dose of bandwavium, “No, wikipetin isnt the most crodible of sources, Slop sing it ‘Te rule ands: is GM Disereton fo thngs thu have no drt answer in the bool This should be obvios, but apparent sme people have mental bredklowns| when ings area defined, [No the Pressure sytem sot reals is tere to prevent amor fom soaking damage fom every Ist gun hat ant an Experimental Wits FlutBackground relate, (HardTarget) dont touch i Don't even ask me. Ask yourGM oho IRC. ‘No, mete are not a measure of elaive speci they are merely for game mechanics ‘nd grid movement. Arg it however you wart "your weapon concop invalves proximity mins attached yt, you will eed GML approval your ation in-game involves physics ts wy © GM discretion wha it does ‘Partcaay if involves the teleporter acon “Fespesaly iit involves the teleporter bana Recharge works by reharge. Cal ia solar pul, active sear energization or any thing youwant Iejus works ill probably Nu hisin ‘Weight sup to OM Disretion fr effets ath ie es, yo may fl tog xlinge andr fore No, this will not say uppen Sad for lings Yes a Kinet srk module canbe Muse 1 aver lo your ibs. This oes not give you extra tacks “Nes, [know you want abe cat. Buy anther KSM thea, Wit nvolies using the Kino Strike Module pogo-aunch yours sop ven fit fn Esgecially fis fun Pil infos wo fished at this tine “Slated for revision you dn ike the Mu on perioulritem,r-onvision it as you like, butitre ‘mai mechanically the same “Yes, you can um your Colossal Ballistic ino atrioof ching if yu really -No- his doesn give you adona acs Ityeute wing the towing cable for anything but dragging items, its upto your Gio tell oe what happen “There isa reason you en Be itt people ‘ests very fective ann mele combatans| No, you cannot do the "tbl ick ih clase No, you camot grow far or extra Limbs (als) with Canvas ox Progenitor antes “ou know the reason wh thi is ere No, yo eannot ac oer st th programs Even fits your es “Yes, even withthe sper You sn ce the wif Yes, this can foveal ct positions ithey don't ip it of You can we Pigeon og! nfo oa an ney suit “No, itd nt sive yu the information on other suits connected it ‘Yes, cating blades and Kincic Ske Modules ae curently the se mec cally. This fon th ist of things to be changed No, bringing it up wert make it change Faster Yes, ter is sti Joag. Tam working 0 it ‘Yes, you cau have a Hard Point anywhere that can make sense or Le applied salis- ‘esily “Yes, you can havea cuting blade ponos “Nour group will ell ok at you finay ‘Yes, you can fel pin with noe user ites a your discretion “Stop eying to make addons on your armor so you en ‘get ff while in your -Stop being the whizad ofthe group. Noone wast 0 seit ‘Yes, you can make de Sentient Al your wAlTa “Shes ean takeover you suit if you teat her badly ‘You can tke itil forma the frm of any animalinie shape a ated by "Yes, you can take an addtional frm os human wih ext libs "ie Command odule can eed rea ime information on any dataranstered i No, you can't wets gvesim-see level wexeal pleasure t others Thi ot Shadows Justin genera sing your ito give orgs sexual pleasure in anyway doesnt work. Slop tying. (Canvas Nantes and Progenitor are one time ws only Even if changing your weaity every aller dy scoot Inicsays “AS inser, but ako [J means grans the Benefits of the forme, sel as aditona benefits No, super heaves oo get more gus than mes. “Yes understand why they would “They sil dont get mo guns mee a ee, you area Mesh and you are not using your nobility, you wilde. Moving nds « ‘eave bors to related DC checks against you for iting tha ound (GM disero- tion for amount), Page 15, Right side, Top right where the parapraph ets of fom the example box Yes itis relative “Yes, you can run ctl round un enemy and then stack fr inreased DC © ot be it “Why the fuck does no one we aes? IF you wan realism, go outside Likelihod isthe weather cu there would be more kind than dhe response you'll gt fom IRC for dagzing realism into a game. aulgu’save stata toe «eneceup ang rune talanes “Colossal Baltics i ol bor if you san ill Nov no every bs and weates aroun combat “Though i you're a mesh wscr you should Sc above. All weapons ar slated for diversity and changes to give them move tieula ctonalty| ‘os, woe hat ita thsand times, KSM and Cutng blades should bo di gue and pa Armor Mitiscrpion ire slated for change “Eyes f you lies the ft the best emo Bria Americat No, Thermal Resisinee does nat grant esistane to plas it is purely eniron= ental We dent need oa 00 moch complexity to the game No, SelPRepair does ot heal you, and Hyde Nantes donot heal your sit. They we sepa This vil be explained when pilot tats exist {you do someting to startle or mess with peopl in invisible, even iit doesn't slat combat ikelnood is hey ae going Se 30% shorty afer “Especial i you are making oud 03 “Even if thoy'e ghost noises Inflrator does make you pear ik any none person en if your suit should hy nomeans ook that way People cans bump into you i you're to bigwide “Ifyou ty owe ino an clevator asa Supethcavy you will ind the spec tobe ute erred ‘While you can get mull shits, they shou be attached to a reasonable limb, “Your lyper weapon does pt count, Ranch “Nomar bow bg itis “Mesh Quudruped is indeod a thing siewllhan 1's undertood some options are merely fr achat choices (Armored ~ Exposed, or Angel: Varian). These were putin allow people to get said things without Teri lage rh iar GR Thay erty prec Cates al “Having ab angelicooking suit doesnot make you mae tact, i oly makes your ut ook ice ‘Constroct Varian and Sui Constructs are une seiows revision and consider sn, Blue and Payer Agency ar both berg taken into consideration. “The ror yu ask about it, sho shower Hararget works. on changing it you want se pilots with 4 DAD alike etateystem (DEX/STRICHA), you. ‘cane 1 the wrong homvowed Tabletop. Yes, we know everyone kes Impecvad Hull reduce weight Thats wha eis hor for wall giving the sll emore ones a bans 1 9 AV. No, Drones wll not get weapons above Class 2 “Eyer fit disappoints UN-Anon “Esqecaly i Trak wouldve abused ¢ 'No, you cannot havea Comat Drone th had pint of your Combat Drone “This self explanatory Yes, yo can use Wi-Fi to inoverss the interme World Wide Webt your eieare in yoursuit “Yo, you can play gamesin youreuit Yo, your sult can by hooced upto play most moder games tai apis with no Samecate dop “Yes, you car play wth yeu friends with enough eontllrs “They may sal your sit ‘Yes, Line oF Sight 5 4 ming, you eannot tre on what you cannot 2 “No, couchss or sna jet (cus, vonding machines) donot preven you From being shot and are counted as cover. “The general ui, it would only just pt you out ofthe emponent's vision St you hid hind itis cove the oppoaent Would have no hope af seeing you swith the objet the way, slid “You can shot a things i you are gifted vision from another source “This ineludas: Recon cones, Command Suits trom an ally showing vision, Sonar “lt gives a3 penalty tit or each abject shot hough Mess should be ducking behind slid object wll in whan envizonmentsas suchas posible No, collapsible dose at you we vision oe ay suit modules whil collapsed * Youccan alwass heep your meshilight titi the unk of your ar lec up to GM cscrtion fysur size applios any benefits oe dsabantages to bing hit This snot dnetly supper in the ules i Cea ea

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