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Investigating the Effects of Variance in Markovian Shortest

Remaining Processing Time Queues

Sean Malter and Prof. Amber L. Puha
Department of Mathematics, California State University, San Marcos &

August 17, 2013

In this report, we investigate the relationship between the queue length and the workload
processes in a Markovian shortest remaining processing time (SRPT) queue. We simulate
these processes in heavy traffic without drift, i.e. when the arrival and processing rates
are equal. In this setting, the diffusion scaled workload process converges in distribution
to a non-degenerate reflected Brownian motion [7]. However, the diffusion scaled queue
length process converges in distribution to the process that is identically equal to zero
[4]. We explore how much smaller the order of magnitude is of the rescaled queue length
in comparison to the rescaled workload. Through simulation we identify a logarithmic
correction factor that seems to be valid for any processing rate. Under this corrective
scaling, our simulations suggest that varying the processing rate only effects the limiting


Here we investigate the behavior of the queue length process in a Markovian shortest remaining
processing time (SRPT) queue via simulation. Specifically we investigate the effect of variance
on the asymptotic behavior of the queue length process in heavy traffic.


Shortest Remaining Processing Time Queues

We model the shortest remaining processing time queue as follows. We consider a system where
jobs arrive one at time according to a Poisson process with rate 0 < < . This means that
the interarrival times between jobs form a sequence of independent and identically distributed
exponential random variables with rate . Each job has associated with it a processing time,
which denotes the amount of time that the job requires from the server. These processing times
are assumed to be drawn from a sequence of positive, independent and identically distributed

Research supported by ViaSat.

random variables that have positive, finite mean m and are independent of the arrival process. In
an SRPT queue, the job in the system with the shortest remaining processing time is served first,
with preemption. Specifically, when a new job enters the system, it enters service immediately if
the system was empty immediately prior to its arrival. Otherwise, there was a job in service. In
this case, the server determines whether or not the new job has a smaller processing time than
the remaining processing of the job in service. If the new job has the smaller of the two processing
times, it takes priority and enters service, while the other job is placed on hold. Otherwise, the
server continues serving the job in service. This placing of jobs on hold is known as preemption.
A job exits the system once the server has completely satisfied its original processing time
requirement. Upon a departure, the server idles if their are no jobs in the system, and begins
service of the job in the system with the shortest remaining processing time otherwise. We refer
to = m as the utilization. Such a queue is often denoted by M/G/1/SRPT, where the M
refers to the Markovian nature of the arrival process, the G refers to the general nature of the
processing time distribution, 1 refers to the number of servers, and SRPT refers to the service
discipline. The focus of the work here will actually be on exponentially distributed processing
times. In particular, we focus on the M/M/1/SPRT queue.
SRPT is a naturally interesting service discipline to study. Indeed, it is performance optimal
with respect to queue length since it is the queue length minimizer over all nonidling service
disciplines [9, 10]. Here nonidling refers to service disciplines in which the server doesnt idling
unless the system is empty. However, there is an anticipated performance trade off. For this, we
refer to the total length of time that that a job spends in the system as its sojourn or response
time. It is anticipated that jobs with large processing times will experience lengthy sojourn
times. This trade off has been explored in [1], where it is demonstrated that the growth rate of
the sojourn times is determined by the decay rate of the tail of the processing time distribution.
The focus here is on quantifying the queue length minimization property of SRPT.


Background on Heavy Traffic Diffusion Limits

Our investigation involves exploiting the established behavior of the so called workload process
(W (t), t 0) in heavy traffic. The value W (t) of the workload at time t is the total amount
of time that the server would need to work in order to completely serve all jobs in the system
at time t, ignoring future arrivals. A classic result in [7] establishes that under standard heavy
traffic assumptions the diffusion scaled workload process converges in distribution to a nondegenerate reflected Brownian motion (W (t), t 0). Heavy traffic refers to a sequence of
systems {(W n (t), t 0)}nN indexed by the natural numbers N thatsatisfy certain asymptotic
conditions, including the utilization n approaching one at rate 1/ n. Specifically, for some

lim n (1 n ) = .

Diffusion scaling, also known as functional central limit theorem scaling, occurs
when time in
the nth system is scaled by a factor of n and space is scaled by a factor of 1/ n. In particular,
for n N,
W n (nt)
W (t) =
t [0, ).
c n () convergence in distribution to W () as
The result in [7] specifies conditions under which W
n tends to infinity, where W () is reflected Brownian motion with drift and positive variance

determined by the limiting variances of the interarrival and processing times. The result in [7]
generalizes the well-known Donskers theorem, which specifies conditions under which a centered
diffusion scaled random walk converges in distribution to Brownian motion [2, Theorem 6.6]. We
further note that the result in [7] holds for all nonidling service disciplines. In particular, it holds
for SRPT.
Recently [4] investigated the behavior of the SRPT queue length process (Q(t), t 0) in
heavy traffic. Here Q(t) is the number of jobs in the system at time t. They showed that,
if the service
time distribution
has unbounded support, then the diffusion scaled queue length

b (t), t 0 converges in distribution to the process that is identically equal to zero
process Q
under standard heavy traffic conditions. This is in contrast to what happens for other natural
nonidling service disciplines such as first-come first-serve (FCFS) or processor sharing (PS). In
these cases, the queue length process converges in distribution to a nondegenerate diffusion limit
(Q (t), t 0) that is a positive constant multiple of (W (t), t 0). In particular, for FCFS,
Q (t) = W (t)/m for t 0, where m is the mean of the limiting processing time distribution
[7]. While for PS, Q (t) = W (t)/m for t 0, where m is positive and uniquely determined
by the limiting processing time distribution [3]. But it seems that the queue length minimizing
nature of SRPT forces the constant to be zero for the SRPT discipline. In particular, the order
of magnitude of the queue length process is actually smaller than the workload process. This
in and of itself is quite interesting. The natural next question to ask is whether or not one can
determine the correct order of magnitude for the queue length process.


Suspected Behavior of the Queue Length Process

The earlier work [1] on fluid limits for SRPT queues potentially developed some insight regarding
the order of magnitude of the queue length process. We describe this in the special case where
the utilization converges to one, arrival rate converges to , the fluid scaled initial queue length
converges in distribution to a positive constant q0 , the distribution of the initial processing times
converges to a continuous distribution with probability density function g, and the distribution
of the processing times for jobs that arrive after time zero converges to a continuous distribution
with strictly positive probability density function f . Then define
q0 0 yg(y)dy
for x [0, ).
s(x) = R
x yf (y)dy
The value s(x) turns out to represent the departure time of jobs in the system at time zero that
have initial processing time x, in what is known as a fluid limit. Fluid limits are first order,
determinist (functional law of large numbers) approximations. So one might refer to s() as a
fluid analog of the sojourn or response time. In this case, s() is continuous, strictly increasing,
and maps onto [0, ). Therefore s() has well defined inverse s1 (t) for all t 0. This inverse
turns out to be the fluid limit of the frontier process (F (t), t 0), where F (t) denotes the largest
processing of time of any job that has entered service by time t [1, Theorem 5.20]. Because of this
relationship, Puha wondered if s1 () could provide the corrective scaling for the queue length
process under diffusion scaling. In particular, Puha wished to investigate the possibility that

c n (t) s1 ( n)Q
bn (t),
for t [0, ) as n .

Here multiplication by s1 ( n) has the effect of modifying the spatial scaling.


That (2) is a reasonable idea to investigate is supported by recent work in [8]. These authors
study the expected response time in steady state. Recall that a response time is associated with
each job in the system. For a given job, it is the total amount of time that the job is in the
system, counted from the moment of arrival to the moment of departure. The expected response
time E[T ] in steady state is a performance measure that is of importance to the customer. But
the manager is interested in the utilization . In [8], the authors determine the rate at which
E[T ] grows as a function of the utilization. Interestingly, the growth rate identified by [8] is
the same as that predicted by (2). Littles law [11] predicts that under reasonable conditions,
the expected response time and queue length are of the same order of magnitude. In particular,
Littles law states that mean queue length E[Q] in steady state should satisfy E[Q] = E[T ].
And so, if Littles law holds for SRPT, (2) should follow.


Prior Investigation

Last summer in work supported by ViaSat, Hunsperger and Puha [6] investigated whether or
not (2) holds via simulation. They pursued this by considering two classes of processing time
distributions, the Weibull and Pareto distributions. The complementary Pareto distribution
function decays polynomially, while the complementary Weibull distribution function decays
faster than polynomially. Hence, these two classes provide a range of distinct behaviors to test
against. Further, exact computations are relatively easy for these two classes. For this work, they
set = 1. Then in order to enforce the heavy traffic condition, the parameters of the processing
time distribution were chosen such that m = 1. They found that (2) seems to be valid for one
specific instance of the Weibull distribution, the exponential case with = 1. Recall that the
probability density function for a rate exponential random variable is given by
x 0.

In the case = 1, (2) suggests

adding a factor of

ln( n) to the spatial scaling. So rather

than multiplication by 1/ n one multiplies by ln( n)/ n. They also found that the scaling
in (2) may not be correct for the nonexponential case. This is rather interesting as it suggests
that Littles law may not hold for SRPT. They indicate that further investigation is required to
formulate a new guess as to how workload and queue length are related in heavy traffic.
f (x) = exp(x),


Overview of the Present Investigation

The work here is a follow on to the work of Hunsperger and Puha [6]. We focus on the case
of exponential service times, i.e., the M/M/1/SPRT queue. However, we explore the effect of
variance by allowing the arrival rate to vary. In particular, we consider an M/M/1/SRPT
queue with arrival rate > 0 and mean processing time m > 0 satisfying m = 1. Then, for
n N, let

ln( n)Q(nt)

t [0, ).
Q (t) = ln n Q (t) =
The Hunsperger and Puha [6] simulations suggest that for = 1, under standard heavy traffic
en () converges in distribution to W () as n tends to infinity. One anticipates
assumptions, Q

that the correction factor ln( n) applies for all > 0. Here we explore the validity of this

expectation. Our investigation starts with the premise that for some positive constant C that
does not depend on n, but may depend on ,
c n () Q
en (),

as n .


More precisely, we anticipate that under suitable heavy traffic conditions there exists a positive
en () converges in distribution to CW () as n tends to infinity.
constant C such that Q
We test the viability of this convergence via simulation and find extensive evidence in support.
These simulations suggest that C = . This is summarized in Section 3. In Section 4, the
appropriately rescaled workload and queue length processes are plotted on a common plots for
various values of and large values of n to demonstrate that the two processes are becoming close.
In Section 5, we plot the difference between the two processes to make it more apparent that
they arent very far apart. Finally, in Section 6, we compute the maximum absolute difference of
the rescaled workload and queue length processes for series of values of n over the time interval
[0, 1] for different values of . We demonstrate that for each given value of , the maximum error
seems to be decreasing as n increases. This is meant to provide evidence in favor of the following
statement: for all T, , > 0,

en (t) 1 .
lim inf P sup C W
(t) Q

t[0,T ]

Ultimately, we would like to develop a mathematical proof of the above relationship, which could
be used to prove the asserted convergence in distribution. In the remainder of this report, we
explain our methodology and present the simulation results that led to our conclusions.

Implementing R to Simulate SRPT Queues

We simulate the queue length and workload processes in an M/M/1/SRPT queue with the aid of
the programming language R. We had many suitable choices for these simulations. However, the
language R has many built in functions that aided in creating graphics and statistical computing.
Creating these simulations required us to determine what information to track and store. We
chose to focus on the times t at which a job arrived to or departed from the queue. In particular,
our code keeps track of a 3-tuple that includes the update time and the queue length and workload
at that time. Our code has two input parameters, the scaling index n and the arrival rate .
Then, in order to satisfy the heavy traffic condition, we set the mean processing time m to be
the reciprocal of . In particular, n = and mn = 1/, so that n = n mn = 1 throughout.
Therefore, it follows that we are simulating the case where the limiting arrival rate is and the
drift is 0. Then, the heavy traffic diffusion limit W () of the workload process is a reflected
Brownian motion with zero drift. Further, the variance of W () is given by 2/. Since W ()
has variance 2/, the limiting variance varies with . Hence, by using difference values of
and n, we were able to explore the effect of variance on the rescaled queue length and workload
processes as n increases.

Identifying the Constant C

If a C satisfying (4) exists, then the ratio


c n ()
en ()


must approach a flat line as n becomes large. In particular, it must be the case that, as n
becomes large,
c n ()
en ()
To investigate this, we plotted (6) for different values of , fairly large values of n, and t [0, 1/].
In such plots we expect to see a relatively flat graph, with a bit of randomness, but the height of
the approximately flat line may vary with . These ratio plots are problematic for times t such
that Q(nt) = 0. Note that if Q(nt) = 0 at time t, then there are no jobs in the system at time t
and so W (nt) = 0 at time t. But we cant a priori assume what value to substitute for the ratio
at this specific time. To address this issue, we use the convention that we do not plot a value at
time points t for which Q(nt) = 0. In other words, those time points are simply skipped.
As we began our computations of (6), we were interested in creating plots over the time
interval [0, 1] with a large fixed n for various values of . We had good results with n = 107 for
= 1 and = 0.2. But, when = 5 our computers could not handle the larger data sets created
in this case. We needed a method to handle the larger cases, while also staying consistent with
our choice for n. We found that plotting over time intervals [0, 1/] would best fit our criteria to
generate data sets of similar size. This is because the expected number of arrivals in [0, 1/] is
n7 / = n7 . Therefore the number of iterations required in our code was of order n7 for any .

Figure 1: This is a plot of (6) with = 1 and n = 107 . Here we denote as the average value and
the standard deviation of (6) over [0, 1]. We see in this plot the average is slightly above one.
This figure met our expectation that the ratio should be relatively flat with some randomness.
We see that larger fluctuations of the ratio occur for smaller values of t. As t approaches 1, the
plot levels off with small excursions around the horizontal line y = 1/ = 1.

(a) This is a plot of (6) with = 5 and

n = 107 . Again we have denoting the average value and denotes the standard deviation
of (6) over [0, 1/]. Note how close the average
= 0.2087 is to 1/ = 0.2. This figure is a
good example of random movement around the
line y = 1/ = 1/5, with some clusters of larger
fluctuations. The movement in this plot seemed
to be typical for plots with larger values of ,
possibly due to the smaller variances of interarrival and processing times.

(b) In this plot of (6), we have = 0.2 and n =

107 . We see in this figure the average = 5.957
is much larger than what we expected (1/ = 5).
For smaller values of , we generally saw longer
excursions of (6) above our guessed horizontal
line y = 1/, which resulted in the average
being larger than what we expected.

These figures provide evidence that there exists a C satisfying (7). Each plot seems to be
approaching that of a horizontal line. There are brief excursions below the line, that correspond
to times where the system empties. There are also longer, but less amplified excursions, above
the horizontal line, possibly due to some large jobs being introduced to the queue or due to the
nature of SRPT minimizing queue length. These figures provided empirical evidence that the
reciprocal of the average of (6) over t [0, 1/] might be a good estimator of C. The average
is typically very close to 1/, leading us to the speculate that C = satisfies (7). Naturally
we wanted to investigate how the average of (6) behaves for many values of , and whether or
not our projected value for C seems to hold for these different values of . Table 1 corresponds
to (6) for n = 106 over t [0, 1/]. In the table, we record the statistic 1/ to make it easier to
see that 1/ . This table seems to support that C = satisfies (7).

Table 1
Table for (6), with n = 106 and t [0, 1/]


0.1 0.105471448028813 2.58401055272361

0.5 0.504537711481153 0.36280620384928
0.7 0.657587748417663 0.248152077644996

0.869920091652271 0.155238462713735








As we see from Table 1, the statistic 1/ in most cases. We see the largest difference
between and 1/ when = 1, with 1/ 0.13. Generally the results of this table were as
expected, finding a strong relation between the average of the plots of (6) and the choice of .
As we varied , we found that the inverse 1/ of the average was closely related to the choice of
As a side note, we also tried to plot the reciprocal of the
ratio in (6). Those plots also tended to look relatively
constant (flat). However there were brief, huge spikes.
This suggested that workload tends to zero faster than
queue length at times as those. In this regard, note
en () is a discrete valued object, so is bounded away
from zero when it is not zero. Hence, plotting the ratio
in (6) more effectively illustrated the results.

Recall that the variance of the reflected Brownian motion limit W () in the case of an
M/M/1/SRPT queue with limiting arrival rate is given by 2/. Hence, it follows that W ()
en ()
has variance 2. In particular, we speculate that under suitable heavy traffic conditions Q

converges in distribution to a reflected Brownian motion Q () with variance 2. Note that

multiplication of W () by is equivalent to division by the mean processing time so that
on average each job contributes the mean processing time to the queue length. This same
phenomenon occurs for the M/M/1 FCFS queue, but under standard diffusion scaling.

Results of Nonstandard Spacial Scaling

In this section, We introduce our choice of C, namely C = . Throughout we refer to (3) as

c n () as the rescaled workload process. In the following
the rescaled queue length process and C W

figures we plot the rescaled workload and queue length processes on a common graph with a
large n and various values of . These graphics are meant to illustrate the relationship between
the two processes and the relative closeness of them.
In the simulating these processes, our choices for n and the length of the time interval were
limited due to computational limitations. As we varied , we chose n = 107 and t [0, 1/]. The
scaling of time in this manner kept the number of points in each plot relatively consistent as we
varied . This convention was introduced in Section 3 and is used here again for computability
when generating plots for different values. Figures 2, 3, and 4 contain plots of the simulations
of the two rescaled processes for various values of .

Figure 2: In these two plots, we have = 1 and n = 107 with t [0, 1/]. The figure on the left is
a very typical outcome of the plot with = 1. In both plots we see relatively small separation of
the workload and queue length. These plots suggest that C = is the appropriate multiplicative
factor for the workload in the case where = 1.
The results from our = 1 plots were expected from the previous simulations of Hunsperger
and Puha [6]. We can graphically see the relatively small errors, providing additional support

bn () and C = is the appropriate

that ln( n) is the appropriate correction factor applied to Q
c n () in the case where = 1. Next, we introduce our new results with
multiplicative factor for W
the scaling C = for new values of .


Figure 3: In this figure we have = 5 and n = 107 with t [0, 1/5]. Note how close the
workload and queue length are in this plot, the closeness of the two processes was typical in our
simulation with larger values of . We see the largest separation in the tail end of this plot, with
the rescaled workload rising above the rescaled queue length. In our simulations at the time
of largest separation, we consistently saw the rescaled workload rising a bit above the rescaled
queue length.


Figure 4: In this figure we have = 0.2 and n = 107 with t [0, 1/]. Note how close the two
processes are in this plot, and again we see the workload rising above the queue length for a brief
period of time.
The results of our simulations provided reasonable evidence supporting (4) with C = . After
creating these simulations we became interested in what the difference of the two processes looks
like graphically. In otherwords, we ask the question how far apart are the two processes. In the
following section we use our simulations associated with the plots in Figures 3 and 4 to create a
new plots to better understand the relationship between the rescaled workload and queue length
processes in an SRPT queue.

Further Developing the Relation Between Processes

We further explore the relationship between the two processes by creating a plot of the difference
between the rescaled workload and queue length processes. For this, we define the error E n () as
c n () Q
en ().
E n () = W


In Figure 5 we present a plot of (8) for the sample paths in Figure 3. We were also interested in
how much of this error could be caused
by a single large job. Therefore we include the largest

residual service time rescaled by 1/ n, which is plotted in red. We will denote this as R[Qt] for
convenience. So R[Qt] is the rescaled remaining processing time of the job in the system needing
the most processing time.


Figure 5: We use the data in Figure 3 to generate the error as defined in (8) and the rescaled
largest residual service time R[Qt], displayed in blue and red respectively. We see that the error
in this figure is generally positive, with the largest error of 0.2457266 at the tail end of the plot.
Note the general shape of (8), with larger excursions above the y-axis. This movement of the
error was typical for our simulations. We also see that the R[Qt] is roughly constant for most of
the plot. Perhaps there was a job introduced at t 0.01 with a large process time that stayed
in queue throughout. It does not appear that this one job accounts for the entire error or even
a positive fraction of the error.


Figure 6: This figure is the error of the two processes and the rescaled largest residual service
times from Figure 4. We again see the largest excursion above the y-axis. Note that the maximum
error presented in this plot is fairly similar to the maximum error in Figure 5. We also see a
similar shape of the errors. One of the main difference in the two figures is the length of the
excursion in this plot is much longer than those of Figure 5. Another is that the maximum error
occours well before the tail end of the plot.
The results of these plots reflect the tendency of the rescaled workload to be larger
rescaled queue length in oursimulations. As we reflected on our correction factor of ln( n)/ n
to the queue length and 1/ n to the workload, we realize that as n grows the rescaled queue
length doesnt shrink as much as the rescaled workload. Hence, this tendency seemed reasonable
to us. We were interested in investigating if this error would tend to shrink as n grows larger.
We wanted to introduce a larger n, for example n = 108 . However, these plots would have ten
times more data points in each plot with the current time scaling. Our machines couldnt handle
the raw data produced from the plots with n = 108 and t [0, 1/]. So we created new code
that could handle these larger values of n. This is introduced it in Section 6.

Simulations for Larger n

The above figures provided a good general idea of the shape and movement of the two rescaled
processes. Our next area of interest was to apply larger values of n to our simulations to see if
the correction factors applied to the two rescaled processes would minimize their differences. In
our early attempts we encountered some problems creating these simulations. As mentioned in
the end of Section 5, with our current code, we were unable to create plots of the two processes

with n = 108 , = 1 and t [0, 1/]. We needed a new method to run simulations for larger
n. Since we had a good idea of the tendencies of the two rescaled processes, we decided that
plotting these processes was no longer necessary. We instead created code that only returns the
maximum error of these processes over our time interval. We defined the maximum error M of
the two processes as


M = max W (t) Q (t) .

The advantage here is that this can be calculated as a running maximum. Hence, there is no
longer a need to store massive queue length and workload process vectors.
Although with this new code we were less limited in our choice of n and our time interval due
to storage and retrieval, we were still limited by how much runtime we were willing to dedicate
to complete a single sample. Below we present several tables that summarize our results for the
maximum error. In each of the tables, is fixed. The sample size denotes the number of sample
paths generated for the given values of n. In particular, for = 1 and n = 105 , we generated 100
sample paths over our time interval [0, 1]. Then M denotes the maximum error for each path as
defined in (9). Hence M is a random variable, of which we generated 100 independent samples. In
our tables, is the average value of M over our samples and is the sample standard deviation.
Then P (M x) denotes the probability that M is less than or equal to x. We estimate this by
counting the number of samples less than or equal to x and dividing by the associated sample
Table 2

Table 3

= 0.2 Unbiased Estimators

= 0.6 Unbiased Estimators

Sample Size





Sample Size













0.211 0.149 0.107 0.086

0.270 0.226 0.210 0.209

0.031 0.023 0.020 0.026

0.071 0.085 0.099 0.098

P (M .05)

P (M 0.05)

P (M .1)



P (M 0.1)



P (M .15)




P (M 0.15)




P (M .2)



P (M 0.2)





P (M 0.25)





P (M 0.3)





P (M 0.35)





P (M 0.4)





P (M 0.45)



P (M 0.5)



Table 4
= 1 Unbiased Estimators
Sample Size









0.347 0.309 0.301 0.270

0.143 0.140 0.150 0.129

P (M 0.1)



P (M 0.15)




P (M 0.2)




P (M 0.25)





P (M 0.3)





P (M 0.35)





P (M 0.4)





P (M 0.45)





P (M 0.5)





For n = 108 , each = 1 sample took about 5 hours of computing time to generate. So the 25
samples used to generate the summary statistics in the table took about 125 hours, or about 5.2
days to generate. Therefore, it was impractical to attempt to generate more than 25 samples.
For symmetry, we only generated 25 samples for = 0.2 and n = 108 , even though these only
took about an hour each to generate. Since the maximum error seems to be converging to zero
more rapidly for = 0.2, generating these samples seemed less important than getting samples
for larger values of . Tables 5 and 6 provide statistical evidence related to the maximum error
M of our simulations for larger values of .


Table 5

Table 6

= 3 Unbiased Estimators

= 5 Unbiased Estimators

Sample Size





Sample Size











0.718 0.681 0.632 0.560

1.091 0.935 0.870

0.387 0.324 0.298 0.365

0.465 0.412 0.435

P (M 0.1)





P (M .2)

P (M 0.2)





P (M .3)



P (M 0.3)





P (M .4)




P (M 0.4)





P (M .5)




P (M 0.5)





P (M .6)




P (M 0.6)





P (M .7)




P (M 0.7)





P (M .8)




P (M 0.8)





P (M .9)




P (M 0.9)





P (M 1)




P (M 1)





P (M 1.1)




P (M 1.1)





P (M 1.2)




P (M 1.2)





P (M 1.3)




Collectively, these tables provide evidence that the correction factor ln( n) and constant
C = applied to our rescaled processes results in the error between the rescaled processes
converging to zero. From the tables we see for each , as n increases, the average tends to
decrease. This improvement to the average seems to be more rapid for smaller values of ,
suggesting more rapidly convergence for small . The standard deviation generated in our
samples seems to be decreasing with larger values of n, but not particularly rapidly for any value
of . Generally we see the probability associated with M less than or equal to x increase as n
increases. There was an interesting case in Table 4 when n = 107 where we see the probability
that M is less than or equal to 0.4 lessened in our sample as compared to the probabilities
associated with n = 105 and n = 106 . In this particular case however we do see the standard
deviation is much larger when n = 107 than for other values of n. So one could interpret this
as stochastic fluctuation.


The outcomes presented in this report support our correction factor and spacial scaling of our
processes. We feel this is enough evidence supporting the behavior of the rescaled processes to
begin a rigorous proof of our findings. This led us to state the following conjecture:

Conjecture 7.1 (Hunsperger, Malter, Puha). In an M/M/1 SRPT queue with common processing and incoming rate given by , the queue length process appropriately rescaled with a
non-standard logarithmic growth factor converges in distribution to a reflected Brownian motion,
en () W (), as n
i.e., Q
A key step in developing of a proof of this conjecture is to verify (5). In particular, we
must prove that as n increases the error between our rescaled processes is arbitrarily small with
probability arbitrarily close to one. Our simulation results suggest that the error is decreasing.
Unfortunately, we did not have the computational resources to let n become large enough to
make the error arbitrarily small with probability close to one. This will need to be carried our
The authors would like to thank ViaSat for continued financial support of this investigation.

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