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Personal Health Practices

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Student # 820431328

Personal Health Practices

Student: Bunmi Uvieghara
Student No: 820 431 328
Date Submitted: October 12, 2012
NURS 160: Practical Nursing Theory 1
Teacher: Sharon Aka
Humber College ITAL

The purpose of this paper is to explore my personal health belief and practice in relation to
those of a different culture. It will reflect on my own definition of health, factors that influence
my health beliefs and strategies for improvement. Also, it will compare and contrast my health
beliefs and practices with that of a different culture and discuss on how my health belief and
practice will influence my future nursing practices. Health practices and beliefs are different
across the globe, however, these practices are believed from time to have an influence on our
personal well-being. As our cultural practices are different, health definition in relation to our
beliefs and practices differs. Individual cultural practices are reflected on personal health
depending on what they believe in. Irrespective of our different practices and beliefs, health
promotion and disease prevention is the best strategy in improving health and achieving specific


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health goals. As a future nurse, being knowledgeable of how culture can affect my beliefs and
behavior in relation to my health and well- being and that of a different culture in the nursing
profession is my major focus.
Having a purposeful life and able to carry out actives of daily living is considered as health.
Good health is vital to our existence; hence, developing a healthy lifestyle by focusing on doing
things that improves my health every day is my ultimate goal. Waking up early to have my daily
devotion, praying, fasting, exercise, sleeping and eating healthy are part of my life style that
keeps my body, soul and spirit in good condition. Similar to my idea, according to Potter & Perry
(2006) defines health as a complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease (p.3). My personal health belief is seen as what I take part in regularly in
order to maintain optimal health. I believe in my practices and stay committed; I live a life full of
happiness. Health is being able to have control over ones live (Potter & Perry, 2006, p. 3).
Having knowledge of those valuable practices and beliefs and focusing on the qualities of
attaining an optimal healthy life is vital to my well- being.
According to my current health belief, there are different practices that I take part in that
helps evaluate my health belief. I am able to realize and demonstrate habits that are helpful in
maintaining a healthy living. Having cognitive ability to carry out my activities of daily living is
vital to maintaining a positive healthy life. Being spiritual is viable to my health. For instance,
meditating and giving full consecration and dedication to Gods word uplifts my spirit and
personality and keeps me in a state of wellness. Spending time with my children is considered
healthy to me. Giving my children the care and love they deserve and seeing them happy is part
of my health belief. Getting acquainted with my community group that shares same interest,


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norms and beliefs has being a way of keeping me healthy and happy. In evaluating my health
practices, having a proper knowledge of my health and commitment to daily routine that
promotes my health and practices has been a criteria used in promoting my health beliefs.
Culture is a way of life that has a significant effect on my health. Culture generally is not
just about human concerns but about family values. For instance, having a baby in my culture is
a blessing. However, gender matters a lot. Giving birth to female children only serve as a
concern in marriage in my culture. Some marriages are shattered because the woman is unable to
give birth to a male child. This cultural belief has given rise to polygamy. In most cases, male
children are showen more love and care than the female children. The issue of Female Genital
Mutilation is a major issue in my cultural practices that affect the health of female in my society.
Circumcision is seen as very pure and holy. My culture believes that every female most perform
this ritual before marriage or before giving birth. In a situation where a child is born before the
ritual, the mother and child is seen as an abomination and curse to the land. Many girls have died
through complication during or after this ritual. The instruments used in performing these rituals
have been used on different females from generations to generations. Even though, I do not
believe in circumcision as my religion does not support this belief, it is still part of my cultural
practice. According to Potter & Perry (2006) Culture is a framework used when a person is
healthy or requires intervention. The effect of my culture on my health and my society requires
Having a significant approach to my way of life is important in improving my personal
health beliefs. My health has improved during the last years because I make plans, write them
down and follow strategies that are important in improving my health. Being knowledgeable of
the benefit of my normal routine such as sleeping, waking up early to pray, exercising, eating


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healthy by following the Canada food guide and attending church services has helped me utilize
a healthy well-being. Spending time with my family thereby, cooking and feeding my kids and
attending to their needs have put me in a complete state of wellness without self-blame. Also
getting involved in community programs such as the Public Health Breastfeeding Companion
Program is a strategy I used in improving my health and my kids health. Following this regular
routine of living healthy I am able to build a substantial policy towards my personal health
beliefs and abiding by them is a major strategy I have incorporated in attaining a healthy life.
The principals of our health beliefs depend on what we do daily to improve our health. As a
Christian, following religious routine practice like praying daily and attending church services is
part of maintaining a healthy life in the West Africa health beliefs. For instance, in times of
illness, before consulting medical help, praying, fasting and the use of herbal medicine is the first
thing to do before any further medical intervention is Introduced to assess the causes of the
sickness. In comparing my health beliefs with the Hindus, I believe illness of any kind is spiritual
and it is from the devil. Therefore, fervent spiritual prayers are used to eliminate any evil causing
the illness. The Hindu religion ascribes sickness to karma which means one reaps what one sows
as a result of ones action. Even though, both religions believe in one supreme God, however, I
do not believe in reincarnation unlike Hindus who believe that when somebody dies the soul will
go through rebirth until it is finally received by God. In my belief, after death the person either
goes to heaven or hell depending on the decision of the Almighty God. Furthermore, in
comparing both beliefs, eating of spicy food is common and eating with the left hand is
considered inappropriate in both beliefs. In contrast to my health beliefs I do not have dietary
restrictions, hence; it is common for Hindus to practice vegetarianism. After death according to
my health beliefs, the dead is either buried immediately depending on the age. If the person is of


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age it will take couple of months after preparing for the burial ceremony before the person is
buried and most people are buried in their own houses and the soul of the dead is believed to rest
in peace. Contrary to the Hindu beliefs, cremation is preferred since it is believed the soul
lingers. Identifying similarities and differences between my health belief and that of a different
background is a major aspect to consider when working in the health care field.
In comparing other health beliefs with mine, I am able to realize how various health beliefs
play a significant role in the individual life. As our perceptions are similar so they are different as
well. Each individual health belief is unique and should be respected in order to meet the
expectation and needs of others health beliefs. Recognizing and having an in-depth knowledge of
different health beliefs in promoting health should be my focus as a nurse. Knowing how
individual cultural practices can affect religion, health, illness and death is important to be able to
provide culturally accepted care. According to the CNO practices guideline on culturally
sensitive care (2009) The focus of care is always the clients needs (p.3). When providing care
in promoting an individual well-being, it is important that I understand and respect the client
beliefs in order to represent the clients point of view by advocating. In comparing my health
belief with Hindu beliefs, I am able to realize how their religion, diet and death beliefs are
different from mine. In understanding the importance of Hindu health beliefs on how it affects
their health will have a viable impact on my nursing practices. I have learned to respect what
others believe in and never impose my beliefs on them. It is my responsibility to enhance my
knowledge on various religion and cultural health beliefs in order to provide optimal care.
Exploring my personal health belief and practices, and reflecting on them in relation to those
of other culture has broadened my view on how personal health practices influences the health of
an individual significantly. Focusing on how my health beliefs are different from others beliefs, I


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am able to identify how important cultural practices and beliefs of ancient times play a major
role in the well-being of an individual. Health is life. Having a constructive lifestyle that helps
improve health is my major concern therefore; carrying out my daily health routine such as
praying, exercises, sleep and eating health is a key to keeping me healthy. Every individual has a
culture. As our various cultural practices are different so it does influence our health in a
significant way. Even though values and beliefs may be shared, each cultural still exhibits a
unique practice. Following my regular routine of being spiritual, eating healthy, sleep, taking
care of family and getting acquitted to my community has been strategies I used to improve my
health. Reflecting on my health beliefs and having an in-depth knowledge of other cultural
health beliefs I am able to identify areas that I will use to improve my nursing profession. Also,
following the CNO nursing standards and best practices guideline on Cultural Sensitive Care I
will be able display care appropriately and improve my future nursing profession.

College of Nurses of Ontario. (2009). The Standard of Care: Consent. Toronto, ON: CNO
Perry, A. G., Potter, P. A., Ross-Kerr, J. C., & Wood, M. J. (2006). Canadian Fundamentals of
Nursing. Toronto, Canada: Elsevier Mosby.

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