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TweetAttacks Pro

Version 2.5
User Manual
The ultimate twitter auto follower, auto unfollower, tweet
scraper, reply generator, auto retweeter, tweet spinner, mass
retweeter and tweet scheduler with socialoomph integration.
Updated 2011-02-25

Table of Contents
Disclaimer...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Part 1: Getting to Know Your Tool ................................................................................................................ 7
System Requirements ................................................................................................................................... 7
Installation and Updates ............................................................................................................................... 7
TweetAttacks Modules Overview ................................................................................................................. 7
TweetAttacks Main Menu ........................................................................................................................... 10
Account Management ................................................................................................................................ 11
Adding Twitter Accounts ......................................................................................................................... 11
How to Add Users in the VIP List? ........................................................................................................... 13
How to Import Accounts from Text File? ................................................................................................ 13
How to Import And Automatically Assign Proxies to Twitter Accounts?................................................ 14
Follow\Unfollow Module ............................................................................................................................ 14
Follow\Unfollow Module Toolbar........................................................................................................... 18
How to Use Follow\Unfollow Module? .................................................................................................. 19
Notes on Following\Unfollowing ............................................................................................................ 21
Direct Messaging......................................................................................................................................... 22
How to Use Direct Messaging Feature? .................................................................................................. 23
Tweet Scraper ............................................................................................................................................. 24
Reply\Mention Generator .......................................................................................................................... 25
Scrape Users ............................................................................................................................................ 26
Scraping List of Users from Someones Followers\Following List....................................................... 29
Generating @Mention Messages ....................................................................................................... 29
Reply\Mention Generator Toolbar ......................................................................................................... 31
How to use the Tweet Editor? ................................................................................................................ 31
How to Generate Replies? ...................................................................................................................... 32
How to Generate Many Retweets?......................................................................................................... 36
Tweet Manager ........................................................................................................................................... 37
Tweet Manager Toolbar.......................................................................................................................... 38
How to use Tweet Manager? .................................................................................................................. 39
Tweet Poster ............................................................................................................................................... 40

Tweet Poster Toolbar .............................................................................................................................. 41

How to Use Tweet Poster Module? ........................................................................................................ 41
Wait and Reply Module .............................................................................................................................. 42
How Wait and Reply Works? .................................................................................................................. 42
What Are Normal Tweets and Why We Need it? ................................................................................... 43
Where to Get Normal Tweets? ............................................................................................................... 43
Wait and Reply Toolbar........................................................................................................................... 44
How to use Wait and Reply Module? ..................................................................................................... 44
ReTweet Attacks ......................................................................................................................................... 46
How to use ReTweet Attacks? ................................................................................................................ 47
Others ......................................................................................................................................................... 47
Adding Socialoomph Accounts ............................................................................................................... 47
How to send tweets to socialoomph? .................................................................................................... 48
Part 2: Monetization ................................................................................................................................... 48
5 Tips in Selecting Products\Offers to Promote in Twitter ..................................................................... 49
Method 1: Build and Attack .................................................................................................................... 50
Method 2: Sending CPA offers directly ................................................................................................... 53
Method 3: Wait and Reply ...................................................................................................................... 56
Method 4: Promoting High Priced Affiliate Products ............................................................................. 57
How I Increased my Opt-in Rate by 400%? ......................................................................................... 58
Twitter Limits .......................................................................................................................................... 59
Common Reasons Why Twitter Suspend Accounts and What are the Solutions? ................................. 59
Final Notes .............................................................................................................................................. 60
Frequently Asked Questions ....................................................................................................................... 61
Why not use twitter API? ........................................................................................................................ 61
How to reach 2000 followers fast so I can follow more than 2000? ...................................................... 61
How Can I Transfer My License to Another Computer? ......................................................................... 62
I Lost my Registration Key and How Can I find it? .................................................................................. 62
Do You Have Affiliate Program?.............................................................................................................. 62
Support and Suggestions ............................................................................................................................ 62

The information presented herein represents the views of the author as of the
date of publication and is for informational purposes only.
Third party services like twitter, socialoomph, their web page structures and API
affects the performance of TweetAttacks. Changes of their services might cause
TweetAttacks to not working on some of its features. We have no control over the
changes they will make in their services. Because of this we cannot make any
guarantees that all of the features available now will continue to function as it is
but your license have access to our lifetime updates and you can get any changes
we make to the program for free.
Additionally, by using TweetAttacks, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless
TweetAttacks and the creators from any problems resulting from your use of it.
We recommend that you use the software judiciously and not abuse it for the
purpose of spamming those services. Doing so will most likely result in your
accounts being terminated, in effect wasting any effort youve put into it. Page 3
TweetAttacks dont promote spam. This tool was created for you to market your
product effectively with less effort. Please use it well and provide value to our
fellow tweeters.

Twitter is been around for years and yet still rapidly growing. Last April 2010 it reached
105,000,000 in population, thats about a third of the US population and about 25% of Facebooks
population. They are getting 300,000 average new users every single day.
Each of every one of them has their needs and wants that waiting to be fulfilled. There
overflowing prospects in twitter. Many are already making a killing and most are not. Why? Because
most probably they are doing it the wrong way and they are all doing the same thing.
Twitter is very simple and straight forward. Many think that twitter is no longer effective for
marketing. Well, 105 million of users thats impossible, if you can get traffic from a source then I cannot
think of any reason why it should not work.
Whether you are a blogger, autoblogger, list builder, or just an individual promoting your offline
business or other businesses, twitter is for you.
Based on our more than one year of experience in Twitter marketing, making a killing in twitter
is very simple. You just need to equip yourself with the right knowledge, taking the right action and
automating the process with the right tools. By taking action by buying TweetAttacks and taking another
action reading this report, you will get a better understanding on how to succeed in twitter.
Not just us, but many TweetAttacks customers are earning 3-5 figures a day using TweetAttacks,
they are using different methods of course but we detailed here the easiest methods we can think off
including the method that made our beta testers earn at least $100 during their testing period. We can
never guarantee that you will make the same of course because the result will differ on the amount of
effort exerted.
TweetAttacks is still a tool, and how good or bad it is still depends on the one who is using it.
Like Leonardo da Vinci did not become great artists because he has the best paint brush in the world.
Im sure you know what I mean. But we are confident to say that the tool you are holding on now is the
best twitter marketing software available in the market today.
This ebook will show you how we did it and we hope that the next twitter success story we will
going to hear next will be coming from you.

Part 1: Getting to Know Your Tool

As you already know, TweetAttacks was built with many features that you cannot find in any
other Twitter Marketing Software out there. In this section, we will introduce those features and go
through them one by one.
Please read this eBook before jumping to the monetization guides.

System Requirements
1. Windows Operating System
2. Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 or above
3. Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
If you are on a Mac or Lynux, you need to run windows virtualization software in your machine and we
highly recommend the free VMWare player or VirtualBox.

Installation and Updates

The zip file contains 2 files namely Setup.exe and Setup.msi
To install your application, just double click and install any of those files and follow the installation
instructions. This will also install Microsoft .net 3.5 Service Pack1 if it is not yet installed in your machine.
You will be automatically notified when a new update is available.
If you lose your installation files for some reason, you can always get it here
If you forgot your registration key, you can find it in the email that we sent, it is also displayed in your
download link after the character id=.

TweetAttacks Modules Overview

In this part of the manual we will have a quick overview of all the modules included in TweetAttacks.
1. Follow\Unfollow Module
This module will allow you to follow other users and unfollow those users who did not
follow you back after period of time.
2. Direct Messaging
You can use this module if you want to send direct messages to your followers. You can
use it to greet them, thank them for following you or to send your offers.

3. Tweet Scraper
This module contains a web browser which you can use to browse any website, blog,
quote website and TweetAttacks can grab contents on those web pages and convert
them into Tweets. This module alone can save you huge amount of time, typing tweets
about your niche, you can use this to open your website and TA will convert your
websites content into tweets automatically.
4. @Reply and @Mention Generator
This is another module that you can use to generate Tweets but not just ordinary
tweets. With this, you can generate tweets that will be visible to all twitter users and
not just your followers. Since the tweets are visible to all users, this can give you
thousands of traffic even if you dont have followers.
How is that possible? Lets say, if you are selling an ebook about ways to make money
online, you can use this module to fetch all the twitter users that are tweeting about
I want to make money online or I want to earn from home or I want to earn
money etc
And use this module to generate @reply to their messages, and if your reply contains
the link to your offer. BAM! Thats instant very targeted traffic.
This module can also generate @mention messages to any user, and one of the best
ways to find massive list of prospects is through someone elses followers. In our
example, if you are selling internet marketing products, you can find popular people in
the internet marketing arena or other related, like problogger, its twitter profile have
100,000 followers. Using this module, you can generate @mention messages to those
100,000 users and send them your offer. They can see your tweets even if they are not
your followers.
More of this later but I am sure you already realize the potential!
5. Tweet Manager
Having thousands of tweets from Tweet Scraper and @Reply Generator can be a pain if
you dont have tools to manage them easily. That is the main purpose of this module, it
will allow you to manage thousands of tweets like sorting, replacing unwanted words,
removing duplicates, putting your links, generating schedules and many more.
You can also use this module to send your tweets to socialoomph or post from web
using one selected account.
This module simply prepares the tweets before posting in Tweet Poster module.

6. Tweet Poster
This is the actual module that handles the posting of tweets generated from Tweet
Scraper and @Reply Generator and this is also the one who will read and execute your
generated schedules in Tweet Manager. Basically Tweet Scraper and @Reply Generator
only generate tweets, and Tweet Manager can manage and create schedules for those
Tweets but Tweet Poster is the one sending those tweets to Twitter. This module can
send tweets using many accounts, as many accounts as your computer can handle.
7. Wait & Reply
This module can also generate and post @replies to users who are tweeting about
something that you offer, the major difference is that, this module will work on the
future tweets that are not been posted yet.
In our example above, if you have internet marketing ebook, @Reply Generator
generates reply to the tweets that contains how to make money online and send your
offer using Tweet Poster, but what about the tweets that are not posted yet? You dont
need to run @Reply Generator again to get them, just use this module and it will wait
for someone to tweet how to make money online and generate @reply, and send that
reply immediately. It will run and do that for you 24\7, no user intervention.
8. ReTweet Attacks
You can use Follow\Unfollow Module to build followers in many accounts, but those
accounts will be useless if you cannot send offers to their followers. Of course you can
use Tweet Poster and let all those accounts post your link. But there is a much better
In my years of experience in twitter, @Retweets can get more click rates than just
tweeting links. Why? Im not really sure about the psychological side of it but, it is very
common for people to tweet their own links and people already learned to ignore it. If
there is an RT to it, it is imposing that the user is recommending it and if someone is
recommending it, people have perception that it is really something good or important.
That RT, only 2 letters but it means a lot, it acts as your social proof and people
normally want a proof before believing into something.
This module can do that, with this module, you can use hundreds or thousands of your
accounts to tweet your link.
It can definitely boost your account and website popularity. There are so many other
benefits to this because twitter is putting so much importance on retweets. Here are
some other benefits that you can get.

1. You will get hundreds of backlinks from authority websites that are monitoring and
displaying popular tweets in twitter that have many retweets.
2. Your tweet will be the first one to show when people search for tweets that are
related to yours.
3. If you put #hashtags and with enough number of Tweets, you can definitely
dominate the trending topics maybe not the global, you will need million to do that,
but you can dominate local trending topics.
9. Account Statistics
In the previous modules, we provided ways to build many accounts and checking those
accounts manually is a real pain. You can use this module to do that, you can check your
accounts following and followers growth, how many posted tweets, if it is suspended
and other info.

And now you are familiar with the features of TweetAttacks, in the next chapters, we will talk about the
features in more details.

TweetAttacks Main Menu

TweetAttacks main menu have only 5 items

Manage. This button contains the account management features and settings.
Switch Modules. Use switch modules to switch between TweetAttacks modules eg:. Follow\Unfollow,
Direct Messaging, Tweet Scraper, Reply Generator, Tweet Manager, Tweet Poster, Wait & Reply,
@Reply Generator and ReTweet Attacks.
All new modules that will be added in the future will be added here.
Close. Use this button to close the application.
On the Web. We will be putting here the things that we want you to check out like links and other useful
Utilities This contains some utilities that you might use very rarely. You might find the uses of some of
the items later in this manual.


Account Management
Adding Twitter Accounts
Before using this application, you must first add your twitter accounts. You can add your twitter
accounts by doing the following.
1. Go to Manage->Twitter Accounts

2. Twitter accounts form will appear.

Fill up the information then click Save

Username. This is your twitter account username.
Password. Your twitter account password
Proxy. Proxies are not required and you can use TweetAttacks with or without proxies. Proxies are
different subject and we will not be discussing it here, kindly refer to Wikipedia for more information
about proxies.
Your proxy assigned for this account in IP:Port format or if your proxy requires authentication you
should specify it as IP:Port:Username:Password format.
If you intend to use proxies, we dont recommend using free public proxies because they are normally
associated with spam activities and many other marketers are using them and might get your accounts
into trouble.
For proxies, any exclusive HTTP proxies should work fine. We are using proxies form different providers
but you can settle to one provider only.


We recommend exclusive proxies from YourPrivateProxy (

If you only run around 5 accounts there is no need for proxies. If you want to run more than that, you
should consider using proxies just to stay on the safe side. Personally I use 5 accounts per proxy\IP.
Socialoomph Account. TweetAttacks have tweet scheduling feature already so you might want to skip
this one. This is not required and you can leave it blank, use this only if you want to use socialoomph
services. For more information about socialoomph, please see
Note: Your twitter account should be added in your socialoomph account in order to schedule tweets
using the selected socialoomph account.
Edit VIP list VIP list are the users that you dont want to be unfollowed even if they dont follow you
back. For example, if you added the twitter account of problogger but he does not following you back
and you still want to receive updates from him, just add his username in the VIP list.
Followed List
This is the list where TA saved the names of the users that you followed so it can ignore them the next
time it follows. By default, TA use different list for every user which can result for your accounts to
follow the same people.
If you have accounts named accountA, accountB and accountC,
By default, all those 3 accounts have separate followed lists, so they might end up following the same
people. If accountA followed userA, there is a possibility that accountB and accountC will also follow
userA because it is not yet included in their list.
If you want accountB and accountC not to follow the users followed by accountA, you should set the
same followed list to those accounts.
If accountB and accountC already built their list, and you want to merge their followed lists into 1 list,
select your accounts and use the Set and Merge->Followed List button.
Replied List
This is the list where TA is saving the users that the account sent @messages to.
The same with followed list, they might end up sending @reply messages to the same people if they
have different replied list, so you need to select the accounts and use Set and Merge->Replied List if you
want your accounts to not @reply the same people.
VIP List


The same in the VIP list, if you want to use only one VIP list, you can select all your accounts and use Set
and Merge->VIP List button to merge it.

How to Add Users in the VIP List?

VIP list are the list of users that you dont want to be unfollowed even if they dont follow you
back after a long period of time.
To add users in the VIP list
1. Click Edit VIP list button
2. The edit VIP list form will appear

3. Enter the twitter username of the people you dont want to unfollow, one name per line as
shown in the screenshot above.
4. Click save

How to Import Accounts from Text File?

If you have existing text file that contains your twitter accounts, you can import them in tweetattacks
using the import button in Twitter Accounts form.


Import Delimiter. The import delimiter is the field separator in your text file
Eg: If you have this format in your text file
The delimiter will be | (without quotes)
If you have this format
The delimiter will be , (without quotes)
To start importing you accounts,
1. Click Import Accounts button and open your text file.
2. Browser and open your text file
3. Click save

How to Import And Automatically Assign Proxies to Twitter Accounts?

If you have a list of proxies in a text file, you can automatically import it using the import proxies button.
The text file should be in the following format

Follow\Unfollow Module
The best way to increase your followers is to follow them first. Its still one of the most effective ways to
build targeted followers\prospects and to build authority in your chosen niche. If you have a lot of
followers, your account will look like authoritative on that niche and you have a list of prospects where
you will send your offers or links.
The key here is to build a much targeted list by following very targeted people. You can either
1. Follow people that are talking about your niche, for example if you are promoting weight loss
products or blog, you might to follow people talking about I want to lose weight, How to
reduce weight? etc. This is to make sure that you are following the right people, people that
are really interested in your offers. You can use to search.

2. Follow followers of superstars or authorities in your niche. For example, if you are in the
blogging or make money online niche, you might want to follow the followers of problogger,
which is one of the most popular bloggers around. By following his followers, they will notice
you immediately and there is a high chance that they will follow you back since they will learn
that you are in the same niche or you are offering products and services that they might need.
TweetAttacks can handle this for you 24\7. This alone will cost you more than 100 bucks if you choose
other tools.
TweetAttacks was made and designed to handle multiple accounts at a time to increase your
productivity even more and of course to increase the results you can get. If you have 100 accounts and
each of them have at least 1000 followers (which you can easily achieve in few days), it means that you
already have 100,000 prospects.
We recommend that you use multiple accounts for faster results rather than building only one account
because twitter have limitations and it allow single account to follow 1000 people a day. By using
around 100 accounts, you can follow up to 100,000 people a day.
Note: The daily limit is not always 1000 per account; there is a math behind it which will be explained
later in this report.
The Follow\Unfollow module has the following settings.


The settings of Follow\Unfollow module have been divided into two; the first one is the main settings
which is the place where you can control how TweetAttacks will handle all the tasks, and how you want
them to be executed. The Settings tab lets you control how the following and unfollowing should be

Use multiple threads (no delays). Check these options if you want TweetAttacks do multiple
tasks at a time.
For example, if you have Account A, Account B and Account C and you want to TweetAttacks to
follow using those accounts at the same time, just check this option and put 3 in the threads
box. This will save you tons of hours, you can use this option to run even hundreds of accounts
at a time or as many as your computer and internet connection can handle.
On the other hand, if you want Account A to finish first before starting on Account B. Just leave
this option unchecked.
Delay each task. This option is only available if the first one was unchecked. This will set the
interval between executing the next task in the list.


Repeat all tasks. Use this option if you want TweetAttacks to repeat all the tasks after certain
number of hours. This will allow you to let TweetAttacks work on your accounts 24\7 without
setting it up over and over. For example, if you input 20-24 hours, after executing all the tasks in
the list, it will automatically wait for 20-24 hours then execute all the tasks again. It will keep on
doing this as long as TweetAttacks is open. You can find more offers and you can create more
products while TweetAttacks is building followers for you.
Reshuffle tasks before restarting. If you chose to automatically restart the tasks, check this
option if you want TweetAttacks to change the ordering of the tasks before executing them
because executing same accounts over and over at the same order might raise a red flag to
twitter so we recommend checking this every time you enable Repeat all task option.

Auto Follow Settings
Dont follow users that unfollowed before. TweetAttacks records and remembers users that
are previously unfollowed. Check this option not follow the users you unfollowed before.
Dont follow users with no picture. Based on my experience, most of those users who dont
have picture are bots and spammers. Check this option to ignore them.
Dont follow users with links on latest\searched tweet. Many spammers and bots only tweet
links. This option will allow you to ignore users that contains links in their latest tweet if you are
following from a list of other followers. This will also ignore users with links on their tweets
when you are following users which appeared in your search result.
Auto Unfollow Settings
Protect Mutual Followers. Check this option if you want TweetAttacks to check the user if it is
following you back, if this option is checked and the user is following you back, the user will be
ignored and TweetAttacks will move to the next user in your followers list.
Dont Unfollow Users in VIP List. In twitter account manager, every account have their own VIP
lists and you can use this option if you want to ignore them when unfollowing or not.
Unfollow users followed at least. Twitter spam bots checks the date when you followed and
unfollowed users. Make sure that you will wait few days before you unfollow the users you
followed to avoid getting banned. Use this option to specify the number of days.

Common Settings


Limit. Select a number of users to follow\unfollow to avoid getting suspended. You can select
Maximum Limit to use twitter limit. TweetAttacks will automatically stop when twitter limit or
twitter limit reached.
Delay. Set the delay between follow requests (in seconds). Delays will be randomly generated
between those 2 numbers on each requests for a more random behaviour.

Follow\Unfollow Module Toolbar

Load All Accounts

This will load all of your twitter accounts and add into the tasks list so you dont need to add
them all one by one.
Load Tasks
Use this button to load saved tasks.
Save Tasks
Use this button to save tasks in your hard drive so you can load and not add them manually
again later.
Select All
Use this button to select and highlight all tasks in the list.
Select Task
Use this to assign tasks to all selected records.
Use this to assign tasks to all selected records.
Use this button to randomize the ordering of the tasks before executing them. Just in case you
want to reorder the tasks so that they will not be executed in the same order over and over
again that may leave some traces.
Move Up\Move Down
Use these buttons to change the order of execution of the selected tasks.


How to Use Follow\Unfollow Module?

1. Switch to Follow\Unfollow Module.
2. Switch to settings and setup the desired settings for the tasks. You only need to set this up once
and TweetAttacks will remember everything for your.
3. After selecting the desired settings, setup the tasks in the table located in the left side of your
screen. The table looks like the screenshot below.

One table row means one task and you can add as many rows as you want and TweetAttacks
will automatically execute them all for you.
Creating Tasks
Account: To create a task, just select the twitter account to use under the Account column
Task: Then select what kind of task that you want to do with it, either

Follow other users followers

Select this one if you want to follow the list of followers of a certain user. You
can normally use this to follow the followers of a certain guru or authority in
your niche to make sure that your account is connecting to the right people,
people that really interested in your topic\offer.

Follow other users following

Select this one if you want to follow following list of a certain user. This is a good
way to make sure that you are targeting real humans, if you follow the users
followed by certain guru or authority in your niche; its a high chance that they
are real people.

Follow from a list (.txt file)

If you have a list of usernames, you can use this option to let TweetAttacks to
follow the list of people in the list.

Follow from search result


Select this option if you want to follow people who are talking about certain
keywords. This will make your marketing effort more targeted by making sure
that you only follow people with the same interest.

Use this option to unfollow and cleanup the accounts following list.
When building followers by following and unfollowing, it is very important that
you cleanup your following list by unfollowing people who are not following you
back, this method will give you more space to follow more people.
Twitter only allow you to have certain number of following and that number will
increase as your number of follower increases.

Parameter: After selecting the task, you need to specify the Parameter

The value you put in this column depends on the value selected in task, if you selected
the task Follow other users followers or Follow other users following, you need to specify
the username of the user that you want to follow his\her following\follower list.
Eg: If you want to follow the following or followers of the twitter account billgates, then
just input the twitter username billgates in the parameter column.

If you selected the task Follow from a list (.txt file), you will need to specify the path
where you saved the text file that contains the list of usernames that you want to
Note: You can use the Set->File button if you want to set the same files for the selected

If you selected the task Follow from search result, you just need to enter your search
keyword in the Parameter column.
TweetAttacks will use to search for your keyword
and follow the people in the search results. You can put anything here and you can also
use twitter search operators for more advance and
targeted search.

If you selected the task Unfollow, you will not need to put anything in the parameter list
because TweetAttacks will know that you need to unfollow the following list of the
selected account in the account column.


Note: You can use the button Set->Parameters if you want to set the same parameters
to the selected accounts. You can also use the Import Parameters button to get a list of
parameters from a text file.
You can also use the load all accounts button to load all of your accounts in the tasks
list. You can then select all or select few records then use the Set Task button to set task
to all selected records at once.
Language: This will let you select and filter people who only talks\tweets using a certain
Note: this option is not available when you selected the task Unfollow or Follow from a list
(.txt file)
4. After completing the task list, set the delay before each task will be executed
5. You can check the option Repeat All Tasks after if you want TweetAttacks to automatically
rerun all the tasks after the specified number of hours. This is very useful if you want to just
leave TweetAttacks and your computer open and TweetAttacks will do the following and
unfollowing for all of your accounts 24\7.
6. Click start to execute the tasks

Notes on Following\Unfollowing
In every twitter account, you can only follow 2000 users if your number of followers is less than 2000.
They implemented this to combat people who are following thousands with very less followers. With
this rule, you are unable to follow more people if you are already following 2000 while your number of
followers is less than 2000.
There are also cases that you already have very high number of following and very less number of
followers. In this case, twitter and TweetAttacks will show a warning like
You cannot follow more people at this time or You reached the maximum follow limit
In order to follow some people again, you need to unfollow those users who are not following you back.


Direct Messaging
This feature will let you send direct messages to your followers. Only to your followers because
twitter will not allow people to send direct messages to users who are not included in their followers
list. You can use this module to send thank you\welcome messages to your followers or about anything.
As you can see in the screenshot below, the settings is almost 100% identical to follow\unfollow module


The only different is the option Ignore users who I sent messages before and if you check this option,
TA will ignore users you already sent message(s) to, this will be useful if you want TA to only send
welcome messages to people who followed you back because you certainly dont want to send them
welcome messages over and over again.

How to Use Direct Messaging Feature?

1. After opening TA, go to Switch Module->Direct Messaging
2. The same with Follow\Unfollow module, you need to set the tasks, and one row means one
a. For every tasks you need to select first the Account that you want to use. Use the Load All
Accounts button if you want to use all of your accounts.
b. Then use the Load File button to select the .txt file that contains your messages. Your file
should be in the following format
One message per line and you can use {|} spin syntax.
If you want to set the same messages file to all your accounts, just click select all to select all
the accounts then click Set Messages button to select the file.
c. After creating tasks, just click Send Messages


TA will go through your accounts followers and select message from the file randomly and send to the
user. It will always start from the beginning of your list of followers. If you want to leave TA 24\7 and
automatically send messages to your new followers, just check the Repeat all tasks after button.

Tweet Scraper
Creating and writing tweets is a very time consuming task. I noticed that many bloggers that are using
twitter loved to tweet quotes and other phrases from other websites and I do that myself. Copying and
pasting 1 by 1 is very time consuming. Tweet scraper is designed to address that problem. Tweet scraper
lets you grab phrases from any website of your choice and create tweets from it. It will automatically get
phrases not more than 140 characters and those that not contain links. You can use this module to copy
quotes and other phrases from any web page and send it to tweet poster for later posting.
Just use the browser on the right side of the window to go to any web page.
The Tweet Scraper has the following options.
Get contents from paragraphs. Check this option if you
want TweetAttacks to read the paragraphs and attempt to create
tweets from them.
Get contents from lists. Read the lists in a selected web
page and attempt to create tweets from them.
Get contents from table cells. Read all the table cells
(<td> tags) in a selected web page and get phrases.
Get contents from FONT tags. Read phrases from html
FONT tags.
Get contents from SPAN tags. Read phrases from html
SPAN tags.
Grab Tweets. Click this button to start grabbing tweets
from the selected web page.
Collected List. Collected tweets from web pages will be
listed here. You can double click any item to remove it from the
Delete use this button to delete the selected line in your
Clear this button will delete all entries in the collected
Send to Tweet Manager. Send the list to Tweet Manager module for posting and scheduling of
the collected tweets.


Reply\Mention Generator
This is one of the most powerful modules of TweetAttacks. It defines a new way of marketing in Twitter.
Most twitter marketers will build followers first before sending offers because normally, your tweets can
only be read by your followers. With this module, you can create thousands of tweets and people can
read them even if they are not your followers.
Confuse? I hope not.
Twitter have its feature called @Mention in their website, if you login your account you can see it
immediately in your screen, the tab next to Timeline.

What it does is, it will load all tweets that contains the @ sign + your username and it will display it in
your screen. For example, if your username is myTwitterAccount, when someone tweets with the word
@myTwitterAccount, you will see it when you press that link; you will see the tweet even if you are not
following the person who posted the message.
You still cannot see the power of it?
If you are promoting iPad for example, this module can search for tweets that contain any of your
keywords. You can search for people who are posting something like I want iPad and fetch all the
results. This normally returns thousands of tweets, thousands of people looking for your offer.

This module can then generate @username reply messages to those tweets, you can send them your
affiliate link, your sales page, CPA offers and they can read it even if they are not following you.
This is definitely the fastest way to generate traffic and profit from twitter because you can send
thousands of those messages everyday using our tweet poster modules that we will discuss later.
TweetAttacks reply generator have two parts\tabs, first is the scrape users.

Scrape Users
In order for this @mention users to work, you will need a list of twitter users where you will send your
messages and this section will help you
1. fetch users from search results
2. fetch users from someones followers list
3. and fetch users from someones following list


The scrape users have the following options.

Use Account. Some of the functionalities of this module needs an account to be logged in like
when getting the list of followers of someone. And each accounts also have their own replied list
to determine the people it already replied to (sent @messages to).
Ignore Users with No pictures. This option will help you narrow down your search results as
Tweet Attacks can check if the user who tweets the result have no picture as many bots do.
Ignore users included in the replied list You can check this option if you dont want to send
replies to people you replied before.
Use Max Limit: If you check this option, TweetAttacks will try to fetch the result list till then end
of page or until you reach twitters maximum limit.
Limit. Use this to specify the number of results that you want Tweet Attacks to fetch.
Fetch Results. Use this button to start searching and fetch all the result to the grid in the right
side of the window.
Scrape. Select wether you want to get users from twitters search results or if you want to get
the list of followers\following of a certain user.Scraping Users from Search Results


If you selected the Scrape option Search Results, you will see the following screen.

Search Term. Enter your search term to find your targeted audience that talking about your
niche. You can also use twitter advanced search ( and
copy the search term created and put it in this search box. More of this later.
Ignore tweets with hash tags. If you check this option, TA will ignore the tweets with #.
Fetch Option. Other fetch options lets you
o Fetch tweets with or without links. To return results that contains links and those who
dont have links.
o Fetch tweets with no links. This will search for the tweets with no links that are related
to your search term. You can use this option if you want to fetch results that are looking
for a certain phrases that may be related to your offer because many tweets that
contain links that are related to your phrase may be offering the same product or
services that you are offering.
o Fetch tweets with link only. You can use this option to identify other people who are
writing or selling things related to your niche. You can search and create a list and


generate a reply for them all or retweet all of their links to build relationship. You can
use this trick so people will get notice of you and follow you.

Scraping List of Users from Someones Followers\Following List

If you selected the scrape option Following or Followers, you will see the following screen.

You will just need to specify the username where you want to get the list of followers\following
then your ready to go. After clicking the Fetch Results button, TweetAttacks will go through the
list of followers\following of the specified user and list them in the table displayed in the right
side of the window.

Generating @Mention Messages

This section of @reply\mention generator will help you generate many @reply messages in few clicks of
a button.


This section will let you create a reply for all the fetched users in Scrape Users tab.
It contains one text box which shows the file name where the tweets will be loaded.
The (.txt) file to be loaded should contain your replies, 1 reply per line, like:
You can also use {|} spin syntax format.

Open Use this button to change the file where you want your tweets to be loaded.
Edit Use this button to edit your tweets in the text file. More about this later.
Preview Use this button to test your tweets if you used the spinner properly.
o Reply. This will allow you to generate replies on the highlighted tweets in the right side
of the window. The reply to be generated will come from the content or spinned
content in the text box above.
o Retweet. This will automatically generate a message to retweet the selected tweets in
the right side of the window. This is useful when you want to retweet a lot of links or
quotes that came from your search results.
o Copy Tweets. This is useful when you are running out of words to tweet, you can search
something like #quote to fetch quotes posted by other people using the #hashtag
#quote and copy those tweet.


Generate on Selected. Use this button to perform the action based on your specified options in
the available options above.
Send to Tweet Manager. This will send all the generated replies and retweets to tweet manager
for posting and scheduling.

Reply\Mention Generator Toolbar

Select All. Use this to select all records in the list

Delete Selected. This button will delete all the selected records in your list.
Remove Duplicate Users. You can use this button if you dont want to generate multiple tweets for a
single user. Sending multiple @mention message to single user might annoy them and they will report
you as spammer which leads to suspension of your account.
Add to Replied List. Each account has their database of replied list so TweetAttacks can learn and ignore
users you already replied before. You can use the Add to Replied List button to add the users you
fetched to the replied list so you can ignore them later in your next campaigns.
@mention followers. Sometimes, you may find good offers but no one is tweeting about it. So your next
best option is to find the leading authority on that niche and generate @mention\@replies to its
followers and promote your offers. For example, if you are promoting iPad and no one is talking about it,
you can use this button to fetch the followers of Apple (I think this account does not exist) but Im sure
you get the idea. One another good example is that, when you are promoting products about blogging,
you can fetch the followers of problogger and send them your offers. As of the moment, he have 98,000
followers, so using this feature you can send your offers to those 98,000 users even if they are not
following you back. Imagine how many traffic and how much money you can make with that.

How to use the Tweet Editor?

You can use the Tweet Editor to edit the tweets in the file you selected. To edit the file just click
the edit button

After clicking the button, the tweet editor will appear with the tweets in the text file automatically


You can edit each tweet per line. You can out as many tweets as you want and you can still use the
Jetspinner {|} syntax to create more variations of your tweets.
Click Save to save the changes.

How to Generate Replies?

TweetAttacks will let you generate reply of your search tweets in a click of a button. It supports the
jetspinner syntax to generate multiple variations of your reply.
For example
{Check out|see|view|visit} this {cool|good|great|excellent} twitter {marketing|promotion}
Will generate many variations of reply eg:
visit this great twitter promotion application
Check out this great twitter promotion application
visit this great twitter promotion tool
see this excellent twitter marketing tool
view this great twitter marketing application
see this cool twitter marketing software


and many other variations.

To generate replies you can do the following.
1. Search for a term that might be looking for your product and put it in the search term box eg:

2. After setting the search phrase, set and put values for other options or you can leave the default

In this case I want to fetch only the results that dont have any links because of the tweets with links are
also promoting products related to my search term which is twitter software.
3. Click Fetch Results to start searching. The results will be generated in the grid located at the
right side of the windows.

4. Now we are done searching for target tweets. Its time to generate responses to all of this
tweets. Use Generate Reply section of the software to generate reply. You can load your
spinnable replies file (.txt) file using the Open button.


In this case I used my example tweet above.

5. After setting up your spinnable tweet. Select tweets in the right side of the window that you
want to be generated.
You can select the tweets by clicking the edge of the row

To select one by one, just hold your Control key and click in other records to select multiple records.
You can also hold and drag your mouse up or down to select multiple records


Or just click select all to select all records

6. After selecting all the records select Reply in the Generate field.

7. Click Generate on Selected to start generating replies.


The replies will be generated here

8. You can now click Send to Tweet Manager for posting and scheduling or after Tweet Manager
you can Save it using the Save button and load them later in Tweet Poster module for posting
using multiple accounts.

How to Generate Many Retweets?

Retweeting other tweets is a good way to get noticed by other twitter users and build relationships.
To use this feature you can simply the how to generate reply above and just select Generate Retweet
instead of Reply.
To show you an example here is a way to do it
For example I want to retweet some twitter marketing tips tweeted by other bloggers for me to get
notice and at the same time, giving value to my followers

I will search for twitter tips

Select All
Change the generate Reply to generate Retweet and click generate on selected
Retweets will be automatically generated


5. You can now click Send to Tweet Manager for posting and scheduling or after Tweet Manager
you can save it using the Save button and load them later in Tweet Poster module for posting
using multiple accounts.

Tweet Manager
In this module, you can prepare your generated tweets for posting or post it using only one account.
You can set the date and time of each tweet when they will be posted or you can generate schedule
based on your selected interval.


Tweet Manager Toolbar

Shuffle. This will be used to randomized and shuffle your tweets so that replies, quotes and
retweets will be posted randomly manner.
Save. Save the tweets so you can use it later. You can also use this button to save all your
generated tweets then post them all together Tweet Poster Module
o Save Tweets Only. This will save all your tweets without the generated schedules
o Save Tweets W/ Schedule. This will save your tweets along with the generated
o Save in Multiple Files. If you have many tweets generated and you want to post it in
batch or you want to post them using different accounts in Multi User Tweet Poster
Module, you will need to save your tweets using this button.
If you have 10,000 generated tweets you can divide it into 20 files containing 500 tweets
or 10 files that all contains 1000 tweets so you can post it using multiple accounts later
in multi user tweet poster module.
Load. Load previously saved tweets
Delete Duplicates. This will remove the duplicate tweets in your list.
Delete Selected. Delete selected tweets
Delete > 140 Characters. This will delete tweets that have more than 140 characters because
twitter only allow up to 140 characters.
Clear. Delete all tweets in the list
Fine and Replace you can use this button to find any text and replace it with anything you want
through all the tweets listed. Its a good tool if you want to replace some text or to completely
remove them.
Append Text you can use this button to append text at the end of every tweets, like if you want
to put your links at the end of the tweets.


How to use Tweet Manager?

You can generate tweet schedules based on your set intervals.

Start at current time. Check this option to always use the current date and time for the
generated schedules
Start at. Use this option to generate schedule starting at a specified date and time
Post Every. The interval of the tweet schedule to be generated
Generate (On selected). Click this button to start generating schedules for the selected records
only based on the options above
Generate (ALL records). Click this button to start generating schedules for all tweets based on
the options above

To manually specify the schedule just double click the cell and edit the content. You can also do this to
edit the generated tweets.


After setting the schedules just click Start Posting from Web to start posting or Send to Socialoomph to
schedule it using socialoomph services.
Note: Free socialoomph user accounts is limited and the limitations are beyond our control.

Tweet Poster
Tweet poster will let you post your generated tweets and replies. If you use TweetAttacks tweet poster,
all of your tweets will be posted using a web browser so it will appear very natural as if they are typed
and posted from the web.
This is also one of the most powerful modules of TweetAttacks PRO and this works best along with the
reply generator module.

You can generate thousands of @mention\@reply tweets using the reply generator module
Send the tweets to tweet poster module then save them to separate files
Use multi user tweet poster module to post those tweets using multiple accounts

Again, this method is the fastest way to get traffic from twitter even if your accounts have no followers
at all.
Tweet Poster allows your tens, hundreds or even thousand twitter accounts to schedule and post
tweets at the same.
It allows you to load saved tweets from the Tweet Manager module.
Tweet Poster has the following options

Use schedule included in the text files. This allows you to use the schedules generated using the
tweet poster module.
Post between. Use this option if you dont want to use the generated schedule from tweet
poster module and TweetAttacks will generate random number between the 2 numbers
Delete Posted tweets in the file. Check this option if you want the posted tweets to be so they
will not be posted again in case you accidentally ran the same file or if you want to stop posting
and continue later.
Only login x accounts at a time. This is useful if you are logging in many accounts that your
computer or twitter server cannot handle. It will use all selected accounts but it will not login
them at the same time and wait for the first batch to finish logging in and it will start logging in
the other accounts once the first batch are already posting. Please note that, it will not wait for
other accounts to finish posting, it will only wait for other accounts to finish the login process
before starting other accounts.

Tweet Poster Toolbar

Load All Accounts. Use this button to load all your twitter accounts in the table.
Export. You can use this button to save the tasks you assigned in the table and load them again
later for new campaigns.
Import. This will load the tasks you saved using the export button.
Set Files. Use this button to assign text files to all of your selected accounts. This button will let
you select a directory and then all text files in that directory will be assigned to each of the
selected twitter accounts for posting.

How to Use Tweet Poster Module?

You can use reply generator and tweet scraper modules to generate content for tweet poster module.

Save the generated tweets in tweet manager module.

Switch to Tweet Poster module
You can use Load All Accounts button to load all your accounts in the tasks table
After selecting the users, open text files where the tweets should be loaded by clicking the
button as shown in the screenshot above.
5. After assigning the text files, click start posting and watch your accounts post tweets
simultaneously or just leave and tweet attacks will do the posting for all of your accounts.


Wait and Reply Module

Wait and reply module allows you to spy on other peoples tweets. Once tweetattacks found a tweet
that is relevant to your offer, tweetattacks will automatically reply to that tweet. You can set it to reply
that contains your affiliate link, CPA offers, and new blog post or just about anything.
This module and the reply generator will allow you to make money even if you dont have followers.
You just need to give the right offer and you need to work on the right niche. (More on monetization

How Wait and Reply Works?

TweetAttacks will use to search for people who are talking about
your niche. Then it will wait for a new one then immediately send your offer to that person using @reply
so the user can see it even if he is not following you. With this module alone, there is a high chance that
you can get back your investment in the first few hours of using it like many of our customer does.
Just find a clickbank product or any other CPA or affiliate product that twitter users are talking about.
(More about monetization later).
TweetAttacks Wait and Reply Module have the following options

When multiple mentions appear, put delay on replied between. Set the delay between replies.
Delays will be randomly generated between those 2 numbers on each requests for a more
human and random behaviour.
Dont reply on tweets from users with no picture Based on my experience, most of those users
who dont have picture are bots and spammers. Check this option to ignore them.
Dont reply on tweets that contains links Many spammers and bots only tweet links. You can
check this option to ignore them.

Dont reply on previously replied users Replying to the same user over and over again may
result for the other user to get annoyed and report you as spammer. You can check this option
to prevent it.
Start Wait and Reply Click this button to start your campaigns and wait for the traffic and
money comes in.

What Are Normal Tweets and Why We Need it?

Normal tweets are just tweets that are not @reply messages and preferably NO LINKS, NO
#HASHTAGS. They are the tweets that TA will post between your @Reply messages to make it look more
They can be jokes, quotes or any tweet without links, without @mentions and better if no #hashtags.
Here are some benefits for using normal tweets in wait and reply
1. Your accounts will last longer, if your accounts only tweets @reply messages with links, there is
a huge chance that twitter can detect it and suspend your account. If you are not posting normal
tweets between @reply messages, your account will look very spammy and most probably
other twitter users will report your account as spam and it will end up being suspended.
2. You can get more clicks, its very simple, if someone sent a @reply to you and you saw that the
account is also sending it to many other users, will you click it? Probably not.
Normal tweets should also be inputted in a .txt file, you can easily do it using notepad. One normal
tweet per line eg:
Normal tweet one
Normal tweet two
Then load the file in the Normal Tweets column.

Where to Get Normal Tweets?

Normal tweets can be any tweets that have no links, @mentions and #hashtags, and here are some fast
ways to get some.
1. Use Tweet Scraper module, using the browser in Tweet Scraper module, open a website
preferably blog related to your niche and grab tweets from different articles. Send to Tweet
Manager then save it to text file using Save->Tweets Only.
2. Use @Reply Generator, as you may already know by now, you can use @Reply Generator
module to fetch thousands of tweets related to your searched keyword. When searching just


fetch only tweets with no links and check ignore tweets with #hashtags and check ignore tweets
with @.
If you want to use quotes as your normal tweets, just uncheck ignore tweets with #hashtags
and search for #quote or #quotes. Send to Tweet Manager, then in Tweet Manager, use Find
and Replace button to replace #quote and #quotes to empty\blank characters (just to remove
the #hashtags. After that use Save->Tweets Only to save your normal tweets.

Wait and Reply Toolbar

Load All Account. As the name implies, you can use this button to load all your accounts in the
list so you dont need to select them all one by one. You can load all your accounts, targeting
different keywords and let them run 24\7.
Select All. This will highlight all items in the list
Delete. This will delete all the items selected in the list
Load. Use this button to load tasks you previously saved using the save button.
Save. Use this button to load
Set Search. If you are using multiple accounts to target the same keyword, you can use this
button to set the keyword to the selected accounts in the list.
Load Files. This will load and assign chosen text file to the selected accounts in your list.

How to use Wait and Reply Module?

After switching to Wait and Reply Module, in the right side of the TweetAttacks window you will see the
following empty table.

First, fill up the following columns

Account. Select the account that you want to post tweets\@replies
Search. This is the column where you will need to specify your target keyword. Eg: If you are
promoting iPad offers, you might want to search for people who are talking something like I
want iPad.
Language. Select the language that you want to target, if want to target certain countries or
certain place only, you might want to filter the searches by language.


Replies. This is where your text (.txt) file is located. This text file should contain your replies, one
per line. You can spin it using the jet spin syntax.
You can create your text file using notepad or any other text editing program.
Your file should contain your replies, you can build many replies in single file and TweetAttacks
will select one to post automatically.
It should like this
Lol I got a new iPad at
I think apple {is crazy|gone mad}, they are {giving|throwing} away free iPad
Save it to any filename that you want.
Load File. Use this button to load the file for the Replies column so you dont have to type the
path manually.
Normal Tweets. In here you should input the (.txt) file where you saved your normal tweets
Load File. Use this button to load your Normal tweets file so you dont have to type the path
You can set up multiple rows to the table using different accounts and keywords like the screenshot

In the screenshot above, I selected the accounts (first column which are blured). Then I selected my
keywords which are twitter software, twitter marketing software, new to twitter. I selected any
language but you can change it if you want to target specific languages but since twitter users are all
over the world, I just leave it to default. Then I loaded the text file I created that contains my replies and
normal tweets using the Load File buttons.

After setting up, setup the options in the left side of the window to your desired setting


Thats it, you can now click Start Wait and Reply and watch the traffic grow.

ReTweet Attacks
If you have tens or hundreds of accounts with each thousands of followers tweeting your url. Retweets
have higher click rate than normal tweets.
If you have 20 accounts and each have 5000 followers, your offer will become visible to 20 X 5000 =
100,000 users instantly - with single click of a button

Get instant tons of backlinks from high PR sites

When your link retweeted by many other users, the tweet will be listed in many retweet
statistic sites and will give you many many backlinks and gain authority.
ReTweet Attacks have this screen


Will tweet about This is the initial tweet that you want your logged in account to tweet.
Delay each retweet from The random delay that will be applied for every retweet.

How to use ReTweet Attacks?


Login the account that you want to make the initial tweet
Switch Module to ReTweet Attacks
Put the initial tweet in Will tweet about box, you can put your offers or links in this box
In the right table, check the accounts that you want to retweet the message
a. You can click select all button to use all of the other accounts
b. You can also select only the first # of accounts. For example if you want to select only the
first 10 accounts just put 10 in Select first text box then click Selec Now. You can use the
shuffle button to shuffle accounts before selecting the # of accounts for you not to select
same accounts over and over again.
5. Click start retweeting to start your campaign.

Adding Socialoomph Accounts
TweetAttacks is not dependent to this feature or with socialoomph. TweetAttacks will run with or
without this so you can skip this section if you are not using socialoomph or have no intention of using
their services.
Please note that TweetAttacks is not associated with socialoomph. Socialoomph is a different service
from a different provider. We are only using their services using their developers API.
If you dont have socialoomph account yet, you can create one at
After registering a new account in the website, you need to add your twitter accounts in their website
by going to Social Accounts -> Add New Account -> Add Twitter

After creating and adding your twitter accounts in socialoomph. You can add your socialoomph account
in TweetAttacks by
1. Go to Manage->Socialoomph Accounts


2. Fill up all of the information and click save

Username. Your socialoomph account username
Password. This is your socialoomph account password
API Key. As Im writing this manual, this is not yet required by the socialoomph API. You can get
your API key by logging in to the socialoomph website and going to

How to send tweets to socialoomph?

Before using this module, make sure that
1. You have socialoomph account
2. Your twitter accounts was already added in your socialoomph account
3. Make sure that in TweetAttacks, your socialoomph account is added in the socialoomph account
4. Your socialoomph account is connected to your twitter account in twitter account manager (last

Part 2: Monetization
This section of the users manual is all about our main objective, monetization. In this section
we put all of the TweetAttacks features into action.
We designed TweetAttacks to be very scalable and it should fit to any monetization methods
you currently have. But if you are just starting out with Twitter, we provided some methods. These are
basic stuffs and you can always modify and improve them. Learn to measure your results and act
accordingly. These methods works for us and many TweetAttacks customers and it should work for you
Before going into the methods, let start in choosing our offer or products to promote.


5 Tips in Selecting Products\Offers to Promote in Twitter

There are many places where you can find many products to promote. For affiliate products we
recommend if you want instant commission products (which I prefer the most) use, in rap bank, you can find products that will send commissions directly to your
paypal account and it will be sent immediately just like in TweetAttacks affiliate program.
You can promote any product but I want you to consider few things when selecting your product
because based on our experience with twitter, many products dont work well.

1. Try searching in if there are many people looking for your
products. Just look at the first page of the result and look, if there are more people looking for it
than people tweeting links that promoting it then go for it. And also check the dates of the
tweets; if they are posted within few days interval then its not a good idea to go for that niche.
If there are few tweets that looking for that product\services, there are times that its still worth
the effort to go for it. Like if the commission is good enough.
2. Do a small research on that niche, you can use google search or to find
leading authority in that niche and find out if they have twitter accounts. This is important
because, later in our monetization methods, you can use TA to add or contact their followers
directly so you can send them your offers.

Women, children and teens are easier to convert than man in many niches. Niches for women
should work great. Not just in twitter but in most household, women or the mother have the
strongest purchasing power and their children can easily persuade their mother to buy things.

4. People in twitter dont normally use twitter to look for something to buy so freebie offers works
best. You might want to promote freebie CPA offers. Especially in the entertainment industry. A
3-5 figures a day with this can be easily obtained. (More of this later)
5. Internet marketing niche is good in twitter but you should expect heavy competition. If you can
find a new breakthrough product in the internet marketing niche, like a new software, new
eBook etc. That will be a great chance, since there are many internet marketers like us in twitter
who are very hungry for new information and tools.


Method 1: Build and Attack

This is the oldest twitter marketing method. Its still very effective to drive traffic to your blog,
sales pages or affiliate links. In this method, you will be building large number of followers, building
popularity and authority before sending out your offers. I find this as one of the most ethical way or
white hat way of marketing in Twitter. This method is good for long term businesses. Once you have
number of accounts built, you can monetize it in almost anything you can think of.

Very good for long term business

Once you have it set up, you can monetize it in almost any way that you want
Your account will have very less chance of getting suspended
Very good approach if you are creating a brand and authority in a particular niche
This can create a snowball effect, as your account grows, it will grow even faster

1. Requires more time and work than the other methods
In this method, you will need the following TweetAttacks modules

Follow\Unfollow Module
Tweet Scraper Module
Tweet Poster\Multi User Poster (optional)
Account Statistics

The Method
Step 1:

Find product\offer

Before we start marketing in twitter, its always best to find a good niche. You can refer to this
section for some tips. You can find products in clickbank or any other affiliate marketing
websites or create your own product, if you are thinking between the two, you might want to
read one of my blog post here Affiliate vs Product Owner: Which One is More Profitable?
Step 2:
Create a website or small landing page
This is optional but I recommend that you build your own website for that particular niche. You
can create either a blog, autoblog or just a simple landing page. If you need a reliable hosting
solution we highly recommend we are using their services since the
beginning of our internet ventures. And is you are not a programmer, use wordpress, and just
use free templates.


Step 3:

Create your twitter account

In this method you will need to create twitter accounts. I suggest that you build one account per
niche so you will not mix up topics between niches because sometimes, posting messages that
are not in the interest of your followers might lead them away and ignore your future messages.
For faster account creation, you can do it manually or get our Twitter Account Creator at
discounted price using this link
In your account, make it look good by providing good pictures and beautiful background. It
should look very real as much as possible so you can get more followback rates.
Step 4:

Build Followers

After building your accounts, we will build followers for that account. There are many ways to
do this but one of the most effective ways to build followers is to follow them first and here is
how Im doing it.
First of all, after creating a new account, I dont use it for following on the same day. Im just
editing the profile, adding pictures, post some tweets then start following after 2 or 3 days.
Follow people
Using TweetAttacks follow module, you need to auto follow people who are talking about your
niche or the followers of the people who already established an authority in your niche. For
example if you are in the blogging niche and you want to promote your product to bloggers.
Using the browser in TweetAttacks just search for something like
I just started blogging
New blog post
And follow those people
Or you can just auto follow all the followers of problogger which have over 100,000 followers.
If you dont know how to use the follow module yet. Please refer to the part 1 of this report.
For newly created accounts, I only follow 50 to 150 a day until my followers count reached 400,
after reaching 400. I follow 200-400 per day until I reach 700 followers.
After 700 followers, make it 300-500 a day until you reach 1000
Then 400-600 until I reach 2000.
When I have 2000 followers, I do follow 900 - 1000 a day but you can do only 400-600, its much

Note: Twitter might show a notification about your follow limit even before reaching those
numbers because of many other conditions.
Like you cannot follow more than 2000 if you have less than 2000 followers. After reaching
2000 (not exactly 2000, I think its 1820) followers you can then have a following limit of 10%
more than your number of followers. Until then, you need to unfollow so you can follow more.
Meaning, if you have 2000 followers, your overall following limit will be 2000 + 10%
Which is 2000 + (2000 * .10) = 2200
I only unfollow users who dont follow me back after 2 days and I dont protect my mutual
followers most of the time so I can follow more people per day.
You can do this to all of your accounts. You can use the follow\unfollow module in TweetAttacks
so the building of followers will be done for you even without your presence.
Leave this instance of TweetAttacks open so it can proceed with the work.
Step 5:
Posting Updates
Open another instance of TweetAttacks. This instance will do the tweet posting.
In this method you should be very careful in posting tweets, I recommend that you do not post
more than 20 a day because your followers might report your account as spammer and dont
post too much links. If you are posting too much, your followers might learn to ignore your
future tweets and you will get no result.
Always try to post tweets related to your niche, you can do this by using the tweet scraper
module, using the built in browser in TweetAttacks go to google and search for your keyword.
Open any blog or article about your topic, and create tweets from that content using the grab
tweets button. Then send those tweets to tweet manager.
Generate schedule for the tweets for every 2-3 hours.
Posting Your Offers
This depends on your preferences but we recommend that you should at least have 1000
followers before sending your offers. And as much as possible, do it only once or twice a week
so your followers will not leave.

Best Time to Send Your Offer


This is one of the most important part because the timing is very crucial, there are millions of
tweets being posted everyday and you want to make sure that your message can be read by
your prospects. You need to make sure that most of your prospects are online and using Twitter
the time you send it to them. The timing still depends on your offer but there are certain days
and time that people are most active in twitter than other days or time of the week. That is
every Thursday at 5AM to 7AM GMT +8. We get more click rates on that exact same day and
time. But this still depends on your geographic target, you should consider time zones and when
is the time your followers is more active in twitter.
It is also good to post and send your offer before and during normal pay dates of the
employees and holidays.
You can use Tweet Poster module to schedule your tweets\offers on those exact time and dates.
Try it and see for yourself.
Note: You can do this to all of your niches but dont use Tweet Manager Module because it can
only post to one account, you can save all the tweets then load them all later in Tweet Poster.
To summarize it
In this method, you just need to create a small landing page or you can use your blog.
Then build targeted followers to your twitter account by scheduling TA (Follow Scheduler
Module) to follow and unfollow people every day. Then open another instance of TA, so you can
schedule your tweets related to your keyword. And also you can schedule when you will send
your offers.
You will just leave your computer running or repeat the process from step 4 and watch your
website traffic growing as well as your sales.
You can also build multiple accounts for only one niche, that will be better so you can have your
list faster. Then use ReTweetAttacks module to retweet your offer to all of those twitter
Good luck.

Method 2: Sending CPA offers directly

Before we begin, by doing this method there is a chance that you might lose some accounts so dont
do this using accounts that are dear to you. Or if you want to use your valuable accounts, make sure
that you mix normal tweets along with your @mention tweets and use high delays. But you can
definitely have more success using many throw-away accounts.
Im not really sure if this is blackhat or not because what we are going to do is to give direct answers to
people who are in need of our services or any offers.

Like when someone tweets I want an ipad, we will send them CPA signup offers that they might win
iPad prices. We are still helping that person to have an iPad so I cant see anything wrong here unless
you use it and you @reply weight loss products to people that want ipad.
Alright, this method is very effective; this is the method that our beta testers used to create more than
$100 a day during TweetAttacks testing period. This involves sending offers directly to people who are in
need of your product and services using @reply or @mention tweets.
1. This is the fastest way Ive seen to make money online
2. You dont have to build followers first to get results
1. You might lose some accounts when doing this so better use throw-away accounts

In this method you will need a lot of twitter accounts and I suggest using our twitter account creator
which you can get here it will help you create thousands of email verified
twitter accounts every day.
In this method, you should use throw away accounts or accounts that are not valuable to you because
there is a big chance that it might get suspended.
I assume that you already have account in any CPA network. If you dont have one, you can register at or or any CPA network. There are lot of networks out
Step 1:
In your account in any CPA network, look for offers that accepts social network traffic.
Preferably email or zip submits and target those niches with addicts, fanatics or females. (They
convert well for me) And I like freebie offers.
Free bestbuy gift check
Free movie ticket
Free ipad
Step 2:
Create throw away accounts and let it age for at least 3 days. If you can wait till 1 week
that's better.
Use real human names in your profile and put profile pictures. You can easily do this with our
account creator here but you can do it manually if you prefer so. You need to appear very real to
your prospects so you can get more clicks.


Here is how you do it, in day 1 create accounts, edit profile pictures, post at least 2 or 3 tweets,
follow at least 10 people then leave it for 3 days to one week. The longer the better because
twitter is suspending accounts very quick if you use them immediately in sending @mention
Its also very important that your accounts are email verified because users in twitter can no
longer see your @messages if your account is not verified.

Step 3:
When your account aged, open TweetAttacks and use Reply Generator module. Look for
people who are tweeting about your products. If there is no one, just @mention to someones
followers related to your offer using the @mention followers button (you can find out how to
use this module in part 1 of this manual).
Step 4:
Generate a reply, put different variations by using { } syntax. Its also better to shorten
your link to various shortening services. So they dont look the same and very spammy then put
them in { } syntax. Use the make links unique option for obvious purposes.
When creating your messages, make it very natural and conversational.
For example in the free bestbuy gift check offer
LOL best buy must be crazy to give something like this (link here)
LOL I just bought my new ipod using this free bestbuy gift check here (link here)
And for movie ticket
Im not going to watch movie title even if they are giving free ticket here (link here)
It sucks, I dont need this movie title free ticket (link here)
If you send that to fanatics, they will definitely react. Be creative and remember people buy on
emotion and justify with reason.
Step 5:
Put popular #hashtags in your tweets. To know more about hashtags please see
And to find the most popular hashtags in your tweets, you can look at
By adding related and popular hashtags in your tweets, your messages have more visibility.
Step 6:
Scrape additional contents to mix up tweets with no links so that you may not look very
spammy. If you generated 100 @mention\@reply messages in step 4, add 200 to 400 messages


with no links. You can scrape news contents or use reply generator module to search for the
#hashtag #quote to get quotes. Change the generate option to just copy their tweets to copy all
those quotes.
Step 7:
Send all your tweets to Tweet Manager Module. Shuffle it using the Shuffle button so
the tweets with links and no links will mix up. If you have huge list of tweets you can save it to
multiple files, using the Save to Multiple Files button, it will divide your list into multiple files so
you can load and post them using multiple twitter accounts.
Step 8:
After saving the files. Go to Tweet Poster Module. Load your accounts and assign them
the text files. Set delays, Im using 5 to 15 minutes delay. The longer the delay, the less
possibility of your account to get suspended. Play around and experiment with the figures and
learn what works for you.
Once you set up everything, start posting, and then after few minutes, login to your CPA account
and see the traffic growing.

After sending hundreds or thousands of tweets with your offer, Its almost impossible that no one will
click and grab them.
The biggest factor here is on how you choose your target niche and how you construct your messages.
In choosing your niche, refer to our tips here. Start with freebie offers; it will be very hard for you to sell
something that cost some bucks if you cannot even sell something for free.
This method will work using affiliate links as well.
Good luck!

Method 3: Wait and Reply

This module alone can help you build your entire online business.
This method is almost the same with method number 2, the major difference is that, this method
focuses on replying to future tweets while the 2nd method replies to past tweets and to the
followers\folowing list of someone.
The process of selecting the right offer is also the same.
Instead of using Tweet Poster to post your tweets, you can setup Wait and Reply to do the job then it
will do the job for you 24\7.
This can also be used to drive traffic in our next method.


Method 4: Promoting High Priced Affiliate Products

In twitter its hard to convert products with high price tags because after giving people the
information, people dont normally buy right away. In this case methods above will not work very well, it
will work but most of your traffic will be a waste.
This is almost the same with methods 1 and 2 but we just added a little touch so the traffic will
not become waste. If you are selling products with high price tags, people normally needs some time to
think and decide.
So in this section we will be building our list. As most IM gurus are saying The money is in the
list. If you can contact more people, you can send them offer anytime. If you are not building your list
yet, better start now and this guide will help you do that.
Step 1:
This time you really need a landing page, a small landing page will be good enough. You
can use wordpress or just simple html file.
If its your own product, you can use its a good script to setup
your own affiliate program and they also have a good template for creating your sales pages
which is very useful if you are just starting out. This is the same script we are using in
TweetAttacks affiliate program and our new product SerpAttacks.
Step 2:
This time we also need to build our list, since they dont buy right away, we need to
capture their email addresses so we can send them follow ups later. I recommend that you sign
up to its the best mailing software out there, we are using them and very
satisfied with the results. Not just because of its stability and cost but mainly on the features.
You can schedule your follow up messages with it very easily.
In order to get their email addresses, one of the best ways is to give them something for free.
You can create or rewrite some reports or buy cheap PLR product for this purpose.
Step 3:

Create a new list in aweber then get your form and put it in your website.

Note: Aweber provides detailed video tutorial on how you can use every features in their

Step 4:
After creating your website upload it to your hosting provider. If you dont have one yet,
just register in After signing up, upload your file using your favourite FTP tool.
For this we use, its a free but great FTP client.
Step 5:
In your aweber account, go to Messages->Follow Up and create series of follow up
messages. Tease and tell them what they can get if they buy the product.


The best human motivations are the 2 Ps, pain and pleasure; they normally buy because they
want to go away the feeling of pain or loss. Or they want the pleasure of having it. On your first
messages, try focusing on the benefits or the pleasure they can get with your offer. After 3 or 4
messages, focus your last follow up message with pain. Tell them the negative stuff they might
get if they will not act etc.
Dont forget to include your link in your messages, 1-2 links will be good enough so your
messages will not be treated as spam. And as much as possible, dont use the word free
because many spam filters dont like that word.
Send and schedule the follow up messages every 2 or 3 days.
Step 6:
Now you have your website and aweber set up, the only thing that you need now is
targeted traffic. You can use the 3 methods described above to drive traffic to your website.
With method number 2 and 3 you can drive thousands of traffic per day. If you capture at least
1% of that traffic, and convert 1% (which is very easy to get) of that via your aweber follow ups.
Just do the math If you are promoting product with 100$ commission.
How I Increased my Opt-in Rate by 400%?
With the traffic generation methods described above especially 2 and 3, you can literally drive
thousands of traffic per day but many of that traffic will not buy right away especially if you are offering
high priced affiliate or your own product. And in order to convert them, we need to capture their email
addresses and send them follow ups.
Note: This is only useful if you have aweber account. You can always create your account in
This is one of my personal favourite methods.
In most of my websites, Im getting thousands of traffic everyday but the conversion is poor
because most products Im selling costs more than 100 bucks.
I increased my conversion rate when I decided to capture email address in my aweber account
and send automatic follow ups. But I wanted more because I still have thousands of traffic left to
convert. In order to do that, I need to increase the opt-ins.
The solution I found is very simple, just use pop up boxes or exit pops, like the one Im using in
TweetAttacks website.
Pop up boxes appear immediately when a visitor visits your page, your opt-in form should
appear in the pop up box and give them something valuable like free ebook or anything.
The other one is exit pop, I prefer this one because it will only appear when visitor leaves the
page. When the visitor leaves your page like closing the browser or clicking the back button, it will be


notified in your opt-in page. This simple solution increased my opt-in rates by 400% and im receiving
hundreds of subscribers everyday for most of my websites because of that simple script. You can find
free scripts like that on the web but you need to test carefully if it works with all browsers. Personally I
use the script from it updated immediately if there are some browser
changes that cause it to not work properly. No extra hassles. You should consider putting like that in
your product pages to increase conversion and not put your traffic into waste.

Twitter Limits
You can find the updated limits in following, direct messages, posting in this link

Common Reasons Why Twitter Suspend Accounts and What are the Solutions?
1. If you have followed a large amount of users in a short amount of time
This is the most common reason why you will get suspended when using Follow\unfollow module. Just
always use high delays between each follow\unfollow attempts, it is now automated with TweetAttacks,
you dont need to wait for it to finish before you can move on, no need to rush.
2. Aggressive follower churn
Although twitters website says that
Aggressive follow churn is when an account repeatedly follows and un-follows large numbers of
users. This may be done to get lots of people to notice them, to circumvent a Twitter limit, or to
change their follower-to-following ratio.
Aggressive follower churn is, if you follow accountA then after few seconds you unfollow him and doing
it in massive scale. In follow\unfollow module there is an option Dont follow users that already
followed before, use it so you will not end up following the same people over and over again. You can
also use the option Unfollow users followed at least X days ago so will not end up unfollowing the
people you have just followed.
3. Tweets contains mainly of links
This is very self explanatory and the one that very easy to detect. If you are using @reply generator, you
should mix up tweets with no links, no hashtags and no @s. If you are using Wait and Reply always use
the normal tweets feature.
4. Posting many duplicate tweets across multiple accounts or single account


Using the make links unique feature in TA should help you to minimize this, and always spin {|}.
If you are using the same normal tweets file for many accounts, you should use shuffle list
option in wait and reply, and use thousands of different normal tweets.
5. Using single IP to automate activities in multiple accounts that have traceable patterns
As much as possible, only use around 5 accounts per IP especially if you are running TA using
multiple threads, for proxy recommendations always look at this KB article

Sending many @mention messages in very short time span

When using that trick and you want your accounts to last longer, put minutes delay for each of
the tweet you send and always use normal tweets. If you are running multiple accounts, always
use proxies.
Or better, just use throw-away accounts and post as many @mention messages as you can
before twitter suspend your account. I prefer this one.

7. Creating many accounts in short time span using catch-all emails or the gmail+ emails
If you are creating accounts using catch-all, there will be some time that twitter will learn about
your activity and flag your domain, when that happens, just use other domain or use real email
8. When many users reported your account for spam activities
This is something that we cannot control but as much as possible, make sure that your account
looks real by proving pictures of real people, using human names and not keywords and not
posting too much links.

Final Notes
There are many ways to monetize twitter traffic, you just need to test what is working for you
and it will not happen in few days, and you might get some few sales but the big break not normally
happening after few days. You might not get those methods at first but for sure it will be in few
attempts, its very normal to fail at first attempts. The harder it is to get something, the more valuable
the rewards.
We already provided the best tool to drive thousands of traffic from twitter, now do your part and take
action, monetize that traffic.
If you have questions feel free to open a support ticket here


Frequently Asked Questions

Why not use twitter API?
There are many reasons why
1. There are many applications now that use the API and its stability is already in question
2. Its very limited
3. They can easily know and trace what you are doing if you are using API

How to reach 2000 followers fast so I can follow more than 2000?
In twitter you can only follow more than 2000 users if you have more than 2000 followers. The fastest
way to go beyond 2000 is to make sure that you follow people that will surely follow you back.
You can use this if you dont really care about the quality of followers and you just want huge list to
appear authoritative.
You can also do this to just surpass 2000 easily and focus on building quality followers after reaching
There are automated tools that allow people to auto follow back user when they followed you. You just
need to find them.
Like socialoomph, they have the feature to auto follow the user who followed you and that feature is
enabled for most of their users.
What you can do now is use the source operator to search for tweet that are posted using socialoomph.
If the tweet was posted using socialoomph it means that the user is a socialoomph user.
1. Switch to follow module
2. Go to
Use the source operator to look for users that are using bots that have auto follow back feature like
You can use the source operator to do this
example search for
a source:socialoomph
this will return tweets that contains "a" that was posted using socialoomph
Uncheck the ignore users that tweet links and no pictures
Then start following.

With this method, around 90% of those users will follow you back after few minutes.

How Can I Transfer My License to Another Computer?

You can use the button in Utilities->Delete License in this Computer so you can use the license again in
other computer.
You can also use this form to reset your license

I Lost my Registration Key and How Can I find it?

You can always find it in your download link but if its already expired, its in the download link itself. Its
the characters after the id=.

Do You Have Affiliate Program?

Yes TweetAttacks have affiliate program and you can get 100% commission for 50% of your sales. You
can find more info in this link

Support and Suggestions

If you have problems using TweetAttacks, please feel free to submit a support ticket here
Thank you so much for supporting our products and we really appreciate it if you join our affiliate
program at it will just take a minute and you can start earning
money right away.
For further readings, please see our knowledgebase articles
And we are constantly updating this manual; you can always get the latest manual at
You might also want to check our free SEO Software
And my newly launched blog

Jayson Yanuaria

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