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Argumentative Essay Julius Caesar

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Eddie Hill
English II Honors
Julius Caesar Argumentative Essay
In the play Julius Caesar by Williams Shakespeare Caesar is killed by the conspirators.
The main conspirators were Brutus and Cassius. After they killed Caesar it frightened everyone
in Rome. Antony is the hero of the play because after Caesar was killed he stood up for Caesar
and gave a great speech at Caesar's funeral.
One reason why Antony is the hero of the play is because of how he got Rome to realize
that Caesar was not a bad person. In Antony's speech he speaks out of sarcasm when he says that
Brutus is an honorable man. Also when he keeps asking was Caesar really ambitious. Part of
Antony's speech was "Hath told you Caesar was Ambitious...If it were so, it was a grievous
fault." which is an example of Antony saying that Brutus was wrong about Caesar.
Another reason why Antony is the hero because he is a great general, Octavius thought
that he was a better general than Antony, but he really wasnt. Antony had much more experience
than Octavius did because Antony was a soldier so he would know more about leading an army
than Octavius would.
In Act IV of the play, something that Antony says is These many then shall die; their
names are prickd. When he says this he means business, because his best friend was just killed
and he wasnt going to stop for anyone to avenge Caesar after his death. So when he said this it
meant that they were making a list of the people they were going to kill. On the list the person
that was probably number one would be Brutus, then after Brutus would probably be Cassius.

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Some people may think Brutus is the hero of the play, that could be true in a way, but it
also can be wrong. One way that Brutus could be seen as the hero is because of him killing
Caesar. Some readers may have been against Caesar like Brutus was. Brutus was against Caesar
because he thought that Caesar was going to ruin Rome or cause it to fall.
Another reason why someone could think that Brutus is the hero of the play is because of
how noble he was. All he wanted was to keep Caesar from taking over Rome and making
everyone his slave, thats what Brutus thought Caesar was going to do because Brutus felt that
Caesar had too much power so thats why he wanted him gone. Cassius could never be the hero
of the play, because he is completely is the opposite of Brutus. Brutus wanted to kill Caesar for
Rome, but Cassius just wanted to kill Caesar for revenge.
Those are the reasons that someone might think Brutus is the hero of the play. Brutus is
not the hero though. The reasons that Brutus isnt the hero of the story is because he killed
Caesar, and that was not noble of him because even though he was doing it for Rome, it was
wrong. Others may think that it was a noble thing of Brutus to kill Caesar just because he
thought Caesar had too much power. Such as in the book in Act II Scene 1 Line 32-33, Brutus
was saying Think of him as a serpents egg, which hatchd would, as his kind, grow
mischievous. Then he is says to kill him in the shell. Which means that they want to kill him
before he becomes dangerous.
This is what Brutus assumed would happen once Caesar had too much power, but you
cant assume that things what happen the way they do. Caesar could have made a great leader,
but Brutus never gave him a chance. Its probably more Cassiuss fault because he was the one
who started the conspiracy. At first Brutus didnt even care about Caesar until Cassius made him.

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Therefore, Antony is the hero of the play because he played a great role of leading his
army and defeating Brutus and Cassiuss army. Some people may argue Antony is not the hero of
the play, but there is no reason why Antony is not the hero of the play because even though he
was against Brutus he still named Brutus as the noblest Roman. He said this because Brutus was
unlike other Romans he wasnt concerned for himself, he was concerned for Rome.
So, because Antony stood up and took the lead after his friend Caesar was brutally killed.
He is truthfully the hero of the play. Rome fell that day Caesar was killed in the senate house and
Antony help Rome recover from destruction once he ended Cassius and Brutus. They were the
main cause of this whole mess. That is why this the thesis statement, stating that Antony is the
hero of this play is true.

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