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Carbonate Stimulation

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Carbonate sequences, those comprising limestone and dolomite formations, present some of
the most difficult challenges facing field operators. Carbonate reservoirs often have large and
highly variable completion intervals, which can greatly complicate stimulation and production
operations. In many cases, these reservoirs exhibit marked vertical and lateral heterogeneity
caused by permeability barriers, natural fractures, and complex porosity distributions. These
variations can be particularly bewildering for engineers who are trying to devise effective
workover and stimulation strategies.
In this article, Steven Davies and Shrihari Kelkar examine the techniques and technologies
that field operators can use to stimulate carbonate reservoirs.

When the productivity of a well in a carbonate reservoir decreases

as a result of formation damage or low natural permeability, the
production team will attempt to increase productivity through
intervention and appropriate treatments. If they decide to work
over the well, they must identify and implement a treatment
program that creates conductive flow paths between the reservoir
and the borehole. This is the essence of carbonate stimulation.
Almost two-thirds of the worlds remaining oil reserves are
contained in carbonate reservoirs. Carbonate formations tend
to be extremely heterogeneous, with complex porosity and
permeability variations, barriers, and irregular flow paths.
Across the oil and gas industry, geologists, petrophysicists,
and reservoir engineers are working to enhance their
understanding of carbonate formations and reservoir
behavior. There is a clear commercial focus to these research
efforts; experience has shown that even small improvements
in recovery methods can yield dramatic production results.
Schlumberger is focusing its carbonate research and
technology development on three critical areas:
characterization, simulation, and stimulation. This article
focuses on the last of theseincreasing the productivity of
carbonate reservoirs through better intervention and
stimulation treatments.
For many years, reservoir teams have sought to extend the
useful lives of wells in carbonate reservoirs and to avoid
early abandonment when productivity decreases as a result
of formation damage or low natural permeability. In clastic
reservoirs, a range of stimulation techniques can be applied
with a high degree of confidence, and asset teams routinely
intervene to create conductive flow paths. Although many
of these standard stimulation methods can be applied in
carbonate reservoirs, it may be difficult for engineers to
predict how they will influence subsequent production.

Zone barrier

Zone barrier

Figure 2: Matrix stimulation removes or bypasses damage in the pore spaces between grains and leaves the zone barriers within
the reservoir intact.

A stimulating environment

Matrix stimulation in carbonates

Acids play a key role in boosting production or increasing

injectivity in oil and gas fields. Stimulation of carbonate
rocks usually involves a reaction between an acid and the
minerals calcite (CaCO3) or dolomite CaMg(CO3)2 that is
intended to enhance the flow properties of the rock. Modern
acid stimulation systems can be controlled and targeted to
achieve specific aims for the asset team. Stimulation methods
in carbonate sequences can be divided into two main groups:
matrix treatments and acid fracturing treatments.
Matrix stimulation involves pumping acids, solvents, or
other treatment chemicals into the formation at less than
the reservoir fracture pressure. When acids are introduced
into a carbonate formation, some of the minerals in the rock
dissolve, which creates intricate, high-permeability channels
or wormholes (Fig. 1). Matrix treatments are often applied in
zones with good natural permeability to counteract damage
in the near-wellbore area.
Acid fracturing stimulations, in contrast, are performed
above the fracture pressure of the formation. A viscous pad (a
fracturing fluid that does not contain proppant) is pumped
into the formation at pressures above the fracture-initiation
pressure, which fractures the rock. Then an acid stage is
pumped to etch the fracture surfaces. The acid also creates
conductive wormholes at or near the fracture surfaces. After
stimulation, the fracture closes, but the increased conductivity
between the formation and the well remains because of the
etching and the creation of wormholes.

Matrix stimulation methods can be applied in clastic or

carbonate rocks. It is designed to remove or bypass damage in
the pore spaces and to leave the zone barriers intact (Fig. 2).
In sandstones, matrix treatments are used to restore or
improve the natural formation permeability around the
wellbore by removing formation damage. This is accomplished
by dissolving material that is plugging the pores or by
enlarging the pore spaces. In carbonates, matrix stimulation
creates new, highly conductive channels (wormholes) that
bypass the damage.
Because of these different requirements, the selection
criteria for the treating fluid are also distinct. For sandstone
rocks, it is vital that the stimulation engineer understands the
extent, type, location, and origin of the damage, the reservoir
mineralogy, and the compatibility of the treating fluid with the
formation. In carbonate treatments, reservoir temperature,
pumping rate, and fluid type become more significant because
these parameters have a direct influence on the reaction
between the treating fluid and the reservoir rock.
In carbonate reservoirs, hydrochloric acid (HCl) is the most
commonly applied stimulation fluid. Organic acids such as
formic or acetic acid are used, mainly in retarded-acid
systems or in high-temperature applications, to acidize
either sandstones or carbonates.

Figure 1: When acids are introduced into a carbonate formation,

some of the minerals in the rock dissolve to create intricate, highpermeability channels or wormholes.

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Middle East & Asia Reservoir Review

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Acid is pumped into the fracture

Acid etches the fracture

Acid creates conductive wormholes

Figure 3: To hydraulically fracture carbonate rocks, the workover team pumps acid to fracture the formation and to create a nonuniform
etched pattern on the fracture surfaces.

Acid fracturing
Acid fracturing is a hydraulic fracturing treatment
performed in carbonate formations. The objective is to etch
the open faces of induced fractures using an HCl treatment
(Fig. 3). When the treatment is complete and the fracture
closes, the etched surfaces provide high-conductivity flow
paths from the reservoir to the wellbore.
Hydraulic fracturing of clastic rocks, in contrast, uses a
proppant to hold the fracture open and so create a highpermeability flow path along which fluids flow into the well.
To reduce or prevent leakoff (loss of treatment fluids to
the formation), conventional acid fracturing treatments use
multiple stages of nonreactive fluids and acids. This is
designed to minimize the leakoff by increasing the fluid
viscosity. By increasing the acids viscosity, the stimulation
engineer can also slow the rate of reaction between the acid
and the formation, which helps to improve fracture
geometry. Viscosity can be modified by adding a polymer to
the treatment fluid. This technique has proved successful in
many oil fields, but the polymers form a filtercake that can
reduce production, especially in tight formations.
Crosslinking compounds are used to control viscosity.
These are usually metallic salts mixed with a base-gel
polymer fluid, such as a guar gel system, to create a viscous
gel. The crosslinker reacts with the multiple-strand polymer
to couple the molecules and create a fluid with high, but
closely controlled, viscosity. The behavior of the crosslinkers,
which enable the polymer system to operate in a narrow pH
window, can be difficult to predict at high temperatures.
Treatments using crosslinkers should take account of the
conditions needed to break the gel structure to ensure
satisfactory cleanup and disposal.


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Middle East & Asia Reservoir Review

When selecting the most suitable fluid for acid fracturing,

engineers must take into account factors such as the
proposed fracture geometry, the expected leakoff and
retardation rates for the acid, rock dissolution, prevention of
sludge or emulsion problems, and the requirements for
postjob cleanup. Engineers must weigh the costs and these
technical factors against the benefits of sustained
production improvement.

Acid fracturing increases well

productivity in Kuwait
A carbonate reservoir in the Jurassic Marrat formation in
southeast Kuwait had been in production since 1986. The
reservoir had no stimulation history because the oil had
flowed naturally since completion. Recently, however,
production had started to decline, and, as a result of
reservoir depletion and the high-pressure drawdown applied
in the formation, asphaltene deposits had affected some of
the wells.
A production enhancement project was devised to
improve well performance by reducing the pressure
drawdown and so eliminating asphaltene deposition in the
near-wellbore area. After carefully examining the production
data and reservoir stress characteristics, the asset team
decided that fracturing would be the best way to achieve
these objectives. The team examined all the wells in the field
and selected four of them for a pilot project.
To gain experience and understanding, the team designed
an acid fracturing treatment for one well, based on well
data and an evaluation of well performance. The treatment
was designed to achieve a 70-ft fracture half-length and a

fracture conductivity of 1,600 mD.ft. The analysis of the well

was based on a permeability model obtained from a buildup
test and a stress model built with DSI* Dipole Shear Sonic
Imager data from an offset well. The stress and permeability
models were calibrated by conducting an injection test,
including a step-rate test and mini falloff injection tests to
estimate permeability and reservoir pressure, before the
main acid fracturing treatment.
The DUOFRAC* II acid fracturing technique, which uses
acid and gel in alternate stages, was applied. The treatment
was scheduled in two stages using a ClearFRAC* HT system
as the nonreactive pad, 15% HCl as the main acid, and VDA*
Viscoelastic Diverting Acid as the diverter. Engineers pumped
a brine preflush containing a multifunctional surfactant to
improve the post-treatment cleanup. This fluid was pumped
during the injection test and was followed by a spacer
before the main treatment. All the fracturing fluids were
tested with the formation oil to ensure that there would be
no problems with emulsion or sludge. The treatment was
successfully pumped to completion.
The acid was recovered within a day of the well being
opened for flowback. This acid fracturing treatment
improved well performance and reduced pressure drawdown
(to eliminate asphaltene deposition) as predicted in the
prejob planning and test phase. Detailed production analysis
and stress evaluation helped the team to quantify the
probable increase in production that could be achieved. This
prediction was confirmed in a production test, where the
post-treatment oil rate of approximately 860 m 3/d was
almost double what it had been under the same operating
conditions before stimulationapproximately 460 m3/d.


Diversion is a technique used in injection treatments, such as
matrix stimulation, to ensure uniform distribution of the
treatment fluid across the treatment interval. Injected fluids
tend to follow the path of least resistance, and this may lead
to inadequate treatment of the least permeable areas within
the stimulation interval.
Using diversion methods, engineers can focus treatment
on the areas that require more stimulation. To be effective,
the diversion effect should be temporary to enable the full
productivity of the well to be restored when the treatment is
complete. There are two main categories of diversion:
mechanical and chemical.

Mechanical methods
Mechanical diversion techniques, such as ball sealers, packers,
and straddle-packer assemblies, are used to divert reservoir
treatments to the target zone. Ball sealers and solid-particle
diverting agents incorporated into the treatment fluid form a
temporary plug in the perforations accepting the most fluid
flow, thereby diverting the remaining treatment fluid to the
less permeable zones (Fig. 4a). Packers and straddle-packer
assemblies function by performing several short treatments
over a longer interval to help ensure even treatment over the
entire zone (Fig. 4b).
Though widely used, mechanical diversion methods may
not always be feasible or recommended. They are often
ineffective for stimulation projects in long horizontal or
extended-reach wells.


Figure 4: Ball sealers and solid-particle diverting agents create a temporary plug in the perforations that are accepting the most fluid flow.
This forces the remaining treatment fluid to enter the less-permeable zones (a). Packers and straddle-packer assemblies allow the operator
to perform several short treatments over longer intervals, thereby ensuring that treatment is evenly distributed over the entire zone (b).

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Chemical methods

A different direction for diversion

The potential risks of production damage when using
polymer-based stimulation fluids prompted industry
researchers to explore alternatives. Research led to the
launch of ClearFRAC polymer-free fracturing fluid, which is
based on viscoelastic surfactant (VES) technology, and a
high-temperature version of the system that can be used at
temperatures to 135degC.
VES surfactant fluids are polymer-free, so they do not
damage the formation. Their enhanced, drag-reducing
properties and significantly lower friction pressure enable
the stimulation team to reduce the pumping requirements
and treat deeper zones. Schlumberger has developed a range
of VES fluids for various applications. These include VDA
diverting fluid, ClearFRAC hydraulic fracturing fluid, and
ClearPAC* gravel packing fluid.

The VDA system is a self-diverting, polymer-free acidizing

product that increases zonal coverage in carbonate
reservoirs without residual damage. Unique chemicals reduce
the fluid loss. The system enables operators to optimize the
removal of reservoir drill-in fluid deposits and selectively
plug zones with high water saturation.
VDA fluid prevents the damage caused by solids and
polymers during matrix treatments. It can be used alone or
with other treating acids for total zonal coverage in
carbonate reservoirs. The high-viscosity barrier is broken
down by production or dilution with formation fluids. VDA
operations can be conducted at low pressures, and recovery
and well cleanup are simple.
Across the Middle East and Asia, VDA systems have been
used for matrix stimulation and diversion applications in
vertical, horizontal, and extended-reach gas and oil
producers and water injectors and for acid fracturing in oil
and gas producers and water injectors.

The VDA system is a self-diverting,

reservoirs without residual damage.

Middle East & Asia Reservoir Review






Water cut, %

Oil production rate, m3/d

Figure 5: When combined with fresh acid, the SDA fluid has a low
viscosity to facilitate pumping. However, once this fluid enters a
carbonate zone and the acid spends, the polymer crosslinks and
the fluids viscosity increases.

increases zonal coverage in carbonate

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polymer-free acidizing product that


Oil flow rate
Water cut


Conventional chemical diversion methods include nitrogen

foam, bridging agents such as benzoic acid flakes, and
crosslinked polymer gels. These create a temporary plug in
high-permeability carbonate zones so that the stimulation
fluids are diverted into the low-permeability zones that
require more treatment.
Polymer-based gels are a well-established chemical
diversion technique. These systems use reversible,
pH-triggered crosslinker additives to alter the viscosity of
the fluid during the acid treatment. SDA* Self-Diverting Acid
is a polymer system mixed with HCl. When combined with
fresh acid, the SDA fluid has a low viscosity to facilitate
pumping. However, once this fluid enters a carbonate zone
and the acid becomes spent, the polymer crosslinks and the
fluid viscosity increases. The higher gel viscosity restricts the
flow of fresh acid through the wormholes, and diverts it into
the zones with lower permeabilities and, eventually, to all
the zones requiring treatment (Fig. 5).
Modern chemical diversion methods can be very effective,
but may create problems if incorrectly managed. In some
wells, for example, temporary plugs may become permanent,
which damages the formation and reduces production from
the zone that was supposed to be stimulated.


Rigid crosslinked gel

Average production
from 11 offset wells

Wells treated with VDA fluid

Figure 6: Saudi Aramco and Schlumberger engineers found that the

post-stimulation production rates of the five wells stimulated with
VDA fluid were much greater than the average production rates from
11 offset wells that had been stimulated without the VDA system.

Success in Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, there has been a significant change in
carbonate reservoir stimulation techniques, with a shift
away from polymer-based stimulation fluids toward
nondamaging VDA systems. Saudi Aramco has used VES
fluids for a range of stimulation applications, including
matrix acidizing and diversion in production and waterinjection wells, and acid fracturing in high-pressure, hightemperature gas wells and water-injection wells.
Before the emergence of VES technology, matrix
stimulation of carbonate reservoirs in Saudi Arabia relied on
the use of crosslinked, gelled, and emulsified acid systems.
Unfortunately, in sour environments, i.e., those containing
hydrogen sulfide, iron-control agents are ineffective against
the precipitation of iron sulfides. In an effort to improve
fluid diversion, reduce damage, and boost production, Saudi
Aramco decided to test a VDA system for matrix stimulation
of wells under challenging conditions.
Some of the candidates chosen for VDA matrix stimulation
were long, horizontal wells with openhole sections ranging
from 460 to 1,830 m and temperatures approaching
120 degC. In many of the wells, there were serious concerns
about a water zone immediately below the targeted
horizontal section. This made effective diversion a vital
factor in reducing or eliminating water production.

In the extended-reach wells, coiled tubing (CT) was used to

deliver the treatment to the reservoir. The treatment comprised
a VDA surfactant in 2028% HCl and a corrosion inhibitor.
In those wells where the CT could not reach total depth,
the VDA treatment was bullheaded from the maximum
depth that the CT attained. The pumping rates were
sufficient to achieve stimulation and diversion of the entire
horizontal section. Most of the wells used VDA fluid
energized with 30% nitrogen. Treatment rates down the CT
were between 0.15 and 0.24 m3/min. The use of nitrogen
accelerated cleanup, minimized acid leakoff, provided better
coverage, and reduced acid volume requirements.
Saudi Aramco and Schlumberger engineers found that the
production rates of the 5 wells after stimulation with VDA
fluid were much greater than the average production from
11 offset wells that had been stimulated without the VDA
system (Fig. 6). Water cut in the VDA-treated wells was
much lower than in wells treated with other systems. This
was because the high-viscosity gel in the water zones
remained intact, whereas the gel formed in the hydrocarbon
zones had broken and enabled the acid to migrate further
into the matrix. This led to more effective stimulation of
the hydrocarbon-bearing zones and higher rates of oil or
gas production.

Avoiding damage to the well

When operators place acid or other treatment chemicals in
their wells, they have to be sure that any reactions occurring
will be beneficial. If a stimulation job is performed incorrectly,
there are potential risks to the oil production, to the well, and
to the surface equipment. To optimize the performance of oil
and gas wells, the stimulation team should
avoid stimulating water-bearing zones
prevent or treat the development of emulsions or sludges
remove insoluble reaction products
prevent acid damage to the well and the surface equipment.

Water-bearing zones
One of the fundamental requirements for any stimulation
program is that the increase in conductivity is restricted to
the hydrocarbon zone. Acid or fracture stimulation of waterbearing layers adjacent to the reservoir would lead to a
sharp rise in water production with the associated issues of
fluid handling, separation, and disposal. In extreme cases,
stimulation of the water zone could end the economic life
of the well.

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Moved water


Water injection rate, m3/d





Orientation north
Amplitude image



Gas flow


Bound water

Oil flow



Water flow


ELANPlus volumes

DEFT bubb.






Well 1
CT placement with
no diversion

Well 2
CT placement with
foam diversion

Well 3
Bullhead using
gelled acid with
no diversion

Well 4
(Schlumberger treatment)
CT placement with mud and
silt removal acid and
temporarily crosslinked
acid diversion

Figure 7: Combining the MSR* mud silt remover with an iron chelating agent provides good
dispersion of drilling muds and formation silt.

Emulsions and sludges

During fracturing and matrix acidizing, the acid may come
into direct contact with produced crude oil or well fluids.
This may result in the formation of emulsions or sludges.
Emulsions can be viscous and may block the treated
formation and reduce oil production. Reservoir engineers
can add anti-emulsifying and antisludging agents to prevent
these emulsions forming and demulsifiers to break emulsions
once they have formed.

Insoluble reaction products

When operators anticipate that a formation will contain
large amounts of acid-insoluble silts or other fines that
could be released during acidizing, they should treat the acid
with a silt-suspending agent. If left untreated, these solids
can cause severe plugging of pore throats during flow back.
By keeping these solids in suspension, the operators can
produce them out of the formation and avoid damaging the
wells performance.
Most silt-suspending agents are also foaming agents that
add to the dispersibility of insoluble materials and aid the
speed of cleanup, particularly in gas wells and when used
with nitrogen or carbon dioxide.


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Middle East & Asia Reservoir Review

The MSR mud and silt remover is an acid solution

containing a clay dispersing-suspending agent and an iron
chelating agent. This combination of additives provides good
dispersion of drilling muds and formation silt, and unusually
effective suspension properties.
The MSR service is designed to remove drilling mud
damage in both carbonate and sandstone formations. It can
restore fracture conductivity in workover operations and
reopen clogged perforations. The service also removes
damage from the critical matrix during matrix acidizing and
restores the natural permeability in fissured or fractured
reservoirs after mud losses. The value of combining the MSR
service with SDA technology was underlined in a
comparative test of treatments for an injection well (Fig. 7).

Preventing acid damage to well and

surface equipment
Corrosion inhibitors prevent acid damage to equipment both
at the surface and in the well. Typically organic compounds
that adsorb onto metal surfaces, inhibitors are chosen on the
basis of exposure time and temperature. The initial cost of
corrosion inhibitors may seem very highthey are the single
most expensive component of the materials usedbut the
cost of damage to pumping equipment and tubulars if they
were not to be used would be even higher.

Figure 8: Increased production following VDA treatment in an Egyptian field.

Egypt: VDA treatment for a dolomite

reservoir in Egypt
More than 70 VDA treatment projects have been conducted
across Egypt to date. A specially formulated MSR-dol acid
was used to stimulate the Alamein dolomite formation in a
discovery well, Well 1, in Egypts Western Desert.
Well-1 did not flow following perforation and CT lifting with
nitrogen. The operator decided to perform an acid treatment.
ELANPlus* advanced multimineral log and core analyses had
indicated the presence of pyrite within the pay zone;
consequently, the matrix acidizing treatment had to be
designed to avoid precipitation of iron compounds.
After the treatment program, Well 1 produced oil at around
380 m3/d. Encouraged by this, the operator decided to apply a
similar stimulation procedure in two more wells that were
only producing a few hundred cubic meters of oil per day
from the Alamein dolomite. The treatments in wells 2 and 3
were enhanced by the addition of VDA polymer-free fluid.
In Well 2, where the MSR-dol acid formula was diverted
with polymer-free VDA fluid, oil production rose to around
500 m 3 /d. The results from Well 3 were even more
impressiveoil production increased to 1,100 m3/d.
The overall result for this three-well campaign was an
increase in the fields oil productivity of 1,300 m3/d (Fig. 8).

Current challenges
In many countries across the Middle East and Asia,
horizontal wells have become the preferred approach for
developing carbonate reservoirs. The long sections in some
of these wells present major problems for operators who
want to stimulate their wells.

Tailored treatments for long horizontal wells

The efficient placement of conventional acids is critical,
especially in long horizontal sections. Owing to their fast
reaction rates, acids have to be placed using CT or foam, gel,
or other diversion methods. Significant care has to be taken
over treatment design when using diversion methods, and
there may be a problem with gel residues.
Applying HCl in extremely long horizontal producing
intervals to uniformly remove drilling damage has been
identified by several operators as being very challenging
the result is usually disappointing well productivity.
Long, openhole horizontal wells provide an efficient way
to develop complex carbonate reservoirs, but there are
challenges in attempting to stimulate these wells.
Schlumberger has proposed a new method to optimize the
stimulation and boost the production in these wells.

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Mechanical isolation and individual treatments

Carbonate reservoirs can be extremely variable, and
therefore the reservoir zones within a long horizontal well
may have very different petrophysical characteristics.
Each of the zones would respond in a different way to a
standard stimulation treatment. The most effective
stimulation program would treat each zone in the most
appropriate way. Matching the needs of the interval to the
most appropriate stimulation technique would see
permeable intervals treated with a scheme of matrix
acidizing, while tight zones in the same well could be
optimized with acid fracturing (Fig. 9).
Once all the zones had been optimized in this way, the
whole well could be opened up for production. This pinpoint
stimulation method has been used in North America and has
clear applications in the Middle East and Asia.


Notches for even distribution of stimulation fluids



1. Low-permeability sandstone reservoirhydraulic fracturing

2. High-permeability carbonate reservoirmatrix fracturing
3. Low-permeability carbonate reservoiracid fracturing


As operating companies continue to produce more advanced

and effective strategies for field development, the service
companies must respond by generating technology to meet
the new completion methods.
CT is a well-established method for delivering stimulation
fluids in horizontal wells. However, in very long openhole
wells, the CT stimulation method may not be feasible. For
example, in Saudi Arabia where some of the worlds longest
horizontal wells are being drilled, CT systems cannot reach
total depth for the well.
In the absence of a CT-based delivery mechanism, some
operators have no option but to bullhead the acid by
pumping it from surface at a high rate. Unfortunately, this
approach tends to concentrate the acid in the heel or toe
section of the well and leave the remainder of the hole
untreated (Fig. 10a).
When Saudi Aramco raised this issue at a workshop, a
RapidResponse* project was initiated to address the problem.
Engineers devised a tool that creates notches in the

formation within the borehole. The tool pumps an abrasive

fluid through a special nozzle to create a series of long, wide
notches that penetrate approximately 35 cm into the
formation. Acid treatments will tend to flow into these
notches, and this will, if the notches are distributed along
the length of the borehole, spread the effects of the
treatment fluid along the well (Fig. 10b). This technique has
been extensively tested, and it is hoped that field trials will
be conducted soon.


Acid stimulation restricted

to heel or toe of the well





Acid stimulation restricted

to heel or toe of the well

Slots created with

CT and abrasive brine
Acid stimulation along full length of the well

Figure 9: The stimulation techniques used must be matched to

the needs of the various intervals in long horizontal wells for
optimum production.


10: Bullheading acid into a horizontal well tends to concentrate the acid in the heel or toe section of the well and leave the
remainder of the hole untreated (a). Notches created along the length of the borehole wall tend to fill with acid, which distributes
the effects of the treatment along the well (b).

Slots created with

CT and abrasive brine



Number 8, 2007

Middle East & Asia Reservoir Review

As operating companies continue to produce more advanced and

Acid stimulation along full length of the well
strategies for field development, the service companies
must respond by generating technology to meet the new
completion methods.
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Number 8, 2007


(A) Solid acid at surface

reduces HSE impact.

(B) Fluid pumped at high pressure

with solid entrained.

(C) Solid becomes liquid and

starts to react with the reservoir.

No leakoff

Reservoir zone

Solid acid acts as proppant

in hydraulic fracture.

Acid etches fracture surface

and creates wormholes.

Figure 11: The acid is pumped as a solid, and chemical reaction only begins once it has found its way into the fracture. While acting
as a proppant to hold the fracture open, the solid hydrolyzes and reacts to etch the fracture surface.

Solid acid system to increase fracture length

The effectiveness of a hydraulic fracturing program in tight
carbonate formations depends to a large extent on the
length of the fracture that is created. Pumping HCl into the
formation at pressures sufficient to fracture rock typically
creates fracture lengths in the range 15 to 30 m. In a tight
carbonate reservoir, engineers would like to increase the
average length of the fractures created to 60 or even 90 m.
A range of techniques to increase fracture length has been
examined. One of these involves a new acid system that aims
to combine the effectiveness of mechanical fracturing with
the stimulation benefits of an acid fracture treatment. The
acid is pumped as a solid, and only starts to react once it has
found its way into the fracture (Fig. 11).

The future
The high degree of heterogeneity encountered in
carbonate reservoirs makes them very difficult to
manage. As more of the worlds large carbonate oil
reservoirs mature, operators are turning to stimulation
methods to optimize water or gas injection and extend
the productive life of the field.
Efforts to enhance the stimulation of carbonate
reservoirs will depend to a large extent on what is
achieved in other technical areas. Advances across a
range of disciplines, from petrophysical analysis to
geophysical imaging, will help asset teams to manage
their carbonate reservoirs more effectively. The key to
improving oil and gas production from carbonate fields
is a clear understanding of the reservoirits structure,
lithology, and petrologycombined with an effective
array of stimulation technologies.


Number 8, 2007

Middle East & Asia Reservoir Review

Middle East & Asia Reservoir Review

Number 8, 2007


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