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DPS and JT

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Maa ttanen et al.

EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012, 2012:247


Open Access

System-level performance of LTE-Advanced

with joint transmission and dynamic point
selection schemes
Helka-Liina Maa ttanen1* , Kari Hamalainen1 , Juha Venalainen2 , Karol Schober3 ,
Mihai Enescu1 and Mikko Valkama2
In this article, we present a practical coordinated multipoint (CoMP) system for LTE-Advanced. In this CoMP system,
cooperation is enabled for cell-edge users via dynamic switching between the normal single-cell operation and
CoMP. We rst formulate a general CoMP system model of several CoMP schemes. We then investigate a practical
nite-rate feedback design that simultaneously supports interference coordination, joint transmission (JT), and
dynamic point selection (DPS) with a varying number of cooperating transmission points while operating a single-cell
transmission as a fallback mode. We provide both link-level and system-level results for the evaluation of dierent
feedback options for general CoMP operation. The results show that there are substantial performance gains in
cell-edge throughputs for both JT and DPS CoMP over the baseline Release 10 LTE-Advanced with practical feedback
options. We also show that CoMP can enable improved mobility management in real networks.
1 Introduction
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems have
the potential to provide the capacity needed for futuregeneration wireless systems, and for this reason they
have been adopted by 3GPP Long-Term Evolution (LTE)
and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) [1,2]. MIMO operation was
already dened in the early stage of LTE specication
work. In the downlink, 2 2 and 4 4 MIMO operation
have been dened in Release 8 [3], and these have been
further extended to 8 8 MIMO in Release 10 [2]. The
main scenario is single-user (SU)-MIMO, where spatial
multiplexing within individual time-frequency resource
blocks is performed for a single user equipment (UE)
at a time. In addition, multi-user (MU)-MIMO operation, where a time-frequency resource block is shared by
multiple users in the spatial domain, has been possible
since Release 8. In LTE Release 8, MU-MIMO is allowed
only in a standard non-transparent manner, but in LTE
Release 9 and 10 it can be enabled in a standard transparent manner. In Release 10, certain features have been
included to improve the MU-MIMO performance com*Correspondence:
1 Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd., Porkkalankatu 24, 00180 Helsinki, Finland
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

pared to Release 8. One such feature is a user-specic

reference signal (RS) that makes it possible to suppress
MU interference with a linear receiver.
With a frequency re-use factor of 1, single-cell SUand MU-MIMO network performance is highly interference limited, especially at the cell-edge. Therefore, the
introduction of coordinated multipoint (CoMP) transmission/reception was already considered in Release 10. In
downlink CoMP, the transmission points co-operate in
scheduling and transmission in order to strengthen the
desired signal and mitigate inter-cell interference. In a
typical homogeneous cellular system, one site has three
macro cells/sectors. Each cell has its own identication
number, which is determined, for example, by the RSs
that are congured for the UEs. Because of the increasing use of heterogeneous networks (HetNets), where pico
cells are placed inside macro cells in order to increase network capacity, the concept of cell identity is no longer as
straight forward since it is possible to assign to the picos
the same cell identities as to the macro cells. Therefore,
a denition of a point is needed. A point is dened as
a transmission point having transmit antennas in a single geographical location [30]. Thus, one cell is formed

2012 Maa ttanen et al.; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Maa ttanen et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012, 2012:247

by one or multiple points, meaning that one cell can

comprise transmit antennas distributed in multiple geographical locations. In practice, the points may be base
stations (evolved Node B or eNB for short) or remote radio
heads (RRHs). An RRH does not include a scheduling unit
but is controlled by an eNB. Figure 1 shows an example
of a HetNet deployment, which has received considerable amount of attention from researchers, and which is
one key scenario of interest for deploying CoMP in LTE
In general, CoMP techniques have received increasing interest within the 3GPP community during Release
11 [4]. The primary focus has been on schemes called
joint transmission (JT), dynamic point selection (DPS),
dynamic point blanking (DPB), and coordinated scheduling/beamforming (CS/CB). In JT CoMP, two or more
points transmit simultaneously to a CoMP user in a coherent or non-coherent manner. JT CoMP is depicted in
Figure 2. Coherent JT means that the transmitted signals
are phase aligned to achieve constructive combining of
the signals at the receiver side, whereas in non-coherent
JT such phase alignment is not performed. DPS refers to
a scheme where the transmission point is varied according to changes in channel and interference conditions. A
DPS scheme is shown in Figure 3. In CS/CB, the scheduling decisions of neighboring points are coordinated in
order to reduce the interference, as in the scenario shown
in Figure 4. In principle, all schemes may include point
blanking/muting which means that one or more transmission points are turned o in order to decrease the interference. The overall objective of these schemes is to reduce
interference and, as a result, to improve the LTE cell-edge
performance. The schemes may be deployed independently or in the form of a hybrid scheme. For example, in a
hybrid mode a UE may be scheduled to receive data from
two points while a third point is muted, or a UE may be
scheduled to receive data only from one point, but one or



Page 2 of 18

Coordination area

Joint transmission
Figure 2 Illustration of joint transmission where the user is
served simultaneously from two points.

more points coordinate scheduling or are muted to reduce

the interference.
There are a number of studies in the literature of
CoMP in the context of LTE. A discussion paper on
CS/CB, JT CoMP, and relaying can be found in [5]. In
[6], JT CoMP is evaluated for increase of throughput
and for energy eciency when assuming that the channel quality indication (CQI) is derived from an accurate
JT CoMP signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR).
The results show an increase of throughput at the cell
edge and also 80% savings in energy eciency per transmitted bit. In [7], a CS/CB scheme is studied for the
case of full channel knowledge at the transmitter. The
precoder design in this scheme exploits leakage of signal information to other cell. A similar approach has
been used in [8], where JT CoMP is applied to cell-edge
UEs and CS/CB to all users. In [9], interference coordination utilizing long-term channel covariance matrix
information is studied. The use of long-term channelstate information (CSI) is reasonable when the cooperating points are not connected through a high-capacity
and low-latency backhaul like optical ber. Dynamic
cell selection, in turn, has been studied in [10-13].
In [10], a long-term channel quality measure is used for
cell selection, and in [11] the cell selection metric is a
wideband short-term channel quality, equal to the averaged SINR prior to receiver processing. System-level evaluation for dynamic cell selection based on post-processing
SINR values can be found for homogeneous networks


Coordination area

Heterogeneous scenario
Figure 1 Illustration of a heterogenous network scenario with
three base-stations, each one connected by an interface to three
low-power nodes. Transmission is coordinated within sectors of one
base station as well as within its corresponding three low power

Dynamic Point Selection

Figure 3 Illustration of dynamic point selection where the user is
served by the single point with better channel conditions.

Maa ttanen et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012, 2012:247

Coordinated beamforming,
Coordinated scheduling
Figure 4 Illustration of coordinated beamforming and
coordinated scheduling where the network coordinates beams
and scheduling to avoid interference (red arrow) to a the user.

in [12] and for HetNets in [13]. The system-level results

of [14] show that CoMP techniques like JT and CS/CB
meet the ITU global standard for international mobile
telecommunications (IMT-Advanced) performance targets. In addition, the impact of network load on CoMP
network performance is studied; however, the CQI feedback is not discussed.
In [15], certain selected results from the 3GPP study
item phase are shown. Some study item phase results are
referred to in [16], where eld test results of JT CoMP
in the China 4G TDD mobile communication trial network are also presented. The results show prominent
gains for JT CoMP in that TDD test network. An earlier
eld test for CS/CB and JT CoMP may be found in [17].
Both schemes were found benecial and possible to implement. As future challenges to be addressed they raise the
issue of backhaul assumptions, clustering and multisite
scheduling, downlink feedback design and synchronization between sites. During the study item phase, assumptions varied with regard to impairments modeling and
feedback. For example, the CQI feedback was assumed
ideal, and even when quantized, the post-scheduling CQI
was assumed to be known by the network. Thus, the eect
of dierent CQI feedback assumptions was not studied.
Currently, in the Release 11 work item stage more specic evaluations are being conducted in order to extract
gains under specic feedback assumptions. The CoMP
work item addresses both frequency division duplexing
(FDD) and time division duplexing (TDD), hence unied
solutions should be targeted, as always in the case of LTE
In this article, we look at CoMP transmission from
an LTE downlink perspective, and focus in particular
on the feedback signaling design and associated achievable system-level performance. Both closed-loop precoding and adaptive modulation and coding are applied to
improve link performance. For closed-loop precoding, the
base stations and the UEs share predened codebooks [1].
The eNB selects the transmission weights and rates, and

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performs scheduling, in accordance with nite-rate user

CSI feedback. The feedback consists of a CQI, a precoding matrix index (PMI) and a rank indication (RI). The
CQI value represents the estimated post-processing SINR
derived by the UE assuming the selected PMI. For SU
single-cell transmission, the CQI estimation is straightforward, since the intercell interference is not coordinated,
and therefore the level of interference estimated for CQI
evaluation corresponds to the actual time of receiving
the data signal. In CoMP operation, the CQI depends on
the CoMP scheme and the interference hypothesis. For
example, the interference level depends on CS/CB and
whether or not a cooperating point is muted. Also, there
exist several tradeos when designing the feedback for
CoMP. In addition to the traditional feedback load versus
performance tradeo, one may attempt to design a unied feedback that supports all available CoMP schemes
or design a scheme-specic feedback, which then requires
some higher-level control or other signaling to dierentiate between dierent CoMP modes. There exists also
a tradeo between network and UE centric operation,
which means that the decision or control of the cooperation level and the specic scheme is at eNB or at UE.
Typically, the network has the control but to some extent
the UE is best aware of the current signal and interference conditions that it is experiencing. CQI accuracy and
UE complexity also need to be taken into account. These
are issues that have not so far been studied or reported
systematically in the literature.
In this article, we examine the problem of feedback
design and study the associated realistic system-level performance of CoMP in LTE. The higher-level starting point
in this study is that dierent CoMP schemes require different CSI feedback. The minimum feedback needed for
interference coordination is the precoder that causes the
worst interference if used at the interfering point. If that
precoder is known, interference may be reduced by avoiding that spatial direction. For DPS, a metric for selecting
the transmission point is needed. If a UE provides feedback per point, the selection may be made in accordance
with the CQI. For JT, there exist several options from per
point feedback to aggregated feedback. Aggregated feedback means that the UE assumes JT transmission from
N points and calculates the RI, PMI, and CQI for the
aggregated channel. The main contributions of this article,
addressing the above fundamental challenges in practical deployment of CoMP in cellular mobile radio, are as
follows: We present unied signal and system modeling
to support a general hybrid CoMP scenario with varying numbers of transmission points in the JT. In an LTE
compliant model, we study and propose a practical CoMP
feedback design for dierent CoMP modes. We evaluate
the tradeo between feedback load and complexity on the
one hand and the achieved performance improvements

Maa ttanen et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012, 2012:247

on the other hand. Realistic system-level performance of

LTE-Advanced network is evaluated for dierent CoMP
modes, and covers various practical deployment scenarios, including an intra-site coordination where multiple
co-located sectors of an eNB are cooperating, as well
as cooperation within a sector, where RRHs are operating within the coverage area of a high-power macro
cell. These simulation results with realistic UE feedback
indicate that CoMP is providing considerable cell-edge
gains over the baseline Release 10 system. Further, when
studying the CoMP schemes under biased handover conditions, it is seen that CoMP and especially DPS is a
scheme that can aid in the mobility issues in real networks. This, in addition to improved cell-edge user performance, is seen as an important practical nding in
this study.
The rest of the article is organized as follows. Section 2
presents the system model for LTE-Advanced and for
hybrid CoMP. Section 3 describes CoMP in LTE, especially from the perspective of system and deployment
scenarios, and Section 4 presents the feedback framework
developed for CoMP. In Section 5, the system-level simulation results are presented. The conclusions are given in
Section 6.
Notations: Throughout the article, upper case bold letter A is used for matrices, lower case bold letter a for
column vectors. E(.) denotes expectation, Re(c) denotes
the real part of a complex number c, Tr(.) denotes the
trace of a matrix, |a| denotes the L2 norm of a vector a and
|a| denotes the absolute value of a scalar a.

2 System model
In this article, we consider the physical layer of LTEAdvanced downlink for FDD operation where the
transmission scheme is orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing (OFDM). In LTE-Advanced, the physical
resource blocks (PRB) are dened as groups of 12
consecutive subcarriers in frequency while the subframe/transmit time interval (TTI) duration is 1 ms which
consists of 14 OFDM symbols. Thus, the minimum timefrequency resource allocation is 12 subcarriers over 14
OFDM symbols. More details on bandwidths and subcarrier spacings, for example, can be found in [1,18]. As inter
symbol interference may be removed using a cyclic prex that is longer than the length of the channel impulse
response, we can consider the received signal per subcarrier in frequency domain. To simplify notation, we omit
the frequency and time domain indexing, and the signal
model reects subcarrier level spatial samples within one
multicarrier symbol, unless otherwise stated.
2.1 Signal model

We consider a downlink multi-cell system with total of

M transmission points, where each point has Nt transmit

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antennas and each user has Nr receive antennas. Stating the matrix dimensions of the variables beneath the
symbols, the signal yk received by the user k can be written

Nr 1


Nr Nt


Nt rk


rk 1

j =i


Nr Nt


Nt rj


rj 1

nk ,

Nr 1

where Hk,i is the Nr Nt MIMO channel between the
serving base station i and user k, and nk denotes the
scaled noise vector whose entries are i.i.d. complex Gaus2
sian variables with zero mean and variance P , where 2
is the variance of additive white Gaussian noise and P is
the transmitted signal power. The precoding matrix Wi
applied for the transmission has rk columns, and rk is
the transmission rank for user k. The transmitted signal
xi is of length rk 1. Assuming spatially uncorrelated
and equal-variance transmit signal elements, we have
is conE(xi xH
i ) = Irk and the total transmission power

trolled by precoding matrix by requiring Tr WH
i Wi = 1.
Each element of xi , or each column of Wi , corresponds to
a transmission layer for user k. The matrices Hk,j , where
index j {1, . . . , M}, j  = i, are the MIMO channels
between interfering transmission points and user k. The
interfering transmission points are transmitting rj layers,
where each signal vector xj is precoded by the precoding
matrix Wj , where index j {1, . . . , M}, j  = i.
If the transmission points cooperate, the interference
conditions change. For example, a UE may be scheduled
to receive data from two points while the third point is
muted. Alternatively, a UE may be scheduled to receive
data only from one point, but one or more points coordinate scheduling or mute to reduce the interference. A
general signal model for the hybrid CoMP, where M is
the total number of interfering points and N M points
cooperate for user k, reads
yk =


Hk,l Wl xl +

n Hk,n Wn xn






Hk,m Wm xm + nk .


Here L N denotes the number of points that operate

in JT. N is the total number of points that cooperate which
means that N L points cooperate by reducing interference. M is the total number of points in the network.
Thus, MN points are operating in an uncoordinated way
with respect to the other points. The term n describes the
level by which the interference is reduced by cooperation
of the N L points, and the subscript n is the point index.
If n = 0 it means that point n is muted and if n = 1 that
point n is in normal operation.

Maa ttanen et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012, 2012:247

2.2 Single-cell operation in LTE/LTE-Advanced system

The typical operation in LTE/LTE-Advanced is a singlecell operation which means that there is no cooperation
between the eNBs. A UE selects the serving cell on the
basis of received signal quality. In Release 10 LTE, dierent RSs are dened for channel estimation, namely CSI
reference symbols (CSI-RS) and demodulation reference
symbols (DM-RS). After cell selection, the eNB congures
the CSI-RS and DM-RS congurations for the UE. From
the CSI-RS conguration, the UE k measures the MIMO
channel Hk,i and calculates the CSI feedback. The DM-RS
is transmitted for demodulation purposes and enables the
UE to measure the eective channel Hk,i Wi .
The UE feedback consists of a wideband RI and a wideband or subband PMI and CQI. The CQI may be seen
as indicative of the post-processing SINR, i.e., the SINR
per stream after receiver processing. It is possible to have
less independently modulated and coded data streams Ns
than there are transmitted layers rk . In this case, one data
stream is transmitted on several layers. In LTE, the maximum number of independently modulated and coded data
streams Ns is two. This means that when the number
of transmission layers, or equally the transmission rank,
is higher than two, a so-called layer to codeword mapping procedure is applied [1]. In this context, a codeword
means a block of channel coded bits.
For the estimated MIMO channel, the UE selects a
(r )
precoding matrix Fk k of size Nt rk from a predened
codebook and feeds back the index, PMI, as a recommendation for the serving eNB for the precoder Wi . Note that
with these deliberately separate notations of Fk and Wi ,
we intend to point out that the precoder selection done by
the UE is only a recommendation towards eNB. For single
stream single-user transmission, the optimal choice for a
precoding vector fk for user k is known to be [19,20]

arg max |Hk,i fp |2

fp GC (Nt ,1)

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In LTE-Advanced, the number of antennas at the base

station may be two, four, or eight. For eight transmit antennas, the codebook has a double codeword
structure [1,22]. One part of the codebook targets the
wideband/long-term properties of the channel and the
second part targets the narrowband/short-term properties. Further details of the double codebook structure are
out of the scope of this article. The codebooks to support two and four downlink transmit antennas are single
codebooks with separate codebooks for each transmission
rank. In 4-Tx (2-Tx) case, the UE selects one precoding
matrix of size 4rk (2rk ) for rank rk transmission for
each subband (i.e., a given number of PRBs).
The CSI feedback is derived at the UE on the basis
of SU-MIMO transmission assumptions. However, MUMIMO transmission is also possible in a standard transparent manner which means that an eNB may dynamically
switch between SU and MU transmission strategies based
on the available single-user feedback. In general, MU
transmission has a CQI mismatch problem since the postprocessing SINR depends on the precoding matrix used
for multiplexing the users which depends, in turn, on the
eNb scheduling decision [23-25]. Therefore, MU performance is greatly aected by the outer loop link adaptation
(OLLA) algorithm [26] which tunes the link adaptation
during the CQI reporting period based on ACK/NACK
received from the UE.
Similarly, an MU CoMP can be considered in a standard
transparent way. For DPS and CS/CB, the MU scenario
has similar issues as for single-cell transmission. For JT
CoMP, there is an additional power allocation problem if
the zero forcing beamforming is used [27]. In this article,
we consider SU single-cell MIMO operation as the baseline against which the SU CoMP methods are compared
in terms of network performance.

3 CoMP in LTE-Advanced

where GC (Nt , 1) is the predened codebook. The nested

property of a codebook containing codewords for different ranks means that codewords of the codebook of
higher rank include a codeword of lower rank codebook
as columns. This kind of design has been introduced in
order to aid rank override at the eNB. However, it depends
on codeword selection metrics whether the selected codewords for higher and lower rank transmission options for
the same channel realization follow the nested property.
For multiple transmission layers, the optimal codeword
selection criterion is a sum over the rates of the layers
when the receiver processing is linear and a codeword
selected with this metric does not always contain the
lower rank codeword as columns [21].

Users in CoMP mode receive data from one or multiple

points in the coordination area, hence prior to receiving
the data, they need to report the CSI feedback for these
coordinated points. A CoMP measurement set is formed
by the N cells/points for which the UE is measuring the
CSI. For Release 11, the maximum CoMP measurement
set size is N = 3. The point from which the UE would
receive transmission in single point mode is dened as the
serving/fallback point.
In addition to the information exchange between
the users and the transmission points, the cooperation
requires information exchange between the cooperating
points or a common scheduling entity that controls the
set of cooperating points. The information that needs to
be shared includes UE CSI feedback, scheduling decisions, and possible user data. All delays in the information exchange aect the CoMP operation and especially

Maa ttanen et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012, 2012:247

exchanging the user data between the points may require

some extra capacity from the backhaul link. In addition,
the requirement for JT and DPS is that the user data is
available and synchronized in the transmission points participating in JT or DPS for a particular UE. Especially, the
synchronization of the user data requires fairly ideal backhaul both in capacity and delay. Iterative CS/CB schemes
are also prone to extra delays of the backhaul. The CoMP
operation specied in Release 11 assumes ideal ber connection between the points that may cooperate. From the
backhaul perspective this enables JT and DPS as well as
iterative CS/CB CoMP methods. The eects of a nonideal backhaul and the X2 interface are to be evaluated in
Release 12. The X2 interface is a protocol stack dened
in the LTE standard for connecting eNBs [28]. The purpose of the X2 interface is to enable information exchange
between dierent vendors eNBs. The schemes that can be
envisioned operating over non-ideal backhaul and requiring information exchange over X2 are for example simple
non-iterative CS/CB schemes, where eNBs simply avoid
scheduling UEs that would likely cause strong interference
to each other. These schemes need PMI feedback in the
form of short-term feedback, or long-term interference
covariance matrix CSI. The typical X2 backhaul average
latency is 10 ms; however, the latency may also be around
20 ms [29]. For comparison, the subframe length is 1 ms
and CSI feedback may be triggered with 5 ms periodicity. Thus, the scheduling decisions and consequently the
interference conditions may vary rapidly even if the channel was more stable, e.g., for low mobility users. For these
reasons, the short-term feedback might not be convenient
due to the aging problem of the CSI report if exchanged
through X2 backhaul.

3.1 CoMP network scenarios

The agreed CoMP work item targets specication of intraand inter-cell DL CoMP schemes operating in homogeneous and HetNet deployments [30]. Four main scenarios
have been studied so far
intra-site scenario where multiple co-located sectors
of the same eNB site are cooperating (Scenario 1),
illustrated in Figure 5,
inter-site scenario with high-power RRHs where
multiple non-co-located points having the same
transmit power are cooperating (Scenario 2),
illustrated in Figure 6,
low-power RRHs within the coverage of the
high-power macro cell, each operating its own cell ID
(Scenario 3), illustrated in Figure 1, and
low-power RRHs within the coverage of the
high-power macro cell, each operating with the same
cell ID (Scenario 4). In [31], Scenario 4 is discussed in

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Figure 5 Illustration of intrasite coordination where
transmission is coordinated within sectors of one base station.

detail and results from the study item phase are

During Release 11 time frame, only cooperation
between transmission points controlled by one scheduling
unit is possible due to the ber connection assumption.
For the homogeneous scenarios, UEs are dropped uniformly in the macro sector area. For the HetNet scenarios,
two dierent UE dropping methods are dened [18]:
Conguration 1: 25 UEs uniformly dropped in the
macro sector geographical area.
Conguration 4b: clustered UE dropping with total of
30 UEs, 1/3 of the UEs dropped uniformly in the
macro sector geographical area and 2/3 of the UEs
dropped inside a 40-m radius of pico points.
3.2 RSs for CoMP in LTE

In Release 11, it has been agreed that the UE may

receive multiple CSI-RS congurations corresponding to
the points in the measurement set. One CSI-RS conguration corresponds typically to transmission from one point,
but it is possible to congure two transmission points
under one CSI-RS conguration transparently to a UE.
For example, there can be two 2Tx transmission points


Inter-site coordination
Figure 6 Illustration of intersite coordination where all three
base stations are connected by ber and controlled by one
scheduling unit.

Maa ttanen et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012, 2012:247

that can be congured to a UE as two separate transmission points or as one virtual 4Tx transmission point.
In addition, a term CSI-RS resource is dened as a CSIRS conguration and an interference assumption, which
provides a CQI assumption.
For selecting the points forming the CoMP measurement set, an eNB can monitor the uplink signal received
powers, for example through sounding RSs. As multiple transmission points are connected to a centralized
CoMP scheduler that receives the sounding RSs, a classication can be made of the link qualities for the points
involved in a CoMP cluster. After this, the best two or
three points that are reliable for CoMP transmission are
selected. The reliability of a point is dened such that the
link power is within an X dB power window (usually of
56 dB) from the serving point link power. Alternatively,
the UEs may compute and report the received power
value of the CSI-RS, that is receiver power for the CSIRS transmission from points in CoMP cluster. The eNB
then selects the best points which are the most suitable for
CoMP transmission.

4 CSI feedback in CoMP

After measuring the channels of the cooperating points,
UE derives the RI, PMI, and CQI feedback. The feedback
can be derived per CSI-RS conguration, that is per point.
In addition, it is possible to congure the CSI-RS over
multiple points, a UE being congured to calculate feedback over geographically separated antennas in a standard
transparent manner. This feature is not evaluated in this
article and is left for future work.
Here, we select and feed back per point PMIs, because
in this way existing per point single-cell codebooks can
be reused. In addition, we select the per point PMIs
independently. Joint per point PMI selection for JT transmission has been proposed in [32]. While joint per point
PMI selection improves the performance of JT transmission compared to independent per point PMI selection,
such a joint selection increases the selection complexity
and moreover is suboptimal for DPS and fallback transmission. In [33], Stiefel-Grassmannian per-point codebooks have been proposed together with Stiefel distance
selection metric used for the second/weaker transmission point. The proposed Stiefel distance selection metric
balances between maximizing the received power and
maximizing the coherency of the transmission. The performance of JT transmission is improved; however, the
selected codeword for the second/weaker point is no
longer optimal for single point transmission. With the per
point independently selected PMIs, being a unied feedback, we study the need for additional inter-point PMI
feedback for JT transmission and dierent CQI feedback
options for JT and DPS CoMP. In CoMP operation, the

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CQI depends on the CoMP scheme and the interference

hypothesis. That is, the CQI depends on L, N, and the
interference assumption in Equation (2). The size of the
measurement set, N, is known by the UE as the network
congures the CSI-RS resources for it.

4.1 CQI feedback options

Reducing the interference is benecial for the selected

transmission rate because improved signal conditions
increase the reliability of the link. However, from the
link adaptation point of view, especially if there is a clear
improvement in the interference conditions, as for example due to muted points, full advantage can only be gained
if the CQI feedback reects the improved link quality.
Therefore, precise CQI information capturing the interference conditions accurately is important from the performance point of view even though OLLA can, to some
extend, compensate CQI inaccuracies.
From a feedback design point of view, the N = 2 case
already results in several CQI options as shown in Table 1,
where S and I denote the respective signal and interference powers. Considering that the CSI-RS is congured
per point and the UE selects one PMI per point, then it
is possible to derive several dierent CQIs to support different CoMP schemes simultaneously. The UE may derive
an aggregated CQI for the JT transmission and multiple
CQIs per point with dierent interference assumptions,
thus making use of dierent values. If N = 3, the CQI
options are shown in Table 2 where there are four dierent CQI options for the JT transmission, i.e., JT from all
three points and JT from two out of three points, all with
possible dierent interference assumption from the third
point. In addition, there are per point CQIs with dierent interference assumption combinations from the two
cooperation points. Note that if < 1 for the CQI for the
serving point, then an additional fallback CQI is needed
for the serving point to secure the baseline single-cell
It is clear that full CQI feedback supporting all transmission options is not feasible as the number of CQIs may
grow enormously. Note that the CQIs discussed above are
per independently modulated and coded data stream, thus
rank two transmission assumption for one scheme would
Table 1 CQI options for two points, where expresses
interference assumption, S and I denote their respective
signal and interference powers
Point 1

Point 2




Maa ttanen et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012, 2012:247

Table 2 CQI options for three points, where expresses

interference assumption
Point 1

Point 2

Point 3








mean two CQIs for that scheme instead of one. In addition, CQI may be per subband. Hence, the rank utilization,
feedback frequency granularity, and the number of points
for which CSI feedback is computed are all factorizing the
overall feedback overhead that needs to be sent from the
receiver to the transmitter. In the following section, we
conduct further analysis of these topics.

4.2 Tradeos in CoMP feedback design

The traditional tradeo between feedback load versus performance relates to the tradeo between network centric
and UE centric CoMP. The UE centric CoMP refers to
the operation where the UE selects the coordination set
and the preferable CoMP scheme based on channel and
interference measurements and sends the corresponding
feedback. The advantages are that because the UE has the
instantaneous knowledge on the downlink channel and
interference conditions, it may deduce the best CoMP
feedback for these conditions. Thus, feedback savings are
possible in principle because, for example, a UE could
send feedback only when the channel conditions are good
and only for specic CoMP schemes. From the network
perspective, the richer the feedback the scheduler entity
has, the better the expected network performance is. If
the network may receive information from every active
UE and it has, for example, information about the number of served UEs and achieved transmissions rates, it can
more eciently evaluate which CoMP schemes should
be applied. This could be benecial in enabling a exible balance between transmission methods to the users.
Thus, receiving feedback for multiple CoMP transmission hypothesis from one UE would be benecial. When
considering network centric CoMP, which is the commonly supported method, higher layer signaling should
be considered as well. This means that the CoMP operation can be designed either transparent to the UE meaning that the UE always feeds back certain CQIs based
on CSI-RS resources congured for it, or the UE may
be congured by higher protocol layers to calculate a
scheme-specic feedback.

Page 8 of 18

4.3 CoMP scheduling

In 3GPP, the signaling and feedback between the network

and the users are specied but the packet scheduler is an
eNB implementation-specic feature. The performance
of an LTE/LTE-Advanced system largely depends on the
packet scheduling algorithm applied at the network side.
In the system-level evaluations of this article, a proportionally fair (PF) packet scheduler with properly tuned
scheduling parameters is used with the aim of maximizing the baseline Release 10 performance. A single point
PF scheduler is analyzed and described in detail in [34].
If CoMP is enabled, the same baseline PF scheduling with
the same parametrization is used in the rst stage to nd
the single-cell candidates to be scheduled, while in the
second stage a CoMP-specic scheduling is performed.
All the JT CoMP reporting UEs are sorted according to
their PF-metrics derived from CoMP feedback. The highest JT CoMP PF-metric in a given subband is compared
against the sum of single-cell users, also called the victim users, PF-metrics. If the JT CoMP PF metric is higher
than the sum of victim UEs metrics, CoMP UE is scheduled and victim UEs allocations are altered accordingly.
This scheduling algorithm is applied for each subband.
DPS CoMP allocates resources to UE from the point in
which UE reported the highest instantaneous wideband
CQI. OLLA and UEs scheduling history are assumed to be
shared between the points with no delay. In addition, the
network is assumed to be fully synchronized.
4.4 Feedback to support DPS CoMP

The feedback to support DPS CoMP is per point feedback

including RI, PMI, and CQI. PMIs are derived normally
as for single-cell transmission and CQI is derived from
the SINR value. SINR for user k from point i with single
stream transmission assumption may be written as
k,i (n ) =


k Hk,i wi |


+ |gH


n Hk,n Wn |2



Hk,m Wm xm |2 + 2

where gk is the normalized receiver combiner for user k

and 2 is the noise variance. The CQI feedback options
for DPS are relatively simple since DPS refers to single point transmission with possible muting assumptions
from the cooperating points. For CoMP with two cooperating points there are two CQI options for both points.
The cooperating point may be muted or transmitting normally. We refer to these options as CQIDPS
k,i when one point
is not muted and CQIDPB
point is muted.
The DPS feedback can be network centric or UE centric.
In the network centric option, the UE feeds back per point
feedback to all points and in the UE centric option only to

Maa ttanen et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012, 2012:247

Page 9 of 18

Table 3 Link-level simulation assumptions

4.5 Feedback to support JT CoMP


For JT CoMP, the comparison between the aggregated

feedback and per point feedback is highly relevant. JT
transmission is possible with per point PMI and CQI feedback. In this case, the transmitter would combine the
PMIs and CQIs for the JT transmission. It is expected that
inter-point feedback and aggregated CQI would improve
performance for JT CoMP. In the next sections, we present
various precoding and CQI feedback options for JT CoMP.

Assumptions used for evaluation


21 sector hex eNB grid + 4 RRHs per sector

Channel for eNB


Channel for RRH


UE speed

1 km/h

Tx point # of antennas

2, X-pol 45 deg

UE # of antennas

2, X-pol, 0.5, 0/90 deg

Measurement set

2 strongest, 6-dB threshold

4.5.1 PMI feedback and inter-point combiner for JT


Round Robin, only CoMP users


2 retransmissions

CSI Estimation


The simplest form of the PMI feedback is per CSI-RS

resource feedback. From a transmission perspective, each
point is independently transmitting the same data to the
user, hence coherent transmission is not possible without
additional feedback. The additional feedback required for
coherent transmission is an inter-point combiner describing the amplitude and phase of that transmission. The
inter-point combiner for point n for single stream transmissions can be written as




3GPP 2 Tx [1]


6PRB granularity, no delay, ideal CQI

OLLA step-up/down

No delay, 19 /1 dB

cn = an ejn ,
the strongest point. Special care needs to be taken when
thinking about fallback/single-cell performance, because
the single-cell operation is performed also in CoMP eligible cells. A fallback point means that the serving point
and the corresponding feedback should be Release 10 specic. Release 10-specic CQI refers to the case where no
muting or other cooperation form is applied, that is n =
1, n. The importance of always feeding back the fallback
CQI is evaluated and illustrated in the results section.


where n is the inter-point phase combiner and an is

the inter-point amplitude. The combiner phase is always
a relative quantity, thus without loss of generality we
may select 1 = 0 always. For multi-stream transmission the combiner can be dened per transmission layer,
or in the most general form, as a matrix of dimension
rk rk , where the o diagonal elements characterize
the inter-layer eects. The transmission equation (2) for


Average Spectral Efficiency







TTI per user drop



Figure 7 Extended link performance of non-coherent JT with several dierent CQI feedback hypotheses as a function of a scheduled link
duration. OLLA mechanism corrects CQI mismatch at the transmitter.

Maa ttanen et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012, 2012:247

Page 10 of 18

Average Spectral Efficiency





TTI per user drop



Figure 8 Extended link performance of JT transmission with QPSK combiner and dierent CQI feedback hypotheses as a function of a
scheduled link duration. OLLA mechanism corrects CQI mismatch at the transmitter.

single stream transmission, where all cooperating points

perform JT, N = L, can be written as
yk =




cn he
k,n xk +

k,m xm + nk ,



where he
k,n = Hk,n wn is the precoded channel between
the kth user and nth transmission point. For the two

transmission points case, i.e., N = 2, optimal amplitude combiners an can be selected as in [35]. In practice, however, the power pooling between transmission
points is not possible, because total transmission power
at the transmission point cannot be exceeded due to system specications and regulatory issues. If the resources
at both transmission points have been scheduled to a
single user, it is from a user perspective always worth

no phase shift, 6PRB scheduled
cyclic BPSK shift per PRB, 6PRB scheduled

Probability density function










Figure 9 Cumulative density function of CQI mismatch with and without BPSK cyclical phase shift.


Maa ttanen et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012, 2012:247

Page 11 of 18


Average Spectral Efficiency





no OLPA, no CPS




TTI per drop




Figure 10 Extended link performance of non-coherent JT transmission with/without OLPA correction.

transmitting from both transmission points with full

power rather than muting the weaker transmission point
completely. Therefore, in the rest of the article, we will set
an = 1. For N = 2, which is the primary case in this
article, we employ optimal combiner phase 2 quantized

uniformly with B bits. The optimal combiner phase 2

maximizes the norm of the sum of two eective channels
j2 e
k,1 + e hk,2 | only when

e j2
k,1 hk,2 e } = |hk,1 hk,2 |.


Probability density function

6PRB allocated
24PRB allocated









Figure 11 Cumulative density function of CQI mismatch with 6/24PRB scheduled bandwidth.



Maa ttanen et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012, 2012:247

Table 4 Simulation assumptions for system-level



Cellular layout

Hexagonal grid, 19 sites, 3 sectors per

Center site simulated, 500 m inter site

Trac model

Full buer

Deployment scenarios

CoMP Scenario 3 according to 3GPP

36.819 v. 11.1.0
Coordinated TX-points 3 macros + 12

Carrier frequency

2.00 GHz

Antenna conguration

2 Tx cross polarized (XPOL), 2 Rx XPOL

Number of UEs

Conguration 1: 25 UEs / macro geographical area.

Conguration 4b: 30 UEs / macro geographical area.
UE dropping according to 3GPP 36.814
v. 9.0.0.

Transmission schemes


UE receiver

3GPP option 1

Channel estimation for


Realistic CSI-RS based

Channel estimation for


Realistic through AVI tables

UE Feedback

Rank indicator, max rank 2.

CoMP transmission rank same as serving
TX-point rank
Mode 3-1: Subband (6 PRB) CQI, Wideband PMI

Page 12 of 18

While aggregated PMI across all received CSI-RS

resources may oer better feedback compression/
performance compared to per CSI-RS resource feedback,
it has several drawbacks. First, codebooks for various
combinations of transmit points with dierent antenna
congurations and types needs to be designed. Second,
the aggregated PMI selected with the JT hypothesis is not
optimal for DPS and CS/CB schemes. Unlike the aggregated PMI, the per-point PMI feedback may be improved
by the additional combiner (inter-CSI-RS resource) feedback. Although the separately coded inter-point feedback
with combiner may require additional feedback compared
to the aggregated PMI, it does not require new codebooks
to be designed and such a feedback is optimal for DPS
CS/CB transmission schemes as well.
4.5.2 CQI feedback for JT

The JT CQI used for JT may be estimated from per-cell

CQIs or an additional aggregated JT CQI (CQIJT,aggr. ) can
be fed back. The aggregated SINR for JT for user k can be
expressed as
e 2
n=1 cn hk,n |
= H M
|gk m=MN+1 he
k,m | +

From Equation (8), we note that SINRk

is a function of the channel gains. The channel gains or the channels are not available at the transmitter as such but it is
convenient to assume such availability in this discussion.
For two transmission points and single stream transmission, the channel gain GkJT for the user k can be written as
e 2
GkJT = |he
k,1 + hk,2 |

6 ms delay and 10ms interval for CQI and

CoMP reporting threshold

TX-points having RS received power

inside 6dB window

Max. CoMP measurement

set size

2 TX-points

Reference symbol

DM-RS: 12 RE PRB for 1-2 orthogonal

CRS: 2 CRS Rel8 legacy overhead

Control channel

Only overhead modelled: 3 OFDM


Scheduler algorithm


Interference modelling

Random rank and PMI in interfering Txpoints


Enabled, BLER target 10%


Max 4 retransmission, chase combining

Channel gain 1

k,1 c2 hk,2 }
constructive/destructive addition

k,2 |
Channel gain 2


Plugging the rst two channel gains into the nominator

of the SINR equation (4) for DPB transmission, we may
rewrite the SINRJT
k as

DM-RS ports CSI-RS: 2 RE/PRB per 10 ms

k,1 | +


k,1 + SINRk,2 + SINR ,


where SINR is a CQI mismatch which corresponds to

the constructive/ destructive addition of the channels
from the two points. In other words, if the third term of
Equation (9) is negative, the channel addition is destructive and SINR is negative. When the term is positive,
the addition is constructive and SINR is positive. The
constructiveness/destructiveness depends on the phase
between the eective channel vectors and makes the
SINR positive/negative with 50% probability assuming
no inter-point feedback information is used.
In Equation (9), per-cell CQIs with muting hypothesis are used. In order to investigate the impact of CQI

Maa ttanen et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012, 2012:247

Page 13 of 18

Table 5 Simulated CQI options

CQI feedback
JT, aggr.


, CQIRel

k,1 , CQIk,2
Rel 10
k,1 , CQIk,1 , CQIk,2

Primary point
SJT, aggr.
Iout +N+S2 , Iout +N
Iout +N+S2
Iout +N
Iout +N+S2
Iout +N , Iout +N+S2

mismatch on the link performance, extended link simulations have been carried out under various CQI feedback
hypotheses. The main simulation assumptions are summarized in Table 3. The simulation procedure is as follows:
Four RRHs are dropped into every sector of the hexagonal macro network. The users are dropped non-uniformly
(Conguration 4b) into the middle site until a user satisfying the CoMP threshold is found. Network generation
and user dropping are according to Scenario 3/4 in [18].
The found CoMP user is scheduled in JT CoMP mode and
its feedback is computed. Finally, a pre-dened number of
TTIs is simulated while OLLA is employed.
Figure 7 shows the performance of the estimated CQI
for several settings of muting hypothesis. In the case that
the CQIDPB are fed back, performance suers only minor
degradation. A similar investigation has been run with
a QPSK combiner. Figure 8 shows that with the QPSK
combiner, the CQI mismatch can be kept even smaller
and the performance of CQIJT,aggr. can already be reached
within 20 iterations of OLLA algorithm. The CQI mismatch with CQIDPB feedback can be minimized by the
following approaches
1. Adapting the phase combiner (BPSK) with
outer-loop-phase-adaptation (OLPA);
2. Cyclical phase shift at the time of transmission,
random/cyclical phase of the combiner.
3. Scheduling of suciently large bandwidth, where the
SINR averages out due to frequency selective
While the rst approach always aims to keep the CQI
mismatch positive, the two other approaches aim at setting E(SINR ) = 0.
Figure 9 shows the impact of BPSK cyclical phase shift
per PRB on the CQI mismatch. A single frequency chunk
of six PRBs has been scheduled in a round-robin manner.
It can be seen signicant that the cyclical phase shift eciently averages out the above-mentioned CQI mismatch.
While the LTE standard allows the phase shift per PRB,
it might negatively impact the reliability of the dedicated
channel estimation.
Figure 10 shows the average throughputs as a function of simulated TTIs per user drop. Again a single

Cooperating point


Optimal for JT

Iout +N+S1
Iout +N
Iout +N
Iout +N+S2

Rel 10 CQIs
No correct fallback
Correct fallback
Feedback load increased

frequency chunk of six PRBs is being scheduled. The

impact of OLLA correcting the CQI mismatch is visible.
While the cyclical phase shift improves the performance
of the link with a small amount of scheduled TTIs, after
OLLA corrects the oset, the system without the cyclical phase shift performs better. In the case that the OLPA
mechanism is applied, the performance of the link is signicantly improved. The OLPA mechanism triggers the
BPSK change of phase combiners 2 between two transmission points across all scheduled PRBs. In this way, the
transmission is kept coherent most of the time.
Figure 11 shows the impact of allocated bandwidth on
the CQI mismatch. The CQI mismatch decreases with the
scheduled bandwidth, though not as much as with CPS.
Moreover, scheduling of 24 PRBs to a SU is very rare.

5 System-level CoMP simulation results

For the evaluation of the network-level downlink performance of the LTE-Advanced system, we simulate 19 sites,
each having 3 sectors as illustrated in Figure 5. In Scenario
3, four RRHs are randomly located in the geographical
area of each sector of a site. All the transmit points located
in one site are assumed to be connected to the eNB with
ber connection. In these simulations, UEs are allowed to
connect to center site points only, and points located in
the rest of the sites are considered as interfering points.
This is done to achieve a realistic UE placement so that
the examined UEs are surrounded by interfering points,

Table 6 Non-coherent JT CoMP network performance in

HetNet Scenario 3, Conguration 1 with dierent CQI
feedback options

JT, aggr.


, CQIRel

k,1 , CQIk,2
k,1 , CQIk,2
Rel 10
k,1 , CQIk,2



1.848 (0%)

0.0367 (0%)

1.830 (1.0%)

0.0406 (10.6%)

1.828 (1.1%)

0.0390 (6.3%)

1.820 (1.5%)

0.0336 (8.4%)

1.819 (1.6%)

0.0396 (7.9%)

1.817 (1.7%)

0.0389 (6.0%)

Maa ttanen et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012, 2012:247

Table 7 Non-coherent JT CoMP network performance in

HetNet Scenario 3, Conguration 4b with dierent CQI
feedback options



2.387 (0%)

0.0627 (0%)

JT, aggr.
, CQIRel
JT: CQIk,1 , CQIk,2
k,1 , CQIk,2
Rel 10
k,1 , CQIk,1 , CQIk,2

2.386 (0.0%)

0.0712 (13.6%)

2.378 (0.4%)

0.0651 (3.8%)

2.364 (1.0%)

0.0606 (3.3%)

2.371 (0.7%)

0.0682 (8.8%)

2.368 (0.8%)

0.0676 (7.8%)

which is the case in real networks. Interfering points are

transmitting using random ranks and PMIs.
Two dierent UE dropping methods are used, uniform
UE dropping (Conguration 1) and clustered dropping
(Conguration 4b). After the UE is dropped, it selects
its serving point. If the serving point is not located in
the center site area, the UE is killed and a new UE is
dropped. This is done until we have achieved the total
number of UEs. All the points and UEs have two crosspolarized transmit antenna elements. Simulation ow
consists of several simulation drops, where each drop
has randomly generated UE positions. The simulation
parameters follow 3GPP specication [30], while the UE
dropping and the antenna radiation pattern are specied in [18]. In Table 4, we list the essential parameters
and their values. All transmit points and UEs have two
cross-polarized antenna elements, thus we simulate 2 2
In the following, the performance of JT and DPS CoMP
is analyzed at system-level. Normal operation in the simulations is single-cell SU transmission. The selection of
the CoMP reporting UEs is based on an average signal

Page 14 of 18

level of the serving point and the strongest interferer.

CoMP is enabled to such cell-edge users that experience
an average signal level dierence between serving point
and strongest interferer of less than 6 dB. We have utilized
OLLA operation per UE, and for each UE the eNB updates
single OLLA value regardless of the transmission mode
used. The major dierence between the link-level studies presented in Section 4.5.2 and the system-level results
presented in this section is the OLLA operation and the
dynamic switching between the fallback single point mode
and CoMP mode. For JT CoMP, the performance of different CQI options and the phase combiner feedback are
shown in Sections 5.1 and 5.2, respectively. In Section 5.3,
we present a comparison of DPS and JT with dierent handover margins. The handover margin is described
in [30] and it is used as a threshold to avoid repetitive
UE handovers between cells. In the simulated network
operation, the serving point selection is biased by the handover margin such that the serving point is a random
selection among points that have average signal strength
within the handover margin compared to the strongest
5.1 Non-coherent JT performance with dierent CQI

Non-coherent JT CoMP is simulated at system-level to

see the eect of the dierent CoMP CQI alternatives
described in Table 5. Simulation results are shown in
Tables 6 and 7 for HetNet Scenario 3 Congurations
1 and 4b, respectively. Average transmit point spectral
eciency is dened as the average transmit point downlink throughput divided by the system bandwidth. The
coverage is dened as the 5th percentile UE spectral eciency that is the cell-edge user throughput divided by the
system bandwidth.

Configuration 4b, noncoherent JT




aggregated+fallback CQIs
2x muted+fallback CQIs
muted and nonmuted CQIs


OLLA Offset [dB]

Figure 12 Cumulative density function of OLLA oset with dierent CQI feedback hypothesis.

Maa ttanen et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012, 2012:247

Table 8 Coherent JT network performance in HetNet

JT, aggr.
Scenario 3 Conguration 1, CQIk
, CQIRel



1.848 (0%)

0.0367 (0%)

JT, aggr.
Non-coherent JT: CQIk
JT, aggr.
JT with 1bit combiner: CQIk
JT, aggr.
JT with 2bit combiner: CQIk
JT, aggr.
JT with 4bit combiner: CQIk

1.830 (1.0%)

0.0406 (10.6%)

1.848 (0%)

0.0428 (16.6%)

1.856 (0.4%)

0.0433 (18.0%)

1.858 (0.5%)

0.0438 (19.3%)

The average transmit point spectral eciencies of JT

with dierent CQI assumptions are similar to Release
10 SU-MIMO baseline. The minor performance degradation observed when CoMP is enabled is natural as the
normal operation in the cell is single-cell operation and
CoMP is performed mainly to cell-edge users. Overall,
the best coverage gain is achieved with JT CoMP and
aggregated CQI in both scenario congurations. Muted
CQIs (CQIDPB ) without correct fallback CQI shows the
worst performance due the approximated fallback CQI in
both congurations. Interestingly, the two CQI feedback
options, where one CQI is a non-muted CQI and the other
CQI is the muted CQI, perform better than the feedback
option having three CQIs, i.e., two muted CQIs with the
additional fallback CQI. It may be noted that this is not in
line with the link-level results presented in Section 4.5.2,
where the sum of two muted CQIs was shown to have the
best performance. Note that in the link-level simulations
the OLLA process was scheduled band specic (roundrobin scheduling) and no dynamic switching between
fallback and JT CoMP was allowed. With PF scheduling
utilized here, dierent frequency sub-band resources can
be assigned to users on a TTI basis. Thus, in the case
of frequency selective channel, the CQI mismatch SINR
may vary according to results shown in Figure 9 as much
as 13 dB between frequency sub-bands within one TTI. In
system-level simulations, the single wideband OLLA process used both for JT CoMP as well as fallback operation
works better if the estimated JT CQI is more pessimistic.
The sum of two CQIDPS or the sum of a CQIDPS and a
CQIDPB gives a more pessimistic estimate of the CQIJT
Table 9 Coherent JT network performance in HetNet
JT, aggr.
Scenario 3 Conguration 4b, CQIk
, CQIRel


2.387 (0%)

0.0627 (0%)

2.386 (0.0%)

0.0712 (13.6%)

JT, aggr.

2.415 (1.2%)

0.0737 (17.5%)

JT with 2bit combiner: CQIk

JT, aggr.

2.428 (1.7%)

0.0739 (17.9%)

JT, aggr.
JT with 4bit combiner: CQIk

2.431 (1.8%)

0.0749 (19.5%)

JT, aggr.

Non-coherent JT: CQIk

JT with 1bit combiner: CQIk

Page 15 of 18

than the sum of two CQIDPB . The impact of an overly

optimistic CQI estimate can be seen in Figure 12, where a
higher OLLA backo for two CQIPDB is observed. In contrast, the more pessimistic approach shows similar OLLA
backo as aggregated CQI, especially in Conguration 4b.
5.2 Coherent JT performance with quantized phase

System-level performance results of the phase combiner

with dierent quantizations are shown in Tables 8 and 9
for HetNet Scenario 3 Congurations 1 and 4b, respectively. We used aggregated CQI (CQIJT,aggr. ) since the
aggregated CQI reects the coherence gain estimated at
the UE. Measurement error and delays are modeled to the
phase combiner in the same way as to the other feedback.
In the case of single-stream transmission, one phase combiner is needed but in the case that the UE reports rank
2, phase combiner per layer is assumed to be signaled.
As in the previous case, the average transmit point spectral eciencies are close to each other and only coverage
gains are observed. Phase combiner gives a maximum of
7.9% coverage gain over the non-coherent JT in the case of
Conguration 1 when 4-bits are used for the phase quantization. Based on these simulation results, simple 1-bit
quantization captures the major part of the phase combiner gains and it seems to be a balanced compromise
between the overhead and performance. However, one
should note that phase combiner only attempts to improve
the JT CoMP scheme and it has no use in the case of DPS
or CS/CB CoMP.
5.3 DPS versus JT CoMP and the eect of handover

In addition to JT CoMP, other CoMP schemes are important in the LTE-Advanced evolution. In Tables 10 and
11, the performance of DPS CoMP and JT CoMP is
shown with dierent handover margins (HO). The handover margin biases the transmit point selection in the
simulation modeling, i.e., any of the potential serving
points providing the strongest links within the margin
according to the UEs measurements,may become the
Table 10 DPS and JT CoMP network performance in
HetNet Scenario 3 Conguration 1 with dierent handover

k,1 , HO=0dB
JT, aggr.
k,2 , HO=0dB
Rel 10
SU-MIMO: CQIk,1 , HO=3dB
JT, aggr.
k,2 , HO=3dB



1.848 (0%)

0.0367 (0%)

1.830 (1.0%)

0.0406 (10.6%)

1.821 (1.5%)

0.0426 (16.1%)

1.830 (1.0%)

0.0292 (20.4%)

1.812 (1.9%)

0.0355 (3.3%)

1.814 (1.8%)

0.0374 (1.9%)

Maa ttanen et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012, 2012:247

Table 11 DPS and JT CoMP performance in HetNet Scenario

3 Conguration 4b with dierent handover margins

k,1 , HO=0dB
JT, aggr.


HO = 0 dB

k,1 , CQIk,2 , HO = 0 dB
Rel 10
SU-MIMO: CQIk,1 , HO = 3 dB
JT, aggr.
k,2 , HO=3dB



2.387 (0%)

0.0627 (0%)

2.386 (0.0%)

0.0712 (13.6%)

2.369 (0.6%)

0.0684 (9.1%)

2.375 (0.5%)

0.0508 (19.0%)

2.376 (0.5%)

0.0641 (2.2%)

2.360 (1.1%)

0.0641 (2.2%)

serving point. With 0 dB handover margin the DPS CoMP

provides approximately 1% decrease in average transmit
point spectral eciency compared to the Release 10 SUMIMO baseline and over 16 and 9% coverage gains for
the simulated CoMP HetNet scenario 3 congurations 1
and 4b, respectively. The JT CoMP provides similar average spectral eciency as baseline, while the coverage gains
over the baseline are 11 and 14% for HetNet Scenario 3
Conguration 1 and 4b, respectively.
Based on these results, we conclude that DPS CoMP
can outperform JT CoMP in Conguration 1, however, in
Conguration 4b the situation changes. Overall, the gains
between DPS and JT CoMP schemes are quite similar. In

Page 16 of 18

terms of the UE signal quality, JT CoMP is superior to the

DPS as shown in Figure 13, where the the CoMP reporting
UEs SINRs are compared. However, the JT CoMP SINR
gain comes at the cost of using the resources from two different points. Therefore, in terms of system performance,
the DPS CoMP can be a more ecient scheme than the
When comparing the performance shown in Tables 10
and 11, it can be seen that with higher handover margins, overall performance degrades in both baseline and
CoMP cases. For the SU-MIMO baseline, the point that
is selected within the handover margin remains the serving point. Conversely, for DPS, the performance is partly
recovered as the change of the transmission point is
possible, thereby boosting CoMP performance relative to
the baseline. These results show that there are substantial performance increases in CoMP gains for both JT
and DPS CoMP. In the case of JT COMP, the 5th percentile throughput gain is roughly doubled, and in the
case of DPS CoMP, the coverage gain of Conguration 4b
increases from 9 to 26%. These simulation results indicate
that CoMP is providing the highest gains over the baseline
Release 10 system when handover cannot be performed
in an optimal way. Thus, CoMP and especially DPS can
be seen as a scheme to aid the mobility issues in real
networks. This is an interesting and important practical
nding of this study.

Single Cell





Subcarrier C/I [dB]



Figure 13 Cumulative density function of SINR with single-cell (point) transmission and two dierent multi-point schemes.

Maa ttanen et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012, 2012:247

6 Conclusions
In this article, we have addressed the problem of the
feedback design and studied the associated link-level performance and the realistic system-level performance of
CoMP in LTE-Advanced. We have studied practical niterate CSI feedback and CoMP feedback design, namely
PMI and CQI feedback, for dierent CoMP modes, and
also evaluated the associated performance with both linklevel and system-level simulations. The realistic systemlevel evaluations of LTE-Advanced CoMP were performed
for dierent CoMP modes and for dierent practical
deployment scenarios. These simulation results indicate
that CoMP can provide considerable cell-edge gains over
the baseline Release 10 system with realistic UE feedback.
The results that are obtained and reported in this study
also indicate that the nature of the deployment scenario
has a clear impact on the relative performance of JT and
DPS type CoMP schemes. Relatively simple DPS schemes
can outperform JT schemes in heterogeneous networks
when the user distribution is not uniform but concentrated around the coverage area of the RRHs. When studying the CoMP schemes under biased handover conditions,
it was observed that the DPS CoMP scheme can clearly
aid in the mobility management of real networks. This is a
very important practical benet, in addition to improved
cell edge performance, in cellular mobile radio systems.
Competing interests
The authors declare that, they have no competing interests.
Author details
1 Renesas Mobile Europe Ltd., Porkkalankatu 24, 00180 Helsinki, Finland.
2 Department of Communications Engineering, Tampere University of
Technology, Korkeakoulunkatu 1, FI-33720 Tampere, Finland. 3 Department of
Signal Processing and Acoustics, Aalto University, P.O. Box 13000, FI-00076
Aalto, Finland.
Received: 22 June 2012 Accepted: 16 October 2012
Published: 27 November 2012















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Cite this article as: Maa ttanen et al.: System-level performance of LTEAdvanced with joint transmission and dynamic point selection schemes.
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012 2012:247.

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