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Millumin Manual

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create and perform audiovisual shows

User Manual


Millumin / User Manual

Table of Contents


Quick tour : learn Millumin in 7 steps!

The Workspace!

Boards & Layers!

The Library!


Compositions & Cue Points !


The Properties Panel!


OSX Bar & Preferences!


Output, Multiscreen & Soft-edge!


Your Devices & Applications!


Ideas, Lab & Support!


Millumin / User Manual

Quick tour : learn Millumin in 7 steps

1. Drag-and-drop files from Finder to the Dashboard, and click on the cells to play them

2. Use the Workspace toolbar to move, map, warp, mask ...


Millumin / User Manual

3. Change blend mode, add effects, transitions and more from the Properties Panel

4. In the Library, manage you files, Syphon servers and inputs


Millumin / User Manual

5. Create a Composition, then organize your media in time with keyframes

6. Import this Composition into the Dashboard

7. The Magic Key is [SHIFT] : maintain it to multi-select and snap items

Dont miss to watch the tutorials !


Millumin / User Manual

The Workspace
This is the place where you can render of your Layers (the rectangle in the center).

Above, the workspace features a toolbar that changes the way you can interact the
zone below.
Click on the
icon to have more options.

The Toolbar
Move tool

It allows you to move one or more layers.

If you do not want to select layers by clicking onto, please use the Auto-select
layers option.
If you activates the Show extra controls option, you will be able to rotate and
scale the layers directly in the workspace.


Millumin / User Manual

Map tool

By default, this tool can correct perspective with the 4 corners of your media,
and do simple videomapping.
If you activate the Warp layer option, you can use a more advanced
perspective correction :
- the Method option will make the warping smooth or not
- the Divisions option will put more points to refine
- the Precision option will change the calculation (usually, do not change it)
- the Sperize option will create a spherical warping

Mask tool
By default, you need to first create 3 points on your layer, so click in the
workspace to place them.

Then, click on the Finish button.

And now, you can move the points of your mask directly in the workspace.
To add more point, simply press the Add Points button again.


Millumin / User Manual

But there is more options :

- you use one of the Predefined shapes
- you can Invert the mask
- you can change :
- the Opacity (so the mask is not transparent any more)
- the Feather (so the masks contour is not sharp any more)
- the Scale and the Rotation

Quartz tool

This is a special tool for Quartz patches that react to mouse position.
First, you need to load a Quartz file, then click in the workspace to interact with
your patch.

Other feature of the Workspace

On the upper-right corner of the Workspace, you can change the zoom (or just use the
wheel of your mouse).
You can also use the Snap option to stick the points or the layers position each other
(maintaining the [SHIFT] key has the same result).
To finish, you can maintain the [SPACE] key to move around the Workspace.

Millumin / User Manual

Boards & Layers

This part of the interface lists your layers : the Boards.
By default, Millumin create a first board called Dashboard.

But you can create, rename or delete a board from the


Basically, you create layers with the

icon. Then you drag-and-drop files from the
Finder to your boards cells : they become Media in Millumin.
But you can create layers with Syphon servers or Inputs by using the

You can even create a Fill layer. This is a special layer that render a solid color or a


Millumin / User Manual

Play & Stop the Media

Once you added some files, you can start one of them simply by clicking on the cell.
If you want to start a column of media, please use the
icon, or the
play the next column (pressing [SPACE] has the same result).
To stop a media, you just need to press the

icon to


Managing the Layers

The layers can be mark as invisible via the

icon, or locked via the

You can as well reorder the layers by drag-and-dropping the



You can rename the layer by double-clicking on its title :

To change the opacity with a short animation, please use the


And you can remove any layer by pressing +DEL.

Do not forget that Millumin features keyboard shortcuts, that you can learn from the
menubar :


Millumin / User Manual

Edit the Board

If you want to move a media or delete it, if you want to add or remove a column, you
need to press the

Then click on a cell to drag-and-drop the media and move it to another cell.
Of click on the
icon to delete it.
To add a column, click on the

button, and to delete one, click on the


By default, when you start a column of media, Millumin will stop the previous media is
the current cell is empty.
If you do not want this behavior, add a Continue : just click on the
Then, the cell display the
icon, and it means that the previous media will not be
stopped when starting this column.


Millumin / User Manual

The Time Panel

To control the time position of a timed-media (such as a MOV file), you can open the
Time Panel via the


In this place, you can click on the progression bar to go to a specific time in your media.
You can change the time-selection and the duration of your media via the
There are also two BPM (beat per minutes) controls, that can change the BPM with a
numerical value or by tapping it.
To set up you media in BPM-mode, please read the part The Properties Panel.

Copy, Cut, Paste

You can use the famous keyboard shortcuts to copy, cut and paste.
Moreover, you can copy only mapping, mask or effects (see Properties Panel part).


Millumin / User Manual

The Library
Here, you can find all your media, Syphon server and Inputs.

To open the library, please click on the


button on the left of the workspace.

Millumin / User Manual

If you want to replace a media, please right-click on it in the library : Millumin will change
this media in your boards and compositions automatically.
Of course you can also remove a media or a composition.
However, you cannot remove an Input or a Syphon server : unless it is disabled.

Indeed, when an Input or a Syphon server goes unavailable, Millumin displays it as

disabled in the library, in your boards and composition.
If this item goes back available, it is re-enabled in all your boards or compositions.

Click on the
icon to get more option :
- Refresh the Input sources
- Remove the unused sources (if a media is not used in boards and composition,
Millumin will clean it up)


Millumin / User Manual

Compositions & Cue Points

This part of the interface allows you to organize you media along the time.

You can create as much compositions as you want. To create you first composition,
simply press the
You can also create a composition from a board via the menubar.

Then, drag-and-drop media from Library to your composition : they become Timeline


Millumin / User Manual

You can freely rearrange these items : click and drag them to change their time, or click
on their edge to resize them and change their duration.
To preview your result in the Workspace, please click in the timescale to move the red
time cursor :

Or you can change the current time directly with the ad hoc control :

If needed, you can zoom in or out with the

key to snap to the items each others.

control, and maintain the [SHIFT]

To finish, you need to select a working area : the part you want to play.

Now, you can press the

button (or the [SPACE] key), to see your result in live.

Of course, you can also embed another composition in your composition.


Millumin / User Manual

Keyframes allows you to change the properties over the time.
Please click on the

button to show them.

To create your first keyframe, simply click on the property you want to set over the time.
Then move the time cursor and change the value of this property : a new keyframe is
automatically created.
To make your animation smoother, change the easing of your keyframe by clicking on it
while the [ALT] key is maintained (or use the Properties Panel : see next part).

You can also select multiple keyframe by maintaining the [SHIFT] key.

Cue points
A cue point is a mark in the time. Then you can use it to better control the timing,
especially when using a composition in a board.
NOTE : A more flexible cue point system will come in the future.

To create your first cue point, simply press the

It places a cue point where your cursor time is.



Millumin / User Manual

Then you can click it and drag it to change its time, or double-click on it to rename or
delete it.

More options
The compositions have more options that you can activates via the


In the popup that opens, you can change the duration or the framerate of your

You can also force to always play from the beginning of your working area (Play from
the beginning), and loop the working area (Repeatedly plays the selection).


Millumin / User Manual

But there is one special option that goes with the cue points : Pause on cue points

As you can see, this option disable the 2 others below : it is because it is another way to
play your composition. In fact, Millumin will pause the playing on every cue point.
After you started to play, the cue point where Millumin will stop is in violet :

Press play again, and Millumin will stop on the next cue point.
When reaching the end of the composition, Millumin stops definitly.


Millumin / User Manual

The Properties Panel

Here you can change the properties of your selection.
There are different panel that can be displayed or not depending on what you have
selected (layer, media, keyframe, ...).


Millumin / User Manual

When a Layer is selected

Layer tab

In this tab, you can change the Blend Mode (similar to the ones from
Photoshop), the Opacity , the Position , the Scale and the Rotation.
Use the Normalize option to make the media fit the screen size.

Effects tab

This tab proposes you color and other common effects.

All these effects will apply to the selected layer.


Millumin / User Manual

Then, you can setup an Automatic Transition to create and automatic fade
when switching the media.
This transition will apply to the selected layer.

Audio tab

Change the volume here. You can also change the device where to send the
sound of this layer.
For more info, please follow this tutorial.

Fill tab

This is a special tab for Fill layer. Here, you can choose to fill this special layer
with a solid color or a gradient.


Millumin / User Manual

When a Media is selected

Media / Image tab

You can apply additional effects to a media (they stack to the layers effects).
You can also setup an automatic transition that replaces the one of the layer.

Media / Movie

This tab is specific for movie media.

Here, you can pause or resume the movie.


Millumin / User Manual

You can also prevent the movie from looping, and use an empty frame as the
last frame (only if not looping) :

You can also change the speed and the time-selection of this movie. If you
want, you can set the duration and the time-selection with BPM :

Media / Quartz

This tab allows you to dynamicaly change the size and the parameters of a
Quartz patch.


Millumin / User Manual

Media / Composition

After you created a composition, you can import it in a board, and make it loop
or not.
You can also use the cue points, to set a start and an end cues :


Millumin / User Manual

When a Timeline Item is selected

There is only one tab, that allows you to set the start and end times of this
timeline item.

When a Keyframe is selected

There is also only one tab, where you can change the easing (normal, ease in,
ease out, ease in and out) and the time of the keyframe.


Millumin / User Manual

OSX Bar & Preferences

By default, Millumin presents the OSX bar, that features a couple of direct shortcuts.

To hide it, please click on the


Then use the


But there is more to see in the Preferences :

General tab

Change here the global framerate or the workspace background.


Millumin / User Manual

Workspace tab

For the moment, there is only one option, but more will come in the future.

Board tab

This tab allows you to change the size of the cells in the board.
You can also change the animation time for the


Millumin / User Manual

Update tab

This tab features the very simple settings to get notified by new available
Moreover, you can also choose to subscribe to the beta versions and tests the
new features before the crowd.

Activation tab

Here you can activate of deactivate your computer. It is very easyand you just
have to follow the few steps.


Millumin / User Manual

Output, Multiscreen & Soft-edge

You can send the result to your output via the


To control the output properties, please open the ad hoc window via the
or use the menubar.


But there is more to see in the Preferences :

Output tab

This first tab allows you to setup your global resolution. There is some preset
resolution, but you can use your own resolution with the Custom option :


Millumin / User Manual

Multi-screen tab

This tab allows you to dispatch your output to many screens.

Millumin automatically splits your global resolution among the different screens.
If you use a Matrox TripleHead, you just have to create 3 screens so you could
do edge blending and correction (see following tabs).

Edge Blend tab

If you have 2 or more videoprojectors, and you want to create a seamless image,
this tab is for you.
Here, you can create an overlap zone between 2 screens, and start to soft their
edge and blend them.

Millumin / User Manual

You got 2 options to do so :

- the Smooth option controls the edge and make it more or less sharp
- the White Point option makes your edge more or less dark
To learn the process in detail, please read this tutorial.

Corrections tab

When using different videoprojectors, it is a common problem to have to correct

the color or the keystone, so they all look the same.
This tab allows you to fix this problem very easily with 3 options : the Gamma, the
Color and the Keystone corrections.
The last option has two modes : for the moment you cannot do both vertical and
horizontal keystone correction at the same time (but it will be changed in the next

Additional options
From the menubar, you can activate the Syphon Out option to create a Syphon Server
with the output of Millumin.
To finish, you can display in the output the same controls points you have in the
Workspace : for this, please select Display Controls in Output option from the

Millumin / User Manual

Your Devices & Applications

You can use MIDI, OSC and Artnet to plug your devices and applications to Millumin.
To open the device window, please use the

button, or the menubar.

Midi Mapping
To assign a MIDI signal to a Millumin control, it is very simple.
First be sure to be in have selected the MIDI tab in the device window.


Millumin / User Manual

The controls you can assign become green.

Click on one of them (a yellow contour appears).

Then send a MIDI signal with your controller (move a fader, press a button, ...). Millumin
assigns automatically this signal to the control.

The device window lists the MIDI signals you assigned, and you can remove one with


Depending on the control you map, you can also change the min and max values.


Millumin / User Manual

If you want to MIDI map only the selected layer (so when you change the layer, the MIDI
assignments stay the same), please use the


OSC Setup
Millumin supports natively OSC.
From this tab, you can setup Millumin to send and/or listen OSC messages.

And if you got the TouchOSC app on your mobile device, be sure to download one of
the layout, then follow this tutorial.
To know different OSC signals you can use, please read the OSC documentation.


Millumin / User Manual

Artnet Setup
Millumin supports natively Artnet as well, but for the moment, just to receive orders.

From this tab, you can setup your Machine IP (or leave as blank to use automatic
detection), Node Subnet and the Universe of your Artnet device.
There is a summary of the DMX channel you can use with Millumin, but be sure to read
the Artnet documentation to know the details.


Millumin / User Manual

Ideas, Lab & Support

The last buttons in the OSX Bar allows you to extend futher your Millumin experience :
Ideas button
Millumin is missing something ? Please submit your idea or vote for other ones.
The more an idea is popular, le better chance it has to be fulfilled !
Lab button
Millumin is evolving continuously : some features are tested in the lab, some
others are just there to offer new way to create.
Dont miss the developer-kit and start to create your own application that works
with Millumin : dont worry it is easy.
Support button
You are looking for something else ? Here you can :
- watch tutorials
- see where are the next workshops
- ask a question
And much more ...


Millumin / User Manual

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