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Blended Learning Rationale

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Rationale: Blended Learning Implementation

Skyepack Project Rationale
Getting a Head Start: Blended Learning
Implementation for the Beginner
EDCI 887: ProSeminar I
Heather Hoskinson
Kansas State University
December 7, 2014

Skyepack Rationale: Blended Learning Implementation

Blended (or hybrid) learning models have the potential to transform the
classroom in meaningful ways by humanizing the classroom, as Salman Khan so
eloquently states in his TED talk, Lets Use Video to Reinvent Education. In
addition to the space (by virtue of time) blended learning makes for socialconstructivist learning, it also provides students and teachers with flexibility and
choice, the importance of which cannot be understated in the modern age.
Students expect on-demand, anytime/anywhere high-quality learning
environments (p. 1, Khan, 2007). However the true transformation is in the
social interaction that is afforded because direct knowledge transmission occurs
outside of the classroom. The student constructs their own knowledge while
interacting with others during classroom learning activities. This construction is
dependent upon social interaction and collaboration with more capable and
knowledgeable others (So & Brush, 2007, p. 320). Traditional learning models
sacrifice valuable classroom time at the cost of social-constructivist learning.

There is an array of blended learning models, however the foundation is

the same for each, face-to-face instruction is combined with web-based content
delivery. McGee and Reis (2012) state, Blended course designs involve
instructor and learners working together in mixed delivery modes, typically faceto-face and technology mediated, to accomplish learning outcomes that are
pedagogically supported through assignments, activities, and assessments as

Skyepack Rationale: Blended Learning Implementation

appropriate for a given mode and which bridge course environments in a manner
meaningful to the learner (p. 9).

This Skyepack learning module is designed to assist K-12 teachers in

developing blended learning lessons for their classroom. The teacher will be
able to describe the advantages of a blended learning environment, construct a
lesson plan using two web-based resources to guide planning, and implement
two web-based tools for blended learning delivery. This learning module is not
meant to be an exhaustive catalog of online resources as they pertain to blended
learning but rather, an introductory e-book on how to get started and the
appropriate resources to guide planning. The assumption herein is that the
audience for this module is comprised of teachers whose students have regular
access to computers and Internet connection.
ISTE NETS indicators for Teachers developed in this Skyepack:

Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity: Teachers

use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and
technology to facilitate experiences that advance student
learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual


Design and develop digital age learning experiences and

assessments: Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic
learning experiences and assessments incorporating
contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning

Skyepack Rationale: Blended Learning Implementation

in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes

identified in the Standards*S.

Model digital age work and learning: Teachers exhibit

knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an
innovative professional in a global and digital society.

ISTE NETS indicators for Students developed in this Skyepack:


Students use digital media and environments to communicate

and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support
individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.


Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related

to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.

Blended Learning 101: Handbook, Aspire Public Schools. Retreived
Blended Learning in K-12, wikibook retrieved
Bonk, C. J., & Zhang, K. (2009). Empowering online learning: 100+ activities for
reading, reflecting, displaying, and doing. John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved
Brown, B. L. (1998). Distance education and Web-based training. ERIC
Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education, Center on Education
and Training for Employment, The Ohio State University.

Skyepack Rationale: Blended Learning Implementation

Carman, J. M. (2002). Blended learning design: Five key ingredients. Retrieved

August, 18, 2009.
Horn, M. B., & Staker, H. (2011). The rise of K-12 blended learning. Innosight
Institute. Retrieved on September, 7, 2011. Retrieved
Hoskinson, Heather (2014). EDpuzzle Overview for EDU 887. YouTube.
Retrieved from:
Khan, B. H. (Ed.). (2007). Flexible learning in an information society. IGI Global.
Khan, S. (2011). Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education.
Knewton. Blended Learning Infographic. Retrieved from:
McGee, P., & Reis, A. (2012). Blended Course Design: A Synthesis of Best
Practices. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 16(4), 7-22.
Oren, Ben (2013). Create Rich Web-Based Courses with Ease, for Free, Using
Versal! EmergingEdTech. Retrieved
Oxnevad, Susan (2013). 3 Ways to Increase Higher Order Thinking Using
Technology. Retrieved
So, H. J., & Brush, T. A. (2008). Student perceptions of collaborative learning,
social presence and satisfaction in a blended learning environment:
Relationships and critical factors. Computers & Education, 51(1), 318-336.
Strosberg, Andrea (2104). Top 10 Things to Include in Blended Learning Lesson
Plan. The Alvo Institute. Retrieved from:

Skyepack Rationale: Blended Learning Implementation

Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind and society: The development of higher mental
Objectives Builder:

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