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Drug Study

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Name of Drug Classification Dosage, Route, & Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing

Frequency Responsibilities

Generic Name: Anti-convulsant 250mg/10 mL To prevent or control >Parenteral CNS: drowsiness, >If used with
seizures in administration hypothermia seizures, take
Magnesium sulfate preeclampsia or contraindicated in appropriate seizure
eclampsia patients with heart CV: flushing, precaution
ACTION: bradycardia,
block or myocardial
Brand Name: May decrease damage circulatory collapse >Watch for
acetylcholine respiratory
Elin Magnesium >Use cautiously in EENT: diplopia depression and s/sx
released by nerve
Sulfate impulses, but its patients with Metabolic: of heart block
anticonvulsant impaired renal hypocalcemia
mechanism is function

Name of Drug Classification Dosage, Route, & Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing
Frequency Responsibilities

Generic Name: Anti-convulsant 100 mg tid, po Tonic-clonic & History of GI disturbances; >full effectiveness of

Phenytoin complex partial hypersensitivity to ataxia, slurred PO administered

ACTION: > 6 yr 30 mg (psychomotor, phenytoin or other speech; diplopia, hydantoins is

Brand Name: Acts in the motor bid, may be temporal lobe), hydantoins. nystagmus &
and may take 6-9
Dilantin cortex of the brain increased to 30 prevention & mental confusion days to be fully

to reduce the mg tid or qid. treatment of seizures w/ headache, established

spread of electrical Pedia 5 occurring during or dizziness, gingival > when hydantoins

discharges from the mg/kg/day following hyperplasia, are substituted for or

rapidly firing Initially in 2-3 neurosurgery. hirsutism, added to another

epileptic foci in equally divided hyperglycemia, antivconvulsant

this area. This is osteomalacia. medication, their

accomplished by dosage is gradually

stabilizing increased, while

hyperexcitable dosage of the other

cells possibly drug isdecreased

affecting sodium > avoid IM, SC or

efflux. Also, pervascular

phenytoin injections

decreases activity > list reasons for

of centers in the theray, onset,

brain stem characteristics of

responsible for the signs and symptoms

tonic phase of >note history and

grand mal seizures. nature of seizures,

Has few sedative addressing location,

frequency and

Name of Drug Classification Dosage, Route, & Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing
Frequency Responsibilities

Generic Name: Anti-convulsant 15 mg/kg daily Treatment of primary Hepatic dysfunction, The most frequent >Assess for GI
increased at 1wk generalized seizures, urea cycle disorder adverse effects are complaints.
Divalproex Sodium intervals by 5-10 and notably absence GI disturbances,
mg/kg daily, po and myoclonic particularly in >Assess for pain.
seizures, and also for initiation of therapy. >Assess for changes
Brand Name: Increases level of partial seizures. Also in bowel.
gamma/aminobutyric used to treat acute
Depakote ER in brain, which >Assess for EPS.
manic phase of
decreases seizure bipolar disorders and
activity. >Instruct the patient
for the prophylaxis of
to inform physician of
transient intestinal
cramps, increased
plasma prolactin
levels and EPS
Name of Drug Classification Dosage, Route, & Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing
Frequency Responsibilities

Generic Name: Anti-convulsant 600 mg/day tid, po Monotherapy or Hypersensitivity. Dizziness, Nurse should have to
adjunct in the Lactation. somnolence, know if the patient
Oxcarbazepine treatment of partial headache, ataxia, have any of these
ACTION: seizures w/ or w/o fatigue, vertigo, conditions:
secondary nervousness, • an alcohol abuse
Brand Name: Oxcarbazepine and generalised tonic- amnesia, abnormal problem
its active metabolite, clonic seizures. thinking, insomnia, • depression
Trileptal monohydroxy speech disorder, • kidney disease
derivative (MHD), agitation, confusion; • suicidal thoughts,
have effects on Trileptal® vomiting, nausea, plans, or attempt; a
sodium channels and (oxcarbazepine) is abdominal pain, previous suicide
possibly potassium indicated for use as diarrhoea, attempt by you or a
and calcium monotherapy or dyspepsia, family member
channels. Neither adjunctive therapy in constipation, • any unusual or
oxcarbazepine nor the treatment of gastritis, wt gain; allergic reaction to
MHD has an effect at partial seizures in abnormal gait, oxcarbazepine,
binding sites for adults and as tremor, weakness, carbamazepine,
GABA or other monotherapy in the back pain, abnormal other medicines,
neurotransmitter treatment of partial coordination, foods, dyes, or
receptors. seizures in children dysmetria, preservatives
aged 4 years and sprains/strains, • pregnant or trying
above with epilepsy, muscle weakness; to get pregnant
and as adjunctive diplopia, nystagmus, • breast-feeding
therapy in children abnormal vision and
aged 2 years and accommodation;
above with epilepsy. hypotension, leg Rarely, serious skin
oedema; rash, acne; allergic reactions
hyponatraemia; may occur with this
rhinitis, chest medicine. If you
infection, epistaxis, develop a skin rash,
sinusitis. redness, itching,
peeling skin inside
your mouth, swollen
glands, or a fever
while taking this

should be taken at
the same times each
day to maintain even
levels of the drug in
your blood.

Name of Drug Classification Dosage, Route, & Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing
Frequency Responsibilities

Cough, dizziness,
Generic Name: Anti-convulsant PO/IV Adjunct in It is currently hypersensitivity. and muscle You should not use
partial seizures indicated as weakness are the Keppra if you are
levetiracetam Intial: 500 mg twice adjunctive treatment to most frequently allergic to
daily on the 1st day, for partial seizures in drug/class/components reported side effects
ACTION: may increase patients 16 years of . of levetiracetam. levetiracetam.
gradually. Max: 3 age and older.[5,6] Other possible side
Brand Name: The mechanism for g/day. Monotherapy Although not as well effects that do not
the anticonvulsant usually require
Keppra for partial seizures studied, preliminary avoid abrupt withdrawal medical attention should also be alert
effect of w/ or w/o secondary reports suggest that
levetiracetam is not include: to changes in pt
generalisation Inital: levetiracetam may >dryness or mood or symptoms
well understood. It is 500 mg/day, also be useful in
caution if pregnancy soreness of throat
not chemically some patients with
related to other generalized, >fever
anticonvulsants and Do not crush, chew,
absence, or
does not appear to caution if renal >hoarseness or or break a Keppra
myoclonic seizures,
act through the impairment voice changes XR tablet. Swallow
and in patients with
traditional the pill whole.
Lennox-Gastaut >sleepiness or
mechanisms of syndrome unusual drowsiness Keppra can be taken
caution if psychiatric with or without food.
modulation. In animal >tender, swollen
studies, glands in neck
levetiracetam does
not prevent acute >numbness,
seizures induced by caution in elderly pts prickling, "pins and
electroshock or needles," or tingling
pentylenetetrazol; feelings
however, it does
>loss of appetite or
appear to attenuate
weight loss
fully kindled seizures
and the development
of kindling. This
suggests that
levetiracetam may
act by preventing
of epileptiform burst
firing, producing an
inhibition of the
spread of seizure

Name of Drug Classification Dosage, Route, & Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing
Frequency Responsibilities

Generic Name: Antasthmatic & Neb q 4 hours >Relief and >Patients who is Fine tremor of >Use Cautiously to
COPD Preparations prevention of allergic to the Drugs. Skeletal Muscle; patients with known
Ipratropium Br, Palpitations; sensitivity to
Salbutamol/ albuterol brochospasm in >Patients with Headache, dizziness, atropine, soybeans,
sulfate patients Hypertropic nervousness; soya lecithin, and
ACTION: obstructive
with reversible Dryness of the peanuts.
In low doses, acts cardiomyopathy mouth, throat
Brand Name: relatively obstructive airway irritation; urinary >Assess Vital Signs
>Patients having Before drug
tachyarrythmia retention.
selectively at beta 2
Combivent, Ventolin – disease. administration

adrenergic receptors >Inhalation: >Observe for

to treatment of paradoxical
cause acute attacks of (Wheezing). If
bronchodilation and Condition occurs,
vasodilation; at withhold Medication
higher >Prevention of and notify physician
exerciseinduced or other health care
doses, beta 2 professional
selectivity is brochospasm.

lost, and the drug >Unlabeled use:

>Instruct patient to
acts at adjunct in
contact health care
treating serious professional
beta 2 receptors to
immediately if
cause hyperkalemia in shortness of breath
typical dialysis is not relieved by
sympathomimetic medication or is
patients; seems to
accompanied by
cardiac effect. lower
potassium dizziness,
concentration palpitations, or chest
when inhaled by
patients >Advise the patient
to rinse mouth with
on hemodialysis. water after using the
nebulizer to minimize
dry mouth.

Name of Drug Classification Dosage, Route, & Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing
Frequency Responsibilities

Generic Name: Anti-biotic, Macro- 500mg per tab >Treatment of upper Hypersen-sitivity to GI: diarrhea, nausea, Before:
lide 1 tab PO OD respiratory clarithro-mycin, other vomiting, abdominal -Note sensitivity to
Clarithromycin infections caused macrolide antibiotics, pain erythromycin or any
by S. pyogenes, macrolide antibiotics.
or erythro-mycin.
ACTION: S. pneumoniae -List drugs currently
>Treatment of lower Clients taking prescribed to prevent
Brand Name: Macrolide antibiotic respiratory pimozide. Use with CNS: headache, any interactions.
that acts by binding infections caused ranitidine bismuth dizziness, -Document onset,
Biaxin by Mycoplasma severity and
to the 50S ribosomal citrate in those with hallucination,
subunit of pneumoniae, S. history of acute characteristics of
pneumoniae, H. porphyria. S&S.
influenzae, M.
organisms, thus catarrhalis During:
interfering with or >Treatment of skin -May administer with
Allergic: urticaria,
inhibiting microbial and skin-structure or without food.
mild skin eruption,
protein synthesis. infections caused -Explain effects of
by S. aureus, S. anaphylactic the drug and its side
pyogenes effects.
>Treatment of -Administer as
disseminated Miscella-neous: prescribed.
infections due to hearing loss, rash, After:
M. avium and M. alteration in sense of -Report adverse
intracellular smell, hepatic failure effects or lack of
>Treatment of active improvement after
duodenal ulcer 48-72 hr.
with H. pylori in -Report any
combination with persistent diarrhea.
proton pump -Document
inhibitor administration of
>Treatment of acute medication.
otitis media,
acute maxillary
sinusitis due to H.
influenzae, M.
cararrhalis, S.
>ER tablets:
Treatment of mild
to moderate
pneumonia in

Name of Drug Classification Dosage, Route, & Indication Contraindication Adverse Reaction Nursing
Frequency Responsibilities
Generic Name: Anti-infective, anti- IV 50mg q6 It is effective for the Hypersensitivity to Body as a Whole: >Determine history
biotic, second treatment of cephalosporins and Thrombophlebitis (IV of hypersensitivity
Cefuroxime generation penicillinase- related antibiotics; site); pain, burning, reactions to
cephalosporin producing Neisseria pregnancy (category cellulitis (IM site); cephalosporins,
gonorrhoea (PPNG). B), lactation. superinfections, penicillins, and
Brand Name: Effectively treats positive Coombs' history of allergies,
ACTION: bone and joint test. particularly to drugs,
infections, bronchitis, before therapy is
Cefuroxime is meningitis, GI: Diarrhea, initiated.
bactericidal and has gonorrhea, otitis nausea, antibiotic-
a similar spectrum of media, associated colitis.
antimicrobial action pharyngitis/tonsillitis, Skin: Rash, pruritus,
urticaria. Urogenital: >Inspect IM and IV
and pattern of sinusitis, lower injection sites
resistance to those of respiratory tract Increased serum
creatinine and BUN, frequently for signs
cefamandole. It is infections, skin and of phlebitis.
more resistant to soft tissue infections, decreased creatinine
hydrolysis by beta- urinary tract clearance. >Report onset of
lactamases than infections, and is loose stools or
cefamandole, and used for surgical diarrhea. Although
therefore may be prophylaxis, reducing pseudomembranous
more active against or eliminating colitis.
beta-lactamase- infection. >Monitor I&O rates
producing strains of, and pattern:
for example, Especially important
haemophilus in severely ill patients
influenzae and receiving high doses.
neisseria Report any
gonorrhoeae. significant changes.

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