Apple - High Density Farming
Apple - High Density Farming
Apple - High Density Farming
Terence L. Robinson,
Department of Horticultural Sciences
New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell University
Geneva, NY 14456
The successful management of apple trees in any high-density planting system depends
on maintaining a balance between vegetative growth and fruiting (Fig. 1). If vigor is too low,
excessive fruiting results, fruit size declines, biennial bearing increases and trees fail to fill their
allotted space soon enough to make the orchard profitable. If vegetative vigor is excessive then
flowering and fruiting are reduced and containment of the tree to the allotted space becomes
problematic. The successful balance of vegetative vigor and fruiting results in calm trees that
produce heavy annual crops and require only a light annual pruning. Pruning and crop load
management are the primary management tools along with fertilization and irrigation that are
used to achieve a balance between vegetative growth and cropping throughout the orchards life.
These management variables are affected by planting density, tree quality and tree training
Planting Density
Planting density is the single most important factor which determines the yield of an
orchard for the first 5 years. However, tree quality also has a large impact on early yield per tree.
We suggest for modern high-density orchards that in-row spacing range from 3-5 feet and
between row spacings from 10-14 ft. (780-1450 trees/acre) Within this range, the decision of
how close to plant a new orchard should be made with consideration of the vigor of the variety,
vigor of the rootstock, and soil strength. With vigorous scion cultivars, growers should use a
more dwarfing clone of M.9 or B.9 rootstock and/or greater planting distances. With weak scion
cultivars, a more vigorous clone of M.9 rootstock should be used and/or closer planting
distances. Despite some latitude in planting distances, growers should remember that to obtain
high early yields high tree densities are essential. For weak and moderate growing cultivars such
as Honeycrisp, Delicious, Braeburn, Empire, Jonamac, Macoun, Idared, Gala, NY674, Golden
Delicious, etc we suggest an in-row spacing of 3'. For vigorous varieties such as McIntosh,
Spartan, Fuji, Jonagold, Mutsu, etc. and tip bearing varieties such as Cortland, Rome, Granny
Smith and Gingergold we suggest an in-row spacing of 4'. Between-row spacing should be 1213' on slopes and 10-11' on level ground.
Tree Quality
Several studies have shown that the greater the number of lateral branches or feathers the greater
the yield in the second and third year. Modern high-density orchards can have significant 2nd
and 3rd year yield if highly-feathered trees are planted and if trees grow well the first year. If
growers use whips or small caliper trees these do not produce significant quantities of fruit until
year 4 or 5. We recommend that nursery trees have 10-15 well positioned feathers with a
maximum length of 1 ft (30cm) and starting at a minimum height to 30 (80cm) on the tree.
Generally nursery trees in North America have not this number of feathers until the last 2 years.
Many nursery trees have 3-5 long feathers instead of 10 short feathers. The tree with few long
feathers requires more branch management than the tree with more short feathers. Fruit growers
should insist that nurseries supply trees with the feathers that are high enough to tie down after
tying which should be limited to only the feathers at planting. Thereafter, the precocity of the
rootstock induces heavy cropping and a natural balance is established.
Irrigation and Fertigation
Large, highly-feathered trees often undergo water stress shortly after planting despite
adequate soil moisture levels. This is due to the damaged root system of a transplanted tree
which cannot adequately support the large top without frequent irrigation. Large, highlyfeathered trees produce much more leaf area shortly after planting than unfeathered trees which
creates a high water demand before the root system can re-grow sufficiently to support the trees.
In-addition during many years, dry weather following planting results in water stress of newly
planted trees which can limit tree growth. Frequent and early trickle irrigation can help these
trees produce good growth in the first year. In humid areas growers are unaccustomed to
installing irrigation immediately after planting and delay its installation until mid summer. We
recommend that growers install trickle irrigation soon after planting with high density orchards
that use feathered trees to prevent water stress and maximize first year tree growth.
Frequent low doses of nitrogen fertilizer delivered at least twice weekly through the trickle
system (fertigation) for the first 12 weeks of the season will greatly improve tree growth during
the first 2 years to speed development of the canopy. Ground fertilization with dry fertilizers is
often ineffective since too much time elapses between applying the fertilizer and uptake by the
tree. With high tree densities as with the Tall Spindle system and highly-feathered trees, almost
no lateral tree growth is required and only vertical extension growth is needed. In this case
fertigation for the first 2 years is essential both for the water to avoid water stress and for the
nitrogen which is rapidly moved to the root zone and is readily available to the tree as soon as it
starts growing. Adoption of immediate fertigation of highly feathered trees, by NY growers will
considerably improve tree growth and vastly improve yield potential in the 2nd and 3rd year. For
moderate tree densities such as with the vertical axis, slender pyramid or Y-trellis, trees must be
grown vigorously for several years to fill the allotted space with canopy and relatively high
nitrogen fertilization is desirable for 2-3 years after planting. However, excessive fertilization,
especially nitrogen, can cause too much growth which results in delayed flowering, reduced
yields, poor fruit quality and greater pruning.
After the first few years, low nitrogen fertilization is desirable to keep the trees calm with a
balance between fruiting and cropping. Many mature high density orchards receive excessive
nitrogen fertilizer rates which cause severe canopy management problems. Soil strength or
fertility must be considered when calculating the amount of nitrogen to apply to mature high
density orchards especially with vigorous and poor coloring varieties. Many soils in New York
produce 30-60 lbs/acre of nitrogen annually through nitrification. This is often close to amount
needed by mature high density orchards. Excess fertility often results in excessive vegetative
growth, delayed cropping and soft and poorly colored, unmarketable fruit.
the leader has bent under the weight of the crop it can be shortened to a weak side branch
without an vigorous response.
High yield and high fruit quality can be achieved with a high-density orchard when the
orchard has good light distribution throughout the tree canopy and there is a balance between
vegetative growth and cropping ("calm trees"). This can best be accomplished by maintaining a
narrow canopy shape and through regular limb renewal pruning and the development of pendant
fruiting branches. Successful growers will maintain a balance between vegetative growth and
cropping by regularly renewing the fruiting wood on the tree, moderate levels of nitrogen and
proper cropload management. Growers should try to obtain 50cm of leader shoot growth in the
first year, 75-100cm of leader shoot growth in the second and third years and 50cm of leader
shoot growth in the fourth year. If this is combined with minimal pruning and a precocious
rootstock, significant production should be obtained in the second-fourth years which will limit
vegetative growth in future years resulting in a calm tree.
Vigorous, Unfruitful
Trees with Large
Fruit Size
Weak, Fruitful
Trees with
Small Fruit Size
Figure 1. The balance between vegetative growth and cropping is heavily influenced by pruning,
nitrogen and cropload.